Gaia's ChampionChapter 8 free porn video

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Jason woke to the sunlight streaming through his apartment window and blinked against the bright light. He smiled, knowing that today was going to be a good day! Having found out Brad’s secret and exposing him, had dusted the bastard in a way that he would never recover! He still shivered at the thought of what both he and his dad had gotten away with for all those years.

He also felt a pang of sympathy for Luke, who had found out the real reason behind the breakup with his high school sweetheart. The poor guy must have been going through a brand new form of hell, now that he knew why she’d left. Jason sighed and hoped that Luke old wounds could now heal, with the son of a bitch now on his way to becoming Bubba’s little bitch.

Jason couldn’t help but snicker at that last thought, thinking it was fitting that Brad finally wound up behind bars. How he’d eluded everyone and fooled them into thinking he was the golden boy, Jason would never know. At least he was now going to a place he belonged, where he would quickly find himself at the bottom of the food chain. One thing Jason did know about prisons, was that such places either hardened you, or they broke you.

Shaking away the grim thoughts, he stood up and walked over to his bathroom, setting himself up for a shower. The hour was early, but Jason was fine with it, as he wanted to go and see Joe and Henry earlier than usual today. He had a feeling that they would want to talk to him before the workday started, so he made his shower a quick one.

After toweling off and moving along to his work attire, Jason walked out of his apartment, thinking he’d buy his breakfast and lunch today. He sprinted to the nearest Timmies and picked up a breakfast bagel, some Timbits and a coffee. Once he had his food, Jason raced to the nearest bus stop before sitting down to eat.

As he waited for the early bus to arrive, Jason noted that Latina he’d seen a few days ago. She had noticed him, and her eyes widened in excitement when she saw him. Unconsciously, she licked her lips and walked over to the stop to stand right next to him, inside the hutch. Reaching into his Gaian senses, Jason took in the feelings that the girl was going through and he almost choked on his food.

Taking a beat to clear his airway, Jason focused on the sensations he gleaned from the girl. She obviously found him attractive, turning to face him once or twice, like she wanted to say something. She hesitated and turned back, looking for the bus, but giving Jason smoldering looks out of the corner of her eyes.

Jason could sense that she hadn’t been laid in some time, but he could also tell that this woman had been hurt recently. He warred with indecision for a few moments before settling on talking to this girl. His Gaian senses also told him that this woman wasn’t very social and could use a friend. He smiled and broke the ice, speaking first.

“A nice turn of weather we’re having, isn’t it?” he asked her.

“It is actually. It almost reminds me of home some days,” she replied with a faint accent.

“Oh? Where is home for you?” he wondered.

“Zihuatanejo, Mexico,” she replied shyly.

“Really? I hear it’s beautiful there!” Jason stated, wondering what it was like there right now.

“It does have its charm, but there are days where being here are just as nice,” she stated. Jason would have asked further questions, but the bus arrived just then, ready to transport them to their jobs.

“Let’s chat some more on the way to work?” she asked. Jason smiled, and they both clambered aboard the gargantuan transport. The two of them started talking, each one learning more about the other. Jason could tell that this girl was really into him. Not just from his Gaian senses, but also from the way she was fawning over him. He could tell that she REALLY wanted to get to know him better, in every sense of the term.

“I really would like that, but I am kind of seeing someone at the moment,” he told her.

“Oh?” she said. “Are you close to this someone then?” she wondered, her guard going right up.

“In a sense, but I could tell that you were looking kind of lost and could use a friend to talk to. I know it sounds weird and I may sound like a bit of creeper, but that’s the truth of it. If you want slap me upside the head and call me all kinds of names, I get it,” he told her honestly. She then studied him, almost clinically, trying to determine if any lies had been told. Unlike other guys, the woman could sense that he was being truthful about all of this.

“This ... someone you are seeing, you don’t keep secrets from them?” she wondered, gauging his reaction.

“Nope. Honesty is a big factor in any relationship. If you can’t be honest, in any relationship, then what you have is one big lie,” he told her, sensing that she wasn’t as perturbed by his admission.

“Would I get to meet her?” she wondered; her curiosity piqued.

“If you wanted to. It’s entirely up to you. I wouldn’t expect you to answer me now, as that would be rude of me. We’ve just met, and I don’t even know your name,” he told her. That won him a small smile, and she replied to him.

“Rosa. My name is Rosa.”

“Rosa. A lovely name. My name is Jason. Jason Bjornsson,” he responded.

“Bjornsson? Like the son of Bjorn Ironside?” she giggled.

“That is how the legend of my last name goes, I suppose. My dad tried telling me about it when I was younger, but I never was good at listening to him as a kid,” Jason admitted with a chuckle. “Might have to ask him to tell me the story again.”

“Please do! It would be really cool to know that my new friend is a descendant of Bjorn Ironside!” she gushed.

“A big fan of Vikings, are you?”

“And a major history buff! You know that Bjorn Ironside was a real man and a king?” Rosa asked him.

“I had my suspicions, but never really did my research,” Jason admitted, thinking on the matter. Maybe his Viking heritage had something to with him being selected as a Druid? He’d have to talk with Mina further about this. They would have continued talking more, but Jason saw his stop approaching.

“I’m afraid this is where I have to get off,” he told Rosa.

“Well, we live in the same neighbourhood, so I guess I might see you around?” she asked.

“Very likely. Unless you want to exchange numbers?” he asked. Rosa nodded, and they traded phones, inputting each other’s numbers into the phones. Once they had them, she smiled and bid him a good day as he got off the bus. He could sense from her that the farewell was genuine and that she looked forward to seeing him again. Smiling, Jason headed away from the bus and down to the worksite.

He trotted along, happy to see that both Joe and Henry were here this early. He walked on up to their trailer and knocked, hoping that they’d answer him. Henry was the one who answered and was surprised, but happily so, to see him there.

“Jason! What brings you here this early?” Henry wondered.

