With A Twist Of Starlight free porn video

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With a Twist of Starlight By Morpheus Spiral was a moderate to large sized town that was located in Northern California where the residents enjoyed decent weather that tended to be neither too hot nor too cold. On the surface, it appeared to be a normal town like many others, though the truth was that Spiral was unique. Once Spiral had been a smaller town with a different name, but then the local area had been hit hard with the Antarctic Flu. Many of the locals died from this plague, while many more survived and eventually had children, children whose DNA had been altered due to the infections that their parents had overcome. When these children grew older and went through their twists, their families embraced and protected them. Before long, the town had gained a reputation as being tolerant and welcoming to the Twisted, which resulted in many more of them moving there with their families. The once small town went through a period of growth and change as it became a sanctuary to the Twisted, even changing its name. Now Spiral had the largest concentration of Twisted in the entire world. I grew up in Spiral and had lived here for most of my life, along with my younger brother Aaron. We'd been raised by our Grandpa and Grandma while our Mom was in Las Angeles for her career, at least until my Grandpa passed away a little more than a year ago. Before I knew what was happening, I was sent to live with my Mom while Aaron had been left in Spiral. The idea at the time had been that with my Grandpa being gone, it would be easier on my Grandma if she had one less boy to watch and one less mouth to feed. However it hadn't worked out quite as well as intended. First off, Mom wasn't exactly a paragon of parental responsibility, and living with her tended to be...awkward. And then there was the LA school, which was much more crowded and less safe than my old school in Spiral. After a school stabbing, which I hadn't been involved in, everyone decided that I would be better off back in Spiral. And as an added bonus, I'd be able to help Grandma around the house. My name is Chad Anderson and I've only been back in Spiral for a couple weeks. In that time, I'd been busy reconnecting with old friends and trying to make new ones. In a way, Spiral was a lot stranger than even LA could possibly be, but it was also a lot more comforting to me. After all, Spiral was home. I was currently standing outside, in the back yard of my Grandma's suburban home. It was a fairly large back yard, which was fortunate because we were holding a party and there were a lot of people. There was even a local garage band called Scales that was set up in the far corner, providing live music. Though it would have been nice thinking of this as a welcome home party in my honor, the truth was that it was actually a birthday party for my brother Aaron. He'd just turned eleven, though I suspected that Grandma had thrown a little extra into the party just so that I could feel like it was for me too. When I had my seventeenth birthday in a couple months, I was pretty sure any party I had wouldn't include a band or this many people. I slowly looked around the party, noting that there were a few people my own age, a little too old to be friends with Aaron. I knew that four of them were members of the band, while the others were my friends and were here mostly for the free cake and ice-cream. Grandma had told me to invite them, mostly so I'd have some people my own age to hang around with, for which I was grateful. After making a mental note as to where my friends were standing, I went to talk to my grandma. She was tall and slender, with shoulder length hair that had more than a few gray hairs sprinkled among the dark brown. It amazed me that she still had such an easy smile after everything she'd had to deal with, both with my Mom's situation and with losing Grandpa last year. "Hello, Chad," Grandma said, somehow knowing that I'd been approaching her even though I'd been coming up from behind. I would have thought that it was a trick, except for the fact that she wasn't Twisted. She'd been born before the Antarctic Flu went around, which meant there was no way for her to actually be Twisted, even if she had survived the disease as a child. "What can I do for you?" "Hey Grandma," I responded, hesitating a moment before asking, "Do you know if Bridgett is coming?" "I'm afraid she isn't," Grandma told me with a faint look of disappointment. I nodded at that feeling vaguely disappointed as well, though not surprised. Bridgett was my older sister who was currently away at college. I'd wanted to talk to her about what college was like and ask her questions about the one she was attending. I had every intention of going to college after I graduate, though I still trying to narrow down what kind of degree I wanted to work for as well as where I wanted to earn it. I'd thought that Bridgett might be able to help me, but I should have known better. Bridgett might have been my older sister, but we certainly weren't very close. She'd grown up living with her dad, not being raised by Grandpa and Grandma the way Aaron and I were, so we'd never lived under the same roof. I got along with her fairly well, but the truth was, the number of times that we'd met face to face could be counted without having to use all my fingers and toes. "I know you've been wanting to talk to her," Grandma told me pleasantly, "so why don't you send her an e-mail? I'm sure she'd be happy to hear from you." "I don't know," I responded with a sigh. Grandma stared at me for a moment before chuckling. "Don't worry about it right now. This is a party and I think your friends might want to spend some time with you." And with that she shooed me away. After leaving my Grandma, I checked on Aaron, who was excitedly playing with some of his own friends. I was too far away to hear what they were saying, but I got the impression that they were talking about either the new video game they were into or the comic books that they were always reading. I'd never been into video games, comic books, or much of any kind of fiction. That kind of thing never really made much sense to me. Why play video games when you can go out and find real things to do? Why read about aliens and creatures that don't exist when you can read about interesting people and the exciting things that they did for real? With a shrug, I nodded towards Aaron, though he didn't seem to notice me, then I continued towards my friends. Jim and Luke were standing off to the side, staring at a computer tablet that they'd brought with them. The two would occasionally look up with a guilty expression and snicker, letting me know that they weren't up to anything good. "Hey, what's up?" I greeted the two of them. Jim had dark hair, a stocky build, and he stood at 6 feet tall, two inches taller than me. Luke, on the other hand, was a skinny ginger with heavy freckles, who was several inches shorter than me. I smiled faintly as I remembered the days when Jim and I had been best friends, back before I'd moved away. After I'd left, he and Luke had begun hanging out and had become best friends instead. Since my return, they were both willing to hang out with me, but things had definitely changed. Now I was almost like a third wheel while hanging with them. "Look at this video we found," Jim told me with a smirk. He held up the tablet, letting me see that they were playing a video with the sound turned off. A single glance was enough to reveal a sexy and stacked blonde woman who was naked and in the middle of a sexual act with another woman. I immediately recognized her, as would almost any guy in school. After all, Deanna Desire was a pretty famous porn star. "Turn that off," I snapped at my friends as I tore my eyes away from the monitor. "There are little kids here..." "Killjoy," Luke teased me. Jim paused and looked around as though suddenly realizing that there were kids around for the first time. "Fine," he said with rolled eyes. "Whatever..." "They're going to learn about this stuff sooner or later," Luke pointed out with a smirk. "In fact, I bet most of them would be happy to watch this... I know I would have been at their age..." I let out a sigh of exasperation, wondering why I'd invited these two knuckleheads to Aaron's party. Then again, if they hadn't been here, I probably would have had to hang out with Aaron and his buddies. "Have you talked to Keenan lately?" I asked curiously, eager to distract my friends and keep them from teasing me about being a killjoy. Keenan was another old friend who I used to hang out with all the time before I'd moved out of Spiral. In fact, he'd been my second closest friend, in second place only a short distance behind Jim. However that had been a long time ago and I'd barely even seen him since I moved back. "Not really," Jim answered with a faint scowl. "I mean, he's changed since his twist. He doesn't really like hanging out or doing anything now. I don't think he even wants to be friends anymore." I nodded at that knowing exactly what Jim meant. Keenan had gone through his twist only a month or so ago, and that was guaranteed to change a person. From what I'd seen, he hadn't changed physically, but his personality certainly had. He used to be friendly and outgoing, but when I'd talked to him, he seemed cold and distant. But more than that he just seemed...off. "You know how it is," Jim commented. "When you go through your twist, you might not come out of it as the same person." Luke and I both nodded in understanding. It was a simple fact of life in Spiral that when someone underwent their twist, their bodies and personalities could both be altered in strange and unexpected ways. Friends, relatives, and classmates could all change into someone else entirely, making you grieve for those who were gone, even though they were still alive and in front of you. I shuddered as I suddenly remembered Cassidy Morgan, a cute girl I used to have a crush on. I'd been gathering up my courage to ask her out on a date, then one day she went through her twist and developed an extreme case of social anxiety disorder. She became so afraid of other people that she locked herself in her house and never came out again. A moment later, Luke suddenly blurted out, "Holy shit... Is that who I think it is?" I looked to where he was pointing and groaned faintly as I saw that a gorgeous and very busty blonde woman had come out from the back door of the house and was starting towards us. Luke and Jim both stood there with their mouths opened as they stared at the very same woman they'd just been watching a video of a few minutes earlier. Once she reached where we were standing, Jim blurted out, "You're Deanna Desire..." "I take it you're fans," she said with a light laugh, obviously amused by that. "But that's just my working name. Around here, I'm Dana Anderson." "Anderson," Jim said awkwardly, as though he couldn't believe she'd told him her real name. Then he turned to give me a curious look as he realized that she had the same last name I did. "Hey mom," I said with a sigh, feeling embarrassed as my friends stared at me in stunned disbelief. "I'm glad you could make it." "Of course I made it," she responded, almost as though offended I'd even suggest she couldn't. "There is no way I'd miss your brother's birthday party." I nodded at that then glanced to my friends who were still staring as though their brains had suddenly crashed. Of course, there was a very good reason I'd never told my friends that my Mom was a porn star, and that I'd made sure they never met her whenever she'd come to visit. It was quite...awkward. My Mom was forty-one, though she looked ten to fifteen years younger than her actual age. She still had a killer body and a very active career, which I was quite embarrassed by. Of course, her body and career were both a direct result of her twist. When she was about my age, she went through her twist and gained not only those impressive curves, but also a high sex drive and an almost complete lack of sexual inhibitions. Mom gave me a hug, then asked, "So, who are your friends?" She gave Jim and Luke speculative looks, probably wondering what they'd be like in bed. "This is Luke and Jim," I introduced them. "So you're Jim," she said, smiling at my friend in a seductive way that probably made him cream his pants. "Chad has talked about you..." I stared at my Mom for a moment, turning bright red and blurting out, "Remember rule number three..." "Of course," Mom responded with a chuckle, backing off a little, much