- 4 years ago
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Chapter 17: Lacie’s Recovery
Lacie sat up and stretched, groaning as she chased the sleepiness from her muscles. Yawning as she rolled over, Lacie rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
‘I like the look.’ Claire’s voice came from the other side of Lacie’s big bed.
Lacie turned around and stuck her tongue out at her roommate. Claire had moved in with Lacie once she got back to the Mansion. Lacie had to admit, having someone around who understood what she’d gone through did help keep the nightmares away. It was easier to talk, to let it out. In a sense, the two girls were now more like sisters than anything else. They were each other’s therapists, best friends, and roommates. It had been three months since Lacie’s kidnapping, but the nightmares still came on strong. Having Claire there made the terror seem muted. Dulled.
Pulling the sheet up, Lacie covered her chest with the fabric as she stood up. Doing so tugged the thin sheet off of Claire, who squealed at the cool air in Lacie’s bedroom. The naked rocker dove back under the huge comforter buried at the foot of Lacie’s bed. Lacie giggled and moved off into her closet, ignoring Claire’s grumbling complaints.
Lacie had grown used to Claire’s preference for nudity in private. Aside from the occasional awkward moment in the morning when the girls woke up in an embrace, nothing ever happened between the two of them. Any time Lacie even thought of intimacy, that last big black shroud covered machine sprang into her mind’s eye. Sex had been the ultimate torture tool that could have been used against her. It was dark. Scary. Painful.
Lacie knew she was being irrational, but she had been tortured day and night for nearly a month with the threat of that machine always hanging over her head. It was a difficult fear to shake.
Grabbing a towel, Lacie slid into a bathrobe and slipped out of her room, headed for the showers. Glancing back, Lacie let her eyes linger over the gilded plaque that adorned her door, proclaiming her place in the world. It was a small place, but Lacie would never have given it up for anything.
Sighing in contentment, Lacie padded downstairs and slipped into the showers. Steam billowed from one of the showers, and Lacie could see a feminine silhouette behind one of the frosted glass doors. Soft humming and the flame red of Heather’s hair gave away the occupant. The first time Lacie had woken up back at the Mansion, she had screamed. Heather had stood over her, checking charts and bustling around the hospital bed that had become all too familiar to Lacie on her last visit to the small room. The shock of seeing Heather’s flame red hair had nearly sent Lacie into hysterics.
Many times during her torture Lacie had been too drugged or in too much pain to be coherent, and her vision had focused in on Clarissa’s shock of red hair. It wasn’t Heather’s fault, but Lacie still felt little flutters of fear when she saw Heather out of the corner of her eye, or just caught a fleeting glimpse of her. It had taken several hours for Lacie to calm down enough that first day to let Heather treat her injuries.
Shaking off the memories, Lacie slipped into the shower next to Heather. Turning on the hot water, Lacie let the pounding of the water steam and massage away some of her stress. Lathering up her hair, Lacie began to hum along to the tune that Heather was keeping. Lacie gently pulled a razor across her skin, shaving away the stubble on her legs and underarms. Finishing up, Lacie rinsed out her hair and lathered her skin up. Realizing she was probably running late, Lacie quickly rinsed off and skipped out of the shower. Quickly brushing her teeth, Lacie dashed upstairs. Passing Claire in the hallway, the girls exchanged smiles as Lacie ran into her room.
Tossing on a pair of shorts and a white t-shirt, Lacie painted on some quick makeup and bounced out of her room, headed down to breakfast. As she walked, Lacie felt butterflies fill her stomach. Master had asked if she wanted to spend the day with him, and Lacie had agreed to before he’d even really finished asking. His quirky, lopsided, roguish, (and seriously cuter than it had any right to be) grin had grown on his face at her eagerness, and Lacie had blushed as she realized she’d overplayed her hand.
