My Hero free porn video

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The cold wind whipped my hair into my face. Several strands stuck to my cheeks since they were covered in tears. I swiped angrily at the offending strands and let out a small curse. It had been a hard enough afternoon and I wasn't in the mode to deal with such trivial things as hair in my face. I focused on putting one foot in front of the other to get as far away from the place of my destruction as possible.

You see, I was walking away from a relationship I had wasted the last 10 years of my life in. I had been unhappy and I had felt unloved and unwanted for at least the last half decade. I'm not sure what had happened, but I just had to get away from there and all the reminders of how I had messed up my life. The strap of my bag dug into my shoulder and I adjusted it. I heard the sound of an approaching car and turned toward the sound. My thumb went out without my thinking about it. I was just in a hurry to get away.

The car I had heard approached quickly and began to slow. It took a minute for me to realize who it was, but my heart gave a little leap when it hit me. Just my luck. The last person I had wanted to see on a day like this was pulling up along side me to offer me a ride. I immediately pulled my hand back against my chest and looked at the ground. I heard his window go down and knew I was in for an interesting conversation, at least.

"Hey. What the hell are you doing," he asked. I could tell from his tone that he was worried.

"Nothing," I said quickly.

"Well, looks to me like something, since you have a bag and your thumb was out. How's about you get in the car, I'll take you to my place and you can at least warm up? Then, if you still want to go, so be it," he replied.

I raised my eyes up from the ground to look at him. I was surprised to find a look of concern on his face when I had been expecting to see his infamous look of self-righteousness. I slowly walked around the front of the car. As I placed my hand on the doorknob, I heard the lock click. I pulled and the door swung open. He must not have been anymore sure that I would get in then I had been. As I slid slowly onto the front passenger seat, I felt his eyes on me. As soon as I got the door shut, I was overwhelmed by the smell of his cologne. That smell had always turned me on in the past, but today it felt safe. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I decided to let it go.

When I was settled in the seat, he slowly pulled away from the spot he had picked me up from. Thankfully, we were very close to his house, so it only took a few minutes for him to be pulling up in front. My eyes searched the driveway in search of his truck. The first time I had seen it, had a blue light on top. Since then, the blue light had been removed, since he was no longer a first responder. He had told me once that it was my near fatal accident that had caused him to stop. He sat for a minute with his hand on the gear shift. Suddenly, he shifted into reverse and backed up beside his house. From this position, no one would see me get out of his car and go in the house. I silently thanked him for giving me at least that much privacy.

He turned off the car, opened his door, and got out without a word. I followed his lead and meet him at the door. He fumbled with his keys for a second, then opened the door. I expected him to go in first, but he surprised me again by waving me past him. I had been in his house before, so I knew that I should kick my shoes off in the mudroom that we had just walked into. As I bent to untie my boots, my bag slipped off my shoulder. I didn't really have the energy to force it back on, so I just let it fall the short distance to the floor. In my rush, I managed to work the laces I was working on into a knot. As my fingers fumbled to untie it, I felt the tears begin to well up and spill out of my eyes. I let out a small whimper as I struggled to get the damn lace untangled.

I suddenly felt his hand on my arm, pulling me up. I didn't have the energy or willpower to stop him, so I just went along with it. I felt his arms snake around me and I leaned into him. I let go with the flood of tears I had been holding in and within minutes, his shirt was wet from the tears streaming down my face. After a few minutes of being held by him, I began to notice how his arms actually felt around me. They made me feel protected and safe. I was shocked by the sudden feeling of not wanting to leave his embrace. I began to lightly rub my hands on his back as a way to let him know that I was finished with my crying. He slowly and gently pushed me back so he could look into my face.

"Well, now that you are done with that. How about you..." he trailed off as he took a closer look at my face. Suddenly, his hand was on my chin and he was turning my face so he could get a better look at my left eye. I had forgotten all about it, but he must have noticed the very light bruise that now circled my eye. I felt his hand slide up my check and his fingers lightly brushed the bruise. I flinched away as a small shock of pain shot to my eye. I could tell from the sudden expression change that he was angry.

"What the hell is that," he asked as he released my face.

"Oh," I said as I backed away slightly from him. "That's just from me being stupid enough to question Javin. Learned my lesson real quick too."

He looked at me dumbfounded. I could tell from the way his body was getting stiff and rigid that he was thinking of doing something about it. I thought quickly of a way to defuse the situation.

"Now calm down. I already paid him back for it. I'm pretty sure he is going to be needing an ice pack for his jaw right about now, if hes woke up yet, that is," I said as a surge of pride flooded through me.

I had stood up for myself for the first time in 10 years and there was noway I was going to let this man undermine that by going off to defend my honor. I saw him visibly relax. I let out a small breath of air and relaxed a little. I had at least momentarily stopped him from doing something stupid. I looked down at my shoe and laughed. I pulled away and bent down again to get back to work on the knotted lace. Within seconds, I had it undone and I was slipping the shoe off my foot.

"Well, I do plan on going down to have a little talk with him later, but I think it can wait. For now, I think I'll just stay here and make sure you are comfortable. Is there anything I can get for you," has asked as he kicked his own shoes off. I thought for a second and looked up at him. One thing I wanted, but I didn't want to push it.

"You know me, Dan. Give me a smoke and a Pepsi and I'll be fine."

"Well, you know there's a no smoking rule in the house,but you can just step out on the back porch. I'll get that Pepsi for you and be out there to join you in a minute," he said as he turned on his heal and walked toward the kitchen.

I removed my other shoe, which was surprisingly easier then the first and stepped back out the door.I sat down on the corner of the steps and reached in my pocket for a smoke. I searched my pocket and realised it was empty. I looked in the other pocket and found nothing there either. Damn it. I had left my smokes back at the house of hell. There was no way I was going to go back there, so I decided to just sit out on the stairs and think. I was out there for a few minutes when Dan finally joined me. He looked down at me as he handed me my drink and I couldn't help but look at him. His eyes, a pale brown, were the first things I took in. They had a piercing quality to them and I felt myself dampen slightly as he looked back at me. His lips, full and pink as they were,turned up in a little smirk, as if he knew what he was doing to me. Was I that obvious?

