Bikini Beach Gate Crashers
- 3 years ago
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Party Crashers
Sandy and Roz forge invitation cards to a sex party weekend on a ship. Unfortunatelyfor them, the forgeries are detected and they are severely punished.
Party Crashers
by obohobo
Please take note!
The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written foradults only.
MF Hum. NC Rom. Spanking
If you are a underage or offended by such material -or- if viewing this fileis illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.
This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc.
Copyright 2005
"File the folders on my desk and type up the report and then email itto all the addressees, Sandy. Try and get it out of the way by morning break.I'll be back about eleven. My meeting with the boss has been brought forwardby an hour so I've got to rush." Caroline Jensen brusquely gave secretary,Sandy Matthews her work instructions for the morning and swept out of the roomclutching her laptop and a box file.
"Yes, Miss Jensen," I replied automatically and added to myself, "A'please' would have been nice." It wasn't that Caroline was a bad departmentalhead. She was efficient and had a good grasp of what her underlings could dobut she did treat them just as underlings. She gave them orders; she set themwork and expected it done in the minimum of time and with the minimum of fuss.
My real name is Edwina but I've been called Sandy ever since I was a babyon account of my blonde hair, which has darkened over the years, but I've notattempted to bleach it. Resignedly I picked up the folders and returned tomy office booth and noisily dumped them on my desk.
"Boss lady given us four hours work to do in two?" enquired RosalindPacker my companion and friend in the office. We'd been at secretarial collegetogether and worked for the Masons Group for the past three years. We oftenwent clubbing on a Friday night and had even double dated but neither of ushad got into a permanent relationship with anyone. At twenty-three years oldwe figured we still had plenty of time to play the field.
"Something like that Roz. How much work have you got on?"
"Enough to keep me busy for a month but I can find time to file thosefolders if you like. You know more about setting out that report than I do."
"Thanks Roz. I owe you one. There's a few more on her desk though."
Twenty minutes later, Roz called out, "Hey Sandy, look at this." Rozheld up what looked like a birthday card envelope. "It was on her deskunder the folders." We knew it wasn't anywhere near her birthday. Fromthe inside Roz removed a gold invitation card."
Devlish Delights
cordially invites
Caroline Jensen
to a special adult party aboard the
"Sensuous Swan"
for the weekend starting Friday July 30th
Your password to get further details will be sent to you byemail
I took the card and read it several times. We'd heard rumours about the sexparties Caroline attended seemingly about once a month and we suspected thatthese parties helped her climb the corporate ladder. "Scan it Roz andput it back. Well decide what to do later when we have more time." Whenthe scan was done, I emailed the picture to my home computer. Meanwhile I accessedCaroline's email, which in her rush to get to the meeting, remainedopen and found the message:
Log on to anduse password gnikcuf4. It didn't take me long to notice the meaning of thewords when read backwards!
My mind was more on the invitation card than the report so I made severalsilly mistakes; mistakes that would have earned me a severe reprimand had Inot asked Roz to proof read it for me. "You're thinking of gate crashingthat party aren't you?" Roz accused me.
"Why not? Why should she have all the fun? If we meet the right peoplewe might get an office of our own too. Neither of us is averse to spreadingour legs now and again. We could have a fun weekend. Might be more going onthan at the clubs we visit."
Our conversation came to a halt when Caroline returned to the office a littleearlier than she expected. Her first words were, "Have you sent that reportyet?"
"I'm just about to attach it to the email Miss Jensen," I replied, "I'llprint you a copy shortly."
Half an hour later she threw the report back on my desk, "Tart it up.Make it into a presentation report. Add a few pictures and laminate it."
I felt like screaming at her but just remarked, "That will take mostof the day Miss Jensen and we are behind with our routine work now becauseof it."
"Then perhaps you'd better work through your lunch hour," she snappedback. I rightly guessed the meeting hadn't gone her way. I felt like punchingthe woman in the face but of course I didn't.
"Do you really think we can get away with this?" Roz looked a bituncertain as we sat in front of my home computer and read the instructionsfor getting to the party. It was far more complex than jumping in a taxi andwalking in a front door.
We went through the instructions item by item.
Wear warm inconspicuous clothes, The Sensuous Swan is moored about onemile from Brightwell Quay and the journey across the open water can be coldeven in the summer. Wear soft shoes. High heels are not allowed on any ofthe boats.
Arrive at Brightwell Quay between 6:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. After 10 p.m.there is insufficient depth of water for the Petite Swan to get alongsidethe quay. The Petite Swan will pick up guests on each hour and half-hour.Please ensure you bring your invitation card.
"That's straightforward," I said.
"Yeah provided our fake card passes inspection," Roz replied nervously.
Bring one small piece of hand luggage. You will not need evening dressesor changes of clothing. Berths will be allocated by randomly allocating amale and female guest to each cabin. Guests must be in bed naked with theirallocated partner by midnight and permit full intercourse at any time oneof the partners desires it. Guests will be expected to allow others the useof their bodies for a wide range of sexual activities at all times and mustallow these activities to be witnessed by others. It is anticipated thatseveral orgies will take place. Guests refusing to take part in such eventswill be publicly disciplined.
"Obviously we are going to be well and truly fucked but I wonder whatthey mean by 'a wide range of sexual activities'? And what if we don't likethe guest we have to sleep with?" Roz asked.
I suggested, Perhaps oral and anal sex and doing it in a group." Bothof us had done the first two before but only once had we done it in each other'scompany so that couldn't really be considered group sex. We thought we couldhandle that, even with a stranger as a partner. "I guess we have to takepot-luck as to our room mate. We might get a hunk or a pot-bellied dodderer.If we don't get what we want, I'm sure we can make up for it during the restof the time."
"What about the discipline?"
"Sounds like they only do that if you don't want to be fucked. That shouldn'tbe a problem for you Roz," I teased her although I knew she was no morepromiscuous than I was.
No cameras or other recording equipment are permitted.
That should be pretty obvious. No photos reduces the chances of blackmail," Rozremarked and I agreed.
This weekend will have a Roman theme. All men will wear a toga and allwomen will wear a revealing Romanesque tunic. These will be issued on arrival.No underwear will be permitted and the only other item of clothing allowedis a pair of soft shoes. Discrete jewellery and slave collars are also permitted.
"Seems as if we dress to be available to everyone," Roz remarked.
"And everyone is available to us. Stop being so negative. Don't you wantto go?"
"I just think it is a bit risky." Roz's face then brightened, "Itwill be a hit in the eye for Caroline though if we carry it off. We're bothyounger and better endowed than she is."
A buffet type dinner will be available in the dining room until 9 p.m.on Friday followed by a Getting to Know You dance. We are fortunate in againobtaining the services of Des Hirton to compare the dance and to ensure guestsdo get to know each other intimately. Adult entertainment shows are scheduledfor Saturday evening.
"That sounds an interesting dance. We should be able to look everyoneover and decide who to set our sights on."
As a slight diversion a boat cruise will be offered on the Petite Swanon Saturday afternoon, weather permitting. Normal dress is required for thisevent.
"We might need a break by then. It's been six months since I last wentout on a boat. I used to go most weekends while I was at college." Rozknew of my love of boats but she didn't enjoy being on the sea especially ifit was in an open boat and she got wet.
"Depends on how calm it is and if the Petite Swan is covered in," shegrinned. "Maybe I'll want to get a few more pricks in me while you'reout boating."
The weekend will finish with a roast dinner at 1 p.m. on Sunday afterwhich guests may dress and depart. The Petite Swan will ferry guests to BrightwellQuay at half hourly intervals providing there is sufficient depth of water(probably 3 p.m. will be the first trip. If any guests must leave beforethen, contact the skipper who may be able to transfer you in the small motorlaunch.
We wish all our guests a stimulating, satisfying and enjoyable weekend.
Griff Normansen.
"We hope so too Griff,," I said to the screen.
Roz was still uncertain about us going. I think she would have gone willinglyif we'd had a kosher invitation. "What do you think they'll do to us ifwe are discovered?" she asked.
"Make us walk the plank or something!" I laughed, "No, I guessthey daren't do much except refuse us entry and send us back home. No doubtCaroline will rub our noses in it on the Monday after she's opened her legsto climb higher on the corporate ladder."
We discussed it time and time again over the next few days. In the end wedecided not to reply and when we arrived at the quay, if there were any questionsas to why we weren't on any list, we would say that we did reply by email andperhaps it got in with the spam.
Caroline left off work early and the Friday but left us with several hours'work. We decided to work till four and leave what wasn't done. "I thinkwe should aim for the 8 p.m. ferry boat Roz. We'll find the car park and seeif her distinctive yellow sports car is there and if it is and she's not onthe quay we'll get on the ferry. That way it won't be fully light and we shouldget to the "Sensuous Swan" in time to get some food from the buffet."
Roz now seemed to accept the whole idea and agreed to the plan. Indeed thefirst part worked out just as we planned it. Caroline's car was in the carpark and she wasn't on the quay. An attractive man in full seaman's uniformlooked at our tickets and checked our names. "You don't seem to be onmy list," he remarked. We'd half expected this.
"We didn't email our reply until yesterday so perhaps it hadn't got throughwhen they made your list up," I tried to sound confident. "Or maybeyour spam filter took our email out. We've had that happen before." Helooked at our invitations again and then told us to get aboard. A couple intheir thirties, were already on board. They introduced themselves as Marjorieand Ken. We chatted for about five minutes and no one else seemed to be aroundso the skipper prepared to leave.
"I'll cast off the painter when you're ready," I said to the skipperas revved the engine slightly. I knew he probably did it himself all the time,but I wanted to show him I knew a little seamanship. He must have realisedit from my use of the word 'painter' for the rope that tied the boat to thequay. I'd already scrambled onto the foredeck so he just nodded when he wasready. Instead of sitting with the others I went into the little wheelhouseand stood alongside him. "It's nice to be riding the waves again," Iremarked to make conversation.
