Picnickers - MChapter 4: Re-adolescent free porn video

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Complacency was a mood foreign to Andy Trainor’s makeup. He was much likelier to be worried. Yet, he was almost complacent as he drove up the interstate from Champaign towards Chicago in the spring of ‘77. Though he kept his eyes on traffic, he was constantly aware of Marilyn riding shotgun beside him. She wasn’t a passenger; they were a couple.

Okay, they were a dating couple, not a married couple. They weren’t even engaged, and they couldn’t be until he was a hell of a lot closer to being able to support her. But, seeing them from outside the car, you wouldn’t have been able to tell that. And, she seemed willing to continue as a couple.

She’d even had sex with him. The immediate sensations had been overwhelmingly delightful. What he took away in the long run was that she had accepted him. Marilyn wasn’t the sort to have sex casually. Even if she hadn’t revealed that he’d been the first, he’d have known that she didn’t choose sex partners lightly or frequently. If they weren’t married, they were on the road to being married. All he had to do was to keep their relationship developing along that track.

School, if he hadn’t received the grades for the last semester yet, also felt like it was on track. After the distribution courses and preparatory stuff of the first year, he’d taken real engineering courses. And they’d felt like they’d gone okay. You could always really blow an exam without knowing it, but up to the finals almost all of them had felt okay. He was worried about Drafting, a real engineering course but not his cup of tea. The rest, always allowing for unseen disasters, had gone well. At the very least, he’d learned the content. Even if he had somehow failed to show it on the last exam, he had that learning. Even Phys Ed had been fun -- the first fun he’d had in a gym class in his life -- and now he could swim. Which, since Marilyn enjoyed swimming, could be important.

If he hadn’t accomplished any of his three goals for his four college years after the first two, he was on track. He had always known that becoming an engineer would take four years. Marriage to Marilyn, which he hadn’t allowed himself even to dream about for the first two years he’d known her, depended on his being able to support a family. That depended on his being an engineer. His final goal, independence from his Dad, had to wait for the first two. Dad paid his tuition. Intellectually, he knew that he had to wait, although dependency grated.

He got past the on-ramps and exits. The traffic -- mostly trucks this time of day -- was flowing freely. He could pay attention to Marilyn again. He’d already heard her grade predictions; he’d go to her sorority little sister.

“Did Beverly tell you how she thought she did?”

“She wasn’t afraid of any failures. She doesn’t have your standards, you know.” And so, they went on until they stopped for lunch. After that, it was a pleasant drive until they got to Chicago and the spaghetti bowl of interchanges. From there, it was east to the Outer Drive and then Sheridan to Evanston.

He drove up to her street and backed into her drive. He left more room in front of the garage door so he could get her suitcases out of the trunk. She opened the door, and he put her luggage down in the entryway. She went up two steps on the stairway to compensate for the 14 inches difference in their heights. She turned to him, and he kissed her. It wasn’t really goodbye; they’d see each other all summer. Still, it was a long, warm kiss.

“Marilyn!” It was Marilyn’s mom. He took his hands off her, in case her mom was looking as well as calling. Marilyn didn’t pull her arms from around his neck, although she did break the kiss to answer.

“Yeah. Later. I’m busy now.” She went back to the kiss, and he cooperated to the extent of chasing her tongue with his. His heart wasn’t really in the kiss, though.

“Is that Andy?” That did require an answer.

“Yes, Mrs. Grant. Hello. I brought Marilyn home.”

“Come upstairs now.” That clearly wasn’t directed at him. Well, the kiss had been nice while it lasted.

“Love you,” he whispered.

“I love you, too,” she said loudly. She’d said it before, and he believed she did, but this was for her mom to hear.

At home, he used his key but gave the family’s two quick rings to let Mrs. Bryant know that someone else was in the house. She came out to greet him.

“Andy! You hungry?”

“Well, we stopped for lunch. Let me get my bags.” He hauled his stuff in from the porch and carried the actual bags upstairs. Back downstairs, he resisted the special homecoming meal until Dad could join him at regular dinner time. He did have some of Mrs. Bryant’s good chocolate-chip cookies.

“Well,” Dad asked after dinner, “think you passed any courses?”

“Not until the teachers grade them. Anything can happen to blow a test, but otherwise I’m happy with most of them. I’m worried about Drafting. It would take a miracle on the last test to get me an A. But I’m virtually certain to pass Phys. Ed. The very last gym class I’ll ever take.”

