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Byron’s Perspective

Alec was about seven years younger than me and I’d got to know him when his family moved into 36 Fox Lane so we were neighbours. At the time I first saw him I was fourteen and he was seven. I think because he had no siblings he viewed me as a sort of substitute older brother. It was a win-win situation because I didn’t have a younger brother, or any brother or sister for that matter, so I took him under my wing.

You know the sort of thing, showing him how to make a kite and fly it, taking him down to the creek and teaching him how to catch yabbies, (For those unfamiliar with this term, a yabby is a small fresh water crayfish), taking him out on walks in the nearby bush and spotting kangaroos, emus and other wild creatures. All the sort of things an older brother might do for a young brother.

I suppose if he’d been my real brother, and if I saw him as a rival for my parents’ attention, it might have been different. But his mother was very grateful for the attention I paid Alec.

What his father thought I don’t know because he was what my mother called, ‘A miserable sod,’ and he seemed to pay little attention to Alec and when he did it was only to shout at him or say something nasty, so perhaps I was a bit of a substitute father as well.

Anyway he was a nice kid, quite bright but a bit shy and I had real affection for him. His mother, Jenny, was a pleasant woman and she often said she valued what I did, and that she knew she could trust me with Alec.

* * * * * * * *

I was about sixteen when a crisis erupted in Alec’s family. The first I heard of it was when I overheard my mother tell dad, ‘That miserable sod has left Jenny.’ I got some detail next day when I saw Alec. He was only nine and didn’t understand the full implication of what had happened. He simply said, ‘Dad’s left mum and gone to live with a woman.’

I heard my parents talking about it and mum saying, ‘A good thing too, she won’t have to put up with that sarcastic bully any more, and perhaps she can have a bit of life now.’

My father said, ‘She’s attractive enough to get herself another man.’

‘Then you keep your eyes off her Dennis, and perhaps she won’t want another man.’ mother said.

‘All I’m saying Laura,’ Dad replied, ‘is that she’s young enough and pretty enough to start again if she wants to — no compulsion.’

I think that was the first time I thought about Jenny’s age. Considering Alec’s age I thought she could be as young as twenty seven and her looks seemed to confirm this, but of course it was only a guess.

At that time I was well into the stage when guys start to size women up for their looks but I’d never really taken much notice of Jenny’s in that respect. After my father’s comment about her being attractive I took an interest.

I suppose the word to describe her would be curvy or put more salaciously, voluptuous, you know the sort of thing, she went in and out in the right places for a woman.

I think her face can best be described as oval, with small but nice regular features and she had large hazel eyes which were long lidded and they seemed to have a sad look. She had auburn hair that always looked clean and shiny and was always cut neatly to just where her head joined her neck.

She spoke very quietly in a low alto voice that made you wish she’d go on talking, just saying anything so you could go on hearing her. This was a great contrast to mum, who is inclined to be a bit raucous especially when she gets excited.

Mum was also very different in looks to Jenny, and dad use to call her ‘My wild gypsy.’ He was older than mum by ten years and I know he really appreciated her because I could often hear him appreciating her in bed at night. Mum used to appreciate him back and I knew this because she was always a bit noisy about it.

I’d had my incestuous phase over mum. For a while I got jealous because dad had her to himself. At the time I decided that there ought to be a law that said fathers should share mothers with their sons — sexually I mean — but I got over that after I had my first sexual intercourse with big busty Rosemary Anders.

But back to Jenny, I concluded that as dad had said, she was an attractive woman, not fantastically beautiful but if she wanted to she could get herself another man. Having come to that conclusion I thought no more about it, although it did puzzle me a bit why her husband had committed adultery – why he felt the need since he had such an agreeable wife, but then, some of us are never satisfied, are we?

Jenny, as far as I could tell, didn’t take on another man, unless you counted me as another man.

By that I mean that after ‘miserable sod’ left I did a few of the jobs around her house that a husband might normally be expected to do like changing tap washers and clearing a stopped sink. At first she wanted to pay me for these little jobs, but I refused, and so she got around to giving me lunch occasionally, I suppose as a sort of payment.

Now you might be thinking that at this stage I’d got to the point of wanting to screw her, but you’d be wrong.

