Six Months to Live
- 3 years ago
- 21
- 0
Pressure expelled him from the comforting warmth of the upper mantle, crashing through hard layers of sedimentary rock until he geysered into the atmosphere, held aloft on a pillar of scalding lava and indescribable pleasure.
But why am I naked?
Reflexively, his hands flew downward to protect his vulnerable genitals, only to be impeded by a riot of softness oscillating up and down at a furious pace. Some sort of demonic terror was fiercely tugging on the end of his cock, trying to consume his life essence, and for lack of any better defense he thrust his mighty spear upward, trying to skewer whatever foul beast was feeding on his energy and endangering his very existence.
The attacker groaned. Gulped. Swallowed. Shuddered. And then released him, softly moaning his name.
It knows my name?
Floating back to the earth through soft clouds of bliss, he came to rest on stable ground and opened his eyes. Kathryn was right where she promised she’d be the night before, hovering over his throbbing shaft and lapping at every dollop of cream oozing from his oversensitive rod. Though he couldn’t quite see her mouth, her glittering eyes assured him that she’d experienced just as much pleasure as he had. Perhaps even more.
“If it makes you that happy, I might never offer you actual food again.”
“Finally, a diet that appeals to me.” With a loud smack, she sucked the last drop from his shrinking organ and rolled from the bed. To his surprise, she was dressed in her usual cellar attire of form-fitting yoga pants and a breast-hugging t-shirt ... an outfit he’d found all too distracting even before he’d fully explored the delicious terrain it obscured.
“You’re dressed. You’re... dressed? Why are you dressed? Did I snore?”
“A little bit, but I assure you that it was adorable snoring.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m actually not, but please don’t take that as an invitation to challenge my tolerance. Anyway, I’m dressed because I have to go. I have way too many things to do, and your magnificent cock has prevented me from doing any of them for days upon end.”
“What time is it?”
“7:04, and I’m terribly sorry.” When his brow furrowed in sleepy confusion, she explained, “I was aiming for seven on the dot, but you were muttering some sort of nonsense about geological formations and I found it too strange and endearing to interrupt.”
“I was ... what ... wait, I was?”
“As I said: adorable. Now, I have several things to tell you. Are you awake enough to pay attention, or do I need to take the time to inject coffee into your arteries?”
He slid backwards and propped himself against a pillow, slightly put out by her unannounced departure but sensing her seriousness. “I’m awake enough. What’s up?”
“I thought I could put it off until later, but before I started blowing you this morning I began tallying everything I have to get done before next week and it made me panicky. Sorry. I really don’t want to leave, and I promise I’ll make it up to you later. But for now, just listen.”
“So, let’s start with this. The ridiculous amount of sex we’ve had over the last few days ... there’s a reason for it beyond the simple fact that it’s exactly what I wanted and needed. To my immense regret, however, it’s about to be on hold for a while. Next week I have to focus on my charities, as four of them are holding board meetings and three of them are throwing galas. I’m going to be occupied by meetings during the day and fundraising events at night. Moreover ... well, here’s my one allowance per day: Bill’s going to be home most of the week.”
Though his face clouded, he attempted to cover it with a brave solemnity he didn’t quite feel. “I understand.”
“I’m sorry, Luke, but you know how it has to be. Anyway, I’m not going to be able to be with you until that changes. Not alone, at least, and not even in the way we were before ... well, before. I suggest you take the opportunity to work, because despite my heartfelt eagerness for you to extend your engagement as long as you can, it’d be better to get as far ahead as possible now so you can let things slow down later on. That said, I’m not going to be able to help you for at least a week, so if you find that you can’t work all that quickly, I’m happy to be a convenient excuse.”
“Uh ... right. I mean, okay. Yes, I’ll work. I did give an estimated timeline, after all, and it doesn’t look good if I’m nowhere close to it.” Sigh...
“Well, good. Unfortunately, it gets worse ... and I hope you’re ready for this, because I’m sure not. Sunday night, you’re invited to dinner.”
No. “I ... but...”
“No buts. If you’re struggling — and I know you are — just think about how hard it will be for me. But you have to do this. I know it, and so do you. It’s part of the price, or the penance, or whatever else you want to call it.”
Luke sighed in surrender, though he was having a hard time looking her in the eye. “You’re right, I do know it. To be honest, maybe a few hours apart will give me an opportunity to figure out just how the hell I’m going to manage it.”
“Again, try to remember that I’m in an even more difficult position. I...”
He held up his hand. “You don’t need to explain. I get it. I do. I’ll make it work, somehow.”
“I hope I don’t need to remind you that...”
“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” Even as he spoke, he recognized the casual cruelty in saying “your” rather than “our,” but he didn’t feel awake enough to find a more polite way to express his turbulent emotions.
To her credit, she took his hand. “I heard what you said, and I accept it. But it’s still our secret, and you know it as well as I do. Please believe me: I don’t want to stop. I want to be with you as much as possible. As soon as I can, I will.”
Don’t be an ass. Be mature. For once since you took this benighted job, be an adult. “I know. I feel the same way. It’s just ... it’s hard, you know? But I do recognize that it’s worse for you. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”
“Good.” She seemed doubtful, but pressed on. “Anyway, we have tonight. Let’s make the most of it.”
“Tonight? Just tonight? But I thought ... I mean, I thought he wasn’t...”
“Sadly, yes. I have to make sure I get enough done that I don’t descend into panic tomorrow, as that’ll not only endanger my work, but also increase the likelihood that I won’t be able to navigate my emotions when the two of you are in the same room. And I really do mean tonight, not tomorrow morning. Bill comes back tomorrow evening, and as I said yesterday...”
“I know. I ... I get it. No reason to make it harder or more confusing for everyone. Tonight, then. I’ll try to make sure it’s memorable.” He was still trying to put on a brave face, but in truth he felt the return of an intense wave of guilt that their frenzied coupling had almost completely forced aside.
