RemixChapter 5 free porn video

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It wasn't the blood that freaked out James. Intellectually she expected the shock, and was prepared for it. It wasn't the cramps either, although they were a bitch and a half, creasing her lower stomach like a vise. No, the part about having her period that really pissed James off, was having to borrow a maxi-pad from her mother.

Anne's smile at the request had been strange, half a smile and half a look of concern. Whatever thoughts were going through her head, she immediately dragged James down to the nearest drugstore and plunked a large pack of the items on the counter. The clerk seemed to pay no attention, either to the items or to James' bright red features.

"Pee emm ess? There's no such thing. There's just a human being in fucking pain." James thought to herself as she changed the pad in her underwear. The blood had stopped flowing as much, since it was now three days since the pad shopping trip. Being on the rag was not something James had enjoyed, since it felt like she was wearing diapers. However, despite her mother's suggestion that a tampon might feel better, she was opposed to the idea. The idea of anything inside her was abhorrent.

Finishing up in the bathroom, James washed her hands and walked out to the main room. Anne was there, packing a few last items into a small black purse that was totally different from the standard one that she usually carried. She was dressed to go out, in a long green dress that was perfectly coordinated with the light sweater that she wore over it.

James recalled that it was her mother and Randall's anniversary tonight. They had gone out every year on this date for the last four years. She was surprised however, to note that Randall was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Randall?" James asked his mother, who turned exposing her perfectly made up features.

"He's meeting me at the restaurant." Anne explained, picking up her keys. "Now, I really want to thank you for watching Elaine and Julie tonight."

"It's not like I have somewhere else to be, mom." James shrugged. With her trip to college only a week away, James had spent most of her recent time either playing the guitar, walking around the nicer parts of town, or packing. "Where are they, anyway?"

"They're in Elaine's room. Now, make sure they're in bed by eleven and no calling boys and asking them over." Anne cautioned.

"Not a problem mom. The last thing I want is a fourteen year old boy in this house."

"Have fun!" Anne called back as she closed the door behind herself. James watched out the window as her mother started up the station wagon and backed out of the driveway. She noted that Randall's work truck was still present, so he must have taken the smaller pickup.

The house was quiet, James noted, except for the faint sound of music from her sister's room. That was to be expected, since Elaine and Julie were heavily into music of almost every kind.

Guitar. James first impulse was to race up to her room and crank the volume to maximum. Since she had gotten the instrument, her mother had consistently praised her for the amount she practiced, but had also cautioned her that the volume needed to be lower. James had always been a member of the "If it's too loud, yer too old" school of guitar playing, and keeping the volume at one had grated considerably.

"Not like Elaine's gonna complain." James snickered, pulling the amp down the stairs. Her room was private, but the acoustics sucked. The main room, with its high ceiling and numerous reflective surfaces. Well, James had loved the sound during her all too brief concert, and not taking advantage of the opportunity would be idiotic.

"These go up to eleven..." James snickered in a faux British rock star voice as she adjusted the volume knob on the amplifier to a solid eight. That was enough volume to really rock out, but not so much that the windows would rattle.

What to play, what to play? She'd gotten most of her virtuoso stuff out of her system over the last few days, and what she really felt like playing was something different. Yasonori Mitsuda.

Mitsuda was not exactly a composer taught by the conservatories. In fact, most of his best work wouldn't be out until ninety-seven. What was incredible about his work was that it wasn't usually acknowledged outside of Japan, at least as good music. Video games had never been something that you generally looked to for symphonies.

James started slow, with a piece that was usually played on an acoustic guitar. It consisted mostly of a few notes, with an occasional chord thrown in. James half wished that he had a flute player here, so he didn't have to work the melody as well as the bass line. It just felt so good to kick back and play.

Her fingers still hurt, but over the past few days James had grown accustomed to the pain. Compared to menstrual cramps, a little pinching on her fingertips was nothing. There hadn't been any repeats of the bloody fingers incident...

With that, James snickered, and changed tempo. This new piece had some strong Indian influence, sounding almost as if it should be played on a sitar. The chords were not typically western, being mostly in minor key, and rapidly switching from high to low. Heck, it worked for the Beatles.

"Did you make that up, Maggie?" Julie's voice from the hallway wasn't as distracting as Randall's had been a few days previously. James grinned, and turned, continuing to play as she did so. Julie and Elaine stood in the doorway, listening to her play. The expression on their faces was one of amusement. They actually looked like they were enjoying the impromptu concert.

"Naah, heard it somewhere." James stated, flicking her hair back with one hand after a powerful chord. There was really no way to explain that the person who wrote it hadn't written it yet.

"Told ya she was good." Elaine said, leading Julie over to the couch. Elaine leaned back as she sat down, while Julie tucked her bare feet under herself. Neither of the girls wore shoes, and seemed to be a bit underdressed.

"Yeah, but I thought you meant like good for somebody who'd just picked up a guitar. Hey, Maggie, you know any Bon Jovi?" Julie split her comment between the two sisters, finishing with a pleading gesture towards James.

"Don't have the right pedal to do Sambora." James shrugged, as she slipped into the opening notes of one of the bands more popular songs. That was something she would need if she actually wanted to play in a band. Right now, she was happy with what she was doing.

"What's a pedal?" Asked Elaine, a puzzled look coming across her face.

"Lets you do different sounds." James explained, accelerating the pace of her playing. Say what you will about Jon Bon Jovi's song writing talent, his guitar player was a HARD act to do. With injured fingers it was even more difficult, since Sambora had a nasty tendency to work the strings with his fingers rather than using the vibrato.

After finishing the song, James realized that if she played anymore, she would probably cut open her fingers again. Wrapping her fingers was an option, but she thought that a little healing time would probably be best.

"Sorry, girls, the artist must rest." James laughed, turning off the amplifier.

