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Coeds 5: New Opportunities By Julie O Edited by Robert Arnold & Itinerant Menu By Jennifer V (My Sister) Features characters from The Julieverse Jen Stevens & Morris Pinsky appear courtesy of Robert Arnold (A list of characters is located at the end) This story was started with the assistance of Robert Arnold. He was more than just editor; he gave me input on the characters and plot lines. He also honored me by allowing the use of his wonderful character Jen Stevens. Due to Bob's passing, we were unable to complete the story together. To honor Bob's memory I decided to finish the story based on the outlines we discussed. He was a great friend and mentor and I will miss him. This story is dedicated to his memory. He may be gone, but he will never be forgotten. Chapter 1 "That was really fun," said Jirra. "Thank you for coming with me." "I wouldn't have missed it as it was a lovely wedding. Cat looked stunning," replied Alexis. "I agree," said Jirra as she looked out the passenger window of their car. "So do you want me to drive?" "No, I don't mind. I don't get to drive that much anymore, and I sort of miss it," said Alexis. "Okay, but if you get tired, let me know," replied Jirra. They were presently on I-95 heading north towards Philadelphia. "I will," replied Alexis. "By the way, you looked gorgeous in your bridesmaid's gown." Jirra turned and smiled at Alexis. "It was a nice dress," said Jirra. "So did you ever think that you'd be in so many weddings?" asked Alexis. "Not as a bridesmaid," replied Jirra with a laugh. "But I like it -- I like the fact that we have so many wonderful friends." "We definitely have a very interesting group of friends. I doubt if most of the guests would believe us, if they knew the truth," said Alexis. "It was impressive wedding party," said Jirra. Besides Jirra, the other women in the wedding party included Beth, Celeste, and Cat's best friend from high school Erika. "How long has Erika been dating Mike?" asked Alexis. "A few months. Apparently, they've been friends since high school and have always had a thing for each other," said Jirra. "Well, they make a nice couple. It's cool that a professional football player feels comfortable enough in his own sexuality," said Alexis. "I imagine there's some risk, if the word gets out that he's dating Erika. I mean I work in a supposedly liberal industry and there are plenty of people who are close-minded. I imagine it's much worse in professional football." "Well, he's an All-Pro, and one of the hardest hitting defensive backs in the league; I doubt anyone would say anything to him," said Jirra. "And if they did he could legally take it out on them." "That's true," replied Alexis. Jirra nodded. "Thanks again for delaying our second ceremony so we could be here," said Jirra. "Roo, I wouldn't have missed this. Besides, we're already married ... even though most states don't recognize it. Don't get me wrong, I still want to do the full blown ceremony, but I consider Cat a friend too ... and I know how much she means to you." "Thanks," replied Jirra. "So when do you want to do the second ceremony?" "Well, it's getting too late to do it this fall. You're starting school again in a week, and I have the show to do," said Alexis. "I can take the semester off," suggested Jirra. Alexis shook her head. "Nope, I want you to finish this," countered Alexis. Jirra smiled. "I'm so proud of you Roo. I mean, considering all you've been though and how well you're doing," continued Alexis. "Thanks," replied Jirra. "To be honest, I'm glad that I'll be back in class. I have missed it. It'll also be the last semester with Beth, as she's graduating soon." "Celeste will miss both of you," said Alexis. "I'll miss her too. I think it's great that she's going into graduate school." "So any word on who will be moving in at the condo?" asked Alexis. "Some of the girls from the foundation are starting school this fall." "That's good to hear," said Alexis. "I'm going to miss you," said Jirra. "These past months, I've gotten used to being with you all the time." "I'll miss you too," said Alexis. "But soon we'll be together all the time." "I can't wait," said Jirra. "I just hope that I have a nice quiet normal semester." Chapter 2 A week later, Jirra arrived back in her apartment following her classes. No sooner had she set down her bag than the phone rang. Jirra picked it up and looked at the number of the caller. "Hello Kelsey," said Jirra as she greeted her publishing agent. Kelsey Bond had been recommended by Faith Collins to be Jirra's agent. She was in her mid-thirties and had a great reputation for turning almost anything she touched into best sellers. "Jirra, I'm so happy that I got a hold of you. I need to talk to you about the book that you submitted to me," replied Kelsey. Jirra hesitated. For the past few months she had been working on a fictionalized version of the life of Andrea Carlson AKA Andrew Baker. Right before she passed away, Andrea had given Jirra her personal records and asked Jirra to turn them into a book. The last thing Jirra wanted was to fail at this task. The first book detail how Andrea, then Andy, left the US and joined the RAF, flying a Spitfire in a Canadian Squadron and being shot down over occupied France. It then covered his life in a German POW camp and how he was picked to be part of an escape plan. In order to help another officer escape, Andy was disguised as the man's daughter. The officer was actually part of MI6 had discovered a major secret, and it was vital that he return to England. The escape was successful, and the two made it to Denmark. Due to increased security, Andrea stayed behind and joined the Danish Resistance. This was also when she began her life as a woman. "First, let me tell you that you're a wonderful writer and that you have an incredible imagination. The transgendered aspect of the story is so wild that it's almost believable!" exclaimed Kelsey. "I'm very impressed with it." Jirra smiled to herself. For the most part, the story that Jirra had written was true, although Kelsey was unaware of this fact. "So what's the problem?" asked Jirra. "Not exactly a problem, but a suggestion. Have you every considered turning this into a graphic novel?" asked Kelsey. Jirra paused. "Um, not really." "Well, I think it would be perfect, especially if you're going to make this a serial. I read your summary of the main character's life, and there's a strong possibility for many stories." "I don't know," said Jirra as she nervously reached up and began to twirl her hair around the fingers of her free hand. "I really wanted it to be a novel; this is rather personal for me." "Jirra, I love the storyline and the main character ... but selling a story with a lead transgendered character is a tough sell. However, many of the people who read graphic novels are more open-minded to non- mainstream characters. If the graphic novels do well that it will easier to sell the novel." "I see," said Jirra. "I'll think about it." "Well you think about it and call me when you have made up your mind," replied Kelsey. "Thanks," replied Jirra. "I have some friends that I would like to run the idea past." "Of course," replied Kelsey cheerfully. "I have no doubt that I can get this published, but I'm convinced that it will get wider acceptance, if we go first with the graphic novel format." Jirra thanked her, and then, after hanging up, she went up to the top floor to speak with Beth and Celeste. Chapter 3 "I wanted to discuses this with you first Beth," said Jirra. "I know how much Andrea meant to you, and I want to do her story right." Beth was sitting on the couch with Spirit the dog lying next to her. "I think it's a cool idea," replied Beth. "But it raises a lot of questions. Like who will do the illustrations? Also, who will publish it?" "I was thinking about that. I mean, in my writing I sort of control everything, but in graphic novels, I would have to find someone that is thinking on the same wavelength as me," replied Jirra. "I would have to find someone who is sympathetic to the gender issues. I don't want Andrea to be mocked or to be a comical character ... or worse." "I may have an idea," suggested Celeste. Beth and Jirra looked over at her. "Have you met Tonya Boyington yet?" asked Celeste. "She's the blonde with spiked hair who lives on the third floor, right?" asked Jirra. Celeste nodded. "She's also a very accomplished artist. Tonya used to do a cartoon strip on the foundation's website," said Celeste as she set her laptop down on the coffee table. "Here, let me show you some of her work." Jirra nodded. She was a bit apprehensive; the last thing she wanted to do was reject someone from Celeste's foundation, as she knew what a hard life most of the girls had experienced prior to arriving there. "Okay, here's her website," said Celeste. "She has her own website?' asked Beth. Celeste smiled. "Yes, she's majoring in Fine Arts." Jirra was stunned, when she saw some of Tonya's work. Now, her biggest fear would be if Tonya would work with her. "Wow, she's so good," said Jirra as she scrolled through some of Tonya's art. "Her style reminds me of the old action comic strips. This would be perfect!" "I'm glad that you think so," said Celeste proudly. "I also have another suggestion." "What's that?" asked Jirra. "Even though we all know that Andrea's story is wonderful, it might still be a hard sell ... and the more mainstream publishers might balk at making the main character transgendered. They might even insist that you change that aspect of the story," said Celeste. "I won't change that part of the story," stated Jirra firmly. "I knew you'd say that, so why don't you form your own publishing company?" suggested Celeste. Jirra wasn't sure if Celeste was serious or not. "Well, for one thing it would cost a lot of money," said Jirra. "Which I have plenty of," said Celeste. "I can't do that Celeste. I mean, I appreciate the offer and all that, but ..." Celeste put up her hands. "Please hear me out. This isn't charity; it's a business opportunity. I am looking for new investment opportunities. We talked about examples of this in one of my business classes," interrupted Celeste. "So what do you know about publishing?" asked Beth. "Nothing," replied Celeste. "But I know about business." "I think I know someone who might be able to help with the practical matters of this idea," said Jirra as she pulled out her phone. "Who are you calling?" asked Beth. "Jen Stevens," replied Jirra. Chapter 4 "Sorry to bother you, Jen, but I need your advice regarding a business matter," said Jirra. "It's never a bother, Jirra; ask away," said Jen. Jirra explained to Jen the idea regarding Andrea's story. "Very intriguing," replied Jen. "Granted we don't have the artist yet, and I'll have to rewrite everything ..." "Don't worry about the details yet," interrupted Jen. "Let's focus on the big picture. Setting up a small publishing company isn't that difficult, as long as you have the capital -- which you do. I'm pleased that Celeste is in on this; can you pass the phone to her?" Jirra handed her phone to Celeste. "Hi Jen," greeted Celeste. "Good evening," replied Jen. "So what's your plan?" "Well, obviously I haven't worked out the details, but the goal would be to have my profits from this go back to the Foundation ... maybe setting up an art program," replied Celeste. "I suspected that would be part of the plan," replied Jen. "As far as the actual company goes, I have some friends who work in the industry. I think we might get one of the big firms to work with you, that way you could have artistic freedom, while having the advantages of working with an established publisher." "Would they have issues with the transgendered aspects of the story?" asked Celeste. "No, not really. If the stories were published under a different publisher name that would give them the separation that would shield them from any criticism," said Jen. "They'd only be interested in the bottom line then." "That makes sense," said Celeste. "If you'd like, I can make some preliminary phone calls ... and I'll also talk to my lawyer about the legal aspects of all this. He'll definitely write up a contract that will prevent you from being ... to use a legal term ... 