“Was it that painful? Swimming, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, no. Swimming was rather fun after a while. The guy told you what to do; you did it; after some practice it moved you through the water. And, too, Marilyn swims. We might go to the lake this summer.”

“Ah, Miss Grant. Always an important consideration. You don’t want to look incompetent in front of Miss Grant.”

“You’re teasing. Anyway, I’m competent in all sorts of things.”

“And so you are. Unfortunately, she’s unlikely to see you solve differential equations, or know what you’ve done if she did see.”

“Yeah, but she understood dean’s list.”

“And that impressed her? She impresses me. The coeds of my day were more interested in men with a gentleman’s C.”

“Being impressed by her is one thing we agree on.”

“So it is. I’ll even pretend that your impression extends beyond the gonads.”

“It does. I won’t pretend that I’m not sexually attracted...”

“That’s fortunate. Five minutes in your joint company would tell anyone that you’re sexually attracted.”

“But she has many good qualities beyond that.”

“I don’t doubt that. I was only dubious that you saw beyond your lust.” But, really, Dad was only arguing for the sake of argument. Dad was quite happy to show up at church a little early so that he could wait for Marilyn while Dad took his usual place. While he was standing at the top of the steps, the Pierces drove up. Mr. Pierce stopped right in front in the unloading zone. Mrs. Pierce hurried downstairs while Mr. Pierce unloaded the twins. While he walked them upstairs, he left the rear door of his car open.

“Can I leave them with you, Andy?”

“Of course.” The kids were cute, and it wasn’t as though he was going to go far. Mr. Pierce put one hand securely in his and then the other, reciting the kids’ names as he did so. He ran down to his car and drove away to park it. By now, he’d have to go blocks.

The kids tugged him towards the stairs.

“Down,” said John.

“Please,” said Paul. It was either struggle with them at the top of a long flight of concrete steps or walk down. They walked down, the boys clearly enjoying themselves. When they got to the sidewalk they turned around, taking a lot of space to turn the three of them. He wasn’t about to let go of a hand. They started up assuming his agreement. On their second trip down, Marilyn came up with her family.

“The Pierce twins,” he said. “Wait for me in our pew, will you?” He’d rather have gone in with her, but the kids couldn’t turn around where they were.

“Of course.”

“Andy, you’re a worse sucker than I am.” Mr. Pierce had come back and was behind them. The boys looked around and tried to jerk their hands loose. When Mr. Pierce passed him, they started up the stairs after their father. He wasn’t as much a sucker as Mr. Pierce, not by an order of magnitude -- not by two orders of magnitude.

When he joined Marilyn, she snuggled up to him a little closer than they were used to sitting in First Urbana. When her dad looked back at them, she snuggled closer yet. He loved the warmth against his hip. He’d have preferred thinking that it was an expression of her desire for him instead of her rejection of her parents.

After church, was coffee hour. The kids already back from college gathered at two adjoining tables. Some schools weren’t out yet. Marilyn, former MYF chair, was one of the foci of the group. As her guy, he was a bigger part of it than his one year of attendance before college would have justified otherwise. Mr. Schmidt stopped at the table with his wife as he went out. He greeted the kids, who’d been his charge when they were in MYF.

“Think you can make it in at 8:45 tomorrow, Andy?” Mr. Schmidt asked him.

“Of course.” After he left, the Pierces came up the stairs. The rest of the choir had been up for some time, but they probably had something to do for the twins.

“And here, my dear, is a worse sucker than I am,” Mr. Pierce said to his wife. Not by two orders of magnitude. But he’d have to say that in a way the half-educated would understand.

“Not by one percent, I walked the twins up and down twice. How many trips have you made with kids who wanted to climb stairs?”

“You have to understand, Andy,” said Mrs. Pierce, “that being one percent as much of a sucker as Bill still makes you a huge sucker.” She stayed around with the kids while her husband went for the car. The twins were the center of attention, and they looked used to that.

As the coffee hour was breaking up, Dad came over.

“Are you riding with us, Miss Grant? Are you ready to go?” he asked.


“Do you think you’d like to repeat the seating arrangement with my daughters when they are here later this summer?” She looked at him.

He was fine with that arrangement.

“Sure,” she said. Dad immediately handed him the keys. Well, he knew where the car was parked. Apparently, he was driving today. When he got back, Dad handed Marilyn in to the front seat before he could go around. Dad got in the back.

