In spite of the similarity in name, this story has absolutely nothing to do
with my previous story of Dr. Jeckyll and Missy Hyde, other than being
loosely inspired from the same book.
Dr. Jeckyll and Mistress Hyde
by Morpheus
Dr. Robert Jeckyll leaned over his patient, looking long and hard to make
his examination. Turning around to his assistant Wendy, he said "Bottom
right molar" Then to the man sitting in the chair, Robert said "Sorry, but it
looks like you have a pretty nasty cavity and will need a filling."
Wendy Morgan, Robert's pretty blonde dental assistant nodded, then
quickly marked down the tooth's location on the dental records before
starting to mix up the filling material. "Here it is doctor" she cheerful as she
handed the completed mix to Robert who had just finished injecting the
novocaine, trying hard to keep acting professional.
"Thank you" Robert told her, quickly averting his eyes from Wendy.
Though Robert found her to be very attractive, the fact that she was 22
while he was 33 made him rather uncomfortable. That and the fact that he
knew she thought of him like an older brother, or even an uncle.
Wendy smiled cheerfully, leaning over and telling the patient that Robert
was very good at doing it painlessly. Robert smiled faintly at that. He may
be a dentist, but he saw no reason why he should make things any more
painful than they absolutely needed to be. In fact, he took great pride in his
ability to do the job with as little discomfort as possible. The reason why
he'd become a dentist in the first place was that he wanted to help people,
but didn't have the ambition or grades to become a medical doctor.
Trying to ignore Wendy's slightly distracting, but helpful presence, Robert
started work on the patient. When Robert was finishing up with the filling,
he gave Wendy a smile to let her know that she was doing a good job
assisting him. "Very good" he told her, noticing that she was beaming with
the praise as he turned back to the patient. Robert chuckled slightly at
Wendy, amused as always by just how cheerful and innocent seeming she
was. Definitely good to have around a dentists office since she helped calm
down nervous patients. Unfortunately for Robert, she did a little more than
that to him, and he didn't dare let it show. His professional ethics as well as
his natural shyness wouldn't let him.
Having finished up with the patient, Robert watched him leave, already
reaching for the records of the next patient. "You're going to like this one"
Wendy piped in cheerfully. Glancing it over, Robert winced. This one was
going to take a LOT of work. "You always said you liked a challenge"
Wendy giggled.
Sighing, Robert shook his head and gently reminded himself "Tomorrow I
start my vacation."
The rain was pelting hard against the windows of the car and the wipers
were having to work fast to keep them clean enough for Robert to see by.
He had been planning on spending most of his week long vacation up in the
mountains camping, and though he'd enjoyed the first two days up there
alone, the sudden downpour had finally caused him to pack it up and start
heading for home. Robert wasn't a dedicated enough outdoorsman to wait
out this storm.
With the rain and the darkness, visibility was very poor and Robert was
forcing himself to keep a close eye on the road, not wanting to have any
accidents with the local wildlife. Wishing that he'd left earlier, Robert
reminded himself that it hadn't started raining quite this hard until an hour
before sunset. Up until then he'd held out a few hopes of toughing out the
weather. Since he hadn't left earlier he was stuck driving through the storm
at night, not a situation that made Robert comfortable.
Suddenly there was a brilliant flash of light and a deafening rumble which
Robert immediately thought was thunder and lightning. Though they
startled Robert badly, enough to make him swerve, he managed to keep
control of the car. Until just as suddenly, everything started to shaking,
causing Robert to lose what little control he'd managed to retain, and slide
right off of the road, narrowly avoiding a tree.
Having come to a stop, Robert stared at the wheel in his hands, trying to
slow his breathing and heartbeat. Finally glancing out the window of his
car, Robert saw that there seemed to be a bit of fire coming from just a
short distance away and realized that lightning must have struck real close
by. "Oh shit" Robert muttered in a very uncharacteristic profanity,
realizing that this could be the beginning of a very nasty forest fire. Taking
another look towards the fire, Robert was thankful for the first time all day
that it was raining so hard. That should at least keep the fire from
spreading. But deciding just to be on the safe side, Robert reached over for
the small fire extinguisher he kept in the car, then climbed out into the rain.
Within seconds Robert was completely drenched, but he just stood where
he was, staring in the direction of the fire and wondering if maybe he
should climb back into the car and get the hell out of there instead.
However the thought that soon everything around him could be burned to
the ground spurred Robert into action. Hurrying towards the fire with the
extinguisher in hand, Robert fought back at the fear threatening to claim
When Robert had gotten past the trees and to the hill right over, he stopped
and stared. Whatever had happened certainly didn't look like a lightning
bolt. The ground and trees were all torn up and a huge gouge seemed to
drag through the earth, almost as if a giant had scuffed its heals, kicking
over everything in its path. Fortunately the fire at least wasn't nearly as bad
as Robert had feared. In fact most of it was out due to everything already
being soaked through. Just to be on the safe side Robert gave some of the
small blazes on the edges of the gouge a few squirts with the fire
Once Robert was sure that the rain would take care of the remaining
scattered fires, he looked around at the torn up forest, noticing that there
was still a glow coming from just a little distance further. A greenish glow
which left him a little curious as to its cause. Shivering slightly in his wet
clothes, Robert wiped the water from his eyes and started towards the
strange glow. Since he was already soaking wet, he figured that a few more
minutes in the rain couldn't hurt. And at least he had some dry clothes in
the back seat of his car.
As he got closer to the eerie green glow, Robert realized that it was coming
from the ground. Then he saw it. At the end of the long gash through the
forest, embedded in a bit of a hole was a glowing green bowling ball. Or at
least that was what Robert's first impression was. Nervously getting a little
closer, Robert saw that it was some sort of round rock, and it was still
glowing slightly. "A meteorite" Robert said in amazement. "Incredible."
After staring at the meteorite for several minutes, Robert noticed that the
glow was getting weaker and the rock seemed to be a little smaller. Going
a little closer to it, he also realized that it should be very hot, but it didn't
seem to be. A little warm, but not nearly as hot as he would have expected.
In fact Robert thought that he just might even be able to pick the thing up.
Just as he was reaching over to do just that, Robert's good sense got hold of
him again and he took a step back.
Staring at the rock in amazement, Robert wasn't even aware of the rain still
pounding on him, or of the strange green glow that was beginning to form
around his own body. All he was aware of was the glowing rock as it
slowly shrank smaller and smaller, glowing less and less. When it finally
reached the size of a golf ball, the glow had gone out almost entirely, and
soon even that remnant faded. Shaking his head, Robert looked around
realizing that it was pretty dark out. Feeling very nervous all of a sudden,
he gave a glance towards the dull rock then went and picked it up, dropping
it into his pocket before starting back towards his car.
