Foxtrot Tango free porn video

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Camp Bohrmore was approaching the last week of the summer session and Eileen Jacobsen and her best friend Phoebe Wu were getting a little anxious. Their plans for the summer were making progress but hadn't reached full fruition yet — and they were running out of time. They had started trying to get Jason Fox and Marcus Jones interested in them the prior year by forming a special 'Friendship Club'. That friendship had lasted throughout the school year and even deepened some. But as the girls seemed to be maturing rapidly, the boys were stuck in retrograde motion. Or so it seemed to the girls.

Both Eileen and Phoebe had begun to 'develop' over the prior month or two. They had noticed their breasts becoming more sensitive and being to push out from their otherwise flat chests. Eileen had begun to sprout a few downy blond hairs between her legs — much to Phoebe's dismay; She was showing the Oriental's usual lack of body hair. And both had 'FINALLY' gotten their first periods a couple of weeks before the start of Camp. At eleven years of age they figured it was high time that they entered adolescence.

Late that Friday night the girls had snuck out of their cabins to their Friendship Club's usual meeting place — a hill with a clear view of the sky all around; Perfect for stargazing, or talking without being interrupted. The moon was nearly full tonight providing a clear soft illumination. Both girls were lying on their backs looking up at the moon as they discussed their plans.

"Eileen, are you still sure you want to go through with this?" Phoebe asked.

"Yes. Now is the best time — Girls mature faster than boys do and we've both started our cycles. If we want to try having sex without getting pregnant we have to do it before the boys can make a baby in us." She giggled "And besides, they're CUTE."

Phoebe giggled too "And I want to see if what Cheryl told us about black boys having bigger things is true. I can't believe her friend's brother showed her his! And she said it was HUGE!"

"I know. I wonder what they really look like. That magazine Peggy snuck in doesn't show it very well. Everything's all covered with hair. And see, Marcus and Jason won't have all that hair covering everything up. Even if we can't get 'em to do it to us, we can at least get a good look at it."

Phoebe thought about this for a moment, "Well, OK. I'm as curious as you are. We'll bring them up here tomorrow and see if we can't talk 'em into it. But how do you think we can get them to get naked? They're SO immature! I mean, Jason still talks about COOTIES for Christ's sake!"

Eileen sat up, "I think I know how. I was thinking about this last night — They're as into science as we are, right? And aren't anatomy and biology science? We'll just go like we're doing an experiment or something. There's no way they'll chicken out on a science dare!"

"All right then. We'll see what happens tomorrow night. I'm so nervous though! I've heard that it hurts the first time. Do you think that's true?" Phoebe wasn't hurting right now though. She was getting extremely horny. She was planning on sneaking into the bathroom when they got back to the cabin and masturbating.

"Well, I was talking with Kelly about that yesterday— she said she's actually DONE it!" Eileen was getting frisky herself.

"NO way!! She did not!"

"She said she did it a couple of months ago with an older boy from Jr. High. She said it hurt for a little bit and then just felt wonderful. She said when the boy sticks it up in you it 'pops your cherry — and that's what hurts'. "

"What's a cherry?" Phoebe asked, puzzled.

"I'm not sure. I did some reading online and I think it's the Hymen. That's a membrane that's supposed to cover the opening to the vagina. But it also said that a lot of girls lose theirs doing gymnastics or playing or even riding a bike."

"How can you tell if you still have yours? Like, do you have to go to a doctor or what?"

"I think you just look."

Phoebe laughed "Oh yeah right. Like I can look between my own legs!"

Eileen laughed too "No, I meant have like, your boyfriend or whoever look for you."

Both girls thought for a few moments. Eileen spoke first "Do you want to check each other? That way we'll know if it'll hurt or not tomorrow..."

Phoebe giggled "Okay. It's not like we haven't seen each other naked before anyway." She stood up and started taking her clothes off. As she pulled her shirt over her head, the fabric rubbing across her nipples only added to the heat radiating from between her legs. She unsnapped her shorts and watched Eileen taking her clothing off, getting hornier by the second.