“I saw what had happened all over the news and thought I should come by to check on how you guys were doing! Brad and his dad, doing sick shit? I mean, I knew that Brad was a piece of shit, but from what I saw all over the news, he took the term ‘depraved’ to a whole new level!” Jason told him, being careful about his choice of words. The agreement from Ms. Van DerBrandt was that Joe and Henry were to know nothing of his involvement, of which Jason could not have agreed more.

“You’re telling me! It’s good that you stopped by! We will need you today, badly! Come on inside and I’ll tell you what’s going on,” Henry implored him. Not one to argue with an employer who’d been good to him, Jason went with him. He took the seat offered by the man and faced Joe, who had a grim look on his face.

“We’re caught in a bit of a tough spot, Jason. Brad was the only other one running our crews, after we’d sent you on ... administrative leave. We just wanted to let you know that we had no choice but to send you home yesterday. But now, considering what Brad and his father, Dustin, has been involved in, we could not keep him employed here. We can only hope that this doesn’t blow back on us and none of the girls here were ever accosted by that...” Joe let the term hang in the air, at a loss for words.

“Go ahead and say it, Joe. I won’t tell anyone,” Jason promised.

“That boy was a serious and absolute piece of shit! He didn’t deserve the job he held, or the bonuses we gave him! He’s not even worthy of being called a human being!” Henry ranted.

“That is something we could not agree on more, brother,” Joe nodded. “Not only has he been let go, but it seems that most of his crew might have been in cahoots with him with that shit!”

“What do you mean?”

“It turns out, that more than half the crew under him, are persons of interest to the police. They told us they needed the names and address of everyone else under him and how to contact them. More than half of these guys called in, citing that they were sick, before we could ask more. Given how close Brad was with some of them, we can only assume the worst,” Joe told him.

“Damn! So, what will happen to the rest of those under him, who didn’t call in sick?” Jason wondered.

“They’re all being reassigned to your crew until we can make some new hires to replace our losses. Not sure if anyone will want to sign on with us, in light of this shit! I can only hope that we can keep on to the end of the year,” Joe lamented.

“I might be able to help with that. I know of a few guys who are looking for some extra work and could use the experience. Maybe I can make a few calls and see what they say?” Jason offered. He knew that Joe and Henry were good men and were put in a horrific position by Brad. If he could help them save their business, he would.

“If you could do that, that would be a blessing! Anything you could do to help us out would be greatly appreciated!” Henry told him.

“So, does that mean I’m off suspension?” Jason asked.

“You are off suspension immediately, and to receive a pay raise! If you can help us out with more people to sign on with us, that would more than justify you getting it!” Joe told him.

“All right then! There’s no point in calling them now, as they’re probably out job hunting or whatnot. I’ll call them at the end of the day and see if they’ll play ball,” Jason told his employers.

“Thank you, Jason! Let’s get some breakfast! On us! It’s the least we can do!” Joe offered. Not one to turn away the offer of free food, Jason left their office with them and they took their truck down to the Denny’s that was just around the corner. They walked in and were seated fairly quickly, as there were few people in the diner at that hour.

Jason ordered himself a Grand Slam breakfast, since he hadn’t eaten yet. He was also certain that he’d be busy today, so he’d need his strength. Joe and Henry also put their orders in before they got down to business.

“So, how many people from Brad’s crew are coming in from what you’ve guessed?” Jason wondered.

“Grand total, three. From what we have put together, these three were the only ones who weren’t part of Brad inner circle of friends,” Joe told him.

“Three?? That’s not a lot of people!” Jason griped.

“From what we’ve seen of how they work, you should find them amenable to you directing and leading them,” Henry responded.

“Well, let’s hope that they don’t mind hard work,” Jason stated.

Maybe a minute later, their food arrived, and the three men dug into their breakfasts. Though it was getting close to starting time, they all took the time to enjoy their food as they ate. As promised, Joe and Henry picked up the bill and left a generous tip for their waitress, before leaving to head back.

As they rolled on up to the job site, they saw that some of the crew had already started arriving. Jason’s crew was all there, looking bright eyed and bushy tailed. Except maybe Terry, as the burly Scotsman looked like he could have used a few more hours of shuteye. Jason was certain that his lack of sleep could be traced to both Wendy and Karen, who both looked more than chipper his morning.

“Ok, everyone gather around. We have some things that need to be discussed and I don’t want anyone missing anything,” Joe started, waving his arms to bring everyone in. Jason’s crew moved close, as had three other landscapers that Jason didn’t recognize. He assumed that they were the remnants of Brad’s crew. He quieted his thoughts as things began.

“All right everyone, we have some news about what’s going on today. From now on, until we say otherwise, everyone here will integrate into one crew, under Jason here,” Henry announced to the assembled landscapers. This news was greeted by a round of enthusiastic applause, as everyone there liked Jason.

“Because of what happened yesterday, a lot of the crew haven’t reported in. Because of the seriousness of the charges that are being laid against Brad, we can only assume that those who didn’t call in, were somehow involved,” their boss went on. This was met with shock, as some of the women there wore looks of disgust at this news.

“Due to the sudden shortage of workers, I’m afraid that everything that the second crew was responsible for, now falls to the rest of you. But don’t be too fussed about it, as I have faith that you will all manage the workload just fine,” Joe said hopefully.

“Challenge accepted,” Jason told them with a smile on his face. His whole crew looked up at him like he was nuts, but Jason never shirked from a challenge. They shrugged and thought if Jason would give it a go, then they should as well. He hadn’t let them down yet, and he wouldn’t.

“All right, Jason, Russ, Kade, Dani, stay put. Everyone else, get everything started up. We have a big day ahead of us,” Joe finished.

With that, Jason’s crew dispersed while Joe introduced him to his new crew members. There was Kade, short for Arkadiusz, who was a swarthy Ukrainian man with blond hair and green eyes. He stood at maybe five-foot-eight and his frame was larger than Jason’s, with a fair bit of muscle on him. Jason knew that this guy was a hard worker just by looking at him.

