KarenChapter 3 free porn video

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"You wanna watch a movie with me?" Karen paused outside my door, since my room was closer to the stairs than hers.

"Oh, it's kinda late," I said, finding that to be a good excuse and the night air had cleared my head a lot. I felt somewhat embarrassed about the whole evening, actually. I managed to hide it though, or at least I hoped so. I didn't want to make Karen feel bad or anything; it was just me being me, as usual.

"Come on. We can watch your movie," she suggested with a small jerk of her head. "I'll microwave some popcorn."

"Popcorn?" I laughed at her. "And porn ... Gee. I don't know."

"Pop-porn, yeah!" Karen grinned at me and she was the one with the DVD/television combo in her room. All I had was my laptop for playing movies, but it worked well enough.

"Nah," I shook my head. "I'm just going to take a shower and go to bed I think."

"Okay," she nodded. Karen wasn't going to argue as she started digging into the plastic bag she carried. "Here..."

"Oh, you just hold onto it," I said, thinking she was getting my DVD out; I still couldn't believe I'd bought that.

"You don't want your blouse?" she teased me, pulling it out of the bag and I smiled sheepishly.

"Thanks," I said, taking it and then fishing for my key in my purse.

"Did you have fun?" Karen wondered, looking like she thought I might be unhappy and wishing I wasn't.

"Yeah, I did," I told her seriously. "It was weird ... but pretty fun."

"Okay," she smiled and stood there for a second. "Goodnight, Kylie."

"Night," I said.

Once inside, I leaned against my closed door without bothering to turn on the lights. Karen had been looking for another kiss, I knew. Just a kiss on the cheek and we did that sometimes. Not always, but a few times and it meant something to her. It meant something to me too. Like the night had been special somehow, not romantically or anything, but just a special night shared between two friends.

I hadn't kissed Karen though and it bothered me, but I didn't know why. Or maybe I did know and I was afraid of it. I was wound up, like the whole evening was conspiring against my better judgment. I just ... wanted something.

"Kylie?" she asked through the door. "Uh, just a second, uh ... coming..."

Karen must have quickly wrapped herself in the sheet off her bed and she looked a little pink. I instantly regretted knocking on her door half an hour after getting back to the dorm. It was plain what she'd been doing and I could smell her arousal on the air.

"Hi." I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry, um..."

"What's up?" She smiled self-consciously and tried to hide it. "Change your mind about watching a movie?"

"Yeah," I giggled. "I don't know, I just ... Is it okay?"

"Yeah. Sure it is." Karen pulled her door all the way open. "I was, um ... I was watching ... Hold on..."

I stepped into her room wearing that Slut for White Cock t-shirt and a pair of black panties to go with it. I hadn't made it to the shower, but I'd brushed my hair and put on a little makeup, and basically asked myself what I thought I was doing. I didn't know and my heart was running fast, my whole body tingling with nervous energy. It was late, but I was wide awake and I closed the door behind me while Karen fumbled with her DVD player.

"I was watching the, you know ... the other one," she sounded nervous too, and probably filled with all kinds of happy wonder that I'd come to her room.

"We can watch that one." I licked my lips, feeling my mouth was dry as a desert just then.

"The lesbian one?" Karen looked at me and I nodded.

"If you want to, I mean."

"Yeah, but ... Okay." She pushed up her glasses. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Ahhh..." I grinned at her and I didn't know what I was feeling.

"Do you want to have sex with me?" my best friend asked, just flat out plain as day and I stared at her. "Because, I don't want to start anything and then ruin it, you know? I'd rather just be friends and have that for the rest of my life than one night and then ... goodbye. You know what I'm saying?"

"Yeah." I swallowed hard.

"So, I don't know why you're here, but..." she continued gently, biting her bottom lip and she sounded almost sad, I thought.

"I don't know either," I whispered, wanting to look away, but the small blonde coed held me tight with her deep blue eyes.

"I love you, Kylie." Karen watched my face and I didn't say anything. I felt like a little girl standing in front of her.

"I just..." I finally started, but the girl shushed me.

"Don't," she said, reaching out of her sheet with her right hand, the left clutching it closed around her naked body. "You don't owe me anything, okay? You don't love me. It's alright."

"Karen," I sighed and I felt her fingers on my cheek, caressing me and tilted my face against her palm.

"Go to bed," she smiled. "Get some sleep. We're going to Hastings this weekend, right?"

"Yeah," I agreed.

"We'll figure this all out," she told me, sounding like my big sister or something. My best friend and that emotion, that friendship, was overwhelming suddenly.

"Thank you," I smiled weakly at the girl, feeling foolish and embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I just ... God..."

"It's okay," she laughed lightly. "You're blonde inside."

"I do love you," I told her seriously. I kissed Karen's cheek and then lightly on her closed lips, the way a girl's best friend should after receiving a special favor.

"I wish," Karen teased me and she let me out of her room, watching me until I disappeared back into mine. She must have thought I was crazy.

"Hello?" I answered my celphone after checking the number, making sure it wasn't Rodney. I was kind of avoiding him.

"Kylie? Hi, it's Brandon," a soft male voice said and I felt my tummy tighten. "From the other night?"

"Yeah," I smiled and looked down as I sat just outside the Student Union, relaxing between classes on bit of shady grass. "I, uh ... I remember."

"Me too," he chuckled and I wondered if he was as nervous as I was. I hadn't expected him to be calling me so soon, but it was two days later so maybe what I mean is that I hadn't expected him to call me at all.

"What's going on?" I asked, picturing the man with his dark brown hair and soft brown eyes, cute and smiling and that hard, tight butt of his ... Yeah, my tummy was all kinds of tight. Brandon was a good looking white boy.

"I was wondering what you were doing for lunch?" Brandon asked.

"Studying," I sighed without really meaning to, looking down at the open notebook in my lap.

"Sounds like you're not into it," he said lightly, almost teasing me.

"No. I'm not," I had to agree and I closed my notebook just I wouldn't have to look at it. "What are you doing?"

"Thinking about you."

"Is that right?" I cleared my throat. "I'm not sure if I like that or not."

"You're not sure if you want me to think about you?" He laughed. "Why?"