Eileen was going a bit slower, watching Phoebe undress. The moonlight made her look very beautiful she thought — almost like a statue. She noticed that Phoebe was watching her and that only added to the dampness between her legs. "Now why would that turn me on??" she thought to herself as she pulled her shorts down over her hips.

Phoebe pulled her panties off and lay back on the grass. "Ha! You get to check me first." She giggled a little bit as she spread her legs. She felt very vulnerable like this. She also noticed that she was breathing fast and that her nipples were so stiff that they hurt.

Eileen finished stripping her clothes off and kneeled down between her friend's legs. This was the first time she had ever seen a woman's genitals close up. Her own were difficult to see — even with a mirror. She noticed the soft curves of Phoebe's legs leading to the delicate pouch formed by the joining of her outer lips. The dark cleft leading down from her pubic mound to her buttocks seemed like some sort of invitation — one she was finding both disturbing and hard to resist. And the delicate scent was really turning her on. It smelled similar to her own odor when she masturbated, but subtly different too. "Um, Phoebe? I'm going to have to touch you there — Everything's all closed up so I can't see. Is that OK?"

Phoebe shivered — no one had ever touched her anywhere. "OK, Just be careful, OK?" At Eileen's first, gentle stroke she moaned aloud.

"Are you OK? Did that hurt?" Eileen asked, pulling her finger back quickly.

"No, God no. That felt wonderful. I was just so surprised." Without her even thinking about it, her legs parted wider and Eileen returned to her exam. After a few tentative touches she realized that Phoebe felt very much like herself and she began to be a bit more aggressive. She stroked between the outer lips, dipping into the moisture there and spreading it along her slit, exactly as she would've if she had been playing with herself.

In a very few minutes she noticed that Phoebe's inner lips were peeking out and that there was a stiff little button poking out at the top of her inner opening. Every time she touched that spot Phoebe would groan and open her legs a little wider, pushing her hips up at her hand. After a few minutes of this touching she remembered she was supposed to be looking for Phoebe's cherry and used both hands to gently spread her friend's inner lips.

By now, Phoebe was almost insane with desire. Eileen's gentle stroking with a woman's knowledge of what and how to touch had brought her very close to the edge of the most shattering climax she had ever imagined. As Eileen's face drew close to her opening she could feel her friend's breath teasing the delicate tissue — flesh that had never been touched, or even seen before.

Her hips were flexing with a mind of their own and she was making a non-stop sort of guttural moaning. A part of her mind was thinking "God! You sound like some sort of animal! What's Eileen going to think?!" But that part was quickly shouted down by the rest of her mind and body, reveling in this new experience.

Eileen noticed her friend's slow writhing and said "Phoebe, sit still — I can't really see anything so I'm going to push a finger inside..." And she began to press her index finger into her friend's virginal opening. She felt the heat and the wetness and the clamping as Phoebe opened her legs still wider, drawing her feet up to her calves.

As she slipped most of her finger inside of her best friend, Phoebe finally lost it. Her hands flew down between her legs and locked on Eileen's wrist. She screamed out loud and began humping her best friend's finger as fast and as hard as she could, grunting with every flex of her hips.

Eileen, shocked, tried to pull her hand back but Phoebe had a death grip on her wrist... After a second or two she relaxed and began to watch. Phoebe's back was arched, her legs drawn up and her hips were pushing into her hand. There was so much wetness that her hand was soaked. Her eyes were closed and her face was in an expression that looked like agony, but the constant low moaning punctuated with grunts told her that her friend was climaxing — Something she herself had only done a few times.

Phoebe finally came down from whatever place she had gone to during her climax and released Eileen's hand. "Shit! Oh shit! I'm sorry Eileen. I'm so sorry." Panting, she tried to close her legs and cover her nakedness, but Eileen was still sitting between them.

"For what? That was cool! Did you climax??" She began gently petting Phoebe's pubic mound and tummy. "I didn't' hurt you did I?"

"No. No, it was amazing. I've never felt anything like it before in my life. I just didn't mean to go crazy on you like that." Both girls spent a few moments collecting their thoughts and Phoebe finally said "Well, did you see it?"

