Sue Ch. 09-12 free porn video

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Chapter 9

Sharing the Bath-Room

Brian had bought food from where he’d hired the boat so we had a good lunch, washed down with a small bottle of wine that he’d kept cold by dangling it in the river and after we finished that we lay in the shade and talked for a while before we both dozed off. When we woke again we found that it was about time for us to pack up for the return trip and after getting the boat out into mid-stream Brian let me take it all the way back down the river. He dropped me off at the same place that he’d met me in the morning and it soon after that we were in his car, driving back to the motel.

When we were inside our room he took me in his arms, held me tight and said. ‘That was a day I’ll never forget darling – I know it sounds silly to say ‘thank you’ – but I really do thank you, for so much.’

‘It’s me who should be thanking you Brian, you’ve made it all possible – and never forget that I’m enjoying everything – and that includes you – just as much as I hope you are. Anyway.’ I said more brightly, ‘The day isn’t over yet – is it?’

He took my face between his hands and I saw that his eyes were shining with happiness as he smiled down into mine. ‘No, it certainly isn’t, so let’s get freshened up. You then have to decide whether we go out somewhere nice for dinner or, if you prefer, we can have it brought up here.’

I didn’t even have to think about an answer, I could eat out anytime I really wanted to but my time alone with him was precious. ‘No contest love – we’ll have it here.’

I could tell from the expression on his face that’s what he had hoped I’d say and I grinned as I added. ‘You didn’t really expect me to say anything else did you?’

‘Well, I’ll admit I was hoping that’s what you would say – but at the same time I didn’t want you to feel cooped-up.’

‘We’ve been out of doors all day, I could hardly accuse you of cooping me up could I. Anyway, we don’t have that much time together – and I just want to make the most of it, you should know that.’

‘I still have to keep pinching myself darling, you must understand that.’

‘O.K., say no more – we both want to eat in – and that’s that. Now, who gets to shower first?’

‘I’ll unpack our stuff and make us a drink – anyway, if I know anything about women you’ll take longer than me – so you go first.’

‘That’s one disadvantage of having an older man – they’ve had time to get to know more about women, I’ll have to remember that.’ I said over my shoulder as I picked up my toiletries bag and headed for the bath-room.

A bit later, when I was about ready to have my shower he knocked on the door and, opening it just a little, asked me. ‘What would you like to drink darling?’

‘What choice is there?’

‘There’s a sort of mini-bar here, so I can get you almost anything you fancy.’

I’m not a big drinker but it was a special week-end and I didn’t see why I shouldn’t break-out a bit so, having thought for a moment, I answered. ‘I had a gin and tonic once, that was a nice refreshing drink, how about one of those.’

‘Yep, that’s here. One G & T coming up.’

I turned on the shower, adjusted the water temperature, stripped off and was just about to get into the recess when there was another light knock on the door and Brian came in, carrying two drinks. When he found that I was undressed he stopped and stood there, looking at me with such intensity that it was almost as though he was seeing me naked for the first time. He obviously wanted to say something, equally obvious that he was embarrassed to say it and, when he finally did, it came out in a stumbling rush.

‘Would you, er, would you mind very much if I watched you take your shower Sue?’ he asked as he handed me the glass.

I took a sip of the drink, looking over the rim and straight into his eyes, then smiled and answered. ‘I’d like that Brian – but, then I’ll want to watch you when you have yours.’

‘Sounds fair.’ he said quietly as he sat down on the lid of the toilet and, clutching his drink tightly, watched as I stepped under the warm spray and began to soap myself.

Just as I did when he had watched me taking a pee, I found I got a kick out of having him there, intently watching me and I admit I took a bit longer than I normally would have done, soaping and washing myself, particularly my breasts and pussy even more thoroughly than usual. He didn’t say a single word during the whole time but from the burning look that developed in his eyes I knew that my efforts were being fully appreciated!

When I finished I stepped out and, leaving the shower running as I began to dry myself, said.

‘Your turn love.’

When he stripped I saw the evidence of what watching me had done for him, his cock wasn’t fully erect but it was at that half way stage, thick and fat and almost as long as it would be when fully aroused. I liked seeing it like that, it meant he was excited but that there was still something left for me to do for him. It gave me a nice, mildly sexy feeling and as I sat and watched him begin to wash himself that feeling got steadily stronger and stronger.

