The Grimoire Part 8 The Tango Evita
- 3 years ago
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New neighbors; you just never know what you’re going to get!
I didn’t know my neighbors to the west very well. The husband was a consultant of some sort in the Cayman Islands. He and his wife spent most the year there, only coming “home” for holidays. I never learned what happened to them, but in March, a For Sale sign went up and the house sold in about two months. The housing market here in Beaumont, Texas is pretty lively. The next thing I knew, there was a moving van in the street and stuff was being carried in. Time to be polite. I went looking for my new neighbors.
I helped Art and his wife Radka get their stuff unloaded and arranged. When we were finished, Art ordered a large pizza and we ate on the screened patio, looking out over the lake and sipping beers. We were all pretty sweaty and tired and the cold beer was just what we needed. Art and I got to know each other as Radka wandered around the shoreline.
“Great view here,” Art said appreciatively. “And there’s plenty of privacy. The last place I owned, I had people practically living in my back pockets. How far is it to the other side?”
“It’s 450 yards,” I told him. “Unless they have a telescope, you can wander around out here naked and no one will know. The belt of trees on that side is about 70 yards wide, so there’s no one over there to bother you. Colleen and I won’t care how you dress.” I sipped my beer. “Or don’t dress, as the case may be.”
Art took another slug of beer. “Real nice view.”
“Yeah,” I mumbled. Radka was standing with the reflection of the sun off the lake behind her, shining through her top and outlining her boobs. “Real nice view!”
Art laughed. “I see where you’re looking.” He tipped his beer bottle at me. “Look all you want. Face it, that’s why I brought her back to the States with me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I met her when I was in Romania doing advance work at a new hospital in Bucharest. My company has the contract for monitoring and imaging equipment in the cardiac surgery suits. She was working for a real asshole who had the catering contract. I didn’t find out until later, but he made all the women who worked for him sleep with him. Good paying jobs are tough to find over there and they all had to go along or quit. I noticed Radka right away. She speaks real good English and I asked her out, just hoping for some nookie. I didn’t get any that first time, but we really clicked and I dated her three-four times a week for the month I was there.” He smiled. “I took her to good restaurants and bought her some jewelry. By the second week, we were in bed. What a woman! She’s had to screw a lot of guys to stay employed and keep a roof over her head. That’s just part of the deal over there. Fortunately, she loves sex, so she was able to afford a decent apartment and get a fairly good education. She wasn’t a professional hooker, but I know she got paid for sex sometimes.”
This was much more than I needed to know and, I was sure, more than Radka wanted me to know. Funny; what you think you know is often wrong.
Art grinned. “Don’t worry; Radka isn’t ashamed of her past. She’s a realist. Fucking for cash was part of life for her. When we made the deal for me to marry her and bring her here, it was just the next step.” Art waved toward his wife. “We’re not in love or anything. We’re friends. We get along real well. She’s a terrific cook and she keeps my bed warm. In exchange, I support her and give her a generous allowance. She has it good here. She signed a pre-nup, so she’ll have to find somebody better or at least richer than me if she wants a divorce, ‘cause she won’t get shit from me. It’s all totally straightforward.”
Radka stepped through the screen door. “Beer is cold?”
Art dug one out of the cooler, opened it and handed it to her. “I’ve been telling Brian about us, about our agreement.”
Radka’s face lit in a sunny smile. “Yes, good agreement. I give Art sex and he take care of me.” She sat in Art’s lap and kissed him. “Art is good man. He want lots of sex and I like that!”
I sipped my beer and watched the two make out. Despite being a retired Army combat soldier, I’ve always led a quiet life. When Radka started rubbing Art’s crotch, I cleared my throat. “Well, it looks like it’s time for me to get going.”
“Okay, man, thanks for your help. See you later.”
I like to eat breakfast in my wide rear porch when the weather allows. I usually get up about 7AM and take it slow for the first couple of hours. Art, it turned out, left for work at 7:15 and Radka began dropping by. She’d bring a cup of coffee and we’d talk. Radka used the time to practice her English and this quickly became our normal routine.
Colleen extended her stay in Minnesota for a week and then for another week. That was, by far, the longest she’d hung around the ‘ol homestead and it got me wondering. Our phones had GPS tracking apps and I checked her travel history for the last few weeks. Hummmm. It seemed that she was spending quite a lot of time at one address that I didn’t recognize. I did a reverse lookup and found that the address was a house. I didn’t recognize the owner’s name, but his Facebook page told me he was a high school classmate of Colleen’s. A half hour later, I had a contract with a Minnesota P.I. to check out the situation.
