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Dedication: To the people who read my first effort of a published story and their words of encouragement. I hope this is to the same standard I have set myself. To the FM staff of editors and readers thank you for this site. This story may be posted to free archive sites or anywhere that does not charge for the usage of their archive. If you have any comments about my stories please don't hesitate to contact me via my email address: [email protected]. Perspective By allie elle A young man after accidentally damaged the window of a shop he runs. He accepts a lift from a woman and his life undergoes a lot of changes. He realises that things were out of his hands and he found that times a change of perspective is a good thing. Part One: The Beginning Robert was disgusted at the world; Mrs. Riley his landlady had just thrown him out. She was not usually so forceful in her behaviour; she had just barred the door to him. He had spent the last four hours touring the dirty populated streets wondering what he was going to do with himself. He huddled in the doorway of a derelict shop as he tried to keep himself dry. Further down the street two homeless people were huddled in another doorway, keeping the rain off them. He did not relish the thought of a life on the streets. He was a small man with a thick head of black hair, he hardly grew any facial hair and his body was covered apart from the usual bush between his legs with a sparse covering. He looked down the street again and shivered at the thought what he would have to suffer living on the streets. He hunched his shoulders and hurried out of this part of the town towards the better lit areas. He avoided looking at people as he had the feeling that he was being watched closely by someone. He walked quickly to the better side of town and stopped outside a boutique keeping dry by standing under the awning that shaded its window display from sunlight. He stood there thinking about what had happened and he started to realise what had caused Mrs. Riley to throw him out. Tony Harris had called round the night before and had badgered Robert to go out for a bit of fun. He was the sort of person that was not a leader but a follower due to his diminutive stature. He had always been the same and as he was a child from care he learnt the best way to avoid bullying was to go along with the bigger children. Tony had talked Robert into joining him and they stole a car to do a bit of joy riding. They had been stopped by the local cops and they had arrested Tony as he was wanted for multiple counts of auto theft. They had released Robert after six hours with a warning and the young man had returned to his bedside. Mrs Riley had been waiting for him and her face was drawn into a pinched scowl. She waited for him to explain his actions, as she waited she looked him up and down, his appearance was much to be desired to say the least. She had stood there dressed in her business suit and had launched into tirade about how she would never give a room to a criminal. With that she had slammed the door in his face not even allowing him to pick up his belongings. This caused him to stand there for at least five minutes staring open mouthed at the firmly closed door. After he had decided that he would walk through town and later return to try and get his property after the irate woman had time to calm down. As he stood under the awning he looked at his soaked clothes and the mess the rain had made of his hair. He turned and looked down at the concrete pavement under his feet he saw a fist sized stone. This he picked up and weighed it in his hand, it was a comfortable weight. He bounced it in his palm and considered what had happened with his life. He turned towards the street and tossed the stone, the toss he misjudged and he slipped also. The stone went flying from his hand and it punched a clean hole in the plate glass of the window. He stood there for a few seconds shocked at what he had done. He hurried on sure that he had the word vandal tattooed to his face, the feeling that he was being watched was getting strong. He turned to an intersection and stood there for a few seconds and he considered what he was going to do. As he stood there a sleek four by four pulled up beside him and the passenger window rolled down. "Hi!" The voice from inside was forceful but friendly. "Hi" Robert replied a little unsure about where this was going. "You look as if you could do with a hand." "Yeah life's a bitch at the moment." "Well can I give you a lift somewhere?" "I'm not really going anywhere." "Any where is as good a place as any. I'm Julia Stevens." "A pleasure Ma'am." "Well get in." Robert climbed into the passenger seat of the four by four and got a good look at the woman. She looked as though she was used to being in command of the situation, she was also well dressed. She sat at the controls of the vehicle her well-manicured hands resting lightly on the steering wheel. On her wrist there was a gold bracelet marked with a strange sigil. It looked as though it was an eye and it seemed to be looking at Robert. As he looked at it, it seemed to wink, he did a double take and he settled back into the seat. He settled down and he could barely see above the dashboard of the large vehicle, Julia started to talk and was questioning him about his past. Julia seemed to be intent on drawing his secrets out; he was forced to consider his answers. She was asking him about his childhood and the sort of games he used to play. He had to think hard, as there was one secret he wished to keep to himself. As he was growing up in care he used to play a lot with the girls in the home. He was happiest playing house with the young girls; he was always picked due to his size to be the little girl of the family. This he enjoyed as it meant he was not trying to compete with the boys in something. He started to think about where he had gone wrong, the company he had been forced to keep as he grew into adolescence. They carried on talking about things as they drove through the town; the ride was smooth as the vehicle was obviously top of the line. They drove out of the town into the suburbs and the better priced properties and Robert was starting to wonder where he would end up. Julia stopped asking questions and was concentrating on her driving as the roads gave way to country roads. She drove like she looked, always sure of what she was doing. Robert gave his attention to the woman and he took in what she was wearing. He considered that she was what he would call power dressed. A white blouse with a charcoal business suit, also her legs were fairly well defined. Also she looked as though she could pass of as a nanny to a successful business family. He looked around the vehicle and his gaze settled on an item on the back seat, it was a child's booster seat. It was set by the rear passenger side of the vehicle; next to it sat a rag doll. Also on the back seat was a large blonde teddy bear with a set of children's colouring books. Julia stopped the car in a lay-by next to a field. "Robert maybe you would be happier if you could see where we are heading?" She asked gently. "Yes Ma'am maybe that would be better. Then I could tell you when I want to get out." Julia was out of the driving seat and she walked around to the passenger door. She opened it and at the same time opened the rear door. She gestured to Robert to come round to the back; he did it and found himself lifted onto the booster seat. He flashed a quick crimson as Julia fastened the seat belt for him. He tried to tell her that he could carry the booster seat round to the front seat. Julia told him that she was not going to break the law, as young children should travel in the rear of cars. "Ma'am but I ain't a child!" Robert protested. "If a police officer stops us do you think that he would think you are an adult?" With that she closed the door and walked round to the drivers side of the car and they started their journey again. Robert now sat in the back seat could see less than he could see from the front seat. He was starting to get bored sat in the back seat and to do something he looked at the colouring books. They were geared towards young girls and had a Disney theme. He looked out of the window and he saw that they had pulled into the driveway that looked long. They drove and as the driveway curved he could see an imposing house and they drew up to the front of the house. The car slowed then stopped and Robert tried to release the seat belt. It seemed to be jammed and he had to wait for Julia to come round to release him. She quickly walked round and released him and without allowing him time to think lifted him from the seat. She also placed the teddy bear in his arms and she took his free hand. He was starting to get worried about what he had got into as he was tugged gently but firmly towards the house. They reached the steps leading up to the front of the house and Julia carried on up to the front door and entered the hallway of the house. Julia stopped and allowed Robert to look around; it was well-furnished and showed good taste. Julia then lead Robert towards the upstairs of the house and to a bed room that was almost bare. She left him there told him to freshen up as she would like to talk to him and would send the maid to fetch him. He sat on the bed in the bare room and allowed his thoughts to surface for the first time since meeting this self assured woman. He considered the line her questions had taken and he slowly realised that she had plans for him and he wondered if he would have a say in his future. He looked around the room and he saw a door that lead to an ensuite bathroom. He decided that the best thing to do was to follow the instructions and freshen up. Stripping of his jacket and shirt he washed and tried to clean himself off, it took him a little while to get himself clean again. After he had finished cleaning himself up there came a light tap on the bedroom door. "Sir Madam is ready to receive you now." A light voice informed him. He looked out at the sight of a maid dressed in a severe uniform but her face was kind and she had a smile on her face. The voice was friendly and warm, the maid saw the teddy bear and she smiled. There was a secret behind that smile but it was not a bad secret. She waited for Robert to join her and she led him down the corridor and down stairs. She kept up a light chatter about the house and Miss Stevens. She told him that Miss Stevens owned a chain of upmarket boutiques around the country. After hearing this Robert started to get worried about the reason he was here, he thought about the accident with the stone. He wondered if the store was one of the ones owned by the lady that had picked him up and brought him here. Molly stopped in front of a door and knocked twice and waited for an answer. After she seemed to hear a voice from within she ushered him into a room