Agent Olsen, Executioner free porn video

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Redundancy firings can hit when least expected. Oliver Olsen had worked four months in his first job after graduation with a Master’s in Marketing Research, attached to a team of eight charged with developing marketing strategies for a company producing and marketing tinned foods.

Oliver worked conscientiously but alas others including the totally ineffective unit manager fooled around chin-wagging, picking wings off flies (some of them), having long lunch breaks and long private telephone conversions and flicking paper balls at Oliver, the only one to be head down working.

Without warning the unit was disbanded and the seven workers made redundant. The manager, daughter of the operations manger, was placed elsewhere in the company.

During the next two months before he was hired for another position, Oliver had been forced to economize and downsize his living accommodation to a studio and he lost 24lbs from living on chicken-fried rice, pork belly and pizza to conserve his inadequate cash reserves. He kept in shape by working out at the gym daily and running miles each evening. He’d think later that activity kept him sane.

Oliver had thought about going back home in disgrace but then his 31st job interview led to a job training new sales recruits engaged by the company to sell cosmetics door-to-door.

Just when Oliver was thinking his bank balance was healthy enough to upgrade his apartment, he was fired in the reshuffle after the company he worked for was taken over by the larger competitor.

Dog eats dog, thought the victim who’d been bitten twice by Dark Forces that treat workers like shit.

Oliver thought he must handle the fear of being disgraced. He should return home and admit Washington DC was a hostile environment for him. He left the coffee shop to go back to his room to change and do the Western Ridge-Valley Trail Loop.

Right in front of him Oliver saw a guy walking behind a blonde with a great ass. The guy drew a knife and raised it in two hands to bring down into the women’s back, or it appeared that’s what he was doing.

Oliver lunged forward and knocked the guy over. The guy knocked the woman over.

It seemed to be happening in slow motion.

The guy still had the knife and ignoring the person who’d crashed into him shaped up to lunge at the blonde again. Oliver was off-balance, unable to stop that second attack but the blonde took care of it herself. She pulled out a gun and shot the guy through his ugly, twisted mouth. The bullet plus other stuff went out of the back of his head and splattered the street pole behind him.

Oliver pulled the babe to her feet and grabbing and pocketing her gun said, ‘Come on, my car is in the parking area through here.’

It happened so quickly people around them were still gaping.

Down the alley she pulled back and said, ‘How do I know you’re not in this?’

‘In what?’ Oliver scowled and handing the gun back by the barrel said, ‘Fend for yourself you stupid woman.’

He could now see she was a bit too old to be called a babe. ‘I’m out of here before the cops arrive.’

He ran off and unlocked his old gutless Chevy compact, backed out and the blonde opened the door and jumped in beside him.

‘Drive south. The police will mostly arrive from the north and east,’ she said.

‘Good thinking,’ Oliver grinned. ‘Where’s the gun.’

‘Holstered. Slow down you idiot, you’ll draw attention to us.’

‘Yes ma’am.’

‘It’s miss. You have great reactions and anticipation.’

‘No one shoots blondes with great asses on my patch.’

She giggled, shuffled around to take off her panties, tipped the mirror towards her and calmly began wiping blood from her face that must have spurted on her from her victim.

‘Is that hygienic?’

She laughed and told him to concentrate on his driving. ‘Can you take me somewhere to clean up? We may be stopped at road blocks.’

‘Yeah I live less than a minute away. It’s only a room and not tidy.’

‘I’m only going to clean up, not to be seduced. My name is Anna.’

‘You have good humor Anna. Here we are. Easy to park here during the day.’

In the room Oliver scratched his head and said, why don’t you take off your skirt and shirt and I’ll sponge the blood off them?’

‘Funny boy Oliver,’ she said, holding up her panties. ‘Wrap these in newspaper and trash them.’

Anna looked better with the blood removed but not so pretty with all the make-up gone.

She made some calls while Oliver made coffee and a chicken sandwich that he cut and handed her half.

‘Is this hygienic?’

He grinned. ‘I can’t get over how calm you stayed. It makes me wonder were you trained for that?’