"Huh? Oh! Your cherry! No, I didn't see anything and I didn't feel anything either, so I guess you don't have yours."

"Ok... My turn to check you." Phoebe sat up "Unless you don't want me to?"

Eileen lay back "No! I do!" She spread her legs a little bit, as scared as she had ever been in her life.

Phoebe put her hands on Eileen's knees and moved her legs apart. She could tell that her own pussy was still dripping and she was still as horny as hell. She couldn't be a lesbian! She LIKED boys. But Eileen was so pretty — even more so now. Her firm little breasts were moving with every breath, and the soft hairs covering the very top of her friend's crotch were amazing. She began her own exam, stroking, pushing, rubbing...

After a few minutes, she lay down between Eileen's legs and looked closely at her friend's genitals. Remembering how it felt to her, she began to softly blow a stream of air across her lips and vagina. Her fingers gently pulling her lips apart, her palms pressing her thighs further apart.

Eileen wasn't moaning. She was squeaking. With every touch she jumped slightly, until she relaxed into the feelings radiating from between her legs. She began to want things she never even knew she COULD want. She was hoping that Phoebe would touch her here, or there, until she did. She arched her back and spread her legs to give her a better chance to touch her... She was embarrassed but she didn't care. It felt so good.

Phoebe moved her face very close to Eileen's lips and kissed her very gently. Eileen groaned and pressed herself into the kiss, throwing any concerns to the wind. That was all the encouragement Phoebe needed. She extended the tip of her tongue and began to softly lick the top of that little cleft between her friend's legs. After a few moments, Eileen was panting and moaning something like "Oh! Oh! Ungh!!" so Phoebe began to press her finger into the small opening between Eileen's flushed inner lips.

She slowly moved her finger out, and then in, repeating the motion in time to her licks across the top of Eileen's slit — in seconds Eileen cried out "FUCK!" and grabbed her head, pressing her face tightly between her legs, humping with every ounce of strength she had. Phoebe was scared — she couldn't breathe! Fortunately, before she suffocated, Eileen relaxed her hold and collapsed back on the grass, sobbing softly.

"Eileen?? I'm sorry! I just thought you'd like that! Chreyl told me about it. I didn't mean to make you cry!"

Eileen laughed softly and said "God no. It was incredible! I just feel like I'm going to pass out... I've never climaxed like that before... It was... God, I dunno. If sex is like that, I really want to get the boys out here tomorrow."

"God! Don't scare me like that again Eileen!" Phoebe lay down next to her friend. "We're not like, Lesbians or anything are we?"

"No, I've heard that girls will do things to each other and still be straight. I think it's when they can't do it with a guy. So anyway, do I have mine?"

"I don't think so. I couldn't see anything and I sure couldn't feel it."

"Cool. It should be easy tomorrow then. All we have to do is talk the boys into it. We'd better head back before they do the 2AM bedcheck..." The girls got dressed quietly; each lost in their own thoughts and walked back to the cabins to bed.

The next night, Jason Fox and Marcus Jones snuck out of their cabin and joined the girls up on their hilltop. Both boys were nearly as smart as the girls, but socially terrified of dating or anything like it. Fields they knew nothing about were to be avoided -—and girls were definitely something they didn't know anything about. They heard the other boys talking and bragging — and they knew that most girls just made fun of them. So it was safer to avoid them at all costs — anything was better than being teased about it!

As they came up the hill they noticed that the girls had a telescope set up and were watching the moon. Both also noticed — although both would've denied it on pain of torture — that the girls looked gorgeous in the light of the full moon.

Phoebe turned and said "Hi boys! We were really hoping you could make it. We wanted to watch the moon as it went past full."

"Cool." Marcus said. He liked Phoebe a lot and hoped she didn't know how much — she would only tell people and he would be teased.

Jason said "Hi Eileen." He was noticing that Eileen's butt looked very, very interesting the way she was bent over the telescope. Her breasts were beginning to show as well, and tonight they seemed to be pressing even more against the fabric of her half-shirt. He quickly shut off that line of thinking and looked up at the moon.

