Master of The House Chapter Three Maria and Gwen
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The Misadventures of Gwen
Chapter 1
In the middle of my soap the phone rings and I absentmindedly answer it.
?Mrs. Donohue, please,? a man with a gruff voice says.
This is Mrs. Donohue,? I respond.
?Is your husband home?? he asks.
?No, he isn't,? I answer hesitantly.
?And he won't be, Mrs. Donohue, unless you do exactly as I tell you,? he says.
I panic.
"What do you mean? ? I ask as my heart beats at a maddening pace.
"Listen, Mrs. Donohue, I don't have time for small talk. If you careabout your husband just do as I say. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I think so," I whimper. Oh, my God, what's happening?
"Here's what I want you to do. Put on a sexy black bra and a pair ofsexy black panties. Over that wear a tight and short, very short, mini skirtwith a revealing low cut blouse. Did you get that?"
This guy is out of his mind. Where does he get off?
"Listen, mister, there is absolutely no way I'm dressing like that foryou or anyone else," I answer indignantly
"Lady, you're not listening to me. If you don't follow my instructionsto the minute detail, you will never see your husband again. You might seehim dead, but certainly not alive."
"How do I know you're telling the truth? Anyone can call and say theyhave my husband. It doesn't mean anything."
"Would you like to speak to your husband and hear it from him?"
"Yes, I would," I say hoping to call this prankster's bluff.
There is a shuffling in the background and then my husband is on the phone.
"Gwen, honey, this is Bill."
"Oh my God, Bill, are you alright?"
"For the moment, sweetheart, but I don't want you to listen to him. He ?." Billwas cut off.
Oh my God!! This can't be happening. Why would any one do this to us? Whatkind of person is this? What should I do? It must be true. I can't let themhurt Bill.
"All right, Mrs. Donohue. Do you believe me now?"
"Yes," I say trembling. I am shaking all over. Things like thisonly happen in soap operas.
"Oh, and wear high heeled shoes ? black with three of four inch heels.I'll pick you up in 45 minutes. I'll be in a black limo. Don't tell anyoneabout this if you value your husband's life, not to mention your own. Got it?"
"Yesss. I'll be ready. Oh wait! I don't have a black blouse. What shouldI do?"
"You're ticking me off, Mrs. Donohue. I don't have a whole lot of patience.Improvise! Wear red. OK?"
"Yes, I do have a red blouse," I reply.
I hang up the phone. There is no time to waste. I have only 45 minutes andthis guy sounds like he means business. I should be scared out of my mind andI am, but I also feel a sense of excitement.
My name is Gwendolyn Donohue. My friends call me Gwen. My husband is a youngexecutive working for a large corporation. I led a relatively peaceful andorderly life up until now. I am a housewife and proud of it. I am old-fashionand have no desire to have a profession like so many liberated women do today.I am perfectly content to provide a good home for my husband and be here forhim.
I am 24 years old, 5? 10? tall, and am said to have legs that never stop.My most outstanding feature is my pair of 38 DD breasts that would melt asiceberg. I've always been self-conscious about them and never wear anythingthat will draw attention to them. My long blonde hair reaches down to my waist.I love long hair.
As I gaze at myself in the mirror, there is wetness in my crotch. My nipplesare hard. I don't understand why I'm reacting this way. For a moment I considercalling the police but decide not to. This guy sounds like he might reallyhurt Bill. I couldn't have that. I love him so much. I would do anything toprotect him.
I quickly shower and dress and wait for the mysterious caller to arrive.
At the appointed time a limousine pulls up in front of my house. I can't seein because the windows are tinted. A chauffeur escorts me to the limo wherea large man who must weight well over 250 pounds waits for me.
I tremble as I get in.
"Nice to see you could make it, Mrs. Donohue,? the man says gruffly. "Niceblouse," he says as he gently squeezes my left tit. "We're goingto have a lot of fun together."
"Hey, watch it! Don't you dare touch me! Where's my husband?"
"Don't ask questions, Mrs. Donohue. You're not getting any answers," hereplies as he laughs in my face.
I am blindfolded before the limo pulls out and starts on an hour trip to whoknows where.
"Well, Mrs. Donohue, we're going to have to amuse ourselves for an hourbefore we get to the Marquis's house. That's what I like about this job. Iget babes like you all to myself for an hour. The Marquis says I can do anythingI want to you as long as I don't leave any marks. This is going to be fun.I mean fun!"
I begin to tremble as tears well up in my eyes. What did I get myself into?I could have called the police. Why did I get in a car with a strange man?Why didn't I call the police?
It was too late now. He was going to have his way with me.
First he takes out two leather wrist cuffs and attaches them to my wrists.Then he attaches them to two fasteners in the roof of the car. My arms arespread up and out leaving my large breasts totally exposed and vulnerable.Who knows what he will do to me. My nipples are getting hard as I anticipatewhat he might do next.
"Are you comfortable, Mrs. Donohue?" he whispers in my ear.
All I can do is make unintelligible sounds.
"Here, let me make you more comfortable."
He slowly unbuttons my blouse exposing the sexy black bra that I wore justfor him. I can tell he is excited by what he sees. My large breasts are literallybusting out of my bra. He is definitely a breast man.
"Your tits are huge, Mrs. Donohue. I like large tits. The bigger thebetter," he says as he slowly undoes the clasp on the front of my bra.He then takes out a knife and slowly cuts the straps of my bra.
"We won't need this anymore, will we," he says as he throws thenow ruined bra on the floor.
I tremble. I feel more vulnerable than ever. Not only is my chest fully exposedto this madman, but I am at a disadvantage being blindfolded and handcuffed.I can't tell what he is going to do next. My nipples are hard and erect andstick out an inch, waiting in anticipation. Bill is the only one who has everseen or touched my breasts. I saved myself for him on our wedding night. Thisis not right. This is private. My breasts are meant for his eyes only. I cry.
He takes the point of his knife and touches it to my erect nipple. I'm startledand I jump. The steel blade sends a cold chill through my system. He laughsand pricks my other nipple with his knife.
"Do you like pain?" he asks as a he continues to whisper in my ear.I cry harder. I know I am in big trouble. He continues to taunt my nippleswith his knife. He is careful not to draw blood. He slowly circles my areolaswith the blade ? first the left one and then the right.
"I have a little surprise for your nipples, my dear, after I get doneplaying with them."
He roughly grabs my huge breasts and squeezes them hard. I cry out in pain.He then begins to bite my nipples clamping his teeth down as hard as he canwithout breaking the skin, chewing on my hard nubs.
