The Italian job 4
- 2 years ago
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Jason watched her every move. The whip laces hanging loose at his side, his eyes searched each curve as it peeked out of the opening front of her dress. When the last button hung open, she shook her shoulders free of the material. It hung up momentarily on the high thrust of her firm young breasts, then slid down over her hips to the floor. Carolyn bent over and picked it up, looked about and carefully laid it over the back of a near chair. Jason watched the fat twin breasts swing against her body as she moved. Just watching their pendulous action brought twinges to his loins and he rubbed the handle of the whip thoughtfully against his crotch.
"Bra and pants too," Jason prompted viciously.
Carolyn slid her thumbs beneath the panties elastic band and slowly, hopelessly, slid them down over the curve of her hips. Jason watched the fluffy curls rise over the horizon of the sinking panties. He was tempted... tempted to strap this girl to the dog stanchion and bury his mouth in the damp furry nest between her legs. She was unhooking the bra now, letting the heavy globes escape. Beautiful! The full firm mounds hung like sweet ripe fruit from her chest... beautiful. He reached out and cupped his hand, weighing the smooth plump goodness in his grip and rolling the nipple stem between his thumb and forefinger. It hardened noticeably beneath his educated touch. She quivered under his hand and tried to pull away. Her face said she was frightened and Jason liked that.
He laid the whip down on the counter and pressed her back up against the wall. One hand squeezed a breast hard, too hard, while the other snaked across the pale ivory skin of her flat stomach and buried itself in the brown curls between her legs. His face was a scarce inch from hers, his mouth hovering over her full lips like a vulture descending on a dying animal. He could feel the dampness of the fur-covered lips below, warm and wet about his other finger, as the tight-clamped little slit pressed back against the wall trying to escape the probing hand, holding itself shut to exclude the unwelcome invader. His lips came closer and brushed lightly across hers, his tongue wetting her fear-dried flesh, softening them in case she willingly decided to...
It was a temptation... but the thought of this haughty woman cringing beneath his dogs as she watched their dripping jowls and their eager organs jutting out... no he would wait to taste her sweetness after the dogs had humbled her, after the dogs had humped her pride into the ground and she had begged him for relief. Wasn't this, after all, the best way to handle women? Make them beg, make them know they were less than the animals which used them? Let the dogs know their pleasures, let the dogs wet the bitch's trough. When she had known the depths to which she could be forced, when she could sink no lower in her own mind, then he would allow her the privilege of redeeming herself upon his body. Then... and only then.
He pulled his finger from the damp well of her body, took his tongue from her tight lips and stood back. There was disgust in his eyes. She was only another woman. Why should he give her the pleasure of his attentions? No woman ever cared for him!
Jason taunted himself often with the fantasies of his tormented mind. Until he had found 'the dogs' and made them great, no one had known of him! He had been a lonely and much maligned gigolo, the handsome imported husband of a fat, rich and very ugly widow. She had been but the last of many such women who paid for his attention with the insurance premiums of hard-working husbands. Paid-for passion, that's what he offered. The envied escort, a charming companion, a sympathetic ear in the night... the night, the dreaded darkness when he paid for the daylight luxuries with whispered lies, reluctant hands upon dissipated bodies, and the drugs which whipped his rebellious penis into shape for the plunge into the soft soggy depths of their ancient stinking cunts! He had been made to feel like dirt, but that was over. Now he was the Master, and the Master he would remain!
He picked up the whip from the counter and began the endless slap- slapping against his leg. Jason Benson scarcely felt the light blows, yet it was whipping his mind into a frenzy. He knew what was happening to him. He wanted it to happen. He needed to be lashed into excitement... for the years, the long tedious years of servitude to lonely old women had taken its toll. He craved the cry of a woman punished. He needed complete degradation of a woman, absolute domination over her before his lethargic penis would react and feel life. He looked at the bit of white cloth on the floor at his feet, the bra which kept those beautiful breasts from his sight and he smiled his cold hating smile.
Carolyn shuddered inwardly at the sight of his icy smile. Jason sensed her discomfort and wallowed in it. Perhaps he could turn the knife in her guts.