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Mansin encantada

casa silenciosa, se elevaba gloriosa sobre la colina en la que había sido edificada, cualquier persona que entrara en el poblado podía verla alzarse majestuosamente ya siendo un habitante más del pueblo. Se solía observar como una tenue luz se colaba desde una ventana, aún había luz eléctrica en la vieja casona. También se podía escuchar las fuentes con su cause, habia acaso aún servicio de agua en la esa extraña edificación. Su interior lleno de alfombras costosas, cientos de puertas,...

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A sailors Homecoming Part 3

A Sailors’ Homecoming. This is Part 3, continuing the story.I was able to get home for a four day Thanksgiving Holiday. It was Wednesday night and mom was at work. Millie was just over her period. We fucked and fucked. We were cutting it pretty close. We were just getting out of the shower together when we heard mom unlocking the front door. We scrambled and were in our own beds when mom bid each of us Good Night as she opened and closed our doors.On Thursday afternoon mom, sis, and I had...

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The Caning of Gina Part I

Gina sat nervously, holding onto her mug of coffee as if for dear life. Jim sat opposite her relaxed and waiting patiently. “So how do you feel about things now?” he asked her, in a soft spoken voice. She smiled nervously but said nothing. “You can leave it for another time”, he told her, “There’s no pressure” Gina took a sip from her mug. He was wrong there was pressure. Though the choice was hers and hers alone she knew that if she walked away now she would probably never come back and...

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Lauras Roots

The diminutive form of Jo, a cute little Chinese girl, lay naked on the bed with Laura. Both women were sweating profusely following an afternoons love session. "Fuck you, you little bitch, why do you have to get horny on such a hot day" panted Laura. "I didn't hear you complaining slut, moaning your fucking heart out more likely" Jo responded. The girls often got together for mutual relief when the opportunity arose. Laura sat up and leaned over Jo's body. She began licking the beads of...

1 year ago
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Old Edna fulfils her role play fuck fantasy

Introduction: Edna was a lonely old lady (75) who was sexually repressed until she was liberated by her granny loving fuck buddy, Ron (60). Ron then introduced her to his ‘Old ladies appreciation society’ where sexually active old ladies were serviced by devoted granny lovers which were mainly young men. At the club Sylvia the founder of the society told her that many young men loved role-playing out their fetish and one in particular (Jason), a very young, slightly bi, man, with an...

2 years ago
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Fat aunty se chudai

dear iss readers meine pehle bhi ek kahani ” Chhoti si chudai ” pesh ki thi aur meri yeh ek real story hai jisko mein pesh karne ja raha hu. Mene pehle kaha tha ki mein ek home appliances co. mein engineer hu aur koi khas foult me hi customer ke paas jana padta hai baki to hamare service centre se hi ho jata hai. Ek baar mujhe mere boss ne ek address diya aur kaha ki yaha unka sound system nahi chal raha hai aur baar baar problem aata hai dekh lo aur agar jarurat pade to replace karwa do. mein...

4 years ago
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The User Ch 03

When William Atherton got home from the investment firm where he worked, he found his wife, Arlene waiting for him. He wasn’t sure why she was dressed in a sloppy red man-tailored shirt and jeans, though. He gazed adoringly at his wife who, he believed, got lovelier every day. Her blonde hair had been combed, but not styled, and in the outfit she was wearing, he thought she looked young enough to still be in high school. ‘Arlene have you been helping Eileen with the housework again?’ he...

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Steve and Kyle Episode 4

STEVE AND KYLE – EPISODE 4byJason LandCHAPTER 10That Sunday morning, after breakfast Steve offered to drive Kyle back to the part of town where he lived; not of course to the actual house where Kyle lived, as he did not want anyone to see the two of them together. It was all Steve could do to restrain himself and keep his hands off Kyle as they sat there at breakfast together; Steve really did have the hots for his pupil and would have liked to have fucked him again there and then.But for once...

