Party Favors
- 4 years ago
- 26
- 0
???? by Zebulon
This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is
intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery
and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it.
This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper
credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted,
and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is
being posted.
???? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected]
???? (MC, MF, FF, d/s)
*?? *?? *?? *?? *?? Start of Story?? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
We were going to the performance of a stage hypnotist.
My roommate, Leslie, had been given two tickets --? for
free --? by some guy she met in a mall.? He told her he
was a 'front man' for the hypnotist and that giving
away the tickets was some kind of media thing.? A lot
of folks would have simply accepted that.? I was
"You're always suspicious of everything, Rhonda," my
roomie said with a pout.? "I suppose it keeps you out of
trouble, but it also keeps you from having any fun."
It was possible I suppose that giving away tickets was a
way of attracting customers to a new act.? If the
performance was any good it might create a lot of
word-of-mouth publicity.? But knowing Leslie, I
wondered if the guy was just hitting up on her.? My
roommate was really beautiful.? And everyone knew it
except for Leslie herself.? She really had no idea how
attractive she was and always thought of herself as
rather plain.
Then again, I suppose you could say the same for me.
I've never thought of myself as particularly good
looking either.? I don't see anything special when I see
myself in a mirror.? But I've been favorably compared
to Leslie on more than one occasion.? And we both get
hit on often enough.? So it could be.
And maybe the ticket thing was legitimate as well.? But
if Leslie was determined to go, I sure has hell wasn't
going to let her go by herself.? So there we were.
Dressed up, looking good, and off to the theater.
The tickets turned out to be real.? We even had great
seats, right up front.? And the show was surprisingly
good.? The opening act was this magic guy who also
told jokes.? He was very talented and really funny.? And
he also did some juggling.? So I figured that even if the
Hypnotist was a flop, the evening was worth it.? But the
Hypnotist turned out to be even better than the opener.
He asked for and got a bunch of volunteers from the
audience.? Leslie wanted to volunteer us both, but I
said, 'no way.'? So we just watched.? He started to
hypnotize about twenty audience members all at once.
Pretty soon he had a half dozen of them in a trance and
sent the rest back to their seats.? He said he could have
hypnotized them all if he were willing to spend enough
time, but for the sake of the show, he'd limit himself to
the best subjects who went under most quickly.? Could
be.? I was skeptical about that, too.? I was wondering if
these were real volunteers of if they were plants.? But
Leslie said she knew one of the guys who was still up
on stage and she was sure he was no fake.
The hypnotist also said he couldn't make the subjects
do anything they wouldn't do normally.? I'd heard that
somewhere before.? But he said that he could trick them
into doing all kinds of ridiculous things that wouldn't
physically hurt them.? And he was right.? That was the
act.? He spent the next hour running those poor slobs
through all kinds of silly stunts.? He had them howling
like wolves and pretending to be other animals.? He had
the guy Leslie knew eat a raw onion and think it was an
apple.? That's when I was really convinced.? To be
honest, it scared me a little.? He had them dancing, and
singing, and acting just like they thought they had
talent.? But they were terrible, so it was really funny.
And no one got hurt at all, unless you consider severe
onion breath to be an injury.
When it was over, he gave the volunteers a whole
bunch of free gifts.? And that made me think that maybe
we should have gone up after all.? Some of the stuff he
handed out was really nice.? He also gave them lots of
free passes to come back and bring friends to one of the
later shows that week.? And that really had me
convinced the free ticket thing was legitimate, too.?
Then he said that everyone who had volunteered,
whether he had hypnotized them or not, and everyone
who had received a free pass to the performance was
invited back stage to the Green Room for a party after
the show.
When it was over he got this huge standing ovation.? As
folks were filing out, Leslie and I debated whether or
not to go to the party.? Well, it wasn't really much of a
debate.? Leslie really wanted to go and I was only a
little hesitant.? So we went.
And it turned out to be a lot of fun.? There was plenty of
good food.? And no booze at all which made me relax.
I got to meet the magic guy and he was real nice.? He
was also quite a looker close up.? He had a great ass
and, if his costume were any indication, he was pretty
well hung.? Of course, I pretended not to notice.
Leslie called me over and introduced me to the guy
who had given her the tickets.? He seemed a little shifty
to me.? I'm not sure why, there was just something
about him.? She also introduced me to her friend who'd
been in the act.? He couldn't remember anything about
it at all.? He just said he felt great.? In fact he'd never
felt better in his life.? But I didn't talk to him very long.
He really stank of onion.? But he didn't know that
Later, I introduced Leslie to the Magic man.? And while
we were talking I noticed the shifty guy talking to the
Hypnotist.? I might not have paid any attention, except
the two of them kept glancing over at us.? I supposed
they were talking about Mr. Magic, but it still gave me
the creeps.
It was a nice party, but broke up fairly quickly.? I
glanced at my watch and figured it was time to leave.
It was just late enough that I could have gone home and
to bed without another thought.? But it was just early
enough that I could have gone out with Leslie to a
coffee shop to spend a while chatting.? I wondered what
she wanted to do.? Where was she?? I finally spotted her
talking with the Hypnotist.? She waved me over.? For
reasons which I couldn't explain, I started getting that
creepy feeling again.
We were being invited to an after party-party up in the
Hypnotist's Penthouse Suite at the Plaza Hotel.? My
first thought was, 'Bullshit!'? I wasn't going to be some
kind of sexual groupie.? But before I could embarrass
myself by expressing that thought, Leslie assured me
that this was a real party with at least a dozen people.
She told me Mr. Hypnotist traveled with a small troupe
of supporting personnel and that they always celebrated
a good opening night with a party in his room.? Leslie
said a couple of other girls and the two of us were being
invited because the supporting crew were two-thirds
men.? They liked to invite some local girls in to even
out the numbers.? I could believe that.? Men always like
lots of women at parties.? They need to think there's at
least an outside chance they might get laid.
Leslie said we were being invited because we'd made
such a good impression on Mr. Magic.? Humph.? I was
still doubtful, but the shine in her eyes was so bright, I
just knew she wanted to go.? And I didn't have the heart
to disappoint her.? I suppose I could have begged off
and let her go alone.? But that would have put a damper
on the party for her.? And besides, I felt I needed to be
there to keep an eye on things.? Leslie was far too
So we found ourselves at the penthouse party.? It was a
nice room.? Well, a nice set of rooms actually.? It was
huge.? And I really liked the crew members.? In
addition to Mr. Magic there were some stage hands, a
prop guy, an accountant and a couple of other guys who
I never did figure out what they did.? They all seemed
like good people.? The only one who still gave me the
willies was the ticket guy but he kept pretty much to
himself, so he didn't bother me much.? And there were
also a few women.? There was an assistant to the
Hypnotist and another for Mr. Magic.? There was a P.R.
liaison -- whatever that was.
There was also a rather intense looking woman named
Della who was introduced to me as the Road Manager.
She was a tall, dark haired woman with very pale skin.
She looked as if she'd once been cast in the roll of Mrs.
Dracula.?? But she was very friendly and we ended up
talking for a long time.? She told me a little about the
show, but a whole lot about the practical uses of
hypnosis.? She was really big on hypnosis as a medical
tool and for self-improvement.? At first it was all very
interesting, but after a while I began to feel like maybe
she was hitting on me.? There was just something in her
manner and the way she looked at me.
I was about to excuse myself and find someone else to
talk to when Leslie came walking up with the
Hypnotist.? She was all excited again.? He had been
telling her about how she could use hypnosis to make
controlling her diet easy.? Leslie was hardly fat.? In fact
she had a fabulous shape.? But it was a constant battle
for her and the hypnotist told her he could make it easy.
And she said I could use hypnosis to improve my
concentration for my studies.? I had been taking night
classes and was having troubles of my own.? The
Hypnotist said it would make study easy and automatic
and guarantee me better grades.
While we were talking he put his arm around Mrs.
Dracula.? It turned out she was his live-in girlfriend as
well as being the Road Manager.? That made me feel a
lot more comfortable about both of them.? I mean if
they were committed to each other, neither one would
be hitting on Leslie or me, right?
I guess the promise of making my studying easier was
just what it took to get me to agree.? Leslie of course
was already hyped.? I don't know what the Hypnotist
promised the other two girls, but whatever it was, they
were as excited as Leslie.
So the Hypnotist moved us to a small dining room table
with four chairs around it.? Each girl sat in one of the
chairs.? There was a candle in the center of the table
and the Hypnotist lit it.? I could look up over the candle
flame and see one of the other girls looking back at me.
She was a cute little redhead with a nice smile.? Leslie
was to my right and the fourth girl, a tall blond, was to
my left.? Everyone else was sitting or standing in a wide
circle around us.? The room lights were switched off
and the whole scene was lit up only by the flickering
For a moment everything seemed incredibly weird.? I
almost got up and laughed the whole thing off but then
the Hypnotist started talking.? His voice was, for lack of
a better word, absolutely hypnotic.
He told us to concentrate on the candle flame and I did.