to my relief. When I'd first moved in with my Mom over a year ago, things had been quite awkward and uncomfortable for me at first. Not only did she have a lack of sexual inhibitions, she couldn't even understand why other people were uncomfortable or embarrassed about sex. It hadn't taken long before I put down a list of rules that I needed her to follow if I was going to live with her. Most of the rules didn't make much sense to her, but she understood that this was important to me so she'd agreed to follow them. The first rule was that she was NOT to show me any of the pictures or videos from her work. She was quite proud of what she did for a living and sometimes wanted to show off a particularly steamy scene she'd done, but there was no way I wanted to watch my own Mom do something like that. The very idea made me shudder at just how wrong it was. The second rule was simply that Mom wasn't supposed to have sex with anyone while I was present, though I'd later been forced to add masturbating with herself to that ban. That rule was created after one day when I'd been watching TV on the couch, then she and her boy toy at the time had come in and began going at it right there on the couch next to me. I'd run from apartment in a near panic. And then there was the third rule, which stated that my friends, classmates, and teachers were all off limits to her. Of course, there were a couple other rules as well, but the third one was the one I wanted her to remember at the moment. "I need to go see your brother and wish him happy birthday," Mom told me pleasantly. Then she looked to Jim and Luke and said, "It was nice meeting you boys." And with that she wandered off in the direction where Aaron was playing with his friends. "Holy shit," Luke blurted out once my Mom was out of range. He stared at me with a look of stunned disbelief. "Your Mom is Deanne Desire?" "Um...yeah," I responded self-consciously. "And please don't tell anyone at school." "Yeah," Jim said with a nod of understanding. "You don't want everyone lining up here for autographs..." I rolled my eyes at that then let out a sigh. "Close enough." Jim continued staring at my Mom, muttering, "Damn, she is a total MILF." "She's the queen MILF," Luke added. I rolled my eyes again as the two of them began exchanging descriptions of my Mom which would have been offensive, if she hadn't been who she was. Still, I shook my head and then left my friends to go get some soda. While I was grabbing a soda from the cooler, a little girl suddenly tugged on my shirt and asked, "Can I have one too?" I stared down at the girl, who looked like she was about seven or eight, too young to be one of Aaron's friends. She was cute, with blonde hair in pigtails and a little dress that was just too frilly for even most little girls to wear. And in her hand, she clutched a stuffed rabbit. "Aren't you a little too young to be drinking this stuff?" I asked her. The girl just gave me a sweet and innocent look, then responded, "If you don't give me one, I'm gonna kick your shins." "It looks like some things haven't changed," I said with an exaggerated sigh as I handed over the soda. "You're still threatening to hurt me." My cousin Christine just laughed at that though it came out more like a little girl giggle. In spite of her appearance, Christine was about the same age as me, and the two of us had been fairly close while growing up. She'd always been the tough one though, at least until she'd gone through her twist a few months ago and came out looking and acting like a little girl. I've only seen her a couple times since her twist and still had a hard time believing that this was the same punker goth girl I'd grown up with. "You guys sounded pretty good," I said, gesturing to where the band had been playing a short time ago. Christine was the drummer for the band, and she was the one who'd gotten her friends to come and play for Aaron's party. Christine had always been good with the drums, and she still sounded just as good as before, though it was a little strange watching a little girl wailing away at them like that. "Thanks," Christine responded with a proud grin. I looked over to where the other three members of the band were packing up their instruments. My eyes settled on the singer, a gorgeous girl with long bluish green hair, and who was wearing a dress that was about the same color. And as hot as she looked, she'd sounded just as good. I was pretty sure that I'd seen her around school this last week, but I hadn't talked to her and didn't even know her name. I was about to ask Christine to introduce me to her cute friend when Grandma called out that it was time for cake and ice-cream. It took several minutes to get everyone gathered around Aaron, then Grandma brought out the cake while everyone sang happy birthday. I just watched Aaron and how excited he looked as he made a wish and blew out the candles. At that moment, I suddenly felt quite happy to be home. -------------------- In many ways, going to school in Spiral was no different than going to any other high school in the country. Students would shamble through the hallways in the morning, barely pay attention in their classes, and then deal with the social politics of all the traditional cliques. However no other school in the country had as many Twisted students or had to deal with the strangeness that we often took for granted. I was in the school cafeteria, waiting in line to get my food. A cute girl with small devil horns stood in front of me, talking to a boy who had green skin and hair that seemed to move with a life of its own. As strange as the Las Angeles schools could be, even they didn't have anything like that. Sights like these had startled me at first, but it had only taken a day or so to get back into the groove and remember just how normal that kind of thing was here. After getting my food, I looked over the various tables, trying to decide where I wanted to sit. There was the unofficial jock table, the nerd table, and even the 'we hate everyone' outcast table. I'd never been part of any of the cliques, though before I'd moved away, I'd been on good speaking terms with at least one person in each group. But right now, it amazed me just how few people I actually recognized. I'd been gone long enough that I'd actually forgotten a lot of the people in the school, and of course, some of them had just changed that much. Just then, someone from the jock table called out, "Hey Chad..." He was waving to me. I blinked, thinking that he looked familiar though it took me several long seconds to place him. "Hey Adam," I greeted him. Then I looked to the lean looking guy beside him who was wearing a letterman jacket. It took me several more seconds before I pulled his name out of the back of my memory. "Gene." "I heard you were back in town," Adam told me with a friendly smile. "What happened? You go through your twist and have to come back?" "Nothing like that" I told him with a chuckle. "My sister Bridgett never went through a twist, so I might not either." I shrugged at that. "Actually, I moved back because things just weren't working out in LA." "So man, what's the plan?" Gene asked me. That single comment was enough to remind me that Gene had gone through his twist just a month or so before I'd moved away, leaving him with a compulsion to speak in rhyme. From what I remembered, he could talk normally if he concentrated on it, but rhyming had become his normal way of talking. "I'm just getting back into the swing of things," I answered with a shrug. Gene nodded at that. "Welcome back to the old place, it's nice to see your familiar face." I talked to Adam and Gene for another half minute and turned down their offer to sit with them. Instead I went to a different table where I spotted another familiar face sitting. Keenan was tall and slender, with reddish brown hair. Physically, he hadn't changed much from before I'd moved away, though he had filled out a little more. "Hey," I greeted him as I sat down. "Do you mind if I join you?" "If you want," Keenan responded, giving me a flat look that seemed to indicate that he didn't care one way or the other. There was no sign of the friendly grin he once would have given me. I made several comments to try getting a conversation going with Keenan, though he showed no interest. It was as though he was completely bored by my conversation...and my very presence. Fortunately after a few minutes, Jim and Luke came and sat down with us. They were accompanied with a chubby Hispanic girl who I didn't know. "This is Gloria," Jim introduced me to the girl, who gave me a shy smile. "She just moved to Spiral last summer..." "I went through my twist," Gloria said a little nervously. "My Dad thought it would be safer here." I nodded at that not at all surprised since a lot of Twisted had come to Spiral for the same reason. A lot of people were terrified by the Twisted and what they could do, and people who were scared or jealous could do stupid things. Every once in awhile, I heard horror stories of innocent Twisted who'd been victimized by those kinds of people. "Nice to meet you," I told her pleasantly. "I'm Chad..." "The blue one looks better," Gloria stated, then began eating her lunch without looking at me. I blinked in confusion. "The blue what?" "What?" Gloria asked, giving me a blank look. "You said something about something blue," I pointed out, though she continued giving me a blank look. Then her eyes widened slightly and she glanced to Jim and Luke. "I did it again, didn't I?" Luke snickered at that while Jim nodded. "It's her trick," Jim explained to me. "She can see the future..." "Not exactly," Gloria said, obviously embarrassed. She couldn't quite meet my eyes and stared at her food instead as she explained, "I sometimes just say things that seem to be about the future...but I never remember it." "None of it ever makes much sense at the time," Jim said with a grin. "But later on, you smack yourself in the head and say 'that's what she meant'. It's kind of funny sometimes." Luke burst out laughing, and turned to Jim. "Like when she told you to watch out for the duck...and then you tripped over that duck shaped yard statue a few days later." Gloria stared down at her food, looking uncomfortable with everyone talking about her. I didn't know the girl, but I took pity on her and changed the subject to what things were like in Las Angeles. I didn't say anything about what it was like living with my Mom, only about the school I went to. The entire time, Keenan didn't say a thing, nor did he show the least bit of interest. He eventually finished eating and got up to leave without even saying goodbye. Eventually Gloria got up to leave as well, and as soon as she did, Luke pulled out his computer tablet and began sharing pictures of naked and nearly naked women with Jim. I just hoped that they weren't looking at ones of my Mom since that was just creepy. Then again, I was realistic enough to know that my friends had probably wacked off to my Mom's movies, though I was trying very hard not to think about that. "She's hot," Jim told Luke, staring at one picture. "And this one is a total babe..." They continued going through pictures of one woman after another while I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disbelief. After all, we were in the middle of the school cafeteria. Sure, there was no longer anyone sitting close to us, but it was still an extremely inappropriate place for that kind of thing. However in spite of that I was still a red blooded male and quickly found myself leaning over to look as well. Then Luke stared at one picture and smirked. "Oh yeah, I'd do her..." "I'd do her in a heartbeat," Jim agreed with a broad grin. I stared at the picture of a very sexy looking brunette who I immediately recognized as the porn star Alyssa Ambrose. I just smiled and commented, "I have done her." "You wish," Jim responded with a loud laugh. I just continued smiling as I pointed out, "Remember who my Mom is." Jim and Luke both froze at that sharing a quick look that made me suspect that they'd watched one of my Mom's movies again after the party. After a moment, Jim muttered, "How could I forget?" "Well," I said with a faint smirk, "Alyssa and my Mom sometimes...work together. Well, let's just say that on my last birthday when I turned sixteen, I came home from school and found Alyssa Ambrose on top of my bed, wearing nothing but a big red bow. It turns out, my Mom set up this...date...for my birthday." "Holy shit," Luke blurted out, staring at me with expression of stunned disbelief. Jim just stared at me for a moment, as though