"Aww, why do you have to stop?" Julie sighed, a bit disappointed.

"Fingers hurt." James explained wiggling her digits at the pair on the couch.

"Why?" Elaine asked, not really comprehending.

"Look," James said, bringing her guitar over to where the two girls sat, "Press against this string here." James gestured to the neck of her guitar.

Elaine and Julie both took turns pressing the string against the neck.

"Oh, I see, it makes a line on your finger." Julie said, examining the red mark on her own hand.

"Yeah, now imagine how that feels after you do it a few hundred times."

"Oww, that must hurt." Elaine remarked, looking at her own red mark. "Can I see?"

James shrugged, turning her fingertips over so that the girls could see the darker color of her finger tips, where the blood had rushed close to the surface. Her one finger was still taped, since the injury hadn't completely healed.

"So, does it always hurt to play?" Julie asked, looking at James with sympathy in her eyes.

"No, not after you get used to it." James explained, "I've just been playing a lot recently."

"Oooh, I know Maggie! You need a manicure!" Elaine crowed.

"Hah? What?" James asked, having turned back and unplugged her guitar.

"That's a great idea! I bet Maggie's never had her nails done!" Julie grinned at Elaine, then turned to James.

"Thanks, but no thanks." James shrugged, pulling the amplifier towards the hallway.

"Aww, c'mon Maggie!" Elaine sighed. "I think it'd look great."

"I'm more of a Joan Jett than a Wilson sister, sis. Thanks anyway." James laughed. It was sweet, in a way, for Elaine and Julie to try to be so nice.

"C'mon! We'll even let you pick the colors!" Elaine offered, her eyes sparkling.

"How many ways can I say no?" James groaned, abandoning the amplifier at the doorway.

"Don't you want to?" Elaine asked, her voice taking on a softer, disappointed tone.

"You two really want me to? Huh?"

"YEAH!" the pair on the couch shouted in unison. The twin smiles gave James the distinct impression that they had already planned this.

It's like having a life size Barbie to Elaine, James thought. Well, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. The irony of that thought was not lost on James as she nodded her assent.

"All right, but I pick the color." James cautioned.

"One of em, at least!" Julie giggled, standing up and racing towards Elaine's room.

"Just wait here!" Elaine grinned from ear to ear as she started after her friend.

James decided that it would take them several minutes to get everything together and hurriedly schlepped the guitar and amplifier back up to her room. She returned to the living room just in time to see the girls returning: Julie with a small bag, and Elaine with a little basket.

"Ok, pick a color!" Elaine proffered the basket to James, and he noted at least thirty different nail polishes within. The sheer array of colors was staggering.

"Uh, gimme a minute." James pawed through the endless array of pinks and other pastel bottles, trying to find something that didn't look too outlandish. She was on the verge of telling Elaine that this was probably a bad idea when she noted a small bottle at the bottom in a deep blue-grey. It was probably the best option among the colors available, and James plucked it out of the bottom of the basket with a shrug.

"Here." she handed the little container to Elaine without ceremony.

"Ewww..." Julie recoiled when she saw the bottle. "Booooring."

"I've never used this one." Elaine observed, twisting the top of the cap and breaking a small plastic seal at the bottom. "Grandma sent it to me."

That figured. Grandma Abbie had never been very girly, and the attitude had colored her every gift to Elaine. James momentarily wondered if her mother had told Grandma about her transformation. There was something that would probably go over like a lead dirigible.

"So, what do I do now?" James asked, standing there a bit uncertain.

"Have a seat, and give me your hand." Elaine commanded.

James snickered at the imperialistic tone her little sister had lapsed into, and took a seat on the couch. Melodramatically, she extended her right hand with a limp wrist, as if waiting for some suitor to grab and kiss it. Both of the younger girls giggled at the affectation.

"Stop it, Maggie!" Elaine laughed, grabbing the extended hand in one of hers and pulling it down wards. She fished for a moment in the small bag that Julie had brought, before yanking out an Emory board.

"I get the other hand!" Julie squealed, sitting on the floor next to the couch and grasping James' free hand.

The next few moments were slightly painful. Despite the care that the two girls took in carefully filing at James' nails, there was really no way that they could avoid causing some slight pain to her well worn fingertips. James watched as the boards moved, in the same direction with one edge, before being flipped and moved in small quick motions with the other, finer grained side. It was sweet really, of his sister to do this for her. The sheer amount of concentration on the younger girls' faces was amazing as they carefully shaped each nail.

With a smile, Elaine finished her hand, and reached for the polish. Very carefully, she applied the dark color to each of James' nails in turn, carefully avoiding the skin. When she had finished, she handed the bottle to Julie who did the exact same thing on the other hand. After a few more minutes, the process was complete.

"Whaddya think?" Elaine asked, as James curled her fingers to stare at the nails.

"Uhm, thanks." James said, not really understanding the point. Yeah, her nails were colored now, but they were just nails. There was really no point to this, since she would just wear it away on guitar strings.

"Don't you want us to varnish them?" Julie asked as James got ready to stand up and leave.

"Uh, oh, sorry." James aborted her motion and extended her hands to the girls, who began to work once again, this time with a clear polish.

James was trying to relax, and was doing a pretty good job of it, when she heard the front door opening. She turned her head, to see Randall opening it. His expression was one of indifference, which was about typical. The only time that James had ever seen an emotion on Randall's face, he was usually laughing at someone.

"Hey, Randall." James called back towards the door. "Yer home early."

Randall merely grunted at the comment, his gaze taking in the room. He noted the activity that was currently going on, and a smirk crossed his features.

"Hey James. Love your nails." Randall spat the taunt at James.

"Thank you." James' response wasn't genuine, but it was the most mature thought that was running through his mind. He pulled his hands back from Elaine and Julie, smiling an apology.