I had never seen a man shower before and I was surprised at how differently he went about it. First of all he didn’t stay under the shower, once wet he stepped to one side and soaped himself, because of his chest and other body hair he built up a much thicker layer of lather than I did and once that was done he used that lather to wash the rest of himself. His actions were much quicker, stronger than a woman’s, almost rough, scrubbing rather than smoothing the soap over his body and I noticed that he used the extra thick amount of lather that built up in his pubic hair as a kind of reservoir, his hands returning to it from time to time then using it to wash some other part of himself. Of course each time he did that his fingers brushed over his cock and I imagined that in its already half aroused state, coupled with him having me there, watching him, those actions must have increased its arousal. It may have been my imagination – or just wishful thinking – but as he continued to wash himself it certainly seemed to be stiffening up.

He left his face until last and when he began to wash it, I got up, moved close, reached into the shower and fondled his slippery, soap covered balls and cock. My first touch made him tense with surprise but as I lifted and fondled his heavy balls, then closed my fingers around his cock and began to slip up and down the shaft, he relaxed and just stood there with his eyes closed while I enjoyed the feel of it slowly pulsing in my hand. But though I thought I felt it stiffening even more I found I couldn’t get it fully erect.

‘That feels sensational Sue – but I’m afraid I’m going to disappoint you this time, I think it’s been totally drained. It’s a long time since I’ve had so many erections and I can’t remember when I’ve made love as many times in one day as I have with you today. I think it needs a longer rest before it’s ready for action again. Sorry.’

I looked up and smiled as I reluctantly let go of him.

‘Don’t worry, I just wanted to please you. I wasn’t expecting you to suddenly ravish me on the bath-room floor you know.’ I added with a grin. ‘In fact.’ I said as I rinsed my hands. ‘I’m feeling a little over-used too. Not that I’m complaining.’ I added hurriedly. ‘But I’m going to put some cream on, just to make sure that I’m not too sore tomorrow.’

I took a jar of moisturiser from my bag but he stepped out of the shower, reached across and took it from me.

‘I’d like to do that for you, if you don’t mind darling.’

I nodded and he threw a towel on the toilet cover, sat me down on it then knelt in front of me, gently eased my legs apart and, with his strong hands resting lightly on the to
ps of my thighs, just looked at me for several moments.

‘It’s so pretty – the soft, little pink folds – like a flower-bud that’s just about to open. And when I think of the incredible pleasure it gives me, I just can’t believe that such a delicate little part of you is capable of such powerful actions. It’s beautiful and wonderful’

Having him admiring me like that gave me a nice warm, feeling and I became aware of a faint tingling sensation that was centred on my pussy and which, as it slowly grew, began to spread out from it into the rest of my body. Then he eased my legs further apart and, taking care not to overbalance me, lifted them, leaned forward and began to lightly lick the outer folds of my pussy-lips.

He’d developed a bit of a five o’clock shadow but I found that rather than being uncomfortable, the mild roughness of it grazing against my inner thigh in fact only increased my excitement. He took his time and I got the strong impression that he was getting just as much pleasure as he was giving to me – and that was a lot!

Having him watch me shower then in turn watching and fondling him must have got me more excited than I had realised because after a minute or two of his tongue’s gentle licking I felt the tingling sensation turning into something stronger. He couldn’t get his tongue deep inside me but every now and then he did poke it between the thickening folds and those little stabbing movements quickly helped to arouse me even more. So when he finally turned his attention to my clit it had already swollen into a hard ridge and, when he slowly wiped his tongue over it the sensations were simply electric and as he saw me responding, he slipped his hands under my bum and managed to lift me higher. In that position he could reach me even better and began to lick and suck me even more strongly, forcing me to hold on to the rim of the seat as I arched myself, offering up my pussy to his devouring mouth.

I was amazed at how quickly I came, it wasn’t an earth-shattering climax but it was a lovely one and, being so unexpected was even more satisfying than I imagined it could have been. Afterwards, when he was sure I had finished, he sponged me with warm water, dried me and then finally, very gently applied the cool, soothing cream to my still sensitive pussy.

