Kombat Champion Part 2 free porn video

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I stood in the middle of the mall, wearing the same violet costume I always wore when fighting. It was amazing I had been able to get into the mall at all with the police all over the place, but there were far too many mall entrances for them to watch them all or to keep everyone out, not that anyone would actually want to get in at the moment, other than me. "I hope Tina won't be too mad at me," I muttered, remembering the look of confusion on her face when I had ordered her to remain outside in her car where it was safe. I didn't think she'd appreciate my concern for her safety... not when I had gone charging in. Then I saw the lunatic who had been causing such a scene in the mall and froze, unable to take my eyes off of him. He was just the way I remembered him from the game... But this time, there was no doubt that he was solid flesh and blood... just like Pi and myself. The man stood nearly seven feet tall and he was bursting with muscles... muscles that screamed of strength and power. His face was grim and brutal looking, almost like it could belong to some sort of barbarian warrior. A pair of dark eyes glared at everyone and everything around him, contrasting with his dark red hair. His clothes, which had also come directly from the game, were fairly minimal and consisted of a pair of black pants, and a pair of heavy black boots. These were accessorized with a thick red metal belt around his waist and a pair of red metal wristbands. Other than that, he had a tattoo of a black skull, which covered most of his chest, and a huge scimitar which was strapped to his back. "Ghengis," I whispered his name. I knew Ghengis...or at least his reputation in the game. I had even fought him once. In fact, it was Ghengis who had killed off my first character in the Kombat Champions game, during a black tournament I had foolishly entered. Black tournaments were the only place in the game where your character could be killed by losing a fight, and those were the only kind that he ever entered. He only played when the stakes where high... and he NEVER lost. Ghengis had been playing the game just about longer than anyone else, and he had really built up his character. As a result, he had a reputation of being a very powerful character...nearly unbeatable in a fight. In fact, I don't know of anyone who can claim to have ever beaten him at all. And he also had a reputation for viciousness, largely due to the fact that he only fought in black tournaments and therefore killed off all of his opponents' characters. "You idiots really think that you can stop me," Ghengis laughed, grabbing some cop who had gotten close enough to try using a taser on him and tossing the man through the window of a Victoria's Secret. Ghengis laughed even louder at that. "No one can beat me..." My heart raced as I stared at Ghengis thought about his reputation from the game. He had a well-earned reputation for being unbeatable, and that was not good for me. When I'd faced all of my other opponents, I had never really doubted that I was better than they were. I had even known from the start that I could beat Pi. But Ghengis... Ghengis was a different story entirely. For a moment, I just stood there, a part of me screaming to turn and leave as fast as I could. After all, this wasn't really a video game... If Ghengis killed me here, I would really be dead. And I knew that I couldn't beat him... Not if he was as good as he was in the game. It just couldn't be done. But on the other hand, Ghengis was causing all sorts of destruction as he went on his rampage through the mall. He didn't seem to be actively trying to hurt anyone, but he didn't really seem to care if he hurt them either. It was like it was all a game to him. And I knew that I was the only one who had even a chance of dealing with him...and perhaps just of keeping him distracted long enough for everyone else to get out of the way and for the cops to bring in the heavy firepower. And then, there was one more fact which tipped the balance of my decision. Ghengis...or whomever had been playing him had been transformed into their character the very same way that Pi and I had been. He was my link to what was going on...and he might be able to provide me with a few clues. But from the way that he was going on, I seriously doubted I'd get any cooperation from him until he'd been beaten. "Just like Pi," I muttered to myself. It was at this point that Ghengis finally noticed me standing there. He smirked. "So they have to end in some scrawny girl, dressed up like a super hero to bring me down... I am SOOOO scared..." Then he burst out laughing. "Hello Ghengis," I said grimly. He stared at me in surprise. "How did you know my name?" "Because," I told him with a grimace, "I play the same video game you do..." And with that, I jumped straight at Ghengis, catching him by surprise and getting in a few really nice hits. However he backhanded me and sent me flying. If it hadn't been for my agility and being able to shift my position as I did, he likely would have broken a few ribs. Even as I got back to my feet, I realized that charging had been a bad move. Ghengis was sort of like a brute character, but he'd built in enough additional abilities to support his impressive strength. And since he was one of...if not THE oldest player character in the game, he'd also built up his abilities quite a bit. A few punches weren't going to stop someone like him... "You stupid girl," Ghengis yelled, punching the ground and using one of his special techniques... He created a minor earthquake and sent a shockwave across the ground towards me. A cop who had gotten too close got knocked on his ass, but my agility let me avoid it. "Who the hell are you people?" one cop demanded, pointing a gun at me. I was a little surprised that he'd be pointing it at me, but I remained calm. "I'm one of the good guys," I told him. "I'm here to stop this guy..." Then I took a deep breath. "Now point that damn gun somewhere else because you have more important things to worry about..." I pointed out the people who were still coming out of the stores. "You need to evacuate them..." The cop let out a stream of curses, but turned and ran to help evacuate the people. "I feel like I'm in a damn comic book," he yelled out. I looked up at the TV cameraman who was standing further down the aisle. "And get them out of here too..." Then I turned my attention back to Ghengis, who strangely enough seemed to be flexing his muscles and showing off for the witnesses more than anything else. He even posed for the camera, giving a tough glaring look... "What is up with this guy?" I muttered to myself. I didn't have time to worry about Ghengis' eccentricities at the moment as I wanted to take him down and then ask him a few questions. So I silently summoned my spear...the same way that I had my katars. I hadn't even been sure that I could until that moment, but now there was no doubt about it. "Oh yeah," I grinned, spinning my spear around like a quarterstaff. In the game, once you learn either the quarterstaff or the spear, it makes it much cheaper and easier to add the other to your list of abilities. "What the...?" Ghengis blinked as I charged straight at him with my spear extended. Ghengis tried to dodge my attack, but he wasn't fast enough. I caught him right in the side with the spear's blade... Unfortunately it didn't really do nearly as much damage as I'd hoped. Still, I had bloodied him a little and that was enough to make me feel a bit more confident. I lashed at him for another attack, but this time Ghengis was ready and hit me with another of his special chi techniques, which was something like a small explosion that just knocked me back. "At least it didn't hurt too much," I grimaced, wincing from the slight burns that had formed on one of my hands which had been just a little too close to the source of the burst. But while I was getting back to my feet, Ghengis was pulling out his scimitar. He didn't appear to have the summon ability and had to actually carry it on his back... That would certainly make it much more difficult for him to sneak his weapons around in public, but at the moment that didn't seem to be one of his concerns. And from the way he was currently dressed, I doubted that it ever had been. Ghengis stood there with his large and extremely dangerous looking scimitar, a nasty grin on his face. And as if just to make his weapon seem scarier, he used a channel technique and his blade stared to glow with a reddish light. "So you want to play do you...?" Ghengis smirked, then suddenly lashed out with his sword. He was a good distance away from me but to my surprise, though I should have expected it, a slash of red energy came from the sword blade and went straight at me. I jumped out of the way, barely managing to do it in time. Still, it had gone right through the opening of the clothing store behind me and had cut one of the mannequins right in half, leaving no doubt as to what it might do to me if it had actually hit. But Ghengis wasn't going to just sit back and let me come at him. He continued on the offense, sending more of those glowing red sword slashed at me. I was leaping and dodging, using every bit of my speed and agility to avoid them, and even that wasn't enough. I got clipped on my leg, which left a painful burn mark and slash across my thigh. However, I couldn't let that slow me down or I'd be killed. "Man," Ghengis laughed aloud, "look at that... I bet I could even kick Superman's ass if he were real..." I just grimaced and took the opportunity to try going on the offensive myself. I went straight at Ghengis, hitting him with a few more good strikes from my spear. With my speed, I was able to hit him and dodge back, then lunge forward again... And to make things even better, I was too close for him to use his flying slash attack... Unfortunately though, I wasn't too close for him to use his sword as it was intended... "Gotcha," Ghengis laughed as he finally blocked one of my attacks and actually cut my spear in half. The head went flying and I was left with just a handle. I dropped it and noticed that it vanished almost as soon as it had hit the ground. "No," I grimaced, "I've got you..." And with that, I sent three throwing knives right at him. They all caught him straight in the chest, causing him to grunt slightly in pain. There were blood marks where they had hit, but the blades themselves quickly vanished, and from the way that Ghengis was still standing, I doubted that I'd done too much damage to him with that move. "That fucking hurt," Ghengis snarled at me, giving his sword another swing. I let loose with a few more throwing blades, then jumped back and out of his way. "Doesn't anything stop this guy," I grimaced, thinking about my spear. I kind of liked using the spear as it gave me bit more range and some distance options that my katars didn't. However I had some tricks that I could use with my katars and not the spear. I had a feeling that I would really need those for this fight. So I took a deep breath and pulled out my katars, letting out a sigh of relief when I did. In the game you couldn't change weapons like that in the middle of a fight... "But this is no game," I reminded myself grimly. I took a deep breath and braced myself, channeling my chi into the katars until they were glowing blue. Then I stood my ground as Ghengis charged straight at me. As soon as he was close enough, I used one of my katars to deflect his sword, then stepped in and hit him in the stomach as hard as I could with the second. This time I definitely did some damage, though not enough to stop him completely. "That hurt," Ghengis roared out, getting angrier. "We can stop this anytime," I told him, not sure that I believed it myself. "Put down your sword and we can talk..." "No one tells me what to do," Ghengis yelled, suddenly even angrier. "Not anymore! No one's tougher than me now... Not my dad, and certainly not some scrawny girl!" Then Ghengis yelled and came at me again, swinging his sword wildly. I was easily able to block and even give a few more quick slashes of my own. As I avoided his attack and jumped back to get a bit more breathing room, several things suddenly occurred to me. "Holy shit," I whispered in realization. Ghengis was acting pretty strange and had been since the fight started... It just hadn't really dawned on me until then that he was someone else...and had merely been given the body and power of Ghengis. Inside of that body, he was whomever had been playing the game...not the