Dianna Ch. 03 free porn video

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Hello, and welcome. This is the final chapter of the story. I want to thank everyone who read it for sticking with it through to the end. I hope you found it enjoyable.

I want to thank the following people who helped me create this fantasy: LaRascasse, my editor for really helping me with this. Kalamazoo707 and Donalde for helping me stay track and simply being there. Mostera1 for wisdom and encouragement, and finally, Mokkelke for being the best beta reader ever.

Any mistakes found throughout this story are my own, and not a reflection on any of the people who helped.

Again, thank you again for reading. Please feel free to comment and send feedback. Your comments and thoughts help me to become more skilled at this craft.


Monday morning arrived quickly. Most of her bruises had healed. She had a few cuts that were still visible. Dianna could only imagine the questions she’d have to face upon her return.

Dianna got up early to get dress. When she walked into her dining room, she saw that her roommate LaTasha had made breakfast for her. Latasha was so proud of her friend and wanted to do anything she could to show her how proud she was and how much she appreciated her.

‘Tasha, thank you.’ Dianna said as she embraced the young woman and thanked her for breakfast. ‘Sit, join me.’ Both women ate a hearty meal before facing another long day at work.

Dianna carefully applied makeup to hide the few bruises she had left, hoping that no one would look too closely at her face. She knew that Bryce hadn’t told anyone what really happened and she truly appreciated him for it.

Even with carefully placed makeup, she could not hide the truth from the very watchful eye of Mrs. Towers.

‘Dianna, I need to speak with you.’ Mrs. Towers addressed her in the lounge that morning. They exited the lounge and went to Mrs. Tower’s classroom.

‘Good Lord, Dianna, who did this to you? Don’t you dare tell me, it was an accident, or you fell? I know abuse when I see it.’ Mrs. Towers was clearly distraught.

In an effort to help alleviate her concern, Dianna explained the events involving her ex-boyfriend and his subsequent arrest.

‘You should have called me. I know you want your privacy and I can respect that young lady. But there are other people that worry about you. You call me from now on, understand.’ She then gathered Dianna in a tight motherly embrace.

Summer walked in and saw Mrs. Towers wiping away her tears. She looked at Dianna and knew something awful had happened. However, both women greeted her warmly.

‘Ok, what’s wrong?’ Summer demanded.

She knew it had something to do with the days Dianna was out last week.

‘Dianna, did something happen to someone in your family? Did you get hurt? What’s going on?’ Summer asked as she clearly began to become distressed.

Dianna and Mrs. Towers wanted to calm her down before she got to upset.

‘Summer, no one is hurt and I am fine. I just had some type of episode and needed some time. I’m fine alright.’ Dianna assured her.

Summer was relieved, although she knew they weren’t telling her everything. Dianna was alright and that was all that mattered.

After they chatted, each of the ladies went on to their classrooms to start their day.

Bryce found out from Summer that something had transpired between Dianna and Mrs. Towers. He was sure it was alright, but wanted to make sure Dianna was fine.

He stopped by Dianna room during their conference time, walked in, lowered the blinds, then closed and locked her door. He needed to hold her for a minute just to make sure she was really alright.

‘Bryce,’ she whispered, ‘We’re at school. What if someone sees…’

‘Just give me this moment, let me hold you, Dianna. We can go back to being teachers in a minute, right now let me be your man.’ Bryce whispered.

Dianna pressed her face into his chest and inhaled his scent. His essence comforted her, then, she lay her head on his chest reveling in the feel of him. Soon there was a light knock at her door. They separated and opened it to find Mrs. Towers standing on the other side.

‘Well,’ she asked, ‘How long?’

Dianna blushed and Bryce looked her in the eye, ‘Since December, we’re not breaking-‘

Mrs. Tower’s laughed, ‘Boy, if you don’t stop. Just be careful, especially here at school alright.’ Then she gave each person a quick hug before she left them alone.

The rest of the week went by with the usual disruptions that always occur. Finally it was Friday. Summer was giving her roommate, Chad, a surprise birthday party. She invited all of her friends from work. The other three teachers agreed to come and Mrs. Towers told her she would bring her husband. He could help with the food.