"Uh, well..." I shrugged and pulled some hair out of my face. "Maybe you're thinking about Tuesday night," I said and then frowned, like why did I have to bring it up? I was a little flustered.

"Probably," Brandon said. "That's pretty much when I met you."

"You know what I mean," I said. "Look, that ... that wasn't really me, the other night, um..."

"Evil twin?" he teased me and I laughed.

"Yeah," I nodded into my phone. "Exactly."

"Okay..." Brandon paused for just a heartbeat. "What's your evil twin doing for lunch?"

"Heh!" I rolled my eyes. "So you don't really want me, is that it?"

"Well," Brandon's voice was softer. "I really want the black girl who loves white cock."

"Oh!" I blinked at that and almost turned off my phone. I should have. That wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear a guy saying, at least not over my phone, not before we'd even gone on a date. Or more like three dates, probably.

"Did I just piss you off?" he wondered, almost challenging me it sounded like, and I felt warm and vaguely embarrassed.

"A little," I told him.

"Sorry," he sighed. "It's just really hard looking at you and trying to talk around what we both want, you know?"

"What we both want?" I was definitely getting warm and my skin tingled, my fingertips itched and my nipples felt swollen. "What do we want, Brandon?"

"A good time," the man answered. "In your bed, me and you. What time is your next class?"

"One o'clock," I breathed and my heart was runaway train, taking my good sense with it.

"Let's have lunch," he suggested. "No strings attached, Kylie."

"No strings." I could see him in my head, see him in my bed. "You just want to ... fuck me?"

"Fuck buddies," he said and his voice was playful. "Where's your bedroom?"

"Um..." I swallowed hard and I definitely should have hung up the phone, blocked his number, and never looked back. This wasn't the kind of boy I was looking for, was it?

"Where's your bed?" his voice was suddenly in my other ear and I jerked away from it with a surprised gasp.

"Brandon?" I blinked at him as he was squatting behind me, holding up his phone with a smile.

"Sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to scare you. I was sitting over there. I told you I was looking at you."

"You jerk!" I frowned at him. "Give me a heart attack why don't you!"

"I want to give you more than that," he said with a smile. "You live in the dorm?"

"Yeah," I nodded, catching my breath finally.

"Do you want to?" Brandon grinned at me and he was even cuter than I remembered.

"Take you to my dorm?" I almost laughed.

"I'd take you to my place, but..." He shrugged.

"But what?" I turned off my phone and combed my fingers through my hair, feeling myself more than a little excited. I should have been mad and I was, but only slightly and that was such a small thing compared to what he was proposing.

"My girlfriend is there," he told me, giving me those doe eyes of his. They were amused and pretty and I just had to look at them. No choice.

"Oh. So that's it," I took a deep breath. "I don't, uh ... I don't date guys with girlfriends or wives, or..."

"I'm not looking for that," Brandon smiled. "Come on, it's gonna be a long year. We could have a lot of fun."

"You don't think much of me, do you?" I stared at him.

"I think you're beautiful," he said. "And I think you want sex as much as I do."

"Fuck buddies?" I giggled nervously, looking around and nobody was really paying us a lot of attention. Nobody knew what we were talking about.

"We have time." He had a great smile. God! I did want sex, but I wanted a boyfriend to go with it. Didn't I?

"You have condoms?" I asked, barely able to get the words out as my tummy somersaulted with raw excitement. I couldn't be doing this!

"Yeah," Brandon nodded as he stood up, holding out his hand for me and I took it.

"Okay," I said, letting him pull me to my feet and I dusted off my butt. "I'm in the freshman dorms, that way..."

I had to be insane! The guy was treating me like a slut or something. Fuck buddies? I'd heard the term before and I'd thought it sounded sort of juvenile. What kind of girl would just have a guy who fucked her every now and then? A horny girl, I told myself. A desperate girl. A girl who was getting so uptight with the need that she was making clumsy passes at her lesbian friend.

I did want sex and especially sex with a white guy, a handsome one like Brandon. I wanted to feel his body against mine, kiss him and feel his cock as it entered me, but ... just sex? Just a quick nooner in my dorm room, hooking up between classes to get our rocks off? That was a guy thing! Girls weren't supposed to think like that, were they? What was wrong with me? I didn't even know the guy. He worked in a porn shop, for crying out loud!

"I'm fourth year," he was telling me, talking while we walked and I struggled with my doubts. "Engineering major. I want to be an architect eventually..."

"Oh." I nodded like that was interesting and it might have been, I told myself, if we were on a real date.

"How about you?" he wondered and I just shook my head.

"Undeclared," I said. "I haven't decided what I want yet."

"But you want something, right?" he teased me, walking close and speaking softly and glanced at him. "Sorry. You're just sexy as hell, you know that?"

"Uh ... What's the deal with your girlfriend?" I asked him, walking up the stairs into my dorm, not through the front, but the stairs at the side of the big building.

"She's a girlfriend," Brandon shrugged. "We're kind of serious."

"So what are you doing here then?" I laughed nervously, really hoping I didn't bump into Karen.

"Just looking for a good time." He followed me onto the second floor. "Same as you."

"You don't even know me," I frowned and I realized I sounded sort of bitchy but I couldn't help it. I was really nervous and unsure of what I was doing and why. But jeeze, he looked good and I knew I was attractive, we'd look good together in bed, all naked and sweaty and...

"Hey," Brandon said as I paused to open my purse, finding my key with tingling, clumsy fingers.

"What?" I looked at him.

"We're just gonna have some fun," he told me. "Nobody has to know. Nobody's gonna get hurt. We're just going to have a good time, Kylie."

"You've done this before, haven't you?" I almost laughed as I opened my door. "A lot of girls?"

"A few," he admitted carelessly. "I'm not keeping score or anything. Nothing like that."

"Okay," I shrugged, feigning indifference and I didn't know how any of that was supposed to make me feel. At least he wasn't trying to bullshit me. Brandon was honest about what he wanted and I appreciated that, even if it did seem a little rude at times. Most people aren't that blunt and so it was putting me a little off balance, I thought, not just what he was saying, but how he was saying it. I'd never met a guy that confident before and it was working like a charm.