“Take Miss Grant home first,” Dad said. “We’re going to a restaurant. I’m sorry, my dear. You’d be welcome to accompany us, but your parents would have objections -- deservedly so -- on your first Sunday back from school.” Dad was always appreciative of Marilyn and warm towards her -- the “Miss Grant” until she called him “Jim” excepted. Still, he always treated her as Dad’s guest and him as a stray when they were together. He drove Marilyn home.

“Backing in?” Dad asked. Was he going to supervise his driving, now?

“Gets Marilyn closer to the door.” Which Dad should have been able to figure out for himself.

He got out. A lady, she waited for him to open her door. He walked her to her porch and stood the usual two steps down. They had a kiss, even an open-mouth kiss. Still he could feel that she was conscious of Dad’s watching. He heard the car door slam. Still, when he got back, Dad was in the passenger seat. He was still the driver.

“Get your voyeur kicks for the week?”

“You know, when somebody sneaks around and peeks in your bedroom window, you have grounds for complaint. Even when he peeks in the car window when you’ve parked seeking privacy. When you do something on the front porch in broad daylight, you have no grounds for complaint that others are in view. And, when I want voyeur kicks, I’ll choose among stronger fare than a good-bye kiss, thank you.”

“So, where are we going?”

“Well, if you’re in the mood for an argument, we have plenty of left-overs back home. Mrs. Bryant really cooked up a storm for you.”

“I’m done.”

“Bread Box.” So, he drove to The Bread Box. Despite its name, it served full meals, standard fare, but tasty.

“So,” Dad began. “Have your summer mapped out?”

“Sorta. I’ll be working at the hardware store again.” Dad, who had picked up the app and mailed it to him, was aware of that, but you started a description where the audience was. “I don’t know the specific hours, of course. I brought the book for PDE. Figured I’d read a little ahead.”

“PDE being.”

“Partial differential equations.”

“I thought you studied differential equations this past year. Was it only the impartial ones?” He gave Dad a smile, a thin one but better than the joke deserved.

“Let’s say you want to lose weight by exercise. You burn 3,000 calories, which are really kilocalories, in one exercise session. But you eat food containing 4,000 calories after the session because it made you hungrier. Your partial derivative of weight over exercise is the negative of whatever weight 3,000 calories represents. Your partial derivative of food intake with respect to exercise is 4,000 calories.

“Well, that situation, while not continuous and, thus, not really dealt with by derivatives, represents a common physical situation. Z is a function of X and Y; Y is a function of X. The partial derivative of Z with respect to X represents what would happen if Y were held constant. I really need paper -- or a blackboard.”

“You really need an audience which is up to speed on that. Remember what happened with your AP calculus?”

“Don’t remind me.”

“You performed perfectly honorably. Your high-school teacher didn’t do what the course description claimed it would do. You fell behind in college. You learned what you needed to know by yourself. But you needed to know a fraction of a semester’s work. To follow that description, I’d need to have taken -- and remember after decades -- entire college courses I never touched.”

“Anyway, PDE is a course different from Diffy Cue. And, if I were interested, I’m sure that there is a continuation of each somewhere in the University catalog.”

“‘Of books and the making of books, there is no end.’”

“Well the number of courses in the catalog is quite finite. I, however, will never come to the end of them. For that matter, the number of books in all the libraries of earth is finite, as is the number of sub-atomic particles in all those books.”

“Andy, you are a literalist.”

“Marilyn made the same accusation.”

“Well, if Miss Grant says so, it must be correct. And, in your case, it’s not an accusation; it’s an observation.”

“She introduced Beverly as her ‘little sister.’ Beverly isn’t tall, but she’s much taller than Marilyn -- as who isn’t?”

“There is that, but she’s using the term metaphorically. Not even that. Sorority girls use it as a technical term. I must say, that if Miss Grant exceeds my memory of coeds, she overwhelms my memory of sorority girls.”

“She doesn’t like you calling her that, you know.”

“Well, she is Miss Grant. I’ll change when she calls me ‘Jim.’”

“She doesn’t want to call you ‘Jim.’ You’re not her contemporary, you’re the father of her boyfriend -- the stuffy father of her boyfriend.”

“Now, is that your opinion or hers?”

“It’s an observation.”


Monday, he was in the hardware store, in his place, and with his week’s schedule well before the store opened at 9:00. There wasn’t a flood of customers, and he was the only one on a cash register. When there weren’t customers, he figured out what would be convenient for evenings. Now to see what would be convenient for Marilyn.

When he called that night, they agreed on movie dates Tuesday and Wednesday and a day at the beach Thursday. It was a damn sight harder to find private parking places in the northern suburbs than it had been in Champaign. Forget Evanston itself. But he found the places and Marilyn was sexy as hell.

