Cocoon free porn video

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(C) 2005 Rachel Gumm.

Ani stepped out of the taxi and closed the door, shivering. She knew better than to wear her small, black dress in the rain, but had made an exception for tonight. Glancing in both directions, she walked to the list of companies next to the door, each step making her knee high, heeled boots sound on the old, concrete floor of the street. She could still back out, she told herself. But she didn't. Not when booking a room for the night, not when phoning for a taxi and certainly not now. Floor fifteen: Cocoon. She pushed the corresponding button.

"Hi. I'm Ani," she faltered into the microphone below the list. "I have an appointment."

"Come in," a voice greeted through the nasal sounding speaker next to the microphone. The door clicked open. Ani slipped inside, closed the door behind her, and took the creaky lift to the fifteenth floor.

When she got out of the lift, the receptionist behind the glossy desk greeted her with a warm smile. The floor owned by Cocoon certainly had better interior decoration and heating than the main entrance on the ground floor, which made her feel slightly less apprehensive.

"You must be Ani," the receptionist deduced.

"That's right, I was going to stay here overnight. I think." She was starting to feel intimidated now that she was actually here. It was one thing to book yourself in overnight at a professional cell when you're drunk and horny and browsing the company's web site, but it was quite another to be there a few weeks later. "What if I change my mind half way through?"

"Out of over four hundred customers, no one has yet." The receptionist smiled at her again.

She led Ani into a small room and introduced her to their medical technician, a rather shy looking young man, before returning to her desk. The technician carefully took a blood sample from Ani and fed a few drops of it into an expensive looking machine, causing it to emit a low hum while it analyzed the sample.

The technician placed a headband on Ani's forehead, explaining that she needed to keep it on no matter what happened. He gave her a contract to sign, detailing what the business couldn't be held accountable for. Shortly after Ani signed it and handed it back, the machine chimed to let the technician know it had finished the analysis. He read the print-out and remarked on how healthy Ani was before telling her to return to the front desk so that the receptionist could show her to her room.

"OK, we're ready for you now," said the receptionist once Ani got back to the lobby. "You'll be in cell four. Just remember to keep an open mind. I guarantee you'll have more fun that way."

Ani crept along the corridor, past the first three doors. They were all marked, cell one, cell two, cell three. The last one was open so she couldn't read what was on the door. She figured it was cell four, so crept into it. The door slid shut behind her with a hiss. It looked identical to the metal wall surrounding it, shiny, smooth and featureless except for equidistant horizontal and vertical ridges about half a metre apart. The other walls and even the floor and ceiling were made up of the same metal squares. Suddenly, a synthetic voice talked to her. She looked around, trying to work out where it was originating from.

"Hello Ani." It seemed to come from the ceiling somewhere, so she looked up.

"I am your owner. Do exactly as I command you and we will have a fun night. Take off your clothes." With another hiss of decompressing air, a drawer slid out from one of the walls, made up of two of the metal tiles.

Ani looked up expectantly. Surely he, she, whoever, couldn't just launch into roleplaying without an introduction.

"Now." She did as the voice commanded, and unzipped her black boots before putting them in the drawer. She then unzipped her black dress, slid it off, and folded it next to the boots. She looked up expectantly again.

"I didn't tell you to stop, my little pet."

Ani let out a small sigh, then unhooked her bra and put it on top of her dress. She unhooked her suspenders and slid off her stockings. After putting them all neatly on the pile, she looked up again, nervously. Her feet were getting cold on the metal surface of the floor.

"One left," the voice said, still emotionless.

She reluctantly slid off her lace thong and put it on the pile before looking back up to where the voice seemed to come from. The drawer closed again, blending into the background of her cell.

"Good, slavegirl." Another drawer slid out from the wall to the left.

"Put this gag on, slave." Ani nervously walked to the drawer and picked up its contents, a phallic shaped gag. The drawer closed again. She looked at the gag curiously, trying to work out which way up it went. She suddenly felt a strong stinging sensation in her feet for a split second.

"Now, slavegirl." That voice! thought Ani. It must have given her an electric shock via the floor. She wanted to run for the door but had read in the contract that once a session was started, there was no way to stop it, and the door would not open until the predetermined specified time. That wasn't until the morning. The room was empty except for the gag and Ani, so there was no way for her to avoid another shock if she didn't comply with her temporary owner's wishes. She turned the gag around so it appeared to be the right way up, and reluctantly slid it into her mouth. As soon as she took her hand off it, two straps extruded from it, wrapping around her face until they met behind her head. They bonded to each other and tightened, plunging the gag further into her mouth. Once they had finished, four more straps started coming out of them, over her cheeks. One on each cheek went below her chin, and they similarly bonded before tightening, while the other on each cheek went up diagonally, meeting between her eyes, where they formed one final strap that went straight up above her forehead and down the back of her head, to meet where the first two straps had joined, and bonded with them.

