The Many Misadventures Of Young Adults Pt. 8 free porn video

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"She's beautiful!" Parvati didn't know what had made her say it but ever since the Yule Ball she couldn't keep how Hermione had looked out of her head. Nor, try though she might could she keep her eyes from following her. The fact that she was usually in form-hiding robes and uniforms didn't really matter. She'd shared a dormitory and shower room with her for four years. She pretty much knew what every inch of her year mate’s body looked like. She just hadn't thought about it before and it was driving her crazy!

Maybe it really was driving her crazy because now she could swear that the object of her affection was giving her a stare as intense as any she'd given Hermione. Her and Ginny Weasley. That was no surprise in and of itself, Hermione spent more time with Ginny than with anybody but Harry and Ron despite being a year older. In fact, she'd heard rumours about the four of them being more than just friends, mostly from Slytherins of course but still enough to send a quick, hot flash of jealousy through her. To see them, heads together and giggling made her fists clench. Then Ginny left, a sly look on her face, and Hermione got up and walked towards her. Only she didn't walk like she normally did. She didn't walk the way anyone normally did. She... slinked. Parvati wasn't even sure that was a real word but it was the only one that fit. Oddly the Indian girl found herself instinctively moving away as the other girl approached until she found herself backed against a wall.

"What's the matter?" Hermione asked, and again it was in a tone, a purr really that Parvati had never heard her use, "I thought you found me beautiful?"

"You heard me?" Parvati's own voice came out in a raspy, barely audible whisper.

"Well do you?" the other girl asked teasingly, pressing her slender body against Parvati's more full figured form. "Find me beautiful?"

Parvati found herself unable to answer because she felt Hermione's soft hand moving up her thigh and under her skirt. She knew Hermione wasn't using magic but her skin suddenly felt on fire where she was touching it.

"Yessss!" she finally gasped in answer. The maddeningly delightful hand was now between her legs and rubbing the heel of its palm on her dark furred pussy through the thin protection of her rapidly moistening panties.

"Do you want me?" her sweet tormentor asked as she slipped her fingers inside Parvati's panties and then into her slit at the same time her lips began nuzzling the soft coppery skin of her throat.

"Yess... unh... unh... yesss!"

The fingers, those oh so wonderful fingers found her clit and began rubbing and pinching.

"Ah! Oh! Wonderful, wonderful!"

"I can make you feel even better than this. If you do what I tell you," Hermione said in a tone both seductive and commanding.

"Anything! Ohhh, Shiva, anything!" Parvati screamed as she came, knees buckling. Hermione withdrew her hand, knelt beside her latest conquest and slowly licked her fingers clean of the other girl's juices as Parvati watched, hypnotized.

"Here's where I want you to go and what I want you to do," she said when she was finished.

* * *

Was she crazy? Before this she hadn't even liked Hermione. Oh she hadn't disliked her, she just hadn't thought about her all that much. Hermione had her friends and she'd had hers and that was that. Nor had she ever thought about other girls that way. Not seriously at least. Something had just clicked in her head that night. Briefly she wondered if Granger had put a spell on her but why would she? By all appearances she had viewed Parvati with the same benign indifference that Parvati had viewed her.

But what had happened Wednesday! Her knees got weak just at the memory and Hermione had promised greater pleasures yet.

Finally, searching through the less travelled halls of Hogwarts, of which there were many, she came to the door Hermione had told her about and gave the coded knock she been told to give.

The door opened but not by who she'd been expecting.

"Ginny? What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Hermy, just like you," was the calm reply.

'Hermy,' thought Parvati, another flash of jealousy passing through her.

An awkward silence ensued.

"I'm not a lesbian," she blurted suddenly for no good reason she could think of.

"Neither are we. We prefer to think of ourselves as omnisexual. If it feels good, we do it."

"And Ron and Harry?" Parvati asked, intrigued despite herself and wondering just what she was getting herself into.

"Not quite as omni- but definitely sexual," said Ginny with a smirk and then began taking off her clothes Despite her earlier claim of heterosexuality Parvati couldn't help but be aroused by the younger girls slender, graceful form.

"Are they going to be here too?"

"Oh yes. They're bringing... guests as well."

"So what is this? Some kind of sex club you have going?"

"Nothing that formal but...." Whatever Ginny had been about to say was cut off by another series of knocks.

Ginny, now clad only in bra and panties, opened the door to let in Hermione and Victor Krum. As soon as the door was closed Hermione and Ginny had their arms and tongues wrapped around each other. Parvati stood frozen uncertain whether she wanted to break them apart and give Ginny a slap that would take her head off or to tear off her clothes and join them.

She looked aside at Victor. He too was staring at the two girls although from his face it seemed to be embarrassment, not anger at war with lust in his psyche. A mischievous thought popped into her head. Why not turn the tables and see if she could make Hermione jealous? Besides, before she'd become infatuated with the other girl she had, like half the girls of Hogwarts, fantasized about the huge Bulgarian Quidditch player and the bulging, rock-hard muscles underneath his uniform.

Right now she had one specific bulging, rock-hard muscle in mind. She turned towards Victor and cupped his groin in her hand, provoking a look of shock and a step back.

"What's wrong Victor? Don't you like me?" she asked, smiling with more confidence than she actually felt. He looked nervously in Hermione and Ginny's direction.

"That's the spirit Parvati," came Hermione's voice in contrast to both their expectations. She turned her head behind her to where her girl crush’s voice had come. Both Hermione and Ginny were now topless, Ginny's nipples a pale pink, Hermione's a deeper hue of the same colour.

Anything she might have said or done was cut off by another series of knocks.

"Ginny, do you mind?" said Hermione.

"Do I look like a doorman?" the other girl replied with a pout.

"Doorman no, door-wench maybe. Consider it your penance for not bringing a guest of your own."

"I would have brought Neville but I was afraid that he'd faint. Oh very well," she said, proceeding to the door. "Have it your way."

"I usually do," said Hermione with a smirk as Ginny let in Harry, Ron and an uncertain looking Cho. Hermione, now completely naked, came over after helping her partners disrobe.

"Harry did tell you what goes on here, didn't he Cho?"