He told us to raise our right hands and point at the
flame and I did that too.? The redhead across from me
was pointing at the flame, but somehow it felt like she
was pointing at me.? That was kind of spooky.? But by
now, I was really concentrating on the voice.? The voice
told me my arm would grow heavy and tired much
faster than it normally would.? I suppose I could have
held my arm pointing at the candle like that for many
minutes, but the voice was right.? Within a few
moments it felt very heavy and tired.? I noticed the
redhead's arm already starting to drop.? She had a
somewhat startled look on her face.? When I looked
back at my arm it had practically fallen down to the
table level.? I tried to lift it, but somehow I couldn't.? I
didn't know if I should be freaked out or delighted that
it was working.
Once all four arms were down, the voice told us that
they would start to feel light again.? The voice said they
would begin to float up and point back at the candle.
And damned if they didn't.? All four arms started
slowly and jerkily to rise.? This was super weird.? But I
was fascinated nonetheless.? And soon we were all
pointing at the candle and at each other again.
Then the voice said our arms would again grow heavy
and drop, only this time so would our eyelids.? The
voice said we were supposed to try to fight this as hard
as we could, but that soon our arms would hit the tables
and when they did our eyes would be closed.? The last
thing I remembered seeing was a blurred image of my
limp hand as it was coming to rest on the tablecloth.
????????????????????? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
I was floating on a cloud.? My eyes were closed and I
could only feel the sensation of floating.? The only
thing I could hear was the voice.? I felt wonderful.? The
voice talked and I listened.? But it was like some other
part of me was paying attention.? I was just floating.? I
wished it would never end.
????????????????????? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
I was floating in space and far away there was a distant
sun.? I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face and
hands as I watched it in the darkness of space.? A voice
told me the sun was moving farther away and I saw it
getting smaller and dimmer.? The voice said the warmth
was leaving and I started to get colder.? Much colder.
Soon I felt like I was freezing.? I wanted to cry.? It was
cold and dark and I could feel myself trembling.
Then the voice told me the sun was returning.? And
soon I was feeling warm and comfortable again.
????????????????????? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
I was sitting on a beach.? It was a lovely warm day.
The sun was shining, a breeze was blowing, and the sea
was beautiful.? A voice said it was time to get into my
swim suit.? So I kicked off my shoes and stood up.? I
started taking off my clothes and piling them on the
beach chair until I was down to my bikini.? And this
was a little strange because I didn't even own a bikini.
I heard what sounded like a bunch of people clapping.
I looked around to find out where it was coming from.
But then the voice said it was the sound of sea birds.
And sure enough, when I listened again, I could hear
the gulls calling to each other in the distance.
Then the voice said the sun was getting closer and it
was getting hotter.? Soon I felt like I was sweating like
crazy.? I wanted to run down and jump in the water but
I couldn't seem to find it.? The voice said I'd feel much
cooler if I weren't wearing my bikini.? I was
embarrassed at the thought of being naked in such a
public place and was torn between the heat and my
embarrassment.? But the voice assured me that this was
a very private beach and that I would feel very safe and
comfortable once I had removed my swim suit.? So I
carefully removed the top.? I was a little surprised to
find it unhooked like a bra rather than untying.? But
then I slipped out of my bottoms and sure enough I
could feel the cool sea breeze and I was no longer hot.
I stretched in the warm sea air and listened to the gulls
calling to each other again.
The voice told me that I'd better put on some sun tan
lotion so as not to get burned.? It said there was a tube
of lotion near my feet.? So I bent over and picked it up
and started putting it on.
Then the voice told me not to be alarmed, but that some
good friends of mine were about to show up.? The voice
said not to bother getting my swim suit back on, my
friends were nude sun bathing too and that we could
help each other out by carefully putting sun tan lotion
on each other to be sure we didn't miss any spots.
And there was Leslie and the two girls I had met at the
Hypnotist's party.? It seemed strange to see them on
this beach all naked like that.? But the voice had said it
was OK, so I didn't give it another thought.? And soon
we were lotioning each other down and having a great
It was funny.? The birds were suddenly quite loud, but I
still couldn't see them.
????????????????????? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
I was at the Hypnotist's party.? A voice said I was a
dog.? Had I always been a dog?? No matter, it was good
to be a dog.? But what was really funny was that three
human girls were pretending to be dogs.? I started
jumping around and barking at them.? They weren't
wearing any clothes at all.? I'd never seen humans
behaving like that before and thought they looked silly.
I was barking at them to tell them to stop that and to get
But they weren't paying any attention to me, so I just
kept barking.? Then one of the men came over and
started scratching me behind my ears.? I liked that.? It
felt nice.? He rolled me over on my back and started
rubbing my belly and chest.? And that felt really nice.? I
forgot all about the silly naked humans.? The man
called me a good girl and brought his hand up so I
could lick it.
Soon lots of men were rubbing and scratching me.? I
loved being the center of attention.? One of the men
reached down and checked something between my legs.
I guess he must have been a Vet.? I don't like going to
the Vet's office.? He said I was wet.? I hope that doesn't
mean I'm going to get sick.? I felt great.
Then the voice told us all to sit up and beg and we all
did.? I whined a little because the silly human girls were
still pretending to be dogs.? And the voice must have
realized something was wrong, because the voice said
we were all dogs.? And when I looked again I realized
the voice was right.? I must have been mistaken before.
They were all bitches just like me.
The voice had the long blond bitch do some tricks in
the center of the room.? She was an afghan and must
have been a racing dog.? I wished the voice would ask
me to do some tricks too.? I liked being the center of
Then the voice had me walk over and check out the
blond bitch's ass.? The voice said her ass would smell
wonderful.? So I went over and checked.? And sure
enough she had the nicest smelling ass.? It was
wonderful being a dog and getting to smell the asses of
other dogs.? Humans just don't know what they're
The voice said the blond bitch loved having her ass
smelled by me and sure enough she made little yelping
noises of pleasure and wiggled her ass while I sniffed.
Then the voice told me to lick her ass and clean it for
her.? It said I would find the taste wonderful.? And it
was.? And the long blond bitch loved that too.
The other two dogs were doing something else, but I
wasn't paying any attention.? I was having too much
fun licking the blond bitch's ass.? All the humans in the
room were laughing and clapping.? Everyone was
having a great time.? I was very happy.
????????????????????? *?? *?? *?? *? ?*
I was floating.? I couldn't seem to remember where I
was.? But it didn't matter.? I felt great and it was good
just to float.? It seemed to go on for a long time.
????????????????????? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
I was on my knees.? I was naked but that didn't seem to
bother me.? I was on a thick rug in a large empty room.
I could hear voices, but they seemed far away.? A voice
told me I was thirsty.? And I was.? The voice told me I
wanted a popsicle to suck on.? And I did.? The voice
said they were going to give me some new kind of
popsicle with a special delicious cream filling.? All I
had to do was to suck on it and enjoy it and be sure not
to bit it or scratch my teeth on it.
And there was the popsicle.? It almost seemed to be
floating on the air in front of my face.? It was kind of
strange looking, but the voice said it would taste good.
So I leaned forward and took a lick.? It was great.? It
was a really strange popsicle because it was soft and
rather warm.? But it had such a delightful flavor.? I
couldn't quite tell what it tasted like, but I couldn't get
enough of it either.? I just kept licking and sucking.
The voice told me that if I kept that up, I'd get to the
special cream filling soon.? The voice told me there
were some special cream filling sacks under the back of
the popsicle.? And that if I were to gently rub and
squeeze them I'd get more filling.? But I had to be
careful not to rub or squeeze them too hard.? So I
brought up my hands and started fondling the little
I could hear little moaning sounds of pleasure in the
background.? I wasn't sure what they were, but they
sounded happy.
Then the popsicle started to twitch and throb and my
mouth was filled with the most delightful tasting cream.
I licked it all down and was disappointed the popsicle
didn't give me any more.
The popsicle was taken away after that and the voice
asked if I'd like another.? I said, 'Oh yes," and there
was another popsicle for me.
This time, while I was sucking on the popsicle, I could
feel ghost-like hands on my head.? It felt like they were
grabbing my hair and it bothered me.? I tried shaking
my head a little to make the hands go away.? I grunted
and reached up to push them off.? The voice asked me
what was wrong.? I had to let go of that wonderful
popsicle to answer.? But then the voice told me I liked
the feel of the ghost hands, and what do you know?? I
I had a third popsicle and still wanted more.? But the
voice said it was time to call it a night.
????????????????????? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
I was at the Hypnotist's party.? My mind seemed foggy.
The lighting had been turned way down.? I was naked,
but somehow that seemed natural.? I wondered in a
casual way where my clothes were.? Leslie was
standing near me and she was naked, too.? That also
didn't seem to bother me.? Leslie had a silly smile but
the rest of her face was blank.? She wasn't bothered by
her nakedness either.? I turned my head a little at some
noises behind me.? I seemed to be moving in slow
motion, like I was underwater or something.? The two
girls who came to the party with us were both naked
and so where a half dozen of the men from the crew.? I
couldn't tell exactly what was going on, but it looked
like a lot of sex.? The redhead was on her hands and
knees and there was a naked guy at her face and another
behind her.? I caught a half glimpse of the blond.? Her
head seemed to be bobbing up and down.? There were
giggles and moans and slurping noises coming from the
dimness across the room.
I became aware of a conversation on my other side and
turned back.? It took a few moments.? It was the
Hypnotist and his road manager girl friend.? I couldn't
understand what they were saying.? It was like I could
hear their voices, but I couldn't make any sense out of
their words.