As I took my drink from him, our fingers touched lightly and I felt a small jolt run straight to my excited mound. I was a little confused by what was happening, but I decided to go with it. I watched as he sat beside me on the step and pulled out his ever present pack of smokes. He looked at me, noticed I didn't have one and offered the pack to me without a word. I silently took one and put it to my lips. After he had light his, he held his lighter out to me and allowed me to light mine. He closed the lighter and slide it back into his pocket, causing his arm to bump against me.

My body responded to the touch and my nipples began to poke out ever so slightly. I crossed my arms and pulled my knees up in an effort to hide what his closeness was doing to me. He must have known what I was doing because I heard him snort. I couldn't help but smile. After everything that had happened, it felt nice to do something as normal as sit on the chairs and enjoy a smoke with a friend.

We sat in silence for a while. I was lost in thoughts of everything that had happened that day and in the last 10 years. I had changed a lot, but I felt that today was the start of a new chapter in my life. I wasn't really sure what Dan was thinking about, and in that moment, I didn't really care. I was just happy that he had saved me and that he was being so amazing. I looked at him and noticed that he was far away. He was frowning and I figured he was probably thinking about the recent separation he had gone through. I decided it was time for us both to talk and think about something else. I poked him with my elbow to get his attention.

"Not that this isn't fantastic, but I was just wondering what now?" I said as he turned toward me. He looked at me for a moment like I had grown an extra head.

"What do you mean?" he asked as he turned himself more fully toward me. "Do you think I am a big enough dick to make you leave when I know as well as you do that you have no where else to go? Hell no. You can stay here with me until you figure something else out. You can take the couch and I'll sleep on the floor, since the ex took every bed in the place and I never got another one."

He took the last drag off his smoke and threw the butt into the yard.

"That's not what I meant, but thank you," I said with a smirk. "I meant what do you want to do now. We cant sit out here on the porch all day, now can we? Besides, it's starting to get dark and I am getting a little cold out here in just my socks." I smiled at him as I took my last drag and threw my butt where he threw his. He looked at me a little shocked and I saw the gears start turning in his head.

"Oh, well, I guess we could go in, grab a bite to eat and then figure it out from there. If you want, you can hop in the shower while I whip something up for us to eat," he offered as he stood up and held his hand out. I took it and felt him effortlessly pull me to my feet.

"That sounds wonderful. You don't have to make anything special, since I know this is short notice. I am good with a sandwich and some chips or something, as long as you keep the Pepsi coming," I said with a laugh.

"I think I can handle that," he said as he opened the door and we walked in. "You know where everything is. You get started on that shower and I'll get started on the sandwiches. Let me know if you need anything."

With that, he walked away into the kitchen and left me in the mudroom. I picked my pack up and walked farther into the house. The downstairs bathroom was right off the kitchen and I got a view of him bending into the fridge to get something out. I took a moment to admire his butt and turned quickly into the bathroom as he stood back up. I shut the door behind me and leaned up against it for a minute to catch my breath. What the hell was I doing?

I had never had an attraction to Dan before and I was confused as to why I was feeling one now. Was it because I was still emotionally upset by what had happened earlier and I was trying to get back at my ex? Or, had the attraction always been there and I had just ignored it because I had been committed to my ex? I decided not to think about it and walked over to the toilet to set my bag down so I could get out a fresh change of clothes. I looked through what I had grabbed and was horrified. I had forgotten to pack any underwear of any kind and had only grabbed a couple tank tops and skirts. I generally preferred to be in jeans and t-shirts, but I realized that I had no other choice at the moment.

I turned on the water and looked in the mirror, giving it a chance to warm up. My pale blue eyes were immediately drawn to the bruise around my left eye. It was darker and bigger then I thought it was, but it looked worse then it felt, since I prodded it lightly to check the sensitivity. There was a tiny cut on the left side of my pale pink upper lip that I wasn't sure how I had got. I decided not to worry about it and I quickly stripped my clothes off and stepped into the warm water. I washed my short, black hair quickly and lathered up even faster. I was in a hurry to get covered back up.

I looked through my pack again and noticed I had packed a razor. I decided to shave, since there was no reason to let personal hygiene go because I had left my ex. I ran the razor under my arms and looked down at my mound. The hair had just started to grow back. I debated whether to shave it or not, ultimately deciding that I would. I finished up quickly, turned off the water, grabbed a towel and began to towel off. The door flew open before I had a chance to react and there stood Dan. His eyes ran over my body and I did nothing to cover up. I saw a bulge grow in his pants.

"Is there a problem," I asked as I pulled the towel slowly up my body to cover myself, even though he had already seen my 36D's and all their glory.

"Oh, ummm, no. Just thought I would ask if you mind having something other then Pepsi with your sandwich," he stuttered. I couldn't help but laugh a little at him. Here was this man that was always so cool and on top of his game and all it took to knock him off was the sight of me naked.

"Oh, I guess I'll live. Now, can you get out of here so I can get dressed please? I'll be out in a few minutes." With that, he slowly closed the door, his eyes staying on me until the last second.

I hurriedly got dressed and ready. As I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw him disappearing around the corner. I decided to follow him. As I emerged from the small hallway, I was confronted with the sight of a small table with candles resting on it. There were two chairs around it and each chair had a plate sitting in front of it with a large sandwich on each. I noticed that he had set out wine glasses and I was impressed that he had gotten so much done in the short time I had been in the shower.

He looked up at me when I cleared my throat. I saw his eyes widen slightly at my apparel, but he didn't miss a beat this time.

"Hope you don't mind. I thought I would make this a little better then just sandwiches and pop," he said as he blew out the match he had used to lit the candles.

"Oh, that's fine. I am actually impressed that you got so much done in such a short amount of time," I said as I walked toward the table.

"Oh, well, I set some of it up earlier while you were outside. I was thinking you might need something to take your mind off what happened," he said as he pulled out my chair. I sat and he pushed me up to the table. I had never been treated with such respect and I was a little taken back by it. He returned to the other side of the table and sat. He reached behind him and produced a bottle of white wine. He opened it expertly and poured us both a generous amount. I raised my glass to him as he sat the bottle back behind him and picked up his own. We clinked the glasses together and looked at each other as we both took our first sip.

"Well, let's dig in," he said as he sat down his glass and he picked up his sandwich.

We ate in silence for a few minutes. I felt I had to explain to him what had happened. I opened my mouth to talk, but he raised his hand to stop me.

