The Photographer I
- 2 years ago
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Breakfast was as normal as breakfast can be. At least for the kids. Valerie and I kept exchanging looks. I don't know what she was thinking about, but my attention was split between looking at the cleavage my robe displayed, and thinking about being a "boyfriend" or ... something more.
I'd never planned on getting married. It just wasn't something I thought I needed in my life. I knew why other men got married, at least on a cerebral level, but I'd never met a woman I just couldn't live without. As I glanced at Valerie, I wondered if I could live without her. That I wanted her in my life was crystal clear. It was the level of constancy that was all muddy.
When we were finished eating, the twins went off to do whatever they were going to do. Valerie got up and started collecting the dishes, like she always did. I knew what would come next. She'd run hot water into the right side of the sink and, as she washed each item by hand, she'd put it in the left sink. Every so often she'd run hot water and rinse what was clean, and put it on a towel spread out on the counter. I didn't own a dish drainer or anything like that. I'd always used the dishwasher.
I sat and just watched, as she went about tasks that were purely domestic, things she did habitually. I felt a sudden intense urge to take her back to bed. I wanted that to become something she did habitually too.
I stood and went up behind her. I wanted to reach around and cup her breasts, but all I did was put my hands on her abdomen in a gentle hug.
"What are we going to do?" I asked.
"I don't know," she said.
Glassware clinked as her hands moved it around.
"You want to be my girlfriend?" I felt like I was in junior high school again.
"Yes," she said, with very little hesitation.
"Really?" I felt a surge of excitement zip through me. I was definitely reliving my teen years.
"I'm sure," she said. "But do you want to be my boyfriend?"
"Are you crazy?" I asked, squeezing her.
"I thought you were too old for that," she said. I couldn't tell if she was teasing me or not.
"I feel a lot younger, suddenly," I said.
"Is that so." Her voice was wry.
"Besides, that's my only option right now," I said.
"No other girls beating down your door?" Now she looked over her shoulder at me.
"That's not what I meant," I said. "You already said you wouldn't marry me."
"Oh," she said. "You remember that."
"How can a man forget when the most beautiful woman he's ever met spurns him?" I joked.
She turned suddenly in my arms. Her hands were wet and I felt the moisture penetrate the cloth of my robe where her hands settled on my hips.
"As I recall, you said we weren't ready to have that conversation." She sounded dead serious.
"As I recall," I said, "we were joking around."
"Last night was no joke," she said, still serious.
"I know that," I said, feeling the tension in her body. "Are we having our first fight?"
She closed her eyes. I let the silence stretch out. Everything felt very fragile, suddenly. Finally she opened her eyes again.
"I don't know what to do," she sighed. "This is all very complicated."
"It's only as complicated as we make it," I said. "I like you. You like me. Your children don't seem to mind that. What's complicated about it?"
"Is it real?" she asked, frowning. "We've known each other for what ... a little more than a month? We come from completely different worlds. You're rich. We're homeless and practically destitute. It's like the story of the good Samaritan. My world has been turned completely upside down. How can any of this be real?"
She pulled away from me, but I didn't let her go.
"Cinderella is just a story," I said, "but that doesn't mean it can't become real in a person's life. I'm not claiming to be a prince, and you're certainly no kitchen drudge, but the way we came together was merely coincidence, just like in the story. What followed, though, is as real as life can ever be. If it isn't real, I sure want it to be."
The resistance in her body vanished as she relaxed, and came against me.
"Me too," she said, pushing her face into my chest. "But that doesn't mean I'm not scared."
"Of course you are," I said. "I am too."
"What are you afraid of?" she said, looking up.
"That you'll leave," I said.
"And go where?" she said, almost scoffing.
"That when you have the chance to leave, you will," I amended.
"Hasn't that been the plan all along?"
"Yes, and I used to think that was a great plan. But now I'm thinking about things differently."
"Maybe you're just horny," she said. I think it was an attempt to lighten the serious tone of the conversation.
"Maybe I just found my princess, and don't want her to run off at midnight, whether she loses a shoe or not," I said.
She leaned against me, and her hands moved to my back. It felt really good.
"First you have a thing for my ass, and now you have a foot fetish," she said, her voice muffled in my chest.
I moved my hands to her butt, and squeezed.
"Your ass will have to do for now," I said. "I can't reach your feet."
She stepped on top of my feet. The soles of her bare feet felt cold on the instep of mine, but she didn't feel heavy.
"You want to go back to bed?" I asked.
"I need a shower," she said, moving her hands to push at my waist.
"You want to take a shower together?" I asked, hopefully, not letting her go.
"It really is true. Men only think about one thing," she said, looking up at me.
"Look at you," I said. "Can you blame us?"
"For such a gruff old bear, you sure have a silver tongue," she said.