Having gotten home at 3 AM and promptly falling asleep, Robert slept
deeply until 1 in the afternoon when the sound of a car horn on the street
below his apartment finally woke him. Once showered and dressed, Robert
sat down to read a good book while sipping at a cup of hot chocolate and
munching on M&M's. Robert was a little too fond of sweets he knew, but
he just couldn't resist. He loved the taste of chocolate. "And there are lots
worse habits I could have" Robert liked to remind himself. Since he didn't
drink, smoke or do any kind of drugs, Robert felt that his sweet tooth, his
one vice was acceptable. Even if he was a dentist.
Having lost himself in his relaxation for several hours, Robert was finally
interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Looking up from his nearly finished
book, Robert was slightly startled to realize just how late it already was.
Quickly setting the book down, he hurried to the door, calling "I'm coming"
as the doorbell rang again. Peaking through the peap hole, Robert smiled
faintly as he saw a fairly tall athletic looking man standing there. "Scotty"
Robert said with a smile as he opened the door for his best friend.
Scott James, professional carpenter and former highschool football star
walked in with a grin on his face. "How's it going Robby" he said
cheerfully. "I was driving by and saw your car out front and figured you'd
been rained out."
"Yeah" Robert replied, gesturing for his friend to come into the living
room, "I got back in early this morning. You wouldn't believe the
"Sucks, doesn't it?" Scotty said with a grin, obviously not feeling too much
pity, "Makes me glad that I couldn't make it." Robert nodded. Scotty had
originally planned on spending a couple days up camping with him before
demands from his job kept him back.
Sitting down across from his friend, Robert asked "So what brings you
here? Couldn't get a date tonight?" Scotty just shrugged, letting Robert
know that he was probably right. Scotty's latest girlfriend Trisha was
probably working again. Or possibly even "washing her hair" Not that
Robert was any better off.
"Just wondering if you wanted to go grab something to eat" Scotty
suggested, putting his feet up on Robert's coffee table and making him
wince, though he didn't ask his friend to remove them. "So, you
Looking down at his watch, Robert shrugged. "Why not. I don't have
anything else to do right now."
"All right" Scotty grinned, getting up from his seat. With that both men
started towards the door, with Robert asking "So, where to?"
Playing around with the food on his plate, Robert blushed a little as Scotty
pointed out another pretty girl, describing exactly what he'd like to do to
her. Robert glanced at the latest girl, admitting that Scotty was right and
that she was very pretty, but blushing all the same. "Why don't you ask her
out?" Scotty added with a grin. "If you don't, I just might"
"And what about Trisha?" Robert jokingly asked his friend. "I don't think
she'd appreciate that" Scotty just shrugged, obviously unconcerned about
Changing the subject, Scotty suddenly asked "So, you going to ask that
Wendy out or what? I mean, she's really a looker" Robert coughed,
wishing that he'd never mentioned to Scotty that he liked Wendy. Now
Scotty frequently encouraged him to ask Wendy out. Not something that he
was going to do, no matter how much he really wanted to.
"Do you have to do that?" Robert asked, scrunching his nose as Scotty lit a
cigarette, "You know I can't stand the smoke" Scotty just shrugged, as he
always did, making Robert annoyed though he didn't say anything more,
which he never did.
After they finished dinner, Scotty announced "I guess I'd better get over to
see Trisha. She should be back soon" Robert nodded, realizing that Trisha
really had been at work. Sighing, he felt a little jealous that Scotty at least
had a girlfriend to go to. Without another word they got up and went back
to Robert's apartment.
Pulling up in front of his apartment, Robert got out of his car while Scotty
got out the passenger side, already hurrying over to his own car. "I'll see
you later" Scotty called out as he climbed into the car and started the
engine, driving off before Robert could even reply.
Looking up at the sky and seeing that it was getting dark rather quickly,
Robert sighed and asked himself "Where did the day go?" ignoring the fact
that he'd slept through half of it. Shaking his head slightly, Robert turned
and went inside.
Closing the door behind him as he went back into his apartment, Robert
quickly went to the kitchen and got himself a Sprite before going into the
living room, wondering as he did so if ER was on yet.
After several minutes, Robert glanced out his window, noticing that the sun
had just finished setting. Just as he was about to turn back to the TV, he
frowned. Something didn't feel quite right. Robert felt sort of strange. Like
his body was tingling or something. Wondering what was wrong with
him, Robert got up and started to walk to his bathroom, but stopped in the
middle of his living room as a massive wave of pain shot through him.
Screaming for a second, Robert collapsed helplessly to the floor as waves
of strange sensations ran through his body.
Robert could almost swear that he felt his bones moving around inside of
him. That his muscles were twitching and spasming, and it felt as if all of
his internal organs were on fire. But it wasn't all pain. The sensations also
felt sort of good at the same time. In a strange combination of estcasy and
agony, Robert rolled around on the floor, too uncertain to comprehend
anything, or even wonder what was happening to him.
As Robert was rolling around on the carpet, a faint green glow emanated
from his body, though he wasn't able to notice it. Finally the green glow
around him faded away and Robert lay on the floor, perfectly still as the
pain and the pleasure both abruptly stopped. Gasping for breath, Robert
just laid where he was, regaining his senses and wondering what kind of
attack he'd just had. Absently thinking that he'd have to call 911 about his
seizure, Robert became aware that though the strange waves of sensation
had passed, he still didn't feel right. Not in the least.
Cautiously sitting up, Robert became aware that his clothes were pinching
him rather painfully around his hips and around his chest. Then he felt the
weight on his chest. "HOLY SHIT" Robert cried out as his eyes spotted the
unmistakable bulge of a woman's breasts, pushing out from his chest, and
stretching the shirt he was wearing to its limits.
Unsteadily getting to his feet, Robert couldn't take his eyes off of his chest,
until her remembered how tight his pants felt in the waist. Forcing his eyes
to move to his waist, Robert gasped, recognizing immediately the feminine
shape. Instinctively his hand slipped between his legs but was unable to
feel the familiar bulge. "Oh shit" Robert muttered again,
uncharacteristically as his situation began to dawn on him. "I'm a woman"
he muttered, shocked but unable to deny it.
Quickly stripping out of his ill fitting clothes, Robert just had to double
check. He had to see for himself. To make absolutely sure. But with an
awful dread, he already knew what he'd find. As soon as Robert had
managed to get his clothes off, he examined himself, unable to believe that
it was real. But the evidence was unquestionable, unless of course he was
dreaming or hallucinating, Robert reminded himself. Still, it certainly
seemed far too real for that so he decided to treat it as if it was real. What
other choice did he have?
