Showoff By Starlight free porn video

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"Oh, hi, Mrs., Barton!"

Ellen turned to find Eric carrying three packages.

"Eric, hi, sweetie, doing your grocery shopping, I see."

"Just a couple things Mom forgot. Looks like you have a load! Can I help?"

"Thanks, yes, you can help me put these in the van, if you don't mind."

"Love to."

They walked the length of the row of cars and she clicked the door unlocked and began loading things from the cart to the car.

"How was your date with Jenny?" she asked quietly, smiling.

"Uh, not all that good." He kept loading bags of grocery and then looked up shyly into her big brown eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Want to tell me about it? Or is it personal?"

"Hmm. It's a little public here. Kind of personal." He grinned and looked away.

"Ohhhh, OK ... Maybe some other time?"

"Maybe we could sit in the van a minute?" he said, now looking serious. If you have time... ?"

She looked at her watch and agreed. Eric slammed the door and they got into the car. The suburban had a front bench seat and Eric commented on the size of the vehicle.

"So, sweetie, what happened?" Ellen turned toward him and put her knee up on the seat, opening her legs and allowing the dress to glide up nyloned legs. Eric gasped quietly and stared at the golden leg from flat loafer style shoes to mid-thigh. Ellen smiled at him knowingly. She scratched her inner thigh, calling further attention to the smooth, flawless golden leg. She thought he might even see her bright yellow panties, so she watched his face intently.

The tension between them was intense as the air-conditioner strained to cool the car.

Eric took a minute to collect his thoughts and to calm his excitement. He felt his cock stir under his plaid shorts. He turned toward her and felt his knee touch smooth nylon. Her smile gathered momentum.

"I don't know. It just didn't go well. I keep doing dumb things, I guess." He stared off in front of the car, taking his eyes off her distracting thighs for a few moments.

Ellen reached out and took his hand, looking furtively around the car. "Maybe ... I should move away from ... here..." she said. She eased the car into gear and coasted further back in the large parking lot under a tree on the edge of the lot.

"Now, what happened?" she asked, concern in her voice. She looked around again and then took his hand, resting her wrist on his knee. She opened her legs again, sliding her knee against his and leaning toward him.

"Well, we were actually pretty close, I mean we were lying together studying and I put my leg against hers. It felt ... like real warm ... you know?"

Ellen nodded and smiled.

"She let me kiss her, like on the side of her lips, I sort of missed. So I moved closer and put my leg inside hers ... sort of pressed my thigh against hers, like inside thigh to inside thigh. And she was, like, lettin' me, you know? Like it was exciting..."

He stared away and shook his head sadly. He had trouble going on with his tale.

Ellen rubbed his thigh with her fingertips, feeling the bristly hair of his athletic leg and noting the strength of his muscles. "Yes?"

He shook his head again.

"Then it happened..."

He sounded like his throat was dry and he couldn't speak for a moment.

"Hey ... you're talking to me ... your friend, remember?"

"Yeah, I know Mrs. Barton."

"Call me Ellen. No one is around. We're alone."

"Yeah, I know,,, Ellen." He rasped.

He managed an embarrassed smile and nearly melted when he stared into her big brown eyes. He glanced down and realized he could tell the color of her panties, yellow, even through the nylon of her pantyhose. He felt his cock react, and could imagine the heat that would be there, far up her thighs near her panties. Not that he had really felt that heat, not yet. He hoped, one day to feel it and know what it was like up there. For now it was just a recurring fantasy every time he saw or thought about her colorful panties. He noticed the top buttons of her dress were open too and her brassiere was a matching color with lace at the top of the cups of a smooth, plain satin stretched taut over the solid looking breast. All of this he took in at a momentary glance, a quick but all-encompassing glance. He was getting good at that, he reflected.

He tried to take in everything about Ellen and file it in his active imagination. He could remember taking off several familiar pairs of panties in his fantasies since he started taking care of their pool and yard.

His reverie ended when she tilted her head down and looked squinty-eyed over the top of sunglasses, with an understanding smile. She toyed with her skirt and he heard the 'skritch' of fingernails on her nylon. He shivered just from the sexy pitched sound.