Then there was Russell, a lanky East Indian man, who stood at six-foot-three and had obviously adapted to a Canadian lifestyle. He had the dusky skin and black hair associated with most of his race, combined with a short beard and brown eyes. The look he had about him was one of both mischief and trustworthiness, which was an odd combination.

Then there was Danika, who was introduced as Russ’ second cousin. She was the same height as Kade, though much thinner, but solidly built. She looked like she was maybe one-hundred and seventy pounds, but most of it was muscle, as her physique was almost bodybuilder level. Despite her thick stature, she had curves that made her features all the more alluring.

She had high cheekbones, a slight beak of a nose, almond-shaped eyes that were dark brown. Her face was finished with an angular jaw and a sharp and pointed chin, framed by her ink black hair. Though her rack might have been implants, they were small, which didn’t stand out too much on her muscled body. Her hips though, were properly shaped and were perfectly round.

Jason had reached out to each one of them with his Gaian senses when speaking to them and could sense nothing wrong with them. He sensed no malevolence from any of them, and he smiled at this. He knew that they wouldn’t be a problem for him or his crew.

“Well, now that we’re acquainted, I’ll have you all know that I run a tight, but fair crew. There will be no lollygagging, and if there’s one thing I do, it’s lead by example,” he told the newcomers.

“That’s a relief. I welcome having a boss who pulls his weight just like the rest of us. Brad was one of those kinds who just delegated shit and stood there watching us work,” Russ told him, his tenor voice carrying no accent.

“Well, I’m not Brad. If you want proof of that, then gather your things and let’s get started. We have a lot of work do,” Jason told them.

“Let’s see what you got, bossman,” Danika’s dulcet tone carrying the weight of a challenge.

“Like I just told Joe and Henry, Challenge accepted.”

Luke arrived in his van not long after their shift started, arriving maybe a quarter hour before eight. He was early, but he liked to be early when showing up for an interview. It showed both discipline and initiative, which were qualities that most employers valued. He killed the engine and sat there for a minute, thinking over what had happened in the past twenty-four hours.

Old wounds that had long stayed closed were now open again. He finally learned why Dominique did what she did and after thinking on it a while, he knew that was why she ran away. It angered him that she couldn’t bring herself to tell him, but she always had a difficult time asking for help. Even though it had been years since he’d gotten over her leaving like that, it still hurt.

Luke thought about what might happen if he ever saw her again. But that wasn’t likely, as he’d done a full on grid search for her afterwards. He’d done successive searches for several years after, but they always came up empty. Wherever she was, she’d been smart about staying off the grid. A couple of years ago, he just gave up and moved on, not wanting to stick himself in the mire of the past.

Taking a deep breath, Luke took his keys in hand, got out of his van and walked up to the trailer. Smelling the fresh morning dew on the air gave the man a sense of peace. Putting away that piece of shit who had made his life hell in more ways than one, it was one hell of a good start.

Sure, Brad and Dustin would have to face due process, just like everyone else, but the evidence was stacked too high against them. There was no way they’d wriggle out of this. They were going away to dark and unfriendly place, each with their own three-hundred-pound fiancé named Bubba. He smiled vengefully as he knew that those men would be getting their just desserts.

Luke sighed, feeling that this day would be a good one, as he stepped up to the door and knocked. The door opened and he once again was face to face with Karla Dressler, who was surprised to see him there. Her surprise quickly gave way to a smile which lit up her beautiful face.

“Ah! Mr. Barton! Here early I see!” she stated happily.

“I always like to be early, no matter who I’m meeting. And please, Mr. Barton is my dad. Call me Luke, Ms. Dressler,” he told the woman.

“In that case ... Luke, you may call me Karla. Please, come inside!” she said, stepping aside, inviting him in.

Luke brushed past her, and he could feel his loins tighten. It had been a while since he’d been this close to a woman. Despite how he felt from earlier, Karla’s lush form was having an effect on him he did not expect. He could see that her ample chest was heaving slightly, and he smiled as he saw that she was just as affected as he was. Closing the door, she walked to him and asked him a question, which she had to repeat.

“Would you care for some coffee?” she asked him with a sweet smile.

“Yes please! I think my brain needs an extra jolt this morning,” he said, feigning tiredness. She nodded and walked over to where a large and expensive coffeemaker stood. Karla puttered around, making three coffees total: one for Luke, one for her and one for her aunt.

“How do you take your coffee?” she asked.

“Black, four sugars, please,” Luke replied, as he took his eyes off her sculpted ass to speak to her directly. He blushed as he knew he’d been caught looking, but Karla just smiled wider and went back to setting up their drinks. She finished them up and walked over, a coffee in each hand, setting Luke’s down in front of him.

Karla sipped her drink and wondered how she was going to break the ice with this man. Sure, he was a geek from his clothing and his demeanor, but something about him sparked her attraction to him. She couldn’t place it but knew that she was going to explore it. Karla looked back to where she had left Carlotta’s coffee and shook her head, wondering why her aunt liked it cool.

“Something wrong?” Luke asked.

“Just wondering how my aunt drinks her coffee when it’s only warm. Coffee was meant to be drunk when it’s piping hot, not this lukewarm nonsense that many people do here,” she groused.

“You don’t have to tell me that! I prefer my coffee hot enough to burn your tastebuds off! And strong too! None of the weaksauce shit that a lot of coffee shops pull!” he agreed. Karla couldn’t help but smile at this! A man who loved his coffee the same way she did? That was rare!

“I’m glad we see eye to eye on that!” she giggled.

“If you don’t mind me asking, Karla, what do you like to do for fun? You know, hobbies, pastimes, that sort of thing?” he wondered.

“Well, there are a few things that I like to do...” she began and started listing off several usual ones, which Luke had in common with her. They conversed back and forth, listing off favorite movies, foods, books and so on. Karla found this man both pleasant and engaging and wanted to get to know him better. But she knew that her aunt would be in soon.

“Luke, I don’t mean to cut you off, but my aunt will be here soon. She’s very much about staying on point concerning work and business. Can we continue this conversation later?” she asked him.