Ani tried as hard as she could to get the gag off her face, but it was firmly stuck on. There was nothing she could do to remove it.

"Now go to the toilet. I don't want you to make a mess later." Accompanied by another hiss, several tiles on the wall on the right moved towards the room, containing a toilet, complete with toilet paper, a sink, soap and a towel. She used it, washed her hands, and dried them. It slid back into the wall.

Another drawer tile slid out, revealing what looked like another phallic shaped gag.

"Slide this into your cunt, slavegirl." Ani looked up at the ceiling in disbelief, but all that got her was another electric shock. She carefully slid the phallus in. Two straps inched their way up from it, until they got to her waist. Two straps then went out of each of them horizontally, wrapping around her waist, until they all met at her sides. They tightened around her hips until she was slightly uncomfortable, then stopped. Four more straps extended from the phallus, and they all joined onto the ring around her waist before tightening. She now had underwear she couldn't remove, except it wasn't underwear so much as a wearable dildo. She felt so humiliated she wanted to cry, but she tried to stay as calm as she could.

"Good girl. You have pleased me so far." The drawer closed as another slid open.

Ani walked up to it, dreading to think what she would find inside. It looked like a bra, only without the straps to go around her back or shoulders, and it was made of the same material as the two phalluses.

"Hold this over your breasts." The voice was as calm as ever, and hadn't changed tone since it first greeted her. Remembering the electric shocks, Ani didn't need to be ordered a second time. As soon as she held it in position, a strap came out of either side of it, wrapping around her back and meeting in the middle of it, before tightening. Similar straps went over her shoulders and met the first ones behind her back. Finally, it looked like a regular bra, except for the smooth, shiny material it was made of. Last of all, eight straps trickled down from it, three down her front, one down each side, and three down her back. They all joined onto the belt around her waist, meeting where the straps went around her crotch and at the sides. Two new horizontal rings were formed between her bra and the original ring around her waist. She was finally wearing a whole body suit, which slowly tightened until she was slightly uncomfortable, then stopped. Part of her wanted to look in a mirror to see how humiliating it looked, but she couldn't bring herself to do it, even if she had the opportunity.

To complete Ani's outfit for the time being, four new straps went down from her head harness to her bra, one at the front, one at the back, and one at each side, forming three new horizontal rings around her neck as they went. Once they had finished joining each other and shrinking to fit her exactly, she knew her body truly had no escape. She was completely covered in shiny, smooth, black webbing from the top of her head to the bottom of her crotch. She honestly didn't know if she was humiliated, upset or aroused.

"I know that you secretly want to be dominated by another woman," said the voice. There was no way it could know that, thought Ani. She hadn't told anyone_. " I took the liberty of inviting one of your cellmates who wants to dominate you. She's on her way now." Ani tried her best to shout that she _really didn't want to lose her lesbian virginity, but all that came out were muffled screams. She half expected to get another electric shock for making such a noise, but instead her gag started to writhe around inside her mouth. She let out a muffled exclamation in surprise. She had no idea the phalluses could move. It was almost like giving fellatio to a man wearing a condom, she thought. She tried to protest even more but couldn't muster the energy, the phallus in her mouth sedating her into merely groaning. Some sort of liquid that tasted like precum, from what she could remember, oozed out of it and slid down her throat. So much for it being like a condom, she thought. She quickly swallowed it to avoid choking. If she had realised how real the phallus gag was, she would have thought twice about putting it on so willingly.

"You like giving head, don't you, my little slut?" The voice always sounded the same, completely emotionless. "Just like you enjoy being groped." The bra tightened around Ani's breasts in such a way that it felt just like someone was groping her. She tried to vocalise her objection to that as well, but the muffled protests just got her another trickle of precum from the ever-moving phallus in her mouth. She tried to rip the gag and bra off, but that just got her another electric shock, stronger than before. She fell to the floor and squirmed around into any position she could think of, just in case any of them eased the groping or fellatio sensations. They didn't, and she just felt like someone's hands and dick were following her around, regardless of whether she was on all fours, lying on her back, or curled up.

Ani was on all fours when the door slid open in front of her. She had lost track of which wall she was facing until then. A cute, young woman with short, spiky hair and a big grin on her face walked into her cell, her heeled shoes echoing around the room with each step, and the door closed behind her. She was wearing a strapless faux leather corset, complete with suspenders which were holding up her sheer lace stockings, and a matching thong.

