In My Cage free porn video

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In My Cage By Joanna Maguire I did as I was ordered to by my Mistress. Completely naked I went down the hallway and locked myself into the small metal cage consisting of parallel bars space about 6 cm apart. It was situated just outside the front door. The cage was on the ground but a chain ran from the top of the cage and was attached to a tree near the front door of the house. The cage was so small all I could do was sit on my bottom with my legs folded. The cage was self- locking; once I was inside the cage the door automatically locked itself shut with a click. I was now encaged. Unable to neither move nor open the door to free myself. This was not my first time locked within this cage. I had been previously locked within the cage several times since it was built. Indeed I had helped build the cage, which had been specially made and designed to imprison me and keep me held in the foetal position. I built the cage at my Mistresses request at my suggestion after reading about such a device in a B&D magazine. I could now not even stand or stretch my legs so I could lie down on my back. I sat with my legs doubled up. The cage was not high enough, so with my head touching the top bars I needed to bend my neck forward. I was effectively encaged in the sitting in the foetal position I waited for what seemed hours until eventually my Mistress came to look at me in my cage. She ordered me to put my hands above my head and through the metal bard of the cage. I instantly obeyed I felt my hands being handcuffed above my head. Then a blindfold covered my eyes, I was now even further helpless unable to see my surrounds outside the cage. "You will be kept in there for a long time, several days at least. Every four hours or so someone will feed you via a baby's bottle through the bars. Drink or you will soon be hungry and thirsty." "But what if I need to go to the toilet." I cried. "There is sand below the bars of the floor of the cage you will be able to pee through or shit. I am having a party tonight so all my guests will be able to see my little prisoner in its cage. Maybe someone will feel sorry for you and not just merely laugh. They might if you are lucky feed you some bread or peanuts. Before I go I will raise your cage off the ground." I heard the sound of the winches and gears, I felt my cage rising off the ground. I knew from past experience that my cage was going to be suspended about a meter off the ground. The winch stopped. I felt the cage swaying from side to side. I also knew that every time I moved from within my cage it would sway from side to side. "Bye." I heard my Mistress walk away and a door close. I was now on my own completely naked and helpless locked within a metal cage just like an animal or a bird in a cage hanging from a tree branch. I also knew I was exposed and visible for all to see that drove or walked up the long drive from the tree lined front fence. Unable to avoid the stares and derision of passers-by or visitors that might come to see my Mistress. Time slowly passed. Hours later I heard the doorbell. I heard the front door open. I heard laughter and comments like who is that ape? What did he do to deserve that? Oh isn't he a funny looking creature. Oh he is my naughty slave answered my Mistress the unseen visitors were laughing at me trapped within my cage. The doorbell rang several times more. More unseen people laughed at me hanging in my cage. My bladder by now getting very uncomfortably full. I heard several times many more people passing by laughing at me, most making lewd comments about me in my cage. Suddenly I heard someone touch my cage and a baby's bottle with a rubber teat was put into my mouth. I was by now thirsty and my mouth dry I sucked on the teat. The bottle was full of warm milk. Unable to use my hands to hold the plastic bottle as I sucked, some of the milk came out of my mouth and dribbled down my chin and body. I drank or sucked until I could feel the bottle was empty and I was sucking air. Laughter again cried out I wanted to go to the toilet... "Haven't got a key anyway." A strange voice replied again laughing. They went away. After a while I heard them come back. "Haven't got any nappies either." a male voice commented. There was the sound of ice in a glass. I felt the ice cubes and cold water running down my body. It was too much, I cried out in pain and my bladder emptied itself uncontrollable. I heard lots of laughter this time. I knew now there was quite an audience watching me outside of my cage. I was really humiliated now, wet and my body smelt of stale urine. I could not move or do a thing about it nor clean or wipe myself. I heard footsteps and further laughter receding off into the house. I was indeed now just an animal in a cage left alone wet and miserable. I was getting cramped in the confines of the cage. I could not move much. If I tried to move my legs or ease the pressure on my arms held above my head by the handcuffs. My cage moved swinging back and for on the chain, which suspended it above, the ground. Time continued to slowly pass. Damp and cold I began to cry out sob and beg to be released. No one took any notice for some time. Then I heard my Mistresses voice say. "If you don't stop whining I will give you something to cry about." I stopped for a while I could not hold out for much longer I began to cry again pleading for my release. I heard my Mistress speak at me once more then further laughter. "You will now get something to really cry about." I felt her hands come through the cage bars. I could not move or stop her. Suddenly I experienced a biting pain first on my right nipple then as I screamed another on my left nipple. Nipple clamps had been attached to both of my nipples. Indeed I now had something to scream about. Once more I screamed for mercy. I yelled for the clamps to be taken off, I was now experiencing and feeling the most excruciating, continuous pain that soon made me forget about my soiled person or the aches and pains in my arms. I heard more laughter as they walked off leaving me once more alone screaming in agony. Slowly the pain diminished a little as I got used to the grip of the clips on my breasts. But as the pain continued unabated I cried out loud screaming for mercy just like a baby. Hours went by. I heard the guests leaving on by one as they each laughed at me as they departed. I heard my Mistress farewell them. She shut the door, and uttered. "It's a gag for you after I give you your bed time feed." I felt the baby's bottle being pushed in to my mouth again. Despite the pain on my chest, I eagerly sucked on the bottle. I soon emptied it. "I need some sleep after entertaining all those people." My Mistress said as she thrust an inflatable ball gag in my mouth. I heard the click of a padlock lock it into place then felt the mouthpiece inflate to fill my mouth with its rubbery taste. My cries were now stifled. I could no longer cry or plead only mumble, suffering the pain and cramps unheard by those at the party. My Mistress as she left pulled the blindfold off my eyes. For a minute or two I was still partly blinded, unable to focus my eyes I heard the slam of my Mistress's bedroom door. I was now left alone for the night in the dark unable to move or speak, wet and smelly caged like a wild animal for the night. But I began to feel a little warmer. My Mistress had shown a little sympathy for her encaged slave. She had thankfully lit a warm portable gas heater near my cage. I felt not only the warm air but heard the fan of the heater wafting its air drying my cold still naked body. I began to see its glow in the dark and my however this was spring so the nights were not at all cold in this climate. I now felt like a monkey in a cage certainly not a human being or man. I knew also now that sometime in the night I would again feel damp as the milk from my bedtime bottle passed through to my person. I was hand fed a few baby biscuits to see me through the long night ahead in the cage. I realized there would be no sleep for me tonight as I waited unable to move for the hours to pass by. Bent in the foetal position my neck, back, knees and my behind or the metal mesh floor of the cage. I again began to feel cramps and aches in my arms held by the cuffs above my head. My mind could not think of anything nor concentrate on anything but the bite of the still attached nipple clamps on my chest and the smell of the damp sand beneath the cage. I did think however that if I had really been an animal I would have been less cruelly treated. I was just a useless slave of no worth or consideration kept in a small cage. Because of previous uncomfortable experiences I was no longer a wimp or a sissy. I stoically accepted my fate. I could not do anything or escape this situation. I had voluntarily and willingly shut myself in the cage knowing from past experience what was going to happen. All this because as her sissy maid I had not acted as a lady in front of my Mistress then showed I was just a male in a woman's clothing but reacting as would a mere male. Between the feelings of discomfort and pain. I wondered what my fate would be the next day. I did want, despite my present situation, to always remain her sissy maid and would willingly pay any price what ever it may be or suffer any humiliation or discomfort she might cause to my male inner self to bear. I thoroughly enjoyed being her servant and slave. I still loved my Mistress and owner despite my painful humiliating imprisonment. I was the property of a woman who could do what she liked to my mind or body. My life was hers to use and abuse in any way she might choose. I must bear that which she has chosen to do with me because of my love and promise to obey her in every way no matter what. I had signed myself willingly to become her slave for life. I have no choice or say in the matter anyway and remain helpless subject to her whims or moods. I trusted her enough to submit to anything she suggested knowing that despite the pain or discomfort I would never really be harmed beyond my capacity to endure the situation. She increased my punishment or workload bit by bit so I can tolerate more as time, the severity and the length of my punishment increases month by month. I am regularly whipped or caned while in bondage. Gagged and blindfolded unable to move or resist. A prescribed number of lashes or cuts for each thing I have done incorrectly or improperly in the past weeks. I have grown to look forward to my chastisement. I now enjoy and expect to be regularly whipped and canned. I am screaming and begging for mercy after enduring some of my punishment. But the prescribed number of lashes or more is always completed without mercy or reprieve. Yet when the full number of lashes is completed. I begged or asked for further to be given, or the punishment to continue for a longer period. Could I please be given an increased number of lashes? I feel left out when I am not regularly kept in bondage for long periods and whipped. I loved but feared the feel of the whip as it curved around from the back of my body to leave welts front and back. In the morning after I looked with pleasure at the welts and bruises that marked my body. Not being punished or being whipped when I expected or desire to be whipped has itself become another form of punishment. One that leaves me feeling abandoned or lonely... I had willingly locked my self within the cage on the orders of my Mistress. I had willingly submitted myself as her maid, servant and slave fully knowing I would experience both suffering, humiliation, pain as well as pleasure and love. As part of my continuing existence. Indeed is not that part of everyone's life except that I would not experience too much loneliness or boredom