The woman reached up and touched Leslie on the
shoulder.? The hypnotist looked like he was about to
say something.? But then the woman changed her mind
and put her hand on my shoulder instead.? I could see
her hand, but I couldn't feel it.
They hypnotist smiled and then he looked me right in
the eye. "Rhonda," he said, "can you hear me?"
Somehow, his calling my name made everything clear.
Well not everything.? I still couldn't understand what
anyone else was saying.? But I could really understand
"Yes," I replied.
"Listen carefully.? I want you to hear Della's voice as
well as mine.? Do whatever her voice tells you for the
rest of the evening.? Do you understand?"
"Good Girl."? He turned his girlfriend and said, "Ok,
she's all yours.? I'll see you in the morning."? Then the
two of them kissed for a long time.? I vaguely wondered
why they were interested in me if they were going to
spend the night kissing each other.? But as soon as they
broke off, the woman turned to me and said, "Follow
me."? And as she moved off, I followed her.? Behind me
I could hear the Hypnotist talking again, "Leslie, can
you hear me?"
????????????????????? *?? *? ?*?? *?? *
I was in a dungeon.? It was dark and cold and dirty.? I
was naked and I was leaning up against a wall.? My
hands were spread out above my head and my feet were
spread, too, a couple of feet back from the wall.? Both
my hands and feet were somehow locked in position.? I
couldn't tell how, exactly.? But I couldn't move them.? I
could hear Mistress Della moving behind me.
How had I gotten here?? How did I know that was
Mistress Della behind me?? Just who the hell *was*
Mistress Della anyway?? I was scared.? But somehow, I
was also very horny?? Why the hell would being in this
kind of situation make me hot?? What was going on?
Mistress Della was very close now.? I could feel her
moving right up against me.? 'Oh my God!'? She wasn't
wearing any clothes.? I could feel her naked body
pressing up against mine.? She was reaching around and
feeling my breast.? She was tweaking my nipple.? It was
really hard.
The voice was talking to me again.? It was like the
voice of God.? "Now, my sweet," she said, "it's time for
you to feel the sting of my lash."
I was trembling.? She held something up next to my
face.? It was the belt to a bathrobe.? "You see this?"
"Yes, Mistress."? Now why the hell was I calling her
that?? Why was I being so meek?? I wanted to scream
and cry.
"It's a whip," she said.? "It's a big, black, evil whip."
I looked again and she was holding a whip.? I was so
scared I wanted to pee.
"When I use it, you'll hear the crack and feel the
searing pain on your backside.? Won't you?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"And the feel of the whip will make you even hotter.
Won't it?"
"Yes, Mistress."? I was already starting to cry and she
hadn't even hit me yet.? Tears were running down my
cheeks.? But my pussy felt so damned wet.? Why was
all this making me so horny?
She was kissing the back of my neck now and still
fondling my breast.? God it felt good!? But why was I
getting so turned on by another woman?? A woman
who was about to whip me?? I started crying even more.
Then I felt her move back away from me.? I was
trembling even harder.? But nothing happened at first.
Just some quiet squishing sounds from behind.? I
screwed up some courage and looked back over my
shoulder.? The woman was just standing there with her
mouth slightly open and her eyes half closed.? She was
holding the whip with one hand and the other hand was
between her own legs.? She was masturbating.? Then
she noticed me looking at her.
"Eyes forward, Bitch!" she yelled.
I quickly turned back and started praying.? I hadn't
prayed in years, but I was praying now.
There were more little squishing sounds and then a long
terrifying silence.
Suddenly I felt the whip crack against my back.? There
was a piercing agonizing pain like a streak of
lightening.? It felt like a sharp intense orgasm.? I wanted
to scream but for some reason I couldn't.? I could only
grunt.? A moment later, there was another crack of the
whip and then another and another.
I could feel her cracking the whip all over my backside.
The pain was so extreme I almost came.? I wanted to
come.? I wanted to holler.? But all I could do was to
whimper and grunt and twitch in sexual heat.?? I wished
that my knees would buckle under me, but somehow I
remained standing.? I wanted to fall on the floor and
die, but my bonds kept me upright.
The woman started whipping my behind, and then my
legs.? It was horrible.? It was unendurable.? I was so
horny I couldn't stand it.? I wanted so badly to reach
down and touch myself until I could find some release,
but I couldn't move my hands.? Tears were flooding
down my face.
There was a brief pause.? Then I felt the whip again, but
this time the woman had moved in more closely and the
whip was wrapping itself around my body and cracking
against my front side.? I could feel the intense
lightening on my belly and on my breasts and on the
front of my legs.? One stroke came around and even
cracked against my vulva.? That one almost sent me
over the edge.
And still I couldn't scream.? And still I couldn't move.
And still I couldn't touch myself.
Then it stopped.
The woman came up behind me again.? The touch of
her body against my tortured backside was exquisite.? It
was intensely, painfully erotic.? She must have dropped
her whip, because I could feel both her hands on me.
Rubbing my abused breasts, pinching my swollen
nipples, scratching my tortured belly.? I felt one hand
slide down and bury itself in my crotch.? There was no
resistance.? I was so wet.? Her fingers sank into my
warm flesh like I had been specially lubricated.
She started rubbing on my clit and I just knew I would
come at any moment.? But her voice said, "Not yet,
kitten.? Don't come yet."
"OK, Mistress."
And somehow, despite my horniness, I couldn't bring
myself over the edge.? She just kept moving her hands,
and tweaking my most sensitive areas, and rubbing her
own body and breasts into my back.? My tears and my
other juices were still flowing freely.
After awhile she stopped and told me my bounds had
been released.
????????????????????? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
I was lying on the floor in a fancy hotel room.? I was
naked and somehow I knew that I'd been severely
whipped even though I couldn't see any whip marks.
My entire body was in agony, but somehow it was a
sexual agony.? I was curled into a fetal position but I
still couldn't bring my hands down to finger myself.
A naked woman was sitting in a chair a few feet away.
I recognized her as the Hypnotist's road manager, but
she was also my Mistress.? 'My Mistress?!'
"Are you hot, Slave?" she asked.? "Do you want to
"Oh yes, Mistress!"
"Then beg for it, Slave," she said.? "Beg for it and
prove how much you want it."
I didn't care how humiliating this was.? I uncurled a bit
and started begging and whining and pleading for my
Mistress to let me come.? I was crying and cringing.
The sexual pain was awful.
This went on for awhile while the woman in the chair
kept fingering herself.? Then she said something which
I didn't hear because I was making so much noise
myself.? "Mistress?" I whined.
"I said, crawl over here and kiss my feet.? And do a
better job of begging me to let you come."
And even as she continued fingering herself, I crawled
over on my belly and started kissing her feet.? Between
kisses I continued my pathetic begging.
The woman really seemed to be getting off on my
humiliation.? She started breathing louder and her
fingers were moving faster.
"Shut up and lick my feet, Slut.? Just shut the fuck up
and lick my toes."
And I did.? Tears still streaming down my face.? A
terrible sexual ache in my groin.? I stuck out my tongue
and began licking all around and between her toes.
And somewhere in there, I heard her come.? Her whole
body went rigid, pulsed for several long moments, and
then went slack.? I never stopped licking her toes the
whole time.
Minutes later, when her breathing came back to normal,
I was sill licking her toes.
????????????????????? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
I was lying on a large bed in a fancy hotel room.? I was
naked and somehow I knew that I'd been severely
whipped.? A voice said "Roll onto your back, Slave."? I
rolled over, even though every move was a sexual
agony.? "Spread your legs, Slave," the voice said and I
Looking down between my legs I saw Hypnotist's road
manager, walking up toward me.? She was naked.? And
somehow I knew she was my Mistress.? 'My
She looked down at me.? "Are you horny, Slave?? Do
you want to come?"
"Yes, Mistress!? Please!"
"Then beg for it, Slave," she said, "and maybe I'll let
And while I was begging and pleading and humiliating
myself she just stood there looking pleased with herself
and lightly rubbing her own breast with one hand.
"OK!? Now shut up," she said.? "I'm going to make you
come.? But not until I give you the signal.? When I'm
ready for you to come, I'll squeeze your tit.? OK?? Do
you understand?"
"Yes, Mistress, I'm not to come until you squeeze my
"Press your titties together."
I did so.? My breasts weren't huge, but they were large
enough that I could do what she'd ordered.
"Now hold them like that.? You're going to get even
hotter than you are now.? You're going to get so damn
hot you won't be able to stand it.? But all you'll be able
to do is to writhe around and make sexy noises letting
me know how much you're enjoying being eaten.
"Yes, Mistress, I'm to writhe around and make sexy
noises but not to come until you squeeze my breast."
"Hummph," she said.? "OK slut, keep begging me to eat
you.? And then shut up when you feel my mouth on
your cunt."
I started begging again and didn't stop until my
Mistress lay down between my legs and starting licking
me.? The feel of her mouth was amazing.? I'd been
licked by a couple of boyfriends before, but never
anything like this.? I was moaning and whining and
thrashing.? The feel of my own breasts was incredible.
This went on for what seemed like an eternity.? I felt
the woman's fingers in my vagina.? And then she stuck
a finger in my rear hole.? I was completely wet and
lubricated down there.