unbeatable warrior. He had the power and even the skills...but not the mindset. And not the experience. With the way he had been going on, yelling, showing off and throwing a tantrum, he was more like a kid than a warrior... "Maybe he is," I grimaced, realizing that there was no way of telling who Ghengis had been before he'd become his character. He could have been some snot-nosed teenager who was now able to act out all of his macho revenge fantasies for all I knew. In fact, that was the very feeling that I was getting from him. The way that Ghengis was fighting suddenly reminded me of my first fight in the arena...when I had gone against the Tiger. During that fight, I'd had a lot more power and skill, but I didn't have the real world experience and hadn't been able to focus right... In this fight, Ghengis was the one with more power and skill....or at least potential power and skill. And though he had more experience in the game, it was becoming quite obvious that with all of my fighting in the arena, I was the one who had more real world experience and that's what counted. "Good," I grinned to myself, feeling a lot more confident. "I'm gonna show you," Ghengis was yelling, "I'm gonna show everyone! I'm the toughest one around..." "Yeah," I smirked, "Hulk smash....right?" Then I decided to push him a little further. "You're not so tough... Hell, you're getting beaten by a girl..." That did the trick all right and Ghengis suddenly launched at me with more of those red energy slashes from his sword. I dodged all of them, then called out a few more taunts. Then I stood there and braced myself, blocking several more. Finally I used my reflection technique to send a couple of his slashes right back at him before he realized what was going on. "What the hell?" Ghengis gasped as he grabbed his chest with his free hand, surprised that his red slashes had bounced right back at him. "Is that all you have?" I taunted him. It took a little effort to stand there and look smug. I was sore and injured, having taken a few more nicks and burns while I'd been fighting him. And of course, I was going to have a few really nasty bruises. But I couldn't let him see that. I couldn't let him see any weakness at the moment. My plan worked because Ghengis yelled and stared attacking me again. He'd send out a red energy slash, followed up by one of those shattering shockwaves along the ground. Several more chi attacks followed, all the while I kept dodging, avoiding and even blocking them. And at the rate he was using his chi energy it didn't take long before he finally ran out. "Oh yeah," I grinned, having been a bit more conservative with my chi levels. Ghengis was cursing that his attempt to use his signature move on me had failed because he didn't have enough energy, and then he stared yelling about how he was going to crush me and prove that he was the toughest guy around. By this time, I had stopped paying too much attention to the specifics of his rants. He was like a broken record, spouting the same things with every bellow. They sounded like so much trash talk from a high school locker room. "My turn," I grinned at Ghengis. And with that I used one of my special moves which I had yet to try out in a real combat situation. I crossed my katars in front of me and channeled my energy into them so that they glowed an even brighter blue. Then in a move that was basically similar in nature to his energy slashes, I fired the energy out of my crossed katars...in a single blue energy blast which caught him right in the chest and sent him flying back. "Gotcha," I snarled, already jumping forward. And before Ghengis could recover from the energy blast, I hit him with a couple of nasty katar slashes, doing some nice damage. "You bitch," he snarled, swinging his arm and hitting me with his fist. He would have done better to have used his sword instead, but his fist still did enough damage. He was pretty damn strong and it hurt like hell. "Maybe," I grinned up at him, "But at least I'm not a weak loser like you..." Ghengis growled and swung his sword at me, but I dodged out of the way, hit him with another katar strike and then retreated a ways back. I was really getting sore and tired and knew that I didn't have much left. He was a lot bigger and stronger...and though he was out of chi energy, he still had a bit more endurance than me. "Not for long," I muttered, calling upon my signature move...my second wind technique. I gasped as my chi energy flooded through my body, repairing all of my injuries and filling me with renewed energy for the fight. Since I had already used a good deal of my chi energy, I didn't have the excess energy to make me hyper and enhance my abilities... I was only back to full health...which was all that I needed for now. "Now we're both out of chi," I grinned at Ghengis, hoping that he hadn't recharged enough for any real nasty attacks just yet. I didn't bother to tell him that I wasn't tired and injured anymore while he still was. That might not be considered a fair move, but I didn't particularly care. "Now you'll see why they call me the jagged wind...". I took a deep breath and collected my focus before going straight at Ghengis. And without a word, I let loose with my full speed, hitting him with multiple katar strikes. I even caught his arm, forcing him to drop his massive scimitar. Then I went at him with a few nasty kicks in especially sensitive areas... I felt a bit bad about kicking him in the nuts since I knew exactly how that kind of thing felt, but I didn't feel guilty for long. Ghengis was already weakened and injured from our fight, so it didn't take all that much more to push him to the edge. He was on the verge of losing it and he could barely even stand. Still, he had the energy to try talking trash, though now it only came out with a pitiful note of desperation in it. "No one can beat me," he growled without being very convincing. "NO ONE! I'll tear you to pieces..." I was tempted to taunt him again, but didn't say a word. Instead I jumped at him, sending a powerful flying kick into his face. The impact sounded painful even to me, but it did the trick as he finally collapsed to the ground. He lay there with an almost pitiful and even pleading expression on his face as he realized that he was completely done for. He had nothing left to fight with. Finally I looked down at Ghengis and asked, "How long have you been like this?" He was silent for a moment before quietly answering, "Yesterday..." "Let me guess," I sighed, "you were playing Kombat Champions and you got struck by lightning..." "What?" He blinked with a look of surprise, then quietly gasped out, "How did you know...?" I let out a long sigh. He couldn't tell me anything about our changes that I didn't already know. From the looks of it, I already knew a lot more about it than he did...and I didn't really know all that much. Then I finally looked up and around me, realizing that a bunch of cops were slowly coming closer. They all had looks of stunned amazement on their faces and half of them looked as though they were trying to decide whether to arrest me or not. But apparently, my display of power and the fact that I had just taken out Ghengis had convinced them that it might not be a great idea at the moment. Apparently one of them had tried opening fire on Ghengis before I showed up, and not only did it not hurt him...but he'd taken that cop and thrown him through a brick wall. "Just great," I sighed, looking back down at Ghengis. However, as I stared at him, I was stunned to see a boy on the ground where Ghengis had been a moment earlier. He was an overweight boy of around 16 years old... There was a strange purple glow around him, but that was quickly fading. My eyes went wide as I realized that THIS was who Ghengis had really been... This was the kid who had been playing him in the game. "What the hell?" I gasped in shock, trying to figure out why he had suddenly turned back to normal. It hadn't happened to Pi after I'd beaten him and I'd never run across any clue as to what might change me back. "How the hell did he turn back...?" "That would be my doing," a voice behind me responded. I snapped around and froze in surprise. Standing there was an old man with a white beard, dressed in what looked to be an expensive looking gray suit with a purple tie. But what held me in stunned amazement was that I recognized him from the game. "The Kombat Master," I gasped in disbelief. He bowed his head slightly, then said, "Come... You and I have much to speak of..." I stood and silently stared at the Kombat Master...at the old man who should not exist. He was a fictional character in a game...and not even a player character. He was just the referee who watched over all of the tournaments... But there he was, standing right in front of me and holding all of the answers... With that the two of us slowly walked away from the scene of the fight. They cops made no move to stop me, even after all the fighting I'd just done. In fact, they didn't seem to even notice me anymore. It was almost as though they had even forgotten I existed. I glanced back, wondering what was going to happen to Ghengis...to that kid I'd left behind. But then again, I doubted that the cops would believe that he had been the crazed lunatic that had been destroying the mall. After all, he no longer looked anything like Ghengis. In fact, they would probably just assume that he had been one of the victims of the lunatic's attack and let him go. Once we were outside of the mall, the Kombat Master gestured for me to sit down on one of the benches on the outside. Then he took a seat beside me. "My true name would be nearly unpronounceable to one with your language," the Kombat Master told me with a faint smile, "so you may call me Keiron... It is the closest I can come to your tongue..." I nodded, wanting to ask him a thousand questions but deciding that it would be best to keep my mouth shut for the moment. Something told me that I might get more out of him if I let him give it at his own pace. "I believe that you have some questions," he told me. "That would be an understatement," I responded. Then ignoring the decision I had just made, I said, "I thought you were the Kombat Master..." Keiron nodded faintly. "That is merely a title I chose for my likeness when I created the game..." "YOU created the game?" I gasped in surprise. Keiron nodded again, then said, "Perhaps I should explain...from the beginning." "I'd appreciate it," I told him. For a moment Keiron rubbed his beard thoughtfully, then he said, "The universe is composed of multiple layers...what you might call alternate or parallel dimensions. Each of these dimensions has its own rules... its own laws of nature. And many of these have their own peoples as well..." "Sounds like a science fiction movie," I muttered, then reminded myself that my whole life had been a science fiction movie...or maybe just a martial arts movie, ever since I had been struck by lightning. "One of these worlds is much like the world I created in the game," Keiron told me with a grim look on his face. "It is a world where personal combat is held in high esteem. It is a world where they have... evolved to be great fighters... Even their leaders are chosen by such..." "Then one day," Keiron continued, "a warrior, even more skilled and powerful than any other in that world arose... His name is Rekegei the Black Flame... He defeated all he faced and became ruler of this world... But it was not enough... He yet hungered for more battle..." "So what happened?" I asked, wondering what this had to do with me, the Kombat Champions game or my transformation. "Rekegei came upon a way of traveling to other worlds," Keiron said with a grim expression. "He took an army of his followers and went to other worlds, wreaking great havoc and destruction upon them... Each member of his army is a great fighter in their own right, the product of generations of personal combat... They go from world to world, challenging their might against the fighters of those worlds...then spreading out, taking or destroying everything within their paths before they leave for the next world." Then Keiron let out a long sigh, looking horribly sad. "They eventually came upon my world... It is a world that deals more with magic than fighting, though we did have champions of our own... We sent all of our champions against Rekegei, one after another...only to watch them all fail. Eventually we were able to use our magics to trick Rekegei and his army into leaving our world...but only after they had created great destruction and caused a great many deaths." I