Gay Male
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DeborahChapter 15

"I like him, Mum," said Annette as she and Deborah drove away. "Yes, he's nice, isn't he?" answered Deborah carelessly. "He knows a lot about nature. All that stuff about blackthorn and hawthorn. And the buzzards! I do hope he'll remember about the video on condors." "I'm sure he will." "He's so good with the dogs too." "What do you mean?" "Well, he doesn't keep calling them like some people and allows them to have fun." "True, but then he loses them too." "Like...

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Birthday MagicChapter 3

"I don't understand this," Jennifer spoke softly as she walked to her desk. Picking the photo frame, she stood motionless and stared blankly at it. Peter came up behind her and held her hands. "I don't know either, Jenny. This seems really strange." Jennifer turned around and looked into Peter's eyes. Grabbing on to the photo frame more tightly, she whispered, "I'm scared, Pete. What have I done?" "It'll be ok, Jenny. We'll figure it out," Peter comforted her as he guided her...

2 years ago
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My Own Maid Who Serves In All Ways

Hi readers this is Amaan again. Thanks for reading my previous story which narrated my incident with Swathi a married women at mall with whom I had fun everywhere in car drawing room bed room under the shower etc so on. I thank all those ppl whose feedback had encouraged me to write this story. A special thanks to two female friends out of all those who were amazing at chat and didn’t want me to disclose their names. Anyways it’s time to come back to the story, as I mentioned in my earlier...

4 years ago
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The Date that changed our marriage Part 2

...The night air was musty and smelled of sex as my newly ordained SLUT WIFE was behaving like an absolute a****l, making sloppy wet sounds and moaning with that big cock in her mouth. She was mastering the art od throat fucking as she kept trying to get his dick deeper in her throat. He was slamming his cock so hard into my little wifes face that I could see his balls slapping into her chin and she was grabbing his ass and pulling him harder and faster with each thrust.In between thrusts I...

3 years ago
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Poker game Gang Bang

When I came home from work at 12:30 am, daddy was still playing poker with the guys. The kitchen was filled with smoke from cigars and pipe tobacco. I love the smell of pipe tobacco, it reminds me of my grandpa. When I was just a freshman in high school, grandpa use to watch me in the shower. He would always have to pee when the shower would turn on. I think grandpa was my first fingering, besides myself. Grandpa had thick furry fingers and he knew just how to slide in gently, so I...

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A First for Both

A First for Both We had met online on a site for those interested in BDSM, etc. There had already been many emails and phone conversations as well as a meet and greet for lunch. We were both about to embark on a new journey for both of us. She as a sub and me as a dom. We had made arrangements for a Friday evening meeting at a restaurant. At my instruction she was supposed to select a nice seafood restaurant. To my disappointment, she selected a very casual, family style seafood joint. Wooden...

4 years ago
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Mera beta rashu

Hi mai geeta jaiswal nepal se mai widow ho meri age 40 years hai pichle char salo se land ke lia taras rahi hoo mera beta rashu jo bahar padhta hai jiski age 18 sal hai mai kafi sexy hoo lambi gori khoob surat hoo Ek bar mera beta rashu mere ghar garmi ki wacations me rahne aya hua tha. He has a sexy and great personality hawing sexy look. Jab bhi me use dekti thi pata nai q meri bur me sarsarahat hoti thi. Me bahut hi kamuk, 40 years age ki aurat hu aur me har samay sambhog ke liye bechain...

2 years ago
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Truth Or Dare The Family Reunion Chapter Six

We got back to the lodge in time for dinner. The men had already left for the strip club. Mom and  Aunt Janis were eating dessert when we walked in, still in our swimsuits. Missy had her bikini bottoms in her hand. Just wearing her little cutoffs and pink top.“I’m so hungry,” Billy announced, “I hope they have something good.”“Me too,” I agreed.Missy got a salad, as we piled our plates with shrimp and fries. I noticed my sister cutting up with Lacey and Stacey. They were joined by Jim and Jon....

