Coaching Teacher Ko Fasa Ke Chudi
- 2 years ago
- 23
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Introduction: Emma was excited to model the new dress her Daddy had bought for her. Soon a neighbor wanted to follow up and take pictures of her at his house. There she found a slightly older boy, who took over the action and everyone enjoyed themselves. She smiled and tilted her head just the way she knew her Daddy liked and said, So whats my present from you, Daddy?
Henry pretended to let his face fall and said, Gee I hoped you would forget about your birthday this year and I wouldnt have to get you one.
Emma now folded her arms as she said, Yeah right Dad, hand it over with a smile on her face.
Smiling back at her, Henry reached and took his daughters hand and led her to the combination kitchen dining room. There a wrapped box sat on the dining table. Giving a little girl shriek . . . Emma ran to the table and began to tear away the wrapping paper.
Opening the box her eyes got wide. There she found her favorite yellow dress she had been looking at in a nearby store, and when she pulled it out underneath a frilly panty and bra set. Squealing with delight Emma pulled out the underwear marveling over it. She had never had a real bra before. There were a couple of sports bras that Henry had gotten her to play field hockey in but that was all.
Well dont just stand there. Henry said, Try them on and make sure I got you the right size.
Without another word Emma ran off to the back of the one story house into her bedroom. Henry still smiling walked after his daughter. At the open door of her room he leaned against the door frame as Emma kicked off her party shoes and began to unbutton her dress.
Henry and Emma led a casual lifestyle. Undressing in front of each other was commonplace. Emma barely noticed and was not bothered by her fathers presence as she pulled off her old dress. The fact that she had seen her father naked and he had seen her was something she would never tell Aunt Edda and even at six she had known not to admit that to the child services investigator.
When the dress was off Henry couldnt help his eyes going to the low mounds with the slightly puffed pink nipples that were on Emmas bare chest. When she then quickly whisked off her old panties she stood clad only in white knee socks. Henry could clearly see her cute little cleft between her legs. Emmas mother had been as blond as Emma and had never shaved herself down there. She had always sported a sparse blond bush of hair. Henry peered at his daughter and wondered if she was growing any hair yet but couldnt tell. She still looked like her pussy was completely bald. Henry shifted slightly as an erection began to develop between his legs. As many times as he has seen his daughters body, it never failed to excite him.
Soon Emma had her new panties on. Looking down at the white lacey garment she smiled. Putting on the bra proved to be a much harder task. It fastened at the back and Emma had no experience of how the hooks actually worked.
Still smiling, Henry stepped forward and took over. Here, he said, Ive got some experience with unhooking those things so I should be able to do it in reverse.
When the hooks were fastened Emma spun around so Henry could see. My new undies are perfect Daddy. I love them.
Then striking what she thought was a sultry pose she said, See . . . Im a big girl now.
Henry scooped her up in a hug and said, Yes you are sweetness. You certainly are.
Just then a call of, Anybody home, in a familiar voice came from the front door.
Henry put Emma down and said, Put the dress on and then lets show Uncle Ross what I gave you.
Ross Ladue wasnt Emmas real uncle. He was Henrys next door neighbor and best friend and Emma liked him as well. He had often watched her for Henry when she was younger. Ross was a professional photographer. He had a spacious room he had built onto his house to use as a studio. Many times Emma had watched as he took photos that would be used in magazine and catalog advertisements. More recently more of his pictures were appearing in Internet ads.
What Emma didnt know, but Henry did, was that he also supplied photos used in pornographic sites online. He even did risque pictures of a young girl who had her own Internet site with pictures of herself scantily clad in provocative poses. There was some more beyond that which Henry definitely wouldnt mention to Emma. Ross called them his special photos and they were available only to three or four of Ross closest like minded friends. Henry would never mention that he was one of the few to have seen the popular non nude Internet models secret naked photos. Walking to the front of the house Henry greeted Ross and invited him into the living room.
Have you given her the dress yet? he asked.
Give her a second and shell show you. Henry replied. The two men then spent a few moments bewailing the defeat of the local baseball team the previous weekend but then Emma appeared. The blond five foot one girl walked in with her hands clasped demurely in front of her. She had a small winsome smile on her angelic face. Going to the center of the room she did a twirl letting the skirts of the dress billow out.
Daddy it fits perfectly! You couldnt have chosen better. Then as Rosss smile faded, Dont you like it Uncle Ross?
Catching himself Ross said, Its not that. Its just that you look almost too good. I always knew you were pretty but in that dress youre just the most beautiful young lady. You take my breath away. Youve got to let me take your picture in it.
I agree, said Henry. She looks great but my judgment is very prejudiced. Can we come over now and do it in the studio?
No, Ross said, Ive got a model coming in few minutes but if you can come over in an hour and a half or so I should be done. I want to take the time to do her justice so I want to spend some time setting things up.
Okay with me. Henry said, How about you kid?
You know I love posing for you . . . Uncle Ross, Emma added. Little did either man realize Emmas eyes were trained on their growing bulges inside their pants. When Ross had gone, Emma walked to the shelf of family photos and looked up at them. Pictures of Charlie at various ages mostly taken by Ross dominated. There was one photo of Emma standing stiffly and formally with an unsmiling Aunt Edda. Henry made it into a couple of pictures with Emma and one showed him with coworkers at the machine shop where he worked.
Emma wasnt looking at these though. She stood before a picture at the end of her parents at their wedding and the only picture Ross had sold with Emma appearing in it. The photo showed a five year old Emma several years ago and her mother both wearing matching footy pajamas with Emma leaning against her mothers leg as they both smiled at each other. The photo had been used in a catalog of the company that marketed the pajamas and apparently sales of the pajamas had been very good that year. Seeing where she was looking, Henry remained silent not wanting to interrupt his daughters reverie. But she did it herself whirling away . . . and starting to unbutton her new dress.
Hey, said Henry, I thought you liked it.
