Memories of Glastonbury 2009
- 4 years ago
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On the following Tuesday, Carrie Ralston and her mother returned from their summer in Indiana. Carrie had discovered that I was at work when she stopped by the house earlier in the day, and was waiting for me on the porch when I got home. I think that she was way beyond surprised and on her way to shocked at my appearance.
"Sammy? Oh my God!" She said before I'd even hit the first step.
"Hi Carrie."
"What happened to you?"
"I had a good summer, grew a little, put on some muscle."
"I guess! You're so tall!"
I could see it, the totally lost look in her eyes, and I offered her a quick bit of comfort.
"Its okay. I'm still me." I said. That got a nervous giggle at least. "It just seems like a big change cause you weren't here to see it happen."
"How?" She asked, as I stopped to sit down beside her. Ned was at my side immediately, expecting his after work walk. I gave him a good pat and stood again."
"Feel like a walking and talking?" I asked.
I grabbed Ned's ball from the porch and we headed down the road towards Burnside.
"First, and I guess it has to be kind of obvious, and its embarrassing, as you do remember, but puberty, you know?"
"Yeah, I figured that one, I guess."
"You remember how stupefied Benny and I were last year when you had your big changes?"
"Yeah, and I don't like the way you say 'big'." She said, but she giggled when she did.
"Well, to us that was the operative word, unless you wanted us to use impressive or amazing."
"I remember what you guys were like, trust me."
"Yeah, but we got to see it happen gradually, and it still made us stupid."
"Okay, I got that part."
"Well, the timing might have something to do with the rest. I started running Ned every morning and working at Nileson's, and the work was pretty physical, you know? Hauling bags of feed and seed and that stuff, so the combination of things really had an impact on me, just as I was getting the word from my body that it was time to unleash the hounds, so to speak.
"Unleash the hounds ... You goof."
We talked about the summer, and what each of us had missed, and I told her about Mr. Greer, and the big game, and she was sorry she had gotten back too late for that.
"What are you going to do for your birthday?"
"Oh man! Well, Joe Porter, he's someone new that I played baseball with all summer. Anyway, his family lives on a ranch about halfway between here and Charlestown, and they're going to have a big horse camping trip, and I can invite some of my friends."
I got it out in a rush, and perhaps an ill-considered rush, because it wasn't until I'd said it that the thought of Carrie and Greta meeting each other entered my mind.
"Oh darn, and I haven't been here all summer. The Porters wouldn't think I belonged, would they?"
I didn't really want to go where I could see the conversation heading, but I owed it to Carrie, so I went on anyway.
"Well, they left it up to me, and the only one I've invited so far is Benny. Joe has four sisters, so I assumed there would be girls along, so I don't think they'd rule it out for that reason."
"Do you really think it would be okay?"
"I'll call Joe when we get back to the house and find out. You'd better make sure its okay with your parents too."
"You're right. I'll ask them as soon as I get home. I don't think they'll be worried as long as there are adults along to watch us."
That got us as far as the start of the trail leading to the spot, and I let Ned chase the ball pretty hard a couple of times, throwing it across the dry wash that marked it off. With a good coat of dust in his coat, we turned and headed back up the road, letting Ned run off most of the dust.
We talked about Indiana for a while, and about how the summer had been at the spot, or rather about how it had not been. Too many of us had been too busy this summer, or gone, I slyly reminded her. We had spent very little time there at all.
We stopped for a moment at the gate in front of my house, and had our first awkward moment in a long time.
"Well, I'd better get in there and call Joe before it gets to late." I said finally.
"Right. I'll ask my folks first thing about the camping trip."
We managed a clumsy wave, and I headed in the house to call Joe.
Joe had no problem with another girl who was not one of his sisters coming along, and he confirmed that his parents wouldn't either, as long as they had the approval of Carrie's parents. Since I was using my precious phone time, I called Luther and invited him too. He had been the only one on my list besides Benny.
Thursday, the 24th of August, Dad and I sat down with Mom and I told her the entire story. Dad's confirmation of my prediction of the Berlin Wall going up was a big help, but it was my sure knowledge of how the home run race ended up and that year's world series results that brought out her practical side.
"Dear, shouldn't you be planning a trip to Las Vegas or something?"
"What?" Dad stuttered.
"Well if you believe in what Sammy has told us, and he has given you that kind of information, shouldn't you be making bets or something?"
"But I know how much you hate gambling!"
"Well this isn't exactly gambling, now is it?" Mom answered with the utter logic only a mom can have.
