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Promotion by Ellie Dauber Jeff Rayburn's phone buzzed. "Yeah," he said, leaning over his desk. "Boss wants you in his office in five minutes," came the voice of Janie, his secretary. "Right," Jeff said. He pushed himself away from his desk and stood up. He walked over to his office door and took his Jeffet off a hook. He put it on and ran his long fingers through his thinning gray hair. Then he checked a mirror hanging next to the hook to make sure his tie was straight. He pushed his glasses back on his nose and hurried out the door. Jeff was a senior financial analyst for the Bayard City Bank and Trust. His division director had retired about two weeks before, and Jeff was a prime candidate to replace him. At forty three, he didn't have a reputation for brilliance, but he was known as a steady, hard worker who generally got done whatever job he was assigned. Often doing better than was expected. Tom Vernon's office was on the Executive floor, one floor up from Jeff's. Vernon was chief of Jeff's department and the one who got to decide who got the division director's job. Jeff had been buttering him up ever since his old boss had started hinted about retiring. The decision was due soon. Maybe this was it. Jeff was smiling as he walked into Vernon's office exactly four and a half minutes later. His smile faded away almost immediately. Nick Lucas was there waiting with Vernon. The two were laughing over some joke that Lucas must have just told. He was there sitting on the edge of Vernon's desk pretty as you please. Jeff began to get worried. Lucas was Jeff's main rival for the division director's job. He'd joined the bank about a year before from somewhere in the midwest. He was only twenty five with dark good looks, a shock of curly black hair, and an easy smile. His analysis was often eccentric, but he'd gotten a reputation for being lucky. Vernon turned when he heard the door open. "Ah, Jeff. On time as always. I've finally made my decision on who gets Milt Kasper's old job. Since you two were the prime candidates I wanted you both to hear it at the same time. Nick was here for a meeting, and I asked him to stay, then called you." He motioned towards the plush tan chairs arrayed around his desk. "Thank you, Tom," Jeff said easing into one of the chairs. They were status symbols among the senior staff, and he hoped to get a couple when he moved into Milt's office. He tried not to notice that Nick stayed where he was, perched like a hawk on the edge of Vernon's desk. "It was a tough choice," Vernon continued. "Jeff, you're a good analyst. Most of the key people in this town know you and they all trust your work. Nick, you're new in town and fairly young, but there's no denying the level of your work. Or your luck. Either way, it was tough." Jeff and Nick mumbled a "thanks" and looked at each other with a sincerity that neither felt. "The old bastard's enjoying making us sweat," Jeff thought. "Well, I've kissed his ass long enough to get this job. A few minutes more won't kill me." "Anyway, Nick. I've decided that the job is yours. You're smart enough to do the work and charming enough to win over anybody that may have doubts." Jeff was stunned. He'd been sure that the job was his. Sure, Nick was charming, but since when did a banker have to be charming. He tried very hard to keep his smile. And not to look at Nick. Vernon was speaking again. "Nick, I'm making Jeff your Assistant Director. With Jeff as your key man, your division should be as productive as ever for us. Jeff, I know this isn't what you wanted. But Assistant Director _is_ a promotion with some increase in pay for the extra work." "Sure," Jeff thought. "And as Assistant Director, it becomes part of my job to make Lucas look good. My own promotion will depend on it." He stuck out his hand towards Lucas and said, "Con congratulations, Nick." "Thank you, Jeff," Lucas said shaking Jeff's hand. "You're a good man, and I look forward to working closer with you." "Now that everything's settled," Vernon said. "Why don't you two head back to Nick's new office to work out the details. All of Milt's files are on his desk. Excuse me, Nick. On your desk." His face went into the neutral mode that he used to indicate that a meeting was over. The other two rose and left his office. As they walked to the elevator, Nick put his arm on Jeff's shoulder. "Jeff, I know how much you wanted this job, and in a way, I'm sorry you didn't get it. We'll go slow and try to work out a good relationship. Right now, I want to take a look at those files, Tom Mr. Vernon mentioned." "Umm, okay, Nick." Jeff looked at his watch. "It's about 11 o'clock. Why don't we meet early this afternoon to talk about things?" "I don't know. Let me take a look at those files. I'll call you when I'm ready to meet." " I'll call you'," Jeff thought. "Why you pompous son of a bitch." The bile rose in his stomach. He had a feeling that the call wouldn't come for a long time. Lucas had to make himself look good to keep the new job. Jeff was sure that he'd do it by making Jeff look bad. It was certainly what Jeff would have done if things were reversed. They had come to Milt's old office. The internal grapevine was as efficient as ever. Somebody had taped a sign on the door over Milt's nameplate. The sign said "Nicholas Lucas, Division Director" in one of those fancy new computer fonts that half the office had on their PCs. Nick patted Jeff on the back. "See you later, Jeff," he said. As Jeff walked back to his office, he could hear cheers from the Nick's new office. The grapevine worked real well. Nick's Section had gotten enough warning of the promotion to throw together a small party to celebrate. ***** Jeff spent