GAIA s Granddod GALIA Great Granddad 2
- 2 years ago
- 59
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An inhuman roar sounded as the creature leapt at Jason, its claws unsheathed. They moved in a downward strike, ready to flay the man’s skin from his bones. The strike never landed, as a bolt of energy that flew from Phalmina’s outstretched hand intercepted the creature. The bolt caught the creature in the chest, sending it flying back into some bushes.
Jason had recovered by this point and had tapped into his Gaian power, letting it suffuse him with its life-giving energies. The creature had recovered quickly and charged at the lovers again, but Jason was ready this time. Thinking about what he wanted to happen, he poured his power into the thought and it became reality almost instantly.
Tree branches shot out from the nearby trees, wrapping themselves around its arms. At the same time, roots burst up from the ground, entangling and trapping its legs, tripping it up. The creature growled and screamed in frustration, as it tried to fight to free itself, but was soon wrapped and tied up as neatly as a fly in a spider’s web.
“Nicely done, Jason!” Phalmina complimented him.
“Read about this sort of thing being done by fictional druids in some books. Thought it was plausible and just did it, hoping it would work,” Jason replied with a grin.
“I’m going to have to read some of these books, to see what they know!” Phalmina said with surprise, before turning to the struggling creature. “Ah, this is a troll!”
“A troll? You mean trolls are real too?” Jason asked.
“I told you that all creatures that mankind thought of as myth and legend to be real. That means the less than savory types too, you know,” she told in a schoolmarm voice. “Looks like it’s gone feral though. Sadly, we will have to put it down, so it won’t harm anyone else.”
Mina then uncased her wings, letting them out of their confines. Jason was about to ask how they bypassed the shirt, when he saw two immaculate cuts in the fabric, which would allow her wings to pass through. Jason then turned back to the troll, embracing his power, following along with Mina and what she appeared to be doing. The troll stared at them in fear and started blubbering incoherently, which confused him and surprised Phalmina.
“What is it saying?”
“She is saying that she’s sorry for attacking us. She didn’t know that we were servants of Gaia and she begs for our forgiveness,” Mina translated for him.
“Can she speak in a language that I can understand?” he wondered.
“Yes ... I can. But my knowledge of use ... is ... limit?” the troll said, her speech slightly slurred due to her being wrapped up.
“Will you attack us, if I let you go?” he asked, being cautious.
“I will not. You are more than ... able of destroying me if you ... choose. I wish no harm upon you, Druid ... or your fairy guide,” the troll said. Nodding and accepting her answer, Jason reversed what he had done, the roots and branches going back to their proper places.
“You can speak English?” Jason wondered.
“I ... can. My knowledge of your ... language is ... limited. It has been ... a long time ... since I spoke with ... anyone,” she replied haltingly.
“Why did you attack us?” Mina asked, thinking out loud.
“The ... chase he gave ... you. I thought he was ... after you and ... intended ... harm,” the troll replied.
“Well, he kind of did, but not the bad kind,” Mina said with a blush. “What is your name?”
“My name ... Xaera. What punishment must I ... endure for offending you and the Druid?” she asked.
“Punishment?” Jason queried, weirded out by the archaic question.
“For attacking you and your ... fairy guide. There is punishment for that?” Xaera asked.
“No, there won’t be any punishment for that. You attacked out of concern for Phalmina and for that, I can’t fault you. You can stand up if you like. I’m not mad,” Jason assured the troll woman.
Blinking and shaking her head to be sure she hadn’t misheard him, Xaera stood up, looking at the human man and his fairy companion. She took in their appearance, and they looked like normal humans and smelled like humans, mostly. Xaera mentally chastised herself for not smelling the fairy before she closed in. She knew that a fairy wouldn’t put herself in harm’s way like that.
“I’m glad to see that you haven’t gone feral like I feared. There are precious few of Gaia’s creatures awake in the world these days,” Mina commented.
“And fewer Druids, like yours,” Xaera stated, agreeing with the fairy woman.
“My name is Jason, by the way. Feel free to call me by it if you like,” Jason told Xaera.
Her jaw dropped open, being addressed by the Druid so openly! She blushed, mumbling a thank you for that invitation to speak to him as such! Xaera also felt a little warm under the rags she wore, as the Druid’s presence was having an unintended effect on her.
“I caught a bit of an accent there in your words. Where are you from?” Phalmina asked, ever the inquisitive one.
Xaera opened her mouth to answer but was cut off by a deep rumbling that sounded from her. The troll woman looked away from the couple, her skin flushing from a bright blue to a deep cobalt. Jason looked around, Gaian power flaring in his hands.
“Are there other trolls nearby?” Jason asked warily.
“No, it’s just me here,” Xaera whispered, still hiding her face.
“Jason, put that away! That growl was her stomach!” Mina said to him, exasperated.
“That was her stomach??”
“Doesn’t your stomach growl when it hasn’t been fed properly?” the copper-haired woman asked him.
“Yeah, but not that loud!” Jason admitted.
“You poor baby! When was the last time you had a decent meal?” Mina asked, walking up to Xaera, soothing her.
“It’s been ... years. I have had to make do with what I can find ... which isn’t much ... right now. The berry bushes are ... gone. I survive mostly on ... garbage,” Xaera said, shamefaced.