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“Damn, man,” Frank Robinson fumed as he slammed his right hand and forearm on the roof of the Ford Explorer. “Why the fuck did you do that, man?” Tim was about to slide into the passenger seat but stopped himself and stood back up to look at the driver and captain of the defensive side of the school’s varsity football team. “What are you talking about? I got a map to the real party right here,” Tim answered, a bit confused by his friends’ change in attitude. “Dude, never. Never. Never....

1 year ago
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Submisse the weekend whore

Submisse the weekend whore It was a four day weekend where I was going to get gangbanged in a MMMf that was arranged by my husband, but he failed to realize that the guys he found were actually in a gang. When I got there, I found out that I had walked into to this gang house, but they were cool, very relaxed etc., so I went along with it and did three guys. Afterwards, we talked and I agreed to stay and party for the weekend, to play some more. I was shown around the place a bit and then to a...

2 years ago
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Campground Quintet

One summer a few years ago I was managing a campground in the rocky mountains.Many people visited because of the close proximity to hiking in the scenic mountains.I had a peep hole hidden in the women's restroom where I would frequently watch them as they peed or changed into they're swimsuits for a dip in the small lake that was situated on the campground. This particular day a group of college students from a women's parochial college were passing through the area.They were signed up for...

4 years ago
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The Sex Therapist Part 2

The sex ther****t.Part 2.Finally, home and running a bath, Sarah went to her bed side draw and pulled out her biggest dildo. It was eight inches long with a girth of around three inches and the perfect toy for what she had in mind. When she finally got into the warm bath, she tried to recall what was the most extreme sex act she did tonight that gave her the hardest orgasm. There were too many to decide on which one was the best but she found herself liking the anal action the most. She loved...

1 year ago
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Janice gets offChapter One

Janice raced down the hall and through the door into her History class. As she entered, everyones eyes fell on her and she pulled her notebook and History book up to her chest. "Nice of you to join us", Mr. Higgins, her History professor said and she took a seat on the front row, blushing a little from embarassment at her lateness. As her smooth, firm, round ass slid across the seat of the desk, Janice realized the pleasant feeling of the hard wood on her bare ass and shuddered a little....

3 years ago
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Unlawful StopsChapter 5

Leo and Floyd took Debra into the bedroom in Leo’s condo. At 5’5” and 115lbs she knew she couldn’t fight them off. She would have to let them have their way with her. She noticed immediately there was a video camera, on a tripod, pointing toward the bed. “I’ll cooperate, but ... please don’t record it,” Debra begged. “We need it to show your husband, just how willingly, you let two men fuck you. That is, if you were to decide to tell your husband some cockamamie story that you were raped,”...

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The Prince and The Wizard

A Halloween Fairytale Story There was once a Prince, handsome by all accounts. Possessing all of the manly attributes that a Prince should possess, all that is with the exception of one. In spite of this the Prince possessed a penis no bigger than his thumb, and testicles no larger than marbles. Now it came through word of mouth, there lived a Wizard in a certain location with the power to grant wishes. After searching for a year the prince was resting after bathing in a stream that ran through...

2 years ago
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Who Let the Dog Out Woof Woof

My friend Snoid related a story to me that was told to him. He wouldn't tell me the guy's name, but insisted that the story was true. I took the words from Snoid and put them into a story form that readers of The Purvv have come to know. There is no way that I could verify its factualness but, assuming that it is true has me wondering about the thoughts of my readers. In trying to picture their reaction my first thought was of the animal lovers. I assume, by their past declarations and...

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Training my daughter to be a bimbo part 4

Part four,There was a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone in particular, so I hoped that our little exhibition at the church had finally worked its magic. You see the thing is, I knew my ex-wife better than anybody, better than her pathetic husband and far better than that priest pervert who was probably wanking every day, thinking about Cindy's body, wishing that he was her daddy.No, I knew that the sight of a stunning woman on my arm (even if it was my daughter) as well as feeling my...

1 year ago
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Mixed MessagesChapter 19

I had finally decided to clue Clete, Toby, and Connie in on the whole reason behind the drastic change in lifestyle within our family and around our house by the time Dad finally joined us. He came out to sit with us by the pool, where we were all sitting naked. Before he could sit down, Connie and Adele had gotten up and double-teamed him to get his polo shirt, shorts, and boxers off, leaving him naked as well, except for his sandals. He blushed a little, and then smiled finally and sat down...