"Well, we came down here to... talk... but I thought it would be... private"

She could tell her nudity distracted and bothered the other girl so shrugged and went over to Ron hoping that Harry and Ginny could deal with her. It would be too bad if Cho didn't join their little club but if not, then not. She only hoped the Asian girl would keep her mouth shut.

"I thought you were going to bring Fleur." The truth was, she hadn't expected anything to come of it. Maybe her plan to expand their membership had been a mistake.

"I had Harry ask. She likes him a lot more since he saved her s*ster. But I wouldn't bet on anything.

'And look at the bang-up job he did with Cho,' she thought sarcastically. Of course, that was hardly Ron's fault, in fact he was probably right about Harry having a better chance with the French girl. Suddenly she felt as if her cozy and carefully constructed lovers den was poised on the brink of an abyss.

Her mordant thoughts were cut off by the door opening without any knock and Fleur entering, followed by a smaller, more innocent looking version of herself.

"I'm only 'ere as a favour to 'arry," the French girl said, "and to further my s*ster's education."

"Education?" asked Cho, goggling at the smiling eleven-year old Gabrielle who seemed less bothered by a roomful of naked and partially dressed people engaged in various forms of embrace than she was. "Is that what you call it?"

"Oui. We are, after all, French. And we already have seen each other without clothes on."

Cho shook her head. "I'm... sorry Harry, I... I just can't." she went to the door and opened it before anyone could try to stop her. "Don't worry," she reassured the room, "I won't tell anyone."

Then she left.

"You think she will?" asked Parvati nervously. Both she and Krum were down to their underwear and had been happily exploring each other's torsos while waiting for Hermione to return to them. Now she was worried that she might lose all this before she even got it.

"No… she'll keep her word. I'm sure of it," said Harry.

"She had better," Parvati heard Hermione mutter softly as she returned to Victor and Parvati's warm embrace and a passionate three-way kiss, lips and tongues slipping and sliding over each other enthusiastically if somewhat sloppily. During the exchange she reached over to unhook Parvati's bra which the Indian girl quickly shrugged off revealing a set of breasts noticeably larger than any of the others in the room. Hermione took one in her mouth and sucked, causing her new lover to close her eyes and throw back her head in ecstasy. Victor followed suit, rolling his tongue over her dark, near-black nipple.

"Unnnh," moaned the Indian girl, dark hair swishing about her shoulders. Hermione broke off and when Parvati opened her eyes in response motioned downward with her head. Both girls got on their knees, one on either side and peeled off his briefs.

"Oh my," said Hermione gleefully, "It looks like Harry has a rival." It was true. Like Harry, Victor was built like a plow-horse.

* * *

"Oh great, now there's two of them," moaned Ron. He and the two French girls were all starkers. Fleur looked in Victor's direction then down at Ron's substantially smaller package. Not that he was really all that small compared to anyone but them. In fact he was a bit above the average.

"It eez not so bad," said Fleur, reaching a hand down to stroke him into erection. "Eet eez in fact beeger zan most of my countrymen's." Gabrielle chattered something at her s*ster in French that made her smile. "She says that she would not want such a dragon tail inside of her. She is glad it eez you who will be taking her petit fleur."

"You mean you want me to..."

"But of course. That eez why I brought her." With that the two Gallic lovelies launched a double pronged attack on him, Fleur assaulting his mouth with hers while Gabrielle got on her knees and took the head of his cock between her budlike lips.

* * *

During this Ginny had been cheerfully "consoling" Harry. She had pressed her naked form against his back, wrapping her arms around him and taking off his robe, tie and shirt while nuzzling his neck. Then she moved to in front of him, letting his arms come around her waist as her lips and hands played on his chest.

"She might come back you know," he said wistfully.

"If she does, you know I'm always willing to share," she said, one hand undoing his belt and pushing his trousers and drawers down past his hips where gravity took over and drew them to the floor. "But if she doesn't, it's her loss."

Part of Harry still longed for his Asian cutie but she wasn't here and Ginny was. As usual his genitals cast the deciding vote.

* * *

However Cho hadn't gone far at all. in fact only a couple of steps before she'd been paralyzed by a combination of shock, guilt over betraying Cedric, longing for Harry and, although she didn't like to admit it, arousal by what she knew was going on in there.

Almost against her will she found herself drawn to the door. She opened it just wide enough to look through and what she saw fed the tingling warmth between her legs that was already there. Soon, only haf-conciously her hands lifted her skirt and one went beneath her panties to satisfy the burning itch building in her crotch.

* * *

After a period of kissing each other across, over and around Victor's massive tool Hermione lay Parvati down on top of their accumulated clothes and some of the large cushions s**ttered all over the gym-sized room and began sucking and pinching at the round globes of her tits. At the same time Victor pushed two thick fingers into her slit, making her gasp with pleasure and smile in anticipation of his huge cock. Her hands stayed up, playing with the Indian girl’s breasts while her mouth kissed its way down her soft, slightly rounded belly. At the same time she felt Victor's huge penis rubbing between her firm little buttocks, not actually entering her ass, but sliding between them as they might have been her breasts if they were large enough. She liked the feeling but decided to discourage anything further. Ron's anal fixation was bad enough, though she didn't mind it for an occasional change of pace. If Victor got in there she might never be able to sit down again!

During this her mouth had proceeded down Parvati's delightfully wriggling body to the thick triangle of hair covering her slit. Hermione flicked her tongue lightly downward across her labia then upward and deeper between them.

"Ohhh... Herrrmy!" Parvati moaned.

Following that she lifted one arm off the floor, looked at Victor and directed him at her pussy.

"Ah! Now?" was the thickly accented reply. She nodded decisively then closed her eyes and clenched her jaw as he entered. It was a good thing she was used to having Harry inside her.

* * *

Meanwhile Fleur had been coaching her little s*ster in the ancient and refined art of fellatio in which she had received an Outstanding mark, the curriculum of Beauxbatons being a bit... different than at Hogwarts.

"That's right cheri, long slow licks up and down, like zees," she said, demonstrating her own championship technique while also skilfully massaging Ron's testicles. Ron for his part was more than happy to be their "demonstration model". He was also more than happy to be stroking
Fleur's smooth and perfect flanks and buttocks. He slipped a finger into her slit which was naturally hairless thanks to her veela heritage and heard her coo in pleasure.