Smiling through their tension, she countered, “It might be more memorable than you realize. Come over at five. We’ll work up a sweat, I’ll make dinner, and at some point I have a few things I want to do with you. Special things. Things I hope ... well, no. Let them be a surprise. But come over at five. Bring a bold, medium-bodied red. Oh, and no touching yourself before dinner. You’re my appetizer, after all.”
“I feel so used.”
She just winked. “Finally, take this and put it on a shelf, or in a drawer, or wherever. Somewhere you’ll know where it is when it’s needed.”
Curious, he examined what she’d handed him. It was a plain white envelope, sealed, with a hastily scrawled message on the front: When she tells you she knows.
“What’s this?” he asked in utter bewilderment. “Who’s ‘she,’ and what’s she supposed to know?”
“All your questions will be answered in time. See you later, sex god.” And then, after a long, soulful kiss, she was gone.
Luke took longer in the shower than was his norm, for his heart and mind were a riot of conflicted thoughts and emotions. I’ve grown so very used to her being here. After he emerged and dressed, he checked his phone to find a series of increasingly impatient texts from Wendy. Answering them one by one seemed likely to result in confusion, so he took a chance and gave her a call. To his surprise, she picked up immediately.
For a few minutes their banter proceeded as it usually did: her teasing and abusing, him laughing and deflecting. But as her references to, and questions about, Kathryn grew more explicit and more persistent, Luke’s answers diminished to dubiously responsive monosyllables. Her tone turned suspicious by stages until, at last, they fell into a wary silence. When she finally resumed speaking, her voice was full of weariness and defeat.
“So, I was right the last time I saw you. It was already too late.”
“Are you ever going to explain what you mean by that?”
“At this point, Luke, I really shouldn’t have to.”
“So that’s a no?”
She sighed heavily. And then, with an edge: “Luke, I want you to promise on the continuing existence of our friendship that you’ll answer my next question honestly.”
“Jesus, Wendy, why so intense?”
“Do you know what you’re doing?”
“I ... what do you mean? Doing what?”
“Rat bastard. Motherfucker. Lying sack of shit. You promised on our friendship that you wouldn’t lie to me, and then it’s the very first thing you do?”
“I’m not lying! I’m just not sure what you’re talking about.”
Another sigh. “Yes you are. Though I suppose that, in your tiny little brain, you’re only trying to be honorable and respectful. Which would actually be admirable if you weren’t being the exact opposite.”
Now he was nervous, for this struck far too close to home. “Wendy, what ... I don’t ... what do you...?”
“Ah. Got you there, didn’t I?”
“I don’t...”
“Luke ... fine. Fuck it. I suppose I can respect your reluctance to blab. Most dudes would be announcing it with skywriting.”
Luke was silent, for it was all too clear that she saw right through him. How did she know? Moreover, how did she know from the very beginning, even before I did?
“I’ll give you one more chance, but only one. I really mean it this time. Tell me the truth, or our friendship is over.” Acknowledging the inevitability of his defeat, he assented. “Obviously, you two are having sex.” His extended silence was eventually interrupted by, “Usually, I’d take that as a yes. But after the bullshit you just pulled, I need to hear you say it out loud.”
With a giant exhalation of bottled-up tension, he admitted the truth. “Yes. We are.”
“Since when?”
“Well, that’s a difficult question to answer.”
Her response dripped with contempt. “I see. So you don’t remember the first time you had sex with Kathryn Lloyd Maddox ... unquestionably the most beautiful woman either of us have ever known, the woman you’ve been desperate to fuck since the moment you met and the reason you took the job in the first place, hoping for this very outcome. I totally believe you. Luke, I ... I’m afraid you and I...” Worried that she was about to hang up on him, he resorted to desperate pleading.
“No, wait! Wendy, please just wait. I am being honest. It’s a complicated answer because it depends on what you mean by...”
“You can fuck right off with that Clintonian bullshit, Lucas Bronson.”
“Sorry. I’m sorry. You’re right, but it’s still complicated.” He took a deep breath. “The first time either of us touched each other with sexual intent was a week ago Wednesday, though it took another week before I knew for sure it was intentional. The first time we had, uh, intercourse was Tuesday night.”
She seemed only slightly mollified. “Thank you for finally being honest with me, at least.”
“I’m really, really sorry, Wendy. I don’t want to lie to anyone, and I really don’t want to lie to you, but if this gets out, it could be catastrophic for everyone.”
“Well, naturally. That’s what happens when you fuck a married woman.”
Now he was on the defensive. “It’s not like you haven’t done the exact same thing. More than once, too.”
To his surprise, she laughed. It sounded neither sarcastic nor bitter. “Are you seriously using me as a moral compass? Christ, Luke, I thought you were better than that. My brilliant life choices have led me to ... well, what exactly? Running a barely profitable bar in a ‘transitional’ part of town, working all by myself for the majority of every single day, and trolling apps for anonymous hookups because I’ve already banged too many of the people I’ll run into should I dare set foot in a dyke bar. Listen, pal: I’ll accept the rebuke if you can tell me that the next thing I’m going to say is wrong. I haven’t gone into a single one of those relationships thinking about anything other than getting laid. But you ... what you’re doing with Kathryn is a lot more than just fucking. A lot more. Am I right?”
Once again his silence spoke volumes, but this time she didn’t bail him out. Finally, he sighed. “Wendy, I just ... I don’t know what to do anymore.”
“Yes you do. You’ve known all along. You knew when they asked you to take the job, you knew when you signed the contract, you knew when you showed up on their doorstep, you knew when she paraded around in her bikini, you knew when she snuggled against you on the boat, you knew when I yelled at you in your wine-soaked erotic hideaway, and you knew when you ... well, tell me: what was the first thing that happened? Last week, I mean. Be specific. If I can’t approve of your decisions, at least you can give me some good Hitachi material.”
Unto the end of my days, I’ll never understand how her mind works. “Long story short, I gave her a foot massage that turned dangerously intimate. She fled. I thought it was because I’d gone too far and made her uncomfortable. Later that night she came back, snuck up behind me, and ... took matters into her own hands.”
“Hot. Was she drunk?”
“Yeah. Quite drunk, actually.”
