Part 6 The Troll Awakens
- 2 years ago
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Okay, maybe it was like sleeping with my little sister, that is, if I'd HAD a little sister. I'd slept with my BIG sister on trips where Dad had gotten a hotel room with two beds, he and Mom taking one, me, Pat and Gary getting the other. THAT kind of 'sleeping with your sister', not the OTHER kind.
I decided to NOT fight the occasional incidental contact with Lita during the night. Reviewing things in the morning, I surmised that she'd come to the same decision. I don't even begin to understand her thinking. On one hand, she's insistent on sleeping in the same bed with me. On the other hand, it was almost like she had a proximity limit – only so close, and not any closer.
Seems to have changed. I woke during the night to roll over to a more comfortable position. Lita was spooned up behind me, her arm over me. When I rolled, so did she. I deliberately did NOT snuggle against her. Didn't matter. Before I drifted back to full slumber, she eased back against me.
Choice. Lita? Or a pillow? I chose Lita. Tentatively put my arm over her, fully expecting her to wiggle away. She didn't wiggle and to my surprise, she put her arm over mine and sort of wiggled into place.
I willed myself NOT to react. Was only partially successful. I don't know if I can do this. I tell myself that I can. In four days this little creature has fastened herself to my heart.
'Heart' wasn't what was stirring when I woke up with her heinie pressed against me in the morning. I squeezed out of bed, trying hard (Hah!) not to disturb Lita, heading myself to the bathroom to relieve my bladder. I was trying to tell myself that the erection was because of bladder pressure. 'Myself' didn't believe it. Took a while for the erection to subside to the point where urination was possible.
When I turned around, I jumped. There was Lita, bleary-eyed, waiting. She pushed past me to the toilet, silent. I shut the door behind myself, decided to slide back into bed for a while. Didn't know what I expected. Surely, now awake, Lita would retreat to her own bed.
Wrong. Nightshirt-clad little thing raised the covers and crawled back in, not saying a word. Equally silently, she pushed up against me, facing me, her arms folded to her chest between us.
I lay there, moved my arm at my side. It wasn't particularly comfortable.
"Your arm. You can put it over me. I do not mind," a soft voice said.
"Are you sure?"
"I am sure."
"Lita, this is difficult..."
"Why? Am I causing you pain? Do you not like me?"
"I like you plenty. That is causing me difficulty."
In the dim light of the room I could make out the soulful eyes looking into mine. "Why, Dave? What is wrong?"
"You are a young and pretty girl. I am a man."
"Oh." She sighed heavily. "That. I do not know everything about that. I know what a man and a woman ... I know that a bad man will take what he wants from a woman. I am not a woman, Dave. You are not a bad man."
"You are enough of a woman..."
"Am I?"
"You are."
"Nobody ever told me I am."
"You worried about the others on your trip."
"Those ... those were animals. Anything ... anyone ... female ... there were two GIRLS who disappeared. Gone." She shivered and with the shiver, inched closer to me.
"It's okay, Carlita," I said, relishing her name. "You are here. You do not have to worry about that any more."
"This is home for me?"
"As long as you want it."
"I do not understand something, Dave. My Tia Estella ... the letter, she said she was in New Orleans."
"Are you sure she said that? Maybe..."
"Maybe I read it wrong. I cannot believe she is gone."
I held her. "I am here for you, Lita."
"You did not say 'my Lita'."
"My Lita."
"Are you not going to work today?"
"No, Lita. Today is a holiday. No work."
"What holiday?"
"Memorial Day. In America, it is supposed to be a day to remember those who died in our wars."
"Sad day."
"Not for most people. They do not know what the holiday is for, only that they do not have to work."
"Then we can stay in bed longer."
I puzzled that statement. "If you wish."
"I like this. I feel ... safe ... good."
Okay, this time it's too close. "Lita, that's a little too close."
"Lita, you are a pretty young girl. There is part of me that does not know that you are Lita, my friend, who I take care of. That part only knows Lita, pretty young girl."
"It is not a good feeling?"
"I'm not supposed to be having that feeling."
"But it feels good."
"It feels good, but it is wrong for me to feel that way."
"I have good feelings too, Dave."
"We cannot..."
"I know we cannot, Dave. But we can feel good like this, can we not?"
"It does feel good."
"It feels safe. Like I am supposed to feel safe."
I have a million thoughts, probably due to loss of blood supply to the neurons I need to think clearly. I've never BEEN a pedophile. I know she HAS to feel it, yet she acts oblivious. So, I hold her. Another wiggle, her breathing stabilizes, and I think she's asleep.
I willed myself to quit thinking and dozed off myself. This time I woke up as she was moving, putting her hand on my shoulder. A little kiss on the cheek. A Lita-initiated hug.