stared at Keiron for a moment, a bit stunned by his claim to be from another world. I wouldn't have believed him at all if it wasn't for the fact that I'd already seen some pretty weird things since my transformation. In fact, my transformation had been one of the weirdest. "And this Rekegei guy...?" I encouraged Keiron to continue. Keiron frowned, then told me, "He is coming here....to your world." "WHAT?" I gasped. "Rekegei and his army are coming to this world," Keiron explained with a sad look. "I do not know when they will arrive, but it will not be long... It may be days...it may even be months. Sadly, I can not tell you precisely when they will arrive...only that they will." "WHAT?" I repeated. Then I gulped and took a deep breath, trying to get my head around all of this. It was so much...and it was so unbelievable. An alien invasion...from another dimension... I shook my head at the very thought. "The army can stop this Rekegei and his bunch," I told Keiron. "They leveled Iraq in just a couple of days... I really don't think these guys are going to be any problem for them..." But Keiron just gave me a look as though I had just said something exceedingly foolish and stupid. And somehow, that worried me a little. "Your military would stand no chance against Rekegei and his forces," Keiron told me carefully. "Sure they would," I told him. "They've got some really nasty weapons... They've got guns that can shoot through just about anything and bombs that can level whole countries...." "You do not understand," Keiron scowled, giving me an intense look. "I have told you that each world has rules and laws of its own... The rules of this world allow for such weapons, but the rules of the world that they come from do not... Such weapons will not work..." "But they'll be in our world," I pointed out, feeling as if I was reminding a child of something simple. "That's the whole point... They're trying to invade us..." Keiron shook his head, once again giving me a look that made me feel as though I was missing something important. As though I had no idea as to what was really going on. And I definitely didn't like that feeling... not in the least. "Have you noticed the aura around your body?" Keiron asked me. "An aura which affects things close to you..." "Yeah," I responded, a bit surprised by the change of subject, and the fact that he knew about that weird aura that kept messing with any electronics I touched. It had been a real bitch to control it enough to use just about anything... In fact, it seemed to even mess with how video cameras recorded me sometimes, so I had to keep it tuned down when filming the movie. "This aura represents the point where the rules which bind you and the rules which bind the rest of this world meet," Keiron told me with a grim expression. "Within this aura, you are bound not by the rules of this world, but by the very same rules which bind Rekegei... These are the rules which allow you your special abilities. These are the rules which allow for your strength and power to be beyond what anyone in this world could ever achieve... Within this aura, the rules of that universe apply, so your technology holds no power..." "I...I've noticed," I said carefully, thinking once again about the gremlin effect. "Rekegei and his followers each have an aura like this as well," Keiron told me, "an aura which holds the laws of their world to be dominant... And their auras are each a million times stronger than your own... Once they enter this world, their auras will spread out for miles... preventing all of the technology of this world from working. All of your weapons will be useless... All of your guns will be as harmless toys to them... Even your vaunted bombs will as nothing..." "My God," I whispered, immediately realizing the significance of what he had just told me. If what Keiron said was true, and I had no reason to believe that it wasn't, then as soon as these people arrive, it would be almost like an EMP going off... But it would be even worse... If an EMP went off, that would just fry all electronics... If these guys showed up, it would mess up all car engines, guns and nearly everything else that used any kind of modern technology. "Oh God," I repeated, suddenly realizing the disaster that it would be if this Rekegei and his people showed up in the middle of a city. I could just imagine what would happen in a city of all technology suddenly went dead... People would suddenly lose control of their cars... Hospitals would lose power and people who were on life support would lose it... Airplanes could even drop out of the sky... Thousands could easily die just from their appearing alone... And none of the military's weapons would mean a damn thing if they couldn't use them. Keiron nodded sadly as he saw that I finally understood what he had been trying to tell me. "I know the destruction these people can cause," he told me quietly. "And the only thing that they truly respect is personal combat... They respect a face to face battle between two individuals... and little else." "Personal combat," I grimaced, "like in the game..." "Precisely," Keiron told me grimly. "Rekegei hungers for challenge and will not deny any who might provide him one... The only way to stop Rekegei and his forces once they arrive is for a champion to challenge him...and defeat him. But unfortunately, your world is sadly lacking in such champions. Your world has none who are nearly strong enough or powerful enough to face even the least of Rekegei's followers... The rules of this world do not allow for this kind of strength..." "Oh," I whispered, feeling a cold chill run down my spine. "My people tried but could not defeat him in personal combat," Keiron told me with a look of incredible sadness. "Our strongest champions tried...and all of them died...my own son included. Many in my world perished before we were able to combine our energies and expel Rekegei and his forces from our plane... But such a trick will not work in your world... The rules of this world are far too different... The only choice that you have is a strong champion..." "Which we don't have," I gulped. Keiron gave me a strange look and then a faint smile. "My world is safe but I could not allow Rekegei to continue his rampage across other worlds... I...and several like me left our world and came to worlds like this one...worlds that were in Rekegei's path. Our goal...my goal is to give this world a chance to survive... I came to this world to create the champions that it needs..." "Oh shit," I whispered, finally putting the rest of the pieces together in my head. A part of me had already put them together enough to know what he was about to say. "When I came to this world and saw that you had no champions..." Keiron explained, "none who were capable of facing Rekegei and his forces...I knew what I had to do. I knew that I would have to craft your champions myself... This was why I created the game. This was why I created Kombat Champions..." "You did this to me!" I exclaimed, gesturing down at myself. "You turned me into this..." For a moment, Keiron just sat there silently, looking a little regretful. Then he nodded faintly, a guilty expression passing over his face, though it was quickly replaced by one of resolve. "I saw that your world understood the rules which Rekegei operates under," Keiron told me, "though only in stories and games. So I decided to create a game which would find champions...which would find those who understood these rules, who understood the nature of personal combat...." "Kombat Champions," I grimaced, suddenly realizing just how appropriate the name of the game actually was. Keiron nodded yet again, proving that he seemed quite good at doing this. Then he continued his explanation. "I created the game so as to allow the players to craft their own alternates...their own perfect fighting forms and powers. Such would provide great affinity for them..." "And the lightning?" I asked him with a bit of a glare. "I got struck by lightning..." "I tied a great deal of magic to the game," Keiron told me with a frown. "In fact, it draws the power from the world I came from... Once the magic had build up enough, it surges out through the game, finding someone who is playing at that time... It finds someone who has created a strong fighting alternate and who has a strong affinity to their alternate. Then it transforms them...giving them the form and power of their fighting alternate." "And this surge comes in the form of lightning?" I said, earning another nod. Keiron held his hand out and a bit of purple electricity jumped around his fingers before he closed them and made the electricity vanish. It had been a pretty impressive display while he had been doing it, or at least it would have been if I wasn't now capable of some pretty interesting tricks myself. "My hope is that those who have been so transformed will be strong enough champions to face Rekegei," Keiron sighed. "Why did you choose me?" I demanded, getting a bit angry. "You turned me into a woman..." "I have no control as to who the magic transforms," Keiron sighed. "The magic is outside of my direct control." Then he frowned. "I apologize for how it effects your life." "Effects my life?" I grimaced. "It destroyed my life..." Keiron bowed his head a bit, though he didn't look too apologetic. Instead he gave me a steady look. "I am sorry for this, but my concern is for the survival of your world." I stared at Keiron for a moment and took a deep breath. "You turned Ghengis back to who he was..." "He was too unstable," Keiron sighed. "I feared that he was of such a mind that he was of more danger than he would be help against Keiron... I was forced to use a good deal of my personal power to undo his transformation..." "Can...can you change me back?" I asked Keiron, my heart nearly jumping into my chest. "Can you turn me back into who I used to be?" Keiron shook his head. "No. I could not, even if I had the power left or desire to do so." He let out a sigh. "That one had only just transformed and his old pattern yet remained as a shadow. But these old patterns quickly fade and are gone within a week. Your old pattern is long gone and all that remains is the one that you now possess...." "You...you can't change me back?" I asked him in a near whisper. "This is who you are now," Keiron told me gently. "This is who you shall always be..." I just stared at Keiron for a moment, my mind swirling with thoughts. Somewhere in the back of my mind there had been the thought that perhaps I could one day return to being plain old Craig Belmont... But now, that was gone. There was no doubt that I was going to remain a woman... that I was going to remain Kestra for the rest of my life. Then to my surprise, I felt a strange sense of relief at that. I was a little confused by this as I knew that I should be wanting to go back to being my old self more than anything... But I didn't. I was happy as Kestra... It took me a moment to put the pieces together and make sense of my own feelings... When I was Craig Belmont, I had been an ordinary guy who didn't really have either friends or a life. But now I had both. I had Nancy, Tina and so many other things... I had my fighting in the arena, the movies, and all of the skills that came with my body. I looked down at myself, smiling faintly. It wasn't as though being a woman was bad...except for a couple days a month. This body had definitely grown on me... Of course, it helped that I felt incredibly healthy, and was stronger, faster and so much more alive than I had ever been before. And I suddenly realized that if I did go back to my old body, I'd probably feel slow, weak, clumsy and unbalanced in comparison. After a minute, I finally let out a long sigh of relief, deciding that I was definitely happy to remain as Kestra. I had so much more....and was so much happier than I had ever been as Craig. I realized then that I wouldn't go back to being the old me even if I could. And the fact that I couldn't go back left me with a strange sense of relief and security. "Okay," I slowly told Keiron, giving him a steady look. "You said that you were creating champions to fight Rekegei... How many are there? How many others have you transformed too?" "Six people have been transformed so far," Keiron told me with a serious look. "I do not know if there will be time for the magics to build up and transform more before he arrives." "And you're changing as many of us into our characters as you can," I frowned thoughtfully, "so that there are more chances to beat Rekegei..." "Correct," Keiron told me, giving a faint nod. "Though