“Were you?”
He could hear Wendy’s tongue tapping random sequences against her teeth. It sounded like she was calculating something. “I see. Well, that doesn’t quite count, then. The booze granted permission to do what you both wanted, but it probably wouldn’t have happened if you were sober.” As when she’d yelled at him in his apartment, Luke wondered how serious she was about including Kathryn in her accusations of intent. “And then?”
“The next day, while we were working, she seemed uncomfortable even beyond her obvious hangover, but she very clearly denied any knowledge of how the previous night ended. At one point, she escaped upstairs as if she was about to be sick. When she didn’t come back, I followed her upstairs to see if she was okay, or if there was anything I could do. I found her in the bathroom, but she wasn’t sick. She was masturbating. And then I ... well, it was my turn to give her a hand, so to speak.”
“Super hot. Was she drunk then, too?”
“Completely sober. Both of us.”
“Okay. So that was the moment you both decided you didn’t care about the consequences.”
“I don’t know if that’s right, actually. Me, maybe. But I’m not sure about her. I was ready to keep going, but she ordered me out of the guesthouse, and while I was gone she disappeared. Left the property entirely, in fact. Eventually, I got so concerned that I had to call Bill and ask where she was.”
“And how did that make you feel? Asking the husband where his wife — the woman you’d just finger-banged — was, I mean?”
Ouch. “Wendy, stop it.”
“Fine. Finish the story the way you want to tell it. But I’m not letting you off the phone until we’ve had a conversation.” The way she said the word was so ominous that he almost couldn’t proceed.
“Well, uh ... anyway, I was still worried that I’d been too aggressive or presumptuous, and that I’d ruined everything. I even wondered if I’d be let go.”
“A natural conclusion. Unless you’re on a porn set, banging the boss’ wife is rarely a solid employment strategy.”
“Wendy, please...”
“C’mon, Luke. If you weren’t the current target of my sarcasm you’d be saying the same. You’ve dished out plenty of snark with me over a little too much wine, on scores of occasions. Now it’s your turn to take it — you’ve certainly earned it — and suddenly you can’t handle it?” She’s probably right, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it. “So where’d she go? No, hold on, let me guess: girls’ trip to wine country?”
Wow. “How could you possibly know that? Have you already talked to her?”
“No, and there’s no need. You know how most women find men pathetically predictable? I don’t know if it’s lesbian intuition or what, but, to me, straight women — or straight-ish, because I know she’s eaten some pussy in her day — are just as predictable. Your girl Kathryn ... she’s different in a lot of really interesting ways, and I can certainly understand why you weren’t able to resist her, but in other ways she’s just a woman after all.”
“But how did you know that...?”
“Did she tell you all about it?”
“Yeah, but...”
“Then let me flesh out the tale, and afterwards you can tell me what I got wrong. They stayed in a nice little private resort ... or wait, no: a rented luxury home, so they could cook and drink and relax without being interrupted by housekeeping or the need to remember their room numbers. Food, wine, spa treatments, chauffeured trips to and from wineries ... the whole package. Day one, everyone’s relaxed and having giggly fun, because they left all their troubles back home, and it’s such a relief to not have to look them right in the eye every single day. That night, when everyone’s more than a bit tipsy, racy little anecdotes start to sneak out. One by one they push the boundaries a little harder, because girls get competitive in groups, and every one of them wants to ‘reluctantly’ admit the juiciest, most shocking indiscretion, but not so shocking that the others turn on them. ‘Teehee, aren’t we misbehaving, isn’t this just like the old days when we were all single ... or at least able to fake it if presented with a sufficiently hot hookup?’”
“The next day, sober and a little tired — because at their age they don’t usually stay up so late or drink so much, though I’d wager your Kathryn’s an exception to that rule — the more serious bitching starts in earnest. John’s gaining weight and won’t go to the gym. Bob’s not the attentive lover he used to be, which makes me wonder if he’s having an affair. Bill’s never around, because he’s working way too much. He is working too much, isn’t he? He’s away from home all the time? She’s lonely, frustrated, and unfulfilled, emotionally and sexually?”
Amazed at her perceptiveness, he answered, “Uh, yeah. He’s...”
“I don’t need you to fill in the details. He’s not my concern in any of this; you are. Anyway: later that night, back in the confessional embrace of Bacchus — and they’re drinking harder than the night before, because now it’s not just escapist fun, it’s about numbing the pain and the anxieties and the affronts — the real truths start to come out. Betty’s talked to a divorce lawyer. Not seriously, just assessing the terrain. Kelly and John fight all the time, even about insignificant little things, because arguing is all they have left. Susie’s wearing low-cut tops with no bra around the hot landscapers, hoping they’ll notice ... which they have. Kathryn’s thinking about banging her wine consultant.”
He grimaced, but she pressed on.
“The next day, it’s all about hangovers and regrets. They keep doing the wine tours, or the spa, or whatever, but it’s not as much fun as it was the first day because everyone’s in their own head, trying to decide what to do. When they finally reconvene they’re floating audacious trial balloons, daring their friends to grant permission ... or, alternatively, to talk them out of it. And they do both, depending on the story and how closely it mirrors their own problems. Betty’s backing away from the idea of divorce because of the kids, but now Kelly’s considering it for the first time. Susie still wants to fuck the landscapers, but she’s afraid. Unfortunately, it’s not because she’s concerned about cheating on her husband; she’s sure she could get away with it. No, she’s worried about her friends finding out and thinking she’s a slut. After all, Susie’s been very careful to avoid being known as a slut since that night back in college when she got drunk and took on six dudes at a party, even though she’d already started dating the guy she eventually married.”
“Meanwhile, Kathryn’s looking at the calendar and realizing her husband won’t be home very much over the next few months, but that the virile young stud who obviously wants her so very badly is available all day, every day. Suddenly, she’s resolved: she’s going to do it. Everyone bonds over the unhappiness of their lives — whether or not they’re actually all that unhappy — after which come the hugs, fake girl-power bullshit, and a lot of theatrical crying about how they never see each other anymore but they’ll always have each others’ backs, blah, blah, blah. Everyone goes home feeling supported and empowered to do something they weren’t necessarily going to do until the trip somehow gave them permission, even though that permission was only granted inside their own heads. So tell me: was that exactly how it happened?”