Emma replied, I do and I want to keep it clean until Ross takes my picture. Soon she was again clad only in underwear as she laid her dress carefully on the couch.
Going to her bag of presents, she pulled out a disk in a jewel case and said, Lets put this game in the computer. I want to spend some time killing Orcs.
An hour later, Ross had made good progress on his work for the day. His model was a good looking teenage boy named Simon who was a good worker. He was surprisingly patient and mature for his age. They were doing clothing catalog pictures and Ross had hoped to get through several outfits that day. Actually on the last outfit for the day, Simon wore white brief underwear and a white T-shirt.
Ross had already taken half a dozen shots with slight lighting variations when Emma and Henry walked in. Seeing the good looking boy in underwear Emma became self-conscious. Even though she had just spent an hour sitting in front of the computer clad only in her own undergarments, her face started to grow red with embarrassment at seeing the boy so unexpectedly.
Henry had met Simon before and saw nothing wrong but Emma said, Oh should we go away and wait for Uncle Ross to finish?
Simon heard this from the very pretty girl who had walked in and he smiled, Hey dont worry. Thousands of people are going to see me dressed like this in the catalog and more than that if it makes it onto their website so it doesnt bother me.
Ross also turned and said, Yes Emma, come on in. Were almost done. Turning back . . . he noticed Simons eyes were still on Emma and he obviously liked what he saw. Even though Emma now wore her new dress, Ross could see a visible bulge expanding in his briefs. Such a bulge would never be excepted so he resigned himself to finishing the underwear shots later.
In fact lets knock off Simon. I want to take some pictures of Emma in her new dress then Ill drive you home.
Stepping down from the slightly raised platform he had been on Simon said, Can I watch? That way I can look at this pretty girl some more. Ross smiled to himself realizing he was not the only one who found Emma stunning.
Henry . . . Emma do you mind? Ross asked.
How about it Emma? Henry said, Its up to you.
Emma smiled at the boy but was still a little red faced as she said, Sure. Its okay.
Lately Emma and her girlfriends had been noticing the boys at school. She had seen how they were looking at her a lot more. They were no longer just a mass of uninteresting maleness. She had found herself noticing that some were better looking than others. She and her friends had joked about which ones had started sprouting bulges in their pants when looking at girls. It was her friends that had pointed out this mostly happened when the boys were looking at prettier girls and that Emma seemed to be one of their favorites.
As Ross directed her to go up on the platform where Simon had been, she wondered if the boy would stay in his underwear while he watched. He definitely qualified as better looking and she liked seeing him in less than full clothing. When she saw him sit in a chair behind Ross, it gave her a thrill that he didnt go to change. It thrilled her even more that he was sporting an obvious erection in his soft underpants that looked almost as big as the one her Daddy got when he watched her change clothes. She had asked herself before if she could be the cause of the bulge and Simons reaction seemed to confirm that.
Ross for his part hurriedly readied his main camera. He wanted to catch that delightful blush in Emmas cheeks before it faded. When he began to snap off photos and direct Emma into different poses he thought he had. He had seen the catalog picture of a child model wearing the dress she wore when Henry had showed him what he was going to get Emma for her birthday. If the pictures Ross was now taking turned out as well as he expected they would, he wondered if he should contact the company and offer his pictures instead, since Emma would look better he was sure.
As he adjusted the lights Ross said, Hey Emma is that dress ALL your Dad got you?
Without thinking Emma smiled and said, Daddy got me new panties and a very pretty bra, too. I love them. Maybe you can take a picture of them too?
Then Emma froze. Her eyes went to Simon and her flush began to grow in her cheeks again.
Simon seeing she had forgotten his presence laughed, Dont mind me, little miss beauty. Youve seen me in my underwear and it sure would be nice to see you in yours.
Suddenly both Ross and Henrys minds were going to unexpected places. Ross had wanted to take some more erotic pictures of the cute teen girl for some time. Out of respect for Henry though, he had never mentioned his desire. Having noticed the effect Emma was having on Simon . . . Henry found that the thought of his gorgeous daughter exciting others was extremely arousing to him.
Emmas mind was also working. Her Daddy had always told her she was beautiful. Maybe there was something to it. Simon was still smiling broadly at her. Ross was looking at her with a strangely intense look and her Daddy was getting a little red in the cheeks too. The thought of getting everyone very hot and bothered was VERY exciting to her.
Quietly Emma asked, Would it be okay Daddy?
Henry felt himself growing stiff between his legs as he said, Its up to you honey. You know how good Ross is. If you want more pictures he should be the one to take it.
Emma had her hands clasped in front of her again as she said, But is it okay if hes here, she nodded at Simon.
Henry swallowed as he said, If you dont mind, I dont mind. Its up to you.
Looking back at Ross, Emma started with . . . When-
Ross interrupted with, Nows fine Emma. Just take off your dress and give it to your Dad. Ross barely noticed that he held his breath after he said this.
Emma looked around and noticed she was the center of attention. Her pride in herself swelled as she reached back to begin unbuttoning her dress. When she did this Ross wanted to pump his fist in the air and cheer. Simon was thinking along the same lines and seeing how Emma was affecting the other two . . . Henry continued to grow even more excited.
Ross was standing by his main still camera and also a control panel that he could operate multiple cameras from. Turning it on . . . several small screens lit up. Flipping a switch he started three video cameras focused on the platform. He also started firing off photos of Emma taking her dress off from a secondary tripod mounted camera.
Emma finished unbuttoning her garment and pulled the dress off her arms and stepped out of it. Ross, Simon and Henry all feasted their eyes on Charlies shapely but not yet very long legs, her flat stomach and a nicely rounded rump. Her panties were full and pure white with frills at the front and across the back. Her new bra was a matching white with small barely filled low cups. Walking to the edge of the platform Emma handed the dress to her father and then looked at Ross.
What do you want me to do? she asked, her heart pounding when she realized she would be soon entertaining three guys with her nearly naked body.