They heard great noise on the flight of stairs leading up to the room and gun-toting guys burst into the room as Anna opened the door just as they arrived.

‘Sorry Oliver, we have to take you in for ID and my debriefing.’

Oliver gaped as he was body searched and then cuffed. He thought it was useless protesting being outnumbered five to one so closed his mouth and wondered if he’d be found in the Potomac or on a running trail or wherever these guys deposed witnesses after the debriefing. Who were Anna and these guys?

Oliver had been waiting in a room for at least an hour before a guy and Anna entered and sat down and he was told to stop slouching. The hard-eyed guy asked, ‘You check out. You are who you claim to be, well sufficient for our immediate satisfaction. Who is Anna?’

‘An attractive blonde who drops her panties to wipe her face before having sex with a guy.’

‘You are being uncooperative. You have the choice of being taken to the cooperative stage with rubber hosing or electric shocks.’

‘Wow I suddenly feel cooperative.’

‘Sir I told you he had humor,’ Anna said but was ignored.

‘I think Anna is homeland security involved in counter terrorism.’

‘And how do you figure that?’

‘Because she was so cool under attack and made every effort to get clear of the cops, so it was unlikely she was police. She is a little too hawkish to be an FBI decoy. Her mouth line is too hard and her tits are not large enough.’

‘Are you for real?’

Anna warned, ‘Oliver you’d be wise to present your best analysis to avoid being assaulted with rubber hoses or being chained nude with electrodes clipped to your balls and you being hosed with freezing water.’

The boss grinned and asked, ‘Why isn’t a smart guy like you in employment?’

Oliver gave a précis of his work experience.

‘Hmmm. Well consider this Oliver. You can go right now and forget you ever saw us or you may choose to stay here and go through our induction program. But if you stay be warned it could be a waste of time, fewer than 15% of our raw recruits get to stay on and occasionally some of them get killed, usually assassinated.’

‘If I stay may I have contact with Anna?’


‘Because I saved her life and figure she’ll want to reward me in the best possible way.’

Anna blushed and the boss grinned.

‘You are a sound thinker. Did your college business studies include performance analysis?’

‘Yes and I went at it like a duck freshly back in water. It’s where I wish to be.’

‘Right Carla who is waiting outside will take you to your quarters.’

‘What will happen to my room and my car?’

‘We’ll send in a team dressed in police uniforms with a fake warrant who’ll purge your room, bringing back here a few personal items. Your car will be recycled via a crusher but you will be given a much nicer vehicle if you graduate from our academy.’

Oliver turned to look to see how Anna was taking this and when he looked back, his interrogator was disappearing through the now open doorway. He looked back for Anna to find she’d gone.

A stern looking woman introduced
herself as Dr Stein. ‘Come with me sir for a comprehensive body search for implanted devices and then you will be decontaminated in the shower.’

She had two grim-faced guys standing behind her so Oliver said meekly, ‘Yes ma’am.’

* * *

Four nights later Anna knocked and entered Oliver’s very comfortable small suite and locked the door. She was looking sexy.

Anna put a bottle of wine on the table and Oliver, wearing a big smile, fetched two glasses and sitting down opposite said, ‘Hi, lovely to see you again.’

‘Thanks to you it’s lovely being alive. I’ve been instructed to update you. Your claimed background checks out 100% but for as long as you work for the agency you will be treated with suspicion. Yes we have a counter intelligence role and no I don’t know the name of the agency and neither do I know if the boss’s real name is Captain John Vincent. The whole idea is to have everyone unsure of whether or not we really exist and if Curtis Warehouse Storage Inc is just a front or whether we are sole residents in a warehouse unknown to the legitimate workers.’

‘Is it a front?’

‘You be the judge of that. You are in the Curtis Warehouse Storage Inc’s building complex.’

Oliver rubbed his chin. ‘I see. So we work robotically, live like dummies and only really react and get into the real world when commanded to do so?’

‘God that’s good,’ Anna said. ‘I’ve never heard it explained like that. Well we do know an underground terrorism network is working here in Washington and at times has exercises to test strategies. Our role is to eliminate it.’

‘So you were getting close and that guy was set after you to close your mouth?’