serving my Mistress. I tried to suffer in silence knowing that eventually I would be released to once become her sissy maid to again enjoy serving my Mistress. I enjoyed being in my cage despite the pain, discomfort or humiliation it incurred. Despite my terror of such punishment I actually looked forward to my being encaged. But not the long period of time I knew I was going to be kept in the cage. I also felt that a short term of imprisonment in my cage would not be felt as a form of punishment but an adventure. The night was indeed long. I was not cold despite my nakedness; the sun appeared on the horizon through the trees on the edge of the property. Birds sang happily. One even came and sat on one of the bar at the top of my cage. It looked at me curiously for a few minutes, then flew off. I felt like that bird. Yet I had been worried it might poop on me for a while until it departed. I eventually emptied my bladder and pooped myself through the floor of the cage. Again humiliated. But at least no one observed my at my ablutions I felt dirty, smelt myself. I had no toilet paper to use even though in the foetal position, which I was encaged in with my hands held high, I could not have used it anyway. I waited for my Mistress to appear for several hours after the sun rose. I saw her look out her bedroom window and wave to me once. Eventually she came out still in her black nightdress with a full babies bottle and a bowl of weetbix and milk. She feed my spoonful by spoonful the soggy weetbix. Then she put the teat of the baby's bottle in my mouth. I sucked on it eagerly it held warm coffee and not more milk as I had thought it might... "My, you are in a mess." My Mistress commented. "You need to have a shower." I eagerly awaited release as my Mistress departed. She came back after a short time not with the keys to the cage however, but with the garden hose supplied by water direct from the farm bore. She turned on the hose directing it towards my naked smelly body. It was freezing cold, as I knew the bore water would feel. She applied the water to my body with a hard jet of water, which soon washed me clean. I shivered in my confines still unable to move or resist but I now no longer felt like a smelly animal but a cold little wet boy prisoner in a cage. Surely she will let me free now? But no she went back to the house commenting that she I would soon dry out in the morning sun. The nipple clamps still hurt. However the water made them feel like ice and my nipples froze easing the now diminished pain from their tight determined grip. Much later, now dry but warmer in the bright sunlight, I heard a car coming up the long drive. Someone else will see me and my predicament then laugh at me as did last night's visitors. I had made and put myself in this cage so must suffer the consequences. I had not expected or realized at the time that I would be put on display like an animal in a zoo. The car stopped. Then I heard someone say. "Oh! It's a bit thin." Men in leather jackets came over to my cage... A hand came through my bars and felt my arms and legs. "Definitely a bit thin on it." Another had pulled on my nipple clamps writhed in pain. Not very tolerant of pain either. The other leather-coated man grabbed my scrotum and squeezed. I again writhed in pain but kept quiet trying to be brave. My Mistress came out and asked would they like to buy the cage. "We are going to think about it." "How much. For the cage?" the other one asked. "$500." my Mistress replied. "I will give you $400 for the cage and $50 for the wimp inside." "Done!" replied my Mistress. I suddenly realized I had just been sold by my Mistress to the two men in leather coats. I also realized in horror I was only worth a lousy $50. My Mistress had agreed to my worth. I have been sold, the property of a pair of Masters. I was no longer my Mistresses slave. "Gag it and we will take it now " One of the masters ordered. "Please?" I pleaded to my Mistress in desperation. "Why have you sold me to those men." My Mistress answered. "You are now no longer worthy of remaining my slave. I'm tired of seeing you about the place. I've found a new wealthy slave who I am going to train to be my new maid." I had been until this day for 5 years been my Mistress's slave. I had signed all my possessions, all my investments, plus this property over to my Mistress on the condition I could permanently become her sissy maid. No doubt all of my investments had now been spent. My Mistress no longer needed me as her servant. She had now found a new slave with money to sign over. The gag was quickly thrust into my mouth through the cage bars. It had an inflatable rubber ball which completely filled my mouth when it was inflated. I could no longer speak nor even mumble. I had been effectively silenced, then my ex Mistresses collar was unlocked from about my neck and a new collar attached to my neck, it was cold and metal with spikes protruding all around the collar. It was I later found out the sort of collar that was used to train a large dog. It was nothing like the soft leather collar that I had always worn with an attached tag indicating I was the property of my Mistress. I also had been branded by my Mistress on the R cheek of my behind with a hot iron in the shape of a letter S for slave. Underneath it there was a tattoo stating I was the property of Mistress Cedwen. Later my new masters would again brand over the tattoo with an insignia of their own. I still could not get used to the idea I had been sold outright, purchased from my now ex Mistress for a lousy $50. A mongrel dog would have fetched a better price than that which I had been unconditionally sold. I heard the car start up again it backed around from the driveway, it was a utility. My cage was lowered down by the attached chain onto the back of the utility. Then removed from the top of my cage. The larger Master of the two looked at where my cage hung off the tree limb then towards the sand underneath. "What a shitty mess it made. Don't want it shitting or pissing in the back of the SUV. What are we going to do?" "That's simple," said my ex mistress. She went back into the house and soon came back. "A catheter and a large butt plug will soon fix that." My ex mistress had been a nurse. She had catheterised me before in the past I knew what she was going to do to me. She unlocked the handcuffs from my wrists still pinioned to the top of the cage I fell down onto the cages floor stiff and unable to move. My Mistress opened the cage door. She soon had me catheterised and the butt plug inserted in my behind. Both had an inflatable balloon so I could not push it out. She clamped off the tube of the newly inserted catheter. I was now unable to neither pass flatus nor urinate on the floor of the SUV. Indeed later my bladder would later fill up and become painfully fully full with me unable to urinate. Again from past experience that the discomfort I was about to experience was far worse than that caused by the washout enemas my Mistress had given me each week to keep my insides nice and clean. She locked the cage and said to my new masters. "Want to buy it's French maid's outfit and corsets. Another $50 will do it?" "Naw!" One of them answered, "We don't want it to become our sissy maid. We have better plans for it!" I could guess what part of them and might be would what might happen to the new slave I was definitely never going to be able again to wear the lovely satin French maid's dress with the frilly white full petticoat Nor would I again weary wonderful full length tight lace corset or need to put on my make up first thing after dressing every morning. My new Masters had not bought me to be their housemaid. No longer would I enjoy being a full time girl or sissy maid who loved serving her Mistress. They got into the car, which really was small truck with short sides, and an open back. It soon started moving. I started to cry and sob. But could not make much of a fuss because of the rubber gag in my mouth. I was being driven off down the driveway. I really was frightened now. I was no longer my Mistress's maid or her personal slave. I was being taken out onto the road, which went into the nearby town, naked and locked tight in my cage for all to see as we drove past. The air passing through the bars of my cage made me shiver with the cold as we sped towards the town. The cage began to move from side to side of the truck as it went around the ends. The driver braked and the cage slid towards the open tailgate of the truck. I felt the next time the driver braked, the cage with me inside would fall off the back. The truck entered the town, slowing down it entered the parking lot of the local pub. Through the cage bars I could see the parking lot was almost filled with Harley Davidson motorbikes. After parking the truck in the only space left my two new masters alighted from the truck, then headed towards the entrance to the hotel. Left alone, exposed to all who might pass enter the parking lot I crouched within my cage wishing I could make myself invisible. After about an hour I heard the pub door open. Throughout the doorway came not only my new Masters but also what seemed to be the whole bike gang all dressed in leathers similar to my Masters. The all walked towards the truck in a group. The tallest of my Masters spoke to the group. "There it is. Our new slave who will look after our menial chores and provide entertainment for ALL! Of us boys." I shrunk up into as small a space as I could. I now shook and quaked in terror I cried and sobbed and sobbed. My fate was sealed as I was sealed within the cage. I was to become the slave and plaything of an entire bike gang. Through my half closed tear-filled eyes I for the first time saw the logo on the backs of their leather jacket. "Hells Angels" It was now even worse I thought ever possible, I was now owned by and the property of all the members of the world's most notorious motorcycle gang. How could I cope with that many masters to order you around and use you for their pleasure? The two Masters got into the truck and headed back towards the main road. The bikers all started their motorcycles then followed behind. There must have been at least 20 motorcycles now following the truck. A few had pillion passengers. I guessed I was now owned by at least thirty Masters. My bladder had now filled to capacity it felt like it would burst. The clamped off balloon catheter was doing its intended job. The pain became excruciatingly uncomfortable. I could not do a thing to relieve myself. Gagged I suffered in enforced silence that stifled my pleas for help. The entourage passed through the middle of town- The CBD. The streets were crowded. No one looked at the lead truck with me in the cage. Everyone seemed to look or stare at the bikes. We left town. Then headed North on the highway. The wind whistled through the cage bars. I was again cold. We did not go very far, soon we all turned into what looked like an abandoned factory surrounded by open space It was however enclosed by a tall wire mesh fence. The shorter of the two Masters in the SUV got out and opened the locked gate. The entourage then roared inside. The building was constructed or corrugated iron. Over a large double door wide enough for a semi trailer truck to enter Over the door was emblazoned the clubs insignia. A large skull and crossbones. I was now certain this place was going to lead to a living death for a mere slave. The door was opened. The SUV drove inside, as did all the motorcycles. It stopped towards the back of the building. After the cyclists dismounted they came over to lift me in my cage off the truck, then carried it to one of the corners of the building. I knew now that this was to be my new home. The tall master opened the door to my cage and pulled me out. After