Dr. Jeckle And Missy Hyde free porn video

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Dr. Jeckle and Missy Hyde By Morpheus Part 1 Dr. Raymond Gentle exhaustedly looked over the stack of term papers in front of him, groaning at how many more he had left to grade. Raymond was a professor of literature with a reputation that fit his last name. That he was a calm, mild mannered and gentle man. He was also affectionately known as Dr. Jeckle by both students and faculty alike because of this and his only real passion. Literature. Tiredly, he ran his hands through his light brown hair, and laid his glasses on the table then went to pour himself another cup of coffee. He stopped to look at himself in the mirror, thinking that he didn't look bad for being 35, though a little on the slender side. Still, he tried to get some exercise whenever his busy schedule would permit it. Though he didn't seem to have any problems with getting fat, he didn't want to waste away into a stick either. After a short break, Raymond reluctantly forced himself back to the term papers and a long night of reading. "... And just what was Hamlet's fatal flaw?" Raymond asked his class. He saw blank looks. "Anyone?" Raymond sighed, sometimes wondering why he even bothered. "All right then...." Just then he heard someone's watch alarm go off, and looked down at his own watch. "All right then class, we'll continue this tomorrow" Raymond said excusing the class. Patiently he watched the class exit the room. Several minutes later, one of his students, Cindy Martin, walked up to him. "Um, Dr. Jec... I mean Dr. Gentile" she began nervously. "I was wondering what I got on my term paper" Raymond looked at Cindy, trying to keep any signs of his attraction for her out of his eyes. As a 5 foot 6, red headed cheerleader, she did tent to draw all eyes towards her. Professionally, Raymond said, "Your paper on Mary Shelly was rather fascinating, though did have a few minor problems" "Um" Cindy said, looking down, "I was wondering what I got for a grade." "Ah" Raymond said knowingly. Cindy hadn't been doing real well in many of her classes, and if she failed any more, she would likely be removed from the cheerleading squad. "Don't worry Cindy. You did fine" and Raymond couldn't help smiling at the look of relief on Cindy's face. Cindy jumped forwards, kissing Raymond on the cheek, and catching him by surprise, then she ran out the door. Raymond shook his head, trying to clear it of the unprofessional thoughts and get back to business. What was he going to do, he silently asked himself. "Of course" he muttered to himself, "I was going to have lunch with Bill" Shaking his head again, he started walking towards Dr. Bill Weston's office. Raymond took another bite from his tuna sandwich, listening with interest if not real understanding as Bill excitedly told him about his latest breakthroughs in biophysics. "I tell you, Jeckle, this thing is awesome" Bill said for the fifth time. "I'll revolutionize medicine, and make millions" "But what's it called?" Raymond broke in, tired of listening to Bill explain his breakthrough only in general terms. Bill's face took on a look of embarrassment. "Actually, I haven't come up with any catchy acronyms for it yet" he said, looking down at his feet. Suddenly looking a little brighter he said, "But I'm working on it" smile back on his face. "Actually.." Bill said, "Its a form of biomorphic scanning and editing unit, but that doesn't translate into any good acronyms" Raymond shook his head, amused at his friends antics. He was half sure that Bill's device was nothing more than a hoax or the result of an overactive imagination, but he wasn't about to insult his friend by saying so. So he just smiled, nodding his head as if understanding. "Say," Bill said, taking a drink of his soda, "Why don't you come by my lab after classes, and I'll give you a peek" Raymond politely accepted, not very enthusiastically, but wanting to see whatever it was that had his friend so excited. After shaking hands, Raymond left for his next class. Yawning, Raymond put his pencil back down, scratching his head. His teaching plan for the next day's classes finished, he only wanted to go home and get something to eat. He looked over at his watch, seeing that it was already 6 PM. As he put his jacket on, he remembered that he was supposed to go to Bill's lab, groaning at the thought. "At least, it might be interesting" he said hopefully to himself as he went out the door. Stepping into Bill's lab, Raymond looked around, noticing that it didn't look any different than the last time he'd been there, several months earlier. Except a large box in one corner, that slightly resembled a telephone booth. Curiously looking, Raymond noticed that there was someone standing in the box. Someone he recognized. Cindy Martin stepped out of the box, and Bill stood up from in front of a computer, where Raymond hadn't noticed him. "Thank you Cindy" Bill said, "That's all I needed" "Alright, Dr. Weston" Cindy said smiling, "I'll see if any of the other girls on the Cheerleading squad want to help out too." Cindy stopped, noticing Raymond. She smiled at him. "Oh, Hi Dr. Je... Professor" Cindy said, slightly embarrassed from her near slip of the tongue. "Oh, go ahead and call him Jeckle" Bill said laughing, making Cindy more embarrassed. "Isn't that right Jeckle?" Raymond just grunted, trying not to encourage him. "Well, I'll see you later Professor" Cindy said smiling, "Bye Bye", and hurried out the door. Bill turned to Raymond, suddenly looking serious. "This" he said, pointing at the booth in the corner, "is what I wanted you to see" "You mean the thing with no name?" Raymond responded sarcastically. He looked at his watch, wondering how long this was going to take. "Exactly" Bill said, once again smiling. "In layman's terms" he said seriously, "it reads a persons bio patterns, cell structure and DNA, and theoretically, could even edit them. In fact, that's what it's main purpose was supposed to be. We'd be able to find health problems, then tell the body's cells to fix them. Unfortunately, all I've managed to get completely working is the scanner part." "Um, and why pray tell was Ms. Martin here?" Raymond asked suspiciously. "Simply to help me test the scanner" Bill said with a leer. "Honestly though, I've had about 9 students volunteer to be scanned by it so far. I'm storing their patterns in the computer, and can even call them up to look at" At this, Bill demonstrated, pulling up the files of all the scanned volunteers. "Ahem. I notice that 7 of those are females" Raymond replied. Bill just chuckled at that. "Well, let me demonstrate some of the editing capabilities" And Bill started punching buttons on the computer. Images of the seven girls popped up one at a time, then seemed to merge together into a single female picture on the screen. "I just averaged all the files" Bill said proudly. Then he made a few other alterations, changing the girl in the picture a bit more, making her blonde, and with bigger breasts. Leering at the screen, Bill said, "There. However, that's just the files editing. I seriously doubt that this thing would ever be able to edit anything by that much. Mostly it will only be able to make very minor changes. Fixing broken bones, changing metabolisms, removing cancers, and that sort of thing." "Still" Raymond said, skeptically looking at the machine in question, "It does sound impressive" "Here's to impressive" Bill said, pouring both of them generous portions of whiskey into glasses. As they started toasting, the edited file was left on, unnoticed. Half drunk, Bill talked Raymond into letting himself be scanned in the machine. Nervous, Raymond stepped inside, waiting for the scanning to start. Bill went over to the computer, finding it hard to focus through the alcoholic fog. A bit dazed, he tried to activate the scanning mode, but accidentally activated the wrong mode. He looked at it confused for a few seconds. "Silly me" he muttered to himself. Still, no harm done. It didn't work right. Besides, it would need a biopattern file to download, he absently reminded himself, forgetting the still open demonstration file. Raymond felt silly standing inside the booth. It reminded him of one of those picture taking booths that he'd seen in malls. He chuckled at that, vaguely realizing, that was just about what was supposed to happen. It was just going to be a very detailed picture. After a few seconds, Bill yelled "Clear" and Raymond felt a slight humming in the machine. He waited, then saw a light pass down over him, at the same time, feeling a strange tingling that seemed to permeate his entire being, leaving his whole body feeling like his leg did when it fell asleep. Sort of numb, but at the same time, as if pins and needles were being inserted into his flesh. He winced as it passed through him, fading almost immediately, though he still thought he felt a slight tingling for several minutes afterwards. Realizing that it was over, Raymond stepped out of the booth, feeling both disappointment and relief. He'd expected a little more from it since Bill had made such a big deal about the whole thing. At least it was over, he reminded himself, curiosity satisfied. Raymond waved good night to Bill, saying he wanted to get some dinner, then left. He was about to get into his car, then thought it probably wouldn't be a good idea to drive at the moment. Especially not the way the cops had been cracking down on drunk drivers, and any incidents wouldn't look good for his career. Changing his mind about driving, he called a cab, and was soon on his way home. Stepping inside his apartment, he looked around, seeing that everything was as he left it. He never knew how things would be when he got back. After all, teaching at the university left as a target for pranks, and it