‘Yes to make it look like the work of a wronged husband finding his wife had a sexy girlfriend.’

‘But you wouldn’t have married an ugly bastard like that?’

Anna said good thinking. The agency had concluded that although this foreign-led outfit they were seeking to eliminate was modeled on military lines, it was superbly organized and its personnel highly trained. ‘Strategically it flounders at times and that’s why the agency is managing to chip away at it’s flanks.’

‘Anyway, you have scored comfortable passes on fitness, reaction both in speed and accuracy and that is importance because we have no wish to take out bona fide citizens should you become physically involved in both defense and attack. But where you have excelled is in counter-intelligence particularly in analytical and lateral thinking. We never have had a recruit with those twin skills because they are not considered compatible but you are mentally armed to outthink the thinkers. Usually recruits are sent to boot camp and then into the marines and then gain a little experience in field operations but as Captain Vincent will explain tomorrow at your induction, you are considered too valuable for that so will go straight into the counter-intelligence strategy unit with the rank of analyst, second class.’

‘Is that good?’

‘Very good, Oliver. New recruits usually enter service with fifth class ranking.’

They continued drinking and as the bottle was on its last legs Anna said casually, ‘It’s hot in here. Do you mind if I remove my shirt?’

Oliver decided not to be gentlemanly and say he’d turn down the air-con. ‘Sure no problem. Make yourself at home.’

He watched as Anna removed her jacket and gun holster and unbuttoned her shirt to allow the multi-color sports bra come into view. She make a great show of pulling her shoulders back to take off the shirt.

Oliver stood and leaving his unfinished drink on the table held out his hand and said, ‘It’s probably cooler on the sofa.:

Anna smiled and took his hand and Oliver swung her into him and they kissed and as that progressed he unclipped the bra, freeing a couple of beauties, firm with big nipples pointing up proudly.

‘Great tits,’ he said, pulling back and looking at them admiringly.

‘I’m glad you like them. Take a mouthful.’

The fledging homeland security analyst allowed himself to be seduced.

On the sofa Anna rested against his shoulder and as Oliver’s slowly worked down her front her legs opened slowly and when hooking under the skirt his two probing fingers found she was without panties.

‘Oh I love your fingers up my cunt,’ she sighed and Oliver thought what crap was that, he must be dreaming? But at that moment Anna unzipped him and hearing that familiar sound of the zip and feeling her fingers touching his penis he knew it was no dream.

They fucked like rabbits… on the sofa… on the carpet… back over the end of the sofa.

Finally Anna said, ‘One more time?’

‘Anna, I’m fucked.’

‘Me too,’ she giggled.

She went into the bathroom to clean up and when Oliver came out of the bathroom after his turn he found Anna in his bed asleep. He squeezed in beside her and slept till 5:00 when the gong sounded through the speakers and it was time for the morning run at 5:30.

Anna came to Oliver’s room most nights for almost three weeks while he continued the basic training program compulsory for all recruits. Then she left for Raleigh, North Carolina, to see her parents.

He never saw Anna again.

Two days later Oliver was called to the captain’s office and received a friendly welcome and was invited to sit.

‘I have some bad news. On the way back here Anna was assassinated, they got her this time.’

‘H-how do you know? It must have been away from Washington?’

‘I have some photographs that seem to prove it was Jake Jackal himself.’

‘Jake Jackal?’

‘It’s what he calls himself. We don’t know his real identity but Anna got close enough before you met her to learn what his men called him.’

‘Is that so? Show me the photographs.’

The photograph of the big knife that had smashed through Anna’s back to pierce through to Anna’s heart was gruesome enough. The murder took place at a bus station. The attacker had then rolled her over and carved over her right breast.

‘Why did the killer mutilate her body like that?’

The captain said, ‘The guy was in a hurry. He crudely cut his visiting card, writing his initials ‘J J’.’

‘I want to kill him.’

‘We all do,’ said the captain hollowly. ‘The murderer kept his face covered so security cameras didn’t get anything that identified him. But in his haste to depart he made a small slip and a perimeter camera got a good shot that has been enhanced. It matches the shot Anna got on her cell phone camera three months ago of the guy who was identified to her as Jake Jackal.’

