Picnickers MChapter 2 Lover
- 3 years ago
- 30
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Saturday, Andy filled an old pop bottle with water to wash himself off so Marilyn wouldn’t have to handle his stickiness. When he picked her up, she brought new information; she had learned more about dreams in Psych class. She teased him about his earlier statement that he dreamed of her at night. So, dreams were constructs you made up after you woke. It didn’t change that she filled his thoughts.
“That’s not fair. I do dream of you, same as anyone else dreams. It’s just that it happens at a different time...” Teasing was fine. She knew that she was the center of his thoughts. And... “So, dreams are much more complicated than I’d thought.” Marilyn was somebody who wanted to know things. Weird as they looked as a couple to some outsiders, including her sorority sisters, they had some compatibilities.
Lunch eaten, they got down to the main purpose of their picnics. They kissed, stripped, kissed again. When he kissed up the inside of her thigh, she guessed his destination.
“Andy?” He’d die if she stopped him.
“Let me!” He hadn’t done all that studying to have her restrict them to Victorian standards. She tensed as his lips neared her vulva, but she didn’t push him away. That was the standard she’d stated. He kissed her labia majora, licked them, separated them. When he licked her labia minora, her body stopped resisting.
“Oh, Marilyn,” he said. It was a response to the present taste of her arousal and to her present acceptance of him. It was also a response to the future that had been promised to them. He licked gently on the labia minora and clitoris, savoring the taste, glorying in the odor, repressing his own reaction, praying for hers.
And his prayers were answered. She writhed under his mouth and arched upwards. When she sank back down, he sucked directly on her clitoris. She writhed again, moaned, and kicked her feet. When he licked her clitoris again, she continued writhing.
When she relaxed despite his actions, he lay his head on one of her thighs and reached for the rubber. His position wasn’t the best for putting it on, and he couldn’t see. Still, he managed. Then he went back to kissing her again. She took a while to respond at all, but, when she did, she rapidly returned to the state of tension.
Before she could begin writhing again, he left her to get into position. This time it would be both of them. Kneeling between her spread legs with his chest touching her sweet nipples, he spread her outer labia with his hand. The feel of her entrance on his tip was exquisite.
“Ohhhh, Marilyn!” As he moved forward, she clasped his tip, his head, his shaft. He felt himself move through that soft warmth until she embraced all of his cock. Buried in her soft acceptance, he kissed her -- all he could reach was her forehead.
He straightened his arms to watch her, but all his attention was on the feelings from his cock. He lifted his hips slowly to withdraw to his tip, then he felt the sweetness of her passage as he moved into her again. She rose to enfold him on his later strokes. He tried to move slowly to appreciate the exquisite sensations better, but those sensations were driving him more and more rapidly. He was afraid he’d finish all by himself again, and her tightening around him wasn’t helping.
“Oh!” she gasped. She writhed under him. This time, she writhed around him, too. This was too much. After one more upstroke, he drove into her clasping sweetness and pumped himself into her.
“Gah!” He felt more glory than he ever had. He felt triumph and surrender. He held his right arm straight for one more second than seemed possible so that he wouldn’t collapse over her.
When he fell to his left, she turned with him. They lay panting in each other’s faces while the exultation turned to sweet lassitude. Feeling himself start to soften and come out, he reached around her thigh to grip his cock and the rubber. It stayed on.
“You get it?” Marilyn asked.
“Yeah! Really the open end is pointed the right direction; so, it’s safe even if I don’t.” Then he thought. “Safe, but maybe messier.”
“Well, I’m glad. I didn’t really check before ... I mean, I trust you and all, but I still should check.” Well, her opinion was a surprise. One reason he’d waited until he had was to keep the embarrassing -- and terribly unromantic -- business out of her sight.
“I didn’t think of that. I just thought it was my responsibility.” And it was his responsibility, as much as he’d blown the responsibility on their first picnic.
“And, if anyone in the whole damn world is responsible, it’s Andy.” Well, that was -- usually -- one of his good points. Still, it didn’t sound particularly romantic even to him. Well, if she liked him for being responsible instead of for being dashing, she was less likely to be disappointed. But he’d been only partially responsible here.