had been more than once that he'd gotten home, finding things rearranged by some harmless prank. Tired, he stumbled over to the freezer and looked through his selection of microwave dinners, finally settling on the lasagna. As he waited for it to be cooked, he thought he felt a tingling again throughout his whole body. He shook his head trying to ignore it, putting it down to nerves. After a few minutes, it subsided again. As he finished eating, the tingling returned. This time, he didn't ignore it, and began to wonder if this was a side effect of being scanned by Bill. He decided to ask Bill about it the next time he saw him. Again the tingling subsided, but it lasted several minutes longer than the previous time. Just as he was sitting down relaxing after changing his clothes, a third wave of tingling swept over him. He gritted his teeth, waiting for it to fade like before, but instead it only grew stronger. A sudden pain washed over his body, and he fell to the floor, on hands and knees, trying to keep from screaming out. The throbbing pain pulsed through him, and Raymond felt his bones begin to shift inside his body horribly. His muscles seemed to twitch, then start moving. He tried to scream out as his internal organs changed painfully, but no cries came from his throat. Then the pain stopped, being replaced by a numbness, though he could still feel things moving and shifting within. He thought he could feel a pushing outward in his chest, hips and but, while strangely, his groin seemed to have an odd sensation completely different. Finally the pain and numbness went away, leaving him aching and still tingling. Carefully, he tried to get up, finding long blonde hair falling in front of his face. Confused, Raymond pushed it back, then noticed his breasts. Gasping, he put his hands to one of them, seeing large firm female breasts pushing out from his chest. Stunned, all he could think to do was get up. Surely this must be some sort of dream he tried telling himself as he stood up. He felt all wobbly and wrong. He stumbled, catching himself against the couch, then forcing himself with all of his willpower to remain standing. Fearfully, he slid his hands down into his groin, and was met with nothing. His familiar genitals were gone, with his hand finding only a smooth mound in its place. "Oh my God" he muttered, fainting to the floor. Raymond woke, immediately knowing that something was wrong. He was lying on the floor of his living room, and he felt all wrong. His memories of the night before, being somewhat fuzzy due to the alcohol, he assumed at first that he was having hangover of some sort. But quickly realized that wasn't it. He felt very odd, and somewhat achy, but without the pounding headache that a hangover would leave. Sitting up, he felt a heavy weight, pulling down from his chest, and looked down, only to be confronted by his breasts. Immediately, memories of the night before flooded back, and he jumped to his feet horrified. It couldn't be real, he told himself on the verge of panic. It must be some sort of nightmare. But he knew that it couldn't be. It was too horrible for that. "Calm down" he told himself, startled to hear the clear feminine voice. Raymond had always prided himself on being calm and self controlled, and he used all his willpower to force himself into some semblance of calmness. Slowly, reluctantly, and fearing what he knew he would see, he made his way into the bathroom to look into the mirror. He hesitated for a few seconds, then forced his eyes to look into the mirror. Gasping, he stepped back. The image in the mirror was the girl he vaguely remembered seeing on Bill's computer. He stared, seeing a long haired, honey-blonde woman looking back at him. Wearing his jogging suit. The one that he liked to relax around his apartment in. It was stretched very tight in places, and hung very loose in others. And she only looked to be around 19 or 20. All he could do was stare at his reflection for some minutes, unable to believe that this was actually him. "Damn that Bill" Raymond snarled, surprised again at the female voice. "It's all his fault" Angry and scared, he lashed out, throwing a bottle of after shave on his sink at the mirror, leaving shards of glass scattered on the floor. "Damn, Damn, Damn" he yelled aloud, wanting to hurt someone, to make him forget his own horror and confusion. Slowly, he forced himself to calm down, surprised at his rage. He'd never been that angry in his life, or that scared. Looking down at the glass shards on the floor, he felt embarrassed for his actions, and rather stupid, realizing that he was bare foot and would have to walk through it to get out of the bathroom. Carefully, Raymond used wads of toilet paper to wipe the glass to the side, clearing a path for himself to get out safely. Afterwards, he decided he needed to get ahold of Bill as soon as possible. He realized that it was probably an accident, but still, he couldn't believe Bill would be so reckless as to do this to him. He hadn't even believed it was possible. Even Bill had said it was only theoretical. If so, then how the hell had he changed. And then the important question. How was he going to change back?. Raymond wasn't going to let himself doubt for a minute that there was a way back. He was sure that Bill would be able to fix him using that damn machine of his. He had to. Carefully, Raymond went into his closet, finding some of the clothes left by one of his former girlfriends. He smiled, glad that he was a pack rat and never threw anything away. It would definitely come in useful for now. As he opened the box, he was glad that she'd left so much of it in her hurry to move out. After trying on several items, Raymond found that some of it would fit him. The loosest shirt would conceal his breasts, though there wasn't a bra in there large enough for him. The jeans wouldn't fit him either, leaving him only a skirt to put on. When he was finished, he looked down at himself. He looked like a total mess, and the clothes were rather ill fitting and unattractive, but he didn't care. He only cared that they'd get him to Bill's lab without looking too out of place. Trying to call Bill didn't work, which didn't surprise Raymond, who was sure that Bill was probably already teaching his class. Forcing himself to stay calm, he decided that this would probably require a face to face meeting. Reluctantly, he called for a cab, then waited for his ride to the university. Slouched over, Raymond felt acutely embarrassed by the looks he was receiving from the students around him. Fortunately, they didn't seem to think his clothes were too noticeable, since there were a large number dressed outrageously around there. He felt bad for missing out on his own class, but knew that the situation certainly didn't give him any choice. He almost chuckled, imagining himself walking into his classroom like this, saying, "Hi, I know that I look like one of the students, but I'm really your teacher, Dr. Jeckle" He shuddered, realizing that this Dr. Jeckle had found his own Mr. Hyde. The irony of which, he didn't enjoy. Not looking where he was going he nearly walked into another faculty member. Professor Johnson from the history department. The older man looked down at Raymond saying "Watch it missy. You'll run into someone that way" and continued walking. Raymond looked after him, feeling embarrassed. As he was going into the building, Cindy Martin came over to him. "Hi" she said cheerfully. "I'm Cindy Martin, with the cheerleading team. And you are?" "Um, Missy" Raymond said, remembering what Johnson had called him minutes earlier. "Missy Hyde" he said, regretting the choice of last name as soon as he said it. But it had been the only thing that he could think of at the moment. "Well, Hi Missy" Cindy said holding out her hand, which Raymond shook. "I don't recognize you. Are you new here?" "Yeah" Raymond stammered, "I'm considering coming to this school" He hoped that this would give a reasonable explanation. "You know, you look pretty good. I mean you would if you dressed up" Cindy said, slightly embarrassed to point out Raymond's lack of fashion sense. "If you do enroll here, why don't you try out for cheerleading. I think you'd look pretty good in uniform" Cindy giggled, and Raymond just smiled. After a few more minutes talking, Cindy left, making Raymond promise to try out if he did indeed enroll. "Glad that's over with" he told himself as he walked away, finding that Cindy was actually very pleasant to talk to. Not like he got the chance to talk to his students like that normally. Still, he'd much rather go back to the way things had been, he decided, looking down at his breasts, the constant reminder of his situation. Going to Bill's lab, he found no sign of Bill, and began to worry. One of Bills students saw him looking, and told him that Dr. Weston was in the hospital. Raymond listened stunned, as the student told him that Bill had been driving while drunk, and ran off the road. By all reports, he was lucky to be alive. Walking away from his informant, Raymond felt numb. He'd managed to remember not to drive himself home, but had completely forgotten all about Bill. He started feeling incredibly guilty, blaming the accident on himself somehow, though he knew that it wasn't his fault. At the same time, he also felt greatly worried, since Bill was his only chance back. After getting over the immediate shock of this discovery, he hurried over to the hospital as quickly as he could. He ran to his own car, where he'd left it the night before, uncomfortable with his breasts bouncing around. He arrived at his car, a little out of breath, but not nearly as much as he'd normally be running that distance. "I guess getting younger has some advantages" Raymond muttered to himself, wishing that he could get rid of those advantages, and