"It will be more than waves you'll be riding this weekend," he guffawed.
"I hope so," I shouted back to him over the noise of the engine.That broke the ice and we chatted, or rather shouted at each other, for thewhole of the ten-minute trip as the boat punched into the fresh breeze andchoppy sea that sent spray flying to the stern. I looked back at Roz sittingin the shelter of the small passenger cabin and gave her the thumbs up butshe didn't give me more than a sour look in reply. Soon we arrived at whatlooked to be an old inter-island cruise ship. Not one of the big luxury linersbut I found out later that in earlier years it had taken passengers and cargobetween the islands off the coast of Norway.
A wide set of steps had been provided for us to get from the ferry to themain ship. I waited until Marjorie and Ken had started up the steps and thenwaved to the skipper, "Thanks Skip," I shouted as I grabbed my bagand climbed up to the main deck. Roz followed.
We were shown into an office. "Welcome back Marjorie. Let's see whatcabin you're in." He put his hand in a bag and pulled out a Bingo typeball. "Number 23 that's with?" he looked at the computer screen?"TerryPetterson. You probably know him."
"Yes, he'll suit me fine," Marjorie seemed pleased.
"Hope I get one of these two young ladies," Ken looked at us.
"Number 16. Elizabeth James. Sorry she's a bit older than you wantedbut it's the luck of the draw."
"Yes, I know her. Old but insatiable. Still no doubt I will get a chanceat these during the day." Ken didn't look too disgruntled.
"Hi, I'm Griff." I introduced Roz and myself. "Sorry, I haveno record of you. You weren't sent an invitation and we didn't receive a reply.Can you tell me how you came by these tickets?"
"They came in the post." I began to worry but I showed him the envelopethat I had previously sent to myself and was therefore postmarked similar toCaroline's but of course it had a different post office stamp. I brazened itout when he further questioned us but Roz unfortunately looked like she wasguilty and only muttered her answers. In the questioning I did let slip thatI worked for the Masons Group.
Eventually he looked at me directly in the eyes and said, "I don't reallybelieve a word of your story but I will be nice to have two younger girls atthe party. For now I am putting you both in cabin 42." He pushed a buttonthat I assumed rang a bell somewhere.
My spirits rose when he virtually said we could attend the party and cheekilyasked, "Aren't we going to be partnered with a man?"
"I will have to see what can be arranged. We weren't expecting you." Awoman in a traditional maid's uniform knocked at the door. "Ah, Gladys,we have two extras for the weekend. Take them to Cabin 42. Find them theirtunics and make the bed up if it isn't already done please."
"Yes sir," she answered smartly.
Turning to us he said, "Go with Gladys and put on the tunics. That andyour shoes, and your ankle socks if you wish, are the only things you are towear. Gladys will help you into your tunics and then show you the general layoutand take you to the dining room." My heart leapt. We'd made it to theparty. That would surprise Caroline.
We passed her on the way to the dining room. "What are you two doinghere?" she asked.
"Having a party," I laughed.
Three quarters of an hour later and we had really begun to enjoy ourselves.The food was good and we began to lose our embarrassment at the revealing tunicwe wore when everyone was similarly dressed. So far no one was having sex butI'd seen glimpses of several hard pricks when men sat down with an erection.My own cunt I knew could be seen like those of several women sitting oppositeme but we knew we were in for a weekend of sex so I tried to show it as muchas possible. Of course, being the youngest girls, and I believed the prettiestthere, we were the centre of attention. It all came to an abrupt end when auniformed security guard came and said quietly, Mr. Normansen would like tosee you in his office. Now please."
"Sandy Matthews and Rosalind Packer, the invitation cards you presentedto me a forgeries. Forgeries done I suspect by you Sandy from the one we sentto Caroline. You also accessed Caroline's personal emails. Caroline is statingyou will both be out of a job on Monday and with news of what you have donebeing mentioned to those present, you will be unlikely to get a similar jobin the foreseeable future. The invitations only go to members and membershipcosts much more than you can afford on your salary unless you have a sponsorand I'm sure you don't."
"I'm sorry?" I started, "We just wanted to go to an adult party? We?Roz? didn'twant to?"
"Let me finish. However, you now know more about our organisation thanyou should. We can persuade Caroline not to sack you but it comes with a pricetag. One that you can afford but won't want to pay. The choice for you is this.Either we put you in a locked cabin until Sunday and send you home in disgraceand let Caroline sack you both and put the word around about you, or?. or?yousubmit yourselves to our punishment. Corporal punishment that will be givenin front of everyone here. I will consult my executive committee before decidingon the extent of your punishment but I can assure you it will be painful andyou will remember it long after you leave here. You have five minutes to makeup your minds. Choose between the sack and the cane for I guess that will bethe preferred instrument."
Roz was already crying loudly and tears ran down my face too. Griff left theroom but the security man stood in the doorway. "What are we going todo?" Roz wailed. "You? You got us into this, now you get us out ofit."
I angrily told her to shut up and to think what she wanted to do. Look fora new job or take the cane. I'd already decided. The job was reasonably wellpaid and I guessed they had the influence to prevent us getting a similar positionelsewhere. I knew a caning would hurt but it would soon be over. My main reservationwas what Caroline would do when we returned to work.
Griff returned. It seemed he'd only been away a couple of minutes. At leastwe didn't have hours to agonise over a decision. "Which is it to be?" heasked.
"Is there no other choice?" I tried to barter, "We could letyou use our bodies for your pleasure."
"We're going to do that anyway. You came here to be fucked and you surelywill be whichever choice you make. Do you choose the cane or the sack? They'rethe only two options open to you."
"Will we be caned hard?"
"Enough of this prevarication. Cane or job hunting? Answer now." StillI couldn't bring myself to reply. Roz was crying so loudly she wasn't capableof giving an answer. Griff turned to the security guy, "Lock them up.Keep them handcuffed and allow any guests or crew to visit them and use themin any way. Any way at all."
"No, no!" I yelled, "I'll take the cane." He asked ifI was sure and I said that I was. When he asked Roz she just nodded her agreement.
"Take them to their room and strip their tunics off. Keep them thereuntil we have all the preparations in place. It won't take many minutes."
Handcuffed we were taken to Cabin 42. Gladys was already there and she unlacedour tunics so when the security guy who Gladys called Mike, undid our cuffs,the tunic was removed and the cuffs replaced. Both Gladys and Mike seemed sorryfor us but they didn't comment. Gladys dried our eyes with tissues, as we couldn'tdo it with cuffed wrists.
The wait seemed interminable but was probably only about ten minutes and thenwe were led into the main saloon. Roz who had been quiet during the wait, startingcrying again and tears fell down my cheeks too. Somehow during our wait I hadforgotten our nakedness but seeing the others with their tunics on broughtit to my mind and I blushed deeply. Griff was up on the small stage with amicrophone.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Before we begin the dance part ofthe programme I am sorry to tell you that we have a little problem to dealwith." Everyone must have known it concerned us because we were standingat the front in full view. It seems these two young ladies have gate-crashedthis party by forging invitations and accessing their bosses email and thenworming their way on to the boat by telling a pack of lies. It seems they wereover eager to get some of the sex they believed went on here. They will certainlyget some of that. Their boss wished to dismiss them from her employ but weoffered to discipline them instead and the ladies agreed to this, albeit ratherreluctantly. Probably at this moment they are having second thoughts but itis too late for that." All eyes seemed to be on us.
"However, your management committee when we reviewed the whole affaircame to the conclusion that their boss, Caroline Jensen, was also negligentin that she didn't keep the invitation securely out of their way and didn'tclose down her email system when she left her office. She provided the temptation.We therefore decided to punish her as well so that she will remember in future."
"NO!" Caroline stood and yelled, "It wasn't my fault I gotcalled away at a moment's notice." They must have been expecting somesort of outburst because two men were already by her side and a third cuffedher wrists in front of her.
"We took that into consideration Caroline and we will not be punishingyou as hard as the two girls." He looked to the side door, "Wheelthe barrel in." A man in sailor's uniform pushed a water butt size barrelinto the room. The barrel was on its side and fastened to a frame that keptit in place. On the frame were four small wheels that could be locked to preventthe contraption from moving. I saw there were straps in various places andit was obvious as to the use of the whole thing. Caroline yelled again knowingthe barrel was only used for serious punishments. "Strap her down," Griffordered. Despite her struggles Caroline was soon draped over the barrel andheld there with straps around her wrists, ankles and across her back. We werevery close and when her skirt was pulled up, I could see her shaven cunt betweenher wide spread legs and I guessed that before long I would be on view likethat.
"For your negligence Caroline, we are awarding you six strokes of thetawse," Griff announced to her and his audience, "Will the bo'sunplease step forward and commence the punishment." A burly man in an oldtime sailor's costume walked into the room. In his hand was a thick leatherstrap some two feet long and over two inches wide with the ends split intotwo parts. It was a vicious instrument and Caroline had seen it used before.She screamed, yelled and pleaded in an unseemly manner that made me resolvenot to demean myself like that. That resolve went out of the room when thebo'sun swung the leather in a wide arc and brought in down with great ferocityacross her unprotected arse. Her piercing scream filled the room and it broughta cheer from some of the audience. Some though shed a few tears. My thoughtswere rather more selfish. I wondered if he would swing the cane like that whenit was our turn and if her punishment was lighter than ours, how bad wouldours be? How would she treat us when we returned to work on Monday? Would webe capable of working on Monday? A horrible red band appeared where the tawsehad struck. The bo'sun seemed to be counting and then he swung the tawse andit landed with the same terrible force. Again the scream almost deafened thosenearby. I was sobbing uncontrollably and I could feel and hear Roz shakingand wailing alongside me.