"Mmmmm. Yes, Lita?"
"I went back to sleep."
"Me, too."
"Because I feel safe. Good."
I smiled. "You're my Lita."
"Your Lita desires breakfast."
"It is a holiday. Let us get somebody else to do breakfast for us. Then you're going to need to wear something besides that nightshirt," I said.
She bounced out of bed and up the hall. I watched. Kind of hated myself for the things I noticed. I sighed, got up, got dressed myself.
I met her in the hallway. "Do I look okay? I want to look normal."
I scanned her from head to toe. Yeah, 'normal' was one word that worked. "You look fine," I said. "Typical young girl. Maybe cuter than a lot of them."
She hit a pose I hadn't yet seen from her, twisting on one leg, looking over a shoulder. "Only maybe?"
"Maybe MORE than 'maybe'."
Her eyes met mine. That grin. I think I know who it's for.
Made a good start to the day. I suggested her breakfast order, then let her sample different items from my plate.
"This is American breakfast? Again?"
"The biscuit and gravy is a Southern thing. French toast? I learned in a Cajun kitchen..."
"Cajun?" she asked.
"We'll talk. They're a sub-culture in Louisiana."
"It's not all bad." I smiled.
She smiled in return. "And bacon and eggs and sausage?"
"A plot to keep America fat."
She giggled.
"This is from when men and women were expected to do physical work all day," I said. "The breakfast is still here. The work isn't."
"You are not fat, Dave."
"I know. I allow myself a breakfast like this on special occasions."
"What is today's special occasion?"
"First, it's a holiday. Second, I have Carlita with me."
"I make your day special?"
"Looks that way to me."
A little satisfied smile spread on her face. "You make my day special too, Dave. Since last Thursday ... I did not know if I would ever eat again. Now you are telling me that if I eat all this, I will be fat."
"It's easy and it happens to a lot of people."
"I am not fat. I was hungry. I walked much. I am thin."
"You are a young girl. Girls your age come in many shapes and sizes. You're in the middle of the range."
"I have eaten more since I found you than I did in the last two weeks."
"I guess that's good," I said.
"It is very good," she replied, then she loaded another forkful of French toast.
There was this thing looming, though. Tomorrow I have to go to work, and as charming as I might find her, they won't let me bring Lita with me, so we talked.
"I don't know what to do with you tomorrow."
"I will stay home. You have shown me TV and the Internet. You have food. I will tidy the house."
"Yes, clean..."
"Lita, you are not my slave."
"No, I am not your slave. I am your partner. We live in that house together. I should help you with it."
"You have books..."
"I would like to see a biblioteca ... library?"
"I would take you today, but they are closed on holidays."
"Is it far?"
"No. Let's drive by it." Neat building. Kind of new. Has a modern look. It's a branch, and honestly, I have walked to it from the house. Lita, though?
"It is not far. I could walk."
"You could. It would be better if I brought you here the first time and explained the situation."
"What would you explain to them?"
"I will explain that you, Carlita, are an exchange student, and you have my permission to use my library card."
"I am not an exchange student."
"Okay, then, I'll tell them that I found you behind the seat of my truck out in the middle of Nowhere, Texas, you're an undocumented alien..."
"Okay. Exchange student."
"Until we get some help getting your status resolved..."
"Resolved?" she questioned.
"Fixed. Made into something that we can work with."
"Oh, okay."
"Until then, we may have to tell a little lie or two..." I paused, then said, "I don't want somebody to take you away from me."
"Me also. You take care of me. I like it – having somebody who will look out for me." She looked at the passing scenery. "What are we going to do today?"
"My brother is having a barbecue. We are invited, if you're up to meeting more of my family."
"They invited me?"
"No, they invited me, before I knew you existed. Now you are part of the deal..."
"I am unexpected."
"Not exactly. Sometimes in the past I've brought a friend..."
"A woman?"
"Yes, I have had women friends."
"And your family has met them?"
"Yes." Okay, strange line, but I'll play along. Let's see where she's heading.
"So if you bring me, they will think I am your lady?"
"No, they will see you and I will tell them you are my ward."
"What is – ward?"
"Somebody who I take care of."
"Not like wife?"
"No. Not like wife. Not like child."
"Not necessarily. But you and I know that you are my friend."
"We should go. You said they have children?"
"Yeah. Son's eight. Robert. Named after our grandfather. Daughter's six. Kinsey. And his wife is Carlie. Almost Carlita..."
"And they will not be unhappy if I show up?"
"No, they won't."
"Then we should go. I would like to meet your family. Do I need better clothes?"
I regarded her apparel. Neat. New. Tidy. "Nope. You're good."
"We go home first?"
"Yes, for a little while. Don't want to get there too early."