Of course I knew about the older woman-younger guy thing, in fact in my class at high school we had this guy, Phally Andrews, who boasted that he’d screwed dozens of older women. His name wasn’t really Phally and his nickname was short for Phallus. He was reputed to have the biggest dick in the school. Smarty Oberon had looked up the word ‘Dick’ in a Thesaurus and found one of its synonyms was ‘Phallus.’

I didn’t really believe Phally and his talk about older women until I saw him come and go regularly at Mrs. Fraser’s house a few times. Her husband was an interstate rep for his company and was often away from home, and I noticed Phally never called when he was at home. Mind you, I still think Phally grossly exaggerated his conquests.

As I say, I didn’t think about Jenny sexually, that is, until one day when I saw her hanging the washing out on the clothesline. I must have seen her do it many times before, but for some reason that particular day I took notice.

She was wearing shorts and they fitted rather closely, and the first thing that caught my attention was what a nice bum she had, it’s buttocks high and firm. Then I noticed her stomach. Now I know a lot of you guys like woman to have flat stomachs and I think I did up until that day I noticed Jenny’s stomach for the first time. Now don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t big and fat, but it just swelled out a little, and I thought it looked really sexy.

That I think was the first time I felt a bit horny over Jenny.

* * * * * * * *

I passed on from high school to tertiary studies and Alec was starting to move away from me a bit. He was involved with the Scouts and that together with his school work took more of his time. I’m not saying we had nothing to do with each other, but I suppose he was in the very early stages of moving away from adult supervision to a bit of independence, and I think in his eyes I qualified as adult at the time.

As you can imagine, previously I’d spent quite a bit of time in Alec’s place, in fact I’d built a small gate in the fence that divided our back gardens. I was still doing the occasional odd job for Jenny so I was still around their place at times.

Now I don’t know what your experience has been, but I think that sometimes a quite small incident can make a dramatic change in our lives. One such incident certainly brought about a change in my life.

One day Alec came to our place. He’d got a computer and it’d had a fit of paralysis, everything was jammed up and he’d tried turning it off and on and still it was jammed. He’d been in the middle of a school project and was a bit panicky.

I knew a bit about computers so I went back to his place to see if I could fix the infernal machine.

I got it going for him and rescued his project, and as I was in the middle of a
study project myself I was in a hurry to get back to my place.

Now I don’t know whether Jenny thought she was alone in the house, or that Alec was the only one there and unlikely to come out of his room, but as I came out of Alec’s room Jenny came out of the bathroom naked.

When she saw me she didn’t yell or scream or anything like that. She just stood there taken aback for a few seconds, there was an intake of breath, and covering herself up with the towel she was carrying she hurried off to her bedroom.

I was as stunned as her, but in those few seconds I’d got a sort of mental image of her breasts locked into my brain.

I’d seen female breasts before, but for some reason Jenny’s made an impact on me. I kept getting that mental image of them and for me they were the most seductive breasts I’d ever seen.

I wanted to see them again — not the image, the real thing I mean, and that was when I started to make any excuse I could to be in her place, and particularly in her presence.

Alec wasn’t the excuse he might once have been, and so I used to do jobs that Jenny hadn’t asked me to do, like cleaning out the gutters, mowing the lawn and weeding the flower beds, anything that would put me as close as possible to her.

These activities led to my being with her having a cup of tea or some lunch, usually in the kitchen.

I started to have crazy thoughts about her, how I’d do anything for her just to be with her, that she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen and I wanted to make love with her and be with her all the time.

I suppose that’s what they call being in love and I certainly thought I was in love with her. I dreamed about her at night, and she kept popping into my mind during the day when I should have been concentrating on other things.

I wanted to tell her how I felt about her but could never muster the courage, and I suppose foolishly, every time I copulated with a girl I felt as if I’d betrayed Jenny.

It might have gone on for ever, or might eventually have faded out, but one day, just after I’d finished planeing off the bottom of her front door that was jamming, and had screwed it back in place, things were brought to a head.

I was sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of tea, while Jenny was doing something at the sink, when she turned to me and said…

Jenny’s Perspective.

