Picnickers MChapter 2 Lover
- 3 years ago
- 27
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When the phone rang Thursday at 9:30, Marilyn was sitting down to breakfast.
“It’s for you, Marilyn,” Mom said.
“Hello?” Who’d call her this early?
“Marilyn, it’s Molly. You said to call you this morning.” She hadn’t said to call before dawn, though. Maybe she should have left more time between her day-date with Andy and her talk with his sister. But there wasn’t all that much time. These guys were going home on Sunday.
“Look, I’m just starting breakfast. How about I come over to your place in an hour?”
“I know where you live. Why don’t I come there?”
“Okay.” And, a little after 10:15, the bell rang. It was Molly, dressed in jeans and tennies like hers. She was wearing a good top while Marilyn was wearing a tee, but she wasn’t going to change. She checked that she had her keys and $2 and left with Molly.
“Let’s head towards the lake,” she told Molly when they got to the walk. She started out and Molly got beside her. “Okay, the rules. You’ve heard part of them. You can ask anything you please. I’ll answer what of it I please. I don’t tell what you’ve said, and you don’t tell what I’ve said. You don’t tell what questions you asked, either, nor which ones I answered. Okay?”
“Sure.” Which wasn’t the firmest promise ever heard, but she could get more specific if her answers called for that. She closed her mouth and let Molly choose the subject.
“Did April tell you about how The Turd treated her?”
“If you want me to keep your secrets, it’s weird to start off asking what your sister and I spoke about under my promise of secrecy.”
“Well, she told me some, and I know some more, so why don’t I tell you? You do know who I’m talking about don’t you?”
“Yeah.” That wasn’t any great secret, especially since Andy, too, seemed to use that nickname.
“Well, the first thing is that he’s always been like, ‘I’m your father now.’ And he wasn’t. He even calls Andy ‘Andrew.’”
“Mom does. Andy likes that. Nobody else does. Like my calling April ‘The Moppet.’ She doesn’t like that, and I haven’t for a year. Anyway, The Turd has been told, told privately by Mom and told quite openly by Andy, that he shouldn’t use that name. I’ve even told him that Dad doesn’t. He thinks it’s his right and that Andy is being rebellious. Now, Andy is often rebellious -- he can cut The Turd up one side and down the other -- but that name isn’t about rebellion.” She took a breath.
“Anyway, he was always faking the super-parent, and none of us liked it. Mom may have custody. I was even asked. April wasn’t; she was too young. Mom may have custody, but he doesn’t have custody. But he was always kissing and hugging as if he loved us, which he doesn’t. Well, when I got my period and the boob fairy visited, he got worse. Dad changed, too, but it was more avoidance. He has this hug where he wraps his arm around your back and grips your right shoulder real tight. He pulls you a little sidewise against that arm. You really know you’ve been hugged, but only one of your boobs even touches him. Well, Elliot is the opposite. As I got more boob, he hugged tighter. One hand pulled tight, the other rubbed my butt -- sometimes squeezed my butt. He started to kiss open-mouth. Mostly, I was able to keep my mouth closed.”
“Sounds like a struggle.”
“It was, but it was always his pretending to be a father. It got worse, and, then, it didn’t get any worse. Then, when the boob fairy visited April, he let me a little alone to zoom in on her. Anyway, I think he can be held off. He might be scared of our telling Mom.”
“If not, of course...”
“Yeah. Wouldn’t that be horrible for her? Getting raped must be God-awful. But having it be your first time? It would be terrible.” Which left Marilyn wondering whether Molly had had sex already. Well, she’d told April that adults don’t ask. And, anyway, 17 wasn’t like 14. Maybe she hadn’t, and it clearly hadn’t been rape if she had.
“Okay,” Marilyn began. “This I will tell you that I told her. You have your dad’s phone number including area code. It might be wise to have it written down. Things can slip your memory in emergencies. If this guy gets worse, if he does anything that can’t be covered up, even if he does something he can excuse but that scares either of you shitless, call your dad. Call him collect if necessary. Get to a friend’s house or a pay phone. Call him. You know when he’s home?”
“Yeah, and that’s one blessing. Elliot has a job. He’s home sometimes in the day but not often. And, in the day, either of us can find a friend to visit. You didn’t talk to Andy about this did you?”
“Hell no. I’m breaking secrecy as it is, but not much. All I told you is that I told April this. Why?”
“He said the same thing. ‘Call dad,’ I mean.”
“Well, it’s not like that’s some great secret discovery. He’s a man with power and money, and he loves you both. That’s what you need. Andy loves you, but there’s little he can do.”
“Yeah, but you two think alike. You’re good for him, you know?”
“I don’t know. How am I good for him?”
“Well, since you, he’s been much nicer. Not to The Turd, maybe, but to me. I don’t think he fights with Dad as much either.”