I scream and squirm but to no avail. I am being violated. The sanctimony ofmy marriage is being violated.
"My dear, this screaming will not do."
He takes out a ball gag and forces my mouth open and inserts it. I can onlylet out muffled sounds now.
"That's much better, don't you think, Mrs. Donohue? Here, I have anothersurprise for you. Let me take your blindfold off so you can see."
He removes my blindfold and I see him take two large clamps from his bag oftricks.
"Do you know what these are for, honey?"
I mumble through my gag. I know what they are for, and I panic.
I look on in horror as he squeezes my right nipple rolling it between hisfingers and making it stand out even more. Then he opens the teeth of the clamp,positions it on my nipple, and lets it close.
My head is shaking violently back and forth. My eyeballs roll in their sockets.The pain is excruciating. I can't bear it. He then takes my left nipple andrepeats the process.
I am a sight. Here I am handcuffed to the roof of this limo with my head thrashingback and forth. My magnificent breasts are bouncing back and forth slappinginto each other with those large clamps firmly clasped on each nipple. It isan arousing scene for the reader but oh so painful for me.
"We're just getting started, Mrs. Donohue," says the man as he lowersmy skirt to the floor. He then rips my panties off tearing them to shreds.
"No more Mr. Nice Guy. It's time to get down to business," he says.
"Mr. Nice Guy?" I say to myself as this is happening. If this isnice I wonder what he is like when he isn't nice. Of course, I know I'll soonfind out.
The pain in my breasts is intense. I am very much aware of my nipples. I fearfor my nipples. I would hate to lose them under the clamp. This thought bringswetness to my crotch. I hope he doesn't notice that I am dripping wet downthere.
The man gets on his knees and does notices that I am wet.
?You like this, don't you, Mrs. Donohue? I don't believe how wet you are downhere. Does pain turn you on? Are you a pain slut?? he taunts me as he licksmy clit.
H e wasn't kidding when he said he was going to get down to business. I amfeeling intense pain and pleasure at the same time. I don't know how to react.My breasts hurt beyond words but he is bringing great pleasure to my pussyas he sucks on my clitoris. The thought that keeps me going is that I am doingthis for my husband. My husband is safe.
In spite of the great pain in my chest, the man brings me to a climax. A climaxlike I have never had before. My hips are thrashing and pushing into his faceas my climax continues. My breasts are bouncing back and forth, slapping eachother with loud smacking noises.
"You like this don't you, Mrs. Donohue? It didn't take much to get youto cum, did it? I think you enjoy pain," he says as he squeezes both clampsat the same time.
This causes me to literally jump off of the seat of the car. I thrash my headviolently to the left and right unable to release the scream in my throat becauseof the gag in my mouth. My breasts smack together crushing each other fromthe abuse they are receiving.
"I have another surprise for you," he said as he reaches into hisbag of tricks. He pulls out a black dildo that is only four inches long buttwo inches in diameter.
"This will fit nicely up your ass."
I try to scream but am unable to. My eyes bugle out of their dockets. I havenever felt so helpless or vulnerable in my whole life. Does he really planto put that thing up my ass? Will he honestly violate my anus?
He raises my cheeks and probes my anus with his finger that he dipped in K-jelly.After forcing one finger in up to the knuckle, he cruelly works a second fingerinto my anus. The pain is intense, but I have no choice but to bear it. Afterworking my anus for a few minutes, he removes his fingers and begins to workthe black dildo up my ass. He twists it violently. One inch disappears, thentwo inches, then three inches... The dildo disappears completely... up my ass.
"Sit back. Relax, Mrs. Donohue," the man says cruelly.
The pain in my ass is very real. I have a hard time focusing. My breasts hurt,my anus has been stretched to the limit, and my arms feel like they're goingto fall off. What next.
I am soon to find out as the man again dips into his bag of tricks. This timehe brings out a tube of Bengay and a plastic glove.
"This will get you really hot," he says as he puts on the rubberglove and squeezes Bengay on his fingers. He then proceeds to rub my clitoris,smearing it with the ointment. He again squeezes more Bengay on to his fingersand shoves them up my cunt working them in and out.
"Can you feel the heat, Mrs. Donohue? You soon will. You'll regret everhearing from me before this is over. You'll wish you were never born."
He continues to apply Bengay to my pussy lips.
I can feel the heat beginning to rise and increase in my cunt. It turns intoa burning. The burning becomes more intense. I thrash back and forth. My hipsare gyrating obscenely. I need relief from this burning. I moan into the gagbut can't release the scream that is building in my throat. Oh God, what didI do to reserve this? The heat is slowly becoming unbearable. I grind my hipswhich drives the dildo up my ass in further.
The man then directs his attention back to my tits.
"I've been ignoring these, haven't I, Mrs. Donohue? Shame on me. I'llhave to do something about that."
The man then takes hold of both clamps and slowly pulls them off of my nipplesopening the teeth only half way. I violently turn to the right. This only increasesthe pain.
The clamps are off. The blood rushes back into my nipples along with the excruciatingpain. My nipples are red. The man licks my nipples which hurts my sensitivebuds. My cunt is now on fire, and I can't keep still. I need relief. I needsomething. My hips are gyrating at a frantic pace; I maintain a frenzied pacetrying to relieve the burning and itching in my pussy.
"The Marquis said I couldn't cut you or bruise you, but he didn't sayI couldn't put holes in you," he says laughing sadistically.
I feel nothing but total hopelessness. There is nothing I can do to help myself.I am at his mercy and he shows no mercy.
He grabs my left tit and harshly squeezes the nipple. My nipples have recentlybeen receiving a lot of attention, unfortunate for me. He then gets an icecube from the refrigerator in the limo. It's amazing the modern conveniencesthe vehicles of today have in them. He rubs the ice cube on my left nipplecontinuously circling it for around three minutes. It becomes cold and numb.I don't know what's worse, the burning in my cunt or the coldness on my nipple.
He then reaches in his bag and pull out a strange looking pair of pliers thathave a hole in it. What is he going to do with that? Oh my God, I think I'min trouble. He next takes out a three inch needle that looks extremely sharpalong with some alcohol. I'm confused. I have no idea what he's doing. He keepssmiling at me. I don't think this is funny. My cunt is on fire and my leftnipple is suffering from frostbite. My asshole is stretched to the maximum.
Next he takes out two hoop earrings. I don't like hoops and never wear them.If he thinks I'm going to wear those things, he has another thing coming.
