The Strawberry Patch Book 3 - Life On The SavannahChapter 15: The Holiday Stories - Halloween free porn video

Halloween is a silly holiday. People dress up in silly outfits and beg for candy. We live in a spread-out neighborhood that is part up-scale homes and part farm homes. Any trick or treating to be done had to be done using transportation. Several of our neighbors had a golf cart that they used to haul garden stuff around their property, they didn’t make golf carts big enough for the Herd, so we used the 16-passenger van we had decided to buy, and we drove the Herd from house to house in it.
Between the farmers market, the neighborhood block parties, and the family parades around the neighborhood (the walks we took were called that by the neighbors), we had met all of the families around us by now and had developed some friendships. We were not shy about our family life and the people who did not agree with our marriage, were not treated badly, they were just ignored. No, that is not correct. We were always polite to them, always civil, and said ‘Hello’ when we met them while out walking. Our help was always available if an emergency popped up.
And there were a few of those, we had wild fires around us during the dry season, and on two occasions we took in families who did not agree with our lifestyle, when their homes burned. Afterwards they asked us why we would act that way when they had not treated my family well. Our answer to those types of questions were that we were neighbors and that turning away people in need was not the Christian way.
That usually earned an ashamed nod and a thank you and an adjusted attitude in the future. Isn’t that the way the world should work. I always thought that the Golden Rule could be compressed into a simple, four-word sentence. Don’t Be A Dick.
By the time the second week of October rolled around we had decided that we were going to host a Halloween party for the neighborhood, actually, two parties. One for all the kids and one for the adults. We printed invitations and hand delivered them to each home. They said:
At 9:00 PM
The Rules For the Party ARE:
1. Spouses or significant others are welcome
2. Costumes for couples SHOULD complement each other and have a common theme
3. Costumes should be sexy, but not obscene (we can’t define it, but we know it when we see it!)
4. You don’t need to bring anything, but if you WISH TO BRING A favorite beverage, feel free to DO SO
5. DON’T BE A DICK! This PARTY is for fun and friendship!
A kid’s party will be held at the same time, on the property, but in a separate building (In case you can’t find a babysitter. We will feed them, and they can even sleep over with the Herd.) As the holiday approached, we arranged with Dara and Trent to be our babysitter/kid prison wardens. Dara loved her sisters and she and Trent were always happy to take them up to the mother-in-law apartment above the garage and play games and watch movies. We had a selection of movies that were kid appropriate and still a little scary. Hocus-Pocus, The Wizard of Oz, Little Monsters, and Jumanji.
We planned to do the trick or treating earlier in the day, so the kids could dress up and have the feeling that they were going to a party like the adults. The plan was to order pizzas for the kids and have them delivered during the party. We hired a caterer to supply the food and drinks for the adult party.
The wives and I had some long discussions about our costumes over the preceding weeks. I thought Beauty and the Beast, but there was a disagreement over who should be the beast! Do you believe that?
Then we thought about Snow White and the dwarfs, until I pointed out that I was not the cartoon princess type. Erin made some questioning statements on that one. Blossom wondered if I was too big to be a dwarf, if you know what I mean. Darn wives!
Finally, I went to Margaret’s room and looked over some of the girl’s books and found one about a wizard who was cursed, and because he had been bad, he was turned into a half man, half unicorn and was commanded to take care of the last herd of unicorns to save himself. BINGO!
Lynn, Erin and Blossom loved the idea and after looking at the pictures in the book, got to work on their costumes. The design they came up with had each woman with a colored horn, a matching colored vest that left very little to the imagination as to what was underneath, and a matching colored thong and thigh-high nylons. The really surprising thing they came up with was that we each had a long matching colored horse tail that was attached to a stainless-steel butt plug!
My costume was a simple black horn, a black vest, and black thong, black assless chaps and a long black horse tail butt plug. Erin’s color was blond, like the palomino color of her hair, Lynn’s was a bright strawberry red (of course!) and Blossoms was a dark brown and gold that matched her eyes. We were going to be spectacular.