Two days later, I got an email from the P.I. Colleen was having sex with an old flame. The P.I. had snuck up on the guy’s house and snapped some very explicit photos, which he attached to the email. Now that was interesting! I’m pretty open-minded. Colleen and I both had fairly active sex lives with multiple partners before we married and I could understand her wanting a little “strange” every now and then. I didn’t consider her little fling threatening, but it would be nice to have a bit of leverage on her.
I was trimming the hedge between my front yard and Art’s late one Saturday morning when a blue Chevy pulled up in front of Art’s house. Two rather large men got out and marched to his door. One of them banged on the door until Art opened it. I couldn’t hear the conversation, but I could tell it wasn’t friendly. I pulled out my phone and took a few pictures. As I was snapping the last pic, one of the men noticed me. He poked his partner and pointed in my direction. They started toward me, reaching under their jackets as they did so. I’m no fool. I ran around the side of my house and in the back door, into the kitchen. In the short hall between the kitchen and the dining room, there’s an ordinary looking wooden panel. I pushed on one side, the magnetic catch released and the panel popped open, revealing my “downstairs” home defense weapon, a 12 gauge Winchester M1897 shotgun. The reason I’d chosen this particular gun was the way it could be fired. Unlike most pump-action shotguns, if you held the trigger back and pumped, it would fire every time the action closed; this allowed for very fast shooting. I owned a 14 acre parcel at the end of a dead-end road outside of town and could practice there without disturbing anyone. I turned in time to see the first guy come through the back door with a pistol in his hand. I fanned three loads of #2 buckshot into his chest in about one second and the impact propelled him out the door and onto my porch. Another pistol appeared below a face in the doorway and the face vanished in a burst of crimson. As I scrambled into the living room, I stuffed four shells into the shotgun’s magazine from the “sidesaddle” ammo holder strapped to the buttstock. In the front room, I was exposed to fire from the front door and window and from a side window. Were there only two men? I hadn’t checked the car they came in. Stupid, stupid! Was I losing my edge? The top of a head moved slowly across the bottom of the side window. It was Art, holding an enormous, nickel-plated revolver. When I tapped on the window, he jumped a foot in the air. I pointed to the front of the house and we met on my front steps.
“What the fuck, Art? Who were those assholes?”
“Romanian muscle”, he said weakly. “You killed them?”
“Oh, yeah. What were they after?”
“Radka. Here boss was pissed when she left with me. He wants her back.”
“Okay. You go home. Ditch that cannon and wait for the cops. When they get here tell them what you told me, as long as it’s true. Don’t lie. Neighbors will have seen us talking and seen that we’re both armed. Don’t lie. This is Texas. Everybody has guns, so that’s not gonna be a problem. I’ll handle the shooting over here.” I slapped him on the shoulder. “Get going.”
I unloaded my shotgun and left it on the coffee table with the action open and pretty soon, I had lots of company. When the first patrol car arrived, I was standing on the front walk with my hands up. My driver’s license and retired military ID were in my shirt pocket.
Two cops climbed out of their car and approached me cautiously, hands on their guns. One of them was wearing sergeant’s stripes. “We got a call about shots fired, sir, what’s going on?”
“Two men accosted my neighbor and came after me when they saw me taking pictures with my phone. They were armed.” Another car pulled up and two more cops got out. “When they tried to enter my home, I shot them. They’re in the back.”
Without taking his eyes off me, the sergeant said, “Peters, go check it out. You two go with him.” He was looking hard at me now. “You got some ID?”
I pulled out my IDs and handed them over. He took them in his left hand and stepped away, holding them so he could examine them without losing sight of me. I heard retching from the back yard.
“Army, huh? Sergeant Major. Not bad.” He handed the IDs to me. “Okay, you can relax, Sergeant Major. You seem pretty calm, anyway. I guess you’ve seen some action?”
“Yeah. Three tours in the sandbox. Eleven Bravo. Not my first gunfight, Sarge.”
“Yeah, I’ll bet.”
Officer Peters walked unsteadily around the corner. He looked a little green. “Two dead guys, Sergeant. One guy’s got no face and the other...”
“Okay, Peters, call it in. We’re going to need crime scene and gold badges.” He turned back to me. “You said those men were bothering your neighbor? Which one?”
I pointed at Art’s house. “That’s their car parked in front.” There was plenty more to say, but I kept my mouth shut. I’d just have to tell it to detectives later, anyway.
