The Wife s promotion
- 4 years ago
- 46
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Desiree sauntered down the stairs into the bright foyer, her heels neatly clicking on the rich hardwood. Summer had just started after a prolonged rainy spring. The new weather made her feel great. She wore a new outfit with freshly styled hair that matched her mood. As she entered the room, she could feel the approving gazes of the attendees. She could see their heads slightly turning out of the corner of her eye. Since it was so warm, she opted to forgo nylons. With every step, her silky legs swept and brushed together under her skirt. Bare thighs almost soundlessly appeared and vanished beneath the light fabric. Her simple and elegant blouse was perfectly appropriate for a weekend business function. Perhaps it was a bit thin and a little tight; but the top was intended to highlight her youthful energy, slender waist, and firm breasts.
“Ms. Simmons?”
Desiree turned. Aaron waved at her. He was just one of many likable but ignorable guys that she worked with, maybe a couple inches taller than herself. “Wow, you look great! I mean - uh - nice outfit!” His eyes flicked up and down her body. It was so cute - he was trying to act like he wasn’t looking.
She turned to smile and feign an exaggerated runway pose. Moving one leg out and tilting her hip to one side, it made her skirt ride up a little. His eyes started to move down, and then snapped back up to her face to maintain decorum. “Aw, thanks, Aaron. You don’t look half bad either!” She leaned forward, adjusting his tie a little. He actually blushed as she touched him.
“Uh, thanks. Hey - I was wondering -”
“Actually, hold that thought,” Desiree said. She finished smoothing out his tie. “I know this is short notice, but could you do a favor for me?”
Aaron drew himself up. “Oh, sure! Anything!”
Desiree pouted. “You know the Carson account? I need some work done on it before Monday. It’s really important that I start off the week at a run - and you’d be a big help if you could finish up your report early.”
Aaron’s mouth hung open. “Um - I guess. But I thought it wasn’t needed until Friday -”
Desiree glared up at him. “I know it’s not due. But if we want to make our division stand out, we need to show that we want it.” Her features softened as she leaned close enough to allow him to smell her light perfume, letting him feel her body heat. “Please, Aaron. I know I can count on you.”
From his viewing angle, she knew he could peek down her blouse. His eyes bobbed up to hers as he tried not to look. He swallowed. “Sure - not a problem. I’ll head over after the party’s wrapped up.”
She squeezed his arm. “I knew I could rely on you, Aaron. You’re the best. I won’t forget this, when I am shopping for new staff.” Leaving him standing there dumbfounded, she left to mingle with the important people.
“Aw - there’s my girl!” Her father held out his arms to her. “I was wondering if you’d ever get around to us.”
“I was just talking shop with the boys, Daddy,” she said, giving her father a kiss on the cheek. “You know I wouldn’t miss a chance to see you, especially here at Mr. Johnson’s retirement party.”
“I should hope not,” Mr. Johnson said. The elderly man could easily play the role of the grandfather complete with the kind eyes and white hair. “Besides, I hear you’re taking my office next week with your big promotion. I just hope you give me enough time to get my fishing rod off the wall, before you start putting up new curtains.” He gave her a wink to show he was only jesting.
“Are you kidding? You’re too late. I stole your big old pole and I’m keeping it all for me.” Desiree enjoyed the double entendre, flirting with the older man. It was all harmless fun.
“Well, if that’s the case, perhaps I could show you how to use it,” a new voice added. Desiree didn’t recognize the younger man standing next to Mr. Johnson. He extended a hand toward Desiree. “Hello - I’m Jason Johnson.” He patted the older Johnson on the arm. “Granddad here, had his fishing gear all ready for me, but -” He shrugged. “I guess you beat me to it.”
Smiling cheerfully, Desiree looked at him. Jason shared his grandfather’s sweet, bright green eyes. She was slightly fazed with how calmly they remained fixed onto her soft brown irises. She had heard of this Jason guy - scuttle butt around the office was that he was the next mover-and-shaker with a reputation for fixing troubled projects and turning them around. Desiree had actually been surprised, along with most of her coworkers that she had been selected over him for the promotion. She had assumed that he had some personality flaw or annoying tic. Or, perhaps Daddy had “helped” the outcome in her favor. She was certain the office rumor mill loved to grind on that possibility.
“Hopefully, I can do as capable a job as your grandfather,” she replied. She took Jason’s hand. His grip was firm - not some macho hand crusher, but a solid squeeze and shake. He was cute, smoothly filling out his dark suit.
“I don’t know - the way Grandpa talks it up, he invented half of the tricks in this trade.” Jason released her hand. “But let’s not talk business. Could I get you a drink - a cup of coffee perhaps?”
“It seems like this is the first time a guy has asked me that, instead of the other way around.” Her line was delivered with a smile. As one of the few female executives here, she knew she had to fight for every advantage she could get.
Jason chuckled. “Should I ask how you’ll take your coffee? With sugar?” His eyes glittered, and for a moment - just a moment, the kindness vanished. “Or cream?” Those green eyes became hard chips of jade.
The sudden change caused Desiree’s breath catch in her throat. However, she was able to laugh it off and recover her composure on the next beat. “Oh, I always enjoy a good shot of rich cream.” Her brown eyed gaze challenged him.