Now he's grabbing my left nipple with the pliers. He's careful to center itcarefully toward the back of my nipple. Why? Now's he's dipping the needlein the alcohol and moving it? Oh no, he's going to pierce my nipple.
?Oh my God, no! Please don't do this!? I scream in my mind unable to say ordo anything to help myself.
?If I were you, Mrs. Donohue, I would stay very very still. You wouldn't wantme to miss the mark and ruin a perfectly good nipple, would you??
I try is settle down and whimper pathetically as the needle touches the outsideof my left nipple as pressure is applied. The man pushes applying more pressureand the needle breaks through my skin and comes out the other side. I groanin pain. Oh, how that hurts. Somebody help me. Why is this happening?
?Now that wasn't too bad, Mrs. Donohue, was it?? he snickers.
All I can do is stare at the obscene site of my nipple pierced by this needle.He takes one of the two inch hoops and threads it through the hole in my nippleas he removes the needle. He clamps it shut.
I stare in horror. The rings weren't for my ears, after all. My left breastis now adorned with this two inch hoop.
?Very pretty, Mrs. Donohue. Don't you love it? Here, let me remove that gagso we can talk. But remember, no screaming or you'll be sorry.?
I breathe deeply through my mouth, relieved that the gag is taken out.
?Don't you love it, Mrs. Donohue?? he asks again.
What does he expect me to say that I love it. He disfigures my body, and hewants me to respond!
?When I ask you a question, I expect you to answer, Mrs. Donohue,? he spitsout as he smacks the side of my left tit. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! He hits my lefttit three more times.
?I love it,? I whimpered, willing to say anything to stop him from slappingmy breast.
?That's better. You really need to learn to be obedient and answer when spokento,? he whispers in my ear and then kisses my neck as his tongue slithers downwardtoward my right breast.
Then he says, ?What would you like me to do to your right tit, Mrs. Donohue??
Do to my right breast? Is he insane? I don't want him to do anything to myright breast, but I know that's not the right answer. I'm speechless. I can'tsay anything.
?You're not a very fast learner,? he says as he smacks my right tit. SMACK!SMACK! SMACK! He slaps my right tit three more times.
Oh God, that hurts, but I don't know what he wants me to say.
?I don't know what you want me to say,? I whimper. ?Please don't hit me.?
He grabs my right nipple between his thumb and forefinger and begins to squeeze.He stares me right in the eye as he does this. He then moves closer to my faceas he continues to squeeze my right nipple harder. The pain is excruciating.He then licks my lips and runs his tongue around my lips and sticks his tonguein my mouth. All this time he continues to apply pressure to my nipple andbegins to twist it.
Still squeezing my nipple, he stops kissing me and stares at me.
?Mrs. Donohue, I don't want to hurt you. I'm going to give you a little hintbefore this gets out of hand. Think about what I'm squeezing, right now. Doyou know what I'm squeezing right now?? he asks as he twists my nipple.
?Yes, you're squeezing my nipple.? I stammer.
Very good, Mrs. Donohue. Now let me ask you the question once again. Whatwould you like me to do to your right tit?? as says smiling.
Oh no, I now know what he wants me to say. He wants to pierce my right nipple!He wants to do to my right nipple what he did to my left nipple. He wants meto suffer that pain all over again. I can't say that. I can't tell him I wanthim to pierce my right nipple. That's insane, but what choice do I have. IfI don't tell him what he wants to hear, he's just going to abuse my breastuntil I do. Why did I have to have such large breasts that draw this kind ofnegative attention? I begin to whimper all over again. I have no choice.
?Would you pierce my right nipple and put a ring in it??
He smiles amused.
?Did I hear please, Mrs. Donohue?? he snickers.
?Please,? I whimper.
?I don't think you really mean it. Say it like you mean it. Convince me thatyou really want me to pierce your right tit with this needle and make it beautifullike your left one,? he spits out as he smacks my right tit again.
Then he steps back a foot and smacks the outside of my left tit. Then he smacksthe outside of my right tit. He alternates blows. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! LEFT!RIGHT! LEFT. My breasts begin to bounce wildly slapping into each other.
I can't take any more. The burning down below from the Bengay is subsidedbut a new feeling is rising in my loins. His smacks are hurting my tits butmy pussy juice is flowing. I'm getting aroused. I can't explain it. This shouldn'tbe happening. Oh my God, what is happening to me? I can't take this any more.
?Please stop. Please, don't hit me any more. I want you to pierce my rightnipple. Please do it now. Please make it beautiful like my left nipple. Giveme a shiny gold ring just like the other one. Please I need another ring inmy nipple.? It just flowed out of me. I couldn't stop.
He smiles. He just looks at me and smiles. Then he gently rubs my right breastworking his way down towards my nipple. He runs his index finger around mynipple, and I groan.
?Pierce me now,? I moan.
He reaches for an ice cube, and it starts all over again - the numbness, thepressure, the piercing of my nipple, the pain, and finally the two inch hoop.I now have a matched set as I pant after the second piercing. My hips are gyrating.What is happening to me? He flicks my clit and I cum. Oh, how I cum. I'm soashamed of myself. To be abased and humiliated like this, and I cum!
"We don't have much time left, Mrs. Donohue. Time goes quickly whereyou're having fun."
He connects the rings with a six inch gold chain. He experiments with therings in my nipples. He pulls them up, then down, then left, then right, constantlyputting pressure on my tits and stretching my nipples. I groan. He then loopshis finger under the chain and pulls straight out. This stretches my nipplesforward and out of shape. I groan louder lost in my own little world. I havea terrible thought that they might rip open. At the same time the heat in mycunt is building once more. I don't care.
"James, stop the car," the man orders. "You must feel terriblyuncomfortable, Mrs. Donohue. We'll stop so that you can stretch your legs.?
I wonder if this holds some hidden meaning. I am soon to find out. I am anemotional wreck. I don't know myself any more. He releases my arms from theirshackles and pulls me out of the car. I sort of hop around; my cunt is sensitivefrom the Bengay and the butt plug is still in place making it difficult towalk.
"Get on your knees, Mrs. Donohue. You've been having all of the fun.I haven't."
I immediately drop to my knees as ordered. I start to cry again. This can'tbe happening. What did I do to deserve this? I was just watching TV mindingmy own business.
The man drops his pants and underwear and orders me to suck on his cock. Ifind this revolting and can't bring myself to do it. Enough is enough. Youhave to draw the line somewhere. And this is where I draw the line.
"Suck it," he orders.
I can't. I won't. He can't make me commit that disgusting act. Never! My husbandnever made me do it. Why should this man force me to do it?