"Oui, zat eez gooood Monsieur Ron... beaucoup... mmm. Now Gabrielle take 'is 'ead in... mmm... and suck gently, now... unh... stronger, now swirl your oh!... tongue around reverse. Zat's eet... ohhh... ces't bon Ron, ces't bon!" As his fingers thrust harder and faster in response to the superb blowjob Gabrielle was giving him Fleur's English got worse until she was instructing her s*ster wholly in French intermingled with moans and wordless cries. Just as Ron was building to his own explosion a sharp command from Fleur pulled Gabrielle's mouth off of him. Fleur then gently pulled Ron's fingers out of her and he watched spellbound as the two s*sters licked her juices off his fingers then joined in a hot kiss. Their hands roamed all over each other's bodies and he saw Gabrielle bite down on her lip as her older s*ster's fingers probed her tiny vagina. They came out moist.

"She eez ready."

* * *

During this Harry and Ginny had been in a tumbling clinch, rolling around on the floor until Ginny wound up on top, grinding her soaking wet panty-clad crotch against his hardness. He removed her panties and she moved to over his head. She was about to lower herself onto his waiting tongue when she saw the door open and a much chastened Cho sneak in. She had left some of her clothes out in the corridor because her robe, skirt and tie were gone and her shirt unbuttoned.

"Look who's here Harry," Ginny said sarcastically. The other two groups looked up briefly but were too caught up in their own passions to say or do anything.

Lying on the floor, facing away from the door Harry had to contort himself rather painfully but when he saw Cho his face lit up.

"Hello," he said encouragingly, "glad you changed your mind. Come here."

"Oh no she doesn't," Ginny said in a stern voice. "She ran out on us. She ran out on you. She has to pay the price," she stood up.

"Penalty?" asked Cho.

Now on the one hand Harry both really wanted and felt sorry for Cho. On the other hand her leaving had really hurt him so maybe some payback was in order. Plus he was intrigued as to what penalty Ginny had in mind. Her sexual imagination was second only to Hermione's and she'd never disappointed before. He also got up from the floor.

"She's right. Do as she says."

Now, Cho realized was the real moment of decision. She could turn around and walk out but she knew that if she did she could never come back and everything she'd seen and heard here called to her. She wanted it. Badly. What decided her was a voice at the back of her head, one she pretended she didn't hear that said that if she just did what harry and Ginny wanted then it wouldn't be her fault but theirs. It would mean that she wasn't really a Bad Girl, just led astray.

"All right," she said in a low voice, hanging her head, "I'll do whatever you want."

"Off with the shirt, and the bra. Now get on all fours," commanded Ginny, lying back down on the floor and spreading her legs. "Now crawl over here." Cho crawled nicely enough, Ginny even sensed that part of her even enjoyed being submissive, but when she was crouched between the redhead's legs, face to snatch as it were, and she hesitated.

"I'm not... I mean… I never..." the Asian girl said.

"Oh, we'll have you doing lots of things you've never done before," said Ginny with a purr in her voice. She reached down and spread her copper-furred lips.

"That's it, up and down, mmmmm, niiice, now deeper, deeper! Now Harry... unh... you get under her, take off her undies... ohgod! And do the ohh... same. Don't look at me like... thaaat... she's being a good girl... and... goood girls deserve a treat. Oh yes, such a goood girl!"

* * *

She might still not walk right for a week reflected Hermione as she built to her third orgasm under Victor's relentless pounding but it would certainly be worth it. What he lacked in imagination Victor more than made up for in power and stamina. Which was alright as she had more than enough imagination for both of them. Beneath her Parvati was also cumming, body rippling, hands clenched in Hermione's thick brown hair, sobbing and moaning in ecstasy.

After Victor had finally cum in her the three of them lay in each other's arms and Hermione saw that, amazingly, Victor was still erect. "What do they feed you in Bulgaria!?!" she asked.

Victor, whose understanding of English was better than his command of it just smiled in reply. She motioned Parvati to his other side and together they began licking his equipment clean. Soon, without even being asked, Parvati was going down on him even though she could only get about half of him down her throat. Filing away the Indian girl's fondness for fellatio for future reference and making a mental note to teach her to deep throat Hermione moved behind the dark-skinned beauty and reached around her to fondle her breasts, pressing her own tiny breasts against her bare back.

"You want him in you, don't you?" she whispered in the other girl's ear, punctuating her question with a flick of her tongue. Parvati took Victor's cock out of her mouth and nodded. Hermione didn't even bother asking the Slavic hunk beneath them what he wanted. She had learned that you could find out pretty much anything you wanted about the state of a man's mind by checking his penis and Victor's was magnificently erect.

Quickly the three lovers arranged themselves for Parvati's deflowering. Her head was propped on Hermione's belly and her shoulders on her girl crush’s slim pale thighs. When Victor entered, her face contorted with pain. Hermione was quick to distract her from it by kissing and stroking her full breast and huge dark nipples. Soon pain turned to pleasure. Hermione was glad that she and Ginny had managed to concoct a morning-after potion. After this afternoon's session they were going to need it.

* * *

Elsewhere in the gym sized room another cherry was being taken. Gabrielle lay on the s**ttered clothes as she and Ron heavily engaged in foreplay. Their lips and tongues moved frantically against each other while Ron's middle finger probed the wet, hairless slit between the young girl's legs. She let out a happy sigh as he shifted his mouth to her silver tinged nipples and aureole whose colour, like her s*sters came from being a quarter veela.

Finally Ron took his finger, moist with her juices, from Gabrielle's virgin twat and gently pushed her legs apart. Fleur got up from where she'd been watching and fingering herself. She kissed first Gabrielle, gently, then Ron more hungrily.

"Merci. After zees, whatever you want, we do." Ron's eyes immediately went to her perfect buttocks.

"Oui," the Frenchwoman said with a smile.

Ron looked questioningly at Gabrielle who just smiled and nodded. He spread her lower lips then pushed in until he could feel her hymen then pushed on through as she gasped with pain then stopped. He waited briefly while Fleur questioned her in French then, at the older s*ster's nod started up again slowly at first then settled down to a fierce pounding rhythm. Lord God, he'd never been in anything so tight! Even when he'd first fucked Ginny she had been stretched out from having Harry and anyway he'd been smaller then himself.