“Cream it is, then.” He turned, walking away without a second glance. A couple minutes later, he returned with two steaming cups. He held one out to her. “Here - just for you.”
“You are too kind.” Desiree took a sip. “Mmm - I should steal you away for my team - I could use someone who knows how to serve a good coffee.”
Jason let out a rich, throaty laugh. “Are you sure you’d want me working under you?” He peered at her over his drink. “Don’t you have other positions that I could fill better?”
A buzzing noise interrupted their banter. Nearly a dozen hands went to their nearest pockets or closest hips. Desiree’s fingers slipped into her purse as Jason pulled out his corporate phone to look at it. “Ah, it’s me.” he said. He tapped some buttons. He waved the phone at the senior Johnson. “Bet you won’t miss having to check this bugger every 5 minutes, huh, Grandpa?”
Everyone chuckled - except Desiree. She opened her purse and rummaged around. Her own phone was missing. She thought back to the last few places she had been with her phone. Shit. The bathroom - she remembered getting a text message while fixing her makeup before her grand entrance. She must have left it in there.
“Excuse me, I’ll be right back.” she said. She weaved her way back through the crowd. She walked right past the main bathroom on the lower floor. That one was for the common people. She had come in through the kitchen and, instead, had used her father’s master bathroom upstairs. Her skirt bounced along her thighs as she climbed up the stairs. She knew if any of the party goers looked up, they would catch a glimpse of her narrow silk panties. The idea gave her a thrill and she slowed down her pace, just in case.
Desiree stepped into her father’s bedroom and detoured around the large bed. She glanced about the bathroom, biting her bottom lip. She remembered reading the message, then washing her hands. She peered at the floor - had it fallen from the counter?
“Hmm.” No sign of it. She wondered if it had slipped out of her purse somewhere along the way. She started to make her way back to the party to backtrack her steps from earlier. Her whole life was in that pesky thing - from contacts to calendar and even her private health information. When was the last time she copied her address book and schedule out of there? What a pain.
“Desiree?” Jason’s voice came through the open door. She stood inside the master bath, looking out across the bed. He stood at the entrance of the room, looking in at her there standing by herself.
Desiree felt a sly grin spread across her face. “So do you always follow women into bedrooms?”
Jason held up a phone. “Only when I’m returning lost smartphones.” He gestured it at her like he might be selling it on television. “Sorry - I figured this must be yours when you rushed away so fast. I found it on the stairs.”
“Oh.” Desiree blushed. She gave Jason a look up and down. She was relieved about the phone and its handsome rescuer. A naughty notion ran through her mind. She relaxed, sitting down on her father’s bed, crossing her legs, and allowed one foot to waggle at him slightly. With the position and motion of her legs like that, the long inches of her creamy toned calves and thighs would entice Jason to her great advantage. Jason’s eyes moved to her legs. He didn’t disguise the fact that he was looking, unlike other men. She could almost feel his eyes, sliding down to her legs and back up again without hurry. Her thighs actually started to rub against each other, as if his gaze was a physical force. “So, do you plan on giving it to me?” She playfully tilted her head at him.
He took a step forward, and then inched toward her as she spoke. She placed her hands behind her on the bed, leaning her chin and relaxed neck slightly back. Her breasts pushed up against the fabric of her blouse. “Perhaps we can discuss one of those positions I could offer you.” Her voice grew sultry.
Jason’s lips parted. His sharp, white teeth gleamed. “Are you sure that’s what you really want, Desiree?” The way he pronounced her name made her shiver. “I’d hate for you to regret anything that I do in here. We wouldn’t want you running to Daddy afterwards, would we?”
Desiree’s eyes narrowed. “I’m a big girl,” she said. She uncrossed her legs, and then crossed them back the other way. A little fun, a little making out, and then she would leave him and rejoin the party. Maybe later, see him on a real date and decide then if she would give it up.
Her panties grew warm as she looked at him. Her nipples crinkled.
Jason shrugged. “I guess you are.” He stepped into her father’s room.
With three quick strides, he was at the bed. He took her by the hand, lifting her into his arms. “I should mention I’ve wanted to do this from the first moment I saw you,” he said.
“Meet me in my father’s bedroom?” She teased him with a hand on his chest.
“No. This.” He kissed her. It was not the expected gentle peck on the lips, not the chaste timid first kiss of new lovers, but the deep soul-searing kiss of possession. The hand on his chest clutched at his shirt and tie. Her toes actually curled as he wrapped his arms around her, crushing her to his chest. And those lips - oh, God! They were soft, hard and sweet all at once.
Desiree pulled her hand from in between their bodies, putting it on the back of his neck. His hands slid down her body. There was no hesitation or shyness as he palmed her ass cheeks, pulling her against him.
She felt him. His hardness dented her, even through his slacks, her skirt and her panties. It homed in, right onto her slit. He ground it against her. The friction was both tantalized and frustrated her. “You feel so toned,” he told her. “I like a woman who keeps in shape for me.”
“Oh, really?” she breathed back. She looked up at him, pushing her hips playfully forward. “How do you know it wasn’t for someone else?”