Jesus fucking ... how the hell did she intuit all that? “I can’t believe you can just...”
“Shut up and answer the question. Was it?”
“Yes. I mean, some of the details were wrong, but yes.”
“And so ... wait, let me guess this part, too. When she came back, it was her that took things to the next level. Right?”
How can she know any of this? “It was, yes. I came upstairs and she was waiting in my bed, naked.”
“Of course. At that point, there’s no possible way you could say no.”
“Are you suggesting that I could have?”
“No, no, no. Kathryn Lloyd Maddox in your bed, naked and horny ... there might not be more than a few dozen people on this earth who could resist her. Hell, I know some gay men who’d wouldn’t be on that very short list. In that situation, she holds a royal flush and everyone else has a five.”
“Well, you’re right. I couldn’t have resisted even if I’d wanted to.”
“Especially as it was your entire purpose in taking the job to begin with.”
“You keep saying that, but no it wasn’t,” he objected. “I mean ... yeah, I was obviously thinking about her that way, and I certainly fantasized about her often enough, but it was something I only thought about, not something that I actually believed might...”
“Bullshit. Such self-serving bullshit.”
“Wendy, why are you so angry at me? Didn’t you tell me that you’d have sex with her if you could? Wouldn’t you still? What’s the difference? Are you jealous or something?”
“Yes, I did say that. Yes, I still would. No, I certainly wouldn’t have made a different choice if I found her waiting in my bed. Yes, I’m jealous. And by the way, jackass, I’m not actually mad at you for the reason you think. I thought I was, but now I see that I’m really not. I am more than a little upset about you trying to lie to me, but I’m not mad about you and Kathryn fucking, because I knew all along that it was going to happen. I’m mad because I thought I could talk you out of it, which was stupid of me. I was painfully wrong, maybe because I didn’t have the strength of my own convictions and my arguments couldn’t bear the strain of my hypocrisy. But still, despite all your bullshit, you’re supposed to be my friend and I had to at least try. Which, by the way, I’m going to do one more time before I give up. Luke, you know that this is a terrible, awful, no good idea, right? Please, please, please at least tell me that you know that much.”
All his turmoil and internal conflict came bubbling to the surface. Damn her. Everything is so good. Why is she trying to ruin it? “I know. Objectively, I do. But ... fuck, Wendy, you told me not to lie. The truth is that I’m not even sure about that. I know I should feel guilty, and I often do, especially when I’m alone, but deep down? I should feel a lot worse than I actually do. Guilt kept me on the straight and narrow for a while, but now? I ... I guess I don’t feel bad enough, if that makes sense. Does that make me a shitty person?”
“Well, you tell me: how do you feel when you’re talking to your dear old family friend Bill Harris? Do you feel like a shitty person then?”
“Ouch. That hurts. I know I probably deserve it, but ouch, Wendy.”
“Well, you know what they say about the truth. Does he know? Wait ... do they have an open marriage? That would change everything. I might even have to apologize to you.”
Wouldn’t that be nice? “No, he doesn’t know, or at least I don’t think he does. Kathryn was kinda weird about it, saying that if he figured it out he’d probably ignore it. To my knowledge, though, they don’t have an open marriage. If they did, I think she would’ve told me by now, considering what we’re doing. Though she also told me, once, that she wouldn’t care if he had an affair either, as long as he was honest with her if she asked. So maybe he feels the same way? I dunno, I feel like I’m grasping for justifications and excuses.”
“At least you realize it. Are you her first? Extramarital affair, I mean?”
“She says I am. In fact, she says this is the first time she’s ever cheated on anyone. For what it’s worth, she also claims that what we’re having isn’t an affair.”
“Really? Well, this should be good. What does she call it, then?”
“Her exact words were ‘it’s not an affair, it’s separate.’”
“Ah, the glories of sexual apartheid. You should change your name to Jim Crow. There’s no way it’s a two-way street, then. She’s determined to do you no matter what, and whether or not he has his own side piece, she doesn’t want him to find out.”
“Well, I obviously can’t ask him about it. Especially not now.”
“No. No you can’t. That bridge is already on fire. But even if he never figures it out, you’ll always know. You’re not a psychopath, after all. Once you stop fucking her, you’re going to feel guilty about it for the rest of your life. I hope you’re prepared for that.”
“Once we stop?”
“Christ, now you’re being a dumbass again. What do you think the endgame is?”
“I guess I haven’t thought about it.”
“No, of course you haven’t. That’s what I was trying to explain when I was yelling at you, but you wouldn’t listen. And unless your brain stops vacationing in your dick and moves back between your ears, you never will.”
“Do you think it’s going to end badly?’
“For one of you, a one hundred percent chance. For two of you, something uncomfortably close to that. For all three of you, still higher than fifty percent. Maybe the best you can hope for is that it doesn’t end badly for absolutely everyone involved, immolating your families, your friends, your professional reputations...”
Jesus, she’s being dramatic. “So what are you really saying? That you think I should stop?”
“Is there a word or phrase in any language that would make you walk away the next time Kathryn begs you to fuck her?” When no answer seemed imminent, Wendy snorted and continued, “That’s what I thought. No, Luke. I’m not telling you to stop, because what would be the point? I’d just be wasting my breath.”
“But ... okay, what if I tried to talk her into being the one to end it? Or maybe you could talk to her, and...”
“You can fuck right off with that shit. I’ll do no such thing, and never, ever ask me to do something like that again. Anyway, there’s nothing I could say that would change her mind, either.”
“Why do you say that?”
“How can you be such a moron? Really, how can you possibly be this dumb?”
“Wendy, what...?”
“She’s been planning this since the night she met you. This is the reason she hired you.”
What? “No, but that’s ... no, wait, she said that...”
