Coeds 3: Anasazi Summer free porn video

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Coeds 3: Anasazi Summer By Julie O and Robert Arnold Edited By Robert Arnold Menus By Jennifer V (My sister!) This story features characters from Fresh Start; Change of Course; The Protector series; Ambition and Purpose, Revenge of the Goddesses: Athena's Assassin; and Corruption. Jennifer Stevens appears courtesy of Bob Arnold (There's a list of characters at the end of the story) Chapter 1 "According to the GPS unit we should be at the spa in two hours," said Alexis Eden as she glanced at the car's internal navigation system. "I make around ninety minutes," replied Jirra who was driving. They had left Philadelphia four days ago and were on their way to the Caldera de Gaia Spa in New Mexico where they had first met. "And how did you figure that out?" asked Alexis. Jirra pointed to a rock formation to the left. "That's one of my landmarks. It's ninety minutes to the spa from there." Alexis glanced at her lover. "Are you sure? It doesn't look that different from the other rocks." Jirra nodded. "I have a great memory for landmarks. I've always had it, even when I was a guy." "Hmm, I bet that comes in handy," replied Alexis as she leaned back in her seat. "It feels so good to be away from work." Alexis played the title character in the hit cable detective series "Erin Flynn" which had just finished its first season. "I'm really looking forward to working with Faith later this summer," said Jirra. Faith Collins was the author of the Erin Flynn series and she maintained tight control on the series. She had been impressed with Jirra's writing skills and hired Jirra to spend part of the summer working with her on scripts for the show. "Not as much as you are to get back to the spa," noted Alexis after leaning over slightly to get a look at the speedometer. "I know they don't enforce speeding out here as much as back east, but don't you think that ninety is pushing it?" Jirra smiled and eased off the gas. "Sorry about that." "You're lucky that I'm with you. I've gotten you out of two tickets on this trip so far. The next cop might not be a fan of the show," stated Alexis. "That's true. I do appreciate what you did back in Texas," said Jirra. Alexis shrugged her shoulders. "It was worth posing with those cops to avoid a big speeding ticket. I just hope none of the shots end up on YouTube." Jirra laughed. "I wouldn't worry about that." "They were nice weren't they? I mean considering you were doing close to ninety," said Alexis. "I think the female cop was one of us," said Jirra. "And it was only eighty-three miles-per-hour not ninety." "Oh, like seven miles an hour makes a big difference!" Alexis replied. "And I thought the same thing about her." Alexis had recently come out as a lesbian. For the most part this was not a problem as her show was on cable and was adult in nature to begin with. Alexis knew that it might have cost her some offers, but she didn't care. As far as she was concerned, Erin Flynn would be her last acting contract. She had invested her money wisely and planned on stepping away from show business. "I guess I'm a little anxious to get there," said Jirra, who had just finished her first year at The University of Pennsylvania. "You want to call the spa?" asked Alexis. Jirra shook her head. "Mom will know we're almost there. She has a sixth sense for those kinds of things. She always knew when my dad was coming home. It used to bug him as he always wanted to surprise her." "I wish I could have met him," said Alexis. "I know he would have liked you," said Jirra. Jirra's father, Major Travis Reid, had been killed in Afghanistan. It was his death that had set in motion the chain of events that had led to Jirra's transformation into a young woman. "What do you think of Dan?" asked Alexis. "I like him a lot, more importantly Mom really loves him. I'm so happy that she has someone in her life again," replied Jirra. Dr. Dan Montgomery was the lead archeologist for the Anasazi site that was located near the spa and was engaged to Jirra's mother. "Have they set a date yet?" asked Alexis. "No...tentatively sometime in the next year or so," replied Jirra. "I really don't think they're in a hurry." "Do you plan on changing your name?" Jirra nodded. "Yep, I like the sound of Jirra Eden." Alexis laughed. "Mom isn't sure what she will do...she doesn't know if she wants to be known as Elizabeth Montgomery," continued Jirra with a grin. "She joked that she has practiced wiggling her nose." "Well it is sort of appropriate...considering her magical daughter," said Alexis. Jirra glanced over and smiled back. Chapter 2 The first thing that Jirra and Alexis noticed when they drove up the road to the spa was the encampment of trailers in the parking area. "Those must belong to Jen and her crew," said Alexis. "I wonder how the filming has gone?" asked Jirra. "The last I heard from Jen was that they found a canyon near the one with the actual sites. They've been using it for scenes. The biggest problem is getting the equipment in and out. There's no road...only horse trails." "Do you mean they're using horses to carry in the equipment?" "From Jen's last text message she told me they've been using mules for the heavy stuff." Jirra nodded. "That makes sense, they can carry more and are more sure footed." "Jen doesn't mind that, but she is annoyed that she can't drive her beast to the canyon each day." "She actually brought her Hummer here?" Alexis nodded. "She said that she made some changes to it and that she can't wait to show us." "Knowing Jen that could mean anything!" "I know, it's frightening," replied Alexis. Jirra pulled into the staff parking lot, stepped out of the car and looked around. "Glad to be back?" asked Alexis. Jirra nodded. "There's Judy," said Alexis, referring the owner of the spa. Judy immediately hugged Jirra and then did the same to Alexis. "Welcome home," greeted Judy. "Your mom would have been here but she got called away. One of the movie crew slipped and fell, nothing too serious, but she had to go out to the canyon." "That's okay, it's part of having a mom who's a doctor," replied Jirra, barely hiding her disappointment. "It's good to see you Judy." "You're both looking great," replied Judy. "Do you have your key or do you need me to let you in?" Jirra held out her keys, which were attached to a Penn keychain. Judy smiled. "I know your mom is excited about having you both staying with her. By the way, Alexis, thanks for being so understanding." Alexis shrugged her shoulders. "It's okay. I imagine between the movie and it being summer you're pretty busy. So do you charge more for my usual cottage?" Judy laughed. "No, but that's not a bad idea. I gotta run, but we'll get together soon. We're having a little barbeque to welcome you home." "How little?" asked Jirra. "Just a little steer roast...nothing too big," she replied. "I'm looking forward to it," replied Jirra. Judy hugged her again. "It really is good to have you back here." Chapter 3 Jirra and Alexis carried their bags over to the cottage. "It's strange, even though I never really got attached to any place I lived when I was growing up, I'm really glad that I'm back here," said Jirra after they stepped inside. "How many times did you move?" asked Alexis. "Five that I remember and two that I was too young to remember," replied Jirra. "My parents said that home is where you make it. Your parents still live in the same house you grew up in, right?" Alexis nodded. "I've offered to buy them something bigger, but they're content there. It's nice to have some stability in the family." "Hopefully we can do that some day," said Jirra. Alexis slipped her arms around Jirra and gave her a kiss. "I know we will." They put their bags in the bedroom and headed to the kitchen. Jirra reached into the fridge and pulled out a couple of sodas. They sat down at the kitchen table to drink. "So, are you upset that your mom isn't here to greet you?" asked Alexis. Jirra shook her head. "I'm an adult now and I realize she has a life and a career. I know she would have been here if she could have." Alexis nodded. "I don't believe you." Jirra smiled back. "It's no big deal...seriously." Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. "She's here!" exclaimed Jirra, who jumped out of her seat and rushed to greet her mom. Alexis smiled as she watched Jirra and Liz hug. "It's good to see you too, Roo," said Liz, who nodded at Alexis. They stopped hugging and walked together to the kitchen. Liz and Alexis hugged. "Good to see you, Alexis," said Liz. "Likewise, Liz. Thanks for letting me stay here," replied Alexis. "It's my pleasure," said Liz. "Sorry I was delayed." "No problem, Jirra was telling me how grown up she's become," stated Alexis who grinned at Jirra. "Yes, I noticed," replied Liz, who hugged Jirra again. "If it makes you feel any better, I'm also ecstatic that you're here, Roo." "It's great to be home again, Mom," replied Jirra. Chapter 4 "So what happened on the movie set today?" asked Jirra. "One of the crew tripped and fell. He has a fractured ankle, but it was a clean break so he probably won't need surgery," replied Liz. "I swear that Jen must have hired every clumsy crewman in the state. They've kept me busy the last few weeks." "What do you mean?" asked Alexis. "Accidents do happen while shooting on location." "Maybe you're right, but so far I've treated six fractures and two snakebites. I also have treated several burns and two mild cases of electric shock," stated Liz. "And all of these have happened in the canyon where they're shooting?" asked Jirra. Liz nodded. "They haven't gone near the actual site have they?" asked Jirra. Liz shook her head. "They're not allowed at this time. I know Jen wants to do some shots of the real site for the closing credits and for the DVD." "Why can't they shoot there?" asked Alexis. Liz shrugged her shoulders. "Dan doesn't know, but he suspects it's because the feds are worried about grave robbers. When Dan and his team opened up the site this spring, there were signs that someone had been digging up there, the good thing is that nothing appears to have been damaged. Since then, they've had twenty-four hour security." "This is the first time that I've heard about this," said Jirra. "Dan didn't want you to worry. Besides, you were dealing with enough things back in Philly. By the way, your grades arrived yesterday," said Liz. "It's on your desk, with the rest of your mail." "Really? What did I get?" asked Jirra. Liz shook her head. "You know that I wouldn't read your mail. But if you don't go and open it up immediately I will!" Jirra laughed and got up to retrieve the letter. She waited until she returned to the kitchen before opening it. "Well?" asked Liz. Jirra just handed the letter to Liz. Liz broke out in a huge smile as she read it. "Roo, you made the Dean's list!" "Nice going," added Alexis. "Thanks," replied Jirra. "I'm so glad you didn't let all those distractions affect your studies," continued Liz. "Your Dad would be so proud of you." Jirra nodded. "Thanks, Mom." "Do you mind if I post a copy of this? The rest of the staff would love to know how well you're doing." "No, not at all," replied Jirra. "It's weird, but the people here are more like family than our real relatives." Liz nodded. To explain Jirra's change of gender, her family was told that she was transgendered. Many of their relatives, on both sides, had since cut off all contact. "Oh, Judy mentioned something about a steer roast, when is that happening?" asked Jirra. "Probably Sunday night, that way everyone can attend. However, Judy, Tara, Cari, Cody, Hannah, and of course Jen, are coming over tonight, I hope you don't mind," said Liz. Jirra shook her head. "Not at all." "Hannah made a pot of her famous chili just for you," continued Liz. "I can't wait," replied Jirra. "Will Dan be coming?" Liz shook her head. "He spends the whole week out at the site. He will be here this weekend. Why don't you two relax and get unpacked. I have to head back to the clinic and finish up some paperwork concerning the latest accident." Chapter 5 As they unpacked, Alexis asked Jirra about the accidents. "Obviously you think that there's something going on," said Alexis. Jirra nodded. "I wonder if I should contact Killara...but I'll wait until after I talk to Jen." "Can you bring me along next time you take