I let us into my room, closing the door and locking it. I put my purse on my desk and Brandon had been carrying my book bag. He put it on the chair and we just looked at each other for a second. I was almost unbearably nervous, a little frightened, and a lot excited. The guy had said all the wrong words. Nothing Brandon had told me was what I wanted to hear, and yet, he was standing there in my room. A handsome white boy, smiling as he checked out my small room, and just a few feet away was my bed and there was nobody to stop us.

Brandon took my hand, sensing my obvious uncertainty. Not reluctance really, just inexperience on my part. This was new for me and I did want it. I wanted to know what it was like to be with a white guy, even if he wasn't serious. I was warm all over, burning up inside with the desires that I'd harbored since the day after I'd hit puberty and decided I liked boys after all. So what if he wasn't going to love me. Big deal if he had a serious girlfriend. Who cares if the guy just wanted my body? I wanted his and didn't I have a right to get what I wanted once in awhile?

"Come here, Kylie. Sit down..." Brandon said, pulling me onto the bed and his fingers were on my cheek, turning my face towards his kiss.

His lips felt soft and moist and I didn't resist at all. Brandon was kissing me lightly at first, touching my shoulders through my cotton blouse, stroking my back and making me shiver. I felt the tip of his tongue slipping between my lips, urging me to open up for him. His tongue was light and gentle, unlike Rodney who was always so aggressive in his passion, Brandon was patient and I felt him kissing me so softly I imagined his tongue was melting in my mouth. What a kiss!

I was turning towards him, leaning into the man as my fingers found his neck and I teased him with my nails while we made out. It was the best kiss of my young life, so much different than any of my fumblings in high school and a thousand times better than Rodney's selfish hunger. This was seductive and pleasing and I moaned softly into Brandon's mouth. My tongue was caressing his, sliding over and under it, tickling him as I tried to kiss him as well as he was kissing me. I was intent on it, focused on that wonderfully intimate pleasure. Kissing Brandon was almost enough to make me cum.

Brandon was unbuttoning my blouse and I was barely aware of it, and when I did realize what he was doing, I didn't care. I helped him blindly, clumsily as I refused to break our lips apart. I followed his tongue into his mouth, tasting him clean and fresh, sweet with a slight cinnamon flavor like he'd been eating candy. The man was delicious and I sucked his bottom lip for a moment as my blouse came off and a moment later his fingers unclasped my bra, quickly and effortlessly so that it fell loose from my shoulders and my heaving breasts were free.

We undressed completely like that and I wasn't afraid anymore. I was on fire with the need for sex. My nervousness had disappeared and my doubts were just memories. My earlier misgivings seemed almost silly to me as Brandon's hands roamed my body at will. I was naked and laying on my bed, sweating and breathless and wrestling with him, trying to touch every part of Brandon that I could. My legs were spread and his thigh was between mine and I was rubbing my moist sex across his white skin. My clit throbbed and the pressure was so good, so unbelievably good.

I had an arm between us and I was exploring his cock, finding Brandon long and thick, bigger than Rodney and much more attractive. A white cock in my black hands, my fingers wrapped around it, stroking the soft pale skin over the hardness beneath. I thought it was beautiful and I couldn't take my eyes of him. Brandon urged me down gently and I was eager as I let him guide my mouth to his penis. I could smell him and then taste him as I kissed the tip and felt his clear precum clinging to my lips.

"Turn around ... like this ... I want to kiss your pussy," Brandon was whispering and we were side by side in a sixty-nine and I gasped when I felt his mouth on my sex. Rodney never went down on me and this was so new, so welcome as I felt my body quiver with the rush of pleasure his mouth was bringing me.

I worshipped Brandon's cock. There's no other word to describe it. I held him in my hands and loved him with my mouth. I kissed and licked every inch of it, wanting to memorize the way he looked and felt, how his skin was slightly salty and his precum tasted like nothing at all. I was loving a white man for the first time in my life and it was even better than I'd imagined it would be. Brandon's cock was large, long enough so I could hold him with both hands and still take the head and nearly an inch besides into my hungry mouth. He was thick and heavy, warm with life and I loved it.

Between my open thighs the man was bringing me off with his tongue. He was making me wet, dripping with desire as my pussy trembled beneath his attentions. I'd never felt anything like it before, the pure joy of having my pussy eaten by someone who knew how to do it. Everytime I thought I'd become used to one thing, Brandon would move and do something else. He was teasing me, torturing me, making me gasp and groan and thrust my cunt against his mouth. I could barely focus on the cock in front of me as my orgasm peaked and that hadn't taken long at all.

I came in his mouth, with Brandon's stiff tongue reaching inside me to feel the tender walls of my sex spasm with pleasure. A wash of cum was spilling out of me and I could hear him sucking and swallowing noisily, making funny sounds and breathing hard as I pressed my thighs against his cheeks. I couldn't help it. I was cumming in a white man's mouth, all over his tongue and it was very much a dream come true for me. The fantasy I'd lived with since hitting puberty had finally come to life.

It took several minutes for me to come down and I was giddy, almost high on all those good feelings. I'd been unable to do anything but enjoy Brandon's mouth and I slowly focused on the cock I was still holding, bending my lips to it as I went down on him eagerly. I stretched my lips around the shaft and working my tongue along the top of his cock and around the swollen glans. I had some experience with sucking a guy off, not a lot, but some and I was determined to reward Brandon for the orgasm he'd given me. I wanted to make him cum as well, to fill my mouth with his sperm and I'd swallow it for him. I never did that with Rodney, but I would for Brandon. I was almost desperate to please him and myself. The idea of taking his orgasm in my mouth, of feeling him in my tummy was almost intoxicating.

But Brandon had other plans and our time was fleeting, the minutes passing too quickly. I glanced at my bedside clock with some frustration as the man pulled me from his cock gently. He was putting me on my back and I was almost ready to apologize for not knowing how to suck his cock as well as I wished I did, but he was kissing me before I could. Brandon didn't care that I'd been sucking him off and I didn't mind at all the distinct flavor of my cum in his mouth. We kissed deeply for several minutes and I was holding Brandon tightly, feeling myself on the verge of my second orgasm.