“But I’m not being responsible if you’re worried, even if you don’t have reason to be. I don’t want to make you pregnant, but I don’t want to make you worried, either.”
“You’re a great guy.” She was so kind.
“Well, a guy who loves you greatly,” he said.
“I thought we were going to learn things together.” She lost him on that one.
“We couldn’t have been much more together than that.” Although, at the end, he’d wanted to enter her more deeply, that wasn’t possible.
“But where did you learn that kiss?” Oh. That was her question. Where did she think he’d learned it? She didn’t sound as accusing as she’d be if she thought some other woman had taught him. Taught him in the last week?
“Cunnilingus?” He wanted to spend the time telling her how beautiful she was, how sexy, and how much he loved her. She wanted to hold a conversation. On the other hand, this was even more like he imagined happy married couples behaving than her setting out the meal. In bed, after sex, they would talk over their day. His parents had certainly talked in their room -- or, at least, argued. Some days they hadn’t spoken to each other before going into their room and shutting the door. But she was still waiting for his answer. “Darling, I’m your Andy, remember? And where does your Andy learn things?”
“You read a book?” She got it in one.
“I got out a couple of books. Actually, I’d read some books like that before. I’ve been interested in sex for a long time.” No sense trying to hide anything from her.
“So, you’re going to take me through a library of marriage manuals?” Now, that sounded wonderful, if impractical. They’d lie together in bed, reading the book. He’d ask her ‘Does that sound like something you’d like?’ But they did not yet have the bed, or even the time.
“Maybe sometime. It’s more that I’m using my strength to make up for another of my weaknesses. I’m a lot less experienced than you deserve.” And he was, but he was somebody who could learn. That description of him sounded more like a good candidate for a long-term relationship than any other could.
“You’re my Andy. I’m your Marilyn. You are exactly as experienced as I want.” And she was so sweet and loving when he was so calculating.
He felt more recovered now, and he’d kissed almost none of Marilyn. But there were things to take care of first. He got his legs untangled from hers and removed the rubber. Again, although it had felt like gallons pouring out, the semen in the rubber was more like a gram. He tied the end and put it in the bag with the rest of the garbage. He took the water bottle off the edge of the blanket and rinsed himself off. Maybe she’d touch him again, and he didn’t want her to feel slime if she did.
He started his kisses on her mouth. Her tongue was delightful, but when she drew it back, he went with his program to kiss all of her. He started on her face, since he was there. He went down her arm to her hand. Then he kissed the other hand and back up to that shoulder. Her breasts were right there, and so inviting. He kissed both and sucked the nipples alternately. This wasn’t his project, though. Her abdomen quivered when he kissed across it. But he’d done almost nothing for her back.
“Turn over, will you?” When she did, he started on the small of her back. While he was kissing that, he stroked her smooth rump. When he reached between her legs to her labia, the sensation was entirely different than when he reached there from in front. She spread her legs to permit him access, and he stroked the smoothness from one end of her inner labia to the other. And the far end, of course, held her sweet, sensitive clitoris.
Meanwhile, he kissed up her spine to her neck. He kissed her there and pretended to bite it. With his mouth fully open, he licked her neck more thoroughly. She was sweet, and he loved her, and she seemed to be responding yet again. She was so sexy!
He reached his left arm around his head to scratch her back. Once he’d got into that position, all his attention returned to his right hand, to the one finger of that hand which kept stroking her moisture down to lubricate her clitoris even more. Her rump was soft, and then hard, under his wrist. Her neck arched under his mouth. The darling was beginning to respond. His darling was responding to him.
Then her response was total. She raised her butt under his arm. She writhed beneath him, hard to see but an entirely different experience to feel. Her butt hardened under his arm as her legs lifted. She continued writhing, and it was all he could do to resist biting her neck for real.
When she stopped writhing, he moved off her to let her rest. When she didn’t turn over immediately, he said “I love you.” That was true, but the expression seemed inadequate. He began to scratch the rest of her back lightly; he’d already got one corner. The problem was he’d said “I love you” much earlier, kissing her goodbye on the porch, for example. And, while that had been sort of true -- certainly not false -- he had felt so much less for her than he did now. He loved her so much, and she was so beautiful -- her face, her breasts, her mound, however you looked at her. But right now, she was beautiful from this perspective.
