A Day To Remember free porn video

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A Day to Remember Author's Note: A germ of an idea I tried to make an entertaining story. Hope you enjoy Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, No escape from Reality Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen 1975 William finished buttoning his shirt and checked himself over in the mirror. He knew he wasn't much to look at, but he took pride in keeping himself neat and presentable. Khaki slacks, yellow button-down shirt, brown loafers. He nodded to his image and headed out the door starting his journey to work. It was a couple blocks to the subway station, then from there it was eight stops before getting off and walking another half dozen blocks to his office. Five days a week, almost every week for the past three plus years. He didn't really pay much attention to things any longer. Nothing really changed: same cars, same trees, same cracks in the sidewalks. The only difference was the people on the train. And even they seemed to be mostly the same most of the time. He fed his pass into the reader and went through the turnstile taking up a position on the platform. He glanced off to his left into the black tunnel with its strings of white lights dotting the walls until it curved out of sight. Nothing coming yet. A couple minutes later he felt it: the cool breeze of air forced ahead of a train. Before the train could be seen or heard that breeze could be felt. He liked the feel of that breeze for some reason he could never identify. The rumble of the wheels started to grow and then the lights came into view. Everyone on the platform started to edge forward wanting to be in position to board when it stopped. The doors slid open, and William followed a few others into the car. He found a seat just off to the right facing into the center of the car and sat. There were plenty of seats still so he didn't worry about checking those who chose to stand to see if someone might need the seat more than he. He was raised not to be rude. He would readily cede his seat to someone elderly, a pregnant woman, or even a woman of about his same age. The train pulled out and his glance around became more of an inspection now to see if there was anyone of interest. His eyes came to rest on a young woman that was sitting right across from him facing him. At first, he was surprised he hadn't seen her as soon as he sat down but dismissed it. She was reading a book, so she wasn't looking at him. He took his time checking her out. Brunette with hair that fell below her shoulders, one tress hanging down her left shoulder. She seemed to be absently playing with it keeping it from hiding the words on the page of her book. She wore a white blouse that buttoned up the front, he noticed the gap between buttons at her breasts and wondered what might be seen through that gap. Her breasts were not large but not small at all either. Just that nice in between size that fit her body so well. She wore a black skirt that didn't reach her knees. Her knees, squeezed tightly together, he looked but could not see anything up her skirt. Wonderfully formed calves down to the sneakers she wore. She was one of those women that wore comfortable shoes to get to work and probably changed to heels in the office. He slowly looked back up her legs, once again tried to see under her skirt before looking up and seeing her staring at him. William's heart pounded in his chest and he felt his face heat up. The lights in the car flickered announcing they would arrive at the next stop in a minute. They went out and came back on a second later and the girl was looking at her book as though she had never looked up. William felt light-headed. He closed his eyes as people filed on and off the train. He opened them as the train began its trip to the next stop. The girl was gone. He looked back and forth to see if she had just moved to get away from him but didn't see her anywhere. He relaxed and looked down at his legs. His legs? Confused again. He looked around but nobody seemed to be paying him any attention. Everything looked normal, looked the same as it did most every other day. He looked down again and saw his bare legs emerging from under the hem of a tan skirt. He reached toward his knees and saw long manicured, red polished fingernails on the hands under his control. They began to tremble slightly as he touched the bare skin at his knees and felt both his knees and his hands. "What is happening to me?" he whispered to himself. He decided to just sit there until his stop. Ideas playing through his head: brain tumor? Poisoned? Some psychedelic in the air? The train pulled into his station and he stood and saw his reflection in the window across the car. He looked to be about the same height, short blond hair barely shoulder length, yellow blouse and tan skirt. He turned to toward the door and realized he was wearing high heels. Not too tall, but definitely not flats. He followed a stream of people out of the station into the sunshine of the day. Now on the sidewalk he saw his reflection in the window of a store. He couldn't believe what he was looking at. He wasn't beautiful by any stretch of the imagination, but not bad looking either. So, what now? "I have to get to work," he told himself. Same place, same job but I'm a girl. He turned and stumbled a bit toward his building. It felt odd feeling the air against his bare legs. His breasts bounced slightly as he walked. All things that seemed strange to one part of his brain and completely normal to another part. He felt like two people living in the same body. He walked along and became aware that his underwear was creeping into his butt. He resisted the urge to reach back and pull it loose and wondered why he would choose to wear something that would potentially become so uncomfortable. He remembered getting ready that morning. He showered, shaved his legs, fixed his hair, took extra care doing his make-up, chose a particularly sexy bra and panty set to wear. He ran his hand down the front of his skirt near his waist and felt the little bump of the rose that adorned the waistband of the panties he wore. He quickly withdrew his hand and had a clear vision of the satin and lace panty and bra. "Why would I wear something like that to the office?" As soon as he thought it the answer came to him. "I have a lunch date today? Oh God." It was someone new that he'd met. They were going to meet for lunch today and he picked the underwear because that man made him feel nice. And he liked feeling nice. He licked his bottom lip and bit it, scraping his teeth along it. "Crap, I'll have to fix my lipstick before I forget." The thought occurred to him before he even realized it. "This is nuts!" He entered the building and pulled his badge from his purse. He stared at the purse for a moment just realizing that he had been carrying it ever since leaving the train. He looked at his badge and there was his picture, or rather her picture, and her name: Doreen Glade. She went to her desk and sat, opened the deep file drawer and dumped her purse inside it, grabbed a little mirror off her desk and a lipstick from her purse, fixed her lips, dropped the lipstick back, closed the drawer and looked around to see if there was anything