"Yes ... what happened that was so awful? It sounds like things were going nicely. Mind you I am not telling you that you should be trying to get into this little girl's panties, sweetheart, I am just coaching a little."

"Well ... just as soon as I pressed a little closer, it happened."

"IT?" It happened? What happened? Ohhhhhhhh!"


"Ohhhhh, oh, Eric ... I am so sorry. Did she..."

"Yes, she felt it. Warm, you know. Then she looked down with this horrified look and of course, I had a big wet spot on the front of my shorts. I didn't think her eyebrows would ever come down. I expected her to scream for her mother."

"She didn't?"

"Nahhh! But she might as well have, she jumped away like I had, like, leprosy."

"Would it happen again if a friend gave you a hug?" she said quietly.

They leaned forward and she pressed her forehead to his.

"No, it wouldn't, you are different. You're a woman!"

"Hmmm, is that a compliment?"

"No, no, I don't mean that! I mean ... well ... you are different. I mean, like, it wouldn't happen ... like that."

"Still not sure I am not insulted..." she pouted. I thought that I DID excite you ... sometimes."

"Oh, god, you do! I mean you are so cool..."

"OK, come get your hug then, darling."

She moved her leg out of the way, leaving her skirt in her lap and hugged him close to her breasts. "Now is that better?"

"A little." Ellen felt him moving to get more in touch with her breasts and also felt her own reaction between her legs.

"Eric, I would like a kiss ... is anyone around?"

They looked around and then pressed their lips close. She breathed in his warm breath, keeping her lips only millimeters away after the first kiss.

"Isn't it nice breathing each other's breath like this?" she murmured.

Eric nodded his head and then pressed for another kiss and felt her tongue come out and touch his. His cock reacted, hardening and lengthening down the leg of his shorts. He was suddenly afraid of the hair-trigger going off again.

She took his hand and brought it to the valley between her breasts and made him feel it with the back of his knuckles. His other hand was on the seat between her legs, knuckles down. It was so close to her panties that he could feel the warmth emanating from her center. He did not try to touch her there.

"Eric, that is not all that bad. Don't worry. We can work on that together, I think. If you get used to being close against me, perhaps you won't go off quite so prematurely. Anyway, it is not all that unusual. Men are like that, especially in the first few years. But it gets more controllable. Do you want to work on it, practice, I mean?"

He nodded firmly.

"Okay. I'll love that. But I have to get home to make supper right now." She thought a moment. "Listen, Eric dear, I love to swim at night and look at the stars, but I don't like to be alone in the pool in the dark. Would you be able to come over and keep me company? My husband doesn't share my appreciation for late night swimming."

"At nine o'clock, I will go to my bedroom and change clothes. Could you come over and sweep the pool ... just at that time? Then when my husband comes home at 9:30, I will feed him his late supper and you could ring the doorbell ... I would tell him about our late swim idea..."

"Sure, Mrs. Barton ... sure ... sure."

"So ... it's a date, then, 9 and then after 9:30"

"Yes ... yes..."

Eric got out of the car and started to jog away. Ellen rolled down the window and honked. He came back blushing, and took the three items he had been carrying. She squeezed his hand as she passed them to him.

At exactly 9 o'clock that evening, Ellen finished tucking in the girls and strode down to her bedroom, her dress already unbuttoned. She stood looking out toward her swimming pool wondering if her pool boy would be on time.

She finished unbuttoning the dress, pushed it down over her hips and stepped out of it. She held onto it with one hand and hung it in the closet, returning with her arms craned back to unsnap her brassiere. It recoiled around her and she folded the cups together and laid it on the bed. Facing the window, she rubbed vigorously all around her breasts, wiping away the marks left by the bra supporting her heavy breasts all day long.

She touched her nipples with two bright red fingernails and stared out toward the pool boy who might or might not be there. She lifted her breasts, examining them closely. She allowed them to slump comfortably and slipped her fingers into her Hanes pantyhose and felt the high quality material roll and slide down over the yellow panties until they were just below her crotch. She stretched up tall and slipped her hands into the sexy panties under the inch and a half lace waistband.