"Here ... hold on a second..." he said, forcing me to let him go so that he could lean over the bed and reach his pants.

"I'll put it on for you," I told him and I was in a hurry, giggling and so warm all over.

"Alright," Brandon smiled at me and he lay on his back while I tore the foil packet open with my teeth.

I rolled the rubber down his cock with my fingers, wishing it wasn't necessary but knowing that it was. How much better it would be, I thought, to feel his naked cock inside my pussy, his semen filling me when he came. But I wasn't on any kind of birth control and neither of us knew the other well enough to accept the other risks. I appreciated that about him, I honestly did, and that small sense of security made it even better for me somehow. I felt like I could trust him, silly as that seems, but it's true nonetheless. It was such a simple thing, but the idea of having to listen to vague promises about being clean and pulling out of me at the last minute ... This was better. This was honest.

"Do you like it on top?" Brandon asked me and I giggled. "I guess so," he laughed lightly as I straddled his hips with my knees and he just watched me as I reached down to rub his cock across my slit.

"I've never fucked a white guy," I breathed. "I've always ... Ugh! Oh ... I always wanted to..."

"You're beautiful, Kylie. Fuck my white cock, girl," he whispered, holding my hips as I lowered myself down slowly, feeling his penis stretching my cunt nicely.

"Yeah..." I nodded, swallowing hard and blinking as he just seemed to go deeper and deeper, finding the places inside where no man had ever been. God! He had a long cock!

"Hmmm ... hot ... tight, baby..." Brandon gave me a little push, lifting his hips and I gasped loudly as I felt his cockhead find the bottom of my pussy.

"Oh God!" I blinked rapidly as that jolt of pleasure was like nothing else in the world. I'd never been touched there and I felt a strange tenderness as Brandon's cock pressed against something much too sensitive inside me.

I was cumming, the sensation sweeping me away with a rush of unexpected pleasure. I'd been close, but suddenly it was there and I was grinding myself against him. We weren't fucking, just grinding as I felt Brandon's cock pushing my soft flesh this way and that, stretching my cunt as it collapsed around him. It was insane and after a few seconds I collapsed on top of him. I was kissing his face and rubbing my burning nipples across his chest, begging him to fuck me hard.

Brandon's hands found my ass and he gripped me tightly, lifting with his hips as he started working my body up and down. That was a wicked confusion as his cock would slide a few inches one way and then drive back in with a sharp burst of pleasure. My cervix, I thought, or something. He was touching me there at the bottom of every thrust, like hitting a big button deep inside me that drove me to fuck him harder. I needed it so bad. I was rocking my hips and lifting my ass with Brandon's help, letting him push and pull me, fucking me with his big white cock. I was cumming so good and it didn't stop, they came one after another until I couldn't breathe. I couldn't do anything but gasp for air and ride his beautiful cock.

"I'm gonna cum ... Fuck me ... Fuck my cock, baby ... Oh yeah yeah! Cumming ... Oh fuck!" Brandon wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly and impaled on his prick while it throbbed inside me.

He was cumming and that just set me off again. One last orgasm to join his and my only regret, a dim and barely coherent thought in my feverish mind, was that I wished I could feel his cum mixing with mine. But this was good anyway. Brandon holding me against his flushed body, both of damp with sweat and sticking together. He was kissing my cheek and I turned my face so that he could kiss my mouth. We made out for a long five minutes without moving, just cuddling and enjoying the moment. His cock remained stiff inside me and my orgasm retreated slowly, leaving me with a wonderful glow inside. I was unbearably happy just then and I wondered how my body could ever contain it.

"Same time tomorrow?" Brandon asked me after we'd dressed, and I felt only slightly uncomfortable. I wasn't sure why, perhaps it was guilt, I wasn't sure, but after our sex I felt ... shy. I wanted him to leave.

"Do you want to?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes playfully. "I mean, yeah. Alright."

"No strings, remember?" He put his hands on my hips, standing close to me. "This is just for fun, so whatever you want is okay with me."

"Yeah," I smiled up at him, trying to sort out my feelings. Why did he have to have a girlfriend? "Fuck buddies, right?"

"Heh!" Brandon kissed me lightly on the mouth. "You're gorgeous, Kylie. Just call me if you ever need anything."

"If I need ... sex?" I giggled and nodded and I knew I didn't love him. I couldn't. I didn't know him, but he was there in my heart, you know? He was my first. Black guys didn't count. I'd given my real virginity to Brandon and I couldn't love him. That wasn't fair at all.

"Yeah," he chuckled, giving me a squeeze before letting me go. "Or just a friend, you know?"

"Okay." I cleared my throat and picked up my purse and book bag, letting us out of my room.

We had about ten minutes to get to our classes. Brandon went one way and I went the other and all I could think of was that tomorrow couldn't come soon enough. I was still horny as hell and that seemed ridiculous. I had a fuck buddy, a white man I could call anytime I felt the need to relieve some stress. I knew his name, I knew where he worked, and I knew a few meaningless bits of Brandon trivia. I knew he had a real girlfriend and he'd fucked me for sport. I had to be insane.

Stupid guilt. That's what it was. I was cheating on Rodney, who was about as much of a boyfriend to me as ... I don't know what. He thought we were serious and I just kept waiting for him to get tired of me and say goodbye. My parents. God! My dad would have a fit if he ever found out about this. He'd yank me out of college so quick I'd need a chiropractor. I was betraying everyone, or so it seemed, and the guy wasn't even my boyfriend. Brandon was just a guy I had sex with. Good sex. Great sex. The best sex of my life. Why was that bad?

I couldn't let Karen find out.

That thought hit me like a brick and I frowned as I made my way towards my class, barely aware of the people around me as I returned smiles and exchanged the occasional hello. Karen liked me. She loved me and I ... What did I feel? I'd avoided her Wednesday, all day long because of what I'd done Tuesday night. I wanted to forget it, actually. I wanted to rewind my life and never go to her room like I had. Why had I done that? Because I wanted something? Or was it because I thought I owed her something? I didn't know and I didn't want to think about it. Karen was complicated and sometimes I felt like I wanted to touch her, but I knew I wasn't gay. I wasn't a lesbian. I didn't find her attractive the way I did Brandon. She was my friend, my best friend, why did I have other feelings?