Interrogation by Detective Roland went better than I’d hoped. At least he didn’t start by reading me my rights.
I went through the story in detail. I knew there was no chance of being charged with anything. Texas law is clear on self-defense shootings in the course of a forcible felony, especially when the good guy is on his own property and the bad guys are armed.
Roland wanted to know how well I knew my neighbors and I told him an edited version of the truth. Yes, I knew Radka was from Romania. Yes, I knew Art had met her there and married her. No, I didn’t know her former employer was upset about her leaving. No, I wasn’t expecting trouble that day. Yes, I always kept a loaded shotgun handy. Why? Because life is unpredictable, that’s why. We were sitting in an interrogation room because life is unpredictable. We didn’t expect be sitting here talking about this when we woke up this morning, did we? Roland left the room a few times, undoubtedly checking on the story Art and Radka were telling. Our stories must have matched up, because he didn’t try to catch me in any contradictions.
Eventually, we got down to what was going to happen next. “As I understand it,” I said, “those goons were here to force Radka to go back to Romania. There’s no way to tell whether the guy who sent them is going to let this go. Maybe he will, but I wouldn’t bet my life on it. Does he have the resources to keep sending people into a foreign country? That’s not cheap. How bad does he want Radka back? Sometime soon, I think we might get a visit from more bad guys. What can you offer as far as protection?”
Roland shook his head. “Not much. You’re right about them coming from Romania. Their passports were in the car. Why they thought they could just grab that woman and hustle her onto a plane, I can’t understand.” He drummed his fingers on the table. “We can park a car outside for a couple of nights, but that’s about it. No funding for something like this. We don’t have evidence of an imminent threat, although I think you’re probably right to feel threatened.”
I nodded. “That’s what I expected. New hitters aren’t going to go in the front anyway. They’ll come from the back.” I paused, thinking. “See what you think about this: Park a car out front, but just put a couple of dummies dressed like cops in it. I’ve got some friends I can call on to stake out the back. The bad guys will come at night and we know how to operate at night. We’re at home in the dark. If no one comes, we’ll lose some sleep, but that’s no big deal. If they do come, we’ll do our thing and you can come in after we’re through and tell the press anything you like. We don’t want any press. How’s that sound?”
Roland gave me a lopsided grin. “I like it. You’ll have more freedom that we would and you’re sure as hell more motivated.” His grin faded. “Just be damn sure there’s no civilian bodies to explain when you’re through.” He rapped his knuckles on the table top. “I don’t want us sitting here again with you in cuffs, charged with a bunch of felonies.” He sat back. “I checked out your military record. I’m prior service, too. Navy. I didn’t get any combat time, but I’ve talked with enough Marines and SEALs to know I need to stay out of your way. You’re gonna do what you’re gonna do, no matter what I say, so I’m gonna let you handle it. I’m trusting you to do it right. Are we clear on that?”
I stuck out my hand. “Clear, Detective. I’ll call when it’s over.” Roland shook my hand and I walked out.
An hour later, Art, Radka and I were sitting in Art’s living room. Crime scene techs were still working on my taped-off property.
“Radka,” I said, “tell us about this asshole in Bucharest. Is he small time, big time, well connected, rich or what? What’s his name, anyhow?”
“Vasile,” she said in a husky voice. She was scared. “He rich for Romania, not rich for here. Acts like tough guy, but has others do his violence.” Radka hesitated, thinking. “At heart, he is coward. If he believes he’s in serious danger, he will be afraid.” She held Art’s hand. “Art said you killed those fools and it didn’t bother you. You killed before?”
“Yeah. I saw a lot of combat in Iraq. Killing guys who were trying to kill me got to be routine. It gets to some guys more than others and it didn’t get to me much at all. Don’t know why. If they were dead and I was alive, well, that’s the way I wanted it. Not like I could just walk away, after all. My buddies depended on me. Couldn’t let them down. You learn to deal with it in your own way and I had an easier time than most, I guess.”
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It was a heck of a sight, two naked people tied on a bed right in front of the courthouse in Uvalde, Texas. Yep, it was Stewie Butler, he certainly was no Rhett Butler, and my sister-in-law Sara Jane Mitchell. Yes was a bit of a shame to the family to have one of ours out there naked as a jaybird but I was the one who put them there. My name is James Elbert Mitchell but most people call me, get ready for this, Bubba. I am 32 years old and never been married but my brother Sam Houston Mitchell...