“Because they’re not here, and I am.” He kissed her again, all but lifting her off the ground. That thickness pressed against her again, seeking a way through the layers. Her toes left the ground for a moment as he pulled her squarely against his erection. The sudden image of his manhood bursting through his zipper, ripping through her dress and plowing into her pussy jumped through her mind. She could feel her body preparing itself at just the thought. It wasn’t unlike her tummy getting the rumbles and feeling warmer in anticipation before she would eat a nice meal.
He pulled back, their lips parting with a light pop. “If we’re going to keep doing this, perhaps you should close the door.” He turned her in his arms, holding her and supporting her from behind.
She looked over her shoulder; the bedroom door was wide open. The music from the retirement party drifted inside, mingling with the buzz of conversation. She shivered at the thought of someone coming up and catching them. A delicious, wicked thrill of someone witnessing her - Miss Young and New Executive making out with some guy she had hardly met 15 minutes ago like a horny teenager in her parent’s bedroom.
“Go close the door,” he murmured in her ear, nibbling on the lobe, “And I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of.”
She turned to him, and this time, she kissed him. “I fully expect you to,” she told him. She pictured herself, on the bed, him on his knees pleasing her. It would be the perfect way to take the edge off before she went back to the party - and insure his loyalty to her as the company bid farewell to his elder relative.
She moved away from him, hips swaying. She could feel his eyes on her backside as it moved to and fro. She almost laughed at the mental image of him kissing this ass of hers.
Oh, yes - she was going to enjoy herself.
She pushed the edge of the door to the jamb. The door snicked as it closed. She turned around, leaning against it. “Now what are you going to do?” She ran her tongue against her bottom lip.
His eyes narrowed. The kind, sweet eyes vanished, replaced by hard lumps of shiny jade ice. “Wrong question.” His voice roughened. “What YOU’RE going to do is come here.”
She arched an eyebrow. “And if I don’t?” Something had changed. The air seemed to crackle between the two of them. Behind her, the music drifted on. Changing, becoming faster. Perhaps someone had requested a dance number. The wooden door vibrated lightly with the beat.
His hand went to his waist. His belt hissed as it freed from the loops. He held it, folded it in half, his hands loosely holding each end. “You will, Desiree.” His gaze bore into her. Through her, as if she was nothing now.
The belt cracked on itself as he jerked it taunt with two fists, as if he were stretching a handlebar. Desiree jumped in surprise. “Over here. Now.” He didn’t shout, didn’t raise his voice - but the iron in his words had her feet moving before she knew it. She crossed the room to him.
“Or what?” Her voice quavered a little, but she looked up at him in defiance. “What are you going to do? Spank me?”
He flicked his wrist, and the belt swung behind her. With his other hand he caught it as it snaked around her trim waist. It pulled her to him. “I’ll do whatever I need to,” he growled. Holding the belt ends in one hand, his other hand went to the back of her head.
He seized a first full of hair. “Ow, wait you-” she started, silenced as he kissed her savagely.
Her lips parted instantly as he possessed her mouth. His tongue slid across hers, rolling about her mouth. He uncaringly tasted her. She couldn’t believe the rudeness. He pulled on the belt, pressing her closer to him.
His hardness pressed against her thigh. Desiree’s hands came up against his chest to push him away. This was too fast - too soon. Instead, he squeezed her hair harder. Tendrils of pain shot through her scalp. “NNmmph!” she protested into his mouth. The effort made her gasp for air through her nose. The belt slid down to her hips where it would control her escape attempts and he pulled on the belt from behind her. Her breasts pushed against his chest even though she was resisting.
“Nice,” he groaned around her mouth. “Soft lips, trim little body - I am going to enjoy what you have for me, Desiree.”
He sucked on her tongue, making her moan. His hand slid up the back of her panties, the fabric warm against the skin of her ass. Between the fist in her hair and the belt around her, Desiree was trapped; only able to move where he wanted her to go.
Jason pushed her away. The belt hung loose at his side, swinging like a snake ready to strike. “Take off your skirt,” he ordered.
“What?” Desiree’s mind floated in place adrift. The kisses, the sudden change, his taste - everything disoriented her. Her words perked up in her mind again. “What? No - I hardly kno-”
His hand shot out. Fingers like an iron clamp closed on her left nipple. Desiree gasped. She started to reach for the hand. Jason’s fingers turned slightly. Sharp pain shot up and into her breast. “Ow! Ow!” she cried.
“Hands down,” he barked.
Desiree obeyed, whimpering. He loomed over her. “I didn’t tell you to argue.” He turned his hand a fraction of an inch. Desiree’s knees buckled. “I told you to REMOVE your skirt.” He released her nipple. Desiree clutched her teeth together as the sensitive nub refilled with hot blood. Her breast throbbed. Jason’s eyes bored into hers. “Now.”
He didn’t raise his voice, but Desiree flinched as if she had been struck.He’s insane, a voice in the back of her head howled at her. He’s some kind of sick freak! Just get out of here, before things really get out of control.
But there was something else. The pounding beat in her pussy that matched the loud thumping of her heart in her chest and throat. No - she was supposed to be in control here. She got to say “Yes” and “No” and “When”, just like with all of the other men she had taken on her own terms and for her own amusement.
Only this wasn’t her safe bedroom in her cozy apartment. This was upstairs in her father’s house, at a party, in dad’s room, with this man who hurt her, and - gripped that belt so tight in his fist. Her eyes fixed on the belt, then looked to Jason’s face as if to plead for the kindness to return. There was no pity to be found there.
