Demolingchi Ana s execution
- 4 years ago
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Manuela's Execution
The Honorable Judge spoke, "Manuela M., you are found guilty of the crimes of adultery and fornication. It is the decision of this court that the organs with with which you committed these heavy crimes will be destroyed by a glowing-hot iron. Further it is decided that you will thereafter be beheaded by the Executioner's axe. Then your head and your body, as a warning example, will be publicly issued to be eaten by birds, dogs and other animals. Do you have anything to say before these judgements are implemented?" "Yes, Detlef, I... I, I love you nevertheless! Please, withdraw your testimony, tell the Judge that you forgive me! I made terrible errors, but I want to make it all good again, please!!!" Tears rolled over Manuela's cheeks, with them she beseeched her man. But Detlef only looked on with ice-cold eyes: "It's too late, which you yourself should have considered earlier. I have testified against you, and it stands. Your Honor, I ask you not to show this whore any mercy!" "Guard, put the handcuffs on this woman and take her to the scaffold!" "At once, your Honor!" The court constable, a large strong man, stepped over to the newly-condemned woman. "Give up - put your hands behind your back, or I will have to force you to do so." Manuela bowed her head, put her hands to her rear and held them there for the guard to manacle. She saw that she had for the moment no further chance. Now 43 years old, her life would probably be ended this cool but sunny autumn afternoon. The only hope that remained to her was a tradition saying that if she now humiliated herself and to her fate first resigned herself, there might be clemency - several times already that tradition had left a condemned person alive. She inhaled deeply as the constable put the cold steel around her wrists, then seized her by the arm and led her away from the courtroom. It was only fifty paces from the law courts out to the place of execution, and after hearing the verdict the spectators of the court followed the condemned woman there. She did not want to escape: she cooperated well. With highly-raised head Manuela walked beside the guard, and with a proud and at the same time stubborn countenance. She stretched out her full breasts, which filled out her thin red pullover well, consciously outwards, letting her sumptuous hips in the close jeans swing with each step. Perhaps, she thought, these will also help me gain clemency. Each week at same time executions and punishments were implemented, and so there had gathered around the scaffold already a jovial crowd that now watched how Manuela climbed the few steps which led up to the platform. Slowly she mounted to the landing and went to the wood block where the Executioner, with his black garb on, already waited. She saw the many dark stains which covered the planks and the arranging block: the dried blood of the unfortunate condemned men and women from former executions. She saw the heavy large axe which leaned at the side of the block. She saw the basin in which the irons were already heated up, because before each execution it was the obligation of a worker to ignite the charcoal. And she saw the metal framework with the rings, which would bore their long iron thorns into her breasts, as well as the other metal rings into which her feet would be fastened. Her nipples pressed hard against her pullover's fabric, and she trembled but did not want to let the Executioner actually see how excited she was. She did not succeed in this - she was conscious of the bloodstains on which she walked, and she was also sexually excited. Because she had been cooperative so far, and her naked sumptuous body she would have to present to the whole gallery, the guard was again beside her and took off the handcuffs. It was unnecessary to have to still bind Manuela now - the spectators stood closely ringing the scaffold, beside it were the guards, and with her was the Executioner - escaping was now impossible. Manuela heard then heard the guard whisper, "You can take off your pullover and pants, or I will do it for you. Then you place yourself, legs apart, your hands on your head. Thus you'll remain standing while the judgement is read out again, and then your hair is cut off your neck. Be smart and do what we tell you to, because you'll save otherwise unnecessary pain." And with these words the guard pressed an Elektroschocker laterally into Manuela's ribs. "Aaaargghhhh!" Already now, with the current set only on the first level so that it actually only served as a warning, Manuela cried out loudly and hunched over. She had tears in her eyes, but however saw that the level setting on the Schocker was moved up and so she hurried to pull her pullover over her head and off her body. The spectators applauded enthusiastically as, as she now stood there in her thin white bra, Manuela's nipples from the cold weather and her excitation rigidly stood out and were clear to see. Yes, she was a properly and sumptuously full woman, who had had to show up for them here. Not too thick, no, correctly handy, everyone also saw