Lacie was looking forward to today, though she didn’t know what he had planned. Pushing open the door to the dining hall, Lacie was surprised to see that Bridget was nowhere to be seen. Instead Master sat at the table, picking at a nearly empty plate of food. A steaming mug of coffee sat by his elbow and the daily paper was folded in his other hand. He looked up and smiled at Lacie as she entered. Standing, Master set the paper down on the table and swept around it, moving over to Lacie and enfolding her in a gentle hug.
As he’d moved, Lacie’s eyes had feasted. Master was wearing dark blue denim jeans and a tight fitting black tee, revealing the rippling muscles under the tight clothing. Seeing he was moving towards her, Lacie had grinned and held her arms out towards him. As he wrapped her in his arms, Lacie inhaled deeply, his clean, slightly musky scent making her head spin. Sliding her hands up his back, Lacie laid her head against his chest. Closing her eyes, Lacie just stood there and breathed as her world spun around her. She was so lost in her blissful moment that Lacie only realized Master had spoken because she felt the vibrations of his broad chest against her skin.
‘Um, sorry?’ Lacie asked sheepishly as she looked up at him.
Master laughed.
‘I asked if you wanted to eat or if you were just gonna hang on to me all day.’
Lacie narrowed her eyes and danced back a step. Tossing a playful scowl at him, Lacie turned away and started heading for the table and her breakfast, wordlessly leaving Master behind her. A moment later, Lacie felt his towering presence beside her, as she looked up at him and smiled. Looking down at Lacie, Master smiled back before lifting his arm, as if to pull her into a walking embrace. Lacie leaned towards him, but rather than having his hand settle on her side, or her hip, Lacie felt a quick bite on her rear.
Stopping cold in shock, Lacie realized that Master had just pinched her ass. Reacting instinctively, Lacie reached up and shoved at him, eyes blazing with playful anger.
‘You jerk!’
Master laughed as Lacie pushed at him again.
Deciding that he wasn’t taking her seriously enough. Lacie stuck her fists on her sides and shifted her hips to the side, glowering at the taller man.
‘Really? You pinched my butt?’ Lacie challenged.
Master merely shrugged.
‘It seemed like a good idea at the time.’ he grinned.
Lacie could feel the butterflies in her stomach go into overdrive as they stared each other down. Lacie’s breathing deepened as she saw him slowly approach her again. Lacie stood her ground, hoping he couldn’t her hear heart hammering in her chest. He slipped up to her, their heaving chests mere inches away from each other. Lacie’s eyes widened as she realized she was having the same effect on him that he was having on her. Lifting her hands, Lacie gently placed her palms on his chest, feeling his hammering heart. Sliding her hands over the soft fabric, Lacie bit her lip as she looked into his gentle grey eyes. His skin was soft silk, the finest velvet, a soft layer hiding the corded steel underneath. Lacie felt the taut, coiled steel springs of muscles wrapping his body. Slipping her hands up into his soft, silky hair, Lacie tightened her fists and pulled him down to her, taking the initiative for the first time. The world around Lacie melted away the moment his soft lips met hers. The blissful sparks of electricity that coursed through her made her knees weak. Master’s big, warm hands gently stroked her back, making Lacie moan into the kiss and pull him tighter, pressing her body against him as their tongues slowly dueled. Her heart hammering in her chest, Laci
e slid her leg to the side, drawing her thigh up the outside of his jeans. Master pulled her tighter and groaned into the kiss. Lacie blushed as she realized she could feel him beginning to stir as his jeans pressed into her belly.
Stark white lights flashed in front of her, silhouetting a black, shroud covered machine.
With a cry, Lacie threw herself away from Master, her skin prickling with goosebumps as she went into a cold sweat.
For a moment, Master looked confused, then a flash of understanding crossed his features.
‘The machine again?’ he asked cautiously, careful not to approach Lacie.
She nodded, pressing her hands to her stomach, wrapping her arms around herself, as if to hold herself from falling apart at the seams.
‘I’m sorry. That was my fault. I got carried away.’ Master quietly spoke.
Lacie’s answering ‘don’t be ridiculous’ look was enough to halt any more apologies on his part.