unlocking the handcuffs that attached me to the cage. He roughly pulled the nipple clamps off I was again in agony. While I was cringing in pain he undid the gag. The he deflated the balloon that kept the catheter in my bladder. He pulled out the catheter. I could not stop myself pissing all over myself and the floor of the building. "You can pull the butt plug out yourself." he commented as he departed. I was too stiff and sore to move just then. The other master who had paid the $50 for me attached a long chain to my dog collar. Then he locked the other end to a bar of the cage. I was now held on dog chain. "This is going to be your new home." He commented and walked away leaving me alone. The cramps eased after 10 minutes or so. I pulled out the butt plug. Almost immediately I began immediately and uncontrollably shit myself. I was now sitting in a mixture of my own shit and urine. "You stink." someone said from someone I could not see. "You are going to need a lot of training. No wonder you were sold to us cheap. You are going to have to clean that up later." He unlocked the chain from my cage and pulled me along by the collar just like a dog... I was taken outside. He went to a tap. I was again being hosed down with freezing cold water. When I was nice and wet, he then attached a car-washing device and began to hose me again with a car cleaner. I was now covered in foaming bubble soap. After a few minutes he turned off the bubbles and began to rinse me with cold water. "Your a bit cleaner now. Leave you here to dry a bit." He said as he locked the end of my chain to the water pipe. "Now remember you are now called dog or mutt. You will never talk no matter what happens. You will only bark when we order you too, one bark for no, two woofs for yes. Got it?" "Yes Master." I answered. "I told you only to bark. Now you will feel what happens to mutts who talk." He undid his large black leather belt. Pulled it out of his belt loops and wrapped the end with the buckle about his hand. He raised it. Then began to belt my naked behind. I started to scream as he laid it into me. This felt far worse than any whipping my former Mistress had given. Ten strokes for every word spoken. Twenty this time as continued with the belting. I began to say, "Yes Master." again. But stopped in mid word. "Thirty now. "He replied and continued. I began not to scream again, but now it was more like a whelp. The thirty strokes seemed to take a long time to complete. My still wet bottom was on fire. I think I passed out for a moment. I looked about and he was gone leaving me alone to dry on my chain. It was sunny so I soon dried off. I could feel and see red welts on my behind. Later they would develop into bruises. I lay there exhausted on the ground for some time. It was a warm day so I soon dried out the other Master came back. "Pleased to see me?" He asked. I woofed three times in reply. "Good. Now lick my boots nice, clean and shiny." I dutifully remembering the beating crawled over to him. I licked and licked his long boots until they were indeed shiny. "You missed the soles! Do it or it's another belting." I woofed twice again. He turned his boots over. I licked the worn leather soles. I began to retch. The rough leather soles had some of my own shit on them. But I licked both the soles clean. My mouth tasted like a garbage tip. I retched again. "You will clean every member of the gangs' boots in the morning and when they return in the evening every day from now. Lay down dog." he commanded. I lay flat on the still damp grass. I felt my ankles being strapped together. "Put these on." He ordered. He handed me a pair of fingerless gloves. I dutifully put them on. He reached down and locked each glove on with a small padlock. I could now no longer use my hands. He undid the chain from the water pipe. He pulled on my chain. With my ankles strapped together plus the locked on fingerless gloves. I could no longer stand. All I could now do was crawl on all fours just like a dog. I was pulled along back into the iron shed. Again the end of the chain was locked to the cage. "You will be fed soon." He went away. He came back a few minutes later with two dog bowls. One with water in it the other with what looked like cooked mince. He put them down on the floor then left me on my own. I was hungry and thirsty. I crawled over to where he had put the bowls down. Greedily I lapped up the warm mince. Then lapped up the water. It was not easy to lap up the food and drink. I slobbered it all over my face. When I had emptied the dog bowls all I could do was wipe my face with the fingerless gloves. I lay down exhausted and actually went to sleep I was so tired. I awoke sometime later to hear a scuffling noise near my head. Four bikers in leather stood before me. One held a leather belt in his hand. "Clean our boots dog." I barked twice, then crawled over to them, I then began licking their boots as fast as my tongue could move. It took me about fifteen minutes to lick their boots clean. "You will have to do better next time." one commented. I remained silent this time. "You thirsty mutt." one of them asked. I woofed twice for yes. "Want a drink." I again woofed twice. The one by one the four of them opened their flies and pissed into my dog bowl, it was soon filled to the brim. "Drink!" the one with the belt in his hands ordered. I woofed once for no. Instantly I felt the belt hit my still sore and naked behind. I was given 10 belt lashes on my already swollen behind for disobedience. "Drink!" I painfully crawled over to the bowl then slowly lapped up the urine filled dog bowl. It smelt like a public toilet. It was salty but tasted better than I thought it would. Not at all like warm golden champagne. I finished the bowl. But I was still thirsty. "For being a good dog I will re fill the bowl." I could never drink a second bowl of their piss. I thought. However the biker picked up the bowl went outside. He returned spilling some of it. The bowl thankfully was filled with clean tap water. I lapped it all up eagerly taking the dry acid taste of the urine out of my mouth. They departed laughing. I heard the motorbikes start up, rev, then heard the sound fade off into the distance. Three times that morning several groups of bikers came to have their boots licked clean. A few of them refilled my water bowl. But not all, so I learnt to drink sparingly to keep my tongue moist enough to clean their boots properly. My bladder soon filled. I could not again wet near my cage. So I crawled as far as my chain would allow. I could not cock my leg so I just arched my back and peed on the ground just like a dog would have done. I think I had licked all of the bike gangs' boots by sunset. None however had so far returned for a repeat shine. It was getting cooler. I crawled back into the corner near my cage. I noticed inside there had been left a grubby blanket. I pulled it over me and went to sleep. In what must have been the middle of the night I heard the noise of one or two bikes returning. The steel door noisily opened. The original two Masters who had purchased me from my former Mistress entered. They presented their boots for cleaning. Not wanting another belting I licked them clean including the soles. Not a word had been spoken. I had now become resigned to be treated like a doggy boot shiner. "That's a good doggy you are learning. For being a good dog I will reward you like a dog should be rewarded. I will take you walkies." He undid the end of the chain and pulled me along the ground. I obediently crawled behind him. I had no choice anyway as the pressure of being pulled along gave me no choice. I was led outside towards another shed the ground was rough. My knees began to get gravel rash. I was led into the other shed, which was the garage for several bikes and that of the SUV, which stood silently parked in the middle. It was lead up to a 44 gallon oil drum. "Bend over it." I was told. I knew what was going to happen. But I could not stand another belting. So I obediently with some difficulty because of my mitts lowered myself over the drum exposing my naked behind I heard belts unbuckling. Then the first of the masters mounted me just like a dog. I submitted reluctantly. When he entered me at first he could not get in. But he was very hard and soon was pushing his male member in and out. It was painful, he took some time to achieve orgasm. I had been afflicted with small internal haemorrhoids. So the pain became intense. After the first one had finished with me the second entered my forcefully. I tried unsuccessfully to help him come to orgasm. But he was in control so I tried to relax until he had finished taking me like the dog I had become. When they had finished I lay over the drum exhausted. I felt a pull on my collar. I had no choice but to raise my head. "Lick us clean." I was ordered. Dutifully for I had no option. Bent over the barrel I could not have stood another whipping for disobedience. I licked their members clean swallowing the salty cum reluctantly. "You did not clean us very well." I felt the belt on my behind again. I cried and sobbed in silence, as I did not want a further whipping for talking aloud. I had in one day been beaten into submission to become their slave dog then had accepted that as being my lot. Never more would I be a sissy maid nor wear a corset nor look pretty. I was now kept on a chain in the garage, but never within the other part of the building which I had never been allowed into nor seen. The routine remained thee same for the next week. I was taken for a walk on my lead every morning at about 6am. It was always cold or foggy. I was told I just do my morning toilet against a tree during this walk I would on return be fed breakfast from my bowls on the floor. Usually water and weetbix soaked in warm milk. The bikers that had stayed over night after they had their breakfast came to have their boots licked and polished. After they rode off on their bikes I was left on my chain till they returned to have their boots cleaned again. I began know some of them. Some spoke to me nicely several times until I learnt not to. I tried to speak to the nice bikes. But despite this I received through belting for speaking. One particular biker always gave me a belting every time I cleaned his boots. I never seemed to be able to shine them to his satisfaction. So each day I received at least two beltings. My behind was now always sore and bruised. I had also had more three times been led to the oil drum by the two masters who purchased me. Each time they bent me over the drum and took me in turn until they were satisfied. They never used a condom and made me lick them clean every time. I almost got used to my being taken doggy style. But I never liked cleaning their tools afterwards, as I didn't seem to be able to do it properly resulting in yet another belting. I had thought I was being treated like an animal when my Mistress had put me in the cage. It was nothing as bad as this situation. I now really was being treated and living as a dog on a chain. I was fed again just before the sun went down. Meat of some sort usually. One of my masters thought he was funny when he gave me a plate of bones... I left them alone for a while until several of my new masters came and laughed at me and poking fun. I was given a belting. Told I must chew them or get nothing next morning. I tried to gnaw on them like a dog but unsuccessfully because I could not chew and hold them in my mouth at the same time. It took me a long time to finish my meal that night my mouth hurt, I cut my lips. They were a bit swollen and bloody after that ordeal. Twice a week I was given a hosing down and a wash at the same time the truck was washed. I was now chained to it while they washed us both to save soap. Many days or was it weeks