“I’m glad you think so.” What did it mean to be good for Andy?
“Yeah. You guys doing it?”
“I told your sister that this was one question that she wouldn’t ask people when she got a little older. Apparently, I should have said a lot older.”
“Nah! She’s more sensitive than I am. I’m the middle kid, and I have to scream to be heard. Anyway, I guess that answer’s the hint that I won’t get an answer. You should, if you’re not. Andy wants to. He doesn’t tell me his secrets -- would you? But I can see him look at you.”
“Well, what boys want is more than what boys get. And men -- and your brother is a man -- have realized that.”
“Andy mostly gets what he wants. The secret is to want few things. Hell to buy that guy birthday presents -- you’re lucky you skip that. He wants you, as I’ve said, but he doesn’t want many things. I buy SF older than his interest in the field. You can check copyright dates. Dad gets him hard-cover biographies. Dad really knows biographies. April gives him things which he loves ‘cause they’re from April. Anyway, Andy wants you, and independence, and to be an engineer. When he gets the third, he’ll get the second. Dad isn’t keeping him on a leash; he’s paying his tuition. That only leaves you. Did you really refuse him the first time he asked you for a date?”
“Well, I was going steady at the time.”
“Well, that only goes to show. Andy takes no for an answer. He didn’t use to until he learned better. Mothers used to call up Mom. If he asked again, he really wanted you.” That was something to think about. Having reached the Northwestern campus, she sat on a bench. Molly sat with her. There wasn’t another soul within hearing distance, and not all that many within sight.
“Well, I was going steady, as I told you. Then, at the University, I wasn’t.”
“Patience. He tries to tell me about patience. But I want so much. It’s hard to be patient about a lot of things at once.”
“You know, your being his sister it’s odd I don’t already know the answer to this. You’re going to college starting in thirteen, fourteen months?”
“Yeah. Do you think I’d fit in at the University of Illinois? I’m thinking of there.”
“Great.” Although she thought of California as swimming -- almost drowning -- in schools. “But what I was asking was what your major will be.”
“Well, I haven’t really decided that.”
“What do you want to be?”
“Not a secretary. Mom says that they’re overworked and underappreciated.”
“Well, there are worse jobs. There are better ones, too. But most professional-level jobs are filled with people really committed to their fields. You’ve had teachers who only are there for the paychecks, but those are mostly burnouts. They used to want to teach, and now they’ve given up. Most people who have what you’d call interesting jobs have a fascination with them. There are two sorts of jobs like that.”
“Now, you disagree with Andy. He says there’s only one.”
“Well, if you split it the way I do, there are two. Some jobs you have to be great at. You want to be a concert violinist, you have to beat out something like a dozen violinists, very good violinists, for any one opening. And a novelist. Actually, anybody can be a novelist; all you need is a typewriter, and a couple of reams of paper. Being a published novelist is a lot harder. You have to compete with dozens of novels coming into the same publishing house from beginning novelists at the same time.”
“A lot of other professional jobs are somewhat easier. Mine and Andy’s choices, for example. Sure, we have to pass a lot of courses, but -- if we do well in those courses -- somebody is almost certain to hire us at the end. Knock on wood.” She rapped the seat of the bench beside her. “Doctors and lawyers are a little in between. There’s a hard test to get into med school or law school, and a test at the end, but those are tests. Once somebody is a doctor or a lawyer, they usually get some sort of job in their field. Being a major-leaguer or a movie star means competing with a million people who want the same thing for very few slots. I’ve wandered off track.”
“Another way you two are well matched.” Gee thanks. She might wander, but she wasn’t as bad as Andy.
“What I’m saying is that getting most desirable jobs means getting a good education first. That’s the usual path, the usual hurdle. After all, if anybody could do the job and it’s pleasant work, why should the boss pay much more than minimum wage for doing it. Some jobs have other hurdles. Construction jobs on skyscrapers pay very well. So few people can keep their heads when they’re up that high on a narrow beam, that they’ll train you if you’re willing to go up there. But, mostly, it’s the schooling. And, if you don’t give a damn except for the money, the school time starts to get agonizing.”
“Worse than high school?”
“A lot like high school, except that the standards are much higher ‘cause you’re sitting in a classroom with kids who do find the subject fascinating. Look at Andy. How’d you like to take a class in physics where most students think the physics is as interesting as Andy does? And the teacher agrees, and expects you to find it fascinating, too. So, the teacher teaches to the Andys and goes on when they’re clear.”
“Sounds like hell.”
“Well, it’s one circle of hell ‘cause after a while, you take all your classes with guys like that. You take distribution, of course. But to earn a degree in a field you have to take lots of courses competing with students who are fascinated by that particular field.”
“So, find something that interests you this next year. Preferably something which both interests you and can pay a salary. But, really, finding something which is interesting is the more important part.”