Facing away from the window, she pushed the pantyhose down to her ankles, presenting her shapely bottom in yellow panties for anyone outside to see if they happened to be passing her window on the pool side of the house. The panties had a vertical seam down the middle of her bottom giving additional shape to the nicely shaped derriere. In that position she scooped up the pantyhose and unrolled them until the legs were hanging down loosely and then rolled them into a tidy bundle and put them on the nightstand.

She removed her panties slowly over her hips, then stripped them down her legs and dropped them into a figure eight shape beneath her. Noting the moist spot in the middle of the crotch, she thought back to the afternoon flirtation with Eric and pressed the garment to her cheek and nose, before dropping them into the clothes hamper.

She took her time, enjoying a stroll around her bedroom beautifully nude apart from the pair of heels. She selected fresh panties, then changed her mind and went to the hamper and pulled the yellow panties back up her legs with a gentle smile. Better a pair with a little scent of her in them than sterile freshly washed panties for this night.

She pulled on a white blouse without bothering with a brassiere. Then she found a pair of white shorts and pulled them up and snapped them over the yellow panties.

Finished with her show, she switched off the lights and glanced out the window. With no lights, she could see the shadow of a man. She shivered with the pleasure of having displayed herself so provocatively to her young admirer. She stood a while longer in the long spike of light from the hallway, ruffling her hair and looking at herself in the tall mirror.

Right on time, David's headlights swung up the driveway and he came into the house the picture of the tired businessman. Dinner was warm for him and Ellen bustled about the kitchen fetching his wants and exchanging daily events.

"I asked Eric if he would mind keeping me company for a night swim later, if that's OK with you." She said quietly.

"Oh, good ... don't enjoy that duty much ... when is he coming?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe he'll forget about it." She said idly as if it was of no importance one way or the other.

"Oh no, I don't think so. Old Eric is dependable as hell. Also he has a huge crush on you! He'll be here with bells on, I'll bet!" He went back to scanning the Wall Street Journal financial page.

"Oh, stop. You'll say that once too often you know ... and get caught!"

He said nothing further.

"Or, I'll start believing it myself. Then what?"

He said nothing other than something like a 'humph'.

Eric knocked on the back door.

"Going skinny-dipping, dear?" David asked, not looking up.

"Sure." She said and he made no response.

"Evening, Mr. Barton."

"Hi, Eric, we have to get in that game of golf one of these days!"

"Right. Anytime." Eric replied.

The two swimmers walked outside, enveloped in the darkness. Ellen reached back and turned on a small porch light which cast scant yellow light onto the lawn.

"Perfect." Ellen said. "Waiting long?"

"No. Perfect!" her lover replied, his speech unusually short, betraying the excitement choking him.

She took his hand and followed along to the dressing cabin near the pool. "My suit is in here. Oh, the light seems to be out, we'll have to remember to fix that."

"Thought I put a new one in." Eric muttered.

"It's OK, just step in. I would like a kiss, Eric. Do you know what that means when a girl ASKS you to kiss her?"

"No," he gasped, "what?"

"It means she likes you a lot. A very lot." She supplied the answer with a giggle.

In the dark of the tiny cabin, she faced him, one finger hooked inside his shirt. Her lips found his and they stood very close together, sharing kisses and tongues and pressing their bodies together.

Ellen pressed her thigh between his.

She crouched lower so that her pussy pressed against the athletic thigh.

"See, it doesn't happen with me." She reminded him of his problem of cumming against Jenny's thigh so quickly.

"Yeah!" he said, aware that he had to hold back the emotion as he felt her pussy tight against his walking shorts. He pressed back and his hands found her bottom and gently and carefully, as if carrying dynamite, caressed her panties through the loose-legged shorts. Over her shoulder, he could see Mr. Barton still sitting at the table reading his paper.

It was dark but his eyes seemed to have infrared sight. He stared hard at her as she slipped out of the blouse. He couldn't see any sign of a bra. Or was it skin colored? No! No brassiere. Her breasts were nicely pointed and he was aware of the lovely curve they presented.