passed? I don't know how long for I lost track of time. There was usually some one there most of the time. But if they all went out I was again locked in my cage until they came home. My knees had been hurting for some time now. My hands were aching terribly because of their being locked inside the fingerless gloves. I had not once been able or capable of standing up since I had been sold. My teeth were dirty from lapping up my food. I could only lick them with my tongue which was becoming hard from licking boots half of the day. My ribs were sore too because on of my masters kicked me every time he walked past. Someone decided I should have nipple rings. One day I was turned over on my back, held down while someone pierced my nipples and inserted two large rings. I was told next time if I did not behave I would also get a nose ring. Little cowbells were attached to each nipple ring a few days later. So every time I moved now the bell tinkle. This at first caused lots of laughter. Then annoyance and I was told to stop ringing my bells or I would get yet another belting. I had several times tried to speak. But I had became a bit hoarse from barking yes or no in reply to a command. Not all the visiting Masters were coming for their boot shinning, a couple of times I had not been taken for my morning walk which was the only contact with the outside world I now experienced. On these walkies I could hear cars and trucks on the nearby highway. But I could never actually see them. I missed a couple of feeding and got into trouble for asking for dinner and got another belting. I was still being bent over the oil drum regularly by the same two maters. But the others never touched me. A few had watched me being used a couple of times. They lost interest even quicker commenting we are going to look for a couple of chicks. Two other motorcycle gangs visited us for an overnight party. The all got me to lick their boots several times. One or two of them bent me over the oil drum I was too weak and exhausted from bootlicking to care. I soon sensed that I was no longer an attraction and was being ignored or forgotten about and just left on my chain to sob to myself. A third motorcycle gang came to visit for a party. It was an all girl Motorcycle gang. They all came to look, laugh and get their boots shined. I became excited. It was like licking the boots of a dozen Mistress. The boots were clean to start with anyway. But licking and shinning so many high heels was a real turn on after being used and abused by an all male bike gang for at least a month. The women's boots reached up to their thighs. II even got to lick a bit of flesh at the knee joint on one of the girls. One of my Hell's Angel masters saw it gave me a good kicking. Undoing the end of my chain and led me out to be chained onto the truck for the night. The party went on all night there was much laughter. I heard both male and female sounding voices, a long period of screaming and yelling. The party quieted down by dawn. But it continued until what must have been lunchtime the next day by the look of the sun. I had not been fed for dinner or breakfast. I was truly forgotten. I heard what must have been the last of the motorcycles leave. The master who had been kinder to me walked past. Noting that I was still outside on my chain. He asked had I been fed. "Woof " I answered. "You want something." "Woof! Woof!" I barked eagerly. He undid my chain and lead me into the garage. He was about to lock it to the end of my cage. We both noticed at the same time. There was a naked woman gagged and handcuffed locked inside the cage. "Can't leave you here." He pulled me over to the other side of the shed, then chained me to a workbench just out of reach of the cage. "Better get you some feed I suppose." He went it took him a while to return with my bowl of water and food. I lapped it all up. Scarcely spilling a drop as I had by now become an expert at using my tongue. The woman in the cage looked over at me pleadingly. Then she looked glum seeing I could not help her. I too looked at her. She was indeed attractive. I had not noticed her neck until now. She too was wearing a spiked collar. I instantly knew I had been replaced by a better looking dog. I heard another bike and a car arrive. Two women in tight leathers came in and laughed at the woman in the cage. Then they came over to me to get their boots licked. Eagerly I licked and licked them until I was exhausted. One of them patted my head and said. "You are a good doggy. Beg for me!" I tried to sit on my haunches and be like a dog. She patted me again. But I fell over onto my side. "I thought they said you had been trained properly? Maybe they don't know how to handle a dog properly." She undid the end of my lead. Pulling me away she went towards the inner sanctum I had never visited or been allowed into until now. She tried to pull me up the stairs into the room. But I could not crawl up the steep stairs. She called out. "You there Harley?" The taller of the Masters who had bought me from my former Mistress came out. He came down the stairs I was before his feet so I automatically began to lick his boots. The woman in leathers said. "I thought you had trained this mutt properly." "We tried but it is not much good, can't even feed itself without making a mess. You want it? I will sell it to you cheap. Cost us $50 I will sell it to you for $25." Master Harley asked. "You said he wasn't much good? I think I can train him properly. He stinks and is filthy but looks rather cute I will give you $10 for it." "Done." said the master. "But get it off the premises straight away. We have a better dog to train. He will get only get in the way. " I realized now I had been sold again. This time for only $10 dollars. But maybe my new owners will treat me better I thought. But I had no time for further pondering. I was roughly pulled by my collar out the door. I heard my former master call out. "Want the collar back too. You had better get the mongrel a new one." Outside were a car and a red Honda Motorcycle. It like the women looked sexy. They pulled me to the back of the car it was a black Jaguar They opened the boot and pushed me inside. Slammed the hatch down hard. I was now locked into the cars boot. The car engine started. We started to move. I bounced about in the dark interior of the boot, I wondered where I was being taken to now. I thought I couldn't be too bad. I'm now owned by a pair of Mistresses. I don't care what they do to me even if they are lesbians. They can't abuse me like the masters did over the oil barrel, I could tolerate them using a dildo. My former mistress had used one as a punishment for her enjoyment. I had willingly signed all my property and money to my former Mistress to be her slave. So being sold for $10, if I be what these new Mistresses want me to become, I can't lose anything I have not already lost. I bumped about for what seemed an age. Probably only a half an hour, the dark cold boot smelt of rubber and leather. I was terrified. I could not think of anything except what was going to happen next? The car stopped. There was the noise of a roller garage door opening. The car move for a second then stopped. Car door opening noises. The car boot suddenly open. The light blinded me after being locked for a while in the dark cars dark trunk. I was stiff. They helped me out of the car, then attached a new dog lead to my collar. The slim black haired Mistress undid the fingerless gloves then she unlocked the chains holding my ankles together. She helped me to my feet. After 6 weeks of crawling on all fours I was unsteady on my feet. "My name is Mistress Madelaine." The other blonde Mistress replied, "My name is Mistress Natasha. You will only answer yes Mistress or no Mistress! Unless we asked you a question that requires a spoken answer." She then took me by the wrists put my hands behind my back. I was then slowly by led towards the door to what must be their residence. It was made of dark brown bricks. The door was black, with one of those peepholes the only artefact showing other than a large security lock. So this was going to be my new prison. Mistress Madeleine took a large key from her hand back the proceeded to unlock the door. "The first thing I am going to do to you is give you a cleanout and a bath. You smell like shit and are absolutely filthy." I was led into the dark house straight to a huge bathroom with pink tiles, a spa bath with a separate shower. A toilet vanity unit with hairdryer and a see through bondage toilet, plus lots of pink towels I did not notice till later, there were also steel rings on the wall to which I was would to be locked. The handcuffs were undone. I was led to the shower, told to clean myself thoroughly. The soap was lavender. It felt and smelt so lovely as I lathered up my self. I spent a half an hour under the shower. I came out refreshed and smelling nicely. Mistress Madeleine returned. "Lay face down on the floor. "She ordered. I lay down obediently. "Bend your knees." she ordered. I obeyed instantly. I felt an enema nozzle being forced into my rectum. Then a balloon being inflated. "Keep still." I was ordered. I felt warm fluid entering my bowels. I started to get full. "Roll about a bit." I was ordered. I did as told. The discomfort eased temporarily allowing more fluid to enter. Two litres. "That should be enough for the first time. Now lay still for 15 minutes. The balloon will keep the enema within. If you empty your bowels not only will you get a whipping, you will get an extra washout. You will have two or more enemas to clean you out properly." Mistress Madeleine left the bathroom I held on for the prescribed 15 minutes or was it more? I nearly lost it several times. Mistress Madeleine came back. Took the catheter out. I rushed to the toilet. It took 10 smelly uncomfortable minutes to empty my bowels. I waited not daring to move. The Mistress eventually came back. The procedure was repeated. My bowels filled up more easily this time. I think my Mistress came back a little sooner this time. I again emptied my bowels more quickly this time. Mistress Madeleine came back, inserted the balloon catheter. "I think we will give you three litres this time." But as the fluid ran in she said, "I have a suprise for you this time." I was blindfolded as the three litres filled my bowels. This time they must certainly burst. I heard a noise and whispering. I was helped to my feet and led to the toilet, but felt something move between my feet. The catheter was removed as I sat hurriedly. My bowels burst open as I expelled the fluid. I felt what ever was between my feet move. I heard groaning and crying. My blindfold was removed. I was sitting on the bondage toilet beneath my feet within held in the bondage toilet was another male. I was being used to give another slave or maybe a client a golden shower. Three litres must surely drown him. Eventually my bowels were fully empty. I could not stop myself from urinating due to the pressure on my bladder. I was helped to my feet, again blindfolded. I heard the lid of the bondage toilet being released. I heard words of "Thank you Mistress" repeated several times coming from the other male voice. I was led a little way still blindfolded. "Sit." I was ordered. I sat on the cold tiled floor, my arms were raised above my head I felt myself being handcuffed to the wall. "Now don't make a mess on the floor. If you behave yourself we may have a treat for you. If your lucky." I sat there with my arms raised. I heard the shower finish. Then the toilet. Flush, hands being washed. Noises of some one drying themselves. Then a male voice speaking to me. "Oh! Thank you many times. I did not think I would like having a brown shower? But it was good. You certainly gave me a long shower. Again thanks." I heard