The man doesn't like this. I've made him mad. He orders the chauffeur to holdmy arms behind my back forcing my huge breasts to jut out. And by the way,they are huge. He then reaches into his bag of tricks and brings out a leathercovered paddle that looks like a ping pong paddle.
"You still don't understand, do you, Mrs. Donohue? You don't have a choice.You'll learn to obey. Mark my words."
I think I made a mistake. Maybe I should have forced myself to suck his disgustingdick.
The man is furious. His temper has welled up to a fever pitch. He raises thepaddle and brings it down on my left breast with a loud smack. He immediatelyrepeats the action on my right breast. I scream but this only seems to excitehim.
"I want to hear you scream, Mrs. Donohue. Scream louder.?
I know now that I'm in big trouble. My stubbornness is not paying off.
He again smacks my right breast with the paddle, then the left, then the right,then the left, making sure he covers new territory each time. And there isa lot of territory to cover. I am in extreme pain and agony. I scream out tono avail for there is no one to hear my screams on this lonely desolate road.I wonder how this nightmare began, and how it will end. And I'm getting wetagain. What the fuck is the matter with me. This isn't normal. Beating my titsto a pulp is turning me on!
He continues to beat my breasts for another five minutes, only he slows downtaking his time. He is measuring each blow and making me wait agonizingly inanticipation of the next blow.
My breasts are now red and sore and ache all over. My cunt is on fire. Atthe same time I am horny and excited like I have never been before. The buttplug even feels good. I am beginning to think that I am perverted. I am enjoyingbeing abused by this stranger.
"Down on your knees, Mrs. Donohue," the man orders.
I immediately drop to my knees.
"Suck my dick," he again orders.
I hesitate for only a second remembering the pain in my breasts. I open mymouth to receive his tool. I purse my lips around the head and suck.
"That's not good enough. After what I've done for you, I would thinkyou'd be a little more appreciative, Mrs. Donohue."
He then grabs me by the hair and slides his dick further into my mouth.
This guy is huge! He's at least two inches in diameter and at least eighthinches long. I can't say for sure since I'm not really in any position to givean exact measurement. I gag but he shows no mercy. My jaw feels like it isgoing to snap.
He pushes on relentlessly and is finally at the entrance to my throat. Hethen backs out a few inches and eases it back in. He's content to do this forawhile. The only problem is that four inches of his dick is still exposed tothe air and hasn't experienced the warmness of my mouth. I have a bad feelingabout that.
He takes his dick out of my mouth and kneels down to talk to me.
?Now the big test, Mrs. Donohue. You've done fine up until now. The only problemis that my entire dick wants to be in your mouth, and what my dick wants, mydick gets. Do you understand?? he says softly as he caresses my cheek.
I nod, unable to speak.
"Take it all, Mrs. Donohue. You need to take it all," he says ashe stands and slips his dick into my mouth and to the back of my throat. Mymouth is full. There's no room for any more of his dick.
?Pretend that you're swallowing a watermelon. I know that you can do it. Iwant your mouth to be my cunt,? he says as he grabs my hair again and pusheshard.
I gag, and he backs off allowing me to breathe. He then pushes in again tothe back of my mouth but doesn't stop. He again pushes hard, and this timehis dick slides into my throat. He continues to press on and only one inchof his dick is outside of my mouth. I can't breath. I can't get any air. Mercifullyhe retreats and allows me to catch my breath, but this is short lived as heagain enters my mouth. He once more slides his dick to the back of my mouth,and then into my throat. I try to relax. It is all in! My nose is in his pubichairs.
?Ah, that's nice. You're doing well, Mrs. Donohue, very well. I'm proud ofyou,? he chides as he saws his cock almost all the way out of my mouth andthen back down my throat.
I can't believe this is happening to me. My husband Bill tried to get me todo this once. I put him in his place and let him know in no uncertain termsthat it would never happen. I would never give him a blow job. Now here I amon a deserted road with a stranger's dick all the way down my throat.
His balls slap against my chin as he begins to take those long strokes thrustingin and out of my mouth. Tears well up in my eyes and follow each other downmy cheeks. He continues to fuck my mouth. My cunt is dripping. I'm fully arousedagain. All of this is having a strange effect on me. I don't know myself. Ireach around and grab his buttocks and encourage him to ram his dick down mythroat, to use my mouth.
?Use my mouth as a cunt. Make me your receptacle. Deposit your load.? I washaving such wicked thoughts - thoughts that I had never had before.
He increases his pace, pounding his dick down my throat. I now gladly receiveit.
"When I come, you make sure you don't lose one drop or you'll be in bigtrouble, Mrs. Donohue. Do you understand?"
I try to nod but can't since he is firmly gripping my hair and pounding hiseight inch dick into my mouth and down my throat.
When he cums, I frantically swallow, drinking all of his cum. Actually I doan admirable job for a beginner. His cum keeps coming and coming, making adirect deposit into my belly.
However, one drop escapes my mouth and dribbles down my chin. The man seesit and is not happy.
"What's that on your chin, Mrs. Donohue? Didn't I tell you not to loseone drop."
I cringe in fear. He grabs the chain connecting my nipples and yanks me tomy feet. It takes all of my strength to move fast enough so that my nipplesaren't ripped open. I can see that he is not a happy camper. My cunt is dripping,and I need to cum.
The man motions to his chauffeur who is standing by the limo.
"Get your pants off. You're going to have some fun, Patrick."
He then drags me to the back of the car and throws me face down on the trunklid.
"Spread your legs wide, Mrs. Donohue. How is your cunt? Still hot, Ipresume."
He reaches down and feels my wet, dripping cunt. He rubs my clit as I movemy hips lost in lust.
"Oh," I moan.
?You're quite the little, slut, Mrs. Donohue. What would your husband think?? hetaunts me as he flicks my clit.
At last I'll finally get the relief I've been waiting for. Maybe losing thatone drop wasn't so bad after all.
"Well, you won't get off today, Mrs. Donohue," he says as he reachesfor my anus pulling the four inch black dildo out.
"Plop." It comes out. But I get only momentary relief.
"She's all yours," the man says to the chauffeur. "But onlythe back door."
I'm not sure what he means. I've basically led a very sheltered life and haveonly had straight sex with Bill. The chauffeur stands behind me and beginsto shove his penis up my ass. I can't believe it. I thought I was going toget fucked. Guess again. My anal ring resists and he pushes harder. It finallyrelents and he rams three inches of his cock up my ass. He then grabs my hairand pulls back. This forces me to arch my back. The way has been paved. Herams the rest of his dick home shoving all nine inches up my ass. I screamout in pain. The four inch dildo was bad enough, but it didn't prepare me forthis. He continues to ram me unmercifully while pulling my hair the whole time.He takes long strokes in and out.
