InterconnectingChapter 4 free porn video

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After proofing Chapter 2 and making a few alterations, I took a deep breath, attached it to a brief email, and mailed it off to Dad.

It took about a week before his reply found its way into my email inbox. My heart (and cock) leapt seeing the message waiting for me one afternoon with an attachment of its own.

“Nice work, Charlie!” he began. “A little on the tame side, but you’re building up the story nicely. I especially liked how you had Charlie catch Dad and Mom in the act when he called. I remember something like that actually happening one time when you called one morning from college. If I’d have known how much of a perv you were then, I would definitely have given you the play-by-play at the time ;)”

I smiled, satisfied that the fiction I was weaving had some link with reality.

“Anyway,” he continued, “I’ve attached my continuation of our little collaboration. Let me know if you have any strong objections with either content or style. I probably won’t change a goddamn thing, but I just want you to FEEL that you have SOME editorial say in the story. Ha. Seriously, though, I’m looking forward to your feedback. If it’s not putting a wet spot in your shorts, then something’s wrong with it ... or you. ;)”

I anxiously clicked on the file, downloading it to my desktop, and opened it up ... a growing hard tented my boxers before I had even read the first line.

Breeding of Erika: Third Chapter

Over the course of the next few weeks, I frequently corresponded with Dad by email and Skype, discussing the whole impregnation plan and trying to nail down a schedule to put it into action. During our interactions, Dad exuded a giddy, school-kid excitement, but also showed a bit of trepidation, periodically asking if having him help Erika get pregnant was really what we wanted. In return, I had to continuously and emphatically assure him that it was. In fact, no one was more sure about it than Erika. I talked with her daily about the whole thing, and though I voiced my own concerns about it, she reminded me clearly each time that it was HER plan to start with and she felt very comfortable with the decision.

As a precaution, Dad told me that he visited a clinic in a nearby town to have his sperm count checked. “No sense proceeding with the plan if I’m shooting blanks,” he explained. Then he joked that when the doctor asked why a man his age was interested in getting such a test, he winked and said that his new third wife, a fine little blond in her twenties, was VERY anxious to have a kid. The doctor winked back and wished him the best of luck with his procreative pursuits. Long story short ... the results of the test showed that Dad’s little swimmers were indeed viable, but the doc recommended a protein-rich diet and prescribed some supplements to boost his sperm production even further.

“Let me tell you, Charlie,” he exclaimed one day while Skyping, “those supplements are really doing the trick! I’ve been eating tons of meat and eggs, been taking my vitamins, and I don’t mind saying that I’ve been giving your mother the biggest, creamiest loads I ever have in my life. I wouldn’t be surprised if SHE turns up pregnant here in the next few weeks,” he said with a hearty laugh.

During the third week following my proposal to Dad, word finally came that Mom would be going to visit her sister in Waco the following weekend. If our plan was to come to fruition, this would be an opportune time, he insisted. I told him that I would have to check with Erika, because for our plan to work, our “experiment” had to directly coincide with her ovulation cycle. When I relayed the information to her, it was as if the stars were aligning in our favor. The following weekend would indeed be within her fertile period, she happily related to me. Wasting no time, I contacted Dad with the great news and told him that after we booked the flights to San Antone, I would let him know our itinerary.

“Damn, Charlie,” he said with a great deal of emotion tinting his voice. “Is this really gonna happen? I mean when we all were together that last time, it was like a dream. Despite everything we did, there were still boundaries. But this time ... this time will be VERY different, and I just want to make sure one last time that this is really what you kids want. There’s no going back, ya know.”

“Dad, for the last time,” I assured him, “Erika and I have talked about this long and hard. We’ve thought about the consequences and happily accept them. I mean, this is obviously the strangest situations we’ve been involved with ... apart from everything that happened the last time we were home, of course,” I laughed, “But what I’m trying to say is that, if this wild plan succeeds, you’ll be giving us the greatest gift we could imagine. You know what I mean?”