Launching himself into photographer mode Ross immediately said, Let me get a few of you standing with your hands clasped in front like that. He then moved on to other poses with Emma standing, sitting and even lying on her side. Having a wonderful looking little girl in her underwear, Ross creative mind went into overdrive as he wanted to take full advantage of the opportunity. Soon he realized that Emma was still in her shoes and socks and he shyly asked her to remove them.
When Emma did so without hesitation he went next to posing her on her stomach with her knees bent and her now bare feet in the air. After another string of photos he had her put just her shoes back on for several more poses.
Then he got yet another idea. Looking over to Simon he said, How about some pictures of both you and Simon together since youre both here and similarly dressed?
Simon looked like the cat who ate the canary as he said, Sounds like a great idea to me!
All eyes went to Emma who was looking down at her feet. But when she looked up she was smiling and said, Okay.
Soon the handsome boy was beside her. The bulge was still there in his briefs and Emma could acutely sense the warmth of his presence. He had a faint but nice male smell and Emmas cheeks were getting pink yet again. She smiled up at the handsome taller boy.
When Simon smiled back, Ross took several pictures of them doing just that. He had them stand next to each other and then facing each other just to start. Then he moved on to them posing and touching each other. This was followed by having them face each other with their hands joined smiling . . . then facing each other with their hands joined not smiling. Ross was now getting more excited and as a result, he had them face front . . . leaning into each other . . . then facing front with their arms around each others waists.
Emma was feeling a genuine thrill each time Simon touched her. His hands were gentle but strong. She found when they were on her skin it felt best. Also the feel of his firm skin under her own hands was exciting her even more.
By this time, Ross had taken more than a hundred pictures as well as having the pair captured on video when he decided to push things a little further.
Ross took a breath and tried to sound nonchalant as he said, Why dont you take off your T-shirt Simon?
Simon looked at Ross and shot him a knowing smile as he said, Sure.
Pulling the shirt over his head he threw it aside and smiled down at Emma. Ross then ran them through several more poses. After he had put Emma lying on her side with Simon crouched just behind her, Ross thought of his next gentle push.
Simon can you pick her up piggy back?
Simon dutifully turned his back to Emma and grabbed her legs. Emma grabbed around his neck and allowed her cute bare feet to stick out in front of him. As she settled behind, Simon felt the soft flesh between her legs on his back. He also felt the front of her damp panties at the center of that contact.
Emma was getting very excited, especially with her fellow model being topless. She was hugging Simon and her legs were in contact with him right around his bare upper body. She also felt the damp spot between her legs but she was too excited to be embarrassed. After shots of the pair facing to the side and facing front with Emmas face right next to Simons . . . Ross spoke again.
Okay Simon. Put her down and then pick her up facing you. Emma grab him around the waist with your legs and put your arms around his shoulders.
Simon did as instructed. He lowered the younger girl then turned to face her. Grabbing Emma under the arms he lifted her and her legs went around him. When her arms went around his neck, her bra was against his chest and her face was right next to his. Shifting his hands he joined them under her tight little ass to support her. When he felt her soft ass cheeks, he also felt her shiver at the contact.
Emma found herself breathing more quickly as she relished the chest to chest contact. Also she was acutely aware that her pussy was only a few inches above Simons cock, separated by only two thin layers of fabric.
Looking over Simons shoulder she noticed her Daddy now standing while watching. As he stood, he was staring back at her with a flushed face and she quickly recognized the huge bulge in the front of his pants. As she felt Simons warm flesh against hers . . . and looked at her obviously excited Daddy . . . she made a very mischievous decision.
After Ross had Simon put her down, Emma said quietly in a shy tone, If Simon only has one thing on, shouldnt I be the same . . . and take off my bra?
Ross and Henry immediately looked at each other. Ross would like nothing better but he realized it was Henrys call. Henrys mind was going to the thought of other men turned on by his wonderful daughter. He just couldnt stop himself speaking.
Go ahead Emma. That would be really great!
Emma lowered her eyes and started to reach back but Ross stopped her.
Wait Emma, face Simon again and Simon you reach behind her and undo it . . . then slowly take it off her and look at her bare titties while you do so.
Suddenly Simon had his own flush as he did as instructed. Emma was looking away as she faced him and he reached to unfasten her bra. As he released it and slid it forward, Emmas eyes came around to meet his. Her small breasts came slowly into view and Simon forced himself not to caress them as he lifted the bra away. He had worked with Ross on more sexual shoots before and knew to restrain himself until directed.
Almost right away Ross steered things further. He had been looking at his friend Henry and he smiled to himself. He was sure Henry was getting more and more excited by the thought of Emma turning on other men. He was pretty sure he could push both Henry and Emma onto more than just photographing Emma naked and he decided to test his thought next.
Emma and Simon were now standing close to each other with Emma s chest bared. Ross had been thinking of getting some pictures of her new breasts from different angles but he decided to move further right away.
Simon, Ross said, Face me. Emma get behind him. Now Emma put yourself right up against his back and hug him then look at me around him so I can see your face.
Ross then took a couple more pictures.
The two did as instructed. Emma had been expecting to be told to show off her chest and was even more excited to find herself rubbing her now stiff nipples against Simons back.
Then Ross went for the real test. Okay Emma. I want to take some more sexy pictures. Im going to ask you to do a few things that are much more risqué,. These pictures will be only for your Dad and me. First . . . Emma, reach into Simons underpants and take hold of his COCK.
Emma was shocked. This was very naughty but also very exciting for her. She thought about whether or not it was too much . . . but as she thought about it more . . . her hand started reaching. When she discovered her body was making her mind up for her, Emma glanced at her father. His expression was one of complete lust. A small smile was on his face and he was now rubbing his pants (and obviously his cock) between his legs.
Almost before she realized it, Emmas hand slid under the waistband of Simons underwear. She had seen her Dads cock when he was excited before and the thing she found in Simons underpants was almost just as long. As her hand touched it . . . his cock was very warm, and the skin on it was soft and flexible around a hard core. A flutter ran through Emma that seemed to center in her stomach. Then a tickle started to radiate between her own legs.