with wall to wall bookcases. Julia Stevens was sat in a deep armchair, she had a file open on her lap and she looked up and smiled. She motioned for Robert to sit himself on a footstool in front of the chair where she was sitting. Robert slowly walked across the room and sat where indicated and waited for the woman to speak. After few seconds Julia Stevens seemed to go back to the file that she was studying, in fact she was watching the young man's mannerisms. After a few minutes he seemed to relax and her observations continued as he relaxed and seemed to lose the need to give out an image. He adjusted the way he sat and he drew his legs together and placed his hands in his lap together lightly. Julia watched and she thought that when he relaxed he seemed to act like a young girl. Robert sat relaxed as he waited for Julia Stevens to decide that she was ready to talk to him. He moved his body into the position that he felt was comfortable to him. He found himself relaxing into the way of sitting that the young girls in the home had taught him to sit. It seemed a comfortable and natural way for him to sit and he seemed to relax even further. Also as he sat there his fingers crept to his mouth and he pulled a few strands of hair to his mouth. He started to chew on it in an unconscious mannerism that he used when he was stressed. Part Two: Questions Asked After Julia had watched him for a few minutes and when she thought him well relaxed she closed the file with a snap. Robert jumped at the sharp sound as the file was closed firmly and he looked up the few strands of hair still held in his teeth. He watched as Julia Stevens reached forward and removed the hair from his mouth. She smiled gently as she saw the look of fear flick across his face, she got out of the chair and motioned for Robert to remain seated. "Robert if I may ask a few questions will you give me honest answers." She asked. "Yes Ma'am i will try." To Julia even his manners were like a young child's when face with her imposing presence. "Good." Julia crouched down to look Robert in the eyes. She took a deep breath wondering if her thought were right about this. "Robert have you ever played with girls?" "What do you mean I ain't no rapist!" "I did not mean that, you were, what I meant is that when you were younger did you join in with the girls and their games?" Robert blushed and he wondered what he could say now he had given his word to answer truthfully. He looked at the floor and stared at his shoes hard as he considered what this woman would think of him. She had already treated him once like a child and he thought that she would be disgusted by the fact that as a boy up till the age of thirteen he had played house. Julia waited for the reply and she noticed that the young man was looking down at the floor. He seemed to be thinking hard about the answer and she wondered if she had put too much pressure on him too early. She then noticed that he seemed to relax again and the hardness left his face, as he seemed to be remembering happier times. The smile seemed to spread from nervousness to happiness very quickly and Julia noticed that he had started to swing his legs from side to side like a young girl. "Yes ma'am I did I enjoyed playing with other girls and we played house and tea parties." Julia did a double take as she heard him speak; she thought she had heard the man mispronounce what he meant to say. Did he actually say other girls and not the girls, she started to wonder how exactly this young man viewed himself. She watched closely for a minute and the young man started to become tense and seemed to think about how he was sitting. He slouched as he was relaxing but Julia could see that the action was actually forced. She thought about how she would continue and she smiled, she remembered that one set of the bookcases held children's titles. "Robert why don't you see if the book cases over there," She pointed to a set of shelves next to the fireplace, "See if there is a book you love to read?" Robert stood up and walked over to the set of shelves and scanned the titles, halfway along the third shelf was a book he always loved and he pulled it off the shelf. He walked back to the footstool and sat down again. He opened the book and started to read and relax again; as he did this again his mannerisms became girlish. He started to giggle at a passage in the book and did not notice Julia nod to herself and smile. She sat back down in the armchair and considered what she would do; the young man had damaged the frontage of one of her shops. She sat for fifteen minutes watching the young man as he read, he was completely engrossed in the book. The title was Rapunzell, Julia wondered if Robert identified with the imprisoned princess in some way. "Roberta do you like the book?" She deliberately used the feminine form of his name to gauge the reaction. As she said this Robert looked up and as he realised that she had called her Roberta tears started to flow down his fine cheeks. Julia was worried that she had caused harm to the young man by what she had just done and she got ready to ring for Molly to take him back to the town. "Miss Stevens please don't think bad of me." Robert pleaded. "Why should I think bad of you?" "Because I want to be a girl." This came out as a rush of words. Robert started to explain his feelings, about his past and what his childhood was like. He felt that the little girls were treated better than the boys. That boys had to compete with each other to be the toughest. Any sign of caring about others was sissy, being good caused beatings by other boys. He had learnt to hide his wishes over time and became more macho to make up for his lack of size. He had become a follower for protection and that had led him into trouble. He had always stayed away from as much bullying as he could as he always looked after the little kids in the home. As the young man continued with his story of his life Julia felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. She considered what her next move would be and she decided that she needed a night to think. She felt like a fairy godmother at the birth of a princess. In some ways the analogy was a good one because of the bracelet she wore, it was called the eye of Gaia. It was the mark of her true calling, she was a white witch someone who used magic for the good of others. Also she yearned for a daughter, her original thought was to punish him for the damage to one of her shops but her heart was melting towards the youth that sat in front of her. "Robert why don't you take the book upstairs, molly will show you to your room and help you get ready for dinner." She told him. He nodded as the maid appeared at the ring of a service bell; Robert followed her back through the house again filling the silence with her chatter. She led him up the main staircase and down a different corridor, this was lighter and showed signs of life. Molly opened a door and motioned for Robert to go inside, He walked in and stopped his mouth dropped as he looked around. It was a room fit for a princess, taking up the middle of the room was a canopy bed filled with stuffed toys. It was a warm room very welcoming and Robert turned about to take the whole set- up. Molly had disappeared into the ensuite bathroom and the sounds of a bath carried through into the room. She told him to strip and stood in the doorway watching, she started to tap her foot as she waited for the young man to strip. Embarrassed Robert started to strip as the maid watched and as his clothes fell to the floor she collected them. Once he had finished undressing Molly took every thing from the room, Robert climbed into the bath and was surprised that the water smelled nice and it was bubbly. Downstairs in the library Julia Stevens sat in her armchair, she was deep in thought. Her mind was in turmoil, how could her desire for vindictiveness had turned to a mothers love for a distraught child. She wondered if she was one of those women that was destined to be childless. Her feelings were confused as she sat staring into space. Time crept onward as the grandmother clock marked off the progression of seconds; Molly came into the room and curtsied to her mistress. "Yes Molly?" "Ma'am is dinner to be formal or informal?" "Formal Molly please inform our guest, oh and ask our guest if they would wish to use the clothes in the closets. If they decline postpone dinner till their clothes are clean." "Yes Ma'am," Molly curtsied again as she left the library. Julia stared into the fire again and her thoughts freewheeled as she considered her problem. Although it was obvious that somewhere in the young man was a little girl waiting to be free. Would it be the right thing to do, to help the child to become free? She looked deeper into herself and tried to find what her motivations were. She took a deep breath and settled deeper into the armchair, relaxed and took up the file again. She looked at the figures displayed on hard print, her shops were doing well and she considered if she could play some of her stocks against others and make a killing. As she sat with the files on her lap she could feel her feelings swelling towards the boy/girl upstairs. An hour later Molly walked back into the library with a smile, she dropped a deep curtsy to her employer. If indeed her smile could get any wider it did and she seemed to burst with news. As she stood there a knock came at the library door, and it slowly opened. Julia looked up and her face registered a deep shock. Framed in the doorway was Robert but it was not Robert, the raven black hair was brushed back into a pageboy style. He dropped a curtsy although it was a bit clumsy and she had to try and stifle a laugh at the attempt. "Good Day Miss Stevens is this formal enough for dinner?" He asked. Julia nodded and the boys face lit up at the unspoken compliment, and he seemed to blush. This further confused Julia, as the action was all girlish, also the dress that adorned the young frame was a child's party dress. Slowly Julia stood up and walked to the doorway and examined the dress for imperfections. "Ma'am dinner is served, if the young Miss would like to follow us." Molly said breaking the silence. Julia led the way to the dinning room and she noticed that two places were set, her was at the usual position at the head of the table and to the left there was a second setting. A bottle of wine was by her glass and a water glass was set at the second place next to it was a small jug of blackcurrant juice. Molly led Robert to the second place and pulled the chair back. After Julia had sat down Molly sat the feminised young man at the place set for him/her. She poured a water glass full of the cordial for Robert and then poured wine for her mistress. Dinner was then served, Julia's was her normal gourmet fare and the second set of food was from a nursery menu. For the first time since leaving care Robert felt happy, he ignored the feeling