“Sure! When?” Lucas asked.

“Tonight? Over dinner?” she wondered tentatively.

“Hold up, are you asking me out?” Luke asked, floored that she was making the first move.

“You don’t like assertive women, Lucas?” she asked, her voice pure honey.

“I don’t like them. I love them!” he replied with a giant grin. Karla broke her composure for a moment and squeed in happiness. Moments later, they exchanged phones and dialed in each other’s numbers, testing them via text. They just handed their devices back to each other when Carlotta walked in. The older woman glanced at her niece with a knowing look, before asking a one word question.


“Right there, auntie. Made the way you like it,” she gestured before standing up, then seating herself behind her desk.

“Ah, Mr. Barton! I’m glad you are here so early! Please, step into my office,” she told him as she walked into it. Luke followed her in, and at her gesture, closed the door behind him. He sat down after she did and waited for her to begin.

“So, Mr. Barton, I have looked over your resume and while it’s good, I am more intrigued about how you were able to pull off your little gamble,” she told him.

“Honestly, Jason pulled me into it, promising revenge on Brad. That guy had made my life a living hell years ago and did something to someone I cared about,” Luke stated. Carlotta could tell that he was pained over the matter and let it drop. “But we knew that whatever was going on, he had to have had something to force your hand. That’s why we went digging.”

“You could have exposed everything, if they had safeguards in place. They showed that it was far more than anyone of your skill set could have managed,” Carlotta stated in an almost berating manner.

“If there’s one thing we knew about Brad, is that he was all talk, no walk. He liked to make it seem like he was holding aces, when all he had was fours. But even so, I took every precaution, just in case he’d changed his MO. He hadn’t, and it was easy for us to get in and out without them knowing,” he told her.

“He had no real safeguards in place?? How was it that he fooled me?” she wondered.

“That guy is good at using fear to get people to do what he wants. Unless you know more than he does and know him well enough to see that he’s lying through his teeth, he can fool nearly anyone,” Luke stated.

“More instances of personal experience?” she asked.

“You could say that.”

“Well then, let’s get down to business, shall we? Having had a look at your resume, and with what you have done for me yesterday, I would like to retain your services as an IT Consultant,” Carlotta began.

“I would require you to sign a contract with me for a period of no less than five years. Your pay would be considerable, starting at one-hundred thousand dollars a year to start. There would, of course, be bonuses and benefits that come with the position,” she stated.

“What kind of work would I be doing?” he asked, doing what he could to contain his glee.

“Mostly handling sensitive information and testing our systems against any form of attack. You would also be responsible for ensuring everyone’s private lives, staying private. There would also be other duties, most of which would be minor, but they come with the territory,” she continued.

“What kind of toys would I be playing with?” Luke wondered.

“Nothing but the best. You can only be at your best if you have the correct and best tools for the job. No expense would be spared in whatever it is you require,” Carlotta finished. “What say you, Mr. Barton?”

“I’m in,” he told her, doing everything he could maintain his cool. This was the job opportunity of a lifetime! On top of which, he would have a co-worker who could potentially be someone special in his life. Sure, it was just a date, but he and Karla clicked way too well for it to be just a fling!

“But I do have a few questions I would like to ask, if I may?” he queried.

“Of course!”

“Why me, when there are probably dozens of other people who have more accolades to their name, who you could employ?” he wondered.

“None of them, from what I have seen, possess your level of discretion. I would assume that Jason is also a discreet man?” Carlotta asked.

“I can vouch for that. If he’s someone you treat right, there is no one more loyal,” Luke replied. This answer made Carlotta smile, as truly loyal people were a rare find these days. She then switched gears, hitting Luke with a question that caught him off guard.

“So, what do you think of my niece? A beautiful woman, wouldn’t you say?” Carlotta fired at him.

“Um ... yes, she is,” Luke stuttered, going quiet.

“There is no need to be bashful or try to play like you have no interest in her. I saw the looks you two were giving each other when I walked in,” Carlotta chuckled.

“She is not only beautiful, but from what I can tell so far, a rare kind of woman that many men would kill to have,” Luke told her earnestly.

“Let’s hope that it doesn’t have to come to that. The killing, that is,” the older woman giggled, and Luke smirked at the thought of it. “Made plans for later have you?”

“Yes ma’am. We’re going out for dinner later and don’t worry, I’ll be a perfect gentleman to her,” Luke assured.

“I’m glad to hear it. But I do hope you know enough to put aside the gentleman when needed. Karla is my blood after all, and a Dressler woman’s blood runs hotter than a man’s,” she stated with a quick pump of her eyebrows.

“Point taken,” Luke said as he blushed. Being what Carlotta’s former vocation was, he believed that she was being truthful with him. There was little doubt that Karla knew she had a body made for sex and knew how to use it. Though it wasn’t one of the primary things on his mind, it was still there, tormenting him with what could be.

“So, when can I start?” Luke asked, switching the course of the conversation back to work.

“Given that some things will need to be processed and such, I would say Monday would be the best time to start. Be sure to give Karla a list of any items you need, laptops, programs, etc. We will have them ready for you on Monday, as well as all the pertinent paperwork,” Carlotta told him.

“Excellent! I look forward to working for you, Ms. Van DerBrandt!” Luke stated as he rose.

He shook the hand she offered, and he walked out, but not before giving Karla a smoldering look as he left. Karla shivered at this and smiled dreamily, anticipating their date later on that night. Carlotta then walked out after he left, coffee in hand, and took a sip before speaking.

“Don’t wear the poor boy out now. I still need him to do the job I hired him to do,” Carlotta said with a quiet giggle. Karla looked up at her aunt with a smirk on her face as she clacked away on her computer.

“Don’t worry, auntie. I’ll leave him in one piece. Ish,” Karla shot back. Carlotta snorted a laugh, some of the coffee she was drinking, coming out of her nose. She took a few minutes to right herself before cussing out her niece in Danish before going to fix herself another cup.

“Not my fault you have an overactive imagination, auntie. Maybe it’s the curse of our bloodline, ja?” Karla wondered.