so far, you are the only champion who has sought out true personal combat in such a way... You are the only one who has been gaining the experience that will be needed to confront Rekegei..." "Lucky me," I sighed, thinking that perhaps all that time I'd been spending in the underground fights was good for more than just making money. I gulped as I thought about this Rekegei...this unstoppable warrior that Keiron had told me about. It was only then that it fully dawned on me that he was expecting ME to fight this guy and beat him... It would be like a suicide mission... Of course, I reminded myself, I was one of the very few people on the planet who now had any chance at all against him. And if none of us could stop this Rekegei, a whole lot of people would likely die. Hell, it sounded like a lot of people might die anyway, just from his showing up. "How much damage can these guys cause?" I thought aloud, thinking of what this army might be able to do when no guns could be fired from anywhere near them. "A great deal," Keiron told me sadly. "Each of them is capable of capable of much destruction. Each of them has great chi abilities. And once they arrive, they will start to spread out and wreak havoc wherever they tread." I looked down at myself, shaking a bit as I sat there on the bench. Then I slowly stood up, giving Keiron a steady look. I didn't like the idea of being a tool, of having my life messed with just to fulfill someone else's agenda. Nor did I like the idea of going into some kind of suicide fight. "Damn," I muttered grimly. But even less than these things, I hated the idea of what this Rekegei and his army might do to the world. I shuddered at the thought of all of the extra chaos and destruction...all of the deaths that they would cause, just because they could. I couldn't live with myself if I ran away from that just because I was terrified. I couldn't live with myself if I knew that I had even a chance of ending it. Then I took a deep breath and steeled myself, feeling a powerful sense of determination forming. I would do something... I was damn well going to do everything I could to stop Rekegei and his army. I would face him in personal combat if that was what it took...and I was damn well going to find a way to win. "It looks like I'm going to have to start getting ready for this fight," I told Keiron, "I'm not going to let anyone destroy this planet." Keiron stared at me for just a moment, then gave me a faint smile and a nod. "Very well," he told me, sounding somewhat pleased. "I had hoped you would feel this way... Now come, we have much work to do..." -------------------- I took a long, slow and deep breath, paying attention to the way I breathed the air in, then released it back out. My eyes were closed as I sat in mediation, trying to think of nothing but the universe and my own energy as Keiron had been instructing me. Unfortunately, thinking of nothing wasn't easy. It was actually pretty damn difficult. It was like telling someone not to think of a pink elephant, because as soon as you tell them that, they can't help but thinking of exactly what they were told not to. After a few minutes, I opened my eyes and looked around the large but empty room that I had been sitting inside. It was pretty damn boring, but I guess that was the point. There were not supposed to be any distractions at the moment. But I was distracted. I was distracted by thoughts of Nancy, of Tina... and even of this Rekegei fellow whom I had never met. I was thinking of all of these and not the training like I was supposed to. When Keiron had asked me to take some special training a few days ago, I had immediately agreed. If I was going to fight Rekegei, I wanted to have as much chance of winning as I possibly could. The first thing that I'd done after agreeing to the training was to call Nancy and let her know what was going on. Of course she had been skeptical when I'd told her about Keiron and Rekegei, but I assured her that it seemed to be real and that I was going to do my best to stop the invasion. She wished me luck and I thanked her as I would undoubtedly need as much as I could get. Then I had to talk with Tina... I let out a sigh as I remembered how I'd gone out to where I'd left her in the mall parking lot and how I had tried explaining what was going on. She had been a hell of a lot more skeptical than Nancy, and it hadn't been easy to convince her about any of it. Fortunately I'd already had some practice in convincing people about my abilities... I told Tina about myself and my transformation, though I left a few details out, such as the fact I had been a man before I'd been struck by lightning. But I did tell her about how I had been struck by lightning and transformed, about all of the abilities I had gained and even about how I had been fighting in the arena. And then, once I had convinced her that I wasn't insane, I told her about Ghengis, Keiron and Rekegei... This was a little more difficult for her to accept, though the news people were still around and she'd seen their live footage of our fight. "I hope that she'll still be there for me when I get back," I sighed aloud. She had been a bit shaken by the revelations of what was going on, and I wasn't sure that she'd want to still after she'd had a chance to absorb it. "I guess I'll have to find out..." After a few minutes, my thoughts turned to the training that I had been going through with Keiron. Most of the training that I had been doing had been more or less on my own, doing all sorts of exercises until I couldn't do any more, trying out all of my abilities and pushing myself to my limits. The idea was that I would get even more in tune with my body and what I was capable of. Keiron swore that this was the key to maximizing my effectiveness, and from my experience so far I agreed with him. And then there was the part of my training that Keiron had really been teaching me.. He had been teaching me how to meditate, saying that it would help me master my body, my environment and my chi energies. I wasn't sure that I completely believed him on this, but I was doing as he instructed and trying to go into that meditative state. "Enough thinking about it," I muttered in annoyance. "Just do it..." But that just reminded me of the quote from a green Muppet who said, "Do or do not...there is no try," or something like that. With that I closed my eyes and went back to my meditation, eventually getting the proper focus and slipping into the state where I could feel the chi energies inside of me in a way that I had never been able to before. I kept breathing in and out, feeling the ebb and flow of those energies, of my own life energies which seemed to create the chi energies. I had no idea how long I remained in that meditative state, though it had to have been for hours. And once I was done, I had to admit that I felt strangely refreshed, which was a good thing as it was time for me to get onto other aspects of my training. Specifically I was going to have to go into the gym and work myself into utter exhaustion. "Just what I love doing," I sighed, wishing that I could find something else to do instead. Keiron had been pushing me to train almost nonstop, though admittedly he didn't have to push too hard. Just the thought Rekegei was coming and that he would kill countless people was enough to motivate me. And of course, my training didn't really stop just because I had worked myself into exhaustion. When I got to that point, I simply used my augment or second wind techniques to recharge myself so that I could go again. I'd lost track of how many miles I had run nonstop at a full sprint the day before using that method, and I really didn't want to know. "But I'll be running more tonight," I muttered, knowing that I'd be pretty tired by then, but that it might be worth it if it helped me to survive against Rekegei...or even more importantly as far as Keiron was concerned...if it helped me beat him. I was soon in the gym and dressed in a pair of sweats that were still soaked with sweat from that morning. It was a pain in the ass going through several sets of clothes a day, just because I kept getting them all dirty and soaked with sweat. It was an even bigger pain in the ass to keep cleaning them. "I should probably stick with my uniform," I said in sudden realization, wondering why I hadn't thought of that earlier. After all, the clothes that came with my body were self cleaning, so no matter how dirty or sweaty I got, they would still be nice, clean and fresh. "I guess I'll change into them as soon as I'm done in here..." With that I went to work lifting weights. I used a bench press to lift a lot more weight than I ever could have with my old body, though I wasn't sure that it was enough to qualify me as being super strong. Then I went the rounds over just about everything in the gym, quickly losing track of myself and the time as I focused on just one exercise at a time. Focusing on the moment and doing things one moment at a time was the only way to keep from losing my mind doing all of that stuff. But when I finally finished in the gym a good three hours later, I was pretty confident that I'd had a good workout. Then after I had taken a shower and changed into my costume, I went back to work, this time doing weapons practice. Mostly it was me pulling out my weapons, my katars, spear and throwing blades, and practicing just about every move I knew in the air, even trying them against a number of targets. I wasn't sure what good this would do, but I knew that I had no choice but to keep on trying. Once I was finished with my exercise and training for the day, I sat back in exhaustion, not even having the chi energy left to perform a second wind. The only cure for my current exhaustion would be the good meal which I had just eaten and plenty of rest, which I planned on getting in just a short time. "So," I started, looking at Keiron who had been absent for much of the day and who seemed to keep appearing and disappearing at random times. "Why am I training here alone? Wouldn't it be better if I had some people to spar with or something...?" "You are likely correct," Keiron admitted, "though no normal fighter on your world would offer you challenge enough to balance the distraction they would offer. And I fear that I have been less successful convincing the other champions of the need..." "They don't believe you about Rekegei?" I asked with a frown. "Or do not wish to face him," Keiron sighed. "The one you faced in yellow called me many horrible names and ran off to hide... Shameful..." "And the others?" I pressed. Keiron paused to run a hand through his beard. "One is convinced that he can beat Rekegei single handedly, without any help or training. Another believes that I am some delusion or figment of his imagination, or possibly some form of trick. One woman insists on using her new abilities for personal gain, while the last champion refused to get involved." Keiron let out a long sigh and shook his head. "That last one even threatened me physical harm if I did not return him to his previous form..." "Tough break," I sighed, feeling a bit for that last one who had threatened Keiron. I might have done that myself if I'd run into him a lot sooner than I had. But now I was in it till the end. "It is time to rest," Keiron told me with a gentle smile. "You have worked hard so far, but there is more to come.. And tomorrow, I will begin teaching you something new..." I nodded at that and went to bed, knowing that it had already been a very busy couple of days and that the next day wouldn't be any easier. I was going to have to work my ass off if I wanted to fight Rekegei, especially as it was looking as though I wouldn't have much help. As I had expected, the next day was full of hard work and exercise, as was every other day that I trained for the next week and a half. There were no days off...no weekends. I only had hard training for what often came up to sixteen or more hours a day. And I knew that every minute would be worth it if it helped me against Rekegei and his army. Then on my final day, just as my training with Keiron was through, I sat on the floor in meditation, just as he had taught me. My eyes were closed and I went inside of myself, performing a little trick that Keiron had just told me of just that morning. With my eyes closed, I came that that place inside of myself...and suddenly I had my character profile pulled up right there in my mind's eye. I could see the profile in my mind, just as if I were looking at it on the computer screen. It showed me everything about my character... about