The Strawberry Patch Book 2: Lost And FoundChapter 18: The Families Story 02 – Love And Pain free porn video

October – Year 3
“What? Blossom what in the hell made you think of that after everything I said to you today?”
“Because now I see your beautiful wives and two of your babies and I know that there is no way that you can fit me and my babies into your life.”
“Paul, let me handle this.” Lynn spoke to her husband slowly, before moving towards Blossom.
“Blossom. Do you love Paul?”
“Yes. More than anything in the world.”
“So when your babies are born, your plan is to give them up for adoption?”
“But you love Paul more than anything. How can you possibly have any room in your heart to love the babies? Or is it your plan to dump Paul because you won’t love him since you will love the babies? Or are you going to keep one baby and give up the other since you can’t possibly love two babies?”
Blossom was staring at the red-headed wife as Paula was suckling on her breast. She was suddenly confused as what Lynn had said ran through her mind. Her confusion was apparent on her face.
“I don’t understand what you are talking about. I can easily love Terry and my babies.”
“So, you DO think that love is an unending commodity that expands to take care of everything it needs to?”
“Yeah, I guess I do.” Blossom was losing it.
“Then why would you doubt that Paul could love us and our babies AND you and yours?”
“Because I am crazy silly confused?” Blossom she almost shouted.
“Well I’ll tell you what, let’s go out for dinner before we go to our hotel and we can have a chat. Ok?”
“Ok! No! Wait! That is why I asked for the doctor. I want you and Erin and the babies to come to our home and you can stay there until Terry is released.”
“Blossom, that is a wonderful idea! Lynn and Erin and you can sleep in the bed and the babies can share the crib we got. I can’t imagine that I will be in here for more than another day. Lynn, I know money is not a concern, but I love Blossom as much as you or Erin. This will give you a chance to fill her in on our lives and all of the craziness that seems to surround us. Blossom can also fill you in on me and what I have been doing the past couple of years.”
“Blossom, if it works for you, it certainly works for us.” Erin spoke as she unlatched Penelope. Blossom took note of the huge nipple that had popped out of the baby’s mouth.
“Well then let’s pack up and head out. Terry, DAMN, Paul. I will call you when we get home. I love you.” She leaned over to kiss him and give him a great view of her small perfect breasts. “Remember these are yours too.”
Paul smiled and gave each of her little nipples a gentle twist. Erin came next and gave Paul a warm kiss and then stuck a nipple in his mouth as he caressed his blonde wife’s cheek. Lynn was last, and she repeated what Erin had done, presenting Paul with a long soft wet kiss and a nipple.
“Lynn your milk is still so sweet. Hey, I just remembered something else. Blossom, get them to tell you about White Erin’s and White Lynn’s and I want you to know that I am looking forward to a White Blossom.”
He moved the cover and lifted his gown and waved his hardening penis at them.
“Someone is really looking forward to his release in a few days.”
“Oh, that is too bad. When you were gone so long, we decided that in order to avoid temptation and the chance that we might cheat on you, we sewed our pussies shut. We’re sorry, lover.”
I gasped and my eyes flew wide open. “Now THAT was just a cruel and wrong thing to say to your husband.” I said.
“Well, then we will just have to make it up to you. Lynn, how long do you think we will need to make it up to the poor man?”
“Damn, Erin, I don’t know. A week, maybe a month, maybe forever. Paul. Forever.”
“Forever, Erin. Forever Lynn, Forever, Blossom. Forever, Penelope. Forever, Paula.”
With that Lynn walked over to me and bent over to take my penis in her mouth. She made love to it until it was as hard as a rock. Then she let it go and moved out of the way for Erin. My blonde wife devoured my erection and when her nose was buried in my pubic hair she swirled her tongue around the shaft.
“Wow. I guess I will have to get used to you guys sucking my husband’s cock, huh?”
“He is also our husband, Blossom, not by law, but in every other sense of the word. Don’t you suck his cock?”
