Claiborne HighChapter 4 free porn video

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"Do you know what we have?" Greg asked Dr. Phillips. "We have a natural designer."

"That Cheryl Travis girl you've been following?"

"Yes sir. We toured the school, looked at everything, and the only thing we could see to fix was outside. She has everything in that school, including rooms she's never been in."


"We got a look inside the electrical closets," Hanna said. "There is no way she could have seen the insides of those. They were complete and accurate, down to the last detail. When we got back to the monitoring booth I ran tests on them."

"I take it she was still at school."

"Yes sir. The electrical closets were exactly by the book."

"She could be drawing that information from The Construct," Dr. Phillips said. "In fact she probably is."

"We assume she is. But she figured out how, or at least her subconscious has. Sir, we need a mind like that designing aspects of The Construct."

"She's a month short of her 16th birthday. That's two years before I could legally hire her, even as a Temp."

Greg nodded. "Granted, sir, but I'm sure there's something we could do, put her on a retainer, or give her a part-time consultant's position. We need this girl."

Dr. Phillips rubbed his chin. "There are difficulties, you know. Her father, for example, doesn't picture her doing anything but marrying who he chooses, and spitting out babies for the next 10 years or so."

"Can't we offer him some money?" Hanna asked.

"It's never that easy," Dr. Phillips said. "She's safe as long as she stays in high school. The law says she must attend, and his church agrees. But I'm betting he has wedding bells in mind for the first weekend day after her graduation."

He held up his hand. "That isn't to say that I won't work on this. I've seen her scores, and she has a lot of potential. Now what else did you want to see me about?"

"We want to do a couple of things, sir," Greg said, leaning forward in his seat. "The first one is for her protection."

"We want to set up a duplicate of Claiborne," Hanna said, "but without the nudity or sex. It'll look just like a regular high school. We'll put an avatar of Cheryl in it, and let her parents see that. And we'll insist that they do, 'for the girl's protection' of course. Nuts, if we work it right, we could even bring members of their church in for a viewing."

"That might present a problem," Dr. Phillips said. "They oppose the idea of The Construct vehemently."

"I'm surprised her parents let Cheryl in."

"It was a medical recommendation," Dr. Phillips said. "She's been having 'strange' dreams, and exhibiting 'odd' behavior. It was suggested that using The Construct would be a good way to examine those problems. As of yesterday her 'odd' behavior has diminished to zero, and her dreams are a thing of the past, well, except for one involving horseback riding."

"A lot of girls get enamored of horses," Hanna said. "I know I did."

"Hmm, yes. Anyway, the counselor at the school she attends told her parents that her problems would stay away as long as she continued to see us. It's pro bono, by the way, in case you were wondering."

"Not my department," Greg said, and Hanna shook her head.

"What was your other idea?"

"Well really, it has two parts." Greg glanced at Hanna, who gave him a slight nod. "We thought of creating a Claiborne, but without Cheryl, and introducing real teenage students into it."

"The nudity and sex?"

Greg and Hanna both nodded.

"And the other?"

"Introduce select people into Cheryl's school. The more experience we get with that place, the better it'll be for us in the long run."

"More teenagers? Or adults."

"Um, both," Hanna said. She colored at the memory of what she and Greg had done. "It'll take careful screening to find the right people."

"That doesn't begin to cover the half of it," Dr. Phillips laughed. "You're proposing that we find kids, and adults, who will be able to do the class work, which is both advanced and accelerated, and who will be as sexually active as our little minx. That's a tall order. There are laws and regulations governing some of that behavior, and we'll be skirting the edge of the law."

"At the very least I think we need to find people like that," Greg said. "There might be some we can find who are the right age."

"I'll think about it," Dr. Phillips said. "I'll get back to you before Monday on that." He smiled. "Best I can do. I don't like to make snap decisions like that."

"We think there might be some internal problems, too," Hanna said. "If Adrian Martin has her way, we're going to be audited by a court."

"I'm sure we will be," Dr. Phillips said blandly. "Go ahead and set up your first proposal, the vanilla high school. If we're going to be audited, then we need to give them something to audit."

"We took the actual Claiborne and we—"

Dr. Phillips held up his hand. "Don't tell me. I don't need to know that sort of thing. Now, is there anything else?"

"No sir." "Not really."

