- 3 years ago
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Sarah knew she was in some kind of trouble. She didn’t know why she was in that trouble. Something had happened that didn’t match up with her experience. What should have happened was that, when she found the trespassers on her father’s land, they should have tucked their tails between their legs and hastened to get their nasty little grass killers back where they belonged. Wherever that was.
Sarah’s attitude towards sheep, and the men who raised them, was the product of her father’s attitude towards the same subjects. Jonas had been prepared to dislike sheep from the beginning. Actually, he was prepared to dislike any animal that ate what his cattle ate, including cattle belonging to other ranchers. Wyoming was a fine place to raise cattle, as long as you were the only one doing it.
When more and more people began to filter into the land, the resources soon became stressed, and that stressed Jonas.
All it had taken was coming upon a sheep trail just once. He had smelled it first, and then came upon the mass of tracks that went from side to side as far as he could see from his horse. This flock of sheep had left a broad bare swath, weedless, grassless, flowerless, in their wake. Where sheep grazed they destroyed. That was what Jonas had against them.
He didn’t know that the flock he had seen the results of were badly trailed, allowed to move much too slowly and thus over-feed. He didn’t know that, if sheep were moved properly, as nomadic people had done for thousands of years, their passage would be almost invisible in a few weeks time. He didn’t know ... and he didn’t care to learn. The solution was simple to him. He was there first. Take the damn sheep back to Oregon, where they came from.
Some of the other ranchers had been talking of proclaiming a “Dead Line” along the Green River. They wanted to post signs that said in no uncertain terms that any sheep that crossed the line was dead as soon as a cattleman saw it. Some of the hotter heads suggested that there wouldn’t be much difference in shooting sheep, or the men who herded them.
Jonas was, despite his rough exterior and almost surly countenance, a thoughtful man. He was fully aware that a herd of sheep could easily contain five thousand animals. You could bankrupt yourself buying ammunition if you actually planned on shooting sheep. Even if you did, you were left with having to clean up the carcasses. On the other hand, if there were dead sheep lying around, maybe the wolves would leave the calves alone. He didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about it. So far, the nearest sheep farmer, a man by the name of Brad Rocklin, hadn’t caused him any problems. There were no sheep on his land, to his knowledge, and as long as it stayed that way, things were fine.
The only problem was that, like a lot of cattlemen in the late 1800s, Jonas Collins viewed a lot of land as “his” that many other people, including the United States Government, defined as public land, or open range. And, to those people, Jonas didn’t have any right to keep anyone off of that land.
Brad Rocklin was one of those people.
Brad Rocklin was currently treating sheep that had been brought in for one ailment or another by Charley Kemp and Buster, the alpha male sheep dog of Brad’s operation. Every so often the whole flock was run back to the ranch house and weak animals were culled out. Sometimes they were treated and re-inserted into the flock. Sometimes they became supper. It all depended on what was wrong with them.
Buster had a sixth sense about which sheep were in less than perfect condition and when Charley worked him to find those sheep Buster went about it with single minded concentration.
First he’d just range through the flock. It looked for all the world like he was just running back and forth as the sheep opened corridors for him. In that situation the sheep seemed to know they weren’t being herded, and didn’t shy away from the dog like they usually did. That’s how dogs herded sheep ... by making them shy away in the direction the dog wanted them to go. The dog took his cues from the shepherd. A well trained dog only had to see the shepherd walk off in some direction, perhaps with a whistle or yell of a command, but not always, and the sheep would appear to follow as the dog went to work.
It was actually a combination of things that moved a flock of sheep. There was a dominant ewe in the flock, the matriarch, and most sheep followed wherever she led. She, too, was trained to follow the shepherd, based on cues and commands. What the dog did was take care of the beasts that didn’t follow the ewe.
But when Buster was “evaluating” the flock, it was almost as if he was counting how many of the animals would need to be culled out of the flock. Once he had done that, with little nips and the clacking of teeth, he picked out those animals he wanted and moved them through the flock toward Charley. Once there, the number two bitch, one of Buster’s offspring named Lisa, was being trained to keep the chosen sheep bunched up. She did that by running in circles around them, which she loved. She had taken to it naturally, watching her mother work. Her two brothers weren’t quite as smart. At least not yet. They were penned up when the flock was home, so that Charley could work on firming up Lisa’s training without having to pay attention to their antics.
That had happened the day before, and Buster had culled out thirty four animals. Brad and Charley were now evaluating each one, having sent his two hands and best dog, Queen, who was also Buster’s mate, out to graze the rest of the flock. Brad had told them exactly where to take the flock, a piece of open range that had good grass. As usual he told Buford not to leave them in any one place too long, but to keep them moving so they didn’t overgraze the land.