the rest of the day thinking about his new situation. He'd have to make sure to cover his ass at all times and in all directions. That meant keeping his own Section staff working at their usual level; making sure that he knew enough of what was going on to keep Nick from messing _him_ up; and looking for a way to get Nick. Nick did call Jeff in late that afternoon. He said that he was going to keep his own Section and that he expected Jeff to keep his. "For a while, at least," he said. "You should keep an eye out for somebody to be your assistant, run the day to day stuff." Jeff nodded. Now he was going to have to watch his back to keep some hotshot from going after his job. It just got worse and worse. "By the way," Nick continued. "Seven new accounts came in during the last two weeks. I'm taking these four for my section. You get the other three." Jeff looked at the accounts quickly. He recognized most of the names. Five were accounts that he'd been chasing for months. And Nick had taken the largest of them. Since each section was measured by its productivity, Nick was setting his section to be the more productive one. Nick did go on to discuss a number of problems that the entire division seemed to be having. Jeff made some suggestions, and they worked on an overall strategy. Jeff had to admit that Nick did know his business. "Almost as well as I do," he thought. He also began to see a pattern in what Nick was doing. He was setting up shields to protect himself from problems. They were being delegated to subordinates or passed back to other divisions for questions. If things worked out, Nick would still be able to claim some of the credit. If they didn't somebody else would get most of the blame. Jeff decided that he'd better stay low for a while. Nick's shields would work for him, too. He'd take advantage of that while he waited for a weak spot. He could afford to wait, and, much as he hated to admit it, there were a couple of things that Nick could teach him. ***** It went on like that for a couple of weeks. Nick had been a little wary at first, but Jeff hadn't seemed to make a move against him. Then a problem came up. A letter authorizing a major stock transfer for one of the new accounts was never acted upon. The deal fell through, and paper losses were almost $500 thousand. The paper turned up in Nick's desk. Vernon should have fired Nick in a minute. Nick claimed that he'd never seen the letter. Fortunately for him, the letter didn't have the routing stamps that it should have. There was no way to prove that it had gone through the normal channels. Somebody was playing games. Jeff was the logical suspect. He _had_ thought about doing something like that, screwing up a major deal and letting Nick take the blame. But it hadn't been him. He was in Nick's office defending himself, when the real story came out. A kid in the mail room had held back the letter because his father worked for one of the companies involved. He had panicked and tried to hide the letter in Nick's desk when he came in to deliver that day's mail. They fired the kid immediately. Nick didn't even apologize to Jeff. He just told Jeff to write a letter of apology to the account. "Tell him we fired that kid's ass, and that we'll make good on their losses the best we can. I think our insurance will cover it. Make the letter good. That account brings in a lot of money, and I don't want you to lose it." "Me to lose it'," Jeff exploded. "You're the division director." "Right. An executive delegates. I'm delegating you to take the blame." Then Nick saw the look on Jeff's face. He smiled. "Hey, come on. I was just kidding. Nobody takes the blame. We fired that kid what's his name Gary's ass. Danny Singh's being reprimanded for letting it happen in his mail room. We didn't even know about the letter till things went crazy." Jeff forced himself to smile. "Okay, I guess I'm just a little upset that it happened." He looked at his watch. "Look, it's almost five. Do you mind if I leave a few minutes early tonight?" "Nah, go ahead. In fact, I think I'm going to sneak out a little early myself. Can I buy you a beer someplace?" "Right," Jeff thought. "You think you can patch this up with a beer, you bastard." Aloud, he said. "Thanks, but I've got some errands to run. Will you give me a rain check on that beer?" "Sure. Now you'd better get going. Wait too much longer, and you'll be leaving at your regular time." "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Jeff was still pretending to smile as he left Nick's office. "'Just kidding'," he thought. "Yeah, right. The only reason he was kidding was because he knew he couldn't pin this on me. I've got to get this guy before he gets me." *** Jeff didn't go home that evening. It was a warm night, and many of the stores downtown were open late, trying to lure people back from the malls outside of town. He found himself wandering in the Old Market district. The neighborhood had been a slum a few years ago, but it was turning around with an influx of yuppies, and was filled with all sorts of quirky little shops. He found himself looking in the window of a small store on a side street. The sign on the glass said "Curious Curios" in an ornate gold leaf. Underneath in a small size, were the words "What You Need, We Have". The space behind the window was filled with a wide variety of items, a stuffed owl, a turn of the century map in a wooden frame, some candlesticks, and a strange looking chess set with some extra pieces that he didn't recognize at first. Chess was a longtime hobby of Jeff's. He played two or three times a week and was one of the top ranked players in the city. He decided to ask about the chess set. One of those old fashioned bells hung over the door, and