"I see you're expecting me, slut." She grinned even more. Suddenly, the rubber dick in Ani's cunt started to expand and contract, as if someone was truly violating her. Taken completely by surprise, she collapsed on the floor, moaning in pleasure and frustration. She tried to close her legs but that just made the sensation more intense. Opening them as far as she could so that maybe the rubber phallus wouldn't reach her sides didn't help either, as it just expanded even more. The groping sensation started again, and Ani, struggling to get back on her hands and knees, looked up at the woman in her cell with pleading eyes, hoping she had the power and inclination to make it all stop. Instead, she just laughed at her.

"I did not permit you to laugh, Rose," said another synthesized voice, more feminine than Ani's owner.

"Sorry, mistress." The cute woman stopped grinning and began to look serious.

That must have been her name, thought Ani. Rose. And the synthesized voice that she just heard was Rose's mistress, of the same origin as her owner. That still didn't give her any clue as to who any of them were. She was impressed with herself for concentrating hard enough on their conversation to work that out, despite being groped and fucked by an invisible rapist to whom she was giving oral sex. She writhed around on the floor, trying to stay as stable as she could in order to attain some desperately needed sense of dignity. Her owner groped her right breast firmly while some more of its precum trickled down her throat, forcing her to swallow again.

"You will have to repay me later, Rose. I know how much you like playing with other slavegirls, especially ones wearing kinky boots." Rose's mistress had an equal lack of emotion to Ani's owner.

"Put your boots back on, slut," Ani's owner ordered her as the drawer with her clothes in opened again. She carefully stood up and tried to walk across the room but couldn't concentrate with her costume taking advantage of her. After only a few tentative steps, she got back down on her hands and knees, crawled across to the drawer and took out her boots. As it closed again, she carefully put them on.

The costume controlled by her owner pumped harder and faster into her cunt as she slowly crawled back into the middle of her cell. Another drawer hissed open, but she couldn't see from that angle what was in it.

"Put this on your new toy, Rose," instructed Rose's mistress. She pulled out a black, rubber armbinder from the drawer, which closed behind her.

"I'll take off my slavegirl's bra so that you can put it on her," Ani's owner said. Half of her suit retracted into itself until she was just left with the gag and webbing around her groin firmly in place, and the bra dropped onto the floor. As if to compensate for her new-found freedom, the costume pumped harder into her cunt and the gag continued squirming around inside her mouth, letting even more precum trickle out.

Ani wasn't sure whether she should have been relieved that the groping had finally stopped, or embarrassed that a complete stranger was looking at her breasts. The worst part was Rose's approving smile, as if she was an object for her to play with, no more than the sum of her body parts.

Rose put Ani's bra in another drawer, as her mistress ordered her, and carefully laced up the armbinder behind Ani before fastening its straps around her shoulders. Rose was so fast yet careful that Ani began to wonder if she had done this sort of thing before. Once she had finished, it was impossible for Ani to protect herself from her. She suddenly realised how vulnerable her breasts were. The rubber dick in her cunt changed its speed and she moaned again, but she had lost track of whether she was moaning in disapproval or pleasure.

Some sort of motor made a whirring noise on the ceiling. By the time Ani looked up, there was a chain dangling down, complete with a snap hook at the end. Rose gently helped Ani up onto her feet before instinctively opening the snap hook to put the D-ring at the end of the armbinder in it, then let it snap shut again. It wasn't even a padlock, thought Ani; anyone whose arms were free could have let her go. The same motor sounded again, and the chain was pulled further and further up until Ani had to bend over, her arms forced above her gagged head at an impossible angle. Just as she thought she couldn't take any more, the rubber phallus inside her cunt slowed down until it eventually stopped, then the webbing around her groin retracted into itself until it was nothing more than the phallus itself. She wriggled her hips as best she could until it fell out of her. Rose picked it up off the floor and placed it in a drawer that opened and closed for her. Ani was finally free of everything but the gag, and this new armbinder. She couldn't even take her boots off now, but at least they were her street clothes. She never realised how slutty they looked if she wasn't wearing any other regular clothes with them.

"Play with your toy," instructed Rose's mistress. "I will only permit you to sleep with her tonight once you have made her orgasm."

Ani let out a muffled scream, only to be silenced by her gag writhing around in her mouth. It let some more precum trickle down her throat. She wondered just how much could fit in such a deceptively small gag.

"Don't worry." Rose smiled at her. "I'll be good to you. All I ask is that you give in to your desires, to be my complete and willing slut. You'll have a lot of fun if you admit to yourself that you want me."