“Ja, I would say it is,” Carlotta stated. She looked at her niece and could tell that she was definitely besotted with the man. How that had happened so quickly, Carlotta couldn’t understand. Or maybe she did understand it. That moment she had met Mikkel all those years ago, had changed her in ways she didn’t think was possible. She smiled and hoped that Mr. Barton was all that Karla hoped he would be.

Jason was just finishing up his lunch when he felt his phone buzz. He looked down and saw that it was Luke calling, so he picked up.

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 6

News and desert. Seth with the Sheriff with his two deputies had arms full of newspapers. Two others were going from table to table selling the special edition of today’s newspaper about: “Stopping the Kidnappers from Nanux.” As John looked through the paper, he realized Seth had all the names of everybody that was there including the Russians and those from Lockheed. “John, did you realize that a lot of those ships that Lockheed flew today didn’t even have seats for any others than the...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 7 Breakfast at Soursquos

John, why did you bring an assassin to breakfast with you today? John was dreaming the next morning. Apparently, his mind was preparing for the day. When the alarm did go off, Jenny was snuggled up against him. “Hi, beautiful.” “I feel like a beached whale.” Jenny said then giggled, “Sorry for complaining.” “I love you and I think you are beautiful. I have lots to share. You were sleeping so peacefully when we got back last night, I just let you sleep.” John said. “Did our assassin go...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 9 Space our last frontier

Once the speed neared light the lid to the little black box was lifted. The ship rose and felt like it was going over the Milky Way instead of through it. Stars were flashing by reminding John and Jenny of being back on earth watching falling stars from the sky on a clear night. Willy had brought his box of Legos. The kids had them over in the corner and were having a ball. They would put something together then look at the screen for a minute. Ben and Chuck went over to Iceman (Bill...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Planet Funston

“Looks like we are ready to go.” George said. “Okay everybody. Stand in a line. We come back here for lunch. Okay? Stay with your buddies now. If you get lost, then transport to the front gate. Now I have some money. Remember the silver may be worth more than the gold here.” John handed out a silver coin and a gold coin to all the kids. He handed out 3 silver and 3 gold to all the Marines and Sally and Bobby. He handed out 5 coins of silver and gold to Vid, “If you buy with my money then I...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 11

At the Flea Market: “John, Jenny and the boys killed 4 lizards that were looking through our stuff on the ship,” Iceman reported. “Do you suspect they came from a bigger ship?” John asked. “No, I don’t think so. Their ships were more planetary. My guess, they have a nest somewhere on the planet.” Iceman said. “What do you think Lord Heaty?” John asked. “Lizards ... I’ve chased them off before.” Lord Heaty said, “They were on the back side of the planet, but they have been gone for some...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 13 New Friends

Tony and Willa were part of the large crowd waving goodbye to John and Jenny and their companions. Brad, Gloria, Jesus, and Julia were with them. “Think we will ever see them again?” Willa asked. “Yes, I get a good feeling we will,” Tony replied. “Major Taylors are you really interested in being part of the global patrol?” Admiral Kennedy asked. Tony, Willa, and friends all saluted, “Yes Sir.” Tony and Willa both said, “I’ve got to get someplace quiet and finish up my Log of the last few...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 14

Cleaning out another SWAMP: The Galactic Capitol. John and the crew of the Patricia stood and watched as about a third of the thousands of workers for the Galactic Capitol went into the sun. Jenny was hugging him, and his kids were all around touching and just being in the energy of love. Amen Bible was nearby, but he was taking in one of the most spectacular scenes he had ever heard of or ever imagined. Again, John realized this was a different star than our Sun. They also watched as...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 16

More defectors? The enemy of your enemy may be a friend? Well, the meeting with dad went okay. Tony was able to prove to his dad that he was getting the grasp of Economics, Accounting, and Finance. They were all related and yet totally different too. So, book in hand he was sitting in the Captain’s Seat of Virginia. Dad had given him twenty books from his own library for him to read. Tony was totally into his book when “Tony we have another anomaly like last time only about twice as big....

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 17

War of the Worlds. The dream January 13, 2019 John woke with a start. The dream had to do with his adopted daughter Sally who was going to be 16 soon. The Devil had her or she was sitting in the Devil’s lap laughing as if she was enjoying the attention. They were sitting in The Chair that had been Lucifer’s before the sun. John was watching from the railing on the west side of the sun. Demetri was there with a Gladiator’s outfit on. Sword in one hand Spear in the other, “John, I won’t let...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 18

The next day, Monday Jan 21, 2019 John and Jenny were sitting in the Patricia. Looking over the battlefield. Tony, Willa, Brad, Gloria, Jesus and Julia were with them. Seth and Amen Bible was also with them taking pictures or having Patricia send them a copy by e-mail. A man named Alex Harmon was from the TV station in Spokane. He too had a cameraman taking lots of pictures and video. What he had would go out in Spokane to all the affiliate networks everywhere. Slowly the North American...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 19 To make deserts into productive land for Dummyrsquos

A woman came in on Friday February 1, 2019. She had a newborn baby strapped on her chest. She asked to see President Taylor about 8:15 in the morning. She introduced herself as Professor Diane Charles. Seeing a crimson sweatshirt with “WSU COUGARS” on the back with the face of a Cougar peeking out from around a baby on it gave it away as to where she was from. She introduced herself as Professor Charles. “What can I do for you Professor?” “I’m on maternity leave as you see, I’ve been a...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 20

An unusual discovery? February 8th, 2019. 7:37 A.M. Omak, Washington. Thank God it’s Friday? John came into the bank. Farmer Marvin West already had the coffee made. He was reading the local news. Maiden Nation was also at the work table. She had brought in some cookies. Maiden the manager of the cannery was enjoying a drink of coffee and a bite of fresh chocolate chip cookie. John had seen Heaty’s LD parked outside on the way in. They still must be in the ship. Sam and the Admiral was...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 22

Where did that come from? The Patricia landed with 24 passengers where the Galina had once parked. The weather was nice and sunny on the Planet Funston. From the ship they could see the picnic tables and the steps up to the house. After everybody got outside Roger and Chet called for the Marines to form up. They had First Lieutenant Cadet Brien stand at the head of the formation. They called Cadet Brien to step forward. Dar and Inga stepped forward to face the young man, Inga read something...