“That’s something that needs to be fixed! Jason, we need to get this woman some food, now!” Mina told him.
“If that sound is anything to go by, she needs something substantial! What do trolls eat?” Jason asked.
“Meat mostly. Raw is what Trolls eat, but I like mine ... cooked, but ... not too much,” she replied. “I also like ... fruit and vegetables ... more than most trolls.”
“Hmm. Sounds like some burgers and fries could be in order. Mina, do you think you could find your way back to my apartment while I get the food?” Jason requested.
“Hah! That’s easy!” she said while giving the man the ‘Do I look like an idiot?’ glare. “Your apartment was the first place I looked when I came down to find you. That was before I came down to where you worked.”
“All right, then. Could you take Xaera back there and wait for me there? Shouldn’t take over thirty minutes to get the food and be back there,” he told her.
“Sure! Would you mind grabbing me a side of onion rings while you’re at it?” she asked with a cute pout.
“No worries. How will you and Xaera get there without being spotted though? You can blend in, but a blue-skinned woman like Xaera? She’ll stand out,” he asked.
In response, Mina waved her hands, calling up the green energies of Gaia. She then directed them at Xaera, who immediately shrank in size. The troll woman squeaked in surprise at this and continued to shrink until she was about an inch tall. Mina then replicated the motions and cloaked the energy over herself, and she shrank. Mina kept going until she was maybe two inches tall, standing over Xaera.
“This is how!” she said in a singsong voice while giggling.
Jason chuckled and promised to bring the food while it was still hot. He walked out of the secluded spot and out of the park as Phalmina picked up Xaera and carried her while she flew. Jason saw the streak that was the Gaian women and laughed to himself as he picked up the pace. He drew from his Gaian powers, granting him enhanced speed and endurance, so he could get home faster than any bus could manage.
Elizabeth and Eva came apart, both women sweaty and disheveled from their lesbian fuck session. The two of them just finished a second round of groundbreaking sex and were good to go for a third round soon. They had been celebrating Eva’s new job as a florist’s assistant. It wasn’t much, but it was a start as it was something and something was better than nothing.
Both women lay there, breathing heavily with exertion as they let their bodies calm down. Eva’s smile was so radiant, that it almost looked to be a permanent fixture on her face. She then grunted and groaned as she sat up. She leaned over and planted a kiss on Elizabeth’s cheek before crawling out of bed.
Elizabeth just lay there as Eva left the room, enjoying the post-orgasmic bliss. She soon heard the water running and knew that Eva had gone to take herself a shower. She chuckled to herself, knowing that both she and Eva would be all sweaty again. She would have joined her right then, opting for a hot shower session, but Elizabeth’s stomach had other ideas.
Standing up, she took one of her robes from the hooks on the back of her door, before heading downstairs. As she descended, Elizabeth notice Amy sitting her armchair, with a book in her hand. Once she got closer, she noticed that it was of Eva’s romance novels and chuckled. She walked into the kitchen, taking some strawberries from the fridge, before washing and dumping them into a bowl.
She walked on out and saw that Amy hadn’t gotten up from the chair. Her eyes were firmly glued to the pages in front of her. Elizabeth drew near and noted that there were some other items on the coffee table. Namely, a mug full of steaming tea, a pair of books stacked atop of each other, and a few girlie toys.
“Good book?” Elizabeth asked, smirking.
“Yes, it is! I’d say it’s as good as the time you and my mom were having just a few minutes ago,” Amy said coyly. Elizabeth blushed hard, blood filling her face until she was as red as a tomato.
“You, uh ... heard all of that?”
“Your screaming was likely heard by the whole neighbourhood,” Amy snickered. “Hell, I’m half surprised we didn’t have people banging down the door, asking us to be quiet!”
“I do not scream!” Elizabeth retorted indignantly.
“Yeah, you did. Though I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just you doing the screaming. I’m sure that my mom joined you in that. More than once,” Amy said with a sweet smile.
“OK. Maybe I screamed a little,” Elizabeth mumbled while blushing again.
“Every second was clear as day and it’s given me a few ideas of things I want to try out,” Amy replied huskily.
“Oh ho! Please, do tell!” Elizabeth enthused. Amy went into detail about some ideas she had, voicing them out loud. Elizabeth had to admit that they all sounded good! If she was being honest with herself, she was getting a bit hot under the collar. As Amy went on, Elizabeth’s desire came back full bore and she knew that she’d be paying Eva a visit in the shower for sure!
“That’s all ... wow! But it sounds like we’d have to have a man involved in some of it,” Elizabeth stated.
“Of course! This whole idea is to literally fuck Jason stupid,” Amy said with a mischievous smile.
“Oh, I am so down for that! That man has worn us out every time so far! I think it’s time that we wear his ass out so he can barely stand, much less walk!” Elizabeth said, grinning.
“It’s not just him that will be worn out like this. You’re going to get such treatment too. In fact, you’re first!” Amy giggled. This admission had Elizabeth groan in lust as imagined all the fun and naughty things they’d do.
“Well, we’re going to have to stop by a few specific stores before we ambush the man. Get him worked into such a lustful frenzy that he will have no choice but to go bonkers on us!” Elizabeth enthused.
