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Looking Out

The moment she opened her eyes she knew something was very wrong. A singlebulb above her provided the only illumination in the room. Beyond the poolof light centered on her the room faded into an all concealing darkness. Dazzledby the glare of the spotlight shining overhead she couldn't even make out thewalls.

Her arms were held behind her back. Something was wrapped around her handsand forearms, holding them tightly to her waist. From the touch of her fingersit felt like roughly finished leather. A quick jerk proved her wrists weresecured by wide leather straps of the same material.

Hoping she could see what restrained her arms she tried to look over hershoulder. The attempt proved to be futile. A high, stiff collar extending fromunder her chin down to her collar bone prevented any movement of her head.Out of the corner of her eye she could barely make out the dark contour belowthe line of her lower jaw.

At least she was able to lean forward to see what held her legs together.Above her knees was a leather belt, pulled tight, with a gleaming metal bucklecentered between her knees. In the center was a small slit, a keyhole. Furtherdown, each ankle was wrapped in a wide leather cuff, again with the same typeof locking buckle. One end of a strap held the cuffs together. When she triedto straighten out her legs she discovered the other end of that strap was fastenedto her waist in back, forcing her to keep her legs bent.

Underneath her the surface appeared to be some kind of upholstered vinylcovering some sort of platform, maybe a board. Her clothes, even her underwearwere gone, as well as the necklace she always wore. Inches from her nose werevertical metal bars, with horizontal cross braces about every six inches. Lookingup she could see the top of the cage above her head, with the same cross hatchof bars.

There was enough room for her to roll over on her other side, but when shetried to raise her head it struck the top. Her small prison was too narrowto let her turn around and too low to sit up. The view from the other siderevealed no new clues as to where she was or what had happened. She was boundhand and foot, nude. Drawing back her legs she kicked the end of her cage ashard as she could. The cage didn't budge. Her feet throbbed where they hadhit the bars.

How did she get here? Was it some kind of nightmare? Her last memory waseating dinner after work on a Friday night. She had been home alone in hersmall apartment, sitting on the couch watching TV while eating takeout fromthe Chinese place around the corner. And then…nothing, until she wokeup.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" She called out, hoping her captor would be revealed.Not a sound came from the darkness. "Look, this has gone far enough. Let meout of here, untie me, and I won't go to the police. This is kidnapping. Youcould go to prison for this." She waited for some kind of response. Someonehad to be there, she was sure of it. Rolling over she tried again. "Alright!C'mon, let me go! Right now! Whatever your game is, I'm not playing!"

Still nothing, not a sound reached her ears except for her own breathing.Frustrated, she struggled to free her hands, clawing at the stiff leather coverover her hands, pulling with all her strength to try to slip a wrist free.She rolled over on her stomach, then onto her back, and finally back on herside. No matter what she tried she couldn't break loose. Exhausted, breathinghard, she began to shake. Tears welled up and ran down her cheeks. Fear closedits cold hand on her heart. She was trapped and she could do nothing.

Looking In

Opening the cover of his pocket watch he checked the time. The sedative shouldbe wearing off. Any moment she would wake up. He closed the cover and droppedthe watch back into his jacket pocket. Sitting back he leisurely studied hisprize as she lay stretched out in the cage. The first moments, when she realizedher predicament, would speak volumes about the person inside her head, theone no one ever saw. The one he alone knew was there.

Dressed in black, in the shadows, she wouldn't be able to see him, but hehad an unobstructed view of her. In due time she would discover his identity,but it would be on his terms, in a setting of his choosing. For now he wascontent to remain anonymous.

Her head shifted, and there was a slight movement of her bound feet. He leanedforward in anticipation. It wouldn't take her long to figure out she wasn'ton her apartment couch any longer.

Her clothes and jewelry were hanging in a closet behind him. Before he hadplaced her in the cage he made sure she was properly attired for her upcomingexperience. Around her neck was the high posture collar, with the locking strapthat held it in place. Behind her back the leather restraint muff completelycovered her hands and part of her arms. Locking leather cuffs threaded throughthe long piece of stiff leather fixed her wrists to the side so she couldn'tslip it off. The locking buckles were on the outside, away from her fingers.A leather belt ran through the staples and around her waist, locking in frontwith another buckle. To complete her bondage he had strapped her knees togetherand confined her slim ankles in more leather cuffs, with a final strap runningback to the belt around her waist. It made a nice, tidy package. No hands,she couldn't stand, and she couldn't even turn her head to see behind her.That last part would be important later on.

Her eyes were open. She would be disoriented at first, but he knew she wouldrecover quickly. She was on her side, facing him. He could see an elbow moveup and down; she was trying to free her hands. That wouldn't happen. He wouldhave been disappointed if she didn't try.