We pulled into the driveway and walked inside.
"Your books. You do not mind if I read them?"
"Of course not. And the computer is there for you. Use it wisely. There are traps."
"I know. You told me."
We had a little lesson on the DVD player as well.
"So many things to learn," she said.
"You'll learn them, Lita. You're a very intelligent girl."
We worked in the house a little, then I decided to call Gary.
"Hey, bud," I said, "I just wanted to warn you that I'm bringing somebody with me. I hope you have enough food."
"Always got plenty. Girlfriend?"
"No. Definitely a girl. Definitely a friend. We're hanging around together. Thought she needed to come with me."
I glanced at Lita. She was watching as I talked.
"Come on. We'll wait for you."
"Okay," I said. "Want me to bring ice or something?"
"Nope. Got everything. Bring yourself and your friend."
Hello, guys, this is my first story in ISS. I am a regular reader of ISS. Excuse me for any Mistakes. And any women interested in sex experience and chat can contact me at So coming to the story, I live in Bangalore alone and this story is a year back from now. I was doing ug and I lived alone in a flat. Once my brother and his wife came to Bangalore for some work, so they came to me my place to stay. Coming to my bhabhi she is 28 years of age she has a boy. About her figure 30-28-32 really...
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xmoviesforyouWhen I was about 26 and living by myself in a studio apartment in Hollywood I met a woman who changed my life. I had been living in Apartment 23 for about 6 months when all of sudden at 4 am there was someone pounding on the door. I quickly got up and ran to the door, shouting, "Who is it?" "It's Vicky from across the hall, can you help me?" she said. I opened up the door and she was dressed in all black with high boots. "All the power in my apartment went off, do you know how to...
Eddy Johnson gathered up the horses and stripped the weapons and other useful items from the Jayhawkers. On the six men, he found a total $3.12! "Humph! Jayhawkning can't be very profitable! No wonder they wanted $10 a wagon. That'd probably be the most money they seen all year!" he thought as he took the loot to Andrew Jones, the guard chief. Meanwhile, Seth Lawson, the scout, swung an arc back and forth about a mile in front of the train and Silas Wimple, a guard, did the same at the...
OK, I was ready for my next nude nature walk and my mum and sister had gone on a two-day trip to look at a university where my sister wanted to go to. So I would be alone and wouldn't have a curfew. Around 9:30pm, I left my house on my bike. The only things that I had with me were my bicycle, sneakers and jogging suit again. When I went past the woods, where I had been naked so many times by now, I had to smile a little. It had been so much fun in there, only thinking about it gave me good...
Introduction: Emma was excited to model the new dress her Daddy had bought for her. Soon a neighbor wanted to follow up and take pictures of her at his house. There she found a slightly older boy, who took over the action and everyone enjoyed themselves. She smiled and tilted her head just the way she knew her Daddy liked and said, So whats my present from you, Daddy? Henry pretended to let his face fall and said, Gee I hoped you would forget about your birthday this year and I wouldnt have...
I wasn’t wearing much. A semi-sheer pink top that hugged my upper body and left little doubt of the state of my nipples and a pair of matching panties that smelled of desire. A pair of brown kitten ears attached to a matching head band poked from the top of my blonde tresses and a pink collar, decorated with rhinestones circled my neck, a heart shaped tag engraved with the words ‘kitty’ on one side and ‘property of Kay’ on the other. I felt perfectly content, as I knelt at her feet, my cheek...
Pleas be kind I am not a writer and just had to tell this to someone.First off my husband Shane and I had been married for about five years. We had great Sex life and just enjoyed being with each other. In the past two years Shane had started talking about new things while in the bedroom and buying me toys mainly Dildos. He would act like the dildo was someone else and ask me if I liked being fucked by someone else. This went on for some time before he asked me if I would really do it. I...
Late the next afternoon, Tony met with Barely to set things up for that evening's session at Crazy's place. "You know," Barely said, "I came across something last night when I was editing the tapes." "What was that?" Tony asked. "It's best I show you, then you tell me if you want it back in. It was me, I'd keep it out. I just don't feel comfortable with it." "Let's have a look then," Tony said and sat down in front of the TV. Barely ran the tape with Kristy and Heather....
Here is Chapter two Chapter twoIt’s Only LustI have known this lady, standing in front of me for well over thirty years. In the early years when we met for a family function our greeting was usually a hug. As the years past bye we graduated to a quick kiss on a cheek. Now as we stood face to face with our lips locked it dawned on me that not many years ago we had begun kissing each other on the lips when saying our hello. Joyce’s grip on the back of my head was strong. Our lips mashed together...