"Thanks, I think I'll call it a night." James foremost desire was to just get out of Randall's sight.

"Notice yer not wearing one of your skirts, Jimmy. Too bad, you look good in 'em." The tone of Randall's comments was not typical. Had he been drinking or something, James wondered.

"Whatever." James sighed, walking towards the hallway. She could feel Randall's eyes on her once again. Her skin crawled as she realized that she could almost tell exactly what he was thinking. The best option for her right now was to go to her room and lock the door.

"Isn't mom with you?" Elaine asked Randall in an oblivious tone.

"No. She's still at the restaurant." Randall's tone left no doubt in James' mind as to what had happened. A fight. Probably a big one, to judge from the fact that Randall was home early, and alone.

James didn't hear the rest of the conversation, since she was rapidly moving out of earshot. She ascended the stairs to her room, and quickly entered, locking the door behind her. She noted with some dismay exactly how fast her heart was beating. Randall wouldn't have...

James realized that she really didn't know what Randall could have been capable of, and she had left Elaine and Julie down there to deal with him. She closed her eyes, trying to decide what to do. If she went down there right now, she'd be the target of whatever hostility that Randall might summon. If she didn't Elaine and Julie would be.

Randall liked Elaine. Elaine liked Randall. He would never hurt her, James kept telling herself. Julie, well, she's fourteen, for Christ's sake. Randall might be an asshole, but child molestation wasn't his style. He doesn't see you as a child, James' mind berated her. With you, if he were out of it enough, he might try something. Especially after a fight with Anne. Don't go down there.

For the next several hours, James sat right next to the door, listening in fear. She dreaded the possibility of Randall knocking on her door, or hearing a scream from downstairs. Every possible nightmare scenario ran through her head, ranging from the probable, to the truly outlandish. It was a welcome relief to hear the sounds of Anne's car pulling in to the driveway around eleven thirty.

Unable to contain her relief, James unlocked her door, and raced downstairs, moving through the nearly silent house. She guessed that Randall had gone to bed, and Julie and Elaine as well. She moved to the front door, flipping on the outside lights as she did so. The sight of a tired, but smiling Anne walking towards the front door greeted her eyes.

James opened the door for her tired mother as she breezed into the house. She smiled at James, dropping her purse on a table near the front door.

"Were the girls any trouble?" Anne asked casually, as she doffed her sweater.

"No. Mom, what happened?" James cut to the chase, since direct questioning seemed to be the best of all possible options.

"I ran into some friends. Randall wasn't having much fun with us, so he left." Anne's explanation was simple, but it was very obvious to James that she was leaving out something.

"Mom, uh, he didn't seem too happy when he came home." James tried, diplomatically. The last thing she needed to do was to anger her mother.

"Well, it was our anniversary and I suppose I was being a little selfish." Anne said, equally diplomatic. "Why, did he say something to you?"

No, but you just did mom, James thought. What Anne wasn't saying was written across her face in the way that she looked at James. They had fought, and it had been about her.

"No." James stated. "But I didn't feel very comfortable being alone in the house with him."

"Maggie," sighed Anne, moving towards the kitchen. "If you don't feel comfortable being in the same house as a man, maybe..."

"No mom, it's not men that I'm not comfortable with, it's him." James interrupted her mother with a sharper tone than she expected to use. "Seriously, have you seen the way he looks at me sometimes?"

"Maggie, you are very beautiful. He's not trying to make you feel uncomfortable."

"Mom, would you like it if a man stared at your breasts constantly? Randall does it to me all the time!" James explained. She would have preferred another time to bring this up, but striking while the iron was hot seemed appropriate.

"He is NOT staring at your breasts, Maggie." Anne's reply was tinged with an emotion that James didn't quite get. "He is your step- father."

"All I can say is thank God I'm leaving next week." James sighed.

"What do you mean by that?" Anne asked, a bit perturbed.

"Nothing." James turned to leave.

"Oh no, you don't get to make a comment like that and just walk away, Margaret James Fletcher. If you have something to say about Randall, you can just say it to my face." Anne's voice stopped James in her tracks. She inhaled deeply before turning and addressing her mother.

"Fine. Your husband has been looking at me like I was a side of beef. I don't care if you don't see it, I do. If he so much as touches me..."

"He wouldn't do that." Anne interrupted her daughter with a dismissive gesture. "You're in love with him, aren't you?"

"WHAT? NO!" The mere thought of Randall touching her was enough to make her nauseous. How could her mother think that?

"It's perfectly natural for girls to fall in love with..." Anne continued, a small smile crossing her face.

"You may be in love with him, but I am NOT, Mother." James growled. "He has done nothing but mock me since this all began."

"And you think that it's cute, don't you?" Anne's confident smile infuriated James. "I bet you even had that Vee Ess bag out on purpose, that one time."

"What, is that what he told you?"

"No, but he and I both suspect that you've been coming on to him a little." So that had been what the argument had been about. James' stomach roiled at the thought of flirting with Randall.

"Mother, that is thirty one flavors of disgusting."

"Do you want to sit down and talk about the feelings that you're having?" Anne's voice had taken on a condescending tone.

"I give up. You don't see it, or you won't see it, Mom. I'm tired, and I'm going to bed."

"You're just confused, Maggie." Anne finished as James stalked away. She was infuriated that her mother could look at the situation and see it from the completely wrong angle.

There was a lesson here, somewhere.

James inhaled deeply as she broke the surface of the water. The hotel pool that she was in was large enough to make underwater swimming fun. It had been one of her favorite things to do as a young man, and as a woman it had lost none of its charm. She made a mental note to take scuba diving lessons this time through. It had been something that she had always planned on, but had never found the time before.