And without warning, she suddenly reached up and
pinched my right breast really hard.? And I came, and
came, and came, and came.? I'd never come like that
before.? It seemed to go on forever.
????????????????????? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
I was standing at the foot of a large bed in a fancy hotel
room.? I was naked and there was a thin sash tied
around my neck.? A voice said it was a collar and a
leash and when I looked again it was.
The Hypnotist's road manager was sitting cross legged
on the bed in front of me and she was holding the leash.
She was naked and she was also my Mistress.? 'My
I felt drained, but I didn't know why.? My muscles were
"OK, bitch," she said.? "It's time for you to lick *my*
cunt.? Do it just like I did you."
I couldn't remember what she was talking about, but
somehow I new what she wanted.? It was horrible.? I'm
not a lesbian.? I've never even touched another
woman's private areas before.? But my Mistress tugged
the leash and I found myself climbing up onto the bed
between her legs.? She lay back and pulled my face
right into her hot crotch.
It was awful.? But it was also incredibly sexy somehow.
Why was that?? I found myself weeping even as I licked
and fingered her.? I could feel her fingers in my hair;
her hands holding my head and guiding my motions.
I wanted to throw up.? But I just kept licking and
licking and fingering and fingering.
And then she came.? She went rigid all at once and
pressed my face into her crotch really hard.? She yelled
at me to stop licking.? I could feel her wet flesh pulsing
under my lips.? I could feel tears running down the
sides of my nose and dripping into her pubic hair.? She
just kept pressing my face into her until the
contractions had stopped.? Then she relaxed her grip
and for a long time we just lay quietly.? There was
nothing but the sound of her heavy breathing and my
own whimpering.
Then it was over.
????????????????????? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
I woke up at home in bed.? My head felt like it was full
of Kleenex but somehow I felt wonderful.? I knew my
muscles were sore, but it didn't bother me.? In fact I
really felt great.? I got up and took some Motrin
Leslie was sitting at the breakfast table with a cup of
coffee.? She looked like I was feeling.
What the hell had happened last night?? I remembered
the show and the Green Room party.? Then everything
was a fuzzy blank.? I didn't remember having had
anything to drink, but this sure felt like some kind of
hangover.? I didn't even remember coming home, but
here we were.? I asked Leslie what happened, but she
couldn't remember, either.
"I guess we must have had a good time," I said without
much conviction.
"I guess so," she replied weakly.
????????????????????? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
About a month later, Leslie turned up pregnant.? She
had to decide what she wanted to do about that.? But the
weird thing was that she claimed she hadn't had sex for
over a year.? A lot of folks would have been very
skeptical about that.? But somehow, I believed her.
*?? *?? *?? *?? *?? End of Story?? *?? *?? *?? *?? *
???? by Zebulon
This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper
credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted,
and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is
being posted.
???? by Zebulon
This is a work of fiction.? No
reference to real persons is
intended.? It contains strong,
non-traditional sexual imagery
and language.? If you don't like
this kind of thing, don't read it.
This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper
credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted,
and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is
being posted.
???? Feedback is welcome.? [email protected]
???? (MC, MF, FF, d/s)
*?? *?? *??
*?? *?? Start of Story?? *??
*?? *?? *?? *
We were going to the performance of a stage hypnotist.
My roommate, Leslie, had been given two tickets --? for
free --? by some guy she met in a
mall.? He told her he
was a 'front man' for the hypnotist and that giving
away the tickets was some kind of media thing.? A lot
of folks would have simply accepted that.? I was
"You're always suspicious of everything, Rhonda," my
roomie said with a pout.? "I
suppose it keeps you out of
trouble, but it also keeps you from having any fun."
It was possible I suppose that giving away tickets was a
way of attracting customers to a new act.? If the
performance was any good it might create a lot of
word-of-mouth publicity.? But
knowing Leslie, I
wondered if the guy was just hitting up on her.? My
roommate was really beautiful.?
And everyone knew it
except for Leslie herself.? She
really had no idea how
attractive she was and always thought of herself as
rather plain.
Then again, I suppose you could say the same for me.
I've never thought of myself as particularly good
looking either.? I don't see
anything special when I see
myself in a mirror.? But I've
been favorably compared
to Leslie on more than one occasion.?
And we both get
hit on often enough.? So it could
And maybe the ticket thing was legitimate as well.? But
if Leslie was determined to go, I sure has hell wasn't
going to let her go by herself.?
So there we were.
Dressed up, looking good, and off to the theater.
The tickets turned out to be real.?
We even had great
seats, right up front.? And the
show was surprisingly
good.? The opening act was this
magic guy who also
told jokes.? He was very talented
and really funny.? And
he also did some juggling.? So I
figured that even if the
Hypnotist was a flop, the evening was worth it.? But the
Hypnotist turned out to be even better than the opener.
He asked for and got a bunch of volunteers from the
audience.? Leslie wanted to
volunteer us both, but I
said, 'no way.'? So we just
watched.? He started to
hypnotize about twenty audience members all at once.
Pretty soon he had a half dozen of them in a trance and
sent the rest back to their seats.?
He said he could have
hypnotized them all if he were willing to spend enough
time, but for the sake of the show, he'd limit himself to
the best subjects who went under most quickly.? Could
be.? I was skeptical about that,
too.? I was wondering if
these were real volunteers of if they were plants.? But
Leslie said she knew one of the guys who was still up
on stage and she was sure he was no fake.
The hypnotist also said he couldn't make the subjects
do anything they wouldn't do normally.?
I'd heard that
somewhere before.? But he said
that he could trick them
into doing all kinds of ridiculous things that wouldn't
physically hurt them.? And he was
right.? That was the
act.? He spent the next hour
running those poor slobs
through all kinds of silly stunts.?
He had them howling
like wolves and pretending to be other animals.? He had
the guy Leslie knew eat a raw onion and think it was an
apple.? That's when I was really
convinced.? To be
honest, it scared me a little.?
He had them dancing, and
singing, and acting just like they thought they had
talent.? But they were terrible,
so it was really funny.
And no one got hurt at all, unless you consider severe
onion breath to be an injury.
When it was over, he gave the volunteers a whole
bunch of free gifts.? And that
made me think that maybe
we should have gone up after all.?
Some of the stuff he
handed out was really nice.? He
also gave them lots of
free passes to come back and bring friends to one of the
later shows that week.? And that
really had me
convinced the free ticket thing was legitimate, too.?
Then he said that everyone who had volunteered,
whether he had hypnotized them or not, and everyone
who had received a free pass to the performance was
invited back stage to the Green Room for a party after
the show.
When it was over he got this huge standing ovation.? As
folks were filing out, Leslie and I debated whether or
not to go to the party.? Well, it
wasn't really much of a
debate.? Leslie really wanted to
go and I was only a
little hesitant.? So we went.
And it turned out to be a lot of fun.?
There was plenty of
good food.? And no booze at all
which made me relax.
I got to meet the magic guy and he was real nice.? He
was also quite a looker close up.?
He had a great ass
and, if his costume were any indication, he was pretty
well hung.? Of course, I
pretended not to notice.
Leslie called me over and introduced me to the guy
who had given her the tickets.?
He seemed a little shifty
to me.? I'm not sure why, there
was just something
about him.? She also introduced
me to her friend who'd
been in the act.? He couldn't
remember anything about
it at all.? He just said he felt
great.? In fact he'd never
felt better in his life.? But I
didn't talk to him very long.
He really stank of onion.? But he
didn't know that
Later, I introduced Leslie to the Magic man.? And while
we were talking I noticed the shifty guy talking to the
Hypnotist.? I might not have paid
any attention, except
the two of them kept glancing over at us.? I supposed
they were talking about Mr. Magic, but it still gave me
the creeps.
It was a nice party, but broke up fairly quickly.? I
glanced at my watch and figured it was time to leave.
It was just late enough that I could have gone home and
to bed without another thought.?
But it was just early
enough that I could have gone out with Leslie to a
coffee shop to spend a while chatting.?
I wondered what
she wanted to do.? Where was
she?? I finally spotted her
talking with the Hypnotist.? She
waved me over.? For
reasons which I couldn't explain, I started getting that
creepy feeling again.
We were being invited to an after party-party up in the
Hypnotist's Penthouse Suite at the Plaza Hotel.? My
first thought was, 'Bullshit!'? I
wasn't going to be some
kind of sexual groupie.? But
before I could embarrass
myself by expressing that thought, Leslie assured me
that this was a real party with at least a dozen people.
She told me Mr. Hypnotist traveled with a small troupe
of supporting personnel and that they always celebrated
a good opening night with a party in his room.? Leslie
said a couple of other girls and the two of us were being
invited because the supporting crew were two-thirds
men.? They liked to invite some
local girls in to even
out the numbers.? I could believe
that.? Men always like
lots of women at parties.? They
need to think there's at
least an outside chance they might get laid.
Leslie said we were being invited because we'd made
such a good impression on Mr. Magic.?
Humph.? I was
still doubtful, but the shine in her eyes was so bright, I
just knew she wanted to go.? And
I didn't have the heart
to disappoint her.? I suppose I
could have begged off
and let her go alone.? But that
would have put a damper
on the party for her.? And
besides, I felt I needed to be
there to keep an eye on things.?