"You don't have to explain anything to me. I know as well as anyone how things sometimes don't go the way we plan them to. I am perfectly happy with you staying quiet about the whole thing, since I have a feeling I may end up changing my mind and going down to beat his ass," he said as he took another bite.

"I know I don't have to tell you anything. I want to. I need to get it off my chest and since you are here, you get to hear it. Just promise me that you will wait until I am done to decide whether to kill him or not," I said with a grin. The last part made him smile.

"I guess, that's the least I could do" he said as he looked at me.

I took a deep breath and told my tale. He sat and listened, occasionally taking bites and chewing thoughtfully. He didn't ask questions or interrupt. He must have somehow known that I had to get it all out. I told him everything. Everything I had gone through in the last ten years. All the times I had thought about leaving, but had been to scared to do it. I told him my fears of what would happen to my children. I told him of my relief that they were at their grandmothers today and would be until Sunday. He didn't say a word or make any kind of noise until I told him of my anxiety that I would now spend the rest of my life alone. He had been taking a drink and he seemed to choke on it.

"What the hell did you just say," he asked as he looked at me as if I had just grown a second head. "Have you seen yourself? A woman as gorgeous, intelligent and fun to be around as you will have no problem finding someone. In fact, once people know you are single, you will probably have to start beating guys off with a stick," he said as he looked me over again.

I couldn't help but feel a jolt of excitement cut through me at his words and his look.He had never looked at me like that and I found that I enjoyed when he did. I felt powerful and that was something I hadn't felt in a very long time. I felt my cheeks begin to burn and I looked down at my almost empty plate. I had been eating without even realizing it.

"In fact," he said as he leaned closer to me over the table. "I have to admit that you may have to beat me off with a stick before you leave. I have been attracted to you since the day I responded to your accident, but I respected you and Javin to much to do anything about it. Now I have lost all my respect for Javin. The only thing stopping me from ravaging you right now is I still have respect for you. So, if you tell me no, I will do my best to keep my hands to myself,"he said as he reached his hand out and ran his fingers along my cheek.

I looked him in the eyes and saw lust. I felt myself drawn to him and I wanted nothing more in that moment then to feel his hands on me. Thankfully, it was a small table, so I was able to lean across it and lay my lips on his. I felt him pull away and was worried I had gone to far.In one smooth movement, he stood up and came around the table to stand beside me. He pulled me out of my seat, wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips back to mine. I lost myself in the feel of his lips on mine. It had been a long time since I had been kissed that passionately and I was loving it. I pressed myself into him and I heard him moan. I moaned back and I felt his hands go straight to my ass. His tongue worked its way into mine and our tongues danced together, promising all that was to come.

Suddenly, he pulled away again. I was saddened a little but he picked me up. He walked toward the double doors that separated his living room from the dining room. I hadn't noticed they had been closed. He kicked the doors open and I looked in. The room was filled with flickering candles and soft music played in the background. He carried me to the pile of pillows and blankets he had obviously laid out and placed me softly in the middle of them. He gently laid on top of me and I could feel his erection poking into my stomach. I playfully thrust my hips up to meet him and I heard an animalistic growl escape him. He had either been without it for a long time,or he truly had been attracted to me for a long time.

I didn't really care which it was. At that moment, I just wanted to be loved. He pressed his lips back to mine, a little more forcefully this time. Our mouths opened immediately and as our tongues danced, our hands got busy groping and grabbing every part they could touch. It took only seconds for him to find my breast with his right hand. He grabbed it and massaged it, sending a jolt straight to my dripping mound. My hands found there way onto his ass and I was massaging and pulling him closer. We were both moaning and groaning. I heard nothing beyond the sounds we were making and my own pulse in my ear.

He pulled out of the kiss slowly, as if it physically hurt him for our lips to part. Without saying a word he sat up, pulling me up with him. I felt his fingers slide down my body and grab the bottom of my shirt. He pulled it up and off, and I heard a gasp escape him as he realized I wasn't wearing a bra. He plunged his head to my nipple and sucked it in. His tongue flicked back and forth across my already hard nub and it sent chills all through me. My hands entwined themselves in his hair, and I pulled him closer to my chest. I fell back onto the pillows, dragging him back with me. While his mouth was busy on one nipple, his hand was busy with the other.

He switched their places and I was filled with a new, hot wave of lust. I suddenly pushed him off my breasts and grabbed for his shirt, wanting nothing more then to get it off him. I fumbled a little, since my hands were shaking. After allowing me a few seconds, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He fell back on me and I felt the warmth of his skin against mine. He kissed me again, lingering for only a moment before moving his lips across my face. He slowly kissed his way to my left eye, were I felt him lightly lay kisses around it. It tinged a little, but that only worked to heighten my arousal.

After circling my entire eye with kisses, he worked his way down to my body. Every place his lips touched was instantly filled with fire. He left a trail of blazing need in his wake. When he reached my belly button, he quickly dipped his tongue inside. The action made me giggle and I wiggled against him. He moaned again and continued his journey down my body. He surprised me when he got to the top of my skirt by jumping over it completely and kissing down my right leg. When he reached the bottom of my foot, he started his way back up my left leg, paying special attention to the scar on my left knee. When he reached my thigh, he made small circles with his tongue that sent a jolt of electricity through my entire body.

I began to openly moan and he inched ever closer to my mound. He slowly licked his way over the skirt and took the top in his teeth. He pulled it down and only took it in his hands once it was at my knees. I felt him yank the skirt the rest of the way off. A small gasp escaped him and he spoke for the first time since we had started.

"Well, now. Looks like somebody was hoping for a little action tonight, weren't they," he asked as he slowly ran his hands up and down my bare legs and let his eyes fall to my bare mound.

"I could say the same for you, seeing as how I am laying in a pile of pillows that I am fairly certain isn't laying here all the time,"I said as I softly thrust my hips up.

"OK, I'll be honest. I was sort of hoping this would happen. But I must say, so far, it's been better then I ever imagined it could be. Now, how about you lay back and let me show you just how much I wanted this to happen." With that, he moved his mouth down to my hip and slowly started to lick and kiss his way to were my legs meet. I found myself breathing deeper and faster with every inch he got closer to my mound. If he kept this up, I would be cumming as soon as his tongue touched me. Gently, he worked my legs apart with his hands. He jutted out his tongue and ever so gently ran it along each of my lips.