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Gaia Mother Earth Book 3 of A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 23

A hole in one? Dar and Inga had been off relaxing for 14 days. They got word to John that they needed a week to visit all of Dar’s properties, then they would be ready to take on a project or two. Dar still did not know who this Ben guy was. He was in his eighties and he usually shot 1 to 5 under for a round of 18 holes consistently. Chet knew the Ben guy was one of the best that ever played the game of golf. Brien was averaging gaining a pound a day. He had his father punch some holes in...

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The Master List of Wishes

I wish to have, now and forever, the following powers and abilities; granted in the spirit of the wish; and as I intended for them to be: 1. The ability to have instinctive knowledge and mastery of all my skills, knowledge, powers and abilities. To have full comprehension of how to best understand and use my powers, to be able to use my powers without having them overwhelm me or to "over-write" my own personality, beliefs and convictions. 2. The ability to perceive and have total control...

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Summer In Heaven With Aunty

Hello readers This is Rohit.I am a regular reader of ISS after reading all these stories I finally decided to submit mine.These stories helped me to end up in bed with my aunt.Girls and aunties in vizag can contact me at This is an absolutely real story.Coming to the story I live in vizag with mom and dad.My dad works as a manager and mom as a teacher in a school.It all started during my summer holidays after my 12th exams .I was feeling really bored at my vacation and finally decided to visit...

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Brick House Pt 03 Ch 04

All content copyright 2012 Ted Szabo This is part 4 of a longer work, ‘Brick House.’. It includes chapter four. While this chapter does not have erotic content, many of others do. It is included for the convenience of readers interested in the larger story. * I was about halfway back from my afternoon class at the engineering mall when the clouds burst. Heavy, round drops splattered on the sidewalk in front of me and I could hear them impacting, with surprisingly loud ‘tings,’ on the...

1 year ago
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xHamster Indian

Have you ever heard about I mean, of course, you fucking have. Only a complete virgin or a person who has been cut off from the internet would not know about, and I am not here to talk about the site as much as I want to discuss their certain category. So, do you love Indian pornography? Well, if you are not a fan, you might as well ignore the rest of the review.Everyone loves!When a porn site is this popular, there must be a good reason for it? Well,...

Indian Porn Sites
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523 stephanies bucket list 3

Part 3Another day another E mail awaited me. This one to my surprise, had no preamble, it started, I had just dozed off or at least I believed that was the case as the moon had not had time to have moved far in the dark sky, or across the big room and it just felt like no time at all, just moments, when they came for me! The room-light came on and Nella appeared without a word, rapidly clipping straps to my cuffs the four bedposts before I could protest, arms first then ankles, finally kissing...

2 years ago
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My Innocent Saali

My innocent Saali Hi friends, I was thinking of writing to u for last so many days but couldn’t gather the courage…today I m ready to make this confession….i m a 30 year old man who is sexually very active. I have always loved women body…especially their boobs and ass. My story starts when I got married a few years ago. I love my wife as she is a loving and beautiful lady. But after marriage I realized that my wife’s younger sister is a bomb shell… she is 22 with slim body but a beautiful round...

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Perfect Morning

He hoped he would invite me again, I was in my office bored and getting nothing done. This was how most weekends began, on Thursday I would watch my phone anticipating the text I was always afraid wouldn't come. He almost never messaged me during the week, but on Thursdays he would send a short message. It was almost 3pm and I was nervous this was the weekend that I wouldn't get a message. I was sure he had other women after him, how could he not. He was perfect on paper, perfect in person....

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jennas first time

Jenna's first timeChapter oneJenna had moved from the small suburbs of Wolf Trap, Virginia, somewhere she lived with her family whilst she figured out where she wanted to live once she finished her schooling, to the big city of Los Angeles.“Oh my” says Jenna, looking at her watch as she leaves her apartment in a hurry to get to her job at the convenience store across town. As she rushes to the coffee shop on the corner of her block, Jenna bumps into a handsome male and, without so much as a...

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Stella and Marina SM is Spain 3

Third day of our role play I'm finally Master first time, over servant Marina and slave Stella MarisThe bells afar toll for midnight as Marina bends out of the window spreads her cheeks offers a choice The promotion from slave to servant is expressed by pleasing her pussy with my hot rod for her orgasm Time has come, after we both come, to take her down for a night cap and inform Marina about my planMy servant gets me a double wodka from the freezer and a cold beer, while she has a 'Black...

3 years ago
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The Escort Revisited

The Client slowly walked down the hallway, his large frame tense with anticipation. It had had been a while since he had walked down a hallway similar to this one. Though it seemed like only yesterday. He thought of the last girl, her body motionless against the bed after she was truly well fucked, a smile spread across his lips he had been sore for days after that night of debauchery. He absentmindedly grasped his briefcase tightly as he thought of the night that lay ahead. He stopped at room...

Straight Sex
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A Certain Sort of SisterChapter 10

When delving into the past of Brad and Linda’s family affair we find Bradley’s birth was the result of incest; between Linda as a schoolgirl and her Father. To avoid social shame at the time, Bradley had been fostered out; sweeping him under the carpet. When Bradley later retraced his family, he accepted Linda as his elder sister; and Linda wasn’t about to dispute that! So the romance that developed between them was already complex for Linda; having now a sexual attachment with Bradley;...

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Hot honeymoon of a Couple

This is the Incident of during my Honeymoon. I got Married to a Village Damsel, Jyoti, just 19 years of Age, Last Year. I will Like to Give details of Physique of my Wife, She was 19, 5' 6", Wheatish Complexion, with a figure of 36-24-34, she had a figure to Die For. If She Walks on Road, She will definitely Make the Heads Turn towards her, as she was So young, LengthyHair,Good Height, Firm Breasts and a Sleek Ass to make the heads turn. As we were engaged for 6 MONTHS before Marrige, We used...