As he got up I saw that in spite of his earlier protests, his cock was definitely harder than it had been before and felt sure that before the evening was over I’d be able to get it fully erect again – for the benefit of both of us!

Brian rubbed his face and said ‘I should have had a shave before I did that darling, the stubble gets a bit rough by this time of the day, I’ll have a quick one now.’

‘Do you usually shave twice a day?’

‘Not usually, no.’

‘Do you have something else in mind for later then?’

He grinned shyly. ‘I might. I’m certainly going to want to kiss you goodnight – and I don’t want to make your face sore, do I?’

‘Or any other part of me I hope.’ I said, grinning up at him.

‘Particularly any other part of you.’ he replied with a laugh.

So, while he had his shave I went into the other room and got into my nightie, it too was new, white, trimmed at the edges with green ribbon and very short – at the back just covering the curve of my bottom and at the front just hiding the tiny, matching g-string panties. The material was semi-transparent and when I had finished brushing my hair and took a good look at myself in the large mirror, even I had to admit that I looked terrific. I could see the curving swell of my breasts and the shadow made by their rosy tips and, when I turned quickly and made the material flare up and out from my body, from the back, with the string of the panties buried between my arse-cheeks, it gave the impression that I was totally naked below the waist.

Just then Brian came out of the bath-room – he didn’t have to say anything, the expression on his face said it all.

‘That’s, I mean, you – you look absolutely gorgeous darling! I can’t believe how different you look. Even younger somehow – and’ he added. ‘If it’s possible, even more sexy.’

I did a slow turn for him and saw his eyes travel up and down, taking in the view of everything I had to offer and, as I recognised the look of desire on his face, the thought flashed through my head – ‘How strange men are! He’s just seen me totally naked, watched me showering, fondled and made love to me. Now that I’m partially dressed I’m re-exciting him, in some ways I’m even more desirable.’ But of course I wasn’t complaining about that!

He put on a pair of light-weight, short pyjamas then we sat and finished our drinks while we looked through the menu, ordered our meal and then actually turned on the TV to see what had been happening to the rest of the world while we had been creating our own. Brian had made us both a second drink and we were still sipping those when there was a knock at the door. He got up, slipped into a bath-robe and looked across at me.

‘Pop into the bath-room for a minute darling – no point in giving the motel staff even more to gossip about than they already have.’ I understood what he meant and only came out again when I heard the door close again a few minutes later.

Brian and the waiter had set up the table very nicely and the sight and the smells of food made me realise that I was actually quite hungry. I noticed that Brian had ordered a bottle of wine to go with the meal and felt sure that on top of the two drinks I had already had I’d be feeling quite light-headed before the meal was over.

It was a lovely meal, a hot, lightly spiced sort of fish soup, called bouillabaisse and then an enormous plate of mixed seafood – all of which, Brian assured me, would have been caught locally that morning. There was a pile of oysters at one end of the main dish and I turned the plate so that they were in front of him. He looked up, saw my wicked grin and chuckled.

‘Let me tell you that with you around, looking the way you do, oysters are one thing I won’t need darling.’

Chapter 10

Taking Charge

The food was delicious and I couldn’t believe how much both of us were able to eat of it – crab, lobster, prawns, a couple of things I didn’t even recognise and of course, the oysters and we both had to stop from time to time not just to savour the variety of flavours but to ‘catch our breath’ so to speak, before starting again. In between mouthfuls we chatted, at first about the food and how good it was then, as our initial hunger was satisfied, of a variety of things – but, I noticed, Brian carefully avoided talking about us. That was hard for me, sitting there with him, the memories of the wonderful day’s events still fresh, seeing out of the corner of my eye the bed we’d soon be lying in together and yet having him talk about everything except the one thing that was uppermost in my mind – us.

I wanted to tell him how much pleasure he’d given me, remind him of special moments during the day, of how it had felt being with him, touching him, having him touch and make love to me.