that he was ridiculous dressed as he was. He was enjoying the feeling of the dress, he asked Miss Julia to refer to him as Roberta or Bobbi. Miss Julia agreed to do this and this caused him to smile, dressed as he was and being treated the way he was being treated seemed to complete him. As they reached the desert course Molly served a child's portion of ice cream to him and he attacked it with relish. Julia forwent the pleasure of desert for a cup of coffee, she watched as the small serving of ice cream disappeared and she considered what she would ask Robert/Roberta. Finally the meal was over and the two of them headed towards a sitting room to watch some television. Julia was becoming concerned about what she was going to ask of the feminised male, she then remembered her credos. As a white witch her magic could only be used of the good of the person it was aimed at. If what she was going to ask was wrong the spell would not work, this made her able to relax as she watched a drama on the television. She reached for a small thin wooden box, which inside nestled a thin straight twig of white rowan. "Robert..." "It's Roberta Ma'am." "Robert!" "Yes ma'am?" "May I ask you a question?" "Ma'am." "Were you forced to wear the dress by Molly to please me?" "No Ma'am, Molly offered to have my clothes cleaned but I saw the closets full of these pretties and I wished to look pretty. It has been a long time when I was little and played house we would play dress up too but never with a dress as pretty as this." The young mans face glowed as he remembered his happy times. "So Robert if you could be Roberta full time you would wish to be her?" "Ma'am I guess you think me a pervert and sick." The expression changed to one of sorrow. "Robert, I was going to punish you for breaking the window of one of my shops but my wishes have changed, you see the bracelet it is called the eye of Gaia it allows me to do magic. I wish to give you your desire but also I wish for a child a daughter in fact. Would you become that daughter for me?" "Ma'am!" the reply was squealed girlishly, "Can I call you mommy?" "Yes Roberta you may." With that Julia grabbed the rowan wand tightly and tapped it against her palm, she told Roberta to go and fetch an old book from the library. She scampered off almost skipping to get the tome, Julia watched as the display of childish glee echoed form the hallway. Roberta skipped back into the sitting room with the volume. She placed the book on the lap of the woman, and she sat down on the floor waiting for the woman to speak. She watched as Julia flicked through the aged pages, she scanned the pages looking for a particular spell. She found it and she took the page from the book and scanned it slowly, she lifted the rowan wand and then stood over Roberta. "Salla morta invictis..." Julia intoned. As she spoke a white light flowed from the wand and enveloped the person sitting on the floor. The light pulsed with a beat of life and it grew strong then weak as it flowed out. A voice joined in to the light and it seemed to grow and fade with the light pulse. The face in the middle of the light softened and started to lose years, it then rounded and became more childlike. The body shrank and softened and a layer of baby fat rounded the body, the face became concerned as sensations flowed through it. The clothes fell from the body and the small form stood up a bit unsteadily. The area between the legs was bathed in a pink mist but changes could be seen to take place. Julia watched the changes take place and she was glad that there was no pain for the recipient of the spell. The light faded and a small girl stood there in place of the small male body that had been there previously. She stood there and the final change took place and the raven black hair was changed to an auburn head of hair to match Julia's. As the child stood there her thumb crept towards her mouth and a look of concern crossed the little face. The child started to hop from foot to foot in distress; it looked up at Julia with a pleading look. Julie realised that with the change the amount of cordial that was drunk by the larger body would be causing a slight problem. She rang for Molly and when the maid appeared she asked the maid to get a potty chair from the nursery. The maid rushed off to do her mistresses bidding but by the time she returned it was too late and the transformed Roberta stood in the middle of wet clothes that she had been wearing before the transformation. Roberta stood in the midst of the sodden clothes her face a bright crimson; she looked to her new mommy and the corners of her mouth turned down. "I'm sowwy mommy." She started to cry. Julia walked to her new daughter and picked up the child and hugged her hard. She let feelings of warmth flow from her to ease the worries of the transformed adult and she turned to her maid. Without a word Molly picked up the soiled clothes and left the sitting room, Julia followed the maid and then carried the child upstairs to the bathroom that adjoined the master bedroom and the nursery. Molly quickly reappeared and started to draw a bath for the child and added a measure of bubble bath. The two women bathed the child and Roberta splashed in the water letting her child side a free rein. After the bath Julia settled her daughter in the nursery in a cot after dressing her and putting a pair of thick training panties on the child and let her sleep. Part three: A Fresh Start. The following morning Roberta woke a little confused about where she was, she looked around the room. As she turned her head her gaze was met by a large blonde teddy bear it was huge, she reached out and did a double take as she noticed her hand. My god I must be still asleep and dreaming, she though as she examined the chubby limb. It was obviously a little girls hand, what confused her though was the fact that as the hand was moved sensations travelled back to her mind. She lay there for a period of time that seemed eternal to her moving her hand in and out of her field of vision. She could feel the hand brush the soft pink blanket that she was tucked under; she could see a set of bars in her vision, which were just tall enough to stop her falling out of the bed. Her mind started to reel as she realised how she was thinking, everything was she and her and then mine. There was a bulk she could feel between her legs it stopped her from drawing her legs together. Also the waist and legs seemed to be tight against her flesh and the bulk was clammy. "Mommy, mommy..." She could hear a childish voice cry out and it took her a few seconds to realise that the voice was hers. After she had cried out a woman's face appeared in the doorway and it was lit by a gentle smile. Roberta recognised mommy Julia and she smiled as she watched the woman walk to the little bed. Julia walked over to her new daughter and looked down at the little girl lying under the blanket and she reached down to tickle the child. The sound of a childish giggle filled the nursery and Julia found herself laughing along with the little one. Molly appeared looking a little dishevelled she looked to her mistress and her new daughter and she did a mental inventory of her duties and wondered how she would find time to help care for the little girl. With a resigned sigh she set a bath to running for her employer to wash the child and set off back to her room to get her uniform on for the day. As she left the room she heard Julia tell her to dress casually for the day, as after they had broken their fast they were going shopping. She rolled her eyes; the previous evening Julia had called her from the boutique to tell her she was bringing in a young man who had vandalised her property. She had thought that the young man would spend a few days being forcefully feminised by her employer. But events had taken a strange turn and the young man had turned out to want to be a little girl from an early age. She dressed slowly even though she had been told to dress down she always took care of her appearance so that she would not show her employer up. Once dressed in a casual business suit of a deep purple topped off with an off cream blouse she walked back to the nursery. Julia was putting the struggling girl into a pair of training panties; on the dresser was a pair of frilly rhumba panties with a pretty party dress. The closet doors in the nursery were open and most of the space was empty. Finally the struggle ceased as Julia talked to the newly transformed little girl, and the small child was dressed for the day. She looked no more than three years old and the hair was long enough to be put into two braids. The child was sat on the dresser as her new mommy put a pair of ankle socks with a little frill at the top followed by a pair of shoes that matched the pretty pink dress. Roberta was beginning to remember what had happened to her and she started to smile. Finally her deepest wish was granted, she was a little girl happy to be dressed prettily with a mommy who loved her. She was unsure about Molly mommy's maid and stared at the woman with large hazel eyes that were framed by long soft lashes. Her thumb crept back to her mouth as she gauged the maid and wondered it this adult would be friend or just someone who helped mommy. Molly could almost feel the force of the thoughts coming from the child and she considered her own feelings for the new child. She considered it hard and she realised that most of her dislike was from the fact that the arrival of the child meant more work. As she stood there thinking Julia looked at the exchange of looks between the two other occupants of the house and she thought about what this would mean to her maid. She came to a decision very quickly and smiled at her maid. "Molly I have reached a decision, I am to become a stay at home mom." She laughed. "Yes Ma'am." "That means that the care of Roberta falls to me." "Yes ma'am." With that the three of them retired to the kitchen where cook had prepared breakfast, oatmeal for Roberta and a continental breakfast for the two women. They discussed their plans and Roberta listened to the adults as they talked about the shopping trip. They walked out to the car and Roberta was placed in a child seat in the rear of the four by four. They pulled away towards the town and the start of the days shopping. Roberta settled her self hugging the rag doll and she vowed to herself to be the best daughter in the world. She sighed as she remembered her past and her mistakes as Robert and that side of her mind sighed. She had made a lot of mistakes in her life as Robert following the crowd and getting into trouble, sometimes a change of perspective is needed to see the proper picture. She smiled as she thought about a new life of pretty dresses, ballet and possibly a pony some time in the future. She closed her eyes and let Robert drift away her little rosebud lips turned up into a smile as she settled for a nap as mommy drove. The end