My head hurt and I had no answers. All I knew was that I didn't want Karen to know I'd had sex with Brandon. I tried to tell myself that it was because I didn't want to hurt her somehow or deal with jealousy if it came to that. But in reality there were other reasons too, selfish reasons that I didn't understand. I wasn't worried about losing her as a friend. Karen would still like me. She'd still be my best friend. She'd been trying to set me up with the guy anyway, so she couldn't be mad at me. It was the other that I didn't want to lose and I had no words for what the other was, but it was there. I wanted to keep Karen's interest, that's what it was. I wanted to keep her hoping and ... trying?

Did I like the way she looked at me sometimes? The way Karen touched me when she thought she could get away with it? Did I like the way she flirted and yeah, the way I flirted back sometimes? I did like it. I enjoyed the attention and I liked the teasing and I even liked the doubts, didn't I? This thinking in circles that I complained about, the confusion and tension we sometimes shared. I did like it and I didn't want to lose it, but I had no idea why. I didn't know what it meant or where it was leading me.

Same as Karen
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NaughtyBlog Handjob

Watching porn movies online is easy… you just skip through the movie to see whether it offers the juicy bits that make your dick hard, and that’s it. But, when you want to download naughty pornos, it can be challenging to find the ones that suit your taste. Mostly because in the majority of cases, we are not given enough information about the video… and not like you can skip through it until you actually download the clip.Wouldn’t it be more fun if there was a site that offered enough...

Handjob Porn Sites
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I am Sarah, of French descent, in my early forties, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. I have a very strong sex drive - and I love having sex with an audience, be it male or female, preferably both. And size is important to me, really important. I find it difficult to resist a well hung man. My man’s thick, nine-erection...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 107

Political Quotes: “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.” Groucho Marx “Politics is made up of two words... ‘poli’ which is Greek for ‘many’ and ‘tics’ which are blood sucking insects.” Gore Vidal “Politics is War without bloodshed, while War is Politics with bloodshed.” Mao Zedong “Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even when there is no river.” Nikita Khrushchev “Too...

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A Center For Two

I had been in a few Bukkake parties before, but being invited to one of Mark's still sends shivers down my back. I absolutely lose myself in the activity. All those men, all that cum just makes me go weak in the knees. I got the call from Mark. He wanted to know if I would be the centerpiece for the party he was throwing this coming weekend. I of course accepted without hesitation. Mark told me that I wouldn't be the only center there and that he wanted to try Chelsea in another party, since...

4 years ago
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Beautiful Submission

Beautiful Submission By Murry Davis You wonder what plans your Master made for you tonight. You know that you will do whatever he commands you to do. Since becoming his willing slave, you have never disobeyed him. Tonight would be no different. You walk into the bathroom to prepare. You know your Master will want you clean and fresh. You slip out of your silk gown and let it fall around your ankles. Standing before the mirror, you study your nude body. At the age of 24, you have the...

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Seduce one housewife

Hi iss readers. This is my first real story which i share with you. That happens when i went on pub last weekend which is the best place for get-together with old friends on every weekend. That day one of my old friend neha come along with one of her colleague she looks like very shy in nature her name is smita. Let me explain first how she looks like. She is only 34 yrs old girl with 36dd boobs, flat tummy and beautiful ass 38.she was is blue transparent sarri with low cut blouse and her sari...

2 years ago
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Gina knew she looked hot in her tiny miniskirt that showed her ass with only the smallest of movements. She wore only a thong under the skirt. Her top was tight showing her tits off well. A final look in the mirror assured her that the boys in the band would definitely be noticing her tonight. She put a final touch on her heavy eye makeup and shook her head to make her hair look even messier and sluttier. Before the concert began, Gina had charmed one of the security guys and he'd...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Jesse Lynn Fun Sized Fucking

The tiny yet full of life Jesse is no stranger to a penis, but darn was this one huge! She got nervous about fucking it, so to calm her down our boy took her outside to bop around for a little. Who knew frolicking and twerking could take the edge off? Jesse eventually felt confident enough to take that thick stick. Her 4‘11‘‘ body was almost as big as our boys cock, but that did not stop him from shoving it in her mouth while he straddled her upside down. She spun right off and opened her short...

2 years ago
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A Swim at Bunker Hill

Introduction: This is a true story written to the best of what I can remember. Names havent been changed because I do not think it will matter. Comment please and expect more stories in the future. It was the third day of softball finals. My cousin was playing in the league and I was stuck at the park in the more than 90 degree weather because my aunt never let me stay home alone. While walking around I saw Rachael. I walked up to her and said hi. Hey Mikhail, she said. How are you? Good...

2 years ago
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Our New Phase 8211 Part II

Hi friends, this story which you are about to read is my real life experience which happened to me last month. Inspired from the stories in ISS, the fantasy to see my Wife having sex with outsider always grew stronger in me. Just a brief introduction before getting into the details I am Kaushik Reddy, 27 years old business man from Hyderabad, India, I take care of my father’s business. I was married a couple of years of back and happy with my life. My wife’s name is Shravya 24 years; she is a...

3 years ago
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Melissas RiteChapter 14

The veil stands before her as it always did, an indistinct misty haze, both real and imaginary. She reaches to it, her hand groping, her eyes straining. She can see them just beyond, dark shadows and vague shapes moving in the mist. She takes a deep breath, her hand trembling as she steps forward. Her body shivers in her nightgown, her feet cold and clammy against the ground. She raises both hands now, and the veil seems to push back against her palms. And as before, she pushes and...

2 years ago
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Sex with My Nephew

I was alone at home for the last one week as my husband had gone abroad with my son for his admission in the UK. I am thirty five years old married woman with flat and curved belly, fairly large sized breasts with deep valley in-between the two mounds and busty ass cheeks. I have deep ass crack in my ass melons and my pussy real deep and slippery ideal for long and plump size dick. The size of my breasts is 36 C, waist above my pussy is 28 and my round ass is 38. I enjoy exposing my torso,...