So, while trying to keep up my end of the conversation, in my head I was re-living each of the wonderful moments we had enjoyed – and realised I was also totting up the number of times he had given me an orgasm. There had been the first, frantic session just after he’d arrived – I couldn’t believe how short a time ago that had been – then, in the clearing where we had first stopped, after the excitement of having him watch me and then being able to handle his cock while he pissed, afterwards we had made love on the blanket and I had climaxed twice more. The next had been during our walk, when my skin-tight shorts had turned him on so strongly and he had fucked me from behind – and just now, the smaller but equally satisfying one he’d just given me in the bath-room.

That was a total of five and though I knew he’d only actually climaxed twice himself, even for a young ma
n the performance would have been impressive – and, I hoped, the day wasn’t over yet!

He must have thought I’d gone mad – he was actually in the middle of talking about something to do with work – when I suddenly burst out with –

‘Do you realise I’ve had five orgasms today! I can’t believe that, can you?’

‘Pardon?’ he said, confused by my sudden unrelated outburst. But when I repeated it and he understood what I was talking about, he grinned, raised his glass to me and replied.

‘From the way you said it that sounds as though that’s good – and so, as the provider I accept the implied compliment.’

The way he said it made me laugh but after that I said. ‘Sorry to interrupt you like that but it’s been such a fantastic day, all I can think about is the boat, the river, the scenery and most of all, what we’ve done together. I’ve got so many memories of us already, I just want to make to sure that none of them slip from my mind – and I guess I want to know that you’ve enjoyed making them as much as I have. Sounds silly when I try to put it into words though.’

‘It doesn’t sound silly to me Sue, it sounds marvellous, marvellous that someone like you could get as much pleasure from being with someone like me as I have from the time we’ve had together. And.’ he added sincerely and affectionately. ‘You obviously know from my reactions just how much pleasure you’ve given me. You’ve aroused feelings I didn’t know I was capable of, even as a – even when I was younger I didn’t experience the strength of passion that you’ve aroused in me today. And, as I’ve said before, sitting here with you, seeing you looking as beautiful and as desirable as you do, it’s more like a fantasy than any fantasy I’ve ever had.’

That made me feel even better than I had been already and I felt a warm glow colour my face as I smiled across at him.

‘It’s lovely to hear you say it Brian. I’m glad it’s been worth all the heart-ache and the problems that I’m sure you’ve had in arranging all this for us. Thank you, thank you for everything.’

‘Hey, it’s me who’s trying to say ‘thank you’ to you.’ he said in a brighter voice. ‘There isn’t a man alive who wouldn’t give his right arm to change places with me – and I wouldn’t change places with anyone and I mean anyone!’

I reached for his hand squeezed it and as I said, ‘Nor would I Brian, nor would I. Now, why don’t we clear the table and see if there’s anything to watch on TV for a while – give ourselves a chance to digest that lovely meal. ‘

He grinned and said. ‘I thought it was only swimming we weren’t supposed to do on a full stomach. But you’re probably right – and I think I made a bit of a pig of myself.’

So we stacked the dishes and put them outside the door to be collected, rinsed the smell of fish from our hands then I checked the TV programme and found there happened to be a nice, romantic movie on and we lay on the bed to watch. Although it turned out to be quite good, within half an hour I wasn’t that surprised to see that Brian had fallen asleep, in fact, after all the day’s activities I was surprised that I wasn’t feeling sleepy too but for some reason I wasn’t. So I turned the lights and the sound down and then, without disturbing him, settled myself down to enjoy the movie.

When it was over I turned the set off, went to the toilet and did my teeth – and still Brian slept. As I stood beside the bed, looking down at him I suddenly found myself remembering Richard, asleep in the sun in our ‘special place’ a couple of years earlier – and what I had done to him both then and the many other times during my ‘experiments’ – and began to wonder if I could do the same for Brian.

He wasn’t naked of course but his pyjama shorts were quite baggy and the fly was held closed with just a single button. Crouching on the floor beside him I undid it and opened his shorts, there lay his cock and balls, looking just as harmless and defenceless as Richard’s had, the only real difference that I could see was that in Brian’s case the surrounding hair was tinged with flecks of grey. I touched him, very lightly, stroking his limply curled cock and then the warm sac beneath using just the tips of my fingers, marvelling at how different he looked like that, compared with my memory of the sight of him when fully aroused.