I first me Byron’s family when Hal, Alec and I moved into 36 Fox Lane. Dennis and Laura were very welcoming and I noticed that despite their age disparity Alec and Byron seemed to get on very well, it was as if they were older and younger brothers.

I’d often thought it was a pity that Hal didn’t want us to have any more children because I thought it was good if there were siblings. I suppose in a way it was a blessing I didn’t have any more children at the time, the way things turned out.

I really liked Byron. He wasn’t like a lot of boys of his age, noisy and brash and always showing off or going into a sulk. He was good for Alec because he showed him a lot of boy things and I really trusted Byron with Alec.

Sometimes I’d make them some sandwiches and they’d take a bottle of water and go tramping through the hills most of the day, and Alec would come home excited about the things he and Byron had seen.

I was grateful that Byron spent so much time with Alec, because I had my work to do. I had a job writing medical reports for doctors and I was able to work from home on the computer, and at holidays times when Alec was at home all day it could be a bit difficult, but Byron as it were, took Alec off my hands a lot of the time.

He was so patent with Alec. There was a time when Alec was having a hard time with arithmetic and Hal, who was a quantity surveyor and good at that sort of thing, couldn’t be bothered to help Alec. He just told him, ‘Use your bloody brains,’ and that to a little boy — I think Alec was eight at the time. But that was Hal’s way, sarcasm and nasty remarks, not only with Alec, but with me as well.

It was Byron who spent hours coaching Alec in the subject.

I never really understood how someone who had seemed so charming and loving could change the way Hal did not long after we got married.

I can’t accuse him of being the one who deflowered me, that had been achieved by one of the boys when I was at high school, but it was Hal who made me pregnant. He was very keen to marry me at the time.

My parents told me not to marry him and they’d look after me and the baby, but like most young people I knew best, and anyway, I was besotted with Hal.

So we married, but it didn’t take long for the other side of Hal’s personality to emerge. One aspect was a resentment of Alec. He even said he wouldn’t have married me if I hadn’t got pregnant and that really hurt.

Then there was the time when Hal left me. I should have seen it coming. One day he rang me to say he was bringing a colleague home to have dinner with us, he didn’t say which colleague.

The colleague turned out to be a petite little blonde with big ‘I’m so innocent and helpless’ blue eyes. She was the very opposite to me and I’m prepared to admit I’m — how can I put it? – well say it like it is Jenny, I’m a busty buxom type.

Hal even had the gall to expect me to become friends with her — Alice her name was. He brought her home a few more times and when Hal started to arrive home in the middle of the night and spent much of the weekends elsewhere, I finally fell in, and accused him of having an affair with her.

He didn’t deny it so I told him to clear out and go to her, and he did. It was one of the few times I got my own way with him.

About six weeks after he’d left he rang me and asked if he could come back. It seemed that his little blonde wasn’t quite the prize he’d thought she was, or more likely he done his Jekyll and Hyde act with her and she wasn’t having any of it.

I didn’t blame her, but I wasn’t having Hal back either. I’d found that I could manage without a man around — well not quite.

I wasn’t sure how much Byron knew about what was happening with Hal and me, but I guessed his parents who knew about it would have told him something, or if not, Alec would have spoken to him.

It was after Hal had gone that Byron, the lovely boy — well nearly a young man actually — offered to do the sort of jobs round the house that a husband usually tackles. I should qualify that by saying that these days it’s often the women who are better at these things than the men, but that was not the case with me.

I’d once thought that I’d like to have had a son like Byron, but that was ridiculous because I’d have had to be a very sexually precocious young girl to have given birth to him. Once he started doing the little jobs for me I began to think the other way, saying to myself, ‘If only I’d met someone like him before I married Hal.’ Hindsight can be a wonderful thing!

That of course put the age difference the other way round. Byron would have been twelve or thirteen years of age when I got pregnant and married Hal.

When Hal left me Byron had just begun his management studies and it was some time — probably two to three months after Hal had gone – that Byron seemed to take a bit more interest in me. He often stayed with us for lunch and I would catch him staring at me.