3 years ago
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The teen virgin next door

Less than a week had passed since my neighbor, Tom, and I had given his wife Robin the experience of a lifetime. I hadn’t spoken to Tom since that night, but his wife seemed to make it a point to be outside whenever I was getting the mail, coming back from a jog, or cleaning up something in the yard. She’d smile and give me a little wave with her hand, seemingly trying to be subtle. I also noticed their daughter, Jackie, looking at me through different windows of their house on a regular basis....

2 years ago
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Meri sex teacher bhabhi

Hum aur rajesh ki dosti pune me hi hui thi. Hum sub mil jul kar rahaten thy, Mera lunch aur dinner Dimple bhabhi hi banate thi aur hum vahan ja kar khana kha liya karta tha Hum log ek accha doston ki tarah rahate the, mera bhabhi ki saath jada majak masti nahin hota tha. Raat ko regular hum aur rajesh dinner karne ke baad 2-4 pag whiskey drink late thi,Baat January 2006 ki hai jab Delhi mai AUTOFAIR chal raha tha. Ek din sham ka waqt tha Rajesh mera paas aaya aur bola ki usko (rajesh ko) kal ki...

3 years ago
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Beast Within The Hot Wife

Hi, guys, I’m Rahul I work at an MNC in Hyderabad. If any girl, the lady wants to spend some good time, kindly email me Complete privacy is guaranteed. This sex story is a real incident that happened with me a couple of years ago. I met a girl online, her name is Priya Sachdev(name changed). Let me tell you about her, she is god’s own creation, 5″7, 34-28-32, fair skin, shoulder length hair and has a mesmerizing charm in her eyes. We used to chat regularly, she is Divorced and did not want...

2 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 33 The Job at Hand

The next morning found Brooke and Neriah walking hand-in-hand through the Antigua airport, smiling like mothers do when they know where their daughters are. Her presence in Antigua was all the confirmation the paparazzi needed that they had seen her the previous two days. The new headline: BOOB JOB(S). Burke (and daughter???) Get Bust Boost. Joanie, Todd and Audrey stayed snug in their room. This was Stacy’s day, this was Stacy’s play. Dressed in a perfect-for-her sundress, a pair of...

4 years ago
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Sex Date With My Sexy Maid

I am Bobby from Jaipur and was on official tour for 5 days to Chennai last month and I arranged my stay in a guest house just near to my friend’s house. He insisted to stay with him but I preferred to stay in a guest house in view of the freeness and I would be having in the guest house. Reluctantly my friend agreed for my stay in the guest house but asked her maid Sumati to daily visit my room in the guest house and see if the things are properly managed and clean my clothes as no laundry...

4 years ago
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Whatever It CostsChapter 8

At the end of the week Marie was still avoiding me - or everybody. I noticed that it was always her mother or father driving her to school or back home. And once I saw her mother she tried to kill me by looking. I was sure she tried. By Friday lunchtime I was having a lunch with my friends when the dark twin came to me and gave me a piece of paper and kissed my cheek. "Judy asked me to give you those." Before I could thank her, she was gone. I could still feel that raven colored hair...

2 years ago
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What Goes Around Comes Around

Back when I was young and foolish, my uncle told me, "What goes around, comes around." At the time I thought his words were just words. I thought it was just another platitude. I was used to platitudes from my mother. She was always coming out with something like "A stitch in time...", "Waste not, want not...", or "A bird in the hand...". It was several years later when it finally hit me that there might be something to these sayings. My girlfriend and I had both just gotten our...

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The Girlfriend

Sitting at the kitchen table, a gun beside him, George looked again at the picture of the girl who he was going to kill. It, he decided had gone on far too long, he knew it was no good, knew he didn’t have the same feelings about her now as he did when she had first come into his life. She was ruining his life, he so much wanted to be free of her, free of the jokes his friends made about her, free of the strange looks people gave him, free of the laughter going on behind his back. Her name...

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my indian wife is now bbc slut

My wife rachna and I have never dated any other race than ours and we never thought about it.My wife actually cannot stand black men. She thinks they are rude and disgusting pretty much the same way I think. However, when I am watching porn on satellite and I come across some black guy boning some indian chick with his huge cock I stop to watch a little. I am amazed how big some of these black cocks get. One day I saw a hot blackgirl and I mentioned how pretty I thought she was to my wife. My...

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Vehicular adventures

I first met Alexx online and we started texting and sending erotic instant messages to eachother. Alexx was hot, way too hot for me. I knew sex with him would be good because someone THAT good looking HAD to be good in bed. I met up with Alexx at a coffee shop one Saturday morning. We had been texting the night before and I had sent him several pictures of my glistening, shaved pussy. He called me that Friday night and listened to me masturbate while he talked dirty to me. Alexx showed up...

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I met an underwear model and he fucked me

Hey guys,I moved to this city because I was tired of LA. The weather was great, but in a city where everyone is an aspiring model/porn star/actor, I was totally intimidated. Who knew this city had guys even hotter. Since I knew so few people, I went to the gym early, went to work, then came back to the gym to lift and do cardio. After around 6 months of doing this I started to look and feel pretty good. I was starting to get cruised in the open shower, and one of the guys wrapped his hand...

1 year ago
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Internation Relations

For the love of my life… I wake up in the morning, and you’re not next to me. It’s kind of weird, because normally I have to wake up and go to work before you stir. Even though you are normally sleeping, I appreciate the opportunity to put my arms around you… Rub myself against you… Thrust my nose into your hair and smell how delicious it is. My fingertips crave your nipples. The palms of my hand are addicted to cupping your breasts. I am addicted to you. Waking up in the morning and doing...

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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 26

"Bye Ken," Mary and Dannie called to their brother as he crossed the parking lot to the highschool. They waited for him to return their wave and then turned to enter the middle school. "This is the sixth grade wing," Mary told her sister as she opened the door for her. "I'll show you to your home room and then I'll have to go to the eight grade wing after that so I can put my stuff in my locker and get to my first class." "I'm not a little girl you know Mary," Dannie sighed as...