I was filled with lust and desire and moaned as he continued the motion. Suddenly, I felt his tongue part my lips and come into contact with my clit for the first time. I gasped my pleasure and grabbed two handfuls of his hair. He flattened his tongue against my clit and ran it from top to bottom. I felt my orgasm build and explode quickly and I came all over his chin. As my body jerked and writhed against him, he did his best to keep his tongue against my clit. I let his hair go when my orgasm started to fade and he sat up to look at me. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment and I opened my mouth to speak.

"Oh Dan. I'm so sorry. I guess everything that has happened today just got to me. I usually last a lot longer then that. I..." I stopped talking when I felt his fingers on my lips.

"Don't do that. I wasn't expecting you to last that long, and I would have been a little hurt if you had. I know it's been a long and emotional day for you. And, I am still leaving it up to you. If you want to stop now, even though it will leave me with raging blue balls, I will understand. Right now, all I am worried about is making you happy," he said as he pulled his finger away from my mouth and placed his hand back on my thigh.

"Oh, that's very sweet of you," I said as I sat up. "There's no way I am done for the night though. So, if I say to stop right now, we will both be in misery. And where's the fun in that," I said as I slid my hands down his body on my way to the top of his pants. I thought better of it, and pushed myself to my feet.

He got a look of concern on his face, but I simply stepped behind him and pulled him to his feet. I gently pushed him to the couch and watched as he plopped onto it. I walked toward him slowly, being sure to shake my hips a little extra with each step. I saw his eyes travel down my body and the impressive bulge in his pants give a little twitch. I knew what I was doing to him and I felt a surge of pride. It had been a long time since I had felt desired by a man.

When I reached him, I slowly knelt to him,being sure there was a pillow under my knees. I leaned over him and kissed him, snaking my tongue into his mouth. As our tongues danced, I allowed my hands to roam his body. I ran them over his smooth chest, giving his nipples a little tweak when I passed them. I heard him let out a small moan at the tease. My hands continued there path down his stomach and I felt his muscles twitching and jerking under my touch. I continued past the top of his pants and slid my hands down his legs, being careful to stay away from his crotch. I wanted to be surprised when I finally saw him in all his glory.

I pulled away from his mouth and started kissing and licking my way down his body. I started at his left ear lobe and slowly brought my tongue down to his neck. I sucked random bits of his skin into my mouth, allowing them to pop back out after a few seconds. I didn't really care if I left marks. I was lost in lust. I continued my path down his body by gliding my tongue from his Adams apple to his left nipple. I circled it and bit down gently. I felt him tense slightly, but he must have enjoyed it because he thrust his hips up at me. I made my way over to his other nipple, giving it the same treatment and getting the same reaction. I slide my tongue back to the middle of his body and continued down. When I reached his belly button, I ran my tongue along the outside and quickly dipped it inside. He giggled, just as I had and I couldn't help but smile. I found it truly entertaining that I could make this big, tough guy giggle like a girl. I would have to be sure to remind him of that later.

I ran my tongue through the small, soft patch of hair he had on his lower stomach. I made little swirls to make sure that I was taking my time. When I reached his waist band, I simply ran my tongue over his covered erection. I turned my head to the side and placed my lips around him, just to get an idea of how big he was. I could instantly tell that he was bigger then my ex was. I was excited and a little nervous to see it. I decided that now would be a good time to show him a trick I had picked up a long time ago.

I placed my fingers on either side of the material covering his zipper and pulled, exposing the metal that had his pants shut. I placed my tongue against the top of it, and pushed it down. I heard him gasp as he realized what I was doing and what I was doing it with. I was suddenly overcome with the urge to have him in my mouth, so I quickly undid the button and began to pull his pants and boxers down. I struggled with them a little when it came to getting them around his rock hard member. Once I knew he had enough clearance, I took a deep breath and pulled his pants down to his knees. I was immediately smacked in the face with his member. I pulled my face away to get a better look and I felt my jaw drop. He had to be at least 9 inches in length and as big around as an apple.

I was momentarily mesmerized by his erection. I sat staring at him and only moved when I felt his hand on my shoulder. I leaned over to see around his member and looked in his eyes. He was obviously proud of himself, since he had a big smirk on his face. He was also worried, because his eyes looked as if he wanted to cry. I reassured him by smiling up at him and moving back to the engorged, purple head of his cock. My mouth was suddenly filled with saliva and I felt as if I had to feel his smooth, shiny skin with my tongue.

I jutted out my tongue to flick along the small hole at the top and I heard him gasp. I got a good taste of his pre cum the was leaking out of him. I circled my tongue around the head and moved slowly down his shaft, pointing my tongue. When I reached the bottom, I circled him and ran my tongue back up the other side, being sure to lay it flat against him. I felt his hands in my hair, but he didn't take handfuls of it. He simply massaged my head, letting me know that he was willing to go at my pace. I covered the entire head in my saliva as I worked up the courage to finally take him in my mouth. I opened as wide as I could and slowly slid him into my mouth. It took a few moments to get used to his size, so I flicked my tongue back and forth across his head.

I decided he was going to be shown another of my tricks and I moved my hands up his thighs to rest on his hips. I took the deepest breath I could through my nose and suddenly slide my mouth as far down him as I could. I couldn't get him all in, but I moved my right hand to cover the part I couldn't take in. I began to suck as hard as I could and bobbed my head back and forth, making sure to move my tongue against his head when I could. His hands, which had been seconds before been idly playing with my hair, sudden clenched and I felt a slight pull. Suddenly, he pulled me on to him as far as he could and gave a loud groan. I felthis shaft begin to jerk and I knew he was cumming. As I felt the first jet hit the back of my throat, I swallowed, causing an even louder moan to escape him. I pulled back as his cock still jerked, leaving his head to spasm against my tongue.

He was a big cummer and I had to swallow three or four times to ensure I got every bit of his juice. He had a slightly salty taste, but he tasted better then any other man I had ever tasted. After he finally stopped jerking in my mouth, I pulled off him, causing a slight pop to fill the room. I looked up at him and saw a large grin spread across his face.

"Oh my god," he said as he huffed in air. "That was absolutely amazing. Sorry it didn't last long, but I think I had the same problem you did."