'royally screwed' by the lawyers for the publisher," said Jen. Celeste laughed. "Yes, but they would say it in Latin," replied Celeste. "Back to your suggestion, I would love to hear Morris's input." "Good, I'll get back to you ... now pass the phone back to Jirra," said Jen. Jirra took the phone. "I take it that you think this is doable," said Jirra. "Very much so. Graphic novels are a great format," said Jen. "But I have one request." "What's that?" asked Jirra. "I want in on it ... as an investor," said Jen. "Really?" asked Jirra. "Yes. First, I think it's a great idea and I would love to see Andrea's story told to the world ... even if they don't know that it's true. Second, my being involved will give you some credibility with the publishers. I know many people in the industry and a few of them are fans of my work," explained Jen. "They'll take the time to listen to you more than some unknown author, but it won't be an automatic 'in' with them. You've got some notoriety on your own already that will make a difference." "That makes sense," said Jirra. "There is one downside to this ... if these stories take off and become popular ... as I suspect they will, then you're going to have to promote them -- and that means getting out in the public. I know how you like to stay out of the public limelight, and your present writing career allows that, but novels -- graphic or not -- requires promotion. Are you up to that?" "I don't know ... but I want to do this for Andrea ... so I guess I'll have to do it," said Jirra. "Good answer. I know that Alexis will be there for you, but you also know that you can count on me to help you with this," said Jen. "Just remember that this is YOUR project, so any decisions that must be made are going to be entirely yours to make, Jirra. I'll be available to answer your questions, but ultimately you are the one that's responsible. I wouldn't get involved if I didn't have a lot of confidence in you and the project as a whole." "Thanks, Jen; I really appreciate that," said Jirra. "So what does Alexis think of this idea?" asked Jen. "I haven't told her yet; she's shooting late tonight," said Jirra. "I'll call her in the morning." "Well, give her my love," said Jen. "I will," replied Jirra. "Tell Celeste that I'll get back to her in a day or so," said Jen. "I will," replied Jirra. "Thanks again." "No problem, Roo," replied Jen. Chapter 5 "Tonya will be up shortly," said Celeste. "Cool," replied Jirra. Spirit let out a playful bark and ran over to the front door. "Right on cue," said Celeste who got up and walked over to open the front door. A short, thin, blonde girl walked into the condo. Her hair was styled short and spiked with gel. She had multiple piercings in each ear and a small diamond stud in her left nostril. She was dressed in a plaid skirt and t-shirt for the rock group "Band of Sisters." Celeste introduced Tonya to the others. "I'll let Jirra tell you why we invited you up here," said Celeste. Jirra laid out the idea for the graphic novel. Tonya listened intently as Jirra talked. For the most part Jirra stayed true to Andrea's actual biography. She wasn't worried, as Andrea's life was so unbelievable that few people ever knew the truth. The rest of the books would detail her wartime adventures. "Well, what do you think?" asked Celeste. "It sounds interesting ... and it has potential. Is it possible for me to read the first story?" asked Tonya. "I promise that I won't share it with anyone else." Jirra smiled. "Of course, I can give you a copy this evening." "How much do you have finished?" asked Tonya. "The first two books are done and the third is almost ready to give to my agent," said Jirra. "Wow, you've been busy," said Tonya. "How did you find the time?" "I had some downtime this year ... medical," replied Jirra. "I see ... well, I'd love to look at it," said Tonya. "Of course if you agree to do this you would be paid," said Celeste. "After everything you've done for me, I figure it can go towards my tab," said Tonya with a grin. "No, anything you make from this is yours," said Celeste. "Part of the Foundation is making our graduates able to stand on their two feet. However, if you do agree to do this, you will be under contract for the full run of the stories." Tonya grinned."Ooooh, twist my arm! Getting paid to draw!" Chapter 6 The next morning, Jirra called Alexis as she ate breakfast and told her about the idea. "I think it's a great idea. I'm glad you brought Jen in on this ... she has a real nose for business opportunities. You can learn a lot from her; I know I have," said Alexis. "I wasn't sold on the idea at first, but I went on-line and looked at some novels that have been posted ... it might work. I'm a little worried about the writing." "Why is that?" asked Alexis. "I would think it would easier." "I'm not sure, I have to use a lot less words to get my point across ... it also depends on how good the artist is." "So what do you know about Tonya?" asked Alexis. "Not much, only that Celeste vouches for her ... which is a huge plus. I have seen some of her work ... and she's very talented." "What about her story?" asked Alexis. "You'll be working very closely with her, and there will have to be a level of trust." "True, but that goes both ways ... what do I tell her about me?" asked Jirra. "I would stick with the story we established when dealing with Longwell," said Alexis, referring to the father of the man who had raped Jirra. "And in time if you feel it's necessary you can tell her the truth. You have a good sense on who you can trust, Jirra; it's one of the many things I admire about you." "Thank you," replied Jirra. "One more thing, I want in on this investment. I think that it will be a huge success, and we should be investors," she said. "Great ... just what I need ... more pressure," quipped Jirra. "You thrive under it," said Alexis. "I've seen you at work ... like last month when they had you do a rewrite of that Erin Flynn script." "That was easy ... most of the hard work was already done," said Jirra. "I disagree. The script was a disaster, and we were about to scrap it ... you did a great job in a very short period of time ... saving the production company thousands," said Alexis. "I think you'll do a great job with this." "Thanks for the pep talk," said Jirra. "No problem ... now I need to run; we're shooting downtown today, and I need to get ready," said Alexis. "Okay ... I love you," said Jirra. "I love you too, Roo," replied Alexis. Chapter 7 Jirra was unlocking her door when Tonya walked up and immediately thrust a sketch pad into Jirra's hands. "What's this?" asked Jirra. "I loved the story so much that I knocked out some drawings for you," said Tonya excitedly. Jirra's jaw dropped slightly and her eyes opened wide. "You actually read the entire book?" asked Jirra. Tonya nodded vigorously. "I'm a compulsive reader ... I couldn't put it down. It was the first story that I've read that had a transgendered character who wasn't a victim," she explained. "Needless to say, I loved it!" "Well, come on in," said Jirra with an amused smile on her face. Tonya followed Jirra inside the apartment. "Please sit down," said Jirra. "Thanks," replied Tonya. "This is a nice place, I love the artwork ... also the rugs, are they Navajo?" Jirra nodded as she sat down. "I picked them up back home in New Mexico," said Jirra. "I've always wanted to see the west," said Tonya. "The farthest I've been west was Indiana ... no, that's not right, I lived in Chicago a while." Jirra opened the sketch pad and began to study Tonya's drawings. "Wow, this is wonderful," said Jirra as she looked at a drawing of the German POW camp. "It's so detailed." "I found some images of the camp on line," replied Tonya. Jirra looked at the next page and saw a young flying officer standing outside one of the barracks. "Is this Robert?" asked Jirra using the fictionalized name she had picked for Andy/Andrea. As a woman Robert would be know as Steffi, short for Stephanie. She was shocked by how much Tonya's drawings looked like the real Andy. Tonya nodded. "I used your descriptions of him ... it was pretty easy as you're a very good writer. I could picture him immediately," said Tonya. "Go to the next one to see Steffi." Jirra flipped to the next page and saw Andy dressed as a young woman. She was standing next to an older man, who was a fellow escapee. Jirra immediately could see the young Andrea in Tonya's art. "Wow!" exclaimed Jirra. "So ... you like them?" asked Tonya. "Yes, very much so. I'm shocked how quickly you put these together ... they're so detailed," said Jirra. "I have a really good memory. When I read about something I'm about to draw, I can recall every feature," she replied. "It's amazing ... I mean you even reproduced the costumes exactly as I described them," said Jirra. "Well, like I said, you inspired me," replied Tonya. Jirra began to hand the sketch book back to Tonya, who immediately shook her head. "No, those are yours," said Tonya. "I have many others in my apartment. I've also begun to scan them into my computer." "Thank you," replied Jirra. "I think we need to talk. Why don't we order a pizza, and then we can talk about all this." "I'd love that," said Tonya. Chapter 8 The two young women sat on the couch and shared a large pepperoni pizza, as they talked about the story. "I've never done this sort of thing before," said Jirra. "Yes, but you're an accomplished writer," replied Tonya. "I did some research on you. I've been a huge fan of the Erin Flynn books, and I really love the series. You've written some of the best shows." "Thank you," replied Jirra. "I also read about the assault ... that must have been awful," said Tonya. "Sorry, I hope you don't mind me bringing it up," "I survived ... with the help of my friends and family," said Jirra. Tonya smiled. "I'm so envious of you ... the fact that you have someone special in your life ... and that you have your family," said Tonya. "I can't imagine life without Alexis," said Jirra. "And well, as for my family, I only have my mom." "That's more than what I have," said Tonya. "You want to talk about it?" asked Jirra as she reached for another slice. "Sure. As you're friends with Celeste, you know that I'm transgendered, right?" Jirra nodded. "I've been to the Foundation a few times with her." "It saved my life," replied Tonya. "I was born in Indianapolis ... a typical American family ... except I had these urges to dress in my sister's clothes. To make a long story short, I was caught, and after a short discussion between my parents and our minister, I was thrown out of the house." "You mean, kicked out?" asked Jirra. Tonya nodded. "That's awful, how old were you?" asked Jirra. "Fifteen," she replied. Jirra's jaw dropped. "They said that it was for 'my own good,' and in a strange sort of way they were right. If they hadn't been so narrow-minded, I would have never ended up in Celeste's foundation," she explained. "It all worked out." Jirra shook her head. "That can't be the whole story," said Jirra. "What do you mean?" asked Tonya. "What are you leaving out?" asked Jirra. "How did you end up at The Foundation?" "Oh ... that part of my life," said Tonya as she picked up another slice. "You really don't want to hear about that do you?" "If we're going to work together, I do," said Jirra. Tonya smiled -- but it was a sad smile. "I spent almost two years on the streets ... I started turning tricks for a pimp in Chicago, not out of choice ... it was out of survival. I was arrested several times for prostitution and did some time -- nothing serious, just a few nights in lockup. My pimp made sure that I was always released quickly -- can't make money in jail. Anyway, the last time I was arrested the judge actually listened to my story. He knew about The Foundation and contacted Celeste. When I first met her, I thought she was full of shit ... damn I was stupid. Still, I agreed to go to the Foundation to avoid jail." "How long were you there?" asked Jirra. "Over three years," she replied. "The first year allowed me to get clean ... inside and out; and then I was allowed to be me ... and to finish my schooling. They let me develop my artistic skills at same time