the clearly recognizable bulges over her broad hips and her small tummy roll The guard opened for her the belt and zipper of her jeans, and at a view of the Schocker already on and waiting she clearly accelerated her movements. "Your shoes give you away, they look so randy." The implication was sparse and clear. But it was correct also, what the guard had said. After Manuela with some trouble had taken off her tight jeans everyone saw that her high-heeled pumps, a good 6 cm high, stretched her strong thighs to their most favourable extension. Deeply her high-quality white panties, very low-cut, clung to her tight buttocks and stressed her womanly figure. The panties were correctly curved in front in the place of her shame, and everyone could now suspect that close hair shrubs had to be hidden there - even if not one hair peeped out from under the edge of the triangular material, because Manuela could not ever allow that and she always shaved the edges very carefully. "Take off your necklace as well, which could damage the axe. The remaining jewelry you can keep on. Stand correctly, your legs still a little further apart. Now remain like that." Manuela's bosoms had clearly tightened, and her tummy roll had become somewhat flatter, and she put her arms over her head and now again heard the judgement. She still had hope - but no objection was to be heard from her man, whom she clearly saw in the first row of spectators before the platform. Instead she saw the Executioner coming to her. Manuela trembled, her whole body trembled, when the strong man stepped up to her. But she did not tremble only with fear, no, there was still the feeling of the excitement she was going through. Exciting her to become ever damper still, she felt the wet mark in her panties, caused by the sight of this man and his athletic and muscular body. The sight of the man who would cause her the cruelest pain and then kill her. She shuddered, when he reached it into her hair and began to roughly cut it with rapid cuts of shears up to the top of her neck. As if hypnotized she looked at the streaked and highlighted hair which fell to the planks and made possible a precise blow of the axe. Then the Executioner stepped before her and, spellbound, she followed the movement of his hands - those hands now seized her bra between her full breasts and with a strong jerk tore it from her. The large breasts fell free, sagging heavily, their dark nipples reinforced and swollen to full size. But Manuela stopped, and did not try to cover their blushing. "Very beautiful, but those are nonetheless wicked tits. Such fine flesh. Well, come already, kneel down. Yes, thus, now bend forward, put your torso on the metal handle so that your udders fit into the rings. And now put your head down on the block, turn it to the side, now it's good." "Auuuuwwwwwwhhhhhh." Manuela cried out as the Executioner roughly grabbed a breast and pulled it to the arranging block. The metal frame pressed itself coldly against her skin, and she felt already now how the points in the metal rings pressed against her breasts, as these like solid upside-down bells hung downwards. The wood of the arranging block rubbed raw against her cheek as her head was pulled firmly onto it. The Executioner had in the meantime stepped behind her, taken her feet and pulled them to the sides around him to fasten them into the iron clips on the planks of the platform. Her legs were spread far apart, Manuela now felt a cool draft of air on the damp place between her legs, her shame would be greatly increased if it was finally exposed. But as yet things had not gone very far. Next her arms were to be secured. "Noooo, pleeaassee, noooo....". There was a crunching noise when the Executioner drove the thick nails through Manuela's wrists after the guard had pressed them against the wood of the arranging block. She could still move her hands and the fingers still relatively freely, but everyone could see how she clenched her hands into fists when the next pain for her came. And it did not take much time, because the Executioner now began to screw the metal rings together, with the thorns closing in. With each revolution of the screws the sharp pressure increased on her breasts. Manuela squealed like a pig as the steel thorns perforated her skin and ever into her breasts continued to dig. "Yes, it's fun, and it pleases you, doesn't it? With udders such as yours this is indeed marvelous." The Executioner taunted and humiliated her with his words too. Ever more deeply the thorns and the metal rings dug themselves into her breasts' meat, squeezing it ever more closely together. Swollen lesions already welled up darkly, discoloured, and small blood drops fell to the planks in places where the thorns had dug themselves into her soft woman-meat. This torture did not disturb the crowd, who shouted that Manuela had it all coming. Exactly the opposite in fact - the mass was not nearly yet content when the Executioner stopped and stepped behind her to his work now at her rear. However, they were then compensated by the sight of a closely hairy shame region, when Manuela's panties were torn off by a sharp jerk to her body