that needed her immediate attention before grabbing some coffee. She decided there wasn't anything and snatched a coffee cup from her desk. It had a slight tint of red lipstick on the edge of the cup and she promised herself that she would get a clean cup from home soon. She stood up, took a quick glance over the partition of the cubicles, couldn't see anyone nearby so reached under her skirt slipping a finger under the leg of her panty and slipping it back into place, then smoothed her skirt making sure everything was in order before proceeding to the break room. The coffee pot was empty, as usual, so she went about finding a new filter from a bottom cabinet, carefully squatting down in case some came in while retrieving it. She rinsed out the pot, got everything set up and hit the button. She waited for the brown liquid to fill the pot. "Hey, Doreen," a lady called as she came in. "Thanks for getting to the coffee first. The men will do anything to not have to make the coffee." "Hi Jenny," she answered. "I know that is right. Like it would kill them to do something for everyone else. What would they do if all us girls decided to stop making it for them?" William was amazed at how easily that part of his brain was taking over like this was a normal everyday thing. And Jenny never spoke to him, except now, and she doesn't even seem to notice that anything is different. How can this be happening? "Oh, they would probably order coffee delivered rather than clean up and set up," Jenny laughed. "Hey, what are you doing after work today? Evelyn, Brianna and I are going to stop for a drink, why don't you join us?" A moment of panic hit Doreen and William realized she was also mostly a loner. Several things occurred to him all at once. "Oh, um, let me think about it and get back to you, ok?" "You always say that," Jenny shook her head, "and you always find some excuse not to come along. You need to get out of that shell of yours and have some fun." "Good morning ladies!" Alan came into the room. "I smelled fresh coffee." He walked by them and grabbed the pot while it was still filling. A hiss rose as the coffee continued dripping onto the hot plate that was under the pot. He filled his cup and pushed it back under the drip. "Why didn't you come in and make it?" Jenny pressed. "Why do you wait for one of us to do it and then grab it before the people who actually make it can get some?" "I didn't want any until I smelled it," Alan tried to give them a grin thinking he was all that. "Besides, there's plenty. You won't miss out." He turned and left. "Asshole," Jenny spoke just above a whisper. Doreen laughed. The dripping was just about stopped so she pulled the pot out and filled Jenny's cup and then her own. "Well, off to save the world, one loan at a time." "Please, come tonight, you'll have fun," Jenny turned and left. Doreen returned to her desk, swept her skirt under her as she sat, sipped her coffee and set it down on a coaster. She logged into her computer and began going through e-mails and loan applications. It wasn't a smooth day for her. She kept stopping and analyzing things surprised at the way she did things instead of the way he did things. She crossed her legs under her desk and he noticed the feeling of flesh on flesh unblocked by the pants he wore. Also, crossed so tightly above the knee so comfortably. He'd reach do something and feel his arm slide along the side of his breast. He was shocked he was able to do any work amid all the distractions. The real test came when she realized she needed to go to the bathroom. She locked her computer and checked to make sure her drawer with her purse was locked. She trusted everyone in the office, but sometimes you just never knew. She entered ladies bathroom and selected a stall. She checked the toilet, hiked up her skirt, pulled down her panties and sat. She looked at the lacy brown band that wrapped around her knees. And though she had a clear memory of putting them on that morning she picked at them to get a good look. A solid tan panel in the front would help maintain some modesty if someone were to get a look up her skirt, but the rest was lace and sheer brown. She felt her nipples tighten at the idea of someone reaching under her skirt to find them. Michael? Her lunch date? Would she let him? She reached up and ran her hand over her breast feeling the bra underneath. Brown lace trimmed the yellow cup. She could feel the lace and the bump of her nipple. Part of her mind objected to touching herself this way at work, even in the bathroom. Another part was curious and wanting to feel more. She shook her head clear, wiped herself and dropped the tissue into the toilet. She pulled her panties up, smoothed her skirt, then flushed and went to the sink to wash her hands. Back at her desk she looked at the clock and realized she would need to leave to make her lunch date. She pushed through another application, unlocked her drawer, grabbed her purse and headed for the door. "Hey Doreen!" Jenny called. "Come to lunch with us!" "Can't," Doreen waved, "got a lunch date." "Really!! Then you have to come with us tonight," Jenny called back. Doreen didn't respond, just walked out the door. She arrived at the restaurant and took a look around the room. She spotted Michael sitting at a table in the middle, the waitress was just pouring a glass of water for him, so she was pretty sure he had also just arrived. "Hi there," she smiled as she approached the table. "Oh, hey! You made it," he grinned and made to stand up. "No, you're fine, don't get up," Doreen signaled to sit back down. She took a seat and tucked her purse on the floor between her foot and the leg of the chair. "I hope you don't mind that I grabbed the table before you got here," Michael started. "I decided a table rather than a booth might be better, and I was afraid if I waited, we might not be able to get one right away." "No, this is perfect," Doreen gave him her best smile to assure him. She looked Michael over, he was a bit nerdy looking, not anything like Alan from the office. They had met at a bookstore while standing in line to check out. He had a book that she had read earlier in the year and told him he hoped he enjoyed it. It was totally out of character for her to speak to a stranger, especially a strange man, but the fact that he didn't look like he was trying to be some model out of GQ just set her a bit at ease. They ended up talking for about fifteen minutes after checking out and agreed to meet for lunch today. Doreen ordered a salad; Michael ordered a club sandwich with fries. They dropped into a conversation feeling each other out as to who they were and whether the initial interest they had would grow. William felt the changes in his attitude and posture as they talked. Doreen was becoming more comfortable with Michael, and he could see he was becoming more confident in himself with her. They finished lunch, Doreen picked up here purse and began pulling her wallet out. "Please, allow me to get this," Michael grinned. "I've had such a wonderful lunch." "Thank you," she dropped the wallet back in. "but next time, lunch is on me." "Agreed," Michael seemed to sit a bit taller. "That means we will be having lunch again. I'm glad." "I did make that assumption," Doreen explained. "I hoped you'd want