"Oh, don't worry," I said as I slowly raised off my knees and moved to sit beside him on the couch. He put his arm around my shoulders and I leaned as I could. "Besides, I'm not done with you yet. I will give you a few minutes to rest up and then I plan on riding that wonderful cock of yours until we are both exhausted," I said as I leaned into him, pressing my breasts against him.

"Well, that sounds like fun, but who needs a break? I'm ready if you are," he said as he placed his free hand on my left breast and began to flick my nipple.

"Oh, I'm more then ready. Now, kiss me and we'll get this party started," I said as I pulled him lightly to me.

As our lips pressed together, I happened to look on the wall behind him. There was a calendar there and I noted the date. December 21, 2012. The day that the world was supposed to end. I didn't know about anyone else, but earlier I had thought my world had ended. Now, I realized it hadn't really ended, I had just started a new chapter. A hopefully better, happier one. Whether it was or not, one thing was sure. The sex would be amazing.

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You glanced around - it was an eerie night, with the full moon glowing brightly in the sky and shadows being lengthened to pull off a more frightening look than they usually would have. You gritted your teeth, and kept moving, though your body was tensed - this wasn't a good part of town, and you knew that because you were a guy, you would probably be beat up at the first opportunity. If you let them, of course - you were strong, standing at a good 6 feet, and though you weren't exactly...

2 years ago
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Hero (Sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes. I am not perfect. Most readers have patience; others think the story sucks if there are mistakes. I do try though Hello everyone. I am so happy that my story will be on this site. It's not a story about me finding out there was a girl living in my boy's body, and it's not a story about some girl or woman making me their slave. It's not a story about me finding a boyfriend and being his girlfriend. This is my story where I tell the...

4 years ago
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Horvan rode proudly at the head of his army, controlling his great black stallion with practiced ease. Behind and to both sides rode his Six Companies, squat plainsmen on shaggy ponies. Fearless in battle, they were the shock troops who had taught half a continent to fear the name of Horvan. Next came rank after rank of foot soldiers. Not flashy. No waving banners. Just dull armor and sharp weapons. The core of his army, and its real strength. With these men to hold what his cavalry took, he...

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It all started in 1938, when the first superhero, the Gladiator, appeared. He claimed to be from the distant future where Earth had exploded. Due to experiments his father had performed on him, Gladiator possessed superhuman strength and bulletproof skin. He used his powers to fight crime in Cleveland. Then another vigilante, the Shadow emerged in 1939, operating in New York. He could not have been more different from the Gladiator, sticking to the shadows. Not much was known about him, many...

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Anna muttered something. I took little peeks over. My school locker was close to hers. I could tell she was frustrated. I always took peeks at her without regards to whether she was frustrated or not. Anna was beautiful and all the boys thought so. "Dang it!" she said under her breath. It looked like she couldn't get into her locker. That sucked. I would be frustrated too if I was in her situation. I closed my locker and locked it. I put my book bag over my shoulder. "William?" I turned...

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As a Therapist, Elizabeth Fare could always get the men and women to let everything out once they move from sitting in a chair, to laying on the couch in her office. Each patient comes in downtrodden and moping, but when they leave, they all appear chipper and re-energized, while, like her patients. Elizabeth is left satisfied.

4 years ago
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Welcome to Taleson City, a large city on America's eastern seaboard. This thriving metropolis holds over 100,000,000 people and over 200,000,000 jobs. It is also rapant with crime. That's where you come in. Where as in most cities, the police are expected to deal with crime, here in Taleson, it's your job. That's alright, of course, because you happen to be a top notch superhero. 1.Patrick Croight (Muscular Man) 2.Alice Weatherbee (Weather Girl) 3.Tom Rappaport (The Amazing Morphing...

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Switcheroo by Pamela ([email protected]) During Ted and Marsha's wedding ceremony there was a funny moment of confusion when the minister appeared to juxtapose the vows by asking Marsha whether she would take, Ted, to be her lawful wedded wife. Then a few minutes later he asked Ted if he would take Marsha to be his lawful wedded husband. Those paying close attention to the ceremony chuckled at the mistakes while most of the crowd did not notice. For himself, Ted wrote the...

1 year ago
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Anna was vibrating with excitement. She had been waiting to see this band for over a year now. She didn't get to go last year since all the concerts were canceled and it was only now that some of the smaller venues were allowing some shows. Her best friend Megan had hit her up the day before telling that, somehow, she had got her hands on tickets for the two of the to go see the band at a tiny little place called The Rockit. The Rockit wasn't the coolest place in town, due mostly to the fact...

3 years ago
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The two young couples were sharing a hotel room to save money on the weekend trip. They were close friends from high school and had been a part of each other’s weddings few years earlier so they figured it would work out OK. Ever since the wedding nights, the wives had bemoaned that they were virgin brides. Why had they waited so long? Their husbands weren’t quite as pure, having shared a drunken college girl for a night on a spring break. Maybe this was the opportunity to change that. After...

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Chris swirled Jane around in his arms as they entered the apartment. It was theirs, all theirs, and safely away from the soft cocoon of their family. They immediately started exploring, exclaiming over the view out of the kitchen, the three large bedrooms, and nicely appointed living room. “This was a great idea. Just us and no one else.” Chris said has he gave Jane a passionate kiss. The had plotted about moving to New York for almost a year, ever since they were married. Their families were...

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Sometimes you need a Hero Ero to help you find some good shit to jerk off to. Arguably, your dirty old friend ThePornDude is usually that pantless champion you need, pointing you toward your ideal fap material, whether it’s lesbian threesomes, hentai or some wild fetish porn for the real freaks. Today, though, I’m going to talk about another hero making his lifesaving rounds on the Internet smut scene. Thanks to this magnanimous fucker, I think I avoided another indecent exposure arrest at the...

The Fappening
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Rita heard the front door swing open, and Mitch thudded in wearing his heavy boots. He stopped in the kitchen doorway and leaned against the jamb. His hair and uniform were a crumpled mess. “Hi,” he said. “Something smells good.” “How does lasagna sound?” Rita said. “Sounds real good. We saved a couple kids today.” Rita wiped her hands on a thin dishtowel and turned directly towards him. The circles under his eyes were very dark after the long shift, but his eyes still danced. “Yeah?” He...