So Dad began planning a trip, and so did I. My planning was hindered at first when Mom began attempting to outfit me for a safari to the plains of the Serengeti. I reminded her it was going to be horse camping, not the typical family car camping that she was used to. My horse was going to have to carry everything I packed.
Carrie called or came over practically every day to talk about what she would need, and to ask questions, which for the most part I had no answers for. To be fair, Benny was almost as bad. Finally, I called Joe and related my tale of woe. He put his Dad on the phone and he gave me the short list. A warm sleeping bag or trail blankets if we preferred. Along with that, two changes of clothes and a few spare pairs of socks and underwear. Denim jeans or other tough material suitable for being on horseback. Toothbrush and whatever other toiletries we felt we would need, walking shoes and swimming gear, and that was it.
Yes, Mr. Porter actually used the word toiletries.
I think the parents network went into high gear after my phone call, and the relevant moms were informed, because Mom stopped trying to get everything but the kitchen sink into my bag.
Friday afternoon at two, I finished my last day at Nileson's for the summer, and maybe forever. School would be starting the fifth of September, just after the Labor Day holiday, and in the intervening time I had a weekend camping trip, a birthday, and a Mom-sponsored shopping trip to Portland. This all took place during the glorious ten days off I would have between today and the fifth.
I got home, showered, changed into my camping clothes and had my already organized and packed bag on the front porch, and all in half an hour.
Mom dropped me off at the field. The three friends I'd invited, Benny, Carrie and Luther Harwell, were already there, and we were going to be picked up by the Porters. Benny had seen Carrie already since she had gotten back but Luther hadn't, so the two of them got caught up while we waited.
The wait wasn't very long, as The Porter's pickup, with Janet at the wheel and Joe in the seat beside her, pulled up only a few minutes later.
"Well, this'll be fun," Janet said with a snicker when she got a look at us. When I spotted the looks on both Joe and Carrie's faces, I suddenly had to agree. Especially when Joe abandoned his seat in the cab of the truck and jumped in the back with us.
Janet waited while we got ourselves and our bags arranged in the back of the truck, and then with a wave at the parents, we were off.
"So, you're a friend of Sam's?" Joe asked Carrie, who had managed to wind up sitting next to her. Luther answered before she did.
"Her, Sam and Benny have been like the three musketeers since they were in diapers. Right down to the all for one and one for all motto."
"One for all and all for one," Carrie, Benny and I corrected simultaneously, causing a round of laughter.
I saw Joe's attraction to Carrie, and realized that it appeared to be mutual and, from the way the two of them were acting, high-powered.
As we rode I wondered again about how so far I kept finding things that didn't happen in my first life not happening in the second one either, for different reasons. I was tempted to be a little put out at first, because of course I'd always believed that one day Carrie would be my girl. But I also had a little case of Greta on the brain, so the older me was able to peek through enough to keep the younger me from letting all those new emotions run away with us.
"Damn Joe," Luther added a few minutes later, "I think you and I have the two hottest older sisters in Oregon."
"You're the one?" Joe responded.
"I'm the one what?" Luther asked, confused.
"The first time Sam came out to the ranch with me, Janet picked us up like she did today, and he made some comment like — 'geez, why are all the older sisters of my friends so gorgeous.' or something like that. I'm guessing he must've meant your sister then."
That had everyone, but mostly Carrie and Benny, going on about the beauty of Celia Harwell. I tried to stay out of it entirely, not wanting to give Luther or anyone else more ammunition.
The arrival at the Porter ranch house was almost as interesting as the introductions at the field had been. Rose and Lily came running out and the two of them introduced themselves to Carrie, who they hadn't met yet at all, and reintroduced themselves to Luther and Benny, who had met them at the picnic after the big game. Greta arrived a moment later, and I swear that when Greta and Carrie spotted each other it was like an invisible force sprang up between them that prevented them from making contact, like trying to push two mismatched magnets together. Greta had an odd expression on her face, and when Joe introduced her, the expression altered, but didn't go away.
"Carrie, this is my younger sister Greta. Greta, this is Carrie Ralston. She, Sam and Benny have been like, best friends forever."
"You're the girl who was away for the summer?" Greta asked.
"Yes," Greta answered. "You're Joe's little sister?"
Carrie emphasized the word little, and Greta grinned at that. "Yeah, I'm about six months younger than Sam, and a year younger than Joe."
So it stayed a little silent in the truck for a moment, before Janet reminded us that we all had gear to get out of the truck, and we all got busy.