everything that came with them. Getting into his drivers seat, he found that he had to slide it up just a little bit, though fortunately, not much. Raymond was glad that he hadn't seemed to have lost too much height. Maybe 4 inches he estimated. He guessed that would now put him around 5 foot 7, since he had been 5'11 when he started out. At the hospital, he told the nurse that he was Bill's sister to get in. He could tell from the look in the Nurse's eye that she didn't believe him, but the nurse let him in anyway, probably suspecting a less platonic relationship. The idea made Raymond blush slightly, but it had gotten him in. Bill was a bit of a mess. He had a tube up his nose, and an IV in his arm. Raymond noticed that he was heavily sedated still, and the nurse told him that he should be out of critical care within two or three days. Raymond cringed at the idea of staying like that for several more days, but was even more worried about Bill. He really hoped that Bill would get better quickly. Not just for the obvious, but because Bill was his closest friend, and now was when he felt he needed a friend the most. Raymond watched Bill for a while, then left, feeling sad and disappointed, but a little more worried. As he left, he resigned himself to several more days of this. He realized that he'd have to do something about his job first. Part 2 For the third time, Raymond read over the note he'd written, making sure it was correct. Then he made sure that it was delivered to the college dean. He'd said he was sorry for leaving without notice, but that his sister had just died, and he had to rush over to help her out. Hopefully for only a couple days. He felt guilty about the lie, but was sure that the dean would be understanding about the reason he gave. Someone else would be able to handle his classes for a couple days, and he'd just have to find something to do during that time, to keep from going insane. Raymond turned down the idea of just hiding out in his apartment, catching up on some of his reading, knowing that the situation would drive him nuts. He'd sat down, trying to read some David Copperfield, but he just couldn't focus on it. He felt himself getting antsy, wanting to get out and do something. He chuckled, realizing that it was just his young and healthy body. Now he was looking for something else to keep him busy. He figured that he might as well hang around campus. He looked just like one of the students now, so he might as well take advantage of that while he could. First though, he realized he'd need to do something about his clothes. Going to the ATM, he withdrew some money, and went on a shopping trip. He felt highly embarrassed to be looking through the women's clothes, especially the lingerie. With the assistance of a helpful saleswoman, he found out what sizes he wore, though left the woman confused as to how a grown woman wouldn't know her own clothing sizes. However, after taking a good look at Raymond's clothes, she decided that she didn't want to know. Raymond admired himself in front of the mirror, feeling rather uncomfortable, but liking what he saw. He looked just like any other female college student, albeit an attractive one. Fortunately for him, he was used to seeing students, and couldn't help but notice what they wore, and bought clothes accordingly. He wore a pair of jeans, a pair of sandals since he didn't' think he was up to high heels, and a nice shirt that left his midriff open. It felt rather drafty, and embarrassed him, but he had to admit that it looked nice. That and the few other pieces of clothes should keep him for a couple days he decided, praying that he wouldn't need them for longer than that. Raymond went back to the campus, seeing students everywhere, pleased to notice that he didn't really stand out any more, though he did draw more attention than he was comfortable with from the boys. After a short time of just walking around, he went and sat down in a biology class going on. It felt funny for him to be sitting in on a class, instead of teaching it. Raymond actually found it a little relaxing, sort of a vacation. But even during class, he kept noticing the looks a number of the boys kept sending his way. At first it left him very embarrassed, but he began to enjoy the attention. After he caught himself beginning to flirt with the boy next to him, Raymond shook his head, reminding himself that he wasn't a real girl. He felt embarrassed at his own slip, and hurried out of the classroom as soon as the class ended. As he was rushing out the door, he heard "Hey Missy, wait up" Raymond stopped, looking around confused, then saw Cindy coming towards him. "So, Missy" Cindy said, "I guess you decided to enroll after all" Raymond felt embarrassed, but nodded his head. "Great, come along with me", and Cindy practically dragged Raymond after her. Curious, Raymond went along, and found himself at the football field, seeing several cheerleaders beginning their stretches. "OH, NO" he said to himself, suddenly remembering what Cindy had wanted earlier. As if on cue, Cindy said, "Here, I've got a spare uniform that you can try out in" Raymond groaned, trying to think of a way to avoid this. But he couldn't think of a way out, that wouldn't really disappoint Cindy. Biting his lip, he waited for Cindy go bring him her spare uniform, deciding that he'd just have to really flub his try out, so that there wouldn't be any more ideas about him as a cheerleader. Cindy introduced him to the cheerleaders, who were all friendly to him, and encouraging. Raymond pulled a little on the skirt, feeling embarrassed to have his legs showing, though he had to admit how nice they looked. As they began, he followed their lead as they did their warm-up stretches, amazed to find how flexible he now was. He felt so light and flexible, and hadn't realized just how much so, until now. Before he realized it, Raymond found himself caught up in it, and trying to keep up with the other girls. He felt exhilarated as he jumped and moved around, yelling out cheers. His heart pounded with the exercise and he could feel himself beginning to sweat, and it all felt great to him. Finished, he let himself fall to the ground, breathing hard, but feeling great. He couldn't believe how good he felt, just from exercising like this, and he'd even managed to keep up with the experienced cheerleaders pretty well, giving him a feeling of pride. "The girls all agree" Cindy said, walking up to him, "you're in. Welcome to the cheerleading squad" Hearing these words, Raymond's excitement surged with pride, then suddenly dropped out, as he realized what this meant. Shit, he thought to himself. He'd gotten all caught up in this, forgetting that he was only going to be this way for another few days. At least he hoped it would only be another few days. Seeming to sense Raymond's change in mood, Cindy tried cheering him up, inviting him along with the other girls to celebrate. Raymond tried to politely refuse, but the other girls came over to him, congratulating him, and he found himself agreeing to go with them. Raymond accepted another beer, thinking to himself that most of the girls if not all of them were underage, but not really caring about it. In spite of himself he was having a good time, listening to the music, while watching a couple of the others dancing. Several times, different college men came over, trying to pick up on Missy and the other girls. Raymond was annoyed, but was finding it funny at the way they came at him. However, they all found that Raymond had no interest in them. After a little while, Cindy pushed him out onto the dance floor, and Raymond found himself dancing with a boy that he remembered seeing around the campus, though couldn't remember his name. At first, Raymond found it uncomfortable to dance with a boy, but light headed enough from the beer, and all the excitement, that he quickly forgot about it, just letting himself cut loose and have fun. The boy, who's name was Greg, smiled politely to Raymond when the dance was finished, and politely led him back to the table. Sitting down, Raymond couldn't help but smile, enjoying himself so much. As one of the cheerleaders, Paula, told a joke, Raymond couldn't help but breaking out in giggles, sounding just like all the other girls. Raymond danced several more times with Greg, beginning to enjoy talking with him as well. Greg was a history major, and Raymond found that he also had a good sense of humor. As the night wore on, Raymond found himself getting drunker, and a little less inhibited. He didn't even blush as he looked at Greg, thinking that he was cute. Greg, seeing Missy rather drunk, made sure not to take advantage of her, and was a perfect gentleman. When the girls started heading home, Raymond was staggering and not very clear. Cindy didn't know where Missy lived, so took her back to her own dorm room for the night. Upon waking, Raymond looked around, realizing that he wasn't in his own apartment. Curious, he got up, finding that he'd been lying on a couch. Across from him, he felt slightly relieved to see Cindy, still sleeping on her bed. Getting up off the couch, Raymond looked around, trying to find the bathroom. He felt horrible. His head ached, and his stomach felt like it was tied in knots. He remembered the night before, and decided that it probably wouldn't be a good idea to drink anymore. The last couple times he went out drinking, he kept waking up afterwards in strange situations. As Raymond found the bathroom and relieved himself, he hardly noticed that his body felt more comfortable to him and a little less awkward. Or that he'd started moving with a little more grace and confidence. Washing his hands, Raymond left the bathroom, and saw that Cindy was sitting up. "Um, sorry to wake you" Raymond said, having wanted to avoid facing