Fifty Shades Of Gray In Cornwall
- 4 years ago
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Sometimes, a big change can creep up on you. Sometimes, an absolutely humongous change sneaks up on you so gradually that you don’t even notice it. But sometimes, you can think back and pin down the exact moment that some particular big change started. My love life is like that: there’s this one obvious day when the first domino tumbled. The rest, as they say, is history. Its her story, too. Lucky her!
When: Middle of April, mid 1990s Where: A housing estate in The Midlands, which is the aptly-named area in the middle of England.
Who: My name is Andy, and I’ll soon be sixteen years old.
I’m in my last year of High School, according to the English school system, and I don’t really know what I’m going to do next. If my grades are good enough then I might be able to continue at the High School’s ‘sixth form’ for two years and then, perhaps, even go to university when I’m eighteen. But I have no idea what I want to do beyond that - or if that doesn’t happen.
It was a bright sunny morning, the first warm day that spring, and the air felt crisp and clean. It had been raining overnight but those clouds were long gone, now, and the puddles were shrinking and the sky was bright blue. Things felt refreshed and fresh. You could taste it in the air. You could sense the rejuvenation of spring starting all around us in the budding new shoots and unfurling leaves.
Outside my front gate my mate, Dave, was waiting as he always was; Dave and I always walked to school together and he always stood idly waiting for me on the pavement by my front gate.
And there, waiting patiently at the neighbours gate beside him, was Bets. Bets’s proper name is Elizabeth but everyone calls her Bets. Bets was waiting for Daya, my literal girl-next-door.
I live in English suburbia, on an average housing estate. Anyone who has seen a housing estate in the UK knows exactly what it looks like, because they all look much the same. On my estate, the houses were all semi-detached; that means two houses built with a joining wall, like just the two ends of a very short terrace without any houses in the middle bit.
Daya’s family live in the house attached to ours. Her parents were originally from India but her whole family is very westernised and, like the rest of us, Daya speaks with a very strong local Midlands accent. Bets and Daya are in the year below Dave and me at school and we don’t normally talk to them. We don’t really talk to any girls, for that matter. Talking to girls is hard.
Except on this day my mate Dave had struck up a conversation with Bets while they both waited. That, there, was the first event that I can identify that directly led to my love life. I don’t know what those two were talking about, but they were talking and that changed everything.
The chatting stopped as Daya and I reached them. We had both come out of our front doors at roughly the same time and met our respective friends and split them up. Daya and Bets started to walk together towards school, whispering and giggling, and Dave and I followed them. So far, this was just like all other days except that Bets and Dave had been talking whilst they’d waited.
Today, on the walk to school, Dave wasn’t really listening to me. Today Dave was ogling Bets as she walked to school. He had a silly dazed grin on his face.
“You like Bets?” I challenged him, punching him lightly on the shoulder to get his attention.
He turned to me and grinned stupidly. “Yeah” he confided quietly.
That was a milestone event, right there; up until now, whenever we’d teased each other about liking this girl, or fancying that girl, we’d always been loud and boastful and completely untruthful. This was the first time Dave had ever admitted to really properly liking a girl.
Something had changed in his attitude, and a corresponding something clicked and changed in my attitude, too, because of that. Just like that, suddenly we both became a tiny bit more grown up about girls. Or, in the least, not so childish about them.
So, this is the first event that I attribute to being the first small step to start my love life, but it was quite a while before my love life actually started. But at least it was going to start. It was the start of new friendships that became, as we’ll see, my love life.
We took a circuitous route towards the dozy puffs of white tobacco smoke wafting around the corner of the community centre. There, in the narrow piece of shrubland we knew teenagers were hanging out. Some might be friends, some might be friendly, some might pick on us.
Once we were level with the back wall and could see what was waiting behind it we saw that they were mostly younger than us so Dave and I approached more confidently. Dave plucked a loose cigarette out of the chest pocket of his shirt and tapped his jeans pockets for his lighter. Dave had long since given up offering me cigs; I wouldn’t smoke and he wasn’t going to get me to join in.
The cluster of younger kids eyed us carefully. I glanced along the row. A few nodded a non-committal greeting. Towards the far end I saw my sister, Lucy, turn from me to hide that she too had been smoking just a second before. Her friend grabbed her cig and sucked in dramatically, then exhaled a smoke ring. Momentarily everyone stopped to admire the ring drifting upwards and dissipating and I almost forgot that I had just caught my sister smoking.
“Nice,” Dave said appreciatively. Everyone relaxed, except perhaps Lucy who was fiddling with the wrapper of a pack of polo mints. For a girl she had short nails. Her friend grabbed the packet and helped scratch it open.
“So, Dave, can you give us some fags? We’ll pay you back” one of the boys asked, boldly. Many of the other kids stepped towards him, clustering, ready to pester. You could buy cigarettes, which we called ‘fags’, when you were sixteen. Buying fags for the underage smokers – and almost everyone smoked – was normal social currency.
I stood on the sideline, trying to keep out of the haze of smelly smoke, feeling spare. Lucy eyed me warily. Her friend, who could blow smoke rings, was now sucking on two cigarettes at once and eyeing me with amusement. I think her name was Helen. She whispered something into Lucy’s ear which Helen found hilarious and that Lucy found alarming. They carried on looking at me, watching me, while the rest of the crowd clustered around and pleaded with Dave.