"Ohhh," moaned the nymphet beneath him. "C'est bon, Ron, c'est bon! Mon Dieuu!" Her tiny fingers dug into his shoulders and her coltish legs wrapped around him as she came.

He found himself being pulled up away from her. Both of them looked up resentfully to see Fleur tugging him with one hand and flourishing a jar of ointment she'd found on a shelf in the other. He was torn between the two s*sters momentarily but his nearly obsessional butt lust won out. He was gentle breaking away from the girl beneath him, kissing her long and slow on the mouth then down her neck to where he was sure that one day a pair of small but exquisite breasts matching her s*ster's would grow. Then he pulled out slowly while Fleur gently disengaged her s*ster's limbs from around him.

Tired but happy Gabrielle crawled to a nearby beanbag chair and curled up like a kitten to watch her s*ster and her new lover.

Fleur crouched before him on all fours, perfectly moulded rump up-thrust awaiting his pleasure but first he wanted to give attention to her needs, thrusting first two, then three, fingers into her glistening slit while at the same time lavishing kisses and nibbles on her ass with an almost religious devotion. It was odd. Maybe it was because of the entrancing capabilities that, because they were part veela, the girls wielded without even trying, but the usual anger that Ron brought to sex was missing. Of course it could be that the Delacourt s*sters just weren't as inherently infuriating as Hermione and his s*ster. Whatever it was he found himself actually having feeling of tenderness towards them, especially Gabrielle.

But finally he was ready. He looked at Fleur's ass with the eye of a connoisseur and declared it perfect. Tight and round with soft, silky skin but with just a hint of muscle underneath. Not big, but then Ron knew that quality always trumped quantity. He greased up his finger with the ointment Fleur had provided and slipped one finger into her pink, puckered rectum. A soft moan came from in front.

"You like that?" Ron knew that anal was not to everybody's taste.

"Ouiii," she gasped. He slipped another lubricated finger in. She arched her back in pleasure. He pulled his finger out and took advantage of her hole still gaping open by thrusting his cock into it.

"Ahhh! Oui, Ron, fuck my ass, fuck it good!"

After a few more thrusts he felt her raise her body to accommodate someone sliding underneath and soon felt someone alternating their tongue between his balls and her pussy. He looked down, expecting to see Gabrielle. Instead he was surprised to see Cho. Not that it was an unpleasant surprise by any means. Fleur certainly didn't seem to think so as she lowered her head between the Asian girl's athletically trim legs.

* * *

So how did Cho wind up there? Thusly:

* * *

"Mmmm, that's a good girl," purred Ginny as she pulled Cho's head from between her legs. But now it's time to make things up to Harry. After all, he's the one you hurt most, isn't he?"

Cho lit up at this. While giving herself to Harry hadn't been explicitly on the schedule for the evening it had been a mutually understood long term goal. Harry's face also lit up. Ginny's did not.

"Oh not that way, not yet at least," said the red-haired vixen sternly. "Stay on your knees. Harry come over here. Now suck his cock! Now!"

Once more Cho obeyed and once more she wasn't really sure why. Maybe it was simply that Ginny was sure of herself and she wasn’t. Even though she was two years older the other girl knew so much more than she did. 'Well,' she thought to herself, 'at least I know how to give a good blowjob.' Cedric had joked that it was why he had asked her to the Yule Ball. At least she thought he'd been joking.

As it turned out Ginny knew more about that too, at least when it came to servicing a cock as big as Harry's. On her own she was only able to get about a third of it down.

"It's okay," soothed Ginny. "You have to relax your jaw and just sort of let it hang." Her fingers massaged the points where lower and upper jaw met then moved to the other girl's throat. "That's it. If you try and take it all at once you'll choke, just let it slide down inch by inch. While one hand massaged Cho's throat the other stroked down the back of her neck and then down her spine. Finally the older girl had swallowed Harry almost to the root.

"Very good," Ginny whispered, sticking her tongue in Cho's ear. Now pull back slow, sucking gently all the while. Now down again, that's right. You're my good little cocksucker aren't you?" Soon the Asian girl's head was sliding back and forth smoothly.

Ginny moved to her rear and retrieved her wand from the floor. Then she touched it to her vagina and said, "Dildum superior!" Harry's eyes, which had been closed in enjoyment snapped open to see the wand not merely growing and expanding into a dildo form as he'd seen both her and Hermione do before, but moulding itself to Ginny's crotch and melding with her very flesh, giving her the ultimate in strap-ons.

Cho, caught by surprise by the feel of something hard and rigid intruding into her vagina when the only hard and rigid thing she'd been expecting was in her mouth pulled back suddenly from Harry's prick inadvertently deflowering herself.


"Hush!" ordered Ginny.

"But... ow!" The second outcry had come from Ginny reaching out and pulling her head back by her long, dark hair.

"You've been my good girl until now," Ginny said with a growl in her tone. "Don't spoil things. I promise, it'll be nice.

And the truth was that the pain between her legs had faded to a dull throbbing. Once Ginny resumed her movement the throbbing grew more and more pleasant. Soon small moans and gasps were coming from Ginny's new bottom.

"You like being fucked, don't you?" asked Ginny, her hand still knotted in Cho's hair and giving a small tug, not enough to hurt, just enough to remind her who was in control. Besides she had the truth on her side.

"Yes, yes I do." At this point Harry was out of her mouth but still had his cock aimed at her while he beat off.

"So are you a bad girl?"

"Yes! So sooo baad!"

"Are you a little slut?"


"A whore?"


"And whose little whore are you?"

"Yours Ginny! Yours! OHHHHHGAWD!" As she came, harry also climaxed, shooting what seemed like a gallon of sperm into her open mouth and down her throat. Although she couldn't do the same, Ginny's magic dildo made it feel as if she was and her knees buckled as she orgasmed.

As she pulled out and restored her wand to normal she saw Ron plugging into Fleur and decided to gift them with her new toy. She crawled around to where Cho and Harry both lay recovering and licked off the cum that had dribbled out onto the other girls lips and chin.

"Now my sweet little slut," she whispered, "one more task.”


"Whatever I tell you," Ginny said, giving her a hard pinch to her cheek.


"Not 'okay', you say 'Yes, Mistress.'"

"Y-yes Mistress."