teaching me things that I never would have thought of ... it was eye- opening." "Not to get too personal, but what about medical?" asked Jirra. "Oh yeah ... that," replied Tonya with a smirk. "I don't mind talking about it. The good thing was that I didn't have any STDs from working as a whore ... yes that's what I was ... I was a whore. To be honest, I have no idea how I dodged that bullet; most of the girls I worked with got something. I even knew several girls who got AIDS. I also avoided drug addiction. I experimented, but nothing beyond that; not because I'm so strong or moral, it's just that drugs cost money -- and made you a slave to the pimp. Oh, I smoked dope and drank ... but nothing to too extreme ... well that's not true ... I got drunk often," she replied. "But I don't do those things anymore." "Damn," said Jirra softly. Tonya nodded. "I know ... not exactly a nice story." "What about you gender issues?" asked Jirra. "I got on a legitimate hormone regimen," she replied. "What about SRS?" asked Jirra. "I know that The Foundation provides it." Tonya nodded. "That was amazing ... it feels so wonderful to be whole," she replied. "In a way, I consider the date I got SRS my new birthday." "I'm happy to hear that," said Jirra. "I'm happy that you feel whole." "Thanks. Well, Celeste said that she could get me into college, I was first expecting community college; I had no idea she meant Penn! I know she pulled some strings to get me here, and I have no intention of letting her down. She's the closest thing to family that I have." "She's very special," said Jirra. "So you know her past then?" "Yes, she told me all about it," replied Jirra. "And I thought I had it rough," said Tonya. "I mean, she was abducted and transformed by some evil bitch." Jirra nodded. "So, have you contacted anyone in your family?" asked Jirra. "I tried, but they consider me to be evil." "Their loss," said Jirra. Tonya grinned. "Thanks. So what's your story?" "It's ... um ... rather complicated," said Jirra. "I'm sure it is," said Tonya. "But I came clean with my sordid past ... so I doubt you'll shock me." Jirra told her cover story and left out the magical transformation. However, she sensed that Tonya wasn't totally buying it. For a moment, Jirra almost told Tonya the truth, but she held back and decided she would have to wait until she knew Tonya better. However, she was growing weary of hiding the story of her transformation, but she also knew she wasn't ready to undergo the spotlight that Jen lived in. Jirra did tell Tonya about the issues at Penn, the sexual assault and her pregnancy. She figured that there was no sense in hiding something that was well known among her circle of friends. Chapter 9 "Um, what was it like ... having a baby?" asked Tonya nervously. "I don't mean to pry ... but it's something that I wish I could experience someday." "It was painful ... but very satisfying," replied Jirra. "The biggest issue was coming clean about my past ... and my gender issues." "How painful?" "I was in labor for hours; it seemed like days," she replied. "Hours?" Jirra nodded. "I don't even like doing things I like for that long," added Jirra with a grin. "Any regrets about giving her up?" asked Tonya. "A little," replied Jirra. "However, I know that I'm not ready to raise a child right now. I also still have some rage over what happened ... and that's not the baby's fault. I'm so happy that she's being raised by two very nice people. She deserves a happy upbringing and a fresh start." "Do you stay in touch with them?" Jirra nodded. "They send me photos of her," said Jirra. "You want to see one?" Tonya nodded. Jirra retrieved her cell phone and called up the most recent photo of Andrea. "She's beautiful," said Tonya. "Um, will you let her know what happened?" "Someday, when she's ready, she needs to know the truth ... I hope she understands," said Jirra. "I think she will ... you did a good thing," said Tonya. "I hope so," said Jirra. "It must have been a shock ... I mean getting pregnant," said Tonya. "I wasn't aware that it was possible." "My doctors said that there was a possibility that I could get pregnant ... but I wasn't worried about it. But now that I know that I can do it ... well Alexis and I do plan on having a family someday ... so it's nice to know that I can be the one who carries the baby." "That's cool," said Tonya. Jirra nodded. "So, back to the book; how do you want to proceed?" asked Tonya. Jirra laughed. "I have no idea ... I've never done this sort of thing. Why don't I outline some scenes for you to sketch, and we'll take it from there, okay?" Tonya nodded. "Oh ... do you want a contract or anything like that?" asked Jirra. Tonya shook her head. "I trust you, and I trust Celeste. I'll work on some sketches of the main characters and get them back to you. Don't worry about criticizing my work; I have thick skin." "Well, if you do as good a job with them as you have with these then I don't think I'll have anything to worry about," said Jirra. Tonya grinned. "Cool. I already have been compiling a file on British and German uniforms. I'll also do some research on civilian clothing back then. This is going to be fun!" Chapter 10 A few days later, Jirra was looking over Tonya's latest drawings. She was very impressed with Tonya's attention to detail. To her surprise, Jirra found writing the summaries and dialog was easier than she had thought it would be. This was mainly due to Tonya's excellent illustrations. It was also obvious that Tonya was very knowledgeable concerning the way graphic novels were laid out. Things were also moving along quite quickly concerning the formation of the publishing company. Kelsey, Celeste, Jen, and Jen's lawyer, Morris, were quickly putting together a business plan for the books. Kelsey had made a connection with a large firm that was willing to take on the new publishing company under its wing. This meant that the new series would get immediate credibility and would make marketing easier. Jirra trusted her friends to make a good business deal. Still, Jen insisted on contacting her before they made any decisions. During a recent call Jirra told Jen how much she appreciated being informed and educated about the business dealings. "I appreciate that you trust us, Jirra, and yes I want you to get more out of this than just the books being published. You're a very talented writer, but you need to know the legal and financial sides of any business contract. Too many people put their trust in people they hire, and often they get taken. I made this my philosophy as soon as I entered the entertainment business. I work too hard for my money to have it stolen. My motto is 'trust but verify'. If it makes you feel any better, I have had similar discussions with Alexis over some of our business dealings," explained Jen. "Thanks," said Jirra. "We also need to look after each other," continued Jen. "Thanks again," said Jirra. "So how's the book coming along?" asked Jen. Jirra told her about Tonya's artwork. "She sounds very talented," said Jen. "She is! I would like her to be made a partner in all this," said Jirra. "That sounds reasonable ... I'll talk to Morris and get his legal advice on how to proceed," said Jen. "Cool. We should have a rough draft ready in a few weeks," said Jirra. "In fact, Tonya is already working on ideas for the second book." "Sounds like you have the perfect partner ... so what have you told her about your background?" asked Jen. "The inter-sexed version," said Jirra. "Okay, and when do you plan on telling her the truth?" asked Jen. Jirra laughed. "Soon. I need to talk to someone first," said Jirra. "I see ... and would that person be a rodent?" asked Jen. "He only takes the form of a kangaroo rat," explained Jirra. "I know it sounds weird ... but I know this is all real. When I'm with Killara, it's so real ... I can feel the ground under my feet ... the heat of the sun ... the aroma of the plants ..." "I was kidding you, Roo ... I know what you are talking about," said Jen. "Cool. Anyway, I talked about it with Alexis, and she said that she would support my decision. She said that I have a good sense of who I can trust," said Jirra. "So far, she's right," said Jen. "I think that, from what you've told me about her, you'll be able to trust Tonya." "Thanks, Jen, I really love how I can talk to you. Don't get me wrong; Alexis and I are very open and honest with each other, but you know about what it's like to be different." "I prefer the term unique," corrected Jen. "What we've been given is a gift that allows us to see things that others can't." "I just wish it was easier," said Jirra. "Where's the challenge in that?" asked Jen. "Besides, if we hadn't changed think of how boring our lives would have been ... and we would never have become friends." "Good point," said Jirra. "I hope you don't mind that I see you more than a friend -- I consider you a sister." "I'm honored you feel that way, Roo," said Jen. "Well, I need to get going. Send me what you have when you get the chance, I'm dying to see Tonya's work." "Will do," replied Jirra. Chapter 11 Late Saturday night, Jirra striped naked, sat down on one of her Navajo rugs and began to concentrate. It had been months since she last had spoken to her spirit guide. This wasn't because she lacked questions; rather it was because she didn't want to overuse the relationship that she had with Killara. One of the cool things about seeing Killara was that she never knew what sort of environment she would find him in. Usually it was a natural environment so when she opened her eyes and she was caught off guard by the fact she was sitting on a park bench. As she looked around, it took her a few seconds to get oriented. It was obvious that she was not in the States. Judging by the architecture, she figured that she was in Europe. There was something very familiar about the look of the city, and then it hit her that she was in Copenhagen. She glanced down and saw that she was dressed in what appeared to be a woman's outfit from the early 1940's. She was wearing a dark navy suit and a matching fedora. Even though it was cloudy and cool there were many other people walking through the park; they were all dressed in period outfits. The fact that she wasn't alone was also different; usually when she met Killara they were alone. As she looked around at her surroundings she began to notice the soldiers -- German soldiers. Several were standing forty yards away checking the papers of people passing by. All were armed, although their weapons were shouldered. A chill ran up her spine, as she watched them. Killara hopped up on the bench next to her. "Hello, Jirra," greeted Killara. "Aren't you afraid that people will notice you?" she whispered nervously. "I mean, kangaroo rats aren't indigenous to Denmark." "They'll see me as a squirrel," he replied. "You can speak freely, as no one will notice us." "And no one will think a woman talking to a squirrel is strange?" she asked. Killara made a motion that looked like he shrugged his shoulders. Jirra was about to speak again, when two armed soldiers walked past her. They didn't stop, although one of them smiled seductively at her. Not knowing how to react, she smiled back. The two men continued without stopping. Thankfully, they kept walking, although the soldier who smiled at her looked back at her over his shoulder. Another chill ran up Jirra's spine. "I thought this would be a fitting place to meet, considering what you are working on," he replied. "It's Copenhagen in the summer of 1943." Jirra looked around and began to notice other men standing near the soldiers. They weren't dressed in uniforms, but they seemed to be in charge. They suddenly pulled a young man aside and began to aggressively question him. She wondered if they were Gestapo. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I'm not sure ... this is very unnerving," she said softly. "No, it's worse than that -- it's frightening." She felt a sense of relief, when the men let the younger man leave. "Much like your friend Andrea would have felt," he replied. Jirra nodded as she looked around. Suddenly a wild thought entered her head and her fear evaporated. She then leaned close to Killara. "Is she around here? I would love to see what she looked like back then!" she whispered excitedly. Killara seemed to ignore her question, as he scratched his ear. "I'm pleased that you have taken someone under your wing," he stated. "You mean Tonya?" asked Jirra. "We've just worked together on this project." "No, there's more to it than that. You treat her as an equal and as a friend ... which she needs. Her past is much harsher than she has told you. Your association with her is helping her trust people again ... something that her family took away from her." "So, I take it that I can trust her with my ... with the truth," said Jirra. "She already suspects that you are holding back. Don't worry; she doesn't hold it against you ... in fact to her it makes perfect sense as she is also guarded in hiding her past. What she has told you is true ... but she has left out some of the darker episodes." Jirra nodded as she watched an elderly man and woman walk past her. The couple was more interested in the checkpoint than anything else. After they passed she looked at Killara. "I could feel their fear," she remarked. "It must be awful to be always on edge." "Yes, this was a very disturbing time in history," he replied. "I hope this gives you a special insight into what it was like." She nodded. "Andrea was very special to have survived this. All things considered, it makes my situation tame," she replied. "Very good," he replied. "I see ... so back to Tonya, does this mean I trust her with the truth about the stories too?" she asked. Killara looked up at her. "Do you really need to ask me that question? Look inside and you will have your answer." Jirra nodded. "What? No sarcastic reply?" he asked cheerfully. "No, it would seem out of place," she said as she looked around. "I never thought I would say this, but can we end this early? I know that I'm safe, but the sight of all these soldiers ... and the others ... around here is nerve-racking. I can't imagine how Andrea was able to not just survive ... but to thrive." "She was a special person. Very well, young one, I will send you home ... but first look to your right." Jirra glanced over and saw that the soldiers had set up a checkpoint and were stopping all people in order to check their papers. Jirra noticed a young woman smiling cheerfully as she handed one of the Germans her ID. The soldier smiled back as he checked her papers. If Jirra hadn't known better it appeared the woman was flirting with the German checking her papers. The woman passed through the checkpoint without incident, and even the two men in the civilian suits ignored her. "That is your friend Andrea," said Killara. "Really?" asked Jirra as she watched the woman walk away. Part of her wanted to get up and follow, but she knew that wasn't possible. "Yes and if she hadn't been so charming then those soldiers might have been more observant. It also helped that she spoke to the troops in German. She's currently acting a courier and she's carrying some very important papers," he replied. "As I said earlier, a very remarkable woman." "Thank you for letting me see her," replied Jirra. "You're welcome young one ... trust your feelings, they serve you well," he replied. Jirra was about to reply when suddenly woke up in her apartment. She looked at her watch and realized she had been gone for nearly three hours. She quickly slipped on her robe and began to type up her observations in her laptop. Chapter 12 "You really saw Andrea?" asked Beth over breakfast. Jirra nodded as she took a bite of bacon. "From what I could tell, it was her," said Jirra. Beth sighed. "I wish I could have been there. Do you think that your guide could arrange for me to see her?" "I don't know ... but when you're ready we can try it," said Jirra. "I'd like that," said Beth. "I also have a deeper appreciation for what she did. I was only there for a short time, and I was a nervous wreck. She's the bravest person that I've ever known," said Jirra. Beth smiled. "She was special, wasn't she?" "Very much so ... just like her granddaughter," said Jirra. Beth began to blush. "Well, it's true," said Jirra with a grin. "Thanks," replied Beth softly. "So any word on where you'll be assigned when graduate?" asked Jirra as she ate some more of her eggs. "I've been offered a spot in the Internet sex crimes division -- although I have also been offered a spot in Spec-Ops too," said Beth. "I took the physical test this summer and scored above average. I guess I just wanted to see if I could do it. They also saved me a couple of times." "So what are you going to do?" asked Jirra. "I'm honored that Spec-Ops wants me, but I have had my mind set on joining the Internet team ever since I first walked into that office." "I know you'll do a great job there," said Jirra. "Thanks," she replied. "I really excited about it." "Um, one more thing: do you have any objections to me telling Tonya that the stories are based on a real person?" asked Jirra. "No, I think we can trust her," said Beth. Chapter 13 A week later, Jirra scrolled through the first draft of the book on her computer. Tonya was sitting next to her on the couch, sipping green tea. "I have to admit that this is good. I had my doubts that the book would work in this format, but it does," said Jirra. "You really captured the look I was hoping for." "Thank you. I really enjoyed doing it ... and I look forward to starting the next one," she replied. "That's good to hear, as I will be sending this off to Kelsey," said Jirra. "Things are happening very quickly, and it looks like the first book will be published before the end of the year." "I'm amazed how you've been able to put all this together," said Tonya. Jirra laughed as she shook her head. "I've had little to do with the technical side of this. It's due to Celeste, Kelsey and Jen," she replied. "Jen?" asked Tonya. Jirra snapped her fingers. "That's right, I haven't told you everything; Jen Stevens has thrown her expertise behind this project," explained Jirra. Tonya stared back in disbelief. "You mean Jen Stevens -- the actress, producer, director ... " "And a very good friend," replied Jirra. "I met her through Alexis, when she stayed at the spa." "Now, I'm really impressed. You've been holding back on me -- you know my idol!" "I'll introduce you to her the next time she's in town. She comes in for a cheese steak, when she can," replied Jirra. Tonya laughed. "Yeah, like she would eat a cheese steak." "She sometimes eats two! I have no idea how she does it," said Jirra. "You're serious, aren't you?" "Very much so. Jen has helped me ... in more ways tha I can remember," said Jirra. Tonya stared back. Jirra took a deep breath and let it out. "We sort of share a special connection," continued Jirra. Tonya didn't say anything. "I suppose this is as good a time to tell you as any ... I have left out something about my past, and I think that I can trust you enough to tell you," said Jirra. "Thanks," replied Tonya. Jirra nodded and then began to tell her story. Chapter 14 After Jirra finished, a sly smile appeared on Tonya's face. "I just have one question, when are you going to write your life story? I would love to illustrate it," said Tonya. "I doubt anyone would want to read it," said Jirra. Tonya shook her head. "Jirra, are you kidding? This would be great!" "Maybe some day ... but not now," said Jirra. "So, you obviously believe me." "I knew you were hiding something, but I had no idea it was this. So, you never wanted to be a girl before this happened?" "That's right. I was very happy being a guy ... and it took me a while to get comfortable as a woman," replied Jirra. "And are you comfortable now?" Jirra nodded. "Yes, although I still have my moments. I think having the baby gave me a whole new look at this," she replied. "Damn, you're everything I've always wanted to be," said Tonya wistfully. "I used to wish and pray something like that would happen to me, when I was growing up. Do you think that I could try it?" Jirra shook her head. "It's too risky. I mean we're talking about lightning and the possibility of being electrocuted. Then there's the whole thing about changing genders -- how do you explain it?" replied Jirra. "I wouldn't care," said Tonya. "Yes, you would. My biggest fear is being outed; can you imagine what the press would do?" asked Jirra. "I'm amazed Jen does as well with it as she does. I was more terrified about being outed than having the baby." Tonya scratched her chin. "Yeah, I can see your point -- the press would go nuts," said Tonya. "Don't worry about me, I will keep your secret; I know all about them." Jirra smiled back at her. "Thanks, I hate being secretive with my friends," she replied. "Thank you ... for considering me a friend," replied Tonya. "So does this mean that Celeste and Beth know about you too?" Jirra nodded. "Of course Jen and Alexis also know," said Jirra. "That goes without saying," said Tonya. "No one else here does, but there are many others who know," continued Jirra. "Maybe you'll meet them." "So is this why you came up the ideas for these stories?" asked Tonya. "No, they're based on a real person; I just fictionalized her life," said Jirra. "She gave me her journals before she passed and asked me to try and get them published -- so these are a labor of love." "Wow," replied Tonya. "Now I really want to complete these knowing that there was a transgendered secret agent. She must have been one hell of a woman." "She was," replied Jirra. "Okay, while we're on this sharing secrets path ... is there anything else you want to share with me?" "Let me get something to drink first," said Tonya. Chapter 15 "I left out a big part of what happened," said Tonya as she took a sip of her tea. "I wasn't exactly caught ... I was betrayed." "Go on," said Jirra. "I was freaking out about the urges to be a girl, and I needed someone to talk to, so I went to my minister," she said. "At first he was very nice about it and told me not to worry -- that he would help me. He then asked me to come over to his house ... and when I got there he had an outfit for me to wear. He said that he wanted to see me when I was dressed. I didn't think it would hurt, so I changed." "What did you wear?" asked Jirra. "It was a skirt, blouse, and knee socks, nothing too outrageous. He also had a bra and panties for me, also makeup and a wig -- I looked pretty mainstream," she replied. "We then sat down and talked; I felt so relaxed ... and hopeful that things were finally going well." Tonya took another sip of her tea. "I then began to feel weird -- tired, weak -- and before I knew it, the bastard was carrying me into his bedroom ... where he raped me," she confessed. "He drugged me just enough so I couldn't resist him -- but he left me awake so I could remember everything that he did to me." "I'm so sorry," said Jirra. Tonya nodded. "Anyway, he told me that if I told anyone what happened I would go to hell and that no one would believe me," she continued. "He then continued to use me over the next few months." She picked up her mug with both hands to take a drink. Jirra could see that she was trembling. "It's okay, Tonya, you don't need to go on," she said softly. "No, I want to talk about it. Anyway, he must have thought that he couldn't trust me -- so he turned me in to my parents. I tried to tell my side, but no one believed me -- just like he said. I had no proof to back up my story; it was my word against his ... and he's the beloved man of the cloth," she said bitterly. "So he's still there?" asked Jirra. Tonya nodded. "I know ... I know. He's probably abusing others ... but no one will listen to me ... I'm a pariah there," said Tonya. "There's nothing that anyone can do about it." "Did you tell anyone at the Foundation?" asked Jirra. Tonya shook her head. "Maybe I should have," she replied softly. "I know this may sound selfish, but I just want to move on. I know that I could have -- should have -- told Celeste, but she has enough on her mind." "I think you should tell her, and I know someone else you should tell this to," said Jirra. "Who?" asked Tonya. "Diana Bowie," said Jirra. "Who is she?" asked Tonya. Jirra smiled, as she took Tonya's hands into her own. "Someone you have a lot in common with," replied Jirra. Chapter 16 Two hours later, Jirra and Tonya were up in Celeste and Beth's apartment. Diana Bowie was also there, listening intently as she took notes while Tonya repeated her story. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before Celeste," said Tonya after she finished. "I know that I should have ... " "You have nothing to be sorry about, Tonya. I know how hard it is to admit to being abused," said Celeste. "So do I," added Diana. "Tonya, do you know if he's still there?" Tonya nodded. "I went online a few months ago." "Good," replied Diana. "If he's still there, then it means that he'll feel very comfortable and safe." "Do you think he's abusing others?" asked Tonya. "There's a very good chance of it," replied Diana. "I'm so sorry I didn't come forward sooner," said Tonya. "Tonya, you're the victim in this; you have nothing to apologize for. The man who abused me was an adored teacher, and everyone was shocked when he was caught. So I find it very believable that no one would believe you," said Diana. "You were abused by a teacher?" asked Tonya. "And many others," replied Diana. "They're all dead or in jail." "Do you think you can help put Reverend Hartwig in jail?" asked Tonya. Diana looked over at the others. "We'll definitely try," replied Diana. "You going to call Max?" asked Beth. "It's the sort of thing that he loves doing," replied Diana. "Who's Max?" asked Tonya. "My Dad," replied Diana. "Not by birth, but he's the man who saved me and raised me." "He's a P.I., and he's worked with the Foundation," added Celeste. "And what will he do if he uncovers what Hartwig is doing?" asked Tonya. "I doubt the local cops will do anything." "He'll turn his info over to the Agency," said Beth. "The Feds?" asked Tonya. "Max has a long history with them, and they're very good at stepping in when the local authorities are either unwilling or unable to do anything," said Diana. Tonya had a look on her face of disbelief. "Trust me Tonya, if there's abuse going on there then The Agency will step in," said Beth. "You sound pretty sure," said Tonya. "She should; she's going to be working for them as soon as she graduates," interjected Celeste. "No way!" exclaimed Tonya. "She's telling you the truth; but to be totally honest, technically I'm already an agent," said Beth. Tonya looked at Jirra who was nodding. "Wow ... and I thought I had the most unusual past here," said Tonya. "Okay, I'll call Max and set up an interview with you," said Diana. "Also, Tonya, I want you to speak to one of our therapists," added Celeste. "I'm okay ... now," said Tonya. "I doubt that, speaking from my own experiences," said Diana. "Do what Celeste says; you'll thank us later." "I guess you think I'm stupid," said Tonya to Celeste. "No, I don't. Since I opened the Foundation, I've seen many people who have been both abused and betrayed by people they thought they could trust. Do I wish you had told us about this earlier? Yes. But what's more important is that you have told us," explained Celeste. "Now the most important thing is that you get help." "I appreciate that," Tonya replied. "I also appreciate that I have so many people who care about me. Thank you." "You're welcome," said Celeste. Chapter 17 "Wow, that's quite a story," said Alexis. "I know. When Killara said that she was hiding something, I wasn't expecting that," replied Jirra. "But then again I guess I shouldn't be shocked." "I can't wait until we hear what Max turns up," continued Alexis. "I know," replied Jirra. "If anyone can turn up something, it's Max. Then it'll be up to The Agency." "And hopefully a long jail sentence," added Alexis. "It will still be light punishment, compared to the pain he has caused." "I don't know. If he's publicly humiliated that could be a worse punishment for someone like him; he'll lose the power and prestige that he has built up," continued Alexis. "Maybe," replied Jirra. "So, when can we get together?" "How about Columbus Day weekend?" asked Alexis. "We're not scheduled to be shooting that weekend." "Cool! Where do you want to meet: here or up there?" "I'll come down there, that way you won't fall behind in your school work," said Alexis. Jirra laughed. "I'm actually having a very easy semester. I've even found time to write a guest article for the campus paper," replied Jirra. "That's cool. So do you miss working on the paper?" asked Alexis. "A little," replied Jirra. "The problem is that, now that I'm writing professionally, some of the staff is intimidated by my being there." "Speaking of writing, I can't wait to see the book," said Alexis. "It looks great. I have to admit that I'm really excited about getting it published. I'm also glad that Jen has thrown her expertise behind the formation of our company." "I know what you mean. I've looked at the business plan, and what she and her lawyer have put together is impressive. So have you settled on a name of this company?" "It will be Anasazi Press," said Jirra. "That's catchy," replied Alexis. "It was either that or Killara, but I don't think that he'd approve," she said. "I like having the connection to the canyon." "Sounds good. Well, I better get going, we'll be shooting soon. I can't wait to be with you, Roo," said Alexis. "I miss you so much," replied Jirra. "I love you." "I love you too, take care." Chapter 18 Diana's cell phone rang, as she was walking out of her house. "Hi Max," she greeted. "So where are you?" "O'Hare," he replied. "Really? So soon? You've only been out there for a few days," said Diana. "It was all that I needed," he replied. "So tell me, what did you find out?" asked Diana. "I tracked down two of the people on the list that Tonya gave you. They both are willing to talk." "Will that be enough to get the authorities involved?" she asked. "I would say so, as Hartwig is currently in jail awaiting his arraignment," replied Max. "How did you pull that off so quickly?" asked Diana excitedly. "Would you expect less from a professional, semi-retired sleuth like me?" he asked. Diana giggled. "You always can make me laugh," she replied. "I'm glad to hear that," he said. "Anyway, it came together pretty fast. The list of names Tonya gave you was a good start. They gave me other names and that led to the person that Hartwig was currently abusing -- a fifteen-year-old boy. This time the parents believed the victim; it was all I could do to stop the father from going over to the church and shooting Hartwig.""So what happened then?" "The Agency arranged for the State Police to make the arrest, but they'll be involved, based on what they have found," said Max. "What was that?" she asked. "Hartwig greeted us at the front door of his home as if we were coming over for a barbecue. He initially tried to argue that the charges against him were bogus and was shocked that we had a search warrant. When we headed down to the basement, Hartwig began to get hysterical and had to be restrained. He then broke down and began to sob and beg for forgiveness ... pretty pathetic considering all the people he has hurt," said Max. "It soon became obvious why he was so upset. The State Police uncovered a wealth of information, including video and photographic evidence of his sexual conquests. He also had a lot of child pornography. They're still going through his computer files." "Why am I not surprised?" she said. "So where is the bastard now?" "In a cell in Indianapolis, under suicide watch," replied Max. "As they led him out of his home, he keep crying out that he wanted to die." "So what about The Agency?" asked Diana. "You said that they'd be coming in." "It looks like Hartwig's religious retreats to third world countries were actually sex vacations. He made trips to at least five countries. Right now, the authorities will have enough to lock him away for several lifetimes," said Max. "No chance that he'll cut a deal and get out of being punished?" asked Diana. "His lawyers brought that up, but he's too dirty. He'll also be facing foreign extradition, and I doubt he'll want to go to a prison overseas. At best he might get a deal on where he'll be sent here," said Max. "What bothers me is that I was able to break this so quickly. He really had the locals fooled. Everyone in his town thinks the man is a saint ... or at least they did." "Thanks, Dad, I owe you for this one," said Diana. "It was an act of love, my dear. Besides, I may be getting old, but I never get tired of busting a dirt bag." "So can I tell Tonya?" asked Diana. "I think she'd like to hear it from you," said Max. Chapter 19 Diana sat down on the leather couch in Tonya's apartment. In addition to her couch, her living room had several plush armchairs. "Nice place," said Diana. "I like how you've furnished it." "I'd love to take credit for it, but I bought most of the furniture is from the previous tenant," she replied. "I like it too; it feels comfortable here. "Well, I wanted to tell you that Reverend Hartwig is in jail," said Diana. "Really?" asked Tonya excitedly. "Is there any chance that he'll get out?" "Currently, he's being held without bail, due to the charges filed against him," said Diana. She then told Tonya the list of charges filed against Hartwig. "My god, I had no idea he was so evil," said Tonya. "He was very good at hiding his true nature," said Diana. "He counted on this and that none of his victims would ever speak against him." "I hate to say this, but why don't they let him kill himself," she said. "I see your point, but men like him need to go on trial. If he committed suicide, then there would always be those who felt he was innocent. The world needs to know the nature of his crimes," said Diana. Tonya stared back. "True ... but does this mean that I will have to testify?" she asked. "Maybe," replied Diana. She lowered her head. "I hadn't thought about that ... but I'll do it," she said. "And I'll be there with you," said Diana. "You mean that?" asked Tonya. Diana nodded. "Thanks," she replied. "However, there's a very good chance that he'll make a deal, to avoid a trial. Molesters usually don't do well in a courtroom. With the charges he's facing, he's looking at life without possibility of parole. The best he can hope for is which prison he goes to. He's also facing foreign prosecution." "If he makes a deal will he have to make one of those statements ... confessing what he has done?" asked Tonya. "You mean an elocution; yes, I'm sure the prosecutor will demand that," said Diana. "Good," replied Tonya. "I want everyone to hear him say what he did." "Tonya, have you ever been in contact with your family, since you were forced out?" asked Diana. She shook her head. "I'm not telling you to call them tonight, but I want you to consider doing it," said Diana. "Do you think it will make any difference?" she asked. "Not with everyone, but some might be willing to listen to your story now." "Did it help with your family?" asked Tonya. "I read your book -- Celeste loaned me her copy -- it was great. But even after the truth came out, your family still didn't embrace you." "That's true; it didn't fix everything, but it did give me access to some of my original family. I know what you're going through, and how you feel. But as you grow older, it's nice to have family." "I wouldn't know where to start," said Tonya as she wiped away the tears that were rolling down her cheeks. "Try calling them and see where it goes," said Diana as she handed Tonya the box of tissues. "And then?" asked Tonya as she wiped her eyes. "Maybe meet them. I would be willing to be there with you," said Diana. "You mean that?" asked Tonya. Diana nodded. "I have learned a lot from the mistakes that I have made. I have learned that sometimes you need the help of others. It doesn't do any good to hold it in -- the pain doesn't go away," explained Diana. "But you're so successful -- I mean you've written books, been on TV, and now you're a professor ... " "Professionally, I've done very well ... my personal life hasn't always been so rosy. Thankfully I finally met someone who has taught me how to love, but it was a long, lonely journey before I met her," said Diana. "I just don't want to see you make the same mistakes that I did." "Okay ... let me think about it," said Tonya. "I will, but I'm very persistent, so don't think that I'll forget about