Near the door to the cage her feet moved back and forth. She wouldn't beable to see what held her arms behind her back but even with the collar hewas sure she could see the restraints on her legs and ankles. Propping hisarms on the sides of his chair he folded his hands together underneath hischin, studying his captive. How long would she take to explore her restrictedenvironment, how long before she conceded defeat and gave up fighting the bonds?

He winced when she banged her head against the cage bars. It wasn't hardenough to raise a bruise though, so he wasn't too concerned. Now she knew herboundaries. She rolled over several times, the only movement he allowed her.He wasn't surprised when she kicked the door. More significant was that shedidn't try it again.

The moment she called out he relaxed and sat back in his chair. Crossinghis arms he smiled as he listened to her generous offer. Did she really thinkhe would believe her? She would have headed for the first phone to call thecops. Attempting to negotiate her release was a sure sign of desperation.

He recognized the next stage, panic, had set in when she began to cry. Thefull impact of her situation had hit her hard. She was powerless, unable tocontrol or even anticipate what would happen next. Her life was now in hishands, and she felt it in a way she could not rationalize away.

He stood up, stretching his arms above his head. She was lost, adrift ona sea of uncertainty and fear. It was time for him to go to work.

Not Looking Out

The tears wouldn't stop. "Please, please don't hurt me! I'll do whateveryou want." The pleading and her promise were sincere. She didn't want her lifeto end like this. All she had left to offer was her cooperation, even if itwas coerced.

She rolled over again, looking for any sign someone had heard her. Who woulddo this to her? Were there more than one involved? She didn't have any enemies,at least none she knew about. She thought back to the guys who had asked herout. Could it be one of them, a jilted would-be lover?

She didn't hear him come up behind her. She didn't even know he was thereuntil a man's hand appeared in front of her, seconds before the blindfold cutoff her vision. She tried to fight him but she couldn't stop him from slippingthe straps around her head. She felt them tighten, ensuring she couldn't somehowwork it up and away from her eyes.

She tried to roll over, hoping to face her kidnapper even if she couldn'tsee him. All it took was a hand on her shoulder to stop her attempt. Withoutany leverage it was easy for him to prevent her from changing position.

"Okay, I'll stay on my side. Is that what you want?" She waited but he didn'tanswer. The blindfold covered most of her face. She could feel straps on eitherside, another going over her head, and something under her chin. There wasno way she could remove it, especially in her present state. She told herselfit was a good sign; if she couldn't see him he didn't have to worry about heridentifying him. Maybe he would let her go, eventually.

His hand disappeared from her shoulder as soon as she gave up trying to turn.What should she do next? He hadn't answered her. Should she try to talk tohim? Vaguely she recalled reading something in the newspaper about how hostagesshould try to build a connection to their captors, that it improved their chances.

Being tied up was the worst of it. It made her feel so helpless and vulnerable.Maybe she could talk him into freeing her hands, or even her legs. She openedher mouth to say something but stopped. So far he hadn't assaulted her. Ifhe kept her legs tied together he couldn't rape her. Not that she could stophim if he was inclined to take her, but she might be better off if she didn'tcall his attention to the fact.

"Could I have a drink of water?" She tried to keep calm as she asked, usinga respectful tone of voice. It was a transparent ploy; reinforcing how shewas dependent on him in the hopes it might kindle some small spark of decencyand compassion.

Reaching In

He knelt to the side of the cage, watching her back as he listened to hertalk. Asking for water, that was clever on her part. It wouldn't happen, buthe did approve of her quick thinking. She was intelligent and able to adaptquickly, as he had hoped. He would have bet she'd try to talk him into removingthe restraints but she must have guessed it would be pointless.

She was learning but it was still his game and his rules. He stood up andwent to a switch mounted on the wall. Pushing in the lower button activatedthe winch mounted to a beam in the ceiling. The cable and hook slowly droppeddown from above the light. He let go of the button to halt the hook above hercage.

"What is that? What are you doing?" She likely didn't recognize the soundof the electric motor in the winch but she would assume it was something mechanical.She started to roll over but stopped and returned to where he had left her.He nodded in approval.

Before returning to the center of the room he picked up the bag underneaththe switch. It rattled as he carried it, a noise she picked up. "Please, talkto me." She was begging now. He could tell from the strain in her voice. "Whatdo you want? I'll do anything you ask." Her voice lowered, "…anything." Heintended to talk, but now was not the time.

He dumped the bag out on the floor next to the cage. Inside were four cargochains with screw shackles at each end. He picked up the first one and attachedit to a corner of the cage. The other end went over the hook on the winch.The other three cargo chains went on the same way. He finished by going roundand pulling on each one, to make sure it was on the winch securely. Lookingover his shoulder as he walked back to the switch he saw her roll over insidethe cage. He was mildly disappointed; she should have asked first.