still suspecting that I was making up the whole thing. Then he obviously remembered who my Mom was again and shook his head. "You mean, for your sixteenth birthday, your Mom actually got a porn star to come over and fuck you? Damn. When I turned sixteen, all my parents got me was a new car." "Have you fucked any other porn stars?" Luke asked me almost eagerly. "Maybe," I responded with a smug look which only made them both groan jealously. The truth was, I'd actually met a number of porn stars over the last year since my Mom sometimes brought her costars home to 'rehearse', but the women my Mom worked with could get any guy they wanted, and none of them really had any interest in some teenage kid. Alyssa had done this partly as a favor for my Mom and partly because she just liked the idea of being the one to take my virginity. Jim and Luke tried getting more details about my 'date' with Alyssa, though I remained vague and didn't say anything more than I already had. Sure, it was kind of nice having the guys stare at me as though I'd suddenly become their hero, but it had actually been pretty personal for me and I didn't want to share that with these bozos. It didn't take long before their demands for more details became pleading for me to ask my Mom to hook them up with dates as well. The scary thing was, my Mom probably would if I asked her to. I finally excused myself and left my friends so I could get to my next class on time. I had just left the cafeteria and started down the hall when I realized that there was some kind of commotion going on ahead of me. A bunch of students were gathered around, and a moment later, I saw why. Two boys were having a fight, though I didn't think it could really be called a fight. One of them was a somewhat lean looking guy named Gary who I recognized from one of my classes. I'd talked to him once or twice, and he seemed like a pretty nice guy, if just a little nerdy. The other boy was huge, both tall and wide. He had a build that was something of a cross between a linebacker and a gorilla, and he even had a brutish looking face that screamed 'thug' and made me wonder if he was part neanderthal. I'd seen him around school a few times and even vaguely remembered him from before I'd moved away, though he was even bigger and more brutish looking than he'd been back then. However I couldn't quite remember his name. "Come on you fucking wimp," the thug snarled, picking the smaller boy up by his shirt and slamming him up against the wall. "Be a man for once instead of a chicken shit pansy..." "Why won't you just leave me alone?" Gary demanded, looking a little afraid but also defiant. The thug just snarled and slammed Gary against the wall again. "Someone has to teach you a lesson..." I grimaced, hating the sight of anyone getting bullied like that though I wasn't sure what I could do. I wasn't exactly a wimp who'd never been in a fight, but I wasn't sure what I could do against someone as big as this thug. Still, I was debating about whether or not to stop forward and trying to stop this when a teacher finally arrived. "Dan Jones," the balding man exclaimed, glaring at the thug. "What in the world do you think you're doing?" "Gary and I were just having a little talk," the thug...Dan responded. He glared at Gary. "Weren't we?" While the teacher began chewing out the bully, I looked around at the gathered students who were starting to disperse. One of the crowed immediately caught my attention though. It was Keenan, who was still watching Gary and Dan with an odd grin on his face. -------------------- I was sweating pretty good when I got home from my afternoon run, though I thought that next time I might add another half mile. When I'd been living with my Mom, I'd gotten into the habit of going out for a run every couple days. Not only did this help me stay in shape, but it also gave me something to do when I had to leave the house so Mom could have some private time with her 'guests'. And even though I was back in Spiral, I'd continued running. When I stepped into the house, I called out, "I'm back..." Technically, this was the second time I was back since I'd previously come home from school, changed into my running clothes, and then took off again. "Did you have a good run?" Grandma asked while simultaneously handing me a glass of water and a cookie. This was her way of showing support for my activities, and she'd begun greeting me this way every time I got back from a run. "It wasn't bad," I told her with a grin, whipping the sweat from my forehead as I did so. "But some dog came out and chased me for a bit. Good thing it had such short legs or I might not have escaped." "Those beagles can be ferocious beasts," she commented with a wry smile, obviously guessing that I'd been referring to the dog that lived just down the street. I chuckled at that took a long drink from my water and then a bite from the cookie. "I'm gonna go get cleaned up," I told grandma, taking my time to finish the cookie and water before I started for the bathroom. This was my second shower of the day since I'd already taken one before going to school. Because of that I made a quick job of it, knowing that I was going to take another shower in the morning. When I was done, I looked myself over while brushing my hair in the bathroom mirror. I wasn't bad looking, and in fact, I thought I was fairly handsome. Unlike some of my friends, I'd never really had a problem getting girls to notice me. Getting them to actually stay with me had been a different matter, especially when I didn't dare take one home to meet my Mom. My hair was an auburn color that was closer to my Grandma's coloring than my Mom's, and it was brushed back and hung nearly to my shoulders. My body was lean and fit, thanks to my running three or four times a week as well as my occasional visit to the school gym. I didn't look like one of the buff jocks, but I definitely wasn't a couch potato either. Once I was finished getting dressed in clean clothes, I went back to the bedroom that I shared with Aaron. He was already in there, sitting on his bed and reading through a stack of comic books that someone had given him for his birthday. Aaron looked a lot like me, though he had almost black hair, just like his Dad. Unlike me, Aaron actually knew who his Dad was, due to DNA testing shortly after he was born. However his Dad couldn't be bothered to take custody of him the way Bridgett's Dad had done with her. It had always bothered me a little that I didn't know who my Dad was. Mom, being who and what she was, tended to be a little loose with the guys. Bridgett and Aaron knew who their fathers were due to DNA testing, but there were a couple possibilities for me where Mom didn't even know their names much less how to contact them. "Hey," I greeted my brother, who barely glanced up at me from his comic. "Hey," he responded almost absently. I just grinned at Aaron, having mixed feelings about sharing a room with him again. It was nice having my little brother around again... sometimes...but I missed having a room to myself, as well as not always having him underfoot. Of course, I knew that he had mixed feelings about my return too. He was alternately happy at having me back and annoyed at once again having to share his room. "So I take it that Mom took off again," I commented, knowing that the plan had been for Mom to leave early this afternoon. As she'd told me yesterday after the party, she had a big photo shoot that was going on this week. "Yeah," Aaron answered, looking up from his comics and rolling his eyes. "I don't know how you managed to live with her. I mean, I love her but..." "But she's Mom," I agreed in complete understanding. Our Mom just wasn't like the other Moms we knew and what she did for a living was more than a little embarrassing. And of course, she had an odd outlook on things that made it difficult to relate to her at times. That was the main reason we lived here with Grandma in Spiral. "She gave me a cool birthday present though," Aaron said, giving me a grin. "Oh?" I asked him, half dreading the answer. With my Mom, she could have very well given him a box set collection of all her most popular movies. Then again, if she'd done that Aaron wouldn't be grinning like he was. "She got me this awesome new game," Aaron announced proudly. He showed me the video game cartridge, which was for a game that was popular among some of the guys at school. After a few seconds, Aaron put the video game down and went back to reading his comics. I just shook my head, wondering what he saw in something like that. Comic books had always seemed like such a little kid thing to me. I sat down at the desk and began going over my homework, trying to get it done before dinner. Aaron and I both did our thing, sharing the room but not really speaking again as we did. Once I was finished with my homework, I made a point of stretching out and announcing, "I'm done with all my homework. I guess I have the rest of the night to do whatever I want." I glanced to Aaron, who hadn't even started on his homework and would be forced to rush through it before going to bed. However he didn't take my hint. Grandma called us for dinner just a few minutes later, so Aaron and I rushed to the dinner table. Grandma was a little old fashioned and insisted that we eat at the table instead of sitting in the living room and watching TV while we ate. "Too bad Mom went home already," I said when I saw the plate of lamb chops that was sitting on the table. "This is her favorite..." "Really?" Grandma responded with a look of mock innocence. "I had no idea. And we're having Amaretto Cr?me Br?l?e afterwards...which happens to be her favorite dessert if I remember right." Aaron snickered and said, "Mom really missed out tonight..." "You make sure to tell her that when you call her," Grandma said with a chuckle. "Maybe we can make her think twice about leaving so soon the next time she comes to visit." I chuckled at that as well, then dug into dinner with a hearty appetite. This might be my Mom's favorite meal, but it was pretty high up there on my list of foods as well. As soon as dinner was over, Aaron cleared the table while I went to work washing the dishes. I was finished in less than ten minutes and free to go back to whatever I wanted to do. Aaron was already back in our room with his nose stuck in one of those comic books. I shook my head and grabbed the book that I'd been reading, a biography of Caz Lipton, who was on record as being the first Twisted, or at least the first person to ever undergo his twist. "I thought you were done with your homework," Aaron said, giving my book a suspicious look. "I am," I responded. "I'm reading this because it's interesting." "That's boring," Aaron exclaimed while rolling his eyes. He held up the comic book he was reading and exclaimed, "This is interesting... It's got Lady Starlight fighting the Demonatrix." "Demonatrix?" I asked in surprise. "Just what kind of comic is that?" "The good kind," Aaron responded smugly. Then he proudly added, "Lady Starlight is my favorite." "I thought the Asterix was your favorite hero," I joked. "What happened? Did Lady Starlight beat him in a fight?" Aaron gave me a flat look, and then in a serious tone he explained, "The Asterix is with EG Comics and Lady Starlight is owned by Triumph Comics, so they can't do a crossover." Then he paused to add, "Besides, the new writer totally ruined the Asterix. I mean, they just messed up the continuity and changed his origin so it all sucks now..." "I think you're taking that just a little too seriously," I pointed out with a grin. "I mean, it's just a stupid comic book." Aaron glared at me as though I'd just offended him. Then again, I'd just insulted one of his favorite hobbies so I probably had. "You haven't even read them so you don't know what you're talking about," Aaron told me defiantly. I rolled my eyes at that though Aaron did have a point. I couldn't properly make fun of his comic books if I didn't even have enough ammunition to use. "Fine," I replied. "Let me read one of those then..." For a brief moment, Aaron stared at me as though suspicious, which he probably had a right to be. Then he grinned, as though he'd just won a victory. "Read this one," Aaron insisted, handing me one of his comics. "But don't bend the pages or anything. It's a collector's edition." The comic was an issue of Lady Starlight and had a picture of her on the cover. I've heard her name mentioned a few times, mostly by Aaron, but I didn't know anything about the character. With a shrug, I began reading through the comic. I was a little surprised to find