In the meantime the man stands beside my face taunting me. "Next timedo as I say. When I say don't lose a drop, don't lose a drop. He reaches underme and pinches my nipples harshly. My tits have been the object of a greatdeal of negative attention. My cunt is still ablaze with no relief in sight.
The chauffeur continues to ream out my ass. He pulls back even harder on myhair forcing my back to arch and my tits to stick out under me.
?Remember, Mrs. Donohue, don't cum. You're not allowed to cum. If you cum,believe me, you'll regret it.?
I am so hot and so close to cumming. I panic. I can't cum. Oh God, I can'tcum. What will he do to me if I cum. I don't want to know. I'm close. Oh, I'mso close. I want to cum! No, I can't cum.
The chauffeur is now pounding me for all he's worth and it's having an effecton me.
?Remember, Mrs. Donohue, don't cum,? the man says as he reaches down, grabsmy clit, and digs his nail into that precious little organ. I scream as thechauffeur loses his load and fills my rectum with his cum.
After the chauffeur cums up my ass, he turns me around and has me clean upthe mess I've made. I suck his dick dry and then lick his dick and balls untilthey are squeaky clean, making sure there's no shit left anywhere. I continueto sink to new levels of degradation. Will this ever end? I am ashamed.
"Nice job, Mrs. Donohue, but we've wasted too much time already. Let'shit the road," the man says as he throws me in the back seat of the limo.The chauffeur starts the limo with a pleased look on his face. I wonder why?
"We're only five minutes away from our destination. Certainly not enoughtime to do to you what I would like to do, Mrs. Donohue."
I sigh a sigh of relief. This ordeal will soon be over. Little do I know thatthis is only the beginning. This is child's play compared to what's in storefor me.
The man contents himself by jabbing me with a three inch long needle in variousparts of my tits. He is careful not to break the skin and cause any damage.I scream and squirm to his delight. He especially likes to taunt my nippleswith the pin. At times he'll hold my tit up by the nipple and jab the underside.After all, we don't want to be partial.
I'm a mess. I'm worried about my husband. If they're doing this to me, whatare they doing to him? Also, I'm hot. My cunt is ablaze. I still need to cum.I shouldn't feel this way, but I do. I really need to cum! I would do justabout anything to cum. I won't tell him that.
We finally arrive at our destination.
What's in store for poor Gwen? Stay tuned - more to come???
She gave a sigh of relief as she drove away. The k**s were all at camp, and she had a whole week all to herself! No one to cook for, no one to drive anywhere, no one else’s schedule to deal with. Nothing except what she wanted to do. As she drove the two hours home, she thought about what she would do that week. sleep – definitely. Eat junk food – also definitely. Maybe go see a movie. Go to a bookstore without k**s and spend all day browsing. As she drove up to her house she stopped...
Title: The Misadventures of Taylor and Selena (Part 1)Author: SadoRuskiSynopsis: This is a story of two friends, Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez and the many sexual misadventures that they find themselves in. Disclaimer: This is fantasy. It is not real. Rape and violence against women is WRONG. DON’T DO IT. Intro : Trying something a little different. This is the 1st part of a series of stories. Please tell me what you think at search4aphrodite(at)Hotmail(dot)com. Please include your username...
Further Misadventures of Miss High Heels Inspired by the classic Miss High Heels, I fell to wondering what other misadventures the divine Denis(e) could have at the hands of stepsister Helen and the sinister Miss Priscilla. Thus I came up with the following tale, narrated by Denis(e): Ritual Milking A week after the "death" of Denis Beryl had been announced and I had been reintroduced to the household as Denise, Phoebe was dressing me one morning as usual, but stopped once she had...
Let me tell you about Gwen... I married her mom when she was 12. She was a sweet little blond girl, a little chubby with baby fat, just starting to develop boobs. She also had a beautiful smile. Her mom had been divorced from her dad since she was 2, and her dad was emotionally distant, and basically he did not know how to deal with little girls. He was a real redneck cowboy and just didn't get it, that she was sweet and sensitive.. There was an older brother in the picture, but he was...
As was my habit I stopped in at the "B" for my breakfast on my way home from my shift at the airport. It had been a hard night for me. I had to do a double brake change on a Boeing 727 and those suckers are heavy. I had to do them without the assistance of the dolly that we usually use because it was broken – both of them! Luckily I was in good shape thanks to daily visits to the gym and a three to five mile run every night so I was able to horse them into place without two much strain. The...
My husband and I are golfers and we got friendly with this new couple at our course who owned a condo in Florida, which they invited us to when they went there for a week. It was in a complex that had two golf courses, no waiting and the third day we were there, the weather was miserable. Gwen and I both did not want to play in the nasty weather, so our husbands went without us, leaving just the two of us for about five hours or so. They were no sooner out the door when Gwen took her robe off,...
LesbianThe Misadventures of Diana Knight Part IV - Doppelgangers The noise of the vibrating cock became louder and louder as it spun faster and faster and entered Diana. Craig felt it as soon as it went in, the suit's reaction to the G-Spot being stimulated almost instantaneous. Unlike the soft vibrating tool that Alice had used on Diana, this one bashed harshly against Diana's fake vaginal walls and into Craig's hidden meat. He cried out in pain and completely failed to notice the...
The Misadventures of Diana Knight Part III - Party Time! The strap on was on the floor, pointing up as though the floor was having an erection of its own. That however was not the thing that caught Craig's eye as Diana looked into the bathroom. Alice was looking in the mirror, towelling her face, but it was not the face of the woman he had just had sex with. It was the face that he himself was wearing; that of Diana Knight. The face of Alice was hung, draped over the sink with...
The Misadventures of Diana Knight Part I - Minding the Pussy Craig Mannings was at the crossroads of his life. He had just been made redundant by his job at an estate agent. The housing market had collapsed recently with the recession and the firm had a policy of last in first out. Craig had only been employed just over a year and so he was the one selected for redundancy. The other estate agents were not hiring due to the economic conditions being what they were. He had applied for a...
The Misadventures of Diana Knight Part V - Farewells "Oh hun, I'm so sorry." Diana's words just seemed so odd to Craig coming from his own mouth. "And I'm sorry for this too. There's something important that I have to tell you and you're not going to like it either." The fake Craig looked nervous, not like how Alice had always acted in the past. What was it? What could possibly be that bad? "It won't matter soon. Just tell me." Craig had to know just what he was letting himself in...