"Bring your stuff out to the horse barn," Greta said. "You'll be able to pick out a horse and get your stuff reloaded into the saddle bags."
The last time I had been here, I had seen a big log building going up on the other side of the horse barn from the house, and it looked pretty much finished on the outside now, though you could tell that things were still being done on the outside due to all the tools cords laying around it.
I had the feeling Mr. Porter was planning on running some sort of dude ranch or other tourist operation. The old me thought it was a pretty wise move. The Columbia River had gotten a lot of press in recent years, and there would be a lot of curious people who would be willing to come experience it.
The ride down to the river was nice, but I could have seen doing it early in the morning when it was cooler. By leaving in the middle of the afternoon, we bore the brunt of the day's heat, both from the sun, still high enough in the sky to be a factor, and from the heat of the ground, which had spent the day absorbing it, and which seemed to radiate it back up at us through the dust.
The dude ranch scenario for the Porter ranch seemed even more likely when we finally got across the highway and down to the river. A group of people had obviously arrived in advance of us, and tents and cooking gear had been stockpiled in the area we were going to be camping in. We were just off the edge of what I thought would have been the actual Hat Rock State Park, once they got around to creating it. We had a nice stand of black cottonwood for shade. The river itself looked inviting, but swimming was dangerous in the main current, even for strong swimmers, so we had to stick to the side shallows where the river's flow was slowed.
The supplies may have been delivered in advance, but we had to set up all our own gear, and there were some immediate discussions amongst the group as to who would be in what tents. It was going to be Joe and I in one tent and Luther and Benny in the other. The tents we had were actually big enough that all four of us guys could have slept in one of them, as much as Benny, Luther and I were used to making do during previous camp outs.
I confess as well that the thought of Carrie and Greta sharing a tent had me nervous as well.
The dinner on our second night, officially my 'birthday dinner' in fact, was prime rib roasted over the campfire, accompanied by sweet ears of Walla Walla Corn roasted right in the fire. The horseback riding, the canoe trip earlier in the day, even the laying in the sand soaking up the sun in the late afternoon was fun, though in a way I wasn't really used to.
At one point I sat in the afternoon sun, my back against an old snag of a tree trunk that had been captured and half buried by the sand. I was reading The Agony and the Ecstasy by Irving Stone. It was my birthday present from Carrie, and though I had seen the Charlton Heston movie version in my first life, I'd never read the book.
I had been intrigued by the book from the moment I'd unwrapped it, and I might have kissed Carrie over it, but the looks I saw from both Joe and Greta, and the way Carrie pulled back from the hug more quickly than she might have in the past confirmed what I already suspected. I'd thanked her again out loud and told her I'd start reading it right away, which was what I was doing out here by myself.
Greta came walking up when I'd about gotten the first chapter read, wearing the aquamarine one piece swimsuit she'd worn for the canoing, along with a light open shirt as a cover up and a straw hat.
"Hi!" I said.
"Hi," she answered, suddenly shy. "Can I sit with you?"
"Sure!" I said, with totally unfeigned enthusiasm. I put in the fancy Indiana University Bookstore bookmark that had come with it and closed the book, setting it carefully on the towel I had brought with me.
"Is it a good book?"
"So far. Michaelangelo was an interesting guy, and those were very different times."
"I wouldn't have thought to buy you a present like that."
"You haven't known me as long. Carrie and I have been close friends for a long time, we know each other's likes and dislikes pretty well."
"I've only known Carrie for a few days, but I sure know one of her likes," Greta said with a certain conspiratorial tone to her voice.
"Yeah, I think your brother has stolen the girl I once thought was going to be my high school sweetheart."
"You see it too then? They went for a walk downriver a bit ago."
"I see it too. I'm not sure whether it was an at-first-sight thing with Joe, or whether there was something about the new me she didn't like."
"I think its a little of both. She keeps saying you're so tall now, and she doesn't smile when she says it."
That made me think. Joe was about as tall as I used to be before my growth spurt, and practically the first thing she'd said when we saw each other had been about my being so tall.
"I think you're right. Joe is as tall as I was at the beginning of the summer."
"Does it bother you then, Carrie and Joey?" Greta asked, and her tone changed completely then.
"No ... to be honest, No. Maybe in a little of the lost-dream sort of way, you know? The regret about something not happening that you thought would be good."
"Yeah, I can understand that."