"Then get back to what you do best."

As they rode down in the elevator, Greg and Hanna shared a look.

"Did we get everything we wanted?" Greg asked.

Hanna shrugged. "Possibly. At least we weren't ordered to shut it down."

"Do you think anyone's reviewed any of the tapes?"

"Worried about our visit?"

He nodded.

"Worried about what I might think?"

He nodded again.

"If it means anything, I am, too. We should have realized the risk."

"We should have realized how thoroughly her subconscious controls that part of The Construct."

"Well, that, too. Did you have fun?"

Hanna gave him a smile. "Enough that the next time we're in The Construct, if our duties allow it, I'll want a repeat."

"What about here, in the real world?"

She shrugged. "I'm not sure. I want to think about things, make sure I'm comfortable with it. You may be right, this may be something we can only do in The Construct."

"Wouldn't be the first time that's happened around here, and it probably won't be the last."

"We'll just have to make sure it doesn't interfere with our duties."

He was silent until they reached the lunchroom. They still had 30 minutes before Cheryl was to show up. "I know this one routine that's quite popular," he said. "It's a Mexican beach house."

"Umm, sounds nice." She gave him another smile as she got her lunch out of the refrigerator. "Like I said, I'll have to think about it."

Cheryl smiled when she felt Ron come. Other girls said they couldn't; Tina, one of her best friends, said the only way she knew a boy had come was when he stopped moving. She didn't have that problem. Her pussy was so sensitive she could feel a boy's come spurting into her. And if they were strong enough, or deep enough, she could feel his come hitting her cervix. That was a real turn-on, and more than once it had set her off again.

Ron slumped a little, and then leaned down and kissed her, first her tits, and then her mouth. She giggled at his kiss, and kissed him back.

She liked how his lips worked over hers, how sometimes his tongue darted through for a quick caress. Not every boy did that, which was a shame. She knew that a lot of girls would love it if a boy did more than just press his lips against theirs.

Ron's body was solid without being over-muscled. That was one of the things she'd seen with boys in other schools: the jocks piled muscle on top of muscle. What was puzzling was that there were girls who got excited over that. Muscle, she'd decided, wasn't that much of a turn-on. Strength didn't have to come from muscle.

Ron was a good example. He was lean, with a nice butt and a solid chest. He probably couldn't bench press a Buick, or do 100 chin-ups and 100 push-ups. But he drove into her with authority using his most important muscle. He was about average in length, but his cock actually curved up a bit, and seemed to hit all of the nerves in the front of her pussy. And that curve meant he also levered her open even better than if it was straight.

He eased that delicious cock out of her; it slid across her thigh, wet with her juices. She could see a couple of drops of come on its pink, helmet-shaped head. She'd seen a lot of cocks since she'd started at Claiborne, and Ron's was one of the better looking ones.

He wrapped his arms around her, holding close. She snuggled happily against him. She liked fucking, but there were times when she felt so open and vulnerable, especially after a good, hard climax, that a boy who held her and comforted her was precious.

She wondered if she could put together a school album of boys' cocks. Would she want them up and ready? Would she want them in a quiescent state, or would she want them halfway, and perhaps wet with a girl's juices, and showing just a hint of come? She sighed. She knew it wouldn't happen, but it made a nice fantasy.

"I suppose we should clean up and get to class," Ron said. He nibbled on her earlobe. "I'd rather stay here, though."

She reached back and caressed his cheek. "I would, too, but..."

They both laughed softly as they got up. There were other kids around them in the alcove; some were still moving, others snuggling together, enjoying their post-orgasmic bliss. There'd definitely be a line at the showers, so everyone would have to hurry.

She and Ron fooled around a little while washing. She made sure his cock and balls were nice and clean, and he did the same with her pussy; one great thing about Claiborne was that boys knew their way around a girl's body. Feeling his fingers on her clit, or sliding into her, was a turn-on, and she knew more than a few girls went to their next classes wet and ready. That was why the breaks between classes had to be so long.

"Who were those people I saw you with the other day?" Connie Raymond asked as they filed into Trig.

"People from another school," Cheryl said. "They told me they were impressed with our academic results, and wanted to set up something like what we have here at Claiborne."

Connie looked at Brad Connor; his cock was half-hard and was banging against his thighs. "Do they want to replicate everything we do here?"