At her touch, his erection became complete and Simons whole body twitched. With her head still beside him Emma looked at his face. Simon was smiling to himself and when he noticed Emma looking at him, he turned his smile to her.
Alright, Emma let go of him and get beside him, Ross instructed. The two did so and after a couple more pictures he had the pair face each other.
Now Emma. Get on your knees and take the band of his underwear on either side. Then slowly . . . pull them down and off.
As the two youngsters did as instructed, Ross noticed Emmas hands were trembling with excitement as she reached to take hold of Simons last garment. He noted both her increased breathing and the flush that was now in full bloom on her cheeks. As Emma pulled them down slowly, Simons erection was pulled down as well but then suddenly it sprang into view. Emma decided it was thinner but just as long as her fathers. On her knees the erection was pointed slightly upward towards her forehead.
Now take hold of it again Emma, Ross said. Wrap your fingers around the head and slowly move your hand up and down. I know he will LOVE it!
Emma did as instructed running her hand up and down the shaft and cradling the balls that hung underneath. She kept doing this for more than a minute but then Ross spoke again.
Stand up Emma and face me. Simon get behind her and put your hands on her breasts.
When this was done, Emma felt Simon come up behind her so that his erection prodded the small of her back. The end was now damp as well. Simons hands didnt just sit on her breasts but without instruction he began to fondle them. Soon her nipples were being gently pinched and twirled. Emma wanted to squirm with delight under the touch but forestalled herself. Ross moved on, Now Simon. Take her panties in your hands and pull them down while you stay behind her.
After this instruction, Ross again looked at Henry to make sure he wasnt going too far. He was delighted to see Henry had his hand inside his pants and he was obviously rubbing himself. He seemed lost in the situation he was viewing. Ross smiled at this. He had every intention of pushing things as far as they could go. As the cleft between Emmas legs came into view, Ross was finding his own breath increasing. He hadnt realized just how much he had been hoping to get his luscious little neighbors girl naked and maybe more.
Simon was anxious to get more as well and without any instruction he suspected where Ross wanted to go next and put a hand on Emma s stomach then as Ross continued to take pictures he slid it down to Emma s wet pussy.
As Simon cupped her mound, Emma moaned as she stepped so her legs were more apart . . . barely realizing what she was doing. Encouraged Simon slid a finger just barely into the little girls slit and ran it up and down. When no one stopped him, Simon pushed the finger in deeper eliciting another moan of pleasure and excitement from the girl. When he encountered no obstruction he was surprised but not terribly so. He was unaware Emma and another girl had collided at full speed the year before while playing field hockey. In the resulting tangle of sticks and limbs . . .both girls had been left bleeding and both fathers had rushed the girls to the emergency room. There a doctor had removed Emmas torn hymen before she moved on to attend to the other girls broken nose. When Simon discovered the open state of Emmas clit, he was thinking of plugging it with something other than his finger and assumed someone had already previously done so. He was thinking this innocent looking girl . . . was not so innocent.
Emma was experiencing unimaginable things she had never suspected her body could feel. She vaguely thought she shouldnt really be doing what she was doing but Uncle Ross had said it would make him and her Daddy happy and that overruled her doubts.
Simon didnt realize it but he probably had the clearest mind in the room. Emmas body was ruling her mind to a greater extent than it ever had before. Both Ross and Henry were consumed with lust. Simon was extremely excited but he was still thinking this was mainly a photo shoot. He just assumed the shoot was designed to be a pornographic one.
After fondling Emma between her legs for a while without further instructions Simon took over. Keeping angles to the camera in mind he turned Emma sideways facing him and knelt before her. Putting his hand behind her neck he pulled her down to kiss her on the lips. He did so gently and felt Emma trembling with excitement as he did so.
Next he leaned forward and kissed her stiff little pink nipples one by one. Emma sucked in her breath as he did this . . . and her trembling increased. Vaguely in her mind Emma heard a voice saying this is real sex and were actually doing it. Simon sat back on his heels and pulled Emma forward so her feet were on either side of his legs and gently had her sit on his legs. He then resumed kissing and licking her chest. He considered pulling Emma forward into an embrace so his cock could slip up into her but he knew Ross would want a clear angle for that event.
Deciding not to delay any more Simon murmured for Emma to get on her hands and knees. Emmas face was red and her breathing swift as she did so. Simon was soon behind her on his knees checking the angles and noticed they were sideways to Ross main camera so the view of his cock approaching Emma from behind was clear. Also the secondary camera had a clear view of Emmas flushed face.
Simon now took his cock in one hand and began to rub it up and down over Emmas slit. A moan escaped from Emma as this happened. Simon glanced around to see if there were any instructions or objections but both Ross and Henrys eyes were fixed exactly where the young pair were about to be joined.
Smiling inwardly Simon put the tip of his cock in Emmas opening that was now very wet and began to slowly push in. Emmas excitement was well over the top now and she could only marvel at the intensity of the good feelings that were washing over her. She arched her back and felt her body push back as his long cock entered her from behind. Ross photographers instincts were still present enough that he noted the angle was just right to catch Simons long cock visibly and slowly sinking into its target. Henry wasnt thinking much at all but he knew that seeing his daughter being FUCKED was the most erotic thing he had ever seen.
Simon increased his pressure as he slowly sank into Emma. She was very tight but he was still making progress. Reaching out, Simon took hold of Emmas waist to steady her and pushed harder. As the amount of Simons cock that was visible grew less and less both Ross and Henry grew ever more excited. Ross knew that he would review the tapes and photos of what was going on as soon as possible after they were done but he was sure they would be first rate.
Very slowly, Simons cock disappeared entirely from view inside the girl. Then he pulled back. Pushing in again was almost as hard but as he repeated his movements they gradually became easier. Emma opening was flooded with liquid produced by her stimulation. With each inward push another wave of wonderful feelings would wash over her. Somewhere her stretched membranes were sending pain signals but it was a good pain that only added to her sensations.