It seemed to take forever because of the wait between each stroke but thebo'sun seemed to know what he was doing. By the sixth stroke, Caroline's arsewas one huge patch of raw, sore flesh and she was hysterical but her ordealwasn't over.
"Push her over there and leave her like that for twenty minutes. Anyonemay use her," Griff announced. Immediately the barrel was in positionand the wheels again locked, a man came forward and lifted his toga to reveala stiff cock. Without any preamble he thrust into her, not into her cunt asI expected, but into her bum hole. It caused further screams that drowned outGriff's next announcement. Caroline was quickly silenced with a gag.
"I do hope they don't do that to me after a caning," I thought butI was by no means sure they wouldn't. My attention was taken by another barrelbeing rolled into the saloon. "Now we come to the real culprits," Griffspoke into the mike again, "This is Rosalind Packer," he indicatedmy partner, "It seems she only reluctantly went along with the nefariousscheme. Nevertheless she did go along with it and must now be punished althoughwe will deal with her less severely than her partner in crime. Ten strokesof the cane, Bo'sun if you please."
Roz yelled at the top of her voice and then collapsed at my feet. From thelook of sheer terror on her face and the puddle of piss around my feet, I knewshe'd passed out just from the thought of the caning. Before I could do anything,even had that been possible with handcuffs on, two men picked her up and fastenedher to the barrel. They were part way through this operation when Roz cameround and started screaming again but they soon completed their work. One ofthe guests appeared to be a doctor and he came forward looking rather incongruousin a Roman toga with a stethoscope draped around his neck. He listened to Roz'sheart for a few moments and then nodded to the bo'sun.
For the first time I noticed the cane he intended to use and without any experience,I could tell it was a proper punishment cane. It was long, polished brown andabout as thick as my little finger. I nearly fainted at the sight of it especiallyas I suspected I was getting more than ten strokes. I prayed the bo'sun wouldbe a little more merciful with us than he was with Caroline. His first strokeconvinced me that he had no such thought. The cane whistled through the airand seemed to bury itself in Roz's buttocks. She cried piteously. I tried togo to her but hands held me. Then there was the awful wait while the whitestripe turned a livid red and the sides swelled to leave a deep welt.
"You can't give her ten like that," I shouted above the clappingbut no one took any notice. The cane sang again and left another terrible stripealmost touching the first. Tears ran down my face as I tried to shut out Roz'sscreams. "It can't be happening," I thought, but I knew it was andit would be my turn soon. Relentlessly the bo'sun applied the cane methodicallyto the tortured arse. At the eighth stroke Roz passed out again but was quicklyrevived when a bottle was held under her nose. After the tenth and last strokeshe was a sobbing, choking wreck. The doctor came forward again and listenedto her heart and gently examined her arse. He looked serious and spoke withGriff who nodded and told the sailor to push the barrel to one side and tobring in another. It was my turn. A man stepped forward ready to rape Roz butGriff told him to wait until after my punishment.
They strapped me to the barrel before Griff announced my sentence. "Ladiesand Gentlemen, we now come to the real perpetrator of the crime, Edwina Matthewsbetter known as Sandy. We are certain she planned and did most of the forgerywork. It was her that told a lying story to me. I had intended to give herdouble what her partner had." Had I not been head down over the barrelI would have fainted but I'm told that having blood running to the brain keepsone conscious longer. "But the doctor has advised against it saying therecould well be permanent injury and scarring. I'm sure none of us wish suchan attractive arse spoiled in that way. The doctor assures me that Roz's weltswill be readily visible for a few months but will disappear in a year at themost. In view of this I have changed to sentence from that the committee deemedsuitable to twelve strokes of the tawse and then ten with the cane. I hopethat is acceptable to everyone." I didn't hear any comments. "Pleasecommence the punishment Bo'sun."
"NO!!" I yelled at the top of my voice, "It's inhuman!" butno one seemed to take any notice. Shortly afterwards I heard the first swishof the tawse and then felt the extraordinarily painful band of fire acrossmy bum. Never in my whole life had I known such pain and there were elevenmore to come before the cane. "I'll take the sack option," I yelledbut I knew it was too late for that. I passed out at the seventh stroke andagain at the twelfth. So much for the head down argument. My cries now werevery hoarse and I started coughing but that didn't bring me any relief. Myarse felt as if it was swollen with the skin stretched tight like a balloonand I wondered if it would burst when the cane struck.
It didn't but I lost consciousness again and they used ammonia to revive me.The next pain filled eternity is but a blur on my mind. It seemed that afteralmost every stroke I had to smell the acrid gas to waken me. Finally thoughit came to an end. Once again the doctor examined me and spoke with Griff whorelayed the information to the guests.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I had intended that you be allowed unrestrictedaccess to this pair and then have them sent to the crew's quarters for theirenjoyment. In deference to the doctor's opinion, I will allow you to have accessto them for twenty minutes the same as Caroline. I would however warn you thatwe did not get a blood test certificate from them and while I have no reasonto suspect they have any infection, you might wish to wear protection. At theend of the twenty minutes the doc will take them to the casualty room and afterdoing what he has to do, will pass them on to the crew. We hope they will beavailable again to you by tomorrow evening. Des, I do apologise for takingup your dance time. Caroline can be released now and we'll push the other barrelsto one side out of the way so you can continue with the Getting to Know Youdances. I apologise to all of you guests for what has happened although I thinksome of you appreciated the extra entertainment."
I heard Roz scream again and I felt someone start to fuck me but when hisloins hit my bum I lost it again but he must have continued because the nextthing I remember was him juddering his climax inside me. Obviously he didn'theed Griff's warning about protection. Goodness knows how many guests ravishedme before I was released and half carried to casualty and laid face up on abed. Roz was in a similar state in the bed alongside. She looked daggers atme but didn't speak. A woman in nurse's uniform was there and gave us a cartonof juice to drink through a straw. The doctor had arrived with us and prescribeda painkilling injection, which the nurse administered. "Let them restfor half an hour and then they have to go to the crew. We must hope they treatthem more kindly than the guests. No one has ever been thrashed like Sandywhile I have attended these parties. It is more than their crime deserved."
The injection eased the pain considerably until we started to move. Even withthe help of two sailors, the journey to the crew's saloon was a painful experience.They laid us gently on two settees. "The injection should last until themorning but if it doesn't and they seem in considerable pain again, call thenurse and I have authorised her to give them another," the doctor toldthem. "Griff has stated you can use their bodies in any way you wish.I cannot override his authority on this but I do urge you to be as gentle asyou can. They've had a thrashing like no other person has had on this ship.If they develop any other problems like delirium or feverishness, do not hesitateto call the nurse or myself."
When he left I noticed Skip standing alongside me. "I had the same instructionabout using them from Griff. They really seem to have put his back up withwhat really wasn't much more than a prank. Nurse also gave me some cream, whichshe said might help. First I have to ask, how many of you wish to fuck thispair?"
I couldn't see but a couple must have put their hands up because there wereprotests from the others and I heard a female voice shout, "If you touchher Jack Simmonds, I'll personally pull your balls off."
"That's settled then," I heard Skip remark, "I'm going to takecare of Sandy tonight?" There were hoots and ribald comments from theothers. "No damn you. I'm not intending to fuck her while she's in thatstate. Only the moron guests would do that. I have a large bed and en suitefacilities and I will be taking good care of her." The others still grinnedbut didn't make further comments. It seemed strange to be talked about in thisway but I felt abnormally tired and didn't say anything. Roz too was lyingquietly at the moment, probably the result of the injection. "Now whowould like to care for Roz?" Skip went on. "Someone needs to carefor her tonight and be prepared to have a restless night if she wakes up inpain."
Several male voices answered and then I recognised Gladys's voice. "I'lltake care of her. I've similar facilities to you Skip even if they aren't quiteas splendid." She came over to me and knelt by my side, "Are youhappy to let Skip look after you? If not I'll ask Marisa or one of the othergirls." When I tried to talk only a croak came out but in the end I didmanage to say, that Skip would be fine. "If you scream one of us willcome running. That was a terrible thing they did to you both. Usually it'sjust a few strokes of the strap. Caroline had it harder than most other guestsever did but you and Roz? As I said, if Skip doesn't treat you right, scream.You should be okay with him though. He's a man of his word."
Skip gently lifted me and folded me effortlessly over his shoulder. For afleeting moment I thought how my sex must be on show to all those in the roombut then remembered they'd seen all of me and were probably looking more atmy blistered arse than my cunt. As I left the room, I heard Gladys ask forsome help to get Roz to her room but I was too tired to look and see what happened.
When I opened my eyes again I was face down on a bed and I could hear a showerrunning. Skip picked me up and I realised he was naked too. For a moment Ipanicked and was about to scream when he spoke. "It's okay Sandy. I needto get you in the showers and wash some of the tear stain off your face andlet the cool water flow over your arse." At first he stood me under theshowerhead and washed my face and breasts and then made me kneel so the waterwashed over the welts. "Piss if you need to," he instructed, "Itwill be easier for you in here than trying to sit on the loo." UnlikeRoz, I hadn't pissed on the floor during the caning and I really did need togo but I was reluctant with a man in the shower with me. "Let it go," hewent on. I did it kneeling in the shower pan but the water was still runningso the piss was quickly flushed away. I looked up and found my face level withhis hardening prick. If the circumstances had been different, I would haveloved to have taken it in my mouth but tiredness and the ache in my arse thatthe injection had made bearable but not removed, all combined to disinterestme in it.