“Yeah, I understand,” he conceded, “But like I told you before ... your mother is the only woman I’ve ever been with ... except for what happened with Erika, I mean. This’ll be new territory for me, too.”

It was true. Dad told me he had kept his vows to Mom all these years despite all of the temptation and his literary explorations, and he was proud of that fact. The deeper intimacy with Erika would be completely new ground for him, but I hadn’t really thought about that. I had just thought that he would be jumping at the chance to finally bed his hot daughter-in-law. I never considered that he, of all people, would be struggling so much with the moral dilemma of our plan.

“I know that you’ve taken your vows to Mom very seriously all these years, Dad. If you feel that this would be a corruption of those vows and want to change your mind, then we would completely understand. Think about it one last time and let us know, OK?”

As the days passed and we waited for his reply, we went ahead and booked our fights to Texas and hoped for the best. If he did decide to back out, we would just turn it into a quick weekend trip and enjoy it for what it was, regardless.

Finally, on the Tuesday before our weekend visit, I got a Skype call from Dad.

“Charlie,” he began, “sorry to have kept you waiting these past few days, but I took your advice and really did some soul searching about the whole thing.” His voice conveyed a sense of gravity and seriousness that was so unlike his normal jovial way of speaking. He sighed deeply, which I instinctively read as a harbinger of bad news, then said, “You’ll probably hate me for this, but I told your mother everything.”

My stomach sank and my heart raced in my chest. “Okaaaay,” I uncertainly.

“It was something that I just needed to do to proceed in good conscious, considering everything your mother and I have shared up to this point and what you guys have asked me to do.”

There was a long pause.

“We had a long, deep discussion about the whole thing,” he continued, “and your mother is in full agreement that this would be the greatest gift that we could give you and Erika ... no reservations.”

My voice cracked as I started to speak and tears welled in my eyes. “That’s great news, Dad! I can’t say how much this means to us.”

Then Mom came on screen. “Charlie ... Charlie, honey, I do have to say that I’m a little disappointed that you didn’t include me in this at the beginning,” she chided, “But like your father said, we talked about it a lot these past few days and agree that helping you guys outweighs any negative consequences. We know how much this means to you both and how frustrating it’s been that she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet. We’re really looking forward to helping y’all make this finally happen. We love you so much!”

“Thanks so much, Mom,” I said, choking back tears, “And sorry for not talking with you about it directly. We just wanted to be as discreet as possible, that’s all.”

“I understand, baby. I completely understand.” Then there came an unexpected chuckle from her end. “But you know ... I have to say I was getting more than a little suspicious of your father’s behavior these past couple of weeks. I mean, you know we have a pretty good sex life, but this week in particular, he’s been much friskier than usual. Pardon the expression, dear ... but he’s been using me like a $10 hooker.”

My cock suddenly plumped in my pants as I created images to match those very descriptive words.

“Don’t let her fool ya, Charlie,” I heard Dad interject in the background. “She’s been taking all I can dish out and begging for more.”

“Well let me tell you,” she continued, “your father never ran dry once this week, so it looks like those supplements he got are definitely working.”

“Let’s just say your mother has been enjoying a steady protein-packed diet,” he added.

“Waste not, want not, darling,” she giggled, turning and giving him a big kiss. The kiss lingered and then their lips reluctantly parted. “Actually, I joked with your Dad that he’d better call it quits until y’all get here to make sure he has a full tank when he’s called for duty.”

“It’s gonna be a rough few days, Charlie,” Dad sighed. “I’m hoping I can convince her otherwise.” I saw his hand reach over and caress one of her ample breasts through her blouse, kneading it slowly. Mom turned to him, smiling, and planted a more passionate kiss than the first. When it finally broke, Mom turned to me with a mischievous look in her eyes.

“Well, maybe I’ll give him one last chance to practice before you guys get here,” she winked.

My heart was in my throat watching my parents engage in the early stages of foreplay. Out of nowhere I asked, half-jokingly, “How much do you guys charge to watch the show?”

My father turned to the camera with a big smile. “Sounds like someone’s a horny devil over there in Seattle, momma,” he said coyly.