"It has always been my theory," he began in the clinical tone which severed his mind from his acts of debauchery, "that the human mind is highly inconsistent in its relationships with animals."
He backed Carolyn into the corner again with slow deliberate steps and once more stood spread-legged blocking the only way to freedom. She knew there would be no freedom for her, ever again. Even if she were to escape from this mad house she could never wash away the terrible memory of what she had done... or what she would yet be forced to do. She stood naked before this man and his whip, staring at the floor, expressionless, trembling with tension, numb with fear.
"Man subdued the boar to savor its flesh," Jason continued, stimulated by her submission, intent upon her demise. "He tamed the wild horse for transportation, made him docile and rode him for pleasure. For centuries we've taken sustenance from the cow and the goat. Every school child knows the pleasure of a pet. Don't you see, he has used animals for centuries, used them in every way except the one function which is most vital!"
Carolyn didn't see. She stood bare and bewildered before his tirade, her head down, appearing hardly more than a domesticated beast of the field herself.
"Man is so damnably inconsistent! He's so caught up in his own web of golden rules that he cannot see the pleasures for all the puny penalties that warp his existence! Medical science has proven beyond doubt that the end-all motivation of mankind is sex. SEX!"
"Hey, you're playing my song," came the flip reply from the open doorway. Mario leaned against the sill, arms folded across his chest and let his dark eyes roam Carolyn's naked body. "Sex is my favorite meal."
Carolyn didn't have to look up to know his lustful eyes were devouring her body. The red flush of embarrassment tinted her pale flesh.
"Now, don't you go blushing for me, baby," Mario teased, "There ain't nuthin' I like more than a pretty girl, specially when they're bare ass naked and full of all that motivation jazz the boss man was talking about."
Jason looked reprovingly at his young assistant. That was the trouble with youth, he though they hadn't the experience nor the patience to fully enjoy the sophistications of true eroticism. Hard cocks and soft brains, what a wasteful combination, he thought.
"I was trying to explain to Carolyn about the psychological aspects of using animals for sexual pleasure," Jason began, disgust edging his voice.
"Psych, smych!" Mario grinned, "Let's get down to the fuckin'!"
"Your intelligence is only exceeded by your tact, Mario," Jason said insultingly. Some day he would lose all patience and use the dog whip on that stupid boy. If he didn't need him, he could think of a lot of clever innovations for Mario, but unfortunately he did need him. "I was about to show Carolyn the advantages of bottle feeding our dogs, and..."
"... and you wanted me to demonstrate on, right?"
"That's right," Jason agreed coldly. "It's time Carolyn learned to understand... and appreciate... what we do here in the lab."
"Oh, she's gonna appreciate it," Mario chuckled and walked over to stand within easy reach of the girl. He made a great show of unzipping his pants fly and fumbling around in the tight pants before hauling out his long limp penis. He grinned at the girl and wiggled it at her. "Aren't ya, baby doll? That hot little puss of yours really appreciates it. You goddam near drowned me with appreciation before ya got the fuzzy thing fucked off!"
Mario grinned as he saw the girl flush even darker at his words. Maybe he wasn't so suave as the famous Jason Benson, he thought, but the girls liked his youthful good looks and got hotter'n pistols when he talked plain sex at 'em and hung his dong out to dry before their startled eyes. He skinned it back and began the slow systematic massage which coaxed the long organ to life. Up and down, up and down.
"S'better than having a cocksuckin' girlfriend, or in your case," he nodded to Carolyn, "a breast fed boyfriend, cause there's eight or ten pups to a litter and they all gotta be fed! Good thing I got a long cock or it'd be a nubbin by now."
Carolyn's eyes widened as she looked at him. He surely couldn't mean what he was insinuating. He was just trying to upset her. It was childish, like a little boy putting worms down your back... childish, like a young man flaunting his stiff penis before you. She watched him playing with it. He would shape his hand around the pole, slide it out to the end and back, skinning the head clean, then he would take his thumb and rub back and forth across the coronal ridge. Carolyn could see the pink beast moving in his hand like a thing alive. It seemed alive. Each careful stroke increased its growth with frightening regularity. She could see a small drop of fluid ooze from its fat head and drop to the floor.