She heard him working around the top of the cage, but she couldn't figureout what he was doing. And what was that sound earlier? Some kind of motor,she was sure of that. If only she could see. All she had to go by were theclues her ears could pick up.

He wouldn't speak despite her attempts to get him to respond. That scaredher. Was it because she would recognize the voice? Was he someone she knew,maybe even one of the men at work?

The motor started running again. This time there was a difference. She couldhear a rattling metallic sound above her head. With a jerk the cage suddenlylifted into the air and began to rise. He was suspending her in the cage! Thatexplained what he had been doing. The motor was a hoist of some kind, aboveher.

The motor cut off. The cage slowly swayed back and forth. When she rolledover again the swaying increased but soon damped out. She heard a door open,and then slam shut. He must have left.

Behind the blindfold she started crying again. She had tried everything shecould think of, and he had ignored it all. She tried to clench her hands intofists but whatever he had used to bind and cover her hands fit too tightly.Her fingers weren't strong enough to bend the leather enclosing them. Her onesmall victory was being able to wiggle her toes. Either he had missed themor figured, rightly, she wasn't going to pick the locks with her big toe.

She tried over and over to find a comfortable position but nothing worked.Left side, right side, on her back, even rolling over on her stomach with herlegs in the air, nothing worked. She tried to turn around but she kept hittingthe bars with her head or legs. She wondered if he had deliberately pickeda cage that was too small.

Lunch Break

He took another bite out of his sandwich. On the monitor she was doing herbest to turn around again. She would have to be a contortionist to succeed.She might have managed without the restraints but bound as she was it was animpossible task.

He took out his watch and checked the hour. He had plenty of time left. Timewas working against her though. Sore muscles from her cramped quarters combinedwith the exhaustion brought on by continuous fear and anxiety would be wearingher down. He closed his watch and turned his attention back to the sandwich.There was no rush.

Bird in the Cage

She had lost all track of time. Every muscle in her body was on fire, protestingthe demands her bonds imposed on her body. A black cloud of depression fueledby her frustration at being unable to do anything pushedout any hope of rescue. Her universe shrank to a tiny steel cage suspendedin the air. She didn't even know how high off the floor she was. If by somemiracle she got the cage door open she might drop twenty feet and break herneck.

That wasn't going to happen. For all her efforts she had made no headwayin freeing herself. He had planned too well. She had to accept that he heldher life in his hands now. Whatever happened there was nothing she could doto alter her fate.

Her last source of information, her hearing, brought nothing better thanthe creak of the cable as the cage rocked back and forth. How long had sincehe had left? It seemed like hours but she had no way to tell. She wished hewould come back, regardless of what might happen. Anything would be betterthan being forced to wait.

Preoccupied with her misery she had no warning when the hand grabbed herhair and roughly pulled her head back against the bars. "You offer to do whateverI want? You want to strike a bargain? Maybe you'd like to negotiate a contract?" Hisvoice was low, whispering in her ear, but she could hear the disdain and sarcasm.

"No! Please, I didn't mean it that way. I just…"

"Quiet! From now on you listen and keep your mouth shut. Or I'll shut itfor you. Listen and learn, as if your life depended on it." He pulled on herhair. She did her best to stifle a cry of pain. "Because it does, you know?Your life is mine, to do with as I please."

"Don't hurt me…" The rest was cut off as he jammed a gag into andover her mouth. He let go of her hair to secure the gag's straps behind herhead.

"You are a stupid girl, aren't you? Don't you understand what quiet means?I talk, you listen. Get it?" He pinched her nostrils closed, cutting off herbreathing. Frightened, suffocating, she tried to pull away.

It was only seconds before he let go, letting in precious oxygen again. "Seehow easy it is? Do I have your undivided attention now?"

Her breathing returned to normal as she forced herself to calm down. Withthe gag in place she couldn't breathe through her mouth. She held herself asstill as she could, willing her protesting body not to move. Her heart waspounding from the adrenalin rush. She had to be more careful; anything couldprovoke him. She might not survive the next mistake.

How It Is

He stood next to the cage, holding onto one of the bars to keep it steady.Inside she didn't move. He knew she wouldn't even blink unless he told herfirst. Slowly he counted to thirty. Not a twitch, she was ready.

"You want to know why you are here, who I am, what will happen to you? Yourquestions will be answered, but not today. I will tell you what you need toknow, when I consider it necessary."

He stood back and gave the edge of the cage a hard shove. It spun aroundclockwise several times, and then unwound the other way. It went back and fortha few more times, eventually stopping.

"I did that," he whispered in her ear when the cage came to a stop. She hadn'tmoved. "Why? Because I can. Because you can't stop me. Remember that. It'sthe basis for our relationship from now on. You. Can't. Stop. Me." He punctuatedeach word by pushing against the cage.