“Well, you would be, too, if your wife were 3,000 miles away and you hadn’t had sex in four months,” I retorted with a sense of exasperation.

“Touché,” replied Dad. He looked at Mom, a big grin plastering his face. “How about we make this a freebie, darling?”

Mom smiled back. “Just this once, then.” She shot me a wicked wink and then leaned in for another kiss with Dad. Tongues flashed and hums emanated from their joined mouths as they lost themselves in each other.

Shocked that this was actually happening, my eyes became glued to the screen and my throbbing cock grew more constricted in my khakis. I watched intently as my father slowly and deftly began unbuttoning Mom’s blouse as they continued their kiss, revealing more of her soft, motherly flesh and confirming what I had suspected earlier ... that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Once finished, he slowly peeled away the dangling cloth of her blouse to fully expose her beautiful right breast to me ... its center topped by a noticeably taut, excited nipple.

They broke their kiss and both looked at the camera wordlessly as he cupped her ripe tit gently, lifting it slightly to display its heft to me.

“Not bad for an old lady, eh, Charlie,” he finally said, slapping the underside a bit. “Damn fine tits!”

“Stunning!” I replied hoarsely, spellbound by the scene. Mom smiled proudly.

Dad then took her hardened nipple between his thumb and forefinger and gave it a good squeeze. She closed her eyes, threw back her head, and moaned deeply.

“You used to suck on this fat nipple all the time when you were a baby, Charlie. Ain’t it just beautiful and sexy as hell?” he said, pinching it ... pulling it ... displaying it to me.

“It looks fuckin’ great,” I whispered. I could feel a glob of precum oozing from my slit.

“Well, now it’s Dad’s turn to enjoy it,” he said with a sly wink before leaning in to engulf the sensitive nubbin with his mouth.

Mom grabbed his head and cradled it to her breast as he suckled hungrily. She moaning deeply all the while and stared straight at me.

“I used to hold you just like this, Charlie ... And you used to look up at me with your big blue eyes while you nursed,” she finally said.

“I wish I could remember that. It must’ve felt sooo good,” I confessed. As I watched, I salivated, hungering for the feel of a warm, pliant nipple in my mouth, trying hard to remember the taste of my mother’s sweet milk.

She looked down at Dad and smiled as their eyes met, then suddenly let out a breathy squeal, suggesting that he was gently nipping at her captured flesh. Eventually, he released her right nipple, then uncovered her left and took it just as hungrily into his mouth. Her used nipple glistened with the sheen of his saliva and protruded even more fiercely than before from her pillowy breast. It didn’t take long for Dad’s rough hand to find it and continue to service it while he suckled its twin.

“You used to play with it like that when you nursed, Charlie,” she whispered, noticing how intently I was staring. I was definitely captivated watching my father ravish Mom’s breasts the way he did ... pinching and pulling her sensitive nipple to hear her whimper erotically ... cupping and caressing her bountiful tits for my enjoyment as well.

There was a loud smack when my father eventually released the second serviced nipple from his mouth. “Aaaahhhh” he said with the satisfied air of someone who had just enjoyed a fine meal. “I never get tired of that, baby,” he said before giving Mom a full kiss on the lips.

“Can I return the favor?” she asked wickedly when their kiss finally broke.

“I was hoping you would offer,” he replied, before giving her another peck on the lips and standing up. Although his head was out of view of the camera, his torso and upper legs were clearly visible. “You wanna show Charlie how your oral skills have developed since the last time we were all together?”

“If he’s interested in seeing...” she replied, looking at me coquettishly.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I mumbled, my heart beating rapidly in my throat. “Mind if I get more comfortable?” I asked, unbuckling and unfastening my pants as quickly as I could.

“Not at all dear,” she giggled before beginning to sensually unzip Dad’s pants. She reached into his fly and quickly fished out his plumping cock, letting it dangle impressively in front of her. His thick seven-and-a-half-inch shaft arched downward and throbbed visibly on my computer monitor.