"I'm about ready, boss," Mario said quietly to the older man.
Jason nodded and walked over to the cage area. He looked up and down the line of wire kennels, pursed his lips in indecision and frowned.
"How about Bravo?" Mario suggested. "He's got a soft mouth like a girl."
Jason shrugged his shoulders, picked up a choke chain from a rack of many, and walked to the third cage. The big fawn-colored dog rose to his feet and danced about anxiously. Jason unlocked the cage, slipped the noose around his great head, and led him back to where Mario waited.
"Sit, Bravo, sit." Jason said sternly. "It's been several days since he's been exercised this way. Would you rather prelim him on the girl?" Mario looked at Carolyn and grinned.
"You wanna break him in today, baby?" he asked.
Carolyn's eyes grew wider with fear and she pressed hard into the corner, her hands crossed before the nest of brown curls at her crotch. Mario grinned even wider.
"No? All right, I'll use him first. Tell ya what, though, I think I'll wet it down with cunt first. Never heard of no dog ever biting a cunt-soaked cock."
Mario walked to the canvas-covered table in the center of the room and pulled the cloth from its lines. Carolyn's wide eyes followed his every move. She noticed the table before, but an examining table in a hospital area, even for dogs, was hardly unusual. But this table was very unusual. She looked at it anxiously. It resembled the hourglass shape of a human body with low stirrups at one end and to the sides. Several sets of woven straps with great silver buckles hung from its sides. The plastic table itself, perhaps an inch thick, was supported by three hydraulic lifts. It reminded her of the service station racks which raised and lowered cars for servicing. Servicing! She shivered. She could guess its use.
Jason stood to one side and gestured for Carolyn to move out of the comer and join Mario at the table. She couldn't move; fear had fastened her to the ground. She trembled where she stood. Jason tapped the whip impatiently against his leg. Mario stood by the table, casually jacking up his big penis and watching the by- play. It amused him to watch the 'Big Man' whip himself into a fury. It was quite a hang-up he had, couldn't get a hard on until he had brought a woman to her knees one way or the other. If it wasn't the whip, it was the dogs. Mario shrugged. He could wait. Sometimes it was stimulating to see Jason whip the new ones. He was a real master with the coil. Mario leaned back against the table, his hand still caressing the cock he held. He could wait. It wouldn't take long.
And it didn't. When the girl didn't move at his first command, Jason snaked the whip behind him and snapped it out with a turn of his wrist. The slim tip flicked across the pink tip of Carolyn's bare breast, biting a two inch cut into the soft flesh just above the fat little tit.
"The table, Carolyn," Jason's voice sliced the silence as deftly as his leather whip had twice spilled her blood.
She looked down at the thin red line across her breast and watched the thick drops that welled from its length and ran slowly down her side. This wasn't happening to her, it wasn't, it wasn't. Numbly, she walked toward the table. As she passed the dog who had sat through it all, he leaned his thick neck out and lapped at the drops which painted lines down her leg. Dazed, she hardly noticed.
Mario watched her walk slowly toward him like a windup doll that falters with each step. He let his eyes slide down her bare figure, pausing at the points of his own particular interest. As he studied the thick brown mat of hair between her legs, he felt his own body respond. His long penis was getting fat now, well fed and heavy. He took it in his hand, aimed the bold head at Carolyn like a bloody spear, and slowly rubbed the corona with his thumb. As she reached the table's end, Mario made a grand bow and gestured with his free hand toward the table top. Numbly, she watched as he pressed a button beneath the table's edge and lowered it to a level she could easily reach. His free hand pressed her down and she felt the cool plastic give beneath her weight, shaping itself to her curves, wrapping up around her and holding her comfortably firm in its grip.