by him. The dark hair mat had stuck together from her own juices, but they nevertheless still could not even see anything yet of her female attractions - her out-stretched powerful buttocks expanded far, and the entrance to her rear region was hidden between them. But that changed fast. Through her pain, only vaguely did Manuela hear the spectators informed about her physical advantages and mass: "The condemned woman is 43 years old, and has had a child. She is 174 cm tall, weighs 73 kg. Upper width 98 cm, waist 72, hips 102 cm, and as you see with fine dark hair..." Manuela saw the burning torch/flare the Executioner briefly showed her. Then she cried out again, because she felt the heat now. Flickering and running lightly over her the flames ate off the fur from between her legs. Back and forth the Executioner moved the torch/flare, he made sure that it completely singed her hair off. Manuela cried, cramped in her chains, her sensitive meat quickly turning red in the places touched by the flame. He noticed how she continued to further gouge in the wounds in her tits as she tried to rear up. It was to no avail. Naked and bald there now she was humiliated, while dirty old men offered their cocks and the dark muscle ring of her asshole became visible to the spectators. The real pain, however, was to come only now. But no, first there was still no pain. Because first Manuela felt his fingers, which dug themselves into her sheath, twisting into her clitoris, and also finding the way up her ass into her intestine. Oh, the Executioner had experience. Instantly Manuela was excited, became very horny, and began to groan. She was just short of a orgasm when the Executioner stopped - she was not to be allowed to have an orgasm again. Instead now the Executioner showed her the iron that he had taken from the coal basin. The thick iron staff, which the huge man could hardly hold in his grasp, was nearly white-hot so large was the heat that it radiated. "Like it, you bundle of filth? T his is for your cunt! Are you ready? Come on, say it aloud, we all want to hear it, please ask for your punishment." There was still the instinct for self-preservation - knowing that this had to be she still hoped for mercy if she beggingly answered. Because Manuela knew no other reason than this she heard her own words: "Please, you must punish me, I ask you to burn out my cunt, I have it those.... AAAAAAAAArrrrrrgggggggggHHHHHHH." That was the cry of a maltreated animal. Still the Executioner had not pushed the iron staff yet into her dear cave. He had only pressed the glowing steel onto her clitoris, and burned out her desire nerves. For a long time he held the iron to the sensitive bud, letting the the meat char, burnng the whole root of the clitoris out. It was a deep black wound that smoked, then he set up and with a jerk then shoved the iron deeply into her through the entrance to her vagina. Manuela pulled and pulled at her chains, the nails and the thorns ripped her tits' flesh. Nothing helped her to escape the terrible pain - exactly the opposite, as with each movement she only hurt herself more. And the Executioner continued inexorably. With his whole strength he rammed the glowing staff ever more deeply into her maltreated body. The glow ate ever further into her, burned everything on its way, and penetrated into the womb. The cruel wounds did not even bleed: the glowing iron stopped the bleedings immediately. And there was still something which the Executioner recognized immediately: Manuela could not do differently, she tried with the remainder of her burned cunt muscles to fuck the intruding rod during which she cried but did not complain of her fate. "Aaaaahhhh; noooo, pleeeassseee, puuulll iiit oouuutt, dooon't doo iiit, noo more...." Through a veil of tears and the unceasing waves of pain she heard the Executioner say: "Tell us more, did you also let your your lover screw your rear hole? Answer, and I will pull the iron from you." "I, noooo, I, did not pleeaassee no more, yesss, yesss, I admit it, I had him fuck my ass also." Still the Executioner with the searing iron in Manuela's violated cunt, pressed it in the meantime against the other side of her womb, so all her female sexual organs were burned. And still Manuela tried to fuck the hot iron. "And, you satisfied him also with your mouth?" "Oh Goooodddd, yesss, yeeessss, awwwwhhhhhhhhhhh..." Manuela did not understand at all why the Executioner had asked her that. She saw why as the Executioner however now immediately pulled the next iron from the coal basin and showed it to her. At the end of the bar was a gleaming metal tip, also this iron glowed in the brightest red. And its glowing end approached her mouth. Manuela recognized with this view with horrible fright what the Executioner intended, why he had forced her into making the confessions. She pressed her lips together in despair, and kept her mouth tightly closed. But that was not an obstacle for the Executioner, as he knew a completely simple way. He only briefly pressed the metal tip on Manuela's lips. It was a natural reflex, she wanted to protect herself, to escape from the awful heat, and she opened her mouth