to. I've really enjoyed our talk." "Absolutely," he hesitated. "I was hoping maybe we might go out to dinner some evening?" "I think that might be something I would like," Doreen answered, "but let's do another lunch first, if you don't mind. Next week? Same time, same place?" "OK," Michael nodded. "That sounds like a good idea." They got up from the table and headed for the door. Doreen felt Michael's hand touch her lightly just above her hip. She wondered if he would try and kiss her and wasn't sure if she was ready for him to. William knew he didn't want it but felt powerless to do anything about it. They got outside the restaurant and Michael moved to face her, trailing his hand along her lower back as he went. "Thank you for today," he spoke as he stepped away from her. "I'm looking forward to next week." "Me, too," Doreen answered and impulsively stepped forward to give him a simple hug. William was aware of the feeling of Michael's body applying a little pressure to his breasts. And then it was over. "Until next week." She turned away and headed back to the office. William was aware of the confusion in Doreen. She wanted more, afraid to be hurt, worried she wouldn't be liked. She worked through the rest of the afternoon trying to put it out of her mind. "So," Jenny ducked into Doreen's cubicle, "how'd lunch go? And will you be joining us for a drink? We ae heading out in about ten mins." "Uh, it was fine," Doreen stammered. "Why do you want me to go with you so badly? We hardly ever talk; I hardly ever talk to anyone." "That is why," Jenny spoke softly. "You seem like a really nice person, but nobody really knows because you keep so much to yourself. I just decided to take a shot at trying to get to know you some. We are heading for the bar next door to the drug store down Elm, know where it is?" "Um, yeah, I know it," Doreen answered. "I pass it on the way here from the station." "Great, then it is on your way," Jenny turned to leave. "I hope you decide to stop in." She walked away without waiting for an answer. A few minutes later Doreen shutdown her computer, retrieved her purse and began the walk to the station. She went back and forth, deciding to stop at the bar with one step, deciding not to with the next. William was just as unsure, hanging out with the other women sounded nice but he was still wondering what was going on, how long could it last. Doreen walked past the bar and made it three more steps before coming to a stop. She looked back over her shoulder at the neon beer sign in the window and the brown wooden door. She took a deep breath, turned around and walked into the dark room temporarily blinded by the lack of light. "Over here," she heard Jenny call out. Her eyesight cleared enough to see her and the other ladies at a table a few steps away and went and joined them. "I am so happy you decided to join us," Jenny pulled a chair up to the table. "What's your poison?" "Um, marguerita?" she answered. "OK, first one is on me," Jenny went to the bar. Jenny was in a short block print dress that fit her body. Not so tight that it would be inappropriate for an office. She looked like one of those soccer moms that would always look like they just fell out of a magazine advertisement with their perfect looking children. Evelyn and Brianna were both just as pretty. Evelyn was dark skinned and wore a red dress that reached her knees. Brianna was blond and would attract the eyes of every guy in the place. Since getting off work she had decided to unbutton her blouse a bit to show a bit of cleavage. She wore a green pleated skirt that reached mid-calf. Why did they want plain old me with them? "Here you go," Jenny placed a glass, the rim crusted with salt, in front of Doreen. "They don't do frozen here, so I hope on the rocks will be ok." "Oh, yeah, it's fine, thank you," she picked up the glass and took a sip. "So, you had a lunch date!" Jenny pressed. "Tell us! Cute guy?" Doreen sipped tentatively at the marguerita before answering. It burned a bit as she swallowed, the bar used a cheap tequila but she knew that wouldn't matter by the time she reached the bottom of the glass. She looked up at the other women and saw they were all staring at her, actually leaning in a bit and realized they seemed genuinely interested in her story. "Well, not much to tell really," she began and felt the heat rising in her face, "I met him in line at a bookstore, we talked for a bit and decided to have lunch today. We talked more and have decided to have lunch again next week." "What's he look like?" Brianna asked. "Oh, well, I guess he's kinda plain like me," Doreen looked down at her drink, William felt the insecurity well up. "Not very tall, skinny, but a nice smile and kind eyes." "Well, that sounds pretty nice to me," Evelyn answered, "but I don't know where you are coming up that plain shit." Doreen's eyes snapped up to meet Evelyn's. "What? Look at me, I'm not all that special. You three could probably have any guy you wanted. You all look fabulous." "Is that why you haven't come out with us before?" Jenny asked, "Because you think we, what? We will make you look too plain?" "This isn't high school any longer," Jenny threw in. "At least we don't act that way. You are a great girl from the office and if you would undo a button or two on that blouse, maybe shorten your skirt an inch or two you would certainly get your fair share of guys attention. But believe me, sometimes you really don't want that sometimes." "I hear that," Jenny lifted her glass in salute. "Preach, sister," Evelyn's glass joined Jenny's. Brianna nodded and touched her glass to the other two. They all looked at Doreen. She looked at them for a second and picked up her glass and joined it with the other three. "Thanks, I really wish I had done this before. You girls are great." "You bet your ass we are," Brianna nodded and took a big swallow. "My turn, another round for all of us, right?" She stared at Doreen. William was now truly engaged in this exchange with the women. He wanted to stay and learn more, but he felt the hesitancy in Doreen. She was so programmed in being alone and feeling unworthy of attention, let alone friendship. The decision felt like it was drawing out for minutes when, in actuality, it was only a couple seconds. And then it felt like a light came on inside her. "Well, I'd like that but," Doreen hesitated and looked at the faces of the other women. Did she actually see disappointment on their faces anticipating her telling them she was done? "If I am going to stay longer then you have to agree to let me buy the next round." She reached up and undid a button at the top of her blouse. "Yes!" Jenny almost yelled it. Brianna walked around to Doreen, "That a girl!" Then she reached over and undid another button on Doreen's blouse and pulled the collar open adjusting it. "And don't kid yourself about your body. You've got nice equipment; you just need to use them right." Doreen felt a bit embarrassed, William a bit excited. "Brianna likes to tease," Evelyn explained. "But she is right about you. You can be as pretty as you like." Doreen didn't know what to say, she just finished her drink. They drank and talked for a couple more hours. The main topic was about the guys at the office and what jerks they can be. How condescending they