I was asleep when Ruby buzzed to come up. It was 1:18am on Thursday night. She had mentioned she was having drinks with an old friend after work, so I didn't expect to see her, but I was happy for the company. I'd been feeling a bit pent up that night and I assumed the late visit was to scratch an itch.Ruby and I had been dating for about six months. I had met her at a friend's house party. She was clever and flirty and had a ripeness about her sexuality that bordered on obscene. She was...
Bisexual“Hey sweetheart, how are you?” Tracy asked as she came in my room. “I'm good,” I replied just before we kissed. We both laid there for a minute and made out, but I couldn't help make a move on her to try again. “Jerry I said no. We're not having sex when I have my uniform on,” Tracy said. “Why not? I mean really why not, I don't get it, doing it with that on would make it sexy and kinky,” I replied as we leaned up. "Are you saying you are bored with our sex life?" Tracy...
The summer of 68 was hot in more ways than one. Large cities like, Detroit and Newark had suffered through weeks of unrest and rioting in the streets the year before and the unrest, along with the political climate and the war, made for an uneasy peace. Mom and I continued working out every morning right after Dad went to work in order to avoid the heat of the day. She was really making good progress. Because of her healthier cooking and eating habits, she had continued to lose weight; now...
Alicia awakened with the sun, as she had the day before. This time, however, she felt rested. While the dirt floor was a far cry from her feather-stuffed mattress, it was a great improvement over sleeping on sticks and pine cones. With only a little food remaining, and not enough knowledge to live off the land, she knew that she had to move on. She could only hope that she was moving away from her kidnappers, and not walking right into their arms. After a quiet prayer to the gods to that...
Well this journal entry even shocks me that it happened but, in order for you to understand it all, I have to go back a few years.In the swinging lifestyle, you meet and sometimes play with a handful of people you continue to stay in touch with or develop a bond with. We have a small group of friends that, when we see each other, we can do vanilla stuff or get down and dirty.We have a few couples I love seeing because both members are awesome in bed. But some couples break up and then it’s hard...
Swingers"I"ll be home late tonight hun, so don't wait up." said 25 year old Stacy. "OK" said Phil, as he came up behind her and kissed her neck...mmmm that feels so good, she said. I've really got to go though, i'll see you later babe. With that, she left for work. She got to her office and she could think of nothing but Phil and how he had made love to her the night before. He was an amazing lover. But thinking about last night only made her wet and she had work to do. As everyone left for the night,...
EroticMy women's studies professor was a very popular teacher at my university. Emma Morgan was one of the younger professors and connected well with the students. I liked her classes because she was smart and engaged the students with interesting topics. I hated to miss her class, but I did one day when my car wouldn't start. That brought me to her office for the first time. I went to apologize and see what I had missed. I knocked on her door. “Come in,” she said. I walked in and sat down facing...
LesbianBikini sister It's tough having a sexy older sister. Growing up, she was always the center of everyone's attention. She was perfect at everything she did and everybody wanted to be around her. Even when my friends came over to our house, they could never stop gawking at her despite my objections. My sister never did me any favors either, as she loved to lounge around the house in shorts and a tshirt for them to drool over. Fast forward several years later; I was still living at home attending a...
Bryan woke with an erection, which he tried to hide from me as he went to the bathroom.... I needed a quick shower to wash the dried semen from my backside.... We cleaned ourselves, did not speak of the events of the previous evening. We got packed, ate breakfast, and hit the road. We drove all the way to Oklahoma City, and the ride was quieter and less jocular than the first day. Bryan and I were trying to come to grips with our 'incident' the previous night. We arrived in Oklahoma City...
Taboo“Molly, I have to go to town before the store closes. Mr. Simmons is still working on the pump for the well. See that he gets his check if he finishes before I get back.”“Okay, mom. I’ll see that he gets it.”Mom headed for town and I walked slowly out to the pump house to see how Mr. Simmons was coming along. He had been there most of the day working on our water pump for the well. The pump was in a small shed we referred to as the pump house. It was about ten feet square with just a door in...
TabooPoor little Patti was forced by their vicious Pitbull Toro to turn herself around in her chair and get on her knees, her big beautiful rounded ass up into the air, her legs spread widely out, her upper body and head laid onto the cushion of her chair, her arms spread outwards as her hands clutched and grabbed at each cushioned arm, her outright crying spilled out into the room. Her whole body shaking in total fear of how viscously Toro had forced her into this position, her ass was...
Katie left her mom alone and tied up for about 2 hours.Katie was actually tireing of this game.and feeling a tad guilty but just a tad.She finally decide to end it sooner than she had at first. Mommy I will make you a deal are you interested? Helen asked...what do you mean a deal.? I will end this tonite on one condition..Uh what would that be Helen replied. You have to tell me all the truthfull stories about your sexual escapades over your long life as a slut whore. so I can record them and...