“Teaching doesn’t pay all that much.”
“Really, it doesn’t. But compare it to waiting tables in a restaurant, sometime. It’s not at the bottom of the pay scale by any means. That’s not why I chose it, though. I chose it because I love literature, and some teachers fed that love. I want to be a teacher feeding that love in kids.”
“You don’t have to share my desires. I sure don’t share Andy’s. But if you end up not wanting to do anything, you’ll end up spending 40 hours a week doing something you don’t want to do. Have you ever seen your brother bored?”
“Most of the things he does are boring. Maybe not with you.”
“Thanks. Most of the things he does would bore you to tears. And, honestly, some of the things he studies would bore me to tears. That isn’t what I asked. He studies things, with few exceptions, that interest him. But many things interest him. He is seldom bored, and that makes for a pleasant life. If you spend your energy looking for reasons to be bored, you’re sabotaging your own life.”
“Look, I’m starting to sound like Polonius, even to myself. Let’s start back.” They went back to the Trainor house, and then Marilyn went home.
“Did you have a good time, dear?” Mom asked.
“You’ve heard of old bores, but I’m not 20 yet. Can I be a young bore?”
“I spent the morning sounding like Polonius to Andy’s sister.”
“Oh, was Andy with you?”
“No, thank God. Andy was safe at the hardware store. Surely more interesting than listening to me.”
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This is one of those stories I am sure your going to go oh great a long and tedious event however this is a relationship of two men that spans OMG yes it spans a period of 20 years believe it or not. For myself it has a lot to do with feelings not necessarily sexual but emotional however for Bray it was always about the sex. A little background here I had just relocated back home from Australia after a very strange and somewhat damaging relationship in which I felt threatened so returning to...
This story will center itself around the main character: the hero. Well…at least that is what he will be at the start. You have to understand dear reader that most villains in real life aren’t inherently evil. They themselves do believe that what they are doing is the right thing. To clarify, this story does start out as a heroic tale. It is in fact a little generic. For example, it is set in the glorious country of the United States. The hero does at the start believe in the workings of a...
Mind ControlOh, How I Love to Suck Cock! I woke up about two hours later with a craving desire to taste Bob's cock. I glanced down at my conspicuous nipples and giggled. "What's funny now angel eyes?" His rugged voice resonated around the small room and sent shivers up my spine. So he was awake too! I held the sheet up and showed them off. "They're lovely," he said reaching for them. "Wait!" I cried in alarm. "Let me see if Julia's come home." Leaping out of bed, I ran to the living...
As I gazed out the window holding my mug of coffee, I admired the freshly fallen snow on the front yard and my car. My location was Montana and while I missed my family back home in Washington, snow was something beautiful to look at. After marrying my husband James, we moved to this snowy state to help him further his career as a construction worker and so far, the move wasn’t so bad. I kept in constant contact with friends back home and had made new ones. But now it was Christmas Eve and I...
********* CHAPTER 1 I couldn’t believe my 16-year-old eyes. There was my mom, naked as a jaybird, with Tom, my big bro’s best buddy buried up to his balls in her ass. She was sitting on his cock as he bounced her up and down on his massive cock. And it was massive – especially in comparison to mom’s petite body. Mom is blonde, blue-eyed with these great firm tits and a snug body all of 5’2” tall. Tom was 6’3” or 6’4” of solid marine muscle and his cock was in proportion, or maybe...
It was a hot summer’s eve when Sasha received a call from her c***dhood friend Tammy. Sasha covered in sweat raced to her cell that was sitting on her coffee table. Out of breath from running, she answered the recognized ringtone. “Hey girl …What’s up?” “Well girl you know I don’t usually ask for favors but I really need a big one this time.” “Girl just spit it out! What is it?” Tammy finally replied.” Well you know my daughter Cameron just graduated and ….well she just was accepted to UNC. I...
Private Specials, Anal Threesomes by Private 2 introduces you to Arian Joy, a sexy newbie who has come to private.com for her debut alongside the beautiful Scarlett. Watch the girls warm eachother up in their sexy lingerie as they play with their favourite dildos before treating the lucky Potro to a hot double blowjob. Then enjoy these beauties in action as they offer up their asses for some hardcore anal fun, taking turns getting rammed as they fuck and scream their way to a shared facial...
xmoviesforyouWell, the next couple of days were much of the same, mall, pool, eat. The only part that was kind of fun, I got to go naked in the room in front of the girls who were busy doing girl things and maybe a little playing with me.Then the conversation at breakfast on the fourth day. Terece was the spokesperson and wanted to know if they could have an all day party. No people invited, just the four of us, but a party. I asked what they had in mind, some blushing and looking at each other, then...