can be in meetings, the belief they shouldn't need to do things like make the coffee. They laughed and drank. A few men tried to join their group during the evening, but the women chased them off each time. But as the hour got later some became less able to take the hint. Doreen was laughing at a story Evelyn just told when she felt an arm around her waist. She tried to step away, but she was held tight. "You ladies are having so much (sounded like mush) fun over here I had to come over," the lush announced. "So you decided to kill the party?" Jenny asked. "HAHAHAHA, that's great! No, I'm a funny guy, I want to be a part of this!" Doreen tried pushing her elbow into his ribs, but it seemed he didn't feel it. Not surprising since he was weaving in place making her sway with him. She dared to look up at him, fearing he might take that as an invitation to give her a kiss, but instead caught him trying to stare down her blouse. She moved her hand to cover the opening in her blouse. "Go away!" Brianna told him. Her face was dead serious, it even scared Doreen a bit. "C'mon, let me buy you girls another round," he slurred. "If you don't let her go and leave," Evelyn took a step toward him. "I'm going to knee you so hard you will choke on your balls." Doreen was shocked, but also had to suppress a laugh at that. She also felt the hand holding her falter. She quickly stepped away from the drunk toward Jenny. Jenny pulled her closer and put a protective arm around her. "Shit," the drunk stumbled back. "Why do you have to be such bitches when a guy just wants to have some fun too?" "To put up with assholes like you," Jenny answered. "Think it is time to go?" Brianna asked. "Screw them," Evelyn answered. "I'm not going to let on jerk spoil my night. You ok Doreen?" Doreen nodded. She felt stronger now as a part of these women. "Yes, thank you all. I wasn't quite sure what to do there." "You did fine," Evelyn told her. "How about one more before we hit the road. Just to prove we can't be run off." All the girls nodded and they finished off their evening without any more interruptions. "Thanks for talking me into joining you," Doreen told them when they were all back on the sidewalk. "Thank you for coming along," Jenny told her. "It better not be the last time," Brianna added. "I don't think it will be," Doreen hugged all three of the women. "I better go catch my train, see you Monday!" She walked along feeling the cool night air against her legs and where her blouse was open. William reveled at all the feelings as well. He wondered at getting home and knew the nightgown that would be worn to bed as well as what would be done. As good as Doreen was feeling, she knew she could feel better. They walked down the steps into the station and as they approached the turnstiles they got bumped and fell against the wall. "Oh, I'm so sorry," the girl apologized. "That's ok," William answered. He was disoriented, everything was wrong. He looked around and it was brighter, his clothes were his again. What happened to his skirt, blouse, lingerie? He looked at the girl. She stood there in a white blouse, black skirt, and sneakers. Her dark hair pulled down over one shoulder, there was a book in her hand. He just stared at her for a moment, his mind unable to put everything together. "Quite a day, huh?" she spoke just above a whisper. "Not many get a taste of the other side, fewer appreciate it. What will you do?" She turned a walked away. William stood and stared at her as she disappeared into the crowd. He realized it was Friday morning again. The day he just had, he was about to have again but this time it would be William, not Doreen. He stumbled up the stairs, looked at himself in the reflection of the window to be sure it was really him and then walked on to the office. He went to his cubicle, grabbed his coffee cup (it did not have a lipstick smudge on it) and went to the break room. The pot was empty, so he went about making some more. Just as the liquid began filling the pot, he heard someone else coming. "It smells like someone beat me to making the coffee this morning! Which of you ladies beat me...Oh!" Jenny came in and spotted William standing there. "I'm sorry, I just assumed it was one of the other girls in here." "I can't say I blame you," William answered. "I think I may have been guilty of waiting to get my coffee until I was sure someone else had made it. I bet a lot of the guys in here have done the same." "Um, well, not a lot. More like all," Jenny laughed. "Well, I, for one, am sorry about that," William told her. "I am not going to try and beat you in here to make it every day, but I am going to stop waiting to be sure someone else has done it." "Why, thank you William," Jenny smiled. "I wish more people felt that way." "Hey Jenny, I smell that coffee," Brianna entered the room. William noticed the blouse was buttoned up almost to the top. They were both dressed just as he knew they would be. "I didn't make it today, William did," Jenny offered. "No!" Brianna gasped. William laughed. "You ladies have a good morning!" he went back to his desk. Later that morning William was sitting in a meeting and the same boring discussions were taking place. Evelyn came up with an idea that seemed to make a lot of sense to him. "I don't know about that," Alan shook his head. "Wait a minute," William interrupted, "I think she has something there." He went on in support of her idea adding things he was aware of. Before long everyone was on board. "Thanks for the support," Evelyn told him as they walked back to their respective cubicles. "I thought Alan was going to shoot it down without even thinking about it." "It certainly seemed like it to me," William agreed. "He can be a bit of an asshole sometimes. Probably would have introduced it at the meeting next week as his own idea." "Your right," she laughed. "Thanks again." William sat as his desk and thought about the day he was having, especially in comparison to the day he thought he had. He felt really good about it and especially about himself. He thought about coming to the office in the skirt and blouse, and about the lingerie and idly fantasized about maybe getting something for himself like that. I wondered if he would dare but the excitement he felt suggested he might. He took a deep breath and started to lean in toward his terminal when there was a soft knock on the outside panel of his cubicle. "Hi, William," Jenny leaned in. "Evelyn just told me about the meeting." "Oh, yeah, she had a good idea," he nodded. "Well, she, Brianna and I are going to grab some lunch and thought maybe you might like to join us if you don't have plans already." "Oh, are you sure?" William was taken aback; this was something he really didn't expect. "Yeah," Jenny stepped a little further into his cubicle. "I don't know what seems so different, but we'd all like it if you could join us." "Thank you," William seemed to feel himself grow a little lighter. "I think I'd like that." "Great, we are going about 12:30," she smiled and left. William turned back to him terminal and started back on the day's work. Suddenly the work didn't seem as boring as it had been. As well as the day was going so far he wondered what the rest of it might hold. He was certain it would be terrific no matter what came next.