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PickUp Line Unintended Consequences

Permission is granted for Fictionmania, StorySite, Nifty, Bev's Balcony, and any other FREE site to archive and web publish this story, intact and with the attribution to Ellie Dauber (below) so long as the site remains free. I do not consider so-called adult-check systems to be free, and thus, such sites do not have permission to host this story. Published with the gratefully acknowledged permission of Ellie Dauber, whose wonderful story, Pick-up Line, copyright 2000, is the...

2 years ago
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An adult swing party at a friend8217s house

About five weeks had passed since we arrived back from our holiday and the whole balcony episode , when Jean said we had being invited to a party in Joan and Ryan’s (that’s her husband) house. They are old friends and live not far away in a nice quiet area or so I thought. The Saturday of the party came along and Jean said we were to stay over so as not to worry about staying on the dry. Jean went up early to get ready and I gave her a drink to start the party off early. I had...

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Fulfilling my hunger

For those of you following our play time, you know I have a slut that I play with in Myrtle Beach. I skipped writing about a couple of our meetings, but I have had more positive reactions than negative ones so I will write about Sunday. For those who may be reading this for the first time, know that we are in a DOM/sub relationship and she is a sub in training. She is a little reluctant to surrendering herself totally so I told her we will take it slow in order to build her trust. She also...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop Chapter 4

Drew opened his eyes. No it hadn't been a dream. He was lying on his side. Tess was cuddled into his back. Dave was spooning her. He quietly slid off the bed. First he went to the kitchen to put on a fresh pot of coffee. He returned down the hallway to the bathroom. He was about to walk in when he heard the water start to run. Peeking around the corner he saw that Dave was adjusting the temperature of the shower. "He must have got up just as I left the room," Drew thought. "Do I just walk in?...

4 years ago
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247 LIVES AT THE HOMESTEAD {17} Mid-morning on the Saturday saw us all tiredly sat at the kitchen table some dressed in pyjamas, others not, depending on where they had slept, (coming indoors nude could encounter postmen or newsboys that time of day) trying to wake up over coffee. Ann had the week off, so she and Eve could recover; Eve having no work anyway was to stay for a couple of days. So, the weekend was not to run to our usual schedule Saturday was to be treated as we `normally` treated...

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Dees StoryChapter 5

That first night was almost perfect, Emily fitted in to our lovemaking as if she had always been a part of us, whilst Chris took advantage of her submissive nature and pulled out all the toys, taking control whilst Emily and I acted as her slaves, except for Emily that was all she wanted, I could here it in her voice every time she said, "yes Mistress." Chris and I enjoyed kinky sex, any sex, the flavour of the moment decided by our moods, often by Chris's mood, but that was mostly...

1 year ago
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My first gay experience

So, I've been toying with myself since I was a teen but had never tried anything until I was around 24. I was in a rough spot in my life, a lot of hard transitions and a bad breakup etc etc. I was trolling craigslist on a regular basis and had several encounters with women, many of which were great memories. One day I created a post and received a message from a guy in Dallas who asked me if I would be interested in a threesome with him and his female fuck buddy, he even offered me a massage...

1 year ago
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No more Doctor Nice Guy Part 12

No more Doctor nice Guy Part 12 I did not go home with Zac Smith. Part way through our pash session I was able to regain some self control and contain my crazy. A predictable sentiment rattling around my brain was catalystic enough to induce cessation. 'What the hell are you doing Alex?' I self scolded. It seemed to be my standard introspection. At least currently. I was broken-hearted, afraid and a hormonal mess. It was pretty clear these were the impetus for my actions....

2 years ago
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UpCUMing Nuptials Part Two

“And now you may kiss the bride!” I kept on my big happy smile from earlier, plastered across my face like a billboard. Now that I had taken care of myself, the guilt was setting in. What the fuck was I thinking? How could I do that to Max? To Lauren! He’s starting off his marriage with a lie and it’s my fault. Well, a little bit his but mostly mine. I just had to make it through the reception and find a good time to pull him aside so we could talk about it. We had to clear the air and I needed...

3 years ago
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More Than One Way To Skin A Cat Part 2

While I was spending the two days breaking one slave, there was another slave I decided to break without even laying a hand on. I left her in the main room of my house, in clear sight of the door. There was just one catch: the closer she got to the door, the harder the device inside of her vibrated. The mechanism was wonderful. Blackened metal provided strength and structural support, while leather provided padding against chaffing. It was open at the back, for cleanliness and to leave a...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 333


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Sajana 8211 My Sexual Adventures With My Cousin

Hi readers … I am Sujith. Good looking young man. 30 years of age.. Our heroin is Sajana. She is the only daughter of my father’s younger brother. She is slim, fair, and have a cute face. She had a well shaped body with nearly 5 and half feet height. She is married and have a son. We are very close to each other and very good friends also. So, with her I share all my problems and feelings.. She is the only one in my family who know about my broken love affair. Now, let us start our story… She...

1 year ago
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They That Have Power Book IIChapter 15

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 Jan laughed when she saw Jake’s new bed. “What is this, Jake? You’re already set up for orgies?” “Neat, isn’t it? It was a present from Leanne.” “Hmmm. What does that say?” Jake sat on the bed and began to unbutton her shirt, kissing her chest and belly as they were exposed. “She did it as a surprise for me. The biggest surprise is that she did it at all. She’s the least adventurous of my women.” “I’d say that at some level she wants to become more adventurous....

4 years ago
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Time Wounds All Heels

The dirt road circled to the left and when he passed the curve of trees, he saw the weather beaten white wooden structure, looking like nothing so much as a rural country church, probably Baptist. As he saw the sign he realized that was exactly what it was. "Praise God Baptist Church," said one white sign and another nearby said, "Putnam County Food Pantry." There were two dozen cars and trucks parked in the field surrounding the church. Twenty-year-old pickups, old model Fords and...

