The Strawberry Patch Book 3 - Life On The SavannahChapter 30: Christmas Part 4 free porn video

After the kids went to bed, we went to the apartment above the garage and brought down their presents. We got them all set out and were sitting in the family room with the only lights coming from the tree. Lynn stood and kissed me.
“Good night Lover. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Me too Sweetie, I think Lynn needs me to give her some TLC like we did in the old days.” Erin waggled her eyebrows.
“I guess that means that Blossom and I are going to stay down here for a while and talk. Good night my loves.”
After we kissed and hugged our wives good night, Blossom and I cuddled on the couch and just enjoyed being alone in the lights of the tree.
“Terry?” She asked me quietly, using her pet name from Houston.
“Yes, Baby.”
“Can we do something that I used to dream of?”
“Something you dreamed of. I’m guessing that it’s something that we haven’t done either individually or inside our marriage with our wives.”
“Nope. I want to make love to you ... under the Christmas tree.”
I smiled at my smallest wife and stood, offering her my hand. She got up and stepped onto the couch.
“Kiss me.”
We were almost looking eye to eye with her standing on the couch and I took her in my arms and kissed her. Our tongues danced and played as she pressed her dark, curly patch into my stomach. I could feel my penis bouncing off her knees. She must have felt that as well as she began to alternate bending her knees. She seemed to be trying to juggle my growing erection between them.
I slid my hands from around her shoulders down to her tiny, firm butt and gripped her tightly, eliciting a slight gasp and then a soft moan. I pulled her hips tight to my stomach. Her reactions was to lift her feet off the couch and wrap her legs around me. It didn’t take much maneuvering to place my hard, erect cock between her long, wet lips and slowly let her drop down until I was fully seated in her.
“Ooh Terry. You do know how to warm a girl up.”
She proceeded to rock her hips forward and back and hum into my mouth as she did. I had a sudden thought that I wished she could have more babies, because I wanted to have a ton of kids with her. She must have sensed something, because she pulled her tongue out of my mouth and leaned back.
“Terry, pretend that you are giving me another couple of babies ... under the tree, please.”
I lifted her tiny just over 100-pound pregnant body up and off of my cock and set her on the floor. She got down on her hands and knees and crawled under the tree. With the root ball and pot holding the lower branches almost two feet off the floor there was plenty of room for Blossom, but not me. She looked back at me and grinned, before rolling onto her side.
“Spoon to my back, Terry. I want your hands on my belly as you pump me full.”
I got down on my hands and knees and then, laying on my side I scooted close behind her. She lifted her right leg and reached around her belly and between her legs to guide me into her. I slid my left arm under her head and placed my right hand on her belly, gently stroking circles on it.
“I’ve dreamed of this since I was old enough to know about love. I dreamed of being under the Christmas tree and having the man I loved with me.”
Blossom began to rock her hips again and I soon fell into her rhythm. She gasped and squeezed my hand as she had her first orgasm. Then a few minutes later, she did the same. And a few minutes after that, again.
“Please Terry, Cum in me. Please.”
I curled the arm under head so that I could pinch her right nipple and I began to fuck my little wife with long strokes as I filled my hand with her milk. Placing my right hand on my left, I began to spread her warm milk around her belly. She gasped and came again, this time I let myself go over the edge and I let go with three very strong spurts into her.
“Terry! Oh God, I love you! Oh ... Oh ... Oh!”
The heat built up around my cock as she came and squeezed her inner muscles. I pressed as deeply into her as I could, kissing her head and neck until I stopped pushing out sperm. She reached down between her legs and took hold of my balls and squeezed and fondled them.
“Thank you, Terry. I will always love you. Thank you for loving me and holding my soul in yours.”
We lay there under the lights and decorations for a long time. I thought Blossom had fallen asleep, but she giggled as soon as she heard...
“I told you she was going to do it.” Erin whispered.
“I hope they didn’t make a mess on the tree skirt. It was brand new.” Lynn said.
“I hope we don’t have to put the presents down around the wet spots.” Erin replied.
“Lover! Thank you.” Blossom said in a dreamy voice.
“Thank you? Lynn, why is Blossom thanking you? Erin?” I asked.
“Don’t ask me. I was just along for the pussy licking. It was very nice, by the way.” Erin tried to look innocent as she licked the side of Lynn’s shoulder.
“Let me up, Terry.”
I pulled my softened cock out of Blossom and rolled over to get out from under the tree. Blossom followed on her hands and knees. I stood and helped her to her feet. She put a hand between her legs, until Lynn handed her a towel.
“Thanks, Lover.” Blossom hugged her bald wife.
“You’re welcome, Baby.” Lynn patted her little wife on the butt.
“Paul, I think that we just got played.” Erin said with her head tipped to the side.
“I was talking to Lynn the other night while you and Erin were together.” Blossom explained. “We were talking about Christmas dreams and wishes from when we were girls. I told her my dream about making love to my man under the Christmas tree. She told me that she would get Erin upstairs and that I should go for it. So, she did, and I did. And it was all I ever dreamed of Terry. Thank you. And thank you Lynn. I have never told anyone this, but you and Erin are the best wives a girl could ask for.” Blossom finished with a little giggle and a tear in her eyes.