Ani tried to cry out a protest, but all that came out was a muffled noise that could have been a laugh or cry. Rose just grinned at her, bent down and licked her left nipple. She flinched in surprise and screamed as much as her gag would permit. That pleased Rose even more, who started groping her right breast as she flicked her tongue repeatedly on her left nipple. Ani writhed around and tried desperately to somehow shake off her armbinder, but it was futile. Rose pinched her right nipple a few times in between groping it, each time pinching it for slightly longer. She then started to grope Ani's left breast, while her left hand slid slowly down her, stopping at her crotch. Ani almost wished she had the rubber phallus back in her cunt. Rose started to play with Ani's labia, all the while squeezing her left breast. Ani could feel her own heartbeat as if Rose's tight grip amplified it. To her surprise, she found herself leaning forwards, towards Rose's hand. It was as if part of her mind wanted to be left alone but another part wanted to feel Rose inside her.

"See?" Her smile got bigger. "I knew you wanted me, deep down. Just give in to that desire, my little slut. I'll blow your mind."

Ani frantically shook her head and let out another muffled noise. Rose paid more attention to the parts of her body below her neck though, and decided to satisfy them by gently sliding her middle finger into Ani's cunt, which was already dripping wet with anticipation. Ani couldn't help but moan in pleasure. It was the first time a woman had ever done that to her, and it felt so good_. She kept trying to thrust herself forwards, to feel Rose's finger further in her. Rose was positively beaming with pride. She'd managed to seduce her, to convince her to accept her; to convince her to accept _herself_. Ani moaned with pleasure as she writhed around. She had completely forgotten about the gag, the cell, the outside world, everything except Rose and herself. Nothing else existed while this lasted. Rose wriggled her finger around inside Ani as she continued to play with her breasts. Ani hoped it would last forever. Nothing else had ever felt so good; so _right_. She started to moan in pure bliss.

That night, Ani took off her boots and put them in their drawer, but the gag stayed firmly in place. A whole bottom row of squares making up one of the walls of her cell had slid forward, revealing a comfortable bed for herself and her new found lover to sleep in. As she had done so well in discovering herself, and Rose had done so well in helping her, their owners had decided that it would be fitting for them to be permitted to sleep together. Rose lay behind Ani, gently groping her, as they closed their eyes and drifted off. She kissed Ani on the back of her neck just before they both fell asleep. Ani would have kissed her back if it wasn't for the gag. She no longer hated the thing, but it would have been nice to talk about how exhilarating it was to have finally found herself with the one person who helped her on her journey. At least she was finally let in on the joke that Rose was constantly grinning about. It really was a wonderful feeling to be let in on the experience. That night Ani got the best sleep she'd had in years.

In what Ani presumed to be the morning, Rose's mistress instructed her to go back to her own cell. Ani wanted to ask if she could ever see her again, but instead she just hugged her. Rose reciprocated, and for a few precious seconds they just stood there, their arms around each other.

"Thank you for a fun night. I won't forget you." Rose lightened up a bit and that smile Ani had fallen in love with returned. "I _love your boots."

Shortly after Rose left, Ani's owner let her gag retract and she put it back in its drawer. It then gave her clothes back, and she put them on before the cell door finally opened for her. She took off the headband and made her way back to the lobby, ready to face the real world again, a new woman.

She tried to convince the receptionist that she had fallen in love with a woman called Rose, one of the other guests, and wanted to contact her. The receptionist said that Ani had fallen in love with someone she had only ever seen in a corset and stockings who came to her specifically to have sex with her. Just as Ani wasn't a sex-obsessed slut, the receptionist said, neither were any of the other guests. The woman Ani was with existed only in that building, just as the naked, gagged, owned Ani only existed there. If she was given the phone number of Rose, which she wouldn't be, she'd find just a regular, shy woman. Ani said she understood all of that but this was love she was talking about. The receptionist said she'd heard it all before a dozen times. In the end, Ani managed to convince her to pass on her phone number to Rose, rather than try the other way around.

The one other thing she had to ask the receptionist was who owned her, in the cell. She couldn't even tell their gender let alone who they were.

"You owned yourself. All those orders were your inner desires. You were just forcing your conscious self to do what you always wanted to. The headband you were wearing let our computers read your thoughts. That's how we can be confident that you won't actually end up doing anything you truly don't want to. That's why the service we provide is so good for self discovery."

After paying for the room, Ani made her way downstairs and out of the building. She shuddered at the cold weather outside, but as the rain poured down, she soon managed to hail a cab. She had planned on going straight back home, but instead decided to go to a local lesbian book store that she'd always been too intimidated to go in before.