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from couples to three someand loving it

It was rather tough because my wife is rather picky but I placed an ad on this sight any ways. We got a lot of requests from single or married guys even though we were asking for couples. The couples we chatted with became rather disappointing either she liked the guy and I didn't like the woman or they liked my wife and not me or visa versa .I thought we never would find the one so to speak. I kept looking though not giving up hope, It took a while but we were able to meet a couple that...

4 years ago
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The Claiming of Jennifer Kim

[Prologue]I think my favorite moment with Jennifer was when she realized that I had her. It was that look on her face when it all hit her. All those panicked thoughts and emotions rushing through her head suddenly turning to a shocked realization. At that moment she knew that I owned her. She knew that I could make her do whatever I wanted her to do. She had no choice at all.Actually I suppose she did have a choice; she could turn herself in for being part of the cheating ring in BIO 104 that...

1 year ago
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A Trans Atlantic Affair

What did I expect when I left that morning? Nothing? Everything? Maybe both? I don’t even know if I would call what I felt ‘expectations’. Dreams I think would be a better word. Dreams the likes of which most girls can only, well, dream of! John Stone was offering me those dreams. Me! Verity Rose Eldridge! It was so impossible to believe that I could barely say it out loud! Even now, I’m not sure how to put it all in words. Out of nowhere, he came into my life and then it was all right there...

3 years ago
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Sweeties Beginings Part 7

Danielle and I didn't have sex for almost two weeks after I moved in. I would try to interest her while we were in bed, but she couldn't be bothered. I asked her about one Thursday as we sat on the couch together. "What?" she asked, with total reprehension in her voice. "Well, Danni, we haven't had sex in almost two weeks. I want to know if everything is ok," I said hesitantly. "Are you kidding me? Are you really asking me that? Is that all this relationship is about: sex?" "No,...

2 years ago
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Danas Story Part 4

Dana's Story, Part 4 Dana and Kathy are settling in to married life, and opportunities abound for Dana's CD. Coffee Club Wives The impending birth of our daughter also brought another significant change. We decided to buy a fairly big colonial home with a built-in pool in a nice school district. It was at the end of a cul de sac in a nice western suburb close to the airport and two major malls. Our neighbors were typical traditional nuclear families. It was comfortable for us...

3 years ago
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The Lonely Professor

The two students only moved in a month ago. Into the downstairs flat.Love's Young Dream I called them. They're not married, but no-one is these days, are they? Not that age anyway. I found out they're not even twenty.It's all so much freer than in my twenties, fifty years ago, or even when I became Professor. Yes, we held hands in public, and a man walked with an arm around his girl. Even then, the neighbours could look askance. But if I'd let an arm slide as far down my girl's back as that...

1 year ago
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Swimming with Boys

Swimming with Boys----------It was so hot, both inside and outside, as I slipped into my two-piece swimsuit. It was not really a bikini, having a little skirt surrounding the bottoms for modesty. There was no one at the neighbor's above ground pool surrounded by a tall wooden fence as I stepped up onto the deck surrounding it. There were a few trees casting shadows and I chose a brightly lit spot, spread out my beach towel before turning and jumping into the lukewarm water, dipping my head...

1 year ago
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Jarigina katha

Idi nijamuga jarigina katha.maa inti ki pakkana nalugu illu unnai.andulo nalugu kutumbalu adde ku unnayinenu. Valla ki snanalu anni bayata unna rekula sheddulone. Oka rojubayata varandah lo kurchuni sigarette kalusthu kurchutanu.intalo o chinna pilla chenguna lady la parugu peduthu snanani ki vellindi.ame vanti mida bra tappa mareme ledu.chinni chinni bayalu bayatiki vachhi nannu rechha gottayi.nenu tappu anukuntene malli a pilla bayatiki vachhevaraku chustunnanu.intalo evaro ravatam tho nenu...

2 years ago
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Honey Moon

Cassie and Mark just got married and are on their last day of their honeymoon. A week long in a hotel together and they had only left the room to eat. They fucked the whole time. Cassie was not quiet at all as she liked to moan and scream especially when she came. Today was different from the others because they needed ice for their champagne. Cassie, the good wife she was, saw her husband was tired and offered to get the ice from down the hall. She looked at her husband, who had handsome dark...

Quickie Sex
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My Dirty Minded Neighbour

My next-door neighbour is 61 years old and has just retired from work; she lives on her own and is a slightly plumper kind of woman. I’ve only knowing her eight months after moving to the area and we get on well together as neighbours.I’m half her age and she is very motherly to me, like taking in parcels off the post man, baking cakes and fruit pies for me and such like, if I’m going to the shops I always ask if she wants any thing and do small jobs for her in the house. We have a good banter...

1 year ago
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Chut Ka Bhosda Bna Dala

HI PARAS AGAIN MY REAL HOT STORY Mera naam PARAS hai. Main 25 saal ka hoon aur delhi main rahata hoon.Mujhe stories bahut achha lagata hai. Es liye main bhi apana ek sachhi ghatana ap logon ko bata raha hoon. Ki kaise main ne ek couple ke sath chudai kiya tha. Unhone apna kahani bataya tha. Main pahale aapse wahi suna raha hoon. Fir main aapan aur un couple ki chudai ki kahani sunaoonga. my cell no is.nine nine nine seven seven seven nine zero zero zero my id Ram babu ek naami advocate hain....

4 years ago
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My girls first black cock and does it like a pro

I always had a thing about my girl and other men! She has sucked other mens cocks in front of me but never fucked. Well one night we were out at a bar and I was playing pole and she was at the bar setting having a drink. It didnt take long for men to set down and talk to her with her low cut top covering her tits! Well guys would come and go. I sat down with her and by now were both pretty drunk now . A black guy came by and sat at the bar next to us and I saw him eyeing my girls big tits under...

1 year ago
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Fucked My Sexy Mami 8211 Part I

All names have been changed from their original t keep discretion. I am Mark and this is my story. Well I still really don’t understand that I was able to achieve an impossible task, something which I had cherished since I was a child. I mean literally a child. To be honest to do something crazy, which you really don’t think is possible you need to be patient… Well you also have to know how to act. At least that much which could convince people that you are telling the truth…obviously without...