Helen stepped forward, unbuttoning her denim jacket to let her pushed-up breasts spill out. My gaze dropped instinctively, my eyes sucked into the tight dark cleft plunging between the squashed together boobs. She reached into the inside hem pocket and pulled up a small neon green bottle. “Got an opener?” she asked, the timidness in her voice not matching her ballsy swagger.
I shook my head mutely, staring at the ledge of flesh she’d arrayed in front of me. The boobs were so pushed-up that the tops of them were horizontal. I saw her patting her pockets in my peripheral vision. She pulled out a big fat bunch of keys and located her own bottle opener. “Want some Breezer?” she asked me conspiratorially, waving the now-open bottle of Bacardi in front of me.
I took a quick swig of the sickly-sweet pop and handed it back. Rather than taking the bottle from me she just wrapped her tiny hand around mine and lifted the bottle to her own mouth with me still holding it. Her nails were painted a vivid pink, matching her lipstick. I had to step closer to stop my wrist from being twisted. I was playing along. Her open jacket almost touched mine. She was watching me as my eyes tugged inexorably back towards her cleavage.
“I was just telling Lucy,” she whispered huskily between gulps, “that rings aren’t the only things I blow”
My brain froze up as her words sank in. We were so close I could feel her sugary breath on my neck. Deep down, an animal part of me wanted to grab her and drag her into the bushes. I needed her. I really needed that. And I was too scared to move, to take, to use. Warmth flushed over me as my mind blocked out everyone else around us. I was going to do this!
Her eyes flittered suddenly, betraying a nervousness not matched by the firmness of her voice and body language. Deep inside, she was scared. She was forcing herself to do this. A new feeling hit me for the first time; pity. I felt sorry she was pushing herself into this brazen bit of peer exhibitionism.
She wanted to be accepted. She wanted to be desired. She wanted to be validated. And she had selected me. I shuddered. The games us kids played were all just so superficial!
I sensed the crowd behind me turn and gaze at something new. They had been focusing on Dave, but now they were watching some newcomers approach: Bets and Daya sauntered into view. I turned, too.
“Oh hey, wanna fag?” Dave offered. Bets smiled and reached forward to take one from the offered packet. Dave stared sharply for a moment at the boy who clicked open a lighter for her.
Daya stepped past the crowd who were now clustered around Bets and Dave. She glanced back at her friend, bemused. Then Daya’s eyes turned to us and settled on Helen and her look hardened.
Helen released my hand and grabbed her bottle by the neck, tugging it from my loose grip. She swung it, bottom outwards, towards Daya: the sign of the younger girl currying with the older. They started talking, cautiously at first, and soon I was forgotten, Daya being more advantageous to befriend, perhaps, than me.
No more mention or offer of blow-jobs was given and I fell to the wayside, not included in Helen’s conversation. Left out of things, my mature pity slowly ebbed away as I stole more admiring glances at Helen’s assets and coveted her potential availability, and I began to kick myself for not taking advantage of her when I’d had the chance. That would have been something. Now I pitied myself, instead.
The kids on the estate had a definite pecking order and the kids we’d found behind the community centre today were all in the year below Bets and Daya and two years below Dave and me. For the while, at least, Dave and Bets ruled and Daya had Helen babbling away. Dave magnanimously shared the rest of his fags.
Shaking myself out of my sudden stupor, I stood slightly apart, watching bemusedly as a pathetic Dave struggled to find words when trying to strike up conversation with a carefully aloof Bets.
Lucy sulked, too, not smoking and not being included in the conversation. she and I had more in common than we liked to admit.
A week or two passed and Dave kept chatting with Bets every morning while they waited for Daya and me. And Dave kept ogling her seductively swaying butt as we stalked behind them to school - and I kept teasing Dave about it. When was he going to do something about it? I kept needling him. He must have got a bit tired of me, really, but he put up with me because of the view.
Dave would arrive earlier and earlier to wait for me, and Bets was doing likewise. Soon they were both arriving a quarter of an hour too early to walk to school!
I could see the attraction: Bets had really bloomed recently, and there in front of us was a very pretty blonde girl with trendy, short hair, a very short skirt and a very tight blouse that hugged her flat tummy and rapidly expanding bust. Her skirt was slightly shorter than regulations allowed, and the top button of her blouse was never done up and that was a breach of the school rules, too. Bets was hot and she knew it! A bit of me was jealous that Dave had first dibs.
It was such a contrast to Daya’s softer, shorter stature, sensible, conformal, clean and good-condition school uniform; and long, dark, super-neat hair that flowed down her back and somehow kept still, pointing resolutely downwards, while she walked and her hips swayed.
I quickly worked out that Dave desperately wanted Bets and Daya to walk in front of us so he could ogle Bets safely. He would be morose if he and I left for school first. And so, I began playing along and watching, waiting for Daya to leave her house just before I left mine. It was a transparent ruse, but it worked and it kept Dave happy.
And then, one morning soon after, things changed: Dave had asked Bets out!
Bets and Dave were going to the pictures (that’s what we called cinemas) for the Friday matinee right after school. As Dave and I fell into step just far enough behind the girls he told me all about it.
The way he told it, he had been fearlessly bold, but his blustering and nervousness told another story. Bets was also blushing and, after we’d turned the corner at the top of the road, the girls had both glanced quickly over their shoulders to check on us as they whispered and giggled. There is nothing as seductive as two schoolgirls giggling while they steal glimpses at you.