him leave the room and the door close. I was now on my own. I sat there wondering what was going to happen next Maybe I sat there for an hour. My arms began to ache and my behind began to feel the hard floor on my naked skin. My back began to pain as well. The bathroom door opened. "We been trying to think of a new name for you? But first a little treat for being good." Mistress Madeleine turned the taps on in the spa bath the water began to fill. She put what looked like to be lavender oil into the now bubbling water. I was freed from the rings on the wall. I was led to the bath, told to get in. It was nice, warm and smelt of lavender. I eagerly stepped into the bath sat down and started to enjoy the feeling. I did not at all feel like an animal anymore. I was given some shampoo. Told to wash my hair properly. Then shave my body and face until there was not a hair remaining. Take your time I was told. "Dry yourself use the talcum powder in the vanity unit. Put the dressing gown on. Then wait until I return." I spent about an hour in the spa bath. It felt so wonderful to be clean and nice. Eventually or rather reluctantly I turned the spa off, let the water out of the bath. I dried my self-Liberally applied the talcum powder plus some deodorant I also found in the vanity unit. Also there was some moisturizer. So I rubbed that into my clean-shaven face and arms I felt magnificent. The dressing gown behind the door was made of fluffy pink towelling. I sat on the bath edge to wait for further instructions from my Mistresses savouring my lavender perfumed body. It was not very long at all before both of my new Mistresses came in, both dressed in leather corsets and long boots. I had been bought by a pair of professional Dommes. I felt so happy. No longer did I care what was going to happen to me. I was no longer being treated like a dog. They said in unison. "My how different you look and smell! Come." I was taken to a room. Told to go in and dress in the clothing on the bed. I opened the door. In the middle of the room was a huge bed. On the bed were a uniform and a corset. It was a French maid's dress. I have never felt so happy and relieved I was going to become their maid. I am going to live as their sissy slave, how wonderful. There was also a dressing table with a black wig, plus a large selection of make up. I hurriedly put on the black lacy teddy and started to put on the tight lace corset. Mistress Natasha came through the door. "My you look pretty now you are all cleaned up." She came over. Told me to hang onto the bedpost. Then she started to pull on the corset laces. Tighter and tighter. I now had trouble breathing as the corset pulled in my now diminishing waistline. It felt so fantastic. I felt so feminine. When the corset was tightened to my Mistresses satisfaction. I was told to get dressed fully, do my make up and brush my wig. "Make sure you put the maid's lacy cap on straight. I've been told you know how to dress properly and put make up on? Do it. Take your time. Then go and stand in the corner face in the wall and wait. I think you will need a lot of retraining." She left the room. I rolled on the black silk stockings, fastened them to the garters. I put on the frilly white French maid's petticoat and then the black silk dress and frilly white apron. There was a pair of black high heel shoes. I fondly slipped my feet into them. I teetered on the heels awkwardly at first. I knew I would soon get used to them again. I sat down at the dressing table. Perfumed myself I started to pat on and smooth out the foundation coat of my face powder. Let it dry. Then The black eye brow pencil. Red Eye shadow. Eyeliner and mascara. I touched up my face with a powdered make up brush. Then outlined my lips before putting on a coat of lipstick. There was a pair of clip on hoop earrings, a gold bangle and a gold cross necklace. Then I put on the wig brushed it out. Then gathered it at the back of my neck put on a black velvet scrunchie to hold the hair back tightly. My hoop earrings looked so sexy in the dressing table mirror. I then carefully put on the frill maid's cap. Held it on with a couple of bobby pins. I was almost ready. All I had to do was put on the red nail varnish. One good thing about my hands being kept in fingerless gloves for weeks was my fingernails had grown so long. I cut and filed them into a nice shape. Then I started to apply the first coat of nail varnish. After 3 coats with drying time in between. They were ready. I stood looked at myself in the mirror. Made certain my cap was on straight. Enough petticoat was showing below the skirt of my uniform. The seams were straight on my stockings. You could just see the lacy stocking tops protruding below my full skirt. After looking at myself in the floor length twirling about, walking backwards to see myself front and back. I though I look so feminine and looked fantastic. I strode over to the corner and waited facing it as I had been instructed. I waited patiently for some time sneaking a look every now and then at my reflection in the mirror. How pretty I looked. Mistress Madeleine and Mistress Natasha eventually came in to inspect me. "I was told by your former Mistress you had worked for her 5 years?" I answered. "Yes Mistress." "She was at the party at the biker's headquarters and she felt a bit sorry for you when she saw how you were being treated. She has a new maid! We lost ours, so we decided to buy a new one. You were cheap enough were not able to resist." "You will do all the work needed to keep and maintain this establishment in presentable fashion for Your Mistresses and our clients. Wash, Iron, sew, Clean the house! Make the meals! You will instantly obey all orders. You will instantly respond to the bell we have for each room. On entering departing from our presence you will curtsy. You will curtsy to any visitors to our establishment. Answer the doorbell every time after determining their suitability." "You will admit them. Make and serve them, tea, coffee or give them a small drink, cake or scones. You obey them in the manner suited to a housemaid. But remember you must also ensure your Mistresses safety at all times. You will always be treated fairly in accordance to your position in this establishment. You will help with the clients where necessary at our instructions." "Whilst you are also here to serve the needs and comfort of all of our clients as a servant should as is described in your maids duties description or roster. Your hours will be 6am till 11pm." "You will be punished each evening with a caning for any work or disobedience that occurred that day. Once a month you will be heavily punished. You will not submit yourself to any abuse or physical contact with the clients." "UNLESS it is done on our orders or request." "From now on you will be called Maid Joanna. You will be fully and completely retrained over the next month. If you prove to be satisfactory in all of our ways and manners you will then sign a contract giving us full legal control over you life and any possessions you may or may not still own." "Do you agree to these terms?" "Yes Mistresses I do! I fully understand the terms and will comply with these. I will obey all your commands or orders without question." "Good turn around!" I dutifully turned about for inspection. "Your petticoat is uneven, your stockings and cap are not straight. Your makeup is uneven and blotchy. Otherwise you will do for now until you are properly retrained." "Yes Mistress." I answered. "I did not give you permission to speak! That is now 5 errors. 10 cuts of the cane on your exposed behind for each one. Bend over the bed and raise your skirt NOW!" I dutifully bent over the bed lifted my skirt held my self rigidly and waited for my punishment. The cuts of the cane came quick and fast, they hurt like hell. I began to sob. I counted the 50 cuts. But they continued! "More for good measure." Mistress Madeleine ordered. My behind was on fire I felt the welts arising across my exposed behind I continued sobbing. But I felt wonderful. I always enjoy being canned regularly. When I had received the full 60 cuts. I was indeed in a lot of pain. But when the cane finished its job. I wished I had received some extra cuts! I was now as happy as I had ever been in my life. No longer was I a mere animal. I was now a sissy maid to two beautiful yet hard Mistresses. I'm in heaven I thought. I will obey her to the full. Every morning I will be able to carefully wash, clean, perfume myself put on a corset, lingerie stockings. High heels, a pretty dress or skirt and blouse. Then carefully put on my makeup. Fuss with my hair. Paint my finger and toenails. I enjoy being a girl. I enjoy serving My Mistress, submitting to her discipline. This will bring me happiness and a feeling of security. Being a slave to a Mistress is not necessarily a dog's life. Life is full of pain. The price of being disciplined or punished for ones errors is a just cost and fair when the advantages of serving such beautiful women as their maid is compared. *** This is a work of fiction. While I never have been sold to a Master or abused by one, I have served several Mistresses my present Mistress is also my wife. I have suffered and felt all of the punishments listed in this story. I do work three times a week as my wife's maid and spend the rest of my time as my wife's girl friend. She also rents me out to others from time to time to do her friends housework. I am regularly caned and do have a heavy punishment day on the first Monday of each month. Like the slave in the story. I enjoy being what I am. Retired from my fulltime job. I live on a farm enfemme full time. I have been a crossdresser since my mother put me in a white frilly dress as a form of punishment. 40 yrs later after a life involving crossdressing at first in secret. Marriage, Children who have grown up. Left home. All know about my addiction and being a CD. I now live openly as a woman, dressing full time. All of my male clothing was given to charity or destroyed several years have now past. I have now been living for 7 years as a woman. Like most of us who have taken these steps, I regret that I had not done so when I was much younger. My wife was a former B&D Mistress. She is now almost an invalid, so needs care and attention being her housemaid or housekeeper and being disciplined for my mistakes as in the story a small price to pay for bringing a dream into reality. Willing submission is part of love and understanding. Have any readers of this tale neglected their dog. Left it on a chain unfed for a long period. I did. I was punished by my wife for my neglect. Put on a dog chain rendered helpless as described in the story unable to walk upright. Kept on the chain for 3 days and nights. Fed and treated like a dog. After only a few hours it was no longer a fun thing. I began to cry and yelp! Indeed it most humiliating and degrading punishment I have ever experienced. I was ignored except for being fed for 3 days. I will never again leave dog on a chain for a long period. A whipping or caning is soon finished being kept on a chain restricted in movement, unable to use my hands or toilet properly really put me in my place. Yet many of us still do forget the animals we own neglecting them. They suffer what we call "A dogs Life" From personal experience its horrible. Living as a woman I have been treated like a woman. A woman is often like the dog not free to go where or when she would like to do or go. A pet to be pampered then forgotten until needed for loving or carrying out a need or job she does the best. Yet it is wonderful to live the life of a woman despite the disadvantages. I enjoy being and living like a girl for real rather than just fantasizing or dreaming. Life is no longer just another drag encaged like an animal.