“This guy enjoyed a lot of attention last night, so he’s a little tired,” she explained.

“Lucky dog,” I said, feigning indignation and wrapping my hand around my own rock-hard cock out of view under my desk.

“Even though... , “ she continued, “Look how juicy he still is.”

We both stared at his cock as a clear droplet of precum formed at his puckered tip. Within a few seconds it had grown too large to support its own weight, and began a slow descent on a clear wet string. Another droplet quickly formed and followed the first on its downward journey. Mom and I were both in awe of Dad’s weeping cock.

“You better catch that before it goes to waste,” I heard him interject.

“My pleasure, darling,” she said, sticking out her tongue and carefully collecting the two droplets. She followed the shimmering precum string up to his pulpy tip and deftly severed it there. Swallowing the delicate mouthful, she looked at me with a huge grin. “Mmmm mmmmm good!” she said, mimicking a famous TV commercial. “Just the thing to whet a girl’s appetite.”

“Good enough to wet that hot little something between those fine legs of yours, too,” Dad chimed in.

“Ohh, definitely wet enough for her,” concluded Mom, winking at me. That comment nearly sent me over the edge right then and there. I shifted position so I could start an earnest stroking of my thoroughly engorged cock under the desk.

“Whatcha hidin’ down there, cowboy?” Dad observed, noticing my fidgeting. “Don’t be shy ... It’s been a while since your Mom’s seen that angry cock of yours. Why don’t you refresh her memory a bit?”

Needing no further persuasion, I stood up and completely dropped my pants, making sure that my full five-and-a-half-inch erection was clearly visible on camera. Despite the size deficit to my father, I didn’t feel inhibited in the least.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Dad exclaimed. “The Evans men in their full glory, my dear.”

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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Victoria Sunshine 10182022

Victoria has a spoiled step son named James that’s home from college. James is doing poorly in school so Victoria was tasked with getting him a tutor to help with his grades. When the tutor came around to help James with his school work Victoria took one look at him and told herself that she had to have him! As Jovan was talking to James and Victoria about his services, Vitoria started to touch Jovans leg. Then Victoria sent James to do 2 different sets of chores so she could be alone with...

3 years ago
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Doctors Sexamination Part 3

So then, we sat in his car and we drove into proper city and there, he stopped in front of an adult store. when I looked at him confused, he asked me to stay in the car and went into the store. He was there for say about 2o mins. or maybe 30 and then he walked out with a big bag and put it in the back seat of the car and started driving. Out of curiosity, I turned and tried to see what he had got in the bag but before I could reach it, he slapped my hand away. I tried again after some time but...

2 years ago
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And Then This Happened

`tringgg!!!.. It was Monday morning again. I hate mondays. Not that saturday and sunday or even friday night was awesome. I had stayed home and binge watched some sitcoms over the weekend. Work was hectic. I hated to come back to reality. I liked the stories of people on these tv shows. I wanted to be like them. Living life king size but here I am struggling to make enough money to pay all the bills with my non-progressive job. I had to think 10 times before burning the money in some pubs to...

2 years ago
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Mocha Patch

It's 2230 when he hauls the hamper off the ground - and he wonders briefly if it's too late to be doing laundry - on account of the neighbors. But there's nothing much to do except drink at this time of the night, and he isn't lonely enough for that.It's more that he's at a loose end.His girl's out with her bestie, his mates are watching a game somewhere, and his brother is on a date. As he rummages through the basket his fingers snag on something soft. Something which can't possibly be his,...

4 years ago
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Family PlanningChapter 8

It’s finally game day. The stands are filled with excited fans, and it looks like all of Saint Lisbon has made the trip. The football team traveled with the coaching staff, and the cheerleaders followed on their own bus. A motel has been booked, and there will be four players in each room. A similar arrangement has been made for the cheerleaders. Bed hopping is expected on road trips. Cheerleaders can’t wait to spread their legs for their muscle bound boy toys, and it’s the responsibility of...