The idea that my best mate had a girlfriend took some getting used to. Apparently, that first date went well and suddenly Dave wasn’t hanging out with me half as much as he used to. I even took to kicking the football around with some other kids on the estate in the evenings, even though I didn’t really like the game; that’s how bored and lonely I suddenly found myself. One of my other mates, Steve, had a Nintendo with the games “Mario Bros” and “Top Gun” and we wasted a lot of time that way. Truth was, I missed Dave.
Even when Dave was with us, he was preoccupied and distant and hardly joined in. Of course, we teased him mercilessly and that drove him away from us a bit, too. By the end of the week after their first date, I was only really seeing Dave as we walked to school together, and he was probably only still doing that because Bets was walking with an exaggerated swagger in front of us!
It was then that Bets decided to change gear. One morning, once we’d rounded the corner at the top of the road and were now out of sight of home, Bets tugged on Daya’s sleeve and got her to stop in front of us. Then, the girls turned around and waited for us boys to catch them up. Dave and I walked up to them, Dave as hesitant as I, and Dave gave Bets an urgent kiss on the mouth that lasted a few seconds before Bets pushed him away but grinned happily back. It was the first time I’d seen them kiss.
Anyway, Bets and Dave walked together to school from then on, but they kept the routine of waiting for Daya and me by our gates and then doing the friend-swap once we’d turned the corner at the top of the road. Now Daya and I walked together to school, in silence, having to watch Dave and Bets walk hand in hand a bit in front of us.
Daya broke that subdued silence a few days later by asking me rhetorically, “They are a cute couple, aren’t they?”
“Dave? Cute?” I questioned playfully, “I don’t think anyone has ever described Dave as cute before.”
Daya rolled her eyes theatrically. “Point taken, but Bets ups their average.”
Daya was silent for a moment, her steps faltering as she searched for something more to say, then: “So, what are you doing after school tonight?”
“I don’t know,” I shrugged, “perhaps I’ll play a bit of footie”. There was silence as I worked out that I had just killed the conversation. It took a long moment for me to rescue things with “What about you?”
“Oh, I don’t know, probably start on my new project” she turned, watching my face intently, “You can come see it after school, if you like.”
And so Daya had broken the ice, and we could talk while our friends walked to school in front of us, glued as they were to each other by their hips.
That Daya and I now talked actually made things a bit easier for me. I wasn’t feeling so left out now ... now that I had someone to talk to. And Daya, it turned out, could talk! She could talk enough for all of us. She was kinda bubbly and talkative once she got to know you. She was also scarily smart. She didn’t say what her new project was.
Dave and I paused on the driveway in front of Daya’s parents’ garage, looking in through the door that Daya had just lifted. The garages were all in a low row in the alley-way behind our back gardens. Every wall was covered in graffiti and the pavement was littered with discarded fag ends. People were careful to keep nothing valuable in them. As our eyes adjusted, we saw the thing that Daya and Bets were gathered around. We approached carefully, feeling slightly like we were intruding into Daya’s personal, holy space.
“What is it?” Dave whispered.
“It’s a moped, you dick,” Bets giggled. It was obviously a moped.
It was also in awful condition. The seat was torn, the tires punctured and the frame rusty.
“Does it go?”
Daya looked up, a note of caution in her voice, “Not yet. But it will.”
“Where did you get it? A hedge?”
“Yeah” Daya said quietly. That shut Dave up. She couldn’t be serious?
“Can you ride it?” I look advantage of the sudden lull to join in.
“Tell ‘em, girl!” Bets cooed enthusiastically, “Go on, tell ‘em!”
Daya looked up at us “I got my provisional license today.”
As though to stop the conversation, Daya unhooked a baggy blue overall from a hook and started to climb into it. It was clear that Daya was going to do all the repairing herself. We watched her in awe as she flitted around, grabbing spanners and screw drivers and things from the bench at the end and tinkering about with the bike. She obviously knew exactly what she was doing.
My younger sister, Lucy, glanced sideways to check mum and dad were in the kitchen, beyond earshot. “So, I heard Dave and Bets are together,” she confided in a gossipy whisper.
I nodded mutely.
“So it’s true?”
I fixed her in an aggressive ‘shut up or else’ stare.
My lack of denial must have clinched it for her. “Oh my god, so it is true!” she giggled triumphantly. “So, are they doing it yet?”
I didn’t know what to say. I just stood there, frozen, trying to suppress my anger and gather my options. Lucy stared at me intently, waiting, as her patience ran out.
“Why won’t you tell me?” Lucy pouted, “What’s got into you? I want all the details! You always give me details.”
Her face slowly unsmiled as she stared into my eyes, studying me. “Oh!” she gasped and subconsciously brought her hand to cover her gaping mouth, “Oh my god! Andy? You like her too?” her eyes were darting all over my face now, trying to read my emotions “You’re jealous! You secretly fancy Bets?”
“No! No, I don’t! She’s hot, but its absolutely nothing like that,” I spat gruffly, struggling to keep my voice down and avoid swearing, “We just shouldn’t gossip about their private business, is all.”
Lucy started giggling, venting the tingling, embarrassed energy between us. “Oh Andy, since when are you all grown up? Just you wait until I tell my girl friends you can keep their secrets...” and she slipped away and headed towards the front door with an exaggerated swaying of her hips “Well, I’ll find out everything anyway! Everyone else knows what they get up to, already.”
“Bitch,” I whispered nastily as she passed.
“Prick,” she fired back.
It felt nice, having stood up to Lucy.