His interest became even more obvious after the time he caught me coming out of the bathroom naked. I’d had no idea that he was even in the house, and I often went from the bathroom to my bedroom naked. I didn’t mind if Alec saw me because he was used to seeing me occasionally like that, but Byron was a different proposition.

In the few seconds before I covered up with the towel I could see that look in his eyes. How can I put it, a mixture of surprise, to put it mildly, and attraction, to again put it mildly?

It was after that time that Byron began to find any reason he could to be around our p
lace, especially with me. I couldn’t fail to recognise what was going on. If he was in the kitchen with me, which was usually the place where we were together, he would sit looking at me like a hungry puppy pleading to be fed.

At first I tried to ignore it, telling myself that it was ridiculous that a young man like him should be getting worked up over someone my age. I knew about that Andrews boy they called Phally and Martha Fraser, most of us in the street knew about them, so I understood that young guys could fancy older women.

Martha Fraser was at least twenty years older than Phally but I guessed that those two were only using each other, and rumour had it that Phally had other older women on the go. In fact once outside the supermarket he tried to chat me up, but without success.

I don’t know whether I was being as naïve with Byron as I’d been with Hal, but I just couldn’t imagine Byron wanting to use me like Phally did Martha Fraser, and certainly I didn’t want to use Byron, although at times I was tempted.

After Hal left me I was caught in a predicament. After the way Hal treated me I didn’t want to trust a man again, on the other hand, I wasn’t made to live like a reclusive nun. Along with this went the thought that if ever I did trust myself to a man again it would be someone like Byron.

Everything seemed to so complex, he looking at me in that hungry way and me wanting to feed him. It wasn’t as if I didn’t know what he wanted, I’d seen the obvious signs enough times.

That’s one of the advantages or disadvantages, depending how you look at it, for women, when they’re feeling horny it doesn’t show in the obvious way it does with men, I mean, with the man you can see he’s signaling ‘I want sex with you,’ but the woman has slightly more complex signals.

At first I told myself that Byron would get over his hankering for me, but as time went on he didn’t seem to get over me, if anything the situation got hotter. In the end he seemed to run out of reasons to come calling, and I didn’t ask him for any. I wanted him near me, and frustrating as it was for me — and him too no doubt — I wanted to experience the sexual arousal that he gave me, wanted to imagine what it would be like with him.

From my perspective at least I knew it couldn’t go on. It all came to a head the week Alec was away at a scout camp. At least we could have it settled without Alec hearing or being involved.

We were in the kitchen and I was doing — or pretending to be doing — something at the kitchen sink. I knew he was never going to say or do anything, so I turned to him and said…

Byron’s Perspective

She turned to me and said very softly, ‘What is it you want, Byron?’

I was dumbfounded. Whatever ever else I might have expected her to say, it was not that.

Looking at her I could see in her eyes, not the usual sad look, but something more intense. I tried to answer but couldn’t frame the words, and so she went on, ‘If you want to make love with me, then why don’t you, instead of sitting there all the time just staring at me.’

‘I tried again, but all that came out was, ‘I…I…Jenny…I…’

‘Come here,’ she said.

I didn’t move and she said again, her voice becoming peremptory, ‘Come here Byron.’

I rose and feeling fairly shaky I went to her. When I was standing in front of her she reached up and drew my face to hers, and then she kissed me, very gently at first, but then she started to float her tongue over my lips. It was then I disgraced myself.

Jenny’s Perspective

I’d found the courage to speak and I asked him what he wanted. The poor boy seemed utterly confused and couldn’t answer. I felt a pang of compassion for him, I’d taken him completely by surprise with my question.

I asked him to come to me, and when he didn’t move I got more forceful. Having made a beginning I wasn’t going to go back, there had to be truth between us and if he was going to back out, then now was the time, so I virtually ordered him to come to me.

He rose and when he stood in front of me I pulled my body to him and kissed him and moved my mons over his penis. It was then I discovered that he was right on the edge.

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Hello dost main fir se pesh hu apni story mumbai ki sair ka dursa part lekar asah hai aap logo ko pahale bhag me maza aayaya hoga. Hum log mousam se nikale the maine bunty se pucha aab kya bacha hai wo bola abhi puri mumbai baki hai.kuch hi duri par mousam se aage jate hue hum log EVEREST HOTAL me gaye waha hamari mulkat kittu naam ke ladke se wo mota aur nata tha us samaye karib 11.30 baj rahe the. humne us se kaha kuch hai kya wo bola aap sham ko aaiye humne kaha hume abhi wapsa jana wo bola...