it rang when he opened door. He heard a voice from the back of the store, "Come in, Jeff. I'll be with you in a moment." "How the hell did he know my name," Jeff thought. He made his way to the back of the store. There was a man leaning over a counter working on an old fashioned desk clock. He was wearing a bright orange long sleeved shirt with loose sleeves. With his mass of curly black hair and long mustache, Jeff immediately thought, "Looks like a gypsy. Probably helps in the business." The man looked up. "Very good, Jeff. As a matter of fact, I am a gypsy, and, yes, it does help in this business." "How did you know my name?" The man smiled and made a very broad theatrical gesture. "I'm a _gypsy_, Jeff. A gypsy sorcerer, if you will. _My_ name, by the way, is Zoltan." "Zoltan! Come on, now." "Actually, it isn't, but it fits me in this role far better than my real name does. But enough of that. You are a troubled man. I sensed your troubles and guided your feet to this place." "Right. Tell me another one." "Very well, and then we get down to business." He paused for effect. "Did you like the chess set in the window? It's a copy of a fourteenth century French set. Those extra two pieces are the War Wagon and the Cameleopard. The pieces on a modern chessboard weren't standardized until the Renaissance. It's yours for $175." "Done." Jeff pulled out his checkbook. He was beginning to get the creeps, and he wanted out of this store. He did want the chess set, though. That was why he hadn't left already. "Oh, we're not done yet, Jeff. In fact, we haven't really gotten to the reason that I brought you into my store." "And what is the reason." "I want to help you get on better with your new boss, Nick Lucas." "And how are you going to do that?" "By magic, as I've said." He closed the back of the clock and wound it by means of a small brass key. He looked at a clock on the wall nearby, 6:19. He set the alarm for 9:19 the next morning. "Make certain that you and your adversary are together when the alarm sounds. The magic will bind you to him and him to you. Your body will alter as well. You will become young, vital, far better to assume the new role that will be yours. This I guarantee. Are you interested?" "Youth _and_ the division director's job. Of course, I'm interested. But what's it going to cost me?" "This clock is also something of an antique. It's cost, now that I've restored it, is $125. Thus, both items are yours for $300. The magic I throw in for free." "That's a little high." "High? For a new life." Zoltan looked at Jeff for a moment. "Oh, very well. The price is still $300, but you may date the check for the day after tomorrow. If it doesn't work, you can cancel the check before I can deposit it. I will ask only that you return the chess set and the clock. _And_ that you never return to my store." "Seems a bit dramatic, but very well." Zoltan pulled a sheet of paper from beneath the counter. "Sign this." "A formal sales agreement stating the conditions we have just discussed. Here," he said handing Jeff the form. "Read it if you wish." Jeff took the form. "We don't sign this in blood or anything, do we?" "No, a regular pen will be fine. You can also see that there's no mention of your immortal soul or your firstborn child." "This all sounds crazy, but, you're right, if it works as you promised, it'll be more than worth it." Jeff read the agreement quckly just to make sure it _didn't_ mention his immortal soul. He signed it, made out the check, and handed it to Zoltan. Zoltan put the check in a drawer. "I'll put it in the register when you don't come back for it tomorrow. Now excuse me a moment. He got the chess set from the window and put it and the clock into a pair of padded boxes. He put both boxes into a cloth bag with the store's name on the side and handed it to Jeff. "What's with the bags," Jeff said. "Curious Curios, just another average business grateul for your patronage, kind sir." "Yeah, right." Jeff shook his head and left the store. It was certainly worth a try. And, if it didn't work, at least he had gotten the chess set out it. Zoltan watched him leave. "The magic will work. But I never said that you would be division director." When Jeff got home, he sent an e mail message to Nick's office PC asking for a 9 AM meeting. From what he remembered of Nick's schedule, there was nothing on tap until that afternoon. By that time, if the magic worked, he'd be the one going to the meeting. ***** There was a mesage on Jeff's machine when he came in at 8:30. Nick agreed to the meeting at 9. There was no mention of yesterday's argument. "When things have changed," Jeff thought. "I'll make sure you remember, make sure I get a real apology." he took the box with the clock out of his briefcase and wrote a brief note, "For all the time we'll be working together." He taped the note to the box. Then he began to pull together some paperwork. Zoltan said that he had to be with Nick at 9:19, and he wanted enough work to give him an excuse to stay there that long. He was at Nick's door at 8:58. "You wanted to see me, Jeff," Nick said. "Yes," Jeff said. "There's a couple contracts that I wanted to talk to you about. But first " He stopped and opened his briefcase. He took out the package and put it on Nick's desk. "First, I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I lost my temper, and things got way out of line. I admit that I wanted Milt's job. You got it, and you've been a gracious winner." Nick picked up the package and read the card. "That's very nice of you, Jeff," he said. "I'll admit I was a little concerned about how you were going to react. And I've tried to do things to make it go easier." "So open the present already." "Okay." Nick opened the package