1 year ago
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The sun, weak and pale, was sinking slowly through gathering clouds toward the waiting earth. It cast a faint rose color over the black, bare branches of the forest waiting just beyond the edge of the village. Already she could hear the excited laughter of the gathered members of her clan.Suddenly a break in the clouds shot a brilliant shaft of light straight where she stood. A path! A sign? No. As that warming orb sank toward the horizon, the beams ducked under the graying skies. She smiled as...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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TimeChapter 30

At the end of the auction the total for the bear family was 1,744,900 dollars. There was a lot of clapping at this figure. Sonny got to the front of the room and thanked everybody for coming. He went on to say, "I have decided to take my commission for the sale and donate it to the quest for a cure for infantile paralysis." He was applauded too and I got up quickly and thanked everybody there for their help. I thanked Sonny, too and said he was an upstanding member of his community and I...

2 years ago
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 4 Married Bliss

His bus from work had been delayed, but Stephen Higgs thought he would just manage to get back home before the time for the male curfew. Being out after curfew had two perils. Getting stopped by the police would end up with a night in gaol and a fine or worse if they decided they wanted some “amusement” before letting due process take its course. Getting stopped by a bunch of women who weren’t affected by the curfew would be just as bad. That was something every man had to worry...

3 years ago
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She wanted a huge cock

A year ago, I witnessed my wife with another male. I've read many stories about this and couldn't believe that some men liked to see their wives with other men, and I didn't think I would like to see that either. But as I watched them together I got excited and hard and just kept watching. I wasn't angry, I was "hot".What I saw was my sexy 24 year old blonde wife, with her short skirt up around her waist and A sixteen year old boy with his hand on her cunt. She was stroking his huge hard cock...

3 years ago
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Joy of Their YouthChapter 29

Chuck had been horny all day long. He knew he could get some sexual release that night with his wife, Sue or his horny daughter-in-law, Cindy or he could probably have several other sexy women who would go to bed with him and give him a hot lusty ride in their pussies. He'd felt his cock hard and horny in his pants all day and he'd fought the temptation to go and just jack off until he could get home for some much more satisfying sexual satisfaction. Chuck decided that he wanted to spend...

4 years ago
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Take Your Daughter to Work Day Version BravoChapter 5

Janice was rigid, but helpless under the flow of hot water. She had her eyes closed, partly because of the water in her face, but partly because the man holding her had wasted no time at all slidng his hand under her skirt and firmly inserting a large, strong finger deep into her pussy. The only thing she could think about was how crazy the whole thing was. Take the guy who was molesting her at the moment, for example. He was as black as the ace of spades. He was, in fact, the first black...

2 years ago
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My first gay experience

As I've mentioned before, I've been bisexual for as long as I can remember. To this day, I still enjoy some man to man fun. In fact, just last week I hooked up with another bi guy and we enjoyed some really incredible sex. As I was replaying that evening in my mind, it brought back memories of my first real gay experience. By that I don't mean that I had never had sex with other guys. I had, but this one experience was just different, more passionate I guess you'd have to say. Here is how it...

3 years ago
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Naughty Story Part 1

Hello, sex story readers, hope you all are having enough feel-good adventures with your love tool and love hole. With a KINKY NEW EPISODE, I am here to further harden your dick and help you get wet underneath. I am CaptainYours from Kerala, 25 years old and I don’t know whether all the stories here starting with the prelude of “This happened to me.” is true, but I am assured of that 99% of the stories are created by frustrated minds, pouring in their naughty side. Well, I don’t aim to assert...

1 year ago
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The Newlins Marcie and MarkChapter 21

One month later ... A cocktail party at developer, Hughie Jennings home, Barry Borelli, a City Councilmen and Attorney was about to explain his marriage to Mark. “Try this scotch, Newlin. It’s one of the best available; single malt, eighteen years old and I guarantee it will go down as smooth as silk.” Mark glanced at Borelli’s wife Scotia, who had a glass of white wine, and then accepted the crystal glass and took a sip. “Mmmm, you weren’t kidding. It does feel like...

