Claiborne HighChapter 4
- 2 years ago
- 29
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Cheryl wiped the sleep out of her eyes, yawned, and scrunched down in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She'd been having the most wonderful dream, but she couldn't remember what it was. There were horses in it, she could remember that much, and she'd gone riding, her long hair blowing in the breeze behind her. But...
She finally pushed the covers away and got out of bed. It was dark outside, no surprise because it was 5:30 in the morning, and it was snowing. She could see the flakes drifting down in the light from the streetlamp. She shivered and rubbed her arms reflexively. Another wonderful day.
"She's starting at a different place," Greg said.
Hanna pulled herself over to the console. "There's probably some psychological reason for it," she said. "But we'll let the big brains sort in out. Are we recording?"
"On all systems."
After her shower she piled her clothes on her bed. I wonder if people ever get tired of wearing the same thing? she thought. Underthings, dark, long-sleeved blouse, dark, opaque tights, and a denim jumper; it's the same thing I've worn for as long as I can remember. I'd like to try some brighter colors. She sighed wistfully at that. A girl should be properly modest. Bright colors drew the eye and attracted the wrong sort. Her parents had told her that time after time.
She slipped on her clunky black shoes, ran her brush through her hair, securing it with a band, and headed to the kitchen and breakfast.
"There are days I wish you were like other girls," her mother grumbled when Cheryl sat down at the kitchen table. "Your sisters don't have to get up for school for another hour."
"My sisters aren't taking the classes I'm taking," Cheryl replied after making sure her father wasn't listening.
"I don't know why you're taking them," her mother said. She ladled up a bowl of oatmeal and put it in front of her daughter. "Girls don't need them. Now if you were a boy, it'd be different."
"But I do need them," Cheryl said. "I was thinking I could do Community Counseling, and they require a college degree for that. If I take all of these courses now, I'll only have to take two years of college, and maybe even get a scholarship."
Her mother turned around and looked at her. "Really? You know your father is dead set against paying for college for you, but if he heard this, he might change his mind." She cocked her head. "Speaking of him..."
Cheryl dutifully lowered her head and continued eating. She wasn't the eldest daughter, so she had to be quiet. That didn't really amount to much, even her older sister Ella had to be modest and circumspect at the table.
Her father lumbered into the room, the newspaper tucked under his arm. As he sat down her mother placed his breakfast in front of him. Without a word he dug in, alternately eating and squinting at the newspaper in the dim light.
When Cheryl finished she rinsed her bowl and put it in the dishwasher. She had her winter coat and heavy boots on when her father deigned to notice her.
"At least one of my daughters gets up before the sun," he said when she came back to the kitchen. "The day's wasting away already."
She gave him a kiss on the cheek, gave her mother one, collected her books, and left. She had 15 minutes before the bus came, but she'd rather spend them standing in the cold with the wind blowing snowflakes against her legs.
"Think this is a reflection of her home life?" Greg asked when Cheryl reached the bus stop.
"Probably. Most of the people we get reflect their personal situation with absolute fidelity."
"She really is a bright girl. I looked up her test scores a few minutes ago."
"And?" Hanna adjusted the volume on the monitor. Cheryl was sitting on a nearly empty bus staring out the windows at the dark streets.
"Easily top 5%. Be a shame to let that go to waste."
"That's what we're here for," Hanna said. "Say, do you think this bus ride is a metaphor for the journey between her home life and the life she wants? Notice how things are getting brighter."
"It might be," Greg said. "Again, that's...
"I know, that's something for the big brains to sort out."
Cheryl could see the school up ahead. It was a large, ordinary looking one-story building with opaque windows. Busses were pulling up and disgorging students onto the well-lit walkway. She gathered her books, and when the bus came to a stop she and two other kids got off.
The walkway had been cleared of snow, but the wind was whipping tendrils of snow across the wet sidewalk. The front doors were like an airlock, and the foyer was warm enough kids began taking off their heavy coats. Entrance to the rest of the building was through a pair of doors that let people through only one at a time. You had to use a keycard, and there was a facial recognition camera, too.