‘We are unsure of where he comes from in the Middle East or he could even be from North Africa or even northern Europe. His features suggest mixed blood.’

Oliver looked at the features and agreed. The guy had very hard eyes, a slightly twisted mouth and goatee beard. The problem was out on the street one saw guys every day who looked like that. The hair was black, long and unruly and the guy wore a single very small diamond ear stud.

Thanking the captain for the briefing Oliver asked to be allowed to go to the funeral.

‘It’s today and we are represented by Kathy your section head. I don’t want you there and being identified as one of us if the Jackal outfit has the scene under surveillance. That should make sense to you. If we track down the Jackal I want you there when we close in.’

‘Thanks captain.’

Next afternoon when Oliver heard Kathy had returned he went to her and they hugged. She went to dab her tears and Oliver took the handkerchief and did that for her.

The blue eyes looked at him in surprise. ‘That was done very tenderly,’ Kathy said.

‘Well it’s been tough on you. You and she were close friends.’

‘We two were the only blonde females in the agency,’ Kathy said. ‘A couple of blonde field operatives were useful to be used to mingle together on field work. W
e worked on perhaps thirty assignments together..’

‘You are with Jed aren’t you?’

‘Yes but he transfers to New York soon.’

‘I’m available provided there’s not rule about it.’

‘You are graded G2 which is only one grade below me which is allowable in the code covering internal fraternization. Let’s see how it goes huh?’

‘Yeah excellent. Look could you get me a good copy of Jake’s photograph and the name and address of the bar where that photo was taken and download the dossier on him to my computer?’

‘You are not classified as a field operative.’

‘I’m given some free time Kathy and what I do with it in my free time is my business providing what I do is legal.’

‘None of the few Jackal outfit personnel known to us have been seen in that bar again since the night it was suspected Kathy had taken that cell phone photo. She was chased but lost herself in a crowd lined up outside a night club.’

‘It doesn’t matter. It establishes environment.’

‘What does that mean?’

‘Nothing. Keep your mouth shut about this Kathy unless you feel compelled to report it.’

‘No this is for Anna. I’ll come with you.’

‘No, you may have been seen attending the funeral.’

‘Oh right. That would have meant me blowing your anonymity.’

‘Good thinking.’

As with everyone in HQ, Oliver was required to carry a .32 handgun. He went to Captain Vincent and explained how he wanted to look around in the neighborhood when Anna had identified the head of the Jackal outfit.

‘I wish to try to find where they have relocated.’

‘We have tried that, exhaustively.’

‘Perhaps I think differently?’

The captain tapped a fingernail against his teeth staring at Oliver. ‘I have to say you might be right about that. I’ll keep you free from night duty.’

‘It doesn’t matter. I’ll work on this when I’m free day or night. They might visit their bar during the day.’

‘Yeah you might be right but you’d be more noticeable.’

‘So I have to be careful not to look suspicious.’

‘Right. Well this conversation has been recorded. You are authorized to investigate privately and warned to watch your back and evacuate if you feel under threat.’

‘Thank you. Um I want to pack a better gun?’

‘Okay I’ll write the authorization now. What do you want?’

‘A Glock 22 with .40 S&W rounds. My best results on the range were with that gun and that ammo.’

‘Good choice. Take care son, we have you for your brain not for your bravery.’

‘Aye captain.’

Oliver was cleaning the Glock when Kathy came in.

‘How did you get that?’

‘The captain authorized it after I told him about my private nosing around and he also authorized that.’

‘Good, that means I no longer carry the responsibility for you acting in that matter. Do you want to move in with me after Jed moves out next Wednesday?’

‘Yeah, on the Friday afternoon.’

‘God you could sound a bit more enthusiastic, I’m offering my body.’

‘Yeah I’ve been wondering about those big tits.’

‘God Oliver, you’re an animal,’ Kathy said, a little nervously.

‘Believe me Kathy, I consider your offer is a great honor and will treat you gently and with dignity at all times.’

Kathy now looked a little worried. ‘Um not too gently?’

‘No,’ Oliver grinned, and she left the room smiling.