Cindy. "Oh, that's all right" Cindy said, yawning. "You were pretty out of it last night, and I didn't know where your place was, so I brought you here" "Thanks" Raymond said, feeling embarrassed about his losing control the night before. The two looked at each other awkwardly, with an uncomfortable silence. Raymond suddenly realizing that Cindy was standing in front of him less than half dressed, turned a slight shade of red, and muttered, "I've got to be going" "How bout breakfast first" Cindy suggested, once again yawning. Raymond hesitated, wanting to go, but realizing how hungry he was. While he was deciding, Cindy took his silence for agreement, and started making a pot of coffee. Raymond didn't seem to have much choice, so sat down, waiting for Cindy to finish pouring the Cheerios into the bowls. His stomach had already made his decision for him. They ate silently, except for the occasional slurping of milk. When Raymond was just finishing, Cindy said, "So, what are you majoring in?" "Literature" Raymond muttered, not liking the direction that this question was leading. "Oh, Cool then" Cindy said excitedly, putting her coffee cup back down. "Then you'll be taking Dr. Jeckle's class" Cindy smiled at Raymond pleasantly. "Actually, his name's Professor Gentile, but everyone calls him Jeckle" she said, then giggled. "So, what's this Jeckle like?" Raymond asked, wondering what Cindy really thought about him. "Oh, he's pretty cool. Kinda shy I think, but he's real nice. Kinda cute too" she said, giggling again. Raymond blushed a little. "You'll like him" Cindy continued, "His class is kind of hard sometimes, but he isn't real boring like some of the teachers." Raymond nodded understandingly. They started talking, and he lost track of time, finding himself genuinely interested in what Cindy said. Before he realized it, Raymond had promised to go to the beach with Cindy. "I've got something to do first" Raymond told her later. "I'll meet you here in about two hours". Raymond waved goodbye to Cindy as he walked out the door, on his way to the hospital. There hadn't been too drastic a change in Bill's condition since Raymond had seen him the day before. He was a little more aware, but still a bit out of it. The nurse assured Raymond that it wouldn't be too much longer before Bill was able to go home. Raymond shook his head, finding it ironic that Bill had made a machine that could have fixed him up immediately, but only he knew how to use it. Sadly he left the hospital again, going back to his own apartment to change into the other set of clothes he'd bought for himself. Once he'd changed, he looked at himself in the mirror, thinking how beautiful the woman in it looked. In an odd way, it made him feel kind of proud to look so good. He smiled at his reflection, then left, hurrying to meet Cindy. "Where's your bathing suit?" Cindy asked Raymond. "I don't have one" Raymond admitted embarrassed. He hadn't even thought about that when Cindy had suggested the beach. Cindy laughed. "Where are you from?" she asked. "From a small town" Raymond responded, hoping that would explain why he wasn't familiar with things. Cindy just shrugged it off, and offered to lend him one of hers. "I can't wear this" Raymond said, holding up the skimpy pieces of fabric that Cindy had given him. His face turned red just thinking about putting this on. Cindy laughed "Common. You've got a nice body. Flaunt it a little" Raymond tried to get away, but Cindy was determined to get him into that bikini, and quickly talked Raymond into putting it on. Standing in front of Cindy's mirror, Raymond looked at his body again, embarrassed at how nice he looked, though still feeling proud. He started to feel turned on, which was a very odd experience for him in his new body. He could feel his nipples getting hard, and they stuck out a little through the fabric, embarrassing him when Cindy noticed. Cindy turned away, pretending not to notice, a small smile on her face. Embarrassed, Raymond put the shirt and jeans back on over the bikini, so that he wouldn't be giving everyone such a free show until he got to the beach. The hot sand burned Raymond's feet as he slipped off his shoes. He looked around at all the people, not feeling quite as bad in his bikini since almost all the women on the beach were wearing them. Still, he felt like he was walking around naked, and the bikini bottom was riding into his butt crack uncomfortably. He was just glad that his breasts didn't seem as uncomfortable or awkward as they had before. In fact, they were even starting to feel familiar to him. Almost comfortable in a way. That made him a little nervous, though he tried not to dwell on it. Raymond and Cindy sat down on their towels, watching the people around them. Several guys came buy, taking long admiring looks at both Cindy and Raymond, leaving Raymond feeling both embarrassed and proud. He just smiled, laying back, enjoying the feel of the sun on his skin. After awhile, he got up and went for a walk along the beach, leaving Cindy still sunbathing where she was. He just watched people, enjoying how energetic he felt. He felt mens eyes on him as he passed, and smiled, enjoying the attention. For awhile, he stopped, watching a volleyball game, and without realizing it, his eyes started admiring the muscles of several of the players. In the middle of a small sexual fantasy involving one of those players, he shook his head, realizing what he was thinking. He felt a little shocked that he could even think such a thing, but for some reason, it didn't really seem that strange, all at the same time. Slightly embarrassed at his own fantasies, he watched the game a little more distanced. Again though, his thoughts slowly started to drift. He noticed that the men weren't ogling him quite as hard, and realized that the red head just a little ways away was drawing their stares instead. A pang of jealousy ran through Raymond, who thought that "I'm much better looking than SHE is." Jealous, he glared over at the red head, wondering what those guys saw in her, before he shook his head, and realized exactly what they saw in her. What's happening to me, he asked himself, realizing the way he'd been acting. His new hormones must be the reason, he worked out, but even though it worried him a little, it didn't worry him as much as it should have. It felt too natural to be thinking that way, for it to seem odd. Determining to keep tighter control of himself, Raymond went back to where Cindy was still sunbathing. Raymond smiled to himself. He wanted to go swimming, and he wasn't about to go alone. Hungry, Raymond looked down at his menu. He knew that he wanted to order a small steak, but self consciously looked down at himself, realizing that girls weren't supposed to eat that way. Following Cindy's lead, he ordered himself a salad and a pasta. He looked up at Cindy, thanking her since the restaurant dinner was her treat. They made small talk over dinner, with Raymond amazed at just how quickly Cindy had become a good friend. He felt a temptation to tell her everything. Who he was, and what happened. Somehow though, he didn't think she'd understand, even if he did prove his identity to her. And even if she did believe him, what would she think? Obviously, he decided, he couldn't tell her, no matter how much he wanted to. At least not yet. Maybe after I change back he told himself, trying to ease the guilt he felt for lying. When dinner was finished, Raymond leaned back in his chair, feeling rather full and satisfied. As he sighed Cindy pulled something out of her purse, then lit a cigarette, blowing the smoke out to the side. "I didn't know you smoked" Raymond said, a little startled. "Only occasionally" Cindy said "I don't do it too often since I need to keep in shape for the squad" As Cindy blew another stream of smoke out, she held the pack out to Raymond, "Want one?" "No thanks" Raymond said, turning her down. Cindy just shrugged, and took another drag. Raymond was realizing that there was a lot about Cindy that he didn't really know, though he was finding it interesting to learn. As Cindy got up, Raymond noticed a waiter staring admiringly at her, and realized just how sexy she looked at that moment. He found it odd though that he hadn't noticed it before. It didn't really turn him on for some reason. Shaking his head slightly, he realized it must be the hormones again, and wondered just how much his new body was going to change the way he thought. He just hoped that he could get back to normal, before he changed too much. Raymond said goodbye to Cindy and went back to his own apartment. Tiredly, he went in, taking a shower, realizing just how badly he needed one. He found it extremely odd washing so much hair, having to use a lot more shampoo than normal. While he was in the shower, the water spraying on his nipples began to get them aroused. Startled, he felt them get hard, erect. He pinched one, finding it a very pleasurable feeling. Raymond reached down between his legs, putting his hand on his pussy, feeling the moistness on his fingers. He giggled, realizing that this wasn't just water on hiim. Urged on by the pleasure he felt touching himself, he started masturbating, rubbing his breasts and playing with his clitoris. Finally he came, screaming out. Emberassed, he bit his lip, hoping that none of the neighbors heard anything. He finished washing up, enjoying the warm afterglow, and wondering what real sex would be like. After getting out of the shower, he curled up on his couch, dressed only in a pair of his panties. He grabbed his book and started trying to get back into it, but he just couldn't concentrate. "Boring" he muttered to himself, and put the book down. He turned on the TV, finding it more interesting, though not by very much. While trying to watch the show, he kept getting distracted by his