2 years ago
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Michelles Final Afternoon of Bittersweet Mayhem

By early Wednesday evening, plans were in place for Friday's final erotic activity. Michelle could see, as soon as Randy came through the cottage door, that he was excited. He was definitely flying on the wings of anticipation. That Wednesday morning, she had encouraged him to attend a special meeting with the other husbands. She knew from talking to Sora, their little Maid, that it was during that meeting her husband and another husband would decide with whom she and Randy would spend their...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Ari Alectra Cuck 8216Em While They8217re Young

Hatler Gurius arrives home and enters his living room. He’s looking for his girlfriend Ari Alectra but she’s nowhere to be found. Where can she be? She sent him out to get some Plan B not too long ago, she can’t have gone anywhere. Suddenly, Hatler hears Ari moaning from the bedroom and is shocked to discover that she’s fucking Jay Romero behind his back. ‘Not AGAIN,’ Hatler whines, utterly defeated. Ari notices Hatler standing in the doorway and tells him...

4 years ago
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My Wife Her SlaveChapter 24 Making Amends

Nina woke up feeling fairly refreshed, until she remembered what she was going to have to do in order to fulfill Scott's instructions. Her outlook immediately changed, and she dreaded what she was going to have to go through; the humiliation alone would be difficult to accept, and there was still the question of any additional punishment that Gretchen might make her endure. She used her time in the shower to try and clear her head, and steel herself for whatever was to come. She was...

4 years ago
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Crossdressing with my Girlfriend and Boyfriend

Cross-dressing Days with my Girlfriend and Boyfriend By Cindybelle "Come into my room Timmy, it's time to start getting you dressed," said Cathy my eighteen year older sister. It was the day of Janette's wedding -- she is my eldest sister, twenty two years old and she is marrying her college boyfriend Mike at 2 o'clock this afternoon. I'd better explain that I'm Timothy, eleven and a half years old and I'm going to be the ring bearer at the wedding. It...

3 years ago
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College Happenings

He did what any father would do. When he received a call from the school officials that something had happened to his daughter he was on it in a minute. “What?” he said, assuming it was bad. “When did this happen?” he asked. “I’ll be there as soon as possible. Where do I need to go?” he went on to say. They told him and he immediately threw on his clothes and grabbed his wallet and took off to get his daughter so he could take care of her. “Are you okay?” he asked her. “Are you alright,...

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The Ordeal

The Ordeal Janet Stickney [email protected] Mike, Kevin, and I grew up together, and we were almost like brothers. Mike was the one with the wild imagination and our practical joker. Kevin was a little less crazy, and always did what Mike wanted to. I was the follower. I usually went along with them, rarely voicing any concerns. That's how I ended up this way. All of us were 15 when it all fell on our heads. Mike is tall and husky, blond hair and blue eyes; Kevin is the...

2 years ago
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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 9

Three things happened that day at work. The first two were almost innocuous, and they happened almost as soon as I sat down behind my desk and fired up the trio of monitors in front of me. I liked to work with multiple screens, a habit I’d gotten from a roommate back in college. I could code on one screen, open up online coding documentation and forums on the second, and run tests or communicate with my team on a third. It was the kind of thing that saved you a couple of seconds at a time,...

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177, AVIS AND THE WHITE COCK. I had been quietly sitting and reading one evening when a knock at my door got me up. There was Jessie, a white man I had sex with at the club once before, wanting to know if he could come in. I asked him how he got my address and he said, “a friend of Jerry's gave it to him and that I would open my cunt for any cock!” So, laughing at his boldness, I let him in and after a couple of drinks and some small talk, Jessie leaned over and kissed me while we sat on the...

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Veronica The Milf

I had a shit day at my job. I got into a fight with my boss. I stormed out and went to a local bar. I needed to get drunk and forget about my lousy day.  I planned on just getting really fucked up and not talk to anybody. I had no plans on flirting with anyone.Until, I met Veronica Stetson. Veronica was the hot MILF who was at the bar. When I mean hot, I mean a thirty-five year old with nice tits and a great ass who was bored and married. I’m talking about a vixen who was fed up with her...

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Second visit on Curacao

After the first visit in 2016, we went again to Curacao in 2017. We had a smaller group this time. Aytül and Danica were with me. Jack, Leonard were the guys and Andrea and Indra were there together with Monica, who invited us.After the group was complete and we had a few drinks and chats we started to take our clothes off. Jack was fucking Andrea and Indra was having fun with my hot gf Aytül. Just like last year, Indra and Aytül had a lot of fun with eachother. Indra was long but a bit skinny....