“Mum, Andy’s being mean me. Make him stop!” I heard her whiny complaint coming from the kitchen, her voice sounding all young and innocent and in need of defence. Some things never change.
The April showers gave way to the ‘darling buds of May’ as the weather became warmer and brighter as summer approached. On the other hand, Dave and I had our final exams (called GCSEs) approaching, too, and we were a bit too stressed to notice. I actually started to use the time Dave’s trysts had freed up from my meagre social schedule to revise and such. In a sense, I probably owe Bets the improvement in my grades. Anyway, love was in the air and Bets and Dave were in love.
It all exploded a couple of weeks later, in mid-May. Somehow, Bets’s family found out about Dave - and they did not approve. They really really, really, did not approve! I hadn’t realised it was being kept secret from them, but it had, and that perhaps explained why Dave and Bets only walked together to and from school when they were out of sight of our houses.
Bets’s older brother - a couple of years older than us - punched Dave. It was a glancing shot across the bows and Dave only had a black eye and a warning ringing in his ears that he should stay away from Bets if he knew what was good for him. Everyone in our street knew about this within minutes of it happening; for example, I got told by my younger sister Lucy and then my mate Steve dropped by to excitedly tell me, too.
To this day I don’t know exactly how it happened; nor what exactly Dave had done to earn their wrath; nor what her parent’s problem was; nor how they were caught; nor what they’d been caught doing. I am reasonably sure the stories I heard about them being caught doing a sixty-nine on her living room sofa were a complete exaggeration.
Dave hadn’t been telling me how far he’d got with Bets, but he surely hadn’t actually done very much, yet. There hadn’t been time, and they hadn’t seemed in a hurry, and there was a distinct lack of opportunity, too. Other couples and causal couplings had, from time to time, disappeared into the bushes behind the community centre, but when they did, everyone saw them do it, so everyone knew they were doing it. And nobody came up with stories about them like that.
As I said, on that first date at the very beginning of all this romance, Dave and I had suddenly grown up a lot about how we talked about girls, and Dave had stopped telling everyone the details.
Although neither Dave nor I had ever had real girlfriends before, our other friends who had had them when we were younger had always been boastful and indiscrete. But not now, Dave. And, somehow, I was on his wavelength; I’d grown up a bit too.
What didn’t change, after the epic showdown, was Bets’s infatuation with Dave. If anything, the attack on her boyfriend made Bets keener! But they had to become even more secretive. The first few days, they even walked separately to school, with Dave walking with me and Bets with Daya again - just like the olden days. Dave was morose company and I missed Daya’s light teasing banter.
That’s when Dave first asked Daya and me to cover for them. Dave arranged for Bets to go to the pictures (as we called the cinema) with Daya, whilst Dave and I went separately, but ended up watching the same film: “Beauty and the Beast”.
The girls actually wanted to watch the cartoon film; they’d seen it before (the selection of films was rather meagre in those days) and thought it romantic. And as boys, we just put up with the choice; we didn’t get much say, anyway, and just wanted the girls to be happy.
In the dark of the auditorium we all moved up the steps up the side towards the back row. All the younger kids and some of their parents – this was a kid’s film – were mostly clustered down the front, nearer the screen. As soon as we reached the shadows up at the very back, Daya and Dave swapped places and Daya and I sat together a few seats along, away from the lovebirds. While the dim lighting was on they were very upright and proper, but soon it was dark and we could no longer see what they were doing. I guess they weren’t watching the film!
Daya shared her popcorn with me in companionable silence while we did watch. Every so often, when the screen was bright and shone light back towards us, I stole a glance sideways, but Daya was always watching the screen intently, sometimes with a piece of popcorn hovering just in front of her mouth.
Afterwards, we stood around the foyer and talked about the film, comparing Dave and Bets to Beauty and the Beast and so on. After a while, I became impatient and turned to go find them, but Daya stayed my arm - “Perhaps Dave needs a while thinking about Mrs Welch before he can stand up straight?” Mrs Welch was a games teacher at school who looked like a particularly ugly toad and who was the butt of all the unsexy-teacher jokes. Daya’s point taken, we both burst into giggles. We ended up talking foolishly for quite a long time whilst we waited for the secret couple to emerge.
After they had finally managed to extract themselves, they joined us and we all together walked together towards a local cafe where all the local youth hung out. We had been so careful to enter the film separately, but now the girls walked with us and it was clear to everyone who cared to look that Dave and Bets were still together. But somehow, we had forgotten to carry on hiding that.
There were too many familiar faces around for Dave and Bets to get all kissy so we sat upright and respectably apart and talked together, all four of us, instead. Dave and Bets slowly cooled down and started acting respectably. Daya just looked mildly amused at their awakening awkwardness.
“So, it was a good film, then?” Daya asked playfully.
“Uh, yeah” Dave nodded.
“So, Dave, which was your favourite bit?”
Dave just stared at Daya, lost. We all burst into another fit of giggles at his discomfort. Bets sucked on her straw and blushed, too.
“Oh my god! You didn’t? ... You did, didn’t you! You slut!” Daya played along.
For a quick moment Bets shuffled her thumb and finger rapidly up and down her straw as she sucked on it suggestively and then got too embarrassed to carry on. Dave still looked dazed.
“So what was your favourite bit, then, Miss Goodie-two-shoes?” Bets fought back, trying to regain her composure.
“Oh, I like it all,” Daya whispered meekly, “You know me and fairy tales.”
“Yeah, you two would make a sweet Beauty and the Beast.”