breasts, wanting to fondle them again. But with utmost willpower, he controlled himself, and kept from succumbing to his temptations. At least until it was time for bed. Part 3 Getting up the next morning, Raymond felt fantastic. He felt so energetic, that he found an arobics show on TV, and followed along, loving the way his body easily kept up. Finally, covered with sweat, he took another shower, this time being sure to not get distracted. Oddly, he found himself humming while washing, something that he'd never done before. But he couldn't seem to help himself. He just felt so alive. Remembering the cheerleader practice Cindy had told him about the previous night during dinner, Raymond hurriedly got dressed, wishing for a moment that he'd bought more clothes. He examined himself in the mirror again, smiling. He liked what he saw. Raymond was a few minutes late to the cheerleading practice, but the other girls didn't mind. They even had a uniform of his own waiting for him when he got there. Happily, he slipped the uniform on, and went through the stretches with the other girls, glad that he hadn't pushed himself too far earlier. Then they started going through the cheers, and girls were patient with Raymond as they taught him the cheers. As they ran through the routines, Raymond pushed himself excitedly, wondering why he'd been reluctant to try out in the first place. It was a lot of fun. Afterwards, Raymond felt guilty that he'd completely forgotten about Bill. As he was leaving the locker room, Cindy came up to him. "Hey, there's a party tonight. You wanna come?" "I'll think about it" Raymond told her as he walked out. He wasn't sure that he wanted to go to a party, especially not after what happened the last couple times he went drinking. Maybe if I didn't drink though, he started to rationalize. The party did sound interesting though, especially the more he thought about it. Still considering going, Raymond went inside the hospital, and was pleased to find Bill concious. Bill looked at Raymond as he stood there, waiting for the nurses to leave. Bill looked at him confused, wondering where he'd seen this girl before. He knew that he recognized her face somewhere, but couldn't place exactly where. He decided that he'd probably seen her around campus, but that didn't explain why she was here visiting him in the hospital. "Um" Raymond stammered, not sure how to begin. "I need your help Bill" he said finally. "I don't know you miss, so it isn't really appropriate for you to call me Bill" Bill said softly, with uncharachteristic seriousness. Raymond winced, having expected something like this. "Actually, you do know me" Raymond fidgeted, then continued, "It's me. Raymond. Raymond Gentle" Bill just looked at him as if he were crazy. "You rememeber the night you showed me your gadget" Raymond quickly hurried on, "You edited some files, then tried to scan me" Bill looked blank for a few seconds as he tried to recall it. "Well" Raymond said, hesitating again, "You fucked up big time. Your fucking machine turned me into this" he said, gesturing at himself. "Your machine turned me from Dr. Jeckle, into Missy Hyde" Raymond waited, wondering what Bill would do. "Great joke. OK now, where's Jeckle really at?" Bill said, sounding more like his old self. "I'm Raymond" he snapped. "Remember that incident with one of your students. Laura Tannen...." Raymond began. "How'd you know about that?" Bill asked, getting very nervous. That very emberassing incident could have gotten him fired if found out, and Raymond had been the only one he'd trusted enough to confide in. Bill stared at Raymond in disbelief. "It's really me" Raymond said sadly. It took several more minutes of talking, but he finally convinced Bill that he was who he said he was. "My God" Bill muttered to himself, sounding like he was still hurting from the accident. "I didn't expect the machine's editing system to ever work that well. I'll have to look at you and the machine closely when I get out of here tomorrow" Bill said, getting weaker. Raymond agreed, happy that Bill at least knew about the problem, and could be counted on to help fix it. Finally the nurse came in, and ushered Raymond out, not wanting to excite her patient any more. Cindy looked a little disappointed when Raymond told her he didn't have a dress for the party, but again, she volunteered the use of one of hers. As Cindy held it up for him to look at, Raymond had to admit that the dress looked nice. He couldn't help but wondering what it would look like on him. How it would show off his ample curves. Raymond felt excited as he put it on, enjoying the feel of it against his skin. He looked into the mirror, seeing he long black dress. Fairly fancy, but not too much so. When Raymond admitted that he'd never wore makeup, Cindy looked surprised, shaking her head again at his lack of experience, then set him down on a chair, carefully applying makeup to his face. When Cindy was done with the expert job, Raymond couldn't help but stare at the woman in the mirror. Very hot. He felt a surge of pride and confidence, and smiled back at himself. While Raymond was examining himself, Cindy finished getting herself ready for the party. "Ready to go?" Cindy asked. "Sure" Raymond said smiling. He couln't wait to get to the party and show off how good he looked. Raymond enjoyed the appreciative smiles as he walked into the party. Looking around, he noticed that they were all college students, and most of them were dressed up fairly nicely. He felt a slight pang of jealousy as he saw another woman across the room, who had been gathering the attendion. Somehow, he felt a rivalry with that woman, even though he'd never met her. "Missy" Greg said, coming up to her. "Glad that you made it" He nodded at Cindy, then brought Raymond out to the dance floor. Raymond enjoyed himself, finding it much easier to dance this time, being more graceful and in control of himself. He barely even noticed the slightly high heels that Cindy had made him wear. They had been giving him a hard time, but as long as he was dancing, they slipped out of his mind. After several dances with Greg, Raymond found himself dancing with several other boys, and being one of the more sought after dance partners. He felt so excited and energetic, but his feet were finally beginning to get tired, so he sat down at a table, drinking some champagne, and watching Cindy across the floor, wanting to talk to her. Cindy finally came over, and seeing Raymond there, gave him a knowing smile. "So, you and Greg are really hitting it off?" "Yeah" Raymond admitted, feeling a little embarrassed about it. He knew that he shouldn't like boys, and tried to tell himself not to, but he just couldn't help himself. Giggling, he told Cindy a joke that Greg had told him, sending her into a fit of giggles. "May I have this dance" Greg said, coming up from behind. Raymond felt himself blush, afraid that Greg had heard them talking about him. When Greg didn't show any signs of having overheard, Raymond smiled back in spite of himself, and holding out his arm, said, "Lead the way, handsome" He felt his cheeks turn red at that last, but it had just slipped out. He quickly forgot about it, caught up again in the dancing. Being close to Greg, Raymond felt his nipples begin to harden again, and his crotch begin to get moist. Feeling good, he pressed up close to Greg. Without realizing it, Raymond tipped his head back, letting Greg give him a deep kiss. His body responded, and Raymond couldn't pull himself away. It was all he could do to keep from pulling Greg's pants down right there. As the party was ending, Raymond let Greg lead him away by the hand. He knew that he shouldn't be doing this, but he wanted Greg so bad. Greg led him to his dorm room, and Raymond closed the door behind them, caught up in his hormone's spell. Again they deeply kissed, and before Raymond knew it, he was lying on the bed undressed, with a naked Greg lovingly kissing his breasts. Raymond found himself moaning in pleasure as Greg worked his way down. Raymond hesitated for a brief second as Greg was about to enter him, but he wanted it far too much to stop, and urged Greg in. The feeling of Greg's penis going into him made Raymond scream out in pleasure. He loved the feeling of something inside of him. It was so different, yet felt so great. Finally, Raymond came, exploding in waves of pleasure, screaming out and tearing his nails into Greg's back. Raymond just laid there, feeling the warm afterglow, and enjoying it. Greg rolled over, and went to sleep, leaving Raymond feeling disappointed. He looked at Greg, scowling a little. Raymond, no Missy he decided. At the moment, he was definitely Missy. Missy wanted to go at it again, and shook Greg back awake. With a little coaxing, she got Greg ready for one more time. Waking up next to Greg, Missy smiled, remembering the night before. She felt slightly embarrassed about it for a moment. But only a moment. Bending over, she kissed Greg on the cheek, not wanting to wake him. After all the work he'd done the night before, Missy knew that Greg deserved a little sleeping in. Quietly Missy got dressed, and left Greg's dorm, quickly getting back to her own apartment. After looking through the clothes she had left, she took a quick trip to the mall to buy another few sets. Just in case, she told herself, not sure that she believed it. When finished, Missy carefully put on her own makeup, trying to remember everything Cindy had shown her the day before. She smiled at the results in the mirror. It had taken her several tries to get it right, but she decided that the effort had been worth it. Looking at her watch, Missy remembered that it was getting close to the time when Bill would be getting home from the hospital. She waited around a little, then gave Bill a call. It took several calls