Summer asked Bryce to invite Brian to her party. She really liked Brian. She had a crush on Bryce, but once saw that Dianna liked him, she dropped those thoughts quickly.

Surprisingly, Bryce and Dianna had a great time at the party. As much fun as he was having with his friends and coworkers, Bryce wanted to get his woman alone. It had been more than twenty four hours since he drank form her nectar. To him that was twenty-three hours and fifty-nine minutes too long. Pulling her into the hall, he stole a few minutes with her.

‘Baby,’ Bryce whispered in her ear. ‘I will be at your house to pick you up in the morning. Pack light. I want you to stay over, Ok.’

‘Um, baby. The family might be visiting. But we can go out that evening.’ Dianna explained.

‘I’m still coming over’, then he stole a quick kiss.

True to his word, Bryce was at Dianna’s house early Saturday morning. He wanted to spend as much time with her as he could. Normally Dianna did not do anything on Saturday, except maybe yard work and house work. If Tasha was not working, they’d catch a movie if they didn’t have dates.

This weekend was different. She had a guest, several guest actually. When Bryce came over, Tasha called the rest of the family. By noon, Tasha’s small house was filled to the brim. Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Sanchez brought some covered dishes. Mr. George picked up sodas. Mr. Lucas brought his grill from storage and picked up some chicken for the barbecue.

Even her neighbors came over to check out Dianna’s boyfriend. Bryce was happy to meet everyone and become reacquainted with the people who rented from his father. He especially wanted to thank Carlos for protecting Dianna from Jamarkius.

A simple get together for a day turned into a mini block party. Everyone in the neighborhood brought a dish and gathered for a party.

Bryce was interrogated by the main men in Dianna’s life, Mr. George and Mr. Lucas. He gladly talked with them and addressed their concerns.

Genevieve arrived with Bryce’s mom, Catherine. The two women kept in touch after meeting over the holidays and became fast friends. Besides, Genevieve was worried about Dianna. She couldn’t get to her right after she was attacked and she wanted to make sure her daughter was fine.

At the cookout, everyone was eating, drinking sodas, and having fun. Genevieve took an opportunity to speak with Dianna alone.

‘Di, are you all right? When you called and told me about that boy, girl…’ Genevieve had to take a moment and compose herself. ‘Is he in jail? Did you press charges? What did Bryce say about this?’

‘Momma, I’m OK. Jamarkius, pleaded guilty, besides with all of the other charges against him, he’s going away for a long time.’ Dianna reassured her mother.

Genevieve started to cry. Dianna’s heart was broken and she was afraid. She’d never seen her mother cry. In twenty-six years of her short life, her mother was strong, invincible, and stoic.

‘Momma, I am fine. Please don’t cry. I’m alright.’ Dianna held her mother as she tried to comfort her.

Catherine walked in and asked was everything alright. S
he was followed by Bryce who stood for a moment and took in the scene.

‘Young man, you seem serious about her. Keep her safe and make her happy alright.’ Genevieve said as she smiled at Bryce.

Bryce assured her that he had only the most honorable intentions toward her daughter.

Catherine laughed, ‘You’d better, boy. She said or I’m pulling out the hickory stick.

Bryce remembered Old Hickory and shuddered. Everyone laughed. Soon after, they all went back to the party.

The evening progressed and came to an end. Tasha had to go to work and everyone else went home. Both Genevieve and Catherine demanded that Dianna call them to check in.

After everyone had left, Bryce and Dianna finally spent a few hours alone.

‘So,’ asked Bryce, ‘As your man I get to kiss you whenever I want and I want to kiss you now. I think Mr. George and Mr. Lucas approve of me. Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Sanchez kept feeding me.

Hell, even Tasha seemed to give me her stamp of approval, but I want to know, where do I stand with you? Are you happy with me, Baby? Are you proud to call me your man?’

‘Bryce, you mean so much to me.’ Dianna explained. ‘I never thought I’d meet a man that made me feel so alive. I am amazed every time I see you and I pray you don’t change your mind about me. I am so happy to be your girlfriend. I am proud to be your woman. I love you, Bryce.’ wrapping her arms around his neck.