“No!” She didn’t shout, for fear that someone downstairs would hear. “You can’t tell me what to do -”
Jason didn’t say a word. He seized her by the hair, shoving her head against the bed. She flailed her arms helplessly as he held her down with one hand. In this position, her ass stuck in the air, her skirt rising so high she hardly felt it covering her legs. Jason flipped it up the rest of the way. “Hey - Oh!” She protested, struggling. “What are you - Stop! Stop!” “No!” His hand pulled her panties down to her knees. Cool air drifted over her bare ass. She had the sudden horrified thought of someone opening the door, seeing her bare ass and winking slit greeting them. Why didn’t she lock the door? Did she sense that something dangerous might happen? So she left it unlocked? Is this what she wanted all along? Why didn’t she lock the door?
“You closed the door, Bitch.” Jason told her, his tone addressing her as if she were an unruly child. The word hit her face. The insult made her face flush. Cool leather drifted along her thighs. Her skin was goose bumps as it slid upwards. “I told you what to do.” Her hair partly covered her face, but through the strands she could see his belt dangling and doubled in his hand. “Next time, you’ll remember to do what you’re told.”
“Wait- please - don’t -”
The belt whistled through the air. Leather met the white skin of her curved rump with a crack. Desiree felt a howl rip from her throat. But before it escaped, she clamped her lips shut, so all that came out was a weak mewl. “I make it simple, Desiree. I tell you what to do... “, the belt came down again. This time it came across her upper thighs. Desiree bucked, fire searing her skin. She muffled her mouth into the mattress, howling in pain. “ ... and you do it.” Again the belt snapped painfully across her ass. “If I say drop your little panties, I expect you to do so.” Crack. “If I say spread, then you spread.” POP. “If I tell you to suck, you say ‘Yes, sir’ and open wide.” PRACK!
Every statement was punctuated by the pitiless strap against her skin. Desiree could have just screamed, and a dozen men and women from downstairs would have rushed to her aid. But she didn’t. She couldn’t be seen like this: shamefully bent over, with her ass open and butt with red welts.
The undeniably telling, weeping and gushing pussy would ruin her reputation.
Her clit throbbed. Her breasts ached. It seemed with every strike of the belt, her sex grew wetter to help put out the heat that spread out on her tender cheeks. She felt her hips pressing forward, pressing her drooling pussy against her father’s velvety duvet. She was wiggling from side to side, to avoid the pain, to extinguish the sting; to hide her horribly embarrassing arousal. Or perhaps the pain was simply increasing the pleasure.
Jason pulled up her panties. The thin material felt cool against the throbbing skin of her ass. He brushed her skirt down into place- and Desiree shivered as his large palms caressed her backside. “Stand up,” he said, pulling her back into upright position.
Tears stained her face. They continued to fill her eyes and roll down her cheeks as she trembled, looking up at him. “Let’s try this again, from the beginning. Skirt. Off. Now.”
“OK! Please!” Desiree’s fingers moved before she willed them, moving to her waist. Just as she started to pull them down, Jason grabbed her hair, forcing her back into that humiliating pose. Panties came down to her knees, skirt over, and the belt whipped across her raw ass. She jerked in place, unable to escape his grip. She tried to reach back, to cover her butt like a child would. He simply seized both wrists in one hand, holding them against the small of her back. “It is: Yes, sir!” he snapped at her. The belt cracked again. And again.
Panties up, skirt flipped back down, and she was standing before him again. Her eyes darted warily to the belt. “Now, Desiree - skirt off.”
“Yes, sir.” The words tumbled from her mouth like dropped coins. She undid her skirt. The fabric whispered on its way down her legs to pool at her ankles.
Jason shook his head. “No. Pull the skirt back up.”
“But you said -”
His hand gripped her erect left nipple again. This time he pulled it out before cruelly twisting. She actually covered her mouth with her hands to keep the screech from escaping out. “You’re going to figure it out, Desiree. Now, pull your skirt up.”
He released her.
What the hell are you doing? that voice in the back of her mind screamed at her. Get the fuck out! Tell him to fuck himself and call for help- for anybody! For your father, for the cops! -
Desiree knelt down, lifted her skirt back into position. She knew she could leave. But she didn’t want to. She couldn’t say why. She felt helpless to do anything, except what this strange man had ordered. The raw fear made her feel alive.
“Look at me.” Her eyes snapped back to his face. “Listen. Can you hear the music?”
She could. Barely, it was little more than regular deep thrumming beats. Her racing heart slowed, as if matching them.
Jason sat at the edge of the bed. Not as if he was a guest in the room, but as if he owned it, like he owned everything inside of it - including Desiree.
“Skirt off. Slowly. Desiree, listen to the music.”
“You want me to strip dance for you?” He shot up. “No - no, sir - “ Too late. Again she was bent over the bed. Her abused ass felt the lash of the belt again. Her reddened thighs flinched again as he renewed the angry red patterns on her skin.
Then, as if nothing had happened, he was back on the bed, and she stood, sniffling. “I told you what to do,” he said calmly. “Now, do it.”