every 15 minutes before Bill finally picked up the phone, sounding a little weak, but otherwise fine. Missy told him that she was alright, and Bill suggested that they meet in the lab in a few hours. Missy hung up, looking at her watch again. Smiling, Missy called Cindy, who was rather curious how Greg was the night before. Blushing, Missy told Cindy to mind her own business, but hinted that it was rather enjoyable. After a few more minutes talking to Cindy, finding out that she hadn't been quite as lucky with her date, Cindy reminded her about the practice, and hey hung up. Missy hurried to the football field, noticing a few of the players on the field exercising. She quickly got into her uniform, enjoying how well it showed off her curves, and enthusiastically jumped into the cheerleading practice. She worked hard to pick up the routines, impressing some of the other girls with her rapid progress. She smiled proudly at the compliments. Finally finished with the practice, Missy changed back into her other clothes, and started on her way to meet up with Bill. She wasn't quite sure anymore what she wanted. She had begun to like being what she was, and didn't want to give up her new youth and energy, but she knew that she couldn't survive like this. She didn't have any legal identity, or any way of making a money. No, she definitely couldn't stay like this, even if she really wanted to. Missy hesitated before entering the building, wondering if Bill actually could change her back. And if she really wanted to be. She shook her head, trying to clear the doubts. Bill was waiting for her in the lab, looking up in surprise and admiration when he got a good look at Missy. He'd been too tired in the hospital to notice all her attributes, but now found them very impressive indeed. Missy found it odd the way Bill was making polite small talk with her at first, knowing that he'd never done that to her before. Startled, she realized, that before, they were just best friends, while now, she was drawing out the same reactions that he'd give to any attractive woman. "Please stand in the booth" Bill directed her, "I need to make a good scan and see just what happened" Reluctantly Missy stepped in, remembering what happened the last time she'd been in that thing. Again the humming occurred, and the light passing through her. In a few minutes, it was all done, and Bill said she could get out. Curious, Missy watched Bill work at the computer, then bringing up the scanned file of her. He studied it for a little while, occasionally making "hmm" or "Ah" sounds. After a while, Missy started walking around, curiously looking at everything in the lab, finding it kind of neat. "Can you come over here for a minute" Bill asked, interrupting her examination of some gizmo in a corner. Wondering what he wanted, Missy gracefully walked over to Bill. "OK" Bill said professionally, "hold out your arm" As Missy did, Bill took a needle, and pulled a small amount of blood out of Missy's vein. "Ouch" she said, rubbing at the still sore spot on her arm when he was finished. Bill didn't seem to hear her, having gone to a large microscope in one corner and examining the blood. "Well" Bill said finally to her, "I don't have a scanned record of your old patterns" He looked very embarrassed, knowing that it was his fault, and because he'd been trying to get that scan when this happened. "However, I think I can turn you back. At least for now" Curious, Missy looked at him. "What do you mean?" she finally asked. Still looking embarrassed, Bill admitted. "I never had the pattern editing and injector part worked out right. Your accident was completely unexpected, and more than I thought it could do" Bill stopped, looking down at his feet for a few minutes, then continued. "Well, how do I say this?... The injector didn't just rewrite your DNA with the file's, it sort of merged them" Missy listened, not understanding a word of it. "And this means?" she asked impatiently. "What it means, is that you have both Raymond's and, uh, Missy's patterns. Not merged, but they're both there. I think I can probably help you shift back and forth between them, but I can't erase either of the patterns, or make any more changes" After a little more discussion, Missy got into the booth again, as Bill directed her. Nervously, she awaited the humming. Seconds later, she felt it, and the tingling. The pain suddenly hit her again, running through her body, just like it had the last time. She tried to scream out in agony, but the pain died down very quickly, though the changes continued. She felt extremely odd having her body shift around on her, the bones moving and the muscles jumping, but it didn't hurt. After several minutes, Raymond Gentle stepped out of the booth, feeling extremely embarrassed about wearing women's clothes. "God, it worked" Raymond said, looking down at himself in awe. He realized that his emotions seemed to have snapped back to normal as soon as he'd changed back to his normal self, at least mostly. He felt a little more tired and weaker, realizing that this was just from comparison to the form he wore a little while ago. "Yeah" Bill said, looking proud for a minute. "But it may not last. You may revert to Missy again later on. And back again. I don't know how long you remain in either form. You might stay this way for good though. I don't know" Bill admitted. He worried about it, but decided that he just wanted to get out of the lab. Raymond looked down at himself embarrassed, wishing that he'd thought to bring some regular clothes. Bill laughed at him, saying that he always kept some spares at the office, which he kindly let Raymond borrow. Saying goodbye, Raymond went back to his apartment, wondering what he was going to do. And what he'd say to Cindy and the cheerleaders. As far as they'd know, Missy would have just vanished into thin air. That night, Raymond slept poorly, unable to keep from thinking about the fun he'd had with Cindy, and how alive he'd felt. Tiredly, he got up the next morning, and went to work, not wanting to leave his classes anymore. The dean offered sympathies about Raymond's fictitious dead sister, and said he was glad that Raymond was back. Classes were hard for Raymond to focus on that day, but he tried to keep himself focused. After one class, Cindy came up to him. "Dr. Jeckle" she said, not noticing her slip of the tongue, "I'm looking for a friend of mine, Missy Hyde. I haven't heard from her all day, and she was supposed to be in one of your classes, so I was just wondering if you'd seen her" Cindy looked at Raymond hopefully. Raymond felt guilty for not having told Cindy, and letting her worried like this. He got hold of himself though, and said "Yes, as a matter of fact I do. She came by earlier and told me that she might be leaving for awhile. Family emergency or something" Cindy looked sorry to hear that, and Raymond felt bad. Sadly, he watched Cindy walk away, fighting the urge to just start talking to her like he'd been doing the last couple days. Instead he reminded himself to treat her just as a student, not as the best friend she'd become. Raymond went through the rest of the day, feeling rather disappointed. He'd gotten his old life back, so why couldn't he be happy. Sadly, he went home from classes, and looked for something to eat. He started thinking about when he was Missy. He tried to remember what the breasts felt like to have, and how her hair had felt rubbing against his back. As he was thinking of this, he felt the tingle start throughout his body. He stopped, stunned, and the tingling faded away. Curious, he started concentrating on Missy again, and once again, the tingling started to come. This time, he kept thinking about being Missy, and the tingle developed into the pain, running through his body. This time it was even weaker and faded quicker, leaving only the odd shifting sensations, of his body changing on him. Shortly afterwards, Missy Hyde stood up, slightly confused, but amazed at how she'd changed back. She smiled, realizing that she hadn't been anywhere near Bill's machine. After making sure that she was completely back to being Missy, she called Cindy to let her know that she was all right. "I don't know if I'll be back to school tomorrow or not" Missy told Cindy, unsure of whether the changes would stay or not, feeling both exhilarated and somewhat nervous at her spontaneous change. She was going to have to ask Bill about this she thought, then remembered that Bill warned her about possible unexpected changes. Just before going to bed, she wondered if it would work the other way, and began concentrating on what it was like to be Raymond. What it felt like to have a penis between her legs. She smiled, feeling the familiar tingling building. Stopping, she went to bed, not wanting to change back just yet. In the morning, Raymond went back to work, feeling much happier and satisfied. He'd change back without any problems when he'd woken up. He was sure now that he could change himself back and forth between Raymond and Missy, and it was less painful each time. When he talked to Bill about it, Bill seemed interested, but not really surprised, except for his being able to control the changes on his own. As Bill left from lunch back to his lab, Raymond looked down at his food, smiling to himself. He knew one of his students who could hook him up with a fake drivers license, and another who, with some proper persuasion, could help him add Missy's name to the school records. With just a little planning, he'd be able to cut down on a few of his own classes and take a few classes as Missy. Chuckling to himself, he looked forward to the football game that night, really wanting to show off his school spirit. "I wonder what Greg is doing after the game?" he mused to himself, getting up to go teach his next class. The End.