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Loves MastersChapter 3 Summer Camp Counselors

Sunday morning, I was busy pulling my commands from everyone’s heads I had missed on Saturday while saying goodbye to Paul, Rita, Jen, and several others who we knew. The Tweedy Hills camp had three separate campgrounds spread around the lake, each tailoring a specific age group. The youth camp was for kids entering 4th and 5th grade, the Jr. camp was for kids entering 6th, 7th and 8th grades, and the Sr. camp was for high school kids. The lake was large and twisted enough that you...

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PornWorld Venera Maxima Fitness Fanatic Venera Maxima Enjoys DP Workout After Sucking Her Trainer And Masseuse

Seductive blonde Venera Maxima has hired personal trainer, Erik Everhard to do some workouts and starts off their first session performing some stretches to warm up her muscles. Venera can feel Erik watching her and comes onto him before their gym session takes a very different turn. Horny Venera leans over and sucks off her trainer before he slips his dick inside her pussy working out those hard to reach muscles! While sucking Erik off, Venera remembers she has scheduled in a massage and heads...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 64

Knowing that the CIA not only knew about my project, but approved and wanted to share the fruit with us was pleasing enough for me to ask the contractor to increase our financial commitment to hire more ‘specialists.’ Jerome was only too happy to take my money. The kicker was that the quality of the product increased as soon as the money did. We were swimming in raw data and spending a fortune having it all sorted and connected. When it was apparent that we needed even more help I made a...

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Making up with my ex

My first love and I dated for roughly a year before a very bad breakup. It was wonderful at first, and she and I actually lost our virginity to each other. Our relationship… My first love and I dated for roughly a year before a very bad breakup. It was wonderful at first, and she and I actually lost our virginity to each other. Our relationship had been souring for a few weeks, and I had reason to think she (Tiffany) was cheating on me. Tiffany and I always fought badly, and it finally...

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Outpost 2 Snowed in Hetero EditionChapter 4 Round Table

Schaffer sat at the kitchen table, a dozen Polars crowding around it as they dug into their supper, Osha doling out portions to the other aliens as they waited patiently for their share. Shrimp sat beside him, Shrimp and the mischievous twins were present too, along with a few of the hunters and some of the larger females. Tonight they were feasting on a large native animal that had been brought down the night before, its meat seared and served with some canned vegetables than the pack had...

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AftermathChapter 5

"Right here is perfect," Brett told Paul as they stood atop of the hill. "I could not have placed this high ground in a better place. Just look at the view!" "It is very impressive," Paul agreed, looking out towards town. The hill was on the northeast side of the town, about a half mile from the corner of the concrete wall and about a quarter mile from the eastbound lanes of Interstate 80 to the north. The summit of the rocky, sparsely vegetated rise stood approximately 400 feet above...

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Cop Searches Emily and Emma on a Speed Trap Stop

Please vote positive and add comments if you like my story so I would be motivated to write more. Please comment or DM me for recommendations. XOXO - Emma Cop Searched Emily and Emma on a Speed Trap Stop Emma and Emily was driving from their cheerleading team practice back home, going through rural farmland roads, with no one around, and they saw a police car approaching them fast, with lights flashing. Emily pulled over to the side to give way and stopped, and the squad car stopped right...

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One Day

She was waiting at the gate with her leather suitcase and her laptop and backpack, looking forlorn as well as beautiful. She tossed her stuff in the back, sat and buckled up, sniffing. I took a deep breath and she looked at me, cow-eyed. I felt my cock surge, normal when looking at her. She was wearing a tiny dress with a deeply scooped neckline and a very short hem, a dress I had never seen. There was more of her out of it than in it. "I can't believe it. One day! I paid for a whole...