Leslie was far too
So we found ourselves at the penthouse party.? It was a
nice room.? Well, a nice set of
rooms actually.? It was
huge.? And I really liked the
crew members.? In
addition to Mr. Magic there were some stage hands, a
prop guy, an accountant and a couple of other guys who
I never did figure out what they did.?
They all seemed
like good people.? The only one
who still gave me the
willies was the ticket guy but he kept pretty much to
himself, so he didn't bother me much.?
And there were
also a few women.? There was an
assistant to the
Hypnotist and another for Mr. Magic.?
There was a P.R.
liaison -- whatever that was.
There was also a rather intense looking woman named
Della who was introduced to me as the Road Manager.
She was a tall, dark haired woman with very pale skin.
She looked as if she'd once been cast in the roll of Mrs.
Dracula.?? But she was very
friendly and we ended up
talking for a long time.? She
told me a little about the
show, but a whole lot about the practical uses of
hypnosis.? She was really big on
hypnosis as a medical
tool and for self-improvement.?
At first it was all very
interesting, but after a while I began to feel like maybe
she was hitting on me.? There was
just something in her
manner and the way she looked at me.
I was about to excuse myself and find someone else to
talk to when Leslie came walking up with the
Hypnotist.? She was all excited
again.? He had been
telling her about how she could use hypnosis to make
controlling her diet easy.?
Leslie was hardly fat.? In fact
she had a fabulous shape.? But it
was a constant battle
for her and the hypnotist told her he could make it easy.
And she said I could use hypnosis to improve my
concentration for my studies.? I
had been taking night
classes and was having troubles of my own.? The
Hypnotist said it would make study easy and automatic
and guarantee me better grades.
While we were talking he put his arm around Mrs.
Dracula.? It turned out she was
his live-in girlfriend as
well as being the Road Manager.?
That made me feel a
lot more comfortable about both of them.? I mean if
they were committed to each other, neither one would
be hitting on Leslie or me, right?
I guess the promise of making my studying easier was
just what it took to get me to agree.?
Leslie of course
was already hyped.? I don't know
what the Hypnotist
promised the other two girls, but whatever it was, they
were as excited as Leslie.
So the Hypnotist moved us to a small dining room table
with four chairs around it.? Each
girl sat in one of the
chairs.? There was a candle in
the center of the table
and the Hypnotist lit it.? I
could look up over the candle
flame and see one of the other girls looking back at me.
She was a cute little redhead with a nice smile.? Leslie
was to my right and the fourth girl, a tall blond, was to
my left.? Everyone else was
sitting or standing in a wide
circle around us.? The room
lights were switched off
and the whole scene was lit up only by the flickering
For a moment everything seemed incredibly weird.? I
almost got up and laughed the whole thing off but then
the Hypnotist started talking.?
His voice was, for lack of
a better word, absolutely hypnotic.
He told us to concentrate on the candle flame and I did.
He told us to raise our right hands and point at the
flame and I did that too.? The
redhead across from me
was pointing at the flame, but somehow it felt like she
was pointing at me.? That was
kind of spooky.? But by
now, I was really concentrating on the voice.? The voice
told me my arm would grow heavy and tired much
faster than it normally would.? I
suppose I could have
held my arm pointing at the candle like that for many
minutes, but the voice was right.?
Within a few
moments it felt very heavy and tired.?
I noticed the
redhead's arm already starting to drop.?
She had a
somewhat startled look on her face.?
When I looked
back at my arm it had practically fallen down to the
table level.? I tried to lift it,
but somehow I couldn't.? I
didn't know if I should be freaked out or delighted that
it was working.
Once all four arms were down, the voice told us that
they would start to feel light again.?
The voice said they
would begin to float up and point back at the candle.
And damned if they didn't.? All
four arms started
slowly and jerkily to rise.? This
was super weird.? But I
was fascinated nonetheless.? And
soon we were all
pointing at the candle and at each other again.
Then the voice said our arms would again grow heavy
and drop, only this time so would our eyelids.? The
voice said we were supposed to try to fight this as hard
as we could, but that soon our arms would hit the tables
and when they did our eyes would be closed.? The last
thing I remembered seeing was a blurred image of my
limp hand as it was coming to rest on the tablecloth.
????????????????????? *?? *??
*?? *?? *
I was floating on a cloud.? My
eyes were closed and I
could only feel the sensation of floating.? The only
thing I could hear was the voice.?
I felt wonderful.? The
voice talked and I listened.? But
it was like some other
part of me was paying attention.?
I was just floating.? I
wished it would never end.
????????????????????? *?? *??
*?? *?? *
I was floating in space and far away there was a distant
sun.? I could feel the warmth of
the sun on my face and
hands as I watched it in the darkness of space.? A voice
told me the sun was moving farther away and I saw it
getting smaller and dimmer.? The
voice said the warmth
was leaving and I started to get colder.? Much colder.
Soon I felt like I was freezing.?
I wanted to cry.? It was
cold and dark and I could feel myself trembling.
Then the voice told me the sun was returning.? And
soon I was feeling warm and comfortable again.
????????????????????? *?? *??
*?? *?? *
I was sitting on a beach.? It was
a lovely warm day.
The sun was shining, a breeze was blowing, and the sea
was beautiful.? A voice said it
was time to get into my
swim suit.? So I kicked off my
shoes and stood up.? I
started taking off my clothes and piling them on the
beach chair until I was down to my bikini.? And this
was a little strange because I didn't even own a bikini.
I heard what sounded like a bunch of people clapping.
I looked around to find out where it was coming from.
But then the voice said it was the sound of sea birds.
And sure enough, when I listened again, I could hear
the gulls calling to each other in the distance.
Then the voice said the sun was getting closer and it
was getting hotter.? Soon I felt
like I was sweating like
crazy.? I wanted to run down and
jump in the water but
I couldn't seem to find it.? The
voice said I'd feel much
cooler if I weren't wearing my bikini.?
I was
embarrassed at the thought of being naked in such a
public place and was torn between the heat and my
embarrassment.? But the voice
assured me that this was
a very private beach and that I would feel very safe and
comfortable once I had removed my swim suit.? So I
carefully removed the top.? I was
a little surprised to
find it unhooked like a bra rather than untying.? But
then I slipped out of my bottoms and sure enough I
could feel the cool sea breeze and I was no longer hot.
I stretched in the warm sea air and listened to the gulls
calling to each other again.
The voice told me that I'd better put on some sun tan
lotion so as not to get burned.?
It said there was a tube
of lotion near my feet.? So I
bent over and picked it up
and started putting it on.
Then the voice told me not to be alarmed, but that some
good friends of mine were about to show up.? The voice
said not to bother getting my swim suit back on, my
friends were nude sun bathing too and that we could
help each other out by carefully putting sun tan lotion
on each other to be sure we didn't miss any spots.
And there was Leslie and the two girls I had met at the
Hypnotist's party.? It seemed
strange to see them on
this beach all naked like that.?
But the voice had said it
was OK, so I didn't give it another thought.? And soon
we were lotioning each other down and having a great
It was funny.? The birds were
suddenly quite loud, but I
still couldn't see them.
????????????????????? *?? *??
*?? *?? *
I was at the Hypnotist's party.?
A voice said I was a
dog.? Had I always been a
dog?? No matter, it was good
to be a dog.? But what was really
funny was that three
human girls were pretending to be dogs.?
I started
jumping around and barking at them.?
They weren't
wearing any clothes at all.? I'd
never seen humans
behaving like that before and thought they looked silly.
I was barking at them to tell them to stop that and to get
But they weren't paying any attention to me, so I just
kept barking.? Then one of the
men came over and
started scratching me behind my ears.?
I liked that.? It
felt nice.? He rolled me over on
my back and started
rubbing my belly and chest.? And
that felt really nice.? I
forgot all about the silly naked humans.? The man
called me a good girl and brought his hand up so I
could lick it.
Soon lots of men were rubbing and scratching me.? I
loved being the center of attention.?
One of the men
reached down and checked something between my legs.
I guess he must have been a Vet.?
I don't like going to
the Vet's office.? He said I was
wet.? I hope that doesn't
mean I'm going to get sick.? I
felt great.
Then the voice told us all to sit up and beg and we all
did.? I whined a little because
the silly human girls were
still pretending to be dogs.? And
the voice must have
realized something was wrong, because the voice said
we were all dogs.? And when I
looked again I realized
the voice was right.? I must have
been mistaken before.
They were all bitches just like me.
The voice had the long blond bitch do some tricks in
the center of the room.? She was
an afghan and must
have been a racing dog.? I wished
the voice would ask
me to do some tricks too.? I
liked being the center of
Then the voice had me walk over and check out the
blond bitch's ass.? The voice
said her ass would smell
wonderful.? So I went over and
checked.? And sure
enough she had the nicest smelling ass.?
It was
wonderful being a dog and getting to smell the asses of
other dogs.? Humans just don't
know what they're
The voice said the blond bitch loved having her ass
smelled by me and sure enough she made little yelping
noises of pleasure and wiggled her ass while I sniffed.
Then the voice told me to lick her ass and clean it for
her.? It said I would find the
taste wonderful.? And it
was.? And the long blond bitch
loved that too.
The other two dogs were doing something else, but I
wasn't paying any attention.? I
was having too much
fun licking the blond bitch's ass.?