Gulping, Robert forced himself to remain calm as he went over his body,
finding that it seemed to be a woman's body completely. Even to the pussy
between his legs, surrounded by a patch of black pubic hair. That sight sent
shivers down his spine. Not only was there the very obvious difference,
but his hair was normally a light brown as well. And his skin. Robert's skin
was much paler than he'd ever remembered it being, and very smooth as
well. His breasts pushed out proudly from his chest, which sent a shard of
shame through Robert's heart, and they were very firm. His whole body
was firm and in great shape. From what he could see of himself, Robert
knew that he was probably quite a looker.
With his emotions warring between curiosity and fear, Robert reminded
himself that he had no idea what had done that to him, if he would change
back or what he could even do about it. Sighing, Robert decided to take
things one step at a time, dealing with what he could control first. "First
thing is to find out what I look like" Robert said aloud, surprised by the
sultry feminine voice that came from his throat. Maybe that will give me
some idea of what happened, he thought as he started towards the nearest
The sight in the mirror startled Robert, even though he'd already had an
idea of what to expect. She was gorgeous. Or he was, Robert reminded
himself. The woman in the mirror, he settled on. She had raven black hair
that went down to her lower back. She had large dark eyes and full red lips.
Though her skin was very pale, it went very well with her dark hair, eyes
and lips, making her look slightly more exotic and erotic. "Wow" Robert
said, unable to help but smile, which only made the woman in the mirror
that much more attractive.
On a quick whim, Robert opened his mouth and examined his teeth as
thoroughly as he could in the mirror, nodding thoughtfully once he was
finished. "They seem to be perfect" He was amazed at that since even his
teeth had changed. "Whatever did this sure was thorough."
Finishing his examination, Robert pulled himself away from the mirror,
wondering what he was going to do next. Looking down at his naked body,
Robert blushed slightly, realizing that he didn't even have any clothes that
he could wear. His own certainly wouldn't fit him at the moment.
Thinking about it for a moment, Robert remembered Charlene down the
hall. She'd gone to her parents for a couple weeks due to a death in a
family, but Robert was sure that they were now about the same size. Her
clothes just might fit him. Frowning, Robert decided that he didn't have
much choice at the moment. Not if he wanted to wear clothes at least.
Hurrying to his bedroom and wrapping a blanket around himself, Robert
noticed that his fingernails were a lot longer as well, and more difficult to
use. "This should do it" Robert told himself uncertainly as he went to his
door, wrapped up in the blanket. Cracking the door open slightly, Robert
stuck his head out, making sure that there was no one in the hall. No one
that could see him in his changed and uncomfortable body. Once Robert
saw that the coast was clear, he quietly started to walk towards Charlene's
Before Robert got to Charlene's door, another apartment door opened up
and a man stepped out, stopping and staring at Robert. Robert felt a flush of
embarrassment wash over him, and annoyance. "What are you looking
at?" He snapped at the strange man, pulling his blanket tighter around him.
The man at the door immediately stepped back inside, quickly shutting his
door behind him. Robert snorted and shook his head, surprised to feel
himself being a little more annoyed than he was embarrassed.
Getting to Charlene's door, Robert turned the knob, finding it locked as he'd
expected. Grinning to himself he also remembered that Charlene had a
tendency to lock herself out every once in awhile, and had a spare key
hidden just in case. "Where could it be?" Robert asked himself, glancing
around. It took him only several seconds to find the spare key, already
having a very good idea of just where she'd hidden it. Taking another
glance up and down the hall to make sure no one was watching him, Robert
went inside.
Charlene's apartment was a bit messier than Robert had expected and he
went straight to her bedroom, though he'd never been in that apartment
before. Though Robert was on decent terms with Charlene, they were only
neighbors and couldn't even be considered friends. The only time they ever
even saw each other was in passing through the hall, occasionally even
saying hello. But not often.
"Whoa" Robert said in a little surprise as he saw Charlene's bedroom. The
ceiling was covered in mirrors, and there were several big ones hanging on
the walls. Skimpy and frilly lingerie was hung from the back of the chairs,
high heeled shoes way about the floor, and the whole room gave an
impression that Charlene wasn't really all that neat, but that she also wasn't
all that innocent either.
Shaking his head and grinning at actually being in Charlene's bedroom,
Robert dropped the blanket from around himself and faced one of the full
sized mirrors on the wall. "Whoa" he repeated, seeing his whole body for
the first time in the mirror. So far he'd been able to get a very good glimpse
at himself, but when he'd looked in his own mirror he could only see his
face and shoulders. This was the first time that he'd been able to get a
glimpse of his whole body at once, and Robert was rather impressed.
Seeing his rather large nipples reflected in the mirror, Robert looked down
and curiously touched them, surprised to find how sensitive they seemed.
It amazed him just how good they felt, and almost without realizing it
Robert started rubbing at them. Almost immediately Robert's nipples got
hard, feeling somewhat like little erections, and it had an immediate effect
on the rest of his body as well. Robert gasped as his crotch started to get
wet, and he put a hand to his moist pussy, rubbing at it furiously as it sent
shivers of pleasure up his spine. "Ooooh that feels good" Robert moaned
slightly, sitting down onto Charlene's bed as he continued masturbating,
losing himself in the powerful new sensations coming from his body.
As Robert gently rubbed his clit, he let one of his fingers go further into his
moist slit, causing a gasp to come from his throat as he felt the strange
sensation of something inside of him, even something as small as one of
his fingers. The pleasurable tension that the masturbating was producing
increased further until it suddenly exploded in wave after wave of sexual
ecstasy, running throughout Robert's entire body, nearly making him
scream out. With frenzied movement, Robert continued to masturbate,
bringing himself to orgasm again and again, stopping only when his fingers
were all too tired to continue.
Laying on Charlene's bed, Robert gasped for breath, his eyes closed as he
savored the warm afterglow, enjoying it immensely. Finally Robert
climbed off of the bed, looking into the mirror and thinking that the grin on
his face made him look like the cat that swallowed the canary. That
thought only made him grin a little more.
As Robert started to look through Charlene's clothes for something to wear,
he absently though that he should be more shocked with what had
happened to him. More frightened or disgusted at turning into a woman.
Though he was rather shocked, he knew he should probably be more so.
Picking up the clothes he'd decided on, Robert shrugged off his worries,
wondering only whether or not to wear Charlene's panties and bra. He
wasn't sure that he liked the idea of wearing someone else's underwear, but
the other choice would be to wear none. Feeling sort of kinky, Robert
slipped the lacy black panties on, then struggled with the bra until that was
on. Unfortunately it was a little too snug, but Robert thought that he could
deal with it for a little while.
Grinning into the mirror, Robert felt himself getting sexually aroused
again, largely at the thought of wearing such personal items of Charlene's,
which surprised him slightly. Shaking his head, Robert admired himself in
the mirror, feeling oddly proud at the sexy woman that looked back.