Somebody had once tried to get in who didn't belong. The story had gotten all over school the day it happened. The woman had had her daughter's keycard, but the facial recognition had locked the doors until School Security had come for her. Nobody had heard what had happened after that, but they knew that state law was pretty harsh on those who tried to gain unauthorized entry to a school.
The far door led to the hall with the lockers. Lockers had two sections separated by a divider. She put her books on the far side of the divider, and then undressed and put her clothes on this side. She transferred her brush and comb and a couple of other things to her 'personal bag', and then hurried out the far door. This room had a cold floor, and she wanted to warm up.
The rest of the building had radiant heat. When she stepped into the next room, Cheryl, like almost all of the other girls, stopped for a few seconds to let the heat seep into her feet. The boys who'd been undressing pushed past them. She watched them go, concentrating on their butts; so many boys to choose from, and only a few minutes before Home Room.
The room had alternating green and blue panels, recessed lighting, area rugs, couches and chairs scattered here and there, and a lot of cushions on the floor. Halls branched off in two directions, but most students stopped here first before heading on to Home Room.
She saw Andy Waldorf on the other side of the room talking with several other guys. She hadn't been with him in a while, and he had the cutest cock; it curved to the left when it was stiff. She padded across the room, stepping around couples who were already well into each other, knelt down in front of him, and started sucking his cock.
It was small, probably shrunken from the cold, but as she licked the wrinkled area under its head, and played with his balls, it began to stiffen out. She smiled and sucked him deep before pulling back slowly.
"Are you interested in more than one?" a boy asked from behind her, putting his hand on Cheryl's shoulder.
"Maybe," she replied, and resumed sucking Andy's cock. It depended on how long Andy lasted. If he was too quick on the trigger, she most definitely would. Time would tell.
"Let me do you," Andy said.
She stroked him as he pulled her down to the cushions on the floor. When they were comfortable she resumed sucking. Andy's head darted between her legs. His first touch was electric, and after a shuddering breath, Cheryl slid a leg over Andy's head.
They sucked and licked for a couple of minutes. She was getting so turned on her feet were already curling. She wanted to fuck him, but she didn't want him to stop licking her, either. Andy, however, wanted to get directly to the main course.
He pulled away, helped her onto her back, braced himself with one hand, and eased his cock into her. His face scrunched up as he thrust.
"God, that feels so good," Cheryl moaned she felt him sliding into her depths.
He paused when he had it all the way in, and then drew it out, just as slowly as he'd pushed in. He kept just his tip in her, and then thrust, just a little harder and a little faster. He grinned down at her, and she couldn't help smiling back.
It felt like he'd set fire to every nerve down there. She tightened her legs around his and pushed herself up on his cock when he thrust down. It also tightened her pussy muscles, and he grunted.
Sweat beaded his forehead, and he closed his eyes. She sensed that he was going to come before she did. She didn't mind, there were plenty of other boys who could help her finish.
Andy clenched his teeth and moaned. Cheryl could feel his tummy muscles clenching repeatedly as he pumped his come into her, and feel the corresponding splashes deep within her. After several seconds he gasped, the tension gone from his body.
"S-sorry," he got out as he collapsed to one side.
She was going to say something, but the boy who'd asked her earlier was holding out his erection. She gave it a few licks, and then smiled at his unasked question.
He slid into her wet heat easily. He lowered himself on her, slid his arms around her back, and began fucking her in earnest. His strength and power swept over her, and she squeezed her pussy in time to his thrusts. He was longer and thicker than Andy, and he liked to move around rather than plunge straight in. It felt like he was opening her even more, and touching the hot spots most guys never found.
She ran her hands over her body. His chest hairs were scratching her nipples, and every time their bodies moved it sent a jolt of pleasure deep into her. She could feel herself rising. She threw her head back, trying to draw a breath.