and carefully lifted out the clock. "That's a beautiful clock I collect them, you know, just like you collect chess sets." He walked over and put the clock on the window ledge." "Now, how did Zoltan know that he collected clocks," Jack thought. "Maybe he really is a sorcerer. Maybe this will work." Jack pulled some files from his briefcase and put them on the desk. There had been things he needed to go over with Nick on these contracts. The two men had been working for about fifteen minutes when the clock began to chime. "Now we'll see," Jack thought. He looked closely at Nick who was reading one of the documents. "Wonder if there'll be any visible changes?" Nick seemed oblivious to what was going on. It was as if he couldn't even hear the clock. Jack's scap began to itch. When he reached up to scratch, he noticed that his hair seemed thicker than usual. Longer, too. He made a mental note to get a haircut that evening. When he took his hand down from his head, he noticed that his hand seemed smaller. His fingers were thinner and his nails longer. They were growing as he watched and suddenly coated with a pale pink nail polish. Nick looked up from the file he was reading. "Feeling a little different, Jeff. Don't worry. It'll get worse, but the physical changes will be over in a moment." Jack's whole body began to tingle. he looked down. he looked a lot slimmer, though his clothes still seemed to fit. As Jeff watched, his shirt began to push outward as two breasts grew on his chest. The chair felt like it was moving beneath him. He saw his waist narrow and his hips become wider. His ass, he was sure, was also growing into a rounder, more feminine shape. Now his clothes began to change. The cut of his jacket became more feminine. His shirt became a satiny blouse even as his necktie transformed into a colorful scarf. The legs of his pants fused together, and the skirt they became crept up to just past his knees. He had dark grey hose on his slender legs, and his shoes became a pair of women's pumps, growing a two inch heel. There was suddenly a pair of blue metal bracelets on his wrist, and he felt earrings dangle down from his ears. Nick pulled two sheets of paper from his desk. "Sign these, please." Jeff was unable to stop himself. He signed the first, "Jeffrey W. Rayburn." He tried to read the sheet before he signed it but wasn't able to do so. Nick took the first sheet away and put the second down for Jeff. Jeff's eyes widened as he signed the second "Jennifer Tyler" in a feminine hand that was entirely different from his regular handwriting. "Confused?" Nick said. "The first thing you signed was Jeff's letter of resignation. Poor Jeff, he just couldn't really accept my getting Milt's job. He's moving down to Florida. The letter authorizes the bank to send his retirement to a bank down there. We also get power of attorney to liquidate his assets and send that money, too. Two guesses who winds up with the money." "Jennifer, the other paper was your job application. Welcome aboard. With Jeff gone, I'll need an administrative assistant, even though the job is also secretarial." Nick pulled a hand mirror out of a drawer. "By the way, would you like to see how you look now?" Jeff found that he could move. At least enough to take the mirror. The face in it was familiar, but it didn't look anything like Jeff Rayburn. This was a beautiful young woman she looked to be in her early twenties her long brown hair full of auburn highlights. Her heart shaped face was expertly made up, her lips, full and pouty in that sexy way Jack had always liked, were covered with a lipstick that was the same color as her nails. "Of course, our relationship won't be completely professional." Jeff looked in the mirror again. Instead of his face, he saw a man and women in bed. The man was Nick, and the woman the woman had the face he'd seen in the mirror a moment before. Jeff realized that Nick was now standing next to him. He gently took the mirror from Jeff's hand and laid it on the desk. Then he leaned over and kissed Jeff. Jeff heard himself moan softly and open his mouth. He felt Nick's tongue enter and duel with his own. He liked it, or, at least his new body did. His nipples grow erect, pushing against what had to be his new bra. He felt a warms and oh, no a yearning in his groin. Nick broke the kiss and walked back behind the desk. As he sat down, he said, "That will have to hold you till tonight. We _are_ running a business here. Jennifer, you can use Jeff's old office until I can get one set up for you. Don't expect one as fancy as Jeff's, though. You are only an administrative assistant." "But I don't understand. Zoltan said " "I know exactly what Fred said. Excuse me, what Zoltan said. Fred's his real name, but he never thought it matched the image he wants. I was getting very suspicious of the way you were acting. Jeff wasn't as nice a guy as you were pretending to be. So, I did a reading and saw what he was planning to do. Jennifer is a sweet girl, though, and totally devoted to me." "You and he will be bonded," Jeff now Jennifer repeated what Zoltan had said. "Exactly. Though you're just as savy about banking and investment as ever, which should be very helpful. On the other hand, you'll be a lot more fun to be in bed with than Jeff ever would have been. Anyway, I saw that you were gunning for me, so I asked Zoltan to take care of you." Nick smiled. "And he certainly did that with your transformation. Zoltan's never been happy that I went into financial analysis instead of following him into the family business. But, yes sir, this time, he certainly did right by his kid brother." The End. Copyright Ellie Dauber, 1999. This story can be posted at any site that won't charge people to read it.