“You’re about to say something incredibly stupid that suggests women are above devious machinations in the pursuit of a little strange. I suggest that you keep that sexist trash to yourself.”
“So you actually think she intended to cheat on Bill all along?”
“No, dear, because she’s not cheating. It’s not an affair, it’s separate.” Her derision was like a container of acid splashed across his face, and he hated it.
“Do you mean that she maneuvered me into this position? Like she sprung some sort of trap I was too besotted to see until it was too late?”
“No, no, nothing like that. You’re taking what I’m saying the wrong way. I think both of you went into this legitimately believing that you could restrain yourselves, as deranged as that belief was. But deep down, you also both went into this intending to finish what you started at my bar. You took the job so you could fuck her, she invited you to stay on the property so she could fuck you, and now — quelle surprise — you’re fucking. Mission accomplished! Honestly, the most shocking thing is that it took this long.”
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xmoviesforyouMy wife Shweta gave birth to my first son a few days after New Year’s. Her widowed mother Vineeta (Vi for short) would come to our house often for the next several weeks to see how the 3 of us were doing. She especially wanted to make sure Shweta would be able to produce enough milk for the baby. She did produce some, but somehow not quite enough. Even after the baby emptied both of Shweta’s breasts, he would cry for more. So Vi would open her blouse and put the baby to her own breasts to calm...
IncestBy High School I had developed more curves than Mulholland Drive, while Sarah never wore bra--or needed one. I was the one that all the boys hit on, but Sarah was the sexual adventurer. She was the first to let a boy reach third base--and reciprocate with a hand job. I was green with envy when I learned she'd slept with Charlie Hansen, the football team captain and legendary campus hunk. She was also the first to get a computer in her bedroom. This was the late 90s--when dial-up...
LesbianBruce's cock hardened more against Selina's traveling talons, the Bruce's cock hardened more against Selina's traveling talons, the polished burgundy nails, a somewhat abrasive contrast to her soft, milky white fingertips.Bruce bit his tongue as Selina casually flicked one of the mousetraps that she?d placed on each of his nipples. It felt as if the tender nipples, which she?d tenderized further by rubbing in Ben-Gay, were to be ripped off by the harsh metal bars of the traps.Selina...
Most of Fran’s close friends were envious of the relationship she had with her husband, Ian, even after over ten years of marriage. They were still like a newly wed couple. Fran would tell them that besides being madly in love with each other, it was because they kept things exciting. Ian’s shift work enabled them to spend lots of quality time together when their children were at school. They often used this time to spice up their love life. Fran guarded their time together well and her friends...
Maya Kendrick is watching television when her stepbrother Lucas Frost steals the control and changes the channel. He pushes her out of the way when she protests and notices that she’s not wearing any panties between her miniskirt. They temporarily stop arguing when Maya’s mom Fallon West chastises them and takes the control. When Fallon insists that the two stepsiblings be quiet, Lucas whips his dick out and reaches out to grope Maya’s tits Maya is concerned they’ll get...
xmoviesforyouThanks for reading my work and kill me if like with your comments. I'm not afraid of criticism.*****I picked up a few things in the kitchen and then followed Sheila's trail of clothes down the hallway expecting to lead me to our bedroom but instead the trail ended at the door going into my 'play room'. As I walked in I saw her lying on the bed with legs spread wide and tied to the foot board posts of the bed. Her arms were over head in a spread eagle position and on wrist was tied to the head...
Preface: This is a story of magic and intrigue, of sex and great orgasms. Ashley was a 19-year-old redhead living on her own while attending college. She was a rather plain girl with only the subtlest curves and that depressed her. She would pray every night to the gods of sex for a stunning body that would stop a man dead in his tracks, and tonight that was exactly what she was going to get Body: Lying in bed with a few candles burning brightly around her, Ashley worked her hands over her...
Jody was the maid for the hotel suite that Mr Strickland occupied. Her job was to keep Mr Strickland happy. He was not very happy. She found herself standing looking out the floor to ceiling window with her hands placed wide above her head on the glass. Legs spread. He was holding a riding crop in his right hand. She was panicking he had threatened to lay a complaint about her lack of obedience. She had said she would prove she was obedient and now. Well Jody had raised the hem of her maid...
Hai to everyone this is rocky(name changed) from andhrapradesh krishna dt.age 22 yrs height 5.6. Coming to my atta nice stucture 5.3 height i cant explain abt sizes but very good. Coming to story about the story ma atta means my mothers brother’s wife i like her very much. Nenu sex meda avagahana vachina kadinunchi thanani ohinchukuni hp chesukuntanu ala thana pina naku baga feeling kaligindhindhi kani chinappudu problem avuthundhi ani dare cheyaledhu ala engineering ipoindhi. Alla oka two...
You are a person from a world much like our own, but over three hundred years in the future. By that time holographic simulators have gotten so advanced that 90% of the population basically lives their whole adult life in virtual reality, and the advances in automation mean that almost no one has a 'job' any more, we all live on the planetary "Basic Living Stipend" protected by our benevolent pseudo-goddess "Lady Macintosh".* *(The name the singularity chose for itself.) You however are in...
The idea had come to Peter one night. The network was looking for a new series. The old one was drawing to a close and they needed to replace it with something ... the only question was with what? A true to life series, the jungle ... the Amazon ... natives. Find a lost tribe, surely there must be a tribe of natives still out there they could find and film. Make a documentary about, live with them for a few weeks, follow their every move, let the people of the so called civilized world see...
Sometimes an adventure starts when there is no expectation of anything happening at all.Recently I had to take the West Coast train south for a meeting in the Midlands and was not really looking forward to the long journey down. For a woman who likes being active, it promised to be most uncomfortable being cooped up for 4 hours or so with only my phone for company. The up-side to this was that I was being sent First Class, so there would at least be a bit of luxury to make the time pass that...
"Campbell, heads up! Ingles just told us the computers are rigged," Jones said over the radio. There was a short pause, "Campbell!" "All clear. All clear," Rogers, the team member assigned to watch over Campbell responded. "He's taken his headset off and can't hear you, but he's fine." Before the radio conversation was half over, Jeff rounded the bottom of the stairs, grabbed the rail and launched himself, hard. Lieutenant Richardson was right behind Jeff for the first few steps,...