“You are so beautiful,” he said. “Do you think they designed violins to look like a woman?” She didn’t answer but rolled over as if she didn’t like the comparison. “Although, I will admit that I like these even more.” He kissed both breasts, not seriously, just acknowledging their beauty. Then he began to lick and suck the closer nipple.
“A-cup.” She always had something negative to say about her beauty.
“Well, not just now. I prefer them out.” Maybe he could tease her out of that negativity.
“Pfft. You know what I mean.” She wasn’t in a mood to be jollied out of.
“Y’know, our first conversation.” Then he remembered that, while it was the first time he’d really noticed Marilyn the woman -- as opposed to the president of MYF -- it hadn’t really been their first conversation. “Well, not the first but back when the MYF set up tables for the rummage sale, way back then, you made some negative comment about your shape. Well, even back then, when I had only a suspicion, I liked your shape.” Actually, while he much preferred this view, you got a pretty good idea about a woman’s shape -- if not this woman’s lovely skin, responsive nipples, and the delightful hair covering her mound -- from seeing them clothed.
“Yeah,” she said. Well, at least that was established.
“Well, now that we’re a couple, don’t you think you should give some value to my opinion?” Not that his opinion was any great outlier. What did she think that George character wanted? He wouldn’t bring him up, though, he didn’t respect his opinion on any other subject. And, anyway, while he loved to talk, this talk was interfering with kissing her nipple.
“Andy, you’re wonderful.” And she added a kiss to that statement. Whether he was wonderful or not, the kiss certainly was. With his mouth busy with hers, his tongue tasting hers, he let his hands roam over her sexy body. Her back was smooth from her shoulders to her marvelous, firm rump. Her side was corduroy from her ribs, then smooth, although jumpy, then it swept up to the hip bone. Her legs went from bony at the top to smooth skin as he ran his hand down, then even smoother skin covering softness on the inside. The mound with its short hair guarded the center which proclaimed her a woman. And those soft folds had their own hair, hair which he stroked. Then he returned to the soft curvature of her breast.
But her hands were on his body, too. On his arms, they welcomed his own strokes. On his chest, they played with his hair. As they went lower, he could barely breathe. Well, before she brought him to the point of no return, she should start on her own voyage. He stroked down over her abdomen, which quaked under his hand, to her vulva. When he reached her moisture, he began stroking in earnest.
Marilyn opened her legs to give him better access, but her own hand went the last inch. He was happy he’d rinsed himself off. She fondled his cock and then went lower yet. She tickled the insides of his thighs.
“C’mon,” she said, “I let you.” Well, so she had, and she was letting him even as she spoke. He raised his right leg. He held his breath as her hand went to his balls, but her touch was very gentle. It was, perhaps because of this gentleness, also very exciting. Not content with simply touching, she rolled his balls around on her fingers. When he had to lower the leg, she held him in her nearly-closed hand. Even so, she stroked the back of his scrotum with her fingers. He was getting hard, and she didn’t seem about to stop. Well, he no longer wanted her to stop, but he should show some caution. It didn’t look like she would.
“Wanna put it on?” After that, whatever happened would have only short-term consequences. She didn’t respond, which could mean anything. He got the packet and handed it to her. She concentrated on the job, which got her hands away from his balls. His mind said that was a good thing; his lust disagreed. He got into position so she could see and reach him, but he went back to slowly stroking her center.
When she put the rubber on, it covered him as thoroughly as his action had. There the resemblance ended. While he’d been businesslike and avoided the parts that even his own hand would excite, she was a temptress. He was lucky that the rubber wasn’t only fitted but filled by the time she was done. When he got into position she looked, if not quite frightened, at least startled. She’d been direct enough in her actions; where did she think they were leading? But his reading had led to one more idea.