that the artwork was actually a little better than I'd expected, and the plot a bit more involved. It was clear that the writers were trying to make a real story out of this rather than just the cheesy kid's stuff that I thought all comics were filled with. "Okay," I admitted as I finished reading the comic. "This isn't bad..." Just then, I felt a strange pressure building in my body, one that immediately set off every alarm in my head. I'd been warned about these symptoms and knew exactly what they meant. "Oh shit," I blurted out as I jumped off my bed, making Aaron stare at me with a look of surprised confusion. A moment later, it hit me, making me feel as though I'd been struck by lightning and was exploding at the same time. I screamed, or at least tried to before everything went dark. -------------------- "Chad," a voice called my name as someone shook me awake. "Chad, please wake up..." I slowly opened my eyes, seeing my Grandma hovering over me with a worried look. "Grandma," I whispered, earning look of relief from her. "Remain where you are," Grandma told me firmly. "Don't try to get up yet." "What...?" I started in confusion, only to realize that I was lying in the middle of my bedroom floor and I felt...wrong. My entire body throbbed with a dull ache, but more than that it just felt completely off somehow. It was difficult to point out one specific thing, but I knew that something was seriously wrong with me. I started to sit up but Grandma immediately put a hand on my shoulder and gently kept me down. There was still a worried look in her eyes that made me worry in turn. Then I suddenly remembered what had happened to me before everything went crazy. I closed my eyes for a moment and took several deep breaths, trying to remain calm when that was the last thing I wanted to do. "How bad is it?" I quietly asked Grandma, realizing that my voice sounded odd to my ears. "How bad was my twist?" Grandma just stared down at me for a moment more before carefully answering. "Physically...it was severe." I groaned at that though I'd already suspected it from the way my body felt. My first impulse was to bolt upright and take a look at myself, which was probably why Grandma was making me remain where I was. As it was, I was using every bit of willpower I had not to scream in panic. "Chad," Aaron exclaimed from the doorway of our room, staring at me with a look of wide eyed disbelief. "Aaron Evan Andrews," Grandma snapped at him. "I told you to wait out there with the door closed..." "Sorry Grandma," Aaron blurted out before backing up, though he didn't close the door. Grandma just let out an exasperated sigh. I braced myself and slowly sat up. This time Grandma didn't stop me, though she did watch me with a look of obvious concern. I realized that there was a blanket over my body, which fell down as I sat up, and that there was some sort of weight on my chest. The blanket had fallen enough so that when I looked down, I saw two mounds of flesh pushing out from my chest. "Aaron," Grandma snapped at my brother, who finally vanished from view. She continued calling out, "Give Chad some privacy." She closed the door and then looked back to me. "I'm sorry dear, but it looks like you have quite a bit to adjust to." I hesitantly touched the mounds on my chest, feeling soft and smooth skin that was definitely part of my body. And knowing exactly what these things were, I reached beneath the blanked and felt between my legs. Little Chad was gone. "I'm a girl," I blurted out in shock and horror. "It certainly appears so," Grandma told me. She hesitated a moment before asking, "How do you feel?" "How do you think I feel?" I demanded as I began to shake. Grandma gave me a gentle smile and said, "This reminds me of what it was like when your mother went through her twist. Of course, her body didn't change quite as much as yours did." I groaned at that and slowly got to my feet, trying to use the blanket to keep myself covered. My muscles felt a little wobbly and my sense of balance was completely off. I had to grab the edge of my bed to keep from falling back over. "Can I...can I have some privacy?" I asked Grandma, knowing that I had to be blushing badly as I did so. "Of course," she responded, giving me a gentle and reassuring smile before leaving the room and closing the door behind herself. I dropped the blanket and looked down at myself, seeing that my body definitely looked female. My attention was first drawn to my breasts, which were the first things that I'd noticed. They were at least DD cups, though not as large as what my mom had. "I'm a girl," I said quietly, running a hand over my side and stomach. My body hair had all vanished and my skin was now soft and smooth. In spite of that and the undeniable fact that I had some nice curves, I still seemed to have some nice muscle tone as well. I felt my stomach, which was flat and firm. I definitely had a slender waist and what seemed to be a nice ass. I finally took a deep breath and reached between my legs again. My dick was still gone and hadn't miraculously returned in the last minute. I felt my new equipment, the soft folds and sensitive slit that now marked me as being female. "Oh shit," I exclaimed, not sure what else I could possibly say to this. I wanted to get an even better look at my new body, but I'd have to leave my bedroom to find a mirror. I started for my dresser but nearly fell flat on my face. My body just didn't want to move right and my legs wanted to collapse beneath me. And of course, my entire sense of balance was screwed up as well. For the moment, I sat down on the edge of my bed, noticing that there was a scorch mark on the floor where I'd been lying...and the charred ruins of my clothes. I'd heard that people who went through drastic twists often destroyed their clothes or whatever else they were touching at the time, but I'd never seen it with my own eyes. "Good thing I wasn't touching Aaron," I said, relieved to at least have that small bit of good fortune. I didn't know what I'd do if I'd accidentally hurt my brother. While I was sitting there, I looked over my body again, trying my best to remain calm and collected. I noticed that my hands had changed as well and were now feminine looking hands with nails that were perfectly manicured ovals. I could only imagine how feminine the parts of my body were which I couldn't see. After waiting a minute, I got off my bed and started to move around my room. I was still awkward and clumsy, but the rubbery feeling in my muscles was quickly fading. All I really had to worry about now was the fact that my sense of balance was still off. I wrapped myself in the blanket again and slowly left my room, being very careful so I didn't trip. I saw Aaron at the far end of the hallway, and immediately winced as I wondered what he thought, but Grandma called him into the living room. I went into the bathroom and locked the door behind me, then I dropped the blanket to the floor again and looked into the bathroom mirror. It wasn't large enough to show my entire body at once, but it was enough to let me see my face. My eyes went wide at the sight of the gorgeous girl who stared back at me. She had dark eyes that seemed to sparkle a little, full kissable lips, and a long strawberry blonde hair that went down to her mid-back. "Oh shit," I blurted out, suddenly thinking that the girl in the mirror was hot enough that she could be a porn star like Mom. Fortunately I hadn't noticed any compulsions yet to go into that kind of work, and the fact that I felt a moment of panic about it was a good sign that no such compulsions existed. I continued looking myself over enough to see that I definitely had a killer body. I felt a churning in my stomach at the realization that this was my body now and would be for the rest of my life. I felt a surge of panic, and before I knew it, I was sitting on the toilet and sobbing. I had no idea how long I just sat there crying before someone began knocking on the door. "Chad?" Grandma said through the door. "Please open up..." When I didn't open the door, she gently added, "I can hear you in there, so open this door." For a moment, I remained where I was, feeling depressed and ashamed. I tried wiping the tears from my eyes and reluctantly opened the door. Grandma took one look at me and then gave me a hug. "Everything is going to be all right," Grandma told me gently. "I know this isn't easy, but you'll get through it..." "How?" I demanded, gesturing down at myself. "I'm not ME anymore... I don't know how to be a girl. I don't WANT to be a girl..." "I know dear," she said, giving me a sad smile. "But it seems that you probably won't have much choice about it." After a few minutes, Grandma talked me into coming out of the bathroom, saying that she'd fix me up a cup of hot cocoa. I wrapped the blanket around myself again and staggered out to the living room where I sat down on the couch. Aaron stared at me with a wide eyed look of disbelief, as though he couldn't believe I was really me. Of course, he'd actually seen me start to glow and transform right in front of his eyes, so he knew exactly who I was. "I've never seen someone go through their twist before," Aaron said awkwardly. "I have," I responded bitterly. I'd seen it happen at school a couple times, though one of them had been a minor twist where the girl glowed and sparked a little, but didn't go through any visible changes. The other one had been a boy who'd suddenly gone from being chubby to being lean and athletic. "What's it like being a girl?" Aaron abruptly asked me. I just glared at him in response. Aaron and I both sat there sipping hot cocoa, though he continued giving me odd looks that seemed to alternate with being filled with curiosity and with disbelief. I just did my best to ignore him and the odd sensations from my body. Grandma came back into the living room and said, "I just finished calling your mother. She said she'll be back here as soon as possible, but that she might not be able to make it for a day or two." Aaron leaned over and whispered, "Maybe you can guilt trip Mom about leaving and get her to buy you something cool..." "Aaron Evan Anderson," Grandma said, standing there with her hands on her hips and giving Aaron a steady glare that made him wilt under it. "It was just an idea," Aaron said defensively. Grandma looked as though she was fighting back a smile before she turned to look at me again. "Chad, I know you're worried and upset, but I think you should try getting some clothes on." She glanced to Aaron, reminding me that I now had the body of a hot girl and I had nothing but a blanket covering me. "Okay," I said with a reluctant sigh. I stood up and told her, "I'll go see if my sweats will fit me..." She nodded acceptance of that. I'd just taken several steps towards my room and was thinking about what I might possibly have that would still fit me when I suddenly felt a strange tingling along my skin. A moment later, half the blanket seemed to disintegrate from around my shoulders and the rest of it fell to the ground. "Chad," Grandma exclaimed while I let out an 'eep' that sounded just a little too girly to my ears. My first thought to was to cover myself up so that Grandma and Aaron wouldn't be staring at me naked, but then I realized that I wasn't naked. I was actually wearing some kind of clothes, which had appeared out of nowhere. I started to turn, then immediately lost my balance and fell face first onto the floor. And when I tried getting back up again, I found one small problem. I was actually wearing some sort of high heels on my feet. "What the hell is this?" I demanded in frustration, glaring at the high heels and the rest of the odd clothes that I was suddenly wearing. "No way," Aaron blurted out, staring at me with a look of wide eyed amazement. "I thought you looked a lot like Lady Starlight...but now you REALLY look just like her..." "What are you talking about?" I stared, then looked down at myself again and suddenly realized what he meant. The clothes I was wearing looked like the costume that super hero had been wearing in the comic I'd read. "Oh shit..." Grandma didn't bother correcting me about my language, though she did help me back to my feet and let me lean on her while I stood in the high heels. I looked myself over and groaned, seeing that I was definitely wearing Lady Starlight's costume. I was wearing some kind of spandex costume that covered my entire body from the neck down, except for my arms since it cut off without any sleeves. The material was black, but with tiny glowing sparkles all over it that looked sort of like stars in the night