"Thanks," I croaked when Skip had dried me. After all the cryingand screaming my throat was parched. "Thanks," I muttered again whenSkip had fed me what seemed like a gallon of fruit juice. Skip never dressedafter the shower so I kept seeing his prick in all its glory but still I couldn'tbecome aroused. I didn't even react when he climbed into bed and drew me intohis arms and I felt my breasts flatten against his chest and his prick waspressed to my stomach.
"Just try and sleep Sandy. Don't be afraid to wake me if you need anything." IndeedI dozed off but seemed to wake every few minutes. Skip snored quietly and Ifelt secure in his arms. About four o'clock in the morning the pain came backwith vengeance and I was forced to wake him. When he examined my arse he saidit was inflamed and raw. I could have told him that! He put me in the showeragain and donned a robe and went to find the nurse who came immediately. "Whatdo you think Patty?" Skip asked.
"The water will help but I'll give her another injection and do use thatcream when she's dried off a bit. I'll check on her before breakfast and ifit's no better the doctor will have to see her. I'll have a look at the otherone before I go back to bed." I noticed that she looked worried but saidnothing.
Careful though he was, I winced and cried out a couple of times when Skipput on the cream. Soon the injection kicked in and the pain became bearableonce more and I slept until I felt Skip move. I had my arms around him andI could feel his prick still hard against my belly. "Sorry," he said, "Ineed to piss. You any better?"
"Yeah. Arse sort of hurts but more of an ache. Must be the injection.Skip? Thanks for everything. Would you like to put that hard thing that's pokingme in the navel in its right place?"
"It will hurt you too much."
"Stop teasing me with it man. Put it in. Fuck me gently and I'll be okay.The other guests will make me do it later and they'll only be too pleased ifit hurts." Fucking side by side isn't the easiest position at normal times,now Skip dare not even touch my arse to hold me in place so after a few futilethrusts I said, "Help me to lie across the bed." I cried out a fewtimes during the manoeuvre but I was soon kneeling on the floor with my bodyover the bed and my arse in the air ready for a doggy fuck.
"You're sure about this Sandy?" Skip seemed concerned.
"Fuck me, Skip. Fuck me." His prick opened my cunt and slid in.Skip fucked me slowly at first and then when he saw I wasn't hurting too much,he did it more vigorously but only once did her go in to his full depth andhit my tender buttocks. It wasn't long before he climaxed. He must have knownthat I hadn't cum because he knelt down and sucked my clit until I shudderedand came with a cry. Helping me to my feet he kissed me and I could taste hisjuices and mine on his lips.
"I'd better piss now before I make a mess on the floor," he laughed.
I saw him go in the bathroom and then leave the room. When he returned Pattywas with him and he had my Roman tunic or another one like it. Patty lookedat my arse and seemed more pleased with what she saw. "Keep putting thecream on Skip, probably every couple of hours. The injection should last tilllunchtime and I will give her another one then unless the doc says otherwise." Turningto me she said, "I know it is painful to move but you should try and keepyour muscles working. Walk around but don't overdo it." She paused fora few moments, "Did getting fucked help too?" she grinned when sheasked and then to Skip went on, "Be careful with her." He just grinned.
"How's Roz?" I asked.
"Much the same as you although her welts aren't quite as extensive. Yourbuttocks were swollen and tight when they caned them."
At Skip's suggestion, which was almost a command, I did get up, shower anddressed in the tunic although I only loosely laced it up. I seemed almost morenaked than without any clothes at all. The lacing thrust out my tits and exposedmost of them and my pubic hair and now my welts, showed with even small movementsof the short skirt. My virtual nakedness seemed more pronounced as all thecrew were fully dressed.
We called in to see Roz. She was not in a good mood. Gladys had gone to breakfastso we were alone. "So this is what you meant when you said that if theyfound out, they would only send us home!" She started a prolonged verbalattack on me. I apologised really sincerely but still she railed on about mystupidity. "We'll probably lose our jobs anyway because we won't be ableto work for a while and after getting her arse beaten, Caroline is unlikelyto want us in her department." There was no talking or reasoning withher so I went to the crew's dining room with Skip and although I didn't feellike eating the mugs of tea went down well. Everyone seemed concerned for mywelfare and said they would do what they could to protect me from any furtherpunishments.
"Why isn't Roz with you?" a young sailor whose badge told me wascalled Nick, asked.
"She just lying on her bed and refuses to move," Gladys told himand I added that she was not a happy bunny with me when we looked in.
"Why don't you go in and cheer her up Nick?" I suggested. "She'ssupposed to move about a bit and she might do it if you help her. Put her inthe shower and then bring her to breakfast. I daresay someone can find herone of these tunics. At least they're loose enough not to chafe too much evenif they show more than I would consider proper. Don't take any nonsense fromher Nick. She's a bit of a baby at times."
"Will someone cover for me in the dining hall?" Nick asked. A couplevolunteered.
"I'll look in on them in a short while," Gladys whispered, "Heshould be alright with her but you never know with these young lads and a nakedwoman." She gave a little giggle, which I involuntarily returned. I couldn'thelp but notice how different our treatment was with the crew to that we hadfrom the guests.
I stayed at the crew's end of the ship all morning and tried again to speakwith Roz when Nick brought her in an hour later. At first she wouldn't comenear me but Nick put his arm around her shoulders and said, "Your bothin the same boat, literally and figuratively. Talk to her. She went thoughit the same as you did and worse, and you've known each other too long notto be friends and get through this."
"I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours," I said. It had a doublemeaning dating from the time when we were both starting to grow breasts. Ithad gone on for through our puberty years where we showed each other not onlyour tits but also our pubic hair, and our developing clit. It almost got asmile from her. I turned and lifted my tunic and winced a little when I bentover. I knew Nick and a couple of others in the saloon were getting an eyefultoo but they'd seem more than that last night.
"Oh my God Sandy. I wonder you can stand up."
"I wouldn't be able to if it wasn't for the injection and another injectionSkip gave me."
"Sandy you didn't! You slut!"
"I did. Seemed a nice way to pay him for the care he's taken of me. I'vealso been moving around since breakfast. Your turn to show."
She did a moony for me too and I could see how deeply embedded her welts were.I knew she was in pain too or would have been without the relief that the doctor'sjab gave us. Nick made her coffee and talked to both of us for a while untilhe really had to report for duty.
Skip had a brief period when he too was on duty but then was free until thecruise in the afternoon. I think the little walking I did helped me becausewhen the doc came to check on me before lunch he almost didn't give me anothershot but I protested and he gave in.
"Can I come with you on the cruise Skip? I can stand in the wheelhouse.I'd really like to get outside again." I pleaded and finally he agreed.However, my outdoor clothes seemed to have disappeared.
"No problem," Skip informed me, "I'm sure we can find you asailor's uniform and if we get you on the Petite Swan before the guests, noone should notice until it is too late. Probably won't be too many passengersbecause the wind has picked up a bit and the sea's got a bit of a lop on. Itwill be calmer in the river when we get under the lee of the docks."
I have to say I looked quite attractive in my uniform. I tucked my blondehair under the peaked cap and wore a pair of dark glasses so I was able toget down the landing stairs without any problem apart from the physical oneof going down wet steps with a welted arse. I tried to make it appear thatmy slow progress was due to my trying to dodge the spray that came betweenthe two boats every few minutes. Skip and I had to wear the regulation highvisibility, life jackets that disguised my shape even more than the uniform.Over lunch in the crew's mess, Skip had tried to find out more of my experienceof handling a small boat and seemed satisfied that I knew enough to controlthe Petite Swan for short periods anyway. In the wheelhouse he showed me thecontrols. "When I cast off, nudge her into astern until we're clear ofthe gangway and then put in forward and swing away from the boat. By then Ishould be back in the wheelhouse." He knew I wouldn't have the agilityto cast off and jump back into the wheelhouse. I remained by the wheel whileSkip went back on board and kitted out the passengers with life jackets froma locker in the saloon.
As it turned out, there were only four passengers willing to risk gettingsoaked getting down the gangway. Soon they were settled in the partially enclosedsaloon and Skip went on the foredeck to cast off. I half expected him to takeover when he clambered into the wheelhouse alongside me but he never botheredto take the wheel. "Open her up a bit more and steer between those twobuoys and then swing to port and get out into the main channel." ThereafterI steered the boat to his directions while he sat at the microphone and didthe tour guide bit. I felt my legs and arse beginning to ache badly but I wasenjoying myself especially at first when we were punching against the windand tide into a choppy sea and the boat was bouncing a bit. One of the passengerslooked a bit sick but I wasn't sorry for her. She could have been one of thosethat cheered when we were thrashed. However after about twenty minutes of thatI was directed to turn into the mouth of a river where it was much calmer.Two hours later we arrived back and Skip showed his confidence in me by lettingme bring the boat alongside while he grabbed the mooring rope. He helped thepassengers on to the gangway while I pretended to tidy the wheelhouse.
Skip locked up and I watched as he hung the keys on a nail hidden under theside deck.
"Thanks Skip," I said when we were back in the crew's mess. "That'sthe first bit of this weekend that I have enjoyed although I think my arseneeds some more cream."
"I could see you enjoyed yourself," Skip grinned, "Especiallywhen you were trying to make that woman sick." Roz looked at me as ifI was crazy for going out when the sea was as rough as it was. She could seethe spray whipping passed the portholes.
"It's put some colour in your cheeks anyway. Were you trying to colourmatch them to your bum?" Skip laughed. "And do you want cream insideor outside your arse?"
"Both please."
Roz mouthed, "Slut!" but I went to Skip's berth and let him fuckme like he did earlier.
After dinner, Roz and I were trying to keep out of the way in case they wantedus to be the after dinner entertainment again. We'd been in a little cubby-holethat the crew used to store material when Karen one of the maids came in lookingvery worried and almost in tears. "Where's Skip?" she demanded. Itold her and a few minutes later they both came in to the store.