4 years ago
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Neha My Submissive Hot Teacher

Hey, guys, this is deep from Bangalore. I’m back with another sensual and erotic sex story which happened to me when I started my graduation. I hope you guys enjoy my sex story and just giving my small intro, I have quite a good physique. Am 21 and 5’7 tall, good looking and fun loving guy with 6-inch shaft ;). Any ladies or girls who wanna have fun can contact me without any hesitation through Gmail. My Gmail id is so please do contact me and give me feedback’s for my stories. Neha Sharma,...

3 years ago
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Early Morning Treat

I couldn’t sleep. I just lay there thinking of what had taken place just a short time ago with Michael. I kept imagining his hard cock between my lips. His hips rocking as it slid in and out of my mouth. I wanted him there with me. I wanted to feel his hot cum pumping into my mouth again.The magazine article said some women become obsessed with fellatio. All of what else I had read was very true in my mind so why should I not believe this too? And the way I was feeling, I was one of those...

Oral Sex
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fucking my sister and cousin

hey guys back with another i****t story.Well, this one starts in our bathroom. my sister was taking a shower and me and my female cousin was watching tv. Now Dawn(cousin) had some fat ass titties not the best ass but it was good enough to be plowed. i walked in the bathroom and told my sister i wanted to fuck she said not with dawn here, i said if she sees us ill fuck her too, my sister laughed. Her nice ass body stepped out of the shower, freshly shaved. i closed the toilet and sit on it and...

1 year ago
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Sex With A Divorce

I dont believes back to June last yee in introducing myself … This story dates back to june last year. I had joined a social networking site, I just happened to get a message on my mail that this lady Subha (name Changed) had messaged me, knowing not what was in store I replied. This carried on for quite some time and since I am a guy with a high libido I was getting a bit too restless about this female. Then one day I mailed her my phone # knowing not what was in store. Then after about 3 days...

1 year ago
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What a vacation Part 2

Several hours had passed when Shannon and Mike finally awoke on the floor, still naked from the previous session. Mike learned towards Shannon and kissed her forehead. He looked down at her body, her big breasts rising and falling with each breath. It didn't take long for Mike's cock to start twitching again. Shannon always had that effect on him. Shannon noticed that Mike was getting turned on again, and said, "Time for round 2?" That was all the invitation Mike needed, he leaned forward and...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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bStepdaughter Laura Chapter Fourb

Stepdaughter Laura: Chapter Four: Hey Pop, Laura called out as she came though the door. I took a glance at the computer clock. Almost four, I thought. I was beginning to think you werent coming home tonight baby, he knew she just as well might have gone to one of her other friends to spend the night, after all I was married to her mother and not to her. I went to lunch with a couple of doctors I worked for here, she replied. Having eaten lunch so late Laura wasnt very hungry. Slipping...

2 years ago
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Sex with Lactating Mother

SEX WITH LACTATING MOTHERBy OedipusI posted this story on the internet before under the name Cimon. One Friday my friend Paul, a young Swedish Protestant priest invited me to accompany him to Northern Finland to attend church services on Sunday. I was a teacher teaching mathematics and physics at a Swedish high school close to Finnish border. On Sunday we started at 6 am and it took us three hours to reach the church. Finns are one hour ahead of Sweden and we reached a small town at 10 am...

1 year ago
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Monika Ki Chudai Aur Uski Bahen Ki Bhi Chudai 8211 Part l

Hi friends yeh meri paheli kahani hai so please agar koi galati hobjai to maaf kardena mai iss regular reader hu aur bahut bada fan, bhi hu. Pahle mein story k characters ka intro deta hun mein Gujarat se belong karta hu mera naam Moksh hai age 22 body avg hai good looking hu filhall to business kar raha hu meine graduate ki he now about the heroin of the story name Monika age 20 color fair hai figure 36 28 36 hai ekdum maal hai waise to Monika mari mangatar hai hamari sagai arrenge thi. To aab...

2 years ago
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The Call a very short story

I was laying naked in bed listening to the phone ring, so eager to steal a few minutes with you. You picked up on the 5th ring, exasperation in your voice tempered by tenderness because you knew it would be me."hello?" I could hear Joshua crying in the background and your friend Tim still talking to you as you answered the phone."Hello Love" I whispered"Baby" In my mind's eye I could clearly see the smile spreading on your face."Sounds like you have your hands full Love""Not full with want I...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Enjoy With My Best Friend

Hello friends maine bhot sari story padi hai aaj mein apni story share karna chahta hu. Mera naam Aaryan hai or mein 22 saal ka hu mein ek smart ladka hu or mere land ka size 7 inch hai or 3 inch mota hai agar meri story pasand aae to muge mail jarrur karna meri email id hai Ab aapko jyada bore na karte hue story par aata hu. Muge porn dekhna sex story padna bhot psand hai. Ye story meri or meri ek frnd Sonia ke bare mein hai. Sab se pehle. Mein Sonia ke bare mein bta du vo ek dam gori hai...

4 years ago
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Ecstasy In The Blue Mountains

As Fran slept, her hair falling across her face, Geoff splashed water on his face before he walked out onto the balcony. The beach was empty in the early morning light, the sun only beginning to glitter on the water which stretched out before him.He turned back into the bedroom, lowered himself onto a chair, and began doing triceps lifts. After three sets of ten, he moved to ab crunches. On vacation, the regimen would be relaxed, though he would run in the late afternoon and then lift weights...

Group Sex
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Jo A new nurse at the retirement home

At first she’d been very apprehensive. Not about the work so much, but about her uniform. Seamed black fully fashioned stockings with black patent high heels. An old fashioned blue nurses dress compete with watch fastened to her chest, white apron and a little white hat. It seemed terribly old fashioned and she was unsure of the attention it would bring, especially as this was a predominantly all male institution. But the days had passed and the patients had been lovely. They made her feel...

3 years ago
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At the Adult Store

One day while watching tv Tiffany asked if I wanted to do something. I said, "I don't care, like what?" She said, "Something wild". I knew what she had in mind, Kinda. I asked, "Like what?" She said that she wanted to go to the local Adult Book store to check out some stuff. I said,"Ok, but I have to get changed" She agreed that she had to also. She got changed into a Tight t-shirt with no bra on with her black mini skirt with out any panties on too. But to cover up she wore a trench coat that...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 134

Liz and I were already in her office when Dayton popped his head in to let us know that Clayton Boudreau, the last person we were interviewing to take over my rehab, had arrived. “Right on time, ” Liz said. The man we’d interviewed earlier in the week had shown up 20 minutes early (and seemed put out when he had to wait because I was on a call). The woman had arrived 10 minutes late (and seemed put out that we’d mentioned that punctuality was important to us). But this guy had seemed to...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kira Perez The Hose Knows

Kira Perez is having a relaxing time at the pool. She rubs sunblock all over her beautiful body and puts it on her big tits and beefy pussy. While sunbathing in the nude, something catches her attention. The Gardener, Duncan Saint, is working. He steps away for a moment. She gets the brilliant idea to play with the hose. Get quickly gets up and grabs it. She immediately puts in her pussy. She loves it. Kira’s Pussy gets filled with water. She squirts it out. Duncan can’t believe his...

2 years ago
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The Shivers

(Almost all of this story is true. The variety and quality of the clothing and shoes is a fantasy, but the activities and sensations are all based on real experiences.) The Shivers I always got the shivers about an hour before I was to be left alone. They started in my backbone and shook me from my torso to my neck. I must have appeared to be having an epileptic fit. In fact, I did get mild seizures fairly often, but I don't know if they were related to the shivers. All I'm sure...

3 years ago
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Hot Blonde Student in the Middle

Jenna Peterson eagerly awaited Saturday morning, because that would be the day she expected to experience what she believed would be the greatest sexual adventure of her 18 years of life. She would get to go to the apartment of Brian Hanson, Assistant Dean of Students at the high school she attended, where he had promised her sexual pleasures greater than any they had yet shared. She couldn’t help thinking that would be quite an accomplishment. During their regular trysts in his office, Mr....

1 year ago
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Cyber Fun Ch 02

(Please read chapter 1 of Cyber Fun, and don’t forget to leave comments and vote.) Red looked at her phone as it rang, blushing, he hadn’t done this before. Rob had always suggested that they take care of themselves then come back to the computer. With slight hesitation she answered her phone. ‘Yes.’ She said quietly into the phone. ‘What took so long?’ ‘I was trying to decide whether or not to answer.’ Blushing so much now that her ears were red. ‘Not sure I’m ok with the whole phone sex...

4 years ago
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Mistress WatchingChapter 3

As Ed pulled into the parking lot at the rear of the office building he saw that the street in front of the building was filled with police cars. Ed got out and walked around to the front of the building. He spotted Tim Speckler and headed for him. Tim was past retirement age and had been Ed's first partner when Ed got out of Police Academy. Ed surveyed the group to see if any of his old adversaries from the force were around. Not seeing any, he walked up to Tim. "How's it going Tim?" Ed...

4 years ago
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Brendas the Boss

"Take it," Brenda moaned as she fucked Dina hard. This was all new to Dina Garcia. Dina had never even thought about another woman in a sexual way before. But now the 22 year old, slim , Latina, mother of 2 was bent over the sink in the ladies' room of the diner where she worked, begging another woman to fuck her ass. On the other side of things this was pretty normal for Brenda Biggs. Brenda was 25 and a big girl weighing in at just over 250 pounds, and there was something very special about...

2 years ago
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The Basketball Team

Alan had been riding his bicycle and was headed home when he came upon one ofthe neighborhood basketball courts. Usually the place is rather empty or there arejust a couple of k**s playing ball with each other. Most of the time is wasn't evenworth stopping and checking it out. You see, Alan went out for a bike ride to getsome action, he wasn't sure exactly what he wanted but he was looking and had afeeling that when he found it, he'd be ready. After riding for about two hours, heknow that...