"Hang this for me? The hook over here seems to be gone." She handed him the white blouse and stood stiff backed, her ample breasts swaying as she moved. She felt the thrill of being naked with a man. And another thrill from being there in this tiny space in the dark.

Ellen unsnapped the walking shorts and stepped out of her shoes. She handed him her shorts and heard him search a little and then hang the garment. Now they were both aware that she was standing in only a pair of silky little panties. He gasped with excitement.

She unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off his shoulders.

Eric took a chance and pulled Ellen against his chest.

"I love the feel of a hairy chest." She whispered.

He nodded, afraid to speak for fear his voice would make it clear how shaken the touch of the two pointed tits were making him where they seemed to bore holes in his chest.

She pressed her cheek against his chest, her head coming just under his chin. She felt him kiss the hair on top of her head. Then blow it away from his nose so it wouldn't tickle a sneeze.

"Oh, Eric, dear, this is ... nice."

"Yeah! Really." His voice cracked.

She pushed his shorts down his legs and handed them for him to hang. He had swim trunks on under the shorts.

"That white suit is mine." He handed it to her and saw her unsnap two shapes from inside the suit. "These things are not useful. Pads!" she explained. "Unless you think I need them?" She was teasing him now and cautioned herself against too much of that.

She took off the yellow panties and ... handed them to Eric to hang up. When he took them, she gripped his hand along with the soft silky garment. Holding his hand in her panties, she leaned forward to kiss him again. They fondled her panties and kissed long and deep. It was very exciting for Eric and no less exciting for Ellen to press her panties into his hand. She could hear his deep breathing and smiled. He turned his head so that his nose was buried in the silk.

She pressed the panty to his face, or did he pull it there? They wouldn't remember which, but they would remember that it happened. It would be part of the fantasy Eric built masturbating late at night or in the morning, or in the shower in the middle of the day, even. And Ellen understood that.

"Hang them together with your shorts, honey." Her voice was husky with passion.

They reached for the hook together, lingering in her underwear.

She stepped into the white swimsuit and pulled it up her body then tucked her breasts inside and leaned over to let them settle into the cups. She filled it nicely and so had no use for the pads she had discarded. Ellen knew the suit was transparent when wet and with the pads gone, her nipples would be very prominently displayed in the moonlight. And so would the triangle of crisp curly hair between her legs.

She slipped her cupped fingers up the side of his swim trunks as they walked to the pool, feigning the need for a seeing-eye dog to find the water shimmering black ahead of them.

He took her hand and they jumped in together.

They raced with great splashing enthusiasm for four laps and collapsed together out of breath. There they bobbed up and down together, her breasts nudging him in a very happy way. Their hands touched, fondled, caressed, grazed each other in the water, getting used to the idea of touching.

"Now here is the fun of night swimming. It's a clear night and perfect for night floating."

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My Whole Family Needed Me1

My Whole Family Needed Me Hi, my name is Zachery; everyone just calls me Zack or Z. I’ve never been much of a stand-up guy. I usually just blend in with the crowd and settle for better than most. I’m a normal 15 year old guy standing at 5’9 160lbs.Working out and playing basketball keep my body in an at least somewhat athletic shape. I am one out of 3 kids that my parents had. My older sister Katie is 17; she is...

2 years ago
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My day 32711

Home from work and very horny im a waitress so i see many hot men all day but cant do anything about it .. I get so horny it starts to hurt i guess its a case of female blue balls :) So while i was getting all wet reaching over these sexy men to fill their drinks i brushed my breast agianst a female that was sitting their at the same table she looked up smiled and winked at me .. Mind you im only 20 so i have not yet exp. with women yet of coarse i have made out and touched a lil but nothing...

3 years ago
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Morning after

I didn't sleep much that night. Mostly because I had slept through much of the day before of course but also because the three of us spent the night in mine and Cait's bed and it's like less than half the size of Lucy and Tobey's and Cait and I don't mind of course, it's great for two people who like sleeping real close and we're often in Lucy and Tobey's bed anyway and that thing is huge, but Emma slept between Veronica and me and she kept snuggling up to me and I didn't really mind that but...