Glancing back towards the clothes he'd chosen, Robert said "If you've got
it, flaunt it"
Feeling somewhat aroused, Robert carefully pulled a pair of stockings on,
deciding that since he'd inexplicably changed, he might as well have some
fun with it why he could at least. After the stockings came a short black
skirt that Robert thought looked rather sexy, then a dark red shirt which
showed his cleavage to full advantage. "You are one hot babe" he told
himself in the mirror, knowing though that something was missing.
After several moments consideration, Robert knew what it was. Sitting
down at Charlene's desk, Robert found a pair of clip on ear rings and put
them on, then started applying some dark red lipstick that he found. Losing
himself as he put on the rest of the makeup, and nail polish, Robert was
unaware of the time. As he finished, he looked around Charlene's
apartment, suddenly feeling like an intruder. Reminding himself that he
was an intruder, Robert grabbed a pair of high heeled shoes and slipped
them on his feet, smiling at how sexy they made him look. At how sexy
they made him feel even. And he liked that feeling.
Double checking his makeup, Robert was pleased and decided that he
should probably leave. He'd gotten so caught up in playing dress up, in
making himself look sexy, that he lost track of exactly what he'd come
there for. Reminding himself that he was still breaking and entering, he
decided that he should probably leave. But first he slipped on a black
leather jacket from Charlene's closet that had caught his eye. "God I look
sexy" he said to his reflection, getting ready to leave.
Pausing once more, something else caught Robert's eye. Robert smiled as
he saw a vibrator sitting on Charlene's night-stand, wondering to himself
just how good that would feel. Picking it up, Robert told himself "Just in
case" as he slipped it into his pocket then returned to his own apartment.
Back in his own apartment, Robert sat down in front of his TV, trying to
think about what could have done that to him, and why. Unfortunately
nothing came to mind. Nothing until he happened to remember the
meteorite. "That's it!" he exclaimed, "It has to be." Still, Robert couldn't
explain why the meteorite had caused him to turn into a woman. If it really
was the meteorite.
Suddenly remembering that he'd grabbed the rock from the crater, Robert
hurried to his bedroom and the still wet coat that he'd draped over a chair.
Pulling the golf ball sized rock from the pocket where he'd set it, Roger
returned to the living room, staring intently at the dull grayish brown stone.
Sitting down again Robert studied the stone carefully, seeing no sign of the
green glow that it had originally, or of anything else that could have caused
him to suddenly change. Giving up for the moment, he set the stone onto
the coffee table and reached for his Sprite. Taking a sip, Robert winced,
thinking that it had gone bad or something. It tasted sort of stale and flat.
Grabbing some M&M's from the bowl he'd left out, Robert thought that he
could really use some chocolate. But as soon as he'd eaten one, Robert
choked, spitting the candy out. "God that's horrible" he said frowning. It
had tasted far too sweet, and definitely not right.
"Oh no" he said in realization. It wasn't the M&M's or the Sprite that was
bad, it was him. His senses had changed. The more Robert thought about
it, the more that it made sense. He also realized that he'd been feeling a lot
more vigorous and energetic since he'd changed, and that all of his senses
seemed to be sharper. Sharper and different. "How else could I not like
chocolate?" he reasoned. But just to be sure, Roger went into the kitchen
and tried some of the other sweets he'd bought, finding that they all tasted
terrible. Sighing, Robert asked aloud "What next?"
"Fuck" Robert said aloud as he looked around his kitchen once more,
realizing just how much stuff he had in it that he couldn't eat any more.
"Fucking waste" he muttered again, not realizing how unusual it was for
him to swear, and how easily he was doing it now. Feeling bored, Robert
went back into the living room, wondering just what he was going to do,
until he saw the leather jacket where he'd dropped it on the chair.
Remembering what he'd put into the pocket, Robert smiled and decided
that maybe exploring his new body some more might be a good idea. The
very thought made him start to feel horny again.
Taking the vibrator out of the coat pocket, Robert started towards his
bedroom, a large grin spread across his face. Within minutes Robert had
stripped off his skirt and panties, and was testing out the vibrator, moaning
in pleasure as it rubbed up against his clit. "Oooh" he moaned, crying out
"Fuck me harder" Once Robert had brought himself to orgasm, he set the
vibrator down on his bed and quickly got dressed again, feeling much
Feeling cooped up and bored, Robert glanced out his window, at the dark
night sky, wondering what he was going to do. After thinking about it for a
moment, Robert decided that he didn't want to stay cooped up in his
apartment. He was feeling too antsy for that, another aspect of his changed
body he decided since he was usually very calm and relaxed at night. "The
hell with it" Robert muttered, grabbing the leather jacket and putting it on,
already heading towards the door.
Though Robert had originally started out towards Scotty's house with some
thought of asking his friend for help, he quickly realized that he'd have a
hard time convincing Scotty that he really was Robert. After all, things like
that just didn't happen in real life. Uncertain as to keep heading towards
Scotty's or to go home, Robert decided that he didn't really want to do
either. He couldn't explain what had happened to Scotty, and home was far
too boring. Passing a bar, Robert grinned as he got an idea.
Though Robert normally avoided bars, having no interest in them, he found
himself wanting to go in. Wanting to be seen. He smiled to himself
thinking that he had a fantastic body and he wanted everyone to know it.
After parking his car, Robert went into the bar, feeling rather smug as he
glanced around the smoke filled room and noticed that he was the hottest
looking woman there.
Feeling more confident than he was used to, Robert walked straight
through the room and sat down on a barstool, well aware of all the looks
that were being directed towards him and feeling pleased because of them.
Feeling rather impulsive, Robert ordered a whisky from the bartender,
though he knew he didn't like the stuff. For some reason, he just wanted to
do something, and he did it.
Not thinking about it, Robert accepted the whisky and looked around the
smoke filled room, realizing that the smoke hadn't bothered him at all.
Normally he would be choking and extremely uncomfortable with all that
cigarette smoke, but this time he wasn't. In fact, instead of stinking like
normal, it actually smelled sort of nice. Shrugging, Robert downed his
drink, enjoying the pleasant warmth going down his throat, and the
unusually pleasant taste. "I'll have another" he told the bartender.
Before Robert's second drink was ready, a man sat down in the stool next to
Robert, then looked appreciatively at Robert's chest before offering to buy
him a drink. "I've already got one coming" Robert told the stranger,
amused to see that someone was actually hitting on him. He couldn't help
but wondering what this guy would say if he knew who Robert really was.
"My names Jim" the stranger announced, obviously not ready to give up on
Robert just yet. Robert was about to tell Jim to take a hike, but decided that
he might as well have a little fun instead.