1 year ago
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His Lordship 4 Trickery in the Bedroom

Introduction: Perhaps the final chapter in this series. My apologies for the delay, hopefully, it only served to heighten your pleasure! Isabelles back aches, the pain searing through her troubled dreams. She opens her eyes to find herself in Lord James bed. Covered in the heavy drapery of the sheets, she gingerly sits up to peer out of the beds canopy. Behind her, James sits in an arm chair, watching her as she looks for him. He feels a strange stirring of an emotion he cannot quite verbalize....

2 years ago
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Ice Queen

"Claire, please!" Jim whines pathetically.I throw him a dirty look and, like a dog trained to obey, he shuts up. The bastard has been sleeping around behind my back.I feel angry. Angry at myself at not being able to hold onto him. Frustrated too, because he could've slept with any of my friends all these months.And sad because of my own...incompetence.I have to get rid of him before he makes a scene."You know what?" he says angrily. "You're just a frigid bitch!"That's it.I stamp on his right...

4 years ago
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Bk 2 Ch 4 The Performance of a Lifetime

Camille wasn't worried at all about this attack. Yes, this was an unusually large Arkadian host. Yes, the enemy’s numbers seemed larger than the normal band of brigands. And yes, the enemy had actually managed to capture a small town and (presumably) slaughter its garrison. But Camille had been on numerous anti-pirate ops—she was a veteran blooded member of the elite Falkirk Guard after all. She knew that in the end, the cowardly criminals always fled. Besides, this display of military...

1 year ago
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Bible Belt Bride Chapter 30

By Greg Knoxville, The Orgy Nicky and Shawn were actually part of a larger group of couples that frequently got together. Sometimes it was just a few couples, other times it could turn into an all-out orgy of twenty people or more. It just depended on who could make it. One of the couples in the group was very wealthy. They owned a huge house in Knoxville. The guy’s father was big in real estate. The son was also into the business. They were still a young couple though, and had no...

2 years ago
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Martha Space MadamChapter 21 Madam

The first person to sleep in the New House of Joy was Martha about three weeks later. Until then she had spent most of her time working hard on getting it ready, while staying at Kate's house, usually alone. Interspersed in this were four heavenly nights spent in pure sexual frenzy with Hugo at his house, but she had never felt at home there. It had an odd feeling, almost like an hotel, where you could stay and you could eat and you could fuck as much as you like but it was never more than a...

3 years ago
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The House at Greenwood Lake

My name is Lisa, and I’m eighteen. I just graduated high school and am now on my summer vacation until I start college. I've been accepted to New York University. I’m so excited. I’m going to be studying to be a nurse. I've done very well in high school. I received a scholarship for Soccer. Even though we live in New York, I still will be living on campus. I'm five foot three inches tall, I have blonde long hair and blue eyes. I don’t have a huge chest. I guess I am 34 B-Cup. I have a shaved...

4 years ago
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Kari and I had always been a pain in the ass to each other and after our folks died in a car wreck things just got worse. I was nineteen when she got married to Don and kicked me off of the estate and I ended up in a shitty little apartment in the bad part of town. I managed for a year and then the company I worked for went into Chapter 7 and that was that. The only upside was the company lawyer told me a legal right to live back at home so I enlisted his aid and was soon back at home in my old...

2 years ago
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Laura Lioness’s hips hurt. She wondered if she needed hip replacement. She limped to her dresser and pulled out one dark chocolate Ferrero Rocher, unwrapped the foil around it with fumbling, unsteady fingers, and popped the crunchy dark ball in her mouth. For a moment, as the dark chocolate taste hit her tongue, she forgot that she felt like she was an old woman, even though she was only in her fifties.  She was living like Ivan Ilyich from Tolstoy’s tale. She lived a life she didn’t like, and...

3 years ago
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The Hypnotic EyeChapter 31

“While we are waiting for your father to come home, tell me about your girlfriend,” Joey told Austin. “She is the same age as me and incredibly beautiful. Becky has long straight brown hair that reaches to her slim waist, pretty brown eyes, and a killer body. She is 5’5” but, I don’t know her actual measurements,” Austin said. Joey would find out later that Becky weighed 120lbs, and her measurements were 34-23-35, and she had extremely nice B-cup breasts with large nipples that were ringed...

4 years ago
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Another Addicted Story ch 12

Introduction: Eddie Spedman thought he was living the American Dream, owned his own business and married to his highschool sweetheart with two wonderful kids. Until a freak event made him realize that he was living the American Nightmare. However that freak event also gave him something he didnt believe in, Sex Slaves This isnt my story, however I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it. It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline Addicted by Pariahsolo Chapter 1: The Seed I...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilms Rose Winters Stepdaddy8217s Anal Cutie

Tommy Pistol walks the grounds of his property, equipped with gardening gloves and tools. He lets out a satisfied exhale as he surveys all the hard work he’s put into his landscape over the past years. He spots an area that could use a bit of care and gets to work, raking the dirt while taking care not to damage the roots of any nearby plants. It seems like this is going to be yet another peaceful, uneventful day… until Tommy turns his head and spots his stepdaughter, Rose Winters,...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Chanel Grey Pussy Squirt Anal Orgasm

Lusty, young Chanel Grey flashes her stunning green eyes and shoves a black butt plug up her pink asshole. Pro stud Markus Dupree replaces the toy with his meaty dick, fucking her asshole as she masturbates. Chanel’s butthole gapes, and an anal orgasm on Markus’ meat makes her legs shake! She climbs on top to enjoy a deep, buttfucking cock ride. Markus shoves his fingers into her sphincter and makes her taste her backdoor musk. Chanel gives him an ass-to-mouth blowjob and she...

3 years ago
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A SLAVE TO MY MOTHER-IN-LAW FOR 2 WEEKSIt was 6:00 in the morning as Jill put my suitcase in the trunk, along with hers & Tyrone’s. I was ordered to sit in the back seat for the long ride to her mother’s house. My traveling outfit was a skimpy white baby-doll nightie with fluffy marabou trim all around the hem. My ruffle white satin hi-cut latex sissy panties concealed the fact that I was severely tucked my balls pushed way up inside my body & my sissy clit pulled back tightly between...

4 years ago
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10th GradeChapter 33

By the time we drove back home, all the good feelings had been stripped away. I could see and feel the tension on Mama's face as we neared the house. I reached over to her, and placed my hand on her arm, trying to send her a signal of my love and support for her. "Kenny, I'm not sure I can do what we talked about. When it was just the two of us, everything seemed possible to do, but, now, I don't think I can face telling Thomas that I forgive him. I still have angry feelings about what...

2 years ago
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Snake Bite Not a Cocktail

Martha had always been fascinated by snakes. Like spiders, most girls are afraid of them, but she though they were incredible creatures, watching them curl up in a ball under the heat lamp in the aquarium. She was in awe every time they ate, happily dropping the mice to them. She had two non-poisonous snakes about a metre long and a good two centimetres thick, grey with diamond shaped dark patches. They were passive reptiles and she’d raised them since they were old enough to handle. A mutual...

3 years ago
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Vicarage Discipline fm spanking

We were on the bed preparing to fuck. Debbie was on all fours, her beautiful arse should have been stimulation sufficient to arm me with a rod of steel. She was pampering my aching balls and gave my unwilling pecker an encouraging touch now and then, hoping as I hoped, for some stiff action. But all to no avail. It was me that gave up in the end and I huddled on the edge of the bed, beaten in my spirits like a schoolboy who chickened out of a dare.“It doesn’t matter.” sniffed Debbie and she...

4 years ago
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From Party To Bedroom With My Aunty

Hello iss readers, this is apex predator as this is my first post so please forgive me if there is any mistake. If you people like my story please contact me Well let me explain you all; my name is Aarav (name changed) 21year old I m 6’2 with good physic I’m not so fair but not even dark I’m an average good looking guy and have a dick which can satisfy any female and I have many tricks to satisfy and lady. I’m from Bangalore studying and working for a call center which is night shift. Now...

2 years ago
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The Fire Alarm

I have a recurring nightmare. A fire alarm has sounded in my apartment building in the middle of the night. I've evacuated with the rest of the residents and am standing out on the sidewalk as firefighters rush into the building. There's no sign of smoke. It's cool out; a light drizzle is falling. I don't mind however; it's refreshing.What bothers me is my gradual self-discovery that I've left my bed wearing pantyhose and panties. The red lacquer on my toenails is visible through tan hose's...

2 years ago
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The Undercover Detective part 5

The Undercover Detective part 5 28th May I awoke alone in bed and was disappointed that Sue was already up and about. When dressing, my corset got my waist down to 27 inches without too much pain. What to wear was a problem. I was running out of clean panties, gaffs and bras. I had been wearing hold up stockings, but I was running out of them. My legs were too pale to go without stockings, so I put on some lightweight tights. I needed to think about getting some sun on my legs....

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Sex On A Tour

Hey, guys, I’m from Bangalore my name is Sam (not real), u ppl don’t need to know who I’m; what I do in life. You all want to listen how I actually did it. Was it great was it hard was it awesome??? Yes, guys and gals awesommeeeee… Believe me. This is one of my best experiences im going to share with you all. Anyone in and around Bangalore can mail me at So coming to the story. I was on an official tour to Bombay. I was completely exhausted at the end of the day and needed a couple of drinks...

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Alien Sightings0

This is my first story. If you don't like the story please don't tell me how badly it sucked! If you like the story you’re free to comment as much as you want. I love feedback, but only if it will make me happy and/or better at writing my stories. Thanks! Also very important!!!!!! This story is just something I’m trying out. When I post the second part it might not have sex, and this part doesn’t have very much in it either. It’s just a fun story I wanted to write. So if you’re...

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