‘We both did. Not your fault.’ Lacie panted.
‘Still, I wish I could help you, Lace.’
Lacie forced a smile onto her face as she straightened, pulling her arms to her sides with a bit of effort.
‘You are helping. When I got back you couldn’t even hold my hand.’
Sadly, Lacie realized the mood had been ruined. Sighing gently, Lacie walked back over to her friend. Popping up on tiptoe, Lacie planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
‘I’ll recover eventually. I’m not about to let that machine ruin my life.’ Lacie smiled with some effort, but it felt more genuine this time. Sitting down at the table, Lacie pulled a tray over. Looking up at Master, Lacie smiled again. The concerned look on his face made her roll her eyes.
‘Honestly, I’m fine. I just… well… I’m not sure what I need. Time maybe.’ Lacie shrugged. Pulling the tray lid off her food, Lacie inhaled deeply, using the delectable aromas of her food chase away the last remnants of her chills.
Master sat down next to her, before reaching over to grab the paper again.
‘Well, I had thought this might help too.’ he said mysteriously, before sliding the paper over to Lacie. There on the front page in huge bold letters was the headline,
‘Slavetoys Inc. falls to merger with rival corporation’
Lacie’s hands flew to her mouth as she gasped in amazement. They had done it.
‘Of course,’ Master said gently, rubbing his fingertips down Lacie’s back ‘their news break is a few weeks late. We felt it would be best if the story broke late, in case some other corporation decided to try and snap up a few of the falling crumbs. There’s a related story on page 3A.’
Lacie cocked an eyebrow, but was still too off balance to read Master’s features for a clue as to what he was talking about. Slowly, Lacie flipped to the third page of the paper. The story practically jumped off the page at her.
‘Former Slavetoys Inc employee indicted on 17 counts of registered slave theft’
There it was in black and white, seemingly just for Lacie to read.
‘Former Slavetoys Inc. Employee Clarissa Adams has been indicted on eighteen counts of registered slave theft and six counts of willful destruction of high value enslaved property. Miss Adams reportedly had several ‘safe houses’ that she and her late brother owned where they tested new designs of their work on the stolen property. Many of the slaves that had been taken did not survive, prompting the DA to push for maximum sentencing during her trial Approximately three months ago police and several unnamed ‘interested parties’ conducted a joint raid on some of the safe houses, recovering nearly a dozen slaves in varying conditions.
The late Tyler Adams, (fraternal relation to Clarissa Adams) resisted police and the authorities were forced to return fire. Mr Adams was pronounced DOA at Field Mercy Hospital within the hour. Miss Adams was not on any of the premises, but an anonymous tip led authorities to her location within hours of the completion of the raids. Police are still baffled as to the mysterious dossier that appeared on the lead prosecutor’s desk two days after her capture, but the information contained within has been verified by several independent sources, says an anonymous source within the police force.
According to other sources, the anonymously delivered dossier has been the hinge pin of the prosecution’s case from day one, giving the DA everything they needed to put Miss Adams away for three consecutive life sentences at the Federal Grandham Penitentiary. The Grandham is renowned for it’s unruly female population, largely made up of uncontrollable and violent slaves. It’s considered to be a twist of irony on the part of the Judge, and speculation states that miss Adams will be unlikely to make it through 1/3 of even the first of her life sentences. Story continues on page 12A.’
Lacie set the paper down with trembling hands. Her vision swam in front of her as sobs wracked her, tears of relief dripping down her face.
‘It’s over Lacie. She’ll never get to you again.’
Lacie wept, and as she sat there crying, big arms wrapped around her and Lacie could feel the terror and fear, the pain and hurt, the despair and anguish all slowly seep away. Feelings of safety, security, happiness, slid in to replace them. The dark nightmares faded into the background as Lacie let it out, crying her heart out, emptying all the dark corners, pushing out the last of the remnants. Instead, Lacie allowed something else fill her. Belonging.