She rolled backwards, floating on her back. The tiled ceiling of the roof was a fairly nice view, and gave her time to reflect. After two days of being stuck in a car with Randall, she was ecstatic to have some time to herself. Northern Oregon wasn't perfect, but at least they had a nice hotel.

One day until rush. That's what she had to keep reminding herself. It wasn't something she was particularly looking forward to, since her last experience with it had been a total disaster. Of course, she had only been a dweeby guy back then.

She glanced down at her body, encased in the dark blue bikini. For the first time, she had decided to throw caution to the wind and try wearing it alone. It was fairly late at night after all, and the pool was pretty much deserted. It was an indoor pool, to boot.

She stretched an arm over her head, beginning a leisurely backstroke. The water was a nice cool temperature, which was a welcome relief from the heat of the day. During the car ride up, she had sat in the cargo area of the station wagon, since it was the only place in the car where she could stretch her legs out fully. Anne had protested only feebly, but relented when she noted exactly how long the ride would be.

Reaching the far side of the pool, James flipped her legs over her head to push off. The increase in speed and the shift in direction was fun, and she shifted to a rapid paced freestyle. Arm over arm she swam for a few meters, before dipping her head below the water and changing to a breast stroke. Her feet fluttered wildly as she aimed for the bottom of the pool, and then glided over it, her eyes wide and scanning. She couldn't see too far, since she wasn't wearing goggles, but the experience of being underwater was always a pleasant one.

Finally reaching the end of her breath, James pushed off the bottom of the pool heading for the surface. Her head broke the water again, and she breathed the sweet air. She wiped a few loose strands of hair out of her face as she treaded water towards the small ladder out of the pool. She ascended, water dripping from everywhere.

Two days on the road. Sharing a room with Elaine hadn't been too bad, with the only exception being that she had insisted on putting on MTV almost the entire night. At least they were still playing music videos occasionally. James was positive that she would have gone insane on a steady diet of reality TV. Randall had been quiet too. She wasn't sure why, but he had merely concentrated on the road, and left the talking to Anne and Elaine. It was a welcome relief since it had given her time to read.

Rush. James' thoughts returned to it as she settled herself into the small hot tub at one end of the pool. It was nice, the jets massaging her skin deliciously. Now this was something she remembered liking as a guy. It was nice to see that at least one thing hadn't changed. She closed her eyes and thought about why Anne was insisting on rush.

Anne had never been in a sorority, and so had obviously totally gone for the propaganda that they were a nice, safe, structured environment. James knew differently from her earlier college experience, but no matter how she had cajoled her mother, she would hear nothing of it. In James' experience, the sororities at U of I were nothing more than dating services for the fraternities. Since sororities weren't allowed to have co-ed parties with alcohol, guess where all the sorority girls had generally spent their weekends. With over fifteen fraternities, and only nine sororities there was never a shortage of parties.

Safety. Anne was a tad naive sometimes, since her own college experience had been spent camping. It was the sixties, James reminded herself, and there was a war on. Sororities had probably represented a kind of ivory tower to her mother. How times had changed.

"Hey, this seat taken?" Randall's voice cut through the internal monologue that James had been enjoying. She opened her eyes to see her stepfather standing next to the hot tub, dressed in nothing more than a Speedo. She didn't know how long he had been standing there, but judging from the way he held a towel in front of his crotch, he had been staring at her for a while.

"Nope." James replied with a sweet smile, and as Randall grinned back and entered the tub, she stood. "And neither is this one."

"Hey, wait up Maggie!" Randall spoke gently, with a tone that James recognized from when he was putting "the moves" on her mother. Her skin crawled with the realization that Randall was about to make a pass at her. Involuntarily, her eyes flicked to the crotch of his Speedo, which was now visible. The bulge that was present was larger than it should have been.

"Good night, Randall." James stated, placing one foot on the outside of the tub. Randall ignored her comment and sunk into the tub. She turned and was about to leave when she felt his hand encircle the ankle that still remained inside.

"You look so much like your mother." Randall's voice oozed. He wasn't pulling, but his touch caused James' stomach to roil.

"Let go of me, Randall." James demanded. She put as much force as she could behind the statement.

"Stop playing, Maggie. It's no big deal. You like guys now. It doesn't make you a fag or anything." The hand on her ankle pulled, trying to get her to return to the tub. James shook her foot, trying to dislodge his hand.

"Randall, you either let me go right now or I'm gonna hit you." James turned, not an easy feat with Randall holding her leg. Randall's expression was one of pure lust as his eyes roamed over her body. James knew this was the first time that he had seen this much of her, and she desperately wanted to go and put on some clothes.

"C'mon, sit down. Let's talk." Randall grinned, oblivious to her statement. His free hand came up to slide along her calf. There was a slight tingle in the way he touched her, but the feeling was overcome by another much stronger feeling of nausea. The man was at least thirty five! What in the hell did he think he was doing?

He's thinking with his dick. James reminded herself. He probably had thought that if he could just get you alone you would melt into his arms. James grasped the nearby handrail and steadied herself. Right now, he's not thinking about trying to get you in bed, to his mind you're already in bed and this is foreplay!

"Last chance. Let... Me... Go... NOW!" James summoned every bit of strength her voice possessed. For an instant, Randall looked concerned, before his expression turned again to that same leer.

"So serious..." Randall snickered, pulling on her foot again, this time with more strength. "You sure would've made a great actress, Maggie. You almost convinced me."

James took a deep breath and yanked her secured foot backwards, at the same time vaulting upwards on the handrail. Her free foot lashed out, smashing directly into Randall's face. His head snapped backwards and he fell back into the tub with a loud splash. As he did so, James lost his grip on the slippery handrail, and fell to the hard cement floor. She was momentarily stunned by the impact, but rapidly pulled herself to her feet and shuffled away from the tub on all fours. She looked back to see Randall grabbing at his nose, blood dripping from his hand. His eyes were tightly shut, and it was obvious that they were watering heavily.