"Nice to meet you" Robert told Jim as the bartender delivered the second
drink, which went down just as quickly as the first had. "I'll accept your
offer if it's still open" Jim looked confused for a second, then noticed the
empty shot glass in Robert's hand. "I'll have a beer" Robert told him,
deciding that it might not be a good idea to get too drunk at the moment,
though he was certainly tempted to.
After Jim had ordered the drinks, Robert chuckled to himself over how
easy it was to get something just by smiling at a guy. Jim's reactions
certainly proved that, even if he already knew that from the other side of
things. Glancing over at Jim, he saw that the other man looked a little
uncertain, and was pulling out a pack of cigarettes, putting one of them in
his mouth. Jim hesitated for a moment then held the pack out to Robert,
asking "Want one?"
Though Robert's first thought was to refuse since he wasn't a smoker and
couldn't even stand the smell of cigarette smoke, something inside of him
reminded him that his senses weren't quite the same. Shrugging, Robert
thought what the hell and said "Sure" taking one and putting it between his
own lips. A moment later he'd accepted a light from Jim, and sucked down
on the cigarette butt, feeling the smoke filling his mouth and being pulled
down his throat and into his lungs. Feeling like he was going to cough,
Robert forced himself to stay under control and kept from coughing by
sheer force of will. Smiling at Jim, Robert blew the smoke out and off to
the side, noting to himself that it wasn't bad at all. And the calm feeling
that started to come over him certainly was nice. Taking another drag from
the cigarette, Robert noticed that his beer was ready.
Sitting still and sipping at his beer, Robert talked with Jim, amused at Jim's
reactions. After two more beers and several more cigarettes, Robert was
looking Jim over, thinking how great masturbating had felt and wondering
just how good real sex would be. A tiny part of himself was screaming that
it would be wrong, but Robert shrugged it off. What could be wrong about
having a little fun?
Already beginning to feel a little aroused, Robert quickly agreed when Jim
suggested "How about we go some place with a little more privacy."
Leaving the bar, Jim lead the way to a cheap motel just across from the bar,
making Robert smirk a little. This was so stereotypical that it was funny.
Once they were in the motel room, Jim quickly grabbed Robert's roughly
through his shirt, squeezing them as he leaned forward and kissed Robert
forcefully. Though Robert enjoyed the feeling from his nipples, he began to
get annoyed over the way Jim had just grabbed him. How dare he, Robert
thought to himself as anger began to build in him. Suddenly Robert pushed
Jim away, though Jim started to grab Robert again. Feeling Jim's rough
hands grabbing him, Robert punched at Jim as hard as he could, knocking
the other man to the ground.
With Jim laying on the ground, looking rather surprised, Robert swung his
foot, kicking Jim along his side. "Don't you ever touch me without my
permission" Robert said coldly.
What happened next surprised Robert as the surprised look on Jim's face
was replaced by one of excitement, and Jim responded in a submissive tone
"Yes mistress. What does my mistress require of me?" Stunned, Robert
stared at Jim, on his knees and looking at Robert almost worshipfully. The
sight sent shivers up Robert's spine, and his nipples tingled even more with
Making sure the smile that was forming on his face was vicious enough,
Robert snapped "Take off my shoe and lick my feet." Then just to push it a
little more, Robert added "Do it slave" nearly kicking Jim in the head. Jim
quickly started struggling with Robert's high heels and stocking, making
Robert laugh inside. The way Jim was acting was so amusing, and so
exciting. Robert loved it. No one had ever been that respectful to him
before, or jumped at his orders. Even Wendy who worked for him didn't
treat him with that kind of respect. The very thought of controlling
someone else as he was controlling Jim at the moment made Robert smile
as his sexual excitement grew.
"If you put any runs in my stocking's I'll have to punish you" Robert
warned Jim, getting into the spirit of things. Jim practically whined as he
promised that he'd do no such thing, making Robert smile more, though he
quickly hid it, trying to decide just what kind of punishment he could give.
It didn't take Jim very long before he'd finally given Robert his excuse,
though Robert told Jim that he'd wait on his punishment, depending on
how well Jim did at licking his toes.
Pausing for a moment, Jim hesitantly asked "May I ask my mistress's
Robert thought about that for a moment, wondering what name to give. He
certainly couldn't give his own name, and had way too much to hide. Then
Robert smiled. "My name is Hyde." Pausing for dramatic effect, he
continued "Mistress Hyde."
Jim nodded, saying "Thank you mistress" then he went back to work.
As Jim carefully licked Robert's toes, he had to force himself to keep from
giggling, enjoying how it felt. He strongly suspected that Jim had done this
before. "You've earned a little mercy" Robert told Jim after he was done,
"But not much." With that Robert forced Jim to strip down naked, and lay
face down on the bed, cruelly taunting "I don't want to be offended by the
sight of your small dick" though actually Robert knew it was bigger than
his normally was.
With Jim laying on the bed, Robert started spanking him while Jim pleaded
"I'll be good mistress" Once Robert's hands were beginning to go numb, he
decided that it was time to get down to action.
Letting Jim loose, Robert instructed him "Lick my pussy and if I don't
orgasm twice before you cum...." Robert grinned menacingly, leaving
where it was. As soon as Jim began gently licking his clit, Robert moaned
and grabbed tightly against the bedsheets while Jim rapidly brought him to
the first orgasm, then continued until she came again. Sighing, Robert
wondered if maybe he should have ordered 5 orgasms instead of two. But
glancing down at Jim's firm cock, he knew that Jim probably wouldn't be
able to hold out much longer.
Though Robert was tempted to just lay back on the bed and let Jim do his
thing, Robert didn't like the idea of being that helpless. Instead, he told Jim
to lay down on the bed, then Robert climbed on top of him. "You will now
have permission to enter me" Robert told him as if it was the greatest of
"My mistress is generous" Jim said, obviously trying to keep a smile from
his face. Robert ignored it and positioned himself just over Jim's cock,
hesitating as he thought about having something stuck inside of him. It left
him with mixed emotions, but Robert decided that the desire was the
strongest and lowered himself, moaning as he impaled himself on Jim's
thick shaft.
The sensation of something inside of him was amazing, and it was
definitely a lot more than his finger or even the vibrator. For just a
moment Robert just stayed where he was, savoring the new feeling, then he
started to slowly move himself up and down, enjoying the thick cock
pumping in and out of him. Robert came one more time, then it was Jim's
turn. Robert could feel the warm release inside of himself, but was rather
annoyed when Jim went limp inside of him. Robert had been ready for
some more.
Climbing off of Jim, Robert ignored the warm sticky mess between his legs
and tried to get Jim hard again, to no effect. Jim was done for.
Disappointed, Robert grabbed one of the cigarettes from Jim's coat pocket
and lit it, taking a deep drag before going into the bathroom to start
cleaning himself up.