"It's more serious than we thought, Sandy. Tell them Karen." Skiplooked very worried.
"Well I was going along a corridor to room 34 to answer a call when oneof the guests grabbed me and started to fondle my tits. They're not supposedto do that to us but provided they don't go too far, we usually take it ingood part and don't cause a scene. I felt a piece of paper push down my cleavageso I thought someone wanted an assignment that night. We're not supposed toallow guests to have sex with us but normally everyone turns a blind eye toit and we usually get a good tip. However this was the note.
Warn the two girls they are in danger. I overheard plans to dump them'in the narrows where the tide rip will take their bodies out to sea andit will be weeks before they are found.' I didn't hear any more but I donot wish to be party to murder, the thrashing they had last night was fartoo much for the trivial offence.
There was no signature. "It was the nice guy with the pot belly, theone with the wife that wants two dicks in her every time," Karen said. "Whatare we going to do? No one here will let them hurt you two any more so they'llhave to do it when we're not around."
"First we hide them away. There's plenty of places on this ship no oneknows about so I doubt if they will be found especially if the crew knows wherenot to look!" Unfortunately those places won't have the comforts you haveeven in this store."
"Keep this completely to yourself Karen," Skip ordered as he pocketedthe note. "No one else must know for the time being."
Skip was about to lead us through a steel door when Gladys came into the mess, "Griffwants you to go back to your own cabin and change into the tunics you weregiven," she told us.
"You haven't seen us Gladys. Spend some time looking around all the possibleplaces you would normally check and report back that they cannot be found.Tell you more later." Skip took charge of the situation and changed hismind about going through the steel door. Instead he took us to an empty cabinon a lower deck. Roz and I lay on the bed, Skip sat in a chair re-reading thenote and seemed to be thinking.
"What does the note mean?" I asked.
"The narrows is a shallow channel between two sand banks and for abouttwo hours after high water, all the water from the mud flats and the estuarybehind flows through it creating a very fast current or rip tide as many callit. After a couple of hours the ebbing tide dries out the channel so it isno longer usable even by small boats. High water today was about three hoursor so ago and it's still daylight so they won't do anything until the earlyhours of the morning. They would have to dump you in the channel about threeor four in the morning and it won't matter if you're dead or alive, unlessyou're very lucky you'll be swept out to sea and gone forever." Both Rozand myself started crying and Skip put his hand on my cheek and said, "That'snot going to happen though. Griff and probably his cohort Jack Anderson willbe behind this so we'll try and keep you away from them."
For a while Skip sat and said nothing and then he looked up, "This ismy idea. You may not like it but it's the best I can come up with. We don'twant them to suspect we know anything of their plans for you so first you willlet yourselves be found and join in the party. That's what you came for andI doubt they will do anything except have sex with you and probably humiliateyou some. I'll get the staff to watch out for you and if they try to hurt youagain, they'll have a rebellion on their hands. Most of the security peoplewill be on your side although I will not tell them about the note. While you'rein public view nothing life threatening will happen. When the party closesat midnight or before, then we will have to watch over you very closely."
"I found them," Skip called out to Gladys when we returned to thecrew's mess. "I'll have a word with security and the crew to keep a specialwatch over you. They won't interfere unless things get really out of hand," Skipwhispered.
We entered the main saloon to cheers and applause. Griff came forward andgreeted us like honoured guests. "Welcome to the party girls. Perhapsyou would care to join Jack and myself at our table."
Someone shouted, "Let's see their arses! I'm sure they're a pretty sight."
"I'm sure they'll oblige us will a little look, won't you girls," Griffwent on amicably. "In fact I'll bring them round and you can all see andfeel them. Jack would you care to escort the delightful Roz while I take thissaucy minx?"
I thought about protesting and I am sure Roz did as well but that could haveled to further punishment. At each table I had to bend over while Griff heldmy skirt out of the way. Some guests probed into my holes and touched my weltsroughly but most seemed a bit sympathetic. Caroline had an extra cushion onher chair so I knew she was still a bit tender too and I doubted they had givenher any injections. She poked a finger in my cunt and said, "Perhaps nowyou will keep out of my affairs, that is if you decide to continue workingat Masons."
"Why don't you show her what her irresponsible actions did to your bottomCaroline?" Griff suggested, "Maybe she will even try and kiss itbetter. Lean right over the table dear so she can kiss you properly." Griffand another guest cleared some glasses from the table and, with some hesitation,Caroline bent herself over it and spread her legs for me. Her arse was onedark mauve-yellow bruise and it still looked very painful. I noticed driedsemen around her arsehole and fresh semen leaking from her cunt. Obviouslythe pain hadn't stopped her being fucked but I didn't know whether she wasforced into fucking or whether she did it voluntarily.
"It certainly looks as if she can do with a good clean up. Get you tongueright in there and get her ready for her next prick." Griff emphasisedhis instruction by giving my arse a squeeze and pushing my face against hercunt. I'd expected to have sex with both men and women when I came to the partyso I started licking and sucking and continued until she climaxed.
"Perhaps I will keep you on after all," Caroline grinned when shewas able to seat herself again. "I could get to enjoy having you kneelunder my desk with your head between my thighs and your tongue performing onmy cunt like that. It would help take some of the stress away."
At the next table an elderly woman was bouncing slowly on the prick of a muchyounger man. She felt my cunt and remarked, "You need a good fucking girl.I'm sure Griff we see that you well attended to this evening. Perhaps one ofthe studs you've got hidden away for later Griff?" I guessed they'd hiredin some men with over large pricks. "Suck my tits," she ordered.It was a little difficult to do with her bouncing up and down but I managedto latch on to a nipple but shortly afterwards the man shot his load and Iwas ordered to lick her clean and then I had to suck him.
When I moved on I saw Roz had a prick in her mouth and wasn't looking toounhappy. Twice before I completed my round I was bent over a table and fuckedforcibly. Both men thrust in as hard and as far as possible to cause me themaximum pain as each hit my arse with their loins. I contrasted this with thecareful fucking Skip had given me. Finally I arrived back at Griff's table.Jack and Roz were already there and Roz was trying to find a comfortable positionon his lap. Griff poured me a glass of wine but I hardly had it to my lipswhen the doctor came and took it away. "Sorry," he apologised, "Itwill react with the jabs and you'll be sick as a dog. Sorry Griff, I had todo that otherwise you could have an unpleasant session." I had hoped touse the alcohol to obliterate my mind as to what was going on. It didn't seempossible that the affable Griff of this moment was actually planning to murderus.
"Sit on my prick like Gracie was doing to her man," Griff demanded.I guessed Gracie was the older woman and I copied what she had done. Griffthough wanted me to do it harder and used his hands on my tender arse untilI cried out. Fortunately we were interrupted by a maid who informed Griff thatthe entertainers had arrived and were backstage and ready to start. He dumpedme on the chair causing me more pain for which he apologised and went on stageand picked up the microphone.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, for your entertainment we have the brother andsister pair Garth and Eva. I know all you like to try out different positionswhen you fuck but I am sure none will be able to compete with these contortionists.Watch carefully but as the saying is, 'Don't try this at home'! Ladies andGentlemen, please welcome Garth and Eva."
A lithe pair came on stage naked and started into a routine with Eva thrustingher sex out with her legs behind her neck and Garth entering her while archedbackwards. From then on they moved from one seemingly impossible contortionto another and each time he managed to enter her cunt, arse or mouth. Theyended their act to a hearty round of deserved applause. Griff thanked themand repeated his warning for the guests not to try what they did at home. Hewent on, "Eva and Garth have agreed to one guest of each sex to sit withthem during the next part of the show and I guess that will not stop at justsitting." Everyone laughed. He held up the two bags with the bingo ballsand drew a ball from each and called out the numbers of the lucky winners.
"As most of you know, one man can with a lot of effort, keep a womanhappy; two men stand a better chance and if the men are above average in pricksize the chances are greater still. I have been fortunate in obtaining theservices of two such studs that have worked together as a team for severalyears and have proved to many audiences that two into one will go, thank youvery much. May I introduce you to Mark and John." The pair came on stageand then strutted between the tables so everyone had a good view of their massivepricks jutting out from their bodies. I wondered how any woman could take oneof them inside her vagina but they were going to screw her arse at the sametime. Griff continued, "Unfortunately because they and our contortionistshave to return tonight and the tide problem at Brightwell they will only beable to give one performance. Who will be the lucky lady that is selected?It was a difficult choice to make but the two boys said they preferred theirwomen young and tight and I thought that perhaps we were a little harsh onthe two gatecrashers last night so I selected the one that went to such greatlengths to get here. Boys, may I introduce you to Sandy."
I yelled "No," but with everyone else cheering and hands grippingmy arms I was led to a narrow bed on the stage and my tunic was stripped off.
"As you can see boys, she likes a bit of pain," he indicated myarse and although I shook my head I think the boys believed him, "So doit to her as you would to whoever is offered to you at your stage shows. Ignoreher little squeals. She wants it and has been dying to get a prick inside herthat was bigger than most of us can offer her."
"Are you sure about this?" John asked Griff.
"Yes, there'll be no come backs and you are being paid over the odds." Ishuddered at the reply.
"There you are Sandy," Griff spoke into the mike again, "Youwormed your way in to a sex party to enjoy pleasures you couldn't get at home,now enjoy them."