"Good girl," said Ginny, rewarding her new bottom with a kiss on the lips. When she told Cho what she wanted, the Asian sweetie was more than happy to comply. She watched Cho's tight little ass swaying provocatively as she crawled on all fours towards Ron and Fleur then snuggled up to the still prone Harry. Her hand caressed his chest then went south, stroking his cock back to life.

"Don't you think you were a little rough on...?” Harry started to say but was stopped by Ginny's free hand blocking his mouth.

"Shut up and fuck me," she growled as she threw a leg over him and plunged her pussy down onto his rigid member.

* * *

Finally the orgy wound down and after a round robin of kisses and hugs the foreign students had staggered off. The six Hogwarts students now half sat, half lay in a cuddle-huddle against a pile of cushions, Harry and Ginny in the center, arms around each other. The two new girls were still at work proving themselves worthy of membership, Cho massaging Hermione's feet with both hands and tongue and Parvati's head bobbing up and down Ron's cock.

Life was good.

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The Misadventures of the World's Worst Sissy By Cassandra Morgan This stuff isn't easy, okay? The world that looks down upon us think that it is. They think that any wimp can be a sissy, that even the frailest of us can scrape and bow and curtsy. They think that anyone can cook or clean are do the so-called mindless tasks that the rest of us are assigned. They think this is a soft life for soft people. They think we are so concerned with being pretty and smelling pretty that...

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The Misadventures of Gwen

The Misadventures of Gwen Chapter 1 In the middle of my soap the phone rings and I absentmindedly answer it. ?Mrs. Donohue, please,? a man with a gruff voice says. This is Mrs. Donohue,? I respond. ?Is your husband home?? he asks. ?No, he isn't,? I answer hesitantly. ?And he won't be, Mrs. Donohue, unless you do exactly as I tell you,? he says. I panic. "What do you mean? ? I ask as my heart beats at a maddening pace. "Listen, Mrs. Donohue, I don't have time for small talk. If you...

3 years ago
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The Misadventures of Zeek

THE MISADVENTURES OF ZEEK by Long Tall MaryZeek was enjoying his prey. Carol, a twenty one year old local bar slut, had been enticed to his ramshackle farmhouse with a promise of fifty dollars’ worth of marijuana, in exchange for a blow job. What Zeek failed to mention was that the sex would be accompanied by bondage, an activity which she found repulsive.Carol presently was naked and hogtied, lying on Zeek’s bed demanding that she be set free, the pot no longer mattered. ?Bitch you will do...

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The Misadventures of GokiKakaroko

Disclaimer: I do not own the 'DBZ-DBS' anime/manga or 'Fallout 3' and the other games in the saga; and the only thing I own is this alternate/parallel story that I wrote for fun. The Misadventures of Goki-Kakaroko Chapter 0: Prologue "Talking" "Thinking" "KameHameHa!" Attacks / Skills / Ki / Techniques Reading / News / Intercoms War. War never changes. Since the dawn of humanity, when our ancestors discovered they could kill with rocks and bones, blood has been shed in the name of God,...

2 years ago
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Misadventures of a College Youth

Introduction: This has a rather lengthy opening scene before actually getting to the sex, so skip over this story if you want to jump directly into hardcore fucking, or jump to the end of the story. Misadventures of a College Youth Victoria arrived in Chicago about two weeks ago and is only now settling into her dorm on campus. Coming from a small town in Iowa, she is shocked at the vastness of the big city. Though shy, in the first couple of weeks of classes she manages to make a small group...

4 years ago
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ENF Exhibitionism Misadventures

Meet Na Bo-mi. She's what you could consider to be the average definition of an office worker to a tee. A young lady in her early twenties, frequent dresses up in suits and pencil skirts, does 9 to 5 daily jobs in a cubicle, the list goes on. But yet, there's an aspect to her that nobody expects: she's an exhibitionist! Of the especially lewd kind too. These are the adventures and misadventures of Bo-mi, as she either purposefully strips her clothes, or finds herself in situations where...

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Welcome to Misadventures! Anything can happen; we are simply observant beings who have become malcontent with society and seek to entertain ourselves by altering the existences of mortals. First, choose the mortal you would like to play with:

3 years ago
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The Many Misadventures of Young Adults pt 2

Harry and Ron stood in the doorway, their mouths moving like those of fish caught out of water. Hermione smiled at them condescendingly."Didn't it occur to you to wonder why no one else came up, with all the noise we were making? Of course not. Boys!"She got out of bed and marched menacingly towards them. "I cast a spell to keep sound from leaving this floor. Now if you don't do exactly what I say, I'll drop it and both Ginny and I will start screaming. Got that?""Y-y-y-y-y," was all they could...

1 year ago
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The Many Misadventures of Young Adults pt 6

"Bitch!" Hermione heard her friend, and lover, Ginny growling as she stomped angrily towards her."Excuse me?" she said, hoping that she wasn't the target for Ginny's rather formidable temper."Oh! Not you Hermy. That Ravenclaw cow, Cho Chang.""Been sniffing around our Harry has she?""Oh, that I could deal with. He's been sniffing around her!""Tell me about it. Ever since that bint Fleur Delacour showed up from Beauxbaton Ron hasn't so much as put a finger on me. Or in me.""I know. He doesn't...

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The Many Misadventures of Young Adults pt 5

Ron Weasely snuck along one of the less travelled corridors of Hogwarts on his way to a rendezvous with his s*siter and lover, Ginny. For precaution's sake he wore Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, which he had snitched at his s*siter's request and donned after leaving the more crowded parts of Hogwarts. After all, it would hardly do to have an unseen presence bumping into people. Finally he reached the room that Hermione had dubbed "The Chamber of Eros", Ginny called "the Love Room" but that...

3 years ago
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The Many Misadventures of Young Adults pt 1

"You don't mind sharing a bed?" asked Ginny as Hermione set her suitcase down in her room."Oh no," said the older girl. "In fact I'm quite looking forward to it. It should be quite cozy."In fact Ginny had no idea how cozy she intended to make it. When she had learned that Harry was also coming here she had begun making plans. Plans that would end quite delightfully for all concerned if everything worked out well.She watched the younger girl appraisingly as she stripped down and put on a loose...