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This story is dedicated in all honor and respect to the fine men (and women) of our armed forces, and to the families who wait and watch – and to two men in particular with my personal love, honor and respect – N.C.I.S. Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs (who this character is NOT but who inspired a great deal of this story) and to the love of my life…who knows all the reasons why. # # # # She heard the first car door slam through the open window above the sink while she was rinsing her dinner...

1 year ago
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Kissing Kristina

Recently, Kristina has been on my mind. She was a lot of fun to hang out with and talk to and I’ve been missing that. She also had a strong libido when we were together so I missed being able to have sex frequently with someone that was so great at it. She was an active and passionate partner and was often the one to initiate. I learned early that Kristina loved being gone down on. She was very shy about asking for it and it was very sexy to see her go from her normal level of confidence...

1 year ago
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XWave Claire

Neither of us could quite believe that this was going to happen. I sat in the bath, soaping my cock as it craned out of the water, aroused by the thought of events to come. Claire had already had her bath and was in the bedroom getting herself ready. I didn't linger - I just couldn't wait to see how she was looking. My heart was thumping so God knows how she was feeling. I slipped my boxer shorts on, tucking my still erect penis in, and left the bathroom. The bedroom door was shut so I...

2 years ago
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this happend earlier this year i get out of work late and im pretty tired its about 10 maybe 11pm and im on my way home and i get a message on kik from this giant tittied young bbw i chilled with a couple times but i hardly get to see her cuz shes only 18 an shes on super lock down so i am just like "hey wassup" an she immediately replies "you need to come here now i need you to eat this pussy" my head im like wat say no more "lemme take a shower an im on my way" so i give the...

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Mountain Getaway Part 4 Dinner Among Friends

At Paul’s villa, Bria stepped out of the shower, dried herself off, and looked at the clothes she had laid out. She had brought her favorite leopard print dress, a black thong, warm shearling boots, and a black puffer coat. As she looked at the thong, she contemplated a recent night out to a comedy club where, on a whim, she had chosen to go without panties. It had felt surprisingly sexy throughout the evening to contemplate that nobody around her was aware of her somewhat naughty state of...

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Mom Gets Horny in the Woods By Blueheatt *Tom tells of his gorgeous sexy mom Jodi and what triggered something in her&hellip,., accidentally. __When I was very young, I ask mom if she wanted to take a walk in the local woods, I had no idea what was about to happen. I remember it was a Saturday afternoon and as a young boy, mom and I were both kind of bored that afternoon. We had a big woods next to our house and someone had built a hidden shack way back in the tall bushes. It was abandon...

1 year ago
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Mom Seduced Son When He Came Home And Went To Take

This a real incident happened to me in last year. I am Naresh ( name changed ) I live in banglore with my parents. My mom name is vasundhara ( name changed ) she is around 40. When I was c***d my mom used to bath me regularlty but this habit was gone when I became adult.One day I went for hair dress when I came come no one was there only me and mom where there. After entering home I started going towards bath room suddenly mom called my name and told that you went for hair dress so you don’t...

1 year ago
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Part 30 Slut

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 30: Slut Holly: I woke up the next morning naked in a strange bed, and when I went out into the living room, I saw Jack sleeping on the couch. I went into his dresser taking a pair of boxers and t-shirt and went into the kitchen. I didn’t want to wake him, but I didn’t think I could fall asleep. For some reason I got the urge to eat pancakes. I went into his kitchen and stumbled my way through the cabinets till I found the necessary...

2 years ago
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Sheila And Her Daughters Friend Mel

Sheila lives with her daughter and the day had started like most other days. Up in the morning, potter about the house, then a little while sitting on the sofa in the living room with her laptop chatting with guys and girls on xhamster.Todays chat online had Sheila more than a little turned on and she was just thinking about going upstairs to get her Rabbit when the doorbell went. Expecting a door to door salesman, Sheila answered the door and was pleasantly surprised when she opened it to find...