“Um ... yes I love to do that. But the two of you seem to know your way around his cock far better than me.”
“We have had a lot of practice, Blossom. We have had a few years of making love to his big old meat popsicle.” Erin was giggling at the joke she made.
“And I might add that he has a very close and personal relationship with our pussies. Tell me. Blossom, has he talked to his babies yet?”
“Do you mean that he did that with you?” Blossom sounded amazed.
“Oh yes, and we have dreams where the babies talk to us.”
“I had one of those when I fainted earlier!”
“We knew that he was going to come back because the babies told us. We knew he was safe. We knew when it was time to go to the hospital because the babies told us that it was time for them to come out.”
“This is amazing.”
“We have also had messages that we are all in for some great pain before we get to live and enjoy our lives and our family. You are included in that.”
“Yes. We knew that someone else was going to be in our family. Listen, why don’t you go ahead and wrap your lips around his dick and then kiss him good night and we can go to your home and get the babies to sleep and have a nice long talk. Ok?”
“Good idea, wifey-poo!” Erin smirked.
“I hate it when you call me that.”
“I like it!” I chimed in, never having been smart enough to keep my big mouth shut.
“Paul O’Dell, don’t make me come over there and give the doctors a reason to keep you here for another three weeks!” Lynn was taking control of the room.
“Sorry my love. I will see the five of you in the morning. I love you all forever.”
They all said good night and Blossom showed my wives that she knew her way around my cock by kissing the entire length along the top and bottom of the shaft, then nibbling the glans and finally taking me in her mouth and sliding my whole length down her throat. Blossom rubbed my testicles to her cheek before kissing me good night and leaving the room. My cock was still hard as a rock and I was alone, damn.
When the three wives left the room, Lynn walked up to the doctor on duty and asked him a very important question.
“Excuse me doctor, but if Paul is released in the next few days, can he get on a plane and fly home?”
“I would have to look at his head beforehand to know for sure. He took a pretty good shot to the head and there was a concussion. We used to think that flying after a concussion was not good, but now we think that if the person is well rested and can sleep on the flight, that there is not much chance for complications.”
“So, if you release him tomorrow, we could fly home?”
“I think so. I would do a complete check-up and maybe another scan of his head before, just to be sure.”
“Ok, we will see you in the morning.”
With Blossom in the middle and a baby in each outside arm, the three wives all walked out of the hospital, hand in hand.
As they drove to Paul and Blossom’s home they talked, and Erin had to stop herself from purring in the back seat as she nursed both of the babies, while Lynn and Blossom talked in the front seat.
“So how did you meet Paul?”
“It is so weird to hear his name as Paul. I only have known him as Terry Smith. We met at a country western bar where I was teaching line dancing and then I hung around one night to hear him sing karaoke.”
“That was it wasn’t it? You heard him sing and your heart went nuts, right?”
“You know?”
“What, that he can sing his ass off? Yeah!”
“His band just opened for RUSH a few weeks ago. They tore the place up and the guys from RUSH fell in love with them. They told them that they were number one on their list to open in the future.”
“What kind of music? We have seen him do blues and he and his former band were amazing.”
“The band is called ‘Tucker’s Music’ and they are so good. They do rock and roll. They do covers and original songs.”
“I can’t wait to hear them. When Paul lived in Kansas City he was in a band called ‘They Only Look Dead’ and they were amazing. We went back to meet his son and daughter and we happened to see them, and they called Paul up on stage. I have never heard a band that was so good.”
“This band is pretty good now.” Blossom bragged.
“So, he was learning to line dance huh?” Erin asked from the back seat.
“Yes. Don’t tell him, but he is not very good. He misses steps and loses the beat. Of course, when he dances slow and holds me tight, he is a whole different man.”
“When did you find out he could sing?”
“The bar I taught dancing in had karaoke on Wednesday nights after I was done, and he got up and sang. It was awesome and then the founder of the band asked him to join this group he was starting and the rest, as they say, was history. Is he in a band in Boise?”

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