"This is how it is. Right here, right now, I own you.Look at yourself, you can't even move unless I allow it. I own your body, Iwill own your mind and soul. And you, you will give them to me. You will struggle,you will try to resist and fight me, but deep in your heart you know you havealready lost. Any time, any place, anywhere I want I can claim you, and youcan't, you won't prevent it from happening. You are mine to do with as I please,from this moment on." Gently he caressed her shoulder, running the tips ofhis fingers down her arm.

Behind the blindfold she closed her eyes tight. She bit down on the gag,trying not to scream. Not to scream in pleasure. Her body was already betrayingher, showing its open desire for him. Even as she denied his words to herselfthe silent protests rang hollow. How had he known? She had never told anyone.

All those failed dates, looking for what she thought she wanted in a guybut never satisfied when she found it. Who was this man, that he could threatenher life, kidnap and hold her prisoner, and so easily make her squirm withdesire? Had he somehow peered into her dreams, the disturbing ones that cameto her day or night, the dreams that eerily echoed her present helpless state?

He started again. Knowing the consequences if she didn't pay strict attentionshe hung on his every word. "I don't care what you want. I don't care whatyou need. That's all gone now. Your only concern is what I demand from you,and how well you please me. You know the penalty for failure." He suddenlygrasped her breast with his hand and squeezed her erect nipple, hard. Evenwith the gag he could hear her moaning. "Perhaps you will also earn the rewardfor diligent obedience."

Backing up he looked her over as he walked around the cage. She didn't move,which was no surprise now. She was in full sexual arousal, which he expectedas well. She had been repressing her emotions, her real needs for far too long.As much as he wanted to consummate her arousal this was not the time. Therewas work left to be done.

Going around behind her he released the straps on the gag. Before takingit out of her mouth he gave her specific instructions. "As you can tell I'mgoing to take the gag out. You do not have permission to speak. Not one sound,understand? You will remain on your side and not move." He pulled the gag offher mouth. She worked her jaw to relieve some of the soreness, which he tacitlyallowed. The posture collar pushing up against her chin in combination withthe gag must have been very unpleasant.

Taking his time he went to the rear of the room to fetch the glass of waterhe had brought in for her. Over all the session had gone very well. Her responseshad been very close to what he expected. He picked up the glass with the strawin it and went back to stand in front of her. Inside her head would be a stormof conflicting emotions as she battled to try to understand what had happenedto her. He had no doubts as to how it would work out by the time he finished.Meanwhile he'd give her some time to sort it out on her own.

"Open your mouth, I brought you some water. There's a straw. Take as muchas you need." He held the straw up to her mouth through the bars of the cage.Thirsty, she grabbed the straw as soon as it touched her lips. He watched asthe water level dropped rapidly in the glass. When it emptied he pulled thestraw out of her mouth. "That's enough for now." He put the empty glass downon the floor behind him.

He took his watch out to check the time. It would take about a minute. Heclosed the watch and put it back in his pocket. There should be enough time.

He spun the cage around so that her face was close to his. Only the barrierof the cage bars separated them. "Did you know a cage can serve two purposes?There is the obvious one, to keep you in one place till your owner comes foryou." He didn't miss the shudder than coursed through her body. "But it canalso protect what is inside, protecting the valuable property inside from anyonewho happens to come by. I wonder, does this cage confine you?" He reached inand laid a hand on her hip. She tried to rise up to press against him. "Ordoes it protect you?" He released the outside latch on the cage. The door fellopen.

"Do you want to be safe? Do you want the cage to keep me out?" He reachedin and grabbed both her ankles with his hands. When he began to drag her outshe lost it, moaning uncontrollably and tossing from side to side. Then shestopped and went limp. The sedative in the water had kicked in.

The Morning After

When she woke up she was stretched out on the couch. On the TV Gilligan andthe Skipper were being chased by a gorilla. She hit the off button on the remote.

Sunlight streamed in through the window. The Styrofoam container of half-eatenbroccoli chicken was on the coffee table, still open. She sat up, trying tomake some sense of what had happened.

She still had on her clothes from work. Had the whole thing been a dream?She felt like she had just been on a hundred mile marathon. The first itemof business would be a hot bath. She stood up, gathered up the takeout andwent to the kitchen to put it in the fridge. It had been so real. So real shewas still sore, or was it from sleeping on the couch?

Peeking around the corner she saw the deadbolt was still closed and lockedon the front door. It must have been a dream. More like an erotic nightmareif she had to put a name to it. Idly she wondered what the significance wasof not seeing her mysterious abductor's face. She headed for the bathroom.

A hot bath cures all ills, even bad dreams. She dumped in the last of theextra special bath oil and turned on the bath faucet, as hot as she could take.She had plenty of time.

When she slid into the warm inviting water all her cares floated away. Still,she couldn't believe how real it had seemed. She remembered all of her dreamtoo, which was unusual. If only she had seen his face.