A little later an operative, Mark Slyfield, knocked and entered Oliver’s room. He said, ‘Want to come to the bar for a beer?’

‘Yeah thanks for asking. I’ll lock my gun safe and will be right with you.’

As they sat drinking Mark said, ‘Kathy wants me to talk to you about surveillance in a bar.’

‘I see. Did she say why?’


‘Okay continue.’

Mark emphasized the need to try to act and behave naturally.

‘Eye the chicks but not the guys, right?’ Mark said.


‘When you are eyeing chicks you’ll get guys in your peripheral vision. Look when casually scanning the room for sentries at doorways but also look beyond any group in front of them to appear to having a general gaze around.’


‘The lookouts for any threats. You can almost bet if there are no sentries then no top brass will be in the room, but you cannot take that for granted. Now this is Number 1. Make sure of your exits and make sure they are clear. If you run down a no-exit passage to say the toilets you could end up dead. Oh and don’t take a phone with you.’

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIEpilogue

Katherine came into her mother’s hospital room a confused and frustrated young woman. She’d just been to the Heathrow Hilton to see a man who claimed that her mother was his one true love; his soul mate. Yet that man wouldn’t come to the hospital. It was maddening. “Hello, darling,” Sarah Jane said as Katherine came into the room. Katherine could not believe how different her mother looked from just a few days ago. She hadn’t looked this healthy in years. It was as if someone had waved a...

1 year ago
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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 10 Robin in the Beginning part 2

Remember, please leave me feedback! The more you comment on my stories the more it encourages me to write more!! Love from your caramel skinned goddess, Tawny! Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 10 Robin - In the Beginning, Part 2 by Mistress Tawny Suede Robin sat in the back seat of the car, smoking a cigarette. He shifted his ass on the seat, not to get more comfortable, but to feel the delightful squelch and rumble of the cum that was rolling around in his ass. Just before...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 1 Sissies on the Town

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 1 Sissies on the Town by Tawny Suede Note that this story stands separate from other stories I have posted "If you hunky men will excuse us for the moment, we girls have to go... powder our noses!" Robin said as she scootched around on the cushions of the private booth. Jamie rose and joined her. Their dates watched the two girls' rounded asses sway back and forth as the two sissies walked off to the washroom on their four inch heels! "Fuck," said...

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Robin and Jimmy Olsen Part 2 Robin prepares Alfred beware

Robin and Jimmy Olsen - Part 2 Robin prepares, Alfred beware! by Tawny Suede The evening before the date in Part 1... Sitting in her resplendent suite of rooms in the Manor, Robin inhaled a slow drag from her cigarette. As she exhaled the stream of smoke, she admired her lipstick on the filter of the cigarette. It was funny. More than a year ago, when "he" was just "Dick", he was appalled by the idea of smoking. But then the big change had hit him and now he thought the sight of any...

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 9 Jim Wrestles with His Conscience

(Author’s Note: Not a whole lot of sex in this chapter.) Jim stepped through the door and closed it. He was alone. He felt an emptiness and an overwhelming sense of ennui. He should have been elated. He’d just experienced something that he’d always dreamed of doing. It had been wonderful; wonderful until the end. When he’d been laying there on the floor, next to Samantha and Dave, and they’d been showing the love they had for each other, he’d suddenly been faced with the reality of how he’d...

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 15 Horizons Broadened

Jim was beside himself. He’d been watching Sam and Sue’s back yard antics on his desktop at the office, and had a pretty good idea of what had gone on in the house as well. It was better than he had expected by quite a bit. He put the finishing touches on a report that needed to go out that day and shut down his computer preparatory to going home. Normally he didn’t go home until five, but today he was going to go home early – he’d call ahead, of course. It would not do at all to come home...

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 21 Jim Gets His Freak On

You would think that having triumphed over his greatest adversary Jim would feel like a million bucks. Instead he felt empty and vaguely angry. He went back to his hotel. Cheri was still in her imposed sleep/trance. Jim decided to relax in the hotel’s hot tub so he put on his trunks and headed for the pool area. Jim had the place to himself. That’s the way he had always liked it before his encounter with the Master PC program had helped him get back the body he’d had as an 18 year old....