“What kinds of stores?”
“You’ll just have to wait and see,” Elizabeth said with a wink before heading upstairs, snacking on her strawberries. Amy really wanted to badger the woman about where they’d be going, but let it be. Elizabeth hadn’t disappointed thus far, and Amy trusted her on this.
Amy heard the door open and a feminine squeal sounded before it was abruptly cut off. The door closed just then, and Amy knew that Elizabeth had walked in on her mom showering. She shook her head and imagined the hot shower tryst that was happening right now.
She couldn’t help but wonder what it was like for Elizabeth, who was fucking both her and her mom. Her friend had a young and vital woman in Amy, but also had an older and ... MILF version of her in Eva. Forbidden thoughts wandered into Amy’s mind and she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like with her mom.
Though it was incest, technically, nothing would come of it, if it happened. Strangely enough, Amy found herself getting turned on by the idea and looked to the table next to her. Several toys were standing there, almost begging to be used and some of which looked appealing in that moment.
Amy put down her book, having already finished a very racy part in it, which left her warm and gooey. Thoughts of her mother added fuel to that already burning fire, stoking it into a blaze. Slowly, she peeled off the leggings she was wearing, letting them slide off her. Her thong went with it, and she could feel the heat steaming from her nethers.
She touched herself and found that she wasn’t only wet, but to the point where she was dripping! Casting aside all forms of caution and pretense, Amy reached for a large pink vibrator with a silicon skin over it and turned it on. She gently placed it over her puffy lips, the jolt of the vibrations sending her nerves into overdrive.
Though it was so very good, Amy knew that it would not be enough. With her free hand, she took a thicker vibrator, a meaty blue one and turned it to its lowest setting. With how slick her folds already were, the toy parted them and entered her honey pot without issue. She let her thoughts run rampant as they sent her careening down the path to total bliss and Amy knew that it would be a long night.
Across the city, in an upper crust neighbourhood decorated with lavish mansions, Amy’s father and brother pulled up to the most lavish one on the block. The gate’s intercom buzzed, asking who the men were, and why they were there. Wayne spoke as it was his place to do so.
“Two Sons have arrived. We are here to speak of the past and ascertain the future,” Wayne said authoritatively.
The gate buzzed once again, unlocking and opening, giving the men passage through. Wayne drove the car up the driveway, stopping at the front door. He stepped out, then handed the keys to a man who waited there, and who was dressed like a servant. He meekly took them and walked to the driver’s side, while another such man opened Darren’s door for him.
Darren stepped out, smiling as he felt that he was being treated as he was due. He stepped up next to his father, and they walked in the front door together. Another servant waited for them there, taking their coats before bustling off with them. Both men ascended a lavish marble staircase, to a landing where several other men waited.
Darren noted several of his friends there and went to speak with them before they were called in. Wayne did likewise and started a few conversations with men he knew from the church. They had spoken for maybe five minutes before another man, this one dressed much like they were, opened a large ornate door where they all waited.
“The Pope has convened the meeting and you are all instructed to attend,” the man told them all solemnly.
As one, the men and boys nodded and entered the door, walking past the man as he held the door open. The room they walked into looked like a medieval boardroom, with a large ornate table and chairs that matched it. Tapestries and relics from ages past decorated the room, making it feel as though they had stepped back in time. Every man and their son took chairs next to each other and stood next to them, waiting.
Once every man was present, the man who held open the door for them walked back into the room and headed for a door opposite the first. He opened it and walked through the portal, before emerging a few minutes later. Only when he came back, he was helping an elderly man with walking into the room and to the table.
The man looked to be old, almost impossibly old, but no one truly knew for sure. He had been the leader and Pope of their order for some time. Despite his decrepit body, his eyes shone with the intelligence and curiosity of a young man. Leaning on an old and gnarled cane as he walked, he came to the head of the table and was seated. The moment he was in his chair, one by one, everyone else sat down, as their rank denoted.
“I am glad to see that everyone has come to this meeting of the Council of Elders. Welcome, Sons of Caesar. May the wisdom of Caesar never fail!” he intoned.
“May the wisdom of Caesar never fail,” the men repeated after him.
“Before we get to business, I must say I am saddened to see that there are so few of us left. Have you all not tried to recruit more into our order?” the old man asked.
“We have made efforts, my Pope, but with the way the world is turning with women becoming empowered as they are, it is proving more difficult each year,” Wayne told him.
“It’s a pity that we couldn’t get to those overseas who are a part of ISIS. Their views would make them excellent candidates to join our order, your Holiness,” Paul, Chad’s father, replied.
“They would be, if it weren’t for the fact that they are so horribly addicted to their holy scriptures. The truth would either crush them or set them against us and we have too many enemies as it is,” Wayne told him.
“Granted, but we need to look into alternatives for our order, or risk it becoming defunct here,” Paul stated.
“That is something that I will not allow to happen. Cleric Paul, you will begin scouting those who share our ideologies, but do not approach them yet. I want full comprehensive backgrounds on anyone you think might be a viable candidate,” the Pope told him.
“Holiness, I mean no disrespect, but are we to invite unbelievers to this table then?” Bruce, another Cleric, asked.