As Simon fucked Emma more and more rapidly, his own stimulation began building to the top. His own body wanted to stay inside the marvelously fuckable girl as he came, but he knew Ross would want pictures of him erupting. Emmas sensations took over then and they exploded inside her causing her very first ever orgasm. She was unaware she had cried out wordlessly as this happened. It was just too wonderful. Her arms gave way and her upper body collapsed down. Simon could feel what was happening and kept a tight hold so Emma wouldnt slip off him as he fucked her even faster.
Emmas internal muscle spasms did their job though and Simon realized it was his time now also. Releasing Emma allowed her knees to buckle and she came off Simon just as he reached completion. The cameras caught the view as his cock pulsed and erupted . . . shooting jets of thick white teenage semen onto Emmas back and butt. The girl suddenly got on her knees and faced Simons belching cock. He saw this as an invitation and immediately painted the rest of his load all over her face.
For the next few moments everything was frozen in an almost motionless tableau. Emma still quivered with the afterglow of her orgasm and speedy facial. Simon was breathing hard and sweat was visible on his brow. Ross and Henry were frozen in shocked silence.
Henry stood up. Seeing a towel Ross kept nearby he seized it and went to Emma. Bending over he wiped Simons cum off her as much as he could then and then pulled her upright. He elected to let his drying cum remain on her pretty face as a souvenir. Collecting her discarded clothes he redressed his daughter. Mumbling some unheard nonsense to Ross he then rushed a bewildered Emma out and home. After arriving, Emma took a quick refreshing shower and went back down stairs.
He was surprised when Emma returned to the living room stark naked.
Daddy why didnt you tell me how good it felt to do sex? Why didnt you ever do that with me? Henry gaped at the beautiful little girl but could find no words.
Emma took his hand and said, Come on Daddy I want to feel really good some more tonight. As he was led to a bedroom, Henry never thought for a moment of refusing.
Hi guyzz m Rohan frm patna.. Patna ki unstisfy girls aur womens mujhe pe contact ker skti hai. Mai patna ke bahar ka hu yaha flat le kar padhai kr ta hu.. Mai apne bare mai bta du mai ek mast hot sa larka hu. Thora sawla hu per mera lund 8 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota v hai. Meri height 5 feet 10 inch hai. Main patna 2 sal pehle aaya tha jb maine yaha addmission liya tha graduation mai tvi maine makan malik ke beti ko chod chod kr aurat bnaya tha per wo sal bhar ke bad khatam ho gya. Avi mai ek...
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Hallo! In Anbetracht von Sendungen wie Germanys next Topmodell möchte ich mal erzählen, was ich selbst als Jungmodel hinter den Kulissen der Glitzerwelt erlebt habe. Ich wurde damals als ganz junge Schülerin eigentlich per Zufall als Model entdeckt. Damals war ich pubertierend mit meiner besten Freundin in der Innenstadt unserer Kleinstadt unterwegs. Es gab einen Wettbewerb der Lokalzeitung, die das schönste Gesicht der Stadt suchte. Ich war eigentlich gar nicht der extrovertierte Typ. Aber...
One fine day, we got the chance to roam all alone in the park. It was around 7:45 pm and the park was almost isolated. We were roaming and on every few steps, he grabbed my boobs and squeezed. I was just fed up with him. Though I liked him squeezing my boobs he was doing too much. I stopped and asked him when he would stop squeezing them. He explained that he doesn’t get enough time to squeeze them properly to his satisfaction. He continued that if he gets enough time to squeeze them, he’ll...
Hi this is akbar here I would like to tell you a story,which happened with me recently, First I would like to tell you some thing about me,I am Male & 18 years of age& live in india (Kolkata) and also a student and I take coaching class of my subjects and my coaching center is Co-education means girls also study with me and I have also friendship with girls. Any wayin my class there is one girl, she is very cute and lovablegirl her name is Shaheen andshe has also shown her interest...
Hi to all readers. Mera naam samar verma hai aur mai punjab ka rehne vala hu. Mai ek average looking ladka hu aur sabse pehle meri ek request hai un logon se jo fake stories submit karte hai please aapki story padke koi sex ka nasha toh nhi hota bas haasi aati hai. Try to be real please. Meri story ki jo heroine hai unka naam hai sunita aur unki age 39 years hai aur figure 38-35-38 dikhe mai sundar nahi thodi heavy hai but hai mast. Ab sidhe story par aata hu mujhe graduation khatam kiye pura...
Elle McBain was a teenage model much in demand in the fashion world of New York City. She was first discovered at the age of sixteen and soon caught the eye of Manny Francisco King of the porn world in Manhattan.Elle began posing for clothing ads in the New York Times. But, was soon high on the list for the better Fashion Houses. Her work kept her so busy, she dropped out of high school. She promised herself and her mom she would make sure to obtain her GED.As she was leaving a photoshoot, she...
HardcoreIf your idea of heaven is having access to a seemingly endless blog featuring beautiful teens sucking dick and getting their pussies fucked six ways to Sunday, you don’t have to wait for the afterlife anymore. It probably doesn’t even exist, so don’t get your hopes up. Anyway, it would help if you directed your browser to (Teen).Is (Teen) really a porn company? Fuck if I know; fuck if I care! What I know is that the domain has been around for a long fucking time...
Teen Porn SitesStrip Chat Teen! Do you enjoy watching young women get nasty live on cam? I know I fucking do! Regardless of the day I’m having; it’s always a good time to see a tight teen pussy and a nice pair of perky titties on a cam show. Well, if you are anything like me, I know the feeling is mutual. And guess what, I have just the perfect place for you to get your teen cam show fix!I’m referring to! The site has a plethora of amazing teen camgirls that want nothing more than to make...