Andy worried about Marilyn all day Thursday. Luckily, he was on inventory and didn’t have to deal with customers. Thursday night, he figured out one possible solution. They wanted walls and a bed; they couldn’t get them at her house or his. People rented these all the time, sometimes on a one-day basis. He’d been in his kid mode, still, but he had lots of money in the bank. He’d try hotels. What were the rules? That was the problem. What were the rules? He was fairly sure that if he and...
Early the next week, Andy invited her on a picnic for that Saturday and she accepted. They got the same order, drove to almost the same location. It was a bright day, and he parked under the trees and spread his blanket in the shade. After their first kiss, he turned her around to hold her. She could feel his erection against her back. He bent down to kiss her neck. His kissing her there always turned her on. “You go ahead,” he said. “I’ve got what I want to eat right here.” He nibbled at...
By Monday morning Marilyn’s itchiness had almost disappeared, and by Tuesday night she felt fine for her date with Andy. Afterwards, he scratched quite a different itch. “I love you,” he said as they got into the front seat again. “Yeah, but only on Saturdays,” She was in a silly mood. “I love you all the time. I want you all the time. I get you on Saturdays.” Clearly, Andy wasn’t feeling silly. “Do you really want me all the time?” Now, she sounded like she was fishing for...
Marilyn Grant felt better riding up from Champaign in May of ‘77 than she’d felt at the end of a school year since her freshman year in high school. And this was looking ahead while that had been relief at the year’s ending. The drive up from Champaign was delightful. She and Andy talked of their immediate future and their past two years. When they were silent, it was a comfortable silence. Different as they were, the two of them had both been successes in their sophomore years. Andy, while...
All sorts of things could have gone wrong with Marilyn’s plans to have some privacy with Andy, but nothing did. Pete went off as he was supposed to. Mom went to the Food Depository as she was supposed to. She was bathed, dressed, made up, and perfumed when Andy rang the bell a few minutes before 10:00. After she locked the door, they had a sweet kiss. When his hands began to roam, she led him upstairs. She finally had him in her room with the door shut behind her. He kissed her while taking...
When he rang her bell at 10 Thursday, Marilyn was prepared for Andy’s second visit. She was better prepared than last time, she hoped. The perfume she wore was minimal, only on the pulse points of her wrists. She had on her mascara but not her lipstick. A towel and the Airwick were already in the room, and the window was open. The alarm was set for 3:00. She let him in and locked the door. They had a great kiss. Her top was white and so thin that she’d never have worn it without a bra if...
When the phone rang Thursday at 9:30, Marilyn was sitting down to breakfast. “It’s for you, Marilyn,” Mom said. “Hello?” Who’d call her this early? “Marilyn, it’s Molly. You said to call you this morning.” She hadn’t said to call before dawn, though. Maybe she should have left more time between her day-date with Andy and her talk with his sister. But there wasn’t all that much time. These guys were going home on Sunday. “Look, I’m just starting breakfast. How about I come over to your...
Onto the story.. Back then, I had a friend by the name of Jeremy, who also talked about sex alot. We became very close and talked alot about such things, even admitting to each other that we both wank often ( a cardinal sin in high school.) So we eventually started to watch porn together, and after a few months of that I walked in on him one nite in my room, having a good old tug. I was not fazed by this, infact I was really turned on. The nite that i caught Jeremy wankin we had a...
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As usual, this is a story containing graphic sexual content. If you are not legally allowed to view such a story, don't download it, read it, touch it, lick it, eat it, burn it, use it for toilet paper, or even stand near it. Permission is hereby given to archive this story on any site so long as this disclaimer is attached, no fee is charged, and I am credited as the author (I've actually gotten hate mail for having claimed to write my own stories, because other people have made...
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Hi fappers, I am Krish and this is my very first story writing experience. So please excuse me if there are any mistakes. This story is a combination of a little bit of my own experience and more and more of my imagination. Warning! It’s sensual and quite a long one as this part includes an introduction as well. So, please don’t expect to fap at the beginning itself. Okay, let’s move on to the story. I am 26 years old and my native is Chennai. I am from a conservative family where my parents...