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 22 Jim and Cheri Take a Shower

Cheri, of course, was still out of it when he got back. He straightened up the bed he’d used to fuck Veronica and put away his bottle of lube. He took off his trunks and put his clothes back on, including the dress shirt and tie. Then he gave the mental command that released Cheri from her imposed unconsciousness. That same command wiped all of her memories of the FMCA, Joe Friday, and Master PC. She was his assistant and Jim was not only the boss but a virile and sexy man with whom she...

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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 24 The Next Task

One of the things that Jim had done when he crashed the FMCA’s computer system was to steal the software they used to monitor Master PC activity. When he got home after a very successful series of seminars in Washington, he began to work on the software, improving it, adapting it, and making it operable on his laptop. Then he set to work finding out who else had discovered the magic program. He also announced his retirement from his state job and endured the inevitable retirement party with...

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Quest The executioner

Warning – this story is not for faint hearted! It contains many dark themes and death of characters! You’ve been warned! Two people kneeled in front of the woman. Her athletic build and visible muscles showed that she was no stranger to hard physical work, yet she was still nice to the eye and her frame carried an impressive bust. Her black hair flowed down her back, her face features were sharp and her blue eyes narrow giving her look of someone who carried an elvish blood in her veins. Lady...

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Emperors Executioner

I was twelve and had taken my father’s varmint rifle and a box of ammo. It was for the small pest animals that were destroying three of our dams. I laid on a ridge several hundred meters from the first dam and watched and waited. One after another I shot the burrowers in the head before finally going to get the bodies. I skinned them and buried the bodies where they would not contaminate the water table. I had finished the last dam when the shuttle went over. It was heading for the ranch house...

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Agent Swann FBI Fucked Blackmailed and Impounded

It was a gray, bleak morning with an overcast sky. A damp chill hung in the air. Special Agent Natalie Swann looked out the passenger seat window of the agency-issued car, watching the mist-covered fields of last year’s crop pass by. It was Ross’ turn to drive, which meant no radio to lighten the mood, but that was fine with her. It was too early in the morning for music or cheery talk shows anyway. She checked her reflection in the rearview mirror, frowning at what she saw. She had not...

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AGENT BURNED The Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer 3

[email protected](I’d like to acknowledge the great work by Trent Wolf in his ?Domino? stories for the inspiration to pen this style of story and to the ?House of Gord? for ideas of some of the predicaments that befall Suzzanne, finally a great fan Rollo T for his ideas and inspiration)AGENT BURNEDThe Further Adventures of Agent Suzzanne Midsummer - 3 CHAPTER 1 The ballroom was crowded and brightly lit filled with the sounds of laughter and multi lingual conversations. Suzzanne Midsummer...

1 year ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 26

Agent 1's assistant walked into the private chambers of Agent 1. She didn't see Sylvia around, but she could hear people talking in the adjourning room. Before she could walk over to there, Agent 1 came out of his bedroom. "Ah, you're back! Have you done like I asked?" "Yes, Sir. Your men know what they have to do." "Good," Agent 1 said and he looked pleased. "Well, we can better start our little show then, go tell the guards they can bring the girls outside." "Yes, Sir,"...

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Agent Chase Agent Chastity Chapter One The Ground Below

Agent Chase, Agent Chastity CHAPTER ONE: The Ground Below By Diana Kimberly Heche Part 1 In the not too distant future ... AGENT CHASE BINGHAM Chase examined his shoes. They had not been shined in at least a couple of days. This would never do, he decided. He detoured from his brisk walk down the hall into one of the few restrooms open to the public. Grabbing a quick handful of toilet paper, and throwing his feet one at a time onto the sink, he buffed vigorously at the...