The wives wrapped me up in a hug and we all kissed and squeezed each other’s butts before finishing putting out the kids’ gifts and going to bed. It was now Christmas Day and I was going to take my three favorite presents to bed for a long winters nap.
I woke up on Christmas morning to the familiar aroma of pussy. I opened my eyes to the close-up view of a fire-red curly mass of hair. I could feel moisture enveloping my chin as my first wife rubbed herself with my chin inserted inside her.
I would have looked into her green eyes, but her belly blocked my view. I moaned and Lynn’s pussy suddenly washed all over my face and she gently sang “I Wish You A Merry Christmas”.
Then there was a new sensation. I do mean new. Never in my life have I felt anything like this, and it took me a few minutes to figure out why my toes felt warm and wet. Then I heard the magic words that confirmed my suspicions.
“Paul, wiggle your toes, please.”
I did and soon was rewarded with the familiar moaning and groaning of Blossom and Erin as they had orgasms. My feet were now more wet than they had been a few seconds ago. Lynn lifted her pussy off of my face and I lifted my head to find Blossom and Erin impaled on my feet, my toes deep in their pussies.
“Is this another Christmas dream?”
“No, but Erin and I were making out and we wanted you inside us and one thing led to another. Wiggling toes in my pussy really feels hot.”
“Wiggling toes in my pussy, while Blossom sucks my tits, is also very hot. Lynn how was your morning?”
“I actually fucked Paul’s chin. That fuzzy thing was inside me, but I think I messed up his mustache.”
“That’s ok, we can fix it in the shower. Come on, the girls are up and are going to get restless, without breakfast before church.”
Three glorious bare butts took off for the shower and I lay there in bed on Christmas morning and counted all three of my adult blessings. I got up to shower so I could go downstairs and count my twelve smaller blessings. I walked into the shower to marvel at the three women carrying at least five more blessings.
That reminded me, we had an appointment with Dr, Grand tomorrow afternoon to do ultrasounds and get a true head count on the babies. Could Erin really be carrying four? As I walked into the shower and into the soapy arms of my loving wives, I wondered what the coming year was going to bring. I also had to set up a meeting with Ms. Williams at DFS. I’ll do that on my birthday in a few days. What a present that will be!
After we washed and dried, we dressed and headed for the kitchen, passing several girls standing around the tree and marveling at the appearance of presents. Santa would go away some day, but not today.
After breakfast we loaded into the van and took off for church. Again, our entrance was treated like a party. One man, three wives and twelve children. Our first Christmas without Taylor Erin. Not a blessing, except that it galvanized the family, the town, and all who knew us. Perhaps it was meant to be a blessing to many others. Only God knew.
The girls all went to the church service for the kids while we went to the service for the adults. It was very emotional when the minister mentioned Taylor Erin by name. He said that losing a child was the worst thing that could happen to a parent, but it also hurt the family. He said that he considered the church to be a family and recounted the time that Taylor Erin asked him why people would choose to do bad things when they could choose to do good things. He then proceeded to build his sermon on that question.
Afterwards, we gathered the Herd and thanked the minister on the way out.
“She was a special child. I still miss her.”
“As do we, sir, as do we.”
“She asked questions that truly made me have to think of the answers. Merry Christmas to all of you.”
The entire family lined up to shake his hand, he made it a point to shake hands with the infants as well, and we all wished him a Merry Christmas before we headed out to the many people who shared greetings with us as well. Once in the van, I looked at my wives and began to cry.
“I miss her and this morning I was wondering how her loss could be a blessing. I guess I have an answer.” I said to my family.
“She loved you Daddy, and so I will love you twice as much to make up for her.” Margaret replied.
That was the end of it for me. I got out of the van and asked Erin to drive home. I got in the passenger seat and smiled and cried all the way home, even more so when I saw the new gate all lit up. When we got home I helped get the kids out of the van and as soon as Margaret was out she grabbed my hand. I picked her up and kissed her on the cheek.
“Come on Daddy. Let’s see what Santa brought us.”
I carried my little blessing into the house and as soon as we had all undressed we gathered in the family room. Mom and Dad came in pushing a big cart what was full of steaming mugs of hot chocolate.
I put my Christmas mix on the stereo and as the sounds of Mannheim Steamroller floated around us, the moms began handing out the colorful packages to the five girls. We had gifts for the girls and then for the family. The girls had gifts for their birth mother and their moms, some hand-made, some bought with the help of their grandparents.
There were the obligatory packages of underwear and outfits. Each of the girls got several books from their parents and grandparent and for some reason an unbelievable number of stuffed animals from each other. I think they were getting the idea that it was a good thing to cuddle something during quiet time or in bed. I don’t know where they got that idea.
Each of the girls made cards for the moms and me but the biggie was new square beads with Penelope and Paula’s initials on them to add to the necklaces we had received from Taylor, Margaret, Erin Lynn and Genevieve last Christmas. The mom’s and I hadn’t thought about the beads even though we wore the necklaces every day.

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