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Introduction: True story about being a spoiled princess to a Daddy Dom. For a long time I was really confused about what I wanted since Im only 20 and hadnt much experience with these things. I knew I was submissive, but Im also pouty and like to be treated like a little princess. I recently found out through that there are lots of people with these relationship desire…and rather than hardcore bdsm doms, the men are called daddy doms. And Im grateful to be in such an arrangement! The following...
This is a real story happend in my life one year before. I am 42 years old sexy lady with lot of boobs and thick ass, my speciality is my Big navel, which is attractive and normally i wear saree low waste to visible others. When i go to market and shops all eyes will watch my belly to see the attrctive navel, normally i will love others seeing my navel. My husbend is working in dubai as civil engineer and he wil visit every year. I got one daughter aged 25 who is married to a 32 years old...
"I wish Carly could have the best life possible."Spencer wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but someone was rubbing the inside of his thigh while he sat with his head back and his eyes closed. He also felt odd, like he was floating but his body was somehow heavy enough to keep his seated. When he opened his eyes slowly, he had to blink a few times to make himself understand that he wasn't blind. As Spencer's eyes adjusted to the darkness, faint light filled his senses and he looked around....
I didn't wanna write anything at first, because I don't know what to write. No, I do not have a crush. I do not know what I have. I've always believed in love, i believed in finding the one, the soulmate, and I believed in all the love stories i read. but this week I found myself in a loss of believe. I do not know what I believe in anymore. I am lost, and confused. And then, I think of her smile. & that alone drives me crazy, and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, like my bones...
Ryan covered a yawn as she walked into the hotel lobby. The show had gone well and she was beat. Tired enough, she had decided, to head back to her room while the others hung out somewhere. Her fatigue must have shown, since none of them had made more than a token effort to convince her to go with them. She pondered that in the elevator. It was unlike Lara to leave her alone these days. Ever since the day Lara had forced Ryan into the restaurant, her friend had stuck close. It wasn’t like...
Once Jolene heard the outer door of reception close, she stood up and stretched, arching her back and yawning fiercely. She'd been fighting a yawn almost since Mrs. Gribolt walked in the door. The woman had been a patient of Jolene's since before she opened her own practice, loyally following the nervous, young psychiatrist out into the suburbs, away from the hugely impersonal psychiatric center where she'd started her career. Good old Mrs. Gribolt, thought Jolene, loyal to a fault. It's...
Hi, i am nina romagnoli ([email protected])living in pelotas brazil , 56 years old horny lady..i am crazy for you dicks.,After my divorce from my ex-husband i will be free from anything.,but the only thing i miss is my husband's big and sweet dick...That was really a big one and i really miss it! After few months separated from my husband , i didn't sleep all night and just try to calm my thirsty pussy from my fingers...Days gone and i think and decided "why don't i try to date someone on...
The drive down to the church was rather peaceful and had a very calming effect on the four females involved in Glenda Harper’s and Bryce Unsworth’s wedding ceremony. Unfortunately, the peaceful daze of the moment was soon shattered when the two cars got within five hundred meters of the church. The two limo drivers and their passengers were all suddenly on full alert as they approached a group of people lining both sides of the street and waving placards at the cars as the entourage neared...
Alysia had her hands on her knees when she shifted her focus from Eric and back to the road ahead. The sun was beginning to make its slide toward the western horizon but it was still light out. She needed the light for the next step so she didn't waste any time moving her seduction forward. Her hands began to caress her knees and then up her thighs. In response, she let out a small groan to make her actions apparent to him. She began to move the hem of her skirt up to expose more and more...
CHAPTER FIFTEEN Alterations Bright lights and a murmur of women's voices poured into the hall as Pamala opened the beautifully carved door to the treatment room. Julia smiled broadly in anticipation as they entered. It was going to happen here, in this room. She could hardly wait to see it, to watch him get injected, and to see the look in his eyes afterwards. Julia could see a number of women going about their routines as they made their way further in. Indeed, the world had...