"Could be. He was kind of a kick as a partner, and the woman with him loved getting eaten out."

"Sorry I missed the fun. What did you show them?"

"Everything." Cheryl shrugged. "I swear they looked in every room in the building."

"Be kind of fun to visit their school after they get it set up," Connie said. "All sorts of boys to get to know."

"Yeah," Cheryl said, picturing a line of naked boys with stiff cocks. "You're right, that could be fun." She was going to say more, but the teacher had entered the room. She slid into her seat, giving Brenda, the girl next to her, a smile.

After class she went directly to the library. She had things to look up, and she knew she wouldn't have the time if she got involved with a boy. Lunch was coming up, though, and when she saw Shawn she began nibbling his ear. He caught the hint, and gave it to her hard, making her moan through a climax that seemed to last forever. Afterwards they ate and talked.

P.E. was just as fun as always, even if she did have to wear a bra. It was basketball again, 3 on 3, and they ran up and down the half-court. They weren't very good, but it was fun, and everyone seemed tired afterward. They weren't too tired, though; the fun in the shower seemed to last forever, and she finished on her back, her pussy a little sore. She was almost too tired to get up, but so were the boys. She couldn't recall that she'd ever come that hard or that long before. And that last one had been the best.

"I'd love to have P.E. twice a day," Gretchen said as they sat on the bench and brushed their hair. "I think it'd be great."

"We'd certainly be in shape," Cheryl said. "After all, this is an aerobic exercise, and it's good for us."

"Yeah, and so's the basketball." They both laughed. "Seriously," Gretchen continued, "have you looked at the list of events on the bulletin board for this competition against Mary Magdalene?"

"Not really. Anything interesting?"

"Most of it's academic."

"Oh. I was hoping..."

"Hoping... ?"

She'd pictured herself fucking several of the boys from Mary Magdalene, and then stopped. Was she even sure boys attended that school? She didn't know.

"Is Mary Magdalene a regular school?" Cheryl asked. "I know it's Catholic, but do they have boys there?"

"I think it's an all-girl's school," Gretchen said, "but I don't know." She stopped and looked at her brush. "Be nice if they had some boys there. Anyway, if you're interested, the sign-up sheet comes down at the end of the day."

"I'll think about it."

She did, but she didn't have that much enthusiasm for it until later that afternoon. Bill had just given her a really good climax, and then held her waist while he flooded her insides with his cream. They were lying with their arms around each other, and goofy grins on their faces, when he mentioned the competition.

"I think we could best them academically," he said.

"Oh, no doubt."

"They'll beat our sports teams, though, because we don't have any."

She nodded. His cock had softened somewhat, but it really hadn't gone down, and as he talked it was doing interesting things to her insides.

"I thought we could all get in the same room for the tests, and we'll dress as we do—"

"Or don't," she laughed. Oh, she thought, he felt even better down there when she laughed. And from the expression on his face, he felt it, too.

"Yeah, or don't." He adjusted his position, and his cock slid out and back in just slightly. "Anyway, they'll dress as they do, and I'm sure we'll be a distraction. Could you see the two of us sitting side by side. You'd be stroking me, and I'd be rubbing you."

"And then we screw them silly?" She pushed up with her hips. He got the hint, and pushed back. In seconds he was stroking his cock into her, gently and smoothly.

"Well..." It was clear he was losing his train of thought. That was all right, she was, too. His cock was turning her insides molten, and his body was caressing hers. She squeezed her thighs against his, tightening the muscles of her pussy, and making him feel even bigger.

They kept that up for several minutes. She was getting hotter and hotter, and his cock seemed to be getting longer. He bent and sucked on her nipples. The feeling raced through her, pushing her closer to the top. She held on to him, moving automatically, getting closer to that final moment.

"You ... you ... you're gonna ... make me ... make me come!" Speaking ... thinking was getting harder and harder to do.

"Same here," he got out.

"God ... come for me ... come in me ... give it ... to me ... give ... come!"

It was like an ocean wave, big and powerful, something she felt coming for several seconds before that final mad moment. She cried out as it crashed over her, sweeping her away in its mad white heat.

When she came back to herself he was still thrusting. She lost herself in his strength and power, riding his cock up to another climax, spending against him in one long glorious moment. And after a third time, the strongest of them all, she felt him come, felt his jets striking deep within her, finally dousing the fire that had so nearly consumed her.