"I might start to not miss it at all, maybe, if you decided you wanted to sit a little closer," I said. It was all the old man me could do to get the fourteen year old me to say it, but I got it out, and Greta gave me a wicked smile and slid over to sit beside me, close enough for me to slide my arm around her and let her lean in. We sat like that for several minutes in absolute silence, and for me at least, absolute bliss.
"I like tall boys," Greta said at last breaking the silence.
"Good," I said in return. "I like beautiful girls named Greta."
We did not have a make out session. We did find the opportunity to kiss a couple of times, but they were pretty chaste, but unhurried, at least until we heard the clanging of the dinner bell calling us to lunch. We both stood then, me grabbing my book and towel, and both of us dusting the sand off. Greta stepped in close for another kiss, and finally this one moved us beyond chaste, as we were pasted against each other with some heat and dueling tongues.
"Wow!" I said when it ended.
"Yeah," Greta agreed breathlessly. "I wanted to do that the first time."
To make sure there was no mystery remaining about the new situation, we walked back hand in hand. I saw the smile on Carrie's face, and the quickness with which she reached for Joe's hand right away. We were all smiles as we sat side by side, two couples together and friends, to chow down on our hamburgers.
We were back at the ranch and headed home Sunday night. I had a pretty normal Sunday supper with Mom, Dad and Ned, who had missed my two day absence as much as, if not more than my parents. He certainly was more transparent about it. My birthday was tomorrow, almost tonight, since I was born at 1:43 am, and Dad suggested that since I didn't have to work, we could do the family birthday celebration whenever I wanted.
I'll be updating this story as often as I can, and as inspiration comes. For now, I hope you enjoy what's here! Atlanta, Georgia, 1988. The hottest summer of the past fifty years. The Cold War is reaching its climax, but things have never been hotter. America is absolutely burning up, and the temperature is only rising. In one of the busiest cities in the South East, even finding a place to cool off is starting to become a rarity. An ice cold glass of Coca-Cola, even one that's lukewarm is...
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Permission is granted to post to the TG-fiction list, archive, and Fictionmania site and to the atEROS site. Personal copies for non-commercial use permitted. Anyone else who wants to archive this on a free access website or ftp site, just send me an email telling me that you did so and the url or ftp address. Anyone who wants to archive this on a for-pay site, don't. Member Net Authors and Creators Union - NACU. Authors and creators welcome, email [email protected] for more...
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I went around to visit my sister, who was recently divorced, as we planned to go out for a night on town, supposedly to celebrate her freedom, guess what, she picked a guy up and disappeared, leaving me with some creep, who I eventually dumped, and went back to her house, to spend the night.I got back late, in fact it was early morning, so I sat down on the settee and turned-on the TV, and with a large glass of wine I was confronted by a full blown Porn movie, I guessed my nephew was watching...
Oh Brother! Jesse's Fantasy Summer Author's Note: A reader commented on Oh Brother! Those are My Things with an idea for this continuation. I go back and look for comments often, and sometimes reread them. This idea suddenly started to become a story. Allie, Jesse, and their mom were sitting at the kitchen table waiting for Dad to join them. He assured them he was going to be just a minute more and they would all have dinner together for the first time in months. Allie had just...
Hi folks ... there’s a slight chill in the air. It’s still sunny out but not as warm. The kids go back to school in less than two weeks. Summer is ending. I heard my favorite end of summer song the other day and it started me on this. This one is all one piece. Thanks for all of the e-mails and messages from those of you who got the answer to my blog question. And to the guy who thought the lyrics were from a Beethoven piece ... uhhhm ... Any way. Thanks to Barney-R for editing it. And Thanks...
Danny`s Favorite Summer Originally based on My favourite summer by Tiffany B. further developed and rewritten by Florentine. This story is fiction. Danny McCallum lived the life of a normal eleven-year-old boy until the summer before entering Junior High. He was small (just about 4`8") for his age, with a frail appearance and quite shy. He basically kept to himself, wasn't very athletic and did not really enjoy sports. He was more into movies and video games. His mommy was a big...
Liam to Lina II, The Summer It was the second last day of school before the summer break. Liam said hello to his sister Emily as he arrived home. Today it was her turn to cook. He knew their mother would not be home for about another hour so he went into his room and closed the door. Just a week before, 15 year old Liam had competed at his school's womanless pageant and finished a very close runner up. Liam and the winner, Kurt, had wowed the crowd and the judges with convincingly...