4 years ago
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Meri Pados ke didi ne mujhe mard banaya

Hello Friends I had been a silent spectator of this group for a while now like most of us…this is my story ..So u people…l now get the taste of my memories ..Hi everyone I am presently in Te Comp studying in Pune.I am slim,whitish in color,tall(6 feet),black eyes , short black hair … U can easily guess that due to my great interest in computers i am doing comp eng. Lets start it now..I had just turned 18.Now I was legally allowed to do what i want ….. My neighbor sunita used to stay alone and...

2 years ago
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Acting Out A Fantasy

My wife Catherine and I have been together for almost a year. She is 5-5 with a curvy figure, and she still drives me crazy. I often get turned on just thinking about her, and we make love nearly every night. The only thing I don’t like about my sex life with her is that when I am fucking her I have to wear a condom, because she doesn’t want to take the pill. Once I tried to talk her into taking it and she just said ,”If you don’t want to fuck me with a condom on I’ll find someone who...

4 years ago
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Girls Who Like To Watch Men Fuck

"Come on, time for you to meet everyone," he said as he grabbed me by my underwear and pulled me down the hallway.He opened the bedroom door and pulled me in. There seated against the wall in three chairs from his kitchen were his three visitors. All three were women."For tonight these lady's names are Carol, Mary and Jen," Alex pointed at each one in succession. Carol was medium height, maybe in her mid-thirties, with dark skin and eyes and short black hair, she had a nice face and a slim body...

2 years ago
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Meeting of Friends That Will Last a Long Time

It is summer in the South and the weather is the same old thing of being hot and humid. You have invited your girlfriend, Connie, to come to your cabin for a long weekend as you have just returned to the dating scene since your divorce was finalized just recently. Connie is 5'8" with blonde hair and a figure that shows she has taken care of it. Also invited is Connie's mother, Patricia, and her latest boyfriend, Tom. You have also extended an invitation to Connie's sister, Jeannie, and her...

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Volunteer driver

Ok....true story time.Although this didn't happen to me it was related to me by a good friend, someone whom I've known since c***dhood, he has recently found out that I like writing erotic stories and thought I'd like to write one about something that happened to him, it's from his perspective and with his approval.After a long illness I found myself getting back into things, life.I hadn't worked for a while and was finding it difficult to get a job. My name is John, this is going back 10 years...

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ViperGirls Vintage

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and look at how porn once was. Let’s remind ourselves of how porn used to be like decades ago. Let’s look at porn made before all the big porn networks got into the game and began out-competing each other regarding how many pixels they can cram on a screen while showing you a penis entering a vagina. Seriously, if you think about it, that’s all that HD porn is. Ever since we achieved 720p HD, 1080p Full HD and 2160p 4K Ultra HD have just been marketing...

Vintage Porn Sites
2 years ago
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That was Then This is Now

Chapter 1 I’m Doug, 5’ 11, 175 pounds, in good shape still, and own my own remodeling business. After 10 years of being divorced, I found that being single was good for me. Sure, it is nice to have a partner who likes things that I do, and likes to have sex, but also does not want to be tied down to each other and suffer through the pain that divorce can bring. Especially when you are 50 and pretty set in your ways. Before I married at 28, I pretty much led a carefree life too. I would date...

3 years ago
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Donjeta and the SeaThe Uncharted Isles

Any direction was fine that the wind might blow, as long as it blew. We had no idea where we were or where safety might lie. It came from the west, strong and steady. We set our sail and let it speed us along. We passed among rocky islands, but we did not beach our ship. We had too few men to work the oars and put to sea again. One of the sailors, the oldest, Agapios, carefully steered us, keeping to the free channels. We studied the coasts, looking for a harbor, other ships, a village, any...

1 year ago
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Just For LaughsChapter 22

It was a landslide. President Cunningham won 47 states and lost three. She received OVER 80,000,000 while Wilson received 58,000,000. She won the Electorial College 532-57. Only Massachusetts, Hawaii, and Rhode Island did not end up in her column. Not since Ronald Reagan defeated Walter Mondale was a victory so one sided. She was the first Republican to take Illinois since Reagan took it in 1984. The conservatives and independents who voted for Cunningham whooped it up while the liberals were...

1 year ago
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Family Raven Hart Soothing My Stepmom

Raven found some panties in her bedroom and thought maybe her stepson, T Stone brought a girl home and fucked in her bed. But he never saw them before and verified that they weren’t his girlfriend’s panties! Raven got upset realizing that her husband has been cheating on her and those were his mistress’ panties. T Stone later found his stepmom crying after discovering her husband’s affair and Raven was worried she wasn’t hot anymore to be desired. She decided she...