Daya shrunk slightly; “I’m not beautiful.”
“Girl, you so are! Isn’t she, Andy?”
Jerked back into their conversation, I stared first, at the challenging Bets, and then the meek Daya, speechless. Put on the spot, I just stared, goggle-eyed, and nodded, stupidly.
“You look like Pocahontas,” Dave joined in, trying to help take the pressure off me. I nodded more enthusiastically. Daya looked up, confused, and Bets looked angry. Bets turned on him and fixed him in a nasty, penetrating stare that demanded an explanation. “Well, she’s, she’s...” Dave floundered, “ ... Indian?”
Bets’s mask flicked back and forth between anger and amusement. In the end, amusement won; “You stupid berk” Bets burst into giggles and poked at him. I glanced at Daya; she was looking down into her milkshake, stirring it slowly with her straw, her cheeks slightly darker than normal. Was she embarrassed? Scared? Angry? It was difficult to guess.
Everyone slowly calmed down and there was a pregnant pause.
“So, what do you want for your birthday?” Dave asked me, deftly starting a new topic.
My sixteenth birthday was in just a few days, making me one of the youngest in my class. The English school year starts in the autumn and everyone who will have the same birthday in that school year is in the same year together.
I think that what most sixteen year-olds want for their birthday in Britain is a bit different from, for example, the United States. In England, you can’t drive a car at sixteen and there’s also no real culture of getting jobs and saving towards getting a car and things, although when you get a bit older that does start to happen. No, in England, at sixteen, you pretty much want all the things you wanted when you were fifteen and fourteen. Sixteen isn’t a particularly special birthday in that respect.
“I don’t know,” I shrugged.
It would have been easy to say I wanted something unobtainable like the new Play Station, or a CD or DVD player, or a TV in my own room. It would have been easy to say I wanted something attainable like some music tapes, or to go to a concert, or something. There were lots of easy things to ask for. But what I really wanted - and it was only a very recent realisation - was privacy. I felt I had no privacy even though I had my own bedroom. My parents and younger sister didn’t knock, or didn’t wait very long, before barging in on me.
“You don’t know?” Bets sounded incredulous. “I have, like, a list as long as your arm! And a pony!”
“I’ll give you something as long as your arm!” Dave joined in, earning a frown from Bets for interrupting.
Us others barely noticed. Daya had been watching me pause to answer that question, and she might have noticed my face momentarily darken in deep thought. “Will you have a party?” she smiled warmly, “Your mum always used to invite me.”
It was true; back when my mum still arranged birthday parties for me, Daya had always been invited. Mum had mostly invited the neighbours and not so many of my friends, although she didn’t mean it nastily. It was just her idea of who I played with and reality didn’t align exactly. Of course, teenagers didn’t have mums arranging parties and so that had all died out.
It was a happy memory though, and I cheered up and smiled back at her. Daya looked pleased.
“Will we be invited?” Bets joined in happily, waving her hand between Dave and herself. “Oh I love planning parties!”
And then we started talking about the girls’ birthdays, instead. Bets’s birthday was in January, which made her almost exactly one year younger than Dave, and Daya’s was in August, which made her one of the oldest in her year. Daya was only a month younger than me but fate had put her in the school year below.
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Incest?No. No one thinks you’re a prostitute. Look all the guys are expecting from you is for you to dress up andsaunter around serving everyone a couple of rounds. Then when you’ve served everybody the 2 rounds Parkers buying ‘em, you get up and give everybody a little striptease.? Said the virtual stranger causing Debra to drop her jaw in disbelief and glare at Ray angrily. ?I just want to warn you now so you aren’t surprised by it later. I am sure a few guys will want lap dances and hell you know,...
"No. No one thinks you're a prostitute. Look all the guys are expecting from you is for you to dress up and saunter around serving everyone a couple of rounds. Then when you've served everybody the 2 rounds Parkers buying 'em, you get up and give everybody a little striptease." Said the virtual stranger causing Debra to drop her jaw in disbelief and glare at Ray angrily. "I just want to warn you now so you aren't surprised by it later. I am sure a few guys will want lap dances and hell...
Typical Catholic family, father, mother, then older sister and I. My father has got import/export business of fishes and my mother is helping him in the business. When my parents got married within a year my sister, Tina, born. After around ten years I was born. Mother was helping my father in the business so most of the time she used to stay out of home. My sister who was 10 year older Than me took care of me all my childhood. We were very close. She was more like Mother figure to me than...
IncestParty Crashers Synopsis Sandy and Roz forge invitation cards to a sex party weekend on a ship. Unfortunatelyfor them, the forgeries are detected and they are severely punished. Party Crashers by obohobo Warnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written foradults only. MF Hum. NC Rom. Spanking If you are a underage or offended by such material -or- if viewing this fileis illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this...
Bailee Jean Stephens was a wild child. At seventeen, she was the youngest of three girls, but she wasn't like her oldest sister, a stable and sensible girl. Nor was she like her middle sister, a smart, studious girl. No, Bailee's goal in life was to live in the fast lane and have as much fun as she could possibly squeeze in. As a young girl growing up, Bailee was tomboy-ish and a daredevil - she didn't let much slow her down. She tried out for several sports in school and did well in most of...
Quickie SexPARTY FAVORS ???? PARTY FAVORS ???? by Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? ???? Feedback is welcome.?...