only a little. That was enough for the Executioner. With a rapid thrust he rammed the iron deeply down her throat, knocking some teeth out and making her tongue and palate char. The iron hissed and steamed where it came in contact with Manuela's spit. Now she could only cry, Manuela could not accomplish even a loud croak. She tasted her own burned meat, her cooked saliva. But her martyrdom was not yet to end. It was now an iron already nearly at the melting point when the Executioner showed it to her. And it was also clearly thicker than that with which her cunt had already been burned out. Manuela rolled her eyes wildly, her fingernails dug themselves into the wood of the arranging block, and she threw her head back and forth as far as possible - all in vain. The Executioner had surely taken measure of his goal and now pressed the iron between her magnificent buttocks up into her ass. Again came the hissing and the sizzling noise when the glowing rod stole its way in and burned out Manuela's ass. The Executioner didn't have it easier, here was only a stable muscle layer as in the womb and so the steel bored itself much more deeply into Manuela's internals than the first iron had, still burning everything which it touched. Manuela knew that she could not expect clemency now, because these burns already would kill her. Therefore she took it as a mercy when the Executioner let the iron simply remain in her backside, before he again stepped over and took the axe into his hand. She saw how he raised the heavy blade, heard the quiet hissing as it rushed down on her neck, and heard the Crunching as her bones and throat split apart. Then the world briefly began to turn, she tasted on her tongue the bittersweet taste of her own blood, saw her ruined body lying on the arranging block, and felt the warm blood which shot out from her severed neck. The last thing she was aware of was the taste of her own burned meat and the sight of her terrible wounds when the Executioner picked up her head by its hair and pressed her face deep between her own thighs. Manuela had got what she deserved.
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The Premise Justine Baker had been without a man for longer than she could remember. The result? Her only sexual fulfillment came from B.O.B. She thinks that most men are turned off by the confidence that she exudes as an executive at Stanley & Baker, a publishing firm. But, like any other woman, she had needs, and those needs were not the emotional kind but the carnal needs of a woman long deprived. Today felt like her lucky day, however. She had hired Craig Freemont as her executive...
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CHAPTER 9: EXECUTE“Father, you’re sure he’s going to show?” Bartle and his two sons were astride their a****ls overlooking the open valley just below. The second son sounded as concerned as the first, “He’s a mercenary and assassin, can he really be trusted?”Bartle scanned the opposite side of the valley with a small telescope. Each of his sons also had one, though they were now intent on him.“I have known Goran long enough to know who the man really is. Yes, I trust him. Don’t forget he was...
In my searching for friends on a certain dating site, I had come across a mature lady who took some time to respond to my messaging and flirting. Her profile pic was a close-up of a woman in her early to mid 40's, the next picture was a muscle car. I was intrigued. Also, clearly this chick wanted male attention. The type of guy who could appreciate such a car and maybe share in the joy of owning such a piece. A guy like me, in fact! In some chatting I learned that her name was Gertrude. She...
Part 7, the plan executedI took her hand and led her up the stairs and indicated for Tom to follow. I could sense her nervousness as we slipped into the bedroom, her eyes were cast down, and she was moving hesitantly as she kicked off her shoes. I pulled her into my body, kissing her face, then I whispered in her ear, “this is all about you, sweetie. Tonight you will have pleasure like you’ve never known,” I could feel a faint shiver run through her with my words. I kept up the steady banter...
I got calls from a hot and sexy executive (Shilpa) of Axis bank regarding updating my KYC. I could not fulfill it due to a tight office schedule. I had to work from home due to the lockdown situation. Her voice was very mesmerizing. We used to talk very frankly like, “Sir, please come for KYC. You are making me beg. This much I don’t even make my boyfriend wait.” One afternoon I was very horny. She called me in a very seductive voice, “Hello.” I had that spike in my crotch. The conversation is...
Between my Junior and senior years in high school I had a job as a Summer Intern at an insurance Company. My Coworkers were Amy, Jeff and Will. They were in their mid 20s and were in the managment development program. That means they worked for menial pay in the hopes of finding a Mentor who would get their career going. It goes without saying that ass kissing and sexual favors were more important than the ability to make money for the Company. Amy used to kid me about my sexy looks and...