The Misadventures of Diana Knight Part II - Girlfriends Forever! "Hi hun, it's me!" the woman's voice on the other end of the phone said excitedly. Me? I don't know any of Diana's friends help! Why did I answer the damn phone! Craig thought that he recognised the voice but he couldn't quite place it. Then Craig suddenly realised that the voice on the other end of the phone was someone he knew. It was his ex-girlfriend that had lasted all of two weeks and two dates....
The Misadventures of the World's Worst Sissy By Cassandra Morgan This stuff isn't easy, okay? The world that looks down upon us think that it is. They think that any wimp can be a sissy, that even the frailest of us can scrape and bow and curtsy. They think that anyone can cook or clean are do the so-called mindless tasks that the rest of us are assigned. They think this is a soft life for soft people. They think we are so concerned with being pretty and smelling pretty that...
THE MISADVENTURES OF ZEEK by Long Tall MaryZeek was enjoying his prey. Carol, a twenty one year old local bar slut, had been enticed to his ramshackle farmhouse with a promise of fifty dollars’ worth of marijuana, in exchange for a blow job. What Zeek failed to mention was that the sex would be accompanied by bondage, an activity which she found repulsive.Carol presently was naked and hogtied, lying on Zeek’s bed demanding that she be set free, the pot no longer mattered. ?Bitch you will do...
Disclaimer: I do not own the 'DBZ-DBS' anime/manga or 'Fallout 3' and the other games in the saga; and the only thing I own is this alternate/parallel story that I wrote for fun. The Misadventures of Goki-Kakaroko Chapter 0: Prologue "Talking" "Thinking" "KameHameHa!" Attacks / Skills / Ki / Techniques Reading / News / Intercoms War. War never changes. Since the dawn of humanity, when our ancestors discovered they could kill with rocks and bones, blood has been shed in the name of God,...
Introduction: This has a rather lengthy opening scene before actually getting to the sex, so skip over this story if you want to jump directly into hardcore fucking, or jump to the end of the story. Misadventures of a College Youth Victoria arrived in Chicago about two weeks ago and is only now settling into her dorm on campus. Coming from a small town in Iowa, she is shocked at the vastness of the big city. Though shy, in the first couple of weeks of classes she manages to make a small group...
Meet Na Bo-mi. She's what you could consider to be the average definition of an office worker to a tee. A young lady in her early twenties, frequent dresses up in suits and pencil skirts, does 9 to 5 daily jobs in a cubicle, the list goes on. But yet, there's an aspect to her that nobody expects: she's an exhibitionist! Of the especially lewd kind too. These are the adventures and misadventures of Bo-mi, as she either purposefully strips her clothes, or finds herself in situations where...
Welcome to Misadventures! Anything can happen; we are simply observant beings who have become malcontent with society and seek to entertain ourselves by altering the existences of mortals. First, choose the mortal you would like to play with:
FetishHi, my name is Gwen, and I'm writing this story more for my own sanity than for any entertainment value you the reader may get from it. My doctor tells me that by writing, some of my anger and frustrations will be vented, which will hopefully calm the rage within me. There was a time, not so very long ago, when I went by another name - Greg, Greg Prewitt. There was a time when I could bench press twice my own weight with ease, a time when I worked in construction, and a time when I...
It wasn't that she was particularly sexy. At 30-something, she was thin and of medium height. She had wavy brown hair, usually swept up in a pony tail. She didn't have much of a chest; she'd never be mistaken for a boy but she definitely did not fill out a swimsuit. Her ass was wide but flat. But she had a nice smile and she liked to laugh. And she was the wife of his much-older-than-himself-nephew. Watching her putter around the office, Caesar realized why Gwen fascinated him so much. She...
But even two sweet and innocent girls needed a break. Acting like little goody two shoes all the time could become very tiring. Every once in a while the two friends needed to break character and be a little naughty. This was the reason for the concert. Managing to avoid their handlers as well as the paparazzi, the girls snuck out of their West Hollywood apartments and met at an agreed upon club. The building was huge, spacious, but unassuming. Unless you knew that inside was a huge hall with...
It was a long time before Felicity Shagwell regained consciousness in the massage room after Agents Pultitzov and Krush had beaten her and taken Scott Evil away. The walls around her slowly came back into focus as her eyes fluttered and opened completely, narrowing a little as they tried to accustom themselves to the light. Slowly taking in her surroundings, Felicity realized she was still in the room where she fought Agents Ivana Pultitzov and Majesta Krush. Stirring, she moaned as the pain...
It was a good thing for Roderick to smell again the smell of battle. The sweat of men tinged by the touch of steel armour, the strong smell of horse and of leather. Sounds of men cussing and praying, swords being sharpened one last time, all under a dawn which to a warrior is, possibly, his last. And that would make it beautiful. Upon a large wooden field-table was a map, more worthy to be called a sketch, of the surroundings. “Walter and Frederick will hold the middle with Infantry. I...
"She's beautiful!" Parvati didn't know what had made her say it but ever since the Yule Ball she couldn't keep how Hermione had looked out of her head. Nor, try though she might could she keep her eyes from following her. The fact that she was usually in form-hiding robes and uniforms didn't really matter. She'd shared a dormitory and shower room with her for four years. She pretty much knew what every inch of her year mate’s body looked like. She just hadn't thought about it before and it was...
Friday nights had now become special since there s*n Jack had finished his exams and discovered clubs. A regular night in to themselves for Wendy and her husband George. The end of the week, some quality time alone together.Some times it was a romantic meal ,sometimes just quiet holding each other, other times well lets just leave it as thiei sex life had reignited. They both where dressing better,taking more time and care over how they looked. Friday was the high point of this. After Jack left...
The rest of the day was spent eating and fucking between all three of them until nearly six in the evening and by then Joe was almost exhausted and he and Karen had a party to go too and Anita needed to replace the food they had eaten and she wanted to look for some sexier underwear. So getting dressed she left the house and waved to Sami her neighbour as she was getting in the car. Anita noticed Sami beckoning to her and stopped and went to her. “Are you going out to Asda?” Sami was 32 and...
Joe continued licking working his tongue deeper into Anita’s her cunt before moving up towards her clit. Pulling back the top part of labia he revealed an erect clit and as his tongue brushed it Anita shivered with pleasure, then he began to really to go to work on it with his tongue and mouth, flicking it and sucking it, until Anita was almost screaming with pleasure. Looking up at Karen “Can you not shut her up for a few minutes” Karen smiled and moved so that she was squatting over Anita’s...