‘Girl, my Momma loves you. She said if I mess this up, she’s pulling out Old Hickory for real. Your Mom seems to like me too.’ They both chuckled.

Bryce continued. ‘Baby I am so happy and proud to be your man.’ Bryce answered, his heart pounding in his chest because she’d just chosen him exclusively as he held her close to his heart.

Bryce and Dianna were now dating, although they kept their relationship private for several months. At school they kept their relationship completely professional, however, at the end of the day they spent all of their time together.

Before long it was the end of the school year. With summer fast approaching, the students were even more rambunctious and parents were even more concerned with whether or not their children would promote or retain.

Dianna was having trouble with one parent that questioned every grade her child received. Summer was dealing with complaints from the same parent. Dianna and Summer documented and kept record on all of their students to help alleviate parental concerns.

This was the same parent that threatened Mrs. Thyme at the beginning of the school year. Mrs. Jeanette Lacey, was a bully and didn’t care who she harassed because she wanted her kids to pass.

Mrs. Lacey found out that Bryce and Dianna were dating. After seeing them on a date when they went to the movies, Jeanette then began to grill her daughter, until the girl told her mother what she wanted to hear.

She went before the school board requesting that Ms. Bouvier and Mr. Yearly be dismissed from their positions immediately.

Her complaint alleged that although there was no rule saying teachers could not date, there were clear guidelines on professional behavior. Her child informed her that she had caught Mr. Yearly and Ms. Bouvier in compromising positions in their classrooms on several occasions.

Other people have reported to her that their PDA- public displays of affection- was legendary. This type of behavior was inappropriate at a school and should definitely not be engaged in front of students.

Mrs. Lacey stated that Ms. Bouvier was so engrossed in her relationship with Mr. Yearly that she was unable to do her job properly. Her daughter was a straight A student and in Ms. Bouvier’s class she was barely maintaining a C average. This parent took her cause so far as to drum up support from other parents of children at the school.

Bryce and Dianna were called to Mrs. Jones office as soon as the allegations of impropriety were made public. Bryce was infuriated, because he felt that he and Dianna had done nothing wrong.

The afternoon Bryce and Dianna reported to the office to be officially notified of the accusations against them. They were greeted by the principal, Mrs. Jones, the superintendent, Dr. Merritt, and parent advocate from the school board, Mrs. Althea Petty.

‘Mr. Yearly and Ms. Bouvier’ started Mrs. Jones. ‘First, I want to thank you for all of the hard work you do with our students every day. However, today we are here on a personal matter.’

Superintendant Merritt spoke up at this point. ‘Accusations have been brought before the school board that the two of you are engaging in inappropriate activities on school grounds. I certainly hope this is not true or I will have to move for your immediate dismissal from this district.’

Dianna’s heart accelerated. But Bryce had heard enough and was upset.

‘Dr. Merritt, Mrs. Jones, and Ms. Petty, I stand here to inform you that Ms. Bouvier and I have not broken any laws. We are consenting adults who have taken great pains to keep our professional and private lives separate. We have not engaged in any inappropriate actions at or near this school. The time we spend together on the weekends and after work is our business.’

Taking a deep breath, Bryce continued, ‘I know Jeanette Lacey. I’ve had to fight off one accusation after another over the years. For the past three years, Mrs. Lacey has always filed one complaint after another when her children don’t receive the grades she wants them to have.’

‘I don’t care about your accusations, Mr. Yearly. I am concerned about teachers who engage in acts that our children should not be exposed to.’ Mrs. Petty added as she looked at Dianna, ‘That is one of the reasons I was opposed to bringing in nontraditional teachers into the district. People like Ms. Bouvier, really have no understanding of how impressionable our children are, and she has-.’

Mrs. Jones had heard enough. ‘Mrs. Petty, I will not stand here and have you question someone’s competency to teach at this school. You can keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself, we certainly don’t want to her them. Ms. Bouvier is one of the best teacher’s in this district, so you really need to think about what you just said. ‘

‘Mrs. Petty,’ Bryce glared at Althea, ‘This is your one and only warning, attack Ms. Bouvier again and I promise you will regret it. She is one of the best teachers in this school and does not deserve malice from you and I will not sit here and tolerate it.’