"Sheesh, you're not one of those dykes, are you?" the cab driver asked her. "A pretty girl like you?"

"Yes, I am," said Ani. She smiled for the first time in weeks.

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Just then Debbie heard her mother coming up the staircase. She would soon enter the room. Debbie panicked. "Daddy, mommy is coming. Let's stop and sit at the study table." "No Debbie, it's too nice for daddy to stop. I tell you what... you fix your blouse and I'll adjust your skirt around your waist so that mommy can't see daddy's cock inside your cunt." Debbie fixed the button of her blouse so that her nipples, aureoles and the outer sides of her breasts were covered but the...

4 years ago
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Matter of Choice

Sarah and I grew up together. We were from the same country stock, hard working families that sweat together from daybreak to dark with almost no thought of weekends or vacations. Living on farms away from all of the rich kids that lived in town, with parents who had jobs and money caused us to gravitate towards each other. We were friends, the kind there is no explanation for. No matter where I was, she was somewhere nearby and vice-versa. Sometimes we would have a few hours free from work...

1 year ago
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Retiring escort

Firstly, I just want to say thanks to John (aka Wrigglepup1) for letting me use his page on xHamster.I'm NOT a 'member! I just think this site, and others like it, have made me decide to retire from the profession I love!I became an escort 15 years ago, at the age of 23, following a failed marriage. I had no income, no qualifications (except being darned good sexually!) and most importantly, very few inhibitions!I loved what I did! Earned a decent amount of money, and enjoyed 'earning' it! It...

2 years ago
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We Know What you Want

Chapter One: TigerDaniel set up his laptop on his bed with his hand over his dick, preparing for a long night of masturbation. The 22-year old college senior had pretty much given up on ever scoring any girls for himself due to a total lack of confidence, and was at this point just happy to have a house alone off campus where he could enjoy his prolonged masturbation sessions in peace. Daniel’s long and unsuccessful history with girls was all too typical for a child of the internet porn...

3 years ago
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A Dogs Life

A dog's life? I had been a bit slack while my Mistress had been away to visit Sydney for a few days. Five days to be exact to do as I felt despite my being a willing loving servant. I thought I had plenty of time to complete my duties and enjoy myself. I decided it would be nice to get dolled up then to go into town to have my hair permed and styled at the hairdressers I wanted to look prettier and much more feminine I had my finger nails done by the beautician as well as my...

2 years ago
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Two Can Play Ch 03

Rachel returned to the marital bed with renewed vigour, but the rules had been changed. ‘You can have me on condition that we have an open marriage.’ ‘Like Carol and Steve?’ ‘Exactly.’ ‘We play away from home as much as we like?’ ‘Yes. If either one of us fancies somebody else, we’re free to indulge our fancy.’ ‘One night stands only?’ ‘Of course. Anything more would pose a real threat to our marriage and I wouldn’t like that to happen.’ ‘Neither would I.’ Paul hesitated. ‘Erm…do...

1 year ago
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The Walnut Tree

Elizabeth was in the kitchen of her comfortable, middle-class home when the text message came in on her mobile phone. The message was short: ‘Walnut Tree – 8pm?’ Elizabeth shuddered slightly. She thought for a moment. ‘Derek, I will have to pop down to the shop. I think I have left some things there that I will need tomorrow.’ Elizabeth was the owner of a modestly sized fashion boutique in the centre of town. ‘Okay. I will watch the rugby while you’re gone.’ Elizabeth’s heart thumped in...

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Mommys Chastity Boy Part VIII

(All characters are age 19+; not sweet or sentimental) My gimp son and I have settled into a routine. Permanent chastity with monthly releases. These releases occur on the first day of every month. I first unlock him from his restraints -he is kept tied spread-eagle to his bed every night. Sometimes naked, sometimes in his rubber gimp suit. Once he's unrestrained and stripped naked, I then have him bend over his bed so I can insert the electric prostate-stimulating butt plug. With...

4 years ago
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The First Ride is always Free PT2 Sybian

"It will blow your mind!"That's what Nicki had said. Kim sat in her car contemplating the average looking suburban house, tempted to turn the key in the ignition and just take off again. What am I doing here? She glanced down at the hands in her lap, her nails ragged, and sighed. Marriage therapy, individual therapy, various serotonin-altering d**gs, even a weekend away at some swinging couples resort, and still, since the second baby, there had been nothing, not any hint of a spark. This is my...