one of your spirit journeys?" asked Alexis. "To be honest I have no idea. We can talk to Tara. "Oh and it's called a vision quest." "Same thing," replied Alexis. "I'm serious about this; I mean if we're going to be a couple we should share experiences." Jirra smiled back. "It would be pretty cool if we could. I wonder what form your spirit guide will take?" They were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on the door. Jirra walked out of the bedroom and opened the front door. Before she could speak, she was locked in a tight bear hug by Jen Stevens. Chapter 6 "So can I get you anything, Jen?" asked Jirra as Jen followed her into the living room. "Just the largest glass you've got full of water and ice, please. I fainted from the heat about two days after I got here and your mom has been after me ever since then to keep drinking lots of water. So far it's worked but I'm beginning to feel like a damned camel. Too bad these humps of mine don't work like a camel's do." Jen was pointing at her breasts as Alexis came out of the bedroom. "Just wait a few years, Jen. They'll start sagging." A big smile crossed Jen's face as she gave a duplicate bear hug to Alexis. "Good to see you, too, Alexis. Hey, why did you two travel by car across the country? I could have sent a jet to get you here sooner!" said Jen as she got comfy on the couch. "Like Jirra and I told you, Jen, we wanted some time to ourselves and traveling by car was the easiest way. We also got to see a lot of the country up close too. You can't do that from thirty-five thousand feet." Alexis settled onto the couch on the other side of a low coffee table. "Well, just remember that I own three jets now since I started Stevens Air Transport Services a few months ago. I arranged so many flights with leased jets that I decided it was cheaper to buy my own. I can get you from anywhere to anywhere if you ever need it." Jirra re-appeared a few moments later with a tray with three glasses and a large pitcher of water and a bottle of soda. Jirra filled a huge glass with water and handed it to Jen then watched in amazement as she downed at least half of the contents of the glass in just a few gulps. "WOW! You weren't kidding, Jen. Want more?" said Jirra as she held up the pitcher. "I'm fine, Jirra. Maybe after I finish this. So how are things at Penn?" Jirra put the pitcher back on the coffee table then snuggled close to Alexis. "Pretty quiet now thanks to almost everyone involved with Todd winding up in jail." Todd was a bigot that had started trouble on campus by assaulting trans- gendered students. His eventual arrest and prosecution had forced anyone in his gang not already in jail deeply under ground at Penn. One of the gang members had almost shot Jirra and Alexis while they filmed an episode of Erin Flynn in Philly. "I'm glad that whole mess is behind you now. I stopped by to see your mom about our latest mishap on the way here and she showed me the letter. Congratulations on making the Dean's list!" Jirra smiled as her face blushed a little at the compliment. "Thanks, Jen." A more serious look then spread across her face. "Speaking of mishaps, Mom was telling me about some of the problems you've had. Are things that bad out there?" Jen shrugged. "I wish I had a good answer for that, Jirra. I've paid several visits under Dan's supervision to the canyon you discovered with Barrett. I know we can't film there and I agree with Dan and the feds after learning about the site disturbances over the winter. That's why we found a similar canyon a about mile away. The canyon we're using is sort of "Y" shaped with two legs splitting off of the feeder canyon a couple of hundred yards from the main opening. We're using about half of the shorter left leg for our filming since it fits the script and the plot line quite nicely. It looks different enough that we shouldn't be exposing the other canyon to discovery by someone that wants to rob the site after seeing the film. In fact, we've been very careful to make our canyon layout different from the original." "I know. Dan's been keeping me informed when he has the time. I know he's explored the canyon you're using to be sure there's nothing there." Jirra poured a glass of soda for herself then took a long sip. "The right side canyon and the parts of the left side canyon we're not using for filming are off-limits for the cast and crew since it hasn't been cleared by Dan yet. He's been so busy with the real site that he hasn't had the time." Jen sipped some water then put the glass back on the table. "I don't have a good explanation for all the little accidents either. I know that working on a live movie set has its own set of dangers but we usually don't see this level of problems. Even allowing for working in the desert we still shouldn't be seeing the injuries we've had." "Has anyone been seriously injured, Jen?" asked Alexis. "Not yet but I'm wondering just how long that's going to last. We've had two snakebites so far and both were dry bites. That by itself is a small miracle. We've got a base camp set up within a mile and a half of the canyon entrance since we can get that far with our vehicles. We have to go the rest of the way using horses and mules since the terrain is so rough. I suppose we could have simply bulldozed our way in there but, like Judy, I respect the land too much to do that. Anyway, we're far enough away from easy access that we'd have a real problem if someone got seriously hurt. I checked into getting a chopper into the canyon we're using but it can only land at our base camp because of the surrounding terrain." "Sounds like you've been lucky so far" commented Jirra. "Do you think it's our 'friends' at the original site causing this? I'm sure Dan has told you about the crew trying to stay overnight in the canyon." "I guess we have been lucky, Jirra and no, I don't think it's the spirits of the Anasazi causing the accidents. I've talked at length with Dan's crew and they tell me from time to time that they sometimes get an antsy feeling that they really aren't welcome but are tolerated at the site. I've been there almost a dozen times and never felt like that. All I've ever felt in their canyon is love and approval." Alexis smiled. "Going all spiritual on us, Jen?" "Maybe, Alexis, just maybe. If you can both keep a secret I'll tell you something I've never told anyone else. You both promise?" After getting promises from both of them Jen continued. "Well, first I told you a kind of fib when we talked about me never being on a vision quest, Jirra. A few weeks after my transformation I had an experience I have no logical explanation for." "I was attending a race at a friends track for the weekend and I was staying in the back of my pickup truck in the middle of a forest. I'd gone to sleep for the night but woke up in the middle of a shaded area next to a small waterfall at the edge of a pond. I was completely naked and in front of me sat a cougar licking its paw. Well, I freaked out big time and tried to back away from the cougar until it looked at me then smiled before it spoke to me." "I learned that the cougar was my sprit guide and we had quite a talk as we explored the area around the pond. While I was exploring I found some pebbles that had some quartz imbedded in them. They'd been smoothed by the spring that bubbled up at the top of the low hill at one end of the pond. The spring created a waterfall about fifteen feet high that fed the pond." "To make a long boring story into a short boring one, I fell asleep snuggled up next to the cougar near the waterfall. When I woke up I was back in the pickup with wet muddy feet and hands. The pebble I'd been carrying was next to me too. When I checked there were no muddy footprints or handprints in the tent, the back of my truck, or on the tarp I used as a floor for the tent." "It's a little different but that sure sounds like a vision quest", said Jirra. "The cougar called it "dream walking". Whatever it was, I later bought a home south of Syracuse in upstate New York. On the property I discovered an area that resembled the place I'd visited in my dream. When I climbed to the top of the small hill next to the pond I found some more of the pebbles that matched the one I found exactly. I also found some hand and foot prints in the rock of the hill, rock that in my dream was mud. They matched my own hands and feet perfectly. I get the same feeling as when I was talking to my spirit guide there and it's become my own special place. I always feel so comfortable when I'm there." Alexis was nodding. "I know, Jen. Remember when we went skinny dipping in that pond? I felt like that too there." Jirra looked a bit annoyed as she stared at Alexis. "You two went skinny dipping in Jen's pond?" Jen laughed. "Jirra, while I've been with another woman I can assure you that Alexis and I have never been together as anything more than best friends. The woman was my old high school crush. She was a lesbian that I dated back when I was a guy so others wouldn't suspect her secret. Nothing ever happened between us back then but after my transformation we did have a very brief fling together. Just as nothing happened between Alexis and I when we went skinny dipping in the pond. Our friendship is much too good to jeopardize by turning it into a love relationship. Besides, it was way too cool for much more than a quick swim then get out." "I can vouch for that. It was ninety in the shade and the water felt like it came off a glacier." said Alexis as she hugged Jirra tighter. Alexis kissed Jirra deeply. Jirra looked a little flushed as they broke for air. "Always remember that you're the one that won my heart, Jirra. Never doubt my love for you, okay?" Jirra was smiling. "A few more kisses like that last one would go along way toward proving that!" Jen made a motion as if she was about to toss the glass of ice water she was holding on both of them. "Get a room you two. Hey, that's an idea! If you two want to um... you know... and you're not comfortable about doing it with your mom around, Jirra, I'll be glad to swap cottages with you for the night whenever you want some privacy. In fact, you two are welcome to use my cottage whenever I'm staying up at the canyon we're using for filming." "Thanks, Jen. Jirra and I just might take you up on your offer later." Alexis hugged Jirra tightly. "Hey, that's what friends are for, right? You are special people to me and I enjoy the company of both of you. I feel the way I feel back at home whenever I'm here. That's why I spent the money to have a cottage built just for me here. I know that the people here have a lot to do with the way I feel but there's just something more. I can't put it into words yet but I know that I will one day. Whatever the cause of the way I feel, I accept now that there are things beyond what modern science can explain. Both of us are prime examples of that, Jirra." "So what about the accidents in the other canyon. Do you get the same 'feeling' there that you get in the Anasazi canyon?" asked Alexis. "I really don't get much of a feeling at all. I did notice that before the accidents I got a sense that something was going to happen but nothing really strong. What worries me more is the fact that I often get the feeling we're being watched. I went the extra step of having Rebecca Stewart's security agency give everyone a complete background check. Nothing turned up though. Everyone was who they appeared to be. I've been contemplating having the Boudicca folks do a more extensive check but I haven't had the time to talk to them yet." "Could it be the tabloids watching?" said Jirra. "Possibly. Our security teams do patrol an area around where we're filming and they've reported some footprints now and then. They've never been able to catch anyone though. We've been shooting long enough that there would have been some pictures published in the rags or posted on the web if it was paparazzi. No, I doubt that the tabloids are going to invest the kind of money they'd need to in order to cover this. It would just cost too much taking into account what I'm spending to get this film made. " "You might be right about that, Jen. Back to your 'dream walking' experience for a moment. You said you learned a lot from the cougar. Care to share with us?" commented Alexis. Jen just smiled. "Too young this one is, the ways of the force to learn," said Jen in her