1 year ago
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She Take My Penis

By: Rahul_5665 Hello readers my name is Rahul from Hyderabad, basically from Hyderabad please send your comments reagarding my true experince with my aunty Kavitha to my mail id: Ya Story which your’e going to read is a true one happened 10 Months back. First of all I’m fond of mature women I used to watch their navel from the side and their butt who makes me horny. There is an aunty named Kavitha she is mother of two girls. She was with fair complexion and round boobs. She is living in a...

2 years ago
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Michelles Story Alejandro Me Dijo EK Version

Dedicated to Michelle Nobody expected it, least of all me. I was a freshman scholarship student at a university with an excellent music program and, to my misfortune, a nationally ranked football program. One of my professors, Dr. Smith, sweat blood to get me the scholarship money over an athlete or academic wunder-kid. She was the older sister of my first guitar teacher, and had followed my musical growth with interest. To stop her nagging, I agreed to perform at the Winter Recital, a...

2 years ago
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Seducing A Horny Young Girl In Office

Hi guys now I am going to narrate a real ,true and a fantastic story how I have fucked my office name is sam and I am from bangalore. I am 30yrs old and married with average looks and athletic body . It happened a few months ago and I wanted to narrate this story to all u guys. I have been reading stories in ISS since 3 years and so wanted to tell u all this story . I was working as a consultant for a start up company in Bangalore and i was assigned the job for the survey of other...

1 year ago
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Kator Sex! Am I the only one who thinks that Asian porn sites don’t give enough love to non-Japanese babes? Trust me, Japanese girls are to fucking die for. I get why they give them so much attention, but there is a whole array of countries in Asia full of hot pieces of ass to jerk off too. Girls from the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, and even China are all fucking great. Nice, tight bods with plump asses and perky tits. What’s not to love about that? But it’s always hard to find sites...

Asian Porn Sites
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She Got the After Dinner Special

Em had watched all the action. It had taken place deliciously between her legs on the sofa in the man’s hotel suite. She was still tingling all over with the excitement and ecstasy of it all. Em had been half-lying, half-seated on the deep sofa. This position had afforded her a full view. He had first stripped her to her panties. They were little white bikini-cut lace ones through which the attractive darkness of her bushy mound was plainly visible. Her short midnight blue cocktail dress...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 54 The Families Stories 18 ndash Letrsquos Eat

June – Year 4 The trip home was just wonderful. A van and an SUV full of wives and babies will fill my loving cup every time. I made a mental note to talk with Lynn about spending the money to get a vehicle that could transport the entire Herd for our family outings. The SUV was fine for trips to the grocery store and my car was fine for me. But to take myself, three wives and thirteen children to church or to a celebration like the upcoming Independence Day Parade or fireworks we needed...

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Marion 1

Do not read this story if you are of a religious nature When my daughter introduced me to her future husband I had to admit I was a little disappointed. He was an accountant. Slim build, about 5’9” tall and with those accountant glasses that numbers men always wear. On the other hand he did make good conversation, and more importantly he seemed to make my naïve young daughter happy. One of my and her mothers biggest mistakes was sending Marion to a strong catholic school to be educated. When...

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All the Power Pt 3 A procession and a punishment

For thirty days per year, each of the forty-eight Subject Kingdoms and twelve Imperial Provinces must send twelve individuals to perform the Term of Sacred Service. These individuals must be distinguished or highborn, or preferably both. During the Term, they would act as His Supremacy’s personal servants - running errands, fetching concubines, and performing other tasks. They were usually referred to as term servants. His Supremacy had sixty term servants at any given time. Each month, a...

3 years ago
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One Good Turn Deserves Another

A writer of erotic short stories gets more than inspiration from his neighbour’s daughter....The banging on my front door took me by surprise.I was enjoying my second cup of coffee with the newspaper. My wife was at work. The girls at college and uni. I would get around to writing another smutty story to post on Hamster later. I was thinking three girls on holiday and their van breaking down. Yeah early retirement is bliss when you’re left alone. Still I had the down stairs bathroom renovations...