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Namaskar dosto mera naam aman hai. This is my first story on this site. I have been a big fan of iss and I have been reading stories on this site for the past two years and today I decided to post my story. The story is about me and my bhabhi with whom I had a beautiful sexy encounter out of nowhere. Let me introduce my bhabhi first. Sorry, I can not tell you guys the name of her because of some reasons but we can assume a fake name of her say priya. Name ke bina feeling aana mushkil so let me...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Cum On My Tattoo

I love Ramon Nomar, he’s such a professional. He’s never late, very polite, is a GREAT fuck, learns his lines, plus that accent makes me wet – unfortunately the script he was studying was for the wrong scene! VERY fortunately for him, this is an episode of CUM ON MY TATTOO – no script, no plot, just sex! Today he gets to fuck the director and I think I’ll let him direct me, who doesn’t like a little roleplay? I’ll let him be the boss of me just this one...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Isabelle Deltore Cum On My Tattoo

Aussie blonde Isabelle Deltore was working that ass hard in her little pink thong to get in shape for the fitness competition this weekend, but her trainer Small Hands didn’t think she was serious about it. She’s been upping her reps and weights and is still nowhere near her goals! That settles it. They need to focus on her protein outtake. She didn’t really understand at first, but Small Hands helpfully explained that things would be better for her if she got some cum on her...