Kestra...about myself. It showed me all of her...my stats and power levels. However there was a major difference in my profile from the last time I had seen it, which had been the night of my transformation. I silently reviewed this mental profile that I had of myself, knowing without a doubt that it was completely accurate, but still being a little surprised by the changes. Nearly all of my statistics and levels had increased. My strength, speed, agility, balance and power levels... All of them had increased between ten and twenty percent. I knew that I had grown stronger, faster and more powerful...and could feel it inside of me. But this was the first time that I was able to put any kind of numbers on my improvement. And then of course, my chi levels had improved as well. Thanks to my training, specifically the meditation techniques that Keiron had taught me, I had doubled the amount of chi energy that I had available for my use...and drastically increased the rate that I could restore it when used. After all of that hard work, exercise and training that I had gone through, there was no doubt that I was about as ready as I could be. Or at least I was as ready as I could be without having a whole lot more intensive training with a lot of sparring and combat with other champions... But I was a hell of a lot more confident of myself and my chances against Rekegei. "I'm ready," I said aloud. But at the same time, my thoughts weren't really on Rekegei and his army of powerful warriors. Instead I was thinking about my friends, about Tina and Nancy, as well as how much I was looking forward to seeing them both again. -------------------- I let out a long sigh, thankful that I was finished with Keiron's training and that I could finally return home. Though technically, it wasn't really my home, merely the place I was staying. I had no home anymore, though I was still quite thankful to Nancy for putting me up at her place. However I knew that I couldn't stay with Nancy and Tom for much longer. Not only was I imposing too much on them, but with the recent revelations about Rekegei and the reason for my transformation, I thought that it would be much safer for them if I was somewhere else. Now I just had to break the news to Nancy. Once I reached the door, I paused for a moment, not sure exactly what I was going to tell Nancy about the other things as well. I had already explained most of what was going on with Rekegei, though there were other details that I had learned later and had yet to reveal, as well as a few things that I had sort of glossed over. "And don't forget Tina," I mused, realizing that I still hadn't really told Nancy about my relationship with her. I wasn't completely sure how Nancy would react to finding out that I was out and dating now, though I suspected that she would be supportive of it. Then I let out another sigh as I thought about Tina. I hadn't seen her since that day in the parking lot when I'd given a rushed explanation before running off with Keiron. I still felt pretty bad about that and wanted to see her again, as well as give her a full explanation as to what was going on. Well, maybe not a full explanation... I still wasn't sure that I was ready to tell her about who I had been before my transformation. "I wish she'd pick up," I muttered, thinking about how I'd already tried calling her twice that day. Unfortunately, she hadn't answered either time. I wasn't too surprised as I figured that she'd be on set working, and I knew that she had her cell phone turned off when she was... But I was a little disappointed as I hadn't talked to her in over a week and a half and I kind of missed her voice. "I'll try again in a bit..." After a minute, I finally went inside, immediately calling out, "Hey, I'm back..." "Did you have a good time?" Tom asked from where he sat on the couch, reading a newspaper. "Define good," I responded with a sigh. I couldn't exactly call spending all day long exercising and meditating a good time. But I had to admit that it had definitely done what it was supposed to. I was stronger than ever, and I could feel it. "I've just been pretty busy..." "It's great that you're doing so much work in the movies," Tom smiled at me, "you must be pretty proud of yourself..." "Somewhat," I grinned back at him. "It is kind of fun..." Tom nodded. "I heard that you had some big publicity thing going on a couple weeks ago..." "Um...yeah," I responded, not sure what to say. I had a feeling that he might have seen something about my fight with Ghengis, and that Nancy had given him some sort of explanation. I wanted to talk to her and find out what she'd told him before saying too much. "So, where's Nancy?" "Oh, I think she's in the back playing on the computer." Tom shrugged, absently flipping the page of his newspaper. "Thanks," I told him with a smile, "I want to ask her to help me look for a new apartment..." Tom looked a little surprised at that, though I think that there might be a little relief there as well. I knew that he must be looking forward to having his home back to being just for him and his wife. It had to be strange having me come in and kind of interfere with their privacy. "You're welcome to stay as long as you need," Tom told me, and I could tell that he was sincere. "Thanks again," I grinned, "But I've been having some good fortune lately... what with the movie and other jobs... I've managed to pay off most of my old bills and I think that I can afford a place on my own now. Besides, I don't want to inconvenience you any more than I have too. "You've both been so nice to me..." "No problem," Tom nodded with a bit of a smile, "it's my pleasure..." With that I went to the back side of the apartment where I could see Nancy sitting at her computer desk and typing away. I watched silently for a moment before sneaking up behind her, putting my hands over her eyes and exclaiming, "Guess who...?" "Marilyn Monroe?" Nancy responded with a bit of a giggle. "How about Donald Trump? I know..." She turned to grin at me. "Kestra, the Jagged Wind." "You got it on the third try," I grinned back. Nancy was immediately to her feet and hugging me. "I'm glad that you're back," she blurted out, "I've missed you... And I saw that thing on TV..." "Ugh," I grimaced, "they actually showed my fight with Ghengis?" "The whole thing," she told me with a serious look, "or at least most of it since the camera guys had to keep running and changing position, and both you and Ghengis both kept blurring out on camera... You both got really blurry whenever you were using your chi moves..." "Our auras," I muttered, having noticed that mine sometimes interfered with me while filming if I wasn't careful. "So what's going on?" Nancy demanded. "You said that you met the Kombat Master... For real?" I hesitated a moment, then nodded. "Yeah... His name is Keiron and he's from another dimension... Don't laugh, I know that it sounds like a movie...or a video game, but he came here to help us save the Earth from alien invasion." After letting out a deep sigh, I told Nancy everything that I had found out... I repeated everything that I had told her over the phone before I had gone into training with Keiron, and I even told her of the few bits and pieces that I'd learned while training, though admittedly that wasn't much. But it was interesting to see her expression when I told her about my training. "Wow," Nancy exclaimed, "that's hard core... It sounds like basic training..." "It was a lot shorter than basic," I told her with a grin. "I would have hated to do that for six to eight weeks. But on the other hand, imagine how much stronger I'd be if I did..." "Well it sounds like too much work for me," she shrugged. "Me too," I quickly agreed. We talked for another few minutes about that before the subject turned to the movie that I had been making. "So what's he really like?" Nancy asked me. "What's Tyler Reese like in real life?" I thought about that for a moment. "Not bad...once you get past his ego." We both chuckled at that. And then I brought up a subject that I'd been meaning to for awhile. "You know," I started slowly, "I've been dating someone while I was out working on the movie..." "Really?" Nancy asked in surprise. "You're actually going on dates?" she gasped. "I never would have guessed... I mean, since you changed..." She blushed a little, then abruptly asked, "So what's his name...?" "HER name is Tina," I corrected Nancy. "Tina?" she repeated, then laughed. "I should have guessed..." "She works on the set," I told Nancy, then went on to describe how I'd met Tina, which got even more laughs as Nancy heard me describe my fight with Tyler. Of course I'd told her about that before, just not all of the details that followed. "We get along pretty good..." "Have you told her about...?" Nancy gestured at my body. I let out a sigh at that and shook my head. "Not exactly. I kind of had to tell her that I was changed, I mean after the whole thing with Ghengis... But I didn't tell her that I used to be a guy. I'm not sure how she'd take that. Hell, half the time I'm not sure how I'd take it..." And then I suddenly remembered one more bit of information that I had kind of forgotten...or just neglected to tell Nancy. "I can't change back," I told her quietly. "Keiron told me that I've been changed for too long, and that this is my natural form now. It looks like I'm going to be Kestra for the rest of my life..." "Oh," Nancy responded quietly, obviously unsure of how to respond to that. "I'm sorry to hear that..." "I'm not," I told her, causing her to stare at me in surprise. "I've kind of gotten used to being this way. And I kind of like everything that came along with this body..." Then I looked down in embarrassment and shrugged. "Well, maybe except for the monthly visitor thing..." "I can understand that," Nancy grinned. "Well, I've got to go relieve myself," I told Nancy as I started back the way I came, pausing only long enough to say, "I guess being able to pee standing up is something I miss too..." Nancy just laughed at that and turned back to her computer. After I had taken care of my personal business, I slowly made my way back to where Nancy was, wondering what I was going to do about Rekegei and his army when they arrived. I made a mental note to warn Nancy that she and Tom would need to prepare for an emergency...just in case. I was just about back to Nancy when suddenly there was a brilliant flash of purple light and a booming explosion sound that caused me to jump. I was immediately braced for a fight and charged forward, freezing as soon as I saw Nancy's computer desk. It was a horrible ruin, with a black burned out lump where her tower had been. "Oh God," I gasped. My eyes lingered on the wreckage of the computer for just a moment before going to figure which had been thrown back from the desk and was sprawled over the floor. But a single glance was enough to tell me that this wasn't Nancy... I gulped as I saw the green hair which could only belong to Nancy's Kombat Champion's character Vypra. The scene in front of me was almost surreal, not to mention all too familiar. It looked almost identical to the wreckage that had been left behind when I had been turned from Craig into Kestra. "What's going on?" Tom suddenly yelled as he came rushing in, nearly shoving me aside as he tried to see what was going on. This he froze as he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes going wide and a confused expression passing over his face. "What the...?" I just ignored Tom and rushed over to where the video game character Vypra was sprawled out on the floor. I took a careful look at her, seeing that like me, she looked exactly as she did in the game. And though I knew it wasn't necessary, I put a hand to her neck and felt for a pulse to verify that she was alive. "Who is that?" Tom demanded with a strong tone of panic in his voice, "Where's Nancy...?" "This is Nancy," I told him without looking up. "Now grab her feet and help me get her to her bed... I think she's going to be out for awhile..." I knew that I had been out for hours after my transformation and saw no reason why Nancy would be any different. "But..." Tom gasped, looking completely confused and as though he were on the verge of panic. His eyes went to the wreckage on top of his computer desk and then to the woman who had been sitting in the chair. "That's not Nancy..." "Just grab her feet and help me get her to bed," I snapped at him, "I'll explain what's going on after that." I looked at Tom and silently started to curse. Tom was a nice guy, and pretty damn generous. But after seeing this, I really didn't t