They never matched the picture. That was the rule. The picture was always fake, of someone else, and even if it wasn't it was out of date, taken during a time when they were younger, fitter, slimmer. Kevin Duncan knew that. Madam Voluptula had looked like an erotic goddess in the pictures he'd seen online. He figured a fatter, older version would still look gorgeous. The Madam Voluptula that opened the door to her innocuous-looking flat was not a fatter, older version of the pictures on...
Her name was Lucy and she took a shine to me right away, which was kind of nice. By the second day I figured out that she was into girls because of the way she kept checking out my ass. I mean several times a day if I was bending over a paint tray there was Lucy checking out my tight teen ass. So by the second week I decided to push the issue, I started wearing shorter and tighter shorts, and made a no underwear pact which meant that when Lucy checked me out she might have just as well have...
"Stop it!" Karl said as he slapped my phone out of my hand. "She's not going to text you back anytime soon." I stared back at his cold brown eyes. "Fine," I said sitting back in my chair. I looked back over my right shoulder. Kristin was sitting with her friends all of them laughing and conversating with each other. "Give it a break," Karl said shaking his head. Karl was my best friend. "She's not your friend, not anymore." "What's the conversation?" Lucie asked as she sat down at our table in...
First TimeSummer By: Mahohokus Summer vacation had just started, I was now a senior in high school and was enjoying the first few days of days of summer. I was sitting with Jack in his car at a drive-in hamburger stand eating lunch Jack had just graduated from high school and would be going into the Marines the next day. The Marines was sending him back east to Parris Island for basic training. Jack would finish basic training and...
100% fiction story! Hi my name is boyd, and this is the story me and my sister Summer. Me and my sister both went to the same collage a frw miles away from our house. My sister was one year below me and I was in my final year. Oh by the way I'm 19 almost 20 with light blond hair and blue eyes and my sister Summer is 18 almost 19 and has long, light brown hair and eyes. Anyway back to my story, one Friday afternoon when we got home I was going into my bedroom to get changed to go out for a run...
IncestYear 2023 Stood, bent over and slightly rattled, Abigale painfully held onto her breast as spittle dripped from her mouth, she tiredly looked up through the mess of her blonde hair towards the ravishing beast known as Solstice. Her silver and white skin tight costume ripped and battered around her body as a bead of sweat slowly dripped down around her jaw. Straightening up with a wince and deep breath, the heroine Starlight Shimmer; Abigale Greendale, focused her eyes solely on the...
FantasyThis is a short story about one great night with one horny woman. I was working a fund raiser to fight cancer at a dinner-dance being held at a downtown hotel. I lived about a 30 minute drive from the hotel so had a room to sleep and whatever else in. I was hoping I would find a gal or a guy that was interested in a little after fund raiser fun. My job was to sell tickets to a 50/50 drawing where the winner won half the pot. Sales were going really well so at times I had a lot of money in my...
Fleshlight. Fleshjack. Pocket pussy. It has many names, and to fleshlight lovers I’m known as a ‘frequent flyer.’ That is, I use it regularly. And often. I discovered the fleshlight several years ago and was immediately drawn to it. A tight hole is something I’ve never been able to resist, and when that hole is also always ready and always willing, I’m helpless. I love fucking the fleshlight because I can make it just about me and my needs. With the fleshlight my pleasure and my fantasies...
You walk into the new sex toy shop, thinking of purchasing a new toy since your sex life with your wife has hit a bit of a dry spell. Behind the counter is a beautiful older woman standing at about 5 foot 7 inches, perky C cup breasts, an unforgettable ass and wearing skintight dark clothing with a pentagram choker on. "Hello, you say. I am looking for a reallistic Fleshlight, something that looks and feels exactly like a vagina and price is no object" The beautiful woman behind the counter...
I wondered what to buy my husband for a birthday gift. After much thought I decided to buy him a Fleshlight. After all we both travel a lot and I want him to be satisfied and not looking around. He laughed and was grateful when he received it, but I wasn't convinced he would use it. For the first couple months it gathered dust. Then when I came home from my business trip I noticed it was laying out to dry.It turned me on so much to know he was using it. I felt the soft skin and it strangely...
I met Camille at a music awards after party. Our eyes had met at the bar where both of us were trying to get the attention from one of the overworked bar staff who were trying get as many poorly assembled and much too expensive drinks into the hands of the waving and shouting customers in front of them. Poor and expensive drinks, and seemingly never spotted by a free bar keep. It’s as good a conversation starter as any. She chuckled when i pointed this out. Finally, we were able to get a young...