Desiree Obeyed. “Yes, sir.” She listened to the music; let her hips sway from side to side. She felt along the waist edges of her skirt. Her fingers were sliding under the lining of the band.
His hungry eyes watched her as she slid it down. Slowly and teasingly. For a moment, she felt power again, but only because he had allowed it. She had no illusions that if she erred, if she rebelled, she would feel the belt again.
She could leave, she knew. He wouldn’t stop her. Yet she stayed, even as she quailed each time footsteps crossed the hall outside. What if her father opened the door, to behold his eldest daughter stripping for her coworker like a cheap whore?
Her hands slid between her thighs. Her fingers dragged along her skin. Her panties were so soaked now droplets of her own heavy syrup. It glistened on her thighs. The skirt drifted down. Down. Down. She caressed her own calves. She lifted one foot, and extending a long leg into the air, she peeled the skirt off. Slowly swaying, she proceeded to the other leg. She was watching him, as he carefully watched her. She repeated the actions with her panties. The damp fabric falling to the ground with a heavy plop.
“Hands behind your back”, Jason barked.
Desiree felt herself obeying. It was easy. All she had to do is as he told her, and everything was alright.
“Spread your legs, sweetling.”
Her face was burning as much as her abused butt, as she spread her trembling legs. She felt her swollen sopping lips parting, peeking out under the neatly trimmed pussy hair against the cool air.
Jason’s hand slid up her thighs, cupping her mound. His middle finger slid along this private opening to her body, her natural lubrication welcoming it instantly. He slid his hand up, his finger stroking all the way up her groove. “Very nice, Desiree,” he told her. He pulled her closer by her cunt as if it was a delicate handle. He was exploring her as if he had just purchased her. He was sliding this way, then that, then around, then lightly over her clit. He was using three fingers, two on either side of her lips, the middle finger down the center.
The pain on her backside was both intensified and soothed by the rush of pleasure. He kept alternating his touch, until he found a pattern that had her hips hunching down into his hand. She was being played like an instrument. “You love that, don’t you, pet?” he asked her. His other hand delicately stroked her thigh. Her skin had become so sensitive she felt like she could feel the ridges of his fingertips against her.
“Beautiful and soaked, just like you should be.” Jason’s finger buzzed against her clit. It was a warm human probe.
“AAOhh!”, Desiree’s mouth opened with a breathy moan fleeing her lips.
“Is this what makes that pretty pussy feel good?”, Jason asked.
“Yes,” she gasped. His hand smacked against her ass, through her panties. “Yes, sir!” she quickly amended, jumping forward. “But - higher - please - Sir-”
He accommodated her. “Ah - like this.” His fingers strummed, just the way she liked it. “I like seeing you feel good.” He leaned forward. Lips on her throat. His mouth sucked on her neck. She knew she should worry about Jason leaving a mark on her, where everyone could see, but she simply tilted her head back to give him access to the hollow of her throat. “Lift up and down,” he ordered. “As if you were beingfucked.”
The vulgar word jolted her. Her legs flexed up and down over her tiptoes, as if she were humping a phantom dick. His middle finger tip teased her vestibule, rimming the edge, along the entrance to her fertile tunnel. “Mmm - you’re juices are so rich. It feels like summer honey. This is as thick as you’ll ever be, no? I can’t wait to fill this with my dick.”
Desiree froze. Her mouth opened to speak, to protest, to say something at this lewd suggestion. Just then, Jason’s finger slid along the inside of her pussy, right up her tight, slick canal. Her mouth opened as his thick digit bent and spread her walls apart, his thumb rubbing tight circles on her clit as he finger fucked her. As her clit buzzed with excitement, she barely noticed Jason probing and tracing the outer softness around her cervix. His fingertips were petting the surface of her cervix as if he were memorizing the shape. Her hands gripped his shoulders. “Oh - yes - uh - uh - feels good - finger fuck me, Sir - I’m so close -”
“Take off your blouse and bra!”
Her trembling fingers made undoing the buttons difficult, but she hastened to obey. “No - do it right!” He lifted her by the hair. When her hands went to her head, his hand smacked each breast - first the right, then the left, then the right again. He let her go. “Slowly. I want to feel every second as you expose yourself to me. You are a beautiful woman and you need to treat yourself so, Desiree.” His wolfish smile melted her. “And I want to enjoy you.” His hand slipped down to her panties, through the crotch, inside of her again. Desiree moaned. “And you will enjoy me.”
“Yes, sir.” This time, she went slower. She turned for him in time with the faint music downstairs. She teased her fingers in between the placket front of her blouse as she slowly undid each button. His eyes drank in the beauty of her skin as she exposed herself to him. She had almost wanted to giggle and say that he had gotten to third base before second, but the finger inside and the thumb outside of her juicy snatch kept any comedy just out of her reach. She peeled off the blouse, reaching back to pull apart the hook of her bra.
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Introduction: Claires husband wants a promotion, his boss wants Claire. Claire sat by the phone looking at Freds card, thinking of the events of last weekend. Her husband was up for a promotion at his office, Fred was the head of the firm and the one who would decide whether or not he would get it. He had invited them to his cottage at the lake for the weekend to attend a party he was giving. He said it was a chance to get to know them better, something he liked to do when he had to decide who...