There was plenty of land for the twenty-five hundred sheep Brad ran in his flock, as long as they kept moving. Soon it would be time to run the flock up into the mountains where the high meadows, lush with grass watered by melting snows from above, would feed them until late fall. While they were up there, he’d process the wool that had been shorn off the sheep when winter was over. That was still piled high in a barn.
Brad was cleaning an infected hoof when his son, Bobby, wandered up and stood watching. Bobby was a good boy, but he didn’t have sheep in his blood. He did whatever his father asked of him, but Brad knew Bobby would never take over the business when his father was too old to do the work. Brad himself had gotten into sheep by accident, back in Oregon, when he needed a job and that was the only one he could find. Well, there had been the owner’s daughter too. The first time he’d seen Amanda she had taken his breath away. A short girl, only fifteen at the time, with long strawberry colored hair and a temper to go with it, she had been upbraiding a cowboy who had ridden too close to her and bumped her with his horse. Dressed in jeans and a man’s shirt, the girl had reached out and slapped the horse on the butt, making it jump and sidestep. The cowboy had almost fallen off, and two of his friends had laughed at him. He’d wheeled the horse, aiming to go back and teach the upstart girl some manners, but had found Brad suddenly standing between him and the girl. When the cowboy persisted, riding toward Brad as if to walk over him, Brad had taken the bridle of the horse in hand and, in a trick taught to him by an Indian friend, had caused the horse to dip his head and roll onto his side, trapping the cowboy’s leg underneath.
Luckily, the sheriff had seen the whole incident from the porch of the jail, and arrived in time to stop anyone from shooting Brad. Amanda had given him a kiss as a reward and invited him to dinner at her house. He got a good dinner, a job, and another kiss in the process.
Amanda’s father was the owner of almost thirty thousand sheep in the Oregon territory, and he had a hundred men working for him.
He had no use for Brad, particularly when he saw how his daughter looked at the man. But Amanda was stronger than her father and when they got married, Brad was suddenly the owner of five hundred sheep. He had almost screwed that up, except Amanda saved him there too. It was Amanda who found the right dogs, and taught him everything he hadn’t yet learned about sheep, and urged him to leave Oregon and establish a ranch in Wyoming, where they would be closer to the markets for both meat and wool. The United States Army had a voracious appetite for both, and being so much closer to Army points of delivery gave them an advantage over their western brothers. For one thing they could just trail the sheep to market, rather than having to pay rail fees. For another, cartage for wool was less expensive since there were no mountains involved.
“Dad?” Brad’s reminiscences were interrupted by Bobby.
“What?” asked Brad, wrapping up the hoof he’d just put salve on.
“My chores are done.” said Bobby.
“Well find something else to do,” said Brad, looking at a deep scratch on a lamb’s hindquarters, trying to figure out what had caused it.
“Everything’s done,” said Bobby.
Charley snorted. He was Brad’s foreman, and had been with him since he and Amanda had gotten married. Amanda had marched up to him one day and informed him that he now worked for her, instead of her father. Charley had grinned, packed up the few things he owned, and followed Amanda off the farm where she’d just stolen him. He was just a lead hand then. Amanda had made him “Foreman”, but he took a cut in pay. He was Amanda’s uncle.
The only time Charley listened to her, or more correctly deferred to her after that, was when they were in public, and non-family members were around. Their relationship was tumultuous and loving at the same time. Amanda would tell him what she wanted done and he’d tell her what he was going to do. More often than not, those two things differed, sometimes significantly. Amanda stomped her foot and made dire threats, all of which rolled off Charley’s back like water off a duck. He just grinned insolently as she railed, and then went off and did what he knew was best.
The fact that Amanda, who thought she knew everything about sheep ranching, was smart enough to know when she’d made a mistake, kept things more or less peaceful. She was smart enough to know when Charley called the shots correctly, even though she had never once admitted she had been wrong. Charley snorted because he knew there was never a time on a ranch when “everything” had been done.
“Go see what your mamma needs done,” said Brad, peering at the lamb’s injury.
“She sent me down here,” said Bobby heavily. “Said I was under foot.”