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Sunday's Child By Ginny Wolf And the child that is born on the Sabbath day Is bonny and blithe and good and gay. Diary Entry: Friday, February 22, 1924 This day I turn 78 years of age. I feel fortunate to have lived such a long life. However, I must unburden my soul before I die which may be soon, given the weakness of my heart. What follows here, dear diary, I swear is the God's honest truth, no matter how strange it may seem. I began keeping this diary on the day I became...

4 years ago
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Daycare Charge

Little Accidents: "Oh no, oh no no no!" This was the third time in as many days that Christy had found herself in this situation: rushing to the bathroom with an intense urge to pee, fearing she may not make it in time. The first time she'd been lucky and managed to get to the toilet just in time to go, the second time she wasn't as lucky but had at least managed to get her pants off and only wet her panties. This time, however, as she rounded the corner towards the bathroom she was dismayed to...

2 years ago
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Daytona Day 1 of 5

Daytona Day 1 of 5 I am only going to set this up once so… Master had 5 of his buddies over last Sunday (2/21/16) to watch the Daytona 500. It was in the mid 40’s so my naked ass was outside grilling some food and the guys were just sitting around shooting the shit. For those that don’t know, I am a 24/7 sub/slave for my husband/Master so at home I am always nude. Anyway, eventually the talk turned to the race and who they thought was going to do what. I am and always have been a big Dale Jr....

1 year ago
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Daytona Beach DesireChapter 1

Winter in northern Michigan gets cold, damn cold, every year. There is always enough snow on the ground to suit the most finicky snow lover. Hell, during the worst of the winter, we walk through tunnels of snow piled high along the sidewalks, higher than I can even reach in some cases. The college has some high powered sidewalk snow blowers that can send a solid column of snow about forty feet into the air. By January, every sidewalk has become a trough through the accumulated snow that can...

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Daycare Charge Part 2

Summary:Christy continues to try and get a hold on her potty training while the results of her bet with Stacy hang in the balance.Chapter TextThe Daycare Charge, Chapter 2 - The BetIn the hours after accepting the bet and her rather embarrassing addition to the potty training chart, Christy tried her best to continue doing her job in addition to the attention she was paying to not poop her pants again. For the most part, her job consisted of watching over and assisting the c***dren they had at...

3 years ago
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Yesterdays Panties Part 2

Yesterday's Panties - Part 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - From Yesterday's Panties- Part 1: Tabitha took her hand and put it on my left breast and began to massage it. She pinched my nipple and looked longingly in my eyes. "Maybe you could start sharing bras with me too, then," she asked as she pinched harder and sent a shock of excitement through me. "Baby, I don't think I have the parts that it takes to fill out your bra. ...

4 years ago
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Birthday to Remember

Rae was stirred from sleep. She quickly deduced what disturbed her slumber and moaned softly. Her husband had obviously woken up randy and had decided to start her birthday off right. His fingers continued to lightly touch her on her inner thighs, coming oh so close, but not quite touching her sex. She rolled off her side and onto her stomach opening herself up more to him. She still hadn’t opened her eyes as she moaned again. His fingers obliged and moved to her growing moistness. They...

1 year ago
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A Beautiful Wish Chp 5 The Heart Remembers

A Beautiful Wishby 800ibGorrilaChapter 5: The Heart RemembersThe water streamed across George and Dawn's entwined bodies.  It traced the lines of George's lean muscles and caressed Dawn's impossible curves.  They kissed and embraced and joined over and over, enjoying a closeness that neither had felt in their short time together.  George cleaned her first, starting with her golden brown hair, which looked and smelled just as intoxicating wet.  He lathered up his hands and slowly ran them over...

3 years ago
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Daytona Beach DesireChapter 3

Mickey told me the next morning that he was having trouble fucking Hanna. He said she was just too tight or he was too thick or both. Either way, it actually hurt them both when he was inside her. She was becoming depressed because she was certain that there was something wrong with her. That Caitlin and I were having such a good time actually made it worse. He then admitted that she had told him she had faked her orgasms because she didn't want to disappoint me and she knew that we were...

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Yesterdays Panties

Yesterday's Panties Tabitha and I married just a couple years after college. And over the years, our sex life became "ordinary". It wasn't that I didn't find her sexy but after the initial honeymoon period where things are new, the newness wore off. We were very happy but in bed, there was just something missing. I think we both felt it but neither one of us talked about it. Sex just became less frequent and when it did happen, it was always the same pattern - a little touching,...