4 years ago
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The Many Misadventures of Young Adults pt 7

"Myrtle?" asked Harry as he slipped into the prefect's bathroom. It was two days after the contest involving the mermen and he was here to pay a debt. It was a debt he had mixed feelings about. On the one hand Myrtle had helped him. On the other hand she could be deeply annoying.On the third hand, she was a great fuck, which is what he was here for, spray bottle of Solidifying Potion in his robe's pocket."Harry!" The wispy voice came from the drain of the richly appointed prefect's bathtub....

2 years ago
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The Many Misadventures of Young Adults pt 4

It was Christmas morning and the Gryffindor dorm was empty except for Ginny and Ron Weasely, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. Harry always stayed at Hogwarts because he and the Dursley’s, the Muggle f*mily he lived with, both preferred it that way. Ron and Hermione usually stayed to keep him company and this year, at Hermione's suggestion, so had Ginny. This year the girls had some special "presents" planned for the boys. As the boys came down the steps into the common room they saw both...

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The Misadventures of Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez I

But even two sweet and innocent girls needed a break. Acting like little goody two shoes all the time could become very tiring. Every once in a while the two friends needed to break character and be a little naughty. This was the reason for the concert. Managing to avoid their handlers as well as the paparazzi, the girls snuck out of their West Hollywood apartments and met at an agreed upon club. The building was huge, spacious, but unassuming. Unless you knew that inside was a huge hall with...

1 year ago
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The Misadventures of Agent Felicity ShagwellChapter 2

It was a long time before Felicity Shagwell regained consciousness in the massage room after Agents Pultitzov and Krush had beaten her and taken Scott Evil away. The walls around her slowly came back into focus as her eyes fluttered and opened completely, narrowing a little as they tried to accustom themselves to the light. Slowly taking in her surroundings, Felicity realized she was still in the room where she fought Agents Ivana Pultitzov and Majesta Krush. Stirring, she moaned as the pain...

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The dishonorable misadventures of Roderick the Crow Ch 1

It was a good thing for Roderick to smell again the smell of battle. The sweat of men tinged by the touch of steel armour, the strong smell of horse and of leather. Sounds of men cussing and praying, swords being sharpened one last time, all under a dawn which to a warrior is, possibly, his last. And that would make it beautiful. Upon a large wooden field-table was a map, more worthy to be called a sketch, of the surroundings. “Walter and Frederick will hold the middle with Infantry. I...

2 years ago
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the butterfly and the buttonthe misadventures of

Friday nights had now become special since there s*n Jack had finished his exams and discovered clubs. A regular night in to themselves for Wendy and her husband George. The end of the week, some quality time alone together.Some times it was a romantic meal ,sometimes just quiet holding each other, other times well lets just leave it as thiei sex life had reignited. They both where dressing better,taking more time and care over how they looked. Friday was the high point of this. After Jack left...

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The Misadventures of Anita Chapter 3

The rest of the day was spent eating and fucking between all three of them until nearly six in the evening and by then Joe was almost exhausted and he and Karen had a party to go too and Anita needed to replace the food they had eaten and she wanted to look for some sexier underwear. So getting dressed she left the house and waved to Sami her neighbour as she was getting in the car. Anita noticed Sami beckoning to her and stopped and went to her. “Are you going out to Asda?” Sami was 32 and...

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The Misadventures of Anita Chapter 2

Joe continued licking working his tongue deeper into Anita’s her cunt before moving up towards her clit. Pulling back the top part of labia he revealed an erect clit and as his tongue brushed it Anita shivered with pleasure, then he began to really to go to work on it with his tongue and mouth, flicking it and sucking it, until Anita was almost screaming with pleasure. Looking up at Karen “Can you not shut her up for a few minutes” Karen smiled and moved so that she was squatting over Anita’s...

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The Misadventures of Anita Chapter 4

Anita woke and saw it was 9.00pm by her watch, she knew Karen and Joe would not be home until much later from the party so took the opportunity to shower and wash her hair. Stepping from the shower she wrapped her body in a towel and went back to the bedroom and opened the locked wardrobe and looked at all her fetish clothes and dressing up clothes and smiled. After John had passed she had wanted to sell it all but too many memories were there and she kept it and tried it on when Karen was out...

3 years ago
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The Redshirt Misadventures

Shhhk...Crash! Your naked body just went sailing through the air, passing through an automatic door before slamming against the bulkhead. Dazed and not quite sure how or why you're now laying in the middle of the corridor, you look back in the direction from which you came and see a very angry Andorian woman, Lieutenant zh'Thracia, standing in the doorway to her quarters, also completely naked. Her antennae, which you had just learned the hard way are NOT erogenous zones, point straight at you...

2 years ago
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The Misadventures

Just enjoy :) "Get down on the floor and suck my clit, you're my bitch now" She said in a cool calm way. "You can't be serious?" I question her, puzzled as to why she called me to this dinner. "Oh I am, if you don't get on the floor and lick my cunt right now, I'll call your parents and tell them just what a cam whore their 18 year old daughter has become." She takes out her phone and shows me my parents number on her mobile. "Now do I press dial?" She asks with a...

1 year ago
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THe Misadventures of Anita Chapter 1

Her world had ended for her exactly three years ago today, when John had dropped dead off a heart attack in his chair, he just came in sat down and said he was going to have a nap and that was it he never woke up, and it had left Anita totally lost. If had not been for her daughter she would have taken her own life that night, but Karen was only 16, and that would have been too much for her to loss both parents on the same day and she had loved her daughter almost as much as John had. Now she...

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The Misadventures of Candy Hart

Candy awoke to the familiar feeling of her husband, Andrew (always Andy to his wife,) spooning up close behind her, one of his hands gently cupping one of her soft melon-like breasts and squeezing it as he slept. She giggled and gave her backside a little wiggle as she felt the stiffness wedged between her plump ass cheeks. She put her hand over his as he gave her soft titflesh another squeeze and saw there was still another ten minutes before Andy's alarm. "Baby... Your little friend is poking...

3 years ago
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The sexual misadventures of Mary

Mary is a bright and proud young girl. Despite the protests of her family she is independent and open minded. She is short with dark hair. And although many potential suitors lust after her ample breasts, wide hips or big brown eyes she has so far rejected all marriage offers. Mary knew that if she did not pick soon from one of her many suitors that her family may grow impatient and simply pick for her. Her father was not usually a cruel man but when his bitter rival had secured a husband to...