Anita woke and saw it was 9.00pm by her watch, she knew Karen and Joe would not be home until much later from the party so took the opportunity to shower and wash her hair. Stepping from the shower she wrapped her body in a towel and went back to the bedroom and opened the locked wardrobe and looked at all her fetish clothes and dressing up clothes and smiled. After John had passed she had wanted to sell it all but too many memories were there and she kept it and tried it on when Karen was out...
Ron Weasely snuck along one of the less travelled corridors of Hogwarts on his way to a rendezvous with his s*siter and lover, Ginny. For precaution's sake he wore Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, which he had snitched at his s*siter's request and donned after leaving the more crowded parts of Hogwarts. After all, it would hardly do to have an unseen presence bumping into people. Finally he reached the room that Hermione had dubbed "The Chamber of Eros", Ginny called "the Love Room" but that...
The holidays were coming and Hermione was miserable.Everything had started so well. The group sex at the Burrow has been the most wonderful experience of her life. The only thing that had remained was to give up her virginity to Ron or Harry and then the whole school year would belong to the four of them.That was where the trouble started. Both were so eager to be her first that neither would let the other have a shot at her. Every time she brought the subject up it started a fight.It would...
Shhhk...Crash! Your naked body just went sailing through the air, passing through an automatic door before slamming against the bulkhead. Dazed and not quite sure how or why you're now laying in the middle of the corridor, you look back in the direction from which you came and see a very angry Andorian woman, Lieutenant zh'Thracia, standing in the doorway to her quarters, also completely naked. Her antennae, which you had just learned the hard way are NOT erogenous zones, point straight at you...
"Myrtle?" asked Harry as he slipped into the prefect's bathroom. It was two days after the contest involving the mermen and he was here to pay a debt. It was a debt he had mixed feelings about. On the one hand Myrtle had helped him. On the other hand she could be deeply annoying.On the third hand, she was a great fuck, which is what he was here for, spray bottle of Solidifying Potion in his robe's pocket."Harry!" The wispy voice came from the drain of the richly appointed prefect's bathtub....
Just enjoy :) "Get down on the floor and suck my clit, you're my bitch now" She said in a cool calm way. "You can't be serious?" I question her, puzzled as to why she called me to this dinner. "Oh I am, if you don't get on the floor and lick my cunt right now, I'll call your parents and tell them just what a cam whore their 18 year old daughter has become." She takes out her phone and shows me my parents number on her mobile. "Now do I press dial?" She asks with a...
Harry and Ron stood in the doorway, their mouths moving like those of fish caught out of water. Hermione smiled at them condescendingly."Didn't it occur to you to wonder why no one else came up, with all the noise we were making? Of course not. Boys!"She got out of bed and marched menacingly towards them. "I cast a spell to keep sound from leaving this floor. Now if you don't do exactly what I say, I'll drop it and both Ginny and I will start screaming. Got that?""Y-y-y-y-y," was all they could...
Her world had ended for her exactly three years ago today, when John had dropped dead off a heart attack in his chair, he just came in sat down and said he was going to have a nap and that was it he never woke up, and it had left Anita totally lost. If had not been for her daughter she would have taken her own life that night, but Karen was only 16, and that would have been too much for her to loss both parents on the same day and she had loved her daughter almost as much as John had. Now she...
Candy awoke to the familiar feeling of her husband, Andrew (always Andy to his wife,) spooning up close behind her, one of his hands gently cupping one of her soft melon-like breasts and squeezing it as he slept. She giggled and gave her backside a little wiggle as she felt the stiffness wedged between her plump ass cheeks. She put her hand over his as he gave her soft titflesh another squeeze and saw there was still another ten minutes before Andy's alarm. "Baby... Your little friend is poking...
"Bitch!" Hermione heard her friend, and lover, Ginny growling as she stomped angrily towards her."Excuse me?" she said, hoping that she wasn't the target for Ginny's rather formidable temper."Oh! Not you Hermy. That Ravenclaw cow, Cho Chang.""Been sniffing around our Harry has she?""Oh, that I could deal with. He's been sniffing around her!""Tell me about it. Ever since that bint Fleur Delacour showed up from Beauxbaton Ron hasn't so much as put a finger on me. Or in me.""I know. He doesn't...
"You don't mind sharing a bed?" asked Ginny as Hermione set her suitcase down in her room."Oh no," said the older girl. "In fact I'm quite looking forward to it. It should be quite cozy."In fact Ginny had no idea how cozy she intended to make it. When she had learned that Harry was also coming here she had begun making plans. Plans that would end quite delightfully for all concerned if everything worked out well.She watched the younger girl appraisingly as she stripped down and put on a loose...
It was Christmas morning and the Gryffindor dorm was empty except for Ginny and Ron Weasely, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Harry always stayed at Hogwarts because he and the Dursley’s, the Muggle f*mily he lived with, both preferred it that way. Ron and Hermione usually stayed to keep him company and this year, at Hermione's suggestion, so had Ginny. This year the girls had some special "presents" planned for the boys. As the boys came down the steps into the common room they saw both...
Mary is a bright and proud young girl. Despite the protests of her family she is independent and open minded. She is short with dark hair. And although many potential suitors lust after her ample breasts, wide hips or big brown eyes she has so far rejected all marriage offers. Mary knew that if she did not pick soon from one of her many suitors that her family may grow impatient and simply pick for her. Her father was not usually a cruel man but when his bitter rival had secured a husband to...
Mind ControlMegalopolis is a crime riddled city in dire need of a hero, or in my case, heroine. My name is Julie Hosaree, but my alter ego is Nylogirl. From what I can recall from my broken memories, I'm the result of genetic experimentation, an attempt at a super solider. While I have the super strength and speed there are some... Side effects. My powers only work when I'm aroused, my 4" cock must be at full attention or I'm just plain ol' Julie, nurse at a local hospital. Since my power depend on me...
GayDecember 05, 2011 “Wow it’s so big!” said my brother, peering out of the car window. “It’s even bigger on the inside!” My dad shot back, chuckling as we pulled into the driveway. I just rolled my eyes in the back seat, I didn’t feel like laughing at jokes yet. The end of the road trip to my Aunt’s mansion quickly reminded me of my circumstances. A few nights ago our house caught fire and we were forced to relocate. My dad threw a party and someone bought that rum that you can light on fire....