2 years ago
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Wednesdays I fuck your young wife

``````````Her long chestnut hair was fixed in a pony tail. Her face freshly scrubbed, no make-up. She wore a man's large flannel shirt, yellow and black plaid, her long, shapely legs bare. ``````````We greet by touching fingertips affectionately, touching lips in a brief and conspiratorial kiss. ``````````"I come to you pre-fucked," she said wryly. "He threw a quickie into me this morning. I made him pull out and cum in my mouth, though." ``````````"Yeah?" I said, playfully drawing...

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I checked the time on my phone. It read "3:56" just as my computer made that shutdown noise. Perfect. I'd worked through lunch just to achieve this. I pulled on my jacket, keeping the phone in one hand and texted while one of my fellow escapees pressed the down button. "You home?" I sent, my phone chirped as it sent the message and the elevator binged its arrival. I'd have to wait for the reply -- the elevator blocked my service. But I could wait, I was in an awesome mood, because it was...

1 year ago
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daycare whores

One Monday not long ago I heard them saying they got a place together to save money and that they started driving to work together, that very night I picked up my son early and drove him to his moms, I was back at the daycare center before close, I waited and watched and eben played with my cock a bit. I watched them come out get in Saras car and headed off, they made 1 stop for wine and cigs and headed to their place. The lived in apts that were kinda of in the middle of nowhere, 4 apts...

2 years ago
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Daydream in the Library

It was a sweltering day in the city. Adriana’s heels clicked on the sidewalk and she silently thanked the breeze that played against her stockinged thighs as she hurried up the steps of the library. She was nearing the top of that mountain of stairs, slightly winded from the stack of books she held tight against her chest when the whistle rang through the summer air. It was enough to set her heart racing and her feet clash against each other. As she threw out her arms to catch herself, she...

Love Stories
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WednesdaysChapter 8 Wednesday Dana

I was crammed into a corner of the booth with Toni, Ned and Fran, when Toni asked, "What do you do for them?" She meant at work. "I'm International Sales Manager. We have a lot of retail customers overseas, mostly in Europe. They're my job. There's not much travel, but some." "You study Marketing in college?" she asked. "What I do is really logistics — distribution, not really Sales. No, I was good old English Lit. When I went to work for them, I was just an assistant in Sales....

2 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 14 Sunday

Toni drove out the Diagonal Highway in the Sunday sunshine; few cars on the road, the still-green wild grasses swaying on the fields. At the turnoff for Niwot, she bumped over the tracks and drove through the sleepy village to Ned's house. When she turned into the drive, the garage door swung up; the space next to Ned's car was empty. Toni chuckled and drove in, the door beginning to swing down behind her. When she stepped out of the car, Ned was standing in the doorway in t-shirt and...

3 years ago
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WednesdaysChapter 30 Phil

Sylvia is a woman who really intrigues me; smart, competent, beautiful. But she certainly takes some getting used to as a person. Very strong, but I like that. I also like it that she's an architect, and a good one. I feel good about the law, she feels good about creating buildings. It gives us a common ground that we frequently return to when we talk about things. When we first started dating, there wasn't much question about the sexual side. She took her time to get to know me, then she...

2 years ago
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Rules? Pftt... yeah no there actually are rules, the rules of the site that is, but other than that, I guess just no real fucked up shit that is just distasteful I guess. Btw, I'm gonna act like a tyrant, if I do have control over posts in this "story", so if something doesn't fit my narrow point of view of the world, and I actually feel like it, I'm probably gonna try to delete it. Will I? I don't know. Anyways, this will just be the hub page, the seed where all of your daydreams, nightmares,...

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A Young Boy Remembers

‘All the Worlds a stage and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays many parts.’ William Shakespeare A Young Boy Remembers – The best Guitar Player I Never Heard! I still remember that summer day. It was hot, almost stifling in my Grandparent’s modest living room. Out of boredom, I had picked up my Aunt Jeannie’s guitar and was idly fooling around with it, picking the third string once, and then sounding the second string...

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Rita Remembers

Author’s Note: This story is set in the 1930’s before Vatican II. It is a love story between a Roman Catholic priest and a woman he comes to love while he was in Rome, Italy. If this type of story offends you, read no further. If you like a love story, then enjoy. Thanks to my best friend and soul sister for all your help. Rita Remembers Chapter 1 Mrs. Rita Thompson was a middle age Korean War widow. Her husband had been an Air Force colonel when his plane was shot down over the seas off of...

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Thursdays Thursday nights I reserve for something special. It's always for the twoof us, with the express goal to bring us closer together. Marriage can wearout if you aren't careful. It has to be kept alive, nurtured, and it takesattention and effort. That's my job, to be proactive and take the initiative.From the beginning we agreed on certain roles in our relationship, privilegesfor each of us balanced by individual responsibilities. I got the short straw,the one where you win the dominant...

3 years ago
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Faraday Serum

Chapter One: Hole in the Ground "Quinn?" The sound of someone shouting my name drew me instantly over in that direction, pushing through the tall weeds and scarce underbrush toward a man crouched over in the dirt. I caught Bates and Kerensky up in my wake and we came up short in sight of McDunnough there. Carlton too. He hovered over the other man, a big, satisfied grin plastered across his face with his hands snugly on his hips. "I think we got something here," McDunnough...

3 years ago
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Sundays Tonic

Sundays afternoons are always twinged with twilight. The setting of the weekend, drawing long shadows of an impending Monday. As days of the week go it’s my least favourite, reminding me of my own middling years, overwhelmed by the dawning considerations of old age. These are symptoms that need self medicating, a gloom only cured by a specific light. My prescribed treatment? The pursuit of sexual gratification, willing or otherwise. To humiliate others distracts from my own inadequacies and...

2 years ago
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Sundays with Sultana Sharmila