She picked up the big fluffy sponge and began scrubbing. She was workingon her left leg when the sponge fell out of her hand, unnoticed as it splashedinto the bath water. Along the outside of her leg, above the knee, was a longred streak. A red streak that exactly matched the length and width of the leatherbelt that had been used to bind her legs together.

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Thursday had become my usual day off during the week. Saturday was my other day off, and these had also become my usual days for an early dinner or late lunch with the girls, as they insisted I call them. That Thursday, Lindsey and Belinda were supremely irritated with each other, sniping at each other four times in three minutes once they arrived at my table, and shortly after Lindsey went to use the facilities, Belinda said, “Sorry about that. She’s been riding my ass all day, and not in the...

Love Stories
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GingerPatch Nora Ivy To Catch A Fire Crotch

Our stud is trying to enjoy a nice breakfast when he finds one of Nora Ivys long red hairs in his milk. That is nasty, and it is cause for him to go on red hair alert. Later on, he is getting ready to brush his teeth when he finds a clump of her red hair caught up in the bristles. Red hair alert number two! The last straw comes when he opens the bathroom drawer and finds a hair brush filled with her red hair. That is strike three. So, when Nora gets home, our stud is ready to give her an...

2 years ago
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Starting OverChapter 3

After so many years in the Army I can't sleep-in even if I try. But today, that was a blessing because lying in my arms and still pressed close against me Abby slept soundly. Maybe I should feel guilty about Marv, but I didn't. I've never felt as close to a woman as I did to Abby right now. There was no doubt that we loved each other. Abby stirred a little and whimpered in her sleep. I held her a little closer and felt her relax again. Gently I disentangled myself from her sleepy form and...

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The Softening of Jessie Part 25

Ashley pulled a denim skirt out of her bag followed by a light blue colored dress. "What do you think Jess? The skirt is made out the same fabric that your jeans are made out of, so it's not a big change. The dress, on the other hand, would look great on you." Ashley held up both of the garments to show Jessie. He was having second thoughts about this. He never had worn a dress or skirt before and although he couldn't think of a reason why he hadn't he was still...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected turn of events

So we had a date tonight. I first had to finish my fantasy football draft...we won't go there...and that dragged on..the longer it went the more everyone drank...I was stone sober. What seemed like forever was now over. I jumped in my car and headed to "our" spot.. It's a dead end road just off the highway. Nice and quiet. I arrive...but shes not there...I get a message that she will be there in a minute. I light a smoke waiting for her. She arrives...I say hi...a quick kiss and tell her to...

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My First Experience With A Doctor

Next, said the pretty clinic assistant who was sitting at her desk placed outside the door leading to the doctors room. The lady who was sitting opposite to me got up and went towards the doctors door as her turn was up leaving me alone in the waiting room. It was a quiet Monday afternoon. This doctor was new in our locality and had earned quiet a good name in a few weeks. Hello to all readers. My name is Raji and am 34 years old married woman. I am from a small town in Punjab. I have a typical...

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If you’re looking for a Hot Porn File, you’ve got a few options. You could try your luck with the free tubes, or ask around among your deviate friends or the virgins over at Reddit. There are sex forums you could search, porn blogs you could peruse, or you could risk a nasty virus infection over on one of the torrent sites. Your old buddy ThePornDude is always a big help when you’re trying to beat off to something specific, but I think you already know that otherwise, you wouldn’t be...

Free Porn Download Sites
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Meri Mallu Mummy Leela 8211 Part 22 Mummy Bani Randi

Kaise ho dosto? Aasha hai aapko pichla part pasand aaya hoga. Jin logon ne emails aur hangout pe messages bheje aur videos bheje, aap sab logo ka shukriya. To aage bhadte hai. Fir uncle ne apna lund meri Mallu mummy Leela ki chut par set kiya aur mummy ke khulle baalo ko pakadke ek jhatka diya. Lund chut ki deewaron ko phadta hua meri mummy ki chut ke andar ghus gaya. Ab meri Mallu mummy Leela ki chudai fir shuru ho gayi. Uncle meri mummy ki sawari aur chudai dono kar rahe the. Ab mummy bhi...

2 years ago
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A reunion at the funeral chapter 2

My grandfather, making up for lost time reaches his hands towards me. His fingers gripping into my shirt and with a mighty ripping motion he tears the shirt to the sides, the buttons not standing a chance, flinging out across the old barn, pinging off metal gates and wooden girders. My breathing was quick, my near bear chest, still encompassed in my plain white bra, rising and falling. He looks at me, his tongue briefly flicking out across his lips. My softly toned body, slight abs barely...