“Desperate times call for desperate measures. Besides, once they witness the raw power that we wield, they will understand and become believers themselves,” the Pope told him. This answer seemed to pacify the man, and he sat there, contemplating the idea of it.
“Now, to the matter at hand. High Cleric Wayne, I believe that you have some trouble in your own home?” the Pope asked.
“Yes, Holiness. My wife, Eva, and my daughter, Amelia, have left my home. I have tried tracking them, but to no avail. Everything that we had on their electronics was circumvented and they are currently lost,” Wayne reported. This admission was met with a series of shocked looks and disbelieving outcries.
“How is this possible?” Bruce asked.
“Are you not able to track them through the Link?” Paul asked.
“I have tried to do this and even attempted to Compel my wife to return home. But my link to her is ... weakened to the point of ... fracture,” Wayne elaborated.
“That’s impossible! How could a Link become fractured?” Paul worried.
“Through an intense connection to someone else, or with powerful magic. Those are the only two ways known,” the Pope declared confidently, but even his voice was tinged with worry.
“I am working on locating them and restoring our Link, though it might require the ritual once again,” Wayne stated.
“You were warned that the woman was powerful and keeping her under control was your duty!” the Pope berated.
“It was and is, but I fear she may have had help in breaking the Link,” Wayne replied.
“How so?”
“Chad?” Wayne asked, and the boy stood up.
“As you all know, the High Cleric and now the Pope, have given their blessing to marry Amelia to me. Like her mother, she has a power which can be tapped into, but it must be done carefully. I had heard through the mundane members of the church that she was off camping with some friends,” the boy stated. There were some mumblings among the men, but Chad kept going.
“Among these friends of hers, were a couple who used to believe as we did, so I thought it harmless. But, as was my right, I went to collect her at the end of the long weekend but was led astray by someone. He called himself ‘Frank’ but I know his true name as Jason Bjornsson,” Chad said as he described the man.
“Jason Bjornsson ... that name sounds familiar,” Wayne mused.
“I haven’t done a full dive into his background just yet, but I will learn more about this man. I know where he lives and where he works, so if we monitor him, we may find out where Eva and Amelia have gone,” Chad stated.
“You think we should question him?” Paul asked, an evil glint in his eye.
“We could try, but from what I’ve seen and learned of this man, even you would have a hard time breaking him, father,” Chad replied. “Besides, if he was the one, or one of the ones helping her, he may yet lead us to her, without the need for alerting him.”
“Excellent work, young man! I approve of your initiative and grant you leave to conduct a Watch of this man. Take the other young men here with you, discuss and form a plan. The Elders and I have other business that we must speak of,” the Pope told him. The other young men of the group, sons of the Elders, all got up to leave and plan, but Darren lingered.
“Father? What of what you told me?” the young man asked.
“Worry not son, it will be discussed. Right now, you have more important things to worry about. Go with Chad and help as best you can. Your efforts will determine who is chosen for you,” Wayne told him gently.
“Yes, father. Thank you!” Darren said enthusiastically before leaving with the other young men. Once they were gone, the door to the room was locked, and the Elders proceeded with their business.
“You are certain that your son bears a power like your wife’s?” the Pope asked.
“Yes, your Holiness. It is manifesting, and it soon must be contained, before he discovers its true nature,” Wayne stated.
“To think that a man of our order finally wields such power. Your bloodline is truly blessed, Wayne Marston,” Paul said, bowing his head respectfully.
“Be that as it may, we must select a suitable woman as that boy’s wife. Before his power grows beyond our methods to contain,” the Pope rattled.
“I agree, Holiness. But the biggest issue is, which woman among the church would be suitable and which one believes as we do?” Wayne wondered.
“Bruce, you have the list?” the Pope asked.
“I do, Holiness. There are at least ten who would be suitable candidates, but a bloodline check must be done, before we select the one who can contain the boy,” Bruce stated.
Wayne listened as Bruce listed the women in question, and he smiled slightly. Most of the women on the list were those that Darren despised. But there were a couple who he was sure that Darren wouldn’t mind. As long as their blood was strong enough, he was sure that his son wouldn’t complain too much. Though it galled him a bit to match his son like this, this was their way and their way had to be adhered to.
Jason made it home in record time, taking less traveled routes to his apartment, so he wasn’t seen. It would have normally taken him twenty plus minutes to make it up the hill. But his Gaian enhanced body gave him the strength and stamina to cut that time in half, easily! He slowed down as he walked up to his apartment, not wanting any curious onlookers or busybodies spying on him.
He walked into his apartment building after digging his keys out of his pocket and ran up the stairs. He walked inside the apartment and heard the shower running. He smiled to himself, thinking Phalmina and Xaera were likely getting cleaned up. Considering the appearance of both women, he figured a shower was in order for the both of them.
He left the food on the kitchen counter and walked to the fridge, rummaging around for some fruit. He finally found the blackberries he bought and was washing them when the bathroom door opened. Jason heard both women yammering and called out to them.
“I’m in the kitchen. I hope you ladies are hungry, because I splurged and grabbed some Vatican burgers,” he called out.