4 years ago
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Watching Her Tutor

As many of you know if you've read my stories before, I love to watch my girlfriend get fucked but she never knows that I'm aware. She's not on board with me watching in the room, so I always have to find a way to make it happen. Every time she gets fucked behind my back, it just happens to be by huge cocks that make her squirt everywhere; I love it but it makes me so jealous because I can't make her do that.Cassie is now the youngest professor at a small college in the state we live in (I...

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Meant to Be Ch 06

Vicki lay awake in the early morning. Placing her hands behind her head, she looked up at the ceiling and let her mind wander. Last night was more than she could ever dream of. All her fears and concerns disappeared and she felt foolish that she ever had them. Aaron took her as she was, without hesitation. The physical act itself was overwhelming as she had never had such feelings before. It was as if it was her very first time. For the first time in her life, she craved more. She rolled onto...

4 years ago
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Cats Meow Ch 02 Bad Girls Dont Cum

"Untied?" Cat laughed and showed off her dimples as her smile lit up her face. Her ripe body still stretched across mine and her full breasts pressed on my chest. I still lay on the bed with my hands tied behind my back.Then she added; "I thought I might keep you as my sex slave for a while longer.""That’s okay with me, but you will need to feed, bathe and take care of all my… hum… needs."I laughed after saying it, but secretly hoped she would release me soon as she had just given me the most...

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Meri Padosan Sangita

Us society ka naam Aman Society tha aur real mai wahan se sab dharam ke log aman shanti se rehte thay. Sab log ekdusre ke kaam aate thay,sab festivals milke dhum dham ke saath manate thay. Jab koi bhi dispute hoti to sab log ek saath milke solution dhoondte aur problem ka faisla karte. Isse koi bhi baat haath se jyada bahar nahi jati. Society ke 3rd floor pe apni biwi aur beti ke saath rehte thay Mr Pramod Bhosale. Woh sushil swabhav ke pati patni job karte thay. Unki beti Sangita,ab HSC pass...

4 years ago
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Blackmailed Bi

The saleswoman seemed to know what was going on, which made me nervous as I headed for the door. If she did know, she wasn't calling for security, and that much made me glad. I hadn't lifted from this store before, and I never would again, but the teddy had been made for me, fitting me like a dream and I just couldn't let it go. My usual routine was to go into the fitting room and try on the clothing in question. If I liked it, I would leave it on, putting my regular clothing on top of it and...

2 years ago
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The full monty in times of the coronavirus

When I opened this account, I took a mental note to share my sexual adventures in chronological order. Albeit the coronavirus made me think, you might prefer an up-to-date story.April 2020Paul and I spend a lot of time together since my (sometimes) stubborn company finally gave the thumb up for home office. Three days I worked at home, only on Tuesdays and Fridays when meetings were scheduled, I had to attend in person. All in all, it's a huge relief - more time at home, comfortable to work, no...

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Darkest DaysChapter 13

At the sight of her, Robert shifts on the seat lid, the bulge obvious in his pants. Her tongue peeks out to wet her lips and she grabs her towel to swipe the excess bubbles clinging to her body away. She wraps herself up in the towel and begins to cry. He gestures for her to come to him. Cynthia pads over to the other side and his hands go to hers, capturing and covering them, the tears beginning to flow from his as well. “I know the tears you’re crying in your bed at night alone. I’ve cried...

3 years ago
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Shocking Revelations Part 8211 2

I assume you have read the first part of the story so I would continue the story where I had left in the first part. Rinki was ready after taking bath and it was 8 am in the morning. She had a class at 9 am, so I took the bath and prepared breakfast for her. I served the breakfast to Rinki and she had eaten it and was ready to go for class. While going to class Rinki said, ” Mom are you really going to the beauty parlor today?”. Rinki was asking this question to me from the morning and I had...

2 years ago
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Pool Time

Ive known I was Bi since I was 13, and now was on a vacation with my best friend. He is very hot, we work out together all the time, he has a ripped chest, and cut abs and I see him without a shirt on all the time. I was in the closet, even to him at the time, but I jerked off to him almost every night before I went to sleep. On the first afternoon of vacation we arrived about 6pm, and went strait to the pool to relax after a day of driving, locked in a car with my parents. While playing in the...