It all suddenly rushed together. It was too much, and she lost it, coming in one long wave of white heat after another. She felt something pulsing deep inside her. He had to be coming, too.
She finally coasted out into a sea of bliss. She didn't want to move. She wanted to spend the whole day with his cock in her. But they both had classes, and would soon have to part.
He lay with her for a couple of more minutes, caressing her from time to time, kissing her, his arms warm and strong around her. She snuggled deeper into his arms, hoping he had the strength to get it up right away, but not wanting him to move if that meant they wouldn't cuddle.
"I'm afraid we have to go," he said, finally pulling back and sitting up.
She felt him slide out of her, and made a noise of disappointment. He must have understood, because he grinned. "Trust me, I didn't want to take it out."
"What's your name?" she asked. "I'm Cheryl Travis."
"I'm Bill, Bill Lighter." He leaned back down and gave her a kiss, his hands sliding across her body as if memorizing her curves. "I'm relatively new here, having just transferred in."
"Well, Bill Lighter, I'm very glad to meet you."
"As am I." He got up and helped her to her feet. "We'll have to get together real soon and take up where we left off."
She felt a pang of desire shoot through her. "Yeah, real soon. What classes do you have?"
They shared class schedules as they walked to the bathroom. She peed and took a quick shower before retrieving her books and personal bag. She spent a couple of minutes pinning her hair up. Somebody had already left a few drops of come there, so she'd have to wash it before going home. Fortunately the school stocked shampoo in all of the showers, and that helped wash out come. At least they didn't have to worry about getting it on any of their clothes. She'd never be able to explain that to her parents.
She was in a much better frame of mind as she settled in Home Room. She'd had a good fuck, two, actually, and a good, toe-curling orgasm.
"It's got to be repressed desires," Hanna said.
"Oh, you're just now realizing that?" Greg checked the Vital Signs monitor, and made a note. "Her home life is nothing to brag about.
"It doesn't help that she's over-sexed. That's potentially a very bad combination."
"It looks like she's taking care of that."
Hanna checked several other patients before returning to Cheryl. "I think this is the most entertaining one that we have at the moment."
"She's in Room 2. Room 1 has a super-athlete, Room 3 has someone who's battling barbarians with a sword and shield, and Room 4 has someone working magic. Yeah, Cheryl's imagination is a lot more interesting, even if it gets to be repetitive after a bit."
"The first class is over," Hanna said. "And she's already cut a boy out of the herd."
"She's sucking him, that's a little different."
"Not much." They watched as Cheryl sucked him to completion, leaning back so his come splashed across her face. That done, she walked to her next class, talking with two other girls. They, too, had evidence of male passion on their faces.
They stopped just outside the classroom door and took turns licking the come from each other's faces. That done, they headed into class.
After her next class she met up with Bill again. They did it doggie style, and she clenched the cushions hard when she came. Afterwards they lay side-by-side, talking. She learned that they liked the same kind of music, liked old movies, though she liked the romantic ones and he liked the action movies. They had to part, finally, and were both almost late to class.
Shawn was fucking her during lunch when she heard her name being called. The teacher pulled up short when she saw them. She squatted down, waiting politely.
Cheryl saw how red the woman's pussy looked, and wondered if that meant the teacher was aroused, or that she'd been screwing someone. It seemed to spur something in her, and everything narrowed to just that patch of dark hair. Her imagination soared, and took her body right with it. She screamed out her climax, squeezing Shawn for everything she was worth.
She'd burst into a million pieces, and drifted down slowly, but only after Shawn had gasped through his own climax, cooling some of her hot spots with his come.
"You have to come with me," the teacher said after Shawn had caught his breath and pulled out.
"Is something wrong?" Cheryl asked as she got up.
"Your parents are here to take you to lunch," the teacher said. "We told them you were in a class on the other side of the building and it would be a few minutes before you could join them."