“Thank you, Jason! I love how you think about others first!” Phalmina said behind him. He turned around and was greeted by the sight of Mina and Xaera in towels, as their hair was mostly dried. Phalmina cleaned up real nice, as her skin practically glowing and her hair shone like spun copper. Xaera however was, for lack of a better word, exotic.
She stood a little taller than Jason, at around six-foot-two, with Caribbean blue skin that glowed like Mina’s. Her physique was like that of a crossfitter, but soft enough to look feminine, especially with her assets! Her rack was considerable, easily bigger than Phalmina’s and her hips were so round, it would have made JLo seethe with envy!
Her hair was red, but not ginger red like a human’s, but a deep, heart blood red. She possessed green eyes that glowed with an inner light and features typical of a beautiful Nordic woman. A pair of small tusks jutted up from her bottom lip, which Jason found cute and endearing. The most surprising thing he saw on Xaera was that she had four digits on her hands and feet, rather than five.
“Jason, hello?” Mina called, getting his attention.
“I’m sorry, but when two beautiful women are standing in my kitchen wearing nothing but a towel, I might get a little tongue tied,” he responded. Phalmina giggled at this while Xaera blushed, her face turning a cobalt blue.
“I was always told that I was ugly,” Xaera mumbled.
“You are the complete opposite of ugly! You are both beautiful and exotic! Hell, I can tell you guys would be lining up to date you if they knew about you!” Jason told her earnestly.
He watched Xaera’s face go from a bright cobalt to a deep navy, as she blushed even harder than before. She murmured a quick thank you before her nose started twitching, sniffing out the burgers. Her nose led her to the paper-wrapped burgers, and she looked at them in question.
Seeing as how Xaera likely had little experience with the human world as it was today, Jason helped her out. He demonstrated how the paper wrapping could be peeled back, revealing the burger underneath. She sniffed at it some more; the scent sending her senses into overdrive. Then, she took an experimental bite of the burger as Jason handed Mina her onion rings.
The look on her face was priceless, as though the troll woman had just discovered the most delicious food possible! The next bite she took consumed one third of the burger and she chewed quickly. Before Jason knew it, Xaera had demolished the whole burger and was using her finger to pick up any crumbs left behind.
“Is there anymore?” Xaera asked with a cute pout. Her stomach rumbled in agreement, evidently not satiated yet. Chuckling, Jason pulled out two additional burgers and a side of French fries, placing them on the counter. He walked over to the fridge and retrieved a bottle of ketchup for the fries, while Xaera started into her second burger.
“Take it easy there Xaera! Enjoy the food in front of you! It’s not going anywhere, so take your time!” Jason chided.
Xaera halted mid bite and nodded slowly, seeing the logic and sense behind it. She then took a much smaller bit of her burger, while Jason also grabbed a few ginger ales out of the fridge and placed them on the counter. He opened all three of them and pushed one to each woman.
“This is a drink?” Mina wondered.
“Yup. A fairly popular one, too. Don’t drink it all at once though,” Jason warned as he sipped on his.
The ladies did as he suggested and sipped their drinks. Though, upon tasting them, the ladies drank more than a sip. Half their cans were gone before they backed off and they felt weird. Seconds later, both of them let out large belches, feeling immediately better. Phalmina and Xaera flushed in embarrassment as they realized what they just did.
“Told you that you shouldn’t have done that,” Jason snickered.
“Oh, shush you,” Phalmina admonished him while she took a bite of an onion ring. Xaera giggled as she finished her second burger and went into her third.
“Who thought to toast bread, with cheese between them and put it atop of this ... burger?” Xaera wondered.
“It’s a fairly new thing. Why?”
“Whoever created these ... is a genius!” Xaera mumbled with a mouth full of food.
“Don’t forget the fries and ketchup. They always pair well with a burger,” Jason chuckled.
“I will! There is so much to enjoy! The taste, the spices, the textures ... mmmmm!” Xaera enthused as she ate.
“I never thought I’d ever see a troll enjoy a burger as much as humans do,” Phalmina commented as she finished her onion rings.
“I’m not a full blood troll. I’m half troll, half human,” Xaera said out loud.
“Aha! That explains a lot!” Phalmina exclaimed.
“What does it explain?” Jason asked.
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John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...
Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...
“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...
At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...
Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...
Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...
More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....
War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...
The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...
A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...
An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...
Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...
A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...
Hi Everybody, I just love being ass fucked in public places, cum drooling from my asshole, and the look on peoples faces as the man pulls his cock out of me still blowing his sperm all over me, or coming on my face just before we walk through a crowd licking it off my face as we go. One of my favorites was while enjoying an adult movie I had my boyfriend fuck me deep and hard for everybody to see and here, after taking his load into my ass, I stood in the isle way with cum dripping from my...
VoyeurWell I have just witnessed him fuck her fast and hard before I showed her what I liked to do. Thank god I was able to get some time licking and sucking on her pussy before he shot his cum inside her and left to go fuck his girlfriend. I was starting to wonder which girl was going to take my load and when. Looking at Angelia with the cum stains on her shirt and how she looked tired.And how Lori was just laying there letting me fuck her mouth I just asked “who wants my cum “? I pulled my...