Chris looked nothing like her sister Robyn, about as opposite in many ways as they could possibly be. I'd been married to Chris now for going on twenty years, though I'd hardly seen or even gotten to know Chris's younger sister very well during all that time. We were almost more strangers than family, which is also the way it was between the two of them. Chris was ten years senior to her sister, and as such, the two of them had never really been very close, even growing up together. When...
The driver froze as three black men came through the door with guns already drawn. Joe the bartender was the first man into the room. "That's it sunshine," Joe said, "take it out real slow and put it on the bar. I'm already pissed at you for drawing on me to start with, so you don't want to make it any worse." He looked at me then, "You, asshole, don't get the opportunity to fire me. I'm going to take all the cash in this place as a payment for what I am worth, and as long as no...
A month had passed. Kristie had returned to the Villa. Arnold had picked her up in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She had been hiding in a motel. She only opened her door after he had shown his face and had talked to her for minutes. He had wrapped her in blankets and taken her to Miami Airport. She had slept all the way to Milan. She only woke up when the car crunched the gravel on the driveway to Villa d'Este. Brigitte seemed to have decided that her pride was more precious than her...
Clegg and I discussed it. I always like to get a feeling for the business overall before I jump to any conclusions. Clegg agreed and promised to set things up. "You'd better start at the sharp end," he said. "I'll get you out with one of the snatch teams." To say I was surprised was putting it mildly. I'd never thought of myself as a law breaker, well not apart from illegal parking and speeding. Still Clegg wasn't the sort to beat around the bush and I guessed he'd want to discover...
Jenny and I met when she was 17 and I was 16. She was the girlfriend of a moderately successful football player. We started an affair that went on for several years. I thought it was great, here was I, an ordinary looking guy, not big, not beautiful, with this drop dead gorgeous, raven haired beauty, with an unreal body. She was someone else's girlfriend, but who cared, I was having the sex of my life, and I got incredibly turned on by the stories about the boyfriend. He was a meathead, dumb,...
1866 In the week before the wedding, after considering a room in Mrs. Hardesty's boarding house, Robert and Caroline fixed up make-shift living quarters in the front part of the storage space above the store, both saying repeatedly that it was only temporary. They smiled at each other a great deal. The room had two small, casement-type eyebrow windows that looked out on the cobbled street and a low ceiling which sloped toward the back of the brick and frame building plus a very steep and...
Remember those old arcade games they had at pizza places in the mid 90s? Those were always a fun time, even if the buttons were always covered in pizza juice. Well, Coralee Summers still loves playing those old games. The only difference is she likes to cover the buttons in her pussy juice. Our stud is going to try to help her make that happen. He gets behind her while she is handling the sticks and rubs his hard cock against her bare ass. She gets wetter and wetter as he whips out his peen to...
xmoviesforyouMy alarm woke me at 7:45 am and I jumped out of bed. I was looking forward to being naked in front of different guys, and showing off Tracey as well. I got ready and went out into the corridor to wait for Tracey but she was already there, as naked as I was and holding her shower bag and towel. “Morning,” I said, “change of plans but it’s nothing to worry about. Ethan told me to go to the third floor and the alternate between first and third floors each morning.” “Okay,” Tracey replied, “I...
The delay, and the new car, meant that there was no way for us to drive the whole distance straight through. So, later on in the early evening, I pulled over into the parking lot of a nice looking hotel. I gave Mina my credit card, and asked her to go in and book some nice rooms for us, while I organized the stuff in the car so that it would not look quite so attractive to a random burglar. Once I got to the lounge with my overnight bag and laptop, I signed the sheet Mina held ready for me. I...
Hi I am Raj (all names changed) writing from ASSAM. I am a regular reader of ISS Actually this story starts nearly 10 yrs ago. Then I was in a small town on high way. There were some road side hotels (dhabas) nearly 2 km… Distant from town. One day I went there to eat rotis. There I saw a really beautiful girl in one of those hotels. She was the daughter of owner of a hotel. Her name is vijji. She might be nearly 18 yrs old, fair complexion, slender and shapes are not visible through her...