best Yoda voice. "To get serious, what little I learned was about my own life and isn't something that I'll share with anyone else just yet. All I can share was that my transformation was not an accident. I have a role to fill in this world and things I have to do. Like your own spirit guide, Jirra, mine left me with as many questions when we were done as I had before the dream started." "Do any of them involve Alexis and I" asked Jirra. "Directly, no. I really did need that vacation that brought me to the spa the first time. Meeting Alexis in the green room at Around Midnight would have happened anyway. I really can't say what would have happened otherwise. There is no roadmap for me to follow or for the people I meet. As a writer yourself you should understand that your book of life is just a series of empty pages, Jirra. The story of your life will be whatever you make it as far as I'm aware." "Really, Jen?" "Yes, Jirra, really. It feels as though my mission is to offer opportunities that the people I meet might not have had otherwise. The ultimate decision is entirely theirs to make and there are no penalties if they don't take the life path that I offer them." The conversation lasted another hour or so. During that time Jirra learned that the final shooting script followed her story pretty closely. Only minor things were altered to make the shooting go smoother or for technical reasons. Richard Thorn had agreed to co-produce the movie with Jen leaving Jen to direct the film. Jen wasn't happy about having to both direct and star in the film but she seemed to be handling things well. Jirra also learned that Hallie, Richard Thorn's daughter would be arriving for a visit within a few days. Since Hallie was an archeologist herself she had a special interest in the discovery and would be going to the site for a few days of exploration. While Hallie was staying at the spa she would share Jen's cottage since the spa was a bit tight on space due to the filming activities. One bit of good news was that the scenes she had written into the script of a stable boy taking some serious comic abuse had survived the final script alterations. The character represented Randy, the young man that had attacked Jirra, as her way to work out her frustration with him. The stable had been constructed as a part of the recent additions to the spa at Jen's insistence and expense. Jen had even arranged for the horses from a local farm and a long-term deal was set up to provide the stable staff and training to the guests that wanted to try riding them. The new stable also served to house the horses and mules that were rotated in and out of service from the movie canyon campsite. The meeting broke up and Jirra and Alexis followed Jen back to the trailer city near the main parking lot. The Hummer that Jirra had driven around back in Los Angeles was sitting next to a large fifth wheel type trailer marked 'production manager'. It looked pretty much like Jirra remembered it until Jen started it up. It was much quieter than it was before and a smell like French fries filled the air. "Must be the wind is in the right direction, Alexis. I think they're doing French fries in the dining hall," said Jirra. "That's Jen's problem." Alexis just smiled and pointed to Jen with a look on her face that said 'I told you so!' "Yeah, it seems to be a running joke wherever I go with this thing now. I was taking so many hits in the press for driving this gas hog that I had it converted to a diesel-electric hybrid. It can run on standard diesel fuel, bio-diesel or recycled cooking oil. It has two tanks; one for standard diesel and the other tank is full of used cooking oil. It's using the cooking oil right now so it smells like whatever they cooked in the oil. Hannah is giving me her used oil while I'm here and I have a small kit with me to treat the oil for use in this beast. I don't know what is worse, getting ragged on in the press for driving a gas hog or the jokes I get now about the smell around this thing." Jen turned the Hummer off and locked the door then looked at her watch and frowned. "The life of a producer is never easy. I've got to make a few calls and do battle with the suits in Lala land. I'll see you both for supper later. Gotta get going, Jirra." Alexis just shook her head after Jen disappeared into the trailer. "Take pity on those poor suits for they may not know who they're dealing with." Jirra looked bewildered. "What?" "She might look like a bubble headed blonde but never underestimate what that woman is capable of. She's one of the sharpest business people I've ever met, Jirra. She's helped me to invest some of the money I've made so far. She even caught someone trying to cheat me on a deal. All I can say is never try to pull the wool over her eyes in any business dealings with her if you don't want to get your head handed to you on a platter. Just be fair and treat her like you want to be treated and you'll get along fine with her." Chapter 7 Dinner was held outside on the deck of Liz's cottage. As they finished dinner, Cody started a fire in the firepit as Hannah prepared dessert. Jirra sat back after dinner reveling in the company of her friends at the spa. As the sun set, there was a stunning display of color in the western sky. In the distance a coyote began to howl and was answered by the rest of the pack. It all felt so familiar that it almost felt like she had never been away and she again recognized what a special place the spa was. She brought out her bag of goodies, consisting mainly of Penn T-shirts and hats and passed them out. "So how long will you be out here, Jirra?" asked Tara as she slipped on her ball cap. "Perfect fit by the way, thank you." "A few weeks," she replied. "Faith wants me in Boston by mid-July." "I think it's so great that you'll be working on the show. We never miss an episode," stated Cari. She then turned to Alexis. "You really bring the character of Erin Flynn to life. I usually dread movies or TV shows based on books l love, but they're doing this right." "Thanks, Cari," replied Alexis. "To be honest, I'm just really lucky. I'm blessed with great writing and a superb crew." "Always modest, that's what I love about you, Alexis," said Jen. "I can't tell you how refreshing it is to hear someone thank other people...other than at an awards ceremony." Alexis laughed. "Well I don't think we'll have to worry about that." "Don't sell yourself short Alexis. I wouldn't be surprised if the show gets a lot of nominations for both the Emmys and the Golden Globes," said Jen. "Whatever, I'm just playing the role because I love it...awards don't mean that much to me," said Alexis. "Oh, that reminds me... Alexis, would you like a role in my movie?" asked Jen. "Nope...I'm on vacation," said Alexis. "What about an uncredited role? No lines, just a small scene to see how observant the fans are," continued Jen. "Do it," said Jirra. Alexis rolled her eyes "What sort of role is it? I mean, I know you already have something in mind." Jen laughed. "I'll tell you later...don't worry, you'll love it." "What about you, Jirra?" asked Judy. "I was surprised that you didn't join your friends in the show shot at Penn," added Hannah as she prepared dessert. "I'd rather be behind the scenes," said Jirra. "You can pull an Alfred Hitchcock. Remember the scene in 'North By Northwest' where he tries to get on a city bus only to have it pull away in front of him?" said Cody as he passed out slices of apple pie. Jirra shook her head as she passed a plate over to Judy. "It was pretty funny but I think I'll leave the acting to the professionals." She then smiled at Alexis, who winked back. "Oh, Jirra, I got a long email from Lindsey," said Hannah, referring to her daughter. "She loves working at your friend's restaurant and says that she has learned so much. Diana and Kari are treating her so nice. By the way, I got this recipe for Dutch apple pie from Kari." "They're great people," said Alexis. "We're trying to work out a time where they can come out here," said Cody. "And we're thinking of taking a vacation out to Pennsylvania sometime this fall." "Cool," replied Jirra. "I'd love to show you around Philly." "We'd like that. Diana and Kari have taken Lindsey into the city for dinner several times. She mentioned that they're even going to Le Bec- Fin this month," said Hannah. "I bet that Lindsey is more interested in seeing the kitchens than actually eating dinner," said Jirra. Cody nodded. "Just like her mother." He then leaned over and kissed Hannah. Chapter 8 Jirra and Alexis cuddled next to the fire that burned in the firepit outside of the cottage. Everyone else had gone off to bed. "I'm really glad you came back here with me," said Jirra. "I wouldn't have missed this for the world," replied Alexis. She looked up at the night sky and smiled. "Living in the city you can forget how many stars there are." Jirra nodded. "I also forgot how quiet it is out here." "I know what you mean," replied Alexis as she pulled Jirra closer. A large bird flew over them and disappeared into the darkness. "What was that?" asked Alexis as she turned to look where the bird went. "It looked like a barn owl. Judy mentioned that they have a nesting pair in one of the storage barns. She says that she likes to see them as they keep the rodents in check," said Jirra. "That's pretty cool," said Alexis. "Oh, I talked to Tara, she said that she would be glad to talk to us about trying a dual spirit journey," said Jirra. "Really? That would be great," said Alexis. "Does she think it will work?" Jirra nodded. "She said that she's done it several times with Cari." "Cool," replied Alexis. "What do you say to heading inside? The fire is dying out and I'm also ready to call it a night." Jirra nodded. "Sounds great." Chapter 9 Tara was sitting in her office when Jirra and Alexis arrived the next morning. "Good morning, did you sleep well?" asked Tara as she greeted them. She was dressed in khaki shorts, and a Caldera de Gaia spa t-shirt. Jirra nodded. "I did wake up a few times...too quiet." Tara laughed. "We hear that all the time. Judy is thinking of putting a machine in every room that simulates sirens and car traffic so you unfortunate city folk can feel more at home." "Funny," replied Jirra. "Gunshots, don't forget the gunshots," added Alexis with a grin. "We'll add that to the tape. So how can I help you?" asked Tara. "Well, I'd like to check in with Killara, my spirit guide, and I'd like Alexis to join me," said Jirra. "What are the chances that we'll make contact?" Tara nodded. "I can't promise anything as it's up to the spirit guides. Alexis, have you met your guide yet?" Alexis shook her head. "Is that a problem?" Tara shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, but both Cari and I had taken many solo journeys before we tried one together. Your guide might want to meet you alone for the first time. However, the worst thing that can happen is that you don't make contact." "We'd like to try tomorrow morning," said Jirra. Tara looked at Jirra. "What's so important? Is there something you haven't told me...or Alexis?" Jirra looked at both women. "It's nothing solid...I just have a feeling that something big is going to happen. The feeling has increased since I got back to the spa. I didn't think it was important at first...but the sensation has gotten much stronger." "In what way?" asked Alexis. "I had a dream last's probably nothing but I think there's something in both canyons and that we need to protect it," said Jirra. "Tell me more about the dream," asked Tara. Alexis shook her head. "I can't remember details...just snippets of info. I just know that something is going to happen in the canyon where Dan is working...and possibly another site near by. Does this make sense?" Tara nodded. "I think you should go with your feelings. If you want, you can use my office. The last thing we need is for you to get lost again." Jirra laughed. On her first spirit journey she had gone up into the hills alone. She hadn't told anyone where she was going and it caused a minor scare at the spa. "I wasn't lost...I just didn't tell anyone where I was." "Still, you can get privacy here. Do you do it in the nude?" asked Tara. "Yes," replied Jirra. "It seems to make contact faster." Tara nodded. "I know what you mean." Jirra turned to Alexis. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my feelings...I didn't want you to think I was crazy." Alexis leaned over and kissed Jirra on the cheek. "Don't worry about that...I know you're crazy. But you never have to worry about sharing your thoughts with me." "So when will you do this?" asked Tara. "I figure after midnight," said Jirra. Tara nodded. "Make sure you tell Liz first, okay?" "We will," said Jirra. Chapter 10 "So tell me about these premonitions," asked Alexis as they walked back to the cottage. "They're hard to describe as it's just flashes of info. I've also got them when someone mentions something. For example, I got one when Jen told us about the problems at the canyon and another when she told us that Hallie is coming here," explained Jirra. "Why Hallie?" Jirra stopped and looked around. She then leaned closed and whispered into Alexis's ear. "I think she may be like Jen and I." Alexis cocked her head. "Really?" Jirra nodded. "Remember how I told you that I got a strange feeling when I first met her? I also don't think her trip here is chance. Something seems to be drawing us all here." "Do you think you should tell Jen about these feelings?" asked Alexis. "I mean, if you're right, she's involved." Jirra shook her head. "Not until after I talk to Killara. She has enough things on her mind as it is. However, if Killara confirms my feelings then I'll definitely talk to her." "So, if you're right about Hallie, that makes three of you," said Alexis. "There's more." "Who else?" asked Alexis with a surprised look on her face. "Well, Beth also had a rather unusual transformation," said Jirra. "I mean, it's rather strange that we became neighbors and friends out of chance." "Okay, I'll buy that...anyone else?" "Do you remember Tessa; she was at the premier for the show back in Philly?" Alexis nodded. "What do you know about her?" "Nothing...I just got a feeling when I met her...very similar to the one I had when I met Hallie." "Now that you mention it I do remember your reaction. Anyone else?" "I think there may be another...Beth once made a strange statement about a friend, but I didn't think about it too much until now," said Jirra. "Anyway, I have lots of questions for Killara now...hopefully he's in the mood to give me a straight answer for a change." "Well, whatever happens, you can count on me," said Alexis as she took Jirra's hand into her own. "Thanks," replied Jirra. Chapter 11 Jirra stopped by her mom's office. Liz was typing out a report on her computer. "Hi Mom," greeted Jirra. "Hi Roo," replied Liz without looking up. "I'm just working on the latest report concerning one of the injured people from Jen's movie. They had another accident this morning. A horse he was riding in the canyon got spooked by something and threw him. Nothing serious, just some bruises and a few scrapes." Jirra sat down next to her mom. "Can we talk?" Liz turned around and looked at her daughter. It must be important she thought as Jirra would never interrupt her work just to chat. "Sure, dear, what's on your mind?" Jirra told her about the planned vision quest and her premonitions. "I know it all may be nothing...but I need to make sure, does that make sense?" asked Jirra. Liz nodded. "I've learned to trust your intuition concerning your friends." "So I can tell Tara that it's okay with you?" "Of course, Roo. And I do appreciate that you told me this time." Jirra laughed. "You're not going to let me forget that are you?" Liz shook her head. "I know I was wrong about that and I'm sorry. I'm also sorry for not being...normal," continued Jirra. Liz leaned over and hugged Jirra. "Jirra, you have nothing to apologize for. I want you to know that I admire the way you've handled how drastically your life has changed in the past few years," said Liz. "But what if I'm right...about this? What if this is the start of some life changing event?" "Trust your instincts, Roo. You're a good person and that hasn't changed. If you are meant to do something with your life because of your transformation then I know you'll do the right thing. I also like the idea that you're meeting others who have had similar sort of life changing events. Jen is a great role model and obviously Beth is a great friend. I don't know who these other people are, but I'm sure they're also good people," said Liz. "You know you can trust me to share your secrets. I want you to be able to talk to me anytime you need to." Jirra smiled. "Thanks, Mom." "So, while we're on the general topic of your transformation. I would like to do a physical on you while you're home." "Sure, Mom, that would be fine." "Has your body continued to show fast healing?" asked Liz. Jirra nodded. "I'm just glad that I'm aging normally. I can't imagine staying young and seeing the rest of you all age." "That's understandable," said Liz. "Mom, I'm so in love with Alexis. When you met Dad, did you know he was the one?" Liz smiled. "Yes." "Do you feel the same about Dan?" asked Jirra. "Yes, I got that same sort of feeling. I'm blessed to have another special person in my life." "I'm happy for you," said Jirra. "Dan's great. Um, you two don't mind if I call him Dan?" Liz laughed. "Of course not, Roo. You're an adult now. I'm just happy that you accept him into the family." "I'm glad that he knows the truth about me and accepts me," said Jirra. "I know what you mean...just so you know, he promised me that he would never tell anyone your secret," said Liz. "There must be a slight urge to expose me... considering my ties to the canyon and his discoveries," said Jirra. "We talked about that. He said that it would be cheating and that a true archeologist would want to find the truth without being told the secrets. He has found some very interesting things up there and I know he can't wait to show you," said Liz. "Cool. I can't wait to see it. Oh, have you seen Barrett?" Barrett was one of the graduate students working on the site. Jirra had first met him when he was working in his family's coffee house in town. She considered him one of her best friends, especially how he had stood up for her against some of the less-open-minded locals. "He's Dan's right hand man. You haven't told Barrett about your change have you?" Jirra shook her head. "No I haven't. I'd like to some day." "Well, you've done very well in selecting the people you've told," said Liz. "Thanks. By the way, I can't wait until you meet Faith, Max, and Diana. They're really great people," said Jirra. "Well, I suppose that I can come back east this fall," said Liz. "I'd like that a lot, Mom," said Jirra. "It's strange, I love my life at Penn, but I think most of that is my friends...but I really love it here...I never was attached to a physical place before." "This is a very special place," said Liz. "It's magical," said Jirra. "Maybe we should have Judy put that in the next advertisement," said Liz. Jirra laughed and then glanced at her watch. "Speaking of Judy, I better get going. She wanted to show me the expansion." Liz stood up and hugged Jirra. "I've missed our talks, Roo," said Liz. "It's good to be home, Mom," replied Jirra. Chapter 12 "This is where the museum will be," said Judy as she pointed to a half- finished building. "Are they using real adobe bricks?" asked Jirra as she looked at the construction site. Judy nodded. "Although the interior will be state of the art, the outside will reflect the cultures of the area. Originally it was going to just show off some of the finds at the canyon, but I decided to expand it and show off the entire region. I've been in contact with some of the locals and we're accumulating quite a collection. I'm also digging out a lot of the Ramone family collection. It was either that or have a yard sale." Jirra laughed. "So what are you going to donate?" "Well, you've seen a few of my Georgia O'Keeffe paintings. It's a shame that more people don't get to see them. Also there are some other artifacts that have been in the family, like a pair of original Colt Peacemakers that belonged to my great grandfather." "Cool," replied Jirra. "Those must be worth a lot." Judy nodded. "We're going to have great security for the museum. By the way we're going to name it after Dr. Margate." Dr. Randolph Margate was an expert on the Anasazi. He was also a man of mystery. His background was a mixture of fact and fiction. Even his real name was a mystery as it turned out that Margate was a pseudonym. He was also the man who had originally discovered the local canyon. He apparently died in an explosion designed to seal off the canyon. Dan had gotten federal approval to have Margate's remains buried in the canyon. "That's great," said Jirra. "I don't think he would mind," said Judy. She then pointed over to where more cottages were being built. "We hope to have those open by next season." "I'm so happy the spa is doing well," said Jirra. "Me too. I originally planned to expand in five years, but we've been so successful that I can't put it off. Thanks to Jen's movie, I have the capital to start the expansion now." "How's Jen's cottage coming along?" asked Jirra. "It's done and she's staying in it now. I gave her a piece of land next to my cottage to build it. I mean, if I have to have a neighbor it might as well be someone I like," laughed Judy. Jirra chuckled. "It's so good to have you home again, Jirra," said Judy. "You and your mom are closer to me than most of my real family." "Thanks, you mean a lot to me too," said Jirra. "Um, Judy, I have a question and if you don't want to answer it...that's cool." "What is it?" asked Judy. "Well, just how many times have you been married?" Judy laughed loudly. "So you caught on to the inconsistencies in my life-story?" Jirra nodded. "Since the memory is much better." "I'll have to watch my lies then," said Judy with a smile. "Officially, I've been married four times, but I only count two of them." Jirra just stared back. "Come on over to my office and I'll tell you everything," said Judy. Chapter 13 Jirra smiled softly as she followed Judy into the main building. "This place brings back great memories. Who is doing the newsletter these days?" said Jirra. "A girl named Helen. She works here part-time and does nature walks. I'll have to introduce her to you at the barbecue," said Judy as they walked into her office. "Please sit down, Jirra." Jirra sat down in one of the plush chairs that sat across from Judy's desk. "Like I said, I was officially married four times," said Judy as she handed Jirra a bottle of water. "What's the difference?" asked Jirra. "Thanks for the water." "Well, two of my marriages turned out rather poorly and I don't really count them. I caught one of them cheating on me and the other tried to steal from me. The only good things that came out of those marriages were the settlements when we got divorced," said Judy. "They forgot about the old saying that 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'. There should be an addition to that statement about a scorned woman with a great divorce lawyer." Jirra almost spit out her water as she stifled a laugh. "The other two were interesting. I married a man named Harry when I was in grad school. He was a closeted gay man who needed the cover of being married." "Why?" asked Jirra. "He was due to inherit a large amount of money, but he needed to be married in order to get it. So I was more than happy to play the wife. We had the marriage annulled a year later after he got the money. We're still great friends and we still get together occasionally on our wedding anniversary." "Where is he now?" "He's living with his lover in Seattle," replied Judy. "Okay, so that's three," said Jirra. Judy nodded. "The last one was a very sweet man. I knew him since we were kids." "What do you mean by knew?" "He died six months after we married," said Judy. "I'm so sorry," said Jirra. Judy shook her head. "It's okay, Jirra. Reggie and I were old friends. We knew each other when we were kids. I ran into him in Vegas...I was up there celebrating my second divorce. Anyway, he joined the party and it was later that night that he told me he was dying. He had just been diagnosed with a very aggressive form of cancer. He said that he wanted to live life to its fullest in the time we had left. Well, one thing led to another and we were married by a guy dressed up like Elvis the next night." "Elvis?" Judy laughed. "It seemed appropriate at the time. Reggie and I had four wonderful months together. He was the reason I