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Zugzwang Part 1 ZonersChapter 1 Awakening

I hit my head on the top of the berth as I jerked awake. At first I wasn't even sure what was happening. That dream was one of the most vivid I had ever experienced, and I was dazed from both the sleep and the bump on the head. Then there was the pain - I couldn't feel or move my legs at all, while my entire pelvis was not only flooded with pain, but gyrating as well. And by the looks of it, I was erect. I obviously couldn't get up to find someone, and I was too confused to cry for help,...

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I won a blowjob at the stag party

I am lucky enough to have two daughters and apart from the expense of the weddings it meant two Stag parties. My eldest daughter married her dream man a few years ago and I have already written about the events surrounding his stag party.It was now the time for my youngest daughters wedding so the best man arranged a stag weekend away in a big city well known for stag and hen parties.We set off on a Friday morning for a three day booze fest and arrived at our hotel mid afternoon. We all washed...

Oral Sex
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Lucian Ch 3

Lucian, Chapter Three. A million drops of water will hollow out a stone Three months passed, and a patient repetition of daily chores created a new normality for Lucian Gaines - even in a world as weird as Norton's Academy of Excellence. Since he started classes, things sped up. Life became more palpable, more real - though increasingly bizarre. He was at a school after all, a school with its strict schedules and classes, tests and exams and all the usual tedious...

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Must Aunty

Hello every body of iss.I am rashid from pakistan lahore city.This is my first story in iss .Any aunty and girls want with contact me so pls call me at 0333-4081770 or email me. I am 29yrs old with nice dick my email address is i start my sory in urdu.Ye uss waqat ki baat he jaab meri ummer 24 saal ki thee.hamare area mein ik family rehti thee jo 3 members per mushtimal thee. Auny ki age 38 saal ki hogi aur unkle ki age 45yrs hogi un ka ek beta thaa jis ki umer 8 saal ki thee.Uncle army mein...

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A Game of Nine Ball Reposted

The Martin’s lived out on Farmers Road in a new subdivision with their family Wes and Peggy, both in high school. They belonged to the Country Club and played golf on the weekend and Bridge on Friday nights, every Friday night. Wes was a baseball player on the varsity team and Peggy was a mid distance runner on the track team. Both were very good at their chosen endeavors and for a junior and sophomore, excelled to a legendary status, with Wes, the elder of the two, being placed on the...

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Kellys Exploration

A yearning was growing inside her. A yearning that was very unfamiliar. As she stared at the magazine rack her eyes kept drawing back to the one with the picture of a girl strapped to a wooden cross and a man dressed in black with his head covered holding a paddle in his hand. The title read BDSM Lifestyle. She grabbed the magazine along with a current edition of Cosmo, paid the cashier and headed home. Kelly was a housewife, 38 years old and kept herself in good shape. When she got home she...

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Please Give me Something to Remember you by greatest generationChapter 8

The young Joshua Cross had always been a noteworthy figure in Cedar Grove. His father Amos being pastor of Bethel Baptist Church gave standing to both him and his twin Jericho. Their rebellious nature and the attention it brought them from school principals, local leaders and law enforcement always made them “persons of interest” whenever somebody was looking to assess responsibility for troublesome incidents in the community. Josh was the apparent leader whose coattails his brother Jerry,...

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First time getting sucked

A couple of years after my wife passed I began looking for sites the pertained to cds on the net. I found some web sites and joined them, posted pictures of myself dressed as a very busty woman. Soon after I started getting comments on my looks, some bad but others very nice. One day I got a message that one wanted to know if I was interested in meeting her so we set up a date. I went out to her place, she was dressed when I got there. She showed where I could get dressed. When I came out she...

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Conference Stress Relief

As a middle-aged married professional, I can usually only play when I am out of town on business. This was the case when I recently traveled to downtown Louisville, KY to attend a conference. I was somewhat limited, since I traveled with several fellow employees. My hotel was within sight of an adult bookstore/theater, but I dared not go there for fear of being seen. I did however arrange to meet someone whom I had contacted online. My schedule was hectic, but after the day's meetings and...

Gay Male
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Andersonville 15 The Rich Bitch

Mark Merrick's store was located in one of the older buildings of Peace River. Although the construction date indicated the building had been build over 100 years ago, it's condition made it appear to be less then a year old. Over the door was a sign with the words 'Mercury Connections' printed in big, bold letters. It was my first time to Mark's shop, at least the one in Peace River, and I peered through the large storefront window with mild interest. Lining the display case...

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