Charley snorted again, but didn’t say anything. He knew Bobby’s heart wasn’t in sheep ranching too. He was the only one, however, who knew that what Bobby really wanted to do was be a mountain man, trapping furs and hunting big game. Bobby had confided in him around a campfire one night, while they were tending the flock. He thought it was a ridiculous idea, but didn’t try to talk Bobby out of it, exactly. Charley had a wild streak in him too though, and knew how the boy felt. Instead, he set about teaching the boy what he’d have to know to be a successful mountain man, thinking that, when he found out how hard it was, and how much knowledge would be required, and how dangerous it was, the boy would change his mind.
That hadn’t happened yet, to Charley’s surprise. Every task he’d set the boy had been attacked with vigor, and completed successfully. Bobby was an ace shot with a Sharps buffalo rifle, or Winchester. He could track with the best of them, and he understood predators as well or better than Charley did. More than once he’d taken on bear or wolf and ended up the victor.
But Charley didn’t mention any of this to his niece or her husband. He knew what Amanda would say if she found out the kinds of things Charley had been teaching her fair-haired boy, and he knew Brad couldn’t keep a secret from Amanda to save his soul.
He didn’t know what he was going to do if the boy didn’t tire of his dream soon. In the meantime, he just didn’t mention Bobby’s dream to either of Bobby’s parents, and made sure that Bobby knew not to as well.
“Clean the stalls,” said Brad.
“Did that already,” said Bobby.
“Fence around your mother’s garden needs work,” said Brad.
“Did that too,” said Bobby.
“How about the tack? Did you oil it?” asked Brad, looking up at his son.
“Yep. Finished that yesterday,” said Bobby smugly.
“All of it?” asked Brad.
“All of it,” said Bobby firmly.
“Find a tool that’s rusty and put some lanolin on it.” suggested Brad.
“Dad, I did that last week,” said Bobby, a whine beginning to creep into his voice.
“Well find something to do, dammit.” Brad’s voice began to rise.
“Can’t I go out with the flock or something?” asked Bobby.
“You know I don’t like you hanging around Buford,” said his father, slathering a medicine on the lamb’s injury. Amanda made the stuff from plants she knew about. Brad had no idea what was in it, but it worked well.
“You know you can’t trust him to move the flock like he’s supposed to either,” said Bobby. “I can ride out and make sure he’s not overgrazing. Didn’t you say there’s been some trouble with the cowmen about that?”
“Yes,” said Brad firmly. “I did say that, and you should know that if there’s trouble with some cowboys, that’s the last place you need to be.”
“Okay” said Bobby. “How about I take a wagon up to the high pastures and restock the shack up there?”
Charley snorted again. Now he understood. Bobby was trying to get up into the mountains, where he could have all kinds of excuses to do all kinds of things that had nothing whatsoever to do with pasturing sheep. The high meadows were up above the heat of the plains, with trees and wildlife and plenty of water from snowmelt.
“You know I already stocked that camp,” said his father.
“I could check on it then ... to make sure nobody’s messed with it.” suggested Bobby.
“Who’d mess with it?” asked Brad. “Nobody even knows we go up there. The cowboys won’t take their steers up there because they walk off too much weight getting up the mountain.”
“Maybe a drifter has set himself up in our camp,” said Bobby, reaching for any reason to go.
“And if he has?” asked Brad, looking at his son. “What exactly would you do about that? Run him off? How? All you’d do is get yourself hurt and then your mother would make my life miserable.”
“Come on Dad, there has to be something I can do,” complained Bobby.
Brad didn’t want to argue any more. He was getting hot under the collar and he didn’t like being that way either. “Okay, ride out to the flock and tell Buford to start moving them up toward the high meadows. It’s a week early, so tell him to take his time, and weave them back and forth between here and the foothills. How’s that?”
“That will only take me a few hours.” complained Bobby.
“Well, you could always oil tools you’ve already oiled, or clean stalls you’ve already cleaned. I bet you two ewes and a good dog there are weeds in your mamma’s garden.”
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It was your birthday and I didn't have anything to give you. I'd searched every online shopping site I could find and nothing suitable was listed. I decided I'd give you a present like no other you ever had, a single perfect moment.While you were at work I spent the morning making sure I was absolutely at my best. I trimmed my landing strip, shaved my lips, and waxed my legs. I rubbed lotion into every inch of my body so I'd be slippery, sensual, and perfumed. I knew just how to make you want...
SeductionAs you now may know I love to jerkoff and do it every day, sometimes twice even if I fuck my wife. She has gotten use to me playing with my cock all the time. I jerked off for her on our very first date when she was having her period.I use to hide it from her like in the shower, the bathroom, behind the garage, but she caught me a few times and just smiles and says have fun. Gradually she started to like for me to jerk off for her usually when she's fully clothed. She would tell me how hot...
