The Strawberry Patch Book 2: Lost And FoundChapter 46: The Band Stories 04 – Rush To The Big Opening free porn video

May – Year 4
After the party at the house, the band solidified. Thanks to Ronnie’s idea, the Foundation bought the shopping center he had suggested, and the remodel construction had begun. In the mean time we needed some exposure and operating capital outside of the Foundation, so I made a phone call after checking the internet.
“Ryan’s Music. How may I help you?”
“I need to speak to Ryan please.”
“Who is calling, please.”
“Paul O’Dell.”
“SHIT! Hi Paul. Let me get him for you.”
The music started, and it was me. The hold music was our recording.
“Hi Ryan!”
“Hello! How are you?”
“I am great. Blossom is ready to pop with twins and the new band is great and THAT is why I am calling.”
“Great, how can I help?”
“I need to get a hold of our friends. I see that they have a date in Salt Lake and then six days later they are in Seattle. I want to make them an offer they can’t refuse. How are you doing? Are you guys still playing?”
“Nope. After you left we broke up and went our separate ways. Let me get you their number, the good number. They will be happy to hear from you. You know they really did want to sign us as their exclusive opener.”
“I’m sorry about that, Ryan. I didn’t really have much of a choice. I had to go home to my family. If I can bring this show together, I would love to bring you and the guys along. Could you live with a few days in the mountains?”
“Let me know if you pull it off and I am sure we would all like to take you up on your offer. Here is the info...”
“Thanks Ryan. I’ll call you back.”
I called the number and a world-famous voice answered.
“Hi. This is Paul O’Dell. You might remember me as Terry Smith.”
“I know who this is! How could I forget that voice? How are you?”
“I am great. Things here are taking some really great turns for me. Hey, I know you are always busy, but I have a small business proposition for you. Do you have a few minutes?”
“Business? I usually shove these calls off on our management, but what can I do for you?”
“I see that later this month, you are in Salt Lake and then six days later in Seattle. Could I talk you into a surprise appearance in Boise Idaho? You would not need the stage set up. It would be you guys and the audience, maybe even some acoustic stuff, and me and some friends of mine. It would be a surprise with no publicity and a whole lot of good fun and good music.”
“Are you singing?”
“Yeah. I have a new band out here and we are opening a new venue in a few months, but we need some operating capital. The stop will cost you and your tour no extra money. I was assuming that your set up crew would drive straight through to Seattle and have a few down days there before setting up. I was assuming that you guys would either fly home for a few days and then to Seattle or would fly to Seattle for a couple of days off. I was hoping I could talk you into coming to Boise.”
“Let me talk to the guys and the bosses. It sounds like fun and we just don’t get to do fun too often anymore. Just playing some music and jamming and getting to hear you sing again would be fun. What about instruments?”
“I can get whatever you want. I know a guy!”
That brought a very familiar high-pitched laugh.
“Let me ask the guys and management and I will let you know. I have your number here on my phone is that the best number?”
“Yes it is. Thank you. I promise to make it a trip you will never forget.”
“Now THAT is intriguing. After all of the adventure we have had on tours over the decades.”
“I’ll wait for your call.”
I disconnected the call and felt like I was walking on cloud nine. He remembered me because of my voice. Wow! I called Ronnie.
“Ronnie, I think I got us a gig and an opening act. Now we need a venue. We need a room with a great sound board and a decent number of seats or even a dance floor.”
“I know the perfect spot. Leave it to me. Do I have a budget limit?”
“Hell if I know. Get it as cheap as you can without short cutting the sound. That is going to be the big issue. When you know let me know. Also we will need to supply instruments.”
“What? Paul, what are you getting us into?”
“Ronnie, please trust me and get ready to play in diapers. If I can pull this off, you are going to shit!”
“Really? I’ve known you for a long time, man. To hear the man with three wives and ten thousand kids say that scares me.”
“Thanks man, I love you too. Oh! Carla is also going to need diapers.”
I disconnected the call and went to play with my girls.
“Paul? What have you done?”
Lynn cornered me after about an hour.
“Lover, what makes you think I have done something?”
I tried to look innocent.
“Paul, I have looked into your eyes and seen your soul. Do you think that you can hide something from me?”
“I hope so. But please trust me that I will never hide anything that is really important to us or our family. This is something I have in the works and if it comes off it is going to be great! But I don’t want to let the cat out just yet.”
“Paul? Does it have to do with the band?”
Blossom had been listening.
“Yeah, and with Ryan’s Music and some other friends.”
I looked at Blossom and raised my eyebrows when I said ‘other friends’.
Lynn was still there.
“Oh, Lynn. If Paul pulls this off, you are gonna die!”
“Oh shit!”
“Wait, that is all out of order.”
We all laughed at that and Lynn let it go, but I am sure that she would be talking to Blossom later. Knowing Lynn, she would use her skills as a cunning linguist to get Blossom to spill the beans. I hoped Blossom held out as long as she could.
At 9:30 that night my cell phone rang.
“We are a go. All we need to do is figure the logistics of getting from Salt Lake to Boise and then to Seattle. The guys are stoked. This tour has been a grind and I would not be surprised if it was our last. We are all dealing with carpel tunnel to one extent or another. Too much of a good thing I guess.”
“That will be a sad day. Maybe as bad as when the music died or Lennon got shot. Well then I will treasure this get together and thank you for doing this.”
“Thank you, Paul. Playing for fun is always the best.”
“Oh, did I mention that you will also have to put up with a house full of my daughters and home cooking?”
“No! So, you and, what was her name? Blossom! You and Blossom had a little girl?”
“Um, not exactly. But by the time you get here Blossom will have had her twins. My other two wives will be getting ready to drop triplets and twins to add to our other six daughters.”
The response was quiet and almost reverent.
“Yeah, wow indeed. It will be a memorable visit like I said. Thanks again.”
“Thank you. I’ll talk to you later.”
We disconnected, and I called Ryan.
“Hey bro!”
“Hey Ryan. It is on. I would like you guys to join me on May 20 to May 24. Let me know who will be coming and I will arrange the flights and hotel rooms. The guys can bring friends, but I can’t cover those travel plans. If it is a deal breaker for someone let me know and I’ll see what I can do, but you understand.”
“I do. I will get back to you tomorrow, day after at the latest.”
“Ok, my friend. Later.”
I disconnected and called Ronnie.
“Ronnie, it is on. What can you get us?”
“Paul, how big are we talking?”
“Paul, I can get the Music Estate for cheap on May 21st but I have to call in some favors. I will do it if it is big.”
“Ronnie, it is so big that they will owe you a whole new set of favors.”
“Ronnie, I will tell you, but you have to swear that you keep it between you and me and I know Carla will blowjob you into the truth, but don’t let it go any farther. Ok?”
“I’m serious, Ronnie. I want to establish a reputation that we will be bringing in top bands and that sometimes it will be a surprise. People will have to learn the name and the venue are top notch.”
“I understand, man. I really do.”
The tone of his voice changed and I knew that tone. He had just given me his most solemn word. Unless Carla had a really magic tongue she could not get it out of him with the greatest blowjob ever. I told Ronnie the name of the band.
“WHAT!?!?!? REALLY!?!?!”
“And this could be their last tour.”
“Shit. Ok. The Music Estate it is, May 21st. All advertising to be as the Paul O’Dell Band and special Friends.”

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