4 years ago
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US Army Public Relations Part 1

As a female Army recruit, I leaned very quickly that girls cannot show any emotion in the Army. It is a sign of immaturity and a weakness. And, if a female soldier showed any weakness, I quickly leaned, there was always someone close by who would try and take advantage of that weakness.I was not a virgin when I entered the Army at nineteen. I was, however, very naive when it came to sex and I soon learned that at one point or another, sexual frustrations boil over, for both male and female...

3 years ago
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I Knocked Up My Sister Too

I Knocked Up My Sister Too As I lay there after midnight in bed with my mother after we had sex I hugged her closely and said, “Mom I need to tell you something. Please don’t get mad. I knocked up Lisa too.” Mom went right into shock. She didn’t say a thing for almost a full minute and I couldn’t hear her breathe either. Finally in a low voice mom asked, “When and how?” We were in the spoon position that we both liked so well after sex. I held onto her lower breast and...

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More than we bargained for

So we decided to drive to Southern California on a much needed trip. We've both been working really hard and were stressed to the point where we were only fucking once a week. I started wondering if she had someone else on the side. She assured me she didn't, but wondered why we fell off sexually so much lately. As we took on the longest stretch of road during our trip, we started talking more about our sex life. I brought up more toys and public sexual experiences. She seemed okay with the...

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The First day of Summer

The sun glistened off her wet body as Naomi climbed from the pool, her skimpy bikini clinging to her small, but perky breasts. She squeezed the water from her long black hair and sat in the chair beside me. Naomi flashed me her beautiful, radiant smile and began reading from her magazine. I had always envied her, even though she was my best friend. Naomi had naturally tanned skin that shimmered in the sunlight, straight hair and long nails, and was always so petite. I was pale with scarlet-red...

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Gilberts Boy Toy3

I could look between my knees as Alvin stood and moved away. I could not see his face only his feet as he stepped away and Calvin stepped over my feet. Calvin had on a pair of socks that had holes at each big toe. Once Calvin was over my upturned butt I felt a massive cool piece of meat slid over my anal opening and I knew instinctively that it would not fit in my rectum. I cried out in fear '...nooo Gilbert, I wanna go home...' Gilbert was busy firing up a joint when he answered '...too late...

1 year ago
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IptomasChapter 4

Demeter soon left returning to her adopted daughter and Iptomas felt the need to wander and think on everything that had happened. Traveling far and wide he came upon a small hill overlooking a stream lined by brush and trees. The sound of crying below caught his attention and he ventured forth in curiosity. Peaking through the brush he spied the form of Aphrodite sobbing over her broken heart. Iptomas was so intrigued that he felt he was not in danger so this was obviously not a trap....

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Sarah Carerra 211 Its Just a Job

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: October 11, 2010) Chapter 11 - It's Just a Job Around 7:00 PM there was a knock on our front door. I got up from where I had been reading on the couch and opened it to find Emily standing there. "'Bout time," I said with a goofy...

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Sandra is late getting home

All of these thoughts went through her head in less than a few seconds as her hands dropped to her sides and she began to turn around. “Don’t move” and she froze. She had never heard anger in his voice before. Oh they had argued and yelled at each other, but never had there been anger. She feels more than hears his presence come up behind her. She feels his eyes noticing the tight jeans that hug her ass so nicely, feels his eyes upon the tight shirt that shows off her breasts without...

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NubileFilms Maya Woulfe All I Want For Christmas

Maya Woulfe and Ryan Mclane wake up in their Christmas jammies feeling the heat. Ryan’s morning wood is a hard presence in the small of Maya’s back. Even as Maya presses up against that woody, Ryan gets handsy. His palms caress up Maya’s belly and roam from her thighs to her tits, tickling out plenty of desire for an intimate morning coupling. Capturing Maya’s lips in a deep kiss, Ryan palms her twat. His fingers probe deep despite her pajamas while his kisses muffle her...

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Bonded LivesChapter 5B

Delinsilversworth Later while Des slept under the watchful eyes of her aunt, I took mother Rose home. The children were very glad to see her and she hugged them for a long time. Both of course wanted rides on me and I was happy to let them. They were playing with several others when we got there and only a few stayed and watched. I waved my tail at one little girl sending her into giggles. I had the feeling that the next time I was here I would be giving more than just Dan and Bess a ride....