2 years ago
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Aaron carefully made his way into the dark, abandoned warehouse. This handsome-looking blonde-haired, blue-eyed young guy was nervous. He had not yet found Jeremy. Granted, he could barely see 10 feet in front of his face, but he had searched nearly every room in the building. There was one door at the end of the hallway that was unchecked. As Aaron approached the door, he looked down at how he was dressed and realized how ridiculous this would look to an outside observer. There was something...

3 years ago
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Rita heard the front door swing open, and Mitch thudded in wearing his heavy boots. He stopped in the kitchen doorway and leaned against the jamb. His hair and uniform were a crumpled mess. "Hi," he said. "Something smells good." "How does lasagna sound?" Rita said. "Sounds real good. We saved a couple kids today." Rita wiped her hands on a thin dishtowel and turned directly towards him. The circles under his eyes were very dark after the long shift, but his eyes still danced....

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From her outward appearance you'd never guess that Valerie Hawkins was a predator! Standing five feet six inches tall and weighing in at 125 pounds, she looked a lot like any other pretty thirty year old you'd meet on the street. To many people the word predator brings to mind a ravenous killer, that stalks its prey, killing it with no remorse, no hatred, no greed, just the driving instinct to attack and kill, inbred, with no compunction. No, Valerie Hawkins doesn't fit he normal picture of a...

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There wasn't much room for doubt about what was happening. The big guy had her with his one hand wrapped over her mouth and the other tight around her upper arm, jerking her deeper out of the streetlight spillover and into the alley. She wasn't even really struggling, just frog-marching along with him. The weaselly guy was beween them and me with a knife showing. "Hey!" I shouted. But at 1:30 in the morning in that section of town there wasn't anyone else on the streets to hear, and this...

4 years ago
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The ProfessorChapter 12 Mystery Missing Person New authors

“What do you mean you haven’t talked to your mother in over a week?” Ash ruminated, “I think it was a week ago Sunday night to let her know we’d gotten here safe and sound on the train. I had barely seen her that weekend, but she was puttering around the house and she said she had a date that evening. Nothing unusual. After that day when I called all I did was leave messages on the answering machine. When I went home on Friday, there were all my messages unplayed. I stayed alone that night...

3 years ago
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Friendly Skies

Now I actually am one of the few people who can say that I truly love my job.  I am an assistant coach and scout for the basketball team, meaning I get to travel all over and watch games, recruiting young players.  Sure, sometimes it means late hours on planes and long layovers, but as you will see, those things can pay off huge!!!  This story occurs during a trip that I took to NYC to scout several players in various high schools in the area.  I had actually jumped at the chance to go on...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Gina Valentina Lilly Ford Free The Nipple

In the fraught political climate we live in today, only the bold will make the changes we need for the future. That is why women like Gina Valentina and Lilly Ford are so important. They sit on their bed, talking about the protests going outside, and decide to make their own strides forward. Their mission? FREE THE NIPPLE! Gina cuts Lillys bra off, and they shout in joy over their newfound liberation. But for some reason, they let their dads find the cut up bras outside their room. These dads...

1 year ago
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My Wonderful Obsession 9

My Wonderful Obsession Part 9: A Romantic Adventure The blossoms were out in full force, so that meant it was time for Mrs. White's ever-popular annual spring voice recital. But it was even more popular than normal this year, because a group of parents had got their way and we were all performing songs from Broadway musicals. Everyone had to organize their own costumes and whatever props would be needed, such as chairs or tables. Mom found a pattern and helped me sew my Eliza...

1 year ago
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Total Accident but oh was it nice

She came in our house threw the garage door and saw me (19 and a half at the time) in the bathroom taking pictures for myspace. She turned to me and said hi and she quickly sat down in the living room and I knew this due to the fact that I could hear her telling my mom everything that happened at the police station and when the accident happened. 'He hit my car and the cops aren't doing anything about it', She exclaimed. But my mom gave the best answer that anyone would....'They're...

4 years ago
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The Package

The large clock on the wall read ten after nine as Julie Sutherland stepped through the large glass double doors that led to the offices of Mordmorgan Books. On a normal work day, the twenty-six-year-old black woman would already be late but today being Saturday and the day set aside for the quarterly purging of the files, she was actually twenty minutes early. Plenty of time, she thought, to stop off at the break room and grab a coffee and donut. The break room was already half full when she...

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SpiceVids slid into my DMs this morning and it seemed like perfect timing, because we’re in the middle of pumpkin spice season. All the women you know are paying extra to have cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and clove extracts added to their coffee, donuts, cigarettes and tampons, so why wouldn’t porn fanatics want the same? The answer, of course, is the burning. Fortunately for all of us perverts, the titular spice we’ll be looking at today ain’t the seasonal kind traditionally added to otherwise...

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Sports Bar Predrink

Sitting on the chair leaning against the bar, Steven sat quietly sipping on his rum and coke. It was a fairly quiet night at the local sports bar he often ventured to after work to wind down from his work shift.Steven looked up at the door as a small group of women walked through laughing and talking quickly. His eyes rested upon the shorter more seductive looking member of the group whose eyes met his as the women made their way to the bar.She smiled as she approached him with the biggest...

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The Book of Sisi

The Book of Sisi by Anonymous "In the land of Gods and monsters I was an Angel looking to get fucked hard..." - Lana Del Rey Once upon a time in the ancient world, the Goddess Isis wept and mourned and she lamented the loss of her beloved husband the God Osiris, God- King of all of Egypt. Because of jealousy and lust for his sister, not his own wife the Goddess Nephthys, their brother the God Seth had murdered his brother the God Osiris and chopped his body into fourteen separate...

1 year ago
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Love can be in plain sight 9

We just looked at each other for a minute and smiled. “I guess the baby didn't like that one bit,” I said. Jim ran out to the car to get it ready, Maria and Ray helped me up and we slowly made our way to the door. I knew the moment had to come sooner or later, but still it felt like it was too soon. We got in the car and made our way to the hospital. We got in there and Ray made sure to give Bill and Wendy a call. They got there just in time for our baby girl to be born, and they brought Tom of...