4 years ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 12

Agent 1 had gone to his office after the short interview with Sylvia. He didn't want to call it an interrogation, because it had been very civilized this time, and he hoped it could stay like this. He was sitting behind his desk and the first thing he did, was sending Agent 8 an E-mail with information about Sofia that he had received from Sylvia. He wrote her that Sofia could maybe have said that she had done a crime during her polygraph, because she had stolen a perfume bottle not so long...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 18

Agent 4 and his assistant had found what they had been looking for. It was one of those electric devices that they sometimes used to torture their suspects with. The device had several voltage settings, but it only had a very low current. This way, they could give the suspects a non-lethal electric jolt to their system. Sure, there was always some danger involved with using electricity this way, but if it was applied to a healthy person, the risk was almost none existing. Petra could see how...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 10

"Maggots, that was it for you four," the drillmaster said. "Some of you have done better than expected and some of you ... well ... have still a lot to learn!" When he said this last part, he was looking at Sofia and Sabina. When both of them saw how the people around them looked at them, they just couldn't hide their shame, and they started to blush. "Men," the drillmaster said to those four soldiers that had been accompanying them the whole time. "You better take those maggots to...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 22

Agent 1 was awakened by someone knocking on the door. He lifted his head and looked at the clock next to his bed. He grunted when he saw that it was only barely past five o'clock in the morning. He didn't care for getting out of bed yet. So, he pulled on the cord, that was hanging down on the wall behind the back board of his bed, to switch the lights on. He waited on his eyes to adjust to the light and then shouted in the direction of the open door of his bedroom, "YES!" He could hear...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 23

Petra was awakened by the sounds of people rushing into her room. Before she had time to react on it, those men already had grabbed her and pulled her away from her bed. A sudden rush of fear went through her body, and she started to struggle with them. However, they were with too many, and she was dragged away by them. Once Petra was out of the corridor, two other guards went into the room of Sofia. Agent 8's assistant kept on standing at the door. The guards gently awakened a startled...

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Agent Tanya

As the Allied Commander that had given them victory at Brighton Beach and repelled the Soviets from the United Kingdoms, it was no wonder that Jack was being utilized once again where he was most needed. His next task was to liberate France, a tall order given that after his defeat at Brighton Beach, General Krukov had retreated their and captured Cannes. That left the majority of the Soviets in Cannes and to make matters worse; several Allied leaders were also trapped in the city, pinned...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 3

Just before dawn, a group of people were gathering in a meeting room inside the main building of this military base. Most of them only knew that it was for a very urgent job. There was one long table in the room, three people were sitting on one side of it while another person was sitting to the left and at the head of the table. This last person was the team leader. They were all facing a wall with four big television screens on it. Each screen showed a side of the area around their...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 15

While Sofia was having a nice massage from Agent 8, Sylvia was slowly waking up in her own room. She was still having erotic dreams and in her dream, she was now back in her hotel room in Brazil, enjoying the soft caressing hands of that woman she had picked up in a club. Those nice hands had been going all over her body and one of those delicate hands was now at her right breast, playing with her nipple, while the other hand, and especially those playful fingers, were bringing her to her...

4 years ago
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Agent Kask Part I

Agent Kask Part I By Teaser I sat hunched over a computer screen rubbing my eyes. It was late. I was tired. Dirty and smelly too. But surprisingly, not in too bad a mood. I was finishing off a computer virus detection program I'd been working on for pretty much most of the last six weeks. And now, I was testing it against a brand new virus, provided as a courtesy of the boys at the Department of Defense. This virus had been eluding me for most of the week. But this time I had...

1 year ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 25

Sabina's nanobots had sent the 'all clear' signal to the computer and not much later, Sabina was being lifted out of the healing tank. While still hanging down on the straps around her shoulders, they dried her body off with towels and removed all sensors. A doctor checked her out, and then she was laid on a bed, to bring her to the recovery room. While some nurses rolled her away, the head nurse called the office of Agent 4, to inform him that Sabina would be in her cell soon. In the...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 16

When Agent 1 awakened and checked the clock next to his bed, he was surprised to see that it was already past nine o'clock. On a normal day, he would wake up around seven from his own. Of course, he also knew that it had taken him a lot of time to get to sleep last night. His mind had kept on drifting towards Sylvia and her predicament. The more he thought about her, the less he thought that she could be the person that they were after and the order that he had received to treat her like any...