I still kept pleading no but I felt Vaseline or something being rubbed intomy arse and first one finger penetrated and then a second. It hurt but I hopedthe jabs I'd had would dull the pain. Mark lifted my hips so I was in doggiemode and then painfully pulled my arse cheeks apart so John had full accessto my hole. I cried out and John paused. "Do it John, do it hard," Griffurged, "It's a fake rape scene and she's playing it up." I guesssex won out over caution as John slowly forced his enormous member inside me.I yelled and screamed but all to no avail. Soon he was fully embedded in myarse but he didn't start fucking. I was lowered flat on the bed and rolledover so I was face up with John underneath. His hands cupped my tits and hisprick remained inside my bum hole. Mark then entered my cunt. There hardlyseemed room for him to get in with my arse already plugged but he thrust andforced his way up my passage until I felt his hair against mine. With a practicedmovement I was now rolled on to my side and, sandwiched between the two boys,they began a steady rhythmic but very painful fuck. I suppose that if I hadn'talready been sore and if I had more experience with that size prick, I couldwell have enjoyed it. They had definitely perfected a timing technique thatshould have given a girl a lot of pleasure. Maybe towards the end I did geta little pleasure out of it but mostly there was more pain that I could take.I felt my head going a little woozy again but I didn't pass out.
First John and then Mark came inside me and they waited a little while beforewithdrawing. Their softening pricks were offered to my mouth at the same timebut I could only take one and then the other. They didn't seem to like my tearswetting their pubic hair. A number of ladies came around and fondled the hugepricks but Skip came in a spoke with Griff, "I must leave with the performersnow sir, otherwise they will have to stay the night. I doubt if they will fancygoing in the small launch in the rough water." I wondered if he'd watchedthe show and felt embarrassed that he'd seen me. Griff took me back to histable and publicly fucked my arse but after having John, I hardly felt it.I noticed other couples were fucking in various ways but the evening seemedto be winding down and people were making their way to their cabins, no doubtfor further sex. I was worn right out from my ordeal and could hardly walkwithout help when Griff suggested Jack and he came to our cabin. I don't knowwhy, but I picked up my tunic and put it on.
Both of them were sexually used up by then but they fondled our tits and madeus suck them for a while. A little after midnight Griff stood and said, "I'vegot to lock up. Everyone should be out of the saloon by now. Look after thispair Jack, see they entertain you and don't let them out of your sight."
"I won't Griff. We don't want to lose them just yet." From our knowledgeof what might happen and the sly grin Jack had on his face when he answered,both Roz and I knew whatever they were planning, was going to happen shortly.I knew we had to take some action now. For a short while at least it was twoagainst one. I went to the loo and looked around for a suitable weapon butall I could find was a tall glass bottle containing bath salts. "It willhave to do," I said to myself. Had he been looking through the open doorhe would have seen me pick it up but before he looked at me, I had concealedit in a towel.
Roz started crying yet again. "What's the matter now?" Jack asked.
"Are we going to be allowed home tomorrow?" Roz sobbed. At leastshe had his attention.
"Of course you are, you'll?" He didn't finish the sentence becauseI took a sideways swipe at his head. He fell to the floor with blood comingfrom a gash where the bottle had hit. Roz shouted hysterically that I had killedhim but I slapped her face and ordered her to get the bedside lamp. With thelead I tied his hands behind his back and then I gagged him with the towel.There was no sign of our clothes so I decided we'd just have to brave the cold.I grabbed Roz and then found the door locked. Fortunately Jack also had masterkeys so I used them and escaped. I wanted to see Skip but if Griff had goneto the saloon, I would have to pass him so I headed to the fore end of theship and came to a steel door. It wasn't locked but it was bolted and the handleswere very stiff to turn. With a strength I didn't know I had and a little helpfrom Roz I slowly opened the door. It seemed to creak loudly but no one wasaround. From the wind and the noise of the sea I knew we were now on the outsideof the ship. A half moon revealed itself for a few moments between scuddingclouds but it was enough for me to see where I was. The wind seemed to freezeour skin but we had no time to think of that. I held Roz's hand and draggedher along the deck in the shadow of the lifeboats to where I knew the PetiteSwan should be tied up. As we approached I could hear Griff's voice. "Didyou get the keys man?"
"I'm sorry sir, Skip seems to have disappeared. We think he may be wantingto get that Sandy into his bed again." I could just make out the silhouetteof a security guard.
"Damn the man," Griff swore a few more oaths and then yelled, "Yougo back to the crew's quarters and check again, I'll go to their cabin. Hurryman."
As soon as they'd disappeared from sight I ordered Roz to follow me and geta move on. We ignored the spray that soaked us before we reached the boat andI indicated Roz should sit in the saloon while I cast off the line, prayingthat Skip had left the keys on the nail. In any case the strong tide wouldquickly sweep us away from the ship and out to sea. As I clambered along theside deck into the cockpit, I looked up and saw the large letters "SensuousSwan" on the stern of the ship as we drifted rapidly and helplessly away.Our progress was helped by the strong wind but that brought with it other dangers.It swept us broadside on to the waves and made the small boat roll alarminglyand we were in imminent danger of being swamped unless I could get the enginerunning. "Where's that bloody key," I swore out loud. In the darknessI couldn't seem to find the nail let alone the key. "Don't panic!" Iordered myself. "Start feeling further forward and run your hands alongeach of the side beams in turn. Miraculously I found it and then had to makethe perilous journey to the wheelhouse. Twice I slipped but somehow managedto a keep grip on the handrail even though my hands were now really cold. Itseemed to take ages for to unlock the wheelhouse door and when it slid openI fell in a heap onto the floor. Looking through the panel separating the wheelhousefrom the saloon I could just make out Roz huddled in a corner and heard hermoaning and being sick on the wet floor. Seeing me she shouted, "It wouldbe better to have died back there than to die like this." She whimperedagain as she shook and shivered in the cold.
"We're not dead yet, and we're not going to die if I have anything todo with it," I shouted at her. Luckily at that moment the moon chooseto show itself again and I could see the crazily spinning steering wheel. Igrabbed it and hauled myself to my feet and fumbled to find the keyhole. Secondslater I was relieved to hear the throaty roar of the engine as it sprang tolife. Slowly I brought the boat round into the wind and headed back past theSensuous Swan towards Brightwell. We were nearly there when I remembered aboutthe depth of water there and also thought they could come after us in the launchand I couldn't get into my car without my keys. "It will safer to headfor Hemmingstowe," I reasoned, "They won't dare cross the stretchof open sea in the launch." I watched the water and in a relatively calmpatch, swung the wheel and headed for a buoy with a twinkling green light.I hoped it was one that I'd seen earlier.
Now the excitement of getting the Petite Swan underway was over, the coldhit me and I started shivering almost uncontrollably. The pain in my arse wasstarting to come back too and I knew the movements I'd made to get the keyand into the wheelhouse had no doubt pulled muscles that were already sore.Added to this were the knocks and bruises I sustained when thrown about bythe rough seas. The last injection must be wearing off too. I remembered thetorch stashed in a holder by the wheelhouse door and switched it on. It workedand illuminated a row of switches. I flipped on the ones marked 'sidelights'and 'console' so I could see and read the compass. My brain was functioningbut I found it difficult to control my body. Rounding the buoy I set a courseto the north-east and eventually was able to get the boat to maintain thatcourse with a loop of rope around one spoke of the wheel.
Opening the panel to the saloon I yelled to Roz, "Look in the lockerover there. You'll find some life jackets and maybe some waterproof clothingor something." I poked the torch at her but she didn't move. I shone itfull in her face and when she stirred I repeated the order twice before shecrawled slowly across the floor. The boat was a little more stable now thatwe were running before the wind and I wasn't pushing the speed. For a whilemy attention was taken with crossing a container ship using the sea lane andit was some minutes before I was able to look at Roz again. By then she hadlife jackets strewn over the floor and was pulling some overalls from the lockerand I could see some bright yellow cagoulle type waterproofs. She passed mea pair of overalls and I took off the now more than useless Roman tunic andput them on. They were much too big but they were dry and much warmer thanthe tunic. With the trousers and sleeves rolled up I could move around withouttripping. When I next looked back Roz was struggling to do the same. I tooka yellow cagoulle from her and wore that over the top of the overalls and slowlymy shivering eased and I began to take more of an interest in my surroundings.I had to avoid several large vessels going into the docks and then headed upthe river. The moon only gave me short glimpses of the scene but between themand the buoys I made my way upstream in the relatively calm water until I cameto some moorings. I decided to try and tie up there and wait until daylightbefore going on because I knew the channel got narrower and was cluttered withother boats. It would have helped if Roz could have worked the engine but Iknew she wouldn't want to move from the corner where she sat still shiveringand weeping. I cut the speed down until we barely crept over the tide untilI came to a bright orange buoy. My first attempt at getting it was foiled bya gust of wind blowing us away at the last moment and I had to return to thewheelhouse to line the boat up again. Fortunately at the second attempt I gotthe painter through the eye and secured us.
"Will they come after us?" Roz asked when I sat and cuddled herin saloon.
"I doubt if they can. They only have the small launch and they wouldn'ttry and cross the open bit of sea in that, not in this wind. In any case theywill probably expect us to head for Brightwell unless they saw me turn andhead back." We talked about what we were going to do and Roz seemed worriedthat Jack might die but I reminded her there was a doctor on board and Jackwas moaning pretty loud when I gagged him.
We dozed cuddled in each other's arms for a few hours but the pain in ourarses was getting bad and I could feel other sore places on my body and knewwe would have to get help soon. I cried out when I tried to stand. It was gettinglight but I didn't really feel like moving. Roz cried out when I moved andwent outside. The wind had dropped as little and all was quiet. Everythingseemed peaceful with no hint of the terror that had gone on only a few milesaway. Removing my cagoulle and life jacket and lowering my overalls I peedinto a bucket and rinsed it away over the side. Roz watched me and then moanedas she moved and tried to perform in the bucket. I looked in the small firstaid box and found a tube of burn cream and put some on her arse and then shedid the same for me. She said my welts were badly chafed which wasn't surprisingafter the activity of the previous few hours.