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Couples kinky shocking fantasy come true

The following story is true but the names have been changed to protect our privacy. Shannon and I dated for about a year back in the 90s in college, It didn't last and we went our separate ways. Fast forward 10 years and she had just ended a long term relationship that she ended mainly for the age difference as she was 42 and he was 27. So we started seeing each other and after a couple weeks, I asked her about him and she brings out a picture of him in a towel and he looked like a model. I...

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Paybacks are hell

This story contains a transsexual, rape, and dominance. If that’s not your “thing”, look away now. It was only days until the school prom. It would be decided who would be crowned the dance queen of that year. It wasn’t only a great honor; the winner would receive a study diploma worth 100 euros. A 24-year-old girl named Anna was a big favorite as the winning candidate. She was absolutely perfect. She had long black hair, a pretty face, nice long legs; everything about her was just...

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Poonam Ko Choda Office Ki Parking Mein

Hi ISS Readers. Mera naam Gaurav hai, aap mujhe to jaante hi ho to main mera introduction fir se nahi de raha. Main Panvel me rehta hu aur Andheri me job karta hu. Is incident ko 6 months ho gaye hai. Jab main Matunga rehta tha aur job Andheri me hi tha. January chal raha tha, aur kaam ka pressure badhta hi jaa raha tha. Main subah 5.30 ko gym jata. 7 am ko ghar aata aur 8.30 ko tayaar hoke office ke liye nikal jata. Yeh tha mera routine. Kaam ka pressure din ba din badhta jaa raha tha. Main...

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AutoRide Made Me A Cross Dresser Whore 8211 Part 2

The fact that I was getting excited further had me worried. Now I was sucking her toes. I could sense she too was excited from the way she was moving about in the chair. I started licking all over her feet now. I licked her dirty heel clean and sucked on it. She pushed her toe further into my mouth. I gagged. “Chal chusna seekh le, kaam aa jayega!” the driver said and I was terrified by the implications. By this time the driver’s toes were pushing against my asshole. My cock has gone rockhard...

Gay Male
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Polizeimeisterin Kathrin Melzer war heute nicht zum lachen zu Mute. Polizeimeisterin - klang eigentlich nicht schlecht! Eigentlich war sie ganz schön stolz als sie den Titel tragen durfte, als sie sich das erste mal mit ihrer Uniform im Spiegel sah. Selbst in der Kampfmontur die sie jetzt trug gefiel sie sich. Sah ja schon beeindruckend aus, mit Helm, grüner Montur, breiten Schultern durch die Protektoren, Schlagstock und Schild, den schwarzen Boots, sie merkte schon dass selbst die Machos...

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Arie and Brandon Naked In SchoolThursday part 1

Waking up was a slow, luxurious process, cocooned in warm, soft sheets, hampered only by the fact that I had no idea where I was. I had never seen this room before—at least, not from this angle. It looked vaguely familiar, but... Where was I? And whose chest was that up against my back, whose arm across my waist? Whose clothed erection just barely brushing against my rear? I stretched to look over my shoulder. Oh. Brandon. It's all coming together now. Remembering where I was,...