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Second Time – The Start of Becoming a SlutI met my second husband at a pub in a small pub in the Wellington in New Zealand. It was a karaoke night and I was the designated driver for a group of us girls from a nearby town. To be honest I did notice him when we walked in and thought he’s new around here, and not to bad looking. I was a maori girl in my mid 20s slim, nice 34c tits and wearing a super short skirt and divorced. Jack was around 30, well built guy, long dark hair and sexy blue eyes....

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The Adventures of Lady Belinda Ch 2

Further Relations of the Adventures of Belinda, Lady D’Airing, and her faithful servant Groat Notar bene – although the dramatis personae herebelow included are based upon some real people, living and historical, any resemblance between them and the people of the story is purely coincidental. Part the fifthe: In Which Tongues are loosened, and Schemes Revealed Both the soldiers and Colonel Duckett had inferred that the pay convoy would be on the move sometime in the next week, Groat needed...

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The GiftChapter 19

I discovered that there is a middle ground or something like it. It seemed there was a place 'outside' of time, but I could observe time while I was in it! I found it by accident, really. I was thinking it would be great to be able to video something in time, something of historical significance, yet remain unseen. I had been practicing with my video camera, going a bit into the past, and trying to come out unobserved so I could capture whatever was going on, on tape. That's when it...

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Do you want to be owned

I can only nod. A tear of expectation rolls down my cheek. Your lips touch mine again and I readily accept your invitation to entwine our tongues. Salival sweetness once more touches my taste buds and euphoria takes me. My worldly existence holds no interest anymore whilst my hands once more wander your body. Following the ribs of your corset up, I recup your breasts so as to regain the feeling of joy. Sliding my hands around your chest and down to your buttocks, the same roundness has the same...

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I Told You

The following is a story of transgender semi-fiction. The characters and some situations are based on real life events, but with a good deal of fantasy thrown in. All I ask is that if it's posted anywhere else, please give me due credit... Or I'll sick Skye on you, and believe me, you don't want that. Kisses, Tori Pines [email protected] *** "No, please..." I barely audibly whispered. "Shut up you little cum whore!" "So... ohh God, no... Fuuuuuuuck," the words...

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My Wifes Slumber Party Part 1

Other than a few clandestine kisses and fondles, though, this was the limit of our physical contact up to that point. We HAD communicated nearly constantly on Facebook, however, and our relationship had deepened significantly. Thanks to our smartphones, we shared numerous photos and videos with each other, many of them without clothes, and we would video chat as often as possible… which was basically whenever both Natalie and Steven weren’t around. Although these video chats were always in the...

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Die Verwandlung zur Gummisklavin

HI ich bin Elli und 20 Jahre alt. Mein größter Wunsch ist es den Rest meines Lebens als Gummisklavin zu verbringen. Als ich meinem Freund von meinem Traum erzählte, sagte er ganz erstaunt das er einen ähnlichen Gedanken gehabt hatte aber, diesen aus Angst mich zu verlieren mir nicht erzählt hatte. Ich erzählte ihm alles was ich wollte, er fing an sich Gedanken darüber zu machen und meinte zu mir, das meine Erziehung zur Gummisklavin am Montag beginnen würde. Ca. Zwei Stunden später sagte er zu...

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My Moms Friend

I was never what you would call "popular" with the ladies. I was never fighting through throngs of girls. So it wasn't really a surprise when after my 19th birthday I still hadn't ever had a serious girlfriend or lost my virginity. I was always more into computers than real people anyway, or at least that is what I tried to tell myself. Which leads me to my mom's best friend. They had met while they were in college, and while my mom had settled down and had children Janet had never really lost...

Erotic Fiction
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Me and Ex experienced this Need new dogging partn

It's a Saturday and we have planned for a nice dinner for ages. It gets close to 5 o'clock and you start with a warm relaxing bath then get dressed but wearing your long flowing dress gives you a naughty idea to leave your knickers at home. At 8 we leave for the restaurant it's dark but warm air so a nice evening we head off through the lanes as its a star covered sky. As we near half way the car starts to slow then stop we pull into a side layby realising its empty of fuel, the petrol station...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 17

Ivan and Yann took their 'day without kiss' and headed to their respective tasks for the day. I took Juan and Sean to my suite. "Ok. I don't know what you two expect here, but..." "You just stand there and be sexy, Papi." Juan kissed me. "We'll handle the rest." He stepped over to Sean and whispered in the boy's ear. Sean's eyes seemed to light up. "Yeah, I'm down with that. But first things first, right?" He walked over to me, looking just a bit nervous. Then he leaned in...