Author’s note: This story is inspired by rachlou’s wonderful story series, ‘Show Me Heaven.’ There is nothing much similar about these stories, except the basic premise of a shy girl who is lured from her shell by a caring girlfriend and a patient man. ^ ^ ^ ^ Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day’s work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to...
Jane Smith finished filing the last of that day's work, and neatly stacked the leftover documents in her In box for when she returned to work on Monday. She was particular about leaving work with a clean desk, a trait that extended to her private life as well. She lived by the motto, "a place for everything, and everything in its place." Her little house was neat as a pin, without a bit of clutter anywhere. Nothing was out of place, and you eat off the floor in her kitchen; that's how...
Scott Macintire stood outside of the house at the end of Nettlewood Drive, hesitating only a few moments before pressing the doorbell. It was one of those McMansions that had started springing up everywhere before the housing market tanked: somehow managing to look both cheap and expensive at the same time.The driveway and front lawn were filled with scattered cars and SUVs and from inside he could hear the faint, steady throb of club music. The drapes and blinds were all pulled closed but he...
Monster SexThey say that politics makes "strange bedfellows". Well, I'm here to tell you that it also happens in marriages from time to time. Take my marriage to Tom. He was immediately attracted to me when he spotted me in my sluttish clothes at a techno-party I was attending her in the Valley. It was a rare party for him since he's a mild mannered middle manager for a manufacturing plant. We aren't anything alike because I love the wild party scene and he's a guy that has to be at work by 7:00 a.m. six...
Don't let anyone ever tell you that moving to a foreign country is easy. That person is either a liar or moved to Canada. I don't even know why I did it. I quit a better paying job to move to Belgium, a country that speaks three languages that I can't, for the unimpugnable reason that a voice called to me one morning. Not a mysterious voice or anything, I just overheard someone at Starbucks talking about Belgium and thought, "hey, why not throw away my life?" So here I was. In a...
Suzanne showed up again late in the retreat and stayed with us all the way into Pennsylvania. By then many things had changed, and she was a lissome widow with many randy admirers. But when I first saw her again, she was still the captain's wife, and we were out trying to kill Cornwallis. That was the plan. We would circle around the British, come up from behind and ambush the headquarters company. Foster's company, of course, got the scouting job, and we actually found Lord Cornwallis and...
Nestled in the center of rolling mountains, surrounded by sky-reaching spruce trees, blanketed in a thick layer of snow nine months out of the year, was a small growing town called Greenwall. The little mountain town was founded over two hundred years ago by a man by the name of Simon Kaster. Only a trading post in the beginning, it steadily grew into an impressive hub for northern trade, but as the years passed, the trade left, but the people remained. While never much to the average...
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January 24th 2014 – a day that will be long remembered. The first Party Sluts gangbang of the New Year and 10 weeks since the previous gangbang. The party had been advertised for several weeks as being a "special event" and true to form, it was. Rather than have three rampant sluts on hand to service the hordes of horny male guests, we were fortunate enough to be entertained by four rampant sluts. Let's take a look at the line-up: The always effervescent Hayley (Hayley x x) fresh from her...
pressed into service by Brenda My Wife/Mistress has an older lesbian friend that lives a couple miles from us. She has a lovely large private infinity style pool that we use frequently. Lana knows how our relationship is built and that I dress femme regularly. I am her "pool girl," responsible for keeping the pool spotless and the decks and equipment running well. Of course this is always done in one of my many 2 piece bikinis. And for a TV that loves being a sissy what could be...
We were going to the performance of a stage hypnotist. My roommate, Leslie, had been given two tickets -- for free -- by some guy she met in a mall. He told her he was a 'front man' for the hypnotist and that giving away the tickets was some kind of media thing. A lot of folks would have simply accepted that. I was skeptical. "You're always suspicious of everything, Rhonda," my roomie said with a pout. "I suppose it keeps you out of trouble, but it also keeps you from having any...
Each year in June, the MD and owner of the company that I work for hosts a staff party at her spacious house in the hills outside the city, and I am going to tell you about what happened the first time that I attended. I was then just over 30, and had joined the firm seven months previously; I was in a middle management position, doing well and marked out as being on the fast track to the top. The event was ‘bring your partner’, but at that point I had no ‘significant other’, and in any...
“Yeah I can’t wait for this party,” Lindsey said as she got into her dress. Lindsay and Kathrine lived together in a house they rented and tonight was going to be their big Christmas party, they had planned it for months making lists about who they would invite and what sort of party they would hold. “How do I look Kitty?” Lindsay asked as she showed off her tight fitted white dress she was going to wear for the party to her friend, who smiled, as she looked her over. “You look great...
I am Priya and a regular visitor of this site. This incident has happened when I was 21 years old and was in the final year of my college. I used to live in Vasant Kunj, Delhi and one of my friends Shefali, who lives in defense colony invited me for a party at their neighbor's house. It was a late night party. My parents usually won't allow such parties. So, I had to make a story that I would be going for my friend's place for combined study and would spend the night there. Another one of our...
It was just another e-mail from my boss, Johana, mixed in with the rest of the e-mails that hit my inbox during that day. I usually glance over the subject headers to pick out the urgent e-mails, dealing with the rest later. This one caught my eye; subject: The Party To End All Parties. I opened it and read on. It was an invite to my boss's country property for a party, Saturday evening in a few week's time. She went on to explain that it was a great opportunity to mix with a few of my work...