Mind Control
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The Misadventures of Nylogirl

Megalopolis is a crime riddled city in dire need of a hero, or in my case, heroine. My name is Julie Hosaree, but my alter ego is Nylogirl. From what I can recall from my broken memories, I'm the result of genetic experimentation, an attempt at a super solider. While I have the super strength and speed there are some... Side effects. My powers only work when I'm aroused, my 4" cock must be at full attention or I'm just plain ol' Julie, nurse at a local hospital. Since my power depend on me...

4 years ago
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Morgans Misadventures Giving in to my cousin

December 05, 2011 “Wow it’s so big!” said my brother, peering out of the car window. “It’s even bigger on the inside!” My dad shot back, chuckling as we pulled into the driveway. I just rolled my eyes in the back seat, I didn’t feel like laughing at jokes yet. The end of the road trip to my Aunt’s mansion quickly reminded me of my circumstances. A few nights ago our house caught fire and we were forced to relocate. My dad threw a party and someone bought that rum that you can light on fire....

1 year ago
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Misadventures of Harper pt 2

We arrive at the penthouse a short time later and Bud escorts me to the penthouse but doesn’t get off the elevator. I exit and head to what has now become my room. Lucifer let me have a few photos of friends and family to make it more personal as well as pick new bedding and a few accessories. I’ve found that Lucifer isn’t too bad as long as you don’t cross him and I never plan to do that. There’s a knock on my door while I’m getting ready to change clothes, “Come in”. My personal guard...

2 years ago
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Morgans Misadventures My first boyfriend

November 3, 2008 “psssst! don’t stare people will see” Mary-Lou swatted at my shoulder whispering quietly. I looked over and saw her wearing a devilish grin on her face. I responded with a stern look and snapped my attention back to what I was staring at. She knew, he probably knew, maybe they all knew, who knows. The only thing I knew is I was looking at the back of Sean’s head, a guy I recently took interest in. Sean and I had known each other since middle school, like most of our high...

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Wu Meis Misadventures Christmas Elf

Wu Mei worked as a waitress at Benny's Pizza but was now making extra money doing odd jobs at a big hotel. But the hours were terrible. She had worked 20 hrs a day the last 3 days. Sometimes she could barely see straight and even simple things were hard. But getting enough money to visit her husband made it all worthwhile. She needed to see him, particularly after the shocking things that happened on Halloween. She had been working overtime at Benny's and had to deliver a late pizza to some...

3 years ago
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Misadventures of a College Youth

Victoria arrived in Chicago about two weeks ago and is only now settling into her dorm on campus. Coming from a small town in Iowa, she is shocked at the vastness of the big city. Though shy, in the first couple of weeks of classes she manages to make a small group of girlfriends. It is this group of three other girls, two of them native Chicagoans, that Victoria accompanies out tonight. The Swollen Susie, a cramped, cheap punk club that admits 18andups but still serves alcohol is where...

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Wu Meis Misadventures Party Waitress

She came to America 3 years ago, 42 yrs old, couldn’t find a good job and her husband was refused entry because he did something stupid back in Shanghai. Wu Mei couldn’t even afford airfare to visit him. Three years without a husband and Wu Mei had few friends. How could she find friends when she worked such long hours? It was 5 minutes to 11pm, she could go home in just a few minutes. Waiting, she remembered two terrible incidents that had happened to her over the past year. One time she...

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Wei Chus Misadventures Halloween

Away from home for the first time, Jack and Peter, both 18, were watching TV in the small old house they had rented on the outskirts of town. That’s all they could afford while going to university. They had just come home from a Halloween party, Jack dressed as a pirate and Peter as a warlock. Peter was pissed off because his girlfriend was wouldn’t even let him get to first base. “She just pushed me away when I tried to feel her tits. What kind of girlfriend is that? How am I ever going...

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Wei Chus Misadventures Independence Day

“She just pushes me away when I touch her tits. What kind of girlfriend is that? How can I learn anything that way?” “At least you have a girlfriend, Ben. I just keep striking out.” “My cock is so lonely I’d take any female who walks through that door.” “Ben, when has any girl walked through that door?” “Well, who knows, it can happen. And then, I swear I’ll get some.” “Bet you no female comes through that door and if one does, you’d get no where.” “OK, two bucks says some...

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Misadventures with Beverly

A few years back, separated from my first wife and before I met my current wife, I spent a lot of time on one of the popular online hookup sites.I spent most of my time in the Carolinas chat room, and one day I started up a chat with a woman who lived in my town. We continued to chat in private for a few nights, until one day we realized we worked right across the street from each other. Our chats were getting progressively hotter, and by now we’d exchanged phone numbers. We had phone sex a few...

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Mackenzies Misadventures

Mackenzie Fairbairn, a beautiful young woman, is about to go through a series of misfortunes and mishaps she never could have seen coming. The day began innocently enough before everything began to go wrong. The question is...

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Star Wars Perilous Misadventures

Star Wars as a Galaxy, even before the house of Mouse taking things over, had no shortage of hot women in it, the number of races alone are mind blowing, from Human to Zabrak to Twilek to Sith purebloods, anything was possible, and in this story, provided you stay within the rules of this site, anything is possible to you as well. So, where will it be? And who will be your damsel to distress? Do you stay in the movies? Or maybe the old EU? Possibly the Games have your attention, or maybe the...

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Chelseas Humiliating Misadventures

It's been a long day for Chelsea Arlington, the leader of the cheerleaders, prom queen and (known to everybody since their first day at school) queen bee of the Clayton high-school. The 5'9" 20-year old blonde bombshell, right now approaching her white Mercedes S-class, spend the whole day dealing with this disgusting bunch of so-called teachers, actually just old, poor, smelly grandparents without any hobbies in life, as well as the lots of other lesser beings, like the losers from the maths...

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Misadventures of the Invisible Pervert

After months of trial and error, Ryan has finally done it. He achieved the secrets of invisibility into an elixir that he created. He decides to experiment it on himself right away. At first, there was no reaction after drinking it. He thought there was something wrong. He looked into the mirror, then his hands, legs, body and face slowly started fading away. There was a delay effect, it took about 10 seconds for him to turn completely Invisible. All he could see now is a empty clothing...