"I'm good with that tongue in other ways, too," I said, automatically thinking about the fact that there were lots of things we hadn't done yet. I was eager to explore and expand our horizons.
"We'll talk about that later," she said, as her face bloomed pink. "Right now, I think we need to concentrate on presenting a more acceptable image to the children."
"They seem to be coping pretty well," I said.
"That doesn't mean they need a graduate course in love making," she said, pushing harder. I finally let her go.
"Okay," I said, trying to sound defeated. "You go take a shower and I'll take care of things."
"Thank you," she said.
"I'm just sad that you're not interested," I said, trying to sound tragic.
"I am interested, you idiot," she said. "I just don't want to give into that urge every time I get it. If I do that I'll never get out of bed!"
"Now you're talking," I said, beaming at her.
I admit, I did it intentionally. I believe the legal term is "with malice aforethought".
I went to check on the twins, and found them mindlessly engaged with what passes these days for Saturday morning cartoons. They aren't really cartoons in my opinion. Sure, they're animated sequences, but their only intent seems to be to impress the moral values of the writers onto the children of the world. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the Saturday morning shows are produced, or at least paid for by special interest groups who try to brainwash young minds to further their agenda.
Never mind all that. They were occupied and when I asked them if they needed anything, they ignored me completely.
"Your mom's taking a shower and I'm going to go get dressed," I said.
Sam lifted a hand and half waved it in my direction.
So, with malice aforethought, I went to the bedroom, took my robe off, and lay on top of the bed naked. I could hear the shower in the bathroom. Valerie was humming. I thought about her in there, naked, the spray from the shower head touching her everywhere, just like I wanted to, and developed a very nice boner.
I was stroking it slowly when she came out, bent forward with her hair hanging straight down over one shoulder as she used a towel to pat it dry. She glanced up and saw me. She froze.
"What are you doing?" she hissed.
"I said I'd take care of things while you took your shower," I said, plaintively. "I just didn't get finished before you did."
"You're supposed to be watching the children!" she scolded.
"The children are fine. They're getting their weekly indoctrination of how to act."
"What?" She stood up and damp hair covered her right breast.
"Saturday morning kids shows," I said. "Propaganda for children."
"Oh. But why are you doing that?" She didn't sound quite as scandalized as she had before.
"If I can't talk you into going back to bed, I have to do something or I'll get blue balls. You inflame me. What else can I do?"
"You can act your age," she said. I noticed her eyes were on my hand, which was still slowly sliding up and down, pulling the foreskin off my knob, and then pushing it back up to cover things.
"This activity has nothing to do with age," I said. "How do you think I dealt with things before you came along? You don't see any blow up dolls around, do you?"
"I'm surprised I haven't seen something like that!" she laughed. "You're incorrigible."
"You're irresistible," I said, putting the blame right back on her. "This is all your fault. I only had to do this once a week before you showed up. But since then it's a daily requirement."
"Daily ... ever since I showed up." She said it with skepticism in her voice. "You've been masturbating ever since I got here?"
"Pretty much every day," I said, not stopping.
"In secret," she accused.
"I didn't think you'd appreciate knowing that I was fantasizing about you," I said.
"Since that first night?"
"Guilty as charged," I admitted.
"That's creepy, Bob," she complained.
"Said the woman standing in my bedroom naked, watching me jerk off," I said, grinning.
"You're like this dog I had when I was growing up," she said. "He was always horny. He humped anything available."
"I'm not interested in humping anything but you," I said.
"Oh, good grief," she sighed.
She came over to the bed and picked up the robe I'd been wearing. She'd apparently left the other one in the bathroom. I don't think she expected me to be there when she came out to get dressed. She put on my robe and went to the door. As she left, she said, "Don't let me disturb you. I'll get dressed later."
I was hard as a rock. The whole time we'd been talking, she'd been standing there naked. My eyes had taken in every detail I could see. I'd seen her breasts, though not nearly as much or as long as I would have liked. This was the first time I could take in her thighs, and her pubic mound. I couldn't decide if she trimmed her bush or not. It wasn't wild and wooly. The hair she had there was very much like the hair on her head. It was black as coal, but straight-ish, rather curly. Her labia protruded enough to be visible below that hair, though they weren't anything near clearly visible.
It was more tantalizing than satisfying. She was in remarkably good shape, considering she'd had twins. Her hips had either been wide to begin with, or had stayed that way after she delivered, but she'd kept her waist under control. Her abdomen had that gentle swell that, at least in my mind, suggests fertility. You see models with abdomens that are practically concave, and that's interesting, but a little roundness there speaks to something in a man. Maybe it makes him hope his seed has taken root in her or something. I'd never seen a pregnant woman naked, but that pooch suggested there might be new life developing in her womb that was only a month old. Did a month old fetus even show? I didn't know. But my mind shot off in all sorts of directions as I drank in her beauty.