Mr. Rogers asked me to hang around until the end of the month, and I was agreeable to that. When I was ready to leave, he paid me my $500 in monthly wages and my $500 bonus. Jesse Maddox had died two days before, so Mr. Rogers felt that he and his wife were safe enough. When I left, that 217 white face Hereford herd was still on Bar 59 property, but I figured that it was none of my business. I heard about a year later that Mr. Rogers had sold out to an Englishman only three weeks after I had...
22:47, 19 August Petty Officer Stevens was motionless amongst the scrub, as he watched the comings and goings in the building opposite him. He and his shore party had been watching four different sites for almost two days, logging what they saw and discussing plans for an assault. All twenty of the seamen had admitted to each other that they were starting to feel what they thought might be flu symptoms and they were determined to free as many of the teenagers held captive as they could...
I kind of suck at writing sex stories! I would really appreciate it if I could get some positive feedback or helpful critique. I got this account to write stories for my strange friends, there is three of 'em. But the first story I am going to be writing is for someone I've bee promising a sex story forever now. And she's in love with Texas Chainsaw Massacre, so you see how that goes. She wishes for her name to be kept a secret, so I'll call her by her middle name in this story....
Introduction: Ever wonder about Leatherfaces sex life? Before I start writing… I kind of suck at writing sex stories! I would really appreciate it if I could get some positive feedback or helpful critique. I got this account to write stories for my strange friends, there is three of em. But the first story I am going to be writing is for someone Ive bee promising a sex story forever now. And shes in love with Texas Chainsaw Massacre, so you see how that goes. She wishes for her name to be kept...
Thanksgiving is always a nice time of the year and I always look forward to it. Thanksgiving in Texas was unusually warm this year- about 75F, In fact, it was great, because it is still warm enough to wear shorts. As I raked the leaves in my front yard, after eating way to much earlier in the day, I noticed Jamie, the college-aged girl from down the street, getting into her Mustang. The wife had left to go spend the afternoon, doing some early Black Friday shopping, with some of her friends,...
Quickie SexHello all, I am Vishal (name changed), 36 years old and a very successful businessman who runs multiple businesses in a big city in the USA. I travel quite a bit to Dallas, Texas. I own a second home in a Dallas suburb where I stay instead of a hotel whenever I am in town for business, which is pretty much every week. I also have an office in an office park where some of my clients drop by for meetings once in a while. Usually, it is just me at the office taking client calls. A couple of months...
i have been thinking about posting a couple experience i had.i picked up a young guy hitchiking in texas,he was hispanic,very sexy and couldn't speak a word of english,i gave him a beer we smoked a joint,i tried to talk to him and was getting so horny i was a bit uncomfortable finally i got up the courage to show him some porn pics ,he got aroused i pulled over at a roadside park,even tho he couldn't speak a word i could tell he had never had anything like that happen in his life ! i had him on...
I was in Oklahoma on a business trip and staying at a hotel. As a man who travels a lot for business I travel many states but had never been to Oklahoma, and as a man who very much loves rugged handsome solid men I saw quite a few when I arrived. I had completed my business meetings and decided to go the bar downstairs in the evening for a club soda. When I arrived (I was still dressed in my suit and tie) I sat down and ordered my drink and shortly after a handsome man sat next to me and...
Hello ISS readers, I am Paul (alias), 29 and male. This is my first story. I have read many stories on ISS and thought that I should share my experience. First, let me tell you about myself. I am 6’1″, chubby and my dick size is 5 inches. This happened in Texas, US about 2 years ago. I met a mistress on a website, Fetlife. We started talking and spoke over the phone a few times. One day, she asked me if I wanted to meet her. Without thinking twice, I took up her offer and said,...
Jamie and the girls landed at Dreghorn and were met by Stuart. While Jamie had been making his broadcast, the girls had completed the task Jamie had set them and he now had a delivery to make. There was another matter to take of first though and Jamie knew he had put it off long enough. "Stuart, how many of the terrorists do you have locked up here in the guardhouse?" he asked. "Eight in total. There are two adults who we think must have been part of the original virus attack and six...
By Jefferson Copyright©2006 "What are you doing up?" I jumped at the sound of her voice. I turned to see my beautiful wife, Annie coming into the living room through the kitchen. "Come to bed with me," she said, holding a small hand out to me. I shook my head and sat back in the recliner, picking up the remote control for the television and changing the channel. "Not tired. Can't sleep and I didn't want to wake you." I could hear Annie's feet slapping the floor and knew...