Party Switch By Diana Kimberly Heche Part I: The Plan Halloween approached and Jamie and I looked forward to it with growing anticipation. It was by far one of the funnest nights of our year as well as being potentially important to our future. Every year, a couple in the city threw a huge Halloween bash filled with the who's who of the town. Jamie had gone to school with the wife's personal secretary and called in a favor to finagle our way onto the list several years...
"No stop!..." Danni felt the first finger enter her spit-lubed anus and she reacted by tensing-up while emitting a low volume "...uhhhh" in a manner that (much to her confusion and embarrassment) sounded too much like an expression of pleasure. "Oh there's no stopping now cause you're ours honey!... You think you can come to my place dressed how you are and lookin as fine as you do and think that this wouldn't happen?" "That's right foxy came here looking like you want to...
Magnolia stood back, admiring her work. She had been tasked with throwing the first unofficial party for all the students in her college’s Astronomy program. Magnolia worked tirelessly for days to create a party worthy of Pinterest, setting up a projector to dazzle her guests that would take them sailing from universe to universe the second they gazed upon the canopy. She had crafted handmade chocolates and Hors D’oeuvres shaped like planets. Even the cocktails were galaxy themed. Magnolia...
Reluctance“Do you still want me to drive you,” I called to my seventeen year old daughter and her girlfriend who were upstairs getting dressed for a party. ‘We’ll be right down, daddy,” was her response. I sat down in front of the television and several minutes later my little girl, Sara, came down the stairs followed by her friend Rose. Sara and Rose have been friends since kindergarten. Now that they’re in high school, their friendship has never been closer. There’s always been a special place in my...
When Timmy said he was having a party at his house on Saturday, I assumed it would be the usual high school party. Everyone stops by, there is beer, people get too loud, a neighbor calls the cops, and we all have to go home. The school year had just finished and it was party season for sure."Oh, that's great, Timmy. You'll have beer?"Timmy looked at me. "Not that kind of party. Not this time. This one will be a very small party, by invitation only, and please don't tell anyone else about it."I...
Party Girl My story starts a little over a year ago. So short a time and yet so far away that it seems like a previous life. My girlfriend, Kelly, and I had been invited to a Fancy Dress party. Kelly works at a private hospital in the Regents Park area of St Johns Wood, London. She's a nurse and looks good in her uniform and she knows it. She also knows that I have a bit of a fetish about nurse's uniforms. Once, while we were in Camden, we went into a Rubber Fetish shop and she chose a...
Rick popped a tin of tuna, slathered mayo on white and heaped potato chips on a paper plate. Tucking a Wall Street Journal under his shoulder, he carried his sandwich and diet soda to the sofa. He ate in front of the TV, checking cable news for updates on his stocks. Sometimes, he would fall asleep during prime time but tonight Rick was anxious. Tax season was taking a toil on the accountant. He worried about making the numbers match, whether he was certifying dubious earning statements. ...
I considered myself to be a good lover and she agreed. Nevertheless; she had had numerous affairs and she had left me several times for other guys. She eventually would grow tired of them or the other way around and she would return to me begging for forgiveness and I would always take her back. Why did I take her back? Because in bed; she could bat your balls right out of the park. You know what I mean. Claire loved to drink and party. It didn't take much booze to really get her in the...
I love wring my stories here. I always try to tell the deep emotions I feel, when I am a party slut. I am a nympho and love to get fucked by several men. I can have many orgasms and enjoy letting men see how much pleasure I get from pure naked sex. My Daddy is such a cool guy. He takes such good care of me. Always so thoughtful and so much fun. I would do anything for my Daddy. He loves to give me orgasms and watch me just melt with pleasure. He provides me lots of sex in more ways than one. I...
I was young in the sixties and everything was changing for the better. In Swansea, the old metal working industries were closing down and the need for employment in hard physical labour, which killed you before you were forty, was being replaced by the need for office workers. This sexual adventure started in a party. A lot of young office workers and students rented flats, and on Saturday nights people would invite other young people in the pub to come back to their flats for a party. I had...
Leaving the liquor store with my gift bag in hand I walked towards my car, eagerly anticipating the night ahead. My pants were clean, my nails were trimmed and I was hoping that the night would work out well.Two weeks before I had been invited to a party through a friend of mine. The hostess was a former client of my friends', a striking forty-two year woman who ran her own design firm. She had been invited to parties of ours in the past and the few times she showed she always owned the room...
Party Slut by Richard-to-Rachel "Shhhh, careful, you'll wake him," I heard through a foggy daze. "Naah, he's out cold," came a second voice, "Barely stirred through the rest of it." My head was throbbing painfully and I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. I knew that I had drunk too much at the party that night, I'd had a fight with Sasha, my girlfriend, and had drowned my sorrows perhaps a little too much. I didn't know how long I'd been out for but it was taking me a while...
I was studying my Pre Calculus book when my roommate stormed into the room and flopped onto his bed. "Geez, Lenny. You always got your nose in a book. Why don't you ever go out drinking or anything on a Friday night?" I looked up at Gary. "I have a test next week." "That's next week. You got all weekend to study. Fridays are for partying, dude!" It's not like I've never gone downtown and had a few beers Friday or Saturday night. I'd even tried to ask a girl to dance once in a...
Party with PaulNancy and her friends sat around the living room with their drinks in hand, laughing and joking along with the party hostess. Debbie played with the rabbit vibrator and joked, “This is definitely not your momma’s Tupperware party!” Nancy laughed and nodded as she touched the rabbit vibe and felt the sensations flow through her fingers. More laughter and embarrassed giggles followed as the ladies passed the toys around and tried not to tell too much about their own collections...