I'd been trying to tease her into something, but she hadn't taken the bait. Seeing as how I really was well and truly horny, I decided I might as well finish what I'd started.
I was well along to making things happen when the bedroom door opened and Valerie walked back in. The towel she'd been drying her hair with was missing, apparently left somewhere else. I blinked at her, panting a bit.
"Not finished yet?" she asked, casually.
"No," I said.
"Good." She pulled the robe apart and let it fall in a puddle on the floor.
There, in front of me again, was my fantasy.
Without a word, she came to the bed, climbed up on it, straddled me and reached to bat my hand away from my erection. When I let go, she grasped it gently and brought it to the mouth of her sex. I watched, a little dazed, as the head of my cock split the lips I could suddenly see much better.
She teased those puffy lips, rubbing the tip of my cock around, going up and down between them and stopping every once in a while to circle her clit. Ever so slowly, she let the head press inwards. She only let herself down an inch or two and stopped. She was slick, but not wet. I wondered why she was doing this, what had changed her mind. What I mean is that I'd never been with a woman who acted like she was acting, who did the things she was doing. It was something new and I didn't know quite how to act myself. So I just laid there and watched as she used my cock like a living dildo.
"What about the kids?" I asked.
"I told them you and I were going to have a serious discussion and that they were not to disturb us."
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Not Like Loving You! By Denham Forrest, The Wanderer Now and again a particular song will suddenly grab my attention and just will not let go again. One morning recently I heard Nell Bryden’s ‘Not Like Loving You’ on the radio. I had heard the song before, but that day it just got to me. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do anything until I’d tried to write a short story around it. I hope I’ve done it, although I have had to take a few small liberties with the lyrics. However, anyone who...
Friday morning after breakfast, we all dressed in black for the funerals. Mindy and Lisa were going to baby sit. They would be busy; there were four little babies for them to watch over and the two boys. I hoped they were up to the task, although I was sure that Ching Lee and Lorrie both would leave as soon as they could. The media - and there was plenty of it - were camped out on the grass with trucks and reporters. The school board was going to have a fit. At 1000 all the caskets were in...
It’s been a mundane few weeks since Alex came by the house. I haven’t seen or heard from her since she gave me mind-numbing head on my couch while my daughter slept upstairs. Claire hasn’t brought her up either. Maybe she feels awkward about hooking up with her friend’s father and wants to keep her distance. That’s my best guess. I understand, but it would’ve been nice to see her at least once, even if we didn’t get a chance to do anything. I should’ve asked for her number when she was here. Oh...
TeenI had been a member of Lush Stories for not quite one year. I enjoyed writing stories of past sexual experiences and fantasizing about those I'd not had. Being able to express myself and interact with other like minded folks was in some ways relaxing, while also sensually, sexually stimulating. A young woman who went by the screen name of Green Princess was one of the first to friend me online. Over a period of time, Green Princess and I developed a fairly interactive and sensual friendship....
IncestMAID MACHIAVELLI By Bea The young man woke gradually, feeling the soft hands work their way under the covers then undo his pajama jacket buttons. He then felt the softness of the fingers as they started caressing his tummy, breasts and armpits. He heard the whispered words vaguely, something about how smooth he'd kept himself. He came awake completely when his hair band was slackened and removed. Knew that his hair was being softly fanned out about...
One of my best friends when I was at high school, in particular during my sixth form years, was a boy called Rob. He had his fair share of hurdles to overcome, having fallen from a second storey window at the age of two and having a disability called Charcot Marie-Tooth. He argued that his problems created more positives than negatives and without question, I was drawn to him by his positive attitude and determination. He could walk short distances, although his balance was poor, falling over...
College SexHello, my name is Elise and I am an artist, the stereotypical starving artist and everything. Always looking for ways to find money to help me buy more paint. I paint, sculpt, write, take pictures, pretty much any artistic activity I will do. I attend workshops often and this is how I became a muse. One day I was painting a still life in a room full of other artists at our local art studio. I was still painting at 9:00, when the studio closes. I was so focused on my work I had not realized...
getting just what i asked for, and much much more. authors note: this is a story i have been meaning to write for some time after finding a hot transgender contract online several years ago (which is at the end) xx part 1 chapter 1 how the hell did i end up here? tied and gagged in a cage my cock locked in chastity, a big butt plug deep in my ass i supposed i better start at the beginning. my name is (or rather was) David, i met my girlfriend (or rather Mistress as i...
Room 1723. Nora knocked softly on the door. A moment later, the door to the hotel room opened revealing Him standing before her. ‘Hello, Nora.’ He said nothing more, but instead wrapped her in his arms. She tipped her face upwards to look into his eyes and their lips met. While they continued to embrace and kiss, he led her two paces into the room, almost as if they were dancing, just enough for the door to shut. They kissed each other for quite some time before finally he ended their kiss...