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Do Not believe your Eyes

Do Not Believe your Eyes. Not all Plane Jane's are Plane Unattractive The high school I attended only had about 200 students. In our first year, there were three of us named Charlie. One, everyone called Car, because he was the only freshman to have his own car. They dubbed me Lee for some reason, and the third, we all called DS for dip shit, but someone told him it meant Distinguished Student, and he believed it, so we never told him any difference.All through high school, I held a B average....

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Fulfilling The Sexual Desires Of My Married Neighbor

Hi, this is Raj from Vijayawada again with a beautiful story that happened. I am 25 years old 5.9 feet tall guy with an athletic body, friendly guy with 6.5-inch cock. This sex story is about how I and my neighbor got into a lustful relationship. College girls, school girls, girls of any age, ladies of any age can share your views and comment. We can have chat, sex chat, and even good and secret sex. Connect me at  Be free to contact me, think of me as your friend. Every girl like and wants to...

3 years ago
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Highschool DxD The duties and joys of Akenosempai

Upon reaching the back of the dressing rooms, the young man with shaved hair was disgusted when he saw his friend drool and with a prominent bulge in his pants, lost in his world. "What the hell Motohama!?" the boy in the photography club demanded an answer for such a disgusting sight. "..." The raven haired boy did not answer, attentive to what he could see through the hole. "The bastard!" Matsuda thought with an eyebrow on his forehead, baffled to see the other pervert not even...

4 years ago
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wife surprise 2

this is my 2nd surprise it was the weekend i had gone out and when i got home late afternoon the house was quiet i wondered where my wife was so i went upstairs and to my surprise my wife and her friend were on the internet and just laughing and giggling i said hi and was asked to go out of the room for a few minutes so off i went 10 minutes later my wife shouts oout you can come in now so in i go there to my surprise is my wife and her friend naked except for the ir thongs i said whats going...

2 years ago
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By Sir Jake The Invitation It was with more than normal excitement that I waited for the call. I wasn’t sure how the invitation would be sent but I knew that it would bring the promise of a thrilling and adventuresome week. It had been five years since I moved from college life out into the “real world” and very few days had passed when I didn’t long to be back at school. Not only because I missed the days (and especially the nights) spent at my college fraternity, Sigma Lambda...

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Simon Says RevengeChapter 3

“You!” I snapped at him, making my cousin back off with the venom in my voice. “Dude ... look ... I don’t want no beef with you! I just ... want Danielle, okay! That’s all this was about! I thought she’d just have a revenge affair for your cheating, not that she’d go nuclear like this! Damn, dude ... I just coveted your wife and wanted her for myself! I even ... lied to her about my sterility. I told her that I couldn’t have any kids. I can and likely made one with her last night. Be mad at...

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wheelchair sexpart 9 the others

Nadine is a whore.....that is very evident by what she has shared with me....please read the other parts to understand how i came to that conclusion. Nadine has actually called herself a whore and i totally for Nadine has been tough. her mom is an alcoholic and Nadine had to endure problems at home. she saw her mom and several people having sex but she was not interested in that. it was not until she began visiting her aunt Sally and cousin Carol that her sexual desires were awoken....

4 years ago
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Katie walked along the street, trailing her fingers along the sides of car after car. She marked them off in her mind in a business-like fashion as she walked, keeping her ears pricked up for the sound of police sirens. The only ones she heard were distant, which didn’t surprise her. The cops didn’t come to this area. Nobody cared about anyone here, especially not some little black girl like her. Going to a bad neighborhood meant pickings were a little slim, but she could usually find something...

3 years ago
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Going Camping

Joe was quite excited since he was going to go camping with his friends Billy, Bryan and Bryan's girlfriend Sarah in a few hours. He was especially looking forward to all the unknown girls he would share the camping ground with. He hadn't been there himself but Billy who was already there last year, told him that many girls, especially single ones, preferred this camping ground a few hours from his hometown Atlanta. He assumed having a good chance to make out with someone. He was 5'7 tall, had...