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Champion of Men

Right now, I am on my hands and knees on the ground. Death is coming for me. There is no escape, I know that now. I think that I finally bit off more than I could chew. They say that when you’re about to die, you can see your whole life flash before your eyes. That’s not the case. I didn’t see any damn flash. All I feel is pain. An agony that doesn’t seem to go away. Death is coming for me. Nothing can stop that now. I don’t want to go into the next world without anybody knowing my story....

2 years ago
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Champion of Camelot

Champion of Camelot The yelling argument had lasted an hour, and King Arthur was starting to regret allowing it to start in the first place. But one of the founding principals of Camelot was the symbolized by the Round Table - that despite being King, Arthur was only to be considered the first among equals, and so he had let his most trustworthy knight Lancelot make his case. "It cannot be done, Arthur! You cannot give a knighthood to a woman!" "Why not? She saved my life, any man...

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Honeys After the HoneymoonChapter 10 We are the Champions

As soon as they got home, Joyce and Douglas, and Molly Anne and Kris, headed for one of the large bedrooms. As the others rushed for the bed, shedding clothes, Molly Anne stopped at the room’s computer and set up a quick playlist, beginning with: I’ve paid my dues Time after time I’ve done my sentence But committed no crime And bad mistakes I’ve made a few I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face But I’ve come through We are the champions, my friends And we’ll keep on...

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Champion of the Black Community

Brother Samuel Xavier here. The big and tall, openly bisexual Black male author who has resided in the West Side of Brockton, Massachusetts for years. I feel quite sad while writing this because I will soon leave this community I’ve grown to care about. Simply put, life doesn’t stand still. You either move with it or you’re dead. My father, the charming sociopath who’s the leader of my family is encouraging my cheerfully psychopathic sister Hannah and I to move to Canada. Simply put, we’ll have...

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We won. I kicked the last goal, after taking a screamer in the pocket. The hush around the ground was frightening as I lined up and ran in. With my heart in my mouth I kicked as the final siren sounded. From four points down we won by two points. There was pandemonium, the grand stands erupted and I was so relieved. I bent, hands on my knees, to gather breath. My team mates were first as they slapped my back, lifted me to their shoulders and shouted their jubilation. The coaching staff and...

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Champion of Hades

Danny had just sealed the Ghosts back into the Ghost Zone and then his parents shot him in his Phantom form with their Weapon. He was now lying in the Forest of Amity Park when he suddenly began to notice that he was shrouded in a golden glowing aura. A clock appeared in front of him he saw the appeared Clockwork from it. "Do you know what the glowing means Clockwork??" Danny wondered at Clockwork. "You surpassed your Limits and broke the Limiter Daniel," Clockwork explained. Clockwork was the...

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Galaxy Champion 2

Galaxy Champion 2 By Paul G. Jutras Inside the corridors of a cruiser, Lesley and Sandra had been tossed around. Lesley felt like he would stain his panties as she stood tall in her pink bikini and matching nail polish. Having saved enough money for hormones he cut quite a figure in his suit. Sandra was shorter, dressed in a pink tee shirt and gray pants that were a better choice for escaping an attack. "Lesley, listen," Sandra said in his worried way. "I told you hitting the...

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The Champions Creed

The Champion’s CreedAn Erotic Psalm/Romantic Poem of Intimacy by John, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic PsalmistViking Gladiatorwww.eroticpsalms.comI reside in the feminine sanctuary of my Queen.I stare deeply into those graceful citrine eyes,I gently kiss Her majestic eyelashes of onyx.I erotically pull and tug on Her amber pigtails.Her jasper colors mesmerize me,As I sweetly suck on Her kunzite lips.I gaze upon Her image and rapidly melt.My heart drops at Her seductive gaze.I walk along...

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The Making of a Super Bowl Champion

The Making of a Super Bowl Champion                                7 Apr 2011 12:15 pmChapter 1My pet is such a sweet boy.  Entirely oblivious to his own worth.  I do try to instill a higher sense of self-esteem in him, but I temper it with some humility.  It just wouldn’t do for him to realize how very special he is.  There are enough egotistical men in the world, without adding to the supply.  So I am, perhaps, overly harsh with him on occasion.  I also keep him at arm’s length as much as...

2 years ago
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Gaias ChampionChapter 12

Elizabeth stretched and arched her back as she woke up. She felt luxuriously wonderful as she opened her eyes, gazing down at her lovers. Last night went beyond amazing and went straight to groundbreaking! The fact that all the creatures of imagination and fantasy were real? That Gaia, the Earth Mother, was real? And Jason, her first male lover and friend, was a Druid, a servant and champion of Gaia’s will? It almost too much to believe and she nearly didn’t believe it, if not for the...

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Champion of the KingdomChapter 9

When Asiara awoke, a dim grey light had penetrated the sky above her – morning had come, and the sun's rays fought to push through the hazy clouds that still poured rain upon the countryside. The lightning and thunder had passed, and the torrential rain had eased into an insistent drizzle that refused to let the sun show itself and cast its warming rays upon the land. Pulling herself into a sitting position, Asiara looked about her, trying to remember everything that had happened. At her...