Cheryl dropped a kiss on Shawn's lips and got up. Her legs felt wobbly, and she needed to clean up. The last thing she needed was to smell of sex when she saw her parents. She took enough of a shower to rinse the smell away, then hurried through the doors to her locker. She dressed quickly, pausing only long enough to slip a pad into her panties and comb the pins out of her hair. Then, with a suitably proper expression on her face, she made her way through the doors into the School Office.
"Where were you?" her mother asked when Cheryl entered the room.
"The other side of the building," she replied, mentally thanking the teacher for that excuse. She wondered where the teacher was. She'd left her with Shawn, and it was very likely they'd gotten together. "I was in class."
"Well, we thought we'd go out to eat," her mother said. "I told your father what you told me, and he had questions."
Her father got to his feet. "Shall we go?"
Cheryl struggled with her coat as she followed her parents out the door.
"Did you notice how the background scenery's changed?" Hanna asked. "It looks drab and gray."
"She is seeing a snowstorm," Greg said.
"Look at the cars. They're all sort of a blah color."
"So she's idealizing what goes on inside the school." Greg shook his head sympathetically. "There must be some real problems with her home life."
"If the early part of today's session is any indication, they're holding her down."
They sat watching the lunch. Her parents took Cheryl to a small diner, and her father plied her with questions about her schooling. Greg turned up the sound as they got back in the car.
"Do you think you could get a scholarship?" her father asked.
"Every kid who goes to Claiborne is offered one," Cheryl replied.
"If one comes along, do they tell you what you have to study?"
"Sometimes. Usually they know what the student's interests are before offering it."
"Well, I still think education is wasted on a girl, but your mother has convinced me to reconsider. I'll agree to your going to college if they offer you a scholarship. Otherwise we'll find a good husband for you, and that'll be the end of this foolishness."
Greg and Hanna looked at each other. "I'm going to make some calls," Hanna said, "and get out some emails. We've got to find out what's going on with her home."
"We may have to get her out of there just so we don't lose her mind." He gestured at the monitor. "Even at the price of ... this."
Hanna nodded. "It'd be downright criminal if we did."
"Hurry, she's almost back at school. She's already missed half of her first afternoon class."
"Ever feel like a Peeping Tom?" Hanna asked. "I do."
"All of the time. Maybe that's why we both got this job."
Hanna looked at him in surprise. "I never thought of that. Yeah, it makes sense. Does that make us perverts or something?"
"Probably the 'or something'," he replied. "A pervert does it for his or her own entertainment. We do this because we're paid to do it."
"Cheryl came to the offices last Saturday," Hanna said on Monday morning. "She wanted to know why certain things were happening." "Such as the non-stop sex?" "That came up, but that wasn't her first concern. Apparently she turned trig homework in at her regular school. It was homework that she'd had in The Construct. But that wasn't all. I'd come in to finish archiving some material, and she was here. She wanted to view tapes of her experience in The Construct." "Uh oh. That...
"I'll wait for you," Cheryl's mother said as she parked the car. "Wait... ?" "There's something we need to talk about," her mother said. "There've been ... I've been wondering ... that is, have you been seeing some boy and haven't told me?" "Of course not," Cheryl said. "Not even in ... there?" Her mother waved at the building housing The Construct's local offices. "Not even there," Cheryl said. "I'm told you can watch what goes on. There really isn't much to see,...
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IncestMy name is Marilyn. I'm twenty-four now, and the story I'm going to tell you happened when I was eighteen. Basically, it's all about how I came to find the true love of my life -- only it happens to be with a lover who practically no one knows about. That's the way we both want it. It was my first year of college. By that time I'd had a few boyfriends, and gone all the way with one of them. Still, I felt inexperienced compared to my friends, and really looked forward to exploring my sexuality...