4 years ago
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Russian Shemales 4 This Time Its Personal

Again, I am not understanding humor in the title. My translator says "go with it". Whatever.Mr. Aronoff calls in the morning, and says to meet him at the factory. We will be building set again for Friday night photography session. He is pleased with us, and says after taking out what we owe him, there is still little money we earned from last night. But he also suggests we buy some of our own clothing and cosmetics. This seems fair to us, as we cannot wear costumes when not working, and...

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Unexpected Sex With My Story Reader

Hi guys myself Sidhu from Hyderabad. Coming to the story one day i got mail from reader and her name is Swetha and she is 32 years old with 7 years kid. she gave good comments about my story and i was thanking her for that and we discussed about each other blah blah blah.. Later daily we use to chat for some time in the night and some how we became much close even i shared few of romantic stories with her. so daily we use to chat like that even she gave her number and we use chat on whatsapp....

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My Night with Alexis Loxx

I consider myself to have a dominant personality NB: This is my second story, after ?Sara and Ms Davies? ? thanks to everyone who liked that, by the way, and everyone who has emailed and reviewed it. This is more of a male submission story, as I?m a bit of a submissive male myself, and has quite a few similar traits to ?Sara and Ms Davies?, but it?s less consensual, it?s only one (rather big) part and, of course, features a male sub. Enjoy. I consider myself to have a...

5 years ago
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IKEA Girls

"Would you two stop giggling and get out of the car?" Miranda called as she got out of the drivers seat of the mini van. The two she was referring to were her daughter Leslie and her friend Sarah. The two high school girls had spent the entire car ride huddled together on the back seat whispering and giggling. "Coming mom," Leslie called back as she opened the sliding door. The two girls hopped out, looking more like sisters than friends. They were both five and a half feet...

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The Best Teacher Tutor Ever

Ms. Wey went by the name of Haeli, but I knew her as Nicole, at least that was the name she said she preferred. I first met Ms. Wey, I mean Nicole, when I was a senior at Westlake and she was my civics teacher. I knew the moment I stepped into the classroom, I had to have her. She had a body built for sex. Nicole was about twenty-six and had Playboy model looks. Standing about five foot six with long flowing dark brown hair she normally wore pinned back, she had curves in all the right places....

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Mutual Attraction Part 3

This story continues on directly after my last story, Mutual Attraction Part 2. Morning came again, and for the second time, I woke up next to my sister, Louise, except this time we were in her bed and not mine. I looked at her, asleep beside me in her bed, as her chest rose and fell in her sleep, and then after a few moments, she also woke up.     We talked for a few minutes, and then she casually reached down, felt my morning erection, and she rolled over on top of me. However, the moment...

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Private Alexis Crystal Cherry Kiss Martina Smeraldi The Final Orgy

It’s time for the grand finale of Private Specials, When Cherry Met Alexis on, and our girls are keen to go out with a bang… literally! It’s no surprise that this party turned into an orgy with Alexis Crystal and Martina Smeraldi in charge, and even though this wild fuck fest with studs Kristof Cale, Vince Karter and Thomas Stone is filled with unmissable gagging blowjob and squirting action, it wouldn’t be complete without an appearance from the spectacular Cherry Kiss who...

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She Got a RedHot InRoom Massage

It was nearly eleven when Em finally decided to get an out call service. She’d been lying in bed, hot between her legs and with aroused nipples, for an hour. She had tried to satisfy herself, since she was on a plane early the next morning, but it just hadn’t worked. Em’s troubles were two-fold. First, she’d had a pussy flutter and flashed eyes with a lovely hot man earlier in the evening, but while the feeling was obviously mutual it was going nowhere, for entirely reasonable reasons. ...