We arrive at the penthouse a short time later and Bud escorts me to the penthouse but doesn’t get off the elevator. I exit and head to what has now become my room. Lucifer let me have a few photos of friends and family to make it more personal as well as pick new bedding and a few accessories. I’ve found that Lucifer isn’t too bad as long as you don’t cross him and I never plan to do that. There’s a knock on my door while I’m getting ready to change clothes, “Come in”. My personal guard...
November 3, 2008 “psssst! don’t stare people will see” Mary-Lou swatted at my shoulder whispering quietly. I looked over and saw her wearing a devilish grin on her face. I responded with a stern look and snapped my attention back to what I was staring at. She knew, he probably knew, maybe they all knew, who knows. The only thing I knew is I was looking at the back of Sean’s head, a guy I recently took interest in. Sean and I had known each other since middle school, like most of our high...
Wu Mei worked as a waitress at Benny's Pizza but was now making extra money doing odd jobs at a big hotel. But the hours were terrible. She had worked 20 hrs a day the last 3 days. Sometimes she could barely see straight and even simple things were hard. But getting enough money to visit her husband made it all worthwhile. She needed to see him, particularly after the shocking things that happened on Halloween. She had been working overtime at Benny's and had to deliver a late pizza to some...
Victoria arrived in Chicago about two weeks ago and is only now settling into her dorm on campus. Coming from a small town in Iowa, she is shocked at the vastness of the big city. Though shy, in the first couple of weeks of classes she manages to make a small group of girlfriends. It is this group of three other girls, two of them native Chicagoans, that Victoria accompanies out tonight. The Swollen Susie, a cramped, cheap punk club that admits 18andups but still serves alcohol is where...
She came to America 3 years ago, 42 yrs old, couldn’t find a good job and her husband was refused entry because he did something stupid back in Shanghai. Wu Mei couldn’t even afford airfare to visit him. Three years without a husband and Wu Mei had few friends. How could she find friends when she worked such long hours? It was 5 minutes to 11pm, she could go home in just a few minutes. Waiting, she remembered two terrible incidents that had happened to her over the past year. One time she...
Away from home for the first time, Jack and Peter, both 18, were watching TV in the small old house they had rented on the outskirts of town. That’s all they could afford while going to university. They had just come home from a Halloween party, Jack dressed as a pirate and Peter as a warlock. Peter was pissed off because his girlfriend was wouldn’t even let him get to first base. “She just pushed me away when I tried to feel her tits. What kind of girlfriend is that? How am I ever going...
“She just pushes me away when I touch her tits. What kind of girlfriend is that? How can I learn anything that way?” “At least you have a girlfriend, Ben. I just keep striking out.” “My cock is so lonely I’d take any female who walks through that door.” “Ben, when has any girl walked through that door?” “Well, who knows, it can happen. And then, I swear I’ll get some.” “Bet you no female comes through that door and if one does, you’d get no where.” “OK, two bucks says some...
A few years back, separated from my first wife and before I met my current wife, I spent a lot of time on one of the popular online hookup sites.I spent most of my time in the Carolinas chat room, and one day I started up a chat with a woman who lived in my town. We continued to chat in private for a few nights, until one day we realized we worked right across the street from each other. Our chats were getting progressively hotter, and by now we’d exchanged phone numbers. We had phone sex a few...
Mackenzie Fairbairn, a beautiful young woman, is about to go through a series of misfortunes and mishaps she never could have seen coming. The day began innocently enough before everything began to go wrong. The question is...
Star Wars as a Galaxy, even before the house of Mouse taking things over, had no shortage of hot women in it, the number of races alone are mind blowing, from Human to Zabrak to Twilek to Sith purebloods, anything was possible, and in this story, provided you stay within the rules of this site, anything is possible to you as well. So, where will it be? And who will be your damsel to distress? Do you stay in the movies? Or maybe the old EU? Possibly the Games have your attention, or maybe the...
BDSMIt's been a long day for Chelsea Arlington, the leader of the cheerleaders, prom queen and (known to everybody since their first day at school) queen bee of the Clayton high-school. The 5'9" 20-year old blonde bombshell, right now approaching her white Mercedes S-class, spend the whole day dealing with this disgusting bunch of so-called teachers, actually just old, poor, smelly grandparents without any hobbies in life, as well as the lots of other lesser beings, like the losers from the maths...
FetishAfter months of trial and error, Ryan has finally done it. He achieved the secrets of invisibility into an elixir that he created. He decides to experiment it on himself right away. At first, there was no reaction after drinking it. He thought there was something wrong. He looked into the mirror, then his hands, legs, body and face slowly started fading away. There was a delay effect, it took about 10 seconds for him to turn completely Invisible. All he could see now is a empty clothing...
The sun is shining on the bright room of Bart Simpson as he wakes up to notice the small pathetic 2 inches of morning wood in his krusty the clown undies”sigh” “oh when will you ever grow” said Bart! Bart was popular in school but there was just one secret! He has the smallest penis in Springfield if word got out that he was the smallest man in Springfield god only knows how bad he’d be treated!
FantasyAuthors note : so far this is based on my personal account but may add my own fantasys to keep it interesting. Hey everyone its me jared. But often called "JackoffJared " online when doing live shows online. I just love the thought of getting people off from my home but was a little too timid for much else. Hell i have only really kissed a girl on her cheeck so far. Needless to say im a 20 almost 21 year old virgin. I have blondehair thats normallya little long. Only really down to my glasses...
TeenBayley went to WWE headquarters so she can talk to Vince McMahon about the direction of her character. when she saw Vince, she went to talk to him directly. -excuse me, Vince, but i want to talk about something important- Bayley said with a tone of voice that while sounding decisive, it had a hint of nervousness. -ok, want do you want to talk to, make it quick, i have a reunion in 10 mintues- Vince said, making Bayley having a little of hope for the conversation. -well Vince, i want to talk...
:January 4: Beep Beep Beep Katie's alarm sounded at 8.00 am in the morning reaching over to it she turned it off "guess it's time to get up"she thought yawning and blinking a few times to get her focus before getting out of bed. Currently dressed in her pajamas a shirt that ended mid thigh and a pair of panties she stretched preparing herself for the day ahead while doing so she looked at herself in the mirror. Katie was a attractive 19 year old girl she had short brunette colored hair and...
We begin this unfortunate tale of dibochery in a strange and colorfull tower in the shape of a very erect phallus. Our heroine is getting ready to start her adventure at the very start of her adult life. As our heroine readies herself, she begins to choose what to wear. The only problem is anything can happen.