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The simple truth miami 2012

Ok, so I'm in college. love to party, drink, and fuck, and occasionally study. However, i really like fucking. relationships are cool bu t i guess i haven't found the right girl yet because whenever I get into a relationship i always find myself fucking around with other gorgeous women. I don't mean for it to happen but it does. I mean what, i have high standard, and am attractive. Girls basically throw the ass at me. Like i said I haven't found the It girl yet or else i would be able to fight...

1 year ago
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Gaping Anal Annie

Hi there, sexy! My name is Annie. Can I tell you a secret? I LOVE ANAL!At 43, some of the knockout beauty of my youth may have faded, but I do alright. My figure now carries a few extra pounds, but my auburn hair is still past my shoulders and my 38-D tits barely sag. My pussy's still snappy and I come very easily. There may be a few laugh lines around my mouth, but that mouth can still suck your cock and swallow your load, just the way you crave it.But the best thing about me is my 24/7...

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The Tyrant

“Ruth for heaven’s sake will you please hurry up. You’reworking at a snail’s pace today. I don’t pay you to act like you’re sleep-walking.” I bite my tongue and count to ten. I don’t know how I keep my cool sometimes, on days like this Alexis can be the bitch from hell, and the worst boss imaginable. “Yes Alexis. I get the message.” I’ve worked here at The Ark for just over two years. It once had a reputation as the best Restaurant in town, but things have slipped over the past year. The...

Quickie Sex
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Wrong NumberChapter 2

Ring Ring Ring Hello? Hello... is this Mrs Bazel? Yes this is Mrs Bazel. Can I help you? Hmmmm, with this little tape, I just know you can. Who is thi... Oh my GOSH... its YOU! I'm so glad you remember. Did you miss me? No! I HATE YOU! How could you have lied about my daughter like that? Nobody ever said you had to get all horny because of it. You horrible girl. You humiliated me and worse you humiliated my Jessica. I hate you! How has she taken the news that her mother is an...

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Ruchi8217s first fuck

Hi, I am Ruchi Sharma from Delhi, I was born and brought at Delhi, My parents stay at RK Puram, and I studied in a good school there. I am now 32 yrs old, unmarried. Actually a whore in simple words. I will take you through my life in due course. My best friend actually put me into this and there has been no turning back. I was introduced to this site by a friend of mine; he too stays here at Delhi, infact we are in the same locality. Let me call him as Ankit. We studied together in the same...

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I need you to cum in the living room for me1

“I thought you might be doing that. I’m sorry I pushed you away earlier. It’s just that I heard my mom moving around, and I didn’t want her to hear us having sex. I’ll tell you what, if you stop that right now, I will make it up to you later. I think you’d really enjoy what I’m planning for you, but you need to save up that cum for it.” I responded back to her with “I’m not sure, I’m pretty close to cumming now, and I really need to cum right now.” “Remember, a cock in the bush is...

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The Hotel Room0

My own wife looked great. I loved her in this black and white dress. She doesn't dress provocatively very often, so anytime she wears a dress that is low cut and shows off her wonderful cleavage is welcomed by me! It also went down to just above her knees, showing off her long, slender legs that just looked great in a pair of high heels. The more we danced together, the more I had to stop myself from trying to take her back into the coat room for a little alone time. The more I drank, the...

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277 it and the virgin round 1

277 i****t and the virgin round 1 “Hi, I am a member of the Wabbit family and we come from the Romney marshes here in Kent, my name is Rod, short for Rodney, Rodney Wabbit and yes I know before you say it it’s a naff name but I`ve been stuck with it these past 40 years!” At school it was dreadful, talk about the boy named sue, I ended up in more scraps than enough, by the 11 plus I was known as a tearaway, a scrapper, but strangely by the time I was at the next school, the bigger one in New...

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I Sometimes Say the Dumbest ThingsChapter 4

Jimmy had already removed his clothes and he seemed to be a little self-conscious about being naked. I had the impression that it was being naked in front of Kyra that bothered him though. He kept glancing at her nervously. As soon as Dale was out of the way Jimmy took his place on the cushion. He lay on his back and rested his head on his arms. Since I hadn't moved after cleaning Dale's cock with my mouth, Jimmy's hard, drooling cock was right near my face. I looked at it in disgust for...

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Bunked Bonked Buggered Sisters

Lucy and Hannah had always known each other and shared space for as long as either of them could remember. They shared it intimately in the bedroom and the bathroom. They were sisters only ten months apart. They shared a small two bedroom inner city apartment with their mother as the male presence in their lives disappearing while they were both toddlers. They were brought up very strictly by their mother who insisted they attend the local all girls’ Catholic school and got an overload of moral...

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My Life with Summer My Second Cuckold Relationship Pt 5

Our first two months or so together were really rough. To be honest, I don’t know how we got through it. We really struggled to set boundaries and to figure out what we wanted or expected from each other. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I knew exactly what I wanted from Summer, but she was having a really hard time wrapping her head around everything. Summer wasn’t comfortable having to constantly asserting herself, but she was afraid that if our relationship didn’t feel different from the...

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SpaceChapter 12

I added, "If my suggestion is adopted then the teachers instructing those pupils involved in this incident need to be contacted. Training has to be provided or teachers shifted around. This may take just a few meetings with a competent mental health staff." Rod Suffolk said, "I think this is important too." I asked, "What numbers are we talking about?" "At the moment there are 106 children. Thankfully only 43 were involved with the ring. The rest were younger or even older siblings...

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Alien Orgy

She stood up in the craft, the surface beneath her soft, cushioned and apparently organic. She took two, three steps. That was as far as she got before whip-like tentacles shot from the surface beneath her and ensnared her wrists and ankles. She was yanked onto her back and her limbs bound to the floor spread eagle. She struggled only momentarily, immediately realizing that any attempt to free herself would be a waste of precious energy, and she knew she was going to need all her energy for...

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Pattycake at the Cabin

Sean had been working too hard. His annual physical illustrated the point. His blood pressure was up, his cholesterol was up, he’d started having back spasms, and sex drive? Hell he didn’t even know what that was anymore. His wife Linda was a pretty piece too, with shoulder length dark chocolate hair, eyes just as dark with full lips that always seemed to be the color of a ripe pomegranate. She was petite and due to her meticulous fitness habits, very slim with well toned biceps and calves. ...