IncestI had been partying, edging and cruising online for a bit of time when I got hit up by a guy hosting a group! He said there were a few guys there, but a handful more were on their way. They wanted guys into group play, gear (leather, jock, spandex, or uniforms), were versatile and uninhibited. Hell Yeah! I threw some trackies over my chaps & red mesh N2N jock strap, stuffed a bunch of my gear – jockstraps, bikinis, leather, rubber, gun oil & Elbow grease in a gym bag -- some more...
This is a work of my imagination... We met online. Maybe a few months ago. I knew our relationship clicked from when I first saw that picture of you, you looked so shy and timid, it was a real turn on. Your figure was so feminine, with curves in all the right places. In your picture you wore all the buttons on your shirt done up, but I knew inside that you wouldn't be afraid to rip it off. I continued reading about you, your name was Casey. You lived in Florida - alone. And I knew that I had...
LesbianTake the woman he was currently pummelling. Her name was Gillian Weir or was it Karen, he’d forgotten but he didn’t care. He only cared for her tight, soaking cunt that leaked all over his veiny manhood giving it a glossy finish. “Turn over,” he bluntly grunted. Alex had been giving it to her in doggystyle for the last ten minutes and he was pretty sure she was close to one of his trademark screaming orgasms that he loved to give his clients. Carter was a personal trainer and his body...
Saturday was a very nice day weather-wise. The temperature was eight-seven degrees rather than mid-nineties as had been predicted by the weatherman. The humidity was low, the sky was clear, and the wind was light. In short, it was a perfect day for a summer picnic. Jack had wanted to paint his boat that day, but put it off to the next because his wife and daughter really wanted to go to this picnic. Harry was concerned because things had been a little tense between him and Jack since the...
Hi friends. This is Vikki here once again with a yet another incident. Girls/aunties/MILF’s who know me are already in touch with me on and for others, this is Vikki here from Bombay, 30 yrs old average build with 6 feet height and 7 inch drilling machine. I have fun during the afternoon as lonely ladies are free and so can I remove time as I am married too, so fun happens only when spouse is busy. Coming back to my latest pleasurable incident This incident happened between me and my net...
Lost Trail Cabin (chapter 3) Once back at the cabin they put their groceries away. As Nancy goes back into the bedroom to put something comfortable on, Jake opens a bottle of wine and grabs a couple of glasses and heads out to the main room, turns down the lights, lights a couple of candles, then lays down on the rug in front of the fireplace. Nancy comes in from the bedroom wearing a robe. Jake pours them each a glass of wine, hands one to Nancy as she gets down on the floor with him. As they...
Straight SexA 5-year-old boy went to visit his grandmother one day. Playing with his toys in her bedroom while grandma was dusting, he looked up and said, ‘Grandma, how come you don’t have a boyfriend now that Grandpa went to heaven?’ Grandma replied, ‘Honey, my TV is my boyfriend. I can sit in my bedroom and watch it all day long. The religious programs make me feel good and the comedies make me laugh ... I’m happy with my TV as my boyfriend.’ Grandma turned on the TV, and the reception was terrible....
Hi , my dear horny readers. How are you all doing? My name is Deva (not real name). Let me briefly tell you about myself I’m now 27 years old, 5.95 feet height, athletic body and average looking. I have my Own Business and I’m a Martial Arts and Yoga Trainer in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai gyms. (Why so many places you will know in the stories. People who may know me might study these stories so I want to keep my identity undisclosed. I’m writing these stories with the permission of few...
Security guard Mike is interrogating suspected thief Mazy in the back room. After she denies having stolen anything, officer Mike steps away to grab a cup of coffee, so Mazy, who claims to be an aspiring actor, takes advantage of this moment to hide what she had stolen in her bra and practice a few lines to claim her innocence. When officer Mike comes back she offers her purse for him to search, pretending to cry and acting all innocent. Luckily she’s not a very good actor and officer Mike can...
xmoviesforyouThe house was quiet now but she hoped there was somebody else awake. She strained to hear footsteps on the landing outside her door and at last she heard them. She pulled her nightie up around her neck, opened her legs wide and waited for her lover to arrive. Her door opened but no light entered her room, the floorboards creaked but that was the only sound she heard. Then she felt his hand under the covers and she shivered. The bed moved as he climbed in with her. His hands moved over her...