Jason was very happy to get back to his dorm room. Before he settled down to study, he decided to get cleaned up. He somehow felt unclean, contaminated by the extremely unpleasant three days he had just endured. The trip had badly unsettled him, because for the first time in his life he realized how dysfunctional and unpleasant his parents truly were. He was absolutely horrified at the grotesque way they had treated Cecilia. They certainly didn't care whether or not he was happy with her....
Gerry Daniels wasn't sure how to start his report. As far as his boss at the Foreign Office was concerned the whole thing was a complete waste of time. "Need it for those wasters in Strasbourg. Don't spend too much time on it," he had said as he told Gerry he'd be spending a couple of weeks in Kushtia. Now Gerry was sitting in the British Embassy in the Kushtian Capital of Kolin staring at a discouragingly blank lap top screen. "Opportunities For Trade Between the UK and the People's...
Chastity followed me as I walked over to the table. When I stopped to look around the room I could see a very nervous look on her face. “Problem?” I asked. “That orientation makes the ship seem very complex,” Chastity said. “It is. It has to be in order to allow us to travel into space,” I replied. “But I can’t even understand why I have the CAP to be a citizen. I always hated fighting. My parents were always fighting. I got into acting because there was a small theater group in my...
Main reena ko ab din raat chodne lga tha.Wo ab bahut khush rahne lgi.Wo ab khoob nikhre lgi.Ab wo meri har baat samajhne lgi.Ab main din mein kaam Krta.Raat ko khoob chudai krta.Uske laptop pr khoob blue film dekhte.Wo bhi har baat ko aasani se samjhne lgi. Wo din mein roj nai nai saree pahanti.Ab wo kafi gori ho gai thi.Uska sharir kafi sunder aur fit tha.Wo tabbu ki tarah lambi thi.Uske gool boob kafi hot the.Uske boob k beech ki drar khoob gahri thi.Din mein jab wo jhuk kr koi cheej deti to...
Lynn left and came back with a warm, wet washcloth and began to clean the remnants of my orgasm and their saliva from my skin. She has a soft touch and I relaxed under her gentle care. She bathed me thoroughly, returning to the bathroom a couple of times to rinse out and refresh the cloth.To my amazement, she even skinned back my foreskin to clean beneath it, much as I do myself when performing personal hygiene. I chuckled. “You’re good at this; it’s almost as if you have one of those...
BDSMMy name is Polly, I am a twenty-five-year-old post-graduate University student at University in Leeds, researching the behaviour of electronic systems under a variety of stresses. Not the sort of subject that gets the boys either entertained or interested, but which should eventually lead to a profitable career in the IT industry.That is my plan, at least.I am still officially unmarried but have been engaged to my long-term boyfriend Ian for over a year. Until all this happened, we planned to...
CheatingI went back home and found the house empty, not only was there no sound, but now even the walls seemed empty to me. I went to the computer and searched the net, read a couple of stories and even they left me empty in ways I needed filled. Writing had always been a thing to take away the idle time of emptiness when Jane was home, but now I simply hungered for companionship, and only one would serve to fill that void, her name; Brenda. I busied myself with household chores, laundry, washing up...
TabooLife can be quite predictable, for short periods of time. Every so often, something happens that you never expected, or anticipated. I never dared dream I’d be eating Annie’s pussy, and certainly not with my wife’s blessing. A little over a week ago, I noticed that Brenda came home from work somewhat distraught. I asked her if anything was bothering her. She assured me that everything was fine. I knew it wasn’t, but Brenda would eventually tell me what was wrong. When I first brought Brenda...
Now. I like to think my office is modest, of course when you have been advisors to kings modest is a relative term as my daughter is fond of telling me. It sits on the 20th floor of a downtown office building, taking up about half of the floor, we have a server room, a moderately sized kitchen, a small gym area with showers, as well as a living section for myself when I decide to stay there. Oh and of course we do have some office, 14 in all with a conference room. It is now that conference...
Busty babe Penny Pax has the hots for those handy men. She is always finding something around the house to break just so she can get that sexy sweaty guy to come and repair whatever may trouble her. Repairman Tommy comes in all sweaty saying the job is done and Penny can not just sit back and admire anymore! She needs that cock in her mouth! Penny gets Tommy out of that tool belt and soon he is working his hard shaft deep into her wet pussy! The job is not done until that cum is covering those...
xmoviesforyouMmmm, as I layed in my empty bed reflecting on the recent times. Remembering the Hot guys looking at me with those lusty eyes checking out my body was making we want more as I tenderly messaged my swollen clit. I had been introduced into the world of total exhibitionism, and immediately fell in love with it. Put on publiv display in such a teasing manner, never thinking that I would get into it or could get so turned on by flaunting my body at others. Frame by frame, the pictures rolled...