Horny boss Ria Sunn is in the office getting ready for a meeting and when she is joined by Erik and one of her employees, Michael she listens carefully to Erik’s sales pitch. While they take a break, Ria strips down to her white cotton panties and toys a glass dildo on her desk while the guys are waiting in the breakroom. Ria gets dressed quickly and joins them where she decides to use them both to satisfy her sexually! This hot executive gets her pussy and ass filled with cock and takes...
xmoviesforyouFor the last three days, Katerina’s visit had been a whirlwind of sexual bliss for both of us. She had come across the country for a “weekend” visit after we had become pen pals. She had confided in me that she was attracted to older men (which I obviously qualified as, being older than her father), and later told me that she had a fantasy of being someone’s “sex slave”; to be used and told what to do, sexually, without having any control. Now, she asked if she could stay a “few more days”,...
It was awkward sitting in your living room sipping wine with your husband. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. I tried not to stare, and I don’t know if I succeeded. You sat there, oozing sexuality. Wearing a low-cut blouse straining to control a pair of magnificent breasts, a gorgeous face, ruby red lipstick coated lips, legs for miles and stylish heels in early evening. I think your husband is accustomed to men staring at you all the time, he took no notice. You however, smiled...
Small things make all of the difference in the world to a person's mental state. Take for example the sound of eight very precise pistons moving back and forth in their own respective cylinders. The output of that movement, funneled through a specially tuned exhaust system creates a mechanical symphony of sorts. That sound might be considered to be a loud and un-necessary noise, by a person who wants to relax and have quiet or simply isn't atuned to it. But it can also be viewed as being very...
I’m absolutely beautiful. Chantal Warriner stared at her flawless features in the rearview mirror, wondering how she got so lucky. She knew how. Her perfect mother had married her perfect father and she had become the perfect baby. And Chantal Warriner was perfect in every way. She had graduated three years ago from Beachville Academy with a perfect 4.0 grade point and had been accepted to Harvard. She had graduated a year early with a degree in art history and had found the perfect job,...
The Feminisation of Michael. Chapter 5 I found out later that I had been in a coma for two months. I was unrecognisable and unconscious but still just alive.I remember waking up and being totally lost and I didn’t feel like me. Sue was there when I woke and the memory of her face returned as did the events of the run up to that fateful night.When I first woke, I couldn’t feel anything from my neck down and wondered if indeed I was paralysed. I felt the lace of a nightdress and looked...
Crossdressing“…And I give you, your Advanced Care Paramedic Class of 2019!” Applause and chatter erupt from all around us, graduation caps are thrown then they quickly scatter the ground around 80 students as the audience dies down and begins their descent from the bleachers and towards the exit. “Holy shit, I can’t believe we did it Anna!” I look to my left, knowing that Ana has already scurried over to me from her seat a couple rows back. “Honestly, I’m just surprised we made it through 4 years of...
BDSM“Rick, can you do me a favour?” “Sure my love, what is it?” “Can you go to Mom and Dad’s place and cut some more firewood for them. It has been a cold late winter and they’re almost out.” “I thought they had plenty left for the winter. I filled the wood bin in the garage last week and they still had almost a full cord left outside. I’ll go and cut about half a cord for them.” I put on my work clothes and grabbed my gloves. “Take a change of clothes with you. Mom doesn’t want to smell...
"A naturist resort?" asked Beth. "Is there even one close by here?" "There is one," said Venera. "It's called Sunny Acres. It's located about 40 miles outside of town in Williamsdale. I've been a member there for years, so are my parents." "We're going to have to approach them first," replied Beth. "I'm not even sure they'll agree to it." "That's going to take a lot of leg work," said Cathy Ackerman. "Who can we get to do that?" "I will take the lead on that,"...
PALAIS 4. Charise just had finished her final preparations when the stage assistant bustled into the dressing alcove, calling for the girls' attention. "All right ladies, time to go," he babbled in his thick Gaelic brogue, "everybody take your places please." A burst of excited chatter followed this announcement as the girls deserted their dressing tables and flocked towards the Grande Stage. The atmosphere was tense with expectation. Tonight, they'd be doing...
I was in a daze...having just witnessing the love of my life sucking the dick of her teenage son. I drove aimlessly for several hours, re-thinking the scene forever burnt into my brain of her, down on her knees, servicing his big cock like a cheap whore. I was appalled, yet also stimulated, knowing what pleasure her lips could give. My hard dick decided the issue - I would go back to face the situation. Entering via the front door, I found Alice in repose on the sofa, reading. Her...
Dirk and I were split up. We each went into a Scout Lance for the two new Lances of Shadow. The first thing we did was to start to familiarize the others with the area. That didn't take long and as we were doing that we were beginning to become acquainted with each other. Mack Flannery was the Captain of Shadow. He rode around in a Catapult which is a 65 ton missile launcher. Its main weapons are two LRM-15s which can turn out a lot of missiles. Lt. Randy Larson was the Executive Officer...
Matt did not have that many evenings to spend peacefully at home these days, and the cameraman was genuinely sorry to learn that Lynn had scheduled a working meeting of her charity group which was expected to last until late. Well, there was an evening full of good shows on the television, he decided, so there was no reason to be bored. The refrigerator was well stocked with ginger ale, and he decided to make himself comfortable in the big easy chair by the fireplace and pleasantly kill a few...
They were off to his Saturday night A.A. meeting. Jane’s mother had originally started going along “to be supportive”, as she’d explained to Jane at the time. Also to make sure he got there, Jane thought. But her mother had come to, if not enjoy the meetings exactly, look forward to them somewhat; to sitting and talking with the other wives and husbands in the same situation. This of course meant that, between A.A., the counseling sessions and her parents’ other commitments, many nights...