2 years ago
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Caught But By Who Part 4 final

I finally got out of bed, the thoughts of mum's sexy body still in my mind. I couldn't go down stairs just yet, I needed to calm down a bit, I flicked on the TV and then played the Xbox for a bit. Just as I was about to go down stairs I got a text. It was from my step-mum. "Are you OK?" "Yeah, I'm great. I just got the best blow job of my life. Are you OK?" "I'm okay, I feel a bit guilty though. Are you coming downstairs?" "Yeah, I'll be down in a few minutes. Aww, don't feel guilty. Would you...

3 years ago
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Aakariki Kokukutho Ranku Satisfaction Echindi

Manam naa 2nd part story lo vochamu… Cheppanu kada.. Ma amma nenu commit ayyamu.. Ala amma nenu dengataaniki ready ga unnamu.. Amma sleeve less veskundu… Tharvaatha naako twist ichindi amma… Amma… Kanna thappu ra.. Nee life em avuthadi ra. Nenu…. Em kaade mana desham lo edhi thappu kaani.. Bayata deshalalloo.. Edhi common aaaa Amma… Naaku bayamesthundi ra.. Nenu… Intha manditho denginchukunnav.. Appudu veeyani bayam eppudu enduke… Amma… Edho enjoyment kosam cheshanu raa… Nenu… Naatho kuda...

3 years ago
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Bad LandlordChapter 3

Elaine had a little trouble crawling in the bathrobe. Her knees kept coming down on the bathrobe and pulling it open. She tried to push the tit that Tim had pulled out back inside the concealment of the robe but Tim had stopped her. "Oh, don't worry about that Elaine," he said in that friendly, helpful tone she was already starting to hate. "I will probably take it off anyway." She crawled around the couch to arrive in front of her land lord with her robe open and her tits hanging...

1 year ago
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Timi the white yoga teacher

She always did some sport, mostly handball back in high school and now she is a yoga teacher, which is her hobby. Her skin is naturally snow white, she is a real snowbunny. She usually wears black or white underwear, these are her favourite colors and it's important to know that money has always been important to her as she came from a mid social class. Timi finished the university and started working for a big company in a firm in Hungary. One day, Timi bounced into the office on a wave...

1 year ago
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Cucked Isabelle Deltore Wimpy Husband Doesnt Deserve This Pussy

Isabelle just wanted to get her Husband a motorcycle for his birthday and his wimpy ass is afraid of it. He doesn’t deserve her love or her pussy for that matter. Thankfully Small Hands delivers more than the bike whipping out his large cock and giving Isabelle Deltore a ride she will not forget. She loves being bent over and fucked hard while her worthless husband watches like the pathetic man he is. Maybe he’ll decide to try the bike out once she witnesses Small Hands cum all over...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 45 Decisions

January 12, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Hi, Sweetheart,” I said when she answered the phone on Sunday morning. “I’m sorry I had to head home so quickly after the announcement. And I’m sorry to take you by surprise that way.” “A normal person wouldn’t have the kind of physical reaction I did.” “You are NOT a normal person!” Bethany said with a laugh. “That isn’t exactly a revelation!” I laughed. “I totally understand why you wanted it to be a surprise. I wasn’t upset. Jessica’s decision...

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Just Another Hole In The Wall Part II

Just Another Hole In The Wall - Part IIa continuation by DizzyDIf you haven't read Part I yet, you can link it here: on to Part IIAs Jenni left her mother’s house she was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that she had inadvertently had sex with her own teenage son during what was supposed to be a glory hole adventure. She only lived a couple of blocks away so she decided to leave her car at her mom’s house and walk...

1 year ago
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The wish I never asked for

“All I want is a nice long bath and a maybe say a sandwich.” I thought to myself as I took off my heels and biting my lip at the sweet relief and pain of my feet finally being relieved from it’s prison. I unzipped my dress as I headed to my room noticing how slightly messy it was from this morning from waking up late. Taking off my dress and stockings I heard my phone ringing. “Ugh...why..” I thought walking back into the living room to find my phone on the couch. Picking it up I saw that it...

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