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Agent Zulo The Cabal

In Altered Fates: Agent Zulo we met an amnesiac private eye with the same abilities as the Medallion of Zulo but no idea who he was or how he came by them. In this story, we get a few answers...and some more questions. AGENT ZULO: THE CABAL by BobH (c) 2012 Note: This story is a direct sequel to 'Altered Fates: Agent Zulo' and contains spoilers for that tale. - 1 - Maria watched me from the the other side of the hotel room...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 14

When Sofia woke up in the morning, she didn't know where she was at first. In the back of her mind, she thought that something had awakened her, but she wasn't sure what it could have been. It had sounded like somebody screaming, but she was alone in the room and couldn't hear anything besides herself breathing. She decided to get up and walked over to the door to check it, as expected, the door was locked. She placed her ear against the door, but again she couldn't hear anything. She...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 21

Sofia was still lying on Di's bed, nicely tied down and a little annoyed about it. At first, she had been struggling with her restraints, but nothing what she did, helped her to loosen the silk scarves, they were surprisingly strong and the knots were done very professionally. In the end, she just resided in her situation and waited for what would happen next, she was sure that Di would return sooner than later, and maybe she would even have some extra fun planned for her. While she was...

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Agent of Lilith Chapter 81

His mind was clear and free, his body weightless and without pain. James knew instinctively that he had left his demonic appearance behind, and he was now back in the body Lilith had given him. "Lilith…" James spoke his mistress' name wistfully. He would never see her again. He had died, and he was being carried to whatever afterlife awaited him. As James lamented his sad fate and mentally said goodbye to his family and friends, he began to descend into the clouds below. "Down?" he...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 11

Sylvia was lying on her bed and looking at the white ceiling. She was sure now that the recruitment thing was just a hoax and that she and the other girls were, in fact, prisoners. The reason about why they were here, she didn't know for sure, but she suspected that this couple that she had met in Brazil had something to do with it. Why else would they have shown her their pictures. When she heard a noise at the door of the room, she looked at it, and then she saw how a guard opened it. It...

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Agent Kask Pt II

The good Assistant Director handed me off to an agent. Who handed me off to another agent, who handed me off to some one else, and on and on and on. Eventually I ended up with a young guy who introduced himself as Tom - no last name was given, none was needed. He was big. In fact - huge. And he had the thickest southern accent I'd ever heard. On the third try, I finally got: "Pleased to meet you agent, I'll be your transport to Walter Reed Hospital." He seemed very good...

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teaching the olsens part 3

“Sally, you’ve been such a good girl I’m gonna reward you! You can open the door third on the left, inside you will find a bathroom, and it’s fully equipped. You may use the toilet and shower, you have exactly 15 minutes”. “Thank you master!” she fled to the bathroom, having her guts full of my piss must have been really getting to her! I went over to Chris to see how he was doing, the Dildo still protruded from his ass but I had no intention of removing it. Chris was looking at me...

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Agent 13 The Promotion

My alarm went off as it always did at five thirty. I groggily reached over and pounded on the snooze button, practically breaking the alarm clock. I threw off my covers and lay there for a few minutes. I was completely naked, I never liked wearing clothes to bed and besides why should I? I live in a tiny apartment by myself and it's good for you to sleep naked. It lets the skin breathe. I roll out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for the water to warm up...

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Agent G Fantasy I wrote this for a slutty friend

Agent G moved down the hallway insistently, glancing behind her as her heelsclicked against the tile. She knew she was being followed. Her steps were short. The black, pinstripe pencil skirt restricted her gait as it fell below her knees. She wore her crimson tresses straight to her shoulders with short bangs peeking out from beneath her black beret. Her shades hid the greenish pools of her eyes, fear and excitement, brimming to her silken lashes. A smart woman of fashionable class, she wore a...

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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 24

When Sylvia woke up, she felt a little groggy. It took her a good minute before she noticed that she was lying in a soft bed and that her body was covered with a bed sheet. And then the memory of her standing in the sun for the whole day came back to mind. At first, she didn't dare to move, afraid that it would hurt her. However, when she did move, she didn't notice any pain or anything uncomfortable about it. She turned her head slowly and then looked at her right shoulder. "Damn," she...

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