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 1 The Honeymoon WeekChapter 2 Honeymoon Preparations

Both the wedding and the celebration had gone beautifully without any problem whatsoever. Now only one part of the wedding tradition was left and this was the one that had both Stan and Laura a little worried. "Are you sure we shouldn't wait to have our honeymoon at a later time." Laura said nervously. "After the kids are more comfortable with the new house and with each other I mean?" "Actually, I'm not sure," Stan said smiling, "unfortunately all our tickets and reservations are...

2 years ago
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Fifteen Forever Girls from Outer SpaceChapter 23 PoW

As the door locked behind her Grace turned on the light and burst into tears. Those people! They just had no feelings at all. She could cry, that was okay. Anyone would, after that. In fact it was weird how she hadn’t felt like crying while it was going on ... well Xenia wouldn’t have cared and Boris would’ve got off on it. But she had to not be a victim. Well, she could be a victim, as long as she worked at stopping being a victim. And she wasn’t here as a victim anyway: she was here as a...

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Postapocalyptic reality 10

This is a continuation:Postapocalyptic reality 1 reality 2 reality 3 reality 4 reality 5 reality...

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Tina part 1

Well, lets summarize:I'm a lucky guy, I'm married, we have two c***dren and my wife still looks great after 10 years of marriage. As many couples, we don't have too much time together, and as many couples, I would like to spend more time having sex than my wife wants to. My wife's name is Tina (or at least what I will call her here), she is 165 cm high, brown haired (but often colored deep red) and has some gorgeous D cups. She claims that her ass is to big, but I really like that round big...

4 years ago
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AvatarChapter 5

Nicole ran into her apartment building, not even winded. She jogged up the five flights of steps to her floor (something else she had never done before). When she entered the hall to her apartment, she saw Anna waiting for her by her door. Anna looked at her in stunned amazement. "What's with the sweats?" "I went jogging this morning." "You? Jogging? What? Did the devil call this morning and say that hell had frozen over?" Nicole got the spare key from the top of the door frame....

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Dragon ClansChapter 11

There comes a moment in everyone's life where action or inaction fall into a focus so clear and precise that there is no gray space between them. For some it is a once in a lifetime occurrence, an instant frozen in time that they look back on as years put distance and wisdom between themselves and the moment and still, there were only two options, no gray. For others, the calling of their lives dictates that there be very little gray at all, that many times over the days, weeks, months and...

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Great Mom Pt 5

These stories are completely FICTIONAL, NOT REAL, MADE UP. Do not try any of these stories with your mother’s. These stories are for entertainment only. The next morning I slept in a bit later than I wanted to. I guess I was tired from the great fucking my sons gave me the previous day. I got dressed and when I opened my bedroom door I saw my daughter, Tiffany, standing outside of Hunter's bedroom door peaking in. I quietly walked up behind my daughter and took a peak around her to see what she...

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SAMANTHA’S NEW LIFE: CHAPTER TWELVE: NOW A SLUT?I found out, though, that the night on the golf course wasn’t the last of the manipulations by Abby, Sarah, and Ben. Undoubtedly encouraged by Nick. Nick and I had talked about that event several times. He came to believe me that it was like something flipping a switch inside me. I had been made to do a lot of things in my past, a lot that I wasn’t proud of, but what was happening now was completely different. Now, I was told to mate with two dogs...

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PervMom Lexi Luna Sexually Inventive Incentives

Lexi Luna wants her step son to be well fed and ready for school, so she gets up extra early to make him some eggs. The only problem is that by the time she is done, her clothes usually stink! To remedy the situation, she decides to make breakfast in her underwear. But as soon as her step son sees his big titted, sexy step mom in her underwear, he is way too distracted to make it to class. He whips his cock out and starts jerking it right in the kitchen, so Lexi agrees to help him out so he can...

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I Had No Choice 15

(For those who have read my first stories, I've decided to add some added content to fill in some gaps in the story that the main character Ed is not telling, they will all be titled with a .5 where they go in the storyline.) (These events are from the viewpoint of Rachel Font, the pregnant wife of Edward) “Damn it! Not again…,” I moaned as I held myself up against the kitchen counter. The girls were wrestling again, stretching my already overloaded uterus to new levels of pain. ...

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