2 years ago
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IntrospectionChapter 14

He watches the horse walking toward him. Casey cannot believe his eyes. No, this isn’t a Mister Ed type of thing. Jessie is standing on two legs. The horse is walking like a man. He could pass for a man if not for the head of a horse and the fur that looks like the Appaloosa that he is. Casey is instantly aroused and mortified at the same time. It could be because Jessie has such a human looking cock, that is already hard as steel, and that accounts for the aroused part. The mortified is...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 32 Halloween Party

November 1, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “May I have this dance?” I asked. “Yes! Hi, Steve!” Liz gushed. I took her hand and led her towards the center of the dance floor in the attic room just as a slow song started. Liz melted into my arms, molded her body to mine, and rested her head on my shoulder. We danced silently, simply savoring the feeling of our clothed bodies against each other. I wanted her, but I had two concerns. First, was Liz making unwarranted assumptions about what it might...

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Anna Williams con amore

Una missione come un'altra... Per Anna non fa alcuna differenza chi sia il suo obbiettivo siano questi uomo, donna, bambini non fa differenza. Con il tempo ha imparato a sopprimere il buon senso, se mai ne ha avuto, sviluppando anzi un certo sadismo per le sue... Imprese. Kazuya Mishima: capo di Anna e leader della G corporation, azienda biotecnologica, oltre la sua odiata famiglia ha diversi rivali che minano la sua industria. Uno di questi è un ricco e vecchio imprenditore giapponese,...

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I parked my little car in the tree-lined suburban street, took the folder of papers from the passenger seat beside me, walked up to the front door of the well-kept detached house and rang the bell, hearing its chimes echo distantly inside. After a moment I saw, outlined indistinctly through the frosted glass panel, the shape of a woman approaching. However, when the door swung open I was surprised to find that this was not my boss, but a complete stranger. For a moment, I wondered if I...

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SexAndSubmission Summer Day The Eviction

When hot and slightly snooty Summer Day starts her very own first real estate company, her rich daddy seeds her venture with a freshly acquired parcel of rental units in the Potrero district of San Francisco. The entire block has been evicted and is ready to be gentrified by Summer’s new company, but there is one stubborn tenant that will not vacate. Summer is determined to close this deal and make her daddy proud. She is fed up waiting and drives over there where she confronts Xander...

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The Punishment From Her Slave Peers

I owned a very memorable anal slave for a few months before I sold her to a former client of mine who lives up north in order to remove her from my collection for her own safety after a troubling event this past weekend. She was a 23 year old fair-skinned black-haired petite B-cup Caucasian that I had purchased solely to be the anal slave of my cohort, as I was told by her former lesbian master that she preferred anal to vaginal. She told me that the girl was often found sticking her fingers up...

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P I and Magic Book II The Gods ReturnChapter 19

The next morning, I was awakened by a knocking on the door. When I opened it, I was advised that breakfast would be served, shortly. I nodded, and was left alone to get dressed. After I was ready, I opened the door to set off in search of breakfast. I was met by the strangest looking little demon. It was a fawning, unassuming little 3 foot tall, vaguely human looking... thing. It escorted me to a dining room, where I was seated at a table with Shaitan. He had stood when I appeared, and then...

4 years ago
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Turning Tables

30 January 2012I was definitely not the brightest student in the level, but it really doesn’t matter today. It was the first day of orientation and there I was standing at the front of the parade square – with a pretty hot girl next to me.She was dressed in her white PE tee and black FBT shorts, showing off her slightly tanned skin. Her sleeves were rolled up in the morning heat as she held up the plastic placard telling everyone in OG3 to come our way. Her long legs were simply irresistible...

2 years ago
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Where Has He Been

As he lays beside her touching her lightly and kissing her body she wonders if its real or just a dream. She has never had this much attention. Usually it was just a quick fuck and it was done. Many times she wouldnt even have an orgasm. No hand holding in public. No touching in the car. She has been deprived and he knows it.  She is enjoying the attention. He runs his fingers lightly over her skin and whispers little things to her. His hands are everywhere touching everything. He tells her he...

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