‘Suffice it to say, she is not a trained teacher and may not understand child development enough to work around kids in a school setting, I am surprised by you Mr. Yearly, up until Ms. Bouvier arrived you have been a consummate professional.’ Althea stated testily.

Dianna listened to these people talk about her and Bryce. For a second, she was terrified, her heart pounded, next then she became angry. She then placed her hand on Bryce’s arm, an action that was noticed by Mrs. Jones the principal. Bryce immediately calmed down.

Glaring at Ms. Petty, Dianna decided to speak. ‘Ms. Petty, let me inform you of my credentials. True, I was not an education major, but I have experience working with kids, especially troubled kids. My experiences at the detention center have more than prepared me for any challenge I might face hear at Armstrong.’

‘You want to ascertain that Mrs. Lacey has valid concerns. Let’s look at her record. All of the teachers on this team have requested conferences with her concerning her child’s academics and behavioral concerns and she has failed to show up for any of the meetings. She ignores our phone calls and will not even respond to written correspondence that is sent to her. The only time we have seen her is when we are being accused of foul play.’

Taking a deep breath Dianna continued. ‘I have read the code of conduct set forth by the state and this district, and I have not seen anything that states Mr. Ye
arly and I cannot date. We do not engage in any improper behavior on school grounds and have taken great pains to make sure we keep our private relationship exactly that private.’

Dianna then took a moment to look each adult in the eye, ‘I am an educator and I have rights as well. If you all pursuit this witch hunt you will be hearing from my lawyer. So until you can present us with definitive proof that we are guilty of these ridiculous charges, we will continue to keep our relationship private.’

Mrs. Jones smiled. She knew this young woman had spunk and it was about time someone put Althea Petty in her place. She shared a look with Dr. Merritt. He was impressed as well.

Finally Dr. Merritt decided to bring this meeting to a close.

‘Ms. Petty, when these accusations first came across my desk, I looked carefully into the relationship between these two individuals. There are actually faculty members who I have asked about the nature of their relationship.

No one here even knew they were dating. The one’s that are aware, Ms. Petty, swear that at school these two a consummate professionals.

Like Ms. Bouvier said, Mrs. Lacey is a bully. I have personally pulled all four of her kids’ permanent records. Her kids are average students. They are constantly being referred for tier monitoring for behavior and unless an official request is made by the principal, she never comes to check on her children. She is only seen at the end of the year when she’s trying to bully teachers into passing her children. ‘

Mrs. Jones then joined in the discussion, ‘Mrs. Petty, if you and Mrs. Lacey want to continue with these accusations, we will go before the school board Thursday. I want to let you know that I and my entire staff will stand behind Mr. Yearly and Ms. Bouvier. I suggest you talk to your client and find another solution to her problem.

Now ladies and gentleman, as far as I am concerned this meeting is over. I have some work I need to finish, so have a nice evening. If this mess continues, I will see you all at the next school board meeting on this issue. You all know they way out. Have a good evening.’

All of the participants in the meeting quickly exited her office.

Dianna and Bryce exited the building together and for the first time, Bryce told Dianna, that he would drive her home. When they got into his car, Dianna started to shake and Bryce realized that these accusations had more of an effect on her than she let on.

He didn’t drive her to her house, but simply drove to his. He lived closer to the school and he wanted to get her out of his car as soon as possible.

Bryce pulled his car into his garage and escorted Dianna into his foyer. He led her into the den where she sat on his futon, Bryce went to fix her a glass of red wine to help her relax. When he walked back the room, Dianna was curled up on the futon crying softly.

Bryce sat the drink down and pulled her into his lap and held her. He held her until she was all cried out. He hated Althea Petty in that moment. Her constant hounding and false accusations ruined the careers of many teachers at Armstrong, he would not let her destroy Dianna.

‘Baby, listen to me.’ Bryce whispered. ‘Dianna, don’t worry about Jeanette Lacey. She does this every year. It will be fine.’

‘Do you think I care about my career, Bryce?’ Dianna asked. ‘You have taught for years and she can just accuse you of…’ Sniffling Dianna continued. ‘She can ruin your career. I am not really a teacher. I just needed a job and this one was available, but this is your career.’