All the humans in the
room were laughing and clapping.?
Everyone was
having a great time.? I was very
????????????????????? *?? *??
*?? *? ?*
I was floating.? I couldn't seem
to remember where I
was.? But it didn't matter.? I felt great and it was good
just to float.? It seemed to go
on for a long time.
????????????????????? *?? *??
*?? *?? *
I was on my knees.? I was naked
but that didn't seem to
bother me.? I was on a thick rug
in a large empty room.
I could hear voices, but they seemed far away.? A voice
told me I was thirsty.? And I
was.? The voice told me I
wanted a popsicle to suck on.?
And I did.? The voice
said they were going to give me some new kind of
popsicle with a special delicious cream filling.? All I
had to do was to suck on it and enjoy it and be sure not
to bit it or scratch my teeth on it.
And there was the popsicle.? It
almost seemed to be
floating on the air in front of my face.? It was kind of
strange looking, but the voice said it would taste good.
So I leaned forward and took a lick.?
It was great.? It
was a really strange popsicle because it was soft and
rather warm.? But it had such a
delightful flavor.? I
couldn't quite tell what it tasted like, but I couldn't get
enough of it either.? I just kept
licking and sucking.
The voice told me that if I kept that up, I'd get to the
special cream filling soon.? The
voice told me there
were some special cream filling sacks under the back of
the popsicle.? And that if I were
to gently rub and
squeeze them I'd get more filling.?
But I had to be
careful not to rub or squeeze them too hard.? So I
brought up my hands and started fondling the little
I could hear little moaning sounds of pleasure in the
background.? I wasn't sure what
they were, but they
sounded happy.
Then the popsicle started to twitch and throb and my
mouth was filled with the most delightful tasting cream.
I licked it all down and was disappointed the popsicle
didn't give me any more.
The popsicle was taken away after that and the voice
asked if I'd like another.? I
said, 'Oh yes," and there
was another popsicle for me.
This time, while I was sucking on the popsicle, I could
feel ghost-like hands on my head.?
It felt like they were
grabbing my hair and it bothered me.?
I tried shaking
my head a little to make the hands go away.? I grunted
and reached up to push them off.?
The voice asked me
what was wrong.? I had to let go
of that wonderful
popsicle to answer.? But then the
voice told me I liked
the feel of the ghost hands, and what do you know?? I
I had a third popsicle and still wanted more.? But the
voice said it was time to call it a night.
????????????????????? *?? *??
*?? *?? *
I was at the Hypnotist's party.?
My mind seemed foggy.
The lighting had been turned way down.?
I was naked,
but somehow that seemed natural.?
I wondered in a
casual way where my clothes were.?
Leslie was
standing near me and she was naked, too.? That also
didn't seem to bother me.? Leslie
had a silly smile but
the rest of her face was blank.?
She wasn't bothered by
her nakedness either.? I turned
my head a little at some
noises behind me.? I seemed to be
moving in slow
motion, like I was underwater or something.? The two
girls who came to the party with us were both naked
and so where a half dozen of the men from the crew.? I
couldn't tell exactly what was going on, but it looked
like a lot of sex.? The redhead
was on her hands and
knees and there was a naked guy at her face and another
behind her.? I caught a half
glimpse of the blond.? Her
head seemed to be bobbing up and down.?
There were
giggles and moans and slurping noises coming from the
dimness across the room.
I became aware of a conversation on my other side and
turned back.? It took a few
moments.? It was the
Hypnotist and his road manager girl friend.? I couldn't
understand what they were saying.?
It was like I could
hear their voices, but I couldn't make any sense out of
their words.
The woman reached up and touched Leslie on the
shoulder.? The hypnotist looked
like he was about to
say something.? But then the
woman changed her mind
and put her hand on my shoulder instead.? I could see
her hand, but I couldn't feel it.
They hypnotist smiled and then he looked me right in
the eye. "Rhonda," he said, "can you hear me?"
Somehow, his calling my name made everything clear.
Well not everything.? I still
couldn't understand what
anyone else was saying.? But I
could really understand
"Yes," I replied.
"Listen carefully.? I want
you to hear Della's voice as
well as mine.? Do whatever her
voice tells you for the
rest of the evening.? Do you
"Good Girl."? He turned
his girlfriend and said, "Ok,
she's all yours.? I'll see you in
the morning."? Then the
two of them kissed for a long time.?
I vaguely wondered
why they were interested in me if they were going to
spend the night kissing each other.?
But as soon as they
broke off, the woman turned to me and said, "Follow
me."? And as she moved off,
I followed her.? Behind me
I could hear the Hypnotist talking again, "Leslie, can
you hear me?"
????????????????????? *?? *? ?*??
*?? *
I was in a dungeon.? It was dark
and cold and dirty.? I
was naked and I was leaning up against a wall.? My
hands were spread out above my head and my feet were
spread, too, a couple of feet back from the wall.? Both
my hands and feet were somehow locked in position.? I
couldn't tell how, exactly.? But
I couldn't move them.? I
could hear Mistress Della moving behind me.
How had I gotten here?? How did I
know that was
Mistress Della behind me?? Just
who the hell *was*
Mistress Della anyway?? I was
scared.? But somehow, I
was also very horny?? Why the
hell would being in this
kind of situation make me hot??
What was going on?
Mistress Della was very close now.?
I could feel her
moving right up against me.? 'Oh
my God!'? She wasn't
wearing any clothes.? I could
feel her naked body
pressing up against mine.? She
was reaching around and
feeling my breast.? She was
tweaking my nipple.? It was
really hard.
The voice was talking to me again.?
It was like the
voice of God.? "Now, my
sweet," she said, "it's time for
you to feel the sting of my lash."
I was trembling.? She held
something up next to my
face.? It was the belt to a
bathrobe.? "You see this?"
"Yes, Mistress."? Now
why the hell was I calling her
that?? Why was I being so
meek?? I wanted to scream
and cry.
"It's a whip," she said.?
"It's a big, black, evil whip."
I looked again and she was holding a whip.? I was so
scared I wanted to pee.
"When I use it, you'll hear the crack and feel the
searing pain on your backside.?
Won't you?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"And the feel of the whip will make you even hotter.
Won't it?"
"Yes, Mistress."? I was
already starting to cry and she
hadn't even hit me yet.? Tears
were running down my
cheeks.? But my pussy felt so
damned wet.? Why was
all this making me so horny?
She was kissing the back of my neck now and still
fondling my breast.? God it felt
good!? But why was I
getting so turned on by another woman??
A woman
who was about to whip me?? I
started crying even more.
Then I felt her move back away from me.?
I was
trembling even harder.? But
nothing happened at first.
Just some quiet squishing sounds from behind.? I
screwed up some courage and looked back over my
shoulder.? The woman was just
standing there with her
mouth slightly open and her eyes half closed.? She was
holding the whip with one hand and the other hand was
between her own legs.? She was
masturbating.? Then
she noticed me looking at her.
"Eyes forward, Bitch!" she yelled.
I quickly turned back and started praying.? I hadn't
prayed in years, but I was praying now.
There were more little squishing sounds and then a long
terrifying silence.
Suddenly I felt the whip crack against my back.? There
was a piercing agonizing pain like a streak of
lightening.? It felt like a sharp
intense orgasm.? I wanted
to scream but for some reason I couldn't.? I could only
grunt.? A moment later, there was
another crack of the
whip and then another and another.
I could feel her cracking the whip all over my backside.
The pain was so extreme I almost came.?
I wanted to
come.? I wanted to holler.? But all I could do was to
whimper and grunt and twitch in sexual heat.?? I wished
that my knees would buckle under me, but somehow I
remained standing.? I wanted to
fall on the floor and
die, but my bonds kept me upright.
The woman started whipping my behind, and then my
legs.? It was horrible.? It was unendurable.? I was so
horny I couldn't stand it.? I
wanted so badly to reach
down and touch myself until I could find some release,
but I couldn't move my hands.?
Tears were flooding
down my face.
There was a brief pause.? Then I
felt the whip again, but
this time the woman had moved in more closely and the
whip was wrapping itself around my body and cracking
against my front side.? I could
feel the intense
lightening on my belly and on my breasts and on the
front of my legs.? One stroke
came around and even
cracked against my vulva.? That
one almost sent me
over the edge.
And still I couldn't scream.? And
still I couldn't move.
And still I couldn't touch myself.
Then it stopped.
The woman came up behind me again.?
The touch of
her body against my tortured backside was exquisite.? It
was intensely, painfully erotic.?
She must have dropped
her whip, because I could feel both her hands on me.
Rubbing my abused breasts, pinching my swollen
nipples, scratching my tortured belly.?
I felt one hand
slide down and bury itself in my crotch.? There was no
resistance.? I was so wet.? Her fingers sank into my
warm flesh like I had been specially lubricated.
She started rubbing on my clit and I just knew I would
come at any moment.? But her
voice said, "Not yet,
kitten.? Don't come yet."
"OK, Mistress."
And somehow, despite my horniness, I couldn't bring
myself over the edge.? She just
kept moving her hands,
and tweaking my most sensitive areas, and rubbing her
own body and breasts into my back.?
My tears and my
other juices were still flowing freely.
After awhile she stopped and told me my bounds had
been released.
????????????????????? *?? *??