She rose to her feet, grabbing at her towel and wrapping it around her waist. Her T-shirt and shorts were at the opposite end of the pool, and she moved towards them quickly, with a backwards glance at Randall, who was now tilting his head back and holding his nose. She reached her clothes and pulled them on quickly, not even bothering to dry first. Right now, she wanted to get back to her room, and she could deal with the fallout later.

"Maggie!" Randall bellowed from the opposite end of the pool. "What did you do that for? I was only kidding!"

No, he wasn't. James had to keep reminding herself of that. She didn't even reply, she exited the pool and headed directly towards the elevators. She pushed the button and waited nervously while the elevator took its sweet ass time getting to her floor. With a final glance towards the pool room, she entered the elevator and pushed the button for her floor.

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My Perverted Nieces I under estimated Part 1Since It was my spouse relatives and we are both my wife I not in our first relationship, her family treated me like an uncle even when they met me first time they were old enough. So at the beginning of my relationship with my wife, my Niece, I will call Claudia (fictive name) was involved in modern dancing and already at her mid teens ages was already having a well developed body with I estimated a b cup. If she’s going to meet he mother breast size...

4 years ago
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The unexpected

Your hips and ass are extremely shapely, and your breasts are magnificent卆nd no bra厃ou are an adventurous girl indeed.� I felt a second arm snake around me and two hands close over my breasts卹ubbing the nipples. I was a little scared, but strangely calm協or some reason I sensed that wasn抰 any danger here. A warm body pressed lightly against me, the hands circled my breasts卼hen one slid down to the bottom of my shirt. I felt my shirt being pulled up and smooth hands cupped my breasts, fingers and...

1 year ago
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Ascent to Beauty Part 3

Ascent to Beauty Part 3 By latexslut Henrietta was in the Cum Pit, sucking his/her first cock. It had been dreadfully scary for her to descend the steps and approach the Pit, and curtsey to the gatekeeper, trying to find a path through all the people. So much noise, and perfume and flashing lights and strangely dressed people. Here was a couple, standing dressed in male fetish clothing, but they looked female, kissing and thrusting at each other. Slut had looked down and seen...

2 years ago
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It was back in the days when hooking up thru Craigslist was a thing. It was a Saturday morning. I had the dildo working the whole for 2 hours, even though my 2 regular guys pound me good the night before and again this morning, dumping a few loads in me. I was still horny. I can’t help that I have always been a whore and cum pig slut. So, the next logical step was to put an add on Craigslists. My add had all my favorite title: “Power Bottom into Groups, Dildos, 420 and Poppers- BAREBACK ONLY”....

3 years ago
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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 11 The Owlery

Chapter Eleven - The Owlery Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mf, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, preg, spank, unif The Spellbook of Desires was now in the safe confines of the Weasley twins’ room, locked in Fred’s trunk and sealed magically to prevent anyone from taking it from them. The only problem was Malfoy had copied down several useful spells before the twins...

1 year ago
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Two is Comapny

We had been best friends since we met at the beginning of high school, and last summer our friendship progressed to a new, higher level. It was a saturday in August, Jason had come round as there was little else to do while there were workmen tearing up the leisure center. We spent the afternoon playing on the Xbox, then later went out cycling round town for a bit. We came back all hot and sweaty, so I went for a shower. Jason said he was fine, and went into my room. I came out of the...

3 years ago
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Sex in capital

My name is rehan and I regularly visit ISS for the romantic & erotic stories it presents. I am 23 years of age and live in Islamabad. I was coming from Lahore to Islamabad. I could not find a seat in plane so I decided to tale Daewoo bus to Islamabad. When I reached the bus stand there were many a passengers but a few seats available. It was then when I saw my University friend Humeira also there. I had seen her after 2 years and she was still as stunning as ever. She has a very sexy figure and...

2 years ago
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Neighbors behind Gloryhole

I was heading home after a family function and had close to a 2 hour drive. I was about 45 min away when there was a accedent reported on the highway ahead so i decided to get off the exit and take the backway home which would add about 20 min to my ride..Shortly after that i saw the sign for a adult bookstore thats open 24hrs..There was only a few cars there and i pulland ed in..The viewing booths are located in the back of the place and you had to purchase $5 in tokens to have access as...

1 year ago
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A Scottish Tale

It was an uncharacteristically warm evening. I stared out the window across the grounds, the moonlight filtered through the high wisps of clouds, casting flitting shadows through the trees and inky black shadows behind the hedges. The guests would arrive soon. How I hated these functions, but it kept me in good graces with the townspeople. I loved the people and I wanted them to have a good time, I just didn’t want to be there for it. Idle chit-chat for hours, the good-natured drunken brawl...

4 years ago
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Cheaters Never Win part 2

Cheaters Never Win - part 2 Commission for "Cartoon Masker" James yawned blearily. It was not the first time that morning he was tempted to regret staying up as late has he had playing with Anna's skinsuit, but the euphoric memory of the sensations overpowered his despondence just like it had every other time so far. His parents were out hitting up the wholesale grocers for the coming week's groceries and had talked of hitting up the movies for a matinee of some new sci fi movie...

2 years ago
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Aimee 3

Introduction: Scottish vacation This is the third story Ive written involving my wife, Aimee. We saved up our money, and took a vacation in Scotland about two years ago. It was expensive, considering we live in the American south. Big climate change, but a beautiful vacation. We came home wishing we could move there. Anyway, we went for a walk one day, enjoying a beautiful day. It was mid July, the sun was shining, it was far cooler than the humidity of the south, but it was still warm and we...