Leaving the bathroom, Robert saw that Jim was still sitting on the bed
naked, watching him. Shrugging, Robert ignored him and started to put his
clothes back on. Frowning at the nasty runs in his stockings, Robert put
them back on anyway, glaring slightly at Jim but otherwise ignoring him.
As he finished, Jim grabbed the leather jacket and threw it around himself,
then with a slight grin, he grabbed the pack of cigarettes and put those in
his pocket as well before walking out the door. Robert heard Jim call after
him "Will I see you again?"
"Perhaps" Robert said back, "Perhaps"
As Robert was heading home, he started thinking about what he'd just
done, smiling as he did so. Stubbing his cigarette out in the previously
unused ashtray of his car, he realized that it was very much out of character.
Most of the things that he'd done since his transformation were out of
character for him.
Robert didn't drink or smoke and loved chocolate, but now none of those
were true. His senses had changed, he reminded himself, even the
sensitivity to pleasure. Did a person's senses and body control their
personality that much? Robert wasn't sure. But he also knew that his other
actions didn't fit either. He'd felt almost no guilt for breaking and entering,
for stealing someone else's clothes and jewelry, and the way he'd acted with
Jim. None of it was like him. Not at all. It was like all of his inhibitions
were gone.
He hadn't been acting like the shy and quiet Robert, and hadn't really even
been thinking like him. It was almost like he was a whole different person.
"Mistress Hyde" she told herself, realizing that it was true. She wasn't the
same as Robert. She remembered everything he lived through and knew
everything he knew, but she also knew that she didn't have his personality.
That she didn't have all of his inhibitions. And she liked it. Though she
had no idea if she'd ever change back, she realized that it didn't really seem
to matter too much to her either. She was still lost in those thoughts when
she got back to Robert's apartment.
Robert woke up suddenly as waves of pain and pleasure twisted through
his body, nearly making him scream. As the overwhelming sensations
faded, Robert was able to start thinking clearly again. Sitting up, he
winced at the horrible taste in his mouth, wondering about the strange
dream he'd just had, and about the seizure he'd also apparently had.
However as Robert looked down and saw that he was wearing a skimpy
pair of black panties and bra, he gasped in shock, jumping from his bed.
Carefully Robert examined his own body, finding that it was the same as
always, that he was still a guy. But the memories of the night before
wouldn't fade, and he was embarrassed and somewhat ashamed to realize
that it had happened. That he had done those things, and enjoyed them.
"Oh my God" Robert said as he tore off the bra and panties, staggering
towards the bathroom to wash the bad taste from his mouth.
After brushing his teeth, Robert went back to his bedroom, noticing the
black leather jacket on his chair, and the women's clothes on the floor.
There was even a pack of cigarettes on the night-stand where he
remembered putting them. "That's what gave me the bad taste" Robert said
aloud, disgusted at the idea that he'd been smoking, not to mention the
other things that he'd done with Jim.
Glancing out the window, Robert saw that it was morning, and that the sun
had just come up. Frowning, he wondered if that had anything to do with
why he changed. It was about sunset that he turned into a woman, and
apparently it was sunrise that he'd changed back. Nervously deciding to
take a shower, hoping that it would help clean away the dirty feeling,
Robert couldn't help but wondering if it was a one time thing, or if he'd
change back into Mistress Hyde again.
For the rest of the morning Robert felt uncomfortable as he sat in his
apartment. He just felt dirty somehow, not just by what he'd done the night
before, but by the way he'd enjoyed it. Nervously sipping at his Sprite,
Robert ate more M&M's hoping to erase the bad taste that he could still
imagine in his mouth, though he couldn't actually taste any more.
"Maybe I should tell Scotty" Robert wondered, knowing that he needed
help. But what would he tell his friend, that he turned into a woman and
had sex with another guy. Robert shuddered to think what Scotty would
say, assuming the unlikely event that Scotty even believed him. No, Robert
had no proof, and even if he did, it was far too humiliating to admit. And,
he told himself hopefully, he didn't even know if it would ever happen
again. Maybe it was even some sort of hallucination or sleep walking, he
tried convincing himself hopelessly.
By lunch, Robert had half convinced himself that it was either a dream or a
one time occurrence. That it wouldn't happen again. That it couldn't. Still,
he wished that there was someone he could at least talk to about it without
coming off sounding like a loon.
Feeling rather bored and cooped up, Robert was starting to consider going
back to work early, or going back up camping for the rest of his vacation.
However the memory of how badly he'd been rained out already convinced
him not to even try that again. At least not for awhile. Still, Robert needed
to find something to keep him from going out of his mind with boredom.
Eventually he decided on the movies.
After dinner Robert called Scotty to see if Scotty was up to anything, but
nobody answered the phone. Sighing, Robert hung up, looking nervously at
the clock. It was getting closer to sunset, and he couldn't help but being
nervous. He'd told himself that it was just a one time thing, but how could
he be sure? Deciding that he should remain home anyway, just in case,
Robert shut his front door and sat down to sip at some hot chocolate, trying
to relax. Trying to take his mind off of it.
Before Robert had realized it, the sun had already started setting, and
suddenly a wave of pain shot through his muscles, making Robert nearly
scream as he pulled back into his chair. "God no" he cried as the intense
pain wracked his body, feeling intensely pleasurable at the same time.
Robert could feel his muscles moving, his bones shifting position and his
very flesh changing. Grimacing Robert tried to bear it, knowing that it
would fade. It would have to.
Then just as quickly as it had started, it stopped. Gasping for breath, she
opened her eyes and looked down, seeing that she had indeed become a
woman again. Wincing at the uncomfortable clothes, she stripped out of
them, standing naked in the middle of the living room and examining her
body. She was the same as she had been the night before, and the thought
sent a pleasant chill down her spine.
Remembering how nervous she was just a little earlier, she chuckled,
wondering why she'd been so upset about changing. It wasn't really that
bad at all. Sure it was extremely uncomfortable to change, but once she'd
changed there wasn't anything to really worry about. "I guess I'll change
back at sunrise" she sighed, knowing that her earlier guess had been right.
Her change at sunset had proven that to her.
Going into her bedroom, she started dressing up in the clothes from the
night before. In Charlene's clothes she reminded herself with a grin as she
remembered all the clothes that remained in her neighbor's apartment.
Slipping the black leather jacket around her shoulders, she picked up the
cigarettes and shrugged. Why was she so upset about this earlier, she
wondered. Lighting herself a cigarette, she blew a stream of smoke off to
the side and started towards Charlene's apartment, and a new change of
Looking at herself in the mirror, she admired how the new clothes looked
on her. Sexy was the word that sprang to her mind. She'd found some thigh
high black high heeled boots in Charlene's closet that she'd taken a liking
to, as well as another short black skirt and a skimpy white shirt that left her
belly exposed, as well as gave a great view of her cleavage. Perfect.