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The Catholics and Ziggys Leather Emporium

When the President announced the coming of the Sa’arm I really was surprised. I was a twenty-one-year-old male computer science student at a local university. I was a strong practicing Catholic and among other things believed in the Church’s views on sex before marriage. I can’t say that I felt as positive about the Church’s stance on almost everything else. Of course, I was a virgin much to the delight of many of my non-Catholic friends. That does not mean I didn’t have a sex drive. I did and...

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The motel

Craig couldn't believe his luck! Buying the Sunny Day Motel had been the best decision of his life! He had gotten the idea to install hidden cameras in each room from one of those "Candid Camera" shows on television. Right from the beginning Craig knew that this little ten room motel could be a gold mine if it was run "properly"! After taking possession of the motel, Craig got down to the business of installing his hidden cameras and microphones in every unit, until by the time he was finished...

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DominatedUsed by Ex

I will start out by telling you I am a mid 30's married male who has a pretty good sex life but one day I got the urge to call my ex and see if she was interested in seeing me again since I would be on a business trip in her area. She said she was and could I come over Friday night but I would need to come up to the back door and to make sure I took off all my clothes on the porch before I walked in. Wow, I was going to get some of her hot ass and I was excited. I finished my business Friday...

3 years ago
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I sat on a wooden bench outside the principal's office fidgeting and waiting for my audience with the principal of Wilson Elementary School. I think that because I knew that I was guilty the bench seemed even harder than it really was, even so it reminded me of a pew in the church where my parents worshiped before they were divorced. My big mouth had gotten me in trouble with Mrs. Chance, my homeroom teacher and I assumed that our iron-fisted principal, Jan Hunter, would hand out some type of...

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Incubus Tales

In the human world, you are known as John Doe. In the demon world, you’re a first-class incubus that has yet to earn a name. You plan on changing that by your deeds in the human world. Demons like you strive to earn a name, and thus a right to exist. A demon without a name is like not existing at all, meaning you could be dropped at any time without consequence. Granted, it’s not like nameless demons are killed just for the fun of it (although some demons with names take to it like a game or a...

4 years ago
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Physical Therapy For The Soul

Chapter 1 Zerrick Collier pulled into the back parking lot of St. Anne’s Hospital and saw the sign for the rehabilitation center. He parked as close to the entrance as possible, hoping to navigate the slick pavement with his crutches for the least amount of distance. He had torn the anterior cruciate ligament and all the surrounding cartilage in his left knee playing basketball two months earlier. After extensive reconstructive surgery whereby the patellar tendon was taken from beneath his...

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Bad Dreams

The sound of her bedroom door opening awakened her. She had no idea of how long she'd slept, and she struggled to fully wake up. She hadn't drawn the bedroom curtains completely, and in the faint light of the street lamps she saw her son Mark standing in the doorway, wearing pyjama bottoms — all he ever wore in bed. 'What is it, dear? Bad dreams again? Come into bed, then — Mum will help chase them away!' She threw back the bedclothes to let him climb in with her, and then pulled...

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Black Men A Plantation owners Wifes Story

He stood before me, a giant of a man, dirty and ragged with muscles rippling on his stomach, and as I walked around him, my eyes traced his thin waist and the V on his taut buttocks, my favorite part when looking at a man, but what excited me about this particular encounter, he was mine, not by an affair attached to the heart, no this was business, he was mine as a gift from my husband, to amuse myself with, this was a plantation in the deep south, and he was my slave, my private property, and...

2 years ago
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A Chance Meeting

I walked into the pub down the street from my hotel just for a bite to eat and maybe just to get away from the stress of the week. When my boss sent me to straighten out the England office I had no idea what I was facing. Most of the people were very nice, but the manager was a total asshole who was not interested in any of my help. Three days of this was all I could take. I called my boss and told him he would have to deal with him. The only thing this guy was interested in was my 44 DD’s...

4 years ago
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A Chance to AdvanceChapter 18

We were a terrible mess. We were both covered in sweat and I must have cum more than I ever have before. It's running out of her, coating my deflated cock and my balls, running down and pooling on the sheets between us. I'm not normally very fastidious when it comes to sex. I like it a little dirty and sweaty. But I'm about to make my little Mouse suck a cock for the first time. Given what I know of her sexual fantasies I suspect that there's a better than even chance she might get turned...

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Brooke I

A special thanks to Navin for editing my story. It was my first day at my new job. I was hired as a manager for a retail outlet store. I wasn’t thrilled about my new job, but it was a job nonetheless. I spent the day getting to know the employees, a few had the day off, and I would soon meet them the following day. One of the employees that I met that first day was Deborah. Deborah was older, really obese, and reminded me of someone that would gladly be on the Jerry Springer show. She was...