3 years ago
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Fucked By Mexican Customs

Joan Mertz lay back in the king-sized bed in the cottage she had her husband had rented for their two week Mexican vacation. She was wearing only her white cotton panties and they barely fit her anymore. She rubbed her large belly, six month swollen with their child, then she reached below her stomach and felt her labia, wet with desire. Steve had already left for the airport and had left her lying in bed; wet, horny and angry. He refused to make love to her saying that the baby would be in...

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The Courier Ch 14

Chapter 14 — A summons from the Grand Duchess On Friday morning at the end of the second week in September, Maria Elena began her normal routine at home before reporting to the university for language tutoring and yet more hedge-trimming. However, no sooner had she reported to work and picked up the hedge trimmer, than her boss told her that she had a call from her Spokeswoman. The news was that she and her translator needed to report immediately to the Central Police Station. Although the...

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Rick James is a investment banker and had gotten a huge raise plus an office. His boss and long time friend Hank told his buddy "go home early get Roxy and take her to a rich dinner and tell her the news". Hank and Rick played together in school and both dated Roxy then, Hank is 6'6 big strong and coal black while Rick only 5'8 maybe 125lbs. if he is wet and whiter then white. Still he took Hank's advice and went home pulling in the drive a service truck was parked out fount going to the back...

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First Time Meeting In Person

First Time Meeting In PersonThe turbulence did nothing to calm the butterflies in my stomach as this five hour flight neared its termination. I was flying across the country to meet a woman I'd met online only a few short months ago and the anxiety of going this far to meet a stranger had my insides doing flips. The fasten seat belts sign lit up and brought with it a momentary distraction from my plight as I clicked my buckle together and listened to the captain tell us we were nearing our...

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Her Puppy Shared Parts 56

Part Five I listened impotently as they went to eat, the noise dulled by the distance and the walls between us, my ears desperately straining to hear them. The laughing I heard from time to time made me long to be out there, to be with them. I wished to be able to serve and please, sadness filled me at the thought of being unable to. Yet as time passed, I realised that they were probably enjoying the thought of me, tied up elsewhere and alone, listening to their faint sounds but unable to be...

3 years ago
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Fliss The Deli Girl

He noticed her every day.   Okay, so it was every working day, and what he noticed most was her ass, but Fliss wasn’t hard to notice.   She had a sweet and inviting smile that held a promise he never expected to find himself next to. Matt was sure he was only a “ham, turkey and Swiss on French” to Fliss.   Every day he wandered into the deli, ordered his sandwich and watched as she turned away to the counter and made it while he watched her wonderful rear, straining her Levis with the white...

1 year ago
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Woman Needed Love

She asked about me and I told everything. I asked about her. She started weeping and told me her story. In short being poor she met the Ed. Minster of the state and he had promised to get her job on one condition. You know what it was! After many fucking session she got a job. Later, the minister got a man to marry her. And her husband knew why. He remained a pimp and after the minister lost his job and jailed for corruption, her husband is torturing her as a prostitute. I was moved but how to...

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Brians Long Walk

Brian's Long Walk Brian is a 21 year old bum. He's been living with Maria, a 22 year old care assistant for five months. He's also been sleeping with Christine, a 19 year old student. Maria has to work a sleepover in the care home one Friday and Brian seizes his chance to see Christine in the evening. Unfortunately for him, things are not quite what they seem... INFORMATION - this story deals with themes of enforced infantilism and feminisation and contains mature adult content and...

3 years ago
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Barbaria Act 1 Chapter 2

the first Chapter: TwoPersonal narrative of Nerine, body slave to Princess AlexenaThe familiar bite of my Mistress's switch seared into my flesh, momentarily robbing my of breath, and I sprang quickly to my feet to attend upon their. Faint sounds from the other chambers had indicated she was returning, though one could not be sure. It might have been one of the Palace overseers on a tour of inspection to see what we were not being...

2 years ago
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So You Want to be a Bimbo Week 2

I would like to warn you, the introduction of the guide stated, that becoming a bimbo can be quite intoxicating. Once you begin, you may not be able to go back. You will need this deep inside of you. *** Day 8: Your New Hairstyle Over the last week, we have made great strides in your looks and behavior. We are looking to continue these changes this week to mould you into the best version of yourself that you can be. The focus of today will be developing and working on your bimbo hairstyle....

2 years ago
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Black VelvetChapter 9 Pinwheel

The Courser pierced through the fabric of reality like a needle, spraying a rainbow of colorful gasses in its wake in an expanding cloud as it emerged from superlight. It drifted for a moment, the auto-pilot system taking control while the pilot slowly came back to his senses. Before it was the Pinwheel, a giant, spoked torus that resembled a cartwheel as it slowly rotated in orbit above a red and dusty planet. It was surrounded by ships. Giant carriers unloaded their crews as hulking...