sky. The high heels I was wearing were actually a part of this one piece spandex outfit, so I couldn't take the shoes off without removing everything else. There a few small accessories to this costume as well, including a silvery white sash that was wrapped around my waist and which had some of the cloth hanging down loose on one side. I also had on a pair of silvery white metal bracers that were about the same color as the sash, covering my forearms. However each bracer had a large smooth and rounded gemstone on the back that was all black but with a sparkling star pattern, similar to the main part of the costume. "I think you may have discovered your trick," Grandma carefully stated as she looked me over. "That...costume just appeared out of nowhere." "No way," I blurted out. It was bad enough that I'd been turned into a girl, but not it seemed that I had the power to suddenly end up wearing this ridiculous super hero outfit. With that I tried taking this costume off, not caring that Grandma and Aaron were right there watching. However the fact that I had an audience wasn't a problem since the costume wouldn't come off. The wrist bracers just wouldn't budge at all. The spandex outfit seemed to be glued to my skin and wouldn't even let me get a finger beneath it. "Come on," I exclaimed in frustration, grabbing the sash, which didn't appear to actually be tied on. It actually seemed to be one single piece, which wouldn't budge from my waist any more than the spandex would come off my skin. "Come on," I snarled again. "This isn't fair..." "Please calm down," Grandma told me with a worried look. "We'll figure this out..." Then I noticed that Aaron was just staring at me with a look of absolute amazement...and excitement. I groaned at that wondering why I should be surprised by him staring at me when I was suddenly stuck looking like his favorite super hero. ------------------- I let out a loud yawn as I ate my breakfast, or at least as I tried to. I had to brush my now long hair back again in order to keep it out of both my face and my bowl of cereal. Even though I'd only had this long hair since last night, it was already becoming quite frustrating. Of course, my hair was probably one of the least frustrating things about my entire twist. "Stupid twist," I muttered to myself, pausing to stare down at my breasts, which partially blocked my view of my cereal. Last night had been filled with frustration and embarrassment as I'd suddenly transformed not only into a girl, but into the very image of Aaron's favorite comic book character. My sense of balance had been completely screwed up because of that transformation, then I suddenly found myself with a pair of stiletto heels that wouldn't come off. I could barely stand up in those things much less actually walk. Fortunately Grandma had given me some advice on how to walk in heels, and I'd gotten a bit of unwilling practice, but by the time I went to bed, I'd still been holding onto the walls and furniture in order to keep from falling over. "What kind of super hero wears high heels?" I demanded in disgust. When I'd been reading Aaron's comic, I hadn't really thought about how awkward it would be for a super hero to fight crime while wearing shoes like these, but now it struck me as obvious. "I always knew comic books were too silly and unrealistic." With that I let out another loud yawn. I hadn't been able to get much sleep last night and was feeling pretty tired as a result. Of course, it was no surprise that I hadn't been able to get to sleep. Not only due I have an entirely new body which felt odd, but my mind wouldn't stop running as I thought about my twist and what it would mean for the rest of my life. And of course, I'd gone to bed while fully dressed. The only good thing was that while I was drifting off to sleep, my super hero costume vanished and went back to wherever it had come from. That was fortunate since I'd had to get up to go take a piss a short time after that and I had no idea how I would have been able to do that if I couldn't remove my costume. At the moment, I was wearing my old sweats, which was a big improvement over the super hero costume. But oddly enough, as I ate my breakfast, I couldn't help but thinking about just how comfortable that costume had actually been. Sure, I couldn't walk in the heels, but the outfit had been a perfect fit. "At least Aaron isn't staring at me," I muttered to myself as I tried to think of something to be positive about. Then I snorted and added, "Of course, he'll stare at me again when he gets home from school." I was just finishing up with my breakfast when Grandma came into the dining room and gave me a concerned look. She had a forced smile as she asked, "How are you holding up?" "All right," I responded with a forced smile of my own. Grandma gave me a skeptical look, then asked, "So, what are you doing there?" She wasn't pointing at my cereal bowl but the pad of paper that I had sitting next to me. I was silent for a moment before answering, "I was trying to come up with a list of things I need now..." That made it sound like I was being calm and practical about this whole situation, though the truth was that I was just trying to keep myself focused on something besides freaking out. "New clothes," Grandma read off my list. "Go to the clinic. Get a new driver's license picture. Hide in shame from my friends..." She paused at that last one and gave me an odd look, then continued going through the list. "Well, most of these are pretty reasonable, but I don't think you can deal with this by hiding away." "I know," I responded with a sigh. "It's not like I'm the first one in town to be Twisted." "No you aren't," Grandma agreed. "Your mother had to go through her twist as well, and don't forget about poor Christine." I shuddered faintly as I thought about my cousin and the twist she'd gone through. She was really my age, but not only was she stuck looking like a little girl, but she had some sort of compulsion to dress and act like one too. I could only imagine how frustrating that was for her, especially since it meant that most people would treat her like a kid for the rest of her life. So far, I hadn't noticed any compulsions or personality changes, but that didn't mean they weren't there. "Why don't you go take a shower," Grandma suggested gently. "Afterwards, we'll see if we can find some clothes that fit you." Then she joked, "That way we can start checking off items on your list." I nodded at that and reluctantly went to the bathroom where I undressed and climbed into the shower. I tried hard to focus on washing up while ignoring my new body and how odd everything felt, but it didn't do much good. I was quite aware of the warm water running over my new breasts and of how good it felt. In spite of that I ignored any temptation to feel myself up and finished with my shower as quickly as possible. Minutes later, I discovered that long hair was a real pain in the ass. I also found that while it was soaked, it was also kind of heavy. I began trying to dry my hair the way I always had before, but then I remembered Mom had talked about how her long hair required special attention in order to keep looking nice. I tried to remember what Mom did with her hair, then reluctantly following her example. For the next twenty minutes, I sat in the bathroom, patting my hair dry with a towel and then brushing the tangles out and using a hair drying. It was extremely time consuming, but my Mom went through that all the time so I couldn't very well complain. Then again, I was going to have to do this from now on as well, and that was definitely worth complaining about. When I came out of the bathroom with a large towel wrapped around my body, Grandma looked to my hair and gave me a knowing smile. "It looks like someone has already had some hair care lessons." "Only indirectly," I muttered in embarrassment. "Well, I found some clothes in your mother's room that might fit you," Grandma said, gesturing down the hall towards the room that was reserved for my Mom when she came to visit. "It's a good thing she always leaves some spare clothes here." The idea of wearing my Mom's clothes seemed absolutely ludicrous to me, but unfortunately, my own clothes no longer fit right. I'd already measured myself with a tape measure and knew that I hadn't lost any height during my transformation, but my chest, hip, and waist measurements had all changed quite a bit. I could get away with wearing some of my old shirts and sweaters, but not much else. "You're taller than Dana," Grandma told me with a careful look. "And a couple cup sizes smaller. But I think these should do...at least until we can go shopping." I braced myself for the bad news, knowing that my Mom's fashion sense often went to the sexy and slutty. Fortunately Grandma found a pair of slacks and a shirt that wasn't too bad. These clothes were a reminder that even though Mom loved getting attention and showing off her body, she often dressed a little more conservatively while visiting Spiral. As expected, Mom's clothes weren't a great fit on me, though they did fit me a little better than my own would have. Mom had also left a single pair of sneakers and two pairs of high heels, though my feet were too big for her sneakers. My feet had become smaller during my twist, though not that small. I ended up putting on a pair of my own shoes, along with three pairs of socks so the shoes wouldn't be quite as loose. "Not bad," Grandma told me when I was finished getting dressed. "Though you are definitely going to need a bra. Unfortunately mine are too small and your mother's are too large." I shuddered at the thought of wearing an uncomfortable bra, but then again, my breasts jiggled around a bit when I moved and I couldn't help but thinking that maybe a bra would keep them in place better. Still, I'd rather at least wear something comfortable...like that costume I'd had last night. Suddenly, I felt a tingling along my skin just like I had last night right before that costume appeared. A moment later, all my clothes disintegrated and fell away from me in shreds, leaving me standing there in the same super hero costume as before. And since I was now wearing stiletto heels, I immediately lost my balance and fell to the floor again. Grandma let out an exasperated sigh and shook her head. "Well," she said, giving me a speculative look, "I suppose you could go out of the house in that. I just don't know how we're going to get you new clothes if you keep destroying them like that." "Great," I grumbled as I carefully got back to my feet. "Just fu...just freaking great." I was definitely annoyed by these high heels, but the rest of the costume felt a lot more snug and comfortable than my Mom's clothes had been. I paused, suddenly realizing that a part of me was actually relieved to be wearing this stupid super hero costume again. "Just great," I grumbled again. "I think I just found my first compulsion." With that I let out a long sigh and then started back towards my room, using the walls to help me keep my balance as I did so. After the practice I had walking in these heels last night, I was getting a little better about keeping my balance, though I had a long way to go before I was confident in them. A short time later, I came out of my room and started for the bathroom, though I was wondering how I was going to relieve myself with this costume on. But then, I heard the doorbell ringing and changed directions to slowly start making my way there. I had just stepped back into the living room when Grandma answered the door. "Hi Grandma," a cute little girl exclaimed, quickly grabbing Grandma in a hug. "Hello Christine," Grandma greeted my cousin. "That's a lovely dress you're wearing..." "Thank you," Christine responded with a grin. Then she spun around, giving Grandma a better look at the dress. "And George likes it too..." She held up a stuffed monkey for Grandma to see. Grandma smiled down at Christine for a moment, probably remembering when she was that age the first time. I remembered when she was that age the first time, and she hadn't been this sweet or innocent. In fact, she'd been a bit of a tom boy who kicked and screamed whenever her parents tried making her wear a dress. Then Grandma's expression turned to one of disapproval and she asked, "Shouldn't you be in school right now?" Christine suddenly looked up at Grandma with the cute puppy dog eyes that I suspected was a trick she'd gained from her twist. Grandma immediately seemed to soften, even before Christine said, "Daddy said that Chad went through a big twist last night, so I thought I'd help h

