The Strawberry Patch Book 2: Lost And FoundChapter 26: The Families Story 09 – We Are Family free porn video

November – Year 4
“STILL in the hospital? How?” I was stunned.
“I’ll tell you when we get home. It is going to upset you and I don’t want you to crash the van. Trust me lover.” Lynn placed her hand on my arm.
MY best friend, my best man, the man who helped me be sure that Lynn was safe when she was blackmailed. Bosco was in the hospital. How long? She said ‘still’. I drove safely, but my mind was all over the place. I followed Lynn’s directions and soon realized that I was not driving to our home.
“Where are we going?”
“Home, Paul. We closed on the new house just before you called, remember? We have moved in but not quite settled yet. You are going to love it, especially the backyard. We are going to be so naked all the time out there.”
“How many bedrooms?”
“Six and a den and a three-car garage AND a mother-in-law apartment above the garage that will be our office. It will also double as a love nest if we need to get away from the kids for a few minutes.” Lynn wiggled her eyebrows.
Lynn told me to take a left and then to turn right immediately and then stop. I did as instructed, and stopped short of a security gate. Lynn pulled what looked like a garage door opener out of her purse and the gate swung open. I drove up the drive to the front of a large, beautiful side by side split level house.
The garage door opened, and I pulled into the open spot that Lynn directed me to and Dara pulled in next to me. As soon as I stopped the car the kids wanted to get out and get in the house. We let them out and they headed into the house as the other car pulled into the spot between me and our other car. The rest of the family piled out and headed into the house, leaving me to carry in the luggage. Before I could unload things, all three of my wives were there to lend a hand.
“Thank you, my loves. I was worried about getting a hernia.”
“We could not let that happen. We are going to need you healthy for tonight.” Erin smiled.
“Before any of that happens, we need to talk about Bosco.” I looked at Erin and Lynn and they looked very upset.
“No, sweetie, the first thing we need to do is feed the babies, get the others ready for bed, and then get Blossom’s parents settled in. We should order pizza and then sit and talk.”
“Paul, nothing we are going to do is going to make things with Bosco better or worse. Right now, I am going to feed the babies. Lynn is going to get Bill and Gwen into the back bedroom and then get our girls ready for bed. You need to kiss them good-night. They will love that.”
“Ok. But I am getting a really bad feeling that you are hiding something very serious from me and I don’t like it one bit.” My voice reflected my anger.
I got up and went to the first bedroom down the long second floor hall.
“Daddy! Please read us a story.” Margaret asked.
“Yes, please, Daddy.” Taylor echoed.
“What story? I don’t know where your books are.”
“This one.” Genevieve thrust a book into my hands, it was “The Cat In The Hat”.
I read the story, first with Taylor and Margaret sitting on my knees and then with Erin and Genevieve. They sat and leaned back against my chest as I used different voices for the characters. The girls all laughed and giggled and at the end they were all yawning and sleepy. I asked them to scoot to bed and they scrambled into their bunkbeds. I made the rounds from bed to bed and kissed each girl goodnight.
I will see you in the morning.”
“Really daddy?”
“Yes, my babies. I promise. I love you all forever.”
I walked down the hall towards the sound of Blossom’s voice. As I approached the last bedroom I heard laughter.
“Hey! I’m trying to get the girls to sleep and you guys are having a party.”
“Hi lover. I was just telling mom and dad that the walls here were nice and thick and that they should hold in any noises.”
“Oh. Ok. So there should be no problem with the parents running wild all night and keeping us awake this time?”
“Right!” Blossom laughed and Gwen blushed and Bill just shook his head and smiled.
“Before I attend to the next bit of family business, do you two need anything?”
“No Paul. We just need a good nights sleep. We also need to talk about our options going forward as far as if we want to move to be near this wonderful mess of grandkids and our daughter, of course.” Bill chuckled at his joke.
“Of course. I love you too dad!” Blossom kissed her mom and dad good night and taking my hand led me out of her parent’s bedroom.
“Come on, Dara left while you were reading to the girls and said that she would see us in a couple of days. Something about a horny fiancé and Erin should be done with the babies by now and Lynn said that we all needed to have a talk. Oh, by the way, have you seen the size of the bed? It is like two king beds in one!”
“I guess they moved the old bed over to the new house. It was Lynn’s idea so that we would not have to shift bedrooms. We decided when we first got together that we would not sleep in separate beds and have to worry about sharing time in one bed or another. This way we all sleep together and if two of us want to make love there is plenty of room.”
“It will be a lot more roomy than our king bed in Houston.” She smiled at me as we walked into what was the family room.
I remembered the serpentine couch from the old house and I called out towards the kitchen.
“Let’s go sit in the living room. Erin would you please get us some wine?”
Erin and Lynn came out of the kitchen with four glasses and two bottles of wine. They were naked and beautiful.
“The pizza should be here soon.”
“Are you two going to answer the door naked again?” I asked.
“Nope. That was before, and this is now.” Lynn smiled at Erin.
“Blossom, would you like to get a little more comfortable and join the rest of the family?” Erin asked her potential new wife.
“I would indeed.” In a flash I was sitting on the couch with three naked women and I felt totally at home and totally overdressed.
“Come on sweetie. Strip!” Erin crossed her arms under her huge breasts and smiled.
“What about when the pizza arrives? Someone has to have clothes on.”
“Don’t worry, we have that covered. Now, strip!” Lynn commanded. I did as requested, and immediately got erect as I stood among my beautiful naked wives.
Just as I was about to sit down the doorbell rang. Lynn got up and started for the door with Erin following.
“Blossom, come on and I’ll show you how to do the security gate.” Erin held out her hand and I stood there with a boner watching three of the finest asses in the world walk away.
They went to the door and punched in a code on the keypad on the wall and then waited. In a few minutes I heard a vehicle pull up to the door. There was a knock and three naked women opened the door. They were giggling and laughing. I can imagine the drivers surprise especially when Erin began bouncing up and down and chanting “Pizza, Pizza”.
They took the pizza and closed the door, then returned to the family room. Still giggling.
“I thought that you said you were not going to answer the door naked.”
“Never said that!” Erin laughed. “You asked if the two of us were going to answer the door naked, and I said ‘Nope. That was before, and this is now’. Well two of us answered the door before and three did it now.”
They brought plates and napkins out of the kitchen and poured wine into one glass and water into the other three.
“We are knocked up! We can’t do alcohol.” Lynn smiled.
“I guess that now that we are home, we need to get all of you over to Dr. Grand.”
“Yes, but for Blossom only. We haven’t missed our periods yet. We are due in a few more days. After that we need to pee on your hand and see if we are preggers.” We all laughed at Erin.
“What is so funny?” Blossom asked.
“When we take the home pregnancy test we invariably pee on Paul’s hand. It never fails.” Erin smiled and shook her tits at me.
“Oh. Paul, I wonder if that is why you had that reaction in Houston when I peed on your hand?” Blossom posed.
“I think that might be the case. All of the times I remember having those brain flashes, I was remembering a spark of something. Anyway, we need to get a hold of Dr. Grand and make an appointment for Blossom.”
“Lover, it can wait until Wednesday or Thursday. By then we should know if our periods are a thing of the past for another eight months. Then we can all go in and drive the poor doctor right up the wall!” Erin giggled and had an evil grin.
“Ok, let’s make a list for the grocery store. The first thing on the list needs to be pregnancy tests. We will need to get some food for a serious BBQ. I would like to have a big welcome home party and a big welcome to the family party for Blossom and Bill and Gwen.”
“I’ll put together the list in the morning or afternoon, depending on when we get out of bed.” Lynn grinned.

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