‘I need to resign, because I can’t cause you to lose your career over something like this.’ she finished.

Bryce stood and caught her hand. Lifting her hands to his lips he looked into her eyes. ‘Dianna, you are everything to me. I will not give you up, certainly not for Jeanette Lacey. Baby, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.’ hugging her tightly. ‘I promise we will get through this.’

Dianna held onto him tightly. It was in the meeting when he adamantly defended her that she knew she loved him. She could not be the reason his career ended, but he assured her that he’d chose her regardless of the outcome.

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"Son. Come in here," I heard my dad say from the living room. I went in there to find him sitting on the couch."Yeah, Dad?""Well, it's your 18th birthday," he stopped."Yeah?" He stared at me for a second."Your mother and I want to give you something special.""Okay.""Something you'll remember for a long time.""Alright . . . What is it?""Look, just follow me." He got up and headed up the stairs. I followed him up to my parents' room. He opened the door and I followed him in. My mom was sitting on...

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LoveHerFeet Kayla Green Sensual Home Massage

A long day at the office means tired feet for Kayla Green, especially with the pair of black heels she’s been running around in. Removing her shoes as soon as she got home through the back doors, she walks on the grass that tickles the pads of her feet with a smile on her lips. In the house, Kayla sits down on a white sofa to give herself a short foot massage, rubbing her soles and in between her toes. The chesty blonde decides to call a professional– and favourite massage...

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Embarrassing Celebrity Bodies

Doctor Amy Wilson and her wife Doctor Susan Bradford are still in their thirties, but they already are two of the most respected medical doctors in the United Kingdom. Their clinic in London is known for treating many celebrities, both British and international. Actresses, singers, journalists, politicians and even royalty trusts the professionalism of Wilson & Bradford. During the past few years, the two have seen their popularity increase also among those who are not rich enough to pay their...

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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 22

Dec 30th was a busy day what with getting ready and heading to the airport. O’Hare as usual was extremely busy, and even though we were an hour and a half early, we got to the gate with 20 minutes to spare. Getting seated and underway, Stosh was pulling his usual games and antics on the stewardesses with no luck. We had a short conversation after he’d struck out, I was then finally able to read. “I could learn to enjoy flying like this.” “You know Stosh, you can fly like this any time you...

2 years ago
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Someones always watching

I noticed him watching me as I cleaned my bedroom window. The skimpy shorts and tank top I wore didn’t really hide much, but I had a lot of cleaning to do so I wasn’t really worried about my wardrobe. I know I’m married, and I know that I shouldn’t look..but he’s so fucking attractive, that I just couldn’t help myself. I purposely leaned over to give him a tantalizing view of my cleavage (I consider it my best asset) and when I saw his hand rub his crotch over his jeans, I knew I had him...

3 years ago
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The Hall Pass part 1

My hand was trembling as I reached for my phone. I could see it was a picture message from Taylah, my fiancé. It was the first time I had received one from Taylah, and I was worried about what it would be. It was her last week of freedom as a single woman; next Saturday, we would be married. My wedding gift to her was a hall pass to cut loose and go wild on her hen night out with her girls before she became my wife.Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't worry about receiving a picture text...

1 year ago
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Saucy Evening Out

He watches her with two guys.She phoned me at work and asked what we were doing on the weekend? I said I had a meeting on the Saturday in Birmingham but that was all. "Ok" she said, and nothing more was said about the weekend.On Friday night she asked if she could come to Birmingham with me so she could do some shopping while I was at my meeting. Of course I agreed and so off we went the next morning. She dropped me off and we agreed to meet again at 6pm.When I came out of my meeting she was...

3 years ago
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Me and my sisters friends

It was a Friday night and I had nothing to do. My nickname is Sparky and I was sixteen at the time this happened. Rebecca my older sister was eighteen and had a friend over and she was also eighteen and they were in her room. I sat in my room playing video games when my sisters friend Brittany walked into my room wearing nothing but her bra and thong and sat in my chair and wanted to join in the game playing because my sister fell asleep early that night. So i gave her a controller and...