The following is a true account written by a friend of mine in Calcutta. Read it and enjoy. In a few earlier narratives I have described a couple of erotic sessions with my former girlfriend Roma. Today, I shall describe some extremely satisfying sexual sessions with my present girlfriend Sharmila. Sharmila, 37, a probashi divorcee from New Delhi, is a management executive working for a National News Channel and she is currently on a three year assignment in its Kolkata office. We met first at...

2 years ago
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holliday escapades 2

some time for me to actually drift of to sleep with 2 of the most beautifull women in the world at my sides, though eventually I got myself into dreamland. After countless hours of chaotic dreams and haunting faces of max, I couldn't take it anymore and got out of bed to sit on the beach and watch the sunrise. "Why are you up so early?" A little startled but quickley recovered, I turned to look straight into sam's eyes who was closing...

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Rob Remembers

Cover Art The images used are Brownswirl with cgbc eyes1 811 from the Lulu cover art page and are used with permission of Lulu. The trimming, manipulation, and adding of text is by Ernest Bywater. All rights to the cover image are reserved by the copyright owners. 10 November 2018 version The titles I use are a chapter, a sub-chapter, and a section. Table of Contents The Story Starts Troubles Shell Game Thursday - Getting Organised Moving On Friday Furniture Arrangements Evening Night...

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Dayner Jake

I naturally felt inclined to spend even more time with him than I used to and show my love and gratitude for him in different ways. I was never a very affectionate person, I always thought I had to keep my distance from men so that there wouldn't be any misunderstandings about my sexual orientation, but now I see myself doing things quite out of character for me. I don’t know if the divorce brought back some insecurities or if Jake has really warmed my heart even further with his decision to...

2 years ago
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Dayla Rue Grace

“Grace, that’s lovely. Let me have a look at you, Grace.” She pulled my hood back and took off my hat she pulled down my bun and ran her fingers through my ratty red hair. “When we get back to Chicago we are taking you to the Spa! Do you have a Family?” “I had a brother.” “Had, I’m sorry my little sugar plumb. Why don’t you close your eyes and lean on me and we will be home in no time.” I did as she said. I had not slept so well in years. I woke up to sunlight in my eyes, a reflection off...

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Seem like every body at the warehouse took notice of my new look. Walking fast was no longer an option; it caused an unacceptable bounce that attracted way to much attention. Going down steps was a real challenge. Seems I could not leave my desk with out every one starring at me. The problem was all the attention was making my nipples twice as hard. I resigned myself to stay at my desk as mush as possible for the day, and let the drivers come to me. It was around 10:30 when Brad's truck...

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Walking toward the house; reflecting. ..., I think back to the phone call I received two hours ago from Jimmy. Jimmy is my nephew. It seems Jimmy is at a party which has gone wild. Jimmy told me that there were a couple of girls there, one of whom had been at Jessica’ wedding; who were hiding. He mentioned three black dudes who were terrorizing the party and he was; ‘afraid for his ass’; as he worded it. I gave Willie a call as Sally is still in China. I told Willie I’d pick him up with the...

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... After yesterdays debacle I wasn’t looking forward to meeting a Congressman’s wife, Dania I think her name is. After calling J & J‘s security to get ‘Jackie’ a 24 hour security detail I received a couple of phone calls. Willie called to find out what the score was; and, to my surprise, Gino called to check up on me. The call from Gino has me meeting this woman tonight. I guess I will have to pay for Jackie’s security personally. There is a rally tonight at Janet’s Hotel. I’m to meet this...

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... Memo: Bob, we have a situation in accounting. Leonard, a long time employee has been observed looking at Kiddie porn at work. Signed: ... Wallace, Chief of security. Sitting back in my chair I look out the window. Leonard yet, what the fuck was he thinking. Jeez, he has two children of his own for fuck sake. Give them a bath; put them to bed; anything but porn at work. Know I have to do something. I phone security Chief Wallace. “Wallace ..., Bob here.”... “Fine Wallace, and...

2 years ago
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Three months after Jessica's wedding Jess came to see me. We chatted in the office for an hour or so, at the end of which Jess invited me over for supper the following Tuesday night. The rest of the day was the usual. I went to a ball game in the evening sitting in a box seat. Some of Gino's people were on hand. Gino showed late and we had a few. I enjoyed a good night. Tuesday evening I show at Jessica's new house for dinner. I parked in the garage as per Jess's instructions. I...

4 years ago
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... 12:01am ... “Ring ...,Ring ..., RING..., RING...,” “Hello.”..., “Bob Smithe here." “Mr Smithe, this is Richard's from the fire department. There has been an accident at the Halpern Construction site ...,..., a fire was accidentally set on the roof and two men were injured sir." " Who.? " ... " A security man named Monty sir, we have no last name. ...,and the site Super. A Mitch, or Mr. Mitch sir, again our information is preliminary. "...

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He was looking forward to going to Verna. It could only be for a limited time but there would be other visits. Even traveling a considerable distance, he thought it well worth the time, there was no sacrifice. Eventually, Verna started to come into view, he slowed his approach and savoured the anticipation, smiling at the butterfly sensation in his stomach. With all the thoughts, feelings and emotions during his advance he neglected to observe one very crucial thing. A mistake was made, a major...

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Mondays Child

***Monday’s Child is fair of face, Tuesday’s Child is full of grace, Wednesday’s Child is full of woe, Thursday’s Child has far to go, Friday’s Child is loving and giving, Saturday’s Child works hard for a living but the Child born on the Sabbath Day is fair and wise and good and gay.*** Analisa Soto didn’t own a mirror. Not after the accident. She couldn’t bear to look at herself. Not just because she had single-handedly killed her entire family, but also because the beauty that she’d had had...

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It’s a Friday morning — I start the day by getting up at 7am for my 8am class. Before getting out of bed, I wrap myself around you, run my hand through your hair and shower you with gentle kisses. Innocent at first, but I quickly make my way down your warm body that is entangled in heavy blankets, first your neck and collarbone, then slowly trailing down your abs, all the while my hands are grabbing your ass. You’re still in sleep mode and with your eyes still closed, you moan and shift your...

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Daystar Swimming