Lacie knew where she belonged. Here. It was always here, in his arms.
Slowly, Lacie’s tears slowed, the cathartic release making her feel light and buoyant. Smiling through the last droplets, Lacie looked up at Master. Smiling down at her, he reached up and rubbed her face clean with his thumb. Lacie nuzzled into his hand, lifting her own hand to press his palm to her cheek.
‘Better?’ he asked.
Lacie grinned as he pulled away, allowing her to turn to her food. Lacie hadn’t noticed, but Master had re-covered her tray, keeping her food warm while he waited for Lacie to recover from the intense emotions that had wracked the young girl.
Turning to her food, Lacie marveled at how hungry she was. Master sat by quietly, gently touching her skin every so often, making shivers run through her every time. Finally, Lacie felt sated and sat back with a heavy exhalation. Master stood and swept up her plate, absently speaking to her.
‘What did you want to do today?’ he asked, turning away so he could pick up his own tray.
‘Me? I thought you had everything planned.’ Lacie pouted.
Turning to look over his shoulder, Master grinned.
‘Oh, I do have plans, I just wanted to see if you had something specific you wanted me to toss in somewhere.’
‘Nope. This is all on you. You get to do all the work today, I just get to sit back and enjoy.’ Lacie teased, leaning back in her chair and biting her thumbnail.
Master rolled his eyes and turned back around.
‘Naturally. You would want me t…’ Master jerked up and nearly dropped both trays when he felt a sharp pain in his rear. Swiftly retreating giggles accompanied her footsteps as Lacie fled.
‘You… just pinched my ass!’ Master called out, turning around.
Lacie’s head and shoulders popped back through the doorway as she answered.
‘Yeah, I did Mister. That’s what you get for doing it to me. Ha. See how you like it. Mmmlleh!’ Lacie stuck her tongue out at Master. ‘Now what are you gonna do about it? Nothing. See?’ Lacie waved her hand at Master, indicating that he hadn’t moved since she’d pinched him.
‘Nothing?’ Master straightened as his voice rumbled deep in his chest.
Lacie’s eyes widened in the doorway as she watched Master begin to stalk around the table.
‘Oh… shit.’ Lacie muttered to herself.
Master cleared the corner of the table, and with a playful roar, took off running straig
ht at Lacie. Lacie let out a playful shriek and abandoned the doorway, giggling as she dashed deeper into the mansion with a laughing bull of a man hot on her heels.
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Hi, I am Sheela. I am 53 years old. I am a widow. I am a mother to over 16 children (none adopted, all mine). I am a mixed-race woman. My father was an Indian, but my mother was white British. Now, let’s get to the story. It happened some years back, and I just got down to write it all down. I had boarded the train to my home. It was late in the night, and the train was packed. I slid my suitcase underneath my berth and took my seat. Moments later, a guy came to me and claimed the seat to be...
xI couldn’t control myself any longer. I need some relief and I needed it now. I just had to masturbate. It was seventh period history at my all girls high school. I’d been horny since this morning when I woke up from my wonderful dream – but I was running too late to fuck myself. So I rushed out the door horny as all could be. All day I just keep thinking about my dream. I’d rub my legs together getting myself wetter and wetter. But know it was just too much. I had to touch my burning pussy....
It’s such an enormous cliché, but there really was something in the air that night. There I was, sitting across from the woman I desired more than any other, in a romantic restaurant, enjoying the evening over good food and some wonderful warm smiles. At one point Stacia even leaned over and pressed my thigh with her warm, delicate, hands, emphasizing the passion of something that she was saying. A few inches further up and she might have discovered my own passion.We’d known each other for...
Straight SexIts a normal Saturday morning, I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs being cooked. I crawl out of bed and look for my boxers to slide on. I look around but cant seem to find them anywhere, fearing that my mom has picked them up and took them to the wash. I begin to panic as I don't have anything else to put on. My answer for this situation is to lock the door and just chill in my room until the house is empty. I walk over to my computer and turn it on and decide to check my emails....