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Sex With Bhabi

Love is a powerful thing. It’s a combination of physical, emotional, mental and at times even spiritual connection between two people. It is an entity that overcomes all foes; age, culture, border, religion, race, and these days even genders. In a country like India, Racism between Hindus and Muslims is an ever present axe that hangs over all, especially over the younger generation, who have just begun to come into their own. Despite the looming threat of shame, fanaticism, and familial...

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TandraChapter 34

"I trust you Henry," he said, seconds before he was hoisted aboard the pinnace. He gave me the standard open mouthed, incredulous look. "You don't look as stunned as Frank did. Come over here and sit down." He ambled over and looked at the odd seat and sat. "Would you like to see below us?" He nodded his head. "Carlton, would you give us a stern view." The state shrunk, and then the country did the same. We came to the top of our curve and descended. "Carlton, a bow view, if you...

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CFNM SPH Forced Nudity School 18Chapter Three

I exited the office and walked slowly back to class. The corridors were now empty as all the students were in their classes. I shivered with fear and coldness, as I felt the cool air hit my naked body from all angles goosebumps formed over my skin. The tiny chastity device weighed heavily on my diminuitive cock and balls.As I continued my walk of shame to biology class I could see some of the girls peering through the windows on the doors from my peripheral vision, they were pointing and...

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Vodka semen Mixes and Sex with boys

I love her films. I'm referring to the French Filmmaker Catherine Breillat, who's film titles simply tell red blooded men about girls like me, young, fresh, pubescent, curious and extremely horny for men and experiences, without fear.She has always courted controversy with her topics because men are men and she as a woman, knows how girls feel when an urge to fuck spreads between our legs, because our hormones dictate us to do it, it being a feeling, like an itch that needs scratching, only...

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I remember 2

I was married but spent most of my effort seeing a woman who was about 14 years younger than I am. I will call her K. This is the same person from my previous story. I had an apartment building that needed work. I went there in the evening, expecting to see K at a certain time. After she was about an hour late, I was getting a little annoyed but didnt plan on staying much longer. This was before the day of everyone having a cell phone so I couldnt call her. I was putting my tools in...

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Videochat log Cindy humiliate me

You: hiStranger: hiYou: m/f?Stranger: 38f, too old?You: noYou: okStranger: looking for a boy to humiliate, could that be you?You: yesStranger: niceStranger: stroke for meYou: okYou: your name?Stranger: cindyStranger: u?You: m***oStranger: are you small m***o?[I drop my underweare]Stranger: ha ha haYou: what do you think?Stranger: you are smallStranger: the best boys to abuseYou: seriusly?Stranger: :)Stranger: strokeYou: I'm small?Stranger: good boyStranger: you want to humiliate...

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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 16

It's bedtime and I’m making my way to my airconed bedroom. Nadine and Katia are already sitting on my bed, cuddling and watching something on a phone screen. I’m lying down on my side of the bed, Nadine in the middle and Katia on the other side. Lights off. I’m lying on my back. Suddenly I’m overcome with worry. Is anything going to happen today? Will Nadine make an advance? What will Katia do? I’m trying to calm down. Trying to breathe normally. Some time passes. Nothing happens. Both of...

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Moana and her loverboy first time fucking in the p

As some from the community asked us how it came that we enjoy taking porn photos, porn clips or even fucking in the public, we decided to write our story about how it came. Moana asked me her loverboy to write down what we experienced many years ago while we were on a holiday trip to Australia. For a few days we stayed south of Townsend on the Australian east coast. We spent our day on a remote area of a very long beach. This beach area was next to a golf course which was just behind the beach....

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Gail Porters Second Photo Session plus

By Rosko BusbyMy name is Jane Harrison and I, and my husband Jerry, are professional photographers. We specialise in erotic nude photographs of women. The girls feel more relaxed posing in front of a woman, especially when opening their legs. We've established a good reputation amongst the famous and we've also done a few pornographic films with a few of them on request; sometimes with Jerry as the lover, sometimes me, but we don't advertise the fact other than discreet word of mouth. Because...

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Outrageous Sex with another girl and my brother

1.) Public flashing and masturbation on a bus ride to townMuch of what is posted under "dick flashing", is a cooperation between siblings or girlfriends, I know as I speak from experience. My brother and my boyfriend have asked me at different times in my life to do something naughty, which usually equates to "Flashing" myself, for a reaction and finishes with a mutual masturbation or sex.I have always been up for a bit of fun and I don't consider myself way out on a limb when i say I like to...

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my first sex

in middle school me and andy where best mates stuck together like glue.back in 1976 the hottest summer in years,we had just dicovered girls. women thanks to the hords of porn mags strewn around the local woods,we hd built a camp and we whould sit together pouring over the pictures of naked women and men posing in obscene positions,if we were lucky we'd find pictures of people fucking this made me and andy very horney . andy was the same age as me slim mousey blond slight in build me. i was a...

2 years ago
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Ankit A Friend Or A Date

Hello everyone! Here I am again with my another real life story. Introducing myself as Abhimaan, a young Delhite Punjabi guy with roots from Jaipur, I tell you that I am currently placed with a government company in New Delhi. I am lively and passionate for movies, booze and sex. I look good and fuck better. You can always contact me on my email id: I have published my first story “Life is a one time affair” followed by “Life is a one time affair returns”. I would request you to read these...

Gay Male
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My Adventures with KeikoChapter 4 The Adventure Ends

For the next several spring and summer months, Keiko and I were inseparable companions. On many evenings we would go out and have an exciting adventure, exposing ourselves in public. We would go to the beach, especially a beach where nudity was not allowed, wearing our g-strings and letting as much of ourselves show as we thought we could get away with. We skated a few more times, but never comepletely nude like we did the first time, always wearing something revealing and provocative,...

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Master for me and my girlfriend

This is a fantasy story.I live with my girlfriend and she doesn't know about my fetishes and my need to submit. I also have a secret male Master that I go to and do whatever he tells me.One day he tells me he wants to fuck my girlfriend in front of me. I protest and try to change his mind. Tell him that my girlfriend doesn't know about this and she won't agree. But he soon silence me with some ass and face slapping and tells me that it's what he wants and I have to do it because I belong to...