POW! ‘Fuck.’ I knew exactly what happened. This was not good it’s cold, the middle of winter, a blizzard outside and I blow a tire in the small town of Buffalo Minnesota which about 45 minutes Northwest of Minneapolis and worst of all I had no spare. I pulled over the the side of the road and got out of my car and walked around and saw my right front tire was the one that was flat. Even if I did have a spare I had no idea how to change a tire. I was on my way to visit my aunt and uncle and I...
What kind of panties do I wear? Well there are three types really. The type I normally wear under my jeans or the white cotton hipsters that I wear a lot are just an ordinary T bone thong. Most of them are white although I do have some that are different shades of red, from pink upwards, most are transparent and some of them have ribbons attached. They have a small triangular piece of material in the front, which gets narrower as it reaches my slit. Most just cover the slit and then...
When I walked into the house mom was in the kitchen cooking something. She looked over at me and asked. “Where have you been all day?” I was at Ralph’s a while, then we went skate boarding. We did some other stuff and I’m home.” I said shrugging my shoulders. “I made a crock pot of clam chowder. It’s almost ready so just grab a bowl and have dinner, I probably won’t be home till twelve tomorrow, I have to pull a double shift. Will you be all right? I could get a sitter.” “Nah, I’ll be...
Ricardo had a bit of the Italian about him, the eldest son of an Italian father and an English mother. He was very popular with the female fraternity wherever he went, his Adonis figure, which he kept well-trimmed by working out every day at the local gym and jogging every morning at first light in the suburbs. His charismatic personality made him the sort of guy hard to ignore in a crowd or most anywhere. His morning jogging route took him around the boundaries of Truewood House, a large old...
I stopped and cried as Daniel guide his enormous member to my buttocks. His huge cock head sliding roughly up the crack of my butt. Pressing viciously against my leaking tender butt hole. I begged 'Daniel, please, my butt is sore. Don't do this'. Daniel snickered and said to Bruce 'you done fuck the bitch raw or you just tickled this ass/pussy'. Bruce and Daniel both laughed as Daniel pressed his cock head against my extremely tender anal opening. I cried out in pain...
When denied the access to your eyesight, your other senses take over for you. Recognizing this mentally is easy, but, when experienced. the effect is considerably more profound than you can express with a few brief sentences. So when I was led blindfolded, barefoot, hands secured with a silk scarf behind my back, I was unprepared for the assault to my scenes. The distinct smells: cigar smoke, leather, male cologne, and the obvious smell of scotch. The sounds: Ice clinked in a glass. Leather...
SeductionThis is my first story, so feedback would be appreciated. Part 2 will be up soon (hopefully)19 year old Rick awoke, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He stretched his legs, kicking the covers off of his body. He immediately noticed his 6 inches of manhood poking through his boxers. He had always been ok with his size, but often wished he were a little larger. He reached down and began striking. His father and stepmother were on vacation for the next week, and his step sister was working some...
Gary and I remained good friends and he loved fucking my face but he told me couldn't bring himself to suck cock anymore. I didn't mind. i loved his big cock so much i couldn't get enough.Gary and I were riding our bikes to the fair one day and as we pedaled, Gary told me to check out his cock. I looked and he had torn the inner seam of his shorts so his cock could be pulled through the hole along with his nuts and he could show it while it looked like he was totally dressed. he kept flashing...
So I probably bit off more than I could chew. Perusing fab I stumble across a KIK account: mymilfwife72. It is the usual kind of bi-curious husband, eager to show you pictures of his very hot wife. In this instance she was indeed fantastic. About 5 foot 8. Size 12. gorgeous tanned skin and immaculately dressed.Normally I don't waste my time with Hubby's like this. But I wanted her.He told me she didn't like to play so much anymore, but they both still spoke about Gangbangs.I suggested that we...
Stella Maris is a blonde beauty. Slim and sexy. Tall and tasty. Young and yummy.We are on a long vacation in a holiday home of her folks at the coast in Spain.A role playing game starts so innocent, but soon turns kinky second day we play.The start of a few foxy weeks with her best girlfriend visiting us to play along.First part of a long lovely sexy SM-story to unfold in many sequels to come!Ballet is her main hobby, which adds to her attractiveness, the grace of her moves.Long legs lead to...
My problem started soon after I had just turned 18. My name is Jacob and I'm just a regular kind of guy. Or so I thought. Ok, so I had a few issues back then, but doesn't everyone at 18? For me most of these issues revolved around my mom being temperamental and difficult, and the way I had been brought up. My mom, Margaret Addington, or Marge as she liked to be known, had divorced three years back, and now at 55, in the prime of her life, she had become a bit of a recluse. She'd given up on...