Live Teen Sex CamsCam Soda Teen! Are there images of naked teens harboring rent-free on your mind? Well, I understand your predicament! Someti-cum ames I will have a wet dream about a tight teen cunt, and the next thing you know, I’m masturbating skin-to-skin using my pres lube! I can’t fucking help it: teen pussy just really puts my cock into fifth gear!Now, you are checking this part of my website because you are crazy about teens or just curious to know what teens are hiding under those skimpy dresses. Well,...
Live Teen Sex CamsHi, my name is Pranav and I’m staying in delhi from the last 3 years. I am a student as well as working in a BPO in Noida. This incident happened when I joined my IPCC classes in laxminagar. Guys this is my first story and I request you to kindly submit your feedback at Any girl staying in NCR can also contact me on the above email address for the purpose of fun and pleasure. Coming on the story baat aaj se 1saal pehle ki hai. Mera CA ka entrance clear hua and maine IPCC ki classes join kari....
It all took place in this July. To tell about me. I am Shaila teacher in a reputed school in Chennai. Am 35 fair looking 5′ 5 with 34-28-36 sexy body. It was July n this year it turned out to be a month with heavy rain. Am a botany teacher and as usual was taking coaching class to academically poor students. The class started at 5 30 n I was helping my students in there studies. I taught them a new topic and asked them to study and write that. I was moving around de class. While doing so I saw...
"What? Fuck me? What do you mean, fuck me?" "Real simple, Jackie, just lay down and Greg is going to fuck you. We sure know he's ready. Now get your bikini off and lay down." "What if I don't want to." "Get it off and lay down, you got him all hot, now let him fuck you. You might just enjoy it. Go on." So, I pulled off my string bikini and lay down on a cushion she had put down. Greg got down on his knees next to me as I spread my legs apart so he could get up between them. He...
Chapter 1 Melanie was cute; very cute, and she knew it. She wasn't conceited about her physical beauty and the nice figure she'd been given, but she loved showing off her body and her nice full rounded breasts whenever she had the opportunity. As she moved into her final year of high school, her career plans to establish herself as a lingerie model became more and more firmly developed in her mind. She wanted to be one of those sexy young women who pose in various kinds of lingerie and...
Do I really have to explain Chaturbate to you? Something tells me that every dude on this planet has been to this site at least once. But why the fuck would you not? When you have access to live camgirls playing with their pussies, and you can watch them for free, why in the ever-living fuck would you want to stay away from that?!Chaturbate has a massive amount of camgirls that perform shows for you to jerk off to. That much is fucking true. So there is enough room for you to get picky. And if...
Live Teen Sex CamsTHE REPLACEMENT MODEL? Smackmagnet 2008Opening1: Lilly and Carmine look at the net"You're really pretty," Lilly says. Carmine looks at her sitting there, prim and shy on her sofa. "That's so sweet," she replies, "do you really think so?" "I wish I looked as nice as you." They met in a class. Both of them new, at the back, with the serious girls energetic in front. A mirror room, an aerobics lesson. They catch each other's eyes when they stretch and bend over. "Bet there's some bugger with a...
the sexy cheerleader to be laying naked on his bed watching one of his porn DVDs with her legs spread in mid air fingering herself and moaning. He wasted no time, as he went inside though one of the back entrances. He snuck into the room with his fake grandson and told him if he left though the backdoor quietly and went to wait for him in his car, he would give him extra money. He quickly agreed as he left the house. Perfect, he thought. Just me and 18 year old Ashley in the house alone, he...
I never thought there was a good thing as a ‘positive burglary’ until I walked into my home a few years ago. I caught some teen bitch stealing my shit, crying to me that she needed the money for college. Fuck that! I’m not giving anybody any handouts, no matter how fucking hot she may be. And let me tell you, she was fucking smoking.So I decided to do what any rational man would do: give her a high-dollar piece item and fuck her brains out. That's exactly what I did! I gave her a gold necklace...
Teen Porn SitesSabko mera bahut bahut thanks mere story ko padne ke liye, aur also thanks for mail replies. Mujhe kaafi khushi hai ki mera gmail aplogo ke mail se bhara hua hai aur aap sab kitne besabri se meri kahani padne ka intzaar kar rahe hai. Last episode mein aap logo ne dekha ki Shobha aur Akash sham ko hone wale Shobha aur Rakesh ke live sex show ka plan karte hai. Par usi waqt Teena ke ghar Teena ne Swati ko uska surprise diya jiske bare mein aaj ka lesbian episode hai.. Hope you enjoy this part too...
It's hard to beat the feeling of watching a teen getting fucked so good she can't take it anymore. It's even better when you're the one giving her that dick! She's moaning so loud that you think she's going to wake up the neighbors; once it's over, she wants it all over again. Or what about those teens that are barely legal yet they're so experienced and know just how to ride the cock? It's like they have the experience of a MILF…but with a tight hot body.It seems unnatural that someone in...
Teen Porn SitesI don’t know about you horn dogs, but it’s hard to beat a fucking woman that knows how to satisfy a man. I fucked a mom last week that didn’t say a goddamn word: she blew me exactly how I wanted, swallowed, then left. Some women have a sixth sense and know the best way to satisfy a man.A lot of times, these women are aged like a fine wine. Other times, they're teens that look like they shouldn't know how to suck a cock - never mind how to ride a dick that gives you a mind-bending orgasm before...
Teen Porn SitesThe Model Sam Edwards adjusted the seat into a more reclined position and reached out for the glass of Champaign that the attractive stewardess had brought him shortly after takeoff. He sighed with satisfaction as he took a sip, relishing the comfort of the First Class section of the British Airways 747 homebound for London. He leaned forward to replace the glass on the pullout table and as he did so he felt the thud of the medal against his chest. The Olympic team was returning home...