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One Lucky GuyChapter 22

“Would you like to kiss Guy’s cock now?” Rachel asked Coach Anna, as soon as she pulled my cockhead out of her mouth. “WOW, you took the big part of his cock all the way inside your mouth.” “That’s his cockhead. See how much larger it is than the rest of his cock?” “Yes. So much more smoother too - and even slick - when you pull this skin back, and wet it with your mouth.” “His cock is really sensitive all over his cockhead. He tells me that I can make him come, just by pulling his...

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Joe was a used sissy boy. He belonged to Ava. She used him any way she pleased. She kept his cock and balls bound and kept him naked. He had a collar around his neck and sometimes she would attach a leash to it to pull him around with her. He spent a lot of time on his knees eating her pussy and tongue fucking her cunt and ass. Ava had nice big tits and a big round ass. Joe had a nine inch thick cock and she loved fucking him. She also loved to fuck him in front of her friends or have him eat...

2 years ago
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Natasha Hamilton Atomic Kitten

Recently I won a competition in England for a vacation to a star's club with Atomic Kitten's singer Natasha Hamilton. In the evening before the meeting I had to get relief because I get a hard-on with only the thought of this dream woman and I didn't fancy spending the meeting with a hard-on all the time! So I got from my pocket the Maxim magazine which showed the three Atomic Kitten girls posed as schoolgirls. I released my stiff cock from my trousers and started to rub myself up and down....

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Humilation Awakening to having my wrists tied to the head board. Not being able to uttera word as Master had place a cock gag in her mouth for the night. A spreadbar between this girls knees keeping her fully exposed for her Masters pleasure. Master rolls over whispering in the sluts ear, morning My lil whore. Slowlycaressing his sluts nipples then begins pinching and pulling them, making hernipples hard. Suddenly Master stops and gets off the bed. As girl watches himcross the room to the...

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Scout jack off

Note : This story is completely fictional! In 9th-grade some guys already know whats going on with their sexuality and some guys have no clue. I was one of the boys who had no clue. At age 14, I was just beginning my major growth spurt. I had gained a lot of height and was fairly tall and lanky. The typical skinny kid. My voice had started to deepen and my cock had grown to over 5 inches. I had a small patch of brown pubes. I was a nice looking kid, not a jock, not really a geek, just a nice...

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We have recently been having problems with the bathroom pipes in the basement. We called our long-time plumbing company and they sent over Willy, a worker that we hadn't seen before. He's about 10 years younger than me. Nice looking guy, muscular body type. Grey hair, glasses, 6' tall and about 220 pounds. I got to see his plumber's crack several times as he worked on our pipes. He had a very hairy a$$. It took him about an hour to fix all the pipes but he did a good job and we shouldn't have...

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Midnight Suprise

As nothing else was happening for the night we all decided to sleep at John’s house. We arrived back at his house, all a little tipsy, and disappointed that we hadn’t succeeded in the ultimate male teen goal, of sex. Before we went to bed we watched some TV in john’s basement which was his room. Trent and I were on the couch that was small for us, so we were quite close. Infomercials advertising your typical naked sorority girls were all over the TV seeing as it were late. As we continued to...

3 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 38

Another day passed before the word was received that the RMN BC squadron was returning having found no enemy out to the southeast. At that point, "Vector" began recovering her assets preparatory to returning to the fitting out yard. The only mishap was a Gnat which missed the lights and richocheted off the hull. The Gnat controller was quite shaken; the Havildar tartly remarked that perhaps next time, if ever his grounding was rescinded, he might attend to his craft rather than the female...

1 year ago
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A Family MixupChapter 3

Nancy: So, I told him, come to my room after Amanda's in bed, I had his special present ready for him. I had candles lit and just a trace of perfume between my breasts and legs, places I knew he would want to explore. My hair was just right, my skin nicely smoothed by lotion, a fresh shave to welcome him to my body, I was ready as I slipped under the sheet, all naked and eager. A slight tap at the door, then it opened and Will came in wearing a pair of navy briefs, well-tented out in the...

2 years ago
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Decent Enough Part I

Decent Enough, part I By Marion Jay Brown This is my first story. Constructive criticism is welcome, of course. It was an interesting experience, to say the least. Sort of like a Twilight Zone episode or an EC Comics story. Except, instead of me being the big jerk who gets his comeuppance, the lesson I learned was heartwarming. I learned that sometimes, if you work at it, things will eventually go your way. It did take a very interesting form, though. Let's go back to the...

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Atha And Atha Kuthuru Aishu Tho Naa Anubhavam

Na peru madan, na height 5.11 inches, nannu andharu prabhas laga untav antaru. Naa vayasu 22 years, broad chest tho untanu. Naa midday size 8inches. Nenu hyderabad lo job chesthunnanu.Maadhi amalapuram daggara oka chinna gramam. Naa anubhavam chepthunnanu vinandi. Naa first sex 8 years mundhu chesanu.Daani gurinchi meethi share cheskovalani anukuntunna. Start. Chinnappudu maa voori ki holidays ki sruthi(bujji) valla amma tho vachindhi. Vesavi kaavadam tho bayata padukunnam. Naaku appudu 14...

4 years ago
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Our first glory hole

When we first began she was very shy and would only want to be there for short times. Now she is willing to browse the store looking at porn and even some of the more adventurous toys. She has even gone as far as having conversations with strangers in the stores. A few years back on a trip headed north we found a lions den on the side of the interstate. As normal we pulled in and had a look. It wasn’t the biggest but she noticed right off that it had something none of the other did, an...

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Masturbating Mom

I was totally horny. I couldn't stand it any longer. My husband, Jim was away on business again and I couldn't wait another minute, much less another two days. My son, Paul was out on a date, so I was all alone in the house... alone and frustrated! My pussy wanted attention in the worst way. Since Jim wasn't around to help the situation, I was just going to have to take matters into my own to speak. I wasn't new to masturbation. Quite the contrary. I loved doing it. It was...

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