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NuruMassage Penny Pax Kiarra Kai Kept After Class

Penny Pax, a masseuse, is just finishing up with teaching a class of future masseuses and masseurs. However, as the students file out, she asks Kiarra Kai and Robby Echo to stay behind. She insists that NEITHER of them is going to graduate from the course any time soon since they still don’t have the basics down! Although Kiarra and Robby are dismayed, Penny assures them that they CAN still pass… as long as they do ANYTHING she says… After they eagerly agree, grateful for...

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MyPervyFamily Janna Hicks Happy 18th Birthday Time to be the Man of the House

It’s officially my 18th birthday and mom has a special surprise for me… My mom looked so hot in her black lacey lingerie, there’s no way I could resist her luscious body! Watch as my horny mother goes down on me, covering my dick in her warm spit.. She strokes me off then slides me into her tight pussy! Mom’s huge tits bounce in my face as I pound her “Your father could never fuck me like this!!” she moans to me before cumming all over my cock! I fill...

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My Colleague Missed Me A Lot

Hi all… This is me again… after a long time… This is my second story on ISS… My first was “My First Story – Swetlana”… Let’s go to the story straight away…. It was some time i.e. around 3 years I had started my job in B’lore in a MNC. I had made many friends and colleagues… Time was ripe and I had decided to move on…. I got a very good offer in Mumbai. And I had decided to move on with my Job…. It was Sept 2015… I put my papers….and as per my organization; my last date was 31st… Though I had...

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Fucking Your Wife Ch11

Jeff and Katrina left the pub and began walking towards the wharf when they stopped dead in their tracks. Passengers were leaving the ship in droves and at least eight emergency vehicles were parked near the vessel. Red flashing lights from the vehicles reflected from the ship’s hull. Three were ambulances two were fire trucks and the rest, police cars. The passengers did not appear panicked but they did seem worried and anxious. Many carried suitcases or bags. Some carried belongings in...

2 years ago
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Sex make a happy family3

Hi Sanjay here. My mom promised me at evening that she will come to my room in late night when all of the family will sleep. I shall waiting for her remembering the whole day enjoyment with her. It was 10.30 then 11 – 12- 1am she has not come. My heart is going to be broken, suddenly I feel the sound of knocking the door, I rushed towards door & found my lovely mom in a sexy bluish nighty with smiling face. I pulled her inside & bolt the door. As soon as she hugged me. I kissed her & asked for...

4 years ago
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Party Games

I exit the taxi carrying all of my things, running towards my new dorm in the soaking rain. I barely manage to open the door to the building, but after climbing the two flights of stairs, I had to set my things down in the hallway before fumbling for the key to the door. Exhausted, I drag my belongings in, turn on the lights, and shut the door. With a thud I fall into the bed completely drained of all energy. I had decided to follow my older sister to the university she raves about every time I...

Group Sex
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My Journal Part I

I am writing down all that I can remember, I had not started this journal until several months have passed since I first awoke, and therefore not all memories will be 100%. Once I am caught up, I will be trying my very best to keep my journal current. Hopefully there may one day be a time that I can remember who I am, and where I came from! For some reason, whatever memory I have, which isn’t eidetic, anyway; so, I am only human, but ... I am not able to go back before the EVENT, I don’t even...

3 years ago
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Episode 1 Orgy In August

Chapter 1: An Old Friend Is Seen Jack and Annie stood under the treefort. Ten years had passed since they last visited here, deep in the woods behind their home in Frogton, NH. The treefort was their place of childhood mystery. Here they had met the Librarian and helped her mission to collect items, mostly writings, but also to deliver messages, to people in the past, or the future. Once, they had been to the moon. Or so they told one another. Jack doubted his own memories, it all seemed so...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 845

These are compliments of Smokeyjoe from the land down under: A young investment banker goes out and buys the car of his dreams - a brand new Ferrari GTO. After paying $500,000, he takes it out for a spin and stops at a red light. While waiting for the light to change, an frail looking old man on a yellow moped pulls up next to him. The old man looks over at the Ferrari and asks, “What kind of car ya’ got there, Sonny?” The young man replies, “A Ferrari GTO. It cost half a million...

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Online turns real

This is my first story and it is a true story, please be nice when posting comments. I am not intending this to be "erotic or hot" so I apologize if it bores you, but it is my story about my experiences. Everything in this story did indeed happen, but I had to candy coat a few things and substitute out graphic areas. I was 16 when we first met, I was nervous and sitting on a bench outside the local hospital where I told you I would be waiting. I was not sure what you looked like as we had not...

4 years ago
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It was almost a year since we had seen each other. Twelve worrying months, fifty two weeks when all the time I was on edge. On my gloomier days I imagined the police knocking on my door and arresting me and in my optimistic periods I felt I would never see you again. In between I imagined there was a phone call from my sister screaming about what I had done to her baby or you turning up unannounced and black mailing me into more sex, or worse trying it on and succeeding with my twenty year old...