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What the Night WhispersChapter 5

We spent the day on the couch, Kira and I, cuddled together, just mother and daughter, innocent and lovely. I really enjoyed holding Kira against me like I had so often before she hit puberty. Even as my thoughts about her turned more intimate, I loved feeling her skin on mine, knowing my child was safe in my arms. The movie we watched ended and neither of us moved, both half-asleep, Kira leaning against me, her head resting on my breast. I rubbed her shoulders and felt her stir as the...

3 years ago
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Step Daughter

Dan woke naked in his bed with his oldest step daughter sucking his cock. He had married a lady with three daughters, all sexy and beautiful. It took him a minute to realize what was happening and he then grabbed her and pulled her to him and said "What the fuck you doing? Do you want some man size cock?" He then grabbed her and planted a kiss on her mouth shoving his tongue deep in her throat. She kissed back and sucked on his tongue making his cock even harder. He grabbed a nipple with his...

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The Ultimate Punishment

The Ultimate Punishment By TrueZero To their parents, Martin and his four friends were as troublesome as could possibly be. They were only sixteen, and they already were on the road to prison. They drank, did drugs, constantly defied and challenged their parents, and recently were released from Police custody after breaking in to an old man's house and damaging several items on his property, and stealing others. Their parents were at their wits'...

2 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IChapter 7 Penny Lane

I heard Sarah gasp but I kept my eyes on the nurse I had not been introduced to yet. She had an odd grin on her face. "David, call Lt. Cable," Grandmother said. "Have him bring someone from forensics," I added. Peter, who evidently was handling communications, just nodded. Doctor Bales' knuckles turned white as he squeezed the arms of the chair. "Watch him close! If he moves his hands, shoot to kill!" David barked to Beth, who had drawn her gun. The slight click of the safety...

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Bhabhi Bani Biwi 8211 Part 3

Agle din subha, tino hi mujhse pahle uth ke apne kaam mein lag chuki thi. Mujhe college jaana tha aur late ho raha tha. Lund mein bhi jalan si thi. Pahle kabhi sex kiya nahi tha isliye subha himmat nahi thi ki sex karun. Sushila ko sharmate hue se bataya toh muskura di aur boli. Hadbadi karoge toh sahna hi padega. Fir oil le kar aayee aur room band kar ke halke haathon se maalish karne lagi. Lund puri tarah tan gaya aur oil ke karan jalan kam hui. Maine Sushila ke kamar aur pet pe haath ghumana...

4 years ago
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Denver and Alex

Alex’s parents were as supportive as he could have hoped to be. His mother accepted him fully and loved him the same (she even seemed a little proud), his father was less thrilled but he seemed okay with it too, he was mostly to busy making piles of money on the stock market. My parents were a little wary of what they pictured as the world’s most perfect son spending most of his male bonding with a gay kid, but they had known Alex for so long they couldn’t be but so insensitive (besides they...

2 years ago
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Wicked Stepmother part 4

Things settled down for their unusual household. Mark whilst not exactly moving in was spending more and more time with them whilst happily sleeping with both Ella and Sal either separately or together. As for Chris the interesting development was that the two caterers Margaret and Nicola had moved in with him. Chris had a big house inherited from his grandparents. Being disabled it was a struggle for him but it had sentimental attraction from his healthier youth. The girls on the other hand...

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A very tight hole

 It was a hot, late summer morning. The breeze from the gulf stream, rose off the cliffs at Polbain just taking the sting out of the sunshine. This part of Scotland was beautiful at this time of year, as the red deer grazed on the edges of the woodlands and the occasional Golden Eagle drifted over towards a distant eyrie. It had been a while since Lisa and Holly had had any proper girl time, and right now seemed perfect with the British Open Golf completed and the next competition a few weeks...

Group Sex
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Sex Slave To The Neighbours Pt 3

Part 3 in which I'm agreeable and cruelly disappointed.The next morning, before dawn, I got on my bike for my ride but this time I stopped in front of their house. I could see the flickering light from their television through front window. I walked up to the porch and tapped on the door. The man yelled "It's open. Come in." And I did. They were watching a video of me masturbating in front of them a week ago. They were both on the couch in a darkened corner I could see that they were naked....

2 years ago
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Fire in the confessionalwelcome to my nighmare

here is a story I wrote called Fire in the confessional She walked into the church, red nails, red lips, red eyes, and a fire burning inside. Her black cloak hood was up and cloak was shut tight. She had a basket full of cookies on her arm. This isn't little red riding hood and she isn't going to see grammy. The new church Father was young and handsome. Think Dominik Bauer for versace! versace never dissapoints. She walked up to the confessional in her red stilettos. Wearing this...

1 year ago
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One New HorizonChapter 2

The driver froze as three black men came through the door with guns already drawn. Joe the bartender was the first man into the room. "That's it sunshine," Joe said, "take it out real slow and put it on the bar. I'm already pissed at you for drawing on me to start with, so you don't want to make it any worse." He looked at me then, "You, asshole, don't get the opportunity to fire me. I'm going to take all the cash in this place as a payment for what I am worth, and as long as no...

1 year ago
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The Long and the Short of ItChapter 10

They did not spend the rest of the day in bed and, after a snack lunch, went for a walk on Blackheath. That was a good thing as they got to know each other better and better, their conversation becoming easily intimate. They teased each other, laughed with each other, sympathised with each other. They discussed their interests and their hopes for the future. All this continued when they got back to the flat and sat on the sofa with their arms round one another. After a cup of tea they did go...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 3

When everyone except Sienna was finally gone, I slept like a log. The day had been far too stressful and Ross’ body was in no way capable of withstanding the kind of emotional and physical stress as I had been through. Sienna stayed with me every second. She sat nearby and read while I slept, refusing to slip out and do anything for herself. It was much later when I awoke. For the first time since I arrived into Ross’ body, I had an appetite. Food actually tasted appealing. Ross’ body was...

1 year ago
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Unintentional Seduced Neighbouring House Wives Part 8211 4

I am rajveer, working for an MNC as a regional head, 5’9″ height, fair complexion with average built body, I like meeting and having safe sex or relationship with mature, committed, married, divorced, widows or single women (any female who wants to have a good time in any way, even in bed or outside), This incident is about how, I accidentally seduced two of my newly moved neighbouring house wives “Zainab and Aamina”, it was purely accidental and unintentional. You can mail me or send me your...

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