Jacky was a 55 year old blond Yorkshire lassie, 5ft 8”, nice and busty 36B, I guess, a little bit of middle age spread but great legs. She was once good looking but her face was wrinkled and framed in a pair of oval glasses. She used to try and dress 20 years younger which revealed bits and pieces a little too much.She was the careers co-ordinator in our college. She was also a bit talkative and overbearing. Once she engages you, you want to run. She was not very popular with the other staff....
Friends had told us about a nudist beach they'd discovered the previous summer. It sounded like fun but we were a little hesitant. Neither Tim nor I had ever gone naked in public. Our friends reassured us that the beach was clothing optional. We could leave our swimsuits on if we liked. Lots of people did.Like most students we were short of money. We reserved bunks in a youth hostel and took the overnight train to the coast. We didn't get much sleep and arrived bleary-eyed and aching in every...
I am forty-two years old. I have a degree in Computer Sciences. I work as a programmer. I have all my hair and it is still full and black, I have found one or two white hairs. I believe I am entitled. I have all my own teeth. I am in better health than when I was in my prime. I am five feet ten inches. From the time I was about twelve years old, I got fat and wore glasses, thereby guaranteeing I would never have a girlfriend. Because of this I found approaching girls to be very traumatic,...
Sam had had enough. Two weeks ago, he agreed to house-sit for his best friend Jim while he went off to Europe for a month-long sabbatical. Jim had explained that he didn’t want to leave his daughter Paula alone with the house, because she was a little on the irresponsible side. Paula was a 22 year old blonde, and under normal circumstances, Sam would have thought her quite sexy. But she was one of those girls who had managed to slide through life on her looks and her skill at manipulating...
After writing Jason’s friend Chad and Steve a story, Kevin was next. ‘My story is different from the others. I want to watch my girlfriend with Kathy, Elaine, and Colleen, my friends’ girlfriends. I want to watch them make love to one another.’ ‘Wow,’ said Jason, Chad, and Steve in unison. ‘Okay,’ I said. ‘I need a name and a physical description of your girlfriend and any information you’d like included in the story,’ I said with my fingers poised on the keyboard. ‘Linda’s her name, she’s...
My wife and I have been married for 10 years and we are both in our mid 30's. Katie still looks quite hot even after having 2 k**s. She is 5'5", about 120 pounds, full B cup breasts, dark hair and eyes and athletically curvy. We are starting to get in to "sharing". She wants to be with a woman and I want her to be with a black guy. She is reluctant but I'm hopeful.....Here is how her first experience could go from my perspective....One of Katie's friends was turning 40 and all the girls made...
A Turn On The Pathway To Citizenship The Conclusion By Warm Hearted Edited By Commentator Synopsis: Mara discovers how to use her powers and her relationship with Rob moves to the next level. Rob, Mara, Rene, and Kat become closer and start becoming a real family As they their plan to bring down the crime lord Babic unfolds. We went out to their court garden very similar to ours and Rene opened a bottle of wine, that had "La Blanc" on the label and poured me a glass saying, "This...
It took Russell a couple of weeks to get background on Spencer Patterson. Russel found out that he was married to a part-time university teacher. Beth, at thirty-five, was an attractive woman with blonde hair that reached just past her shoulders, blue eyes, C-cup breasts with large areola and nipples. Her body was shapely enough that most men would find her extremely fuckable. He also found out that they had a daughter. Carrie Ann, at sixteen, was an extremely pretty girl. She had straight...
Where exactly was I going with all this? I now had a girlfriend who I had special feelings for over and above the sexual fulfilment and a guy who I felt the same about too. And they were friends, former lovers, and lived close to each other.I had to make plans to go and see them both in England, but who should I stop with? Who did I want to see most? It was awkward.As soon as I had arrived back from the airport having dropped Yvonne off, Gary wanted to chat about things. Normally, he would want...
CuckoldDan wakes up from a deep sleep. He dreamt about his little sis' Kelly and woke up with hefty morning wood. He knew it was wrong, but he had always found her quite attractive. Dan is 19 years old and lives at home with his family, his sister is 10 months younger than him, and damn is she hot. Dan looks across the room and sees Kelly sleeping snuggly. They live in a very small house, so they've always shared a room together. Dan decides to get up out of bed and take a shower. Dan strips out if...