This story happened when I was about 30. I had a on-line guy I chatted with for years. We met on the web site, (which no longer exists). Well it does but it is nothing like it used to be. Anyhow, we would chat and write each other all the time. Occasionally he would come up with sexual tasks for me. And like I told you , I was out of control back then and thought some of the things he came up with were so fucking hot. I would dream about how it might go down and it always turned...
“Wait,” Cindi said, her hands holding up in an unconscious emulation of the guy from the alien channel talking about aliens. Like, you know, the image used on all those memes that came right after first contact where they replaced ‘aliens’ with ‘dragons.’ “Why the heck aren’t we going to his parents?” She thrust her finger at me, which made me wave at her excitedly. “That is a good question,” Princess Kira said, looking at me. “Oh! They’re busy,” I said, nodding sagely. “Mom and Dad are in...
Candy bent her waist laughing. "Oh my God," she said. "How much does he make?" "About three-quarters of a million," Lauren said, pulling her sweater down her head. "Oh my God," Candy said, wiggling her dance pants down her legs. "Why didn't you take it? Eighty is totally out of the reach, isn't it?" "Two reasons," Lauren said, as she also pulled her dance pants down. "What are they?" Candy said, holding her jeans in her hands. "First," Lauren said. "What if he makes...
After breakfast, Erin, Lynn and Blossom took the girls into the family room and gathered them around. “Ok, we are going to read this morning. Each of the moms is going to read a different book, so figure out what books you want us to read then we will break up into groups and we will read the books to you and our babies. Now go!” As soon as Blossom said ‘Go’ the girls took off for their book shelf and after some chatter they returned with three books. “Nice! Now which mom is going to read...
We got to the car from the frat house. It must have been past midnight, as it was quite cold out. Master fastened us back into the car as before, Kate with her clit ring fastened to the handle on the glove compartment, my cock fastened to the seat in front of me. But this time, he also fastened our nipple rings to each other, with her in the front seat, and me in back, and both of us fastened in. "Hope you're both comfortable", Master said sarcastically. He then got in, and we started back...
If you’ve read ‘We were spanked for dares in the garden’ you’ll know that I’m Angie, just 18 and my friend Mike is a couple of months younger than me, he’s tall and very fit. I’d been gossiping with two of my friends and I ended up telling them what happened the last time I’d been with Mike, and how two neighbours had spanked us; and used a springy ruler on his cock. I was now about to phone Mike to see if he was up for what they suggested. Mike answered the phone; that saved any awkward...
Spankinghi sweethearts this is raghav from hyd reply comment at … iam a big fan of iss since the website has been establised iss has shared many moment of lonelyness turning it to hot. about me iam a simple guy with lot of simplycity and knowledge abt market statergy and fund management.with 30 yrs around 65kg weight,5.10″height,weatish skin and people do say tht i have a very masquline voice while my body shaped like a college going student. this is about a shetal of 23yrs wheatish tone around5.6″...
FRIDAY MARCH-11 No bowling and no Foxtel commitments meant an opportunity to put in an appearance at the Friday night party. Well it was an orgy really. Oh there was beer, slightly harder drinks, soft drinks and some food and music and dancing, but in reality we were there for the sex. Not that the sex was simply slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am fucking, not at one of our parties. No, it was the whole beautiful thing. First there was the undressing of your partner, or partners fully or partially....
May 23, 1983 The St. James prom was drawing closer, a scant four days from now. We were practicing every day now, and at this point, we just knew that we'd be in peak form when the moment arrived. For the one current St. James student among us, as well as two out of the three alumni, the special nature of this opportunity could not be overstated. The nearer the occasion drew, the more excited we became. Of course, that was in spite of the personal issues we were dealing with at the same...
True story from about 3 years ago. Life had been busy it had been awhile since a man used by mouth or boi pussy for his pleasure. I still had been wearing panties almost daily and shaving my basically everything from my little balls up to my chest. I had acquired a few sexy tops and quite a few sexy panties and stockings and still loved putting them on and playing with my hole.It was a nice summer afternoon and I didn’t really have anything to do. I had just taken a shower and shaved myself and...
It was the late 60’s, I was just sixteen, a teenager and sexually innocent. I had just discovered the joys of masturbation. I couldn’t leave my cock alone. I was wanking at least once a day, but felt the need to share my discovery. One night, I visited mybest mate at his home. His parents were out so we had the house to ourselves. The conversation quickly turned to wanking. He was as enthusiastic as me, and we agreed to get our cocks out. I had not seen another cock, so I was keen to check it...
Hello doston ,mene kuch time phele hi is site ki stories panda shuru kiya or mein keh nahin sakta ismein kitni kahaniya sacchi or kitni dimag ki upaj par aaj mein aap logo ko apni kahani sunaney jaa raha hoon. Mera naam amit hair aur meri umar 36 saal hai meri wife ka naam anita hai uski umar 34 saal hai hamari shaddi 14 saal phele ho chuki hai aur humarey 2 bacchein hai bada ladka 12 saal aur choti beti 7 saal ki hai ,humari jindagi aur sex life aaj se 3 saal phele tak waisey hi chal rahi thi...