"What are you going to do now?" she asked.
"When I can move a bit easier, I take us up to Hemmingstowe and callthe police."
"Don't you have a radio on this thing?"
I could have kicked myself for not thinking of it. We hadn't needed or usedit on the cruise the previous day but I had seen it in the wheelhouse. Howevermy mind on the escape trip was more concerned with getting the boat under controland getting away and in the blackness I had completely forgotten the radio.In fact most of the boats I'd sailed on were day boats and didn't have radiosbut I'd been on several cruises where they were used although I didn't havepersonal experience with them. "Some sea woman you are," I scoldedmyself. For a little while I hobbled back and forth along the saloon floorand into the cockpit trying to make my buttock muscles work without too muchpain. I had just about decided that I could climb on to the side deck and makemy way to the wheelhouse when I saw a fishing boat chugging its way up rivercausing the moored boats to rock with some violence. "I better let thatpass first," I said to Roz, "Otherwise the wake might throw me off."
Much to my surprise, the fishing boat slowed as it neared us and then easedits way alongside. Immediately I recognised Skip at the wheel and Nick on theforedeck. Deftly Nick jumped onto to the Petite Swan and tied the fishing boatto us. Two other men secured lines at our stern. Skip came aboard and I huggedhim for a long while.
"How did you know we would be here?" I asked.
"Guesswork and a little intuition," he laughed and tapped his nosea few times. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, apart from a sore arse from the belting and caning, apart frombruises on almost every part of my body from being thrown around this tub forhalf the night, apart from being cold and utterly weary, yeah, I'm fine." Ismiled weakly and then felt my head spinning and had it not been for Skip'sarms, I would have sunk to the floor. It took only a few moments for me torecover but I could see the concern on Skip's face.
"We'll get them to hospital before you question them," he said toone of the two other men. To me he added, "They're from Customs and Exciseand they've been watching the Sensuous Swan for some time."
Roz and I were transferred to the "Sprightly Sprat" and I noticedshe never let go of Nick. "I brought the cream the doc used," Skipinformed me when we were in a cabin.
"You only want to feel my arse again," I tried to joke but withoutthinking about the two customs officers I unzipped the overalls and bared mybum. Understandably they were extremely shocked by the sight.
"Payment to Griff Normansen for gate crashing his party," Skip informedthem. Nick treated Roz and I could see her welts were sore and red from theeffects of the journey. I expected mine to be worse.
One of the customs men remained on the Petite Swan when Skip put the SprightlySprat into gear and headed up river. "Why did you bring the customs bodsalong?" I asked Skip after I'd pushed him aside and took the wheel.
"As I said, they've been watching the Griff and Jack for some time notbecause of the sex parties but because they believed he was also using theboat as temporary housing for illegal immigrants and as a base for drug smuggling."
The pain in my arse seemed to be increasing but I didn't want to give up thewheel and be made to lie down on a bunk. Luckily Skip sensed this and stoodbehind me and, wrapping his arms around my body, held the wheel with me untilwe reached Hemmingstowe. An ambulance was waiting and Roz and I were takento hospital accompanied by the customs official who said his name was SidneyGatsby. Skip had to return his boat but promised to see me that evening.
"Sorry," Sidney apologised, "I don't believe you had anythingto do with the Normansen operation but I have to officially keep watch on youuntil my boss clears you." I hardly heard him as I dozed seemingly safein the hands of the paramedics and lying on a soft stretcher. Roz was alsonearly asleep but Nick was there holding her hand. I felt cheated that Skiphad left me and yet Nick had stayed. However I forgave him when he came tothe hospital that evening and brought a lovely bunch of flowers.
Roz and I popped into work the following week. We'd only been kept in hospitalfor three days. Officially we were still on sick leave but Caroline pleadedwith us to come in a see her. After the usual greetings she asked, "Howare your bottoms now? I can see you're not walking easily."
"I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours," I replied no longercaring if she did sack me.
"Roz too?" she enquired. Roz nodded and I went and locked the doorand lifted my skirt. Tight knickers were still a no-no against the sore flesh.Caroline did seem horrified when she saw mine. It was now eleven days sinceour thrashing and the welts were still deep and red even with all the ointmentswe'd put on them. Very tentatively she touched me and I had to stifle a moan.Roz didn't even try not to cry out.
Caroline's arse, whilst still bruised and discoloured, was far less painful.Afterwards she sat and offered us cushioned seats. "The real reason forasking you here was not to see your bums but to make you an offer. One of theguests is a top judge and as you probably know, many of the others are toppeople in industry. We can't do much to save Griff and Jack from a long terminside for drug and immigrant smuggling, indeed they are doing all they canto ensure they get the maximum sentence. They do want to hush up what wenton at the party and they asked me to get your word not to blabber to the press.In reality only a handful of guests enjoyed seeing you thrashed like that.They came for extra sex, not to witness torture. I'm only a lowly person onthe guest list but my sponsor is much higher up the echelons of power and manyhave complained to him."
"What's in it for us?" I asked.
"You will remain on the staff of the Masons Group at full pay for twoyears with the nominal title of Outside Recruitment Officers. Your wages willbe paid into your bank accounts as now but you won't have to actually comein to work. Thereafter you will be paid a pension of one-third of your wages."
"Why not pay us fully all the time?"
The reasoning is that after two years you will be fully recovered and thenews would be more or less stale and most guests will have had time to coverup any involvement. According to the doctor, you should be recovered long beforethe two years and able to work anywhere without problems."
"Except the psychological ones. I still have nightmares," Roz whimpered.
"I do too," I admitted.
"Would you like me to see if the doc will agree to send you for treatment?I'm sure they'll know who is the best in that field." Caroline suggested.Roz agreed but I wasn't so keen on seeing a shrink.
"Are we agreed on these terms?" Caroline asked after we had discussedthe proposal for some time. She looked very relieved when we agreed and sheeven smiled and asked if we would like to visit her at home. Both of us declined.
Two weeks later, after Skip had well and truly fucked me in his cottage onthe Nazeby waterfront, I asked him about what happened on the evening of ourescape. So far it had all been hushed up and kept from us but now Griff andJack had been charged with various crimes including the drugs and people smuggling,it was becoming more public. No one mentioned any attempted murder allegations.
"Frank Fellows, the bloke we left on the Petite Swan, has been a friendof mine since our school years and when he knew I did part time work on theSensuous he asked me to keep an eye on the happenings there. He gave me a specialphone to contact him and I reported in to him when I was alone on the returntrip from taking the entertainers to Brightwell. I told them about the plotto kill you probably by drowning you and they alerted the lifeboat crew sounless you were actually dead before you left the Sensuous you would have stooda chance of being picked up, at least you would have had the weather been calmer.When security came and asked for the keys I told him to report that he couldn'tfind me. I went to your cabin and when I found it locked, I burst the dooropen and saw Jack, bleeding but very much alive. I thought at first you mightbe hiding in one of the other rooms like earlier but even when I had all thecrew looking, no one could find you. My heart sank when I went on deck andsaw you drifting astern and being tossed about by the waves. I knew you tobe a capable woman on a boat but in what is basically an open boat, withoutpower, things looked desperate. Griff shouted and wanted me to get the launchand go after you but I refused and when he tried to punch me I floored him.Security took him away. You seemed to take an age to get the engine going andseveral times I thought the boat must have gone under but you were too faraway by then to see in the darkness. "
"I couldn't find the bloody key! And then it was hell's own job to getinto the wheelhouse with virtually no clothes on and with water threateningto wash me away. I still don't know how I managed it. I knocked my arse somany times I thought I would die from the pain first."
"With Nick's help I started to clear the covers from the launch and swingher in the davits but by then you had the engine going. You had me fooled whenyou passed us headed for Brightwell. I contacted Frank and he arranged forthe local bobby to wait at the quayside but he reported you hadn't arrivedso my next guess was that you would use the route we took for the cruise andspotted you when you put the navigation lights on. Nick was alongside me worryingabout Roz and he helped me drop the launch from the davits and came with meto my fishing boat. It was a rough and wet trip in the small boat but we madeit. Frank and Sid said to wait for them. At first I said, 'No way!' but theyordered me and I figured that you would by that time have gained the riverand be relatively safe. You know the rest."
"Yeah and it looks as if all the guests are going to get away withoutany charges being brought against them. Sex between consenting adults is nota crime. Some big money handouts and not the least of them to me. I won't haveto work again for a while and neither will Roz but I think I'll look for alittle recreational work, perhaps as crew on a small fishing boat that takesparties of anglers out when the weather is good?"
"There could be a place for such a person on the Sprightly Sprat butmuch of her onshore work would be done on her back," Skip grinned. "Doyou want an try out for the job?"
"Uummm, yes. It feels so nice to be able to lie down again and fuck normally.Still hurts if I sit on a hard chair but lying on a soft bed with a hard prickinside me is fine. Just fine."
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I was studying my Pre Calculus book when my roommate stormed into the room and flopped onto his bed. "Geez, Lenny. You always got your nose in a book. Why don't you ever go out drinking or anything on a Friday night?" I looked up at Gary. "I have a test next week." "That's next week. You got all weekend to study. Fridays are for partying, dude!" It's not like I've never gone downtown and had a few beers Friday or Saturday night. I'd even tried to ask a girl to dance once in a...
Party with PaulNancy and her friends sat around the living room with their drinks in hand, laughing and joking along with the party hostess. Debbie played with the rabbit vibrator and joked, “This is definitely not your momma’s Tupperware party!” Nancy laughed and nodded as she touched the rabbit vibe and felt the sensations flow through her fingers. More laughter and embarrassed giggles followed as the ladies passed the toys around and tried not to tell too much about their own collections...