Taking a gulp from the bottle of Jim Beam that she'd found in Charlene's
cupboard, she decided that it was time to go out and have a little fun.
Remembering the night before, she smiled at the thought of how good it
felt to be in control for once. She'd liked it and wanted more. With that in
mind, she left the apartment building, her destination already planned.
She stepped into the store, never having been into one like it in her life, but
knowing that it was exactly what she wanted. Various sexual assistants and
toys were piled upon shelves, and she felt almost like a kid in a candy store.
Though she didn't know the purposes of half of the stuff she saw, her
imagination was giving her some ideas, and she found herself liking them.
They made her feel......horny.
After walking around and looking at some of the prices, she was very glad
that she'd had the foresight to stop off at the ATM. With a bit of a grin on
her face, she found a "darling little outfit" which she just had to have. 5
inch heels and all. She only hoped that she could walk in them, but was
confident. After all, she'd managed the much shorter heels she was wearing
without difficulty.
Picking up a couple pairs of handcuffs and assorted other toys, she went up
to the cashier to pay for them all, feeling the warm ache in her pussy as she
thought about all the fun she could have with her purchases. The cashier
was a woman who was in her mid twenties, and dressed up like a slut,
though she had to admit that her own clothes weren't much better if any.
Looking at the cashier as she paid her money, she couldn't help thinking
about how much she'd like to fuck that bitch. But she had a few other
things she wanted to take care of first.
"Thanks" she told the cashier, blowing her a kiss as she picked up the bags
full of her new toys and started home.
Though she had originally planned on going back to her own apartment,
she stopped off at Charlene's instead. After all, that one had all the makeup
and jewelry that she wanted to wear, besides, the mirrors above the bed sort
of appealed to her for some reason.
Dressing up in her new outfit, she stood in front of the mirrors, smiling.
"Mistress Hyde" she told herself, "You look fucking great" She blew
herself a kiss, loving the way her full lips looked with the dark red lipstick,
then looking down at the way her full firm breasts pushed out, covered only
barely with the black shiny straps from her new costume. Her long black
gloves came up past her elbows, but had the fingers cut out so as to show
her sexy red nails. The boots were also the same shiny black, coming up to
her mid thigh. Though she found it slightly unstable to stand in the 5 inch
heels, she loved how sexy it made her legs, and started walking around the
room to practice her balance.
Knowing that she really didn't want to stay hidden in Charlene's apartment,
Mistress Hyde took her gloves, and put on a long coat that she found in the
closet. It covered her costume fairly well, though she didn't plan on
covering it for too long. Just long enough to find someone to try it out on.
The thought made her nipples start aching for attention and her pussy was
nearly dripping with juice. "You look good enough to fuck" she told her
reflection, wishing that she could be the one to fuck that image. Sighing,
she knew that there would be other people for her to relieve her lust on.
Satisfied that she was at least passable in public with the coat on, she left
Charlene's room and started down the hall, wondering which bar or club
she was going to stop at. And who she was going to have her fun with.
She was already halfway down the hall, lost in her own thoughts when she
bumped into someone by accident. "Watch where you're going" she
snapped, just as the other person said "I'm sorry" She looked at him, then
paused as she realized that it was Scotty. He had obviously come to see
her. Or to see Robert at least. Apologizing again, Scotty went past her to
the end of the hall where he rang a door bell. Mistress Hyde watched in
amusement, wondering what Scotty would say if he realized that the person
he was looking for was right there.
After several minutes, Scotty gave up when no one answered and started
coming back in her direction. Impulsively she smiled at him, as sexily as
she could. "I'm sorry about a few minutes ago" she practically cooed, "I
was just a little annoyed"
"That's all right" Scotty said with a grin.
She looked down and felt even more amused to see the bulge in Scotty's
pants. Looking back at his face, she noticed that he was staring her chest,
where her breasts pushed out against the coat she was wearing. He looked
away embarrassed, though he hid it rather wall. "The names Scott" Scotty
said as he extended his hand.
"Mine's......" She paused. She certainly couldn't tell him to call her
Mistress Hyde. At least not yet, she thought with amusement. "Anne" she
came up with suddenly. Anne smiled suggestively, feeling rather aroused
herself, especially when she glanced back at Scotty's bulge. She couldn't
help but remembering all the times he bragged about how big he was, and
she couldn't resist finding out for sure. "Why don't you come in for
a.....drink?" she suggests, gesturing towards Charlene's door.
"Um...sure" Scotty looked startled, but rather pleased as well. "I'd love to."
With that Anne opened Charlene's door up, letting Scotty in. Finding the
Jim Beam, she poured two glasses and gave Scotty one, drinking the other
one down herself, loving the way it burned as it went down.
They made small talk for a few minutes, then Anne grabbed Scotty and
gave him a passionate kiss, obviously surprising him though he responded
just as passionately. "Come this way" she told him, gesturing towards the
bedroom. Scotty nodded and went straight in. After telling Scotty to get
undressed, she waited for him to do so before instructing him to "Lay back
on the bed and keep your eyes closed. I have a little surprise"
"I love surprises" Scotty said with a grin, doing as she'd instructed. You'll
like this, Anne thought to herself as she took the handcuffs from where
she'd set them and locked Scotty to the bed. "What the...?" Scotty
exclaimed as he opened his eyes, obviously a little surprised to be
handcuffed. Anne just grinned at him, then dropped the coat off of herself,
revealing her full body and her special outfit to his view. "Holy Shit"
Scotty said, obviously impressed. Anne smiled back wickedly, not
wanting him to see how pleased she was with his cock size.
"I thought you liked surprises" she snarled at him.
Scotty frowned, and told her "Let me go. I'm not into this kinky shit"
"You will be" She said with a grin. Forcing the grin from her face, Anne
slipped her gloves back on and reached for her new whip before telling
Scotty "You will call me Mistress. Mistress Hyde" She snapped Scotty with
the whip as she said this to prove her point. Seeing the look on Scotty's
face, Mistress Hyde grinned cruelly, loving the way he was there at her
mercy. So often she'd been jealous of Scotty. At his handsome features, his
popularity and his easy way with woman. Now she found herself in a
position where she was the one in control, and she relished every moment
of it. She was going to let him have some fun, but it was going to be on her
terms. With that, Mistress Hyde went to work.
It hadn't taken Mistress Hyde too long to get Scotty into the spirit of things.
And though it took her several more hours of punishment and reward, she'd
finally gotten him to consistently call her "Mistress" and do what she
demanded of him. She loved every minute of it, even letting him lick her
pussy as a reward. Though she'd wanted more than that, she wasn't about to
let Scotty enjoy himself quite that much just yet.