Faisal laughed. He and his friend Oskar Uppsala were watching a video in the internet inside Faisal's room. They were watching two Blonde women having sex with a large wolf dog. One woman was sat down on her ass on the floor while the dog was licking her pussy and the other woman was sucking its dick, with dog sperm dripping out of her mouth. "I really love your country!" Faisal laughed. Oskar gave his friend a puzzled look. The two boys were classmates in a private school somewhere in...
By : Ammaboy Hi naa peru ramakrishna.Vayasu 20.Andaru krish ani pilustaru. Maa amma peru,Bharathi.Vayasu 40. Maa amma ante chinnapati nundi naaku entho ishtam. Ekkuva sepu maa amma thone gaduputhanu. Modatlo e site choosinappudu incest stories chadive vaadini . Naaku sigguga anipinchedhi. Kaani ponu ponu thrilling ga anipinchedhi. Appati nundi amma tho marintha daggara ga vundevadini kani ammaku idhemi ardham ayyedhi kadhu. Eppati lage chesthunnanu anukuntundhi. Maa amma gurinchi cheppalante...
My parent's divorce had been hard on me, but in the long run I knew it was for the good. No more arguments, or things flying through the house and I could do things a little more freely than before. I was at my dad's for his birthday and I had planned to make dinner before letting him go hang out with his buddies for the rest of the night. He deserved it, honestly, and I would have only been in the way. As a 17-year-old, I figured you were only young once, and I had plenty of time to hang out...
Novels“I am just here to check on our newest family in the community,” Eddie greeted my father with a hearty handshake as Charity knelt at his feet by our front door. “Thank you for telling me we couldn’t remove the lock yesterday,” Dad told him. “You would be surprised how many people have told me that. A little time and discussion were what you needed. I am glad I could be of service,” Eddie smiled. Dad ordered Charity to serve them a drink in the living room and sat down with Eddie. Charity...
Edie also was the next girl to get a ‘date’ based on passing out our business cards to about thirty limousine drivers she talked to at the airport – ‘Sensations’ on one side, and her first name and cellphone number on the other. She thought it might be a long shot, but one day not soon after she got a call. “Hello, is this Edie?” “Hi. Yes, it is.” Her voice was friendly and encouraging, inviting follow-on conversation. She’d rehearsed along with her roommates how to answer so each of them...
I was over at his place during the summer, just hanging out. Both of us were miraculously, concurrently single, which had never happened in the time we’d known each other. I’ve always found Roland attractive, with his sandy blond hair, tempting muscle definition, and his physical presence. He’s not the tallest guy, but big enough to make me feel petite, which I often forget I am. I’m 5’2” and have always been athletic. As a result, I have rather nice ass and flat stomach, with c-cups to top it...
'Insufficient Funds, please take your card.'Sandra bit her bottom lip and tried not to swear in front of the queue that was building behind her at the cash machine. Now what was she going to do?She was supposed to be meeting her friend Julie for a drink in town, but she only just about had enough money for the bus back home. She texted Julie to let her know she couldn't make it and why, and headed despondently back to the bus station.About halfway home she rang Julie’s phone, "Hi Julie," she...
Matureby aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Read and enjoy. I had a lot to do today. Jan had to work, so the house would be free for some “security” equipment to be installed. I got to work and Marlene said she had seven more men lined up for Friday night. I think that made 12, so far. I told her, “The dress for the guys that night would be sweat pants and a “T” shirt. There would be no fumbling with zippers, buttons,...
As 18 year old Lori kept coming in her lovely little blue cotton knickers for me, I kept whispering, ‘Do you like this, Lori? Do you like me making you come in your sexy little blue cotton knickers?’ Writhing and twisting against my fingers, she sobbed, ‘Yes, Oooooh, fuck, yes, Adam – this is the first time anyone has made me come and I just can’t even begin to describing the sensations, it feels as if my whole pussy is on fire.’ Happy that she was finding her first sexual experience so...
My name is Nancy I'm five foot four inches tall and weight about one hundred and ten pounds thirty eight D size xxx tits and a nice tight ass. I have been a closet whore ever since ( ken) neighbor boy asked me to suck his cock. I was three years younger than him but I was curious as hell after listening to my three sisters talk about there boyfriends and their cocks. So I asked him to show me his cock he said that I should show my pussy too. I thought it was OK so I dropped my shorts and he...
Group SexOne saturday, we spend the day wandering around town doing about as much shopping as I can handle, along with visiting a museum. The highlight of the day is you teasing me by messaging me a few photos of the lingerie you've been trying on, and a couple in-between, whilst I wait patiently trying to conceal my erection and not to look like a guy perving at women in the lingerie section. As the day turns to evening and needing a break, we find a place to have dinner, it's quite classy, dimly lit...
Hannah and Samantha piled into the back seat out of breath and giggling after racing to the car from the KISS rock concert that had been incredibly energizing, and with the dance floor full of writhing bodies the whole experience had been a huge turn-on. The twin's friend Rich arrived moments later and swung behind the driver's seat. "So where would you ladies like to go?" They both erupted in laughter at the silly possibilities that question implied. Rich fired up the car with the thought that...
It was two o'clock in the morning. Jim took a gulp of coffee as he sat patiently in his car in the deserted park. He put his drink down in the cup holder, and looked at his watch thinking, "where the fuck is this kid?" Jim looked around nervously to make sure no one saw him. He'd be in a shit load of trouble if he got caught. Right then a beat up old Ford Taurus pulled into a space on the other side of the parking lot, and the driver shut off the engine. The old clunker's high beam's flashed...
Gay MaleHi guys, I am (Neel) back with the next encounter here. I am sure all of you read all my previous stories “Enjoyed with Nicky the Online friend”, “My Story with Nickey Part-2” and “The Train Journey with Nicky”and who hasn’t read that, I would request you to read it. So guys, here I am with one of the next encounters. After that day, we had more encounters in the train. People could not understand anything about us. However, one person in the train asked, if we are married, to which I said we...