2 years ago
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Barts misadventures

The sun is shining on the bright room of Bart Simpson as he wakes up to notice the small pathetic 2 inches of morning wood in his krusty the clown undies”sigh” “oh when will you ever grow” said Bart! Bart was popular in school but there was just one secret! He has the smallest penis in Springfield if word got out that he was the smallest man in Springfield god only knows how bad he’d be treated!

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Jared misadventures in new Orleans based on real experiences

Authors note : so far this is based on my personal account but may add my own fantasys to keep it interesting. Hey everyone its me jared. But often called "JackoffJared " online when doing live shows online. I just love the thought of getting people off from my home but was a little too timid for much else. Hell i have only really kissed a girl on her cheeck so far. Needless to say im a 20 almost 21 year old virgin. I have blondehair thats normallya little long. Only really down to my glasses...

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Bayley misadventures

Bayley went to WWE headquarters so she can talk to Vince McMahon about the direction of her character. when she saw Vince, she went to talk to him directly. -excuse me, Vince, but i want to talk about something important- Bayley said with a tone of voice that while sounding decisive, it had a hint of nervousness. -ok, want do you want to talk to, make it quick, i have a reunion in 10 mintues- Vince said, making Bayley having a little of hope for the conversation. -well Vince, i want to talk...

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futa katies misadventures

:January 4: Beep Beep Beep Katie's alarm sounded at 8.00 am in the morning reaching over to it she turned it off "guess it's time to get up"she thought yawning and blinking a few times to get her focus before getting out of bed. Currently dressed in her pajamas a shirt that ended mid thigh and a pair of panties she stretched preparing herself for the day ahead while doing so she looked at herself in the mirror. Katie was a attractive 19 year old girl she had short brunette colored hair and...

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Misadventures of a Sorceress

We begin this unfortunate tale of dibochery in a strange and colorfull tower in the shape of a very erect phallus. Our heroine is getting ready to start her adventure at the very start of her adult life. As our heroine readies herself, she begins to choose what to wear. The only problem is anything can happen.

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Misadventures of Karen

Wrote this for someone. Might be a small series, i dunno. Late in the Winter evening, Karen sat down at her computer searching through her email with a glass of wine as she did almost every night after a long day of work at the office. Strolling through her emails Karen noticed a peculiar one from a coworker titled "Busted!". Karen was curious and opened the email to find picture after picture of her dressed up in super revealing women's clothes and exposing her ass for the world to see....

2 years ago
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Misadventures with Beverly

A few years back, separated from my first wife and before I met my current wife, I spent a lot of time on one of the popular online hookup sites.I spent most of my time in the Carolinas chat room, and one day I started up a chat with a woman who lived in my town. We continued to chat in private for a few nights, until one day we realized we worked right across the street from each other. Our chats were getting progressively hotter, and by now we'd exchanged phone numbers. We had phone sex a few...

Wife Lovers
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Detectives Misadventures

Nazia Choudhary is a diligent, upstanding, goody two Senior Detective in the Police Department. She is also a woman of the Muslim faith, who wears the hijab (headscarf) as an expression of her identity. She is incredibly proud of who she is and her achievement as a sharp detective. She dresses smartly but a tad conservatively. She is extremely dedicated to her work which comes at the expense of her private life. Nazia is prudish, uptight, a tad haughty, and always dresses well, fully covered....

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Pete and Kerrys sexual misadventures Book 2

Chapter 1 I called Kerry and told her that 2 unmarked parcels had arrived at my place and she said she'd meet me straight after work and not to open them until she was there. I was very excited and got instantly hard as soon as I thought about the contents of those unremarkable packages. “Where are they?” Kerry asked, as soon as she arrived, clearly as excited as I was. I’d put them on the dining room table and we sat opposite each other and looked at them. “You open one first" she...

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Pete and Kerrys sexual misadventures

I'd been divorced for nearly a year when I bumped into Kerry whilst shopping. Kerry and I had gone out for 3 turbulent years from when she was 17 and I was 19. I had loved her massively and she had broken my heart when she had decided to end it. In fact she had broken my heart on several occasions during our relationship when she cheated on me several times. Like a fool I’d taken her back each time. We shared a house together and I had honestly imagined marrying her. After we Kerry and I had...

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Pete and Kerrys sexual misadventures Part 1

I'd been divorced for nearly a year when I bumped into Kerry whilst shopping. Kerry and I had gone out for 3 turbulent years from when she was 17 and I was 19. I had loved her massively and she had broken my heart when she had decided to end it. In fact she had broken my heart on several occasions during our relationship when she cheated on me several times. Like a fool I’d taken her back each time. We shared a house together and I had honestly imagined marrying her. After we Kerry and I had...

4 years ago
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Pete and Kerrys sexual misadventures part 3

Chapter 1 Kerry and I showered in silence, then she locked me up again and we began to prepare dinner. “I cant believe what I did today baby" she said, finally breaking the silence. “I know, you were crazed" I said holding her in my arms. Over dinner we discussed the days events and whether or not it was a good idea to continue. I told her I’d never enjoyed sex so much or even denial of sex. I also told that she had clearly been driven to a new level of lust by Malcolm. I said that It...

2 years ago
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ENF The Misadventures of Leafchan

Shikanai Konoha (鹿内このは) is your average eighteen-year-old final-year high-schooler. She's not the kind of high-schooler who'd like to stand out too much, and her entire physique can agree to that. Her hair is just long enough, that it goes all the way down to her breasts, her hair tied in a bob. She has the rough sort of breast size you'd expect from a girl of her age, though it still seems to be in its growing phase. She even comes to boot with a squid-style sorta belly. And Konoha's school...

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Lustful Misadventures 8211 Part 1 My Neighbor8217s Daughter

Before we dive into the story, know that the names in this story are fictional. People like to fantasize about the idea of lustful sin, but not many have ever witnessed it first hand. My neighbour was a divorced, single mom. She remarried about a year and a half ago. Her daughter was turning 19 next week, so she threw a party. My neighbour’s daughter didn’t look too special, initially. The mom was definitely prettier even though she was a chubby woman in her late 40s. She had a thick ass, soft...

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