*?? *?? *
I was lying on the floor in a fancy hotel room.? I was
naked and somehow I knew that I'd been severely
whipped even though I couldn't see any whip marks.
My entire body was in agony, but somehow it was a
sexual agony.? I was curled into
a fetal position but I
still couldn't bring my hands down to finger myself.
A naked woman was sitting in a chair a few feet away.
I recognized her as the Hypnotist's road manager, but
she was also my Mistress.? 'My
"Are you hot, Slave?" she asked.? "Do you want to
"Oh yes, Mistress!"
"Then beg for it, Slave," she said.? "Beg for it and
prove how much you want it."
I didn't care how humiliating this was.?
I uncurled a bit
and started begging and whining and pleading for my
Mistress to let me come.? I was
crying and cringing.
The sexual pain was awful.
This went on for awhile while the woman in the chair
kept fingering herself.? Then she
said something which
I didn't hear because I was making so much noise
myself.? "Mistress?" I
"I said, crawl over here and kiss my feet.? And do a
better job of begging me to let you come."
And even as she continued fingering herself, I crawled
over on my belly and started kissing her feet.? Between
kisses I continued my pathetic begging.
The woman really seemed to be getting off on my
humiliation.? She started
breathing louder and her
fingers were moving faster.
"Shut up and lick my feet, Slut.?
Just shut the fuck up
and lick my toes."
And I did.? Tears still streaming
down my face.? A
terrible sexual ache in my groin.?
I stuck out my tongue
and began licking all around and between her toes.
And somewhere in there, I heard her come.? Her whole
body went rigid, pulsed for several long moments, and
then went slack.? I never stopped
licking her toes the
whole time.
Minutes later, when her breathing came back to normal,
I was sill licking her toes.
????????????????????? *?? *??
*?? *?? *
I was lying on a large bed in a fancy hotel room.? I was
naked and somehow I knew that I'd been severely
whipped.? A voice said "Roll
onto your back, Slave."? I
rolled over, even though every move was a sexual
agony.? "Spread your legs,
Slave," the voice said and I
Looking down between my legs I saw Hypnotist's road
manager, walking up toward me.?
She was naked.? And
somehow I knew she was my Mistress.?
She looked down at me.? "Are
you horny, Slave?? Do
you want to come?"
"Yes, Mistress!?
"Then beg for it, Slave," she said, "and maybe I'll let
And while I was begging and pleading and humiliating
myself she just stood there looking pleased with herself
and lightly rubbing her own breast with one hand.
"OK!? Now shut up," she
said.? "I'm going to make you
come.? But not until I give you
the signal.? When I'm
ready for you to come, I'll squeeze your tit.? OK?? Do
you understand?"
"Yes, Mistress, I'm not to come until you squeeze my
"Press your titties together."
I did so.? My breasts weren't
huge, but they were large
enough that I could do what she'd ordered.
"Now hold them like that.?
You're going to get even
hotter than you are now.? You're
going to get so damn
hot you won't be able to stand it.?
But all you'll be able
to do is to writhe around and make sexy noises letting
me know how much you're enjoying being eaten.
"Yes, Mistress, I'm to writhe around and make sexy
noises but not to come until you squeeze my breast."
"Hummph," she said.?
"OK slut, keep begging me to eat
you.? And then shut up when you
feel my mouth on
your cunt."
I started begging again and didn't stop until my
Mistress lay down between my legs and starting licking
me.? The feel of her mouth was
amazing.? I'd been
licked by a couple of boyfriends before, but never
anything like this.? I was
moaning and whining and
thrashing.? The feel of my own
breasts was incredible.
This went on for what seemed like an eternity.? I felt
the woman's fingers in my vagina.?
And then she stuck
a finger in my rear hole.? I was
completely wet and
lubricated down there.
And without warning, she suddenly reached up and
pinched my right breast really hard.?
And I came, and
came, and came, and came.? I'd
never come like that
before.? It seemed to go on
????????????????????? *?? *??
*?? *?? *
I was standing at the foot of a large bed in a fancy hotel
room.? I was naked and there was
a thin sash tied
around my neck.? A voice said it
was a collar and a
leash and when I looked again it was.
The Hypnotist's road manager was sitting cross legged
on the bed in front of me and she was holding the leash.
She was naked and she was also my Mistress.? 'My
I felt drained, but I didn't know why.?
My muscles were
"OK, bitch," she said.?
"It's time for you to lick *my*
cunt.? Do it just like I did
I couldn't remember what she was talking about, but
somehow I new what she wanted.?
It was horrible.? I'm
not a lesbian.? I've never even
touched another
woman's private areas before.?
But my Mistress tugged
the leash and I found myself climbing up onto the bed
between her legs.? She lay back
and pulled my face
right into her hot crotch.
It was awful.? But it was also
incredibly sexy somehow.
Why was that?? I found myself
weeping even as I licked
and fingered her.? I could feel
her fingers in my hair;
her hands holding my head and guiding my motions.
I wanted to throw up.? But I just
kept licking and
licking and fingering and fingering.
And then she came.? She went
rigid all at once and
pressed my face into her crotch really hard.? She yelled
at me to stop licking.? I could
feel her wet flesh pulsing
under my lips.? I could feel
tears running down the
sides of my nose and dripping into her pubic hair.? She
just kept pressing my face into her until the
contractions had stopped.? Then
she relaxed her grip
and for a long time we just lay quietly.? There was
nothing but the sound of her heavy breathing and my
own whimpering.
Then it was over.
????????????????????? *?? *??
*?? *?? *
I woke up at home in bed.? My
head felt like it was full
of Kleenex but somehow I felt wonderful.? I knew my
muscles were sore, but it didn't bother me.? In fact I
really felt great.? I got up and
took some Motrin
Leslie was sitting at the breakfast table with a cup of
coffee.? She looked like I was
What the hell had happened last night??
I remembered
the show and the Green Room party.?
Then everything
was a fuzzy blank.? I didn't
remember having had
anything to drink, but this sure felt like some kind of
hangover.? I didn't even remember
coming home, but
here we were.? I asked Leslie
what happened, but she
couldn't remember, either.
"I guess we must have had a good time," I said without
much conviction.
"I guess so," she replied weakly.
????????????????????? *?? *??
*?? *?? *
About a month later, Leslie turned up pregnant.? She
had to decide what she wanted to do about that.? But the
weird thing was that she claimed she hadn't had sex for
over a year.? A lot of folks
would have been very
skeptical about that.? But
somehow, I believed her.
*?? *?? *??
*?? *?? End of Story??
*?? *?? *??
*?? *
???? by Zebulon
This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper
credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted,
and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is
being posted.
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Quickie SexI realize this is purely a male fantasy, so with my apologies to women everywhere : ***** Dory’s bachelorette party was in full swing . Her best friend Sue had gone to a lot of effort to put together the kind of party that would make her remember forever the joys of being single. It was an all-girl affair, though – she didn’t want any guys spoiling the fun with their presence. Not that she had any problem with guys, of course, but too many women found it impossible to really let their hair...
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Hi friends this is my new short story .i m from pune this is a true story happen to one of my friend. I had change her name. She is rajul. Rajul was married and belive in her hasband more then anyother. She had 100% faith in her hasband. She never ever think her hasband will cheat her. One day she was not feeling well. She and her hasband parag wanted to go for a party. She was so tired that she for the first time told no to her hasband for a fancy dress party. Parag and rajul was to b a pair...
January 24th 2014 – a day that will be long remembered. The first Party Sluts gangbang of the New Year and 10 weeks since the previous gangbang. The party had been advertised for several weeks as being a "special event" and true to form, it was. Rather than have three rampant sluts on hand to service the hordes of horny male guests, we were fortunate enough to be entertained by four rampant sluts. Let's take a look at the line-up: The always effervescent Hayley (Hayley x x) fresh from her...
pressed into service by Brenda My Wife/Mistress has an older lesbian friend that lives a couple miles from us. She has a lovely large private infinity style pool that we use frequently. Lana knows how our relationship is built and that I dress femme regularly. I am her "pool girl," responsible for keeping the pool spotless and the decks and equipment running well. Of course this is always done in one of my many 2 piece bikinis. And for a TV that loves being a sissy what could be...
Each year in June, the MD and owner of the company that I work for hosts a staff party at her spacious house in the hills outside the city, and I am going to tell you about what happened the first time that I attended. I was then just over 30, and had joined the firm seven months previously; I was in a middle management position, doing well and marked out as being on the fast track to the top. The event was ‘bring your partner’, but at that point I had no ‘significant other’, and in any...
“Yeah I can’t wait for this party,” Lindsey said as she got into her dress. Lindsay and Kathrine lived together in a house they rented and tonight was going to be their big Christmas party, they had planned it for months making lists about who they would invite and what sort of party they would hold. “How do I look Kitty?” Lindsay asked as she showed off her tight fitted white dress she was going to wear for the party to her friend, who smiled, as she looked her over. “You look great...
I am Priya and a regular visitor of this site. This incident has happened when I was 21 years old and was in the final year of my college. I used to live in Vasant Kunj, Delhi and one of my friends Shefali, who lives in defense colony invited me for a party at their neighbor's house. It was a late night party. My parents usually won't allow such parties. So, I had to make a story that I would be going for my friend's place for combined study and would spend the night there. Another one of our...