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Big bang theory Fanfic PennyMissy cooper

Summary:What they were doing in Penny's apartment during The Pork Chop Indeterminancy. Points if they do it between the boys coming over to ask Missy out, and have to get dressed to answer the door each time.Work Text:If there’s one thing that both the Cooper twins are used to, it’s getting their own way. Penny finds this out halfway through the first glass of wine, when Missy leans over, puts one finger under Penny’s chin, and turns Penny’s face toward her.“I’m sure I don’t need to tell you...

3 years ago
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Missy Gets It Good

MISSY GETS IT GOODChapter 1Things were bad for everybody back in 1934.  One person in ten was out of work and I was one of them.  I grew up in a medium size city named Jackson, Tennessee, and I had a pretty good job for a 24 year old, selling cars in my dad’s dealership.  People weren’t buying cars, the further we got into the depression, and he was having to let sales personnel go, until I was the only one left on his staff. Then, the inevitable happened.  He had to close the dealership and I...

4 years ago
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Missy My Babysitter is A Horny Little Slut

I couldnt believe I was staring at a picture on my computer of my 18 year old babysitter's naked pussy. Leaning back behind my desk in my home office, maximized on my monitor, was a picture of Missy lying on her back nude with her legs spread, and a perfectly shaved, glistening pink pussy pointed at the camera. Wow. I mean -- wow. It was the second of the fifteen pictures that I'd opened. The first pic, ME, had a nice smiling photo of her sitting on the bed wearing a bra and panties. And, of...

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Messy Missy The MileHigh Club Hippie

Missy Drinks CumThe Phish Shows were over and the next thing Missy knew, she was on a plane to Tampa Bay. The last few days had been a whirlwind for her, since she had to quit her job, sub-let her apartment, and went on tour where she had met Johnny. Johnny and her had struck a deal.Johnny had offered to pay her to be his cock sucking cum slut for the 2 day Tahoe shows this past summer. Missy turned out to be what she projected and more. She was an insatiable semen slurper. Johnny was in love,...

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Missy Part IV

Missy awoke the next day fully feeling the effects of getting railed by three teenage dicks. Fucking Ben and Wyatt had been completely unexpected but she was glad she did it, especially the way Alec fucked her afterwards. He did her again later that night after telling her that he saw someone, probably Jodie, watching from next door. Voyeurism wasn’t something that she ever thought would entice her but then again getting fucked by her former step son never really entered her mind either. She...

3 years ago
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Missy becomes a Mistress

Missy couldn’t believe she was masturbating in confessional but fuck if it wasn’t about to make her spray her juices all over the padded vinyl seat. She had walked in wanting absolution but she knew as she rubbed her swollen little clit that life was forever changed. Inside her mind she could still see Paula's lips quivering as the whip slapped across her body and see her tiny breasts heaving as she tried to regain her breath. Paula’s party had been the single most erotic moment of her entire...

2 years ago
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Missy The Joys of Pregnant Sex

Chapter 1 Sure enough, when Missy had asked her new husband, Bill, to fuck her and see if they could get her knocked up with another baby, she'd been right on the money. Missy had been there before and she felt that if her new husband would fuck her she'd conceive. It must have happened that first time, because in no time at all, Missy had taken an early pregnancy test and the results were very positive. She was tickled pink to know that she and Bill were going to have a baby of their own...

4 years ago
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Missy Likes It Chapter 02 of 05

Introduction: A five part story of a young woman growing up in a BDSM family In Chapter 02 she talks about her junior high years. WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the...

5 years ago
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MIssy Part I

Despite the last 18 months Missy Pryor was happy. Her divorce from her second husband was finalized, her real estate career was flourishing and she was finally able to put the last 18 months behind her. Five years ago Missy married her second husband. Paul Bennett had worked for a large brokerage firm and most people wouldn’t have pegged him as the type of guy to be involved in any sort of shady goings on….those people were completely wrong however. Paul Bennett would eventually be convicted on...

4 years ago
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Anna and Missy

I met Anna online and we developed a friendship even though she was looking for girls. She was extremely open and we shared some experiences including her first time with her best friend Missy. I was in complete awe at her description of their lovemaking but when she sent me their pictures, I was enamored.Anna's had some nudes that showed a suntanned, petite, dark haired beauty with perfect breasts and nipples, the most kissible belly and hips, great legs, incredible pussy and the prettiest...

3 years ago
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Missys Revenge

Missy grew up in a very poor family, and lived most of her young years in the projects. Her family's small apartment complex was in one of the worst parts of town. Missy's mother had left when she was only five years old and she barely remembered her. Her father drank every meal, and spent all of his money on alcohol. Missy and her sister had to wear hand me down clothing, and were often un-bathed and unruly. She rarely had time to play with the other c***dren who were mostly black. Once...

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Missy and her Daddys first time

Seducing her Daddy My little girl, watching her grow up. She was Daddy's little girl. We did everything together. Taking her to the park. Then it was taking her to soccer games. She grew up so fast. Before I knew it, she had breasts that seems to just pop out suddenly. She went thru those first bra's like they where shrinking. Then it was prom night. When she came down the stairs, looking like an angel. Her hair flowing, her eyes sparkling, the smile on her face. I loved her, more...

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A bedtime story from Robin Timmy or Missy

A bedtime tale from Robin (Timmy or Missy! Which is it?) By Robin Y. Today I was shopping for lingerie when I ran into an old friend. She and I attended Beauty College together but drifted apart when she graduated. I had not seen her in over 5 years....the last time we met was for coffee and she told me about this incident that she observed at the salon she was working at. It seems that one of the salons good clients would always come in at closing time (I think her business...

4 years ago
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Missy and Jeffery

Missy stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror. She turned slightly from side to side admiring the shape of her naked ass. Her tight shirt hugged her slender waist and accented the curve of her smooth booty. Half way across the small cheeks of her ass the color changed from coffee brown to creamy light latte. She couldn’t decide if she liked the tan lines left from her bikini but when would she ever be able to lay out naked with her father and brother watching her constantly?Steam lifted in...

3 years ago
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Missy and David Naked in SchoolPart 4 Thursday

I woke up Thursday morning feeling, well, strange. I spent a big chunk of the day with a girl that, three days ago, I didn't like. And I protected her. And she gave me a handjob. And-and this was the really strange part-I was looking forward to seeing her again. And not because of the handjob, either. Because of how she looked at me while she was giving me the handjob. But, yeah, I had my mother's warning ringing in my head, too. I got up, showered, got dressed, went downstairs. Mom was...

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Missy Part III

Missy found that she couldn’t stop thinking about sex and not just with Alec. Every man she saw she found herself wondering about how big their cock was or how good of a fuck they would be. It was having an effect on her and not negatively. She was becoming more open, more personable, flirtier. She suddenly became aware of just how unhappy she had been for all those years and she vowed to make up for it.Her pussy salivated as she drove home. Missy had been extremely horny all afternoon and...

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Missy Likes It Chapter 05 of 05

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

2 years ago
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Missy Part II

“Morning Alec.” She smiled as she rounded the corner into the kitchen and found him there with no shirt on. Last night’s event still running through her mind.“Morning. Coffee?”“Yes!” she couldn’t help but stare at his bare chest as she sipped her coffee and imagined licking his cum from his chest. “So do you think the pool will be ready? Supposed to be hot today.”“It should be. Probably early this afternoon.” He admired her profile as she peaked out the window. Her thin sun dress almost too...

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Hidden VideoChapter 8 Missy Takes Charge

After a few minutes, Cris caught his breath. He reached down and slipped the elastic of his shorts back out, covering up his softening member. Missy stood up and took both Cris and Michelle by the hand, pulling them up. “Come on. Let’s go up to my room. I’m not done yet.” She smiled as she lead them toward the stairs and up to her bedroom. She stopped next to the bed and turned, pulling Cris down for a kiss. He could taste the faint saltiness that lingered on her lips from sucking and...

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Missy becomes a Mistress

Missy couldn’t believe she was masturbating in confessional but fuck if it wasn’t about to make her spray her juices all over the padded vinyl seat. She had walked in wanting absolution but she knew as she rubbed her swollen little clit that life was forever changed. Inside her mind she could still see Paula’s lips quivering as the whip slapped across her body and see her tiny breasts heaving as she tried to regain her breath. Paula’s party had been the single most erotic moment of her entire...

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Missy and David Naked in SchoolPart 2 Tuesday

I drove to school Tuesday morning, after a lovely lecture from my Dad about "responsibility" and "keeping a good image for the family" and "representing the family well". So, Dad, how was the fuck with your secretary last night? Hypocrite. So, I drove to school. After, believe me, contemplating keeping on driving and not stopping until I got to New York or something. Of course, I couldn't go to New York. I have no education and no skills and would probably have to resort to selling...

3 years ago
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Melissa and Missy

Melissa and Brad had been dating since her sophomore year at college. Brad being a year ahead of Melissa moved back to his hometown to manage his father's business. At first he emailed and texted her everyday. Melissa knew in her heart she was going to marry him someday. Suddenly his emails and texts became scarcer and when they spoke on the phone he seemed distant and evasive. Something was wrong. Despite having planned a trip to visit her family during spring break, Melissa decided to make a...

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Missy Likes It Chapter 02 of 05

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

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Missy her Daddy cant stop

Chapter 2Missy & her Daddy can't stopMissy was all I could think about. I knew that having sex with a man's daughter was not right. But it felt so right. Missy was the best sex I ever had. She looked like her mother. Long Dark hair flowing down over her shoulders. Her dark brown eyes. Those lips perfect as they showed off her sparkling teeth. That smile she gave me. Missy and I had always been close. When her mother divorced me ten years ago it left just the two of us starting...