By early morning she'd even given Scotty her first blow job as a reward,
though she didn't admit that to him. She found it rather to her liking, but
much preferred having the attention given to her. Not having much
experience in being a mistress yet, she wasn't sure if she should have even
done that to him, but she'd wanted to at least see what it was like.
Then, leaving Scotty still bound the bed, Mistress Hyde decided that she
had to be filled. She couldn't wait any longer. Making Scotty beg for it
first, she finally "relented" and climbed on top of him much as she'd done
Jim the night before.
Finally she was done with Scotty, and let him loose from the handcuffs,
though he still called her Mistress. She smiled at that, telling him that it
was time for him to go home. That she was sick of looking at his face. As
Scotty left the apartment, hurrying down the hall, Mistress Hyde smiled to
herself, amused at her friends reactions. Sighing, she returned inside to
clean things up and bring her toys back to her own apartment. Though
Charlene wasn't due back for at least another week, she thought that it
would be best not to take any chances.
Back in her own apartment, Anne took a final drag on her cigarette then
snuffed it out in the ashtray she'd placed next to the chair. It was getting
very close to sunrise and she knew that she was going to change back in
just a few minutes. The thought left her feeling rather depressed. Though
at the same time, she was also startled to realize that she'd been up for 24
hours, and had only a few hours sleep before that. And she felt fine. Just a
tiny bit tired, but otherwise perfectly awake still. Was that another side
effect of whatever had changed her? Glancing at the meteorite which still
sat on the table, she wondered.
Just then it hit her, and she collapsed to the floor as the changes started to
overtake her body once again. Minutes later, Robert climbed up off the
floor, rushing to the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a much needed
Robert was depressed. Now there was no way that he could tell Scotty
about what had happened to him. Before he would have just faced
humiliation, but now...he shuddered at the very thought. No, telling his
best friend was definitely out.
Taking a sip of hot chocolate, Robert huddled tighter in his bathrobe, trying
to forget what he'd done the night before. What he'd enjoyed doing. And
even after all that activity, he realized that he was perfectly awake. Perhaps
even more so since his last change. "What if I can't sleep?" he asked
himself nervously, realizing how needless it was since he'd gone to sleep as
a girl the day before, waking up only because of the changes.
Getting up, Robert took one last sip, finishing his hot chocolate before
taking the cup to the sink and going to get dressed.
Hearing a knock on the door, Robert went over, nervously peaking through
the peap hole. "Oh no" he muttered as he saw that it was Scotty standing
there. "How can I face him?" Robert asked nervously as he glanced at his
best friend, remembering the night before. Taking a deep breath, Robert
reminded himself that Scotty didn't know. Couldn't know. It didn't help
After Robert let Scotty in, the two men went to the living room, and Robert
looked nervously at Scotty. "You look terrible" He said, embarrassed at
thinking aloud.
"You wouldn't believe the night I had" Scotty grinned, yawning at the same
time. "She kept me up all night long" Then pausing for second Scotty
looked at Robert and said "You don't look that great yourself."
Wincing slightly, Robert told Scotty that he'd just been having a hard time
sleeping lately, which was true. "So you and Trisha really went at it"
Robert said trying to move the talk away from him.
"No way man" Scotty snorted. "Trisha's great and all, but she's got nothing
on this new girl." Smirking, Scotty said "She was hotter then hell, and she
threw herself on me. She couldn't get enough" Robert snorted, trying to
keep from laughing. That certainly wasn't the way that he remembered it.
After several more minutes, Scotty asked "I was wondering if you'd be
interested in going out on a double date with Trisha and me tonight. You
can ask Wendy."
" thanks" Robert mumbled, knowing not only could he not ask
Wendy out, but there was no way that he'd be able to be in public at sunset.
Not if he changed again and he had a strong sinking feeling that he would.
Oh God, he thought to himself, wondering what he was going to do.
For several hours Robert talked with Scotty, but though they'd been great
friends since junior high, Robert couldn't feel comfortable with Scotty. Not
after what had happened between them the night before. It was just too
embarrassing. Finally Scotty got up to leave, saying "I really wish you'd
change your mind. It'll be fun."
"No" Robert said sadly, "Sorry." Scotty shrugged, saying he had to hurry
back to Trisha, then gave Robert a wink as he ran out the door.
As soon as Scotty was gone, Robert dropped his head into his hands, crying
"Why me?"
Though Robert shuddered every time he remembered the two previous
nights, he couldn't stop thinking about them. As the rest of the day passed,
his mind kept going back to what had happened, to how good it had felt. In
spite of being disgusted and ashamed by what he'd done, Robert couldn't
help but feeling slightly aroused as well. And to his greater shame, he even
found himself almost looking forward to changing again. To turning into
Anne. To becoming Mistress Hyde.
By the time the sun was close to setting, Robert had half convinced himself
that he was only curious. That his interest was purely scientific. That
whatever was happening to him gave him a rare chance to actually
understand women. However he still knew that his interest was deeper
than that, much to his shame.
Gulping hard as he looked out the window at the setting sun, Robert knew
that he didn't have much time left. Only minutes. Pulling himself away
from the window, Robert went and got several of his mirrors, leaning them
against his living room wall then sitting down in front of them, giving him
a good view of himself. Wanting to see what he actually looked like while
changing, Robert wished that he'd had a video camera, but knew that the
mirrors would have to suffice.
"Here goes nothing" Robert nervously told himself as he stripped out of his
clothes, sitting naked on his living room floor, feeling rather foolish as he
did so. Impatiently Robert tried waiting, half wishing that it would hurry
up, and half terrified that it would. Then it happened. The stabbing,
blinding pain ripped through Robert's body, and the movement inside of
him quickly followed. Though he was in too much pain and discomfort to
watch closely in the mirror, he saw enough of it. The whole mirror seemed
to be filled with a strange green glow, apparently coming from his own
body. He caught glimpses as his brown hair turned dark and grew out. As
his skin lightened in color, getting smoother and softer. And as his chest
began to swell outwards, nipples growing first, then the tissue underneath
Finally it stopped and she gasped for her breath as she looked into the
mirrors, thinking that the seizure wasn't quite as bad this time. Still intense,
but it had been worse. Were the changes getting easier, or was she just
getting more used to them. She didn't know and at the moment she had
more important things to think about.
After getting dressed, Anne glanced down at her limited wardrobe, mostly
"borrowed" from Charlene's apartment, realizing just how little she had.
"I've got to go shopping" she said aloud, knowing that it would cost a lot of
money for a new wardrobe like she wanted. Her job, (or was that Robert's
job, she wondered) gave her enough money, but she knew that it would
drain her