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Hello my name is Ted but I am better known as the Burger Ejaculator because I like to cum in the burgers that people eat. I have a long penis and very big balls and I have the ability to produce a lot of cum and because of that I always have the ability to ejaculate a lot. I am able to shoot a lot of cum and yet I can have many orgasms in a day because I produce a lot of cum. I use all of them to put it into burgers for people to eat my cum and doing it makes me horny so then I am horny again...

2 years ago
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Chapter 1 Stage: cottage by lake, picnic for two soon to be lovers Cast: you and me We went to cottage to have picnic and to get to know each other. Never knowing just how well we would know each other by end of the day. We had been swimming for most of the morning. Frolicking and teasing oneanother with ourantics. Swimming close and rubbing each other. So we are hot for each other and hungry for food I'm wearing my new bikini, hoping to look good enough to eat. You're in black swim...

2 years ago
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Night at the theater

One very cold evening i decided to go the the movies with a friend of mine. He was an older black man who i called rick, and he had already got the ticketes for the movie. He arrives at my house and demands me to wear a black shirt, a pair of black panties and black leggings and to bring a black skirt with me. I got dressed and met him in his car. I asked him what movie and we were going to see and he responded in a deep low voice “it is a surprise.” He then said “the movie is at 11pm so we...

4 years ago
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A chance at a new sex life Part 4

The next morning is a little awkward. It’s late morning by the time I get down stairs to the kitchen. My mom and her friends are chatting away by the sink. They all greet me and Diane acts like nothing had happened. My mum and Carla seem none the wiser. I suppose I’m too act the same, which I do my best to do. I’m sitting at the kitchen table having my breakfast when Stacey comes down to join us. My mom and her friends still chatting away with their coffees as Stacey sits down next to me. “Was...

3 years ago
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Dark Street ChoicesChapter 4

Choice 1 (Desire and opportunity): Looking for an escape route Julian rushed to the window opening it. Forcing it open cold air leaked into the room from outside, along with a few drops of rain. The room was on the second floor, but it was still a long way down. If he managed to hit the pile of garbage below he might just make it. Katy flanked on either side by Maggie in blue and Robin in red said, "Come join us Julian. We don't want you to leave." Even as she said it they all moved...

4 years ago
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Following BBC home after the Gloryhole

My freshly converted sissy husband and I followed Aaron to his spacious home in the hills after the wild time in the ABS.When we got out of the car Aaron gave me a big embrace and a deep, wet kiss.He told us we were in for a great time as we entered his beautiful home.As Aaron mixed some cocktails he told my sissy to go get cleaned up, take a shower, and get ready for use. Off he went as I pulled out Aaron's delicious BBC stroking it as we sipped our drinks laughing.Aaron made a phone call as I...

2 years ago
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Eighteen year old Sheila Coronet admired her reflection in thefull length mirror as she fluffed her shoulder length blonde hairand batted the long lashes of her big baby blue eyes. Every thingwas perfect today. She had graduated high school yesterday morningand was to be wed to Gregg Wilson on Saturday afternoon. Gregg hadbeen the captain of the football team and she had been the captainof the high school cheerleader squad. They had been elected MostPopular and Most Likely To Succeed by their...

2 years ago
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Phycological Presentation Or Sexological

Hi, all wet pussies and muscle guns with loads and loads of cums.This is erav ( name changed). I am the good looking guy with a 6.7″ inch tool, from Tamilnadu,Tamil an daa. This story is about how I fucked my classmate, how physiology turned into sexology.I am a medico (guys do not mistake- profession is different from my passion; medicine is my profession, sex is my passion).Coming to the heroine of the story.Let her name be Neha (obviously name changed).She is the shortest girl I have ever...

3 years ago
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Beach Fun

The sun broke through the mid-morning haze as Brandy and I made our way over the dunes and toward the beach. For the last couple days, we had been camping at Watch Hill Campground on Fire Island. It's a beautiful place, well removed from the hectic pace of the city. Unfortunately, the campsites are placed so close together that we haven't had much privacy in this otherwise intimate setting, a reality that proved insufferable last night.This was my only grievance as we traipsed over the dunes....