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His Place Assured Beneath Her

An erotic short story for Mistress Tracy, whose supreme dominance is sublime. Brad knelt meekly at the feet of the wife who was now also his dominant mistress, his pink pinafore covering the front of his naked body, beneath it his cock languished in a plastic cage trying desperately to erect. The tight ring around his balls to which the cage was attached serving to stimulate his cock in its yearning to stand in honour of the woman who now owned him completely. The plug of ownership which...

2 years ago
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The Wakefield Cases The Licentious Life Of Mr Lacey Part 2

“I happen to be in some trouble, silly thing really. In my business you see, certain acquaintances are made and…” began Mr. Newcomb. “What? In the hotel business?” I interrupted. “Well, yes and no. Erm… Ira was it? You see I happen to be a bit low on money as it is right now. I may have borrowed some money some years ago,” he continued. “Now they want them back?” I said, tilting my head. “This is a delicate matter, my boy! Trust me, I am telling you this in the strictest confidence. There...

2 years ago
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18maleslave seeks mature mistress in New York

18/male/slave seeks mature mistress in New York Columbia student, works out regularly, intelligent, somewhat shy, the guy next door type except for my interest in rope bondage, discipline, and pain seeks mature mistress who will make me her slave and instruct me in how to satisfy a woman sexually. ?PM me telling about yourself and why you want to be my mistress, include a photo. ?If we seem to click we will arrange a meeting in a public place of your choice in the city....

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A Boys Lust

The boy was a typical teenager. Though in his last year of school, instead of worrying about what he would be doing next year in term of going to college or going out to work; ever since his hormones took over, most of the time, all he could think about was sex. In the last year, he had found that he was growing like a beanstalk and was rapidly approaching the six-foot mark. Though still thin, he was starting to fill out but not just his body. His cock had somehow turned from a small worm into...

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MotherDaughter Destruction 8211 Part 1

Hi! I am Shivrudra from Delhi and I am 25 years old. I am an average-built guy. Thanks to Covid, I have put on some dead weight too. I am well educated and was fortunate enough to attend one of the world’s best schools and colleges. I have been with women mostly elder to me primarily because of how I respected them and their choices. I am in touch with a few of them now and we are simply friends wherein we lend each other to survive the thing called life and act as cuddle buddies. This incident...

1 year ago
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Healers TouchChapter 19

Arianna rode comfortably on her zephti. She knew that Stephan was just biding his time before he tried to "convince" her of their bonding. Now that they were alone, she knew that he would use the opportunity to his advantage. "Such heavy thoughts, Ari." Stephan teased. "One would think you are waiting for me to do something. Is that so? "Dean, I wouldn't wait on you for anything." she retorted as she urged her mount into a faster gait. "Oh, what's wrong, Ari. Did you miss me last...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 205

Bobby and Sandra came back from their bathroom break to find Hope sitting on the couch waiting for them. "Do you want us to stand here?" Bobby asked as she moved over to the area where the seats had been. "Not like that," Hope giggled. "Black heels, the higher the better." Then with a blush deepening, "Uh, could you, uh ... like lose those clothes and put on matching thongs, or G-string panties? Enough to cover yourselves, but no more – if you have them," she finished in a rush, her...

2 years ago
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Their Fair Pageant

It had been Kelly’s idea to visit the fair. She’d been chasing Ben all summer and his band had got a booking to play the beer tent, doing their covers set for the drunks. She was desperate to go, having spent the summer trying to catch his eye every Friday night across the bar at the Fox, but he’d not shown more than a passing interest, no matter how overt she’d been with her flirting.In her head, this was going to be her big moment, when he’d gaze out across the trestle tables and sea of red...

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Portrait of a Crossdresser as a Young Man

Portrait of a crossdresser as a young man By Sara Keltaine I didn't write this for others but instead as an outlet to release the demons that have haunted me since I was a child. Some might think this story funny, others might think it sad, and the people that think they know me the best would be shocked. I'm writing under a pseudonym that has become my alter ego but I will get into why's of that later. I've been told I was a happy infant and my memories of that time...

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A closer look

I am writing this quick story that one of my mates told me about and I wish i could have seen this as he caught good video footage on his iphone as proof.My mate works in the building trade and he and two of his mates were working on a refubishment of an old house. It was supposed to be a eight week job However they were ahead of everything and they used to take alternative days off. One afternoon one of the lads went home sick and the other lad was on a day off, my mate was left to work the...