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purple jelly twist

"Thank you! I can add this to my collection!" "Your very welcome!" There was a second bulky gift in the bag. I pulled out to what seemed to be a DVD. I looked at the cover wich read, "Blonde Bombshells 3" On the back it read. "Ultimate fun with Chrissy, Tammy and Dildos! Watch them as they engage them selves in pleasureable fun!" Stan had to leave to work a late shift at the store. He would be back at morning. I couldnt wait to watch the movie. The door slammed shut as...

1 year ago
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Twister with a Twist

My name is Amanda and this is the story of the most exciting night of my life. I’m 18 and about to graduate high school, so four of my friends and I planned one last party before we all go off to college. We had the slumber party last night and it was nothing like what I expected. First I’ll tell you who was there: there was me, a 5 foot 6 inch blonde with hazel eyes and 32 C tits. I’m mostly a good girl, I get good grades and I’ve been on a few dates with boys from school, but I’ve never done...

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Twist of the knife ch 10 Part Une

Fall 2016. It looks like I could touch the beam of moonlight angling across my room as I watch the tiny dust particles floating through it. I just heard town clock tower chime three times, but I’m not tired yet. I'm afraid this part will be hard for me, but I'm sure my doctors would say I'm making progress if I can talk about it, we'll see. Although, it has been really nice reminiscing! Here's the rest of my story. ###After our relaxing Sunday, Lori went to aerobics Monday, and she even...

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She’d been in America for just six months. Moving her life from Japan to come to the USA, Suki was happy and hopeful to be away from the pressures of her home and f****y. Even if she would only live in a shared apartment on the west side, she felt like she had more room to live than she’d ever known. She shared the apartment with Kumi. Kumi was six years older, and at 24 she had a tight lean build. She styled her hair chestnut and wore tight revealing clothes like one of the video girls she...

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She'd been in America for just six months.Moving her life from Japan to come to the USA, Suki was happy and hopeful to be away from the pressures of her home and family. Even if she would only live in a shared apartment on the west side, she felt like she had more room to live than she'd ever known.She shared the apartment with Kumi. Kumi was six years older, and at 24 she had a tight lean build. She styled her hair chestnut and wore tight revealing clothes like one of the video girls she...

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SRU Poker With A Twist

I can't get enough of stories about games with slightly different rules than normal (I think you know what I mean!) so thought I would try one myself. They're all pretty similar so this one results in changes through a slightly different technique which I don't think has been used before. Enjoy, and don't forget to tell me what you think! I'd love to see more game stories on the site so keep writing them Please! SRU: Poker With A Twist By Gina R I stared at the strange store,...

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Twister Twists With Bhavya Part 8211 2

Hello guys, how are you? I hope everyone is fucking who has a partner (can be girlfriend, wife, secretary, teacher, mother, sister, aunt, granny, in-laws etc) no offense can be the male counterpart too and who doesn’t is using their hands to proper use :P My name is Rahul and I’m 23 years of age. I thank Indian Sex Stories for providing a stage to share experiences. It is always a thrill to read and feel how the other person has fucked and it gives an adrenaline rush for us to have a better...

3 years ago
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A Surprising Twist

Here is my story about a surprising twist between some close friends and I, and one that I found to be very erotic and one that has been somewhat life changing for us all. Some time ago, I met this hot looking gal through a co-worker of mine. He had told me some stories about her that seemed rather far-fetched, or so I thought. Anyway, a few years ago she came to our work to visit my co-worker, since she and he were friends. He took me aside and told me that this was the gal he had...

1 year ago
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Getting Even with a Bad Twist

I have been married to Deb for the past three years. Deb is blonde, twenty five years old and college educated. She's cute and very sexy at the same time but I'm still very unhappy in our marriage. Now don't get me wrong, she's great and I love her very much. I just have to tell you the story of how my marriage changed. She was a great wife cooking and cleaning without complaint. I only had one problem. She just wouldn't get on the birth control pill. The only way she would let me have sex with...