decided to open the spa. He left me his rather sizable fortune with the stipulation that I use it to fulfill a dream. He said that life is too short not to go for your dreams." "Wow," replied Jirra softly. "Thank you for sharing that with me." "You're welcome, dear. I'm so pleased to see that you have someone in your life." "Thanks," replied Jirra. "I really love her." "And she obviously loves you." Jirra nodded. "Mom said that you've been seeing someone." Judy grinned. "He's a businessman out of Tucson. He comes to the spa every now and then. It's nothing serious, but it is fun." "Good for you," said Jirra. "He's supposed to come up here soon. I'd like you to meet him," said Judy. "What's his name?" "Morgan Browning," said Judy. "He's a businessman and investor in Arizona and New Mexico." "How did you meet him?" asked Jirra. "He was a guest here at the spa. We met during one of the dinner events and just hit it off," she said. "Since then, we've met for dinner in Santa Fe and Tucson." "Do you think it's serious?" asked Jirra. Judy leaned back in her chair. "One can hope, dear." Jirra laughed. "So, how have you been doing?" asked Judy. "Life is interesting," said Jirra. "You seem to be more comfortable with being a woman," said Judy. Jirra nodded. "I still have my moments, but overall I am more at peace with my life. Of course it helps to have some great friends." "Never underestimate the strength you can get from friends. If you surround yourself with good people you can never go wrong. I hope you listen to them...I know you can be a little hard-headed," said Judy. Jirra pointed at her chest. "" "It takes one to know one, Jirra. It isn't always easy to listen to people when they tell you the truth, especially when that truth hurts. But you must find the strength to accept the truth and move on." "I don't have to worry about friends aren't shy about sharing their opinions," said Jirra. "Do most of them know the truth about you?" Jirra nodded. "There are a few that I haven't told yet, but I will eventually." "And obviously the ones you have told have kept the secret," said Judy. "Just like those here at the spa," said Jirra. Judy nodded. "Can you believe it's been almost two years since it happened?" "No...and yes...sometimes it feels like it just happened, and other times it feels...well it feels like I've always been a girl. Does that make sense?" "Yes it does," said Judy. Jirra looked at her watch. "I need to get going. Alexis wants to go for a hike before dinner." "Have a good time dear," said Judy. Chapter 14 "How long does it take for this to happen?" asked Alexis as she locked the door to Tara's office. It was a little after two in the morning. The only light was from the moon that was shining through the window. "It varies. The strange thing about a spirit journey is that time doesn't behave like it does here. On average the whole thing takes a couple of hours, sometimes least that's what I've been able to tell from looking at the clock after it's over," said Jirra as she positioned two Navaho rugs on the floor of the office. "I wonder what form my spirit guide will take?" asked Alexis, as she started to undress. "I hope it's a chipmunk," said Jirra with a grin, referring to Alexis's nickname that she had as a kid. "That would be my luck," said Alexis. "Just remember that they really aren't animals. They just pick the form of an animal," said Jirra. "So if my guide is a predator there's no danger that it will eat your guide, right?" Jirra nodded. "That's what I've been told." Both women undressed and sat down on the rugs. "Now, close your eyes and clear your mind. Try not to think of anything," said Jirra. "How long do we wait to see if this works?" "Long enough," replied Jirra. "Damn, that sounds like something Killara would say." Alexis smiled slightly and then closed her eyes. Jirra did the same. Chapter 15 "Alexis," said Jirra. "Open your eyes." The first thing that Alexis noticed was that it was daytime and for a moment she figured they had just fallen asleep. Then it hit her that they were in the Anasazi canyon. "What happened?" she asked as she stood up. "Apparently we made contact," said Jirra. Alexis looked around. The front of the canyon was clear of rocks. "It looks so different. Are we in the past?" "I guess so," said Jirra. She looked around. "I wonder where Killara is?" "I'm over here, little one," said a kangaroo rat, which had just hopped up on a rock, a few feet away from Jirra. Jirra smiled. "Good to see you again, Killara. Thank you for meeting us. This is lover Alexis." Killara appeared to nod. "It is good to finally meet you, Alexis." Alexis walked cautiously closer. "Um, pleased to meet you too. Roo has told me so much about you." Killara scratched his head with his large hind foot. "And she has told me much about you. Now, are you ready to meet your guide, Alexis Eden?" Alexis nodded. "Yes...yes I am." "Then turn around," he said. Alexis and Jirra turned to see a large orange and black cat leap gracefully onto a nearby boulder. "Greeting Alexis Eden, I am pleased to finally meet you," greeted the jaguar, as it sat down on the large rock. "My name is Taima." The voice coming from the cat was female. "Hello, Taima," replied Alexis. "What a beautiful name." Alexis immediately felt an overwhelming feeling of trust towards Taima. "It means crash of thunder in some human tongues," said Taima. Alexis looked at Jirra, and smiled. "That seems appropriate." "Jirra, I would like to talk to Alexis in private. I hope you don't mind," said Taima. Jirra shook her head. "I understand. I have some things to discuss with Killara." Alexis leaned over and gave Jirra a kiss, and then followed the jaguar off towards the canyon. Jirra sat down next to Killara. "Thank you." "There's nothing to thank me for, this was destined to happen. Now, tell me what's on your mind," he said. Jirra told him about her premonitions concerning the canyons and her friends. "You are right...something will happen...actually several things will happen," he said. Jirra sighed. "I need a little more than that. Can I trust Hallie and Tessa?" "Yes, they are closer to you than you can some ways you are sisters, but I'll leave that to you to discover." "And what about the canyons? There's something there, right?" "Yes, and it will take all of you to protect it and to protect the others." "What do you mean? Is someone I know in danger?" asked Jirra. "Events are about to happen that will put people you know at too will face your feelings and your friends and you will get through this task," he said. " make it sound like I'm on a quest or something," she said. "A quest, yes that is a suitable term. Your actions so far have been others...and they have decided it's time to test you." "What does that mean, Killara?" asked Jirra. "Remember when you asked if your transformation had a purpose?" Jirra nodded. "Now is the time to see if it does," he said. She stared at the kangaroo rat for a moment. "That's it?" He moved his head and it looked like a nod. "Trust your feelings, little one. I have great faith in you." Jirra was about to speak when it ended and she found herself back in Tara's office. "Damnit!" she muttered as she stood up and looked around. Alexis was still sitting down. "That was amazing," she said. "You have no idea," said Jirra as she opened her laptop and began to type furiously. "Aren't you going to get dressed?" asked Alexis as she stood up and stretched. "No, not until I get all this down," said Jirra without looking up. "I recommend you do the same thing if you want to remember what just happened. The details from the vision quest fade quickly." Alexis nodded and sat down and opened up her laptop. Other than the sound of typing, the only other noise was the sound of the birds greeting the sunrise. Chapter 16 Over a hearty breakfast of huevos rancheros and coffee, Jirra and Alexis talked about their vision quest. "I now understand why you're so frustrated after each vision quest," said Alexis as she added a few drops of Cholula hot sauce on her eggs. She took a taste and then added some more hot sauce. "For every answer Taima gave it raised two more questions." "Just two?" replied Jirra as she reached for the basket with warm tortillas. "Just once I would love a straight answer from that little rodent!" "If your spirit guide gave you straight answers...what fun would that be?" asked Tara as she sat down across from Jirra and Alexis. "It might take away the fun, but it would make things a bit more clear," said Jirra. "Do you want to talk about it?" asked Tara as she poured some cream into her coffee. Jirra told Tara what Killara had said, leaving out the names of Hallie and Tessa. "I don't want to create a panic or anything...not until I know more about what's happening," said Jirra. Tara nodded. "I think you should tell Jen." "I plan on doing that the next time I see her," said Jirra. "What about the others?" asked Tara. "I'll talk to them when they get here," said Jirra. "I trust you Tara, but I need to talk to them first...does that make sense?" "Perfect sense, considering if the connection you have with them is what I suspect," said Tara. "It's pretty amazing when you consider what is happening. I always knew that there was a world beyond the human world, but now I am starting to see proof. Don't worry, Jirra you know you can trust me to share any secret." "I know that, Tara and appreciate it. I hope to tell you more soon," said Jirra. Tara smiled as she sipped her coffee. "So, you have a jaguar for a guide...that's very impressive." "She's so beautiful," said Alexis. "She's also as evasive as Killara. Do they teach all spirit guides to speak in riddles?" Tara nodded. "I know what you mean. It may be time for me to contact my guide...all things considered." Alexis looked to her left and saw Jen walk in. "There she is." Jirra nodded and waved. "I suppose there's no time like the present." "Wait until after breakfast," suggested Alexis as she looked around. "The tourists are up and starting to file in and Jen's gone into her 'hostess' mode in self-defense." Jirra looked around. "I guess you're right." She then finished her breakfast. Chapter 17 After breakfast, Jirra and Alexis told Jen about their vision quest. They were sitting around the kitchen table in Jirra's family cottage. "I had a hunch something like this was going on," said Jen. "So how do I approach Hallie?" asked Jirra. "I mean I can't just walk up and tell her that I was transformed into a woman and that I know the same thing happened to her because my kangaroo rat spirit guide told me so." Jen laughed. "I wouldn't put it exactly like that, but there's no reason to beat around the bush either. If Hallie is like us, then she probably has sensed a connection too." "What about Tessa?" asked Alexis. Jen shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, but if she's connected to all this then we'll see the way." "So what do we do about Killara's warning?" "We wait," said Jen. "I don't think the threat he has alluded to is supernatural. If it was he wouldn't need us to do anything. Spirit guides have great power in the supernatural I suspect that we're tasked to protect something in the canyons from something far more dangerous than the mystical" Jirra nodded. "I know one thing...I need to get up to the canyon this week." "Well, Dan's supposed to be here soon, you can ask him," said Alexis. "I definitely plan on it," she replied. "I know that there's something up there...I mean I feel so sure about it....if I close my eyes I can almost picture where to go." "What do you think it is?" asked Jen. Jirra shrugged her shoulders. "I haven't got a clue!" Jen laughed. "Well, you can count on me." "When does Hallie arrive?" asked Jirra. "I think today," said Jen. Jirra sighed. "It's all coming together." Chapter 18 Dan's jeep arrived just before lunch. Liz was standing in the doorway of her office and smiled as the sun tanned man stepped out of the jeep and stretched. She then walked over to him and gave him a hug. "Be careful, I haven't showered all week," he said. "I remember what life was like in the field," she replied. "I'm just so glad to see you." Jirra watched her mom and Dan kiss. She waited before walking over. "Hi Jirra," said Dan. "Hi," she replied. "It's good to see you." She also gave him a hug. "Be careful, I don't want to get you dirty," said Dan. "Like mother like child," said Li