Josh Raines was less than thrilled to go to a party thrown by his fathers boss. To his mind it was part of continuing conspiracy by his parents to drive him completly insane through boredom. "Now Josh be sure to mind your manners. This man does pay the bills." His father said lightly and got out of the car. Josh and his mother both followed. Walking toward the impressive three story stone house ahead of them. Josh whistled as he looked the place over, someone sank some money into this place....
Rebecca didn't want to go to the office party. Being only one of a few women in her company she had little in common with her colleagues and she could count on one hand those she'd want to see after working hours. She already knew who would get drunk and who would argue too loudly. There would be bad chicken and a deejay playing music that she didn't like. Yet, here she was, in a hotel room, putting on a party dress.Rebecca's husband Ben loved these events. He liked the food, the liquor, and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 10. Dancing in the Pork This gave Laura an opportunity to react. Laura realized that Earnie, Sal, Stosh and Nellie were about to get into it, and, believing that things would get even wilder if they all got drunker and turned on through dancing, gasped at her husband, "Ssshhhim, honey. Lesh ush all dance. Turn on the player, wousha honey." Even when exquisitely drunk Laura continued her hostess duties. When dancing, the happenstance partners...
IncestBailee and Tom were heavy into making out, when suddenly Bailee got up. "I'll be right back," she said, and headed off to the bathroom. While she was gone, Tom got his cell phone out of his pocket and texted one of his buddies downstairs: "I'm upstairs with this really hot drunk chick. Find another ride home! Score!" Tom had just sent the text out when Bailee came back. They resumed their make-out session, with Tom using his hands to play with Bailee's breasts as he kissed her. Bailee, in...
Group SexMy getting into Blue Mountain State U., in the early 1970's was a blessing in so many ways. For one thing it got me out of a bad living environment in my little "Hick Town". I got accepted on a Music scholarship, not Football or Basketball, like most Black students there at the time, so I had to make the most of it. Back then no one asked bout sexual orientation, but since I managed to become the Drum Major for our high school band it was assumed, that I was "lite in the loafers", for some...
We are at a party, and I don’t know a lot of people here, so rather than mingling like I normally would, I’m sticking pretty close to Chase tonight. In fact, right now, we are standing on the edge of what has become a little dance floor and watching people make idiots of themselves dancing, and laughing and having fun. I’m standing in front of Chase with my ass pressed up against his dick, and occasionally I sway to the music a little and get turned on from feeling it rub against me. He has...
This is a work of Fantasy. I hope you enjoy.Stephanie and I had been married a few years and enjoyed a reasonable sex life. She knew of my dressing and although she didn’t approve she indulged me now and then and we had sex when I was dressed or with me wearing lingerie. I think secretly she was jealous of my legs. She was a petite sexy woman and we were almost the same size but I still had my own stuff that I’d secretly obtained from eBay and op shops.I didn’t consider myself bisexual,...
I realize this is purely a male fantasy, so with my apologies to women everywhere : *** Dory's bachelorette party was in full swing . Her best friend Sue had gone to a lot of effort to put together the kind of party that would make her remember forever the joys of being single. It was an all-girl affair, though - she didn't want any guys spoiling the fun with their presence. Not that she had any problem with guys, of course, but too many women found it impossible to really let their hair...
LesbianEighteen years of marriage, my fortieth birthday just around the corner, two teenage kids and a husband who travels a lot doesn't always make for a stellar sex life. In fact, about three years ago, I quit keeping track of the times we fucked, it was pretty seldom, maybe a couple of times a month. Our sizzle' fizzled.' I put my old battery-powered vibrator in the trash and ordered one that is rechargeable and another that plugs in the wall. Now, there are no batteries to run out right at the...
"Are you sure we have to go to this thing? We could always head back to the apartment and spend the night in," Laura's boyfriend Darren said, flashing her his most devilish smile from the driver's seat. It was a tempting offer, after all he was a very attractive guy. His cock was a little on the small side at only around five inches, but he ate pussy fairly well and was a decent lover overall. However she knew she had to refuse him this time. "Now c'mon honey, you know we have to go....
Party Line By teaser I got home a little later than usual on no particular Friday. Nothing much planned for the weekend, other than to be woken up several times nightly by idiot help desk people who couldn't figure out that their problem wasn't my fault. I hate being on call. My answering machine light was blinking. I thought to myself, I just got home and it's already started. I hit the button and was pleasantly surprised. "Hey Richard, it's Joanne." Hot damn! "Mistress...
"Hey Ben, you ready yet? C'mon! The girls are waiting!" Ben tried for the fifth time to get his hair to stay the way he wanted it, finally giving up as his room mate shouted at him from down the hall. "Fine, Jack, I'm ready. Are we taking my car or yours?" "Are you planning to get blitzed tonight?" "Not particularly." "Well, I am, so let's take you car." They piled into Ben's Ford Taurus and pulled out from the apartment complex's parking lot onto 7th street. Frank had been...
Garden Party Part 2……..So the party was in full swing Mick (my little cocked hubby) was in his perving element as the Black Studs worked their way through the Ladies at the garden party gathering. So far mostly and even the die-hard racist Ladies, with maybe the drink was helping, were coming over to Black Sex?Sue was sat back on Masala’s big lap after the impossible performance with him in the garden toilet (previous story). Such a tiny teen taking this Black donkey Dick! He had done her proud...
Bachelors PartyEver since we’d gotten married, I had been teasingmy wife Linda about how much I was looking forward toseeing her fuck another man. This always generatedgreat sex for us and I think it was something she washoping some day would actually played outOne of my old friends from high school was getting marriedand his bachelor party was coming up and Linda wouldusually pout and try to tell me that we didn’t need to haveone. The thought of me and a few of my friends drinkingand watching...
Me resmi kuch din se bahut paresan thi aur us raat to mujhe nind hi nahi aa rhi.Karib tin baj chuke the lekin meri aankhe jaise kisi ka entezar kar rhi.Kisi tarah subah hua aur me toilet gae.Fir fresh ho k nasta banane lagi.Kuch der k bad mera husband varun utha aur roz ki tarah job k liye tayar hone laga.Varun ek bank me cashier tha.Me varun k liye nasta le k room me gae aur woh beth k nasta karne laga.Varun bola ki aaj raat ko ek party me jana h to tum tayar rehna.Thodi der k bad woh bank k...
Chapter one...Neil was bored and irritated. And feeling slightly frustrated, which was one reason for the boredom and irritation.Neil was a nice guy. Everyone said so. He was Mr. Dependable. If you wanted something done, Neil was willing to help out. This time it appeared to have bitten him. The request was simple enough. A couple of friends, Janet and Heather, shared a unit near him and had asked for a small favour. They were going to a party on Friday night. A women-only party, but could he...
I met a woman at a party last night and this skinny skank gave me the best sex without touching that I've ever had. It was the best climax in a most erotic situation, complete with porn, voyeurism and fantastic masturbation. And we probably haven't finished yet.I was attending a celebration of a local Neighbourhood Watch's fifteenth anniversary. I was invited because I was a friend of a friend and didn't get out much. Someone took pity on me. I was standing alone watching the men in shorts...
Business was good, a little too good for my tastes. I was working with a new client in a new town. I had been in this little one horse town for two weeks and only had two days off. Twelve, twelve to fourteen hour days, was too much from my point of view. When the client said he wanted to take the weekend off for Halloween, I readily agreed. As I was packing up my laptop and equipment, Jerry, the client said, ‘There’s going to be a Halloween costume party out at the country club tonight, why...
This is a story that is a Mix of several different types of stories. Forced, Bondage, Machine, Gay,Fantasy, Horror and maybe a touch of Alien. We were never sure of its Origin. All we really know for sure is that many people in our town were changed in one way or another. Me and My wife Jan had been married for several years, we had just moved in to a new house, well new for us, it needed some repairs that I could handle on my own, nothing major. There were a couple other houses down at the end...
She called me, early in the afternoon, "Can you do me a favor, I'm having a party tonight and I wanted your help to serve and tend bar, Please say you will?""Okay," I replied. We'd been friends some time, and I never minded helping out with things like this for her."Thanks, and one more thing, would you wear the catsuit, you know which one I mean, it's a "special" party..."Thinking, I did know which catsuit she meant, I had only just gotten it, and had modeled it for her on cam the other day,...
She called me, early in the afternoon, "Can you do me a favor, I'm having a party tonight and I wanted your help to serve and tend bar, Please say you will?""Okay," I replied. We'd been friends some time, and I never minded helping out with things like this for her."Thanks, and one more thing, would you wear the catsuit, you know which one I mean, it's a "special" party..."Thinking, I did know which catsuit she meant, I had only just gotten it, and had modeled it for her on cam the other day,...
My friend talks me into going to a party with her. I am well aware that the girl hosting the party is a lesbian, and that thought made me skeptical about drinking around her, but my friend insisted it was harmless and she wouldn't make a move on me unless I invited her to, so I finally agreed to go. I wear daisy duke cut off shorts and a tank top, something sexy to show off my legs and fit with the amazing weather. During the party I try to make it a point to avoid the hostess while I am...
What a party it was. My girlfriend had talked her single mother into letting us have a party in their house and there must be 40 people at one point. We were all in college and home over the weekend, so my girlfriend talked her mother into letting us party there instead of going out and get drunk somewhere else. Lisa's mother, Bella was a cool 40+ year old who thought it was better if we did not drink and drive. Or got in trouble for being drunk out on the streets. We were all over the drinking...
My wife Ellen had had her first experience of a swinging party which really surprised me and said she would go again if the opportunity arose. About six weeks after the first party Sharroen sent an email to say she was having another party the following Saturday and we were both invited. She said that a few of the guys were interested in Ellen s they had not had the opportunity the first time.When we arrived at the party some of the previous couples were there and they came over and chatted....