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Gymnasium Nightmare

by Simon Fear My name is Savanah Paterson. I’m an 18-year-old girl, at an even 5ft, weighing at 95lbs. I have perky 34b cup tits, with inch long nipples when they get hard. I have a firm stomach, and a nice round and firm ass. I have long solid black hair, which goes down to the top of my ass, which I usually keep in a ponytail. I live alone with my mom, and oldest sister and brother. I consider myself to be very sexy, as guys are always eyeballing me, and some even leave their...

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What Do You DoChapter 9

Jasmine The Citroen passed all its tests with flying colours; the inspector described it as 'in outstanding condition for its age' and we were not surprised when the legal search showed that it was indeed 'one owner from new'. The cheque was cleared and the sad first owner delivered it to Anna Friday evening. Nothing would do but that we, all four of us, crammed into the little vehicle and drove out to the Strines Inn for supper. "My treat tonight," Anna announced, "and, Bill, as...

1 year ago
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Across Eternity Book 4 Chapter 2

The waning moon cast its light, draping the shadows of the passing clouds upon the town. The white radiance streamed through the glass windows of a room at the inn, leaving two figures, Noah and Valia, standing in the thin darkness and relying on their sense of taste and touch. They savored each other’s sweet flavor as their lips formed a seal of passion and their tongues danced. Their embrace was tender, and though their hands wandered of their own volition, it was more than attraction that...

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The Pucell Princess

The Pucell Princess Forced destiny: The bars of gold having been stacked neatly against the west wall of the natural cavern picked up and arranged in orderly rows and stacks for the wild dispersal that had occurred in the hectic days of transporting, as well as hectic hours of the fighting and killing, all the accumulated barrels, bags, chests, and boxes. From the devastated wreckage of the once magnificent armed galleon, "Pucell Princess" all these items had been...

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Mom Sandwiched By Two Uncle

I'll try my best to make cock of all guys erect with this story and pussy of all girls wet and send me mails about your likes and dislikes and now let’s not waste you time much and start with my story and actually my dad works out of country. I live with my mom in town and here my mom is house wife and let me describe her physical look and she is 45 years old bit fat not much with two sexy and juicy pair of boobs Approx 36 and nice well curved figure with good ass and fair complexion. I would...

4 years ago
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Would You Do It for Me

Chapter 1 If you're a guy, maybe you remember when you first started masturbating, I do. I was nine, my dick would get hard when I played with it and what guy didn't play with his dick, right? And I found that it felt so good when I rubbed it with this small piece of silken cloth that was in my Mom's scrap basket. Oh, that felt so good. I used that piece of silk and would wash it out and put it up on my top shelf to dry so I could use it again. I was about ten when I learned that a squirt...

3 years ago
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Sexual Experience With My College Friends

Hi friends, I am a regular reader of ISS and I was eagerly waiting when will my story be published. Please forgive my grammatical mistakes as I studied in a government school. Ok. First, let me introduce myself. I am a 22-year-old female with 34 size boobs. I am studying engineering final year in Tamil Nadu. And this story is about how I lost my virginity during my study leave. Exams dates were announced, and I had 10 days of study leave for my exams. As there is no one in my home, I planned...

2 years ago
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The Return of Lilly RoseChapter 8

She feels blissful. A whole month living in the house, she begins acting like a matriarch. She would pick the boys up from school. Her life in the organization was almost forgotten. She cooked and cleaned for all of them. Of a night, the boys would curl up next to her and watch television. She would join them for martial arts classes three nights a week. Lane and she become closer. She falls deeply in love with him. They argue about unnecessary things. He told her it is better to argue about...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Numi Zarah Step Sister Drips Cum

Numi Zarah is a normal girl who finger bangs herself in the shower. Her pervert step brother is a normal guy who creeps around the house all horny. She gets out the shower to dry off and oil herself up all sensual like because that’s what self care is all about and catches her step bro clutching his meet in the doorway of her room. Being the opportunist that she is, she tells him she won’t snitch to their parents if he eats her pussy. She enjoys it a lot and decides she wants to eat...