My first time for anal sex, Well it was back when I was in matric. I decide to bunk school for the day and go to my boyfriends house.So once my mom dropped me off at the school's main gate it wasn't long afterwards that my boyfriend arrived and I hopped into his car.We first quickly went to the garage to get a few snacks for the day and then headed off to his apartment.During the short 10 minute drive to his apartment I started teasing him by placing my hand on his lap and rubbing up and down...
Another shitty day and another shitty job. I hate doing laundry, and this time was not going to be any exception, or so I thought. I had already separated everything out and started my washers when she walked in. Carrying a large bag and fighting the door. I jumped up to help her and was given a very angry look and she snapped, "I can take care of myself, I don't remember asking for your help." "Sorry I just..." "Well don't, I don't need you or anything with a dick," She bit again. I was a bit...
Quickie SexI leaned against the bar watching the action out on the dance floor and couldn't help licking my lips. God bless summer! Everywhere my eyes wandered, I spotted exactly what Doug and I had come here to find: plenty of hot young things. Even better, the first heat wave of the season had caused inspired the club had to open up its beachfront a week early. We'd caught wind of the opening last night ago, and after our usual Saturday-night dinner date, we'd taken a ride to the under 21 club and spent...
It was late when I awoke alone in the huge emperor sized bed and followed my nose down to the kitchen where mum was taking some croissants from the oven. She wore one of my shirts, far too big for her and I thought how small and vulnerable she was, how utterly fucking gorgeous too! She giggled as I wrapped my arms around her and cupped her breasts through the shirt. "Breakfast, you horny boy" and she squealed as I lifted her up onto the worktop. "The coffee will get cold" she...
Everyone has their good days and their bad days and on a sunny day in mid-May Harry O’Hern experienced both kinds of days big-time, making it an unforgettable day. On that day Harry was promoted to the top editorial job at the newspaper The Sentinel, against all odds, really making Harry’s day. Later that afternoon Harry lay dazed and bruised in his company car, splattered with the blood of his fiancée beside him. Some would say Harry killed Teresa, his golden haired darling as a result of...
The next day was Saturday, so after cross country practice I drove to the mall to pick up my special order at the jewelry store. I had already ordered a collar for Kitten that had a latch to place a leash and had a pendant on it that had been engraved. It read, ‘Property of Mark Friend.’ I wanted Kitten’s parents to see it tonight when I go to ask their permission to collar their daughter.I arrived at Kitten’s house and saw her car was not there. I was glad she was going to be gone just in case...
IncestI received a very interesting request one day via private message. A woman who had been reading my stories and viewing my favorites here wanted to chat. I may be old and crazy but I am not dead, so the easy answer was, “Of course I would!”. We found a mutually acceptable time. We spoke at length on many topics before she got around to her true desire for conversation.She said she lived very close to me. She was very much interested in talking in person. It was important for her if I would be...
I was always keen on one of s*s's friends, in fact her very best friend. They did everything together. The were either shopping or gossiping about the guys they had a crush on. s*s and her friend both stood about 5'6" roughly 110 lbs each and had dark hair, beautiful skin and the nicest bodies. They were the hottest girls in the neighborhood. Anyone would expect each of them to be stuck up, self absorbed girls yet they were both really down to earth. I heard them refered to as old souls, they...
“Is he gone? Are you well again?” Shani’s words cut into my soul. I frowned. I walked past her. “Call Vanessa, that idiot cut my hand.” I had to see Mel. I had to see Dad. I trusted Olivia. I’d get advice from her and work my way to Amanda. “Of course!” Shani jumped and ran to a tablet mounted on a nearby wall. It wasn’t Frankie who answered but I didn’t care. There were big doors ahead and I was near certain that was sunlight coming through their circular windows. I walked like I knew...
They had never met but they knew each other intimately over the internet and they had been building up for this first meeting ever since Jasmine had been woken from her sweet innocent self by the encounter on the train. Only Jasmine knew though. Her 2 sisters and their friend Shanti had no idea what was running through Jamines mind. After they had entered Jasmine’s fears were answered. There were only a few people in the restaurant and none of them bore the slightest resemblance to the...
Seth Gamble who’s never fucked in real life, slips into a day dream about fucking, and has a wild massage fantasy about losing his virginity to the pin-up girl Daisy Monroe whose photo he was just caught jerking his cock to. When his fantasy girl materializes in the shower and gives his cock a blow job, it feels so real! The fantasy massage escalates quickly to fucking. She wiggles and writhes on top of him during the massage, until his cock slips into her pussy. He fucks her with his...
xmoviesforyouThey met at a motel just off the A14 north of Cambridge. Peter and Jan had opted for natural insemination. It was no problem for Jan. She knew her husband would have to insert his penis into the body of another woman but she knew her man. To him it would be no more significant than planting seeds in his neighbour’s garden. She also knew he was doing it for her. It was she who yearned, at 56, for the child she could never conceive. He arrived in good time, parking his car and checking into a...
It was a long day for me, 8 hours of teaching and I barely had time for a coffee break, I was physically exhausted, had it been a week of no small expenditure, t'was friday though, so my thoughts were a bit less existent. I had been teaching my last class of Economics earlier on in the day, and in 10 minutes or so, 4 or 5 students were bound to show up for scheduled after-hours review on a month's worth of studies, I had established this a while back as it seemed to help the circle of...