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Slutrification Ch 03

Monique stood on the road looking for any sign of life. No cars passed by. No people walked past. So she started to walk down the road. Cum stains were all over her top and skirt. She had a flustered look and a sweaty glow about her, which made sense considering she just got thoroughly fucked twice in a matter of a few hours. But she didn’t care anymore how she looked or what she was wearing. She was just hoping to find a way to get to work, so she could smack her boss a few times for making...

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Angeliques experience with cock size

My wife and I recently were talking about dick size. She said she didn't understand why guys were so hung up on size. "Size doesn't really matter" she said. I said, really guys weren't the ones hung up on the size of a damn cock, but it was the women who were fascinated with it. I said "the women not hung up on size are the one's that haven't had a really big dick yet." "What do you mean?" she said. I said, "Angelique if you ever had a bigger dick, you would probably go wild as shit." "I think...

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What I Think About When I Masturbate Part 3 Taken for a ride

This fantasy is based partly on something that actually happened. When I was seventeen, I went out with a boy for four weeks. He was twenty, and is the only “boyfriend” I have actually had. Unfortunately it didn’t last long, as I began to realise that he wasn’t a very nice person. He soon became very controlling and tried to make me do things I didn’t feel I was ready to do. He was only interested in having sex with me, and I wasn’t (and still am not) ready to have sex. Apart from a lot of...

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Santa Scape

The grey-haired woman released her lip and said, "Reganald, I wasn't going to call, but it's been a day, the whole time with no communication at all. I am starting to get worried—" "Wait, ma'am, are you saying you haven't heard anything from him for a whole day?" Suddenly there was the sound of alarms and klaxons behind Reganald. "Don't worry ma'am, the SC Ops is on the job. Give us two days tops to find out what happened." The woman breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you,...

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Sisterinlaw Meets the Neighbors

(This was published a couple years ago with an alternate ending. For those who read it before, only about a third of it is new.) The first few months in our new house had been a bit of a nightmare. My wife nearly qualified as having multiple personalities. To the general public she was a fairly normal woman. Then our neighbors got involved. Whenever Jeremy or Shelley were around, Debbie transformed into their bitch. In that state she did things for them that she would never do for anyone else,...

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GloryHole Gwen Vicious Spencer Bradley 12122020

Gwen and Spencer just finished a long night working at the strip club and they are horny. All night of doing lap dances has its effect on them as well. But the last thing they want is to have to do is talk to men. Now where can a girl get all the dick she needs and not have to talk to men, the Glory Hole of course. They head on over and quickly demand some cock through the holes and quickly they appear. They are hungry girls and set right to slurping up the Big Cocks they have in front of them....

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Meeting an Xhamster Dominatrix part 1

The following is … right now!!! I’d love for some dominatrix to read this and to play out the following scene with one of her clients/slaves. This fantasy of mine has been so vivid to me for so many years that the details are very specific. So specific, it will be a two part story; each long, each hot!!Please comment!!!! I love to hear if I have hit the nail on the head. There is Lesbianism in this, anal play, BDSM and just about EVERY fetish I have ever had!! So read it, enjoy it,...

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GirlsOnlyPorn Agatha Vega Olivia Sparkle Cant Ask For Anything More

Agatha Vega and Olivia Sparkle are enjoying a picnic and some cloud watching. The girlfriends are dressed in super cute sundresses as they hold hands and chat. Sharing a snack is second nature to them, as is sharing a sweet kiss after the snack is gone. Once the girls begin kissing, the touches of their lips grow hungrier and their hands begin to explore with more purpose. Agatha tugs Olivia’s dress down to gain access to her lover’s breasts. Those tight little globes are absolute...

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Skiing TightsApregraves Ski

At the loading area, Marlene and I stood together but twisted away from each other. The chair came along, we grabbed the outer bars and swung up over the emergency-stop rope. Together we pulled the safety bar down and put our skis on the narrow footrest.″So?″ With scarf over her face and goggles with mirrored lenses, she was muffled and inscrutable.″What?″″Are the pantyhose keeping you warm?″″You mean the tights you loaned me?″ I thought for a second and realized my ass was not cold. ″Yes,...