Hi friends I am Mr.x from deep down in south Tamilnadu….I am back with another new story…enjoythis story is about Usha. She was my teacher at college. She is unmarried and she is 26. She lived in a small house along with her father and elder brother. Her mother died 3 years back. Her house is next to mine and a small wall separate both. I in my 18s fancied her a lot and I watch her swaying tight round ass and 34dd breasts. She was only 5 feet tall and that made her look a bit plump.It was one...
Hello iss readers,I am narrating this story in hindi, Mera naam chris(changed) h aur mai lucknow me rehta hu,meri height 5’10 h with athletic body,age 20 Mera hmesha se mature ladies k sath sex karna sapna tha aur vo sapna kch din pehle meri aunty ne pura kia Ye kahani meri aunty k baare me h jo pehle mere ghar k paas rehti thi par baadme unhone ghar badal lia,unki age 40 h,vo thodi moti h par sab parts ekdum sexy h, Bina bore kare kahani shuru karta hu.. Baat tb ki h jb mai chota(10-11)...
I had her tied spread-eagled to the bed when the doorbell went. I saw her immediately flinch and stiffen and a look of concern flitted across her face. Usually I try and make sure that our sessions are undisturbed so I was initially annoyed.“Who’s that?” she yelped, her voice tremulous.“I have no idea, bitch. Stop panicking you stupid cunt.”Her eyes switched away from the door to the playroom and came back to me as her fear came back to where it belonged. I stalked around the bed tapping the...
Hello friends mera naam Arjun Singh hai aur mein NCR me rehta hu. Mein ek engg ka student hu aur last year me hu aaj mein aap logo ke samne apne jiwan ki ek sacchi ghatna batane ja raha hu. Meri umar 21 year hai aur mein NCR me hi rehta hu aur parents ke roop me mere mama mami mera aur meri bhen ka khayal rakhte hai. Mere parents ki accident me death ho gayi thi tab se hamari parvarish mama mami dekhte hai paise ki koi kami ni hai isliye kabhi unpe boj bhi ni bunte. Ha g aapne shai suna mein...
Makar Sankranti just passed, and we’re well into the New Year! Wait, what? You don’t know what Makar Sankranti is? Well, it’s a Hindu festival to celebrate the passing of winter! It’s like a New Year’s party for Indians. You must be an uncultured fuck; you know that? But don’t worry. You’re about to get real fucking cultured.Have you heard of “Aloha what? PornDude, I don’t pay much attention to the names of these tube sites. I just type whatever I want into Google and jerk off to...
Indian Porn Sites"How'd your meeting go?" Robbie asked. "Not great," I said and sat between the two girls. Robbie and Tami were sitting on the stone wall outside the side door. Thirty-seven-and-a-half percent of the cheerleading squad were sitting on the other wall. I gave Mikee, Allie, and Darlene big smiles. Beyond the overhang the rain was coming down. Mr. Nye, the science teacher, said we might set a record. I didn't want to set a record, I wanted football practice, and if it didn't lighten up...
I had been in college about two weeks and it was difficult making the adjustment. It seemed like everyone had friends and was already getting laid and I was left behindI learned about a party in the country and I was looking forward to a night out with the possibility of girls under the influence.The place was in the country and the area was heavily wooded. There were a few fires and plenty of drinksI had a few beers and even a couple of shots and I felt like life was going to turn for meI’m...
To set the experience.I'm Mexican and all my friends were also. Being Mexican we would go to parties where adults and teenagers are all drinking. That's how I grew up. It all started on a cold Wisconsin night.It was my birthday and i just turned 18 and was in a car with my friends going to a house party in Illinois about an hour away.The party was fine for awhile,but we decided to leave.A big breasted, red headed woman name Lynn at the party asked us if we could give her a ride home,...