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Champion of the KingdomChapter 11

No loud snap brought Asiara to her senses this time. Instead, a gentle command drew her eyes slowly open. The fiery colors of the evening sun had died, and now the Queen's chamber was coated in night. But as Asiara lay on her back, staring into the far reaches of the vast tower that rose around her it wasn't darkness that met her eyes, but thousands of tiny pricks of light, as the candles that had been present during the evening now seemed to have multiplied, filling the hall with soft...

1 year ago
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And still champion

Duke Walker stood under the burning needles of the shower in his bathroom while letting the hot water waft over his well muscled body! Oh man was he ever tired, ten long hours on that hot roof laying shingles was enough to sap the strength of anyone, and he was a twenty five year old in great physical condition!!! The only good part of the job was the view!!! High on a hill overlooking San Francisco Bay, it was exactly what you'd expect to find on a picture postcard and luckily for him he...

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Corruption Of Champions

Corruption of Champions (mod)! I’m always down for some sexy RPGs or fantasy stories involving kinky shit. Just look at Game of Thrones. You think that shit got so popular because of the plot? I doubt it. It was probably the incest scenes. You sick fucks seem to be loving that kind of shit recently. But, anyway, I like a good RPG focused on hot babes and crazy fetishes. There aren’t many out there. The only one that comes to mind that you fucks might have heard of is Monster Girl Quest, which...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 19 We Are the Champions

Mr. Labatt’s BMW on HWY 401, Ontario 6:42pm, Saturday, November 24, 1979 ‘What a fuckin’ awesome weekend!‘ I thought as four of the six key girls in my life were engaged in a flurry of various conversations as I drove Mr. Labatt’s B-mer back from Guelph on the 401 (Ontario’s equivalent to the Interstate System in the States). ‘I might as well not be in the car,’ I chuckled to myself as Shannon, Lynette, Zupena and Sammy regaled each other with their Friday night, Saturday morning escapades,...

3 years ago
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AudryChapter 5 Heart of a Champion

Audry's boobs hurt. She loved our son, Zack, and enjoyed breast-feeding him-she almost got off just from his sucking. The feeling of contentment and the sheer sensuousness of the whole thing was incredible. But taking a horse over the jumps made those same milk machines bounce-even in her special 'nursing sports bra'. That hurt. The whole thing was a confusing mess of trade-offs. Audry wanted children. Actually, she wanted a bunch of children. She also wanted to go to the equestrian...

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Champions at Last

CHAMPIONS AT LAST By Anne Gray It was the last day of the Cheerleader Championships and, as a member of thepress, I had a prime view from my seat in the stands. Things worked out perfectlywhen the team I had my eye on came in fourth place. That would take them outof the spotlight while everyone focused on the winning three teams. The program told me their names were Nina, Panni, Anita and Laura and theywere from a college on the East coast. My phony media credentials also gotme in to the...

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Corruption Of Champions 2

CoC2! Are you a kinky fuck who cringes at the mere thought of jerking off to boring, vanilla porn? Good, because I’ve got something that will knock your goddamn socks off. If you’re not ready to get down and dirty with some insane fetish content, then you should pack your bags and head to a different review that goes over your standard shit. The game I have for you degenerates today is full of tentacle sex, breeding, ovipositing, furries, and corruption. If you dream of slowly becoming tainted...

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Corruption of Champion ch21

X awakes and stretches. He gives and yawn and looks around the unchanged land. He gets up does a couple of stretches. He grabs a flat rock and gets to work carving one of the giant stick he has for a spear. After the work he takes off his white shirt with a green snake on it and makes a hole big enough to put the spear in and walk around. He reputs the shirt on and puts the spear in its hole. He looks around the encampment wondering what all he can find in this land and hopefully find other...

3 years ago
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Corruption of Champion ch20

X awakes and stretches. He gives and yawn and looks around the unchanged land. He gets up does a couple of stretches. He grabs a flat rock and gets to work carving one of the giant stick he has for a spear. After the work he takes off his white shirt with a green snake on it and makes a hole big enough to put the spear in and walk around. He reputs the shirt on and puts the spear in its hole. He looks around the encampment wondering what all he can find in this land and hopefully find other...

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Champions in Heat

You aren't sure why your master summoned you in from the barracks, but any excuse to get away from the sweltering barracks is a good one. Lady Che, your master, stands before you. As usual, she is dressed in a silk robe that clings to her well endowed body. You can make out her nipples as they press against the thin cloth. Her hair is dark and pulled up into a perfect bun, gold pins holding it in place. Eyes are dark and sweep up and down you. she licks her lips, painted dark red. "Undress,...

3 years ago
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The Breakfast of Champions

Chapter 1 We met at church camp many years ago. I won’t say what year, but I remember having to chase the dinosaur out of the dining hall a few times that year. Well, maybe that was the year before. We were young and dumb back then. All of us were going to change the world. Peace, love and stop the war were common themes. Now we have calls for brotherhood, wrap that wrascal and get out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, or the battlefield of the week. Yep, we really changed things. Herpes, you...

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Breakfast of Champions

I was at the stove in a pair of Brian’s boxers stirring oatmeal for our first breakfast in our new home. I looked down at my thin gray wife beater. I was showing a good amount of cleavage and the blue boxers were his favorite. Oatmeal…such a sad first breakfast. We’d been unloading the truck until well past midnight. Only the big furniture was in any way ‘unpacked’ as we’d placed most where it would stay at least until it needed to be moved for the renovation. Oatmeal and a pan were the...

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Corruption of Champions Kingmaker

Your destination is the Shrikelands. A largely untamed region dominated by fertile plains. The bountiful rivers weaving through the land connect the everflowing Doefawn Tarn of the Mistpeaks to the ocean. A few days ago, before you set out, you and the others were offered a feast of marine creatures and algae, fished by a marefolk settlement that had managed to establish themselves there, by your sponsor. You had to admit that you could see the potential if they were allowed to flourish....

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Jock TalesState Champions

Jock Tales---State Champions Well, as you prolly surmised from the title, we won the state championship for Freshman football. First time ever had the Mustangs from Tyler even made it to the playoffs---let alone win. We beat the Tigers, for the third time 21-19. As usual. Me and Cole Parker meet up after the game for his now traditional fuck down—cause he lost. I think he was starting to actually get into my big, now 9” jock cock owning his ass. There seemed to be developing some 'feelings' as...

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Champions of the Square Dance

CHAMPIONS OF THE SQUARE DANCE By Annie James As he was about to pull their motorhome back onto the highway after gassing up at a truckstop John Heywood's concentration was interrupted by an exclamation from his wife. "Wait, John! We can't leave that poor hitchhiker just standing in the rain. He's only a boy." John halted the vehicle, leaned out his open window, and waved to the figure huddled under the shelter near the gas pumps. That person came running up to the side of the...

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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 14 Breakfast of Champions

Chapter 13- Breakfast of Champions Ron was a little surprised by the state of his room when he walked into it. It was a mess, not by his standards, but in his wife’s opinion this room was a pigsty. The bed was unmade, the comforter balled up on the floor, and clothes, lingerie, and various girly things were strewn across it. Her robe lay on the floor in front of her dresser and her nightstand was open. He smiled wryly to himself bent to pick up the robe. It didn’t bother him that it was...

2 years ago
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Breakfast of Champions

© 2003 [email protected] -- Commercial use prohibited without author's consent. I want to start this story off by saying "That it was the breakfast of champions!" I don't know why I was up so early this morning because I didn't go to bed until late. I guess my internal alarm clock went off and said it was time to get up. So I stumbled half-asleep into my living room, got a drink of water, said good morning to the dogs. I decided to check my e-mail, and to my pleasant surprise he was...

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Flashed Condoms of Champions

"Oh, Jackie," he moaned, with had one hand on her breast, the other in her panties. "Oh, Bruce! Right there. Go on. That's the spot." She ground her hips against him. He worked a finger inside her and massaged her clit with his thumb making her squeal. "Oh, I love you so much, Jak." "I love you too, Bruce. Oh, that's good." He pulled his hand from her panties and tugged at her waistband. She rushed to stop him. "Do you have... ?" "What?" "You know..." Bruce looked...

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Champions Girl

“Why am I doing this?” she asked herself as she tried tomake the tiny bikini bra she was wearing cover her ample breasts. She was standing in the small dressing room at the gym, trying her best to cover up as much as possible of her breasts and ass, wondering what in the name of god made a law student parade around a boxing ring in an outfit made to fit a 10 year old. “The money, that’s what,” she thought angrily and let go of the bikini- it wasn’t going to cover more, no matter how hard she...

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Bena Adventures 5 The pervert Asian champion of multiple orgasms and great bondage master Part of 2

Word Word WordWord Word Word WordWordWord Word WordWord Word WordWord Word WordWord Word WordWord Word Word Word Word WordWord Word Word WordWordWord Word WordWord Word WordWord Word WordWord Word WordWord Word Word Word Word WordWord Word Word WordWordWord Word WordWord Word WordWord Word WordWord Word WordWord Word Word Word Word WordWord Word Word WordWordWord Word WordWord Word WordWord Word WordWord Word WordWord Word Word Word Word WordWord Word Word WordWordWord Word WordWord Word...