The night of the party, Bill and Gwen arrived at the same time as Dara and Trent, and with their help and the good work of the caterer, everything was ready to go by the time cars started pulling up to our gate.
“Mom, Dad, the wives and I are going to go upstairs and finish putting on our costumes. Please welcome our guests and try to stay in character as much as possible. That will be a hilarious start to the party.”
“Ok Paul! Have fun storming the unicorns!”
I laughed as I walked upstairs. Blossom’s parents were characters from “The Princess Bride” our girls favorite movie. Bill, dressed as Miracle Max, was wearing brown leather assless chaps and a huge codpiece. Gwen, dressed as Valerie, Max’s wife, was wearing a leather thong and a matching leather open tipped bra. She was one sexy grandma and their choices were just perfect.
While Bill and Gwen greeted the guests and had fun with them, they directed the adults to the ballroom and the kids to the apartment, where Dara and Trent were dressed like Beauty and The Beast, which the kids loved.
Upstairs, my wives and I dressed completely, except for the butt plugs, because I read somewhere that you shouldn’t leave butt plugs in too long. We figured that the four hours or so that the party would last should be ok and if need be, we could always remove the tails and insert them again with new lube. Once we were all dressed and made up, each of my wives requested that I insert their butt plugs and horse tails.
Being the dutiful husband, I lubed each one of the plugs with KY and then inserted a KY covered finger or two or three into each of my wife’s bottoms to prep them. After I inserted their tails and gave each a kiss, it was my wives turn to help me. Blossom, with the smallest fingers, inserted one lubed finger into me, then Lynn followed, with the next largest fingers and inserted two. I think I saw a pattern forming and sure enough Erin used three of her longer larger fingers to prepare me.
Blossom inserted the plug, wiggled it around a bit and after pulling it out, finished with a kiss on my left butt cheek. Lynn came next, pushing the well lubed plug into my butt and wiggling it around before pulling it out and kissing my right butt cheek. Erin was last, she pushed the plug in and pulled it out several times before she finally had it seated the way she wanted and finished with a kiss to each cheek and a squirt of milk in my mouth.
“You need to lose that thing before we go downstairs, or the other guys will feel inferior.” Erin said as she patted the erection that tented my thong.
“Thanks for that Erin. Remind me to give you some special attention later.”
“Goodie!” She shook her mighty breasts for me and giggled.
“I just hope that DFS doesn’t show up tonight.” I told her as I marveled at her charms.
The party was due to start at 9pm, so at 9:15pm exactly, we rang a bell from the top of the spiral staircase, and I came down the stairs followed by my herd of sexy unicorns. We stopped half way down the stairs, and did a pirouette to show off our tails and also because the wives wanted everyone to see their new baby bumps.
Then we walked down the stairs and greeted everyone. As we circulated making sure everyone had something to drink. We asked each guest to explain their costume and its source. When we had made the rounds, I asked the DJ for a mic and got everyone’s attention.
“Hey! Thank you for joining us tonight for what we hope is the first annual O’Dell Halloween party.”
Everyone applauded.
“We’re going to have a costume contest and at midnight we will announce the winners. The winners will be chosen by your votes for the categories of best male costume, best female, costume, best couple costume, and worst costume. Over there, at the end of the buffet table, is a box. In front of it are the ballots and pencils. Please vote for someone in each of the categories on the ballot and drop it in the box. You must vote by writing the name of the person in costume. That means that you will need to introduce yourselves and make sure that you get to meet as many of your neighbors as you can. Thanks again for coming. Now eat, drink, and be mildly depressed!”
I returned the mic to the DJ and told him to kick it. We all danced and goofed for the next few hours. Can you imagine how much difficulty I was having watching Erin dance around the ballroom with her wonderful tits almost hanging out and shaking her wonderful ass with its pony tail? Blossom came up behind me and gently stroked my bare butt.
“My goodness she is sexy. Paul, I sleep with her and make love to her and watch you and Lynn make love to her but look at her. I never realized just how sexy she really is. I think my panties just got really wet.”
“You want me to check and see?” I moved my hand behind her and down her butt. She jumped and giggled. “Paul!”

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