I had just finished cleaning the ladies’ room on the third floor when I noticed her. She was about four feet tall, maybe a little taller. She was watching me intently, and I nearly spilled my cart when I realized she was staring at my crotch. “What the hell are you doing here, kid?” It was 6:45 AM – the secretaries and boss didn’t get in till around eight. “I’m *not* a kid, sir,” she snapped, face flushing. I took another look. She sure was no kid...
I had to go and get a few new shirts for work, seeing as I finally got a new job. So instead of going to some lower priced store, instead I went to the mall where I knew they’d have better but a little higher priced shirts. When I started heading for the department store there I saw her, a tall, but slender and shapely woman who had to be several years older then me. My eyes and soon enough my thoughts latched on to her figure as I headed closer and closer to the department store.
Forced Confession #1: BetrayalThis is a true story that I’m being forced to convey to you all as punishment for being a wanton, little fuckhole that can’t resist having my cunt used roughly and being filled to overflowing with strangers’ spunk. A man once paid for my shopping and I repaid his kindness by letting him fill me with his sperm and breed me.My husband went on a business trip a few years ago. He was only away over the weekend, but he made sure to give me a damn good fucking in every...
Hello all, I am bittu again. Presenting 2nd part of the most arousing story of recent times. The incest saga. Please do read the first part by the name “The incest saga 1 REALISATION ” for better understanding. Coming to the story, I could not forget the series of incidents happened. I was get shivers every time I thought of the feeling of touching her boobs. I was equally scared that she might tell my parents about my deed. So I fell back. I did not visited her for next week. But I could not...
IncestHey guys this is Rahul Mehra (name slightly changed), About me is that I am 22 years of age working in an software MNC, with average body but pretty attractive smile, and about my dick its size is enough to satisfy any young age woman or mature woman also, because I am proud of having a very goodd stamina and experience of satisfying any horny girl that I have slept with. My email id is feel free to comment and even will be waiting for your friendship invitations. Feel free. Here the story...
I had to go and get a few new shirts for work, seeing as I finally got a new job. So instead of going to some lower priced store, instead I went to the mall where I knew they’d have better but a little higher priced shirts. When I started heading for the department store there I saw her, a tall, but slender and shapely woman who had to be several years older then me. My eyes and soon enough my thoughts latched on to her figure as I headed closer and closer to the department store. Maybe she’s...
Mature(This entire novel available at and - thanks for reading)Chapter Four – Snowed OutMy trip home that day was filled with dread and apprehension, for good reason as it turns out. I'm not sure it was the day my life changed forever, although I suppose it’s debatable. I think my life officially changed the day that blonde fucking bitch Carissa Taylor walked into my life. What happened on this snowy January day was only a result of her arrival two months...
No one in his right mind missed the summer solstice celebration around these parts, according to Samuel. Indeed, to hear him and his pub regulars tell it, the solstice party was the event of the year in the village, far more important than Christmas or New Year’s Eve. It started before sunset, Samuel told me, and the survivors continued through until dawn. He and his wife always opened the pub the following morning to serve breakfast, free of charge, to those who managed to stagger in. The...
When I was a senior in high school I would get drunk at parties then come home and put on pantyhose and go for walks in the woods in just my pantyhose or go to the Adult book store and go into the booths for some fun. One time I was in a booth in just my pantyhose and a t shirt stroking my cock and a cock popped thru the glory hole. It was nice and smooth, shaved and pretty long. I started playing with it then put my mouth over it and sucked it nice and slow, wanting it to last...
Interested in a super cute, barely legal Asian gymnast today? Why, right along then. Miah was born in S. Korea, and raised in Minnesota by Germans who had the good sense to instill in her all the Teutonic virtues such as discipline, patience, physical fitness, and desire to do her first porn movie at the ripe old age of 18 years, 4 months. Ok the last one may not exactly be German (but should be! German ladies are yum!). But we are glad our adorable and sexy Miah went that route anyway. For...
xmoviesforyouBella leans back in her computer chair with a smug smile on her face. "Eat it, boys!" She says in her headset, taunting the other players as she watches her exploits in the play of the game. A bunch of her teammates tease their opponents about losing to a girl, but one guy with an obnoxious voice calls her out. "She's not even a real girl. She's a tranny!" The voice says. Quickly the rest of the team jump on the bandwagon and are calling her names and making fun of her for being a trans woman....