2 years ago
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The rest of the week

That whole day at work I was useless. I couldn’t concentrate; I kept wondering what my wife was doing. I didn’t know what was happening at my sister-in-law’s house and I couldn’t imagine what was happening. Maybe my nightmare was over and one night of Jeannie fucking a black man was all I had to deal with.When I came home from work my first day my worst fears were confirmed. My wife and Heather’s boyfriend were out by the pool laying in the shade of an umbrella, naked. My wife was on her...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Alyssa Bounty Stud Psychologist Prescribes Stiff Cock for Nympho Client

Psychologist Vince Karter, after meeting his newest client Alyssa Bounty, comes to know that shes a cock-craving nymphomaniac with a serious problem. When the session is interrupted by a phone call from Vinces wife, Alyssa being the horny little slut that she is opens her legs and starts fingering herself in an attempt to get Vinces cock hard. The stunt works like a charm and as soon as Vince hangs up the phone, he goes over to his newest client, who at this point is bending over his chair, and...

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Ed BiggersChapter 7

Ed woke up on the floor of the playroom with Beth, Kelly, and Ling. Beth was spooned against him while Kelly and Ling were sleeping together. The hand moving on his cock suggested that Beth was not asleep. He moaned as his cock erected under her gentle administrations. As a result his moans, she knew that she was having a real effect on Ed. Beth increased the pressure of her grip on his cock. He shifted giving her easier access to it. The noise woke Kelly. Pouting, she came over and said,...

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 14 Rachelrsquos walk home

Rachel waited at the street corner outside of school, trying not to draw too much attention to the way she was barely dressed as she waited for Kelly to come by. She looked up as she heard her friend approach and blushed, refusing to look her in the eyes, trying to act as though nothing had happened. “Alright, let’s go home, Kelly. I’ve got a ton of homework tonight and it sucks. What about you?” she asked as she started to walk. Kelly walked with Rachel, noticing the other students stopping...

3 years ago
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Black List III Rising TideChapter 16

“We’ll land in Port Louis shortly,” Graves announces as he enters the cargo area. Samantha and Spencer sit alone, away from the three soldiers that accompanied Graves earlier that morning. The other three are breaking down their weapons and cleaning them. “I think you owe us an explanation,” Spencer says, quickly getting down to business. “You’re absolutely right,” Graves says with a sigh. He takes a seat across from the two agents and begins giving it. “I am part of a secret special force...

4 years ago
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My Neighbor Nurse Next Door

It was a spring day as I was heading in to work at a local video store near the college I was attending in early May of 1993. School was out for the summer and I didn't enroll in any of the summer classes like I've done after both my freshman & sophmore years. I found out I was ahead of schedule and I still have another two more years, instead of one. Therefore, I decided to take the summer off and work a little more. Originally, I was born & raised in SE. Michigan in the early '70s. I...

1 year ago
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A Fantasy Too Far Chapter 3

She pulled herself together in time to go to work like nothing ever happened. Just a normal Monday morning. She supposed that all things considered, she wasn't really cut out to be a basement slave for the rest of her life after all, but living out the fantasy of it would have been better if it had lasted longer. Though just like fairy tales and romantic comedies ending at the wedding, stories and roleplays of breaking the will of a kidnapped slave always stop after the exciting parts. The...

2 years ago
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Through a Glass Dimly Book 3Chapter 18

It's been almost five years. Our Sunday school class graduates from high school including our special daughter, Karen. We now also have a son, Bert, who is partnered with similar results as we had with Laura. We had gone to the island but he wasn't conceived until a week later. Brightgazer is not a clone of Stargazer but it doesn't really matter. He's good for Bert who is growing well and rapidly. He is a junior but won't be an Al to avoid being called "junior" all his life. Karen has...

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Guilty Pleasures 12

GUILTY PLEASURESTakes place some time after Fantasy GirlSynopsisAfter Laura Vandervoort gives in to Hollywood pressure and marries her boyfriend Corey, Jan tries to move on. But moving on comes in a form he never expected… Part I Location: The Hague in the NetherlandsDate: Present dayTime: 12.30pm I stood on the train making my way home from work, cup of iced mocha in hand. I was frowning, still upset over the fact that Laura Vandervoort had recently been in the papers. Not so long ago,...