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BSC10 Jared Reznik Becomes a DadChapter 5 Super Ass Extraordinaire

“Hi there, cutie. How is your first day going so far?” Vanessa turned her head quickly to see Jared Reznik standing right next to her. She pulled in close to his side and put one arm through his and said, “Oh, fine. Just fine. How’s your day going?” “Oh, fine. Just fine” Jared replied in a copycat fashion. “You thinking of getting up there? That would be very brave on just your first day.” “No, not me, but those four freshman girls standing over there have dared themselves to. They invited...

3 years ago
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Be careful what you ask for

WARNING   WARNING!  THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION. IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF SEXUAL NATURE. LEAVE NOW IF YOU A MINOR OR IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL! Synopsis: I have been dreaming about getting enslaved by a cruel Mistress for a long time. My Mistress should bring me to heel and force me to obey without I can do anything but comply. She should humiliate me without limitation and turn me into a sissy who has to serve not only females but even...

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Mixing Pleasure with Business

Mixing Pleasure with Business pt 1 by 2 WayStory codes : m+/f; latex ;  toys; breathplay; wrap; deep throat; weird insertions; bladder play; forced feed; scat; bound;  X                                             Silver Catsuit        Tim and Jill are wealthy, happy and loving couple. Tim is a very successful businessman. Jill is a beautiful Chinese with 5’ 7? pretty Asian face, lovely slender neck, white smooth skin, hourglass body shape, big boops, slim waistline, flat tummy, long...

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Diary of College Slut Amy

My name is Amy Henderson. I’m a young brunette, twenty years old, starting my third year of college. I suspect my parents would be more than a bit surprised to hear about the things I’ve gotten up to in college life, but up until very recently I don’t think there’s any way that they would have known what went on all those months each year that I was away from home.I’ve been labelled a ‘college slut’ by more than a few people. I like my long, straight brown hair, and more than a few guys have...

2 years ago
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Suzys Seminar

I met her in a country-western bar. I had just about gotten over my second divorce and I was out looking for some social contact; a few drinks, a little two-stepping, some line dances, I was not, repeat, not looking to get laid. As far as I was concerned at that point in my life a male/female relationship was anathema. My first marriage failed because I could not give my wife everything the greedy bitch wanted so she left me for someone who could. Going into my second marriage I was determined...

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Slave Traders CaptiveChapter 7

The late afternoon sun filtered through the gauze-like curtains covering the windows, and Penny's eyes fluttered once and then opened wide. She was refreshed from the nap she had taken to prepare herself for the evening ahead and she stretched languidly, enjoying the feline look of her young body in the mirrors around her. The spring of her wedding to Robert had passed into fall, and now it was almost wintertime, but the Turkish sun was still strong and warm. She had spent a lot of time...

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The Coachs OfficeChapter 3

Two days later I received another call from Cindy Jameson telling me that our efforts with her young student had been successful and that another student had come forward with a similar problem. Cindy wondered if I might be available to assist this young girl as well. We set a date for my visit and, as before, she had primed the girl to expect and exam and for the first time, she used the term "muscle expansion." I was a bit surprised when I met the girl. She was fifteen, nearly sixteen,...

4 years ago
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Im just not in the mood part 2

"I'm just not in the mood" part 2 I stared at the message in disbelief, trying to get my head around my situation. It was Monday morning, I had to get a move on, I would figure out a plan at work today. As I drove to work, I was completely out of sorts, my mind was a mess. The workday was busy and I had to time to think. As the day drew toward 4 p.m., my fear and confusion started to turn to anger. I left work at 3:45, which is early for me, but Master told me not to be late. ...

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Humiliation by Wife and Relatives Chapter 2

The next night I got home, and Sandy told me that Dan had phoned and she had to go to his place for the evening. She then went upstairs to get ready. When she came down a little later, she asked me how she looked. She was wearing a tiny black dress that showed most of her tits and all but the top of her thighs. The outfit was completed with fishnet stockings and black high-heeled shoes. She wore thick makeup and bright red lipstick, something she never normally used. I told her that, quite...

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Guilty PleasuresChapter 6

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I rolled over in bed looking at the caller ID. In the background I could hear the sound of the shower running. Rob was busy getting ready for work, it was 6:15. I knew without even looking that the only person who would call me at this ungodly hour would be Susan. And sure enough it was. "What's up?" I answered still sounding sleepy. "I hope I woke you," she laughed. "I hate that you get to sleep in and the rest of us all have to get up...