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So Young

As I look back over the years between ten and f******n as magical years, I have only recently noticed something else. Little did I know that the choices I made in those years would lead me where I have ended up today. Now I take young street-boys indiscriminately. I use them, abuse them, and cast them aside. Some are hurt, some are bloodied, and some actively pursue me.It is those who pursue me that I find most interesting. They are of a lifestyle and I am not. They want the rough sex I give...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ki Beti Ko Choda

By : Sandystar143 Hi everybody I am Sandy, this is my 1st story which I am sharing with everybody. At 1st about me I am studying 2nd Sem in bijapur district which is in Karnataka. I spent most of my childhood time alone in ma childhood. My aunt stays in Pune with her family which is of four members my aunt uncle and their 2 daughters. And the heroine in this story is my aunts daughter, her name is Sushmita n she is one n’ half year elder to me next the smaller one is Madhumita, she is...

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My Benidorm Break

I was having a short break in Benidorm, staying in an apartment at the north end, on the road up to the cross for those that know it. Not being a fan of the garish strip I'd done a fair bit of walking and exploring, not taking long to discover the small secluded nudist beach nearby. I decided to try it out - going nude for the first time in my life. When I made my way down the steep path to the rocky inlet there were quite a few people there, some nude and some in beachwear. A group of...

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A Summer in the Flesh Ch 06

This is a chapter in a fifteen-chapter novella, and each chapter is dependent on the one that precedes it. It is best to read them in order. ***** “Annie?” Tom spoke up after a brief but awkward silence. “Can I eat you out. Honestly, I would really like to do that for you.” I have never heard the words “eat you out” said with such sweetness and sincerity, and while it seems funny to me now, I was genuinely moved at the time. I sat there glowing for a moment, and I thought about Tom licking...

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Claras Catastrophe

Clara Ridings, a girl of exceptionally good looks and stunning figure. She was flirty, humourous and could make any boy drool. Most girls would hate boys constantly staring at her body, but not Clara. If anything, she craved it. The attention made her feel good about herself, making her body confident and happy with how she looked. She had a small group of friends, which she didn't mind a bit. She might have liked the attention she got, but wasn't very good in terms of social ability. Also, her...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Alexa Flexy Fit Blonde Alexa Flexy DPd by Teacher and Stud Classmate

Fit Blonde Alexa Flexy is getting dressed in her gym’s locker room when her classmate Josh walks into the room unexpectedly. It doesn’t take Alexa long before she’s sucking him off and fucking him right then and there. As the two are banging on the table, their teacher comes up to the window and looks through it only to find his two students fucking. The teacher quickly comes into the room to discipline the two young love birds, before he uses the unique opportunity to fuck Alexa himsel. From...

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Ingrams Assoc 3 American LifeChapter 3

Tara showed up today. I haven't set eyes on her in almost seven years. Not since the divorce hearing. She said she was there to apologize. I laughed and not in a nice way. She stood there in her thousand-dollar shoes, fresh from getting out of her hundred-thousand-dollar Mercedes. She did look good, I have to say. The years have been kinder to her than to me, but then she always did have the genes for it. I guess her decision was the right one for her. She's on the board of Mecano's now....

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The View From the Hill at TwilightChapter 3

Except over the Christmas break, Emily had not been home since arriving on campus. People in her part of the world tended to think of a hundred mile trip as a journey of a lifetime. Well, maybe not quite that extreme. Still, they didn’t travel easily. Emily had taken a bus home for Christmas and again rode the Greyhound back for the new year. She had repeated the ride when school ended for the summer. When she arrived back home her family was, of course, glad to see her. Her friends from...

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StopwatchChapter 13 the Nice Thing About Money

We had some, actually quite a lot. $4 mil at 5% over 6 years equals $5,200,000.00 and change. We let the bank do the calculating. We also had the 90 thousand that we "lived" off for 6 years. Remember we did a Time Bunk to 1934 and bought voting shares of IBM. The sale of those netted, after Uncle Sam, $6 mil. Time Bunk number two bought us bearer bonds that matured in 1960. Experimentation with the watch proved to our satisfaction that one complete wind once around the stem equaled ten...

3 years ago
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Chained and Spanked MotherChapter 14

The months passed. Joan resisted her sons’ evil attacks only when it was too dangerous, but some dangers were too compelling to resist. The nightmare of that first time she hung in chains had never been repeated, but Robert and Tommy often used her cruelly. Many times, they simple fucked their mostly obedient mother, in whatever hole or holes they wanted at the time. They might even hug and kiss her. Such kindnesses never meant they would not stripe her ass with welts or smash her sensitive...