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Coquette and her cuckold Part 4

Julie sank lower in the water, like a crocodile slinking back into the river after consuming its prey. The water wrapped itself around her breasts, the surface taking the shape of her stiffly protruding nipples and dark areola. I stood at the door, gazing at her naked body and going over in my mind, all that I had seen her experience in the last few hours. My thoughts were awash with fleeting images of the night’s passion and my wife’s erotic experimentations. As my eyes breathed in...

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The Other Me part1

Primitive Desires I was watching the sunset. It was something pretty special in the line of Nairobi sunsets and it made me feel swell. The pitch was in the flatland between The E block and the Administration block, and I could smell the exhausted unleaded petrol from vehicles in the busy Haile Selassie Avenue. It’s something I’m going to miss since some show off middle class people are selling everything just to buy electrical vehicles. I was standing alone, off to one side of D block in...

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My Hos And A Bitch

It was fairly easy to notice that Mrs. Graham, our high school senior teacher, was constantly looking at the black boys crotches in class. The only problem was she finally looked at the wrong one. Mine. I stayed after the other students left class that evening to test my theory. She didn’t notice as I watched her cleaning the blackboard. Her large hips swayed with each rub across the board. Her dress was fairly low cut for a lady in her mid 40s but her legs were nicely firm. She turned...

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Mom and I A True StoryChapter 5

From time to time Anne said I should start dating girls of my own age. I wasn't interested because I wasn't looking for a serious relationship and Anne provided all the sex I needed. It was clear to me that my mother saw our relation as something that wouldn't last forever. After our conversation during the weekend at the log cabin I understood her reasons but refused to take any action in the way she suggested. One day when the subject was posed again I said, "It's OK, but the rule...

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Miles Apart Chapter 1 Circumstances of kink

I remember this like it was a minute ago, but in reality it's been years since his fingertips engraved every inch of me.Embark with me on this story of how Josh and I dismissed the fact that we were the same blood.---Me and Josh, although closely related, never met until I was eleven and he turned twelve. He is from a completely different continent, and our families are thousands of miles apart. They came over to visit Europe and decided to stop by our home. Josh and I didn't talk a lot,  we...

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Brought to Heel

Brought to Heel.Chloe liked shoes. No that doesn't even begin to do it justice. Chloe loved shoes. Court shoes, stilettos, strappy sandals, ankle boots, whatever. She loved them all so long as they had proper heels that allowed her to show her legs to their best.Chloe had perhaps 30 pairs, she had never really counted them, she wore them whenever she could, certainly every day she wore one pair or another.As soon as she came home from work, even while she was still in drab, her feet would be...

3 years ago
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Annie in Atlanta

Annie Bradford, a highly respected College Dean from Minneapolis, Minnesota, was visiting some colleagues at Emory University in Atlanta, in hope of enticing one of them to accept a position at her university. Annie was a very young forty and divorced with no children. Her husband had left her for a younger woman four years before and, heartbroken, she'd thrown herself into her work.We meet her as she’s just finished watching a porno movie in her hotel room. She’s horny, almost desperate for...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Happy New Year

A chill in the air, dazzling sunlight, and a young woman's voice is what woke me up that morning. The itching, sticking twigs and leaves, and the kind hand of the stranger are what forced me to stand up and brush the dirt off myself. "Have a good night?" the woman asked with a smile. The harsh light of the sun combined with the intense hangover was causing me to squint far too much. From what I could make of her as my eyes began to adjust was a foggy silhouette of a slim-framed lady with a...

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Malmoe Maiden III the send off

I was invited to join these two beautiful women for dinner. A short walk and we were at a cafe with outside tables. The menu had a wide variety of entrees, Sasha explained the first few to me – but I said that grilled chicken and greens was what I would like. We hit the bread, cheese and wine quite heavily as we waited to place our order. It was much the same as mainland Europe, bread, wine and menus were what you got for the first 30 – 45 minutes. If your order was placed within an hour,...

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Five to one

Lee came home with four of his mates after an evening at the gym, and they sat down with a beer each, talking about their exercise, and recent girlfriends. His flatmate, Jenna, heard them all and came down to introduce herself. She was not planning to go out that evening, and didn't expect five young guys in the house together, so suddenly thought this could be time to fulfil her long-felt fantasy. She'd gladly shag them all separately, but hadn't thought they'd all be there together...........

1 year ago
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Danny Then Uncle Jack

I'll never forget the first time I ever sucked a cock.I was upstairs with my bestfriend Daniel; we were playing Extreme Video on Nintendo and my Uncle Jack was downstairs to make sure we didn't get into trouble. Daniel had flipped the computer to a porno site, waving thru a bunch of them actually and mostly we found young girls in school uniforms, looking like they could be are age, sucking on big cocks that were useually there teachers. We watched intensely as the big cocks filled the computer...

2 years ago
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Glory hole at the office part 4

7:55pm, I was 5 minutes early, didn't wanna be late and lose my job, you gotta do what you gotta do right? My boss opened the door and ordered me inside, I walked in behind him. He was wearing a bathrobe he led me to a large family room with a leather sofa and a coffee table. Looks like I was gonna suck him off again, I thought to myself, but why call it an audition I wondered. He ordered me again as he sat on the sofa to suck his cock, I undid the knot on his bathrobe and his cock...

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The Tides Of War Pt 01

Chapter 1 The look on Andrews face as he came through the door, said it all for him. Removing his hat, he sat down and poured out a drink from the scotch bottle on the table by the side of the bed. He drank it in one swallow, his face lined with suppressed anger. ‘The bastards have blocked any introduction other than the charge of disobeying an order. The Colonel at least had the decency to look embarrassed, but it seems the only charge is that you willfully disobeyed the order. No...

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Wifes Cheating Delimma Chapter 1

A story based in part about finding out my ex-wife had been cheating on me and my devious way of getting back at her with the help of our very best friend, her girlfriend. (FFM, nc, bi, voy)***Chapter 1My story begins: I discovered that my now ex wife had been cheating on me. I deviously set out to once and for all prove that I had no jealousies. I had a deeply inward wantonness to be a part of and contribute to her pleasures outside the normal range of our lovemaking at home.I incorporated my...

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