[email protected] (I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)The Origins of Agent Suzzanne MidsummerCHAPTER 1 Dave the Fixer carefully he poured the powder mix from the fold of crisp white paper into the neck of the champagne bottle, the powder fizzing as it made contact with the charged contents. He held the bottle up to the light to ensure it was...
It was the best summer in years, for the world, and for me. The weather was fantastic, the fish were biting, i had a good paper route that paid well, all the growing things were thriving, as if to make up for some disappointing years. And Ginnie moved in for the summer. I rode my bike down the street, past the scattered houses in our rural town, to a trim little Cape Cod with a picket fence and a yard full of flowers. I parked my bike and ran throught the gate and up on the...
Camping in Summer Finally! Summer! For me, that has two meanings. School is over, I’m back from college. Finally, I get to lounge by the pool and relax for three months. Also, my baby sister is named Summer. At 19, Summer had perfect long, blonde hair hanging down just past her shoulders. Her body had developed during my first year of college, so my summer break that year was quite a shock. When I left, she was a 5’6” gangly 16 year old girl with a pretty face. When I came back, she was still...
IncestHe was spending the summer on the farm with a man and woman. He was there because he had gotten in trouble and his mom sent him there for punishment. He had a wild streak and was a good looking young guy. His mom caught him in bed with two young street whores fucking them and eating pussy. Now he was on the farm away from the street whores that he had spent too much time with. That morning he just got out of the shower and had a towel around his waist and was walking back to his room when the...
Author's note: As with all my stories, this is a fantasy and should be read and understood as such. I would never encourage or condone the type of behaviour described, even though it is non-violent, and would not like to think that any reader believes otherwise. Some of you may find this story long, as much of my work tends to be. I try to create a believable character, within the constraints of an admittedly unlikely fantasy... that a character can be put through gender changes...
This story has been an odyssey. It has stretched me in ways that I would never be stretched as a writer. For that I would like to thank Alan Lockridge, who came up with the idea for this story. He was the high bidder for the entire bake sale. Without his generosity, it would not have been the success that it was. Without contributors like Alan, FM would be just an idea. So, in recognition of that contribution, I wanted to make his story special. Anne approached me with the idea...
And as you would expect, Robert shared my bed with me the rest of the summer. We had fallen into a routine of sorts. Every day, before I came home from work, I would insert my diaphragm, even after the pill was supposed to be adequate protection.I believe we made love virtually every night, often more than once. Even when I was menstruating, Robert still wanted me and had me. Robert found a sturdy, two step plastic blue step-stool that he placed in the shower when I was menstruating, and he...
TabooI would appreciate a rating and a comment. Your feedback helps me to make my stories better! Summer. Summer was really blown by. I was so excited when summer holidays were finally here. My high school was baking in the hot Arizona sun. We all were sweating like crazy in our school uniforms, and our thoughts were circling around cold lemonade, swimming pools and bikinis, instead of trigonometry and stochastic. My name's Lucy. Lucy Miller. I did just turn eighteen the other week ago, and...
Except for a talkative seatmate, the flight from Atlanta was uneventful. She was making the trip to visit her new granddaughter. By the time the plane landed she knew how I had spent my summer, all about Pontiac College and even that I didn't have a current girlfriend. I helped her with her carry-on luggage and she introduced me to her son-in-law. "I thought you didn't have a girlfriend," she said when she saw Jeannie Baldwin jump into my arms. I guess we got carried away, kissing like...
Amy 34: Cruel Summer Copyright 2015 by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2015 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: The Pavements Are Burning When school ended so did our junior year. Summer began and it was time to pretty much just file away everything from the past and enjoy the heat and humidity, playing music together in Gina's...
A short break on an island leads to an unexpected encounter. A dream holiday becomes a nightmare due to an unthinking boyfriend, however a decision to skinny dip leads to some attention from an unexpected source. A visit to a lighthouse seals the deal. * Apologies for the story taking a while to get to the sex, hope you stick with it!! The holiday had been a long time in the planning, I'd often had childhood holidays on the mainland, looking out to the island some seven miles offshore. Now,...
Straight SexWith a Twist of Starlight By Morpheus Spiral was a moderate to large sized town that was located in Northern California where the residents enjoyed decent weather that tended to be neither too hot nor too cold. On the surface, it appeared to be a normal town like many others, though the truth was that Spiral was unique. Once Spiral had been a smaller town with a different name, but then the local area had been hit hard with the Antarctic Flu. Many of the locals died from this...