4 years ago
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Leading Lady or The Transsexual Twist

Leading Lady, or The Transsexual Twist By Cal Y. Pygia Howard Clifton ignored his leading lady's plaintive look, regarding it, quite rightly, as being a final, last-minute, silent appeal. Several times, she'd asked not to have to film the film's love scenes in the nude--to no avail. Her repeated requests that Howard use a body double had also been turned down. "There's nothing wrong with your body," he'd assured her, and, of course, there wasn't. Like most Hollywood actresses, her...

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A simple Twist Of Fate

A Simple Twist of Fate By Bonnie Lea I: Dan was ready. He was alone for the weekend and was looking forward to having a few drinks and maybe to meet someone. It's been a rough week and now it's time to unwind. Stopping at a local cocktail lounge, he relaxed on a stool at the bar. "Kind of quiet so far" he mentioned to the bartender, "but it is still kind of early. After a few sips, Dan noticed a very attractive young lady at the other end of the bar. "Why not," Dan thinks to...

2 years ago
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Twist Of My Life

HI buddies this is Sandy here, i recently came across this site and got to know everyone’s free and sharing nature of their secrets here, i have many experiences to write, i will try to write them as episodes one by one, the title of my stories will be “TWIST OF MY LIFE” with the serial numbers, remember guys, the title “TWIST OF MY LIFE” means the experiences of Sandy,LOL, i am studying b.com in bijapur alone myself and my family is staying in Bangalore, i was left here to complete my...

3 years ago
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LISSA C Chapter 6 Stick it to them and twist

Jack wasted no time in the sim lab. With the medical teams attending to the unconscious seals, Jack headed for his office. Time was really of the essence now. If all of this was going to work, Linn was going to have to instruct Sam of the things she would need, and Sam would have to get it all keyed in before they arrived back at Langley. This gave Jack just under an hour to get his shit raked into one pile. As soon as his office door closed behind him it immediately reopened with a...

3 years ago
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My Crazy Naked Twister Weekend The messy conclusion

The weekend was here, the wine was in the cooler and six hot, sexy girls had descended on my pad for a party. After settling in on the Friday, we had hit the town and spent our hard-earned cash on clothes and shoes on Saturday afternoon. Gemma and Aisha had already revealed what sort of mood they were in, ravishing me in the changing room and nearly getting us thrown out. So, the scene was now set for the evening. We were all in my apartment, we were ready to play Twister – with a difference....

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Gay naked twister

We are sitting in the living room. I’m on the couch; you’re in the recliner. We’re drinking, because drinking is what we need to do if we’re really going to do this tonight. Are we really going to do this tonight? After several drinks we decide to get out Twister. It’s a k**’s game, but we’re both drunk enough that we’re feeling pretty playful. We put the mat on the floor and start the game. A few turns in, you make the suggestion that we should play naked. I guess we are going to do this...

4 years ago
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My Crazy Naked Twister Weekend The messy conclusion

The weekend was here, the wine was in the cooler and six hot, sexy girls had descended on my pad for a party. After settling in on the Friday, we had hit the town and spent our hard-earned cash on clothes and shoes on Saturday afternoon. Gemma and Aisha had already revealed what sort of mood they were in, ravishing me in the changing room and nearly getting us thrown out. So, the scene was now set for the evening. We were all in my apartment, we were ready to play Twister - with a difference....

Group Sex
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Lets play Twister

We are sitting in the living room. I’m on the couch; you’re in the recliner. We’re drinking, because drinking is what we need to do if we’re really going to do this tonight. Are we really going to do this tonight? After several drinks we decide to get out Twister. It’s a k**’s game, but we’re both drunk enough that we’re feeling pretty playful. We put the mat on the floor and start the game. A few turns in, you make the suggestion that we should play naked. I guess we are going to do this...

2 years ago
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My Crazy Naked Twister Weekend Chapter 1

Anyone who knows me knows that I throw the best parties. As it was almost mid summer, I thought it high time I organised another get together for my little gang. It was more than six months since the last one and I was looking forward to getting hot and kinky with them. Like the last time, we decided to make a weekend of it and I invited the girls up for a Friday sleepover with shopping on the Saturday followed by a party in the evening. Unlike the last one, this party was arranged rather...

Group Sex
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Janie and David had been together for many years, since a fling turned serious. They kept it exciting by, well, fucking a lot basically, with whatever twists they could think of and organise. A favourite type of 'Treat Sex' was when Janie's other lover Chris came to stay, and the three of them could get off in combination. Fantasising about other expansions on the basic couple was another regular turbo boost to a sex session: "What about if X were here, how would we set about seducing...

1 year ago
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Taking punishmentthe final twist

Parts 1 & 2 combined “……you will be taken from here to be executed by hanging in accordance with the law. Your execution is set for tomorrow.” Hearing those words Marie was stunned as the two guards in the dock hurried her down the steps and back into her holding cell. She had not stolen her mistresses’ necklace! But still she was now sat in a dark, damp cell with no light save a shaft from the small slit in the door. The door opened with a crash and she cowered in the corner as a man entered –...

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Olivers Twist

A Shotgun romance, or a twist of fate? Peter. I saw him on the first day of the second semester. Despite being in the same school for the previous one, I never one can remember if I saw him. However, this anomaly ended when I walked into the final gym semester of my high school career. Pushing open the door into the locker room, a pungent gale of teenage sweat assaulted my nostrils. Being early on purpose, I walked directly into the changing process of the previous class hour. Skinny,...

2 years ago
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A Twist of Sex

A Twist of Sex Hardcore Erotic Kinky Taboo Don and Bud watched Carrie walking to the mail box. Bud moaned saying, “I'd hit that faster than a New York minute”. Don laughed at him. “Seriously, I mean she's not actually related to you, you're adopted”, Bud added. Carrie dropped a letter, bent over, causing her skirt to tighten. Pantie lines cut deep into her fleshy ass cheeks, exposed against her skirt. “You can deny it, but it has to have entered your...

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Twist of Fate the Life of a Slave

(A tale set before the events of "Twist of Fate") Jabba the Hutt's grand sail barge, the Khetanna, slowly sailed across the western Dune Sea of Tatooine on its way to Mos Espa where the hutt and his entourage were to attend the annual "Tatooine Classic" pod racing event. It was the biggest race of the season and would attract denizens from all over the planet as well as many visiting offworlders eager to witness the exciting sport and wager on its outcome. Along for the trip, Leia...

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Twister sex with a hot girl

I walked to the lounge room, and Georgie was there. I came and sat down beside her. I talked to her a bit while my sister and her friends were getting some drinks and finding Twister (so many board games, where is it?!). I talked to her for a bit, and suprisingly made her laugh. I had talked to her in class and we were friends, but I could never really say whatever that was on my mind to her. Suprisingly, whatever it was I said made her laugh quite a bit, and I was proud. She laughed and put...

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Tactical Twister

“Twister, the Game that Ties You Up in Knots” gave new meaning to the phrase “contact sports.” Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show twist with peek-a-boob Eva Gabor goosed up the sales. A problem with Twister, however, is that once the contestants begin twisting together, a third person must be present to spin the spinner. The solution: forget the spinner and take turns making up the calls. But the Milton Bradley version is where to start. Take off your shoes and face your opponent from opposite...

2 years ago
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Olivers Twist

I hope Becky gave me the right place… Becky and I are in the same co-ed business Fraternity at Gennecho University. She’s one of the most gorgeous girls I’ve ever laid eyes on. She’s got dark brown hair that barely touches her delicate shoulders. A body that only angels could compare to. Petite is another word that could describe her. But she does have what one could describe as a bubble butt. And legs that go on for days. Even though she’s more than a couple inches taller than me, that...

4 years ago
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A Twist of Fate 1

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A TWIST OF FATE, Ch. 1 (Crash Landing) “He’s suffered a few broken ribs and a punctured lung. He’s losing blood quick. Get him to surgery ASAP!” I open my eyes weakly as glaring, white lights surround me. I feel my body moving through a hallway with two nurses and a doctor as they push me on a gurney. “Is he going to be alright?” “Yes....

4 years ago
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A night of DJing takes an interesting twist

Before I get into much of the story let me describe myself. Names Mitch, I’m 5’10” with brownish-black hair, and while I’m not the most muscled guy around I could hold my own in a fight. Most of my body weight was natural muscle. Mainly in my chest and shoulder areas. I’ve had more than one lady comment on my broad shoulders and my stamina in bed. I’ve never been super big as some of the other guys. 7” dick and about an inch and a half thick. Too me I laughed at the “jar-heads” that thought...

4 years ago
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The Guy Next Door Chapter 9 The Final Twist

The Guy Next Door – Chapter 9 – The Final Twist Jane and Bill never really set eyes on each other. Their respective work meant that they always left their houses at different times and Bill was none the wiser that Jane was actually living next door. The fact was, he was worried about where she was living, but figured it would be her mothers or sisters, but whenever he phoned her mobile he never got through. He was not the sort of person to chase after a woman anyway, that was something that...