1 year ago
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What a vacation Part 2

The next day Sue and I went hiking in the mountains. We saw a couple deer, some turkeys and even a fox. We saw a waterfall that fell from about 100 feet. It landed in a pool of water that was crystal clear. Sue said, let's go for a swim. We took our clothes off and jumped in the water. It was cold, but we soon got accustomed to it, and it was just fine. We floated around for awhile enjoying nature. Sue was floating on her back and I could see her almost hairless pussy glistening in the sun. My...

Group Sex
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My Deranged Cousin8217s Hot Wife 8211 Pt 1 The Family

Hello readers, I have been reading stories here for so many years now. I feel like it’s my turn to share with you a real experience of mine that happened a couple of years ago. I must say if I had not read the stories here, I wouldn’t have tried anything like that. This is a long story because everything here is completely real so, please bear with me. Since this is my first ever story here, any advice would be welcomed in the comments section or via email to Without further ado, let’s begin...

1 year ago
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Escape For Passion 3

Part 3 Chapter 3A After her shower, as she was standing, nude, at the kitchen sink, Judy heard Sid fumbling around in the exercise room. Sid was always messing around with something around the house or out in the garage/workroom. It really didn't matter to her what he did. Judy was just happy to keep house for him and encourage him to screw her every chance he got. Knowing he was happy made her happy. She was totally wrapped up in doing nice things for him. She especially wanted to...

3 years ago
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Cock of the WalkChapter 4

Over the next week, Myra’s life was in a dither. Keeping the secret of her pregnancy from her parents was a strain. She felt guilty for having acted so foolishly with Ashton Fisher and guilty for hiding her condition from her parents. If Eric Copley helped her in the way he suggested and she could keep her secret from her family, she would always be considered above reproach by them. While the week dragged by Myra kept feeling that the fertilized egg within her was growing at a rapid pace....

4 years ago
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DuetChapter 8

As a major shock to all of us, especially herself, Gae began chucking her guts up one morning. You'd think a registered nurse of her length of standing would have recognised the symptoms! After all, at one point she was in charge of the neonatal clinic at Kogarah. Eventually she went to our local GP expecting something to do with an ulcer or something. She lived with me, so of course she was under stress all the time. The doctor listened to her symptoms then looked her in the eye, "Did...

2 years ago
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Susan the Black Farm Labourers Ch 01

Chapter 1It's often hard to believe some of the cuckold stories I've read are actually true, yet there were recent events that made me believe even the most far-fetched account of a husband giving up his horny wife for other men quite plausible.My wife Susan, a very young-looking 45 and very sexy, has had her share of long stiff cock rammed between her spread legs and swollen cunt lips. She has never failed to milk the sperm from her partners and nine times out of 10, the hot jism is deposited...

2 years ago
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JenniferChapter 15

The ringing phone woke Jennifer from her nap. Briefly disoriented, she looked around the room. Sitting up, she wrapped the sheer robe around herself, and walked to the phone. “Hello?” “Hi, honey. How are you?” “Mom? How are you? I’m fine!” The two women talked for several minutes, and Roger stirred and rolled over on the bed. Raising up on one elbow, he looked across the room and saw Jennifer talking animatedly on the phone. All she was wearing was the short and sheer robe and high-heeled...

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From Unwanted Guy to Maid and Slave Part 8

Chapter 11: Jane the Slut Either the butt plug had run out of battery or Danielle had disconnected her phone from it but it shut off at some point shortly after she had left and I managed to get some sleep. I woke up at around 6am to Danielle kicking my chair. "Wake up slut, the party is over." She started to undo my gag. "We've just kicked out the last person, although Kristi and Alicia both hooked up so have men in their rooms. We are all tired from having the best night ever so...

1 year ago
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A family history Part 2

Chapter two “We are back here,” Steve said as he walked back into one of the bedrooms. Jim and Pat entered the room hand in hand. Steve was sitting in a leather chair and Beth was lying on the bed. She sat up when they entered the room and held her arms out for Pat to join her. Pat walked over to the bed and Steve motioned for Jim to take the other chair at the foot of the bed. Steve opened a box on the table between them and offered Jim a cigar. “It’s Cuban. Have you had them before?”

3 years ago
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Unexpected roommate

His eyes slowly opened to the new day, light pored in from the open blinds as the cold morning air crawled through the slightly opened window. His body clicked and contorted as he stretched and twisted his hips and shoulders. Sitting up he clicked his neck and pressed a button on a black tube. It began to echo out music as he stood and walked to his closet. Opening the smooth white door he pulled out a change of cloths. Resting them on the radiator he walked into a nearby bathroom as he...


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