3 years ago
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A wonderful wife

Hi I am back. This story is not mine. But one of my nerd friend has emailed me. I don’t no whether this story is true or not. I hope u will enjoy this story. One thing I want to inform u readers is that, if any house wife or any women who have any problem or need friend ship or need some one to be with them when they have problems then feel free to contact me. Age does not matter. My email id is and Will wait for emails and also feed back on this story. Amy and Bred where married for nearly...

3 years ago
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The Ring AOChapter 12 The Brunch

Rising at 8am Helena had a long hot shower, still amazed at last night telephone call. Dry herself, she rang Suzanne asking if she is interested in Brunch at Pac Fair. saying “I’ll pick you up at 9.15 around the corner, from where the taxi dropped you off the other day. You will easily recognise the white car.” “OK.” replied Suzanne. Ringing Bill she asked “Can you pick me up this morning, be at Nobby Beach shops just before 9.15 and deliver her to Pac Fair this morning, in the limo...

3 years ago
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My first encounter with a Cougar

It all started nearly ten years ago.  I was about 19 and working at a local coffee shop.  All through high school I was a longhaired rebel who cared little what I looked like or what people thought of me. Anyway, by this time though I had just cut my hair real short and was starting to clean up my image.  I had no idea how attractive I was.  I’m 5’11 brown hair blue eyes and at the time was one of the best swimmers on our local swim team. Most of the customers at this coffee shop were...

2 years ago
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Virtually Yours

The morning grass was still damp but he didn’t notice as he walked across the park. His pace was just a bit fast, as if he were in a hurry but forcing himself to appear relaxed. The playground equipment was deserted; the c******n were all in school, and it was still too early for anyone to be enjoying their lunch beside the small lake. Only one other person was in evidence; she waited patiently near the edge of the woods. Behind her, a wood chip path led into the nature...

4 years ago
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How my wife got me to get her best friend pregnant

I think it was my wife's idea but I'm not sure. Sure I enjoyed fucking Arlene and she didn't complain either especially after her having orgasm after orgasm. You probably think I'm talking about my wife but I'm not, Arlene is married to Dan and it was my wife's idea for Arlene and me to have unprotected sex with each other. So do I have you totally confused enough? Let me tell you what happened. See, my wife Maggie and me having been holidaying With Dan and Arlene for the last 6 years or so and...

3 years ago
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Awaking alone naked and sore

That morning I woke up and found I was alone in bed.The room was filled with a soft glow that came from the huge side window. Sitting up, I found that my cunt and ass were incredibly sore. It hurt too much; but I also felt strangely satisfied. Then I realized I was still fully naked.I found my tiny leather bag in one corner, but nothing to wear.Wandering into the bathroom, then I found that even my ripped clothes I had tossed in the trash earlier had been taken; I finally found a very tiny...

3 years ago
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My Asian Girlfriend Gangbanged by Rednecks1

As we drove farther and farther out, we saw less and less buildings until it was purely the woods. Eventually a few small houses popped up, along with some small local businesses surrounded by trees and hills. Finally, we made it the “Bubbas BBQ” in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. As we got out of the car, I kind of started to feel nervous because everyone in the parking lot that I saw was white and looked like the stereotypical "redneck". I was certain they were not used to seeing...

1 year ago
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AlohaTube Cuckold

Aloha, a simple Hawaiian word that means hello, and goodbye. Aloha, as in "aloha spirit" that stands for the perfect alignment of body and mind., a simple yet staggeringly amazing website that will push you into this aloha spirit state simply by treating you with all sorts of porn that exists in this world! Nothing about this website is small, mediocre, or shitty. Let me present you the page on that boasts a crazy number of...

Cuckold Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Born Again Part 3

Ben looked up and said, “That was the biggest fable I have ever heard a slave yes but this Brent. Write a book it has the makings of a best selling fiction novel.” I looked at Ben he stared back at me after a minute with a smile on his face he said, “Man you are not serious. They would lock you up and through the key away. Even if you spoke of this every religious nut would be after you.” I stayed looking at Ben his eyes were drawn back to mine and he said, “Man you are...

3 years ago
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Princess Alicia Requires Penetration

It was one of those quirks of the modern world that real princesses have a difficult time in finding suitable male counterparts to consummate the act of actually engaging in the nasty business of allowing male organs inside their private parts prior to actual marriage. The eighteen year old Princess Alicia of a well-known European monarchy was in that category and it was becoming increasingly stressful for her to do simple things like her studies or learning domestic skills without the calming...