Sally sucks and fucks her way to promotion.This is an account from just over a year ago when I put in for a promotion at work. I work in the health sector and my department is a male dominated environment. I had heard of girl’s giving the odd quick blowjob in a locked office to progress forward.My promotion was up while we where away on a training conference. Three nights in a Brighton hotel. What I had to do to gain promotion while there with my bosses was much more than just suck a cock…...
I had submitted the story for a contest, unfortunately it didn't make it as a semi-finalist. Here it is! THE PROMOTIONbyJuniysa Serens Greg's thick, callused hands perspired with anxiety. For the past hour, he tapped his foot on the dark, rosewood floor as the man on the other side of the desk droned on his performance review. As the Directing Manager at the Ford Motors Company, Greg worked tirelessly perfecting the company's fleet of efficient, stylish, and durable automobiles. Sales, even in...
Gina was very happy knowing her lover and neighbor Jake had given her a baby 3 1/2 months ago and now she wants her husband Dan to step up and be a better provider for her and her baby. Gina made a point of telling Dan repeatedly that he needs to promote. She was no longer the dependant wife lucky to have a place to live. She realized that she has the upper hand in the marriage now, no matter what happens Dan was going to take care of her and Jake's baby from now on. She decided Dan...
Paul's Promotion by Heather Alexander Edited by Donnatella839 Paul came out of the bedroom wearing his Monarch Hotel receptionist's uniform, (a midnight blue skirt suit worn over a powder blue silk blouse with a small red ribbon bow set under the collar). He wore light grey tights, black court shoes with a three-inch heel and his ears were decorated with two pairs of earrings, fancy silver danglers in the lower piercing and half-inch sapphire and zirconium clusters in the...
living with mother and father about six years ago.She wanted to become a journalist and travelled around for a couple of years. When she returned home she got mixed up with some very unsavoury characters and eventually took off again with this guy, a real low life who was into everything...drugs, booze, you name it, he was into it. Pooja when young was a very sweet, beautiful girl, looking at her sat opposite me I realised she still was beautiful only now the look of innocence was gone and...
Claire sat by the phone looking at Fred's card, thinking of the events of last weekend. Her husband was up for a promotion at his office; Fred was the head of the firm and the one who would decide whether or not he would get it. He had invited them to his cottage at the lake for the weekend to attend a party he was giving. He said it was a chance to get to know them better, something he liked to do when he had to decide who to promote. It had been a nice weekend with nothing out of the...
Actually I guess I have only myself to blame. I mean I was the one that insisted that we invite my boss Roger to our pool party. My wife Dot (short for Dorothy) didn't want to invite him because he wasn't married and with two other couples it wouldn't be even. She has rules like that about stuff. I told her that he was in line for a promotion to corporate and that would mean that he would move to the twin cities and I was next in line in our division. The next day was Wednesday so I invited...
Please read the as well for knowledge about the characters. That night was amazing with Renisa and my bhabhi. Renisa kept in contact with me and she kept mentioning that we should do that again. On the other side, Jiana was doing really well in her professional work life. She somehow managed her work and her higher studies and her escapades which always put me to think how amazing this woman was. Coming to her husband, he has stopped calling her on the weekends but I see his text message icon...
IncestHello all, it’s me Preethi once again with a new sex experience. For readers who haven’t read my previous story, read it I am 30 years old, married and has a kid. My stats are 34D-28-32. These stories are my experiences which are mixed with some real-life incidents and some fantasies. These incidents happened during my first job. This is the story of how I got my promotion within one year of joining. It was during the annual performance review time. I was expecting a normal pay increase as I...
I am a 30 year old regional sales manager happily married to my wife, Lindsey for 5 years now. She is 25 years old, a brunette with hair that just reaches her shoulders, 5’7′ tall and a body to die for. I was attracted to her the moment I saw her. This story also includes my boss, Bill Evans, who is 5 years older than me with a commanding attitude and a well built body to back it up.I arrived to work on Monday morning at 7:30 A.M. Just like any other morning, I reviewed the week’s tasks and...
I am a 30 year old regional sales manager happily married to my wife, Lindsey for 5 years now. She is 25 years old, a brunette with hair that just reaches her shoulders, 5'7" tall and a body to die for. I was attracted to her the moment I saw her. This story also includes my boss, Bill Evans, who is 5 years older than me with a commanding attitude and a well built body to back it up.I arrived to work on Monday morning at 7:30 A.M. Just like any other morning, I reviewed the week’s tasks...
ReluctanceThe Promotion Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I have to admit it. I looked pretty damned good! I didn't think it was possible, but my sister had helped me get ready, and under her guidance, I came out looking like a doll! Not as cute as Claire of course, but close! I had on a black sheath dress with gold and black earrings, a gold necklace, and shiny black heels. Under that I wore a pair of black panties, a lacy corsolet that held up the breast forms and stockings. My...
Namjin smiled. He had been dreading this meeting for a week, but now he knew that it would go well. Very, very well. He peeked into his shopping bag and smiled at the presents he had obtained for his boss. Then he clutched the wishbone that the little demon had given him. Yes, he would be promoted today. Of this he was quite certain. Shirley Johnson sat behind her desk and did not look up as Namjin entered her office. She had never showed him any sort of respect in all the years she had been...