The UpsellI walked in holding the busted cable. The stupid iPod cable had a cut init, or something, I didn't know. All I knew is it didn't work anymore.Adelaide's was the new department store in town. They were having anopening-week sale and I figured it would be a good chance to replace thecable and check out the new place. I'd left my roommate Cal on the couchand went out to get our music situation sorted.I headed to the electronics section and began poking around, looking for anew cable....
They all slept through the night. This is unusual in the 1870's, where everybody starts up at sunrise and usually work well into the night. They had slept almost twenty straight hours. Billy was cooking dinner while Samuel was thinking what they should be doing next. Colleen just stared blankly to the wall, still naked as a jaybird except for knee socks and shoes. "So what do yuh think unc?" Inquired Jeremiah. "I think that we've worn out our welcome in this county boy," he told him....
you were just calling to tell me that you have a busy day and may not get home as early as you had originally planned therefore dinner and the show would have to wait. This was no surprise to me as it was not the first time you had to cancel. "No problem, we will just make it for another night" I said. You appologized and said you would call me later. I had the entire night planned in my head but as luck would have it, plans change. I went about the day thinking of all the things I...
My wife and I lazily walked up from the beach. We'd been on holiday for the last week and were feeling lazy and relaxed. We reached out apartment and I got our lunch while Margie had a shower and changed into a skimpy little dress. As we sat out on the balcony eating our lunch, I began to feel sexy as I looked at Margie's legs and looked past her gaping neckline at her small, firm breasts. She was sitting opposite to me and I put my foot up and caressed the insides of her thighs with...
Chapter 32. Elena I had gotten a job at a small company that provided expedited shipments to our entire state. Our niche was to do the job of FedEx or UPS did just as reliably but cheaper. It did not take me long to realize that our company could do neither. I wondered how we remained in business and learned that the company belonged to my boss’ mother and she was keeping it afloat. Her son, my boss, was running from crisis to crisis with little idea how to get us out of panic mode. I hated...
Felicia left my breasts reluctantly. She went out of the room. I had a moment to think. My body shivered, in cold? In shock? I didn't know. My nipples were like mini fingers standing straight up in the air, wet in the cold room they were now chilled. What had he done between my legs? I couldn't sit up, I could feel with my hands I had no idea what damage he'd done. Felicia came back into the room still nude. "Aren't you cold?" I asked absurdly. "Yes." She shrugged. "Open your...
Desiree sauntered down the stairs into the bright foyer, her heels neatly clicking on the rich hardwood. Summer had just started after a prolonged rainy spring. The new weather made her feel great. She wore a new outfit with freshly styled hair that matched her mood. As she entered the room, she could feel the approving gazes of the attendees. She could see their heads slightly turning out of the corner of her eye. Since it was so warm, she opted to forgo nylons. With every step, her silky...
Hey there! A new story for you here. This one follows immediately after ‘The Real Party’ so reading it is recommended but not required. Contains: futa, celebs, etc etc. Everyone is over 18, comments and feedback is welcome. Enjoy! *** Lucy sighed as the warm water cascaded over her body. Last night was exactly what she needed. Initially, she was stuck at a London party for media executives. She expected it to be filled with slapping people off of her as they tried to make a play. She wasn’t...
I love Fridays. Fridays I start drinking in the late afternoon. I’m not an alcoholic, it’s just that I need to unwind once a week after chasing my two kids and husband, and doing all the housework. We make a point to get the kids out of the house on Fridays. My husband usually drops my daughter at my parents’ and we give enough money to Jason, my son who is a high-schooler, for going to the movies or whatever.Then my husband comes home and we have drunk, wild sex.This Friday was different...
ReluctanceSeptember, 2046 19 years later “And um, well, Abby, that’s pretty much it. That’s how your mother and I met, and ended up together, and got married,” I said. I glanced over worriedly at Riley, wondering if we’d said too much to Abby, wondering if her 14-year-old mind was mature enough to handle it. “Ohmygod, Mom,” Abby finally blurted. “You were 15?!? I can’t believe it. And I can’t believe Grampa and Grandma knew all about it!” Over the years, Riley and I had talked, in theoretical...