1 year ago
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Ten Years Gone

I've been to Paris several times before this, but only now do I understand why it deserves to be called the City of Lights. Maybe it's the warmth of the gentle summer breeze, maybe it's the lingering darkness of the deep red wine on our tongues, but more likely it's the beauty of the girl on my arm who makes the Parisian night shine. As she turns to face me, I can see the flashes of the monuments going off reflected on her left eye, and the glow of Sacre-Coeur in her right. Raising her wine...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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A Summer in the Flesh Ch 01

When we look back on our lives, we often focus on particular events to the exclusion of others. It is a way of protecting ourselves from the immensity of the whole of our experience. Certain times in our life begin to take on a theme, and certain moments stand out as turning points. When we attempt to define the narrative of our life, we focus on these themes and these moments, and we ascribe to them a significance that fictionalizes them. These moments only represent a metaphor for the greater...

3 years ago
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The Lady in Black

They call me ‘The Lady in Black’. As the title would suggest, I mostly wear black clothing; usually a tight black corset with black panties, a black mini skirt and some black stockings and heels. Most people ask why I wear this sort of attire and I tell them straight, it’s to fill the void that I had during my late teens and early twenties. All the other girls would get the attention which lead to me losing my virginity when I was twenty-two. I had always considered myself attractive until that...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess2e20 Nigella 32 reception centre manager from Leeds

Series 2, Episode 20: Nigella Focus on a friendly 30-something woman standing outside a small reception venue. Her dyed blonde hair is pulled back behind a double-pierced ear with two rings through the lobe, then falls casually over her company uniform, a dark blue blouse and skirt combination coupled with a moderate heeled shoe. Smart, but comfortable. The uniform doesn’t give much away about what is hidden beneath, but from a quick appraisal we can judge that she’s carrying a few extra...

2 years ago
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I met Rail at a CB equipment swap-meet. We were both looking at the same piece of gear. It was the last item of its kind there, and I bowed out to let her buy it. Rail was certainly no beauty queen, but she had a great sense of humor. As we chatted, she told me why she picked Rail as a handle. She knew she was skinny as a rail and ugly as a mud fence. She was indeed skinny as a rail. Though she wasn't quite as ugly as that mud fence, she certainly wouldn't win any beauty contests. I saw no...

1 year ago
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Altar Preparation

Calming the bride before the altar is easy for a bridesmaid and her step brother:A quaint romantic heritage country church and a former colonial mansion as the reception and honeymoon site, well what more could a young woman want on her wedding day. I was about to get it all. My divine hunk of a guy. My Tom. All mine. All that remained was a leisurely forty minute drive to the altar accompanied by my bff, my bridesmaid, the always reliable Stephanie and my driver for the occasion, her...

1 year ago
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The HealerChapter 8

Tahksas was careful in exploring the hulk, naturally. But slowly relaxed his guard as there were no life signs at all, either seen or detectable. His explorations had led him to what he considered were the mass conversion generators that drove the ship, though not, as yet, how to actually safely turn them on without blowing up the entire vessel. His explorations had also discovered the drive which was, as his onboard computer told him, an archaic jump drive. It was all he could do not to howl...

1 year ago
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A dirty bike ride

Blue skies, warm sunshine, the perfect day for a bike ride and the perfect time to try some alfresco sex..... My husband and I have been camping several times and this time we were on a trip to Devon. Sex when camping is always interesting, normally a quickie in a tight space therefore unadventurous and a quiet affair. This can be a problem for me as I tend to be quite loud during sex, showing my appreciation for the pleasure I am receiving. The sex so far on this holiday had required some...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Ton a Tits TessChapter 8

Female superior was shockingly good, although Tess' massive body straddling me, with those breasts within easy reach of both my hands, was not exactly a formula that encouraged a 60-minute-man performance. Her strength and athleticism were as evident in bed as they were off the tee on those long par fives. But I soon dropped her breasts and instead grabbed her ass in both hands, trying to be sure I stayed inside her while she fucked me silly. We never did get to missionary or doggie that...

2 years ago
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This is a true story abt me and my mom

Hey ther, this happened when i was 20 years old, i always being a very horny guy and was not so close with my mother because of lot of things. so i start to developing these feelings for her which a son should not have for their mother. we lived in a two store house and her room was in the same level as mine (as she did not slept with my father). so there is a bathroom in our level. whenever she is getting ready for a shower i will go in to that bathroom and stay there so she have to go to the...

1 year ago
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Dragons Breath

I was sitting down enjoying my lunch today with a bunch of the girls from work. We were talking about the normal topics like we usually talk about. Denise always likes to talk about sex or she finds a way to turn the conversation into some type of sex story. I usually don't like to get myself involved in their sexual discussions. So as the topic turned to sex, I kindly excused myself like I always do. I don't like to engage in sexual conversations because of my lack of experiences. The one...

2 years ago
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Martina McBride and LeeAnn Rimes Swap HusbandsChapter 1

Martina McBride and her husband John McBride were seated beside LeAnn Rimes and her husband Dean Sheremet at the CMA Awards. The two country music singers were sitting together, their husbands on the outside of them. Both were to perform on the show and both were up for awards. It was the first time they had really got a chance to talk to each other, although country artists have a lot in common, their schedules don't allow them time to socialize much within the business. So they were...

2 years ago
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Brittany and Chad Book 2Chapter 13

Britt and I work up together just before six and put on our early morning clothes. We went downstairs leaving Mel asleep on our bed. We went downstairs starting coffee and toast for breakfast. As the coffee perked and the toast toasted, we looked out the window with our arms around each other until the toast was done. We buttered our toast and put jelly on ours. We had kidded that we had found one thing where we didn't like the same thing and that was jelly and coffee. When the coffee...