Kenny thinks he’s hidden his porn by putting it in a folder called “System Backups.” Boys in my class maybe get off on photos of naked women, but Kenny’s a senior. He should be figuring things out in the back seat of his car, not from websites for losers. Tell Mom? She’ll just take away our computer. Tell Kenny he’s a perv? Just ignore it? I don’t know. Well actually, I don’t think he’s a perv, just horny, but he still shouldn’t be looking at this stuff. Roland stole the program off the...
"Quiet, whore!" cried the Olliphanti as Meena's shrieks filled the cabin of the small scout ship. Anserk and Vishi were chained against the bulkhead where they watched the petite blonde try to wiggle away, her anguished cries trying the patience of the Olliphanti piloting the craft while his companion enjoyed the fruits of their purchase. The Olliphanti proboscises were obviously used for more than olfactory sensation as the taller alien had over a foot of one nose buried in Meena's nest...
When the Christmas break came around, I was fortunate to get some extra time off work so I could go home for the duration. I waited till the next morning to take the train home and Emma was there to pick me up at the station. She wanted to drive me to her house for a while, but I insisted we go straight home as Mother would be expecting me for lunch. I did promise her I would see her the next afternoon, at least for a couple of hours as I still had some Christmas to do. The table was set for...
This occurred over 20 years ago... and I am still surprised, somewhat embarrassed, and quite aroused by my unexpected reaction to receiving my very first enema. Jim and I had been married about three years when we decided that it was time to live a more respectable lifestyle and start raising a family. If you have read my earlier stories, you know that up to this point our sex life had been nothing short of steamy and tawdry. Early in our relationship, Jim awakened an exhibitionist streak and...
FetishA few summers ago I was up at this summer camp. Unfortunatley they had over booked so some of us had to sleep in a bunch of two-man tents the staff had set up. I was paired off with a guy named Steve. Neither of us had brought sleeping bags so we had to share camp blankets. On the first night of our two-week stay, we arranged our tent and at lights-out we went to sleep. I must have been dozing for awhile, half dreaming of this girl I had been going out with. I was dreaming of her going down...
M/FHer name was Ana. I was 21. I had slept with approximately four other women by then. Not a one of them touched my penis with their mouths. Ana had a boyfriend that wasn't me. We were camping, deep in the woods. A tent was pitched and a fire build. We sipped on Kahlua and Rum. We settled down in the tent for a drunken slumber when she snuggled up to me. She mutters the name "Mat". It was her boyfriends name.She was either asleep or in a drunken stupor, or even playing me to get at it. Her...
I had thought of faking some moaning and groaning for the crowd but immediately the Lab’s hit my pussy I wasn’t faking. “Yes boy. Lick me” I moaned and I heard Mrs Walden say something similar. I looked over and the Great Dane had him nose hard against her. “Come on you lovely dog. Come and get your reward” I said and dropped to my knees in front of the bench. He didn’t need any encouragement and quickly mounted me. I squeal as he found my pussy and began to hump me wildly. “Yes my darling....
La femme de mon oncle traînait une mauvaise réputation. Esprit niais àvingt ans je discernais fort mal. Je ne comprenais pas ce qu'on pouvaitlui reprocher. Autrement plus jeune que mon oncle, il était indubitablequ'elle fut jolie. Je lui concédais de la classe au lieu que les autressurtout les femmes ne lui voyaient qu'un genre vulgaire et aguicheur.Une cousines usa même du terme de pute. On mettait sur le compte de lasénilité de l'oncle d'avoir choisi une pareille femme. Quoiqu'il en...
Sahid doesn’t bunk classes, he is usually there in the third row with a generous amount of fairness cream rubbed on his face. He yawned and looked onto his watch, suddenly there was a rush of adrenaline as he glanced at the door. There was she, her angelic face, her straightened hair, her flawless skin and her black framed spectacles made his heart skip a beat. -“Hey Pari”, Nikhil, the back bencher shouted. -“Hi Nick, looking handsome today”, Parvinder replied. -“Pari yaar, you look like a...
Day 1 “Look Doc, I’m sorry, but in the price range you’re working with this was it. It’s the top of the heap. It’s got the space ya need to install the old brain and hey, it’s nice to look at.” The broker turned to regard the wooden crate resting on the grav-lift. “But I can’t use such a device. Why it’s…” The Doc could not find the right word. He was looking for a word that wouldn’t make him sound like a prude, or a virgin. He wasn't either of those things, but he was not prepared to deal with...
EroticIn the morning, I woke up and went into the kitchen for coffee. For the first time, I had nothing to do for the day. I was meeting Beth in the evening but would be a man of leisure today. Mark was gone to work and no one else was in the apartment. That suited me. I really didn’t want to deal with Helen at any time though it seemed that she had moved on. At lunchtime, I was a little stir crazy and left to buy some lunch. I tried a Chinese buffet that had been good for supper in the past. It...