3 years ago
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captive cargo short story

Christy should have known she could never escape the employ of gang for which she worked. At first it had been exciting, running with a bunch of hardened characters who had plenty of money to flash araound in all the nighttime hotspots.But in the end, like so many before her, Christy had been reduced to just another possession, like their gold jewelry and fancy cars. She was simply there to service the desires of these men, whether it pleased her or not. It wasn't until she decided to flee that...

3 years ago
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My First Big Cock

My first black cock, as it happened by accident not so very long ago. Trina, a beautiful lite skinned woman who had been my best friend for several years and I were hanging out. She stood about 5'7" sporting a ceremonious pair of 38 dd breasts with the biggest areolas I have ever seen. She was hot looking, no matter what she wore, her well defined assets managed to get everybody's attention including mine. Her waist long jet black coarse hair swayed in the summer breeze as we lounged topless...

Wife Lovers
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The Geography Field Trip Part One

"Everyone on the bus," yelled Ms. McCarthy. Ian couldn’t understand why she was yelling, as there were only five students in the class. The class was senior geography, and the five students were the only seventeen year olds in the school that were dedicated to the subject. The small group of students piled onto the minibus and Ms. McCarthy got into the driver’s seat. Ian’s classmates Adam, Chloe and Rachel dashed to the three seats at the back. Ian tutted at them and sat down in an empty seat....

First Time
4 years ago
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A gentle old lady part 1

My very first sexual encounter was with a mature woman, she was my moms and my beautician. I went to her place for a treatment on a bi-monthly basis and that way I got to know her very well. When she got fired from her job, she started to treat me and my mom in her livingroom. Due to the lack of professional beauticians furniture, I always had to lay down on her couch. And this is the part where it all really began. Back then I was just xx years of age and I never ever had sex before. I stept...

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JulesJordan Savannah Bond Australia8217s newest big tit import Savannah Bond

Aussie babe Savannah Bond is back with her amazing rack in this hardcore scene with Markus Dupree. Savannah’s a thing of beauty with her thick ass, giant tits, flowing blonde hair, and legs for days, this girl’s got it all going on. She’s wearing sexy black lingerie that has holes cut out to expose her massive melons, fishnet stockings, high heels and a choker. After teasing us with her perfect body, Savannah makes her way to the bedroom and waits for Markus on the bed. Markus arrives and gets...

4 years ago
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Catering For A Stag Do Chapter 9

Dave was looking into his open safe, there were a few business documents and the two very incriminating DVD’s, but his eyes were resting on the eight and a half thousand US dollars.  They only had a couple of bookings for January, which was a relief, as they had had functions coming out their ears for the last three months.  He transferred his attention to their function book and checked the details of those two bookings.  Neither was that large, Sally could handle them, as both were on a...

Wife Lovers
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Cunt Magnet

I know that a lot of guys have to work to get laid. I don’t and I’m not sure why, although I certainly won’t complain. It started when I was fifteen. I was lying on my bed, stroking my hardon in rhythm to the chick getting banged in the porn video on my phone. I didn’t hear her come in until my sister said, “That’s a nice looking one. I’d like to take over.” The phone was put down since my eyes were glued to her hand trying to get a grip around my meat. She began, moving her grip up and down...

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The Wellig Asylum

MIDAFTERNOON “Hurry up man! We don’t have all day for this” - said Dean with a desperate voice looking at each side of the street, making sure no one would see them. Dean and Han climbed the fence effortlessly and entered the gloomy asylum through a broken window, when they entered the asylum, everything around it was broken, it was a huge clutter, something terrible had obviously happened in there. Han and Dean were recording all the footage they could with a video camera they had...

2 years ago
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I had decided it was time, finally, to try the experiences I had dreamed of my whole life. I had been a secret crossdresser since I was a child, and had hidden this side of me from my wife and children. The last few years of my marriage had been empty, staying together mainly for the kids and a kind of inertia. But now, they had grown up, married and left the area. I knew I would only see them infrequently. With their departure, my wife and I quickly came to the realization that we...

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The Wedding Crashers

"Do you, Debbie Louise Perry, take this man, Reginald William Baker Green, to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Asked the minister. Debbie had been waiting for this moment all her life. She was finally getting married. She would be a wife, and the wife of a good man: Reginald, the seventeenth Earl of Lancaster. "I do." she said smiling deep into her soon to be husband's eyes. The minister then turned to Reginald, "And do you, Reginald William Baker-Green, take this woman, Debbie Louise...

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Pam and the DrillChapter 2

Debbie paused. "You have a brother?" "Yeah. I thought you knew." Debbie shook her head. "How old is he?" She set Pam's right hand aside and started on her left. "He's eighteen. He plays hockey." "Is he cute?" Pam shrugged. "I guess so. He's my brother." Debbie grinned. "Is he hung?" "Is he what?" "Hung, you know, is he hung?" "What does that mean?" "It means does he have a big dick." Pam giggled, trying not to let Debbie see how nervous she was. "How...