The bidding on Ashley was over. She always goes for a premium price. She’s 38. I’m 52. So now I was the last one to be auctioned off. The men were able to see me but I could not see them. Nor could they see one another. Privacy is what made this fund raiser work. The women knew that they would be expected to do a fashion show in a private hotel room at a 5 star resort in our lingerie or in a bikini. For that, our club would raise a lot of money for the local SPCA.The master of...
Let me tell you something that happened, well it started a month ago, I was reading a son&mom story on xhamster at work and left for home, I work a lot from home, and at home I well started to beat my meat as I read. But I did not think far ahead and had nothing to clean so I ran to laundry room and grabbed the first thin at hand and behold it was a pair of panties BANG I shot of into them and put them away . Later that night I was in my office and headed my wife ask my mother in law if she...
Carol and I have a pretty good active affaire, so casually she asked one day if I would not mind if she tested the waters by seeing other men? At first, I was a little jealous I have to say. Then the fire in me lit up. Anyway, why should I complain as I have a partner and Carol is an extra special friend? So, I said, "fine by me if you don't mind me having a dabble as well?" I started to look at all the web site and found one, a little on the expensive side but seemed to have a good number of...
Hi main dhiraj. Apani dusari kahani ko pesh kar raha hu mere pyare aur pyari dostonke liye. Ees part me main apako bataoonga ki maine kis tarah kamini ki chudai ki. Mangalwar ke din poonam ne muzase kaha ki wo kamini ko nahi la sakti. Aur tumhe usake sath guruwar ki rat ko hi usake mayake jane ke liye nikalana hoga. Kamini ka mayaka mysore ke pass 65 km ek gaon me tha. Mumbai se kareeb 1100 km door.. Maine poonam se kamini ke bare me aur puccha to uasane bataya ki kamini ne 18 saal ki umra me...
ME & CERA : A BIG SURPRISE by hfernandez1983 This story is a complete work of fiction. All characters in this story are of 18 years of age. Its set in the fictional suburb of River-hill. This time its the story of a young high school girl named Allison who befriends the new girl Cera who has moved in with he family next door and also goes to her high school. They become great friends. But Cera has a "secret". I hope that you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am...
Sipping her cold watermelon shake, she relaxed her bikini-clad body on the beach chaise chair. Her blonde hair accentuated her white bikini. She rolled her eyes again under the dark lenses of her sunglasses when she saw the persistent, shirtless man who introduced himself as Mark when she relaxed on the shore an hour ago, got out of the water. He carried with him his brown surfboard and sauntered to where Clarissa was relaxing. Clarissa’s eyes fixated on his majestic six-pack...
We were alone in the house. Beth said, “Let’s go soak in the hot tub. I don’t expect any more people to come by.” “Suits me.” We grabbed towels and walked out to the hot tub before stripping. Naked, we got in the tub. It felt good. We lazed in it with the jets soothing us for at least a half hour. We got out and dried off. Still naked, we carried our clothes inside. Beth wanted to set up her bedroom. I helped her though we spent about half the time playing with each other’s body parts. When...
Hi, I am Jai and this story which I am going to narrate is a real-life incident, which happened in my friends’ life. I have narrated it as he explained it to me. Just sit back, relax and enjoy while shagging your dick. I even gotta see some encounters after my friend explained this experience. It’s a long story and I will try to make it as interesting as possible. I am a good looking, 5’8 tall and have a 6-inch strong dick. I work out regularly which helps me go really long sessions on the bed....
IncestCassey's smile disappeared. “As soon as I get my reference…” Cassey said in a low tone. “From Veronica?” Jason asked. Cassey nodded. “But you know what she'll say...” Cassey said. “That is going for this job, you've gone behind her back” Jason said. “Exactly. She's impossible, Jason. She'll never give me that reference” Cassey said. “Come on, she won't be unreasonable. If you want to leave, she'll let you leave” Jason said. “She's a manipulating bitch” Cassey said. Jason was...
Slave to a Vampiress Part XVIII - Tulip reminisces about her third date with her beloved Mistress. And ........ this is far as I have written. (I'm always a few months ahead of my stories, I've been coasting on this one since late December.) I feel like I have lost my audience, I went back and forth between Tulip's past and present way too much, which was clearly confusing people. Whoops. I have a really good finish for this story. At least I think it's a lot of fun, but I have'added...
I always enjoyed dining at 21. The setting was elegant, the service impeccable, and the food delicious, delicious like my dinner guest. Nicole was breathtaking in the black dress. Not to boast, but between the two of us, we turned a lot of heads when we made our entrance. Nicole ordered the wine - red and white, a bottle of each, and the sommelier congratulated her on her selections. I had to admit the wine enhanced the food. We didn't drink all the wine, less than half of each bottle, I'd...
Sonja konnte sich jetzt nicht mehr zurückhalten. "Komm schon, leck mir die Fotze du Sau!" Erst jetzt merkte Nicole, dass Ihre Freundin eben so ein geiles Biest ist wie Sie selbst."Zieh dich aus, setzt dich auf den Sessel und spreiz schön die Beine für mich." Erst jetzt konnte Sie Sonjas Körper in ganzer Pracht sehen. Schlank und durchtrainiert, kleine feste Brüste mit harten, beidseitig gepiercten Nippeln und einer glatt rasierten Fotze. Als Sie ihre Beine nach oben streckte konnte man schön...
...and I feel my arse start to close back to normal. "Please massage my hole" I ask and my Master puts 1 or 2 fingers inside me and gently massages my arse to give me some comfort. I roll over on my back and my Master lays in my arms and we kiss tenderly as I know I have pleased my Master and we share a special love. Chapter 11. We lay together for about 20 minutes just holding each other and occassionally kissing tenderly. My Master looked at me and said "Your arsehole stretched quite big". "I...
Which leads me onto my recollection of my visit to Croydon visiting my friend Jodie and meeting Alf. What I wrote really was all happened in those few hours. And it was just days after my gang fuck at Gus’s house. Of course as I said in my story on my way home from Croydon I was on a real sexual high, not only that I was I naked in my car in broad daylight. My sex life whilst interesting by most any standard, just in the last 7 days I had enjoyed the 5 man gang fuck at Gus’s they had used...