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Coeds European Roadtrip NightmareChapter 2

Deep into Eastern Europe on the plains of Poland an adventurous road trip by 3 college babes had quickly turned into a pit of humiliation and despair. Thinking they were helping a stranded local their hitchhiker was in fact a dominating kidnapper. Cleverly restraining all of them they had been forced to drive off the beaten track to a remote collection of ram shackle buildings. Now held under his bizarre funeral parlour the "undertaker" begins to bit-by-bit break down their resistance to...

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Coeds European Roadtrip NightmareChapter 3

Inside the stifling cellar the afternoon heat had nowhere to go so the walls seemed to perspire the syrup air thick and stale. The undertaker had hooded all three women desensitising them; allowing him time to manipulate each of their sweaty bodies into the positions he like. When he was finished he wiped his arms free of grime and sweat. Picking up a bucket of tepid water he drenched his body. Even with hood and his strength they had kicked and wriggled. The shouts and yelps had been...

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Sarah and miss Summers

Sarah gropped her perky 34B breasts, pushing them together to make them bigger. Sighing she gave up and had a quick check to the rest of her young 17 year old body. She had beautiful pale skin without any blemishes, nice long copper hair that almost fell to her well rounded ass. She was only 5ft tall and was the shortest girl in her grade but she knew what she lacked in height she made up in beauty. She had big innocent green eyes and a cute straight nose and small pouty lips that made...

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Springtime for Summers

Springtime for Summers (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Anne Summers had always thought that Christmas would be the worst time. The death of her husband Patrick the preceding September had been such a devastating shock, she had barely gone through the motions that first December, in an effort to create a semblance of joy for her three year old daughter Lindy. In her fragile state, she had succumbed to the smooth advances of her investment advisor, Andrew Nash, a...

1 year ago
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Ann Summers

AnnSummers! When shopping for sex toys, lingerie, or even something for your BDSM backroom exploits, it’s always important to choose a retailer you can trust. Well, perhaps you enjoy walking into your local sex shop and chatting with the cashier, telling them how you appreciated their nipple clamp suggestions last week, but not everyone is into that.In the 21st century, most people prefer to purchase their sexual paraphernalia discreetly from the comfort of their own homes. But, still, it’s...

Online Sex Toys Shops
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Baywatch Lost Summer

Someone once said "Never leave home angry". Summer couldn't remember who had said it, but the line kept on bouncing around her brain. She was angry and she had just left the Trailer, she and her Mom were sharing, to go to the Baywatch Headquarters to start her shift. She was angry and she was disappointed. Only a few hours ago she had a fight with her boyfriend Matt. They kept on having fights about the one theme only. But why wouldn't he just let go of it? She had made it clear to him...

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Rob Summer

Part 1.Rob had nothing but admiration for this girl. The fact she was his daughter made little difference. He gazed upon her with love in his eyes.She had suffered many tragedies in her short life, many were shared with Rob, yet, she still smiled everyday. She'd grown up happy, in good health, with loving parents. Rob and Claire had been married since they were sixteen. They bore two c***dren, two years apart. Eddie was the elder, Summer the younger.The first tragedy struck when Eddie was...

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My affair with Summer

The project I was working on was going to take two months. I'd spend month there, go home for two weeks, and then go back for another month. We had to make appointments at each facility before we could go, so scheduling was big issue. The site was about 50 miles from the nearest town. So we'd have to get up early and drive for an hour before we can start working and it was the same going home in the evening. We end up spending a lot of time together talking on the drive to and from site....

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B7 Chapter 5 Jordan Sucks Summer

Chapter 5: Jordan Sucks Summer Kneeling on the bed, Jordan reached out and stroked Summer's tummy; rubbing her head and hands against her impressive shaft lying down between her legs. "What are you waiting for, silly?" teased Summer. Now Jordan was facing the impressive member. Summer's limp cock hung from her crotch, and went halfway down her thigh to her knee. Jordan slowly moved her hands to cup the lower half of its soft, warm and heavy expanse. With her fingertips, she gradually ran...

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Brittanys Strapon Hell Week 4 Submission with Skye and Summer

Brittany's Strapon Hell Week 4: "Submission with Skye and Summer" By humbleslave I am attempting to make these stories stand-alone as well as make sense in a series. If you like this, make sure to read my other stories. Think of your votes and comments as your contribution to my stories! Thanks! After the week I'd had so far, including my most recent ordeal at the softball fields, I didn't figure it could get much worse. Today I had been promised to Mistresses Skye Blue and Summer...