2 years ago
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Twist of the knife ch 1

Twist of the knife! Fiction-mostly.Chapter 1. Awestruck!Fall of 2016. I'm watching the sunrise through the small window in my room. The red, yellow and orange maple leaves look as if they're on fire in the early morning light. I know It's fall here in southwest Michigan, but I'm not sure what day it is, and It really doesn't matter anymore! I seem to have a lot of time on my hands these days, when I'm not ranting at the asshole who ruined my life! I hope I don't see him today. But like I...

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The World With a Twist

The question of "What if" is probably one of the great unanswerable questions. A single flip of a coin can lead down a million different paths. Here is one such flip, what if the roles and natures of the genders were switched. What if women were strong and men soft? (this is an expansion of the concept of my "Prom Night with a twist" story.")

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Surpise 4way with a twist part 3

The two sisters began hanging out at our home more and more.The older TS ‘sister’, Stephani (formerly Stephen) was jus 18 and the younger sister, Britni, one year younger. The dynamic around the house began to change as well. My wife found that she really wanted to take Britni as her young, ‘daughter’ and spend a lot of time with her. Britni was to always refer to my wife as ‘Mommy’, not matter where they were or who was possibly listening. They would spend hours shopping, going out, lunches,...

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Date night with a twist

the wife Jane and i decided to do date night with a twist, i told her to go out with her blonde wig on instead of her long black hair and for her to go out 1st and wait for me in the bar so i could pick her up and do it like as if we had 1st met. when she puts the wig on she looks totally different and i told her to wear her glasses which she only wears at home for reading. Jane left the house 1st and walked to the pub which is just round the corner and i would call in 5 minutes later.as i...

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Wake up call with a twist

I've always been an early riser. As soon as the sun breaches over the tree line, it dances in through the window and instantly warms me. The sun kisses my skin and wakes me up to a brand new day. I usually lounge in bed, with the sheets down around my waist, enjoying the natural warmth. In the summer, the window stays open through the night, and in the morning a cool breeze moves through the room in a sensual accompaniment with the sun’s rays. This morning is one of those, the warm sun and a...

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SURFING THE WEB WITH A TWIST.I love to surf the web my favorite sites are the porn sites I just love all the women that put there photos on these sites and even there videos, I love the amateur’s section, as these are real people and not models,This one day I decided to do some surfing and as always you get popup messages The usual ones are sign up for free sex and then the camcorders one’s shag a local woman in your area,The usual crap I just want to find some good wanking material somebody...

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A Students Plan 8211 The Journey And Twist Of Fate Part 8211 5

For the next four weeks, everything went normal, except sometimes Samar tried to touch his tutor. Ani also visited sometimes during class. Suraj got excited seeing both of them together. Then again came that eventful day of informing the results. Rimi announced again Suraj got the better results. And Samar was highly disappointed. Suraj: This time let’s not do anything in front of these two. They don’t study and only watch and distract us. Rimi: Then where you want to do it? Downstairs in front...

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Twist In The Tale Leads To Sex With Team Leader Part 8211 1

Hi, it’s my sex experience that I am sharing with you guys, because I feel that I am one in Indian sex stories family :)first of all, everyone please bear with me if there is any spelling mistakes or any grammatical mistakes.I am a huge fan of iss I’ve been reading story from my past 3 years and finally, I got a chance to write my story. I am Mahesh and I am 22 years I just finished my btech in one of the reputed university in Chennai, and my native is Hyderabad. As I completed my studies I got...

3 years ago
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The Witness Protection Plan With A TG Twist

****************************************************** THE WITNESS PROTECTION PROGRAM WITH A TG TWIST by Deane Christopher Copyrighted 1999 ****************************************************** "I have no further questions for the witness, your honor.", the attorney who was leading Jason Tamborn's defense team said in a off-handed manner; knowing with a certainty that though he had tried every ploy he knew during the course of his lengthy...

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Boy Became Man With The Help Of Sister 8211 With A Twist

Hi all…my name is Sravan (fake name)…I am 20years dropped my studies as I don’t have interest trying to start my own company in animation and I am 5.10 height with athletic body. Thank you all for responding on my story… this will bee really big story and bear with me am not that good in narration. This is my second story how I have sex with my elder sister…for new readers my first story – “Boy Became Man With The Help Of Sister”…And guys many are asking to share my sis for sex…is this kind of...

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Twist In The Tale With Divya 8211 Part 2

Hi guys. This is Kunal here. This is the sequel to my previous story Twist in the tale with Divya. Please send me your response to , To understand this part more clearly please read my previous stories. Now starting with the story. Me and Divya were staying in a resort. We had a steamy hot night and it ended with both of us totally exhausted. Let me describe Divya to you. She is a very soft spoken and shy type of a girl. At least thats what it seems till you fall for her and then she starts to...

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Twist of Fate Jenna

Twist Of Fate: Jenna By Slacker PART ONE It all started that day a few months ago when we had that really bad thunderstorm. I mean, really bad thunderstorm. Y'know, the kind that flares up at 4:30 PM and spawns tornados and leaves more than 150,000 people without electricity. Yeah, we get a lot of those in the Chicago area, except for the twisters. Those are a little bit further west. Anyway, it was a clear day, maybe 60-65?F, and I was out with a bunch of my friends....

4 years ago
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Sex With Inspector Pooja 8211 Twist In The Tale

Pooja… The girl of my dreams. When she is in her police uniform she would let you see her hot cleavage (that is if she likes you). As for others whom she does not like its best to imagine her naked. Well guys i am Kunal, back with another story of my affair with Inspector Pooja. I met her in Chennai, When i almost got arrested and ready to be put in jail. That was when she intervened and got me out of the situation. Pooja also gave me a ride to the nearest hotel where i casually invited her to...

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The SRS Race with a twist

are you ready for a twist. the SRS race continues.. as Dale turns into Daisy.. oh as far as the punctuation i'm lazy.. so you'll have to bare with me. Maggie , Jennifer, Wing, and Sue all stood up and put on this lotion around their huge cocks.. and slowly they took them off... they were state of the art electronic cocks that atttaches with glue... i held each cock and looked them over.. and then started sucking on one.. and pushed another back up into my pussy.. the girls just...

2 years ago
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Olivia Twist The True Story 2

Olivia Twist ~ The True Story Chapter 2 In which Olivia continues her journey and finds that thirst and hunger can cause problems ~ she finds a place to sleep ~ encounters a man with a wagon ~ travels to London ~ and meets with a strange boy. ~*~ Having decided to take the road to London, I wasted not a moment more and soon found myself walking the dusty road in anticipation of reaching my destination before morning. I had not walked much further, when I heard the sound of...

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Sakshi 8211 A Twist In The Road

I woke up in my room. My same old room. The zenith, the cocoon my own fortress of solitude. Its bright pink curtains had the power to pick me up from any Nadir this world might impose and the soft cushions on the bed made me feel like a princess with a floating castle. “Sakshi! come down honey, the breakfast is ready ” my Mom shouted. I jumped out of my bed and put on my slippers while yawning and stretching. I always slept like this. My old pink shorts, which I had bought when I was 8, now...

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Two Lovers with a Twist

Two Lovers with a Twist By Kathy Smith Kenny Goldstein was an undergraduate at Carnegie Mellon University. He was in his junior year, doing mechanical engineering. He is thinking about graduate school in the same area of research. He lives off campus with his girlfriend, Annie Fitzgerald. She is 1 year older than him and she is a student, too, at Community College of Allegheny County. She is taking art as a major. She is very talented pottery maker! She was born and raised in...

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Twist Of My Life 8211 Part II

Hey buddies this is sandy here again back with another story, writing after quiet long time, well, i got good response for my last story “twist of my life….” so i just wanna thank u guys and for your compliments and for enlightening me to write more stories. I think the readers know about myself as i wrote in last story, anyhow i will tell about meto the new readers of the story, i am sandy, a cool guy with tall dark and innocent natured studying b,com myself in bijapur district of karnataka,...

3 years ago
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The Guy Next Door Chapter 9 The Final Twist

The Guy Next Door - Chapter 9 - The Final Twist Jane and Bill never really set eyes on each other. Their respective work meant that they always left their houses at different times and Bill was none the wiser that Jane was actually living next door. The fact was, he was worried about where she was living, but figured it would be her mothers or sisters, but whenever he phoned her mobile he never got through. He was not the sort of person to chase after a woman anyway, that was something that was...

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Martinas Twist 2

Martina's Twist 2 I woke up when the pilot initiated landing in Rome. Julius obviously fell also asleep and - to my relieve - did not wake up till touch down. Soon we were out of the plane and on our way to get the suitcases which in turn reminded me of the fact that I had nothing than the clothes I was wearing and they did not belong me. After another 20 minutes three suitcases were taken from the belt and we went through custom. On the other end a young woman with a sign of...

1 year ago
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Dubai Vacation with a Twist

Dubai Vacation with a Twistpart 1 The early morning was getting hotter by the minute and Dubai was waking up beyond the large hotel's compound. Linda was just stepping out of the shower and was wrapped in a large towel, drying her long dark blond hair with a smaller one when she realized she was not alone in the suite. Two dark shapes stood over by the door to the corridor. It looked like two persons, presumably women, wearing the traditional niqab in black.- Excuse me? But what are you ...The...

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