Josh Raines was less than thrilled to go to a party thrown by his fathers boss. To his mind it was part of continuing conspiracy by his parents to drive him completly insane through boredom. "Now Josh be sure to mind your manners. This man does pay the bills." His father said lightly and got out of the car. Josh and his mother both followed. Walking toward the impressive three story stone house ahead of them. Josh whistled as he looked the place over, someone sank some money into this place....
Rebecca didn't want to go to the office party. Being only one of a few women in her company she had little in common with her colleagues and she could count on one hand those she'd want to see after working hours. She already knew who would get drunk and who would argue too loudly. There would be bad chicken and a deejay playing music that she didn't like. Yet, here she was, in a hotel room, putting on a party dress.Rebecca's husband Ben loved these events. He liked the food, the liquor, and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 10. Dancing in the Pork This gave Laura an opportunity to react. Laura realized that Earnie, Sal, Stosh and Nellie were about to get into it, and, believing that things would get even wilder if they all got drunker and turned on through dancing, gasped at her husband, "Ssshhhim, honey. Lesh ush all dance. Turn on the player, wousha honey." Even when exquisitely drunk Laura continued her hostess duties. When dancing, the happenstance partners...
IncestBailee and Tom were heavy into making out, when suddenly Bailee got up. "I'll be right back," she said, and headed off to the bathroom. While she was gone, Tom got his cell phone out of his pocket and texted one of his buddies downstairs: "I'm upstairs with this really hot drunk chick. Find another ride home! Score!" Tom had just sent the text out when Bailee came back. They resumed their make-out session, with Tom using his hands to play with Bailee's breasts as he kissed her. Bailee, in...
Group SexMy getting into Blue Mountain State U., in the early 1970's was a blessing in so many ways. For one thing it got me out of a bad living environment in my little "Hick Town". I got accepted on a Music scholarship, not Football or Basketball, like most Black students there at the time, so I had to make the most of it. Back then no one asked bout sexual orientation, but since I managed to become the Drum Major for our high school band it was assumed, that I was "lite in the loafers", for some...
We are at a party, and I don’t know a lot of people here, so rather than mingling like I normally would, I’m sticking pretty close to Chase tonight. In fact, right now, we are standing on the edge of what has become a little dance floor and watching people make idiots of themselves dancing, and laughing and having fun. I’m standing in front of Chase with my ass pressed up against his dick, and occasionally I sway to the music a little and get turned on from feeling it rub against me. He has...
This is a work of Fantasy. I hope you enjoy.Stephanie and I had been married a few years and enjoyed a reasonable sex life. She knew of my dressing and although she didn’t approve she indulged me now and then and we had sex when I was dressed or with me wearing lingerie. I think secretly she was jealous of my legs. She was a petite sexy woman and we were almost the same size but I still had my own stuff that I’d secretly obtained from eBay and op shops.I didn’t consider myself bisexual,...
I realize this is purely a male fantasy, so with my apologies to women everywhere : *** Dory's bachelorette party was in full swing . Her best friend Sue had gone to a lot of effort to put together the kind of party that would make her remember forever the joys of being single. It was an all-girl affair, though - she didn't want any guys spoiling the fun with their presence. Not that she had any problem with guys, of course, but too many women found it impossible to really let their hair...
LesbianEighteen years of marriage, my fortieth birthday just around the corner, two teenage kids and a husband who travels a lot doesn't always make for a stellar sex life. In fact, about three years ago, I quit keeping track of the times we fucked, it was pretty seldom, maybe a couple of times a month. Our sizzle' fizzled.' I put my old battery-powered vibrator in the trash and ordered one that is rechargeable and another that plugs in the wall. Now, there are no batteries to run out right at the...
"Are you sure we have to go to this thing? We could always head back to the apartment and spend the night in," Laura's boyfriend Darren said, flashing her his most devilish smile from the driver's seat. It was a tempting offer, after all he was a very attractive guy. His cock was a little on the small side at only around five inches, but he ate pussy fairly well and was a decent lover overall. However she knew she had to refuse him this time. "Now c'mon honey, you know we have to go....
Party Line By teaser I got home a little later than usual on no particular Friday. Nothing much planned for the weekend, other than to be woken up several times nightly by idiot help desk people who couldn't figure out that their problem wasn't my fault. I hate being on call. My answering machine light was blinking. I thought to myself, I just got home and it's already started. I hit the button and was pleasantly surprised. "Hey Richard, it's Joanne." Hot damn! "Mistress...
"Hey Ben, you ready yet? C'mon! The girls are waiting!" Ben tried for the fifth time to get his hair to stay the way he wanted it, finally giving up as his room mate shouted at him from down the hall. "Fine, Jack, I'm ready. Are we taking my car or yours?" "Are you planning to get blitzed tonight?" "Not particularly." "Well, I am, so let's take you car." They piled into Ben's Ford Taurus and pulled out from the apartment complex's parking lot onto 7th street. Frank had been...
Garden Party Part 2……..So the party was in full swing Mick (my little cocked hubby) was in his perving element as the Black Studs worked their way through the Ladies at the garden party gathering. So far mostly and even the die-hard racist Ladies, with maybe the drink was helping, were coming over to Black Sex?Sue was sat back on Masala’s big lap after the impossible performance with him in the garden toilet (previous story). Such a tiny teen taking this Black donkey Dick! He had done her proud...