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girlfriends daughters

So I did. After about an hour Jenny said she was getting tired and needed to go. I was dissappointed until the other girls said they wanted to stay but Jenny needed a ride. So of course I volunteered. She lived fairly close in a little studio apartment. I was so happy when she invited me in. When I walked in there was an elderly woman and two little girls watching TV. The elderly lady got up and Jenny gave her some money and she left. The two girls Cinthia 10 and Lily 6 got up and hugged their...

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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 41 Soaring Over Beauty

Note: Thanks to B0b and WRC 264 for beta reading this! Kora Falk I shuddered, the four of us breaking apart as our orgasm died. I shoved my fingers into my mouth, sucking off Aingeal’s honey. It tasted so amazing in my mouth as we stumbled towards Sven. He had such a bulge in his pants. I wanted to suck it. I wanted to give him pleasure, too. “Brother mine,” I moaned, leaning against him. “Ooh, did you like watching that?” “So much,” he groaned, Zanyia kneeling on the other side, rubbing...

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nipple orgasm

I am a straight male, and for many years I have been aroused - or aroused myself - by stimulation of my nipples. Its now got to the extent that I find it hard to orgasm without reasonably intense nipple stimulation. The most intense feeling is when they are scratched rapidly with fingernails, and now when my partner squeezes them pretty hard with her nails. Its weird I know, but the intense pain is so arousing for me! I get a real sexual thrill from all this. My partner thinks I'm definitely a...

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StepSiblingsCaught Lily Larimar Sia Lust National Step Brothers Day

Sia Lust and her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, have gotten together in the past. Their fuck fest was supposed to be a secret, but Sia couldn’t stop herself from sharing with her best friend, Lily Larimar. When Nathan drops into Sia’s room to deliver her cell phone that she left lying around, Sia gives him a hug. Lily picks up on how awkward they are and asks if it’s because they boned down. Nathan and Sia are unhappy with Lily for talking about it, but Lily stays the course....

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Silver Seduction

I remember the first time my sister Charlotte came to me and told me she was in love. The most shocking part of the news was when she said the man she loved was a vampire. My jaw was on the floor. I had no idea my older sister was in love, let alone with a vampire, let alone that vampires were real. It was a confusing time, but that was two years ago, and I’ve grown accustomed to it now.They live among us, always have, and while of course the secret must be kept from mainstream society, there...

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Tugging One For The Team Part 2

That night after a simple dinner at the cabin and a few more drinks we went to bed. She didn’t want to wait for me to clean the kitchen. We both stripped quickly and I started warming her up with gentle kisses that soon turned into an active tongue duel. I pinched and tugged on her nipples, knowing how sensitive they were. I went down on her and licked and kissed and sucked until I found her clit swollen like a hard bean. I focused gentle steady flicks of the tongue there until she went stiff...

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Why I fucked your last night

Why I just had to fuck your husband again:I know you're mad at him and me. I know you saw that hes been messaging me again. The first time you caught him messaging me was right after you got married. I was timid about being caught for the first time. He told me to tell you that we had never met in person. It was all an online fantasy RP. I did that. Said I had met him online and just messaged back and forth. Little did you know the marks on his body on your wedding day were from me.I dated him...

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Fucking My Dear Sister

Fucking My Dear SisterBy; Londebaaz ChohanIt was so much fun; thrashing hard and harder into my sister and seeing her enjoying it with her muffled moans enticing me to fuck her even harder slamming my full length in her pussy and making a loud clapping noise as my shaved pubic bone rammed her. Thankfully it was late at night plus our grandparents lived in this huge property with vast backyard, decently far from the neighbors; we were well aware that no one shall be alarmed to catch us fucking;...

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Hitchhiking Baby Doll Part Three

When it comes to getting men to want to fuck her, a girl has to put her ass to good work. I discovered this when I was eighteen and first started being a tranny hooker around the adult book store. I was wearing my first miniskirt with a thong panty underneath, walking down the street. My ass cheeks were hanging out of the bottom of the miniskirt and men were slowing down to look at me, blow me kisses and talk to me. It wasn't long until I was in their cars and making money sucking them off or...

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A family that cums together stays together Chapter1

It was me, my younger sister Emily and my mum Becky living together in a small 2 bedroom, one bathroom house. Thanks to my mums new found addictions it was on me to be the man of the house, my day normally consisted of getting back from school, making myself and Emily food, watching TV and then taking care of mum when she eventually stumbled back home, if she didn’t find someone to fuck that is. Going from a pretty big house with all the privacy I could ask for to having to share a room with...

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