3 years ago
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ObserverChapter 15 Day 63

When I arrived at work, I went to get a cup of tea. Returning to my desk, I found a very large manila envelope marked 'personal'. Upon closer examination, I found that it was from the investigator that I had hired. I broke the seal and pulled out a number of smaller manila envelopes. The smaller envelopes were marked, 'Renwick', 'Barrington', 'Dwyer', and 'Smith'. I opened the one marked 'Renwick' first. A number of 8x10 black and white glossy photos fell out, along with a...

1 year ago
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PetiteHDPorn Athena Faris Wet And Wild

Hot hot hot Ms Faris can’t wait for Jake Adams to help her out when it comes to the juicy delight of her bare twat. Home from a walk in her short shorts and barely-there top, she invites you inside for a fashion show that highlights some lingerie. She follows that up by grabbing a couple of dildos from her collection of toys and making herself cozy in an armchair and shoving the toys all the way inside her greedy snatch. A magic wand vibrator pressed to her clit as she fucks herself with...

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Wife takes first black cock

My wife, Hannah, is 32, 5st 11, 130 pounds with long straigt blonde hair, long athletic legs and perky 32C tits. We have been married for 5 years and have a very active sex life. We have always discussed and acted out as many of each others fantasies as possible and this is the story of one of Hannahy's, and my own, longest standing fantasies and how it came true a few months ago. My wife has always known that I love to see her getting fucked by other men and she loves as much cock as possible....

3 years ago
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Public Display of Affection

Public Display of Affectionby NinjaI had just broken up with Lisa the day before. My choice. I sat through the tears and the pleading and all that - and now I was done and out again. There wasn't anything in particular that caused me to break up with her - it was just that I was bored with the relationship.So who else is at the party? Lisa. This sucks. Ok, hopefully we can just ignore each other. Lots of cute girls here so I don't want to leave. But of course she comes over. She is starting to...

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My white wife is having a black baby

Mary and I had been married for about 10 years at the time this story takes place. We were quite happy, and apart from the odd row, got on just famously. I worked a lot, including weekends away, but I didn't worry too much for Mary because she had lots of friends and activities to keep her occupied.Anyway, one summer evening I returned home. It was about eleven at night: I'd been out on a business trip across state. That morning, I'd promised Mary a night out at the theatre, but I was returning...

2 years ago
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Past Imperfect

The girl walked confidently into the bar. She strode up to the stool next the guy on the end and sat down. He’s an older guy, around fifty, about six feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes and a wide-brimmed straw hat shading his light complexion. Once seated at the bar, she removed her sunglasses and ordered a margarita on the rocks. When her drink arrived she smiled demurely at the man to her left as she raised the glass to her lips.The guy she sat down next to and smiled at is me. I live alone in...

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A Swapped Life Chapters 7 9

A SWAPPED LIFE, Chapters 7 - 9 A young male engineer goes to an engineering conference and gets swapped with a teen unwed mother who did not finish high school. Story discusses how the new woman makes new friends, and copes with motherhood, her new parents and sister, her former boyfriend, and eventually with love and marriage. Story also discusses the struggles of the new man, whose family and educational background did not give him the tools to fit into the world of men, and his...

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New Princess In Trade For Old

Introduction: This is my first story. It deals with a family dynamic that is all too common. At least, up until the time my wife left… My wife and daughter never got along. For that matter, neither did my wife and I. She was a shrew of a woman, always negative, always discontented. I often wondered how any woman could be such a terrible and uninterested parent. I mean, women are supposed to have that strong mothering instinct, arent they?, I said to myself. She much preferred the company of...

3 years ago
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Dating CheerleadersChapter 2 Trouble at the Pool Party

Tracy came over to me later with a big smile on her face and asked "Is my little brother no longer a virgin?" I told her "I don't kiss and tell but no, I am still a virgin" She looked surprised and raised her eyebrows inquisitively as if she were fishing for details. I told her "If you want to know more why don't you ask Susie what happened." There was nothing left of my sister but a blue streak as she flew over to Susie. They had their heads together in conversation for a while as my...

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