It was just another e-mail from my boss, Johana, mixed in with the rest of the e-mails that hit my inbox during that day. I usually glance over the subject headers to pick out the urgent e-mails, dealing with the rest later. This one caught my eye; subject: The Party To End All Parties. I opened it and read on. It was an invite to my boss's country property for a party, Saturday evening in a few week's time. She went on to explain that it was a great opportunity to mix with a few of my work...
Party Switch By Diana Kimberly Heche Part I: The Plan Halloween approached and Jamie and I looked forward to it with growing anticipation. It was by far one of the funnest nights of our year as well as being potentially important to our future. Every year, a couple in the city threw a huge Halloween bash filled with the who's who of the town. Jamie had gone to school with the wife's personal secretary and called in a favor to finagle our way onto the list several years...
"No stop!..." Danni felt the first finger enter her spit-lubed anus and she reacted by tensing-up while emitting a low volume "...uhhhh" in a manner that (much to her confusion and embarrassment) sounded too much like an expression of pleasure. "Oh there's no stopping now cause you're ours honey!... You think you can come to my place dressed how you are and lookin as fine as you do and think that this wouldn't happen?" "That's right foxy came here looking like you want to...
Magnolia stood back, admiring her work. She had been tasked with throwing the first unofficial party for all the students in her college’s Astronomy program. Magnolia worked tirelessly for days to create a party worthy of Pinterest, setting up a projector to dazzle her guests that would take them sailing from universe to universe the second they gazed upon the canopy. She had crafted handmade chocolates and Hors D’oeuvres shaped like planets. Even the cocktails were galaxy themed. Magnolia...
Reluctance“Do you still want me to drive you,” I called to my seventeen year old daughter and her girlfriend who were upstairs getting dressed for a party. ‘We’ll be right down, daddy,” was her response. I sat down in front of the television and several minutes later my little girl, Sara, came down the stairs followed by her friend Rose. Sara and Rose have been friends since kindergarten. Now that they’re in high school, their friendship has never been closer. There’s always been a special place in my...
When Timmy said he was having a party at his house on Saturday, I assumed it would be the usual high school party. Everyone stops by, there is beer, people get too loud, a neighbor calls the cops, and we all have to go home. The school year had just finished and it was party season for sure."Oh, that's great, Timmy. You'll have beer?"Timmy looked at me. "Not that kind of party. Not this time. This one will be a very small party, by invitation only, and please don't tell anyone else about it."I...
Party Girl My story starts a little over a year ago. So short a time and yet so far away that it seems like a previous life. My girlfriend, Kelly, and I had been invited to a Fancy Dress party. Kelly works at a private hospital in the Regents Park area of St Johns Wood, London. She's a nurse and looks good in her uniform and she knows it. She also knows that I have a bit of a fetish about nurse's uniforms. Once, while we were in Camden, we went into a Rubber Fetish shop and she chose a...
Rick popped a tin of tuna, slathered mayo on white and heaped potato chips on a paper plate. Tucking a Wall Street Journal under his shoulder, he carried his sandwich and diet soda to the sofa. He ate in front of the TV, checking cable news for updates on his stocks. Sometimes, he would fall asleep during prime time but tonight Rick was anxious. Tax season was taking a toil on the accountant. He worried about making the numbers match, whether he was certifying dubious earning statements. ...
I considered myself to be a good lover and she agreed. Nevertheless; she had had numerous affairs and she had left me several times for other guys. She eventually would grow tired of them or the other way around and she would return to me begging for forgiveness and I would always take her back. Why did I take her back? Because in bed; she could bat your balls right out of the park. You know what I mean. Claire loved to drink and party. It didn't take much booze to really get her in the...
I love wring my stories here. I always try to tell the deep emotions I feel, when I am a party slut. I am a nympho and love to get fucked by several men. I can have many orgasms and enjoy letting men see how much pleasure I get from pure naked sex. My Daddy is such a cool guy. He takes such good care of me. Always so thoughtful and so much fun. I would do anything for my Daddy. He loves to give me orgasms and watch me just melt with pleasure. He provides me lots of sex in more ways than one. I...
I was young in the sixties and everything was changing for the better. In Swansea, the old metal working industries were closing down and the need for employment in hard physical labour, which killed you before you were forty, was being replaced by the need for office workers. This sexual adventure started in a party. A lot of young office workers and students rented flats, and on Saturday nights people would invite other young people in the pub to come back to their flats for a party. I had...
Leaving the liquor store with my gift bag in hand I walked towards my car, eagerly anticipating the night ahead. My pants were clean, my nails were trimmed and I was hoping that the night would work out well.Two weeks before I had been invited to a party through a friend of mine. The hostess was a former client of my friends', a striking forty-two year woman who ran her own design firm. She had been invited to parties of ours in the past and the few times she showed she always owned the room...
Party Slut by Richard-to-Rachel "Shhhh, careful, you'll wake him," I heard through a foggy daze. "Naah, he's out cold," came a second voice, "Barely stirred through the rest of it." My head was throbbing painfully and I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. I knew that I had drunk too much at the party that night, I'd had a fight with Sasha, my girlfriend, and had drowned my sorrows perhaps a little too much. I didn't know how long I'd been out for but it was taking me a while...
I was studying my Pre Calculus book when my roommate stormed into the room and flopped onto his bed. "Geez, Lenny. You always got your nose in a book. Why don't you ever go out drinking or anything on a Friday night?" I looked up at Gary. "I have a test next week." "That's next week. You got all weekend to study. Fridays are for partying, dude!" It's not like I've never gone downtown and had a few beers Friday or Saturday night. I'd even tried to ask a girl to dance once in a...
Party with PaulNancy and her friends sat around the living room with their drinks in hand, laughing and joking along with the party hostess. Debbie played with the rabbit vibrator and joked, “This is definitely not your momma’s Tupperware party!” Nancy laughed and nodded as she touched the rabbit vibe and felt the sensations flow through her fingers. More laughter and embarrassed giggles followed as the ladies passed the toys around and tried not to tell too much about their own collections...
Josh Raines was less than thrilled to go to a party thrown by his fathers boss. To his mind it was part of continuing conspiracy by his parents to drive him completly insane through boredom. "Now Josh be sure to mind your manners. This man does pay the bills." His father said lightly and got out of the car. Josh and his mother both followed. Walking toward the impressive three story stone house ahead of them. Josh whistled as he looked the place over, someone sank some money into this place....
Rebecca didn't want to go to the office party. Being only one of a few women in her company she had little in common with her colleagues and she could count on one hand those she'd want to see after working hours. She already knew who would get drunk and who would argue too loudly. There would be bad chicken and a deejay playing music that she didn't like. Yet, here she was, in a hotel room, putting on a party dress.Rebecca's husband Ben loved these events. He liked the food, the liquor, and...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Chapter 10. Dancing in the Pork This gave Laura an opportunity to react. Laura realized that Earnie, Sal, Stosh and Nellie were about to get into it, and, believing that things would get even wilder if they all got drunker and turned on through dancing, gasped at her husband, "Ssshhhim, honey. Lesh ush all dance. Turn on the player, wousha honey." Even when exquisitely drunk Laura continued her hostess duties. When dancing, the happenstance partners...
IncestBailee and Tom were heavy into making out, when suddenly Bailee got up. "I'll be right back," she said, and headed off to the bathroom. While she was gone, Tom got his cell phone out of his pocket and texted one of his buddies downstairs: "I'm upstairs with this really hot drunk chick. Find another ride home! Score!" Tom had just sent the text out when Bailee came back. They resumed their make-out session, with Tom using his hands to play with Bailee's breasts as he kissed her. Bailee, in...
Group SexMy getting into Blue Mountain State U., in the early 1970's was a blessing in so many ways. For one thing it got me out of a bad living environment in my little "Hick Town". I got accepted on a Music scholarship, not Football or Basketball, like most Black students there at the time, so I had to make the most of it. Back then no one asked bout sexual orientation, but since I managed to become the Drum Major for our high school band it was assumed, that I was "lite in the loafers", for some...
We are at a party, and I don’t know a lot of people here, so rather than mingling like I normally would, I’m sticking pretty close to Chase tonight. In fact, right now, we are standing on the edge of what has become a little dance floor and watching people make idiots of themselves dancing, and laughing and having fun. I’m standing in front of Chase with my ass pressed up against his dick, and occasionally I sway to the music a little and get turned on from feeling it rub against me. He has...
This is a work of Fantasy. I hope you enjoy.Stephanie and I had been married a few years and enjoyed a reasonable sex life. She knew of my dressing and although she didn’t approve she indulged me now and then and we had sex when I was dressed or with me wearing lingerie. I think secretly she was jealous of my legs. She was a petite sexy woman and we were almost the same size but I still had my own stuff that I’d secretly obtained from eBay and op shops.I didn’t consider myself bisexual,...
Eighteen years of marriage, my fortieth birthday just around the corner, two teenage kids and a husband who travels a lot doesn't always make for a stellar sex life. In fact, about three years ago, I quit keeping track of the times we fucked, it was pretty seldom, maybe a couple of times a month. Our sizzle' fizzled.' I put my old battery-powered vibrator in the trash and ordered one that is rechargeable and another that plugs in the wall. Now, there are no batteries to run out right at the...