3 years ago
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Monika Aunty Summer Vacation

Hi, friends, it’s Deepak from trichy, just I am going to share my real sex story with my aunty monika which took place last year. Just now I finished my school studies. So I was very poor in english but sure my real sex story will make you hard. Last year I finished my 12th std and I went to chennai to spend summer vacation. My bad or good luck my grandpa and grandma went to dubai to meet another uncle. So only uncle and aunty were home. My full-time pass is my cute little cousin boy manoj just...

2 years ago
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JourneyChapter 8

"All right, what's going on now?" Janice asked as she stood in the bedroom with a thigh length bathrobe on. Tim had asked her to get naked and put the robe on but he wouldn't tell her why. "I have a special treat for you. I thought you might enjoy a nice professional massage tonight." "I can't go out like this!" "Who said anything about going out? I have a licensed masseuse coming over in exactly fifteen minutes." "Here?" "Yep! Right in our own living room." "All right....

3 years ago
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Summer of 93rsquo The Favor Part II

Summer of 93’ The Favor Part III pulled into my driveway and my neighbor Dave was standing by my mailbox. I parked the F-150 in the garage and went out to see him. Dave said, “Pete, did Curtis give you these?”It was a bottle of Diazepam, I answered, “Yes I have them locked in my desk drawer in my office.”“Good, but I don’t think Lorraine will have any problems staying with you three, Lorraine’s in good hands,” Dave said as he patted my shoulder.I said, “Dave I appreciate your offer to help me...

2 years ago
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Corporate Desire

Hi readers, I am back with a bang to take the desires of a matured woman to the next level. It is all about the corporate life, the other side of the coin. This incident happened when Namitha, Anuska and I moved to an engineering college for campus recruitment. No doubt there were other members too, but we were the technical team. The college had already booked rooms in a 5-star hotel for different teams. I had to stay with them under a singe ceiling. I was a little hesitant to stay with two...

1 year ago
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My friendship with a couple

This incident dates back to a month which happened with me and is not a story of fiction. I am bib 34 years and live in Delhi and like shopping around in one of the malls that have sprung up all around the city. About six months back, it was in one such mall that I was having a great time in the ambience and the fervor in the mall which was there with lots of people and business and restaurant .It so happened that one of the restaurant was all rush and I could secure a table for myself. I could...

4 years ago
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Curiosity Killed the CatChapter 5 Party Time

Saturday, May 11th, 1996, Sanford Maine There was a hostage situation at my high school; nine gunmen had taken refuge there and had taken the entire student body and teachers prisoner. They were being held in the auditorium, and my sister was one of them. These guys were the worst of the bad; they had just robbed a bank and had killed two security guards and five bank employees. They were going to start killing students if the police didn’t give them what they wanted: A helicopter ride to...

4 years ago
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An Unexpected Meeting of Two Souls How I Met My Soulmate

I was in a marriage that had been going downhill for years. We tried everything possible to get it back on track, but ever since I had been diagnosed a couple of years earlier with a rare disease, deep inside I knew it was over. It’s amazing how the human mind can isolate the truth, and how a traumatic experience can all of a sudden begin to make you see the truth behind everything, even if it’s over a period of time. I had forgiven my wife many times for breaking the trust I had for her. Most...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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My niece and her friend stay over

It was Saturday lunch time and i awoke with my usual throbbing hard on i needed to relieve myself badly but i also needed to piss and quickly i sleep in my boxers and they where tight my cock end was pushing past my waist band so i knew i would be in the bathroom some time little did i know just how long i would be .I walked in to the bathroom and thought to myself how am i going to do this my hard on just wouldn't subside so i thought what the hell lets just jerk one off right there and then...

2 years ago
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Perverted Indian Housewife

PERVERTED INDIAN WIFEF/m, F/f+, cuckold, incestTheir?s was an arranged marriage .Sudhir was28 years old, average looking guy, who had inherited huge amount of wealth and property from his father, besides a very successfully running hardware business. He had quit his studies after class 12th and was into his family business after that. His family consisted of a younger sister ,Nimmi, a 22 years old commerce graduate who was perusing her master?s degree. His mother Vimla Devi was an kind hearted...

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Tinna Trollop

Tina sitzt, leicht verloren, auf dem Barhocker, am Tresen des Strip-Clubs; „NICK NAGLER NACKTCAFFE“. Sie lässt, wiederholt, die Spitzen ihre langen Haare auf ihren, beinahe Nackten, Popo tippen, das leichte prickelnde Piksen, jagt ihr einen wohligen Schauer über ihren Rücken, sie gibt sich dem erregenden Gefühl hin. Geniest es mit jeder Faser ihres sinnlichen Körpers. Sie geniesst jeden Augenblick ihres Lebens, mit jeder Faser ihres geschmeidigen Körpers. „No Pain no Gain!“ Die kraftvoll...

3 years ago
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Bullies Part 2

Bullies Part 2. By Itsme "Bruce, I think that the reason you are so fat and like picking on people is a lack of self esteem." Which was in its way the truth. "So I am going to help you. Tonight when you get home you will tell your parents that you have decided why you are the way you are. You hate yourself, because you know deep down inside you are a thin feminine girl trapped in a boy's body. You must make them believe you are sincere and then after you tell them you will tell...

2 years ago
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Baby Candy chap 11

Chapter 11. Punishment and Reward. "Now Baby Candy," Aunty June began in her most reasonable voice, speaking loudly enough to be heard over my pitiful cries. "Let's remind ourselves exactly why we are here, shall we?" She ignored my infantile blubbering and continued, "You were supposed to ask for the potty like a big girl - but you didn't. Did you?" At first I didn't think she expected me to respond, but a sharp warning smack from the paddle focused my attention. CRACK! "Did you,...