Chelsea walked out of the Fall Ball, her red cloak billowing around her ankles in the cool breeze. She had come back to the school to help clean up after taking her boyfriend Stan and their friend Sarah home, and now that it was finally all over, she slowly walked back to her car, ready to get some sleep back home. Waving to some of the last few stragglers in their various costumes, she very nearly walked past the gold minivan parked under the tree, in the darkest part of the parking lot. ...
Chelsea walked out of the Fall Ball, her red cloak billowing around her ankles in the cool breeze. She had come back to the school to help clean up after taking her boyfriend Stan and their friend Sarah home, and now that it was finally all over, she slowly walked back to her car, ready to get some sleep back home. Waving to some of the last few stragglers in their various costumes, she very nearly walked past the gold minivan parked under the tree, in the darkest part of the parking lot....
Group SexIt had been a long couple of weeks working 18 hours a day with out so much as a day off. I pushed myself too long and hard with out a break. I was about to get out of the Navy, and was working at a pizza shop after hours. So being it was Friday evening and the truck I was supposed to be delivering pizza with broke down on the first delivery, I decided to take a night off. I went to the enlisted club on base and met up with some friends. I was drinking like I had before this last stretch of...
Copyright © 2006 "What are you doing up?" I jumped at the sound of her voice. I turned to see my beautiful wife, Annie coming into the living room through the kitchen. "Come to bed with me," she said, holding a small hand out to me. I shook my head and sat back in the recliner, picking up the remote control for the television and changing the channel. "Not tired. Can't sleep and I didn't want to wake you." I could hear Annie's feet slapping the floor and knew exactly when she stepped...
Camp Bohrmore was approaching the last week of the summer session and Eileen Jacobsen and her best friend Phoebe Wu were getting a little anxious. Their plans for the summer were making progress but hadn't reached full fruition yet — and they were running out of time. They had started trying to get Jason Fox and Marcus Jones interested in them the prior year by forming a special 'Friendship Club'. That friendship had lasted throughout the school year and even deepened some. But as the girls...
The last weekend in September found Warren and Sophia in Kiev, Ukraine, competing in their first event in the Junior Grand Prix series. They won it, handily, much to their delight. But, when they skated in the exhibition, they did not skate to "You'll Be In My Heart." They had choreographed something else. The reaction "You'll Be In My Heart" got at Jack Garrison's wedding convinced them that it was special, and they wanted to save it. They used it as their carrot-the top four...
I had come home from work that Friday afternoon to find a large manila envelope in the middle of the bed, addressed to me in my wife's handwriting. The letter inside explained that she was tired of her boring life with me and had found someone exciting to be with. She had collected what belongings she wanted and anything she didn't take was mine to do with as I pleased. I was free to give what was left to the girls or to charity. There was also a copy of the divorce papers she had filed,...
With my emotionally painful stroll down memory lane complete, I decided that I should get up and get breakfast going before I let the melancholy get me down again. Half an hour later, showered and ready to face another day--thanks in large part to two cups of coffee--I had the kitchen rocking. I fixed cinnamon rolls (the refrigerated kind that you bake out of a cardboard tube), bacon, breakfast sausage, hash browns, and assorted fruit. I kept the cooked food in the oven to keep it warm, and...
Sandy and Michelle returned to school Sunday afternoon. I waited for several days for Monica to come to her senses and revoke the invitation, but it never happened. The last week of May, although still surreal, established what would be 'normal' this summer. I went to work each morning, returning before 5:00 each day to a wonderful wife, two new daughters, an exhausted Michelle, and Sandy. Rex would usually appear closer to 6:00, after he finished work at his new job and fought traffic to...
BOY: (pause) I bet you say that to all the boys! -- J. Steinman, Hot Summer Night They brought her back to her parents' home, where she was a catatonic wreck and didn't leave the bed for months. Both mummy and daddy were on the Continent for the summer, but the house-elves kept their mistress fed, and her bedpan was changed as frequently as she filled it. None, though, could arouse her into a semblance of coherent behavior. Not even Voldemort, who came to her twice and spoke to her. She...
When they walked out of their bungalow to go to the disco they stunned the onlookers, even the affluent beautiful jet-set crowd! Natasha was attired very causally but expensively in a black silk sheer tunic with a deep scalloped cut with a short denim mini-dress. The sheerness of the expensive fabric and the deep wide scalloped plunge revealing a generous tanned expanse of large firm unrestrained breasts that strained the tunic. The sheerness of the tunic was just enough to very slightly...