3 years ago
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Bena Adventures 5 The pervert Asian champion of multiple orgasms and great bondage master Part 1 of 2

I exchanged different mails with the Asian guy named Cheng to specify the details for the weekend, where Bena had to serve him willingly. He seemed some kind of successful business man with a huge house and a special cellar room. He wanted her to be clean shaven down her sluttish body and her pussy pumped up. He told me to get all sex toys from us to his place. So he received a big package of dildos of various sizes and shapes, whips, clamps, that huge traffic cone like plug, ropes, needles,...

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Bena Adventures 5 The pervert Asian champion of multiple orgasms and great bondage master Part 1 of 2

Introduction: Bena is my girlfriend and on the way of becoming one of the greatest sluts in the whole universe. We are not native English speakers. Sorry for our style and some mistakes. Bena comes from Romania and looks great. A bit like a Latina.Since one date with a pervert master she has two massive 3 inch wide pussy rings on her inner lips. That are the only signs of her perversity and lust. Till now… Bena was really excited for the weekend with the winner of the orgasm challenge in the...

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Mask of a Hero Face of a Champion Alternate Ending

Rhea has defeated Ursula and fucked her ass in front of the crowd. Kai, Ursula's fiance, has left in disgust, but Ursula could still get her back. I return to the locker room, naked and humiliated. Rhea soon follows, dressed in street clothes: leather jacket, sweat-dotted tank top, open-toe heels. I instinctively look down at her feet, which were in my mouth only minutes ago as she made an example of me. My asshole pulses with hot pain.Rhea gathers her bag as if nothing happened. But after the...

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Erzulies Champion

Prologue Out of breath. Out of options. Out of time. Out of luck. The silver and blue gateway fizzled out of existence as Erzulie was dragged out of the room. She fought and struggled against the stonelike grasps of her captors. It was futile. The motherly figure was blessed with assets that could barely be covered by the light silver silk robes that covered her body, and collided with her long, wavy, hair. Besides those robes, she wore nothing. She wasn’t allowed to, due to her established...

5 years ago
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Old man champion

Phil had just left his apartment that morning, he was in a rush. Though he was retired he kept busy still taking classes and running and swimming. He was overweight but still strong and at his age of 78 he had earned the right to eat and drink what and when he wanted. The reason he took classes was simpler though: the young college coeds. He maintained a visible presence in the school to talk with and flirt with the coed that went there. They of course had no interest in a man whom was old...

Mind Control
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Champion of Cyrodil

The fate of Tamriel is at a cross-roads. One path leads to the return of the daedra to the mortal realm. More importantly it leads to the return of Dagon, the Daedra Prince of Destruction. The return and rule of Dagon can mean only one thing for Tamriel, utter and total destruction. The other path leads to the destruction of the Mythic Dawn, the cult trying to bring back Dagon, and a reinforcement of the barriers between Oblivion and Nirn. It leads to the salvation of Tamriel. It is upto you to...

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The Champion of Beauty

I stood in the city of Araxia, the capital of the Lands of Water, my silver plate armor starting to get warm on this hot summer day. I could feel my long red hair start to get stuck to my face. I was on my way to the temple of Myra, the Goddess of Beauty. I had just finished a quest to rid the town of a goblin infestation and needed to get my next mission. On my way, I had noticed a few odd things. The first was a young girl ducking into an alley, who seemed to be being followed by a couple of...

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A champion cuckold

After I had convinced my wife Andrea to be a hot wife she was open to my suggestions .I would think of something I thought she would enjoy and over dinner I would share those ideas. It took time to get her to come around to some of my thinking. Her having sex with a random guy has become the norm and I'm always expected to clean her with my mouth. That's still fun and exciting but I started adding more of me into her games. I introduced chastity to her and she enjoys locking me up for extended...

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Champion of the Kingdom

[b]The Serpent and the Goddess[/b] by Hypnohypno[b]Chapter 1[/b]Asiara grinned to hear the clank of her body guards? armor as they marched beside her.  They had all insisted on coming to this parlay fully armed in their thick suits of metallic scales and face covering helms, but as they walked through the rapidly approaching dusk, she couldn?t help but think that it far too warm and pleasant an evening to be trapped within such restrictive armor.  Of course, on one hand, she could hardly blame...

3 years ago
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Gaias ChampionChapter 3

Phalmina woke up as the early morning light filtered through the canopy of the glade. Blinking her eyes, she sat up and yawned cutely, glancing around and finding Emalia lying right next to her. Phalmina smiled as she remembered last night’s sexual romp she had with her best friend. She could hardly believe everything she did and demanded last night. Sighing happily, the fairy stood up and stretched her limbs and wings, a mild soreness shooting through them. After flapping her wings a...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 4

Amy sighed as she stood on the verge of fully waking. The last couple of days had been a lot of fun and she wasn’t ready for them to end yet. Her body betrayed her as it kicked her awake, with adrenaline flowing through her system. Grumpily, she opened her eyes and stared at the two people she had snuggled and slept with that night. Her eyes first fell on Jason, and Amelia smiled dreamily. His red hair was tousled and matted, sticking up in weird spots. His ruggedly handsome features were...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 5

Elizabeth was focused on the road ahead of them, as the group made their way to her house. Amy and Eva were busy chattering about what their game plan was, now that they’ve left the house and the life they had. Jason was on his cell phone, talking to his friend on the other end of the line. She had to take a deep breath as she kept her eyes on the road. A lot was happening fast, and it was making her head swim. It was one thing to finally have had the woman she’d been chasing for a while...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 7

Jason sat there, underneath the tarp, hoping and praying that Dustin wouldn’t come downstairs. He heard the thump of footfalls upstairs, like the man was looking for something. His heart hammered and blood pounded in his ears as he waited. He half expected the man to come thundering down the stairs with a loaded weapon, knowing that he was there, hiding. Thankfully, none of that happened, as the footsteps receded, heading back towards the door. He heard the slam and stayed put for a few...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 8

Jason woke to the sunlight streaming through his apartment window and blinked against the bright light. He smiled, knowing that today was going to be a good day! Having found out Brad’s secret and exposing him, had dusted the bastard in a way that he would never recover! He still shivered at the thought of what both he and his dad had gotten away with for all those years. He also felt a pang of sympathy for Luke, who had found out the real reason behind the breakup with his high school...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 9

An inhuman roar sounded as the creature leapt at Jason, its claws unsheathed. They moved in a downward strike, ready to flay the man’s skin from his bones. The strike never landed, as a bolt of energy that flew from Phalmina’s outstretched hand intercepted the creature. The bolt caught the creature in the chest, sending it flying back into some bushes. Jason had recovered by this point and had tapped into his Gaian power, letting it suffuse him with its life-giving energies. The creature had...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 11

“Oh shit!” he cried out silently. “Jason? Come on, we know you’re in there,” Elizabeth called out. “Do you think he’s asleep Liz?” Amy asked. “I don’t know. Maybe? Give his cell phone a call, see if he picks up,” Elizabeth told her friend. Jason, given his enhanced senses, heard all of this and his mind was racing. He was trying to form a plan to handle things, as he didn’t want Amy and Elizabeth knowing about him being a Druid or his connection to Gaia. At least, not yet. He went to Mina...

2 years ago
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Gaias ChampionChapter 13

Everyone had piled into Luke’s van, eager to go find Jason and the girls. Luke did not understand what sort of trouble Jason had gotten himself into, but the fact that it involved fairies, magic and such?!? He had a lot of explaining to do when he found him, if he didn’t strangle the man first! “Any idea where we’re supposed to go?” Luke asked as he started the engine. “I can give you a direction of where he is, but I can’t be any more specific until we get closer,” Phalmina told...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 14

The woman who came through the tunnel that led to where the guardians stood stared at everyone assembled. Surprise was painted all over her face, as she wasn’t expecting this many people here. Her eyes wandered around, taking in everyone who was there, before settling on Jason. “Jason? Is that you?!?” the woman called Sheena asked. “Yeah, it’s me! Hold up, how did you get here? What are you doing here?” he questioned her. “That is something I would like to know,” Phalmina piped up, coming...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 15

“What? You’re a fairy princess?!?” Sheena and Jason replied at the same time. “Please don’t bow or scrape or grovel! I don’t need any of that!” Phalmina told them as she huffed, already regretting her decision to tell them who she was. “As you say ... your highness,” Jason teased. “Jason, do as the fairy asks,” Sheena told him, rolling her eyes and smiling at the same time. “What? It’s not every day that you find out that you’re banging a fairy princess,” he replied with a shrug. “I...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 17

Darren woke up in his home, blinking against the bright sunlight that streamed in his window. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and took a deep breath, enjoying the feeling of contentment that coursed through him. He stretched out his arms, feeling his arms cricking and cracking as he woke. Lying next to him was his lover, mate and future wife, Daelina. The fairy woman was still asleep, but she needed her rest, given with how active she was the night before. Daelina had been voracious in...

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Gaias ChampionChapter 18

The men stood there, dumbstruck that the group had discovered them. Before anyone could say anything or act, they reached into their coats, drew sidearms and opened fire. Acting on instinct, Jason tapped into his magic before moving his arms in a quick sequence. Immediately, a shield of emerald magic went up, with Jason holding his arms out, keeping the barrier in place. The men emptied their clips, but not one shot punched through his shield. Every bullet flattened to moment it hit the...

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