Ah, my favorite category of porn. Teen porn. Who doesn’t like seeing a tight teenage pussy get demolished in a porn video? I know I do. I love it when the tiniest of teens get bent over and destroyed like they’re someone’s property. Anyway, if you want to talk about an excellent place to find teen porn on, you can’t just gloss over the fact that has one of the biggest selections of porn in general, and it’s only one of those places that you go to no matter which genre of porn you’re...
Teen Porn SitesI was camping and planned to stay in an RV park for several weeks. I knew it was time to wash the roof of my RV, but I wasn’t looking forward to the work. I had been chatting with an old-timer RV’er (Josh) who said, “There’s a kid living in that trailer (pointing to an older rig) that did a great job washing my roof, and he washed and waxed my whole rig. He’s a nice kid.”I had returned to the RV Park from grocery shopping. Making my way back to my RV site, I looked over at the trailer where...
SeductionHola, dickheads! Welcome to the house of fap, the place that is teeming with tight pussies, braces, pigtails and those goddamn plaid skirts that make my blood rush down to my balls! Superb shit! Teen porn is kinda unique, but the teen smut on takes things to a whole new level of unique. The thing is that all porn that you are gonna see here is 100% exclusive, but it's still dirty to the core. One could say that presents the best of both worlds - crude, amateurish,...
Premium Teen Porn SitesI opened the door to her, she stood there in front of me with her boyfriend, “is this the house with the party?” she enquired, “yes” I replied as she brushed by I couldn’t help but think how young she was, surely she wouldn’t be interested in a balding middle aged beer bellied man like myself, I was there with my wife and another couple. We had invited several other swingers with the intention of having an anything goes sexual orgy. I sat next to her she was huddled on the sofa with her...
Teen Age MemoryBy: LondebaazIt amazes me today to remind myself that my 2 years older sister Ally and I were both in high school wrestling team and we both have been enjoying wrestling as sports and great exercise. We even watched wrestling entertainment on the tube quite often. Like most siblings we horsed around a lot at younger age playing and pretending to lock arms and pin the other person. As Ally matured, she became a very attractive girl but still she enjoyed horsing around with me;...
Bikini Beach: Teen Angel ElrodW A young man blames himself for the accidental death of his sweetheart. His futile attempts to escape his guilt have put him on a path of self- destruction. A punk girl takes him to Bikini Beach, and he gets a new perspective, and maybe, a second chance. Notes: This story uses a few characters from Ellie Dauber's "Purse Snatcher" and "A Punk's Story" (Ed, Ken, Mel, Frankie, Tina, and Felicia). They are friends of...
Every man has his own set of features that attract him to a bitch the most, but some things are universal. For example, everyone loves a nice set of perky tits, no matter the size. Big, small, medium, gigantic, it doesn’t matter. Ladies obsess about titty size, and men have preferences, but in the end, every titty is a great fucking titty.A smooth ass that separates itself from the back is another treasured feature. Once again, men have their size preferences. Some like a big fat ass that...
Teen Porn SitesWhen we last left Cal, he had just pleasured one of Mountain View Mobile Home Park's many MILF's, the lovely Kelley, or as he had affectionately renamed her, “my dirty little fuck princess.”She was one of the girls of Mountain View that he had his eye on, the other was another teen that was a friend of Kaylee's and likely in her classes in the local high school. He knew it was a little dangerous to be fucking two high school girls who probably knew each other, but what the fuck? The worst...
TeenBefore you start reading... This is NOT an original story written by me. Another xhamster user posted this a few years ago, but for reasons I won't bore you with, they have restricted the access to this piece of prose and so the audience for it is much smaller than it once was.In my opinion, it's one of the best and most well-written stories I've ever read on xham, and for that reason I have decided to repost it in my stories for others to read.It's a bit long (it was originally in 4 or 5...
Me and my oldest teen son's first encounter. Part One.As promised this is my first attempt at writing.This story series is all about my taboo experiences. This first part is about my morning first-ever time sucking and later fucking with my virile hot randy Eighteen-year-old son.On my profile page, I created a post explaining the background. For those that have not read that I have included a shorter version of it here so new readers who have not read my first post on my profile will fully...
The drive home was extremely difficult for Chase. He had missed the worst of the rush hour traffic, but his head was spinning from so much Kali making it difficult to concentrate on driving. Added to that was the distraction of his balls throbbing, trying to make up for so many ejaculations, and his overly sensitive cock hardening and softening in the leg of his pants. He was so tired that he wished he could just go to bed. Arriving home, he ended up parking down the street from the house....
How often do you find yourself creepily staring at a hot young piece of ass and wishing that you could fuck every hole in her body? Yeah, you know the kind I’m talking about. The ripe bitches that just turned 18 or are in their early 20s. Their bodies are in the prime of their lives, and they are super naïve, but still, somehow not enough to believe your bullshit.Let’s get fucking real for a second. You don’t stand a chance with these goddesses. So the next best thing is watching them do some...
Live Teen Sex CamsPorn offers us something no woman ever could, perfection. Let me rephrase that. Porn offers you something you could never have otherwise. Perfection. Physically perfect women exist, but you won’t be fucking any anytime soon. Let me rephrase that. You will never be fucking any perfect woman.If we are talking about you getting laid, the uglier, the better. At least as far as chances of your approaches working go. Fortunately, your brain is so full of porn you can close your eyes and pretend you...
Teen Porn SitesHi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...
This is the fifth edition of my Teen Titans’ Chronicles series. If you haven’t read the first four parts of the series, you might be a little lost at this point. I would suggest that you at least go back and read parts 1 and 2 before you read this addition. This story is set on the Monday after Parts 1 and 2, which happened over a Saturday and Sunday. Parts 3, 4, 5 are occurring at around the same time, with all of them starting on the same Monday. Please note that my Teen Titans...
Teen girls are the best. I like teenage girls because they’re hot, tight, and too naïve to understand that I’m not really a casting agent. You love them because the last time you ever spoke to a woman other than your mom without having to pay for the privilege was in high school, so somehow you’ve deluded yourself into believing that young girls might like you and might have sex with you. Only one of us is truly correct, but we both agree where it counts—teen girls are the best.But if you’re...