TranssexualBecause our new driver is a fucking moron, we were stuck cruising around in the warehouse districts. What type of grade A ass are we supposed to find there? We ain’t looking for no lot lizards ya dumbass. Dear god did we get lucky. It was a hot day and this chick named Martini was getting her hustle on selling water on the roadside. All it took was a little smooth talking and fifty bucks to buy all her water and she got her juicy fat ass on the bus. We ride around asking Martini questions and...
xmoviesforyouWe open this week’s show with an establishing shot of a quiet suburb of a low-rise town... A big caption appears, filling almost the whole screen, “WOKING, ENGLAND.” The caption fades, as we focus in on a red transit van with our UK of Zoo logos on the side ... Then we cut inside – looking at the roads outside ... Ahead of us we can see an old church on the right side of the road, and a low-rise 1970s office building on the left ... We pass the office building, heading toward a roundabout,...
The Club I had discovered this unique club through a Black Rose meeting. It was an old warehouse that had been purchased by a Dom, modified to an extent, and then opened to memberships. A mere 100 a month gained a key and the use of the facilities at any time. There were meetings for everyone once a month, the announcement not necessary since word of mouth in the community was very sufficient. As a matter of fact, it was becoming such an event that the owner was contemplating an invitation...
BDSMFor those who read my previous story where Archana’s mom Jaya gets laid by me the 1st time, it took me a while to get to their house as the mother now knew what I was doing with Archana and I felt guilty about what I had done with Jaya. Anyway it took Archana a while to get me back to their house and I mostly made it when I was sure that Jaya was not at home. My love making with Archana continued with even more rigor and every time we made love, she always said that I had become more passionate...
Paron's body was found within minutes, his throat cut from ear to ear, and stuffed up under a delivery vehicle on the loading docks of the office tower. The security video showed Paron stumbling to the dock and hiding behind a stack of pallets until a vehicle pulled up a minute later. A man got out of the passenger side, a hooded jacket covering his features, and he walked over to Paron. Helping the wounded man stand, they headed back to the vehicle but the path they took led them behind a...
I sat in the car on the way to Jess's house for a girl’s night in with her and a few of my other friends. I was dropped off and my dad drove away as I went up to the door, it opened before I could knock. Jess stood there in a tight tank top and short shorts. She led me into the living room. It seemed I was the last one there as the other 3 were already there sat on the floor, Jess and I sat down to join them.Jess's mum poked her head around the door and said, "Bye girls, behave. And remember...
How many joints, you tell me! You tell me!!! We'd smoked a weak one, but the next one, shit, that set the world spinning alright! Wesley said that he wanted to fuck the arse off my wife and she looked shyly at me. I drawled, 'why not! Kerry has had the hots for you for over a year man!' So I got behind Kerry, supporting on the bed, playing wit her tits till her nipples stood bolt hard! She opened up her cunt to show Wesley and he stuck it in her bare! No sheath man. He stuck that meat right up...
CuckoldRoger Parker couldn't believe his eyes! Everybody was naked. Fucking! Not just Lucy, but their kids! All of his kids! The eight of them! Naked. Fucking. Sucking. The whole family! How did this happen? In what? A few hours? He had left home this morning, and everything was normal as usual! How did this happen? Who the fuck cares? His dream was right there, in front of his eyes! He smiled! And his kids started to move closer. They kissed him. They said things like "hi, dad" and...
~~Jack~~ He knocked on Damien’s door. Someone very much not Damien opened it. “Fiona,” he said, smiling. “Jack! How are ye, ye bawbag? And who’s this lass?” “Veronica, meet Fiona, Damien’s girlfriend, and ... a paranormal creature.” Both Jack and Veronica were dressed in suits, though Veronica’s was less fancy. It was how Invictus did things. Vampires and their servants were well dressed, but it was obvious who the master was. Fiona, on the other hand, was wearing a white button shirt,...