The journey out to the Success Nudist Resort took just under 30 minutes and was pleasant enough apart from the last few miles of winding road that took the car to quite a remote isthmus between two coves on Lake Success - Common Thumb Cove and Old Horn Cove. Just as everyone was feeling fed up with the twists and turns being thrust upon their stomachs the car turned a corner in the road that opened out onto a glorious vista of blue sky, blue water, green grass, green trees, colorful flowers...
Hello Friend, I am Rocky from Gandhinagar- Ahmedabad, Gujarat,, me ek 25 sal ka ladka hu aur ek private company me kam karta hu. mene pehla sex mere life me jab me 20 sal ka tha tab kiya tha.Tab se mene kafi baar sex kiya hua hai, muje sex karna achha lagta hai. Meri koi GF nahi hai abhi so jyadatar free time hota hai to me online chat karta hu, Searching karta rehta hu ke sayad koi Ladki ya Bhabhi ya Aunty mil jaye sex karne ko. Bahot din regularly chat pe koi mili hi nahi Par ek din mera...
Scotty needs to have his taxes done, so he goes to Sierra Fontaine’s office. She’s the sexiest tax accountant he’s ever seen. This 63-year-old hottie is wearing a sheer top tied just below her tits. Her belly button is exposed. She has long strawberry-blond hair, and she’s wearing a very short skirt, so short that we can see the tops of her stockings. And she has very long legs. Scotty notices her. Sierra notices him. She likes what she sees. “Wow, he’s so...
xmoviesforyouI would like to share my experience of having sex with my neighboring aunty and her step daughter. I am living in a housing colony which consists of 30 families, in our colony there is an aunty (I call her Valsala aunti) of 32 years of age; she is a lady of perfect figure of 42-30-40. Her husband is seeking job in Dubai. When ever I see her figure I used to excite and worked myself with my dick. She is living with his 2y old son and a daughter of her husband’s first marriage. Her step daughters...
**REPOST**Beverley had stayed at her friends house last night so I missed out on my early morning coffee so had to get my arse out of bed to make it myself, I even had to forego my early morning wank as by the time I had made the coffee my morning wood had subsided.My dear sister had asked me to stay home this morning as she had the landlords agent sending someone round to do an inspection which was nice of her to leave me to deal with it but as I had nothing planned I figured it would be...
“My daughter,” Bettina said, “you have reached the age of sixteen. Our family regards this as the threshold of womanhood. Tonight, you cross that threshold. The men here are those licit for your entertainment. They all married into the family after your conception. They are all old enough to have had their children and their vasectomies. The choice among them is yours. Tonight, that choice is absolutely yours. “My spouses, this is my daughter, Jennifer. Treat her well.” She left the room. The...
When Casey and Greg awoke the next morning around 10 am, they each noticed two unfortunate things. One was that they each had a whopper of a hangover with a serious headache and nausea. The second was that they were each alone in the bed they had fallen asleep in, even though a beautiful naked girl had originally been sleeping by them. Lexi had awoken much earlier, and slipped out of the condo, leaving a quick note thanking everyone for great one-night stand/orgy and giving Greg her phone...
I’m not generally one for parties, but my very good friend Josie invited me to her open house to celebrate her new home. It’s quite lovely, and has a nice veranda to a deck to an in ground swimming pool. From the living room there are sliding doors that take you out to the pool. To the right is the front door, and through that door walked my good friend Karen and a new accompaniment. Karen is a stunning beauty. She’s tall with a lovely figure and a gorgeous face, long blonde hair, and smart. My...