3 years ago
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My Wild Dreams

I am Pooja sonar from Mumbai. I am 21 years old. I am 5’5″ tall with big bengali breasts and big swaying ass. Fair color. I have firm breasts and I am very proud of those globes. They make every male look at me twice. I have good figure 36-26-36. I Have light brown color pointed nipples with big areola. It is my last year in college. I had applied for one entrance. Last month I got admit card for the entrance. The center was far from my place. Jess(sooraj) is my younger cousin brother. He told...

4 years ago
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The Awakening of Reema 8211 Part 3

Kindly read the series from the first part. All your suggestions, criticisms and friendly msgs are more than welcomed at Reema, had a different idea in her mind. She hugged Pallavi. Pallavi : What happened babes? i know something is disturbing you. Reema : I am feeling jealous of that bitch Tanya. When Rahul was fucking her. I got so jealous that i wanted to slap that slut. More than her enjoying it, it was Rahul’s words that made me angry. Pallavi : So this is the issue. Reema : I dont want...

4 years ago
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Sex in front of husband

Hello Indian sex stories readers, this is Vishal 33 years from Bangalore, I came to this site by accident, I love stories on this site and like the concept of this site, ok lets go to my story. The story was real and no fantasy or imagination, this was happened just 2 months back. I had friend by name Kumar (not real) and was very close to me and he had sister by name Sunitha (not real), our house were in the same area she was loving a guy and they had some problem and after that they separated...

3 years ago
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Its For Charity

It's for Charity Mr. Edgar Murray, one of the heads of the well-respected Lionheart Charitable Foundation, walked through his modest office with a proud and confident stride. He sat down at his desk, interlacing his fingers together as his shrewd eyes fixed themselves on the two youths sitting before him. One was pale skinned, had red hair and green eyes and seemed to have a constant sneer on his freckled face. The other one had much darker skin, brown eyes, black hair and a tattoo of a hawk on...

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The RescuedChapter 19 SM03Tau Day 0 continued

Steve entered the room where he had awakened, and closed the door. Once he had done so, he addressed the ceiling. "OK, assholes, here it is. You said you'd contact us only in an emergency. We'll I've got a nice juicy emergency right here. I've got a woman on the edge of insanity, because she was pregnant, and now she isn't. I need answers, and I need them now. If I don't get them, your entire species is going to regret ever evolving language skills." Steve knew he had no way of...

3 years ago
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They That Have Power Book IIIChapter 19 Sunday August 8 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010 Jake sat with his arm around his grandmother. Granddad was well into his sermon and was getting charged up. Jake normally enjoyed listening to his grandfather preach, but he had other things to think about that morning. Although he wanted to focus on his own problem, Jake had not seen Gramma that often lately. He glanced into her mind to see how she was doing. Gramma was paying more attention to the sermon than Jake was. He wondered how she did that. She must have...

4 years ago
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The Perversion of Lady Jane GreyChapter 5

Daphne shivered, she was so tempted, but the situation was very strange. The man had something about him, he was eloquent and persuasive, but something made her cautious. Was it the environment she wondered? She had never been in a building like this one, or witnessed as many wonders in such a short period of time. The man returned and immediately spoke. He had a strange Germanic accent that had only added to the queerness of the day. "Well my Lady Daphne is your mind now knowing what it...

1 year ago
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BenjamandaChapter 24

Mandy’s turn: Out at the south end of the lake, anchored in twelve feet of water, the three of us naked in the master cabin. This time, Bink ended up in the middle when we went to sleep, so in the dim light coming in from the portholes I can make out the form of my brown-haired sister curled up against our male mate. She’s just plain cute. So’s our Ben, curled up facing her, his arm draped over her. They’re a perfect pair. I’m not jealous. I’m just as subject to be in the same position as...

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Roommatesbysamslam©"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my sister said, not meaning what I wish she had meant."What I mean is... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to...

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Hot Teen on a Cold Winter Night

My wife, the kids and I were visiting her nephew and family in the mountains of N. C. one Thanksgiving in the early 60s. They lived in an old Mill Village in one of the Mill houses that had been slightly renovated in recent years. When they were originally built, they had no electric lights, no running water and no inside toilets. They now had electricity and water inside and two bathrooms had been added to the rear of the house on the back porch with entrances through the two back bedrooms...

2 years ago
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Bea Seadottir wants you to slap that little fellow around

Jack it for me. Take off those pants and get comfortable. I am Bea Seadottir. An Icelandic girl, raised in France and living in British Columbia, in the woods, in Canada. In the Meditation Centers of Roscoe Forthright, I teach oral sex. I teach fifty ways to suck, lick, kiss, and caress miraculous erect cocks.You. You, wherever you are, watching this video. If you are a boy. Take out your smooth, soft cock. And jack it for me. You are my novice. My initiate. My student. I will teach you a thing...

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unique honemoon 2

hello Huma is here again with the second part of Veena’s unique honeymonn. I hope you liked the first part as i have started getting mails from so many readers. I woke at six in the morning. My body ached and there was paing in every part of my body. My ass was sore from the brutal fucking it had received from the cruel master still lying in deep sleep. I got up and went to use the toilet. When i was having a cold bath, I saw my asscheks with red marks from the spankings I had got in a gift...

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My Religious Fucking Family

My name is Mike and I live in a nice house with my mom (Anne) and my dad (Paul or Reverend Paul) as his church members refer to him. My dad is 68 and my mom is 60 and their world revolves around, making money and the church. Mom has a ladies group and they do nice things for people but in reality, their just snooty, two faced old hypocrite’s. My dad’s worse, he tells everybody else how to live but doesn’t do any of the things, he preach’s. He treats my mom badly by belittle’ing her and bitching...