4 years ago
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I Forgot to Call

I suddenly decided to go home for the weekend, but forgot to call ahead and warn Mom I was coming. (This is a much shorter version of a story I’ve posted under another pen-name; it doesn’t contain any of the suspense and angst. A nice easy read.) Even with the usual Friday night plus the extra Spring Break traffic on the I-90, I’d made pretty good time from Boston, and it wasn’t yet seven o’clock. Man, I could really use a hug from Mom, a glass of Dad’s beer, and one of Mom’s home-cooked...

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Anything for an A

I did not know what I was in for as I knocked on the Professor’s door that night. I needed help with the upcoming mid-terms and was in trouble if I did not pass them. I could have been out of school if I failed. I was about to find ut what it was going to take to pass. I was wearing my tight jeans with the rips and studded belt with a black shirt that showed off my left arm tattoo sleeve and I had just had my hair dyed blue so I was looking even more like my true Emo self. I have a...

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My Wife and the Glory Hole

My wife Sara and I were out celebrating our f******nthanniversary. She was 36 at the time and I 37. We had noset plans and decided to begin with dinner at a nicerestaurant. We finished both our dinner and the pitcherof margaritas we ordered. Upon leaving decided thatneither of us should be driving. Instead we decided towalk around the city.Several blocks away, we came across an adultarcade/bookstore and I k**ded her about going inside.She had never been in one and was curious to see what itwas...

1 year ago
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Across the BorderChapter 20

“Is he dead?” It was Ben. Lisa looked to her husband, “He lives on the tenth floor. I assume so.” She pulled the blanket back, “I should put clothes on.” “Yea. Josh, help your mom.” Josh helped his mom stand up and with her leaning into him, started towards the bedroom. Bob came rushing back from the kitchen with a garbage bag in hand. “Wait a second. Josh, take those clothes off and put them in here.” So as Ben held Lisa up, Josh quickly stripped down to his underwear. “Everything,...

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Mere Favorite Jiju Ne Choda

Hi friends, thanks for all your reply and comment. Mujhe ye jankar bohut khushi hui ki aap logo ko meri ye story itni achhi lagi. Please ek request hai. Main kisi se number share nahi karti. Main Nafeesa, aaj apne jiju ki story publish karne ja rahi hu. Main 23 saal ki hu. Mera figure 34-28-34 hai. Main fair hu aur slim bhi. Koi bhi ladka agar ek baar dekh le to tabhi hi uska lund khada ho jayega. Mujhe ladko ko tease karne mein bohut maza aata hai. Main bisexual hu mujhe ladke aur ladkiyo dono...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Birthday Present

I’m Julianne, and about five years ago, I lost my parents in a tragic accident. They both died in a truck accident out on the bypass. It spun out of control, and unfortunately I just had my best friend to go to. I must have cried for about four days straight after their funerals. My best friend Adam was there for me in through thick and thin. He stayed with me every minute I was feeling horrible. He took care of me and worked, as I got to go to college. Now we’re both twenty-four, and living...

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The Guessing Game Part II

Kayla hastily tried to rearrange her clothes and comb her fingers through her hair to tame the “just fucked” tangle. Someone released her feet from their buckles and she brought her legs back together, realizing for the first time how stiff she had become. “Can I take off this blindfold yet?” Kayla asked. “Just hold on a minute,” Melina ordered. Kayla heard the jingle of a belt buckle and the zip of a zipper, and then the slam of the limo door as someone exited the vehicle. “Now you can...

Straight Sex
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What Feats He Did That DayChapter 2

The motion-activated lights in the newsroom blinked to life as I pushed through the metal door and began to thread my way through the maze that led to my cubicle. As was often the case, I was the first employee to arrive. It had nothing to do with my devotion to journalism or my work ethic. Rather, it was my desire not to be navigating the sidewalks of downtown Charleston during rush hour. I logged onto my computer and reviewed the wire service reports of who had died over the weekend. There...

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