How a real Bukkake happens!Being in the military you get to do and see some crazy shit, especially living in barracks. Well last night was fucking wild. One of my 4 roommates is dating a stripper, Becky. Becky is fucking awesome and gets along great with us all. Ive known her now for 2 years and she’s tried to hook me up a couple times with girls she works with but I’m not ready to settle down just yet. Recently Becky’s friend, Jayda, got divorced and is having some hard times. She is pulling...
Ich hatte mich mit meinen Kumpel zu einkaufen verabredet, da ich für den anstehenden Sommer dringend neue Badehosen brauchte. Wie das Leben allerdings so spielt sagte er mir ne halbe Stunde vor der geplanten Abfahrt ab. Mist. Auch der Versuch einen „Ersatz“ zu finden blieb erfolglos. Da ich eigentlich nicht der große Einkäufer bin wollte ich eigentlich gar nicht gehen, aber irgendwie aus Trotz fuhr ich doch los. Allerdings nicht in die Stadt sondern in ein Einkaufszentrum.Dort angekommen musste...
It was with stunning revelation that Moira found herself face to face with the God of Darkness, Erebus. In fact, she cursed herself inwardly, he had been on his knees lavishing her ass with sumptuous attention before she rejected him for a mere mortal! Gods! The party around them whirled on, an fantastic orgy of unprecedented proportions, oblivious to the menace standing in their midst. All around were mortals bound in the spell of Dionysus. They were eagerly partaking in perverted acts so...
“Wow! This place is fantastic!” Chrissy exclaimed as they entered the Warehouse, this being her first time in the building. “Truly amazing!” Gail added, holding some of the bags and following the others into the dining area. “Thank You, can I get anyone a drink,” he asked to the newer people as his ‘girls’ had moved in different directions to use the toilet or drop the stuff off in their rooms. “I think I need a coffee,” Sara stated. “It’s been a truly weird morning!” “Could I get a...
When he opened the door a tall asian man in his late twenties, he was rather good looking and looked fit. He was wearing just a tee-shirt and sweat pants and was holding a small lap board. “This is Natalie’s brother Alex, he brought us our party favors and he’s going to be keeping you company till you make your entrance downstairs. Have fun.” He said with a smile and closed the door behind him as he left.“Hi, Mike is it,” he asked. His voice was deep and smooth. “Is it alright if I sit down?”...
Lola has rented a room for the night at a house near her graduate school interview in the morning. This is a major step for her and she will be spending the day and night studying questions she will be expected to answer and inquire during her meeting with faculty and administration. Unfortunately there is also the Smokefest taking place in town this weekend and all the rooms and hotels are filled so she ends up being next to a group of unruly partiers looking to have a wild weekend and getting...
xmoviesforyouBrian was a good find. A good phuk. A one in a thousand.He was in his late 40s when I met him - me in my late teens. For quite a while he was a sugar daddy - best years of my life.He had a big cock (over 8”) which was quite intimidating at first but the money was good and his expert-level experience in the bedroom was a huge advantage. I was not too sure when he requested (at our 2nd meeting no less) anal. I refused and all was good but by the time we met 5 times he was practically insisting...
This story is 100% true and its not a fictional one.This is the continuation of my series real life incident with neighbor aunt, thank you ISS friends for replying me and I am lucky enough to get open offers from couples especially from kolkata and vizag and I am pretty busy now a days pleasuring them with my dick through the mails and its gonna happen in real in the coming days…Inbox me at The continuation…..As me and my aunt went into their bedroom holding each other hands, I was fully...
Eleven year old Tom slowly walked into Dr Jeffries’ reception room, followed by his parents. After they checked in, the three sat in a corner of the room. “I’m nervous,” Tom sighed. Angela took his hand. “Hey. Nothing to worry about, honey. She’ll just talk to us, okay? Ask some questions, ask about things that you remember. Just try to remember and answer what you can, okay?” “I guess...” Angela looked at her husband. “Duncan, our appointment was for an hour and a half, right?” “True—I...