The sun slowly sinks below the horizon as we sit in silence on the isolated beach. Late October, a beautiful time for the shore. True companions of the sea come to the sandy dunes at this time of year to listen to the Divine power whisper truth across the foam that settles at your toes. Day stars glitter and captivate you to open your soul to all that is to be in this universe. Only those who are of the sea come here and listen. There is no need for us to talk. We hear each other clearly,...

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Holidaying with a school friend Part 1

It was the last day of the summer term and I was full of the holiday spirit. In less than a weeks time my parents and I were off to the Caribbean for a two-week break. For the last few days I have been talking about nothing else. Friends in my form must have been getting fed up with me, I am sure Cora was and told me as much. “Anna you might think the holiday sounds great, but you could have as much fun on an English beach.” Jealous or what? The bombshell was dropped during one of our rare...

2 years ago
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Holidaying with Miss Greenslade

I woke up the next morning and wondered how soon it should be before I called Kate. After last night I was certainly keen to meet her again, but didnt want to seem desperate or needy. Contemplating on my stupid dilemma I rolled over to look at the clock. Shit, it was 11 already. I got up and pulled a T-shirt on as I left my room. My sister Jill came out of the bathroom, brushing her blond hair and wearing nothing but a towel around her athletic body.      ‘I wouldnt go down dressed like that...

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Holidaying with a school friend Part 2

I took my shower earlier the next morning. I usually do not mind showering with Cora, but today was different. I did not want her, to see the welts on my bottom. Unfortunately, Cora had also decided to take an early shower. “Morning, Anna” “What! Oh good morning Cora” “Anna, your bottom, was it Alex?” “Yes” “Did he fuck you?” “Yes,” “Were you?” “Yes, he was the first boy I had sex with” “Poor Anna” “Cora, has he done it to you?” “The spankings and canings yes, sex no” “Sure?” ...

4 years ago
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MILFday At The Spa

Background: After winning a bet with a demon in a dream, you are able to mind control whoever you please. You are at a spa relaxing in the waiting room because your car is getting fixed down the street. While staring into the hallway, you see a familiar figure walk into a room. You follow in and see....

3 years ago
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Gameday Slut for BBC

This past weekend i got a call from one of my fuck buddys ,Jamal. He was having some friends over to watch the NBA Playoffs and asked if i would dress up and serve them during the game and be their fuck slut for the night. So of course i agreed to help. I had no idea who the friends were or how many friends would be there. I quickly started to the closet to decide what i would wear. Black see through lace night gown, heels, and black thigh high stockings was the choice. I would go as a blonde,...

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Manday Mania Part Four

When Ned woke me up, I did not know how long I had actually been asleep but I immediately got scared that the video of Tom and me fucking was still on the video. When I looked at the video I was relieved to see that I had been asleep for almost three hours and the video machine had automatically shut itself down due to no more input. Ned had already started to go upstairs so I got up, retrieved the flash drive and put it in my pocket. I then turned off the lights and followed Ned up to our...

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Yestrerday at the porn theater

As a fan of gloryholes and porntheaters, I'm a more or less regular guest at the local porntheater. It's a relatively small theater but it's safe, it's good enough and there are always some horny bitches and cock hungry guys present to fulfill anyones' needs.... So yesterday was one of those days. After a really shitty day at work, I wanted to relax and enjoy a good porn movie, preferably in good company, because as a single guy, sex doesn't cum easy these days.... When I entered the...

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Manday Mania Part 3

. I turned around but was shocked to find it was my husband’s friend, Tom, and not Ned. (I thought Ned had awakened and saw me and wanted to fuck. I was surprised to see Tom and I backed away a little.) He said “relax, I heard what went on here today and decided to come over check to see if you are ok. I also came over because I have wanted to fuck you since the first day I saw you but I didn’t want to hurt Ken. We have been friends since we were k**s but when I heard what happened today with...

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Manday Mania Part 2

That was when I looked up at the TV and saw that there was a different video on and not the one with the two guys and the one girl and her “husband”. I also noticed that the video had a different look to it. However, it showed one woman, sandwiched between two guys but it was from the side and only showed them from the shoulders down. She looked a little familiar but I figured that at my current state of mind after the pot and wine and intense sexual activity I was just imagining things....

2 years ago
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Gameday Mania Part 1

I remember this as if it happened yesterday. In fact, whenever I think about it I get still get so hot that if I’m fucking my husband I start to orgasm almost as soon as his cock slides into me. If I’m alone and at work I have to go to the ladies room, go into a stall, and masturbate until I cum. At home I will masturbate, use my vibrator or fuck myself with my dildo until I cum. That’s how good that day was. I am not a big football fan but my husband, Ned, is. He and some of his friends will...

3 years ago
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Dayani is a horny bitch

Dayani was her name, she had worked with Luxmi for a quite a while now and the two got on so well.Luxmi had liked Dayni since they started work together; she was about 4½ feet tall, with shoulder length black hair and a slim curvaceous body that were topped with a good-sized pair of 36C breasts.Both were 23 however Luxmi had long black tint hair and about the same sized breasts as her friend and workmate.“Hi Luxmi nice day isn’t it” a chirpy Dayani said as Luxmi came into the shop where they...

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Hoiday in France Wifes Story

She and her brother had after Madges' intervention and instruction been fucking since the weekend her parents when to a wedding leaving Madge in charge. Madge moved out soon after and left the k**s to it, my wife's new favourite thing and a new way of draining her brother balls of cum. The only disappointment was that she rarely got to taste his cum pure as it got mixed up with her pussy juice. Anyway, the annual holiday to France was planned and the weeks before gave the k**s plenty of chances...

3 years ago
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Ryan Matthews walked into his office and was immediately struck with a severe case of Mondayitis. He placed his suitcase on the green couch which was placed against the left wall of his office, pulled a file out of it which he put back in its place in the filling cabinet on the right hand wall, before trudging over to his desk. With a sigh he sat down and pulled the monthly report in front of him and started up his computer.As the local manager for Essam Reality, a nation wide real estate...

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