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Oh Brother Jesses Fantasy Summer

Oh Brother! Jesse's Fantasy Summer Author's Note: A reader commented on Oh Brother! Those are My Things with an idea for this continuation. I go back and look for comments often, and sometimes reread them. This idea suddenly started to become a story. Allie, Jesse, and their mom were sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Dad to join them. He assured them he was going to be just a minute more and they would all have dinner together for the first time in months. Allie had just...

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The Boys of Summer

Hi folks ... there’s a slight chill in the air. It’s still sunny out but not as warm. The kids go back to school in less than two weeks. Summer is ending. I heard my favorite end of summer song the other day and it started me on this. This one is all one piece. Thanks for all of the e-mails and messages from those of you who got the answer to my blog question. And to the guy who thought the lyrics were from a Beethoven piece ... uhhhm ... Any way. Thanks to Barney-R for editing it. And Thanks...

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Dannys Favourite Summer

Danny`s Favorite Summer Originally based on My favourite summer by Tiffany B. further developed and rewritten by Florentine. This story is fiction. Danny McCallum lived the life of a normal eleven-year-old boy until the summer before entering Junior High. He was small (just about 4`8") for his age, with a frail appearance and quite shy. He basically kept to himself, wasn't very athletic and did not really enjoy sports. He was more into movies and video games. His mommy was a big...

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Liam to Lina II The Summer

Liam to Lina II, The Summer It was the second last day of school before the summer break. Liam said hello to his sister Emily as he arrived home. Today it was her turn to cook. He knew their mother would not be home for about another hour so he went into his room and closed the door. Just a week before, 15 year old Liam had competed at his school's womanless pageant and finished a very close runner up. Liam and the winner, Kurt, had wowed the crowd and the judges with convincingly...

2 years ago
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Paint it Summer

Her name was Lucy and she took a shine to me right away, which was kind of nice. By the second day I figured out that she was into girls because of the way she kept checking out my ass. I mean several times a day if I was bending over a paint tray there was Lucy checking out my tight teen ass. So by the second week I decided to push the issue, I started wearing shorter and tighter shorts, and made a no underwear pact which meant that when Lucy checked me out she might have just as well have...

2 years ago
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A Different Kind of Summer

"Stop it!" Karl said as he slapped my phone out of my hand. "She's not going to text you back anytime soon." I stared back at his cold brown eyes. "Fine," I said sitting back in my chair. I looked back over my right shoulder. Kristin was sitting with her friends all of them laughing and conversating with each other. "Give it a break," Karl said shaking his head. Karl was my best friend. "She's not your friend, not anymore." "What's the conversation?" Lucie asked as she sat down at our table in...

First Time
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Last Summer

This is a long one, in which the characters think things through more carefully than in most of mine, to decisions not much different from those in most of my stories. Rightly or wrongly. But each in his own way. Or hers. As usual, those who shouldn't be reading these kinds of fictions shouldn't read this kind of fiction. You know who you are. If in doubt, ask around. I'm always curious what people like and dislike about anything I write, and I always appreciate knowing. ...

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Summer By: Mahohokus Summer vacation had just started, I was now a senior in high school and was enjoying the first few days of days of summer. I was sitting with Jack in his car at a drive-in hamburger stand eating lunch Jack had just graduated from high school and would be going into the Marines the next day. The Marines was sending him back east to Parris Island for basic training. Jack would finish basic training and...

1 year ago
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Boys and Summer

100% fiction story! Hi my name is boyd, and this is the story me and my sister Summer. Me and my sister both went to the same collage a frw miles away from our house. My sister was one year below me and I was in my final year. Oh by the way I'm 19 almost 20 with light blond hair and blue eyes and my sister Summer is 18 almost 19 and has long, light brown hair and eyes. Anyway back to my story, one Friday afternoon when we got home I was going into my bedroom to get changed to go out for a run...

2 years ago
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A Night With Summer

This is a short story about one great night with one horny woman. I was working a fund raiser to fight cancer at a dinner-dance being held at a downtown hotel. I lived about a 30 minute drive from the hotel so had a room to sleep and whatever else in. I was hoping I would find a gal or a guy that was interested in a little after fund raiser fun. My job was to sell tickets to a 50/50 drawing where the winner won half the pot. Sales were going really well so at times I had a lot of money in my...

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The Origin of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer

[email protected] (I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)The Origins of Agent Suzzanne MidsummerCHAPTER 1 Dave the Fixer carefully he poured the powder mix from the fold of crisp white paper into the neck of the champagne bottle, the powder fizzing as it made contact with the charged contents. He held the bottle up to the light to ensure it was...

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Ginnies summer

It was the best summer in years, for the world, and for me. The weather was fantastic, the fish were biting, i had a good paper route that paid well, all the growing things were thriving, as if to make up for some disappointing years. And Ginnie moved in for the summer. I rode my bike down the street, past the scattered houses in our rural town, to a trim little Cape Cod with a picket fence and a yard full of flowers. I parked my bike and ran throught the gate and up on the...

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Camping in Summer

Camping in Summer Finally! Summer! For me, that has two meanings. School is over, I’m back from college. Finally, I get to lounge by the pool and relax for three months. Also, my baby sister is named Summer. At 19, Summer had perfect long, blonde hair hanging down just past her shoulders. Her body had developed during my first year of college, so my summer break that year was quite a shock. When I left, she was a 5’6” gangly 16 year old girl with a pretty face. When I came back, she was still...

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How I Spent My Summer

Author's note: As with all my stories, this is a fantasy and should be read and understood as such. I would never encourage or condone the type of behaviour described, even though it is non-violent, and would not like to think that any reader believes otherwise. Some of you may find this story long, as much of my work tends to be. I try to create a believable character, within the constraints of an admittedly unlikely fantasy... that a character can be put through gender changes...

2 years ago
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The Doorway Into Summer

This story has been an odyssey. It has stretched me in ways that I would never be stretched as a writer. For that I would like to thank Alan Lockridge, who came up with the idea for this story. He was the high bidder for the entire bake sale. Without his generosity, it would not have been the success that it was. Without contributors like Alan, FM would be just an idea. So, in recognition of that contribution, I wanted to make his story special. Anne approached me with the idea...

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A Stepmothers sin Ch 8 Robert returns to college the end of a wonderful summer

And as you would expect, Robert shared my bed with me the rest of the summer. We had fallen into a routine of sorts. Every day, before I came home from work, I would insert my diaphragm, even after the pill was supposed to be adequate protection.I believe we made love virtually every night, often more than once. Even when I was menstruating, Robert still wanted me and had me. Robert found a sturdy, two step plastic blue step-stool that he placed in the shower when I was menstruating, and he...

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Days of summer

I would appreciate a rating and a comment. Your feedback helps me to make my stories better! Summer. Summer was really blown by. I was so excited when summer holidays were finally here. My high school was baking in the hot Arizona sun. We all were sweating like crazy in our school uniforms, and our thoughts were circling around cold lemonade, swimming pools and bikinis, instead of trigonometry and stochastic. My name's Lucy. Lucy Miller. I did just turn eighteen the other week ago, and...

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JuniorChapter 13 End of Summer

Except for a talkative seatmate, the flight from Atlanta was uneventful. She was making the trip to visit her new granddaughter. By the time the plane landed she knew how I had spent my summer, all about Pontiac College and even that I didn't have a current girlfriend. I helped her with her carry-on luggage and she introduced me to her son-in-law. "I thought you didn't have a girlfriend," she said when she saw Jeannie Baldwin jump into my arms. I guess we got carried away, kissing like...

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Johns Last Summer

He knew this was his last summer. A year from now he’d be job hunting, so he could work to put money away for college. He was a smart kid and knew that this was important but couldn’t help feeling a bit wistful that these few months would be his last time of pure childhood freedom. John’s story took place in the sweltering Florida heat. Where, before school was even out, the temperatures were almost in triple digits and the humidity made it feel like you were breathing through a hot, damp...

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Amy 34 Cruel Summer

Amy 34: Cruel Summer Copyright 2015 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2015 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: The Pavements Are Burning When school ended so did our junior year. Summer began and it was time to pretty much just file away everything from the past and enjoy the heat and humidity, playing music together in Gina's...

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A Story About Summer

I wrote this story by request from a friend and I hope you will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. J My name is Summer and I am a transsexual. I have a B cup chest and my hips are a size 30 and I have an 8 inch cock and I love to be a naughty little whore. It was the summer after high school for me and I was waiting for my admission letter from college to arrive. Eventually it did but it wasn’t very clear as to if I had gotten accepted or not so I decided to take a visit to the...

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My Perfect Summer

My Perfect Summer By Heather Alexander ©2004 I had been looking forward to this summer for almost a year I was to spend the three months of school holidays with my Aunt Heather, who was my mother's sister. The car pulled out of the driveway and I watched it drive away, I turned away form the window and looked at my Aunt Heather, she smiled, "We've got a lot to do before we drive down to the country tomorrow," she said. "Yes," I replied and walked out of the room and went up...

4 years ago
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A Story About Summer

I wrote this story by request from a friend and I hope you will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. J My name is Summer and I am a transsexual. I have a B cup chest and my hips are a size 30 and I have an 8 inch cock and I love to be a naughty little whore. It was the summer after high school for me and I was waiting for my admission letter from college to arrive. Eventually it did but it wasn’t very clear as to if I had gotten accepted or not so I decided to take a visit to the...

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EchoesChapter 6 Last Light of Summer

On the following Tuesday, Carrie Ralston and her mother returned from their summer in Indiana. Carrie had discovered that I was at work when she stopped by the house earlier in the day, and was waiting for me on the porch when I got home. I think that she was way beyond surprised and on her way to shocked at my appearance. "Sammy? Oh my God!" She said before I'd even hit the first step. "Hi Carrie." "What happened to you?" "I had a good summer, grew a little, put on some...