1 year ago
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Surprise Waiting ch 3

My life had changed so dramatically since that day the voice on the phone said simply, “Hi.” Prior to that I knew I loved Amie, but the age difference was likely to get in the way of any lasting relationship. Or so I had thought. That day changed everything. After Amie and I made love for the first time--literal first time for her--I discovered how real her love for me really was. I asked her to marry me, something I would never have predicted. The other thing I could not have predicted was...

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Honeymoon With Friend

Hello dosto kaise hain aap sab. Main ek normal looking guy hu delhi ka rehne vala hu aur mera lund kisi bhi ladies ko satisfy karne ke liye kaafi hai. Main iss ka bahut bada fan hu…har din main yahan sex stories padhta hu yahan…mjhe aunties, married women or friends ke sex stories padhna acha lagta h…toh main aaj jo story sab se share karne jaa raha hu woh mere aur meri dost shalini ke bichh sexual relation ke baare me hai…aap ne meri pheli story padhi ‘new year party’ jisme kaise mene apni...

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Raggedy Andy

I was looking for an anonymous piece of ass and I was hoping that this was the right place for it. It was a Halloween party. Virtually everyone was in costume. There weren't a lot of people wearing masks but there were enough to make my own mask unremarkable. I wanted to be as anonymous as my next fuck. The reason is easy to explain. I was going to rape the lady of my choice. I don't get frequent urges to rape. At least, not yet. I do have a normal side of life. I'm 19 years old and I...

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Controlling Desires

The only one not having fun, it seemed, was sitting idly in a back corner, near the bar. She was alone and sober, yet again, while her friends fucked with reckless abandon. Always the self-designated driver to these events, she never managed to let loose and relax, always too afraid of possible retribution. All that responsibility meant was that she never had any real fun. She was on her third glass of orange juice - "Alcohol free, thanks." - and was refolding her cheap paper napkin for...

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4 Moms and 4 Daughters Pt 2

Well I have pretty much come full circle, almost that's is. The circle will be complete as soon as I finish what has been started. I have once again crossed a line and there is no going back so is it alright to go forward ?. That is a loaded question and depending on what the issue is the answer could be yes or no. I'm going forward and this is what I have been discussing with Sis every since she found Becky's shirt in the bathroom, the shirt that was under us, the shirt which contains...

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The day started off like any other day for Cassandra. She was awakened by the soft kiss of the sunrise and the sound of the waves rolling up to her Malibu Beach home. Her husband, like always, had already left for work early and hadn't bothered to make love to her or even kiss her before leaving. She rose from her bed and went out on the balcony overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The same thoughts began to haunt her again--how had her life come to this, seemingly having everything...yet having...

Group Sex
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Dara Makes New Friends 5Chapter 11 A Royal Party

Sunday, the day before the seminars for the Government officials and the Royals, Sung got word of an upcoming “wrinkle” in US banking rules. He understood it instantly and spent the day updating everything: his lectures, power-points and handouts. It was not a big deal as it applied to only a tiny number of international transactions, but they paid Sung to be on top of things and this was a case where he could tell his clients on Monday about things the US bank officers would not be briefed...

3 years ago
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Adding a Third Person

Introduction: An anniversary present she will never forget Adding A Third It all started with innocent comments on Facebook one evening. My friend Louisa was flirting back and forth with me like we have done since weve known each other. This time though Ty joined in and made a few comments hinting that we should have a threesome. I played along, knowing how much the thought if it would drive her crazy and knowing that just using it to fuel her mind would bring on a new experience for the two...

4 years ago
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The Legend of Atlantis

Legend of Atlantis By Innocent Guilt "Children I think it's time that I tell you a story of your past and where you come from." Sandria gathered her two kids around the campfire. "Mommy, what story are you talking about?" Richey asked. "I'm talking about a great city that cried out in pain and lost everything in one final battle." She stared into each of her children's eyes as she spoke. "For many years people have searched for the lost city of Atlantis. They claim that...

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