2 years ago
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Football Saturdaywith Anna Missy

I met Missy when we were paired up to study my nursing class and we immediately became friends. On Fridays some of the class would meet up for happy hour and she brought along her room mate Anna. They are both beautiful, dark haired girls with perfect athletic bodies that I envied, as I am more on the thin side. We would always have fun as we got to know each but when my boyfriend and his friends would arrive they would leave soon after. I was telling Missy one afternoon that a couple of BF's...

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Missy The Mouse

I have always been attracted to what could be described as ‘mousy’ looking girls. You know, those women who hardly ever get a second glance from most guys. I guess you could call them nerds. There are several reasons I lust after these ‘Plain Janes’ rather than perfect tens. First, I am no George Clooney or Brad Pitt myself, so I do not think any really good-looking woman would be interested in me. Secondly, my college girlfriend, who was the love of my life, looked like a nerd on the outside...

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It was out of necessity that Missy asked to stay at my house. Her boyfriend, who enjoyed beating up women, had been served with a restraining order. Missy was scared to go back to her mobile home and needed a place to crash a few days. I really didn't know her that well, she was a friend of friend. Since her boyfriend didn't know me, it was highly unlikely that he'd be looking for her at my place. I had an extra bedroom, with Debbie moved out, and she was willing to pay a little to help with...

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Missy Gets One of Her Wishes

Chapter 1 Missy was lying there, totally naked and exposed where the 3 well-hung black men -- Eddie, Lon, and Ralph -- had roughly stripped her clothes off and then had each gotten their pants off, too. She was lying back in the middle of a bed there in the house of one of the three black men and she found herself not only fearful of what she was about to experience but she also found herself growing very aroused and turned on as she knew that these three men had been watching her for several...

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Missy Young But Shy NymphoChapter 3

Missy and Ethan began to see each other regularly, and every time they were together, they ended up at Ethan's apartment for some hot lusty sex. Missy couldn't believe how long she'd fantasized about and wanted to have a sexy black boyfriend, and now that she had one and he was as horny for her as she was for him, she wondered why she'd waited so long. There was one thing for sure true about Ethan; he was quite a stud and the best lover she'd ever welcomed between her legs. Ethan also...

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Katlin and missy ch 4 Sunrise

Love and kisses, Cathy ps: I don't really know much about the Continental Divide Trail (CDT). My last boyfriend thru hiked the Appalachian Trail (AT) a few years back on a one year break from college. So most of what I invented about the CDT is based on his AT stories. For you non-hikers the US has three of these two thousand plus mile hiking trails. The third one is the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). ---------------------- Katlin and Missy: Chapter 4 -...

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Missy and David Naked in SchoolPart 3 Wednesday

I had gone to bed pretty early Tuesday night. The painkillers they subscribed for me helped. I didn't stay up very late after David had left. I didn't even eat-now there's a miracle. I did, however, stay up long enough for my Dad to get home. Unfortunately. That man takes 'unsympathetic' to a whole new level. And, of course, all he cared about was that "it would get around" if I dropped out of The Program. So, he called Mr. Tilling and twisted his arm, nice and hard. I'd still be in...

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Missy Becoming a Mommy Again

Missy was one of those women who remained beautiful, sexy and very desirable even when she slipped into her late 30s and early 40s. She'd been married once before and had two children by her first marriage. That marriage had ended due to domestic abuse by her husband and Missy had gotten a divorce and taken herself and her two children out of the reach of her violent husband. She'd been a single mother for a few years and then she'd met Will, an attractive man a few years younger than her...

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A 3 some party with a lady called Missy and Stephi

I arrived at the Hotel for our 3 some with Missy & Stephie & got dressed up before Stephie doll (the other TV) arrived. We chatted as she changed while I did my nails. Missy arrived soon after & we all had some glasses of wine to relax us and put us in the mood to play.     Missy sat on the bed as Stephie started caressing her, & she then undressed naked & the 3 of us laid on the bed. I was kissing her & tit rubbing & sucking also I breathed in her ear I...

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Missy Learns

Part 1 It was finally the end of the school year and graduation was right around the corner. Then summer. A hot, sexy summer with Bob if she had anything to say about it. Missy smiled at herself in the mirror and then went out the door. The man absolutely drove her crazy. He was the most patient person in the world, it was maddening. Every time he had taken her it was wild and red hot, but then he wouldn’t touch her for days on end, sometimes weeks. He never, ever talk about any...

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Missy Rides

Missy and Nancy walked slowly and mostly silently, the long way, to their houses after school. It was the weekend and Missy was stalling; she didn’t want to go straight home. She was grounded, again. She and her stepdad had been fighting for the last few weeks, about everything and nothing. She purposely did what she could lately to get under his skin, she knew she was being a total brat, not acting her age at all, but she couldn’t help it. The biggest argument was her curfew. He wanted...

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Missy and David Naked in SchoolPart 6 Saturday

I had a hell of a time sleeping Friday night. In fact, I ended up waking up at 6:30 Saturday morning. Which is a hell of a time to wake up on a Saturday! I got out of bed, took a shower, went downstairs. I was the only one there. I knew this-Mom had to be at the store by 6:00 AM for inventory. Happens a couple times a year. So, I went downstairs and found my "Mom Note". Every time I'm going to be getting up, or getting home, and Mom knows she's not going to be there, I get a note. I...

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Missy Likes It Chapter 04 of 05

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

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Hidden VideoGetting to Missy

Somehow, all of them made it thru the play without a massive meltdown. There was even a scene at the end where Cris and Missy’s characters made out, and she approached it with gusto, which surprised Cris. What surprised him even more was when she groped his cock with the hand that was hidden from the audience by her flowing dress. His mind whirled in confusion as he tried to figure out what she was up to. When the curtain fell at last, Cris hurried to change and try to find Missy. He spotted...

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Missy Young But Shy NymphoChapter 2

Missy was loving the fact that she was finally experiencing the sexy hotness of being with Ethan, the well-hung young black man that she'd been fantasizing about having sex with for quite some time. As Missy had gone into his apartment, he'd quickly taken matters into his hands and he soon had Missy naked and then his own clothes off too as he seduced her and then mounted her for a very sexy interracial fuck. Missy wasn't the only one who had been fantasizing. Ethan had noticed Missy...

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Missy Likes It Chapter 03 of 05

Introduction: A five part story of a young woman growing up in a BDSM family In Chapter 03 Missy talks about Summer Camp. WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18...

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Telling Mom Im A Crossdresser Part 6 Missy and Mistress Keri

Up until now, I have enjoyed my time as Missy. My mom had kept me busy with clients and we pulled in a lot of extra income and I was able to experience a lot of different fantasies, However I had not had the chance to try anything involving BDSM, or not yet at least.One day I came home from mowing the lawn for an elderly woman when I walked in the door to find my mother smiling deviously at the kitchen table. I instantly knew that Missy had been hired for another job.I sat down next to my...

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Part 2 Little Missys Disobedience

...Previously on Little Missy's DisobedienceAt work she's known as Store Manager Sarah but she's Little Missy when with me, even if she is in a foul mood. Mondays tend to be Sarah's busiest day so I tend to go easy on her but today she isn't so deserving of such a reward. Only last week I warned Sarah if you don't deal with Paul now he will cause you major issues and today her store failed her company's audit, all thanks to Paul!Even after 2 years though, that sexy uniform of hers never gets...

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One day as I was buisy doing chores around my home, I noticed my next door neighbor's smoking hot 18 year old daughter named Missy in my driveway. She was a very cute girl standing at 5'4" tall, weighing about 110 pounds with a petite curvy slim body. She was wearing a short blue mini skirt, a white tube top that hugged her small round perky breasts, her long blonde hair pulled up in cute pigtails and had on frilly white socks with heels. Missy was bending over looking under my car and I could...

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Missy Gets a Real Man

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, past or present, is completely coincidental. * Missy had a reputation. She didn’t really care though. She’d never cared much for what other people thought of her. Even though she knew those old busybodies at the ladies quilting circle weren’t the only ones who gossiped about her. She’d never cared much for ‘ladies’ either. She lived in a moderately sized town with a population of about ten thousand or so. The neighborhood she lived...

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