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Roleplay Starter Mountain Meadow

Roleplay Scene Starter Script. 1 Female, 1 Male."Mountain Meadow"Model: xtiiineeeExterior: Mountain meadow in the early fall. Not quite above the tree line. Small clusters of evergreens dot the area. They'd been hiking for several hours now and decide to stop and make camp for the night near a clump of pines. They take off their large packs and begin to make camp. They work well as a team and soon there's a cozy fire, plenty of dry fuel and a small tent. Their canteens filled from a nearby...

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My Girlfriend made me a sissy part 3

Here's the 3rd part of my story, I hope I didn't make you guys wait toolong. Hope you enjoy, its best read one handed ;-)My Girlfriend Made Me a Sissy - Part 3-------------------------------------------------I lay on Jess' bed waiting for her and wondering what would happen forages. She was in another room getting ready for her new lover, I wasalready dressed up. Pale blue, see through panties and matching bra, ashort black skirt and a blue vest top. With my make up done to show off mypretty...

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Rose my slutty neighbor part 2

After the horny “voyeur” action I had with my neighbor Rose I didn’t see her for a long time. Winter had arrived and I went to the house for a weekend to check that everything was OK! My wife was visiting some friends so I went alone. When I arrived to the house I had to take away a lot of snow which is very heavy work for an office rat like me. Finally it was done and I went inside and made myself comfortable in the sofa preparing myself for a relaxing weekend. I had poured myself a drink and...

1 year ago
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Carols Christmas Story Part 2

"You're not crazy", Chris said as his body turned into the fit, muscular body it had been moments ago. "Why would you think you're crazy?" "For one thing, Santa doesn't exist", Carol said, although she was beginning to realize the truth. "How can you deny what's right in front of you", Chris asked. Carol started to say something, then realized that she had no answer. "I don't know", she admitted, giving in to the truth surrounding her. "Good. That's the first step to becoming...

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We Are Made of Stardust Part 3

Dave Penkula was feeling as good as a person with their first hangover. Jordan's ex was also like a person who had way to many the night before because he was the only one to blame for how he felt. Even with protesting about how Jordan should be wearing a tux to the prom, Dave knew it was his fault they were not going together. Worse, they broke up because he was too bullheaded to give in. Dave never even imagined that Jordan would find a date with another man at this close to the...

3 years ago
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Ms Smith we all know at least one A Tease N A H

Earlier today while I was doing my rounds, cleaning and clearing up parts of the hotels in the common areas. As well as checking up on a few VIP guests that checked into our hotel, I notice Smith walking seminude around the east lobby near the steam room and sauna. Sadly, nudity is not allowed in the common saunas is for hygiene purpose of courses. Ms. Smith is a very tall sexy beautiful gorgeous blond hair up to her shoulder, slightly just past her shoulders. Shes very slender but has perfect...

2 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 23 Girlfriend For a Day

After that, Allison often joined them when they made love. She continued to leave her clothes on, and she never really got involved. Mostly she just watched. Occasionally she ran her hands over Jeff's body, or even Kari's. Both drove Jeff into a frenzy. Kari surprisingly didn't mind a bit, even when Allison touched her in places that were hardly innocent. Jeff was ecstatic to have the two girls that he had been lusting after in bed with him. True, he would have enjoyed it more if Allison...

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A Sudden Honest Help Helped My Family

Mail id: Hello everyone myself Sohan, from a poor background staying in Bangalore had been in search of a job and the interview was arranged in the next day so I was thinking of the preparation sat in bus stand waiting for the bus then i met a lady near the bus stop and she was sitting beside me so suddenly the bus came she started moving onto the bus but her purse was beside me and She was a gorgeous looking woman, lovely shape 36-28-36 suddenly I ran and caught same bus and gave her the purse...

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A Matter Of Trust Must Read

CHAPTER 1: A GAME OF CHANCEIt was a hot summer night in Philadelphia and Colin, as usual, was out with Sheryl. He probably wouldn't be home until late. With nothing better to do, Aileen went to the small alcove of their apartment where the computer was set up and signed on. Perhaps she would play a couple games of gin rummy, but what she hoped for most was that Ben would be online.Aileen Reilly had been divorced for almost ten years. Even though she hadn't had a serious relationship since her...

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Words Can Hurt

Just what was I thinking when I thought anyone would want to read what I wrote. Every review I have gotten here was about how bad my writing is. Well maybe if one or two members who decided to publish their comments as anonymous would have the stones to actually tell me with their real screen names I might respect them a little more. Emily finished typing that rant and quickly pressed the send icon on her screen. After reading an anonymous comment that ripped her latest piece to shreds, Emily...

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