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Ronni and Ruthie

Ronni and Ruthie By Dixie Michaels Chapter One?Homeward Bound As I dialed the number, I glanced nervously around the Madison bus station. "Wes? Hi. It's me, Ron. Yeah, I know it's been a long time, buddy. Listen. I can't talk for long. Can you meet me at 6:35 in Cherry Hill, at the bus station? Yeah, Wes. I know the bus still stops in Pinewoods, too, just twenty minutes later. But I'm kinda in trouble, and I don't want anybody to see me. No, not the police, but trouble ...

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Moth Ch 004

Written by Nanna Marker, literotica ID ellynei. * ‘We’re here,’ said Lei, released the rope, and let it fall to the ground. They had been there a while, but she had decided not to declare it until the forest’s edge was out of sight. ‘Altwar,’ she clarified. Exhausted she sank to her knees. ‘What now, Oli?’ There was no reply, only that horrible stench. She had lost count of how many nights had passed since he died. Lei curled into a tight ball and covered herself with her ragged wings. ...

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Cheerleader Panties 2

This is a made up story based on several suggestions for more panty boy stories. If you don’t like stories about men wearing women’s panties you may want to search elsewhere. In this second chapter our hero, Larry, gets to know the girls’ real well and they know all about his panty fetish.My cock had a mind of its own, once my orgasm started there was no stopping it. My thick creamy cum spurted so hard that it formed a pile of cum on the surface to my sister’s old panties. And before the second...

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The Binding RingsChapter 24

As Jason walked up to the entrance of his house he couldn’t work out if he was disappointed or not. It was frustrating that his evening with Emma had ended so abruptly - right when he was actually getting somewhere as well! But at the same time, he was oddly happy that things were progressing with her. It was strange to think that even with all the sex he was getting at home, he still found his burgeoning relationship with Emma exciting. He had idly wondered before if his suddenly getting...

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My Last Time with an ExGirlfriend

She had asked to meet for dinner one last time, since her longtime boyfriend had suddenly popped the question and she'd surprised herself by saying yes to him. The way things worked out, we had to meet after her work hours and shortly before she headed home to him, so we agreed on fast food (Wendy's) since it was quick and near her job.She was dressed casually, since it was Friday and her job allowed jeans and t shirts. I admired the way her breasts pushed out firmly against the shirt as I...

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sexy pregnant sophie

Chapter 1Sophie turned over in bed, brushing her long blonde hair away from her eyes so as to take a look at her companion from the night before. This didn’t have the desired effect; her lover from the previous night had vanished without so much as a goodbye. Of course he had, it had been the same for a while now. I mean, who would want to wake up to realise they had spent the night with a very, very, pregnant woman. This was the third guy this month that had ran off, not to mention the first...

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My sister Cindy

Cindy is almost two years younger than me and for most of my life she was a pain in the ass.When we were young (elementary school) I had to walk with her to school. Later, in Junior High, I had to stay longer after school while she had band practice. When I had finally gained a driver's license I had to chauffeur her to her dance practices and to visit her girlfriends.My biggest frustration was when she had entered High School and she was obviously popular with the guys. I struggled to get...

4 years ago
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A Spanking Fantasy BDSM Story

There are six of us and a dozen of them. They are all around 21, naive, innocent, staring at the ground, up into the night sky; anything but look directly at us. They are beautiful, wide-eyed and nervous, their slim bodies obvious in their tight jeans and T-shirts. One of the girls licks her lips as she watches me.With a grin at the guys I open the trunk and pull out six wooden paddles, large and heavy. The eyes of the girls grow to saucer-size and they look at each other with apprehension as I...

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bMay Day Weekend in Lockwinnockb

May Day Weekend in LockwinnockNote: This is the third story in the Lockwinnock trilogy. It is suggested that the reader read the other two stories in order to fully understand the story context. The author hopes that these fictional stories have provided entertainment and comments are invited.A sweet smile had convinced the bus driver to let her off at the round about. The ride down from Paisley to Glasgow had taken longer than she had expected. The bus had stopped at every nook and cranny....

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the Night Whispers Index 3

I was awake at least an hour before I dragged myself out of bed. It took a great deal of willpower to do so. My body ached and my mind was thick and cumbersome. I had stared at the ceiling trying to weigh my thoughts, found no anchor to the way my fears and doubts colored everything. I had to have been losing my mind, I was sure. I even called out to Jackie several times, hoping to hear her voice in my head, even if it was only my brain playing tricks on me. There was no response, and I finally...

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My Race Is RoyalChapter 31

Trouble erupted over the next few days as practical issues raised their head. No one had thought through the detail of what the legal position was in terms of the civil servants who were keeping Scotland running. Scottish farmers relied heavily on grants that they received from the Scottish Government. It just so happened that September was the normal time for Scottish ministers to authorise these payments, but every minister was in custody in England. The civil service in Scotland also had...

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Laura part 3

"...And that's about it for this half of the term!" Mrs. Ford says, prompting everyone in the class to whisper excitedly and put away their textbooks. "See you all in a week!" "So cool!" Nicole enthuses as we leave the classroom. "One down, twenty-nine to go!" Suriya laughs. I force a laugh out of my mouth, but it's not a sincere one. Unlike virtually every kid in the school, though, I would give anything to be able to attend lessons next week. And it's not just so I can hang out...

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(Copyright by the author, June 1997. Do not alter in any way.) I guess I have about three or four hours. That'll give me time to get some strength and get out of here. And I have to get out of here. But I have sort of an obligation to warn the rest of you about this, so I'm going to tell you what happened and how. There's an old saying: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. There's another old saying: Be careful what you wish for; you might get it. I bought it from...

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MrLuckyPOV Indica Flower Indica Flower Is One Of A Kind

Indica Flower is truly a one-of-a-kind type of woman. This all-natural, busty chest, big ass, beautiful face, tattoo’d, dread-headed slut is as unique as they come. Get ready because she does not disappoint. This former stripper knows exactly how to twerk on a dick and use all her juicy assets to heat up the night. Sucking, tit fucking, and pussy pounding are all on tonight’s menu. Keeping this dick on edge the entire time puts a bright smile on her gorgeous face before she finally milks...

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The New Guy Chapter 3

Jennifer watched out her passenger window as Niccolo pulled into the driveway to her house. It had been a decent evening at the office dinner party. She knew she would miss her colleague but had to admit that it would be a good promotion for Leon. Now arriving back home, she felt relaxed and tingly. Smiling to herself, she tried to remember the last time she felt buzzed. Having had a quiet ride home, Niccolo’s voice startled her.Niccolo turned the engine off. He looked over at Jennifer and...

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Valleys and Mountains Chapter 2

Wednesday, 13 December 2006, 22:00[/center] I don't know what's coming over me. I'm overly excited for so much as a friendly drink. New friend? Maybe that's it. It's been a while since I've met a new face. I slipped on my Calvins and rummaged through the closet for something decent. I stopped on a pair of Abercrombie shorts and black shirt. Awful dressy for a Wednesday night. I knew it was in the lower fifties out (cold for Southern California this early in the evening), but I...

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Home Alone The First Time

We open the back door and walk in to the kitchen, the house completely silent and empty. I watch you take your shoes off and admire your sexy ass as I take mine off. I stand up and put your arms on the table leaning ever so slightly over it. I walk up behind you and push my body against yours, gripping your waist and kissing the back of your neck, sucking on your skin, my teeth slowly biting your neck. My hands move to the front of your pants, and down between your legs, applying pressure as...

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My name is Ben Harker. I’m one of the Forester Five, the group of kids you probably read about in the paper a decade ago. We were five unrelated kids born on the same day across the world and given up for adoption. Some billionaire-funded research group swooped in and took us for these strange experiments. They gave us weird drugs and monitored us day in and day out. To this day, no one knows the purpose of these experiments or the full extent of the physical or psychological effects they had...

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Mothers Hero

Madhav had been away at college for nine months, as it was his final year of engineering education at IIT Delhi. During this time, his mother used to call him almost daily on his Reliance mobile phone. Madhav has become very close to his mother Sarita after the death of his father. Her phone calls were full of love and longing to meet him and glowing expectations about his final results.Now as he was returning home with good marks and a placement with a leading technology firm in their R&D...