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First Time Sex Stories 4 Coming Into Summer

Introduction: A young boy loses his virginity during recess. First Time Sex Stories #4: Coming Into Summer By Missy Younglove Authors Note: This work is based on a true experience that was related to me via email. One day in 5th grade, my friend Summer started flirting heavily with me. Although Id played with her almost every day during recess, shed never acted like that before. I remember being in science class just before recess that day. She was sitting in the seat in front of me and kept...

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A date with Stunning Summer

I spend some time with the internet porn star and fulfill a fantasy. I’m a young guy in my mid 20’s who just happens to have a fetish for mature women. I just think they are much sexier and more desirous when they are 40 and up. Since this is my preference, I scan the internet and look at all the granny and MILF sites. That was how I discovered Stunning Summer. For those that know of her and have the same desire as me, no explanation is required. For those that don’t know of her, she is an...

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My interesting summer

I hadnt always been interested in young girls. In fact, even now I still found girls my own age attractive, but last summer had changed me. It had been my summer job that had been my undoing. At eighteen years old, I had been about to enter the final year of my studies before heading on to University, and since I had had nothing to do over the summer, my Mum had been going on and on and on at him to find a summer job. I was well built for my age. I had been a swimmer since I was five, my mum...

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The Boy Next Door The following summer

Chapter 1 Trish was really looking forward to getting her maid back for the summer. Mark was due to return home today, and she was looking forward to picking up where the two of them left off the previous summer. Over the winter she had decided to keep increasing her feminization of the young man, and mentally started ticking off some of the things she had planned for him over the coming months. There were the obvious things such as going lingerie shopping, taking him to her...

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Nicks Summer

Nick's Summer Nick's Summerby Emile Copyright 2007.? This is a work of fantasy and the writer does not suggest or condone any particular activities.? You should obey the laws of your juristiction, ie consensual sex between adults. __________ Nick got into his dad's SUV, dreading the next three months of summer holidays.? Only minutes before they'd been in the airport, his dad joking along with his lacrosse teammates, slapping him on the back, but now they were on their own. "Get out of...

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The Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer

The Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer (A.K.A. The continuing perils and torments of a sexy lady Spy)CHAPTER 1Mission Failure, Suzzanne falls in with some very bad peopleShe heard a soft click and then something cold and hard pressed against the base of her skull, and a cold voice she spoke close to her ear ?Hello Agent Midsummer, we’ve been expecting you?. She shifted her weight and the gun barrel pressed harder, ?Ah Ah, no sudden moves, keep very still? The light clicked on and Suzzanne...

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First Time Sex Stories 4 Coming Into Summer

By Missy Younglove Author's Note: This work is based on a true experience that was related to me via email. One day in 5th grade, my friend Summer started flirting heavily with me. Although I'd played with her almost every day during recess, she'd never acted like that before. I remember being in science class just before recess that day. She was sitting in the seat in front of me and kept turning around and smiling at me. Sometimes she'd wink or lick her lips at me. I found this...

4 years ago
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Power Chapter 23 Summer

The day after finals everyone but me left for home. I had taken a job at the college running the extensive sprinkler system. Each sprinkler had to be turned on and off at designated times, and the whole operation took eight hours every day. My mother was angry. She had arranged for a seven day cruise for Bethany and Ben and me and Kathleen. She told me I didn’t need to work, because she had plenty of money. I reminded her that she wanted me to become a whole man, and one thing a man does is...

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Accidental Hero Chapter 3 A Job for the Summer

I celebrated my sixteenth birthday in February, and as promised I was allowed to enrol in Driver's Ed. I already knew most of the rules of the road. I'd been studying the book and pretty well knew it front to back. I couldn't wait to get my license so I could take Kelsey out on my own. We were getting along really well. She let me kiss her pretty much any time I wanted to ... and I wanted to kiss her pretty much any time. If she wasn't the prettiest girl in school, I don't know who...

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AdorChapter 6 A Family Summer

"You all ready for the invasion of the Corvallis Steeles?" Adoré asked Hazel in one of her regular, 'touch base with home' calls. The school year was winding down. Monday would start 'dead week' and finals the week after that. "Sure honey. We can't wait. Is Robby walking yet?" "Walking! The little monster runs! It's all I can do to keep up with him... And of course, anything he can pick up in his hand goes into his mouth." Hazel laughed, delighted. "Sounds just like his...

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Endless Summer

The perfect family fell apart around him. He found his mother with a man, who was not his father, in their bed when he came home from a friend's house instead of staying the night. That was a bit of shock, and as soon as he found out, both he and his mother, and eventually his father, knew what was going to happen. His father filed for divorce, it wasn't messy, but instead of having their son around to see a ruined family, both parents decided it would be best if he was sent off to a...

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Jeris Summer

Jeri laid in the sun in her bright red bikini working on her tan. She thought this summer was going to be the finest summer of her life. Jeri had just graduated from high school last Thursday, plus last week she received a scholarship to the college she wanted to go to. Her parents told that they were so proud of her for all her hard work that this summer was hers to do as she liked. No job, no choirs, just have fun and get ready for college. Jeri was smiling as she fell asleep planning her...

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The nymphs of summer

Sweet! Wonderful! Finally we were here. And what brilliant weather! I stepped out of the back seat of my fathers BMW and was surprised by the heat that met me. The car’s air conditioning had been turned down to an almost unnecessarily low temperature, and now the heat that I felt upon me was similar I envisaged to that of the desert. At home it had been a bit cloudy, but out here near the coast I could see a single cloud in the sky. I had followed my parents to the summer house they had bought...

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The nymphs of summer

Sweet! Wonderful! Finally we were here. And what brilliant weather! I stepped out of the back seat of my fathers BMW and was surprised by the heat that met me. The car's air conditioning had been turned down to an almost unnecessarily low temperature, and now the heat that I felt upon me was similar I envisaged to that of the desert. At home it had been a bit cloudy, but out here near the coast I could see a single cloud in the sky. I had followed my parents to the summer house they had bought...

Group Sex
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Dannys Dick Part 5 Summer

Danny's Dick Part 5 - Summer I was in Sears the other day, picking up some white cotton socks and a pair of light PJs to wear during the summer. On my way to the checkout counter I was walking past the Girl's Section and I noticed a display of tops on sale. I'm not sure why, but I stopped and looked at the display and on impulse, just grabbed a purple pleated knit top and paid for it along with the socks and PJs. When I got home I took it out of the bag and thought, "Why the heck did I...

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The End of Summer

Copyright© 2006 The sun blazed high in the late August sky. It wasn't the hottest day of the summer. The heat was oppressive because it touched that nerve of fatigue at the end of summer, when a person tired of hot weather. It was two o'clock. Paul had finished everything. He had taken his work-out in the cool, early morning. He finished mowing the lawn at about eleven. He had some lunch after that and completed packing after that. In a larger sense, Paul was finishing up a big chapter in...

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That Summer

"I went to work for her that summer, teen-aged kid so far from home. She was a lovely widow woman, hell bent to make it on her own. We were a thousand miles from nowhere; wheat fields as far as I could see. Both needing something from each other, not knowing yet what that might be." Garth Brooks Chapter 1 It seemed to 16 year old Billy Mayfair that he had been on this bus forever already, yet he was not even half way there. It was a long trip from Fresno, California to South Dakota,...

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Summering in Femininity Part 1 A Bummer Summer

A Bummer Summer? It was the dream of every seventeen year old, during the summer before his senior year of high school to spend it miles away from all his friends and all his stuff. In case you couldn't tell, that was sarcasm, because for Taylor Hughes, that was the last thing that he wanted. Unfortunately, he had no control over the matter. His parents were going out of the country on business for the entire summer, and trying as he might, Taylor was unable to convince them to let him...

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Cougar Summer

Introduction: What could I do between high school and college for a fun summer Cougar summer High school graduation would be in less than a month and I wanted to plan a fun summer before starting college. Not having a lot of money or a steady girlfriend, I was having trouble thinking about what to do. I did not want to just lie around the house and watch TV. Finally I came up with a plan that I thought might work. After several tries at writing an ad that might get me some fun times and...

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Dirty Black Summer

Introduction: Its a dirty black summer Dirty Black Summer written by Marc Rollins No summer in the Winter time Will keep you warm like a funeral pyre And theres nothing like an August night Drenched in your loving Ive got a dirty black Summer And nothing in the coolest light Can stop the walking out across the line No holding back the Summer night I got a feeling Its just a dirty black summer An unseasonably brutal sun wanes on a beach house overlooking the ocean, just North of Lincoln, City...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 3 Our Last Summer

May 24, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio I was up early on Sunday morning to head to Holy Transfiguration. As Head Acolyte, I was responsible for being at the church about ninety minutes before Matins so that I could refill and light all the oil lamps, replace the tapers in the candle box, sift the sand in front of the icon of the Theotokos to remove the candle stubs, and ensure that the nave was in proper order. When I arrived, I unlocked all the doors, adjusted the thermostat to cool the nave,...

1 year ago
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Home For The Summer

I was 23 years old, and I had just finished graduate school when I came home to live at my mother's house for the summer. I had gotten a good job, but it didn't start until August, and I had no money saved, and could not afford another lease on my apartment, so I got a part-time job for the summer and moved home. I had not been home for several years, and my older brothers and sisters were already gone out on there own. They only people living at Mom's house, besides Mom, was my two...


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