2 years ago
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My Dick Dripping With Cum

I am 21 years old student. I am about to complete my B.Tech. Now I am in Guntur. From May, I will be in Hyderabad. That was about me. Let’s get started with my sex story. This sex story was real life incident. No fantasy in this, everything was real. I am alone in my home and was very much horny. So I slowly removed my tee off my body and started watching porn with my headphones in my ears, because I like moaning sounds while fucking. I was completely turned on by the video and my dick was rock...

2 years ago
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The Tutor Savanah and Josh Part 2

It was Wednesday, Savannah’s new favorite day of the week. Why? Because that’s when her new tutor Josh came over to help her with her studies and give her the proper motivation to do good with her homework. Josh was a married young man in his 20’s who had recently given into his passions and kissed the young girl after they exchanged a few flirty comments. Savanah was excited because her mom had to take her brother to football practice at the same time that she had tutoring with Josh...

3 years ago
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Pub Fun It has been another cold and snowy day as I walk into the Pub.  As I enter the bar I see the most awesome sight of my life.  She is sitting at the bar sipping on her drink and I smile at her as I walk past her to the other end of the bar.  She smiles back at me and returns to her drink.  I pull up a stool at the end of the bar and order a beer.  As I am paying for my beer I order another drink for the lady, then I watch as the bartender deliverers it to her.  It didn't take her long to...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Communion Night Fun

I am always horny, but this night I was hornier than usual. I hadn't been out having fun in a few weeks due to work. I took the next evening off. I knew it was Cumunion Night and I was ready to get fucked and fuck. I took a nap, woke up, showered and prepared my ass properly.Then got dressed and took the 45 minute drive to the bathouse. I got there about 1am, and there was a long line. It took about 45 minutes to get to the door. I am a 52 year old blk male 5'8 150 lbs with a 8 1/2 inch uncut...

1 year ago
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The car park

Having arranged to meet her husband up the coast, the woman pulls the car over into the deserted parking area, driver’s side away from the road, even though there’s no traffic. She smiles to herself, pleased to know the response that her little surprise will have. Short skirt, no knickers and a freshly shaved pussy, she’s pretty sure it will have the right effect! Getting all warm between the legs at the thought, she slides a hand up her skirt and is surprised at how wet she is. There’s no one...

2 years ago
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A fun family welcome to Texas

My first week of my business trip to America was all work and no play, but my week in Houston, Texas was a real eye opener. I flew down from New York to Houston on the Saturday afternoon, and when I checked into my hotel there was a message awaiting me from Charlotte, the administrator for our Houston based corporate team, that consisted of her, a junior manager and his assistant. They managed a small portfolio of local corporate clients primarily involved in the oil and gas sector, but that...

4 years ago
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Dad spoils me and my best friend then her sister

Introduction: A shopping spree is all it took! I hope that I remembered the majority of what happened, as its been a few months. My name is Erin, and this is the one experience that forever changed my life. I was 15 years old and visiting my dads house for the weekend along with a girl friend from high school. Her name is Nicole and she was also 15. Nicole comes from a low income family and didnt really have much. She mostly wore hand me down or second hand clothes most of the time. Upon...

4 years ago
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The First Hand Job

It was a hot summer day and I was working on the outside of my new log cabin that I had just moved into a month ago. I looked up the road and I saw a woman running on the road. She was wearing a white tank top and hot pink nylon running shorts with an iPod strapped to her arm. Her Nikes were reflecting the many miles traveled in them. She had a runner’s body, strong muscular legs and a lean frame, which was toned and athletic. Her graceful stride permitted her to cover ground quickly and...

3 years ago
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My First Sexperience

I had been very close with my cousin growing up. We looked a like, she was close to me in age. When I turned ten she started to grow as a girl. Got tits, realized how much fun her pussy was, yet my balls hadn't dropped.One day when i was at her house when she was doing homework I went to find her brother. He was 16 at the time. I knew he had a playstation in his room that we used to play Madden on. I opened the door, and there he was on the bed with a playboy. He didn't hear me come in, so I...

2 years ago
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The Glen Book OneChapter 16

Running upstairs like school children just released for a holiday, Richard and Megan ducked behind the door of her room and stifled very un-childlike laughter. Richard pulled Megan close in a fierce hug, simply holding her close and feeling her ragged breathing against his chest. Even through his armor, Richard could feel the pent up flow of energy radiating from Megan while he held her. Richard eased her back from him and then set to removing his armor. Megan slowly slid out of her jeans...

1 year ago
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BangbrosVault Scarlett Gold Russian Chick Wants My Dick

Today we have another blast from the past edition of Bank Vault! We have the gorgeous Russian Scarlett Gold showing off her nice tits and bubbly butt. We have her chill outside by the pool and ask some questions to see what she’s like. It wasn’t long before we asked if we can get her naked and she was more than ready. We had our boy Tony come through and wow, was she ready to get her pussy eaten. She begs to see his dick and once he pulls it out, she’s all over it. She slobbers on it, fucks the...

4 years ago
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Fucked A Sexy Aunty In Pune And Got Money

Hi friends, I am a big fan of ISS. I read most of the stories. From many days I am waiting to submit my own story but not getting any chance. But now I got my own story for all of my ISS friends. Firstly I introduce myself. I am a Marathi boy Varun living in Bhosari, Pune. I am good looking guy with a height of 5.6. I have not a good physic but an average. But I have a strong cock to satisfy any woman. And a special thing about me, that is I have a banana cock, which a rare thing and women love...

1 year ago
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It Happened one sunny afternoon Part 3

One morning at the breakfast table Jackie and Tom were discussing their sex life. Well said Tom, Still no sign of my extra lady? No we still have not hooked up on the same shifts said Jackie. Been waiting a while now said Tom. Yes I know replied Jackie. But I have been having some thoughts about it, and as I am anxious for a return bout with George I have an Idea. Go on said Tom. Well you know Mary next door? Yes said Tom a little anxious. Well I know you fancy her I see the way you look at her...

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