Mrs. Moore knocked on my door during breakfast. “Hi. I came to tell you that Cheryl is clean. The doctors ran test after test and everything is clean.” Panicking, I grabbed her hand and led her off my porch. She too was lighter than she should have been but not as bad as Cheryl. “My house is bugged. Yours too probably. Car, yard, bathrooms, pool, you name it. I’m glad Cheryl is good.” Not that she will show her face around me again. That last time she was scared off by the Agency. “Oh, I...
I take the deepest breath I’ve ever asked of my lungs, listening to the rushing water below. One hundred and thirty feet below. My legs dangle in midair as I sit on the ledge, the enormous park behind me oblivious to my presence. A warm breeze ripples through my long brown hair.Holding that breath, I look down.I stare at the distant, fast-paced river below without really seeing it, aware of the sun on my skin and the birds in the trees, drowning in the white noise of laughing families.An...
FetishWe were at the hotel near the Airport By Donna Sash - [email protected] We were at the hotel near the Airport. Every weeknight and weekend there was dancing in the lounge. My wife liked to go there. A lot of executives went there in the evenings to end their day before leaving in the morning for home or another lay over. As my wife said, the pickings were very good. She liked to dance. She liked to be with men too. I even think she liked to have me along. Of course maybe I should...
I drove home in shock, my mind racing. I was about to go into the middle of no where with a man that I only just met and be his employee for an entire summer! On top of that, I had just sucked his cock! As I drove home I couldn't get the image of him using my mouth out of my head.I pulled into my parking lot and made my way up to my apartment. I went straight to my computer and checked my email - he had already sent a message! It read:Hey Slut - you have two options... I'm leaving the...
Judith stretched out beside me and propped her head up."So are you," she said, and leaned in to give me a kiss. And what a kiss it was! It started out a little tentative, but she turned up the heat in seconds. In no time at all, Judith had wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her warm body to mine.Instinctively, my left hand had found its way to her back and was caressing her smooth skin, sliding downward and cupping the firm cheek of her ass. I rolled a bit to my right side so I could...
TabooI called Steven from the car on the way to his house. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hey you. How goes dinner?’ ‘Hi beautiful! It’s going. I never asked, anything other than mushrooms you’re allergic to?’ ‘Nope. Listen, is there anything you want I should bring?’ ‘Nah, I think I’ve got everything I need. Well, except you, of course.’ ‘You don’t need me, Steven.’ ‘Well, maybe not technically, but I want you really bad. Doesn’t that count?’ I blushed, and tried to change the topic. That’s one reason I always...
Laura kept trying not to think about Trina, and the lovely evening of fucking with Randi certainly helped. The bondage had been intense but uncomplicated, not too fierce or ingeniously sick, as it too often became with Karen. Laura looked forward to more. She felt that she and Randi might continue doing this without ever getting into the murky depths of sadism that she and Karen had explored. Then one evening Trina phoned her. Laura's heart skipped. She couldn't help it. Trina was a...
Responding to the wailing siren closing in quickly from behind, I tucked my aging Renault as far into the side of the road as the cars already parked there would allow. The police car, the flashings of its blue emergency lights reflecting off the wet tarmacadam, hurtled past at over fifty miles an hour - far too fast for safety down an Old Kent Road that was now crowded with drunken Saturday night revellers pouring out of the late opening pubs and fast food outlets before heading into the...
After drinking lots of tequila from a hard week and rough week I am buzzing really hard. So I go lay down fall a sleep and wake about 2:30am and my dick is hard as fuck. I am horny and i know i wanna do...put something in my mouth to ease this feeling. I shower throw on my usual extra large t shirt and shorts and head to the spot on the outskirts of town. The Gloryhole. I am still buzzing but take two small bottles with me. I get there about 4:00am and there are about 5 cars in the parking lot....
OHGirl:I was sandwiched between my lover, Hondo, and my son, James, as they both double penetrated me, while Marvin and his crew filmed me being stuffed. They each wore a mask as they pumped me with their huge cocks. Together, they both sported the biggest two pricks that I’d ever had in my entire life and that was saying a lot, for a woman who had been a prostitute for the last 30 years and had fucked and sucked off over 7,000 different men in her life. One big white cock and one big black...