Teen Porn SitesSome prude cunts might try to talk shit about men's obsession with young teen pussy, but I'm not a prude cunt. I'm a lude cunt. The kind of lude cunt that loves to watch a babysitter's pussy get destroyed by a lonely father. The kind of lude cunt that loves to watch school girls be anally punished for being late to class. The kind of lude cunt that picks up young hitchhikers and offers them a ride in exchange for their virginity. That's just the kind of guy I am.The World Depends on my CockI...
Premium Teen Porn SitesModel by Karen Elizabeth L Mom always thought I was good looking enough to be a model. She and dad were always arguing about it, he'd say that it was a waste of money and she'd tell him that he was blind! I can remember how she'd tell people that someday she was going to take me to a company that would make a model out of me and teach my dad a lesson! One day her and her Grandma (her mom) decided to teach dad a lesson and took me to one of those companies. Mom made me get...
The Model Belladonna [Based on a concept suggested by Eva Conevil] Fran Dukes shook her head as she stared at her inventory before her eyes drifted back to the website that her boyfriend had set up for her. Fran felt that the pictures of the clothing across a white background did not do them justice and were inhibiting internet based sales for her boutique. The boutique was a labor of love for Fran. She had started it with money provided from her wealthy parents and had made it... (formerly YourPorn) is quite a mouthful for a porn site, don’t you think? I mean, of all the site names they could have picked, these fuckers decided to do away with the vowels from Sexy Porn to give you a porn site whose name you can’t even pronounce! Anyway, I think you are here because your horny little prick knows that I can direct you to a great source of smut to rub your schlong too. Well, your small porn-addicted brain is spot-on on that one.Don’t let the name deceive you;...
Teen Porn SitesAh, the world of teen porn! The tightness of the pinky pussies you will find in these 18-year-olds. That's what you get when everything is packed in its place. All you can imagine are the sweet sensations rippling down your spine as you see these little sluts walking down the street in their shapely bums and recently sprouted boobs. Few things slap harder than a teen pussy. After all, these bitches are just learning how it feels to have their meat pockets full of hard cock. What they lack in...
Teen Porn SitesIt was a cold winter morning and Susan Osborne was ready for her big day. Susan had always wanted to be a model but family got in the way at an early age. Susan is a 38 year old mother of one. She knew she had a great body and was ready to sign a modeling contract when she found out she was pregnant. She quickly married her husband and spent the next eighteen years as a dutiful housewife.Susan loves her husband and son but in the back of her mind she often wondered, "What if?"After sharing her...
By JIMMY 07/05/12 Mark awoke to the sound of breaking glass. The 5 foot 10 Italian stud arose immediately. He didn’t have to think, listen, or take the time to wake fully. His house had burglar bars on all the windows and doors with one exception. Just yesterday, Mark had removed the bars on the first floor bathroom window to repair a leaking sash. He knew the sound had come from that window. He slept nude and had woken with a massive aching erection. He didn’t bother with...
WARNING: This story is only intended to be read by those of legal age. This erotica contains themes of torture, abuse, non consent, and is not intended to be replicated in reality. This is a total work of fiction. Teen Girl Biography: Megan Summers is an 18 year old student of Godfrey High School. She gained superpowers in an accident involving a mysterious rock. Her powers include flight, super strength, super resilience to injury, superhuman endurance to pain, and a healing factor. She has...
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Live Teen Sex CamsMy name is Ryan, and my wife, Karen, and I moved to Charleston at the age of forty-four, after having lived in Atlanta since graduating from college. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and, after a long career working as an engineer, I moved to Charleston to begin my career as a manufacturer’s representative. Karen, with her degree in education and years of experience teaching, got a job in a high school here.Our son, Jason, graduated from college and moved to Charleston to begin his...
TabooI don’t review torrent sites nearly as much as I’d like to, but they’re a bit of a dry sell, if I’m being honest. Everyone knows that for all the smut on the internet, you could just cut out every middle man and go to a torrenting site to find yourself the uncompressed source files for any smut flick known to man. You might not find what you’re looking for on your first pass, but by the second search, you’ll narrow down to the right file and be on your way to masturbation central. RarBG is one...
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Free OnlyFans Leak SitesGoing back to my younger days……. I was dating this girl called Leigh, she was 2 years younger than me and quite immature for her 18 years but her real blond hair, fit body with quite large very firm tits and good looks made up for the dumb blond conversation she liked. She would visit me and regularly stay over at my 3rd floor bachelor apartment which I shared with a male friend who just used it as a bolt hole when he and his girl were arguing.Anyway, the sex with Leigh was as good as she...
Friday couldn't come fast enough! Amber and I had made plans to go for dinner and drinks and for her to spend the night at my place. I picked her up and could hardly contain myself when she got into the car. She wore pink nylons, short black dress that rode up when she got into my car, pink garter belt, pink silk thongs and high heels. She leaned over for a kiss and we ended up in a grope session right outside her place. She finally pulled away and said we should go before someone from her...
Caught wife showing off to the teen neighbor This story was inspired by and for Kwen54.It was a beautiful summer Friday afternoon, and the boss told us to take the rest of the day off. I got home a few hours earlier than usual and entered the house, made my way the kitchen, and grabbed a beer from the fridge. Making my way across the kitchen I glanced out the patio door and saw my mid fifties wife Wendy completely naked, legs spread on a patio recliner facing the neighbors treehouse. At first I...
Im Live Teen! Imagine jerking off to live naked Riley Reid or Alexis White and enjoying chit-chat with them while you are at it. Damn it! That’s a fucking dream come true. Formerly, horny studs took risks by looking for the best strip clubs – which are, of course, very crowded – to go and peep at the girls on the poles, and if they were lucky enough, they would get a chance to jerk off unnoticed in the filthy bathrooms. A fucking unsatisfying experience, I say! Besides, in most cases, you have...
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