2 years ago
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Pleasing Bill A Crossdressing Story 3

[/b]I woke up early the morning after my first day of being Bill’s live in slut. I got up to listen and hear my dad and siblings leaving for work around 7. I was going to wait for all of them to leave before I dress and go back to Bill’s at 12. I went to lie back down but before I could, I heard my mom call me. “James, honey. Can you come down here?” I didn’t know what to say a first. She probably wants to talk about how she saw me last night. I guess there was nothing else I could do but go...

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My Wifes friend Mandy

My wife had one of those home parties, the ones that make women spend all of their money on things that they don’t really need. I decided to stay home and help my wife get ready for it. She had various food and drinks spread out around the kitchen. Soon the guess started to show. I started answering the door, telling them that the party was out on the deck.  The first person that showed up was Kate. Her eyes lit up when she saw me. She came in, kissed me on the cheek and gave me a hug. As she...

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Vanessas Island Chapter Ten

‘Does it feel good when I do this?’ Vanessa asked, briefly clenching her pussy muscles around my cock as she pumped up and down on it. ‘It feels like your pussy is wanking me off,’ I cried. ‘My pussy is wanking you off and sucking you off and fucking you all at the same time. Isn’t she a naughty, clever little pussy,’ she explained, her voice quavering and breaking in the ecstacy of the fuck. I grasped the cheeks of her bottom, wet as they were with freely running sweat, and rolled her over...

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Jump through

“James strongarm, wake up!” A cute young woman stood over the sleeping boy. Saliva driped onto the paper beneath his head. He hummed in tired relief as his eyes slowly curled open. James looked roundround at his classmates that sat there bored and working as his teacher invaded his perimeter. “As James was awake and obviously listening he can answer the questions posed earlier!” She announced to the class prompting him to stand. “What is embalming?” James fidgeted and squirmed on the spot as...

1 year ago
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An afternoon rendezvous

I got the key from the front desk and we walked to the elevator. As soon as the elevator door closed, you were in my arms, lips pressed against mine, mouth open, tongue eagerly exploring my mouth. My hands were busy on your ass as you pressed your amazing body against mine. One hand dropped down and forced itself between us, finding my already hardening cock just as the elevator slowed for our floor. We parted with a final kiss just as the doors opened.We walked the short distance to our room....

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Enduring The New Arrangement

ENDURING THE NEW ARRANGEMENT ENDURING THE NEW ARRANGEMENTIt's so hard listening to the moans of ecstasy...Daphne never moaned like that, even in the old days when I was permitted to make love to her. And Tanner's laugh, the way he lights up a cigarette in the middle.  Not that I am allowed to watch. I'm just kneeling in a corner...the corner of the bedroom. The bad little boy, punished as always. Kneeling in the corner, facing those joined wooden walls, staring for an hour. Listening...

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Amy and Clara Prisoners in Space 2

Amy looked up at the computer screens situated all around the control room. They were displaying a message to “BEGIN EXPERIMENT 2”. Amy knew that Clara and herself would be the subjects of this experiment. What on Earth was going to happen to them? Suddenly pale yellow gas started to fill the control room. Amy yelped and desperately looked around for an escape route. To her dismay, there was no way out. The gas engulfed Amy and almost instantly she started to black out. She grasped at the...

1 year ago
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MonstersOfCock Candy White Takes on a Monster Cock

Candy White is a hot fresh addition to the business. She has an insatiable craving for black cock. So we decided to pair her up with our boy Pressure. We met her by the pool, where she showed us what she’s got. Soon after, she was unveiling the monster. She pulled his dick out and was shocked by just how massive it was. From there, Candy shoved his monster cock deep inside her throat, gagging several times. They moved inside for the real party to start. There, Candy’s pussy got stretched...

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DirtyWivesClub Angela White 23567

Gimme my money! Angela White’s husband owes 50 LARGE to Ricky, so he sends his wife to his associate’s location in the middle of nowhere with half of the amount owed. Ricky isn’t too happy when he hears that she’s not delivering the full amount, but she tells him that her husband has some other collateral he’s willing to put up: her pussy. Ricky can’t believe it when he hears that the man indebted to him is willing to pony up his wife as part of the payment – or at least until payment is made...

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The Best SistersChapter 23

With the children out of the houses and scattered all over the country, and the grandchildren seldom coming over, Melissa and Michelle concluded their Astor Streets mansions were too large. Thus they decided to down size. Both places were too roomy for them so they agreed to sell. None of their children wanted it. They loved being in the suburbs while Olivia's family moved to Phoenix, Arizona. Mona's family relocated to Durham, North Carolina for her husband's new job. The rest were...

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A Muse by Any Other Name Would Spell as Sweet

A Muse by Any Other Name Would Spell as Sweet Copyright (c) 1999 by Chilli TNG Notes and Dedication: Not too long ago, in a galaxy not too far away, I made a suggestion . . . a simple, innocent suggestion. Part of the result of that suggestion was the creation of "Taco Belle," a wonderfully amusing story by my dear friend, Janice Dreamer. The scenario that Janice developed, though, just begged for a "what happened next" story, so here it is. But, if you haven't read...

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The Craving Part 4

By Andy Caulden Neil sat on the sofa in Paul's living-room, nursing a near-empty glass of red wine. The married bisexual was looking extremely nervous and uncomfortable, and he was clearly having second thoughts about going through with the good doctor's plan - he had been persuaded by Paul to become a bondage slave for the day; and in return, he would be allowed to have sex with me. Initially, Neil had readily agreed to be restrained and examined by the good doctor - he so wanted to...

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Lockdown with Daddy 1

“I do wish you would wear something in bed,” Ann said, “it’s not decent, especially men of your age.” “You never used to complain when we were first married,” he said. “Yes well that was a long time ago,” she replied, “you should act your age, let’s face it you’re no adonis, l for one don’t want to look at everything you’ve got.” “I’ve never worn pyjamas and l’m not starting now,” he replied, sitting back and reaching for his iPad. “Why don’t you read a book instead of tapping away on that...

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Dancing with Life

Copyright ©2003 Maureen L Reardon This is an original work and as such is protected under the copyright laws of the United States. Please do not duplicate, copy, print, distribute or exchange this piece without the expressed written permission of the author The flames were flickering brightly; As If Dancing with life. The fireplace had already captured the heat from the fire. Ryan was sitting on the floor in front of the fireplace leaning back on the edge of the couch. Ryan sipped a cup...