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dipesh and his maid

I was 24 years old back then, I was a bachelor, living with my mother and brother in a Tamil nadu. We had a maid, her name is Meena. She was about 30 years old, 5ft.2inchs in height. She was average looking, a little bit of body fat around her hips and ass. She definitely was not a gorgeous woman, but her 36 D breasts were an eye catcher. She had worked at our place for over 5 years, when the incident happened. I never saw Meena as someone who i would have sex with, but everything changed in...

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My New Secretary

One thing I want to do is to have my own business. A few months ago Ifinally decided to get started. It is a small distribution business. Iam mainly the middleman arranging products to be shipped all over thecountry. I don't have much of an overhead. So I don't need aninventory, just an office where I can conduct my business; a place tohang my hat so to speak.At first I worked everything myself spending most of my day on thephone. I needed a client base. As the amount of my customers grows,...

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The Landlady

THE LANDLADY by BobH (c) 2011 -1- "How do I look?" I asked Cate. "You look just fine," she replied. "Honestly, Mike, I don't know why you're fretting so much." "Hey, it's not every day a guy gets to meet his girlfriend's Dad and I want to make a good first impression." "I'm sure he'll love you as much as I do," she said, coming over and adjusting my tie before...

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The Christmas Eve Worker Part 6

The Christmas Eve Worker Part Six By Silly Sissy Sarah [email protected] - Sarah's words - Hello, girls! It's me again. My speed is terribly slow but I'm still writing. Maybe I should add another adjective to my name, Slow Silly Sissy Sarah. (Laughs). Please enjoy the story. :) *** "I'm so bushed!" complained Alice as she dove straight into the bed gratefully. Her cropped skirt rode up her hips in the process....

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My Lesbian Chat Room Buddy

I'll never forget the first day Needs and I met. I was sitting in an online gaming room minding my own business winning like no tomorrow. I usually went to that specific room only because it brought me good luck in the cards but I never would have guessed it would have brought me good luck in finding someone special too.We hit it off right away, we talked and chatted about all kinds of things, then she asked me if I knew what kind of room I was in, not even thinking I said no what kind of room...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Kyra Rose The White Rose And The Black Beast

There is a first time for everything. When Kyra Rose comes over to meet Jon Jon, she is a little surprised. She was not expecting a black guy, but she gets paid either way, so she does her best to just roll with it. Meanwhile, he does his best to set the mood by breaking out the champagne. Kyra strips down to her bra and panties and gives Jon Jon a private lap dance in the living room, grinding her ass against his stiffening cock in his pants. When he pulls it out, its almost too big for her to...

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Sex in Nanas Attic

I expect some of you will say that I gave it away too easily. And perhaps I will live to regret it later. But my virginity has gone. It's gone! The girls at work always used to say that when you lose it, people can tell by looking at you that you have had sex. But I don't think anyone has really noticed anything different about me. And I don't really feel as differently as I thought I would either, except that I do find I am starting to think about sex more since it happened. I wonder if that...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Song of DesireChapter 7 DwarfQueens Hot Demands

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Xerathalasia – Ruins of Khan, Kingdom of Haz I smiled as I led my party into the ruins of the dwarven fortress of Khan. The wide entrance that pierced the thick, stone wall led to a courtyard. The ground had been covered by paving stones, yet despite that plants and trees had grown. The tree roots buckled up the thick paving stones. Swaths of dirt, pushed in by centuries of weather, allowed grasses and shrubs to grow. Nature reclaimed what the dwarves...

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Stuck Mom chapter 3

The excitement for Matt was overwhelming as he did his best to not not continue staring down his mother's tank top. "I'm going to go to the garage and put these new lures in my tackle box mom." he said as he stood up hoping he sounded as normal as he could be and that she wouldn't notice his thick hard cock in his pants. Kelli watched as matt stood and headed to the garage. Her thoughts spun out of control as she hoped she was properly following the delivery man's orders. She sat back...

1 year ago
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TeensDoPorn Hayden Hennessy Taking A Cum Shot Of Hennessy

Hayden Hennessy is justsmooththe liquor shes named after (and super sweet too). She gladly agrees to go through her preliminary interview naked, which we really liked a lot. Shes only 20 years old and is very excited to tell us all about her and get railed! She tells us a quirky story about how she lost her virginity, her lust for anal, and her passion to have all her holes filled whenever possible. Her cocksucking skills were that of a professional, lubing that cock up with her spit extra...

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Cornfield ChroniclesThe Following Night

Cornfield Chronicles-The Following Night Once there, I could barely contain my excitement and barely had the chance to walk ten steps before a guy followed in pursuit. Certainly liked the man who pursued me. I walked along the edge of the corn and knew not where I headed, I just picked a spot and walked into the corn. Luckily I wandered to one of those clear and lit places. The man who pursued me into the corn looked to be a wordless specimen. He cut his eyes at me in a way I knew I had better...

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MyFamilyPies Bella Rose Daphne Dare Fourth Of July Creampie

Bella Rose and her stepsister Daphne Dare are hanging Fourth of July decorations when their stepdad Dick Chibbles arrives with his friend Brad Sterling. He introduces everyone before heading out with Brad to grab a drink. Bella is instantly interested in Brad, who she reasons will have money and will know how to fuck better since he’s a bit older. When Bella has explained all this to Daphne, the guys return. Bella takes the opportunity to show off her tits and pussy when her dad’s...

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BackroomCastingCouch Elena 05172021

Rick has quite the treat for us this week. I say us, because I didn’t even know until the last minute. It seems our prospective porn starlet was referred to us by someone you may remember… Our ripe and ready 18 year old Elena is actually Reyna’s sweet little SISTER!!! Can you believe that shit?! LAUGH OUT LOOOOUUUUD. The “producers” still hadn’t called Reyna, and about a week after her shoot, she reached out and told us about her sister. So we said, “Sure, helping bring other young...

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EvilAngel Skylar Snow Choked Soaked And Sodomized

Thick, hot Skylar Snow teases in a colorful outfit, flaunting fleshy fun bags, a plump booty and a butt plug lodged in her sphincter. Skylar soon welcomes Spanish stud Ramon Nomar for some nasty backdoor drilling. Ramon manhandles Skylar to a squirting orgasm! Next, he crams his big cock up her asshole. Skylar whimpers and talks dirty through sordid sodomy, and she lewdly slurps up her nasty, orgasmic fluid. She chokes and slobbers through an ass-to-mouth blowjob, coating Ramon’s rod in...

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Used Goods

USED GOODSBy VelvetgloveCopyright and Disclaimer‘Used Goods’ is an original work of fiction and neither events nor characters portrayed are based in reality. Any resemblance with actual persons is entirely coincidental. It is a short story in one part.WARNING: this story is nastier and less tongue-in-cheek than my usual fiction. It contains gratuitous cruelty and rape. Please do not read any further if such things offend or provoke you. The author utterly condemns such activities in real life....

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My brothers Lover

I was eighteen and in high school when it happened, my brother was twenty and still living at home. I had to borrow my brother's computer one day to do some work for school and I guess maybe I let my curiosity get the better of me a little as I found myself instead of writing the essay I was supposed to be working on, looking through what files he had saved on his computer. I was pretty interested in particular by a very full folder hidden away in a place that you would not expect to find it....

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A Christmas blowjob

During the last years of my teenage, and the first years into my 20ies, I usually went away some place abroad during the major holidays. Although I enjoyed celebrations and parties (always have and always will), I was not fond of the idea of having to celebrate something I had not chosen myself (Im more relaxed about it now and quit enjoy Christmas). This year, however, I was doing my national service in the army, and did not have much time or money for a vacation. Thus, I ended up...

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Happy EndingsbyIrishRose1215©My life had not gone as I had accepted it to. I didn’t have that dream life that women plan out when they are little girls. Sure, I had gotten married and had a c***d. But I had gotten married too young and though my husband and I never spilt up we aren’t happy with each other now. He hasn’t had sex with me in about a year now. I know he’s cheating on me, but I just don’t have the energy to start a fight with him. I really don’t care anyway; I gave up on him a long...

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Moments in a LifeChapter 3 Ginny

Normally Bob Lacy didn't like to delay doing things that needed to be done, but this time he had and time was running out on him. In one and a half weeks it would be New Years Eve and if he wanted to go to Jim McMahon's party, he was going to need to come up with a date. All of the girls he knew were already committed so he had to find someone who wasn't. He had noticed some good looking girls in school, but he really didn't know them so he would be comfortable in asking any of them to go...

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