It had to stop; we both knew it. What had begun as a favor to a friend, being a companion, a listener, a protectorate, had escalated from a casual crumb to famishing desire. Megan's boyfriend was half a continent away. She needed companionship; help with schoolwork, and shielding from a multitude of horny admirers. Kelley was three hundred miles away. I needed to feel needed. We made rules: the attraction we felt for each other would be kept submerged. There would be no kissing, no sexual...
In the year 2000, me and gal, a distant cousin with 34c size breast perky nipples, slender body. Used to visit her often…One of the weekends, she told her family that she was attending a team building session in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and we hooked up overnight in a beach hotel. We had a good time at the beach. I decided to take a step forward and started teasing her body here and there during times at the beach. She kept on smiling. My hands used to “Accidentally” touch her at the breast...
Main Iss ka regular reader hun aur bahut si kahanian maine phari hain net par . Un stories ko phar kar mere ko laga ki main bhi 1 kahani likh dun jo ki meri asli kahani hai . Pahile main aap logon ko apne bare main batata hun . Main 35 saal ka male hun . Main jhansi ka rahne wala hun hun .meri height 5’9 inches hai sharir se kuch mota hun par merapet bahar nahi hai .mere lund ka size 6 inches hai aur yeh kafi sakth aur mota hai . Ab main asli stori sunata hun . Main un dino 11 class main pharta...
I was enjoying the breeze flowing through my hair and face, riding steadily at a speed of 75 kmph i was enjoying the scenery and my company i was on my Pulasar bike and on my way to Pen from Pune with my thoughts flying back somewhat 8-9 years when i first saw my Aunt in Law for the first time. It was then i really fell for her and always needed to have her at least once and how i used to find small chances of getting close to her and touching her innocently feeling her full body and enjoying...
Natalie Knight is fucking horny today. She’s minding her own business rubbing one out in the shower when her stepbrother walks right into the bathroom and sneaks a peek! She’s shocked and quickly tries to cover up. She sits him down to have a talk about privacy and how he can’t just walk into her bathroom, but she can tell that he liked what he saw and that got her a little “wet”. So rather than get mad, she decides to drop the towel and let him get a REAL look....
xmoviesforyouIt was about 4 months ago that my brother Eric had been killed in Iraq, he was Army, an IED got him. Eric had been married to Julie, They had one child together, Suzie, who was 5. Julie had two other girls when they married. Marie was now 18, just turned about 2 months ago, and Dawn, who was 20 about to hit the big 21. They were destroyed when we lost Eric, they all loved him very much. I am Randal, still being called Randy even though I was now in my middle 40's, 46 to be honest. But Randy...
FetishThe wedding finally came. Kathy organized the whole thing including who my best man was, the quarterback, and my ushers, four guys from the football team. Her long silky blond hair swirled around her as she chatted with the guests. She was so beautiful with her flashing green eyes and perky smile and now she was all mine. She wore a red mini wedding dress that showed off her legs, and had a deep V, which showed a lot of her breasts. I had to wear a white tuxedo with a pink corsage to show I...
Finally with Nighet (Or why you should always have condoms)..It was my day off from med school. A very rare and precious thing and one that would be regretted for many years….I had just finished my morning shower and shave and was dressing in a clean but old shalwar kamiz. It was one of those suits that with age and use, had become comfortable enough to sleep in, but decent enough to use around the house. I heard the door bell ring and went to answer the gate of my modest bungalow, in the...
Introduction: The sex life of a 20 year old English student Thursday 29/6/10 Went into town with Charlotte and Kirsty, my two best friends, on the lash and on the pull!!! Put on my powder blue shorts that only just cover my arse, but with an arse like mine why not, and a little sparkly silver halter neck top that shows off my toned belly and perky boobs. Because we had already been drinking at Kirstys house while we were getting ready we were already half pissed when we got into the taxi and...
In Private Gold, Turning Nympho, Natalie Starr takes a ride in a taxi and knows exactly how to pass the time, this horny nympho has no problem masturbating in the back seat as she imagines and plays out her sexual fantasies. She lusts after the sexy blonde MILF Amber Deen in her luscious black lingerie and her man Rico Simmons as the couple engage in a passionate fuck on the stairs. Amber treats his fat cock to a titfuck and some deepthroat action before offering her hairy pussy for a hard...