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Doctor Who Amy Captured Ch 02

Both the planet and its moon were rising, from the perspective of the asteroid. It painted the interior of the lab in soft white light, which Shimizu admired from her seat by the window. Her eyes had a dreamy, relaxed look about them as her mind wandered over the events of the last hour. As it finally settled on the image of Amy, bound naked in the other room. They had moved her, of course, but that image had looked too good for Shimizu to want to give up in a hurry.Mara, on the other hand, was...

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Starting College Right

You wake up squinting as the light pours in from a nearby window. You lay in bed as you try to sort out your surroundings. You're in your new dorm room. You're starting your freshman year at college. It's Saturday morning. You arrived here last night in order to attend the freshman orientation weekend before classes start on Monday. You're not really interested in the orientation activities, but you're hoping you can meet some other guys and maybe even get laid. You're still relatively...

4 years ago
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Sex Ka Maja Cold Drinks K Sath

Hey guys I’m sahil(name changd) from bhubaneswar. Age 20. Main ISS ka bht bada fan hoon aur bht si stry padhne k baad maine decide kiya k main v apni is ghatna ko aap k samne jahir krun. Baat kuch 8 10 mahine pehle ki hai, mera health lagatar decrease hote ja rha tha. Maine tay kiya ki doctor ko ja k dikhaun aur fir main KIMS gaya. Us doctor k side mein ek ladki v bethi thi jo ki usi colg mein mbbs kr rhi thi aur training purpose k liye wahan bethi thi. Main andr gaya doctr se apni problem...

3 years ago
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My Step Mommy Nagami

Hi ISS readers and this is Suresh from Andhrapradesh na age ippudu 25 years. I would like to narrate a wonderful experience happened in mhy childhood for your pleasure. Madi konchem rich family memu town ki dooramga oka farm house lo undevallamu. Naku 12 years unna;ppdu ma amma nirmala ma neighbour uncle tho lechipoyindi. Ma ammaki sex yava chala ekkuva. Ma dad business meeda monthly 25 days tours lo untadu. Ma dad ki ammaki age lo 14 years difference unnadi. Andukani ma ammaki satisfaction...

2 years ago
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The Bed of Roses DGH

Several authors are coming out with stories based on the song, ‘This Bed Of Rose’s.’ There are two main versions of this song, one by Tanya Tucker with the main character (other than Rose) being a young girl and a version by The Statler Brothers with the main character a young man. Having a choice of male or female for the main character offers many options for variations in the story line. The genesis of this story was an exchange of emails between Josephus and I and we decided it would be...

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Craving That Bitch Chapter Three

The next morning, Liam and I woke up to the sound of loud knocking at our front door. Worried that it could be the police, we hurriedly and made sure that they could not find the hidden trap door. We moved a table over the door. When I opened the door, there stood two policemen. They were dressed sharply and prepared to investigate. "Hello sir's"I said"Can we help you?" One of the police officer's held up a picture of Mia. "This girl has been missing for a day now. Have you seen...

2 years ago
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Birthday Session

THE BACKGROUND I received the ultimate gift from my wife on my birthday. I had no clue she was getting this ready for me. She did a masterful job protecting it from me so I couldn’t catch on. It helped that I was distracted with work, of course. What was it, you ask? 10-day-old disgusting, smell and sweat-soaked, worn pantyhose, worn at work, to bed (she actually covered them with clean socks so I wouldn’t find out), to the gym, 16 hours a day, for 10 days straight. They were tan colored,...

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Dracula and his Marvel Harem

It was a cold Night in Gotham. The snow was falling on the City and covering it in a soft white. Most of the Citizen stayed at home and only if it was necessary some of them left the warm homes. But some other used these night to make some Money. One of these Persons was Cat-Woman. She was on her way to the Gotham Museum of History. Her Contacts had informed her that they showed some ancient relicts from Transylvanian and one of these Artefacts was a Diamond that was called “The Cat”. It was...

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More with two girls

What an unbelievable weekend with Gwen and Sabrina. I'm almost 70 and am now taking a couple sick days from teaching so my aching body can recover. I had forgotten how many ways passionate bodies can contort but I am now paying for that lapse.I awoke Sunday mid morning alone in bed. I was sore. Sore in places I had not been sore in a long while and it felt really good. I could hear the two of them moving around in the other room getting a hearty brunch ready. As I lay slowly wakening I took in...

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I have lived next to the Andersons for three years now and every day I watch Mrs anderson or Julie as she has me call her do her aerobic work out she has a rockin bod for a woman in her thirties beautiful curly locks cascade down her perfect shoulders to suspend over her two mouth watering breasts and as she gyrates around the living room floor taking cues from the flat screen tv on the wall! Her long legs pump and kick and I can practically taste the sweat between her legs God she has to know...

1 year ago
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The Shower

It had been an unusually trying day and I had a lot right up front on my mind when I decided to relax a bit and take a shower. As I walked into the bathroom, I remember vaguely noting that someone else was also taking a shower, but since there were two shower stalls, I didn’t really pay any attention. I put my stuff down and removed my robe and laid it on the counter, grabbed a towel, hung it up and all this time, thinking about a dozen things, none of which had anything to do with the occupied...

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An INSight Exclusive Report Island Royale Institutional White Slavery in the New Millennium

____________________________ Every few years a newspaper or magazine article will be published, or perhaps a television documentary will be aired, seeking to expose the sordid operations of the so-called “white slavery” business: The illegal trafficking of women sold into a life of exploitation and involuntary prostitution. Almost always these reports have focused upon the cruelty of the slave trade and upon the appalling and often brutal conditions under which these unfortunate...

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This is the story of my relationship with my son Neal. My husband left in the middle of the night when Neal was 12 years old and neither of us has ever heard from him since. I am now 45 though all of my friends tell me I still look like I am in my late 20s. I am 5'6" with long red hair that hangs down past my waist. My breasts are still a firm, upright 36D and I have a 24" waist. My hips are only 34" which made having Neal a bit difficult. But he's the best thing in my life and being married to...

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