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Love of PoliticsChapter 4 1992 The Clinton Years Begin Another Campaign

Well, the golf tournament was great fund-raising success. In the end we shared it with the national campaign, so that made the ticket prices higher and the turnout was huge, but I was in my true element. I mean to say that it was exciting to be manager of a small campaign right alongside the presidential campaign. Mark, in his second campaign for Stare Representative was impressing a lot of people. I was running Mark's campaign for the third time in six years. He would run again for the...

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The Daughter I Never Had

She was bent over my lap - her 18 year-old ass naked and quivering - and I had to stop and think how it had come to this. I am an ordinary guy, trust me, a woman on the street wouldn't give me a second glance. I'm 45 with a receding hairline, wear glasses, and just squeeze into a size 38 waist. I have an ordinary looking wife who is more interested in granite counter-tops and dining room valences than sex. Once a month she consents to giving me a few quick strokes with her hand lubed and, on...

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Trapped and Confused

Trapped and Confused By Stefanie Flowers How had it come to this. Here I sit in Eric's lap while his arms encircle my waist holding me tight. We are welded to each others lips as he plunges his tongue deep into my mouth. I am beginning to enjoy the experience; one that months ago had made my stomach heave and want to throw up. I wanted to return to being the original me. Or did I? After nine months of being continually...

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Hooking Her Up

This story takes place towards the end of my high school. I was over eighteen and ripe with energy that I didn’t know where it came from; energy that kept me restless and got me into trouble more than once. There were five members in our household: my uncle, his wife, my grandmother, my younger aunt, and myself. My younger aunt was the smallest of my mother’s siblings and was still waiting to be married. But this story is not about her; it is about my uncle’s wife. My uncle’s wife didn’t...

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The Writers Makeover

THE WRITER'S MAKEOVER by Throne "Please, you don't understand." The man strapped into the make-up chair was short and slender. All he had on was panties and a ruffled band around is chest that covered his nipples and the next few inches below them. "I do write those stories but I never wanted to really.... to actually..." "Never you mind that, honey," said the woman who was looking over a selection of cosmetics. She was Black and wore her hair natural, like an Afro, but very...

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The Neighborhood Girls

-ONE- Larry and Dan watched as their friend frantically struggled against the ropes.Greg, his hands tied above his head, kicked out and spat in an attempt to keepNatalie, his young sister, from approaching. All three of the boys were atthe age where the thought of being at a girl's mercy was unthinkable... particularlya younger sister. Throughout their lives, girls had always been bothersomecreatures, tolerated and ignored. Watching the struggles of his friend and the smirk on Natalie's face,...

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The Tribulation of John Michael SteeleChapter 20

“So, he’s willing to see us, speak with us,” said Victoria. “Not exactly,” said Jennifer. “Yes, he’s is willing, reluctantly willing, to speak with you, that is one of you. But that’s it, just one of you. He does not want to be ganged up on which is what he thinks you’ll do if he opens the door to widely. So anyway, he will talk with one of you but only one.” “What the hell!” said Victoria. “Doesn’t he get it. He saved my husband’s life. There is nothing that we won’t do for him. He just...

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A Subs Recurring DreamChapter 2 reality bites

It was about three weeks after the exchange of emails where Charlady revealed her recurring erotic dream. A flurry of emails between Master Ray and herself had led to the chance of a weekend away together, for Charlady a chance to prove her dedication to becoming her master's ultimate submissive slut. Although they had never previously met, they both knew many intimate things about each other and the level of honesty and trust was unsurpassed. Master Ray knew the limits set by Charlady and...

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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 10

As soon as her architectural practice began to take off, Helen had recognized the need for an office staff that could support her design work and keep things going while she traveled and, after her move to Cap d'Agde, provide a Paris location for her consulting business. She had looked for an office for some time, but wasn't satisfied either with dingy quarters near Montparnasse or elegant offices on the Right Bank. It didn't seem to matter where they were, they were all expensive. And she...

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It seemed to Ken that time had slowed down to a snails pace as he watched the events unfold before him. The door to his sister's bedroom seemed to take forever to open and for Connie to step inside. Connie's head was down as she placed something in her purse before it rose up. That act also seemed to take forever as did her eyes growing wide as she took in the scene in front of her.Ken could blame no one but himself as had been pushing his luck as of late, but never imagined that he would...


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