My grade school crush and I had been talking/ flirting on Facebook. She had said she was moving back to Illinois from Florida to help take care of her aging grandmother. I was staying with my folks helping Dad take care of things around the house and cooking, anything to help out while he took care of my ailing Mom. So we had the caregiver thing in common. I was divorced had no k**s, she was a widow with two grown k**s that both lived in another state. She moved back and we started talking on...
From the time I got married till now, sex with my wife has never peaked to the level that I imagined. My wife never came around to real letting loose and enjoying sex, I have drifted and found other women who have completely enjoyed sex – but, those times have past. I know many of you reading this are in the same situation, spending you time alone watching porn, going on chat rooms, anything to get off. I have always enjoyed watching women giving blow jobs, especially when they are enjoyed what...
After a short debriefing back at the spaceport, they were dismissed, Jaeger and Baker returning to Maza’s domed house on one of the mag-lev trains. Several of the probes had been destroyed, but a few had been recovered, and as had been expected they were packed with transmitters and sensory equipment. They were spies, sent to assess the defenses on the ground. You didn’t have to be a master strategist to guess that it was the precursor to a full-on invasion. The Bugs had moved up their...
Mere ghar meh 6 log hai meh rohit, deepa sister 19 years govind brother 20 years, lata sister 18 years, raja dad 40 mom girja 36 ye story us watq ki hai jab me 18 saal ka hua tha…. Hamare ghar me sabhi khule vichar rakhee thy aur gaaliya jaise common hi thi…. Me college jata tha meri behane deepa aur lata ghar par hi rehti wo school chod kar ghar me mom ka haat batati,govind bhi papa ke saat kaam par chala jata… Meri behne mom se khoob ghoul mil kar rahti kuch zada hi…..Yuhi life chal rahi thi...
While carrying out Somnolence Meditation, Zax reached to the conclusion that he definitely made the right choice. Entering the state of Somnolence Meditation during the process of adaptation to the savagery was similar to when Zax dismantled the icy grains of the Inner Spirit formation and merged them with his soul. The difference was in the fact that the savagery already appeared in the form of energy, so there was nothing to dismantle, and also in the complexity and cohesion of the doses of...
Day C Dear Pink Diva Today and yesterday were epic so I thought the best way to reflect that right away was by using Roman numerals instead of Arabic in the heading for this entry. Pete Rozelle used this trick to convey that message about the Super Bowl. When I look back on my journey, I want this entry to pop out at me right away. I woke up early yesterday and could not get back to sleep. I was too nervous and excited about meeting with Karen to. I know it was a therapy session,...
Introduction: A thriple bday treat from 3 of my friends So it was the night before my bday and I was hosting a dinner party at my place for few of my friends[15 friends]. I was single at that point officially, but I was secretly having an relationship with my friend kevin. Our relationship was kind of complicated. But none of our other friends knew, as kevin had a gf. And there was these other 2 friends Nick and Paul who were also coming for dinner that night. I used to have occasional affairs...
Some time had passed since the events at the community theater. (Read the Tale of Mrs. Teresa Scalia) Summer had arrived and the weather had warmed. Both Barbara Anderson's and Terri Scalia's sons were on the town's Little League team. Both mothers attended the games, but kept a diplomatic distance from each other. On the surface, things appeared to be calm. In fact, the comment in town was the best thing for Terri's disposition was her having been disrobed in public. Terri, however, was...
Chapter 4 66 is the retirement age in the Netherlands, for men and women. They want now to increase it to 67. That means, that even officially, Eileen, at 67, is now a senior citizen, in other words, she is old. But can you tell her age? Yes and no. If you look carefully for age signs, you will find them. There are wrinkles everywhere: Her eyes are adorned with fine wrinkles, not deep, yet not shallow either. On the other hand, her eyes are still sparkling and there are no bags under them. Her...
In Zoe’s office Melody said, “Chenshiq, while we’ve been chatting several things have occurred. Based on your comment about being scheduled to return to the construction site today Clarence contacted the Construction Superintendent. He asked for you to be assigned to us for a few days at our expense. The Superintendent was initially reluctant but after discussing our need agreed, provided you were willing.” “Oh, my. I am not sure how my coworkers will react on learning that.” “Why?” “Well...
Melanie 4:02pm, November 5th, 2006 9:02am November 6th, 2006 (local time) I wonder if my boyfriend is still... To find out, I stuck my head through the hatch to the bridge. Yep. He still is. This is ridiculous. He needs sleep like the rest of us. Kevin turned. He saw my face and paled a little. Excellent. The only time men obey women without question is when they are aroused... aroused or scared. "Kevin! Why the hell are you not in bed?" "I'm not tired." his yawn betrayed...
Jennifer Randolph is lying on her bed, enjoying a second glass of Chardonnay, when she hears the unmistakable sound of fucking from next door. Early that evening, she saw her new neighbor, a handsome black man, enter the lobby of their condo complex with a beautiful white woman. She had dark hair and wore tight green shorts that exposed her long legs. Jennifer watched them with a curiosity and envy as they waited for the elevator to arrive. Something about black men, particularly muscular black...