"Guess what, Honey?" Maahir said in an excited voice on the other end of the call. "What?" Rubina asked with equal enthusiasm "I got the promotion!" Maahir said hardly able to keep his voice steady. "You are now talking to the Senior director of Marketing for the entire North East division!" "Wow!" Rubina exclaimed. "I am so proud of you, Jaan! I knew you could do it. All that hard work you've been putting is had paid off." "I couldn't have done it without you. You've been...
I had arranged a meeting with my Boss at his office that afternoon; I wanted to ask him for a promotion, considering I was able to carry out some tasks that now were not being developed by anyone else.When I closed the door behind me, my Boos got up from his chair at his desk. Then I could see he had his pants at his ankles and his hard cock was slowly being stroked in his hand.The bastard had a terrible look of pure lust all over his face. I took a breath and grinned; knowing what he did want...
I had arranged a meeting with my Boss at his office that afternoon; I wanted to ask him for a promotion, considering I was able to carry out some tasks that now were not being developed by anyone else.When I closed the door behind me, my Boos got up from his chair at his desk. Then I could see he had his pants at his ankles and his hard cock was slowly being stroked in his hand.The bastard had a terrible look of pure lust all over his face. I took a breath and grinned; knowing what he did want...
Promotion by Ellie Dauber Jeff Rayburn's phone buzzed. "Yeah," he said, leaning over his desk. "Boss wants you in his office in five minutes," came the voice of Janie, his secretary. "Right," Jeff said. He pushed himself away from his desk and stood up. He walked over to his office door and took his Jeffet off a hook. He put it on and ran his long fingers through his thinning gray hair. Then he checked a mirror hanging next to the hook to make sure his tie was straight. He...
It was the summer of 1999 Shruti Saxena was a vivacious young 18 year old who had just made it to her dream college LSR. She had her life ahead of her and was looking forward to her 3 years of college bliss. However there were two things she badly wanted a maruti 800 AC to get her to college and back without the daily harassing journey on delhi’s infamous auto rickshaws or worse the blue line buses! She was literally prepared to screw for the car and enough money to maintain it over the next...
Denise’s Promotion Denise & her immediate bosses. Our story begins in Birmingham UK at a large public transport organisation, Denise was part of the Project Support for the teams. In her late twenties she was petite with a hint of Amber Rayne or Riley Reid the well known adult stars. She would normally wear trousers around the office and had an excellent pert tight bum and small breasts almost teenager like. Her dress would change to varying circumstances and a shortish skirt would appear...
My sweet wife came that evening from her office and told me we were invited to a staff party at her Boss house. I was not in the mood for that kind of goring parties; but Ana insisted. She was trying to get a higher position at work so she felt she should be present there.I laughed and asked her if she was ready to fuck her Boss to get a promotion. But she also laughed and said it would be very difficult, because the man was almost seventy years old…Oh yes, I replied, but he still had a...
"Thank you very much, Mr. Halston, you won't be disappointed," James joked as he had been rewarded with the promotion he had been seeking for over a year now."You deserve it, James," Mr. Halston replied, "You've already thanked me with all the hard work you've done over he past year, which is why I'm sending you to Ms. Ligouri's office, she's expecting you Monday morning and will teach you everything you need to know about the position"And with that, James hung up and phone and took a long sigh...
It would be an understatement to say that Eric, my husband, was ambitious. He joined a local gym when he heard his boss was a member, dressed in a similar style, hoping to get noticed. We even moved into the same dockside apartment block as his boss, though we had a hokey little flat several floors below his boss's three bedroomed penthouse where he lived alone since divorcing his wife. We started dropping into a wine bar which his boss frequented on Friday’s after work.Eric would have me...
Wife LoversIt would be an understatement to say that Eric, my husband, was ambitious. He joined a local gym when he heard his boss was a member, dressed in a similar style, hoping to get noticed. We even moved into the same dockside apartment block as his boss, though we had a hokey little flat several floors below his boss's three bedroomed penthouse where he lived alone since divorcing his wife. We started dropping into a wine bar which his boss frequented on Friday’s after work.Eric would have me...
Wife LoversWorks Christmas party 1992. Promotion for my wife was not a certainty she'd have to go to an interview in the new year, but she really wanted this job more then anything. At the works Christmas party the party was held in the office. Food was brought in and everyone was told to take a bottle in and the party would start at 12 noon and finish at 7pm.My wife, Donna was 17 stone, 5'6", 44DD tits and this day she was dressed in a black dress, black stockings and red knickers. The first part of the...
My alarm went off as it always did at five thirty. I groggily reached over and pounded on the snooze button, practically breaking the alarm clock. I threw off my covers and lay there for a few minutes. I was completely naked, I never liked wearing clothes to bed and besides why should I? I live in a tiny apartment by myself and it's good for you to sleep naked. It lets the skin breathe. I roll out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm up...
For the last 15 years I have been working in the same boring office and as a result I have actually worked my way up to quite a high up position, my own parking space, my own office, all of those benefits you get, and as part of my job I am responsible for and have to support the work experience fellows we have that do general admin duties and sorting out mail, there's very rarely any complications.One day I'm just finishing up some paperwork and can't wait to get home as I have a nice a lovely...
"This promotion is as good as mine," Mike thought smugly as he leaned back in his office chair. "Monica put up more of a challenge than I thought, but at the end of the day a woman's duty is to serve," he mused as he pressed the button to his intercom. "Stacy come in here please." Outside Mike's office his personal secretary gritted her teeth as she listened to her obnoxious boss. "Coming sir," she sighed as she looked down at her bosses "dress code." She looked down at her ample...
Note: This is my very second story and although English is not my fist language, I tried that anyway to reach a broader audience. I hope it works out in the end and the grammatical and spelling errors don't distract too much. A different kind of promotion I was fine with my girlfriend, my job and everything else. Unfortunately I wasn't perfectly happy. And neither was my boss... ------------------------------------------------- It was around noon, when my boss came up...
Hahahah I laughed as my junior exec was standing in front of me with a proposal that he had worked pretty hard on I could tell asking for a promotion. Now don't get me wrong this young guy was a hard worker and he was able to help me with many of my projects but they were still my projects that I came up with and all he did was follow my lead. He was a good listener but was not able to think on his own and I was about to expose this little fact to him with this promotion I deal of his. Now let...
I love being shared between friends. I will fuck a guy multiple times over several months if he is willing to bring his friends to the party and share me around. I love the attention my body gets from a bunch of horny guys. Otherwise most guys are ‘fuck once and quit.’ This is the story of when I helped a guy friend, Jim, with his promotion by being shared by his boss, Marvin, and boss’s boss, Les. Marvin was the only black guy amongst the three. Both his bosses were married, but have been...
Group SexIt’s probably ma first story about my office’s hot milf Mukta. 30 years of age 36 30 36, a fabulous figure. She has very sexy lips too. Her dressing sense is very good. She often used to wear the clothes which suits her in which her figure comes out for the public. Mai uske affairs k baare me kaafi kuch jaanta hu. Wo kai logo ko apni jawaani ka ras pila chuki hai. Bahut sex bhara hai saali me. Ek baar hamara audit krne delhi se ek officer aaya. Aur hamara performance us samay kuch khaas achha...
So I work as a teller at a bank.It's a Friday about 1 O'clock pm.I looked up and there was this well dress guy,even kinda cute for a black guy.I'm a Bi-sexual,Latino female in my early 30's.i noticed that my co-workers all women was moving a little fast to get this man at thier booth.after he made his transaction,with someone else.he could have went out of the door,but he came back to me,and spoke HELLO BEAUTIFUL,i smiled and said Hi.and he left.My co-worker said,he went out of his way to speak...
I and my husband's younger brother started off really good. The first time he saw me naked was 3 weeks after my marriage when my husband travelled out on a tour. Before that I had given him a few chances to see a lot of cleavage while I served drinks to him (even when my hubby was there). The desperation to have sex with my husband's brother, Vipin, was so much that I could do anything to have a fuck from him. During daytime, as soon as my hubby used to go to work, I used to immediately get...
Cheating Wifes“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Hamlin had left the Maine Democratic Party to lead the Republicans. Butler had stayed in the Massachusetts Democratic Party except for a brief period as the gubernatorial candidate of the Massachusetts Southern Democratic Party. They were politically incompatible. On the other hand, Hamlin was an early advocate of colored troops, and so was Butler. The force that Butler proposed to raise would require only equipment to turn it into a grave threat to Jeff Davis, one that Davis couldn’t meet....
ERICA'S PROMOTION Laura didn't really know what to do with herself once Amy had gone. She wasn't allowed to get dressed, and she couldn't watch TV. She thought about using her computer, but then remembered she would be naked and that her neighbour Ranjit could now see into her office from his backyard. The lounge room was the only room in the house screened from the outdoors, so Laura decided to sit there. At first, entirely without thinking, Laura sat on one of the regular,...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Gene had turned out quite the manipulative fuck, blackmailing my boyfriend’s father into giving up a considerable amount of money to his enterprise, although he didn’t need any of it. He simply made me roll around in some of it naked. In exchange Gene offered to keep what he knew quiet. Later I found out that the break up phone call I received from my boyfriend days later was also initiated as part of the deal. I did cry, although I don’t know why. I was fucking Gene almost every day and...
I am Nandita , 86 born in the capital city of India. From my college days I was naughty type women with always my curves 34b 30 34 always makes me feel confident about myself. I had many hookups before marriage.. So lets get up to the point.(husband name is varun, boss name is ashok acharya and his wife name is pooja) rahul was working in a construction company as a marketing head. I often attend rahul office parties. And inke boss always kuch jyada friendly hote the mere saath. Pooja also had...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesI always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
Amateur Porn SitesWhat is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...
BBW Porn SitesHave you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....
Voyeur Porn SitesThe Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...
FantasyWoah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...
Creampie Porn SitesNo matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...
Cuckold Porn SitesI browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...
Extreme Porn WebsitesIncest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesI love being shared between friends. I will fuck a guy multiple times over several months if he is willing to bring his friends to the party and share me around. I love the attention my body gets from a bunch of horny guys. Otherwise most guys are ‘fuck once and quit.’ This is the story of when I helped a guy friend, Jim, with his promotion by being shared by his boss, Marvin, and boss’s boss, Les. Marvin was the only black guy amongst the three. Both his bosses were married, but have been...